We’re in the long break between (((holidays))), so you’re getting another bible story, though I’ll keep it short this time.
Before delving into this week’s story, though, I want to mention the Documentary Hypothesis, with which most of you are undoubtedly familiar (if you’re not, here’s a delightful book which explains it). Basically, the DH explains that the bible is actually a composite of four different books, woven together by an editor or editors around 500 BCE. The books are referred to as J, E, P, and D, with the P book representing the interests of the priest class and concerned mostly with details of ritual.
On to the story. This week’s sedrah is called Korach, named after a fellow who was unhappy with Moses and his clan running things during the 40 Year March, but didn’t get the Hollywood treatment of Dathan. Anyway, you’ll recall last week’s bit on the spies who checked out Canaan, Yahweh getting sand in his metaphorical vagina, and lots of smiting of the Jews. Following these unfortunate incidents, Yahweh had Moses build a refugee camp with about the permanence of contemporary ones in the area. There, the Jews had to sit and wait right outside of Canaan until the 40 years were finished and most of the adults were dead. As you can imagine, this did not sit well with the Jews, who kept demanding from the back seat, “ARE WE THERE YET?”
Korach was a bit of a malcontent. By the rules of inheritance, he should have been the High Priest, but for some strange and mysterious reason, he was bypassed so that Moses could install his brother Aaron in that position. This may seem vaguely familiar to anyone who is familiar with Chicago. Korach, like many Chicagoans, wondered who put Moses in charge; “I didn’t vote for him, did you?” Taking matters into his own hands, he rounded up 250 of his crew and confronted Moses. “Who the fuck made YOU king, Moshe Baby? Where’s MY cut? Whycome Aaron is getting the sweet ride that ought to be mine?”Moses responded, “Hey, you’re so fucking smart, go light your incense burners at Yahweh and ask him what’s what.” You see, only Real Priests were allowed to do that, and given the patronage aspects here, this would not include Korach et al.
This lese majeste did not exactly please Yahweh, who as you recall was something of a thin-skinned homicidal asshole. Yahweh thundered, “Everybody stand back, unauthorized incense, it’s clobberin’ time!” Moses, now emboldened, declared, “If these folks who did not respect muh authoritah are right, they’ll die of old age. But with Yahweh around, I bet something’s going to happen like, oh, the Earth swallowing them up.” Good guess, Moses, that’s exactly what happened. Korach and his leaders got swallowed up. Funny coincidence.
You’d think, that being done, Yahweh was through. Heh, you don’t know Yahweh. The rest of the rebels then got hit with Holy Cleansing Fire, because really, once you start killing, it’s hard to know when to stop. Much like eating potato chips.
The Jews, having had a night to think about this, gathered around and said, “This seems a bit excessive, eh? Killing 250 people because of some incense?” Not the thing to say when Yahweh is on a killing spree. Yahweh, being the kind of god he was, naturally started a plague. Yahweh loved plagues, it was sort of a hobby with him. But like good citizens, Aaron and Moses figured out that if everyone got plagued, there wouldn’t be anyone left to pay graft make holy sacrifices. So they lit their incense and jumped between Yahweh and the remaining Jews. Holy incense, you see, apparently acts on Yahweh the way Green Kryptonite works on Superman. The plague was stopped, but of course, too bad for the 15,000 Jews who had already been snuffed. Ah well, them’s the breaks.
Now, just to prove to the remaining Jews that they had better not fuck with Moses and Aaron again, Yahweh did a couple minor miracles involving walking sticks and almond trees. I don’t know about you, but if I just saw the earth swallow some rebel leaders, the rest of the rebels get instantly burned up, and a sudden massive plague, some cheap walking stick to almond tree transformation would not be the thing that convinces me. But somehow, it did the trick for the Jews.
Yahweh then told Aaron and Moses that they wouldn’t have to work on farms and ranches, that everyone else had to pay them 10% off the top. That was the setup and the Jews had to shut up and like it. Everyone toiled, the priests took their cut. Just like Chicago.
And that was really the point of the story, to make the Jews fearful if they didn’t pay protection make holy sacrifices to the priests. And circling back to the Documentary Hypothesis, you know who wrote THIS part of the bible. Yep, it’s part of the P narrative. Huh, funny coincidence, that.
Yahweh gave the Jews marzipan?
My time in Germany has convinced me that the US is really marzipan-deprived.
Not Lebkuchen-deprived, however.
You’re not exactly assuaging my beliefs about the bible being a huge bullshit control scheme with this story, ya know.
Heaven forbid!
Careful, Yahweh doesn’t take kindly to your type making such noises.
Someone’s going to get laid in college, Karl Marx.
Something something stopped clock.
Do you mean to tell me that a story in a religious book is a self-serving lie?
Warty needs to shut up and go back to pushing the wheel that grinds grain that we chained him to.
-Holy Book of Titor.
He dwells on a great mountain. What use to call on him? Little he cares if men live or die. Better to be silent than to call his attention to you; he will send you dooms, not fortune! He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man’s soul. What else shall men ask of the gods?
Winning lottery numbers?
Not “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women”?
+1 Crom
See, the part OMWC isn’t mentioning is all the times Yahweh tells the Jews to do something in clear, concise terms but they then proceed to try to carve out little exceptions and argue with the divine. You’d get sick of the Jews’ bullshit and cull them a little too if you had to put up with their bullshit.
See last week’s episode.
Give an inch, take a mile eh?
You know who else was sick of the Jews bullshit….
Czar Nicholas II?
(avoiding the obvious one here.)
But…that’s the point of the entire cliche!
Gamal Abdel Nasser?
The Duke of Venice?
Jesse Jackson?
This could go on for a while…..
Archie Bunker?
Karl Marx?
Everyone who lives next to a cattle ranch or dairy in Israel?
2/3’s of Breitbart commenters?
Only 2/3rds?
It’s kind of sad what Breitbart has become. I rather liked Andrew and I doubt he’d be pleased with what his namesake has become.
I mean, fucking hell, Breitbart was a bloody Jew (not a terribly observant one, but still practicing). He’s probably rolling in his grave now.
Are they still the Trump fanboy club?
Actually, that’s one of Allah’s beefs with the Jews in the Koran.
What, you don’t mean the Muslims are just piggybacking on Anti-Semitism?
Moses and Aaron, the first (((pimps))).
Don’t hate the play man, hate the game…
20% of the precinct are in down in Georgia and Handel is up 50.8 to 49.2. Couldn’t possibly give a shit less about this race but it will be hilarious to watch the lamentations after the progs spent roughly the GNP of Uruguay on this one district.
If Handel wins, it will be immediately proclaimed as meaningless and not a signifier of anything.
That’s how the last 3 elections the left said would define the opposition to Trump-Hitler went. If this one goes the same way of the other 3, we will have the same play we got after they got fisted by the deplorables, and the next one will be the first sign of the Trumpocalypse.
Here’s what I want to know: why do the dems keep throwing everything they have behind losing battles? This seat has been red for something like 50 years. Did they really think after getting shellacked in the general election that they were going to miraculously flip this one seat? They couldn’t take the presidency when they had everyone rooting for them, why would it suddenly change now? And why put so much time and money behind something that was almost certainly a losing proposition? Is this really all they had left?
When all you have is feels….
Because it’s been a hugely successful strategy for them over the last hundred years or so. You win some you lose some – meanwhile they get everything want eventually.
And if they were so determined to piss money away, why not get a credible candidate eat here than an effete 28 year old documentary filmmaker?
Where are they going to get a credible candidate? I ask in all seriousness. Shit, at this point I expect someone to trot out Anthony Weiner – the Fredo Corleone of the democratic party – in the hope he garners enough support to win a race for them..
It’ll be a moral victory. The gap will be sold as proving that Handel doesn’t have a decisive majority because people are clearly upset with Trump.
which precincts? If they’re the…erm… darker ones, then Handel has officially won.
25% and red is taking a big steaming dump on the progs. Unless something swings hard Handel’s got it.
Check out the results here.
That district looks like Texas, so it’s clearly republican gerrymandering.
Now up to a 4 to 5 point margin, apparently. Kind of hilarious since the Dems spent nearly $30M (!!!) in this one race.
This AM I heard Hollywood had poured over $50 million into this race, and that this race has become the most expensive race for a house seat ever…
They lost by less than they were supposed to, so it’s totally a moral victory for Blue!
And don’t forget the role of Russians and the deplorables who rigged the race they surely would have won otherwise!
It looks like Handel won, hallelujah
Jewsday is my favorite Tuesday.
Since I missed the school thread, I put this here.
Reading the comments on that thread made me feel better about my schooling. In 16 years of formal education, I never had any really bad teachers or bad experiences. I was bored for a lot of it, but that’s it. I got put in special enrichment classes that helped make school my tolerable. I got an engineering degree through a scholarship and graduated debt free. The only major hurdle I faced was having to switch careers after going through 3 engineering jobs in as many years.
I can boil down my criticism of formal education to this: 12 or 16 years is far too much time to spend on something that does not impart that much useful knowledge. All the things I learned in school I actually used on the job as an engineer, I could have learned them in a few months. It was also a shock to see how much success at work is due to lying and ass-kissing.
Looking back, I don’t have any big regrets. The meanderings and wrong turns are what have made my life interesting. If I had left school earlier, I’m not sure if I would have ended up in a better situation. And the situation I am in now is pretty good, at least from my perspective.
It would be really great if getting a high school diploma was like a driver’s license. Study as needed, take the test when you’re ready, and if you don’t pass at first, no big deal. Once someone knows how to read, their basic education is complete. Everything else, you mostly teach yourself.
Formal education is mostly a racket. If you can’t get cheaply, find an alternative.
Alternet goes full retard again
Response by Many Republicans and Right-Wing Media to Virginia Shooter Strongly Underscores Their White Supremacist, Misogynist Values
Most gun owners in America are white Republicans. Most victims are women and non-whites.
There is no need to read past the title. For some strange reason, the politics of the shooter are not mentioned.
The way they spin it I am surprised there aren’t more shootings. No matter the motivations of the shooter, progs always declare it a victory.
Vhyrus, for the suggestion box . . .
I want to learn more about 80% guns. I want to know what’s legal, what isn’t, and I want to know about whether it’s true that the BATF and other government agencies track buyers of such items. I’m not only interested in AR-15 lowers either. I want to hear about 80% 1911s, and other options, too.
I’m not even sorta worried about failing a background check–although the way they are trying to retroactively confiscate guns in some states, not necessarily being on one of their lists in a jurisdiction where registration isn’t necessary seems interesting. I’m not interested in breaking any laws, but if I don’t want the government going through my phone calls and emails, why would I WANT them to know . . .
I’m also interested in the progress of 3-D printed options.
What do you know about that stuff?
I mean, I don’t want to hear about it now–but I’d like to throw that into the suggestion box for consideration, maybe, for a Friday gun story someday.
I’ll second that.
Allegedly the ATF doesn’t track 80% purchases because it can’t. There’s no requirement for sellers to keep records of those purchases, they don’t have to be shipped to an FFL holder, there’s no serial number, they’re not firearms according to the ATF definition. Even if they can prove a lower was shipped to someone they’d have no way of proving that a gun made with an 80% lower was made with that lower, since there’s no serial number, so presumably they wouldn’t be able to even get a search warrant.
Obviously you’d want to check your state’s laws, but in MD it’s legal to assemble or manufacture a firearm that isn’t regulated/banned (you can’t make an AK-47, for instance) so long as you would legally be permitted to purchase it in the usual fashion. In other words, you can make any gun you could buy in a store. You don’t need to put a serial number on it, and you don’t need to register it.
I know a guy who recently made a Glock 17 with one of the Polymer 80 lowers, and he’s planning on picking up a Glock 22 slide assembly so he can swap it out for .40 as the mood hits. He’s got an aluminum 80% AR-15 lower that he’s getting ready to use, but he just tried out his friend’s AR with a polymer lower and he was so impressed by how light it was he’s going to pick one up himself. And then probably a .308 lower from the same folks so he can do an AR-10, ’cause why not?
There are a bunch of 1911 80% kits, but they’re all aluminum or steel. The aluminums can be milled with a drill press or a hand drill if you have a good, steady hand, go slowly, and have a good work space, but the steel ones require a mill.
I’d also be interested to hear what Vhyrus has to say on the subject since he seems to have a pretty solid grip on the stuff. I know some stuff about things that immediately impact the guy I know when it comes to particular guns or gun-related stuff, but not the broader picture or things not in his gun cabinet. None of which is registered, apparently, and none of which he’s particularly interested in advertising too blatantly.
I’ve heard they improved the polymer lower in the 80% AR-10 and reinforced it so it’s pretty rugged.
If they can get an AR-10 down in weight, I’d be more interested in that than an AR-15. I might be interested in something like that for that reason alone.
I also think just being able to make something like that for yourself is cool from a rugged individualist perspective. It’s like building your own cabin or growing your own food.
I like being able to do stuff like that. It’s like building your own hot rod.
Mostly, you’ll buy a lower parts kit and follow the instructions EXACTLY.
Especially if you don’t have a press and mill.
Well, from a financial standpoint the nice thing is that you a.) can buy a gun piece by piece, and b.) can build exactly what you want without having to waste money starting from a stock weapon. But yeah, if you’re into DIY it’s nice to shoot a gun that you built yourself.
That polymer lower makes a noticeable difference in weight, and it seems like they’ve gotten the durability to a good place. You’re not going to wear the lower out if you mill it right and don’t go out of your way to wreck it. There are YouTube videos of people driving over polymer ARs and then firing them without incident. And seriously, the weight difference is bonkers.
I’ve got an SKS, so I’m definitely interested in an AR-15 for the lighter round and because they’re kind of the Honda Civic of carbines, which is to say there’s so much you can do to the platform it’s just crazy, and at a very reasonable price. A friend of mine has actually made an AR that’s legally classified as an “other firearm”, for instance, just ’cause he could. I think he’s got it chambered for .300 AAC but I may be mistaken. It really is a tangible example of the ridiculousness of gun laws.
Personally, I cut my teeth on 7.62, so I’d also like to have something on a modern platform that shoots something in that neighborhood, so I might look into the .308 lower for a “battle rifle” build. For a big, nasty, heavy barrel (MD regs requiring same) any weight I can cut down is a plus. Besides, for the very arguable use case, I’d like something that is going to fire a round that will penetrate cover but is still useable at carbine range without weighing a ton. Shit, if I want to bludgeon someone to death I’ve got an Enfield.
Funny you mention hot rods. My wife asks me why I enjoy guns. I don’t have a good answer, but she also doesn’t understand why I like sports cars. It’s like blues. If I have to explain it, you wouldn’t understand.
I have 3 80% lowers in my closet right now. I’m not sure when I’ll ever get around to it.
Quality fucking derp right there.
Nor, I notice, how many of those white Republicans are responsible for fatal shootings… nor just who shot all those non-white victims.
They basically think statistically illiteracy is a virtue. The more they can misrepresent the numbers, the better.
Ugh all the stories… More like Alter-nate universe.
What doesn’t have to stop, according to the right, is white male America’s right to own and use guns—and to impose their will on everyone else.
Everybody knows the GOP opposes gun ownership for non whites and females.
That author is an asshole.
“to impose their will on everyone else”
As opposed to when they’ll be in charge of government, and they’ll just gently and politely ask people to behave differently.
Stop preventing us from taking your stuff.
You mean their stuff they are kind enough to let you have?
Lies and snotty arrogance are that site’s MO.
Well, duh, no one is going to shoot at someone who can shoot back. Those women and non-whites should arm themselves.
Kind of left out who the asshole was listening to get his targets.
That article makes it sound like white males are out shooting women and minorities in the street. I am not sure the statistics will back that up.
the shooter in Virginia fit an alarming national pattern of an emotionally disturbed misogynist who first goes after women and then grabs a gun
… but enough about the police
There may have been more to it than priests just wanting their cut and Jehovah scaring the children of Israel to get it.
I suppose it’s an interesting fact that many Christians are more married to the idea of God’s chosen people being set apart as an example to the world than maybe God’s chosen people. Maybe that has something to do with the holocaust–it might be hard to believe you’re God’s chosen people after God has watched you being subjected to something like that. Maybe they don’t like being an important beacon to the world just to satisfy the theological necessities of Christians–and Jews being God’s chosen people is an important ingredient for Christian theology.
In order for the savior to come to the world and save it, Israel needed to be established, its high priests, ark of the covenant, Passover, and day of atonement intact for posterity. Things had to happen as they did in order for Jesus to come to earth, die for our sins, and save the world from eternal death, and everyone who chose to get in the way of God’s plan made a bad decision. Christians see it all in the Old Testament as foreshadowing the lamb that was slain: from Abraham being told to sacrifice his son to the angel of death only taking the first born of those whose houses weren’t covered by the blood of a lamb. And its hard to argue with success–where in the world are there people who have never heard that Jesus died for their sins?
If that story and the story of the ancient Jews are known everywhere, isn’t that because things happened the way they did?
Voltaire made fun of his friend Leibniz with the character Pangloss in Candide. Pangloss was always saying that the world is as good as it can possibly be. What Leibniz really argued was that the world is as good as God could make it–given what is possible. If Yahweh can see the present and the future all at the same time, he may have seen Korach both suffering in death and thanking Yahweh for striking him down–if creating Israel and bringing the messiah to the world were impossible otherwise. If the Messiah couldn’t come and be what he was and have the impact he did without those people dying, then maybe that’s as good as the world could be–given what was possible.
If you don’t believe in an afterlife or you don’t believe Jesus was the messiah, some of what the God of the Old Testament does is hard to rationalize. If you do believe in those things, it’s all tied together. Look at the book of Hebrews–New and Old Testaments all tied together. Hebrews claims that Abraham was righteous because of his faith, that the Passover and the sacrifice of a lamb was always about Jesus. From a God who always saw his creation in terms of Jesus’death–even though it hadn’t happened yet–doing what needed to be done in order to save the world doesn’t seem arbitrary or vindictive to Christians today–although it may well have seemed that way to the editors of the Pentateuch–who only understood these things in terms of ritual and vague prophecy.
maybe that’s as good as the world could be–given what was possible.
If that’s true, Yahweh’s omnipotence is highly overrated.
God can’t create a four sided triangle. That’s impossible.
If he creates a triangle, it can only have three sides.
Maybe God’s creation needs free will and freedom to flourish.
Maybe God can’t make authoritarian socialism flourish on a large scale–because that’s impossible.
Maybe not having the power to do impossible things doesn’t mean God isn’t really omnipotent. Maybe you can only be capable of doing anything that’s possible and still be omnipotent.
If he creates a triangle, it can only have three sides.
That’s semantics, not reality.
It’s a fact.
Turning water to wine is possible–if the molecules are properly manipulated.
I can’t do it, but maybe God can–because it’s possible.
God can’t divide by zero.
The idea s that there are things God can do that we don’t understand–but they aren’t impossible.
Other things may not be possible.
Freedom without murder, in this mortal world, may be impossible. A flourishing world without freedom may be impossible.
The idea is that God not protecting us from evil may not be a function of his vengeance or lack of sympathy. It may be be that the universe couldn’t function otherwise.
Mitochondria have their own DNA. I understand they were probably a unique species that formed a symbiotic relationship with our ancestor cells back when they were a single cell species. I understand that this symbiotic relationship can still be rocky, sometimes, and that some forms of cancer may originate from that. I understand that much multicellular life wouldn’t be possible without mitochondria. Cancer can also be caused by radiation from the sun.
Maybe someday we’ll learn to cure those forms of cancer, but in the meantime, maybe it isn’t possible to have multicellular life without those kinds of cancer.
These aren’t semantic considerations. That doing certain things has impossible to avoid negative consequences is something libertarians know a lot about. You can’t really have wide censorship and a free exchange of ideas. And that negative things happen to good people doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist or doesn’t care or isn’t omnipotent. He may just be constrained by what is possible.
Christians believe that Jesus had to die to save us–because there wasn’t any other way. For goodness’ sake, to Christians, anyway, God was constrained in that by what was possible.
HM plays the Royal Flush hand in hearts there..
Or, and stick with me here, God is kind of a dick.
Isaiah, 45:7, KJV
And yes, I’m aware of the bullshit theological weaseling to get around God creating evil, it’s bullshit theological weaseling. He fails Epicurus’ trilema:
God may or may not be all powerful, but he isn’t all good.
Lex Luthor is that you? 🙂
God’s creation of Lucifer has always been a dilemma.
God must be more libertarian than any of us if he’s omnipotent.
And that’s possible.
Not being willing to prevent evil was the Second temptation of Christ.
Satan even quoted Psalm 91 to Jesus. Jesus’ response and resistance to preventing evil was all about free will. Go read the chapter in Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov titled “The Grand Inquisitor”.
If you could show me that gun ownership were a net negative to society, I would still support the Second Amendment.
If you could show me that gun ownership were a great negative to society, I would still support the Second Amendment.
I prefer freedom even IF IF IF it’s shown to be an evil to society.
How do you feel about the drug war? You know tweekers suck, right?
I don’t know that Scientology or the Westboro Baptist Church are a net benefit to society, but I don’t think we should use coercive power to stop them from doing what they do anyway.
Question 1: Do you think being unwilling to prevent that evil means that I’m not all good–for that reason alone?
Question 2: Isn’t it possible that using force to prevent people from using meth or being Scientologists might create more evil than good? Maybe preventing that kind of evil is impossible–given the way things are right now.
First, my post probably came off as more combative than intended; the point was more to show that other perspectives are possible, not specifically to negate yours. That being said:
1. No. However, that is due to limitations of humanity that God side steps. What you perceive as good may be bad to someone else, your actions could cause consequences worse than the evil you prevent, etc. Three problems cease if you are omnipotent and omniscient, however. Furthermore, there is a difference between passively letting evil exist, and actively causing as God claims he does. That is unequivocally evil.
2. Preventing evil is impossible as we, humans, are, and likely will always be given the limitations of the universe. Again, these limitations don’t apply to a being that can create a universe to suit his will. And, straight from the omnipotent horse’s mouth, his will is that evil should exist.
This is what we’re talking about–the nature of God’s omnipotence.
Because God is limited by what is possible, doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t omnipotent.
God’s math works just like ours. There are right answers and wrong answers, and God can’t make 1+1 = 47.
If we are presently incapable of understanding how God resurrects people, that doesn’t mean God is doing something impossible when he does that.
And God may be limited by the negative consequences of exercising power on free beings–just like our government is and for the same reasons.
Have you ever noticed that all God’s creation cries out for freedom–from the smallest molecule to people and planets? Interfering with freedom may have inescapable consequences–just like adding 1 + 1–and those consequences may be inescapable for God, too.
That is why Leibniz would argue that if God is omnipotent and cares about us, then he must have constraints on him–specifically in regards to what is possible.
Jesus presumably didn’t want to be tortured to death, and God’s affection for him was such that not even Satan would question his value to God. And yet, in Christian theology, Jesus came to die for us–there presumably was no other way. The standard interpretation is that Jesus proved in one blow 1) that God’s law of love could be followed by humans of their own free will, 2) That God really does care about each us and we’re valuable to him, and 3) That God understands what it’s like to see his creation from our perspective. God was constrained by his love of freedom and what was possible within that framework–so Jesus had to die.
How can we look at that and not think that God is constrained by what is possible? Surely, if there were another way to save us, he would have done that instead.
We assume that God’s math works the same a ours, but that could just as easily be a limitation on us.
Frankly, the idea that we could operate on the same mental plane as God strikes me as the height of hubris.
The other problem is that if that is the way that God made math, it was by his design. Unless you propose that math is superior to God, in which case, his omnipotence goes out the window.
This is his design, either he can change any part of it, or he can’t. If he can’t, he isn’t omnipotent.
Well, that’s the thing though. If God is truly omnipotent, then God is unconstrained by science, mathematics, or logic. If God is omnipotent, then God must be free of any laws. If God isn’t, then he’s just a really powerful person, which makes him/her/it basically just a souped-up human.
I think you guys are missing the point.
Not being able to make 1+1=47 doesn’t mean God isn’t omnipotent. He can do anything that is possible. He cannot do the impossible. And some things are impossible.
There is nothing possible that he can’t do.
Just pare your expectations back a bit. Through the temptations of Christ (and elsewhere), God has made it clear that there are things he will not do. These seem to center on extreme respect for free will. There are consequences of violating free will that God would rather avoid. I suspect they’re the same sorts of consequences we wish to avoid by using the force of government.
But how can we observe God avoiding certain actions because he doesn’t want those consequences and also imagine that he’s capable of doing the impossible?
Watch God resurrect the dead or create the universe with his thought, and you’ll need to recalibrate your ideas about what is really possible–just understand that he has constraints based on what is and what isn’t possible.
Start with something basic. If God can’t crate a four sided (two-dimensional) triangle, that doesn’t mean he can’t create every shape. A four sided (two-dimensional) triangle isn’t really a shape–because it doesn’t and can’t exist.
Start with that observation and realize that there may be many other things that are impossible under the circumstances of this universe.
Thought this comment from one site commenting on the GA election might be entertaining:
Oh yeah, you know how partial team red is to communist dictators. Oh, wait…
But tax cuts!
And Hard Times!
It’s the hard times for most of the population that really gets them to win elections.
I loved Charlie Bronson in that one!
They’re already blaming Russians and less than 50% of the vote is in, lol.
Cause they don’t lose! They got robbed! Again, or something…
RepublicansDemocrats would vote for Mao, Castro, or Pol Potif they promised the wealthy a tax cut and hard times for the poor and middle class.This game is easy to play.
Yeah, but what you just said is actually true. They idolize leftist dictators.
There’s roughly 3 categories of leftist w/r/t murderous communist dictators:
1. The apologists
2. The ignorant
3. The “not that kind of socialism” types
Fortunately for our republic, (2) and (3) greatly outnumber (1).
They’re like bitter children who’ve been denied an ice cream cone. It’s all spite with these people.
Not surprising: Americans 13 times more likely to be killed by left-wing terrorist than right-wing one
That’s just racism, sexism, Islamaphobia, I can’t even think of what all it is, BUT IT IS!
All approaches to “quantifying” terror are so riddled with politicized statistical gibberish that they mostly serve to make everyone stupider.
its something i’ve been mulling writing about for submission here.
if you want to browse one of the 4 or so various attempts at it, here’s one =
there are other ones that use the term “Extremism” that are even stupider.
Neo-Nazi murders black guy in the first degree? Right-wing terrorism.
Sovereign citizen hits someone with his car? Right-wing terrorism.
Exactly the same of course.
That terrorism charge won’t stick, this court flag has gold fringe!
one reason i’ve had problems writing about the subject is i don’t know what to limit myself to. it encompasses a lot of different things.
but the “definitions” problem is definitely part of it. and i’m pretty convinced the people involved in the process know that there are better ways to categorize things, but they purposely collect/organize their data in ways to make it difficult.
in my opinion, the first and most important definition is “*intent* to cause mass, indiscriminate civilian casualties for some ideological reason”
the oklahoma bombing would qualify. the one-off-killings that the left loves to call “right-wing terror” mostly would not.
the data sets try to categorize events by body-count, which is a mistake because it ends up hiding all the hundreds of events which *fail*. It masks the genuine terror threat.
iow, ….. for the purposes of seeing “terror” as it really is, a bomb that’s discovered and disarmed is just as significant a terror act as one which goes off. because the threat of that sort of event occurring becomes a perpetual concern.
And i don’t think there’s any point trying to quantify the ‘risk’ of death from terror. it simply invites comparison to epidemiological phenomena like car-crashes or lightning strikes. It ends up miscategorizing terror as a environmental threat, rather than a political-activity.
I’d be interested in reading your thoughts on the subject, should you submit them here.
I’d be really interested to read what you write on the subject. I agree that definition is an issue. I think the State Department definition, which isn’t as broad as some others, is a good one. It’s about the psychological effect coupled with the intent to influence policy by targeting third parties, to my mind. Otherwise, you wind up with a definition that encompasses extortion. While the aims may be similar, terrorism as a phenomenon is a different animal, and any useful strategy to combat the one is neutered by coupling it with the other.
Please do. You have a sane take on certain things.
6th District Election Results from NYT: Is it safe to pull out my prog tear jar yet?
Obviously southern racism, the Klan, and more racism.
Politico already started prepping the hacking/RUSSKIES theory a few days back just in case this was going to happen. Twitter and MSNBC is going to be hilarious tonight, especially if the margin was wider than Trump’s 1-point margin in the same district.
Oh FFS come on – this can’t be serious.
The most unbelievable part of this new “trend” to blame everything on Russian “hacking” isn’t even the paucity of the evidence to support it, it’s the idea that the Russians are in the tank for the Republicans. It doesn’t make any fucking sense from top to bottom.
No idea why I put trend in scare quotes
(steeples fingers)
Or that the Russians give a shit about some random nobodies in not-Stalinist Georgia. They might as well be blaming the Devil at this point, it’s about as sane.
Meh, they could just want some target practice.
The Devil went down to Georgia…
And he was looking for an election to steal…
Was he way behind, in a bind, and ready to make a deal?
Looks like that fiddle of gold the Hollywood elite bought him for the alleged $50 million they poured into the race went to Johnny, or in this case Handel…
You want to know what is really funny though? I was over at the NYT earlier today and even the NYT commenters are getting sick of it. They’re all sour grapes and telling the NYT to shut up and knock off the constant non-sense already. Never seen anything like it.
WaPo posted story earlier with the headline ‘Can Trump killer end Trump’s agenda’? Good freaking grief, one special election is going to end a presidency before it starts? Desperation on top of desperation.
What’s particularly hilarious about this is that it kind of proves my theory about the Trump effect with voters: they may not like Trump in the traditional, pollable sense, but does he get them extremely engaged? I definitely think so.
These people are so pissed that they were pulled out of the Matrix – Clinton’s loss after they were convinced it was a de facto act she would follow black Jesus – that they are willing to kill everyone that gets in the way of them getting back to the good old days of the left being the only tyrannical entity/play in town..
What good old days? They’ve been unable to hold the Presidency for more than 2 terms since Truman and they haven’t had a lock on Congress since 1994. The short-sightedness of their political attitudes is astounding.
According to these idiots they only needed one more term of Hillary to make it impossible for anyone but a progressive and the progressive agenda to win and or exist.
Don’t worry, progs, once Calexit becomes reality utopia will finally be in reach! #moralvictories
Most of the far left progressives are young. All they can remember is Bush the EVUL and Obama the messianic light bringer. Hey, I think Bush is evil too, but the similarities between him and Obama’s policies are totally lost on them. It was in 2004 when Obama won that most of them remember most fondly in their short history of paying some attention to politics. A cool black dude speaking the hip progressives lingo. They were all starry eyed and predicting a 1000 year reign for the Democrats, the end to the Republican party forever. Well, as fairy tales often go…
It’s funny because the Republicans were predicting the same things in 2000 and to a lesser extent 2004. Then 2006 and 2008 happened. In today’s political climate, the first election you think you’re guaranteed to win is the next one you’re to lose.
“Hey, I think Bush is evil too, but the similarities between him and Obama’s policies are totally lost on them.”
That’s because you are not woke enough to understand that when your guy does something it can’t ever be evul or wrong, you deplorable!
/prog off
kbolino – I actually think that Trump is good for Republicans in a sense, because instead of playing things safe and getting complacent like they did with Bush, there is still signs of rebelliousness and activity because they feel that they need to fight to hold on to power.
The problem is that there are many establishment republicans that see Trump as a threat to the cushy game they were playing..
This is a dangerous game.
Handel’s up by 5 pts now. I doubt Ossoff can overcome that. Most of the remaining votes are in heavily red areas.
It’s kind of funny how the Dems picked this race to fight basically because of more elitism. Hmm, wealthy, highly-educated base? There MUST be secret progs just waiting to be marketed to! Oops…
Red scare!
Not our fault…
Look over there!
The tears are already flowing in progtown, GA. I really wanted to tell them to stop crying and settle down, the vote is only 50% counted. Handel is up by 3 and the NYTs are saying she’ll win by 1.5. The problem is, the most of the vote that is not counted is from deep red areas. So the progs are in tears. I’ts like Nov 9 part 2! Get the fucking tear barrels, orphans!
Collect and jar some of those tears.. You can get somewhat up over $5000 an ounce for them sweet and soured proggy tears.
The golden NYT comments are already flowing in:
I understand the 40 year thing. The Jews might have been some kind of slaves in Egypt, but they were fat, lazy, and worthless as soldiers. So a couple of generations in the wilderness was needed to harden them up. Think about taking a bunch of fat New York Jews and turning them into Israeli Special Forces. It would take generations – and enough time for the fat whiners to die off.
Yahweh was a good Drill Instructor and weeded out non-hackers who didn’t pack the gear to serve in his beloved chosen people. If you leave my desert, if you survive my 40-years in the wilderness, you will be a weapon, you will be a minister of death praying for war…
The post-Exodus war record of Israel and Judea seems to indicate that they still remained fairly fat, lazy and worthless as soldiers.
Between King Solomon and the Holocaust, their win / loss record was real shit.
I had several Jewish friends in the Marines and went to grad school with a couple of Israeli Army Vets. I don’t even think of them as the same breed as the average Jews I meet in New Jersey and New York.
Show us on the doll where Woody Allen touched you.
In the funny bone with Sleeper and Take the Money and Run. After that, he was never heard from again.
Too soon (Yi).
I think Sleeper is the only movie of his I have ever seen. And I’m OK with that – I mean how could he possibly top it.
“I understand the 40 year thing. The Jews might have been some kind of slaves in Egypt, but they were fat, lazy, and worthless as soldiers.”
That 40 years of wandering was to make sure anyone that had been born and had lived under the yoke of the slave masters in Egypt passed away, and the young people destined to take over would not suffer from the weaknesses someone that had lived life as a slave would possess. One doesn’t build a new nation when one’s subjects have been conditioned to be slaves and to submit to force.
Yep. Divine or not, it was a very logical plan.
98% of Dekalb county is in, in the GA special election. Buy bye Pajama Boy. Hello prog tears. Got the orphans working overtime right now. Hey, I wanted to at least let them take a break and eat some gruel, but the Democrats won’t let me! Democrats hate the orphans!
And tomorrow the derp will notch up to another even higher level. I am becoming addicted to prog misery…
They’re going to do severe damage to themselves with the Russia crap. But hell, I can’t stop them.
The one thing I see coming out of this is the republican establishment in DC now having no excuse or reason to push through the healthcare reform., tax breaks, and other things Trumpocalypto wanted. And the left will go batshit over it happening, even though it will be – IMHO – pyrrhic. Ask your proggie friends if they are tired yet off all the winning…
to NOT push…
Dang it.
That just reminded me that I was talking to one of them about a week ago. I basically said ‘Hey, you guys are just making fools of yourself with this Russian stuff. You know, I don’t want a one party government. But you guys are going to keep it up until that happens. Why don’t you guys start talking to other people, stop the childish name calling and realize that everyone doesn’t agree with you and you need to deal with that. You can’t have everything you want, even libertarians realize that.’ Man, the guy was just all sour grapes and decided he didn’t want to talk about it. You cannot talk to them, they’re totally beyond that. They want it all, or they don’t care if the world burns.
Trump’s base is sort of like a party within a party, though. Since I don’t want one-party rule, either, ideally I hope that the American left dies a painful death and the anti-establishment wing of the GOP forms their own new party.
What’s amazing to me is that Trump’s base is so far better at resisting than the #RESISTors are, at least judging from how close that Gillespie-Stewart primary was last week.
OMG you’re right. I didn’t know they were running Sheldon Cooper.
What’s sad is that apparently in the final weeks Ossoff had to Blue Dog it on the radio shows. No way does that feel like much fun to a likely hardcore Bernie lover like he probably is.
The guy started talking about going to Congress and making them cut spending and helping stop the corruption. This coming from a Democrat. That’s when even his base knew they could no longer take him seriously.
Only a Jim Webb could’ve gotten away with that, but that’s a unique situation.
Do we have all the returns in from Dogdick yet?
But the donkeys, despite the fact that the race won’t be anything close to what the left predicted, are now saying they want to wait for the mail in vote count. I hear someone found a dozen 18 wheelers full of votes for the Donkey guy a la Franken.
Yes, it’s even more unsafe for shreek to go outside now, as the Trump slayer has fallen and the Trumpets are on a bloodthirsty victory march.
speaking of jews…
norm mcdonald gets into conversation with stupid people about “genocide”
Never heard the Indian Wars called a genocide before. I guess stupid people gonna stupid.
The guy who wrote The Wizard of Oz really, really hated Indians:
Sounds like Mark Steyn writing about Western Europeans.
Norm is the greatest man in the world.
Chelsea Clinton is a humorless, insufferable prick.
You Dean Obeidallah’d the link.
So it’s genetic then.
That OK, we don’t need any supporting evidence.
Like that link?
It’s not going to work. You can’t say Heroic’d the link, sounds weird. You can’t say Mulatto’d the link, that’s racist. You can’t say HM’d the link, because that just don’t roll off the tongue. So HM is off the hook here. Let’s just pick the nearest Canadian. Titor’d the link!
I’m lactose intolerant, so you can say “DairyFree”.
Yeah, but it’s too close to SugarFree and we already have SF’d the link.
Well, I like to customize my “You fucked up the link” message, tailored to the person who fucked it up. I know HM is not fond of Dean O, hence my link message. For sloopy, I might say “You Harbaugh’d the link”.
Dude, you can always just blame a Canadian. It’s the American thing to do.
This is Trump’s America, we blame Mexicans now.
When was the last time you saw a Canadian statue pissing next to a donkey?
lawn statue.
You don’t get to throw this on me, my links are correct and coherent. Gilmore is the real source of any html failure nonsense.
Well, they say, the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree. And no one really cares what she says anyway. Obviously, Bannon, a fat person himself, was joking.
She’s a fucking shoo-in for any office she wants.
They’ll find some Senate seat in Proglandia that she can be crowned in. Maybe Feinstein’s seat in CA?
As long as it’s in some NYC district that the Clinton’s can easily steal.
“Hi Jim! Just me as I was standing in line @Starbucks earlier. Fat shaming isn’t a joke I find funny. Ever.”
I’m too tired but I just know there’s a joke in there somewhere.
News flash– they are, and always have been, a joke. But I suppose kabuki performers would like to pretend otherwise.
Lolololol. I dig the voting against own interests line
“I’m sorry, but I quit. It’s apparent to me that most Republicans will vote for the worst choice at every possible opportunity and I’m sick of it. We’ve lost in yet another election and I’m tired of hearing Democrats say “yes, we lost, but it was close”. Until I see some actual wins and not just moral victories, I will continue to have no faith in this country. We have too many apathetic voters who don’t give a **** about the future of their country, and too many people who vote against their best interests. As it stands now, I have no hope that 2018 will be any different. I mean, I would love to be proven wrong, but considering the U.S elected Trump, a man who has no shortage of controversies, Gianforte, a man who physically assaulted a reporter and countless other jokes, it doesn’t look great. 2018 might be possible if enough Republicans die from lack of healthcare, which Is looking increasingly like our only chance of winning seats.
To anybody who voted for Trump, Handel or any other Republicans that are trying to **** this country up, **** you! I can’t wait to watch YOUR elected officials screw you guys over and I’ll be laughing the entire time, it just sucks that you guys will drag the rest of the country down with you. One final thing, don’t ***** about Democrats “obstructing” when you guys spent the last 8 years doing nothing but that. If you do decide to complain about that, do you know what that makes you? It makes you a bunch of hypocrites, but honestly, you’re probably all used to that anyway.”
After reading that I think I need to go to the hospital due to a salt overdose.
My kidneys just shut down trying to process that.
Shorter version: People don’t vote the way I want them too! Waaaahhhh!!!
Their problem… well, I mean they obviously have many, mostly mental. But one of their problems is that they’re unrealistic in their expectations. Did they really expect they were going to win a heavily red district like this? They haven’t won there since 1990. And now, here they go again already they’re going to win by a landslide in 2018. Nope, they can’t just say we might pick up a few seats and there’s some hope that we might take the house back. Nosiree, gonna win in a landslide. Ok, more tears on the way.
I appreciate that you followed the comment section’s “no cuss” rule.
Da fuck?
” I can’t wait to watch YOUR elected officials screw you guys over and I’ll be laughing the entire time”
Huh, is he saying that he didn’t care while our elected officials were screwing us over for the last 5 decades? Why all of the sudden caring?
Handel is apparently Georgia’s first Republican female member of Congress.
Republican women count as white men on the prog racism scale.
Who is more of a privileged shitlord according to a progressive; A cis, white, progressive male or Mia Love?
Obviously the white cis male. Mia Love is an infidel and heretic, who has offended against the faith must obviously be crucified on the alter of progtardia.
Mia Love, easily: the RACIST and SEXIST Utah polygamists love her, she must be an Uncle Tom!
It’s not just that they think every single demographic in America is one of their core group. If even one of those demographics, no matter if woman, guy, whatever doesn’t matter even dares to be Republican, LIbertarian, or anything besides what they demand they be, the viciously attack them and make sure they’ve alienated them forever. Hey, dummies, some of those people have friends. You are not smart. This is not a formula for EVER winning again.
The difference between the (speaking broadly here) the right and the left: over the years, as the right began to lose ground in the greater culture, as they lost four of the six presidential elections between Bush 41 and Trump, and even lost Congress for a time, the right learned from their mistakes. They dialed back the socon stuff. They softened on a lot of gay and lesbian issues. Abortion was no longer a leading issue for their candidates. The right did what is required in politics: listen to the public and adjust. You don’t have to flip-flop, just emphasize certain issues. Move others into the background.
The left says: fuck that noise. You rubes get in line and vote for us, or you’re white sexist-racist-bigot-homophobe rapists, all of you. And they don’t seem to be making the adjustment.
The GOP are still way too culture war SoCon. They just need more libertarian infusion and they’ll be ok. The far left that have infiltrated the Democrats are batshit insane. I mean, wanting and even claiming to be a lefist can’t lead much of anywhere else.
Trump’s presidency is changing the old hardened SoCon narrative a little bit. Not there yet, but it’s slowly happening.
I agree, and I don’t believe by any means that they are over that shit. I have hope though – I think the newer generation of right side observers/pundits/YouTubers, assuming they represent some kind of meaningful cultural shift, is helping to shape a better version of the American right, one with a greater emphasis on liberty.
Speaking as someone who used to be very active in thecollege Republicans not that long ago, I definitely noted that most of my peers in it and most of the ones in pretty much every other club in the state of Florida were very libertarian leaning. We weren’t opposed to gay marriage, and the other Soc Con things, The only thing a lot tended to draw the line at was abortion, which seems to be a controversial subject even amongst libertarians.
The thing that drives me most crazy about the conservatives I know is their completely illogical view on the drug war. ‘But libertarians want to legalize drugs!’. *guzzles down 13th beer of day*
Hyperion – Are the conservatives that you know old and crusty like Sessions? That might make a difference. Most of the conservatives that I know besides the old ones are at least pro-weed.
I’ll take what is the 18th amendment for 500, Alex .
It wouldn’t bother me if that were the case. I mean I don’t expect my dad to be hip or anything. But most of the them are my generations 40s-50s.
Hell, Karl Rove, the Darth Vader to GWB’s Emporer Palpatine, started publicly advocating for gay marriage years before the Light Bringer and Hillary Clinton finally came around on the issue after years of arguing that it’s a complicated issue.
Until the survey results came in and 50%+1 of people are OK with gay marriage, then they were suddenly for it the whole time.
I have to ask the LGBT community, are you cool with a party that has no problem throwing you under the bus when it is convenient?
Wrong hashtag.
#ShePersisted is for failure.
“This woman literally told her constituents she doesn’t believe in a livable wage (i.e., doesn’t believe you should be able to work 40 hours and live), and these dumbass southern hicks still voted for her.
Thank god I live in San Francisco. Life is good in California. Can’t imagine living in a **** hole like the south.”
That shit makes me want to become a yokeltarian just to spite her.
What this person does not get is that most sane people are completely immune to stupid meaningless progspeak like ‘livable wage’. Maybe they haven’t found the right word yet. It was minimum wage and that wasn’t good enough. Now it’s ‘livable wage’. What next week? ‘life sparing wage’? They’ve driven this stupid into the ground already, people just ignore it.
“All Americans deserve a Prosperity Wage”
Livable wage and climate change. Meaningless jargon is the extent of progressive contribution to intellectual discourse.
Not being a party man does have its drawbacks. I mean, I’m loving the gnashing of teeth and delicious prog tears, but it’s not as if government is going to shrink one little bit anytime soon.
Trump’s taken a tiny nick out of a giant sequoia and they’ve lost their fucking minds.
This looks badass in 4K.
HM, if you’re still around, I have a question tangentially related to linguistics, and I hope you can point me in the right direction.
I give this offering of Asian booty on anticipation of your wisdom.
I have been summoned.
Do you know of any research on how non vocal tokens in writing affect reading comprehension and language acquisition? Things like punctuation, commas, periods and such, and conventions like how every noun is capitalized in German. Not sure exactly what the collective name for those things is, which is hampering my search.
Specifically I’m interested in regards to programming languages. Unfortunately, in all of the research on programming languages, 99.99999% had focused on the programming part, with the language part bring an afterthought. The notable exception to that being quorum, but their research is rather incomplete.
I can find plenty of research on how computers parse such tokens, but I don’t care about that; programsare meant to be read by people first and only incidentally to be run by computers. Since MUH STEM brethren see little use in actually applying STEM to language design, I figured it can’t hurt to see what insights the linguists may have to offer.
OT, but thanks to whichever of you Glibs (think it was Gilmore,) that recommended A Line in the Sand a couple months back in the Reading section. Bought it off of Amazon last week and started reading, extremely fascinating so far.
There sure are a LOT of books on Amazon named ‘Line in the Sand’.
A, but here it is.
I’m about to miss the next links thread, but here’s the direct link to the video I referenced for ACX Crystal’s course.
What seems really weird to me (whether the loop was made before or after the collision – I can’t tell without seeing Fitz’s track). Some commenters seem to think it follows the initial hit. I’ve never heard of autopilot backing a ship off – esp from a frontal collision – and then adjusting course. Maybe these new commercial vessels have newer features – although Crystal is almost 10 years old.
Unless the autopilot cut out at first impact, the Fitz moved itself off, and then the autopilot cut back on sensing no obstruction? Something like that should not happen without human intervention at some point.
Now, under the Jewish view (and the Christian view), God has certain prerogatives, after all he created human beings, so he can take back that gift from his creation.
Also, to borrow a metaphor from a certain addendum to the Bible, God appoints humans to take care of the world, like stewards for a landowner, and if the steward screws up God can revoke the commission and punish the disobedience.
And if you look at 1 Samuel 2:12-17 and 27-36, you see that God punished the house of the high priest Samuel because his sons were greedy to grab more of the sacrifices than was their due. Was this inserted in the Bible to justify priestly power?