Greetings and happy Wednesday. Many thanks to SP for picking up my slack yesterday. Apparently, my computer would rather be reformatted than have to read another Hat/Hair. I’m back now, we’ll see whether the hardware keeps some ghost memory of the horror or not.
New York leads charge to end child marriage*. OMWC hardest hit!
*Horrible reporting — “27 states ‘technically’ have no law against child marriage.” However, all states have a marriage licensure process which probably requires adults or their guardians to sign forms to receive a marriage certificate. Until we get the state out of marriage, this isn’t a real problem in America except where first cousins want to marry without state permission.
In “surprise” move, Saudi king appoints son over nephew as heir to the throne. I guess surprising to anyone who hasn’t read history? I was surprised the king waited so long.
The GA-06 spin has burned through. People are starting to admit that it sure does seem like the Democratic party candidates are continuing to get their asses kicked. Ideally, the 2016-2017 election cycle would put an end to the canard that elections can be bought. Candidates matter.
Here’s hoping that all our readers on the I-10 Gulf Coast have big enough boats or live on high enough hills.
“This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”
Wow. Illinois hits bankruptcy. May not be able to regularly pay employees and vendors. Given current jurisprudence on government pensions being unable to be reduced or removed, I see no way for the state to pass a budget.
If it keeps on rainin….
That was pretty good! Got a sensible chuckle out of me.
Not but, but I was hoping it would be funnier.
*not bad
I’d evacuate her, if you know what I mean.
I thought the right way to do it is to invade her?
You’re only now responding to yesterday’s fetish discussion?
A pair of 6s, maybe 7s.
Pink top is about 5’6″, 3 feet of which is her midsection.
Those are two healthy young ladies demonstrating poor judgement. What else can I do for you?
Oh, I’m not complaining in the least. Just pointing out that her body structure is a bit unusual. Still would.
well… know what they say about girls with long midsections…….
actually, i don’t know what they say, please tell me
The more places to hit them where it won’t show?
Just use the phone book. You can hit them anywhere.
So, you’d poop on her?
Colorado doesn’t have a coastline.
Not since the Cretaceous, anyway.
It didn’t have roads to shit on either, probably due to a lack of government.
Yep, the decriminalising of public shitting is a top concern.
Fallacy of relative privation. Failure.
Which one? The cute one? Or the fat one?
The guy too. Pink, stink or stick, Playa is down.
The conversation yesterday liberated me.
*pins ribbon on shirt*
He gets it.
There was a liberating conversation?
See PM Links yesterday.
Keyword search cuck.
Um, OK.
The cute one? Or the fat one?
If that is fat, I guess I’ll take the place of ‘John’ from H&R here…
Maybe not fat fat but certainly dumpy.
Okay, I’ll give you that.
Cushion for the pushin.
Dumpy? My guess she is 19-20 yrs old and home from her first year at college where she ate nothing but pizza/take out/whatever was on the meal deal in the dorm, drank too much and put on 15 lbs. God bless her for getting into last years bathing suit, but wouldn’t. Too young. I have morals.
Totally want to see her on Pornhub though.
John’s title of chubby chaser was a bit undeserved. It was more Sarcasmic liked the coked out skeleton look.
damn, not first
Ohh and Happy Nude Hiking Day from the most fit state in America!
its like 100, nude is the only way to hike.
At least wear shoes.
So we have the first blue state to declare bankruptcy…
At least Californians can say they are racing to be second..
WE ARE NOT DECLARING BANKRUPTCY – States cannot do that….we are just, um, defaulting.
Illinois, the Argentina of the US!
The sad truth Swiss is that I am convinced the people spending money in Illinois put the program to make this happen on a fast track hoping Hillary elected to be the prez would swoop in and bail them out with tax payer money. Now they got a guy that very likely will tell them to go fucking pound sand.
I admit I lost a bet to a buddy because he told me Illinois would beat Connecticut and California to the punch. Americans should be really scared because there is a row of blue state model following shitholes, primarily on the east and west coasts, racing to see which one can run out of other people’s money to spend faster.
Connecticut will persevere longer one might think. And the legislature is so bad, they couldn’t even come first in a defaulting competition anyway.
Trump should help.
He needs to support a bill in Congress to allow states to declare bankruptcy (or to allow their creditors to force them into bankruptcy). A bankrupt state reverts to territorial status and will be run as a territory (under federal supervision) until such time as it successfully petitions to be readmitted as a state. Naturally, as a territory, it will have no representatives in Washington (well, maybe one Congresshole without a vote). Their existing Congressional delegation would be, well, fired.
Oh, and the statute needs to say that there will be no federal funding of any of the state’s obligations, which would be wiped out anyway when the state ceases to exist and becomes a territory.
That is damn good. Did you think of that?
I saw the basic idea somewhere else.
As far as the Constitution goes, I think its basically silent on this. It doesn’t have any provisions that specifically address admitting or booting states, as far as I know. Now, if anybody cared about limited enumerated powers, etc. that would mean it can’t.
BUT, there’s a workaround – if a state wants bankruptcy protection, it has to agree to become a territory. Pour encourager les state legislators and governor, the bill could also include a provision that legislators and the governor will be personally liable for any debts the state incurs after it is technically insolvent. Interstate commerce, yo.
If, after becoming a territory. individual counties could group together to elect to become a state or join a state that is contiguous with them would be a great way to get rural red areas out from under the thumb of urban blue areas.
Sign me up. Both my home area and my current area would love to be out from under the crazy, progressive cities.
That budget have any wiggle room to send Rahm Emanuel to Mars?
I mean, nothing too fancy, just launch him in the general direction.
First test launch by trebuchet or onager?
It doesn’t have to be from Europe or anything.
I would like to say that requires a constitutional amendment, but the precedent of reconstruction suggests otherwise.
That is good. I like how you think
I think that have me a semi.
I like it.
Have progs blamed Republican austerity yet?
Sure, the new Governor is an R. He must have had something to do with it.
Washington apparently hasn’t approved a budget yet either and is facing partial shutdown.
State not DC.
Washington is flush with tech cash, but the State Supreme Court decided to abrogate legislative budget authority. Even without those issues, the Hard Left Gov and House always get into a pissing match with the Team Red Senate and a deal gets done at the 11th hour when one side blinks. We’ve been down this road quite a bit over the last few budget cycles.
I’m not saying Illinois isn’t screwed, but they keep taking my tax money so how does the budget really effect the cash on hand? The revenue piece is the same, the spending piece is the part that we shouldn’t be able to do, yet suddenly we are short. But if there was a budget in place to tie in more spending it would all be fine? If anything we should be flush with cash because there is no budget authorization to spend it.
Some large percentage, can’t recall exactly how much, is required by law to be spent, budget or no. So really, any talk about spending ends up talking stuff in the margins. Of course, the state will certainly pull the Washington Monument maneuver and do shit like closing the DMV offices (while ticketing people for not having their papers and stickers up to date).
If it keeps on rainin….
I would have suggested this
Huh. I’d have figured you’d link to this…
One thing I’d point out to progressives who are calling this loss “progress”…
Ossoff finished with one percentage point LESS in the runoff than he did in the first election. That is to say: he did worse running against one person than he did running against a whole bunch of people a few months earlier. That doesn’t sound like progress to me.
Hey, man…he only had the most money ever spent on a House race…he was resource starved!
Must be why he is out there now calling for campaign finance reform even though his 7 to 1 lead in cash, most of it from big proggie donors, didn’t bank him the election…
And now he’s supporting campaign finance reform. You just can’t make this shit up.
The balls on these people….
They call progress towards a socialist state “progress” too. I wouldn’t read too much into how they define that word.
While out spending his opponent!
This is how I feel.
You should get those spots on your several nipples looked at.
…so, better than normal?
Maybe a little worse. There have been so many irrelevant controversies and outrages at work today that I am just burned out.
What’s your job? I thought you were the “handler” for the hat & the hair…
You feel Photoshopped?
You don’t get to tell me how I feel.
See that question mark? I was asking, not telling.
Haven’t you read his stuff, punctuation is not his strong suit. Horror porn…yes.
No; I just skip to the comments.
As long as that’s not how you look you should be OK.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some kitten videos to watch.
There really is no limit to your depravity, is there?
Not saying that’s a bad thing, just taking note.
It’s like the end of Eraserhead, only I don’t have an erection.
“Illinois hits bankruptcy.”
A state cannot declare bankruptcy, because they are sovereign. They also can’t be forced by state courts to pay their bills (which Illinois has been delaying for over five years) and federal courts typically don’t have jurisdiction over the matter. Illinois is a slow moving disaster. Good times
“The two sweetest words in the English language.”
Fair enough, but they better pay their cops cause I don’t know how they expect to force the rest of the public workers to work for free if not at gunpoint.
That’s a strategic investment.. you pay the ones that use force to make sure the money you pay the top men stays with the top men…
See CGP Grey’s “Rules for Rulers” on his Youtube channel.
Not too long ago some of my FB friends posted about how awful our governors are in Indiana, and how they wish we’d be more like Illinois. Good times.
Your FB friends are idiots
Best reason IMO to avoid FB like I have…
It’s all idiots that think they know better and stoopid shit.
I grew up in Northwest Indiana, which is one of the small areas of the state that’s solid blue, and mostly falling apart (think Gary). Now I live just a bit East of there, where it’s more normal. Also, a lot of my FB friends are teachers for some reason.
Just how bad is Indiana?
Worse than Kansas?
But not as bad as Mississippi.
It’s mostly just kind of flat and full of corn. But you can get killer German food in the southern parts.
Also, good place to go if you like HS/college basketball.
Fiscally, Indiana is great. Not too long ago we all got a refund check from the state because there was a budget surplus. But then, we are the worst because we are also anti-union and the current VP came from here.
That’s what makes Minnesota so odd. It’s a true-blue state and yet has billions in surplus.
The climate is fucking horrible. Outside of that, uhh horrible.
Can’t be as bad as Houston.
I’m sure it’s worse.
Apart from the flatness and the frigid cold, Indiana is pretty cool. I moved to DC from IN about fifteen years ago, and I sometimes miss it.
I did a stint in TX before ending up in DC, but I did the same move.
The GA-06 thing got me thinking about how funny it would be if the mayorship of a major US city got flipped next. Unexpected, completely out of the blue – BAM! – new mayor with an “R” after their name. I’d definitely muster a few hearty laughs. I realize the possibility of this is practically nil, but it’s not unreasonable to think that people in cities flirting with bankruptcy might be getting tired of their overseers enough to switch sides.
The governments of most major blue cities are on autopilot. They’re controlled by unions, both public and private, and there’s not a goddamn thing a republican mayor could do about it.
Nor the voters, whom are neither smart enough to see the root of the problem, nor inclined to try and fix it should they figure it all out, you should add.
Pretty much, yeah. I wasn’t suggesting they’d stand a snowball’s chance in hell of actually enacting reforms. It would just be fun to enjoy the subsequent freakout over the impending apocalypse.
The City of Houston, which has a Dem mayor (always) but a fairly conservative city council is locked in a knife fight with their fire-fighters union. The city is, of course, literally murdering heroes for wanting to limit their future liabilities. Me, I would fix that by granting full pensions of some ridiculous amount to anyone who can point to a specific injury in the line of duty, then contract a PI firm who gets 100% of 5 years’ worth of payments for any fraud cases they are instrumental in bringing. It would never pass, but in libertopia, that’s probably the cheapest way of doing it.
You can only prosecute a few of those at a time, though. Make an example out of them.
According to one study I’ve seen specific to Los Angeles County, the fraud is estimated to be so pervasive that if you actually prosecuted all of it to the fullest extent of the law, the incarceration costs would exceed the workers comp, disability, and pension costs.
Incarceration? Just make the penalty stopping the state and locality payments. It could even be a civil deal so that the preponderance of the evidence standard could exist. Plus, they wouldn’t have felonies on their record when they had to go find work.
I always think of that dipshit Jets fan Fireman Ed, who is on full disability from the FDNY yet somehow is fit enough to run around and jump up and down at NFL games.
He’s a Jets fan, so he is still punished.
+ 1 disabled Phoenix firefighter running a triathlon
That chic was from phoenix no? I don’t remember exactly. I have seen a few of those stories.
I read a white paper by Cullen Roche, which addresses the contention that the US can’t run out of money, but that doesn’t mean it has no constraints on spending because of inflation and loss of value Vis-a-Vis foreign currency. I don’t know if any of you economic experts have an opinion of him.
The dude is a Keynesian?
It was a paper sent to me by a colleague. I’m not familiar with the author. It’s suppose to be an explanation of fiat money without opinions.
I’m guessing it boils down to “money =/= value”? The ability to print infinite amounts of money does not mean anyone will give you anything for your decorative and counterfeit-proof toilet paper?
Similarly, Zimbabwe and Venezuela have plenty of money. Its goods they lack. Because nobody wants to trade valuable goods for worthless money.
Something I found interesting is the claim that the vast majority of “money” is created in the private sector through private bank loans. I always thought the government controlled the money supply.
Yeah, I have recently heart this shit bandied about by a bunch of proggies selling collectivism. They want you to believe that the problem is banks printing money so they can provide loans that then fleece the people taking the loans. Way to completely lie about who is responsible for printing money and making bad financial decisions…
It’s true, as someone who studied economics look up the term fractional reserve banking .
Or just watch this video.
That is what I found intersting. How can you lend money you don’t have? I want to come back as a banker. The paper does explain how they only need to service payment so with deposits.
This system works because the bank holds the money that they loan out as well, think of it this way I loan you $100 you go buy something from some guy who then deposits the same hundred dollars in his account with me, I can reuse that money. The problem is if everyone tries to get the money they have out at the same time, the bank obviously doesn’t have it and that creates a run on the bank.
You lend the money and then you look for reserves first from you deposits, then from other banks and the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve just prints it up and sends to the banks.
Bank accounting is counterintuitive.
Their deposits are actually liabilities. You’d think money in their vault would be an asset, but because they “owe” it back to the depositor its a liability.
Loans are assets. Its money people owe them, so its an asset.
Fractional reserve banking means they can loan out more money than the actual equity value of the bank itself. SInce loans are assets, that makes (counterintuitive) sense. The banks other non-loan assets have a technical name that I can’t recall, but those assets are generally made up of other investments including a sizable chunk, by regulation, of treasuries.
Issuing treasuries are how the government actually prints money – the currency is just for the convenience of the serfs. So, the government prints money/issues treasuries, the banks take those into their asset base, and can loan, say, 5x the value of their asset base. Now, the banks are taking X dollars of treasuries, making loans of 5X, and the money in circulation has increased by 5 times what the government actually printed.
Endogenous money, I also think he’s right about that. As well as his prediction that QE wouldn’t cause the amount of inflation the detractors said it would. In short the government isn’t quite in control as it thinks it is.
I like his stuff actually. He’s right in that we’re not Greece. We won’t go bankrupt in the same way. We have our own ways of doing it as you mentioned. Either inflation or currency crisis. Or if we’re really unlucky both. His website if you want to explore. Just don’t take it all a face value.
THAnks. Econ is not something I’m well versed in, so I wanted an outside opinion of the guy.
I’ve found is a good site to pick up Econ topics in depth.
In depth? I’m trying to tell the difference between QE and a hole in he ground. Seriously, thanks.
Most of their stuff is written to make sense to us simpletons. Really is a good place to go. Topics on general economics, depression era stuff, etc.
If you honestly can’t tell the difference between the two . . .
. . . you’re further ahead than most central bankers.
Greece can’t print its way out of its crisis. They’d have to leave the Eurozone (which they probably should do).
Greece can’t print its way out of its crisis.
Because Greece can’t print money at all – they don’t have a currency of their own, they have the Euro.
I can’t run out of money either.
I have a credit card.
And a check book full of unused checks too, right?
5 different types of vaginas.
Drawings of vulvae, probably NSFW.
Will number 3 shock me?
And possibly bite you.
+1 vagina dentata
Oh man, The Sun – that might be worth a read.
If it was Everyday Feminism or someshit, though…
Gotta look it up after work.
Taffington Legman Apr 12, 2017
Ive had all off those and the badly packed kebab is best. The barbie is not for me.
A true English hero!
Gives new meaning to taking one for the team..
And Ms. Horseshoe is kinda scary.
Yeah, I’ve never had to confront that. It looks angry.
Do I sense a new story line? Horseshoe and Hypospadias: A Love Story.
Like a child smashing sea creatures together and scream “Mate! Mate, damn you!”
Go on…
It may be a step forward for gender equality that this sounds equally absurd regardless of sex organ.
Yup, it’s a goldmine of absurdity.
You wouldn’t hate your house if it had ugly curtains
But you might get them altered.
Or replaced.
Douche them curtains?
Maybe. Do they match the carpet?
I would actually probably like it if my house had curtains made out of beef.
That is not a horseshoe, it is a moose knuckle.
As usual, The Sun isn’t doing their research. The most common type looks like this.
Big fan of #s 1 &5.
New York leads charge to end child marriage*. OMWC hardest hit!
Wait, wtf?
–“The legislation raises the age of consent from 14 to 18, and amends the process to require parental and judicial consent for marriage involving 17- and 18-year-olds, “–
You now need judicial approval to get married as a legal adult? No way that comes back to bite them in the ass.
And yet people also want to lower the voting age.
On the upside, the empire state still allows you to marry your first cousin.
“this isn’t a real problem in America except where first cousins want to marry without state permission”
I can read! I was badly making your lowkey joke explicit! You know, for the dumb people like me that wouldn’t catch that.
So how old does “child” go? So 17yr old is a child?
According to the article 18 is a child for purposes of this law.
And I’m sure this law won’t be selectively enforced…
Old enough to make a legal contract, old enough to marry. (Since that’s what marriage should be anyway.)
For a woman, you make a great deal of sense ….
/cowers in anticipation of reaction
Ugh, now I have to go get an older pillow girlfriend to marry.
What if she’s a thousand year old demon who just looks like she’s 14?
Asking for a senpai.
If there’s grass on the pitch, time to play.
+1 Gate
It’s far worse than you might imagine from that link. Um… don’t ask me how I know about this.
For the love of god, don’t click on that at work, and when you do, don’t blame me when you get fired.
But what type of vaginas do they have?
The blurry pixelated kind.
*Standing oviposition*
Great, now I know there is such a thing as “anime sex toys”.
How could you more than a passing knowledge that anime exists and not realize that someone somewhere was making anime sex toys?
And now I’ve maxed out my credit card. I’ll be in my bunk in approximately 2-3 shipping days…
‘Alt-Right Bodyguard’ Stabbed 9 Times After Pro-Free Speech Event
She shouldn’t have been wearing that short skirt and low-cut blouse. She was asking for it.
Probably a genocide denier.
Unless he’s a Turk or *spit* Azerbaijani, how does them being Armenian brings racism into it?
I mean, “whiteboy”? That’s some weak sauce coming from literal Caucasians…
The dumb kind of racism where you calling me a stupid Canuck or me calling you a Serbian fuckboi counts.
Why in the fuck are so many Armenians far leftists? Anita Sarkeesian, Ana Kasparian, these assholes… Your RECENT ancestors were murdered by Muslims. How fucking stupid are you?
OTOH, maybe the Young Turks had a point…
Okay, that was wrong.
The LA influence. And I guess most Armenian-Americans never actually lived in a socialist country — unlike those right-wing Cubans or Russians.
The only Armenians I know were my parents’ old neighbors, who were actual Armenian immigrants who lived most of their lives in the Soviet Union. Needless to say, they were not lefties.
Also some VERY recent ancestors/contemporaries.
Anyone posted this smooth move from the Lightbringer yet?
Nope. Nothing to see here
Can’t Trump unseal this? How far does executive privilege go?
When it is to cover the crimes of the previous admin, they seem to go on forever… I bet you if Trump tried to block this that the media would report it as collusion with the Russians AND obstruction of justice…
Yes, but they do that for everything he does, so why not do it?
Yeah, we kicked it around.
Trump could absolutely produce those documents if he wanted to. The feds are claiming they are exempt from FOIA (and they are very likely wrong), not that they cannot be produced at all.
WTF? A presidential library is a museum to commemorate an administration, not serve as some sort of diplomatic immunity pouch.
Yes, this morning.
Actually, it was first posted as a comment yesterday.
Western journalists demand China now lead the fight against climate change due to Secret Nazi President. China, of course, responds by mouthing platitudes these idiots eat up while continuing operations as usual.
Said journalist idiots, of course, never recognize the fact that if you actually did care about lower emissions China should always be the focus, particularly when the U.S.’s emissions are lowering already without any virtue signalling treaties.
Asking China to lead the fight against climate change is like asking North Korea to be headquarters of Amnesty International.
(Which they would be if Amnesty International was run by the UN)
Have the journos not noticed that people in large Chinese cities wear face masks due to pollution. And those that don’t, are dropping dead in their 50s.
Western media has an implicit ‘what happens in China stays in China’ rule because most of them are owned by corporations with interests and ties in China. Which is why the freakouts about Russian influence are particularly hypocritical and disgusting.
shush don’t ruin the narrative. oh hey guys we are actually 17% higher than we told you earlier!
Western journalists demand China now lead the fight against climate change
First they’re going to have to get them to actually agree to measure their own emissions. which they pointedly refuse to do for obvious reasons. Because (FYTW translated into chinese ideogram)
I see Soave’s been moonlighting.
I figured you were referring to this.
I figured people would, hahaha
Of course he’s a red one!
Melts in your mouth, but not in your hand.
Delicious pics of CNN being sad after GA-06 results
Anderson Cooper has hit the plastic surgery too hard this time. He looks too chiseled — like a Pixar character or something.
God I hate Dana Bash. In my mind, she’s the Jungian Archetype for dipshit vapid soccer moms whose voting habits are responsible for fucking everything up.
She may have offered the only honest opinion on that channel all night, however.
The guy on the right looks like he taking a slightly painful dump.
I say he looks like he’s judging someone for taking a slightly painful dump.
“So, are you still proud of yourself for eating that? I hope you learned your lesson…”
Italy’s tourism minister:
“Tourist flows should be monitored at famous sites in Italy in cities like Rome and Florence, with access limited when crowd numbers swell, the culture and tourism minister said on Tuesday. Italy’s 51 UNESCO World Heritage sites include whole city centres and town squares which have been increasingly worn out by the footfall of visitors over the centuries. Conscious of the money-spinning power of places like St Mark’s Square in Venice, some officials have floated the idea of charging for access to currently public areas.”
Are we ready for ‘It’s a small world’ line ups?
Time to test discrimination pricing? A 20 Euro line, a 5 Euro line and a free line, with 3-2-1 ratio of admittance to location?
Democrats seek suspension of Jared Kushner’s security clearance pending “russia investigation”
No way that’s gonna backfire. No sireee.
“When there are credible allegations that employees may be unfit to continue accessing classified information, security clearances are supposed to be suspended while the allegations are investigated, wrote Rep. Elijah Cummings”
Emphasis mine
Hey, hey, hey, Elijah Cummings is a Goddamn saint.
Hillary got to keep hers after she obviously committed real crimes and security violations, but the problem is the fact the witch hunt against the other side has not yielded anything of value?
Bloodhound SSC’s First Test Runs Scheduled for October
After years of delays, the Bloodhound team will finally begin testing in an effort to become the first car to reach 1000 mph.
Uses a 550-horsepower supercharged Jaguar V8 engine…as a fuel pump.
Damn. I’d like to go watch that.
Dude if you sneeze during that run they will have to strain what’s left of your body out of low earth orbit.
I’d like to know how the wheel bearings and tires wouldn’t just melt
“Well, we watched Buckaroo Banzai very many times, very closely.”
The tires on land speed cars of this caliber are often solid aluminum. No rubber tread. The right wheel bearing can withstand a few hundred thousand RPM.
I hope they put them on the left wheel too.
Damn, beat me to it
There is a great video of the first Bloodhound run. They were aiming to break the speed of sound. In the video some engineers are sitting in a truck just watching from a distance. All of a sudden there is a big sonic boom and they explode into applause and joy. Now that would be a satisfying end to an engineering project.
Sadly I looked on Youtube and couldn’t locate it this time.
Mother of God. I might be in Vegas around that time. If so, I’m taking a few more days off to go watch.
Goddamnit, never mind. I didn’t read the article and assumed they’d be making the run at Bonneville.
*searches for cheap airline tickets to Newquay*
On what theory is this a “car”?
Since I’m on this. Here are some articles on how Italy fights terrorism/ISIS.
Goddamn Latins, you can never take your eye off them…
The mods will take care of you.
For a price.
I thought slipping a $20 was a universally-recognized signal…
Less of an obscure euphemism than I normally expect from this place.
Furbo siamo!
“Sono furbo”, is the right way to say that if what you wanted to say was that you were shmarth (Fredo Corleon accent)…
Actually, FURBI for siam but whatever.
Democrats aren’t it.
Ugh. What a mess I am.
Not at all brah.. You are rocking.
America Is Now a ‘Second Tier’ Country
“Social Progress Imperative”. Sounds legit.
If this ranking is based on SJW criteria, I’m shooting for a lot lower than “second tier”.
That is why I automatically dismiss any of these country ranking nonsense surveys. The criteria are practically always social justice nonsense that shouldn’t matter a bit. Things like the rights of the individual, freedom, and the ability to pursue happiness (not to be confused with the ability to cross the finish line with the same shit others have regardless of my commitment or effort), never seem to matter to marxists.
When Spain, Europe’s dysfunctional, technically retarded child is ranked higher than the United States it is safe to assume their methodology is faulty.
Never mind that Scandinavia seems to be enduring Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to refugees behaving badly.
Accessing the actual report where they discuss their methodology just has them list a bunch of different factors but provide no actual information on how they create rankings or data based on them. So they probably assign arbitrary numbers based on kowtowing to progressive ideology and/or social justice.
Like ‘depth of food deficit’ probably scores high for welfare programs focused on food, but doesn’t give a shit if food is cheaper overall in certain countries. And I’m guessing that ‘political terror’ probably stresses ‘right-wing extremism’ a lot more than, say, other forms.
It’s like how the article also references the ‘Happiness Report’ positively without any deeper thought. The society of Brave New World would top that list, but that doesn’t justify drugging your population.
Total utter horseshit.
Give me America over any damn country. Canada too. But only when it ceases to be under control of The Cuck.
+1 MAGA hat
Hmm, there seems to be an awful lot of people trying to get into this “second tier” country
Weird numbers of them brown too. We better let them know that it really isn’t that good here for them.
“Social progress imperative” doesn’t sound marxist at all. nope.
Well then we’d better not take on any more refugees, we wouldn’t want them subject to the horrible treatment they’d receive here.
I’ll just leave this here…
The college, based in Baton Rouge, claimed the ‘private video’ may have been uploaded onto the internet to a popular porn site as a result of ‘cyber crime’.
Well, I hope they backtraced it
He’s like Neo
“Deeply religious” == “Oh my god, its all the way in!”
Fuckhead. Pictures and videos are EVIDENCE. If you are doing something you shouldn’t be, don’t fucking record it.
Pictures and videos are EVIDENCE*
* Does not apply when pictures and videos are of a police officer
I see a picture of a lawn, but no sex tape.
Why is it always the ‘deeply religious’ ones that manage to get caught with their knob stuck in the wrong place?
They thought deeply religious meant sticking it in as far as it can go while shouting, “Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus!”
They worship the pussy
My theory is, the bigger a piece of shit you are, the more you need to believe in divine redemption.
It’s more like, the more you need to parade around how saved you are, the bigger piece of shit you are.
Cause us Athiests would just be out there bragging about all the hot sex we were getting 🙂
Today in stories that make your crotch hurt.
…your eyes as well. JFC.
which of those disgusting dogs did they make him have sex with?
URL is sufficient! I can’t bear to click on it.
Maybe astral penetration is more to your liking.
We need to bring back public burnings. Hanging is WAAAY too good for these people.
No, we need a body to leave as a warning. I propose breaking upon the wheel, followed by gibbets for the remains.
The boats followed by the crow’s cage?
I’m more inclined to give these guys the Blood Eagle
Stop appropriating my culture. Where’s the UN when you need them..
… in Somalia … pretending to be Catholic Priests
At least the poor guy wasn’t forced to have sex with one of those women. Good God.
Yeah, I’d rather do a dog than any of those beast
Really? Cause from the headline at least it isn’t clear if he was pitching or catching with the dog and that might make a whole world of difference
I’d rather catch from a dog then stick it into anything I saw in that article.
*That’s* a gang?
Would beach chicks and Zepparella chicks.
After cocaine bust at California day care, authorities reveal ‘amazing’ drug operation
So, which one of you was it?
I’m not up all night commenting
I think Rufus runs a day care and lives in a place that starts with C.
In case the edit faerie never shows, here is the link
“Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer announced today he is working to shut down a Highland Park day care facility where a multi-agency law enforcement task force recently seized about $430,000 worth of cocaine that was allegedly being delivered to the home-based business.”
Working to shut down? As in finding half a million in blow under the turtle sandbox doesn’t automatically do it?
This is California. Three or four more make-work agencies need to be consulted.
Please tell me they were using their charges as mules for their operation.
If that’s the case we may have a new mascot.
There are few things i like more than a nice rhodes piano bit. this is an exceptionally good one.
/Gilmore drops monocle. Rufus picks it up and runs after to give it back to him. Asks for spare change but is ignored as Gilmore calmly places monocle on his eye. Looks at pocket watch.
‘Oh dear me, I’m late for the concerto!’
/whistles for taxi. Rufus holds door open while sticking hand out. Gilmore slams door shut on Rufus’s hand.
‘What’s all that screaming?’
(throws change out window)
For piano, I prefer Satie.
Rufus, I think you mentioned your sis played his stuff. That’s a big reason why I refuse to dislike you, Anglais couillon.
Also, you take my proto-Quebecois bullshit with only a minimum of hate, and a lot of humor.
needs more rhodes
Yes she does….and it was especially depressing on rainy days when we were growing up.
My mother, who is a solid singer, used to yell while cooking,’Play something more happy!’
what a glorious sound
Happy National Yoga Day?
Another Unsolvable Mystery
Very Fake News still being very fake.
Preliminary indications are Michigan airport suspect said something in Arabic before stabbing officer, officials say
I wonder what he said.
Something about Admiral Akbar.
“Apologies, good sir, but I found this knife in the bathroom and wished to give it to the local authorities…”
*Trips and embeds knife into cop’s neck*
Incredible.. You can’t think the people making excuses can possibly sink lower, but then they do shit like this..
Metal box believed to be time capsule found inside Fla. Confederate statue
I hope that Gregg Jeffries rookie card is still in there.
Clap clap clap.
“There’s a singing frog inside…I’ll be rich!”
/reference to old Warner Bros cartoon
+1 “Hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my ragtime gal”
Because the thread I saw it in is dead:
I saw a link and discussion regarding having computer programs draw up districts and having them have it such that the least number of votes are ‘wasted’ (defined as votes more then required to win). The researchers spent a lot of time talking about republican and democrat voters, this is completely wrong headed. We don’t vote for parties, we vote for candidates. You can’t just say that the votes are for D’s or R’s, people have actual preferences for certain lawmakers as well.
Second problem with this is the whole point of having districts be geographically located. Why not just use a proportional representation system, if that is the goal of the redistricting? Because different types of areas have different needs and thus should be represented by different people. You can’t tell me the needs of a Republican suburban and rural area are the same, let alone that we should create numerous districts out of large cities that capture big swathes of rural areas to ensure the voting is ‘fair’ (i.e. rural voters never end up with representation, or even disparate areas of the same city are mashed together).
Another point, if they’re focusing so heavily on balance between the two major parties, they’ll probably further suppress third parties.
I was thinking that as well. By their metric, it would probably be rated as a ‘good’ thing, since you could make a few relatively competitive districts out of the few that would actually go third party (say 2-3 where Libertarians or Greens just barely lose every time… perfect).
Hey Jesse, what’s your take on this nutjob?
“God set down certain rules. The Lord created everyone with a beard. No man can resist his creator,” Kornily told Russia’s National News Service.
No bearded man can resist a celestial bearded man? Sounds pretty gay to me.
Beards are serious business in Orthodoxy.
It’s why they’re the manly outdoorsmen Christianity to Catholicism’s Nerds.
I’m a manly nerd, so I’ve been hoping for the end of the great schism for a long time.
Oh, the Old Believers…they’re kind of out there…historically they adhered to their traditional ways despite tsarist persecution…that’s right, the tsars were the would-be modernizers in this scenario.
Study: Seattle’s $15 minimum wage hasn’t cut jobs
Not mentioned in the article…
(From Forbes)
<a href="" title="Hah! Take that, capitalist swine!” target=”_blank” >Hah! Take that, capitalist swine!
Edit faerie, help!
The error is in pretending that the issue is “total number of jobs”
the thing they should be looking for is ‘job growth‘.
Eh, there’s no one metric that can rule them all. As indicated above, MW doesn’t generally land more money in more people’s pockets, which is what it is supposed to do, actual laws or implementations thereof aside.
Especially since other sectors of employment are booming in the city right now.
There was a story on the local news last night about a new McDonald’s using ordering kiosks. No mention of the increasing minimum wage.
Wherever you stand on immigration – and I believe both sides are represented here – I think we can all enjoy a passage like this:
Courtesy of, shockingly enough, Peter Beinart in The Atlantic.
When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration
“Fix it again, Tony”
What you say when your Chrysler breaks down.
Now where was this article back in 2008? In 2012? Hmm….
The thing is they changed their views because liberalism/Progs/Democrats have decided to cater to the fetishes of wealthy coastal elites for which these policies don’t impact (gun bans, tranny restrooms, climate change, illegal immigrants, and refugeee) but present nice virtue signaling opportunities. Modern liberalism = you are too stupid to manage your own affairs therefore you need liberals in gov to do it for you, now give me your earnings for your own good!
“Modern liberalism”, otherwise known as “old school progressivism”. Their expert fetish springs from the application of Taylorism to every facet of society.
I suspect most of you degenerates would enjoy the book “Illiberal Reformers”
good link. will set that aside to read later.
“When I see Mexican flags waved at proimmigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration.”
I’d have to see this in context. My guess is that it’s followed by a big BUT…
Most likely. However, even such a statement followed by a “but…..” is double-plus I’m good wrongthink these days, and thus forbidden in polite society.
Here, let ENB’s good friend Jill Filipovic lay some knowledge on you shitlords:
It’s a Good Day to Prog Harder! Live Free or Prog Hard!
Apparently, the Democrats’ soul is a combination of identity politics and big-money donors. Who knew?
But what kind of ppl vote for candidates like Handel, Trump?
To quote Larry Correia: “I’m like many Americans, in that it isn’t that we like Trump or at all trust the Republican party, it’s that we absolutely despise the Democrats and all they stand for because they’re terrible assholes who suck beyond all comprehension. We’d vote for a head of cabbage before we’d vote for a democrat. Judging by the senate, congress, governor, and state legislative races over recent years I am not alone in this feeling.”
It’s not them, it’s you.
There’s no winning that if Dems keep their soul.
They aren’t voting for Dems specifically because they’ve proven time and time again not to have one.
I vote sporadically since there often is no one worth giving a vote to. When I do, it’s for either the Republican or the LP candidate, if there is one. Barring some kind of unimaginable paradigm shift, I will never, ever for a Democrat. It’s not because I’m a Republican. I used to be, but that died off a long time ago. I’m not even really a Libertarian – although my political beliefs are closest to the LP, I have a few major points of divergence.
It’s because the Democrat Party is pure scum from top to bottom. Everything they do and everything they stand for is founded on one principle: the accumulation of power over every aspect of American life. Power is what they lust for, and they will do or say anything to get it. Yes, the GOP is just the Miller Lite approximation of that, but even that marginal difference is an improvement on the soul-sucking evil that animates the left.
Bingo. The biggest differences between the left and right in America are these:
1) The media will criticize the right. Granted, most of it is in the form of “You’re not even progging/progging hard enough”, but some of it is valid criticism. The media just doesn’t hold the left to any sort of standard
2) The right will take criticism to heart sometimes. They don’t double down when a Todd Akin or someone like that steps in it. They don’t blame everyone but Todd Akin for staying stupid shit. Compare “grab ’em by the pussy” to “basket of deplorables”. There was a legitimate uproar on the right over the former, and the left said “nothing to see here” about the latter
Simpsons did it!
Oh, and Canucks, can you please take this fucking guy back?
HAHA never, he’s your problem now.
He gets his derp from his mother, Babs. Used to wanna punch that woman’s lights out every time she showed up on CBC (which, back in the 80s, was “virtually always”).
Ha. I remember her too.
Was she a lefty? I was too busy watching The A-Team and Magnum to pay close attention.
Magnum? Good man!
The Magnum PI theme is my ring tone. Show rocked.
Christ between him and the #huntrepublicans dude no wonder they want to ban guns, anti gun people are patently insane.
One more…..I give you your daily moment of zen
All dressed up (except the woman on the right) and nowhere to go!
Another photo from Ossoff HQ.
I need to wind down from this horrible shitty day. Parks & Rec or Bullshit?
With a gin & tonic.
I have a couple Fat Tires in the fridge. That’s about it for booze up in here. Oh, and the 1/2 gallon of Barefoot Shiraz, but that’s for cooking.
That ain’t gonna cut it. Surely someone delivers?
I’m a lightweight. I’ll be hungover from two beers if I don’t drink a ton of water. Plus I may or may not have other, less drinkable, materials to consume.
I’ve had a fucked up week, too. I’ll have a few in solidarity.
I’m just gonna drink the stuff that’s in my avatar.
It’s been a weird month for me.
You didn’t DVR MSNBC to watch the post election meltdown?
Also, the verbless delivery of NBC on-air personalities is really irritating me more than normal today. Fuckin Jay Gray.
there is no LOL which can possibly encompass the jaw dropping lack of awareness embedded in that statement.
Female candidate defeated white male. They’re having a hard time calling her voter misogynists, so they’re going with a generic “bigot” slur this time.
The left simply can’t lose an election without spitting vitriol, even when their guy’s a carpet-bagger and received a tremendous amount of financial support from left-coasters who have no business meddling in a Georgia election.
He lost, fair and square.
Which is even sillier since Karen Handel appears to be as milquetoast a GOP establishment type as you can find. Steve King she ain’t.
She’s nothing like Trump, either.
Never forget – ENB is a big fan of Jill Filipovic.
I’ve never been the strongest believer in ENB’s libertarian bona-fides
FLASHBACK = that time ENB went ballistic after the 1000th time someone mentioned her Bustle work saying “people shouldn’t have the right to choose who to do business with“
Neither am I. In fact, I strongly doubt it. There was a good reason I always referred to Miss “The goals of social justice are noble” as Weigel in drag.
I still like her though.
Really, I don’t get it.
I think there are a number of contributors right here where whose bona fides and libertarian credibility is far greater than the people you guys sometimes lionize back at the old place. And you know, what’s more, these contributors (hell, almost all contributors) are prepared to throw their reputation into the ring and compete in the arena of ideas.
The only difference between those guys being published (and booted out, regularly) at the old place is they get paid a couple bucks a word and all the appletinis they can bum at cocktail parties.
Look at the body of articles that you volunteers have put together, and in many cases, the resulting discussions. Hell. Some of the discussions didn’t even include STEVE SMITH.
It’s time to stop giving the journos of the old place tongue baths, just because they hang out in DC and go to all the right places while they network so they can join The Nation.
It’s time to stop giving the journos of the old place tongue baths
What alternative universe are you from where this happens? We spend way more time shitting on them than praising them.
Except for 2 Chili, but he’s earned that.
Stossel, Young, O’Neil…
I was gonna make a crack about not being employee is a sign of quality, but neither are Dalmia, Chapman and Richman.
Harsanyi is pretty good, although I don’t think they run his stuff much lately.
He is held back by impossible to spell name, sadly.
The default reaction is to give them a neutral response, even when we know they’re going to come out with some sjw claptrap. To use a word that’s been coming up a lot lately, it’s remarkable they’re even given a platform to proseletyze.
In other news, 3 pints of Heavy Seas on an empty stomach on a hot day is probably somewhat responsible for my posts,
oops. numeracy fail. 4. well, 4.5 so far.
Like we give even a fraction of a shit.
ENB got that Pretty Girl privilege.
Yeah, but come 2AM, it’ll be Robby Soave that’ll be hittin’ it.
Naw she’s got some Thai beta fiance that HM made cry, Soave shockingly has reproduced.
Did it involve spores?
Thai beta fiance
Ah yes, no one protects their women like betas…
I love the black guy that replies with, “Why is everything always about race/sex with you people?”
I strongly recommend that you keep calling your potential voters ‘hateful bigots’. This is a proven winning strategy.
Exactly. The best thing to promote more liberty (hopefully) is that progressives keep acting just as they are. The delusion is mind boggling.
Is seth abramson a conspiracy nut?
Ah yes now i remember him. He was one of the bernie is actually winning despite being down in June guys
So, a retard, not a conspiracy nut.
Well read his twitter. Trump was definitely collluding and is the manchurian candidate
Yup, Us bombing their bases and shooting down their planes in Syria is all part of Putin’s master plan. The sanctions too. 12D chess.
This chessboard is adding so many dimensions only Ron Graham will be able to describe them.
Frum’s gonna Frum
Covered. See 37.
He’s not even as smart as an ex-pornstar. Sad.
Well, (((pornstar)))
Does the FBI actually expect anyone to buy this shit?
Because tourists in the DC metro area usually drop by Del Ray to take pictures of a fucking baseball diamond. Makes perfect sense to me. And context? Plans? Wouldn’t showing up at a baseball field with an SKS early in the morning provide a little context, and perhaps an indication that he was targeting someone?
Trump needs to send the rest of the FBI along with Comey apparently.
J. Edgar Hoover might have been a corrupt, vindictive, closet queen, but at least he wasn’t a retard.
I wish I could contribute this to stupidity. This is straight up malice. There is no other way to spin this. Not a single credible person is claiming this guy was anything other than a self appointed assassin for team blue and the FBI can’t even put it in ink. FUCK. THEM.
I always figured federal law enforcement folks were more likely to be team red, like the military. Or do they just hate Trump that much?
He shitcanned Comey. That probably didn’t sit well with a lot of them.
I kept hearing that the rank and file were nearly in revolt over Comey’s handling of the Clinton crimes, that they had lost confidence in him.
Who knows? We’re trying to second-guess a bunch of professional spooks.
J. Edgar Hoover was the Deep State.
Reaction to this nutjob, who actually went out and fired shots at Republican congressman and has a history of being virulently anti-Republican: “Meh. Could be anything, really.”
That particular part of Delray isn’t even the nice part with all the cute shops. Until recently (like, maybe 10 years ago), it was a run-down industrial area, even in the midst of a thriving yuppie neighborhood.
So I thought nothing could surprise me but this statement genuinely does. This sounds like something the freaking Iraqi information minister would say.
Or, that whole list of names. Pretty sure if there is a workplace violence incident and the perp had a list of names they wouldn’t be navel gazing wondering if the guy had any malicious intent against certain people.
You gotta be kidding me.
Yup. The fact that they won’t say who was on the list seems like a dead giveaway. If the names on the list didn’t include someone who was there, or weren’t all Republicans, it would bolster their bullshit-sounding story. Since they aren’t saying, it doesn’t seem like a big leap to surmise that someone like Scalise’s name is on the list.
Exactamundo Chippy.
They do this all the time. I don’t even understand this one though – it isn’t like the left can disown him, he was one of theirs through and through. The internet makes it too easy to find out what kind of person someone was to cover this up. It is as though they are purposefully destroying their own reputation.
Maybe being a victim of your own incompetence counts in the pity olympics now?
OK, this I can respect. It’s basically grinning and saying “yeah, what are you gonna do about it, bitch?”
I mean, it’s an asshole move, but, what ARE you gonna do about it?
What, you expected “LIST OF PEOPLE TO KILL” written in crayon at the top?
between this shit and the “We don’t know what Allahu Akbar means”, i’m starting to think the FBI are retards.
Perhaps this is what they expected?
Well, at least I now know I can rob federal banks as long as I’m not wearing a black and white striped t-shirt, and carrying a huge sack with a dollar sign on it.
Might be time for Republicans to shutter the FBI. They can always create a new, smaller law enforcement department after firing everyone at the old one.
I swear, I will never stop being entertained by these people so long as this lunacy continues.
Is that map in one of the replies fo’ real, or parody? Because if real…what. the. fuck.
The donation map? I’m pretty sure that’s real. The man went from raising $1000 to 30 million in like 2 months. You don’t pull that kind of bread from a single district in bumfuck GA.
That is some fucked up shit.
And it still didn’t work.
Here you go. Here is a pretty damning takedown (and by damning I mean 100% accurate with absolutely zero spin) of the money behind GA 6.
It’s not listed in that breakdown, but I saw another which had Planned Parenthood the second biggest donor to Ossoff, with more than 700K.
“We need all the monies for women’s health, waaah” — no, you need it to fund loser Democratic candidates. DEFUND THAT SUCKER RIGHT NOW.
She was so beautiful until she messed up her face.
“The Dems spent 25 million on a seat that pays 175K per year.”
That says a lot.
The latest Slate Star Codex post is just begging for a visit from ZARDOZ.
Unfortunately comments have been disabled on it. I can’t make it through with out thinking THE GUN IS GOOD.
I’m a fan of his writing, but he needs an editor. And an explanation of the difference between a blogpost and a Russian novel.
I had some snide comments on simplistic view of history and general optimism when regarding the question of “what is racism” (spoiler: every example you have given is racist and you are racist for raising them. Racist!) but it’s a good, thoughtful defense of liberal society.
Once again, the UK police prove themselves to be beyond parody
It’s astonishing the whole goddamn island isn’t one giant mosque yet.
Unless he was directly inciting violence, I don’t see how that is a crime.
Because there is no 1st Amendment in the UK. You know, the way the progs want it to be over here.
“Where is the context?”
I wonder if I’m going to be blocked by them.
Extradition request incoming.
The ones for me are probably backed up, clogging the system. I have given those worthless bastards more cussings than I can count.
Ah, yes our enlightened European friends. If only we could be more like them. Make sure those muslims keep on diddling little girls without hindrance Sussex police.
If you were a pedo (or hebephile I guess, or just a garden variety rapist), you’d have to be an idiot not to convert. Also, don’t you have to basically murder someone to get a year hard time in the UK?
It is sad so many places inherited the British view of free speech as well (e.g. India).
I see all of these movies like Braveheart, Robinhood, etc where limeys are fighting the good fight and screaming FREEDOM!! and all I can think is “Who the fuck do you guys think you are fooling?”. You imprison people for speaking words, having wrong think, or telling a bad joke. You have a fucking royal family.
Piss. Off.
Both those movies are specifically about the English oppressing people. Also the people who wrote the Magna Carta get some street cred in regards to freedom. Kind of like how Americans still get some street cred for the Constitution despite living in a statist, gradually expanding police state.
You have a fucking royal family.
The best damn royal family that ever existed. They mind their own goddamn business, which can’t be said for, say, the President.
When people are jailed for their utterances and your police station doesnt get burned to the ground you dont live in a free country.
If we go by that definition America stopped being a free country in 1918.
Admittedly I’d somewhat agree with that.
Sadly, the US isn’t so great on freedom generally either – though there are at least the legal underpinnings for a correct interpretation of freedom of speech there. I don’t know of anywhere else in the world which has the same. We’re always at the mercy of the interpretation of judges and politicians and indeed, the common people.
John, I get kinda pissed when this subject comes up. I used to love England and its people. I used to love to visit. Over the years I have watched one defeat after another of liberty, the importation of savagery etc.
They are pissing on a place I used to love.
Charles tries to stick his nose in a bunch of things, doesn’t he?
Admittedly I don’t follow the British royal family very closely.
The Prince of Wales
The best damn royal family that ever existed.
We need a Jagiellon!
Also, Charles, Edward, other Edward… by English standards, they’re not terrible compared to, say, Plantagenets or Hanoverians, but damn, they aren’t exactly House Vasa
They’re the best damn royal family *who’s country didn’t horrifically collapse and disappear for a century due to dysfunctional political structure or killed a lot of Catholics*.
or killed a lot of Catholics
Wait, we’re now bagging on Good Queen Bess? That’s fighting words!
Are there any good “minimalist” wallets out there that aren’t either held together with bound-to-fail elastic or made to look like the wallet I had when I was nine? I found one on Amazon I’m going to try out, but I simply want a piece of leather that can hold 3-4 credit cards, 3-4 identification cards, 2-3 insurance cards, and a wad of cash (on occasion). I’m trying to get away from the George Costanza wallet and have something slim that fits in my front pocket comfortably, but everything outside of bifold/trifold is either built for kids or hipsters.
Tried getting and normal wallet and just putting less stuff in it?
I don’t have much more than what you just described and it about fills my normal-sized wallet.
I like their products quite a bit.
Late to the party, but I have one of these.
I hate large wallets and this one has been great. Made out of tatanka, too, so that’s pretty cool.
Did you make horns with your fingers as you said that? Because that would be awesome.