The Astros won the home run derby last night. God, it was brutal to watch those guys throwing meatballs up there. But a win is a win.  Hey, speaking of wins, the Twins won too (see, I pay attention!).  But there were bigger things happening in the sports world. Like Tim Tebow going yard on his first day after moving up to high-A ball. An umpire did something good for a change. And the Rockets signed CP3 in what many pundits are calling a serious move against the Warriors for control of the west. I think its a bit premature to call it anything but shoring up an inadequate backcourt partner for Harden, but I’ll let the talking heads go apeshit like they always do with a big signing like this.

That’s really it. You guys will be getting (teaser alert!) a foreign sports ball update in a bit, so I won’t dive into anything else.  Which brings us to…the links!

Susan Rice

Poor Susan Rice. If it weren’t for racism and sexism, she’d have nothing to worry about.  Well, nothing except for the crimes she’s potentially committed by unlawfully getting the names of American citizens swept up in so-called terrorism investigations and leaking them all over the place in an attempt to smear political opponents in an attempt to influence elections. Poor gal. I hope she’s able to make it through the klan rally intelligence committee hearing without incident.

New York Times editors don’t like getting laid off. I guess they don’t understand how markets work…which would explain the overwhelming majority of their financial and economy pieces for the last decade or so.

Its been a little while since I linked to one, but Victor Davis Hanson is back, baby! And he’s on fire.

Woman to be deported. I will post without further comment because I want to know your reactions. But I might dive into the comments.

The Catholic Church still has a sex abuse issue. This time its going to the highest levels short of the Holy Father himself.

Herpes victim

Florida might have solved a herpes problem! Unfortunately, for many Floridians and Spring breakers, its not going to do them any good.

An appeal to millennials. Or an indictment of them. Take your pick.

That’s it for me. Go out there and give ’em hell today!