We Americans are stuck with this scruffy-looking asshole interrupting Bar Rescue marathons approximately every 15 minutes:
But the Australians get her:
The Japanese get her:
The Malaysians get her:
Hong Kongers get them:
And the Brits get full-on lipstick lesbian porn:
Fuck trivago.
I guess I’m the new fist of etiquette
Then fold time and post first in the last 6 articles.
I got two in a row today. I’m working on it
Did it have a quote and snark???
You mean, like this?
Also you need a pithy blurb for each video
How the hell do we wind up with Creepy Uncle? #MTGA!!!
The very first time I saw that commercial I couldn’t believe how creepy he is
It’s like they woke him up from in front of the studio, gave him a quick shave, and threw a shirt on him. I typically don’t wear shoes, and I think he looks like hell.
Crikey, not the Trivago kunt. I mean, the first one.
The current Taiwan guy is generic clean cut dude. The current Hong Kong trivogo model is personable and handsome. Both not creepy US trivogo uncle.
Yah, I don’t even know what that avatar is, but I think it’s a commie avatar. Fat Che? Young fat Castro with a watermelon on his head? You know, watermelons are secret commie symbols. Red on the inside.
The truth is more incredible than you could ever imagine.
My daughter had her birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. That I found it abandoned and ready for the taking made the whole effort worth it.
Well, now it’s all making sense. Nothing is more commie than Chuck E Cheese.
Bullshit. Chuck E Cheese is an incredible profit center that is win-win for all participants. There’s even an impressive log and lockup audit scheme for the “high end” ($10 post-markup) merch to keep the employees honest. One of the party guests, a ginger son of a quadroon, had the best day of his life on Saturday too. Just don’t eat the pizza if you’re older than 12. Opt instead for a microbrew on tap.
My favorite part of Chuck E Cheese is when they have a riot with chicks beating each other up for no known reason.
My dad used to joke that the only way he could tolerate taking me to Chuck E. Cheese when I was growing up was because they served beer. Now we’ve all gotten older, we have Dave and Buster’s as an adult Chuck E. Cheese, just without the animitronic robots. We delegate them to horror games.
Fuck that noise. I forget which kid of mine had their first b-day party at Chuck E Cheese, but it was the last one I went to. Got a lot of flack from Mrs. Holiness about it too, but I stood firm.
I swear to doG the noise and flashing lights were enough to cause seizures.
Our local Chuck’s is still going gangbusters though, so there must be a lot of people who have more tolerance for that shit than me.
I’m going to laminate and frame it.
Are you surprised at my tears, sir?
Strong men also cry … strong men also cry.
What does Trivago have against belts???
There is actually an answer to that question.
That’s an oddly specific answer to a question I would’ve never thought to ask.
I just saw this onehere in the States. She’s an improvement, but mixing fucking polka dots with a floral print skirt? Who does that?
And that is ONE HELL OF A BELT.
Yeah…that skirt really needed to come off her.
*closes closet door*
Why don’t they make adult granimals?
Then those of us who have no ideas on what constitutes acceptable out door wear wouldn’t have to live in fear of being mocked by Coop.
Luckily I work out of my house now, so it is cheap gym shorts and whatever freebie shirt some vendor gave me. No idea if any of them match.
What… wait… that’s a game?
JRPG thing, that’s a talky section like in Mass Effect or The Witcher.
Whatever, it let’s me fuck the teacher, I’m sold.
I never saw that coming.
JRPGs are NOT games. At least not since Zelda. The Japs need to just stick with tentacle pr0n.
Hyperion confirmed for having shit waifus.
That talky shit is one of a long, long list of garbage I have to filter out of my Steam search results. I mean, come on.
Ah, cut scenes. Why I’m not a huge fan of TW3 with it’s 17,403 hours of cut scenes. Best game I ever watched.
Making a note: Polish-made Cylon detector continues to perform excellently.
Pretty much. I will forever appreciate the Witcher 3 for shitting all over the modern Western RPG market and proving that yes, you can do better.
Meh. I just want to watch this
gamefilm.Here you go, all 13 hours of cutcenes
Which, in a game I spent 169 hours, 9 minutes on a single playthrough (second lowest difficulty, because Witcher 2 ground me into dust), I consider quite reasonable.
I wish there was a Gwent timer I could compare with.
And for reference, my attitude towards cutscenes is generally this
because Witcher 2 ground me into dust
Yous a bitch son.
Implying that’s not 90% of the friggin game
Hey, it’s totally a gameplay mechanic, it improves personas, so it counts!
My hours in Persona 4 will not be in vain.
I hope it is, or it’s gonna be like Persona 3 dungeon grindfest.
From what I’ve heard it’s a mix of Persona 3’s dark elements with Persona 4’s ‘being a better game’. I’ll have to waste the hours to figure it out though.
I have no doubt that they’ll not go to shitty “you can’t control your teammates” and “if you are knocked down, game over, regardless of what powers other guys have” combo of total shit!
Not much “dark” in P3, it was fairly boilerplate anime trope fest until the very end. The end is way better than P4, though.
I think they mean ‘dark’ in the sense of edginess, like Persona 3’s Evoker.
I have heard the game has top-tiered waifus however, which, to be real, is what we’re here for.
Is that by the same company that did Catherine? It looks really familiar.
Yep, they’re better known for their weirdo JRPGs like the Persona series.
Catherine was a wild game. The puzzles got kind of repetitive but it gets mad credit for creativity.
What the damn fuck is it with naming games after women? Are games like hurricanes now? They’re going to run out of names and we’re going to get games named Harold and Milton. You’ve been warned!
They know their audience?
13 year old boys? ”I’m gonna see Pamela’s titties now!”.
Catherine is a dating simulator/puzzle game that’s about choosing between two women named Katherine/Catherine, so it’s appropriate.
OT: Every time I open Firefox they’re shilling for shitty net neutrality. Do they have some kind of cronyism kickback or are they really that stupid?
Could be both. I mean, they dumped their CEO for wrongthink, so I’d say “they’re that stupid” is likely a for sure.
Every time Mozilla rolls out an update Firefox gets worse, so I’m going with stupid.
Eh, that’s pretty much just how Mozilla is. Half browser vendor, half EFF-lite.
People still use Firefox…?
*Hmmm* What browser should a good Glibertarian be using?
You’ll have an ASCII version of Thicc Thursday for us?
(‿ˠ‿) before you get to it
No idea, but one that doesn’t push a political agenda would be nice. Plus Firefox has sucked for a long time.
Well, it’s either Firefox or Safari. And I re-set my home page so I don’t see any of their political crap. But I appreciate your point.
chrome? ghostery?
Unfortunately, Chrome doesn’t work with a lot of the online courses and Learning Management Systems I use.
I dunno, Mozilla has improved Firefox’s performance a lot in recent years. It runs pretty well nowadays, and they’re doing a lot of interesting stuff under the hood. Although its security still pales in comparison to Chrome’s.
The only major browser vendor that doesn’t back net neutrality is Apple, and it’s not as though they don’t get obnoxious in other realms.
To clarify, Apple has been publicly mum about net neutrality (IIRC) — it hasn’t come out against it, either.
Huh, I figured they’d be all over that. I like some things about Safari and would consider using it at home if I wasn’t on Windows at work.
I’ve been using Opera for about 6 months
Its based on chrome, but has some firefoxy user-interface/gui/menu arrangements which i find more… well, windowsish. if you are someone who intuitively does things in a certain way from years of using PC’s, it comes more natural than Chrome’s m.o.
it also has some features like embedded ad-blocking, VPN, and other things that reduce the need for plugins/extensions. it will run any chrome extensions tho,
no problems with it so far.
I used Opera about 10 years ago before they switched to Chromium – it was… interesting. Same unusual GUI plus lots of incompatibilities with certain sites. But it was blazingly fast. I really liked their mail client, too.
Opera’s nice. I’ve used Vivaldi, too, which is apparently a project started by Opera people who felt like it was getting to mainstream, if that gives you an idea of what to expect. They actually market it as not intended for people who aren’t “power users”.
It’s good. It’s a browser. You can get into the guts of it and hack the shit out of the UI because it’s basically just React in Node.
I used to be a Firefox diehard but I’ve found that for as efficient as it is it would crap the bed good and hard, and I’d have to do a clean install to recover. After the third time I just went back to Chrome.
They would if it would stop updating itself on the same day.
Sadly, yes. Although it’s really starting to Piss. Me. Off.
(I still like Thunderbird, though . . . )
Oh god I have tried Thunderbird so many times and it just seems to feel so… old, now. When I’m on Windows I find there really isn’t any decent email client. Outlook is OK at work but for home use it’s overkill.
Tried Postbox? I rather liked it, but I didn’t want to whole-heartedly move over to it from T-bird. If I could find a browser that used the flow of Firefox but didn’t have all the hair and bloat all over it, I’d probably switch to Postbox as my e-mail client.
Spoiler: nerds really, really, REALLY have a boner for net neutrality. The idea that any ISP can prefer one kind of traffic over another enrages them more than a gun confiscation scheme announced at a tractor pull would anger a yokeltarian.
I thought it was just a boner for government control.
No, if the regulation was “and FCC shall allow companies to make deals for preferred traffic, subject to a hearing” they’d still be screeching about Corporate Conspiracy and shit. They have the same kind of hate for, say, Theresa May’s “We need to break encryption” as they do for net neutrality.
OK, they’re right about encryption but total governement control is a necessary condition for any of their other pipe dreams.
It seems like deregulation and allowing more than one or two ISPs to offer service in an area would solve the issue that government regulation produced, and would make net neutrality a moot point since you could always switch ISPs.
For some odd reason that argument rarely comes up amongst those railing against corporate greed. I guess if all the city planning commissions didn’t enforce a monopoly or a duopoly, then we would transform into Somalia overnight.
So, I’m more yokel than cosmo, but on any given day i can waffle back and forth on NN. To me it’s like open borders, I support OB in theory, just as I oppose NN in theory. But they’re complex issues.
One of the things that give me pause is that I don’t want politically connected media corporations with a near monopoly in certain areas, to be able to block sites because of their ideological content. Or block things like VPN services and tor. To me NN is as much about speech, as it is allowing streaming services to negotiate for more bandwidth.
If the ISP market wasn’t locked down by government cronies, my attitude would be more firmly planted against NN.
For now, but mainly because of encryption and spying, i support the EFF. Despite some of their seriously irritating bed fellows.
You’re right about nerds (I am one, and know plenty) though, they’re often natural technocrats.
Yeah, but with net neutrality, that means we get rid of sites we don’t agree with like Drudge Report and Glibertarians! WIN/WIN!
Caroline Wozniacki.
Barely SFW.
It’s nice to see that SJWESPN isn’t above a little T&A.
They’ve gotta at least try to make a *little* money right?
It’s too bad there are no attractive women’s tennis players.
I wonder what McEnroe thinks of her?
OMG. That’s really unattractive for a woman that isn’t obese. Looks like a damn teenage boy. *barf*
I developed a theory of “This measures your Patriarchy” as I was going through videos, but then Brits had to go fuck that up.
I assume the Trivago ad in certain Eastern European countries is just a bunch of local skinheads raping an afghan refugee, and the only travel plan they market is, “safe passage back to your country of origin”
This is happening in Trump’s America.
“I felt like they were using molestation and rape as punishment”
Umm, ok.
I feel like they might be exaggerating?
You can’t know their feelings and then their feelings need to be believed. Or something.
A feel’s argument is worth twice a facts.
Idiots like that are why we can’t get police reform.
Hey Doom, just wanted to send a thank you for linking that sweet ass 1953 Willys m381a on the auction site a month or so back. It is sitting in my garage right now and is a very well preserved military Willys. I drove up with a buddy and his trailer to Auburn last week to pick it up. Runs real strong.
Fuck yea!
I have wanted a jeep or FJ for a very long time and just said fuck it. It’s a beauty. You can drive it if you ever are out on SF.
That’s great! I’m glad you picked it up. There’s a glib car site if you want to throw pictures!
Nice! I will do so.
Feminist screaming in Laura Southern’s face: “Rape victims need to be believed!”
Laura: “OK. You raped me.”
strangely, all the footage i’ve ever seen of the protests show rioting while police stand around and do nothing.
yes, holding a camera is magic. I’ve literally never seen a single one of these antifa rallies where every single person wasn’t taking cell-camera footage of everything around them.
Its every cops dream to finger antifa butts. they brag to their buddies about it.
I’m not sure this proves what you think it proves.
Proves paying people off with other people’s money is kind of neat?
Proves that these idiots have a perfect incentive to simply swamp the Metro PD with so many claims that the PD knows would be too costly to bother processing, and so just pay them to fuck off.
I might find some of these claims plausible if they hadn’t taken 6 months to get over their ass-PTSD, or actually identified a single offending officer by name
It’s not hard to imagine how quick AntiFa would’ve ran to the media if these claims were true. And the media would’ve tripped over themselves to carry the story first. So, yeah, I agree with you.
yes, holding a camera is magic. I’ve literally never seen a single one of these antifa rallies where every single person wasn’t taking cell-camera footage of everything around them.
Until you try taking footage of the antifas [sic] themselves.
Colorful Paris basketball court: http://tinyurl.com/y8pfm9fy
Hard to tighten your D when you’re having a seizure.
Goodbye, depth perception.
I went golfing at night last month.
Glow in the dark balls, all par 3’s. some glow sticks thrown around the green and one glow at the top and bottom of the flag.
It’s very hard to judge distance or slope.
I last played in the summer of 1999. Night golf might actually get me back out there.
It was pretty fun. They put 9 groups of 4 out I think, all at once. We started on the 1st, which was lucky. and everyone just plays 9 holes.
I brought cheap beer, the people I was with brought nice wine that they gave me.
Night Nurse might get you back out there. Gregory Isaacs “The Lover” live on videotape https://youtu.be/ec9KwGWvSpM
Night Nurse? Wtf? I meant Night of the Cadillacs. GenX. This is the fucking gooood shit. https://youtu.be/Vg-BhoIFFqI
And more Gen X. https://youtu.be/nF2Ns_jabeE
Ugly dudes, but photogenic. Awesome song. https://youtu.be/nF2Ns_jabeE
Awesome video. Billy was always destined for greatness. Love that version of the song.
Pfft. Back in high school we tried this (in 1984). We tried painting golf balls with some glow in the dark paint, but it didn’t work too well. We were also sneaking onto the course. Overall it never caught on too much.
On the other hand it did a great job of luring young ladies out with us at night. The painted golf balls didn’t work, but the beer and our good looks worked just fine…
I’m getting dizzy.
Two things nobody mentioned:
1. NBA style lane instead of euro-lane.
2. set of stairs right on the court is semi-camouflaged by the geometric paint job.
Interesting that they put all that work into painting the court, but the players are the same standard color you see everywhere.
OT: Netflix recommendation
I’m just about the furthest thing from an enthusiasts of Broadway musicals, or any NYC centric subject matter as a whole.
That being said; Oh, Hello on Broadway, is the poo.
Cool. Will dip my toe.
Is poo good or bad?
I recommend poo….in all walks of life.
Brian Williams is on MSNBC right now bawling about Trump calling the Russian witchhunt a hoax is somehow an attack on the press and freedom of speech itself. You know, the exact same kind of stuff you can read at Reason nowadays.
Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, Couric, Rather, Brokaw etc. Gee, I wonder why people don’t trust network news anymore.
He’s still fucking going on about it 15 minutes later. Trump’s feelbad words about blatantly left-wing propaganda outlets are an attempt to “diminish the freedom of the press and a free society” blah blah blah.
Brian Williams with a job and waxing poetic about freedom of the press and speech is where The Twilight Zone and The Bizarro World intersect.
That reminds me of what I really hate about the media situation right now. At least other networks covered the Rather fake documents. Today, the other networks wouldn’t even mention it, just like they didn’t mention the Project Veritas recording on CNN today. It just reeks — not just of bias, but conspiracy at this point. Competition should make them want to point out the other network’s lapses, but of course, they’re all sucking on the same teat so they deny it even exists.
“A pox upon the media
And everything you read
They tell you your opinions
And they’re very good indeed
I wanna destroy you”
The Soft Boys https://youtu.be/VAt7hK_zKr0
If anyone is an expert on fake news, it’s Brian Williams
Shoe0nHead goes to huffpo for makeup advice
I just got into a good two hour “debate” with my wife about a HuffPo video montage of Hannity saying stupid shit. After sitting through it, I saw the HuffPo bit and was like, “Ugh, HuffPo.” She was like, “Why do you love Shawn Hannity?” And I spent about thirty minutes trying to tell her that it was like she showed me a National Enquirer article about how Sean(?) Hannity is an idiot. I agree, but I also think the source is bullshit. Then we got into an argument about natural rights. I think I’m breaking through.
did this come up?
I would have just gone with the, “I listen to him ironically,” argument.
That’s why I listen to Alex Jones. OK he’s a crazy scaremongering conspiracy theorist. But at least he’s a hell of a lot more interesting to than NPR’s in depth story about some transgressive lesbian production of 7 Brides for 7 Sisters.
Also note to to self, 7 Brides for 7 Sisters sounds like a decent porn idea
Super late, but she knows me to well to buy the irony excuse. We’re going on a lengthy road trip tomorrow. I’m going to switch out some of her books on tape. I’m going to start with Locke and go from there, but I’ll wait until she takes a nap so it can infiltrate her subconscious.
So Palin is suing the NYT for defamation for that article linking her to the Laughner shooting years after pretty much everyone admitted that ‘that dude was just batshit crazy.’ and politics really had nothing to do with it.
IANAL, but it seems like she might have a case, since the NYT published a story that had already been thoroughly debunked. So I’m kind of curious what the other IANAL crowd thinks about the merits of the case.
I think the NYT might start advocating jury nullification?
it was an editorial.
i doubt she has a case. its pretty much impossible for a politician to be defamed. it wouldn’t matter how debunked the story was; it was a matter of opinion, not a question of fact.
Trivago = The Only Hotel/Travel Service That You’ll Ever Confuse With Your Dick-Hardening Drugs
What is this I don’t even
Really, I did laugh at “This is what four stars looks like.” in the brit version.
Not sure what TV you’re watching, but I see Auztralian Trivago girl all the time here in ‘Merika.