Happy Hump Day. No more jokes about sweaty bits.
- The US — being less unfree than many places — is experiencing a secondary petrochemical boom (except for the petroleum coke Sloopy needs, apparently) from fracking due to free(r) ability to take risks and make money. If only there were some political philosophy that recognized this ability for people to take more risk for higher reward without the government distorting either the risk or the reward, and the relative benefits that might accrue to such a society.
- One of those more unfree places is Venezuela, where their police apparently have the same average marksmanship as the US. A helicopter strafed the Supreme Court and lobbed grenades, causing no casualties. However, the apparent ringleader is attractive, if not effective, so look for rising support for anti-Maduro factions.
- Glad I didn’t stay in my first IT job today. My former employer is on the affected list. I was there for the Slammer SQL worm. That sucked.
- Fifty percent of nothin… carry the nothin… I’m coming up with… nothin. Large percentages of small numbers are still small numbers. Being able to do math might make me a science denier.
- I love this guy. You just know he has mullet pics. And would probably be a better representative than Paul Ryan.
- It looks like SMOD might be able to save us, but not until 2029. And by save, I mean mercifully destroy.
I could listen to Mark play guitar and Emmylou sing all day long.
First. That is all.
Playa of Etiquette!
Fist, the last holdout.
He’d out himself as a Reason employee when he failed to always be first here.
True, I think the non-compete commentariat contract applies to him.
Less unfree?
Is that like not undelicious?
It’s not not not not less un-anti-free. Does that help?
It probably says something that I counted the “not”s and then wondered
whether “un” and “anti” were antonyms in this case.
He’ll break his promise, just like every other politician.
Will it provide 100% healthcare coverage though?
You’ll never need another plan as long as you live.
Don’t blame me. I knelt before Zod.
Mark Steyn is on a roll, inspired by Canada’s upcoming 150th anniversary. Today he riffs on a case I’ve not heard a thing about, a woman who assaulted fellow Canadian Tire patrons with a golf club, and then a knife.
Also includes this:
I’d like to take Steyn and crossbreed him with Kurt Schlichter and PJ O’Rourke. The acid-tongued polemics could be seen from orbit.
Schlichter needs therapy, his hate boner is the paramount point of his life over any kind of principles. Steyn and O’Rourke are at least defined by their beliefs first.
“I’ll give you guys a quote so that you can call me a fucking idiot in your attack ads. Here it is: I’m a fucking idiot”
The left’s political class has decided that if they reach out to, support, and make a pact with the people trying to kill them all in the name of some insanity, they will leave the leftist political for last. It’s like hoping the alligator eats you last if you throw some idiots at him.
Are they going to ban golf clubs? Why do Canadians need golf clubs anyway? Ice golf?
To club baby seals, duh!
Ok, that makes sense. Canada sounds like fun.
Lookit this derpy motherfucker, it’s got it coming!
You have won my respect.
I’m a make me some fuzzy boots out of that!
“I’ll give you the quote so that you guys can jot it down and put it in an attack ad somewhere that the Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship,” he said. “Because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”
Zoolander seems to think this rhetoric trick is clever, because he pulls it all the time. There was the bit awhile back where he praised how the authoritarian regime of China could make sweeping economic changes and said “there, now you have an out of context quote so you can say I praise dictatorships.”
Uh, yeah Zoolander, because you just did. It’s like saying “Man those Nazis know how to run factories”.
Gas fight!
The first line in the Newsweek article begins with “Sea level rise is real”.
Somehow, they’re able to start at the bottom, and still manage to go downhill from there.
Also, today I learned that Newsweek is still a thing.
Did they do any measurements to prove this?
They looked out at the ocean one day and the water was pretty far back up the beach. 6 hours later it was a lot closer.
+1 not the size of the boat
I’m a failed scientist but, wouldn’t a 3.3mm rise in ocean levels be within any reasonable margin of error?
It’s Oceanography not Oceanology.
Not an ‘ology’, see? Not real science.
You know what would perturb the sea level that much? Lunar apogee. These people are idiots.
Error bars are a Euro-centric while male hetero cis Zionist plot.
3.3 mm = 0.0108268 ft.
Oh noes!11!!
This is how these people operate. I still remember the article that said every dude in Boston would end up growing tits because the water out there was contaminated by female hormones. Do some research, and you discover that there are like 33 parts per billion, meaning you would have to drink something like 30 thousand gallons to get the equivalent of one does of estrogen treatment. Now I drink a lot of water, but I am not sure how I am gonna chug so much of it that I end up with tits if I need to drink 30K gallons per treatement…
Good one from Reason TV/Remy
Best part is the hidden joke when he’s talking about alcohol deaths.
I liked the Native American jab at Warren.
That’s the joke I was referring to.
He gets it right sometimes. This time he aced it.
That was pretty damn funny. Some of those comments though, OMG.
Bernie is the most popular candidate in the country and Hillary was a centrist? What planet does this guy live on?
Psyche fans rejoice. There will be a Psyche: the movie coming later this year.
Also joining the cast will be Zachary Levi as the bad guy.
I’m not sure about Psyche, but I loved Psych
I loved Psycho.
Yeah…I meant Psych.
If it’s rated R and Maggie Lawson gets naked, I’ll let my wife drag me to it. Only if there’s full frontal, though.
Sorry man. If anyone on that show did full frontal you know it would be James Roday.
Do you really want to see what Gus and Shawn do in that tiny blue car?
I don’t not want to see it.
I’m holding out for Tamara Taylor from Bones. Just…damn.
*sweats profusely*
Be careful with that one. She’s Canadian.
Betty Gilpin in GLOW. She’s not been naked … yet.
So long as his assistant Longbranch Pennywhistle is there, I’m in.
And yeah, Maggie Lawson is relentlessly adorable.
Scientists ‘can’t rule out’ collision with asteroid flying by Earth in 2029
This is one of the reasons I can’t take the extreme doom sayers of the climate change crowd seriously. If you really think that we need to overwhelmingly focus on preventing some foreseen disaster in the future you should be just as focused on demanding spending and research into asteroid collusion prevention technologies. At least those have a solid, confirmed history of extreme ecological damage and mass extinctions.
asteroid collusion? Is that a hipster band or some kind of space mafia thing?
The reason Hillary lost.
If asteroids collude, we are so fucked. I mean, a bunch of little asteroids could band together to create a dinosaur killer, right?
CNN is looking into said collusion with this alleged Russian asteroid and as we speak.
They got the scoop from an unnamed Alien source doing observations on the asteroids from Ganymede.
One of Trump’s satellites had been reported by this unamed source to have had frequent contacts with several high level cosmonauts.
Why does Donald Trump allow American astronauts to travel to and from the ISS in Soyuz capsules?!?!
“Scientists can’t rule out the possibility that we’re all just a figment of the imagination of one Joseph Filby Jr. of Dubuque, Iowa.”
At least those have a solid, confirmed history
Strong evidence, sure, but confirmed?
Seems like every time there’s a major asteroid strike there’s a mass extinction and a pretty clear indicator in the geological record that it kicks up a lot of debris into the atmosphere. Combine that with, say, the climate effects of Krakatoa and I think it’s fair to see it as confirmed based of off numerous circumstances producing similar results.
Seems like every time there’s a major asteroid strike there’s a mass extinction
Yes, I’ve seen it happen many times. No, wait.
Well, maybe my standard for “confirmed” is too high.
Look, what the hell is a control group for an asteroid strike anyway? “Oh hey, here’s the Earth when it didn’t get hit by an asteroid, and there wasn’t a mass extinction?”
Yep. I’ll second you – fuck going to Mars, let’s figure out how to deflect/destroy asteroids.
Care about humanity? Maybe do something about a problem that could actually end its’ existence.
Good news. Lobster TSA guy is in some hot water himself.
Surprisingly most of the comments are pretty good.
I hope they left a note in the cooler explaining that they’d inspected it and photographed themselves playing with the contents for the owner’s safety.
There is (or used to be) a place that sold live lobsters on the secure side of the terminal at Logan.
Legal Seafood finally started cooking their food first?
Logan sucks balls. AssPort needs to figure out how to connect the terminals airside. Even LAX mostly has it done now.
LAX is nowhere near done. I live 6 miles away, and the construction is fucking up my universe.
By done, I mean the airside connections between TBIT and 4/5/6. The general construction morass is still there and the overloaded gates situation also sucks ass. If I wanted to take a tour in LA, I want to at least see some celebrities, not cruising around the outer reaches of the airport waiting for an open gate.
Go on…..
Oh, hot water, I get it.
“Lobster TSA guy”
Not as pretty or as intelligent at Lobster Girl.
I don’t know of anything that would be improved on by adding “TSA guy” to it.
“…getting a taste of his own medicine.”
Much as I’d like to see that, it doesn’t seem like NASA agrees.
It seems the soonest we could hope for won’t be until 2068.
I thought Apophis was supposed to show up in a giant pyramid filled with face-tattooed men.
O’Neil and Jackson took care of that fucker.
Anybody who makes a Stargate reference is fine by me.
No love for T’ealk?
It’s not big enough to wipe us out. But it could probably take out a large city.
Can we choose the city?
And the date? Like DC, during the State of the Union address?
We’ll have to distract Rand Paul with some children who need eye surgery or something.
Not DC, I’m too close.
I think one anti-Canadian bigot is a fair prize for the entirety of the rotten political class. Sorry, got to take one for the team.
Listen Hyperion, if you’re gonna pull that Sodom nonsense of “if there is just one good person we can’t destroy it”, we’ll never be rid of D.C. You’ll have warning, drive.
See, here’s the problem. Everyone’s on board for destroying the government – until it effects them.
But… muh stuff?
until the Decepticons hatch and unleash the techno-apocalypse
It does have an ominous sounding name though. Combine that with the fact that I saw a red heifer a couple days ago, right here on this site. I’m getting worried…
That red heifer thing confused me. I thought it was a white buffalo?
This guy?
No, sacrificing a white buffalo will not bring about the apocalypse.
Ah, my mistake. A white buffalo is an omen that may signal an impending apocalypse:
You see, you got your apocalypses mixed up. The text says that someone has to rebuild a temple and restart up sacrifices and that requires a pure red heifer and then some dude appears and his name means 666 or something and that’s when the Trumpocalypse really starts. I mean the greater Trumpocalypse, obviously the lesser Trumpocalypse is already upon us. Then some time shortly before the End of the evil one’s (Trumputin) second term, the world ends but then there’s the millennial reign. Can someone remind me why a thousand years of millennials running things sounds like a good idea? Sounds awful to me.
“Can someone remind me why a thousand years of millennials running things sounds like a good idea?”
OK, I LOL’d at that.
Good Samaritan Beaten by Father of Wandering Child Found at Central Florida Park: Police
Florida you never dissapoint.
Wait, they identify the guy who got beaten up but not the guy who did the beating and calls him a child abuser?
The link posted in the morning links didn’t name either.
How was that guy not arrested for assault??
It says the “victim” (article’s word) didn’t want to press charges.
He’s a nicer guy than I am. I definitely would have pressed charges.
I was wondering about the guy’s Indian name – maybe he’s from India and it’s customary there for people to look out for each others’ children, you know, like in the USA at one time?
I could understand publishing both names, or neither, but publishing the name of a guy the cops investigated and cleared?
Maybe the cops are stupid, maybe they’re covering up a crime, but it’s also possible an innocent guy got beaten up.
Why the kid-glove treatment for the one person who definitely committed a crime?
PS – If you see a kid wandering around a park without its parents, either walk away or find some old woman and tell her about the situation, *then* walk away.
Probably a cop.
Even better. If there’s one when you need them.
Sure, get the kid molested and then get the parent arrested?
It’s a daily double!
OK, old lady then.
Unless she’s muttering about her gingerbread house…
Actually, I was suggesting that the parent who wasn’t mentioned was probably a cop.
Oh, OK.
The good Samaritan was not shot, then handcuffed and left to bleed out, so… No?
Can we get SMOD to crash into this asshat’s house?
clearly this is the work of the Russian government
+1 внутри работы
It is a bit questionable to refer to “Russia’s largest oil company” as a “target” given what is currently known about how it initially breached affected organizations — a malicious update for a Ukrainian accounting application.
Also, why are we getting our news from WaPo? So far I have found Microsoft’s post to be the best overview, although it is a bit technical (…well, a lot technical).
Yes but this is exactly how the media has pretended that political people were “targets” of phishing expeditions, even when 1000s of non political people were “targeted” in the same run
at least they’re consistent in their retardation. in this respect. i’m sure there are many other areas where they become selectively retarded.
Is using “Pants” as a verb a millenial thing, stolen from the UK, or some combination of both
using it in a headline makes me instinctively hate the author
My dog pants heavily on a hot day?
no, different verb see below
Pants, as a verb, predates millennials. It’s a traditional prank. Like a wet willy (licks finger, looks around for Eddie).
Is there a prank called “kicking someone in the nads”? Because I feel a sudden need to rehearse that, just in case.
You could be a contestant on “Ow! My Balls!”
No, the contestants are the ones who get kicked. I could vet the contestants.
Not “vet” as in “veterinarian,” though.
The injury should never be severe enough to impair the subject’s progenitive capacity. It’s in the Catechism.
Hey, hey… you’re going to be on TV! You’ve been kicked in the nuts!
I am aware of its usage in the UK as both a noun referring to underpants, and a general term used to describe “this is shit”, and occasionally as a verb to describe “having your knickers shown to the world” (i.e. as in having your trousers pulled down and exposing your pants = “Pantsed”)
the last version seems to be what you’re referring to, but it almost always used in the past-tense = “the knicks got pantsed by Cleveland”
saying that you will “Pants” someone is a form of usage i’ve never seen.
Really? To “pants” someone is to lower their pantaloons without first having obtained their consent nor informing them of your intent to do so. Usually in public to achieve embarrassment.
so its common in the US for “pulling someone’s pants down”?
i’m just saying i’ve never heard it in the US, and am familiar with a wider variety of use in UK
when i was a kid, the ‘wedgie’ was far more popular than ‘pantsing’
A wedgy is the opposite of getting pantsed. One you pull the underwear up, the other you pull the pants down.
I know. My point was that people of my generation / region tended to abuse each other w/ the former rather than the latter.
in the 1980s there was a brief fad where teen girls in junior-high would wear boys boxer briefs as shorts. they were frequently pantsed. the fad ended up being short lived because of this.
Pantsing is effective only when the victim is wearing loose fitting pants with an elastic waist band and no belt, either sweat pants or gym shorts.
Whatever happened to Archduke Pantsfan? I’ll bet he could resolve all this.
I pantsed a friend shooting baskets in grade school. That was twenty years ago. And we called it pantsing then, too.
*there’s also “pantsing” (as per below)
But you can’t push Willie round, Willie won’t go.
I tried telling everybody but, whoa no!
Ironically enough, Pan does not wear pants.
It’s just verbing. It weirds language.
Yes but as i pointed out above its verbing a UK noun
hence my assumption that american millenials are nicking UK slang and pantsing it up because they’re idiots
I just say an opening for a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon and I took it.
As a millennial, I’ve never heard anyone use it, British or otherwise. Seems about on par with our other abuses of language though.
This made me imagine a CIA facility in Diego Garcia in which the English language is imprisoned and having corn-flakes pumped up its ass because it was on a hunger strike.
In my experience, getting pantsed was something that happened in grade school; a wedgie was a middle school thing, and taping someone to a goalpost or rolling them up in a wrestling mat was HS.
You save the good stuff for college.
“rolling them up in a wrestling mat was HS.”
Hulagu Khan was a high school senior?
Posted this in the health care thread, but since everyone is here now……even Politico has gotten wise to the SPLC.
“Overstepping its bounds”
No, I’d say they are right in their wheelhouse.
You mean pick up artists aren’t storm troopers for the patriarchy?
/me haz a sad 🙁
I’d love to operate my own smear group.
“Hello, International Philately Association.”
“We have information that you are a bunch of perverts.”
“No, no, philately just means stamp collecting.”
“A likely story…is there anything you want to do to convince us we’re wrong?”
“A detailed rebuttal?”
“Sounds like too much work to read.”
“I could sue you.”
“While your reputation sinks into the toilet.”
“How about a generous donation to your fine foundation?”
“Well, you’re obviously public-spirited citizens and not perverts…we apologize, and we’ll drop our investigation as soon as your check clears.”
The good news is, he’ll be off the hook for child support before he’s 30.
Florida. Of course it is.
This article is worthless without mugshots.
This article has a mugshot. It is as you would expect.
This article in fact:
Nevermind found the pics. Would fucking NOT!
That is the most 40 looking 22-year-old I have ever seen.
Someone already pointed out ‘Florida’. Where the women peak at 15.
The back child support is going to be a bitch since he isn’t currently allowed to have a job.
The assumption (I hope anyway, for his sanity and mine) is that he isn’t actually on the hook for anything til he turns 18.
You know as fucked up as this sounds it would be kind of cool to have a kid at 11. It’s like having a younger sibling but you can torture them forever.
Don’t read this if you want to stay sane:
No one cares about this because he’s a he. If he were the woman, the outrage machine would be in overdrive.
Good lord. No mercy for rape victims. Way to go state governments.
profit > mercy
Low bar, but the guy is a douche. He sounds like every fuckhead union dude I’ve ever dealt with.
Ask all you want, shithead, but what you really want me to do is overpay at gunpoint.
He sounds like every fuckhead union dude I’ve ever dealt with.
Why are they almost always fat with a mustache?
A douche in a union that proudly proclaims, “The Iron Workers Union became a trailblazer in diversity and inclusion in the building trades with its announcement of the remarkable paid maternity leave.” This guy wants more of that.
I agree. I’ll bet he’s done a whole lot more union “work” than ironworking in recent years.
It’s why the Japanese, in the 80’s, could export iron ore from PA, transport it to Japan, process it into a superior product, transport it back, and sell it across the street from the steel plant in Pittsburg for a third less.
The asshole* author of the Mustacheo’d ironworker story said this =
(*see above)
my instinctive hatred is compounded
Because our district is made up of more people who work for a living than Paul Ryan,
my ire is mostly about his using terms like “correct/terrible” to describe policy opinions.
I was quoting the dude he was ripping on, I accidentally Gilmored, this was meant for Tundra’s point above.
World has three years left to stop dangerous climate change
And if we fail to do so, any legislation beyond that point will be pointless. This is what you were trying to say, right?
Unless you’re in favour of mass sterilizations, breeding licenses, and doing everything in our power to stop India, China, and the rest of the developed world from industrializing you’re full of shit lady.
Climate expert.
Also, former UN bureaucrat Christiana Figueres, which the article frames as a ‘climate expert’, has a degree in anthropology. No STEM training whatsoever.
Seems legit.
They said 10 years 15 years ago. In the 80s they said that it they had to get all the taxes and restrictions in place by 2000 or the world would die by 2020. If I remember correctly the tipping point happened in 2012 and nothing we can ever do now will stop a runaway greenhouse effect. I just went to find articles saying things like this that I know once existed, but it appears they’ve been memory holed.
“What’s up with them sausages, Charlie?”
“Five minutes, Turkish.”
“Five minutes?? It was two minutes five minutes ago!”
That’s ok, we did quite well that first 20 times we only had a few years left. But this time is the LAST last chance, amirite? *Sits, back, takes another drink of beer, not thinking about climate change…*
Anyway… what the fuck IS that thing? Ye gads!
I am shocked that a person whose bullshit job relies on public panic about the weather would be stoking public panic about the weather.
Our local cable just upgraded and now numbers channels well into the 1700s, as I discovered last night scrolling as far as I could. In the 1600s are some pretty esoteric channels, including one that seems to just replay old Dick Cavett shows (!) On the replay last night was a 1980s interview featuring your avatar dude — Jack Lemmon — telling everybody about how clearing the rainforest was causing major catastrophe worldwide, and would lead to horrible devastation for much of civilization by 2020 (there’s that year again!) I don’t think they’d come up with global warming or climate change back then.
He said the solution was greater efforts for us all to change to solar and wind power, that all these sources would already be readily available — but for the “corporations” who were keeping us dependent on oil for their own greedy reasons.
It was amazing that over 30 years ago, celebrities were saying almost the exact same idiotic gloom-and-doom crap as today. And it really made me think of Jack Lemmon as a paranoid moron (he’s also proudly proclaimed he was a lifelong Democrat in the interview), which is too bad, I had always liked him a lot in movies.
Yeah, I try to keep from knowing the political/bullshit leanings of any actors/musicians I enjoy. My avatar is from The Apartment, a Billy Wilder film in which people got to see Fred MacMurray in a somewhat different light than usual… good stuff.
They’d already seen him that way in “Double Indemnity”.
Thanks — I’ve not seen that.
And Caine Mutiny.
I really liked Shirley Maclaine’s character in The Apartment. About the last time I liked her in a movie, too.
So, in just 3 short years, we’ll no longer have to listen to this incessant bullshit?
Imma hold you to that!
Haha. Now it’s ‘three years’.
/continues slurping down Slush Puppy. Brain freeze.
She left herself an out.
This Rainbow Armpit Hair Look Is Perfect for Pride
Not sure if the author and I agree on the meaning of the word “subtle”.
So brave.
Postmodernism is so fucking boring. It’s just a big *figurative* circle jerk.
Today in hot women of Twitter we have Jesse Jane Duff. She is a retired Marine Gunnery Seargent and part time newsbabe and wonk with a rack that goes all the way from the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli. Simper Fi.
I hear Morticia Addams has a nice rack.
I never saw enlisted WMs who were that attractive. All the good looking ones were officers.
Chipwooder circa 2003.
Well, of course, things are very different in the field than in garrison.
I knew exactly what that clip was going to be before I clicked on it.
Apparently, you never saw her.
There were plenty of good looking WM’s when I was in. Maybe they just hid when they saw you coming?
The bad news is that if she’s a WM, she’s probably a lesbian.
I agree, there were. And they were all officers.
There was one hot girl in the class ahead of me in AVA I-Strand in Pensacola, but she ended up going to OCS too.
“The Marines, where if you’re a guy you’re obsessed with cock and if you’re a women you hate it.”
-The Damn Few
Back in the day the proper nomenclature was not WM, it was BAM.
Broad Ass Marine.
I saw a type of unicorn. An extremely attractive female mechanic when I was getting my wife’s car serviced.
My wife was with me, so no pics.
Ever since I saw Better Off Dead, I’ve been searching for that unicorn…
A friend of mine in San Francisco had video of a very attractive female mechanic working on his Porsche. Watching that certainly eases the pain of the hourly labor rate.
I searched the website hoping they would have a group photo of the mechanics. No dice.
It’s interesting how few girls seem to get into wrenching, as a hobby or profession. I’ve tried to get my daughter interested, but she couldn’t give a shit. I’m making her learn the basics, though. No Soaves in my house!
A friend of mine restores lambos and such. He owns a shop that makes subarus moslty.
His girlfriend works for subaru as some sort of mechanic and photo girl with one of their rally teams.
My dad made my sister demonstrate that she could change a tire by herself before he’d let her get a driver’s license. She acted as though the world was ending.
Close the gender gap!
Are You Man Enough … to Be a Nurse?” posters and other efforts to enlist men.
They put a poster up! What else could they do?!?
Personal anecdote: Meet the parents came out the year I started nursing school. Poor timing, but I persisted. Stats for UF nursing class 2003, 160 females, 9 males.
Damn did the nine of you handle all those broads easily or what?
Reminds me of Monty Python and the Castle Anthrax!
The gender gap is worse than you know:
The job I have now I applied for because I was desperate. But because it’s such a cushy (boring) job on a tightly set schedule, I can free up my mind to do other things besides work. All through 6 years of grad school and 6+ years of postdoc research, all I did was work and just about everything I did revolved around work and if I wasn’t working I felt guilty for not getting anough done or making enough progress. Now I have actual free time and very little stress. I actually have a couple of hobbies and “interests” now. I guess I don’t mind being “bored” at work. And there’s no threat of my leaving. And fuck ever going back to shit like doing research on a 2 year contract. You bust your ass, get all stressed out, and you don’t even know if you’ll have a job next year. I’ll keep my boring job, thanks.
Today in stories that contain an abysmal understanding of cause and effect: Trump’s tax policies will kill children and poor families.
Actually it is pretty generic defense of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
The funny bit is this:
Just like the teachers said it was! More money = better results.
Now your nightlight can notify you of retweets and emails
Waiting for medical studies first damning this, then praising it, then damning it, then…
For those who would want such a thing, this novel is probably more appropriate.
OK, THIS novel.
Why not just take your phone to bed with you?
Have we already given our resident Canucks crap over this decision?
The internet is global — therefore, Canada should be in charge of the whole kit and caboodle.
See, this is why we invade now.
It’s actually not a bad idea. If they do something we don’t like, we can threaten to leave NAFTA or steal a second member of Rush to keep them in line. If they need a carrot rather than a stick, we can arrange to let one of our American hockey teams bring the Stanley Cup over the border for a couple days.
*note to self: refresh before posting*
For the
soccerfootballfootiefutbolah fuckit fans. Looks like justice has a chance to be served.Google Must Delete Search Results Worldwide, Supreme Court of Canada Rules
I’m having difficulty trying to grasp the “or else” part here; or else… they’ll banish google from having offices in canada? Deny entry to google employees? Block canadians from accessing google’s web page? Lean on the US to prosecute google, or?
I would loooooooove to see them try this. And Canananandians will either take to the streets, or say “Whatever Justin wants to do is OK by me! He’s soooo dreeeeaaammmy!”
Our entire population does not consist of twentysomething left-wing university girls, thank you very much.
[Cancels vacation plans]
Could be a backlash too, though: “How are we supposed to find our rainbow ramadan socks without the google, eh?!?!?”
That’s a really good story! I wonder how it didn’t already get posted? Like 13 minutes before?
The proper response is to ban all links to Canada.
And to build a giant Ice Wall.
We already have one of those for about half the year. It’s called Minnesota.
An Ice Wall won’t keep the Canucks in, they’ll just skate around it or build an ice hotel out of it. It has to be a heated mote with gators.
The mote in America’s hat?
It seems like every month there’s a story about some foreign courts ruling against Google
strikes me as just “shakedowns”, because they can. The “or else” seems to be, “we’re going to slap fines on you for every day you don’t change”
this was the other suit vs. google that was in the news lately
Let’s be clear: it’s immoral for you to be able to decide how to do things for me, which I am incapable of doing for myself. I need the govt to protect me from your being able to do that. And to make sure you keep doing those things.
Some sexy German 70s sex-pop-soul thing
as one commenter put it “Geiler sheiß”
it deserves remixing to chop out the sappy chorus. but the verse groove is killer.
Damn, I click on that expecting kinky German gilf and I get … WTF?
she’s not particularly sexy, but the music is.
Well I bought my handgun today.
I looked at some rugers, a few Springfields, the new sig, some h&ks that were nice. The m&p, too. All in 9mm.
The sig shot well, and felt great. I was about to get it when someone walked in with the ppq. I tried his and it fit very well in my hand. People aren’t wrong about that trigger, either.
The glock 19 was like holding molding or some block of wood used by kids.
Congrats, Doom!
Enjoy, dude.
Agree on the glock
There was another gun I held, can’t remember who made it. It was a single stack, full metal. it had to be under an inch across, it felt super thin. Held better than the glock, I think the ratio was better. Wasn’t for me, but would have made for a very easy gun to carry. the glock just seemed awkward in my hand.
Sounds like you chose well
I am always gonna recommend the same thing
Or smithwesson revolver.
Yes, I’m old
I would love a pro 60 from S&W.
next time.
What model kimber do you have?
It was a single stack, full metal. it had to be under an inch across, it felt super thin. Held better than the glock
Sounds like you described a Kahr K9. That ring a bell?
I like those too but the steel frame models are a tad pricey.
Might have been. It looked a little more futuristic. very flat. I’ll be back there soon, I can take a look.
Futuristic? Hmm…Maybe not. Kahr is basically a debugged G26; its pretty conventional looking. Maybe a Boberg? Which I’ve never seen in the wild.
Now go over to sgammo.com and buy a case of ammo. They’re running some good sales right now.
I bought a stainless PPK from a buddy last year. Just went to the gun store with him after work tonight and he picked up the keltech ksg for under $800.
New PPQ came in under 600, which I was happy about.
PPQ is a high quality piece. I love Walther. And you’re almost James Bond now. Almost.
I played with a G19 the other day and thought the same thing. PPQ is a good piece, everyone from HK to Ruger seems to be mimicking their design now.
The finger grooves were off. they dug right into my fingers.
And what happens when the bug zapping laser decides we’re the insects?
Step 1: Open Dr. F’s link in first browser tab
Step 2: Open this link in another browser tab
Step 3: Return to the first browser tab and read article
I muted the video, to use your music.
It was the right call.
Video of a mosquito having its wings disintegrated in slow motion
I need to adapt this technology to zapping the birds that hang out on the power lines above my driveway.
Will it keep small children off my lawn?
That has been around for years. Bill gates bought it and took it off of the market . Anyone care to guess why?
Because he was eager to make Vista more obnoxious than mosquitos?
Because love mosquitos. No shit.
Undiluted evil.
I hate commenting mobile
Progs love mosquitos
They have much in common. Blood sucking parasite for one thing.
But just think of the stimulus to the fly swatter industry. Not to mention the medical and body bag industry.
Do they make one for squirrels? The idea of squirrels scurrying around on fire makes me happy.
We already have that technology. It’s called napalm.
Would you give one of your kidneys to a stranger?
If only there were some way of solving this riddle, some magical way of matching up people who want or need something, with those who have it…
Yeah, but we know where that leads.
I see the media’s continuing to make shit up in order to further their agenda. Which really isn’t anything new.
At least it’s Vice, i.e. an openly biased ‘underground’ news outlet that is plagued by Millennial-itis this time rather than one of these meganews corporations that claims it’s ‘objective’ and ‘fair’.
The fact Gavin is a co-founder…
Vice used to be somewhat quasi libertarian-ish. Now they’re further left than Salon.
That’s a common pattern.
*cough cough Reason cough*
I used to really enjoy their Travel Guides to the world’s various shitholes. Them hanging out with General Buttnaked was great. Now they’re hipster progs and fucking over John McAfee.
But… but no one knows what robot Donald will do! The Russians will take it over and make it attack Murika! Worse than Godzilla and Colossus combined! THIS IS THE END!
Maybe Groening will resurrect Futurama one more time just so he can give Trump’s head the Nixon/robot treatment.
I keep waiting for them to change the color on the hall of presidents. Get cracking, Mouse!
How is their agenda furthered by claiming Trump is being treated unfairly by Disney? Doesn’t this instead further the pro Trump agenda, i.e. Everyone hates him and picks on him and makes fun of his mother? If the medias agenda is to hurt Trump making him out to be a victim seems an odd way to do that.
I think it’s more along the line of “NO one likes Trump, so if you do you’re uncool and probably a racist.”
Ah, that make a bit of sense, Still seems to me that it’s just narratives on top of narratives, one mans praise is another mans poison, etc.. and so forth…
Trump is Millwall.
This is single payer healthcare
That’s pure evil. There’s no other word I can figure out to use for any of the doctors or bureaucrats involved here. Evil.
When you let the government take guns away from law abiding people, judges hand down rulings like this with impunity.
More like “Charlie should just die already and stop being a drain on our resources.”
Except that he was going to the US to stop being a drain on their resources. It’s really a terrible thing to have to think this way, but I wouldn’t doubt that it’s political, they don’t want to get shown up by the US on healthcare, especially with that Trump fucker in charge.
I think that’s exactly it. What if the treatment works? Worst possible outcome, for them.
“European Court of Human Rights”
Are you telling me that the EU can still rule over the private lives of people in the UK even after Brexit? An EU court can order parents to let their child die?
That is a good point.
The ECHR is part of the Council of Europe (I believe), a separate organization from the EU.
Yep, even Russia is a member of the Council of Europe. BTW, the UK is still a member of the EU.
Brexit is not complete yet, ECHR is not strictly part of EU and UK Supreme Court already ruled that child must die. That’s the least of the outrages here.
Along with what PZ said — they took the case to the ECHR in a bid to overrule the UK supreme court, which had already ruled against them about 20 days ago.
I see it. Euotards are tards in general. No escape while on the continent.
Europeans can get their hands on them when they decide to not follow the law and I wouldn’t blame these parents if they decided to do just that. What a crock of bullshit this is.
Only moronic idiot subhumans want people to put their lives in the hands of fucking bureaucrats. Yes, one of the finer examples of the pure evil of the left. They deserve all the suffering they’re asking for, but the rest of us don’t.
“further treatment would “continue to cause Charlie significant harm.”
Yeah, letting him die, that’s not harmful at all. NO ONE should be able to tell these parents what they can and cannot do help the child. This has to be the reason for the concept of hell. These ‘courts’ deserve it.
What’s up with that? They think America is a Wild West neoliberal wasteland where babies are subjected to untried treatments?
Is it actually the case that the U. S. government is willing to let these folks in to pay for medical treatment for the baby, and that an accredited U. S. hospital is willing to pay for the treatment?
Willing parents. Willing hospital. No U. S. taxpayer dollars. No UK taxpayer dollars.
Unless America is a baby-torturing regime (which it isn’t, at least post-natally), then what possible excuse can there be for interfering with parental choices here?
“hospital is willing to pay” should be “hospital is willing to accept payment from private sourcse”
“hat possible excuse can there be for interfering with parental choices here?”
This one: “That’s pure evil”
Yes, this is pure evil. All they wanted was to take their child to the US to try and cure him. Fuck, even if it failed it may have provided data point for further treatment research.
But, no, bureaucrats decided. He can’t be taken while on our life support. He must die for the glory of NHS.
Bit more details from a few weeks ago, when UK Supreme Court ruled. I kept meaning to post this stuff, then my brain would push it away because FUCKING RAGE.
They got £1.3m and they are stopped by some bureaucrat with a clipboard? I’m gonna call some bullshit going on here. You got my kid, I want to save him, and I have £1.3m . I’m 99% sure that I get that kid on a plane.
Kid needs a machine to live. Machine is in the hospital. You need a portable version of it to get him on a plane, and have him transported all the way. $2.5 million might not be enough, and you still need consent of the hospital to bring in your portable and have the kid rehooked.
Bullshit, and I’m don’t mean to be callous here but, I don’t need the hospitals consent to do jack shit when I got my kids life on the line and half a dozen Royston Blakes on the payroll. My point is that too often we, and by we I mean everyone, give far to much power to those who in actuality have none, sure maybe a year down the line I’m going to get charged and tried for assault and what have you, but right now, in the moment, my will and muscle trumps (hah) your ‘regulations’
Sure, for about 10 minutes, and then you’re taken in by friendly men in blue. Or less friendly men in black, if you make a bigger fuss.
I mean, what, you’re gonna get Liam Neeson and bust into hospital, rehook the kid to a “make heart pump and lungs go up and down” machine, then mad drive to the airport, where you’ll hijack a plane and take off for the States? Where you expect not to get shot down for re-enacting 9/11?
It is the consequence of single payer, but it’s more than that. The British government will not allow three of their citizens to get on a ‘plane. Think about that…
“the court ruled that there was no real possibility of Joe Smith obtaining more education by enrolling in MIT”
“the court ruled that there was no real possibility of Jane Brown improving her basketball skills by being part of the WNBA draft.”
And people doubt the banality of evil.
And people laughed at Sarah Palin about death panels.
Not even single payer. It’s the UK, so it’s single everything. Total monopoly.
Sorry, Poppy, no one can be racist against you, U 2 white.
It was concise, I’ll give it that.
My favorite british rapper
*which is sort of like saying, “My favorite chinese NBA star”; its not a wide/deep field, really. and i don’t think of Dizzy Rascal or The Streets as even being strictly-rap types … and Slick Rick is an honorary American…. so its sort of a toss up between that guy, Lewis Parker and handful of come-laters.
anyway, i forgot about that dude for years but then that video popped up in my feed and i was like “oh, right”. i also think the video is funny, classic low-budget hiphop, thematic with a sense of humor.
Roots is great. That song is in one of my ski playlists.
French rappers? it’s at least a french production group. I like the album
French rapper
There have always been good french DJ’s, and they’ve had their own domestic rap scene, but as far as europe goes, for whatever reason the nordic countries and poland have produced more/better hiphop talent.
DJ Cam still pumps out lots of good instrumental stuff, and The Architect is a frog-dj that caught my eye a few years back
Come on Glibs! Unite, grab the shovels and sand bags! Unclaimed terra! Libertopia is at hand!
We need missile silos. Can missile silos be build on a sand bar?
They can, we just might have to open our vaults.
Which means taxes.
might as well quit now.
*curses DOOMco, hands him shovels and sand bags*
Worst haiku ever.
they can; open vaults
That means we are taxed again.
Might as well sunset.
Much better.
I noticed over at the link they’re still pushing the “McEnroe is sexist for telling the truth” story. Apparently an obvious no shit statement can make you sexist now.
of course. You must cater to delusions or you’re an ‘ist or a ‘phobe. This is known.
Sexist, racist, transphobic… Reality sure is bigoted.
They should just play and let the twitter mobs place their bets.
Well, I have this theory that’s what this is all about. McEnroe is looking for a very large payday. BTW, anyone remember this guy from back in his prime time? He’s as big a douche as I’ve ever seen.
It’s nice to have a villain in tennis on occasion. It’s so stuffy on the professional level. He’s really mellowed out in his old age.
Nah. The reporter specifically asked about it, he didn’t even bring it up himself.
No dude, I know so.
The DJT actually offered to finance this match a few years ago. Johnny Mac claimed he could win it. Neither party thought is was enough money.
Geez, how is that even remotely controversial? Let me guess… “MUH BILLIE JEAN KING!!!”
Well, except that Billie Jean King agrees with McEnroe.
And she beat a washed up old man (who probably threw the match anyways)
” It’s home to sand tiger sharks and “oceanic manta rays the size of car hoods.”
If we could scale up the mosquito laser technology from above I think we might be on to something. Only problem being, what would our orphans mine on a sand bar?
That just means there’s plenty of stuff to eat.
I think you misunderstood. I’m talking sharks and giant manta rays with freaking lasers. It’ll be the best libertarian Navy since Queen Anne’s War.
Without nukes, our best hope might be a sharknado launcher.
“what would our orphans mine on a sand bar”
They’d better mine something!, remember ‘sharks’.
Empty beer cans?
sand makes glass. Glass makes monocles.
Sharks means sharks fins. Shark fins means asian exports at stupidly expensive prices. Orphans are given scuba gear and knives. Economy secured.
“Every 10 to 15 years we’ll get something that’s pretty dramatic. But this one is the largest one I’ve seen in my lifetime,”
“The Barack Effect has a delay time of a little over 8 years.”
Brendan Dassey To Remain Behind Bars, Appeals Court Rules