Gather ’round kids, because this week’s sedrah is Chukat. And harking back to last week’s mention of the Documentary Hypothesis*, this one clearly shows the Frankenstein stitches of an editing portmanteau. Basically, it’s an incredibly tedious Priestly document which suddenly lurches to fragments of Jahwist and Elohist. That said, we can divide this into two parts: pointless ritual, followed by the usual Pissed Off Yahweh.
Trigger Warning: Tedium Ahead
Chukat is mostly concerned with the Law of the Red Cow. The Law of the Red Cow is the recipe for creating the Water of Lustration. Aren’t you glad I told you? Now down to specifics.
Step One is “get a red cow.” But not just any Red Cow, because Yahweh is picky. This has to be a perfect cow, a virgin (basically), never yoked, without blemish. There is of course extensive rabbinical debate over what “unblemished” means (which raises tedium to a new level). Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:
Rabbi Eliezer ruled that… the Red Cow (פָרָה, parah) prescribed in Numbers 19:2 had to be two years old. But the Sages ruled that… the Red Cow could be three or four years old. Rabbi Meir ruled that the Red Cow could be even five years old, but they did not wait with an older cow, as it might in the meantime grow some black hairs and thus become invalid.
Rabbi Eliezer ruled that a Red Cow that was pregnant was nonetheless valid, but the Sages ruled it invalid. Rabbi Eliezer ruled that the Red Cow could not be purchased from Gentiles, but the Sages ruled that such cow could be valid. If the horns or the hoofs of the Red Cow were black, they were chopped off, and the Red Cow was then valid. The cow’s eye, teeth, and tongue could cause no invalidity. And a dwarf-like cow was nonetheless valid. If the Red Cow had a sebaceous cyst and they cut it off, Rabbi Judah ruled the cow invalid, but Rabbi Simeon ruled it invalid only if no red hair grew in its place.
A Red Cow born by a caesarean section, the hire of a harlot, or the price of a dog was invalid. Rabbi Eliezer ruled it valid, for Deuteronomy 23:19 states, “You shall not bring the hire of a harlot or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord your God,” and the Red Cow was not brought into the Temple. The Mishnah taught that all blemishes that caused consecrated animals to be invalid as sacrifices also caused the Red Cow to be invalid. If one had ridden on the cow, leaned on it, hung on its tail, crossed a river with its help, doubled up its leading rope, or put one’s cloak on it, the cow was invalid. But if one had only fastened it by its leading rope or made for it a sandal to prevent it from slipping, or spread one’s cloak on it because of flies, it remained valid. The general rule was that wherever one did something for its own sake, the cow remained valid; but if one did something for the sake of another purpose, it invalidated the cow. If a bird rested on the cow, it remained valid. If a bull mounted it, it became invalid; but Rabbi Judah ruled that if people brought the bull to mate with the cow, the cow became invalid, but if the bull did so on its own, the cow remained valid.
If a cow had two black or white hairs growing within one follicle, it was invalid. Rabbi Judah said even within one hollow. If the hairs grew within two adjacent follicles, the cow was invalid. Rabbi Akiva ruled that even if there were four or even five non-red hairs, if they were dispersed, they could be plucked out. Rabbi Eliezer ruled that even as many as 50 such hairs could be plucked. But Rabbi Joshua ben Bathyra ruled that even if it had only one non-red hair on its head and one on its tail, it was invalid. If the cow had two hairs in one follicle with their roots black and their tips red or with their roots red and their tips black, Rabbi Meir taught that what was visible determined validity; but the Sages ruled that validity followed the root.
Rav Judah reported in Samuel’s name an account of the rarity of completely Red Cows: When they asked Rabbi Eliezer how far the honor due parents extended, Rabbi Eliezer told of a non-Jew from Ashkelon named Dama son of Nethinah. The Sages offered Dama a profit of 600,000 gold denarii (or Rav Kahana said 800,000 denarii) in exchange for jewels that he had that the Sages could use in the ephod, but as the key to the jewels lay under Dama’s father’s pillow, Dama declined the offer so as not to trouble his father. The next year, God rewarded Dama by causing a Red Cow to be born in his herd. When the Sages went to buy it, Dama told them that he knew that he could ask for all the money in the world and they would pay it, but he asked for only the money that he had lost in honoring his father.
This is the shit rabbis do to pass the time.
Step Two is “kill the cow.” But of course, it has to be done a certain way by a certain person in a certain place. Because Yahweh is really, really picky. The priest must take the cow outside of the camp (for desert folk) or the city (for city folk), slit its throat with the right hand, catch some blood with the left hand, then sprinkle it seven times in the direction of the Tabernacle.
Step Three is “burn the cow.” But that doesn’t mean barbecue. Oh no, the cow has to be burned thoroughly, in a fire that also burns hyssop, cedar, and crimson wool. If you don’t get all that in with the cow, Yahweh is going to get a rage-boner and there’s going to be some divine fireworks of the unpleasant sort.
Step Four is to mix the ashes with some water to form Water of Lustration. And WoL is handy shit, useful for all sorts of ritual purifications starting with…
Step Five, wherein the guy who killed the cow and the guy who burned the cow now have to be purified. This involves washing their clothes, dipping hyssop into the WoL and sprinkling it around, waiting until sunset, waving a dead chicken over their heads, and having them don fezzes and drive around in tiny cars. Or something like that.
Once you have WoL on hand, you’ll find that all sorts of ritual purifications become easier. Touch a dead guy, WoL will clean you (it takes a week, but that beats being impure forever). Someone dies in a tent, yep, WoL will make that tent useful again. Each time, the key is to dip hyssop into the WoL and start sprinkling it around. I’m sure you’ll need a Prop 65 warning and an MSDS to make this legal, but a resourceful Jew is a blessed Jew. The whole corpse-contamination thing is incredibly complex, but WoL is in the middle of all of it. By the way, here’s a rather recherche passage from the Talmud regarding corpse taboos:
Ulla said: According to the law of the Torah the skin of a man is clean, but for what reason did they say it was unclean? As a precautionary measure lest a man make rugs out of the skin of his father and mother.
Insert lampshade joke here.
OK, I could go on in great detail about corpses and purification, but frankly, this shit’s putting me to sleep. I hope you get the point which is that there IS no point.
From here, the story lurches to desert-wandering action. Mostly, it’s Jews running into other tribes and killing them, which seems to have pleased Yahweh. The sedrah is just a tribe-by-tribe account of how they got killed and basic stats. But there is one significant story in there as well, and naturally, it’s all about Yahweh being a major asshole yet again, and the Jews being whiny bitches.
The whiny bitches were getting thirsty. “Mommy, bring me a drink of water!” or something like that. Moses and Aaron, both being mindful of the necessity of distributing goodies to remain in power in Middle Eastern cultures, went to Yahweh and said, “We gotta come up with some water or these Jews are going to be a major painus in the anus.”
Yahweh responded, “See that rock over yonder? The big gray one? Yeah that one. Grab your walking stick, go over to it, and tell it to give you water. And make sure the Jews are watching so they know that it’s Another Yahweh Miracle.”
So with the restive Jews following them, Moses and Aaron walked over to the rock. Moses hollered, “OK, y’all want water?”
The Jews responded, “Yes!”
Moses yelled, “I CAN’T HEAR YOOOOUUU!”
The Jews screamed, “YESSSSSSS!”
Then Moses and Aaron turned to the rock at hit it with the walking stick. Water gushed forth in impressive quantities. Yay, a miracle! Except… this pissed off Yahweh because he hadn’t said anything about using a stick, he had just mentioned the yelling part. Like I said Yahweh is picky. And when a picky asshole isn’t satisfied, assholery is inevitable. The first thing Yahweh did was tell Moses and Aaron, “Forget entering The Promised Land, you disobeyed me.” Then he said to Aaron, “OK, you’re through as High Priest. Turn over your robes, breastplates, and employee ID to Eleazer, your son. Maybe HE won’t be such a useless fuck-up.” So Aaron gave them to Moses to pass along, then died. When Yahweh fires you, your severance is death, and he will not wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Moses was looking a bit nervous at this point, but Yahweh said, “No worries. I’m going to kill you, just not quite yet. I have a few jobs for you to do first.” As you might expect, the “jobs” involved killing a bunch of other tribes. And as usual, Yahweh decided to plague the Jews, this time with serpents. And not just ordinary serpents- these were Fire Serpents. The verses are unclear on how many Jews he offed that way, but I would not be surprised if it were 12,900. And again as usual, he instructed Moses on how to do the extermination, by putting a Nehushtan on the top of his stick (the stick that started all this trouble) and having anyone bitten by a Fire Serpent be cured by looking at the bronze. I guess if you were blind, you were shit out of luck.
I’ll leave this as a cliffhanger. You know Moses is going to die, the question will be where and how…
*I am still not yet convinced of the Fragmentary Hypothesis, not that it really matters.
must not be at “work”
I’d yoke the fuck out of that cow, if you know what I mean.
How you doin’?
Too many white hairs. Doesn’t count.
The hairs aren’t white naturally.
Think about it.
I did… and I regret it.
That’s turnt up. Show me something in heat.
Tarentaise Tuesday?
I was going to ask how you’re supposed to confirm that detail, but then i remembered i don’t want to know
in (mostly) unrelated* news:
I simply can’t understand why distorted trombone played through a wah-wah pedal never caught on
*i say mostly, because its possible a cow having its virginity confirmed sounds a great deal like a distorted trombone being played through a wah wah pedal
I was thinking something the reverse of this
This is one of those things they never taught me in Hebrew School, for some reason.
You need to hang out with more evangelicals hankering for the end times. It’s become relatively big news a few times in the past 20 years.
Christians see the snake story as prefiguring Christ – “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up”
So how much water of life do you get from one cow? As always, I really enjoy reading the Jewsday article.
More than the cow got.
How much water of life do you get from a sand worm?
I know I’m a heathen atheist but the thing that gets me is I wonder how these rituals are thought to be a good idea in the first place. Whether it’s the rituals above to the Aztecs going. You know the sun has come up without human sacrifice but we need to start engaging in human sacrifice to make sure the sun comes up. How do these things even get started?
I attribute it mostly to boredom and partially to the fact that humans really like to find causal relationships with everything.
God’s picky no one needs 27 kinds of ritual cow.
Its the same with any government regulation. You need to make things just complex enough to keep the administrative-class employed.
If this were simply bureaucratic empire-building, they’d arrange it so there was less work. Say what you will of the elaborate regulations for proper worship in ancient Israel, they are not very easy.
As in today’s narrative, a lot of this stuff involves priests doing badly and getting into trouble with God. If the sole purpose of these scriptures was to con the laity and make them obedient to the priestly class, why all these stories of Priests Behaving Badly?
To keep the priests in line?
/turtles all the way down
Got to have some illusion of accountability in the upper classes. Indicates that you shouldn’t rebel against the priests, because if they’re doing a bad/evil job God will take care of it for you.
Nowadays we call it the Department of Justice.
That same logic applies to the story of the rebels against Moses, discussed in a previous OMWC post. God punished the rebels, so by the logic of your argument, the text was telling the readers not to punish rebels because God would do it.
No, by my logic the text was telling people not to rebel against their betters, because God will come down and kick your shit in. The priests have the advantage of putting down rebellions in the context of it being warranted by the divine.
But based on the historical record he seems to rent that job out to the Romans.
We have a long tradition of hiring the Italians to do the hits.
This is hard to falsify, since if the Bible described the priests as invariably virtuous, or as least as getting away with what they did, that too would be read to mean that the Bible is teaching readers to be subservient to priests.
This is hard to falsify,
Well we’re not going to get anywhere if you’re allowed to have unfalsifiable hypothesis (God) and I’m not!
(This was meant as more humorous than insulting)
The thing is, some people (I’m not saying you necessarily) think the ideas of Judeo-Christianity are so absurd that any old attempt at refutation will do.
Look, I’m used to classical and ancient writers being entirely biased and with their own motivations, political and moral, when it comes to their writing. And that’s pretty consistently cross-cultural. I don’t treat the Bible any different in that aspect, I treat their claims as seriously as I treat Herodotus claiming that people lose battles or die because they disrespected the gods.
The New American Bible, Revised Edition actually has a lot of contextual analysis about the various books.
FOr example, here’s the analysis of the story about Noah’s daughters date-raping him and giving birth the ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites (Genesis 19:30-38):
“This Israelite tale about the origin of Israel’s neighbors east of the Jordan and the Dead Sea was told partly to ridicule these ethnically related but rival nations and partly to give popular etymologies for their names. The stylized nature of the story is seen in the names of the daughters (“the firstborn” and “the younger”), the ease with which they fool their father, and the identical descriptions of the encounters.”
I thought you might use the account of King David killing Saul’s killer –
“Your blood is on your head, for you testified against yourself when you said, ‘I put the LORD’s anointed to death.’”
Context: Saul had been trying to kill David, but Saul was still an anointed king.
I think this passage had a bit of a workout in the era of the Divine Right of Kings.
An interesting take on the response to euthanasia as well. And after David had completed The Great Foreskin Hunt.
I’d have to actually dig into the historicity and authorship of the book of Samuel before I made a comment, I don’t treat the Bible as a collective whole but separate works written by different authors, often in different periods with different motivations. Hell, the Torah alone is a bit of mess is that regard, Exodus itself is believed to be a product of the Babylonian exile, which opens up plenty of argumentation as to what its authors motivations at the time were.
Well they hadn’t yet thought up the industry-innovation of “indulgences” yet.
That’s a boom market that ends with quite the bust.
I don’t see any “Head Jew” living in cribs like this
And last i checked, the mortgage was paid off. Meanwhile, the Rabbis are still dickering with Arabs over who has title to some pile of rocks in the middle of nowhere.
Yeah but you ruined the neighbourhood. This was on your front lawn for a couple hundred years.
A sign! A sign!
Possible Parah Adumah (Red Heifer) On Outskirts of Lakewood, New Jersey
Noted: the “farmer” drives an AMG SL-63
yeah that was supposed to be down below
Humans tend to see crazy patterns in the fabric of reality and then develop ritualized practices in an attempt to conform to them.
We’re much more civilized than that now obviously. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go march on Washington in the hopes of stopping Russian Secret Nazi President.
I think they’re cool with when the sun comes up.
It’s the clouds, lack of rain, and volcanos that were the problem.
And the damn locusts
BTW everyone there’s a post after this so don’t go to bed early.
You insider one percenters! You going to the cocktail parties too? Next up, cruises. Better hope they don’t invite STEVE SMITH!
I can’t imagine (((cocktails))) being very exciting.
I assume it’s BYOB.
You all be careful. I heard O’Keefe is doing a sting on glib contributors. Supposedly he has video of HM saying, “Actually, I like women’s asses that could be mistaken for being on a 15 year old boy.”
To be fair, my wife is indeed a willowy Asian woman with an almost concave ass.
Yee-haw!!! a new stand-alone Secret Nazi President comic! awesome!!!1!!
Cool story. A Jewish colleague was listening to my tale of visiting Mormon sites in SLC and learning about Moroni and the origin of the gold plates, etc. “What a crock of shit,” said he.
I restrained myself from suggesting he look skeptically at his religion too.
Mormonism has the disadvantage of coming into being at a far better recorded time with plenty of solid sourcing. Found your religion at time when literacy is less common and sprinkle in a couple centuries of record destruction and now we get to argue the historicity of Jesus.
I get frustrated with my fellow Christians who argue that our faith is “rational.” I point out that believing your sins were forgiven because, 2000 years ago some guy got nailed to a cross in Palestine is not rational and, in fact, is pretty weird. Doesn’t mean I don’t believe it but that’s faith, not rationality.
There’s this:
“Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth.”
And in any case, weird /= false.
“And in any case, weird /= false.”
When the first doubts about religion started creeping into my mind, was when I started learning there were ‘other’ religions, and that they didn’t agree with ‘our’ religion. I was probably 9-10 years old. So I started asking the ‘experts’, which was pretty much any adult around me. The answer? Them are false religions that try to trick people into aligning with THE DEBIL! And so then I ask well, don’t those other religions also tell their followers that they are the only one true religion? So how do we know who’s right? This is the part where you were told to shut up you smart mouth little brat before you get beaten and locked in the broom closet for a week with only chickenfeed and foul water. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, but not that much.
Is that THE red cow? You know, the one that’s bringing about apocalypse and all that?
ION, yet another shining example of how our heroes in blue are keeping us safe by keeping bad people off the streets.
Our heroes
Oh come on. Who among you would believe a Florida Man when he tells you that the white powder in his car isn’t cocaine?
The guy was probably wearing kneepads, had drywall stilts in the back seat, and was hauling 20 unused sheets of drywall and and 5 buckets of compound on a trailer when he was pulled over.
Cop 1: Hey, what’s that white powder all over you!?
Suspect: Umm, drywall.
Cop 2: Drywall, what the hell is that?, it’s dope!
Cop 1 and 2: *pulls guns* GET OUT OF THE CAR!!!
I agree with all of that except the knee pads. Any time I wear those things I rip them off the first chance I get.
Then why put them on to begin with?
Because it’s still better than crawling around under my house without them.
I used to work for, and I remember getting pulled over after work on july 4th (I worked second shift so this was roughly 11 PM). The cops we’re like ‘You been drankin?!’ to which I replied ‘No, I just got off of work’. They asked me where I work, to which I replied ‘godaddy’, which was immediately followed with ‘Is that a BAR?!’
No, it’s a fucking whorehouse, you dumbshits.
I got pulled over once by this redneck fuckstick Ohio state trooper who asked me ‘You got any explosives in your car’? Seriously, I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The guy looked and talked like something out a comedy sitcom, like Boss Hogg. I’m thinking this fucker cannot even be real. So then he tells me my car fits the description of the getaway car from a bank that was just robbed. At this point I’m just quiet. So then he tells me, ‘We can stay here all day if you want to lie to me’. Me, silence. He goes back to his car and about 20 minutes later comes back and tells me I can go. I almost felt sorry for him, he must have had a really sad life.
Low bar, but at least the lab didn’t fake the test result. Yeah, we aren’t totally corrupt!
Classic Cowboy Poetry = “The Red Cow“
I never saw a red cow,
I never hope to see one.
Bong water of lustration is a bitch to get out of shag carpeting.
Good luck and God bless. Or as the say in Japan, “arrivederci!”
Old bong waters smells really awful.
Trigger Warning: Tedium Ahead
What do you have against tedium?
OT. WTF Canada. Couldn’t even give us a warning reacharound. Great job.
Here’s some Canadians. Good band.
It’s Nickelback, isn’t it? I’m soooo not clicking that.
More Canadians. Not Nickleback.
One of my favorite bands. Even though they’re Canadians. French Canadians at that. Playing one of my favorite songs of all time. I’m a couple vodkas deep into this, but fuck I love this band. The Nils
The new Sonic game for the Nintendo Switch looks pretty good.
I knew you weren’t being serious…
You can’t fool me, anything you post with ‘Sonic’ in the name has to be furry porn related.
Gotta go fast
When will you learn that your actions have consequences?
Truly an important video
Kerbal Space Program has finally achieved its true purpose.
I was hoping to see Hillary tied to a heavy lift and fired into the sun.
This, from a site about science, philosophy, society and the arts?
What in the hell is going on here?
Sealy got you covered.
Don’t send that to Antifa, you’lll trigger them into a toddler fit.
Early reports that someone in a helicopter bombed, or tried to bomb, the Venezuelan Supreme Court:
I’m unfamiliar with the Venezuela situation outside of the standard ‘nationalizing an oil industry is dumb’ information, so what’s the current status of the military anyway? Were they purged of everyone who wasn’t a yes man to the regime or could some of these guys just get sick of what’s going on and go back to the typical Venezuelan military dictatorship?
I’m a couple of months out of date, but I remembering commenting back then that a military coup was possible. More likely, IMHO, than a democratic uprising.
Slight musing: David Drake wrote a short story about a Vietnam platoon that worked their way back to DC fully armed using a combination of phony paperwork, and slight force. They were well on their way to wasting most of the upper levels of the US government*
*they were only stopped by a time-traveling task which in my mind only gives more support to the feasibility of the original threat.
In Vince Flynn’s “Term Limits,” a group of vets starts taking out political leaders demanding politicians set aside partisanship, return power to the people, enforce term limits on all congress-critters, and balance the budget.
I would just like to point out, before I even RTDA, that OMWC (an old man) has consistently posted this great column week in and week out, despite Vhyrus whining about “how hard it is”.
I keed big V. You’re alright.
You’re still not getting invited on the cocktail cruise. With STEVE SMITH.
It’s Hard
Wait! Click this link instead. Ballon pants, douchy haircuts, too much synth. But Kenny Jones is a good drummer and it’s the freakin Who. Enjoy.
You are a very bad Jew, OMWC. I’ve never seen you do any of this ritual. Well, except the sprinkling “water of lust” around.
To be fair, many of us have done that.
So I’ve heard.
Hector Dywane Alizondo Moses hollered, “OK, y’all want water?”