Happy Thursday. I get to call it a week after tonight. I’ll be driving across NW Florida for seemingly half of the 5 day weekend. Sadly, we have some family up there we need to visit, because they may not be around to visit by the holidays. On the other hand, I get to spend Monday and Tuesday on a giant beach that will be mostly empty, getting drunk and trying not to get killed by Florida Man’s fireworks displays. Anyhow, here’s the links.
Goddam. Do NOT mess with pregnant women. Dude is lucky he didn’t get that thing parked on his head.
A modest proposal from the NHS.
Pigs run amok near Dallas. Just another day for the worst metro area in Texas.
17 year old male shot in dispute. Trans groups stampede to stand on the body and claim victimhood for, by the account given, had nothing to do with transgenderism and everything to do with young people with Y chromosomes being idiots.
NASA joins science denierists, claims coming solar minimum may decrease temperatures. Ha! Just kidding. Despite having a 400 year record of correlation between European temperatures and solar activity, that part isn’t mentioned once.
EDG reminded me of this band.
Is it too early to start drinking?
Silly me, asking stupid questions again.
Working from home today – so I’ve already started.
You stopped? Why?
Rayquann Deonte Jernigan, 17, who was known to friends by the chosen name of Ava Le’Ray Barrin…
Which is the boy name?
None of those names can be real.
It’s like Key and Peele football player introductions.
I came here to ask the same thing.
Am I just tired or is that whole article poorly written? Were both people in the fight trans? Were there groups of them? What does being trans have to do with anything? The scene they try to paint of the fight is also confusing.
And the statement almost makes it seem like the trans/ black trans groups are excited when someone like this gets shot or attacked. Now they have fodder for their newsletters and reasons to ask for money.
Its the dreaded Inverted Pyramid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_pyramid_(journalism)
Or as everyone else in the world calls it: What the fuck, dude?
A Deadly Brain-Invading Worm Is Disturbingly Widespread in Florida.
Silly brain worm you picked the wrong state to hunt for brains.
Side note they push really hard for the global warming did this angle, but provide no evidence other than this could be related to global warming.
The brain worm is the belief in AGW! It’s epidemic in Europe.
I thought it was the M.A.S.H. theme song. I can never get that out of my head.
Oh, you mean Sus domesticus, not the po-po.
But of course; we should never insult the fine, useful qualities of the carriers of bacon, ham, and St. Louis ribs. I am inclined to refer the po-po as highwaymen, brigands, or even just jackboots instead.
Stand and Deliver!
Gang members.
How Bachelorettes Can Be Sexy Without The Sexism
Penis straws are rape now?
Actually it depends on where you put them and if you have consent.
Whoever wrote this is a moron.
My bachelor party involved food, cigars, and live blues music. One of the best nights of my life.
What, no booze?
I forgot the booze part. I got pretty tanked.
Must have been dull if you can remember it.
Bachlorette parties should stick to the tried and true tradition of naked pillow fights.
Stop it. I can only get so far into my bunk.
“Here are some pointers for having a fun, sexy, and empowered bachelorette.”
In other words here are some pointers to guarantee no one comes to your bachelorette party.
A feminist telling you how to have fun is like a deaf person recommending music.
I bet Lea Rose Emery gets tons of invites to bachelorette parties.
Avoid Strippers—At All Costs
Feminism means equality—equality for everyone.
So do your part ladies and let a strange man shake some dong in your face.
A friend of mine was relaying one of his female coworker’s instructions to her mother for the bachelorette party. The short version was:
Sometimes it’s nice to know that there are people running around who make me look prudish.
Damn. That is one lucky groom. I’m envious of people who find “the one” they desperately need to be their future ex-wife.
Not gonna lie, she sounds like a blast for the first half of any drunken night. If you’re like that sober, by the time you’re in the tank you’re gonna be fucking awful.
“Gee I don’t know how we got separated in Vegas. My phone was dead and I just couldn’t find you. Shame…really…”
Yeah. I know a couple of women I could see saying those words. They’re a LOT of fun for the most part, but they’re also perma-single for a reason.
Petticoats and hoop skirts are the way to go.
Yeah, really sexy….
You can only fee empowered about your body if you’re not actually attractive or if you’re trans. Actually being attractive and dressing to look good is just being part of the patriarchy. That’s why the attractive ones are not real women. Also, it anyone this they’re sexy, it’s the same as if they raped them.
Doll up as much as you want, but look strong as hell while you do it.
*Exasperated groan*
“How to be boring as fuck, Part 487 of the continuing series.”
Could have stopped at “To[o] many brides…”.
/Might be a little misogynistic?
Before Christ’s Entrance?
I can’t quite figure out what is supposed to be sexist about male strippers and penis straws.
And how “fun” and “empowered” are you if you rule out stuff that’s you, know, fun, because somebody told you it was offensive to them?
Lemme back up another step:
I didn’t even think it was possible for women to be sexist; like all bigotry, isn’t that the exclusive province of white males?
Well, ladies, and certain gentlemen…would you?
No. No I would not fuck a statue.
That’s what Don Giovanni thought, too, but now…
You’re a bigot. That statue identifies as a man
Sure, he can emancipate me from my bra…
Pigs run amok near Dallas. Just another day for the worst metro area in
TexasNorth America.FTFY
Edit Faerie AWAYI suck at tags.
We see what you were trying to do. Lack of closing tags does not diminish your point.
I don’t know, Toronto sucks pretty hard.
/Standard Ontario complaining
El Paso is much, much worse both in Texas and North America.
There is no way that we are worse than Los Angeles.
Or El Paso.
What’s Detroit?
St. Louis and Baltimore say hi too.
As do Cleveland, New Orleans, Atlanta, DC, New York, Portland, and Chicago
Let’s not leave out the SF Bay Area while we’re at it. It’s, um, not all like Los Gatos.
I was stationed at Ft. Bliss for a spell; El Paso is a rough town.
My little brother was at Ft. Bliss from 2011-2014. I visited him in 2011 before he shipped out to iraq. El Paso is mexico from what i could tell.
Across the border in Juarez, there was often a giant, honest to goodness tire fire (like the one from The Simpsons. Some mornings, if the wind was blowing right, we were not allowed outside to do morning PT and got to go down to the gym. Good times.
Fun Fact – We were once so bloody drunk after a visit to lovely Juarez, Customs refused us entry back into the US.
As much meat as I eat I still root for the pigs when stuff like this happens.
Run pigs! get to the forests! be FREEEEE!!!
One night my wife and I were standing on her mother’s front porch smoking and looking at the stars. Suddenly I noticed an armadillo rooting around in the grass. My mother-in-law had been complaining bitterly about the armadillo rooting up her grass and flower beds. I handed the flashlight to my wife and asked her to hold it on the animal…I would be right back. I stepped inside, grabbed my pistol and went back out on the porch.
As soon as my wife saw the gun and realized my intention she ran out into the yard straight at the armadillo waving her arms and yelling “Run! Run! Lookout, he’s gonna shoot you! Runaway!”
So the wife took one in the butt?
not even a euphemism.
No, back of the head. He’s single now.
So the book didn’t stop the bullet?
When will people learn?
So my biggest problem is I am an animal lover… like really bad. I wouldn’t shoot a rattlesnake unless I absolutely had to. I would have picked that armadillo up and driven him to a different place before I shot him.
*makes note to never shake hands with Vhyrus*
what’s a little leprosy between friends?
They make THE most adorable fucking pets ever.
Was he trying to have sex with that toy?
I am not far from it myself these days. I have one in my own yard but I wont shoot him.
A word of advice: Do not pick up an armadillo.
Not that I have to worry, but why? Rabies?
deja vu. *tap tap tap* Is this thing on?
So you get it from listening to Hansen. Makes perfect sense.
Aren’t they a host for leprosy?
Or what Negroni and Bacon said.
Nope. Leprosy.
By the way, did you here that some chick shot her boyfriend in the chest with a Desert Eagle 50? Dumbshit thought a Lou Reed album would stop the bullet.
Are you sure it isn’t leprosy, Tundra?
I love it when Glibetarians mint a shiny new meme to dazzle newbies with. This DEagle story is a fine example.
The thing I can’t understand about the Deagle story is that those things aren’t cheap. Where the hell did two early twenty tweakers with kids get the 1000 dollar plus scratch to buy one?
And why didn’t they pawn it before then for something they’d actually need?
The Desert Eagle is a guilty pleasure though. Surprisingly ridiculously accurate, like five in the same hole at 15 yards accurate, and fun to shoot with loads tailored for it. Kicks like a mule in .50, but not horrible.
I love it when Glibertarians mint a shiny new meme to dazzle newbies with. This DEagle story is a fine example.
My parents still bring up the time when a 7 year old l0b0t saw one in the back yard and tried to catch it. It dragged me about 10 feet until it reached the fence and then got away.
Dead thread, but whatevs…
An armadillo’s defense mechanism when startled is to jump up straight in the air three or four feet. Confounding as hell to a coyote, rather less so to an approaching semi. At any rate, bending over at the waist and trying to grab a clueless armadillo is a nice recipe for a split lip or a broken nose.
Wait….really? Most of the snakes around here are no joke.
About a year ago I had a big diamondback about a foot from my ankle hissing and rattling and I still didn’t shoot it. I looked it right in the eyes, it looked at me, and it stopped rattling. That said to me “hey buddy you scared me but now that I know we’re cool I’m not gonna bite ya.” No need to kill it if it’s not being an asshole.
I had one jump me when I was ten. It was way to far to strike me though. My grandfather wound up cornering it with a shovel and had me run to his desk and take out the PPK in the top drawer. Totally Don Corleone style too, maple grips, bluing wasn’t worn at all and it was the only thing sitting in the desk.
Right…the snake. Yeah, he shot it.
If a rattlesnake did not kill ten year old you, you have to wonder how hard it was trying.
That wasn’t the first one at that house and a neighbor’s dog was put to sleep after getting bit. It was on the outskirts of Scottsdale in the mid 90s so we were encroaching on them in a sense. He wasn’t about to take any chances at the time.
Dog was put to sleep? Something doesn’t make sense there. Dog’s are considerably more resistant to rattlesnake venom than humans. It would have to to be a very small dog and a relatively large snake to cause that much damage.
You sure about that?
There is a vaccine available for it apparently.
More likely to be bitten? Yup cause they don’t know enough to leave snakes alone and are outside a lot.
More likely to die? Probably, since nobody fights as hard or is willing to spend as much to save a dog.
But the fact that there is a vaccine against rattlesnake bites should tell you something. There’s no human vaccine against rattlesnake bites, cause we get hit waaaay harder.
I had a dog bitten on the face by a rattlesnake. Took him to the vet, $200 bucks later he was back at home the same day, with the only lasting damage being a small scar on his snout. Let’s see a human get tagged by a snake and come back from the hospital in less than a week.
Dog’s are considerably more resistant to rattlesnake venom than humans.
Pound for pound, maybe (haven’t checked). But most dogs are a lot smaller than most people.
If the rattlesnake did not kill your dog you have to wonder how hard it was trying.
Look, shoot it, dont shoot it. I dont care. At least they’re tasty.
It wasn’t from lack of trying seeing how the damn thing actually got it’s teeth in.
But since you actually think that rattlesnake tastes good I am not sure we can remain friends.
I’ve had rattlesnake sausages that were pretty damn good.
I had a dog bitten on the face by a rattlesnake. Took him to the vet, $200 bucks later he was back at home the same day, with the only lasting damage being a small scar on his snout.
Lucky dog! When my new-at-the-time wife’s dog got bit by one, it cost almost 2 grand and he was in the animal hospital for almost a week. We had just had “the talk” and settled on $1000 as a cap on vet expenses before pulling the plug on an animal, but I felt bad because I was the one holding the leash and it was the dog that had gotten her through her divorce.
If I see a rattlesnake anywhere on my property, I’ll kill it. Period, full stop, no questions asked, no soulful gazing into each other’s eyes. I have dogs, a wife, and my own skin that I rank way above some jumped up dangernoodle.
One exception: we had a fair number of rattlers when we moved in. I was killing almost one a month, then I stopped seeing them, then I saw an absolute dinosaur crossing the road. Well over five feet, and heavy. I figure he ran off the rest of them, so him I leave alone. Until I start seeing smaller ones, and then he’s on the menu, too.
I should point out this was not on my property. Different circumstances may warrant different results.
For one thing, when I’m not on my own property I rarely have snake-killin’ tools readily to hand. That said, I was deer hunting with a buddy in Texas several years ago. He suddenly teleported about 18 feet – he noticed a huge rattler right next to the road we were walking down – coiled up, and it started rattling immediately.
We had long-range scoped rifles and that’s it. I wound up sighting down the side of the rifle barrel from about 15 yards away. Turns out a .300 Win Mag doesn’t need super precise placement to take down a rattlesnake. I wasn’t on my property, but it never crossed my mind not to shoot it.
“NASA joins science denierists…”
How do they have time for this? Aren’t they busy doing Muslim outreach?
Who do you think these guys are fighting?
(May be NSFW due to ethnic humor)
Jenkum TV?
Ok, that made me laugh
I am shocked to discover that the first Muslim in space was a member of the Saudi royal family.
Also this:
Malaysia’s space agency, Angkasa, convened a conference of 150 Islamic scientists and scholars in 2006 to address the question, among others, of how to pray towards Mecca in space.
We are a dumb species.
Really? Pray towards Earth wasn’t the obvious answer?
With a 3 degree pitch to the left to get yourself just right. cancel that, 2 degrees,
son of bitch, 1 degree…
If they aren’t getting the protractor out on the ground they sure as hell aren’t going to do it in LEO.
Still stuck in the seventh century.
Aren’t Muslims working on magic carpets to the moon?
Why does Allah need a spaceship?
Bravo, thrakkorzog.
Read in Shatner’s delivery of course.
+1 Pause acting
I’ve always wondered about praying toward Mecca–if the Earth is a near perfect sphere, wouldn’t any direction be in the direction of Mecca?
I’m not sure if they specify ‘the shortest distance to it’ or not.
It’s an oblate spheroid.
It’s still path connected.
Depends if you treat line of sight as a literal line, in which few muslims living more than 1000 miles from Mecca have to look at the ground. Or, it’s more like a ‘ballistic’ line, in which case, there are an infinite number of “great circles” which would never pass over Mecca.
These five comments might be all the thought ever given to the matter.
Guess that purse snatcher felt a little tired.
(yes I have to repeat myself for attention)
You forgot to put on your sunglasses when you said that.
Was it this guy?
Was thinking it when watching the video at Q’s link, and then actually seeing the comment, “Bethesda games in a nutshell,” made me laugh hysterically.
So much bullshit to pick up in those games, so tedious to sort and sell, and so very vexing for my OCD to leave them be.
Something different- disingenuous bullshit from Tom Friedman.
Just to remind: TPP was a free-trade agreement that the Obama team forged with Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.
It was not only the largest free-trade agreement in history, it was the best ever for U.S. workers, closing loopholes Nafta had left open. TPP included restrictions on foreign state-owned enterprises that dumped subsidized products into our markets, intellectual property protections for rising U.S. technologies — like free access for all cloud computing services — but also anti-human-trafficking provisions that prohibited turning guest workers into slave labor, a ban on trafficking in endangered wildlife parts, a requirement that signatories permit their workers to form independent trade unions to collectively bargain and the elimination of all child labor practices — all to level the playing field with American workers.
You can call it just about anything you want. Just don’t call it a Free Trade Deal. I prefer “massive backdoor regulatory expansion” but what do I know?
It was so fucking fantastic that it had to be done in secret and even after implemented kept from the American People.
Go fuck yourself Tommy.
That’s why the NYT is on its way down.
Shit like this. I’m convinced really smart, educated people with common sense stopped reading the publication and in came the faux-intellectual ascot wearing remedial fart brains to replace them.
Pretty much anyone who considers himself an “intellectual” is really a pseudo-intelligent fathead. Since those who pride themselves on reading the NYT are primarily concerned with signaling and smugness I think your assessment is spot on.
Ann Althouse says it’s written for women.
Please. Womyn have had enough pain this week with McEnroe.
But what did his cabbie in Kuala Lumpur have to say about it?
Whatever the Friedman shoves in their supposed mouth. Seriously, how would a NYT fact checker ever verify anything that came out of an untraceable rando half way around the world?
Is social media egging on public vandalism?
I detest vandals. But quoting the Lorax is worse.
Agreed. I was conflicted to agree with someone quoting the Lorax.
I rather like the vandals
I thought you were referencing the sackers of Rome.
Damned Arian supremacists.
Nay, in that respect I’ll chose the Goths, who are closer to my blood.
Me too!
University of Idaho 4EVER!!!!
I can’t read that book. Not even to my kids.
I make them get Yurtle the Turtle because its a great allegory for Hillary Clinton.
What are you talking about? That’s a great book. I offered to come read it to my kids class on Earth Day. I told the teacher I could use it to explain how all environmental problems are caused by misaligned property rights.
I was told no.
Single-payer leads to forced euthanasia, as evidenced by this incident in the UK
The experimental therapy, the courts maintained, would produce no effective benefit.
I like how the European Court of Human Rights explicitly denies their human right to spend their own money on services of their choice.
Excellent. We can finally replace all experimental science with lawyers. I mean if they can legally determine what constitutes effective treatment then why waste all that money on scientifically determining it?
sciencecase is settled!It will save the experimenters a ton of money, as the results are apparently already determined.
That’s how it goes with “progressives” make something “free”. First they say it’s a fundamental human right that the government must guarantee for every citizen (because those mean old corporations won’t give it away for free like they should). Then, as the realities of scarcity set in, the government selectively denies that service to certain individuals and may even prohibit them from purchasing it elsewhere with their own money. It’s just like when a “progressive” relative of mine argued that people shouldn’t be allowed to ask for healthcare money from GoFundMe.
Note how it goes from “healthcare is a human right, and it must be given to every citizen at all costs” to “that person shouldn’t be allowed to purchase healthcare from that provider“.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, how infuriating. The tendency toward eugenics must be hard wired into the Western European DNA. They just can’t seem to help themselves.
Coming to a state near you
The annual ALA conference was this last weekend. It’s a HUGE book conference that an immensely large percentage of authors and publishers attend. Guess who the keynote speaker was. Go on, guess.
Would you want them to waste their time with Trump voters? Trump voters don’t read books.
Unsurprising that dinosaurs are attracted to dinosaurs.
There’s an amazing woman who shares a name with the former First Lady?
I know this!
Just one reason why I’ll never be an American Library Association member. Session after session of SJW bullshit instead of focusing on library issues, like privacy.
Oh yes. On our end, it’s like, “GO SHILL YOUR BOOK!!! IT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT OF YOUR CAREER!!! As long as it and you are of the correct political persuasion.”
I agree. Homeless people need somewhere to jerkoff too.
I know most of you scoff at libraries, but I will give librarians credit for being one of the first and loudest groups against the PATRIOT Act.
That’s only cause they didn’t want to have to put back the hardcover edition every time someone checked it out.
And their complaints were generally idiocies about the government being able to access information that I remember being able to get by looking at the index card in the back of the book when I was growing up (who signed the book out).
There were and are myriad problems with the PATRIOT Act. It’s a really lousy piece of law. Their babbling only served to make a lot of us less concerned than we should have been about it by offering up trivialities as the objections to the law.
My first guesses were Barack Obama followed by Bill Nye the Pseudoscience Guy.
Bill Nye was on the program but I think he cancelled.
Ah, just like the American Bar Association. Which I still won’t join, even though it’d be free.
Same here.
Of all the adjectives I’d attach to Hillary Clinton, “amazing” would be fairly far down the list.
Librarian association…who’s a librarian… hmm.. could it be SugarFree?
It wasn’t Milo? I’m shocked.
Saw in the morning links Brett Stephens is trying to win back cred with rich libs after his denier episode
He just got hired by MSNBC, so he’s got to win over the socialists. Amazing how now that he writes for the NYT and not the WSJ he is now a commentator for NBC. Interesting how that works
He was always barely in the closet.
For about a year, his weekly column in the WSJ went downhill into an unhinged, screeching pile of derp. This career freefall ended with his enthusiastic endorsement of Hilary. Then his column completely disappeared. Confusion ensued until I saw he’s now a columnist for NYT and all became clear.
That’s not true. He remained a blood thirsty, war-loving, chicken hawk in all of his columns. I respected some of his criticisms of Trump during the primaries and the general election, but he made it quite clear that his primary opposition to Trump was his fear that as president he would not be an interventionist.
blood thirsty, war-loving, chicken hawk
This describes a good portion, arguably even a strong majority, of the WSJ commentariat. The comments on his column went from being generally highly supportive to 95% strongly against over that one year period. I agree he remained a war hawk but Stephen’s drivel went way past just supporting America as the world’s policeman or his audience wouldn’t have turned on him like that.
He remained a blood thirsty, war-loving, chicken hawk in all of his columns.
Meaning his views were completely consistent with Ms. Clinton’s.
Progressive Journalists Are Outraged At The NRA For Pointing Out Leftist Violence:
The article actually finishes with:
to address the question, among others, of how to pray towards Mecca in space.
Space is curved. No mater which way you throw your prayer, it will eventually wend its way to Mecca.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
Since God, like Elvis, is everywhere, what the fuck difference does it make which direction you pray?
They could just face that big blue thing in the window.
Thicc Thursday candidates: the Miss Gay Finland finalists
And for the female posters and Jesse, here are the Mr. Gay Finland finalists.
You’d think at least one of the finalists would look like he came out of a Tom of Finland drawing.
Those guys look like they came out of the Skyrim new character generator.
best comment
Critical miss, Finland. Critical miss.
That’s a pretty scurvy looking bunch.
Are the weird hairstyles a requirement?
2 or 3 look like stone serial killers.
Why are they all Nazis?
If you put all of the best qualities of those women into 1 human there might be enough to get a would out of me. Maybe.
Christ, no. What the hell is wrong with Finland? Should have let the Soviets have them
Well, these are (presumably) Finnish lesbians.
Are you suggesting that lesbians cannot also look attractive to heterosexual men? You’re a bigot or something
I have seen plenty of attractive lesbians. None of them are in that photo.
Meh, the bottom right gal with the neck tie isn’t bad. And the blond on the ground looks half in the bag already.
I’m sure many of us have taken home worse than those two at one time or another.
But we would never post a brag about it.
In HS, I had a finnish exchange student who was a 10.5 out of 10.
That website looked like they put together two ‘pig parties’ to troll the rest of the world.
Running of a sample size of two, but the Finns I’ve met were about the most morose, intense people I’ve met. Even if beautiful, and our Finnish exchange student in HS was OK, the personality would be a giant turn off.
Now that I think of it, the Finn my assistant manager ended up marrying a was gorgeous. Think Elie Nordgren, but taller, and maybe 0.5-1 point less pretty.
This may surprise you but most lesbians aren’t like the ones in pornography.
My whole life is a lie *takes shot of bourbon, slits wrists*
Also Riven is a FBI honeypot who’s really a forty three year old fat guy.
Please don’t make me cry at work.
/wishes he was kidding.
//Also obvious joke about no libertarian women.
You can’t just travel back in time and warn people of the coming FBI sting, Titor.
Jesse discovers the plot hole.
No one listened to him of the coming civil war either.
Multiverse world lines theory is real, there’s a universe where I didn’t come back and warn people, it’s just not this one.
You sound like The Bible Code, John.
Hey now, I’m nothing if not consistent.
That’s not the only hole Jesse’s interested in discovering.
Now you’ve done it. Once her cover is blown the FBI will just round us all up.
Whaaaaaat? I’d need, like, names and addresses and such for something like that… *shifty eyes*
My name is Rufus. My address is 1909 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal, Montréal, QC H4B 5G0, Canada.
It’s 123 Rue Le Faux actually.
I am also Rufus, though I’m just a sock puppet.
Wait, if you’re all Rufus, then who’s Poppy?
Poppy is also Rufus.
Happy early Canada Day, Ruffio.
Poppy is Tulpa, of course; it’s scientific consensus.
My entire closet begs to disagree.
You think a 43-year old fat guy can fit into any of those dresses? I barely fit into some of them, much to the delight of folks who encounter a wild Riven on the weekend.
I’ve never felt attracted to a 43-year-old fat guy before, but after seeing your photo in that piece, I’m about ready to march in a gay pride parade.
“I’m not totally not a government agent, could a government agent steal a bunch of pictures of some poor girl’s Facebook?”
Next you’ll be telling me Obama wasn’t a Reptilian.
MMm??? Would.
Except for the husband who reloads and seems to be a damn good shot.
Except for the husband who reloads and seems to be a damn good shot.
Context is always important.
Haaahahaha! You guys crack me up. I’d march with you, Mad Scientist, just not in those heels.
Mr. Riven is even expanding on his already vasty gun knowledge. He wants to get involved in three-gun matches besides his usual USPSA pistol matches. (And I kind of want to, too. Three guns seems like moar fun than just one…)
And I’ve actually been thinking about making a Facebook account. … Probably not, though.
You say it like all I have to do is beat him in a draw and I get to have her.
Which, if that’s the case, I need to go practice.
I’ve got to that age where I’m not embarassed to tell just about any women who is attractive, that she’s attractive. I’m fortunate that I don’t give off the ‘creepy’ vibe and I have a ‘bitchdar’ that has saved me from ever being slapped, or reported to HR.
I must admit, I’m now more wary of situations where HR might get involved, but in general, I’ve got the balls of a goddamn 17-hand Honey Badger when it comes to ‘approaching’.
I’ve got to that age where I’m not embarassed to tell just about any women who is attractive, that she’s attractive.
And this is why Number 6 is no longer allowed near the local high school.
I’m simply OMWC except I left the candy in the back of the old Econoline along with the puppy.
I barely fit into some of them, much to the delight of folks who encounter a wild Riven on the weekend.
Maybe not in Canada where they go a little heavy on the maple syrup
You could have at least made your typical American xenophobia accurate by saying poutine.
I’m no good at xenophobia. I’ll try harder next time
BF made cheese curds and gravy for a work potluck (and bought fries). Apparently his Canadian coworkers were so enamored with his poutine that one of them stole the rest of the curds for his Canada Day celebrations, thus robbing me of access to home-cooked poutine.
Polite neighbors to the north, my ass.
I’m not sure where to start uncovering the euphemisms in this one.
Hey now, being polite doesn’t necessarily mean we’re good people.
Much evil may be overlooked in light of a polite and curious facade.
The entire United Kingdom is testament to that fact.
Indeed, most of them look like Rosie O’Donnell.
Get the fuck out.
Next you’re going to tell me those girls really aren’t amateurs either.
Ugh! Who the hell is impregnating those Northern Irish women? Did somebody hit her in the face with a shovel?
Why do you think the Irish drink so much?
You know how the Irish have a reputation for being high functioning blackout drinkers?
Watch Jim Acosta with CNN bemoan the authoritarian executive. What did the administration do? Did they wiretap journalists? Maybe, they’ve tried indicting a reporter? Wait- that was all the previous administration? Then what are his complaints about the current administration? Is it the fact that no strategy has been outlined to the public about Afghanistan, other than increasing troop numbers? Maybe, it’s the fact that the president is treading dangerously close to engaging us in another quagmire in the Middle East via Syria? No? Acosta is complaining that the daily press briefings are no longer being recorded. Go eat shit, Acosta. Take your fucking crocodile tears somewhere else. Try to pretend to be a journalist and push back on the administration for real issues.
Pictures of a model to help wash down Acosta’s bullshit
That seems to be the standard approach; scream over and over that Donnie Two Scoops is an authoritarian who is crushing our freedom without ever mentioning any specifics. Make up some complete bullshit out of thin air and scream it from the rooftops. Oh wait, his son has a secret nazi haircut…or something.
Meanwhile Trump ignores them and keeps rocking right along without anyone paying close attention to what he is actually doing. Nice going you fucking idiots. After 8 years of sucking Obama dick you completely forgot how to do your job.
I had an acquaintance who pissed and moaned about Trump’s supposed civil liberties violations during his first month in office and I finally called him out and asked where was he when Obama was violating our civil liberties? His response, and I am uber serious basically was, “The GOP were obstructionists so he had to make some really hard decisions which sometimes meant that he had to go outside of the law.”
After that, I never ever talked to him about politics. When you’re that partisan, what’s the point in discussing politics?
Babies react in a similar way if you take out their pacifier.
the amazing @HillaryClinton
She’s a magician, now? I want to see if she can make herself disappear.
I don’t. I want her to…what’s the word, persist? So that she can roll the stone back up the hill, lose to Trump in 2020 (preferably while winning the popular vote), and come back in 2024 to run again at age 77. I want her running for president until the end of time because she’ll never win.
Just think, now you can finally fulfill your fantasy of seeing Huma prance around in a skimpy, sparkly outfit.
I’ll be in my bunk
I think her giant fucking teeth are so hot.
The (debunked) picture that was ostensibly Huma in the back of a limo with a black dress and Champagne, was of a very pretty lady. Who wasn’t her, as it turned out.
Akin to my experiences upthread with Finns, I think Huma’s personality more than outweighs any physical beauty she might at one time have possessed.
What horrible people.
She’s got a Klinger nose and she’s one of those women who look perpetually angry, even when she’s smiling.
I assumed she was a sorcerer of some kind, actually. Sugarfree’s hard hitting journalism confirmed my suspicions.
This guy is having flag-related headaches.
So he buys some land on which to have a restaurant. The original owner says sure I’ll sell most of the property, but this little bit here I won’t sell you, I’ll sell it to the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
And the SCV maintain a big-ass Confederate flag in close proximity to the restaurant.
“My windows were broken out, by phone was ringing off the hook, my employees were harassed. I was fist-fighting with people in the parking lot. Everyone in town assumed it was my property because it looks like it’s attached to this building.”
So the owner hires an attorney to claim the flag ziolates zoning regulations because it’s in a commercial area but doesn’t have a commercial purpose. Also, allegedly the sale to the SCV isn’t reflected in the official land records.
Wrong response. Correct response is a roof mounted 308.
That’s what he gets for living in Orangeburg…
There was a story about this on the local news this past weekend. Most of the people interviewed basically said “I know it’s not his fault the flag is there but fuck him and business anyway.”
The business owner just needs to virtue signal harder. That’s all the mob wants, his repentance for his proximity and his outrage at the outrageous display of outrage inducing outrage.
Spotify just informed me that it is Pride and Black Music Month. In case anyone was wondering.
Bruno Mars is presumably banned from participating for 30 days.
See I would assume he was the only one allowed to participate.
I am not a big fan of Bruno Mars music, but he has a gift for comedy as evidenced by his SNL appearances and other talk shows. I’d love to see him and Timberlake on an SNL special. Well, if they would drop the TDS at some point.
“they” being SNL, not Bruno and Justin.
I was initially put off by his products, but they’ve been growing on me. 24 karat magic and its associated video has convinced me that he is a professional entertainer of the highest caliber.
so basically people can only play black disco
i’m good with that.
What do you have against Eurotrash disco?
Spotify just informed me that it is Pride and Black Music Month.
Fuck all that virtue signaling bullshit.
*grumbles incoherently about HR departments*
RIP Dave Semenko. The man who protected Wayne Gretzky.
Aw, goddamit!
That truly sucks. He was such a fun guy to watch.
*pours a 40*
I know. Semenko was as popular as any of those great Oilers.
A real, hard nosed throwback. I miss that hockey.
The hate and fight was real.
Now everyone are friends. Yuk.
Lol. In the video he was being interviewed and one of the interviewers mentioned that he got 12 goals one year. Bob: “Actually, I had two back-to-back 12 goal seasons.”
Thinking of Probert, I guess?
Brain cramp.
Did Probert ever fight Semenko?
You would think so even with that small window where of a couple of seasons.
Yep. Here’s a good one!
Thanks. Semenko in a Leafs jersey.
Just not right.
Not sure what is going on, but #heterosexualprideday is trending on Twitter.
The backlash has finally begun. *gets popcorn and sunglasses*
Apparently somebody posted it as a joke, now the SJW freakout is causing it to keep trending.
These people will never learn. It’s a good thing their tears are so tasty.
I like this one:
I really wish this was a joke. You don’t need a pride day because every single day of the year you’re excepted. #HeterosexualPrideDay
Eliminationist rhetoric!
Because denying someone their own pride day means they are accepted.
Good fuckin’ God these people obsessed with their own and everyone else’s coochies are getting tiresome.
Oh thank goodness. 335 days of heterosexual pride a year left me feeling much too gay. 336 will make heterosexuality great again.
You know Morgan Freeman said exactly that.
But Jewish History Month is in May!
Ashkenazi are white. Except when they’re not.
Goddammit Bush.
At least you get a full month. I get a half of two consecutive months.
You’re just mad because you only get 2 weeks in February.
Brown Anecdote Fortnight
I see what you did there.
I thought the Yokel Style Guide mandates “WHYCOME”
When you’ve mastered the rules, it’s time to break them.
I’m pretty sure there’s a heterosexual shame-day in there somewhere.
or maybe that’s just an “hour” that adds up over the course of every year as millions of men and women wake up and see the thing they brought home
So leap years are particularly straight then?
I need a federally recognized day and a parade to confirm that I like pussy.
You’ve already got Mardi Gras. Stop being a greedy dickbag.
Looks refreshing.
That will never get old.
Puddin’ pops. *calls Bill
Where da Benadryl?!!?
OT shilling – Any NYC area Glibs – head out to Riis Park this weekend and visit me at my Ample Hills ice cream cart. I’ll be set up at Bay 1 (know as the gay beach) and there may even be a secret Glibs discount. Fun fact – this is the beach where the final scene in The Warriors was filmed.
Man, I’d love to be there!
Tell me more about this ice-cream if ever I come across it.
What makes it good?
It’s ice cream. Being ice cream makes it good
Yes, do go on about the ice cream! Flavors, ingredients, etc.
I’ve been known to spend in excess of $15 for a single pint…if it delivers. Granted, I’m not in the NYC area, but I just love ice cream.
Central Market’s started carrying a native Houston brand of ice cream that’s really quite good. I want to say it’s called Boulevard: black container with gold writing. Mint ice cream that actually tastes like mint and cream were used in making it. Anyway, IMHO it’s worth the 8-9 dollars a pint. Unfortunately.
I’m always into finding and trying new brands and flavors. I haven’t pulled the trigger on ordering any online yet, but I may just have to do that. I miss Jeni’s Splendid ice cream, despite running around $12/pint. Texas appears to be the land of plenty when it comes to ice cream. I hear people swear by Blue Bell, there’s the brand you’re talking about, and then I know they have a better selection of Halo Top than I do here. Sigh… So many ice creams/custards/gelatos, so little time.
Blue Bell is good, probably the best of the mass market ice creams that I’ve had. I’ll choose it over B&J’s, Haagen Daas, etc… This stuff was great.
Talenti isn’t bad on sale.
We are the only ice cream shop in NYC that is a licensed (SLD applies) dairy manufacturer – we pasteurize our own milk and cream and we make all of the mix-ins ourselves. We have exclusive flavors for each of our scoop shops; our Riis Park flavor, Cherry Lime Rickey, is a sorbet made from pureed cherries, lime juice, and vodka.
Man, that cherry lime sounds awesome. Please tell me it’s awesome.
That really does. Too much to hope that you guys will plan on shipping out of state eventually?
We ship nationwide. Pints are available in 4 packs for (IIRC) $36 and packed in dry ice for shipping. The Cherry Lime Rickey makes an AMAZING float with ginger ale or white wine but unfortunately not all of the flavors are available for shipping.
will buy.
Web site, please.
it was the first post, tundra!
Their Nationwide Shipping pledge
Fuck, I don’t go backwards, Doom!
Done. Order being placed. Don’t see the Cherry Lime Rickey as available, but screw it, I’ll think of something.
Thanks for the info.
Cherry Lime Rickey, is a sorbet made from pureed cherries, lime juice, and vodka.
Sigh, now I have an erection at work.
You’re drooling at Jesse’s erection?
lime rickey……vodka….something’s not computing
Plus now there’s an adorable cow walking across the bottom of my screen, so you’ve got that going for you 😛
I’m not normally into sorbets due to their “iciness,” but that’s one I’d make an exception for, no doubt.
sorbet does seem to fall into “terrible ice block” or “oh fuck how is this so good” with no middle ground.
The Warriors and The Wanderers are among my favourite movies for the record.
I can dig it
Master P knows ice cream
there may even be a secret Glibs discount.
How will we know each other? Is there a secret password or something? I probably won’t make it out, but it’s possible.
The password is tubgirl… google it. (Don’t google it)
I would think a STEVE SMITH reference or a suspiciously strenuous denial of being Tulpa should suffice. Maybe say something nasty about Dalmia or Soave.
+ 1 shibboleth
Three weeks from diagnosis to death? That was quick.
Guess he was one of those guys like my uncle who only went to the doctor as an absolute last resort.
bah, that was supposed to be in the Dave Semenko thread.
Problem with certain cancers (like pancreatic) is that they are basically painless until they have spread way too far to do anything about. Don’t know which one he had, but I’ve lost 3 friends to pancreatic, and they all got a very short timeline prognosis (and met it).
Cancer sucks.
Cancer sucks.
Amen. It clipped my fil, too. By the time there were any symptoms he was too far gone. Fought like hell, but there was too much damage.
Aha. My uncle had liver cancer. Didn’t go to a doctor until he had likely had it for some time – he had already lost a ton of weight. By then it was terminal. They gave him 3-6 months, he hung on for a year and a half. 54 years old. Sucks. Still miss him like hell, he was like a second dad to me. Lived with him for a while when I moved out to California after college.
I don’t think there’s a human alive who hasn’t lost a close friend or relative to cancer. I doubt there is any one single cure for cancer since it’s basically out-of-control behavior by rogue cells of any type, but it’s one of few diseases against which I contribute cash to finding treatments. It can’t be wiped out soon enough.
My BiL did not go see a doctor until his kidneys had shut down.
He did not last 10 days.
I know you agnostics and atheists will roll your eyes or mentally pat me on the head, but cancer is one of the things that tells me that this world is not our permanent home.
A friend of mine had a similar experience. A year out of HS she went to her doc because she had a rash under her arm, figured it was her deodorant. Doc said ‘nope, breast cancer’. TWO WEEKS later I was at her funeral.
That shit can hit you like a cement truck.
At 19 or 20?? Man, that’s terrible.
My aunt went in 4 weeks. No prior signs at all and definitely no reluctance to go to the doctor at the drop of a hat. It’s unbelievable how fast certain types can spread if it remains undetected.
That’s why the analogy of cancer is so effective when describing a bad behavior or culture or whatever it is spreading undetected through an organization until it finally has enough of a stranglehold to kill said organization.
Except cancer is more evil.
One of the Internet’s leading sites for science and technology reporting speculates about two things that (kinda, sorta possibly) may or (very most likely) may not be related:
Perhaps they can explain why life expectancy in the US has flatlined over the past few years under the glorious gift from heaven that is Obamacare.
Torture those stats. They’ll confess.
Let them explain how the ACA affected the rise in mortality rates among white mid-westerners. I’m sure OldMexican will be along shortly to assure me that they deserve to die for, among other things, opposing NAFTA.
+1 Senor Bananero
This person’s comment seems to be the consensus “intelligent” view
See if you can count the errors in their thinking.
Much of it seems to me that they absurdly overweight topline-stats and make assumptions about what they indicate based on their pre-existing bias. Then they just throw up their hands and say, “clearly we’re the worst and spend the most” – without attempting to actually do any forensic examination of what underlying forces actually combine to those results.
But we just finished getting all the corpses out of the streets from before the ACA!
During my junior year of college some girl said something like that to me when I (stupidly) said in my sociology class that I was against universal health care. She accused me of wanting the poor to die and I just laughed in her face till she absolutely fucking lost it. Looking back, I probably could have handled that situation much better but the reason why I laughed because I didn’t want to give her bullshit premise any sort of legitimacy.
The Left always does the, “If you don’t implement policy X or take away entitlement Z, people will die.” And usually the GOP have to spend time arguing that they don’t want people to die when in reality, they should either laugh at them or call them out on their bullshit premise.
I don’t suppose this girl was planning to become a doctor, so that should provide some of this care everyone is entitled to?
s/should/she could/
I don’t really read the site, but those comments are like peak smug. Literally no one knows what they’re talking about, yet they’re all cocksure in their opinion.
Oh wait, I’ll let them explain it.
You’d better buy what they’re selling or you fucking hate science, retard.
How the hell could the two possibly be connected? Does the ACA give everybody a personal assistant who reminds them to exercise?
I’ve noticed that Arse Technica plays the statistics game quite a bit.
They had another article about vapes, the headline of which basically proclaimed that vaping destroys your white blood cell count and makes you into an immunocompromised gimp. Their grand piece of evidence was that “leukocytes placed in a diluted solution of e-cigarette juice had trouble engulfing pathogens as they should”. Well no shit, I bet if you put leukocytes in Tabasco sauce or grape jelly, they wouldn’t do very well either, but that doesn’t mean that consuming these things is going to cripple your immune system! Here’s the kicker: they even had a quote from the researcher that pretty much said “it’s not clear if vaping actually harms the human immune system”. But the author of that article decided to heavily imply that it does.
Oh, now it makes sense why that UN climate woman has 2020 as the deadline to get all the AGW stuff pushed through.
Forest Service “law enforcement officer” counts cars at a Rainbow Family gathering. You’ll never believe what happens next.
I really don’t understand why the media is covering up all the postal carrier injuries and deaths that must surely be happening with all these dangerous dogs about.
Holy shit, you have no idea. Well not deaths, but there’s a constant drumbeat of “Don’t worry my dog is really friendly” while they’re gnawing on some 4’9″ Filipina’s leg.
The co-inventors of the spray mentioned in the story (Halt) are quite interesting. George Fahlstrom and Osmose were big in the wood preservation field (think utility poles and the like). Dr. Jim Jenkins helped develop the anesthetic portion of the first commonly available tranquilizer dart gun (“Cap-Chur Gun”). Reminds me I need to pick up a can.
Dr. Jim Jenkins obit
George Fahlstrom obit
One of the big reasons they carry such ergonomically terrible shoulder bags is because their first course of defense from dogs is supposed to be putting the bag between them and the dog. Most of the dog attacks that end up with injuries occur (in my experience) when the owner is out on the porch with the door open or the owner comes to the door for parcels or accountable mail and the dog charges out from the inside. While dog bites are really common a ton of the injuries are the letter carrier being knocked to the ground or stumbling while they try to retreat.
I had a paper route when I was in 6th grade. It was the ’70s, so the Dog Whisperer hadn’t even been born yet and people tended to leave their dogs outside. There was one lab in particular who enjoyed attacking me when I’d come off the porch after delivering or collecting. One morning I got pissed and clobbered him with the mostly full bag. We never had a problem after that.
Tell me why a scrawny 6th grader can handle dogs, but a full-grown cop can’t.
I’d guess because cops get a free pass on discharging their weapon. Postal worker training on handling dogs is really fucking terrible and makes them victims. Folks have tried to fix it, but the Postal bureaucracy is unassailable.
I hear UPS just has the drivers keep a small bag of treats on them to buy the dogs’ affection.
I had a problem with couple dogs on my route. I remember telling my dad about having to throw my bike at one. The next day he hands me a cheap ass water pistol. I asked what it was for. He said, “Hit ’em in the eyes and nose.” I did. Problem solved. Lots of yelping.
paintball guns works wonders on dogs.
That’s a great idea!
I basically never let my dogs out of my yard, because if someone shot my dog and it was doing anything less than eating a screaming child alive, I would be in prison.
Really though, what other reason should they have to shoot a dog?
Same here.
I’d visit you, though!
+1 cake with file.
I’m posting from my phone and am far too lazy to site all the obvious examples of bullshit in that story. Suffice to say that the only part I believe is that a cop killed a dog.
the comments =
there are 100 more like that
Tarnation! This country was founded on getting the proper permits to go to the woods, and anyone who didn’t get their permit shoulda knowed the cops would shoot his dog!
It’s things like this that remind me that the only thing standing in between us and the idiocy of the right is the more urgent and dangerous idiocy of the left. Once those fuckers die out we’re gonna be right back in the camps with the hippies.
One of the major reasons why I stopped supporting Republicans and even referring myself as one was because of their stances on criminal justice reform and their unconditional love of the king’s men.
Same here. Finally stopped pretending not to notice that people who professed to be committed to limited government sure seemed to cherish intrusive government agents.
It’s not unreasonable to say that if a pit bull goes batshit on you, it’s worse than if a chihuahua does. But this notion that every single one is like having a hungry tiger in your house is just goddamn stupid.
I was delivering pizza last night and I walked by this pit bull in its little fenced-in yard. It didn’t bark once and had a hopeful slow wag in its tail when I approached, like it wouldn’t allow itself to get too excited for fear of a letdown should I choose not to play with it. I had the sense that the owners were somewhat neglectful of it.
The only dogs that have ever intentionally bit me out of anger are chihuahuas. I’d put them all in the fucking ocean if I could.
I have a Chihuahua and a German Shepherd. It’s amazing how brave the Chihuahua is so long as the Shepherd is there to back her skinny ass up.
I love it when some little dog gets all aggressive at a much bigger one, yapping and baring of teeth and growling and the whole bit, and in response the big dog just looks at it with a sort of “Really? That’s it?” attitude.
Let me fuel your rage.
The correct pronunciation is chi-hooha-hooha
youtube’s suggestion algorithm must get suicidal when you log on.
I’m a person who will generally be nice to animals. I love dogs and cats (despite being allergic) but small dogs are quickly earning a place on my shit list. I’ve rarely encountered one that does not bark like crazy and run wherever it wants to, and this happens because for some reason, a lot of small dog owners in my town don’t feel the need to put little Foofy on a leash.
I guess it’s more the owner’s fault than the dog’s.
I have a dachshund. Love her to death…..but I will not approach anyone else’s dachshund because they tend to hate everyone other than their own owners and they bite a LOT.
True – I used to have a miniature dachshund who basically hated everyone but his family. He would even try to bite me if I tried to make him go outside or something he didn’t want to do. Regularly tried to attack our 105-pound German Shepherd. Of course the Shepherd would just cock his head and look at the doxy like “really, dude?” There is another mini dachshund in the neighborhood who we often meet up with on walks, the doxy loves to say hello to us, but the first time we met he tried to bite my shepherd’s nose when he sniffed him. Fortunately he doesn’t react to small dogs and just pulled his head away, and now they are friendly. But dachshnds are nuts.
My best friend has had a couple pits. Great dogs. Though I’m pretty sure if I had started beating my friend up they would have eaten me
Most dogs will protect their owners. You really don’t want to act aggressively toward somebody who has a German Shepherd or a Rottie or Dobie, because they have naturally protective instincts and will react faster than most other dogs to perceived trouble.
This. My wife and I have spent years volunteering with animal rescues, and I can definitely say that pits are like other large dogs in temperament: unless you mistreat them, or they’ve been terribly abused in the past, they’re usually gentle, affectionate, very easy to bond with, and much more timid than many small dogs.
I’ve also volunteered with rescues, and in my experience as both a handler and past owner pits tend to be happy, friendly, goofballs. The pits I’ve owned, as well as the ones my sisters currently own, made shitty guard dogs for the house because they were just too damn happy and friendly. The appearance of a stranger was always an occasion for great joy.
Is it asking too much for a cop to actually get bitten before they start shooting?
And risk having the poor dog contract rage-roid disease from the cop? You monster!
I’m pretty much the same way with cops and armed suspects too. If you kill a guy, he better have had a gun in his hand. Not in his waistband, his pocket, a holster. No furtive movement bullshit. If he is holding a knife, he better be within 10 feet or so. You don’t get to shoot a guy 20 feet away holding a knife. I pay your lavish fucking salary for you to deal with that without shooting someone.
You’re seriously asking this question?
Or are you being fa-cee-shush?
i was actually serious
unlike, say, “when a suspect brandishes a firearm”, dog bites do not present the danger of instant death.
a dog that runs up to you might bite, or it might sniff and lick your shoes. maybe they should wait until poochy actually gets a mouthful of their polyester before they bust a cap in it.
I consider dogs good judge of character. Which makes me think these cops did have legit fear of a dog biting an adrenaline junky
Journalistic integrity!
And no video? Do these people not realize what they dealing with?
You can’t just have eyewitness accounts when dealing with these crazy fucks.
there’s got to be a cellphone video.
*checks worldstarhiphop*
Sounds like the Trump/media kerfuffle in a nutshell.
All you lonely, pathetic Glibs out there (but I repeat myself) have had your prayers answered!
Not until it’s compatible with TOR and they accept bitcoin.
Asking permission from the producers makes it totally more sexier.
Speaking of Flagrant Nazi Tweeter Trump, I’ll repeat (more or less) what I said in the Fourth Amendment thread. He is beginning to remind me a lot of John Cleese as the Taunting Frenchy on the castle ramparts, in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
“I fart in your general direction.”
Trump’s fairly predictable with this stuff-look for him to do something fairly important in the next couple of days while the media chases the distraction.
Come to think of it, it should serve as a nice distraction from the implementation of Muslim “ban” 2.0.
Yes but as a wise wikipedia editor dubiously points out there is no convincing mechanism for solar activity to result in cold temperatures. Got it? THE SUN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TEMPERATURES OKAY? I fucking love science.
The sun is meant to be decorative.
“…no convincing mechanism for the solar activity to produce cold temperatures…”
Ladies and gentlemen, science.
So this is why they can’t drive over there.
Id hit it like they hit that garbage truck.
another great from the archives!
Boobs, not from theChive.
My thoughts.
I know my audience.
Which reminds me: if you would like to see the Platonic archetype of a breast, go look up the NSFW pics of Rhian Sugden.
“Rhian Sugden”
I wouldn’t fuck a single one of those girls. Possibly the one whose face is not seen because there’s an off chance her face wasn’t mutilated with plastic surgery.
Or just…
Much better.
What’s their face have to do with their vagina?
-look for him to do something fairly important in the next couple of days while the media chases the distraction.
Mediaworld is currently in full freakout mode over his “bullying” of that nice Brznatowski lady. Time to bring the elephant onstage.
Ot and shameless plug:
If any of you like high priced knives and silver and like to “game” please feel free to email meh.
I don’t do email. Give me your phone number, home address, headshots and a stool sample.
No dick pics?
We’re not at that phase of our relationship yet.
Re This “I am Jazz” show: I have no issue with adults deciding to alter their body anatomy. I’m not going to go down the rabbit hole of “sex vs. gender” or the cultural fascism of forced acceptance; that’s for a separate discussion.
What I would like to broach here is the implication of minors undergoing irreversible changes to reproductive anatomy. I’m still not sure how I feel about it since self-ownership dictates that an individual should be able to do what they like to their body. HOWEVER, things get complicated when it comes to children who may or may not be mature enough to appreciate the gravity of their choices. Throw darts!
*shrugs* Jazz will be 18 next year.
If you are under at a bare minimum 16 you do not have the capacity to understand your actions or the consequences of those actions long term, much less an understanding of the world sound enough to make judgements about your physical composition. If you really want to cut your dick off, either do it yourself or wait until you have the means to have it done professionally.
If a two year old said he wanted to be a girl and someone actually followed through on it that would be child abuse, and I don’t see much of a difference if we change the age to 11 or 14. If you’re an adult you can make your own bad decisions and live with them, but if you can’t legally enter a binding contract then you have zero business deciding how your bodily functions are supposed to work.
If you are under at a bare minimum 16 you do not have the capacity to understand your actions or the consequences of those actions long term
Oh for fucks sake, what happened to good old ‘back in the day stories’. Time was when libertarians championed the fact that people used to leave home and make their way in the world at the ripe old age of twelve or thirteen, the infantilization of mankind marches along nicely I see.
That would be about the same time that humans we’re enslaving other humans en masse, correct? Not exactly enlightened times.
Would you trust your 13 year old self with a credit card? I know I wouldn’t
Okay, keep on treating children like they are incapable of doing anything harder than not shitting themselves in public, the snowflakes are going to make the blizzard of ’78 look like an early winter tracking fall. Any thirteen year old should be able to handle a credit card, the fact that they can’t isn’t a reflection on them but on their parents.
Saying someone under sixteen should not be allowed to request their genitals be professionally mutilated on a whim is a bit far removed from ‘ZOMG YOURE MAKING THEM SNOFLAKES ARGLEBARGLE!’
It’s actually the exact opposite, it’s not catering to every immediate emotional whim of hormonal and emotionally unstable individuals. It requires them to actually take time to assess whether it’s what they really want or not, i.e. this amazing thing called ‘responsibility’.
So now you’re setting not only the age but also the “whim”-syness for self-ownership. Must be nice having so much insight into the wants and needs of others, I think Venezuela is looking for a new El Presidente.
I think the point is that somebody who thinks that mutilating their genitals will solve their problems is presenting significant evidence that they may not be mature enough to be trusted with adult responsibility.
I know 13 year olds I’d trust with my credit card. I know 50 year olds I wouldn’t trust with a $10 gift card. Just because our culture infantilizes adolescents (and adults now) doesn’t mean that all adolescents are incapable of maturity.
Why not? I had a checking account. I think I could have understood credit if explained to me.
Neurology has some pretty substantial evidence that the brain goes through some extreme chemical changes up until around the age of 25, which should probably be considered when someone claims to ‘feel’ like the opposite sex.
So, age of consent,voting,driving,drinking…all 25, got it.
Spare me the moronic strawmen. Gender dysphoria is a neurological disorder. If you wish for surgery to address a neurological disorder it should probably be substantiated by actual diagnosis and neurological evidence rather that wanting to be a boy because it’s the trendy thing.
If you wish for surgery to address a neurological disorder it should probably be substantiated by actual diagnosis and neurological evidence
for everyone? 15, 25, 60? Shall we test each person’s brain chemical makeup before letting them do whatever they want with themselves? People do stupid shit, for you or me or I to decide when they can or can’t do stupid shit should get a’ fuck off slaver!’ not a ‘but they’re too stupid to know better’ The soft bigotry of lowered expectations doesn’t apply to age?
hall we test each person’s brain chemical makeup before letting them do whatever they want with themselves?
How bout we start with roundly condemning those people that pretend that the delusions of the disordered is “their reality.” There’s a huge chasm between sane medical best practices and brownshirts forcing you to go to a therapist before you get your ears pierced.
Meh, their only going to get worse so them destroy their reproductive system is probably a blessing.
I don’t see this as a fair claim. I have met plenty of great people that were absolutely dysfunctional terrors as teenagers. The fact of the matter is that in our teen years we are terrible at assessing and evaluating risks, resulting in very poor life choices. There’s nothing wrong with protecting children from at least some of these risks until they have a better grasp of the world.
I am all for adults doing whatever the blue fuck they want with their lives. Children don’t get that level of freedom.
I wouldn’t even let my daughter dye her hair blue. It was pretty much the end of her life.
So long as we can accept the legal conclusion that children are property, sure.
They basically are right now.
No doubt, as once were women (evidence statutory rape laws). But we’re moving away from that standard, which I think is problematic in some areas.
Seems that Zillow is dropping its claim against McMansion Hell.
The EFF’s letter to Zillow is worth reading. Pretty good takedown.
Looks like their site is down. Time to up the server capacity!
Check out some video of the last Glibertarians meet-up.
“404 Not Found”
That party was so off-the-chain that it broke the internet!
Fixed now. And pretty damn awesome.
you guys know karate?
See, this is why you shouldn’t bring up deep dish pizza in polite company.
What is ‘any random backyard playing norteno music at stadium volume on a weeknight’?
Account now terminated, according to Youtube.
Stu “Whooooaaa” Mandel is live in Chopper 9, but with a wildfire, not a police chase.
Well this sounds absolutely horrible.
Over at TSTSNBN in the Detroit pot raid story, there’s a mention that one Detroit officer has killed 69 dogs over his career.
Fucker needs to be dragged out the back of the PD with a rope around his neck and given a taste of his own medicine. No justification for 69 killings. What a piece of shit.
jesus fucking christ get a woodchipper.
Holy fuck. What a colossal piece of shit.
And the copsuckers wonder why so many people hate the cops.
Maybe he just smells delicious to dogs.
Dogs do like bacon.
^^This guy gets it
This is someone who is a psychopath and wanted cover to indulge his bloodlust. I really would like to see a per-capita psychopath comparison between cops and the general population.
Well, it being Detroit (not reading the article), I have read about a lot of roaming feral dogs/cats/etc up there after things started going south in the last 20 years. There’s probably a good chance that many of them weren’t pets.
Not exactly suburbia necessarily.
So the FBI agent without lawful justification fired a deadly weapon, then lied and attempted to cover it up? Sounds like the occupants had a lawful reason to use their own deadly force to protect their lives even assuming the police’s account of the subsequent killing is correct (which is both doubtful and still wasn’t justified). However, being party to a criminal conspiracy and using that to justify their own actions, makes the state police snipers equally criminal… homicides charges all around for everyone involved, FBI agent and state police troopers?
Same rules for cops as non-cops, right?
The cop sucking comments on the article are hideous, as expected.
Ace of Spades has three Yo Fuck the FBI stories on the sidebar right now, and I’ve seen a bunch of shit in the comments there recently that’s not cop friendly at all. Conservatives are starting to awake to the fact that Barney Fife and Andy Griffin are long dead, if they were ever alive at all.
W00T! Cubbies win! Suck it, Washington!
“Also encourages the hatred of women with hair loss who use wigs.”
Uses the word hatred unironically; won’t read