Happy Thursday. I get to call it a week after tonight. I’ll be driving across NW Florida for seemingly half of the 5 day weekend. Sadly, we have some family up there we need to visit, because they may not be around to visit by the holidays. On the other hand, I get to spend Monday and Tuesday on a giant beach that will be mostly empty, getting drunk and trying not to get killed by Florida Man’s fireworks displays. Anyhow, here’s the links.

Goddam. Do NOT mess with pregnant women. Dude is lucky he didn’t get that thing parked on his head.

A modest proposal from the NHS.

Pigs run amok near Dallas. Just another day for the worst metro area in Texas.

17 year old male shot in dispute. Trans groups stampede to stand on the body and claim victimhood for, by the account given, had nothing to do with transgenderism and everything to do with young people with Y chromosomes being idiots.

NASA joins science denierists, claims coming solar minimum may decrease temperatures. Ha! Just kidding. Despite having a 400 year record of correlation between European temperatures and solar activity, that part isn’t mentioned once.

EDG reminded me of this band.