The Venus of Willendorf is an 11.1-centimetre-high (4.4 in) Venus figurine estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE.[1] It was found in 1908 by a workman named Johann Veran[2] or Josef Veram[3] during excavations conducted by archaeologists Josef Szombathy, Hugo Obermaier and Josef Bayer at a paleolithic site near Willendorf, a village in Lower Austria near the town of Krems.
You know who else was from Austria?
on June 22, 2017 at 7:59 pm
Arnold Schwarzenegger?
on June 22, 2017 at 8:03 pm
Paul Hogan?
on June 22, 2017 at 8:37 pm
Ludwig Von Mises?
on June 23, 2017 at 7:26 am
The Von Trapp family?
on June 22, 2017 at 6:19 pm
Best model yet, HM. Much better proportioned and natural looking. Bravo. Also, love the article photo.
on June 22, 2017 at 6:32 pm
I know I’m out of my league but… proportioned?! Ye gods that is a great big keister.
on June 22, 2017 at 6:53 pm
Perfection, bro.
on June 22, 2017 at 6:56 pm
She looks a god damn sine wave and thats AWESOME!
on June 22, 2017 at 6:41 pm
“natural looking”
When did this become part of the judging?
on June 22, 2017 at 6:54 pm
Not sure, I’m not judging, I’m commenting.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:37 pm
Some people prefer original equipment.
on June 22, 2017 at 6:22 pm
That last photo is spectacular. Of course, she’s Latin.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:37 pm
on June 22, 2017 at 6:30 pm
The only problem I have with these ladies is that when they get older they will end up looking like this. John was unavailable for comment.
on June 22, 2017 at 6:31 pm
My dad likes to say that hispanic women are the best deal for wives. You buy 1, but eventually you get 2.
on June 22, 2017 at 6:32 pm
Es la verdad vato…
on June 22, 2017 at 6:33 pm
Jesus. I’m going to have nightmares tonight after looking at that page.
I’m sure there is a Physics/Philosophy PhD thesis somewhere asking this fundamental question about the nature of reality: “The Booty Event-Horizon: on whether there is such a thing as *Too Much* Ass”
*Screams loudly until out of air – takes big breath and continues to scream*
on June 22, 2017 at 6:57 pm
Widens nostrils, forms a moue with pursed lips, has three shots of tequila and prepares to go in for a big ole sniff! Seriously don’t get it guys. It’s like trying to sell assexxx to a Mormon.
If anyone can making any fucking sense of this at all, could you please explain it to me? Thanks.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:01 pm
Well, I’m not totally sure, but if I had to guess… I’d say it’s a hit piece.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:02 pm
Shouldn’t a hit piece make some sense? Even a little?
on June 22, 2017 at 7:09 pm
Not if the audience is a bunch of ignorant progs that won’t do a single bit of independent research or verification and take your book as gospel.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:11 pm
I want to send that author an email and explain to them why they’re the dumbest person alive.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:12 pm
Apparently Pinochet was a libertarian… WHO KNEW?!
on June 22, 2017 at 7:14 pm
Lenin too, I suppose.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on June 22, 2017 at 8:00 pm
Mussolini, totes libertarian
on June 23, 2017 at 6:40 am
And Newt Gingrich, John Kasich, and Mitt Romney
on June 22, 2017 at 8:02 pm
Books like that are a common Christmas gift in my family. Not to me, of course – they know my politics. But I still have to sit there while everyone ooh’s and aah’s at the shiny new book exposing how evil Republicans/libertarians (they’re pretty much the same, don’cha know) are plotting to overthrow democracy and enslave America with their violent ideology of leaving people alone.
on June 22, 2017 at 8:06 pm
Dude, not taking other people’s stuff at gunpoint and doing whatever you want with it, enriching your you and your buds first, throwing some crumbs to the peasants after, typically, is violence.
NOT a Naked Intruder
on June 22, 2017 at 11:15 pm
Being left alone is slavery, you insensitive assholes!!
/someone demanding other peoples’ wealth
Raven Nation
on June 22, 2017 at 7:11 pm
“But it’s worth noting that the primary practice outlined in this book is the leveraging of money to protect money — and the counter-practice is the vocal and sustained will of the people.”
Unless, you know, the will of the people doesn’t reflect my views in which case the will of the people is wrong because they haven’t been educated enough.
/prog channeling Rousseau.
Also, Bannon is a libertarian? Whatever. The link to “Lionizing Lenin” is to a NYT piece on Bannon. Here’s the NYT quote on why Bannon (and therefore libertarians) love Lenin:
““I’m a Leninist,” Mr. Bannon was quoted as saying by a writer for The Daily Beast who met him at a party in 2014. He later said he did not recall the conversation. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too,” the site quoted him as saying. “I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
on June 22, 2017 at 7:12 pm
“Also, Bannon is a libertarian?”
That pretty much says everything about this writer’s knowledge.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:14 pm
It’s like they took they a legitimate alt right biopic and wrote “LIBERTARIAN” on the front of it.
Heroic Mulatto
on June 22, 2017 at 7:33 pm
Feature, not bug.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on June 22, 2017 at 7:35 pm
The slightest amount of research would reveal that the Kochs hate Trump/Bannon. The purpose of this book is merely to confirm all of theirpreexisting notions about libertarianism.
And they accuse everyone else of group think.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:57 pm
Before that, critic and historian Donald Davidson coined the term “Leviathan” in the 1930s for the federal government…
Well, to be fair, there was no federal government at the time the Bible and Hobbes’ book first came out.
on June 22, 2017 at 8:10 pm
these men developed a strategy of misinformation and lying about outcomes until they had enough power that the public couldn’t retaliate against policies libertarians knew were destructive. (Look no further than Flint, MacLean says, where the Koch-funded Mackinac Center was behind policies that led to the water crisis.)
this is fucking gibberish.
They’re trying to claim that “Small city tries to fix long-term budget liabilities” (something that Koch-funded type centers *might* recommend: ‘being fiscally prudent!’)- is somehow the same as “makes hugely stupid error with their local-water sourcing”. And its not even accurate in that absurd-stretch manner, because the stupid error they made was actually *more expensive* than simply remaining part of the larger city-of-detroit system. I forget the details but the short of it was that the conventional narrative about how “it was austerity whut done it!” is actually more complex, and has more to do with “Local mayor choosing to throw money at local utility-provider in order to gain negotiating power on *other* unrelated budget issues”. Meaning, they spent more for the ‘failed’ water system – it wasn’t a consequence of penny-pinching on that particular issue.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on June 22, 2017 at 8:14 pm
A large part of the Flint rationalization was that bringing the water utility back to town would create local jobs.
on June 22, 2017 at 8:23 pm
Right. If i recall, they basically decided to “pay more” for a local (smaller) utility to take over their water because it would allow them to hire more locals, and use that political ‘freebie’ as an excuse to make cuts elsewhere which would help reduce their long term liabilities.
the way the NPR piece described it, you’d think the Koch-think-tanks recommend “poisoning the poor” as a long-term budget fix.
on June 22, 2017 at 11:11 pm
IIRC, it’s even worse: not only were they going to tell Detroit water to shove it, the plan was to become a regional supplier themselves, and sell water to the other outlying cities.
1. Get ancient water supply system working again.
2. Forgo anything like an inspection to make sure ancient water supply meets modern standards.
3. ?
4. Profit.
on June 23, 2017 at 2:10 am
The Liberal hatred of Libertarians is a bit like having your SO getting pissed at you after you after a bad day at work. There’s a certain amount of WTF did I do?
After all, If a Libertarian candidate manages to hit 2% of the popular vote, that’s a record setter. Hell, I’m a libertarian and I don’t even want to vote for the Libertarian candidates.
But the Koch Brothers are somehow the source of all evil. Soros is the source of all good. Fuck that, I had a few Asian classmates who had to drop out when the Asian markets collapsed in the late 90’s because of the precipitous drop in exchange rates, since they couldn’t afford another semester, and Soros made billions off that.
If he was the kind of guy who just pointed that there some obvious flaws in the Asian markets while lighting cigars with $100 bills, he would just be a dick. But instead he spends a large amount of money to send us down the same roads that lead to the Asian Currency collapse.
Absolutely a 10 in the first two pics. I feel her admirable rack balances her mesmerizing butt exquisitely. Walking behind her must be like watching two midgets fight in a bag.
Maybe shave a point or two in my opinion for slightly excessive ass in the last two. But I’m nitpicking.
HM, you outdo yourself again. Bravo, sir! Bravo!
on June 22, 2017 at 7:11 pm
Last 2 are the best. I’ll give the last one an 11.
Definitely got my attention. Wasn’t able to dig up an article, etc by him yet about the details. His twitter feed has a few more details.
Complete side note since folks were linking NR articles earlier today – Dave French actually has a good article condemning the Castilo verdict.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on June 22, 2017 at 7:37 pm
Now that Trump is installed, NR has returned to a semblance of sanity.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:56 pm
Avik Roy is one of the few people in the media who actually reads all the details of these things. he was pretty much the most informed person on Obama care in the run up to its implementation.
I’m surprised he actually likes the bill, since everything i’ve heard so far suggested its just Obamacare lite.
but the reaction he seems to get in his twitter feed is hysterical
The BafflerVerified account @thebafflermag 7h7 hours ago
Replying to @Avik
go fuck yourself.
of course no one else has read the bloody bill
mr simple
on June 23, 2017 at 12:14 am
It’s guaranteed to kill all the poor people, apparently, according to the responses. So it has that going for it.
another Kevin
on June 22, 2017 at 7:35 pm
So. Been busy as hell lately and have not had my normal time to stalk you freakshows on a daily basis. Coupla questions;
1) What’s the deal with donations?
2) How can I donate?
I’ve had my orphans selling their spare parts on the side (yay bilateral symmetry!) to make some spare scratch and would love to spread it around.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:40 pm
Paypal donate button is bottom right of the screen.
another Kevin
on June 22, 2017 at 7:44 pm
Thanks Fish! I’ve never actually scrolled to the bottom. Vertical scroll themes are the devil. (Looking at you bootstrap)
All things have limits, and “the bigger the cushin’ the better the pushin’ rule” met it’s in that last picture, good god men next you’ll be fapping it to seductivly posed horses asses
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Look at that come hither stare. Go get her you big stallion.
on June 22, 2017 at 7:52 pm
I cannot even see how anyone thinks her ass it ‘too big’ in that last photo. Her ass is in perfect proportion to her curves. I guess it takes a connoisseur of the art of form to appreciate the the female shape as it should be.
Rufus the Monocled
on June 22, 2017 at 7:53 pm
Say what you want about Quebec but they don’t do political correctness that well; or at least they play along up to a point.
Premier Couillard: “Unfortunately, you cannot disconnect this type of event – terrorism – from Islam in general,” Couillard said in Quebec City.”
Good. It had to be said. CAIR and other Islamic organizations and Liberal politicians were getting tiresome trying to make average Canadians sound like crazy racists while painting themselves as the victims. No. The victims are the ones who are on the wrong of Islamic terrorists attacks.
The U.S. president proposed a “solar wall” would help provide inexpensive energy and help pay for itself.
“We’re thinking of something that’s unique, we’re talking about the southern border, lots of sun, lots of heat. We’re thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, so it creates energy and pays for itself,” Trump told the crowd. “And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money, and that’s good, right?”
Companies have submitted designs for the wall that include solar panels. The Department of Homeland Security has shortlisted 20 companies for their designs for the wall.
“Solar wall, panels, beautiful. I mean actually think of it, the higher it goes the more valuable it is. Pretty good imagination, right? Good? My idea,” Trump said.
I’m really looking forward to seeing Team Blue argue/vote against solar energy.
Instead Of Trump’s Wall, Let’s Build A Border Of Solar Panels
It would create jobs for would-be immigrants and a climate of civility between nations.
I bet that guy has egg on his face now.
[Nelson laugh]
on June 22, 2017 at 8:55 pm
from the comments:
John Mazza ·
Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Trump is a deal making type of guy. How about build the wall and cover it with solar panels?
Like · Reply · 2 · Dec 19, 2016 7:01pm
Also Sprach Derpathustra
on June 22, 2017 at 9:01 pm
trump will now file a lawsuit against that guy, claiming he stole his idea
on June 22, 2017 at 8:59 pm
Instead Of Trump’s Wall, Let’s Build A Border Of Solar Panels
It would create jobs for would-be immigrants and a climate of civility between nations.
The idea of a solar panelled wall was also proposed in an article by an environmentalist and an academic last year in the Huffington Post and another article for the Wall Street Journal by two academics in March.
on June 22, 2017 at 8:22 pm
That is actually a freaking excellent idea. It’s a perfect place for a solar farm. That is fucking delicious.
Gustave Lytton
on June 22, 2017 at 8:22 pm
We’re stealing Mexico’s sunlight!
on June 22, 2017 at 8:28 pm
“I mean actually think of it, the higher it goes the more valuable it is. Pretty good imagination, right? Good? My idea,” Trump said.
i can’t believe this fucking guy is president
on June 22, 2017 at 8:29 pm
Are you kidding? Half the reason I voted for him was for the hilarity and I am fucking getting my money’s worth!
on June 22, 2017 at 8:54 pm
my comment was half-admiring, half-terrified
on June 22, 2017 at 8:57 pm
President Camacho: Shit. I know shit’s bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.
Congressman #1: That’s what you said last time, dipshit!
Congressman #2: Yeah, I got a solution, you’re a dick! South Carolina, what’s up!
Ed Wuncler
on June 22, 2017 at 9:00 pm
I played that scene on youtube after the election night. Not because I think that Donald Trump is an idiot but because the idiocracy of the American voting public.
on June 22, 2017 at 9:18 pm
I played the announcement from The Purge.
Blessed Be Our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.
I’ve never understood what in principle is wrong with a border wall if your objective is to enforce the laws against illegal immigration.
I know some libertarians object to the expense, and I’ll take that criticism from them, but not from Dems.
And I know some libertarians object to the eminent domain abuses against people in the wall’s way, but again, I’m not interested in Dem protestations on that.
And I know some libertarians say borders are just arbitrary lines which don’t justify NAP violations, and/or the Constitution doesn’t confer power over immigration, but I’m not going to listen to Dem complaints on that subject, they believe in drawing lines and violating the Constitution whenever convenient.
The entire band was formed just to perform at Eurovision.
on June 22, 2017 at 11:03 pm
Ha I knew it
on June 22, 2017 at 10:26 pm
Man, I’d forgotten how bad ass that song really was. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s… It’s easy to forget, now, how convinced we all were that the world would end in a thermonuclear war between the USSR and America.
Yeah, there’s just the occasional fun-loving buzzing of a Russian plane.
To be fair, though, there are so many other sources of international misunderstanding (or international understanding-all-too-well) that it’s silly to worry just about Russia.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:30 pm
“Bad ass” refers to 99 Red Balloons, not whatever crap that was, Rhywun.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:35 pm
Haha I love Nena – she has long string of hits. I only discovered the other track recently but it’s cool because he’s tweaking the DDR dictator about being banned there.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:40 pm
Ah, didn’t/couldn’t listen to it long enough to get that part.
I have said before: the fall of the iron curtain, while absolutely wonderful for the people living behind it, was the worst thing that ever happened to Western freedom. Without that constant”evil mirror” (TM), we have lost our way.
Remember when somebody would propose some completely Statist bullshit, like surveiling American citizens, and people would reply, “what, is this Russia?”
Now, get the fuck off of my lawn.
On the other hand, since Mexico tends to be a bit more serious about immigration enforcement, fleeing into Mexico without papers would be a problem even without a wall to stop you.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:35 pm
Mexico is a little more lenient with US senior citizens than it is with, say, teenagers from Nicaragua.
I’m not sure why; probably white privilege.
on June 23, 2017 at 6:01 am
“Because anything physical that can prevent illegal immigration can also prevent any emigration deemed illegal.”
Yeah. That’s why they are building a wall on the Canuckian border, too!
Oh, wait…
on June 22, 2017 at 9:19 pm
Who is going to get the contract to squeegee the solar panels clean? Mexicans that’s who!
HOW DARE U. Mondays are for the gayz and the het-ladiez
on June 22, 2017 at 9:36 pm
*slicks back eyebrows and de-crumbs beard*
How ya doin’?
on June 22, 2017 at 9:39 pm
I’m willing to trade Malnourished Mondays for Torso Tuesdays.
one true athena
on June 22, 2017 at 10:04 pm
ok, that would be an acceptable. As long as we still get a day (occasionally!)
on June 22, 2017 at 9:41 pm
Figures the Steam summer sale would start on the same day I got a new ‘puter and want to download some games. It must be a madhouse there cuz I’m not getting any thruput. (I know how to copy from one machine to another but honestly it’s easier to just re-download the ones I want to play.)
on June 22, 2017 at 9:43 pm
Plus I’m mostly downloading games that wouldn’t run on my old machine so I couldn’t copy them if I wanted.
on June 22, 2017 at 9:56 pm
what’s on the menu?
on June 22, 2017 at 10:07 pm
Headlander, Obduction, Quern, RIVE, The Witness so far. I.e. nothing of interest to anyone here.
Looks like they fixed their squirrel problem.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:12 pm
i recognize none of them except The Witness, which i have installed but have never played. can’t remember why i dl’d it, but i presume it was because it would run on my weak-ass video card and it got good reviews.
tell me if you dig it.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:21 pm
I have actually played that one for a couple hours, but the performance was really poor on my old machine.
Yeah, I dig it. It has that “just one more puzzle” thing going.
Caput Lupinum
on June 22, 2017 at 10:23 pm
Did you ever play Myst? If you did, and you enjoyed it, you’ll probably like Witness.
Interesting puzzle game, good if you like brain teasers. A good chunk of the positive reviews came from people that were:
A) Impressed with a game that was different from the normal indy fare
B) Game designers that that geeked out over it the way that art majors geek out over Pollack.
Not a bad game overall, but it sometimes gets sick up its own ass.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:41 pm
the last “puzzle” game i played was the Talos… thing. Principle.
oh, shit i just realized i DID play the Witness. and i got about halfway through it and got bored. it was fun when the puzzles were just hard enough that you could figure them out in 10mins. when they turned into 30+m struggles, i abandoned it.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:44 pm
I have Talos too – for some reason I only played an hour and moved on. But it’s pretty good.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:58 pm
I liked the Talos thing because it basically gave you a toolkit to solve problems, then gradually built the problems up to become more and more complex. It “scaled” well, so that you never felt like you were totally over your head. there was always something fairly simple which you were just overlooking. when you have that sort of confidence in the puzzle design, you keep hacking away at pieces until the whole thing comes together.
the annoying part, as Capt said above, is the pretensions of =game designers, who tried to shoehorn some philosophical spiritual artificial-intelligence mumbo jumbo narrative into the thing. but fortunately you can mostly skip it if you don’t want to hear/read the ‘plot’ gibberish.
John Titor
on June 22, 2017 at 9:55 pm
on June 22, 2017 at 10:05 pm
Hah I had the exact same thought
The Elite Elite
on June 22, 2017 at 10:59 pm
Yeah, I was looking through some of the games there myself just a little while ago. Any recommendations on games that aren’t big, well known, AAA games? I’ve been curious to try some game types that I don’t normally play.
Caput Lupinum
on June 22, 2017 at 11:04 pm
What do you normally like to play?
The Elite Elite
on June 23, 2017 at 6:28 am
Usually I play shooters, RPGs, and occasionally strategy.
on June 22, 2017 at 11:14 pm
FWIW I can tell you my favorite games of the last few years: Fez, BattleBlock Theatre, and Ori and the Blind Forest.
The Elite Elite
on June 23, 2017 at 6:30 am
Yeah, I keep hearing about that Ori and the Blind Forest game. I don’t typically do platformers, so I was wondering if I should give that one a try. For $10 I guess it’s worth a shot.
It’s funny, though. The Castille case is one over which I’ve seen a number of conservatives express incredulity and uneasiness, especially in light of his acquittal. If nothing else, it’s a step toward recognizing, as I think David French put it, that jurors should be less leery about finding officers guilty when they are clearly culpable.
At least, it would be if progressives weren’t tripping over themselves to make it about race. Forgetting for a moment that the officer is not as lily white as this self-aggrandizing asshole wants to make him out to be, he and his ideologues are deliberately eschewing the opportunity to finally get people, even law and order conservatives, to question how politically insulated cops have become.
Because they’d rather carp on about race again. Because that’s their prism for making sense of diverse, unrelated phenomena: it’s all race. It’s only race. And that’s why we’ll Castille’s killer wasn’t punished, and why the next panicky/overly aggressive cop won’t be punished, and the next after that. Because these race-baiting twerps want to make it about white people.
Wait, maybe I’m thinking of the prisoner scalded to death by guards without criminal intent.
Heroic Mulatto
on June 22, 2017 at 10:21 pm
So the racist, misogynistic, Fox News Baby Boomers may indeed die off, but their systems will go on, saving the Similar, brutally crushing the Other.
Saving your children, white people. And crushing mine.
Playa Manhattan
on June 22, 2017 at 10:25 pm
That’s one way to get in on the privilege.
Heroic Mulatto
on June 22, 2017 at 10:28 pm
For hexadecaroons, the struggle is real in 2017 America.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:33 pm
He makes Terence Trent D’Arby look like Shaka Zulu
Caput Lupinum
on June 22, 2017 at 10:26 pm
That guy is whiter than I’ll ever be, and I’m so pale I got a sunburn in Ireland.
one true athena
on June 22, 2017 at 10:30 pm
Those kids are gonna be so surprised when they get to some leftist school and they’re now the oppressors.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:32 pm
And then…I don’t know what came over me. Suddenly I was very aware of us, of our selves: loud, brown family in a white neighborhood store. Old t-shirts. Big hair. Harmless, yet so conspicuous. I pulled my boys aside and knelt to speak firmly and quietly:
“Boys, listen to me – people are looking at us. They are watching us to see how we act in this store and I need you to do your best – your BEST – to act like good guys, to obey and be kind while we’re here.”
OMFG. This is the biggest laugh I’ve had all week. What a fount of derp.
John Titor
on June 22, 2017 at 10:49 pm
He’s like a dumber, less self-aware Carlton.
Fatty Bolger
on June 22, 2017 at 11:12 pm
lol. I think we got that same speech from my Mom at least 100 times.
on June 23, 2017 at 7:22 am
It’s really sad to read this headcase’s paranoia. He’s going to infect those cillins brains.
“While I crawl around in the dirt, searching for for roots of sameness and seeds of compassion, you stand aside and shuffle your feet, just wishing the whole conversation could go away. You justify your privilege. You vilify your victims. Sinking further still, you shut your very eyes and declare the whole conversation a conspiracy and a farce.”
I’d probably be indignant at these accusations if I could figure out what the heck he was saying.
If your emotional reaction to a shooting depends on the race of the shooter and the victim, guess what?
on June 22, 2017 at 11:06 pm
good point
John Titor
on June 22, 2017 at 10:46 pm
You know, we might actually be able to get some police reform in the pipelines if some people didn’t immediately start throwing emotionally unbalanced temper tantrums about the evil systemic racism of whites. Because for some reason it causes approval of the police to skyrocket amongst the general population and render the issue dead in the water.
Heroic Mulatto
on June 22, 2017 at 10:53 pm
It also helps when pontificating about the danger your children face from institutional racism if said children don’t look like they just crawled out of a Lebensborn camp.
John Titor
on June 22, 2017 at 10:58 pm
I’m going on easy on that because he seems to be legitimately delusional about it and thinks that every soccer mom brownshirt in his neighbourhood can just magically smell the 1/8th black in his spawn.
And that’s just sad.
on June 22, 2017 at 11:05 pm
Wouldn’t you know, Germans are still wrestling with that.
on June 22, 2017 at 10:53 pm
That’s weird, man. It’s almost like the US is majority white, or something.
But yeah, if you wanted to disrupt the nascent reform of the criminal justice system, you couldn’t have invented a better tool than BLM.
If they were intelligent, I’d put their behavior down to a plan to “maximize the contradictions” – stir up the most outrage with the least productive results.
But what’s the end game? Maybe it’s a good cop/bad cop scenario (so to speak) where the “extremists” behave outrageously, then the “moderates” some in and deplore “all this divisiveness in our country today” and suggest that we need to elect more Democrats.
Maybe I’m looking for a coherent agenda where it doesn’t exist.
John Titor
on June 22, 2017 at 11:01 pm
You know how some organizations like MADD become self-perpetuating after achieving the majority of their goals and thus expand into a much larger and invasive entity to justify its own existence?
BLM started square one like that, fueled by angry left-wing black people. There’s no end goal other than using it as a soapbox for their idiocy.
And incidentally, when he says “I have been trying to be empathetic and compassionate toward you white racist cracker honky bastards,” I don’t really believe him.
on June 22, 2017 at 11:24 pm
I think you’re thinking about it more deeply (deeplier?) than they are.
I think many BLM people are very sincere, I question the integrity of the people in charge. I don’t think those people are motivated by reforming law enforcement and the courts. I think they have been compromised, however lofty the initial goals, into becoming just another front for the Democratic party and it’s Statist goals.
and of course, he’s being charged with a felon in possession of a firearm.
[Judge] Beckerman agreed to release Tias from custody, with GPS monitoring and a remote alcohol testing system in place. He must report on his own to federal court in Butte, Montana, on July 12.
WTF does there need to be alcohol testing in a case, or really showing up for his court appearance, that has nothing to do with alcohol?
Because he previously killed someone while driving drunk.
Gustave Lytton
on June 22, 2017 at 10:54 pm
For which his sentence appears to have been fully discharged.
What does alcohol testing have to do with showing up for a court appearance for an alleged crime that has nothing to do with alcohol? I don’t think it has anything to do with either the case or his past. I think it’s a standard FYTW condition judges attach, at cost to the defendant.
on June 22, 2017 at 11:01 pm
Yes, when under court supervision, whether in jail, on probation, house arrest, etc., you are not allowed to drink, smoke pot, whatever.
Or so I’ve been told.
Even deferred sentences, I think, technically you aren’t supposed to drink until the time of the sentence would be up, but I’m not a lawyer, which is good: can you imagine the look on the poor shmuck who drew me as his public defender?
Playa Manhattan
on June 22, 2017 at 11:41 pm
“For which his sentence appears to have been fully discharged.”
If that were true, he wouldn’t be in trouble right now. He’s a convicted felon. It’s a punishment that under most circumstances can never be fully discharged.
I’m not saying I agree with it. That’s just how it is.
Maybe he’ll try pleading justification…though generally that isn’t the easiest defense to make…
on June 22, 2017 at 11:18 pm
random thoughts: why wars end
1. death/capture/surrender of key leader
examples: US civil war, Spartacus revolt, Napoleonic wars, WW2 in Asia
2. capture of capital city/key stronghold
examples: Sri Lankan civil war, WW2 in Europe, Vietnam war
3. exhaustion of one or more sides
examples: 30 Years War, WWI on eastern front, Chinese civil war, Iran-Iraq war
4. intervention of new belligerent
examples: WWI on western front
MIT gives these reasons as most important factors in ending a war
A great power indicates interest in terminating hostilities and negotiating a settlement.
New military effectiveness on one side discourages the other side from belief in military victory.
A great power urges one side to avoid provoking a full-scale war.
The reasons for initial intervention by one side remain, but forces committed are inadequate.
The sides are negotiating.
Arrival of arms in one side raises the prospect of a wider war.
Military balance remains heavily in favor of one side.
External pressures for terminating develop almost as soon as fighting starts.
The “non-status quo”[11] side achieves its primary goals
One side is unable to cut off the arms supply to the other side.
Use of force by one side alienates potential allies.
Countries on which the “non-status quo” side is dependent are unable or unwilling to give further support.
Prolongation of hostilities erodes resources of one side.
The leader of one side announces a cease fire.
The sides and their supporters are willing to negotiate a settlement.
The “status quo” side counters violence by arrests and strong reprisals.
The “non-status quo” side has few and primitive arms, and weak training and organization.
The “status quo” side has the military advantage.
One side maintains overwhelming military preponderance in the area.
One side has very weak military forces.
The Commander in chief of one side’s army advises against more military activity.
A superpower fears growth of conflict into a wider war.
A great power supporting the “status quo” side contemplates intervention.
The “non-status quo” side faces economic problems as a result of hostilities.
Practical geographical limits in the disputed area make extended operations difficult.
And there was this song they sang at camp (not boot camp) where a country invaded its neighbor to seize its fabled treasure, which turned out to be a box with a note saying “peace on earth.”
Don’t let Eddie dissuade you; I enjoy listening to modern military intelligence. It really hasn’t changed. Huh. Be careful, unless your name is Clinton.
“…and in an emergency can be used as a flotation device.”
Hey missperu, let me grab you a seat *pretends to wipe off face*
L O L gets em every time *sighs deeply*
Paleolithic Origins of Thicc
You know who else was from Austria?
Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Paul Hogan?
Ludwig Von Mises?
The Von Trapp family?
Best model yet, HM. Much better proportioned and natural looking. Bravo. Also, love the article photo.
I know I’m out of my league but… proportioned?! Ye gods that is a great big keister.
Perfection, bro.
She looks a god damn sine wave and thats AWESOME!
“natural looking”
When did this become part of the judging?
Not sure, I’m not judging, I’m commenting.
Some people prefer original equipment.
That last photo is spectacular. Of course, she’s Latin.
The only problem I have with these ladies is that when they get older they will end up looking like this. John was unavailable for comment.
My dad likes to say that hispanic women are the best deal for wives. You buy 1, but eventually you get 2.
Es la verdad vato…
Jesus. I’m going to have nightmares tonight after looking at that page.
Thanks for destroying any remaining temptation to click which I had.
Yeah, i keep saying that.
I’ve never been a particular fan of garish-proportions.
Everyone has a partialism.
Quit lying.
ass man = guilty as charged.
its just Ginormous is not the only appealing proportion
This is America.
Go back to Europe with your micro-sized McDonald’s meals!
Posterior Royale!
with cheese!
I’m sure there is a Physics/Philosophy PhD thesis somewhere asking this fundamental question about the nature of reality:
“The Booty Event-Horizon: on whether there is such a thing as *Too Much* Ass”
Pictured: Schrodinger’s catthought experiment.
A curvy woman is no more likely to wind up looking like that than a boney chick. Fat is one things, curves are another.
I thought our newly doxxed reporter was a shoe in. Maybe next week.
Not that I’m complaining.
Well, you get to see her (including wrong arm, which P Brooks was actually right about ) a lot anyway.
Also, I’d use the 2nd from top as a reporter pic, since it already look like she’s holding a mic.
But I’ll wait until everyone’s forgotten this thread.
Okay, new rule: last Thursdays THICC is this weeks field reporter. GO!
Could you still nail her if she had Pelosi’s head?
Face down, ass up.
*Screams loudly until out of air – takes big breath and continues to scream*
Widens nostrils, forms a moue with pursed lips, has three shots of tequila and prepares to go in for a big ole sniff! Seriously don’t get it guys. It’s like trying to sell assexxx to a Mormon.
The “server bill” your Glibertarians donations are helping to pay.
As a regular contributor I expect an invite to your
whorehousecocktail party.Eat a lot of bran?
Wait, how are people donating?
The “donate” button on the bottom of the page.
Hate to change the topic from bootay, especially when it’ most excellent bootay, but.
Damn libertarian debils
If anyone can making any fucking sense of this at all, could you please explain it to me? Thanks.
Well, I’m not totally sure, but if I had to guess… I’d say it’s a hit piece.
Shouldn’t a hit piece make some sense? Even a little?
Not if the audience is a bunch of ignorant progs that won’t do a single bit of independent research or verification and take your book as gospel.
I want to send that author an email and explain to them why they’re the dumbest person alive.
Apparently Pinochet was a libertarian… WHO KNEW?!
Lenin too, I suppose.
Mussolini, totes libertarian
And Newt Gingrich, John Kasich, and Mitt Romney
Books like that are a common Christmas gift in my family. Not to me, of course – they know my politics. But I still have to sit there while everyone ooh’s and aah’s at the shiny new book exposing how evil Republicans/libertarians (they’re pretty much the same, don’cha know) are plotting to overthrow democracy and enslave America with their violent ideology of leaving people alone.
Dude, not taking other people’s stuff at gunpoint and doing whatever you want with it, enriching your you and your buds first, throwing some crumbs to the peasants after, typically, is violence.
Being left alone is slavery, you insensitive assholes!!
/someone demanding other peoples’ wealth
“But it’s worth noting that the primary practice outlined in this book is the leveraging of money to protect money — and the counter-practice is the vocal and sustained will of the people.”
Unless, you know, the will of the people doesn’t reflect my views in which case the will of the people is wrong because they haven’t been educated enough.
/prog channeling Rousseau.
Also, Bannon is a libertarian? Whatever. The link to “Lionizing Lenin” is to a NYT piece on Bannon. Here’s the NYT quote on why Bannon (and therefore libertarians) love Lenin:
““I’m a Leninist,” Mr. Bannon was quoted as saying by a writer for The Daily Beast who met him at a party in 2014. He later said he did not recall the conversation. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too,” the site quoted him as saying. “I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
“Also, Bannon is a libertarian?”
That pretty much says everything about this writer’s knowledge.
It’s like they took they a legitimate alt right biopic and wrote “LIBERTARIAN” on the front of it.
Feature, not bug.
The slightest amount of research would reveal that the Kochs hate Trump/Bannon. The purpose of this book is merely to confirm all of theirpreexisting notions about libertarianism.
And they accuse everyone else of group think.
Now, that’s just straight up ignorant, yo.
Wow, that’s…. just bad
Nancy MacLean: William H. Chafe Professor of History and Public Policy
A professor of history, at Duke. Ye Gods. Maybe it was just a mistake by the reviewer, but it reads like it was taken straight out of the book.
Bolding inside a link: mad skills. Are the rest of you people paying attention? That’s how it’s done!
Well, to be fair, there was no federal government at the time the Bible and Hobbes’ book first came out.
this is fucking gibberish.
They’re trying to claim that “Small city tries to fix long-term budget liabilities” (something that Koch-funded type centers *might* recommend: ‘being fiscally prudent!’)- is somehow the same as “makes hugely stupid error with their local-water sourcing”. And its not even accurate in that absurd-stretch manner, because the stupid error they made was actually *more expensive* than simply remaining part of the larger city-of-detroit system. I forget the details but the short of it was that the conventional narrative about how “it was austerity whut done it!” is actually more complex, and has more to do with “Local mayor choosing to throw money at local utility-provider in order to gain negotiating power on *other* unrelated budget issues”. Meaning, they spent more for the ‘failed’ water system – it wasn’t a consequence of penny-pinching on that particular issue.
A large part of the Flint rationalization was that bringing the water utility back to town would create local jobs.
Right. If i recall, they basically decided to “pay more” for a local (smaller) utility to take over their water because it would allow them to hire more locals, and use that political ‘freebie’ as an excuse to make cuts elsewhere which would help reduce their long term liabilities.
the way the NPR piece described it, you’d think the Koch-think-tanks recommend “poisoning the poor” as a long-term budget fix.
IIRC, it’s even worse: not only were they going to tell Detroit water to shove it, the plan was to become a regional supplier themselves, and sell water to the other outlying cities.
1. Get ancient water supply system working again.
2. Forgo anything like an inspection to make sure ancient water supply meets modern standards.
3. ?
4. Profit.
The Liberal hatred of Libertarians is a bit like having your SO getting pissed at you after you after a bad day at work. There’s a certain amount of WTF did I do?
After all, If a Libertarian candidate manages to hit 2% of the popular vote, that’s a record setter. Hell, I’m a libertarian and I don’t even want to vote for the Libertarian candidates.
But the Koch Brothers are somehow the source of all evil. Soros is the source of all good. Fuck that, I had a few Asian classmates who had to drop out when the Asian markets collapsed in the late 90’s because of the precipitous drop in exchange rates, since they couldn’t afford another semester, and Soros made billions off that.
If he was the kind of guy who just pointed that there some obvious flaws in the Asian markets while lighting cigars with $100 bills, he would just be a dick. But instead he spends a large amount of money to send us down the same roads that lead to the Asian Currency collapse.
What exactly was going on with this whipped cream?
Absolutely a 10 in the first two pics. I feel her admirable rack balances her mesmerizing butt exquisitely. Walking behind her must be like watching two midgets fight in a bag.
Maybe shave a point or two in my opinion for slightly excessive ass in the last two. But I’m nitpicking.
HM, you outdo yourself again. Bravo, sir! Bravo!
Last 2 are the best. I’ll give the last one an 11.
Well, I’d be willing to bet you could set a drink on it, and there’s certainly a market for that.
I wouldn’t mind breaking that fight up… giggity.
*prolonged applause*
The DuckTales reboot looks great!
*tentative applause*
Aaaannnnnd I’m scarred for life. Thank you.
I fapped, but I didn’t like it one bit
Busy day. Shit, I just looked back through the daily posts and noticed that I missed Mexican midget goat rodeo. Well, that sucks.
So, saw this today. Re: AHCA.
Definitely got my attention. Wasn’t able to dig up an article, etc by him yet about the details. His twitter feed has a few more details.
Complete side note since folks were linking NR articles earlier today – Dave French actually has a good article condemning the Castilo verdict.
Now that Trump is installed, NR has returned to a semblance of sanity.
Avik Roy is one of the few people in the media who actually reads all the details of these things. he was pretty much the most informed person on Obama care in the run up to its implementation.
I’m surprised he actually likes the bill, since everything i’ve heard so far suggested its just Obamacare lite.
but the reaction he seems to get in his twitter feed is hysterical
of course no one else has read the bloody bill
It’s guaranteed to kill all the poor people, apparently, according to the responses. So it has that going for it.
So. Been busy as hell lately and have not had my normal time to stalk you freakshows on a daily basis. Coupla questions;
1) What’s the deal with donations?
2) How can I donate?
I’ve had my orphans selling their spare parts on the side (yay bilateral symmetry!) to make some spare scratch and would love to spread it around.
Paypal donate button is bottom right of the screen.
Thanks Fish! I’ve never actually scrolled to the bottom. Vertical scroll themes are the devil. (Looking at you bootstrap)
All things have limits, and “the bigger the cushin’ the better the pushin’ rule” met it’s in that last picture, good god men next you’ll be fapping it to seductivly posed horses asses
Horses are sexy.
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Why did I think you were linking to this?
Those two fillies were JRHNBR.
Look at that come hither stare. Go get her you big stallion.
I cannot even see how anyone thinks her ass it ‘too big’ in that last photo. Her ass is in perfect proportion to her curves. I guess it takes a connoisseur of the art of form to appreciate the the female shape as it should be.
Say what you want about Quebec but they don’t do political correctness that well; or at least they play along up to a point.
Premier Couillard: “Unfortunately, you cannot disconnect this type of event – terrorism – from Islam in general,” Couillard said in Quebec City.”
Good. It had to be said. CAIR and other Islamic organizations and Liberal politicians were getting tiresome trying to make average Canadians sound like crazy racists while painting themselves as the victims. No. The victims are the ones who are on the wrong of Islamic terrorists attacks.
How would anyone know, they can’t even speak English!
The elites do! They just want to keep ‘under control’ from the people! Something, something the English will eat them.
Alpha Troll Move
Trump suggests fitting border wall with solar panels
The U.S. president proposed a “solar wall” would help provide inexpensive energy and help pay for itself.
“We’re thinking of something that’s unique, we’re talking about the southern border, lots of sun, lots of heat. We’re thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, so it creates energy and pays for itself,” Trump told the crowd. “And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money, and that’s good, right?”
Companies have submitted designs for the wall that include solar panels. The Department of Homeland Security has shortlisted 20 companies for their designs for the wall.
“Solar wall, panels, beautiful. I mean actually think of it, the higher it goes the more valuable it is. Pretty good imagination, right? Good? My idea,” Trump said.
I’m really looking forward to seeing Team Blue argue/vote against solar energy.
What a stupid fucking idea
Technically, it was this guy’s idea:
Instead Of Trump’s Wall, Let’s Build A Border Of Solar Panels
It would create jobs for would-be immigrants and a climate of civility between nations.
I bet that guy has egg on his face now.
[Nelson laugh]
from the comments:
John Mazza ·
Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Trump is a deal making type of guy. How about build the wall and cover it with solar panels?
Like · Reply · 2 · Dec 19, 2016 7:01pm
Also Sprach Derpathustra
trump will now file a lawsuit against that guy, claiming he stole his idea
Trump = “and we can also focus them all together to make a laser beam to melt illegal immigrants with“
It also doubles as a death ray.
Feature, not a bug.
shit, i need to learn to read threads instead of just jumping around
I hesitate to cheer in case this turns out to be satire.
It’s real.
Donald Trump talks up solar panel plan for Mexico wall
The idea of a solar panelled wall was also proposed in an article by an environmentalist and an academic last year in the Huffington Post and another article for the Wall Street Journal by two academics in March.
That is actually a freaking excellent idea. It’s a perfect place for a solar farm. That is fucking delicious.
We’re stealing Mexico’s sunlight!
i can’t believe this fucking guy is president
Are you kidding? Half the reason I voted for him was for the hilarity and I am fucking getting my money’s worth!
my comment was half-admiring, half-terrified
President Camacho: Shit. I know shit’s bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.
Congressman #1: That’s what you said last time, dipshit!
Congressman #2: Yeah, I got a solution, you’re a dick! South Carolina, what’s up!
I played that scene on youtube after the election night. Not because I think that Donald Trump is an idiot but because the idiocracy of the American voting public.
I played the announcement from The Purge.
Blessed Be Our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.
I’ve never understood what in principle is wrong with a border wall if your objective is to enforce the laws against illegal immigration.
I know some libertarians object to the expense, and I’ll take that criticism from them, but not from Dems.
And I know some libertarians object to the eminent domain abuses against people in the wall’s way, but again, I’m not interested in Dem protestations on that.
And I know some libertarians say borders are just arbitrary lines which don’t justify NAP violations, and/or the Constitution doesn’t confer power over immigration, but I’m not going to listen to Dem complaints on that subject, they believe in drawing lines and violating the Constitution whenever convenient.
If these Dems don’t like the immigration laws, where are their repeal bills?
Or maybe they won’t offer repeal bills because they don’t expect the laws to be enforced, so repeal would be superfluous?
Because anything physical that can prevent illegal immigration can also prevent any emigration deemed illegal.
Remember why they built the Berlin Wall?
To keep out Nena?
And Udo Lindenberg.
It was all Moskau’s fault.
Um Gottes Willen
This has Eurovision written all over it
You are correct, sir!
The entire band was formed just to perform at Eurovision.
Ha I knew it
Man, I’d forgotten how bad ass that song really was. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s… It’s easy to forget, now, how convinced we all were that the world would end in a thermonuclear war between the USSR and America.
Yeah, good thing relations with Russia are on an even keel now.
Very peaceful: Putin’s puppet is in charge of NATO’s nukes, so should be all good.
Yeah, there’s just the occasional fun-loving buzzing of a Russian plane.
To be fair, though, there are so many other sources of international misunderstanding (or international understanding-all-too-well) that it’s silly to worry just about Russia.
“Bad ass” refers to 99 Red Balloons, not whatever crap that was, Rhywun.
Haha I love Nena – she has long string of hits. I only discovered the other track recently but it’s cool because he’s tweaking the DDR dictator about being banned there.
Ah, didn’t/couldn’t listen to it long enough to get that part.
I have said before: the fall of the iron curtain, while absolutely wonderful for the people living behind it, was the worst thing that ever happened to Western freedom. Without that constant”evil mirror” (TM), we have lost our way.
Remember when somebody would propose some completely Statist bullshit, like surveiling American citizens, and people would reply, “what, is this Russia?”
Now, get the fuck off of my lawn.
It’s a free country, man.
“Because anything physical that can prevent illegal immigration can also prevent any emigration deemed illegal.”
I guess I simply wasn’t cynical enough to think of that.
But after the adoption of the Reich Flight Tax – I mean FATCA – I suppose there’s no such thing as being too cynical.
On the other hand, since Mexico tends to be a bit more serious about immigration enforcement, fleeing into Mexico without papers would be a problem even without a wall to stop you.
Mexico is a little more lenient with US senior citizens than it is with, say, teenagers from Nicaragua.
I’m not sure why; probably white privilege.
“Because anything physical that can prevent illegal immigration can also prevent any emigration deemed illegal.”
Yeah. That’s why they are building a wall on the Canuckian border, too!
Oh, wait…
Who is going to get the contract to squeegee the solar panels clean? Mexicans that’s who!
*Burns MAGA hat in protest!*
Let’s go hunting fuckers!
U.S. to remove Yellowstone grizzly bears from ‘endangered’ list
Can I do Thinn Thursday?
You can do waifish wednesday.
Or Malnourished Mondays.
Skeletal Saturdays?
Twiggy Tuesday?
Anorexic August
Auschwitz April
HOW DARE U. Mondays are for the gayz and the het-ladiez
*slicks back eyebrows and de-crumbs beard*
How ya doin’?
I’m willing to trade Malnourished Mondays for Torso Tuesdays.
ok, that would be an acceptable. As long as we still get a day (occasionally!)
Figures the Steam summer sale would start on the same day I got a new ‘puter and want to download some games. It must be a madhouse there cuz I’m not getting any thruput. (I know how to copy from one machine to another but honestly it’s easier to just re-download the ones I want to play.)
Plus I’m mostly downloading games that wouldn’t run on my old machine so I couldn’t copy them if I wanted.
what’s on the menu?
Headlander, Obduction, Quern, RIVE, The Witness so far. I.e. nothing of interest to anyone here.
Looks like they fixed their squirrel problem.
i recognize none of them except The Witness, which i have installed but have never played. can’t remember why i dl’d it, but i presume it was because it would run on my weak-ass video card and it got good reviews.
tell me if you dig it.
I have actually played that one for a couple hours, but the performance was really poor on my old machine.
Yeah, I dig it. It has that “just one more puzzle” thing going.
Did you ever play Myst? If you did, and you enjoyed it, you’ll probably like Witness.
Interesting puzzle game, good if you like brain teasers. A good chunk of the positive reviews came from people that were:
A) Impressed with a game that was different from the normal indy fare
B) Game designers that that geeked out over it the way that art majors geek out over Pollack.
Not a bad game overall, but it sometimes gets sick up its own ass.
the last “puzzle” game i played was the Talos… thing. Principle.
this =
it was good.
oh, shit i just realized i DID play the Witness. and i got about halfway through it and got bored. it was fun when the puzzles were just hard enough that you could figure them out in 10mins. when they turned into 30+m struggles, i abandoned it.
I have Talos too – for some reason I only played an hour and moved on. But it’s pretty good.
I liked the Talos thing because it basically gave you a toolkit to solve problems, then gradually built the problems up to become more and more complex. It “scaled” well, so that you never felt like you were totally over your head. there was always something fairly simple which you were just overlooking. when you have that sort of confidence in the puzzle design, you keep hacking away at pieces until the whole thing comes together.
the annoying part, as Capt said above, is the pretensions of =game designers, who tried to shoehorn some philosophical spiritual artificial-intelligence mumbo jumbo narrative into the thing. but fortunately you can mostly skip it if you don’t want to hear/read the ‘plot’ gibberish.
Hah I had the exact same thought
Yeah, I was looking through some of the games there myself just a little while ago. Any recommendations on games that aren’t big, well known, AAA games? I’ve been curious to try some game types that I don’t normally play.
What do you normally like to play?
Usually I play shooters, RPGs, and occasionally strategy.
FWIW I can tell you my favorite games of the last few years: Fez, BattleBlock Theatre, and Ori and the Blind Forest.
Yeah, I keep hearing about that Ori and the Blind Forest game. I don’t typically do platformers, so I was wondering if I should give that one a try. For $10 I guess it’s worth a shot.
Paging Barfman.
Dear nobody,
We don’t care. Go fuck yourself.
White People
It’s funny, though. The Castille case is one over which I’ve seen a number of conservatives express incredulity and uneasiness, especially in light of his acquittal. If nothing else, it’s a step toward recognizing, as I think David French put it, that jurors should be less leery about finding officers guilty when they are clearly culpable.
At least, it would be if progressives weren’t tripping over themselves to make it about race. Forgetting for a moment that the officer is not as lily white as this self-aggrandizing asshole wants to make him out to be, he and his ideologues are deliberately eschewing the opportunity to finally get people, even law and order conservatives, to question how politically insulated cops have become.
Because they’d rather carp on about race again. Because that’s their prism for making sense of diverse, unrelated phenomena: it’s all race. It’s only race. And that’s why we’ll Castille’s killer wasn’t punished, and why the next panicky/overly aggressive cop won’t be punished, and the next after that. Because these race-baiting twerps want to make it about white people.
I thought the cop in that case was never charged.
Acquitted last week.
Also, I misspelled Castile.
So what was the one where the prosecutor didn’t bring charges at all? These cases seem all a blur.
Wait, maybe I’m thinking of the prisoner scalded to death by guards without criminal intent.
That’s one way to get in on the privilege.
For hexadecaroons, the struggle is real in 2017 America.
He makes Terence Trent D’Arby look like Shaka Zulu
That guy is whiter than I’ll ever be, and I’m so pale I got a sunburn in Ireland.
Those kids are gonna be so surprised when they get to some leftist school and they’re now the oppressors.
OMFG. This is the biggest laugh I’ve had all week. What a fount of derp.
He’s like a dumber, less self-aware Carlton.
lol. I think we got that same speech from my Mom at least 100 times.
It’s really sad to read this headcase’s paranoia. He’s going to infect those cillins brains.
Also, homeboy’s wife?
Both smash and cuff.
I waited close to a half-an-hour for someone else to comment, but I know why you were all silent on the topic.
Truly, we have failed you. Except Rhywun. He has an excuse.
The hipsterness kills the boner. Dyed hair, scarf, Buddy Holly glasses? That’s a trifecta of warnings.
Not to mention her taste in men.
Meh. Maybe if she loses the Diane Keeton look.
yeah, the MuhFeelz! is strong with that one.
“While I crawl around in the dirt, searching for for roots of sameness and seeds of compassion, you stand aside and shuffle your feet, just wishing the whole conversation could go away. You justify your privilege. You vilify your victims. Sinking further still, you shut your very eyes and declare the whole conversation a conspiracy and a farce.”
I’d probably be indignant at these accusations if I could figure out what the heck he was saying.
Paranoia will destroy ya.
But yes, it’s great to know that white skin is invulnerable to cop bullets, so that white people have no need to worry about being abused by police.
The Ta-Nehisi Coates school of faux-profundity drivel.
Speaking of which, apparently his comic book didn’t get canceled yet….but it can’t be long for this world.
I love this new channel.
If your emotional reaction to a shooting depends on the race of the shooter and the victim, guess what?
good point
You know, we might actually be able to get some police reform in the pipelines if some people didn’t immediately start throwing emotionally unbalanced temper tantrums about the evil systemic racism of whites. Because for some reason it causes approval of the police to skyrocket amongst the general population and render the issue dead in the water.
It also helps when pontificating about the danger your children face from institutional racism if said children don’t look like they just crawled out of a Lebensborn camp.
I’m going on easy on that because he seems to be legitimately delusional about it and thinks that every soccer mom brownshirt in his neighbourhood can just magically smell the 1/8th black in his spawn.
And that’s just sad.
Wouldn’t you know, Germans are still wrestling with that.
That’s weird, man. It’s almost like the US is majority white, or something.
But yeah, if you wanted to disrupt the nascent reform of the criminal justice system, you couldn’t have invented a better tool than BLM.
If they were intelligent, I’d put their behavior down to a plan to “maximize the contradictions” – stir up the most outrage with the least productive results.
But what’s the end game? Maybe it’s a good cop/bad cop scenario (so to speak) where the “extremists” behave outrageously, then the “moderates” some in and deplore “all this divisiveness in our country today” and suggest that we need to elect more Democrats.
Maybe I’m looking for a coherent agenda where it doesn’t exist.
You know how some organizations like MADD become self-perpetuating after achieving the majority of their goals and thus expand into a much larger and invasive entity to justify its own existence?
BLM started square one like that, fueled by angry left-wing black people. There’s no end goal other than using it as a soapbox for their idiocy.
Whatever it is, it’s depressing.
And incidentally, when he says “I have been trying to be empathetic and compassionate toward you white racist cracker honky bastards,” I don’t really believe him.
I think you’re thinking about it more deeply (deeplier?) than they are.
I think many BLM people are very sincere, I question the integrity of the people in charge. I don’t think those people are motivated by reforming law enforcement and the courts. I think they have been compromised, however lofty the initial goals, into becoming just another front for the Democratic party and it’s Statist goals.
Obviously if Hillary showcased Michael Brown’s mother she (Hillary) must have had them coopted and thought it was helping the Democrats.
But apparently the Democrats don’t seem to know much about what helps the Democrats.
Felon grabbed rifle as buffalo charged him
and of course, he’s being charged with a felon in possession of a firearm.
WTF does there need to be alcohol testing in a case, or really showing up for his court appearance, that has nothing to do with alcohol?
Because he previously killed someone while driving drunk.
For which his sentence appears to have been fully discharged.
What does alcohol testing have to do with showing up for a court appearance for an alleged crime that has nothing to do with alcohol? I don’t think it has anything to do with either the case or his past. I think it’s a standard FYTW condition judges attach, at cost to the defendant.
Yes, when under court supervision, whether in jail, on probation, house arrest, etc., you are not allowed to drink, smoke pot, whatever.
Or so I’ve been told.
Even deferred sentences, I think, technically you aren’t supposed to drink until the time of the sentence would be up, but I’m not a lawyer, which is good: can you imagine the look on the poor shmuck who drew me as his public defender?
“For which his sentence appears to have been fully discharged.”
If that were true, he wouldn’t be in trouble right now. He’s a convicted felon. It’s a punishment that under most circumstances can never be fully discharged.
I’m not saying I agree with it. That’s just how it is.
Maybe he’ll try pleading justification…though generally that isn’t the easiest defense to make…
random thoughts: why wars end
1. death/capture/surrender of key leader
examples: US civil war, Spartacus revolt, Napoleonic wars, WW2 in Asia
2. capture of capital city/key stronghold
examples: Sri Lankan civil war, WW2 in Europe, Vietnam war
3. exhaustion of one or more sides
examples: 30 Years War, WWI on eastern front, Chinese civil war, Iran-Iraq war
4. intervention of new belligerent
examples: WWI on western front
MIT gives these reasons as most important factors in ending a war
A great power indicates interest in terminating hostilities and negotiating a settlement.
New military effectiveness on one side discourages the other side from belief in military victory.
A great power urges one side to avoid provoking a full-scale war.
The reasons for initial intervention by one side remain, but forces committed are inadequate.
The sides are negotiating.
Arrival of arms in one side raises the prospect of a wider war.
Military balance remains heavily in favor of one side.
External pressures for terminating develop almost as soon as fighting starts.
The “non-status quo”[11] side achieves its primary goals
One side is unable to cut off the arms supply to the other side.
Use of force by one side alienates potential allies.
Countries on which the “non-status quo” side is dependent are unable or unwilling to give further support.
Prolongation of hostilities erodes resources of one side.
The leader of one side announces a cease fire.
The sides and their supporters are willing to negotiate a settlement.
The “status quo” side counters violence by arrests and strong reprisals.
The “non-status quo” side has few and primitive arms, and weak training and organization.
The “status quo” side has the military advantage.
One side maintains overwhelming military preponderance in the area.
One side has very weak military forces.
The Commander in chief of one side’s army advises against more military activity.
A superpower fears growth of conflict into a wider war.
A great power supporting the “status quo” side contemplates intervention.
The “non-status quo” side faces economic problems as a result of hostilities.
Practical geographical limits in the disputed area make extended operations difficult.
Wait, you left out the one where hippies sing about peace and make everyone erupt into sentimental hugging.
And there was this song they sang at camp (not boot camp) where a country invaded its neighbor to seize its fabled treasure, which turned out to be a box with a note saying “peace on earth.”
Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, here it is.
Since you don’t have any treasure
And you wasted all our time
We’ll just go enslave you all
And make you labor in our mines
That was actually kind of a huge hit song in the 70’s
That doesn’t work, Eddie, you have to actually put flowers in the barrels if you want the guns to become non functioning.
Darn it, I lose more hippies that way…
Don’t let Eddie dissuade you; I enjoy listening to modern military intelligence. It really hasn’t changed. Huh. Be careful, unless your name is Clinton.
Can you believe they’re selling this top-secret map on the Internet?
Wars end for one reason and one reason only. The two sides no longer disagree on which side will win the war on the terms
it wants.
J. R. R. Tolkien love nest goes on the market
If it includes A night with Tauriel I’ll make an offer.
Good grief…
” Throughout the film, a subplot develops involving romance between her and Kíli….Tauriel becomes curious of Kíli’s talisman…”
God bless thick thursday.