Brett has today off, so I’m going to keep this very short and oh so sweet. I have beef to cook and beer to drink. Happy early 4th, my fellow Americans. -PM
Boo Hoo. NYT “strike”
I've never seen anything like this : Each floor of the NYT newsroom is full of folks walking out in solidarity against the coming layoffs
— Jenna //\ Wortham (@jennydeluxe) June 29, 2017
You think you can just put up lazy links, late, and get away with it? I knew it. Soave’s been running this site in disguise the whole time.
+2 be sure
Soave license plate
Hey, he put 3 minutes of work into this post. Show some appreciation!
Does appreciation mean yelling at my monitor?
We can’t hear you! Yell louder!
I didn’t know there wouldn’t be links until it was too late.
And I don’t know how to use the admin interface. I’m just the janitor here.
And I was busy making a stupid joke about your cookbook in the other thread.
It’s really a cuckbook, isn’t it?
That was pretty good.
I like how you left the byline Brett L. Nice.
So that everyone knows that it’s his fault.
Wait, if I go by Robby time, I have until 430PM Eastern.
Stop, Robby time.
Halt, hammerzeit
4:31 PM Eastern because links posted then get more hits or something like that.
I would have had good links.
Zweigle’s ?
That made me think of this.
Now I am thirsty.
For those wanting visuals:
I’m drinking a Stone “Enjoy by 7/4/17” IPA.
They had a whole shelf of them at Costco. What are they going to do with the unsold ones after the 4th?
I think the staff will have a great 3rd.
Sad, sad things.
I volunteer to help them dispose of their expired stock.
That’s my favorite IPA.
I have purchased it after the expiration date, its fine honestly, but since Total Wine sells it at a discount after the date it makes it all better.
That’s exactly what I’m hoping for.
It says on the bottle “BREWED TO BE ENJOYED WITHIN 37 DAYS”. Yeah, don’t care.
Let’s make it 40 days and give me a fat discount.
Good links? Like this?
Matt Mira & John Barrowman do Black Friday Deals (2012). When first aired, it was broadcast live on G4TV.
The set up is about 2 minutes long, then it gets good. By good, I mean 6 minutes of dick jokes…
It still cracks me up, but I’m immature and easily amused.
And no alt text for the picture. It really is Robby!
You can’t fire us! We’re quitting!
Management: “Okay, leave your computers and badges on your desks”
Evil Management: “Not really, I already put the paperwork in with HR. You were actually fired last week.”
You can’t quit, you’ll eventually be fired!
Um, Doesn’t vagina mean sheath in Latin?
You spoiled the joke a little early, man.
His wife tells him that a lot.
Oooh, burn!
Shh…. they aren’t very bright.
Vagina, vaginae – sheath, scabbard
Gender of the noun: feminine
I swear the Romans made that word solely to function as a euphemism
If “each floor of the NYT newsroom is full of folks walking out,” then why don’t I see anyone walking out on the upper floor in the photo?
Just when they need copy editors the most.
Moar Phake Newz!! Busted!
Are they walking out on a Friday afternoon before the start of a long week-end?
That’s some solidarity right there, yo!
Fight the man!
They should all QUIT in solidarity.
I’ve never seen anything like this : Each floor of the NYT newsroom is full of folks walking out in solidarity against the coming layoffs
I’m certain a walk-out will help the business situation which is leading to a lay-off.
“Hrmm… Our productivity has hit its highest level in years. Quick, lock the doors and lay off anyone outside them.”
Each floor of the NYT newsroom is full of folks walking out in solidarity against the coming layoffs
Why don’t people understand that “Journo” is not a job in the traditional sense of “you have to generate more value than you are being paid,”? It’s a holy calling, one where simpleminded ideas of profit and readership don’t apply. I mean, if they lay these people off, how will the masses ever know which narrative to swallow?
A journalist’s job is to sell advertising and classified space.
Craig’s List is killing the NYT.
Remember all those “we can’t have a free and objective media unless we nationalize failing left-wing outlets and support them with taxpayer money” trial balloons a while back? Expect those to get floated again before too long.
I’m currently trying to reconcile the regulations of the FDA, a similar EU organization, a prominent NGO, and a country within the EU that has conflicting regulations from the first 3 in a submission to said country over a bureaucratic misinterpretation about regulations outlined by the EU. Over 1500 pages of regulations to analyze and not all is in English.
The good news though is that I’m repeatedly told that regulations have no negative impact on business or commerce.
Is it 5:00 yet?
Somewhere in the Atlantic
Drinking time is noon. Maybe earlier on a Friday before a 4 day weekend. Maybe.
Noon is just the point at which you switch from bourbon to beer.
Some of have to work on Monday.
Its only a 6 hour day, but still.
Flask in the desk, eh?
Ugh, Sat, Mon, & Tue are working days for me due to quarter end. Yea financial services company and being exempt.
I’m clearly not doing Friday’s right.
T-shirt I saw once (in St Louis):
Screw 5:00, its 4:00 somewhere.
StL representin’
Without those conflicting regulations, anarchy would reign!
Here’s something I finally came to understand: The EMA can say no, but they can’t really say yes. That’s up to the individual countries. EMA approval just means that they haven’t said no. Yet.
Yes, this very much so.
Don’t get me started on NICE. Stupid and arrogant.
… i felt like this was a setup for a joke about a polish guy.
Actually, last night we were talking about this. I mentioned studies which estimate costs of ~12% of GDP to federal regulation; i’ve seen sector-specific research which pegged it as high as 20%; country-by-country comparisons tend to be a mess of complexity, but i’d wager they fell into some similar range (10-20%)
I believe it and would actually peg it even higher.
My dick is a sword and your ass is a sheath.
I knew you would comment. Lol.
Even worse, he wears that outfit while saying it.
I tried to find an Inuyasha image, but got lazy.
Sailor Moon is better than Inuyasha, anyway!
(I think I even know the episode that’s from… Sailor Mars says she’ll punish someone in the name of Mars, and Moon predictably loses her shit.)
*spits beer all over phone
let em walk.
Seriously. if they all volunteer to get fired, maybe the paper can be saved.
What, July 1 is chopped liver?
Well… yes.
The term is Pâté.
Or, from the odor, liverwurst.
A video of last years festivities.
Do people in Quebec actually celebrate Canada Day?
Yes and no. But who cares? They want to be like that, let them.
Not that I get naked and run down the streets excited about the whole thing.
It’s just too bad Trudeau is PM for the 150th celebration.
Why did you have to go an elect someone who hates Canada to be the Canadian PM?
*looks at recent presidents*
Yes and no.
I knew a few French-Canadians that said, in response to questions about celebrating Canada Day, “We don’t have Canada Day. We have Feast of Saint John the Baptist.”
Yeh, that’s the standard response from independendistes.
Quite the shame.
Quebec is IN Canada.
I completely ignore ‘La fete Nationale’. It’s a provincial excuse to get sloshed.
Ah, La fête Nationale.
Kinda like Canada’s version of Cinco de Mayo. “Let’s get waaaaaaasted!”
They celebrating it by moving. Or threatening to move. Something like that.
It’ll just be food, booze and lawn games at Casa BEAM, I’m afraid.
Actually, I’m not afraid at all. Gonna be a good time.
Sure, whatevs. Must have those things around here somewhere … {goes digging through the storage shed}
Because walking out is so helpful when they are laying people off because they are losing money, because their current staff sucks.
It makes the process of figuring out who to layoff easier.
While your heading out, grab the rest of your stuff.
Back in the 80’s, I worked at a GM production plant during the summers making terrible cars. At one point, a guy I was working with told me they were seriously talking about a strike. I was shocked and said they would just lock up the plant behind you as the last one left. He was offended.
A year later the plant dropped to 1 shift. A year after that they closed it for good.
One of my most important life experiences was working alongside those people as a teenager.
Yeah, nothing like working in a union-dominated industry at a union-dominated company to give you lifelong amusement at all of those folks who are totally unable to comprehend that unions are anything but an unalloyed good.
Yep! Now it’s an empty building and I think they sold some of the land to the chick prison.
Oh, look. Some needs to wipe the tear from my cheek about the NYT.
Are your orphans missing their legs??
It’s funny you mention that. I had to amputate a couple of them for the black market. I couldn’t pass on the chance to make some serious coin.
I gave them a day off to recover though and back to work.
You are too kind.
Geez, a whole day?! You will spoil them with that kind of treatment.
*hands Rufus a Q-tip*
Might be more than you need…
Q-tip means something else in Canukistan…pretty sure you just said his penis was too small for a Quebecian woman.
Aren’t all Quebec women so slutty that that description fits all but the top 0.1% of dick sizes?
French Canadians seem to be very well endowed according to some informal research
What else would he have meant?
Pardon my French.
Tards gotta tard
No Happy Canada Day for your northern brothers (let’s be real, Canadian female libertarians are a myth) on our 150th birthday? This is why we backed the Confederacy.
July 1 comes before July 4!
It isn’t even Canada Day yet; chill out Canuck.
Well none of us are going to be here or sober tomorrow, so you might as well show your appreciation now.
/shoves Jesse’s face in plate of poutine.
You’re such a flirt!
/pulls down t-shirt collar over shoulder.
Have some NSFW birthday cake
Thought you guys were still part of the U.K.? Is July 1st Monarchy day?
No, that’s May 21st, and we were never part of the U.K., we were various colonial states in the British Empire, and are now major members of the glorious Commonwealth of Nations. *Salutes Elizabeth while a single tear rolls down cheek*
Somewhere in the deepest darkest recesses of my closet I have a Canada Day t-shirt from an Old Navy in Toronto that I bought like in 2001.
Go get yourself a Sleeman Light, some poutine and watch replays of the 2010 Olympic hockey finals.
Real Canadians rewatch any of 1972, 1987 or 2002 (because the gold medal was reclaimed as proper).
Poutine? Puteen? Putin!!
Somehow I decided to celebrate the 150th birthday of Canada in Quebec City. Could I pick a place where the folks were less enthusiastic about Canadianness than that?
Could I pick a place where the folks were less enthusiastic about Canadianness than that?
The US?
Only outside of the glibertarian universe, which is obsessed with Canada.
Seriously. Shoulda gone to Ottawa.
Fuck Ottawa on Canada Day. Whole downtown becomes a crowded mess with cops everywhere. I can’t imagine what it must be like after the Parliament Hill shooting, probably some quasi-police state.
Whaddya mean “…after the Parliament Hill shooting…”, bro?
As much as I love shitting on Ottawa, we’re way, way better than the U.S. at not making our capital and government buildings operate like Big Brother’s wet dream.
Never confuse neglect with studied indifference, my son. 😉
To be fair, we’re not as big a target either.
PM Zoolander visits re-occupation teepee.
This! Is! Ottawa!
Prime minister said he delivered ‘a message of respect and reconciliation’
And then the natives gave the little turd an Atomic Wedgie.
Hey, can anyone guess what the Algonquin didn’t build or live in?
Probably good branding though, you’d have to explain to ignorant progs what a wigwam is and you’d probably need a building permit for a longhouse.
Or (just as likely) the natives themselves don’t really know the difference. There were days when I couldn’t believe just how pig-ignorant of their own history/culture some of the spokespeople for Treaty 4, 5 and 6 native bands in Alberta were. Kinda like everyone else . . .
It’s also rich having these guys from Sault Ste Marie, which means they’re probably Ojibwe, pretend like they actually give a fuck about the Algonquin peoples and aren’t just using them as a hobbyhorse for their own attention. Because if you spend any time around Amerindians you learn pretty quickly they hate other tribes a lot more than whitey.
S’truth . . .
At the private college I attended Natives (mostly Mohawks) attended for free. Tuition was 15k a year (to you yanks college here is your high school) back in the 90s.
Anyway. They couldn’t care less about Native history often oblivious in answering questions about them and weren’t exactly dedicated to their studies.
The band chiefs are the ones into it all because KA-CHING!
Keeping it real.
Each floor of the NYT newsroom is full of folks walking out in solidarity against the coming layoffs
Besides the hilarious (and delicious) prog tears angle, who cares about this company having to lay people off? Is a layoff a newsworthy event? Apparently only if you are a newspaper.
I’ve been layed off twice and it never made the news.
Does this mean there won’t be a paper tomorrow? Because if there is, I know of another way they can cut costs.
What do you call a bunch of employees walking out of the New York Times? A good start.
Rufus as owner of NYT.
Staff: ‘We’re walking out!’
Staff: We’re walking out!
Rufus: Do you people even work?
That’s good.
Well played.
What’s this? Trump is evolving! And, like Pokemon and Zerg, he’s actually getting…better?
I dunno. He tweeted about it 15 minutes after Ben Sasse mentioned it on Fox & Friends. He probably turned the channel to MSNBC after that for some hate watching.
HeThe Hat probably turned the channel to MSNBCI wasn’t sure if the hat or the hair was controlling at that point.
Working on second bullet rye. Gonna check out a bellaire brown when my wings come up.
Just had one last night along with a Slurm. Really digging the northeast IPAs coming out. In fact, may be time to close up shop and head out to reload.
Slurm? You do know it’s made in a colossal worm heinie, right?
So let me get this straight, the vagina chick:
1. Has no background in medicine (or any education outside of a dance conservatory)
2. Has fully adopted the feminist style sheet of WRITING IN FUCKING CAPS LACED LIBERALLY WITH PROFANITY for no reason
3. Either lacks understanding of the etymology of the word she is criticizing and is too lazy to look it up or doesn’t care
4. Believes that criticizing the meaning of a word somehow creates a cogent argument
We all know that peak derp is a myth, but this girl is asymptotically approaching it.
Also, women have no agency. Because if you’re a woman who had her vagina torn open during childbirth and would like to fix it, you’re wrong. Obviously.
An apussatightemy?
Fucking lacing your shitty writing with profanity is bullshit.
That’s basically Feministing’s business model.
Needz moar CAPS!!!
Goddamned right. Good thing no one around here fucking does that.
I’d like to do her just so I could tell her I didn’t enjoy it.
“You have a terrible cock sheath”
As of 6:30 tonight, 3 likes.
A future Reason contributor, it would seem.
Don’t you see, the links were in us the whole time, we simply have to let them out!
Abraham Lincoln warns about the emergence of a tyrant
He also got hammered in the ass.“Hey everybody I can’t watch this!”
I wonder what’s going on: that the WKUK folks are on hiatus, or can’t get work because they offended somebody’s delicate sensibilities or something. I was just wondering what those guys were up to because the sketch series was frequently hilarious and I hadn’t seen them for a while.
Scotch time!
Talisker, Springbank or Ardbeg?
I put my faith in the Glibs.
pick a number between 1 and 10.
D) None of the above.
Bourbon. Thanks to paying rent for 3 to 5 times longer per bottle, plus transport costs, plus import duties, etc you get way more quality booze per dollar if you buy domestic.
This is the technically correct answer.
However, if you insist on getting Scotch, I recommend The Balvenie double wood 12 year.
Balvenie Double Wood is pretty smooth and tasty, but at $50/bottle it is such a waste of cash. Most mid shelf bourbons will kick it’s ass for 20 bucks less.
If you have a Sam’s Club with an adjacent Sam’s Liquor store, they carry 750 mL Balvenie DoubleWood for $36.
Some people look down their noses at Sam’s, but I love that place.
For that flavor profile, Negroni’s absolutely right. IMHO. But I’m not a big Highlands drinker.
I haven’t found a Bourbon that equals the smoothness and depth of the Glenfarclas 21 I was able try (Sigel’s Liquor in Dallas tastings are a must to attend if you’re in the area), though I haven’t spent 125+ on a bottle of Bourbon either.
Personally, I recommend Bruichladdich 10 year.
Aberlour A’bunadh, dammit! Why do I have to keep repeating myself?
My man. *toasts*
You alcoholics always Talkin about your booze. Just once can we have a discussion about some fine herb or your favorite Brand of whipped cream to huff?
I use a lot of cumin.
I’m a Hemi man myself
Ground dried fenugreek leaves. There is no substitute for that flavor.
And the increased lactation, amirite?
Soooo, do u huff the lactation, snort it or pop it in a syringe? A friend wants to know
Lol! I wouldn’t know; I am a heifer.
Imma really liking Jefferson’s Really Small Batch.
Tullamore Dew, not any of that Scottish swill
You people bashing Scotch are dead to me.
Can’t go wrong with Ardberg or Talisker. Haven’t had the Springbank.
Speaking of Talisker.
Not bashing. Recognizing that equal quality comes with a much higher price point when you buy foreign. I like scotch quite a bit, but it usually costs roughly double what a comparable quality domestic bottle would cost.
“Equal quality” – huh. Seeing as its purely subjective, I would say that there’s no such thing?
I prefer the flavor profile of Scotch to nearly any bourbon, as well as the lack of acid reflux (sorry, straight bourbon often gives me literal heartburn).
To some people, the doubling or tripling of price for older vintages is worth the money, for others its not. Guess what? They’re both right!
To be fair, though, it isn’t really like scotch and bourbon are substitutes. They’re different whiskeys that have very different tastes. A U.S. made “scotch” wouldn’t be bourbon. And a sour mash made in Ireland would still be, essentially, a bourbon.
true. I like bourbon, but my main point is foreign vs domestic costs. If you like a barley mash bill then there are still plenty of domestic distilleries making single malt barley whisky too. Rickhouse temperature has a huge impact on the aging process and Scotland is fucking coooooold so you have to pay rent on those barrels for a very long time to get a quality aged product. That rent makes everything pricey.
Negroni, what smoked American malt whiskeys compare with Scotch? All of the ones I can think of (Corsair’s various smoked lines, Balcones) are either comparably priced, or have changed hands (Balcones), and none really have the quality of, say, Ardbeg 10.
I really agree with your point, though, when it comes to brandies and Cognac-style whiskey. Germain-Robin absolutely annihilates Cognacs that cost as much or twice as much.
I’m just busting chops a little. I just like the way Scotch tastes vs. Bourbon.
Talisker is good stuff. I was in Scotland in May and had a flight, it had Talisker Storm. Which I think is a bit more peaty Talisker.
I haven’t had the other two. I’m a Jura man myself.
Ardbeg if you like peat.
I’ve never had any of those! I vote for whichever, if any, hail from Speyside.
Update: I went with Talisker. Gonna re-up to Ardbeg later since it’s super peaty.
You mean, when you’re drunk enough that the peat is less offensive? 😛
You are DEAD to me!
As a Laphroaig fan, I agree with Mad Scientist on that one!
How much smoke/peat do you like? My personal ranking of the usual offerings from each is Ardbeg 10, Talisker 10, Springbank 10. They get toffee-ier and the smoke/seaweed thing tends to die down the older they get. Contra Negroni, I don’t find Bourbon to be a substitute for Scotch. Then again, I like Islays more than Highlands.
I can find Ardbeg 10 around 30-35 in my area. Much better value than what you can find in either Springbank or Talisker, IMHO. Comparable too in price and quality, to Bourbon offerings like Elijah Craig 12 year, or Four Roses Select (either single barrel or that super blend they do). You’ve really got to like peat and seaweed though.
Laphroaig is comparable in price at 35-40 for the 10 year. More iodine and smoke, a bit harsher than Ardbeg. Of course, you can argue that means it’s just more flavorful.
If you’re not a big smoke/sea guy in your Scotch, go for the Springbank out of your choices. It’s spendy though, and I’d recommend a decent Speyside, like Glenlivet, over it.
I’m more a bourbon than scotch guy, but I really do like me some Balvenie DoubleWood! Also, goodbye to my heterosexual man-crush: Ricky Rubio. Too bad the fucker couldn’t shoot. (These euphemisms…)
I will say it every time the question comes up. Anything glenmorangie.
Pretty funny if you’ve got 15 minutes to spare and have spent any time among vets.
You need to put a TW on that for the mental image of Hilary Clinton getting fucked by a rhino.
Now I’m gonna have to click.
Way to sell it.
I have been pimping Ranger Up videos for years to no avail.
I like the holiday ones the best. Xmas/halloween/thanksgiving
the very long ones (women in the military, gun control, the VA, ‘wizard of va’ thing) are also great
I finally watched that this afternoon…. I should’ve used my earbuds.
Just watched the gun control episode – awesome. I love the Gunny’s use of the knife-hand.
I like it.
“Brain-eating amoeba
NEW ORLEANS — A potentially deadly amoeba has been detected in a Terrebonne Parish water system, and while officials say tap water is safe to drink, they are urging people to avoid getting it in their noses.”
Wait, what?
You ever use a Neti pot? You know how the instructions say to boil the water first?
That’s why.
Or you could just use distilled water, the Gen. Jack T. Ripper way.
Ugh. I should break mine out. LA has fires on all non-ocean sides right now.
Do you have to cool the water down before using?
Yes, I just use tap water.
I’m just incredulous that it’s safe to drink, but you can’t put it up your nose.
The brain eating amoeba needs direct access to your brain. Which it can get if the water goes straight up your nose, and which it can’t get if you drink it.
(I’ve been paranoid about it for years, so I know things)
There’s a clothing optional hot springs I’ve been to a few times outside of LA and it’s one of those “DO NOT PUT YOUR HEAD UNDER” kinds of places because parasites and nose-holes/eye-holes are a bad mix.
I’m no microbiologist, but I’m pretty sure amoebas have locomotion. And it seems a pretty short walk from the mouth to the sinuses.
The CDC is pretty firm on this point.
I don’t see how, your nostrils connects to your throat, or at least mine does
You can drink it because it doesn’t infect your GI system. If you get it way up your nose, it attaches to your olfactory nerve and works its way up to your brain. It will literally eat your brain tissue and very likely kill you (like 98% case fatality rate). Bad, bad news. It’s called Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis.
There’s been like 1 person to have survived it I think?
I think one person has survived and fully recovered. There have been a couple of others that survived but had severe brain damage.
Looks like two survivors with full recovery according to this.
Is that the guy who literally had to have his face removed to survive it? Like, they cut out everything from the eyebrows, including his eyes, down to the lower jaw. He has to wear this mask around all the time because there’s just this huge hole in the middle of his face now. One of the freakiest things I’ve ever seen – think it was in an issue of Maxim, believe it or not, a long time ago.
That was mucormycosis. Fungal disease that usually only attacks people with AIDS or Diabetes. Also really horrific and huge case fatality rate.
Aha. You’re right – this was the guy I remembered.
I think that’s the same organism that caused a fatality at a water park near Charlotte. It ended up shutting down.
I’ll be having nightmares.
I’m not drinking anything that can eat my brain, except alcohol.
My ENT surgeon that fixed my nasal septum and bored out my sinuses told me I can use tap water right from the faucet, just not well water, when I do my sinus rinse. I find the squeeze bottle type (NeilMed) much more convenient than a Neti pot, and when I travel and know nothing about the local hotel water, I microwave the water right in the bottle, as the label says it’s made for.
I used to get a lot of grief from city dwelling friends and family when we moved to the country about the safety of our well water versus their gov’t run and approved municipal water system. I never heard it again after explaining they drank sterilized, and sometimes not so sterilized, human shit among other things. By the time the a water warning has been released, it’s already too late.
PBR will appreciate this heartwarming story from his hometown:
Court records: Ex-Petersburg city attorney made phony call to himself claiming racial threats to city leaders
Fake “hate crimes” – they’re not just for college kids anymore!
I shit you not, when I saw the initial story on my Facebook feed on Feb. 16, 2016 I wrote: “I would bet anything there weren’t any threats, rather the mayor and council are just afraid to face the public.” So obviously fake, yet I am kinda surprised at the level of incompetence in manufacturing the “threat”. I mean, at least go buy the burner in Colonial Heights or something. Sheesh.
I had no idea that burner cell phones were so cheap.
You can actually pick up reasonably decent prepaids for like $10-15 and never activate them. I use them as remote controls/ghetto grocery list tablets stuck to the fridge/etc.
You want a Confederation Day link?
An op-ed in the Toronto Star warns Canadians not to use this day to get foolishly patriotic, not with all the historic crimes which still need atoning for
As long as they apologize for Canadian “whisky” then I’m happy.
They need to make reparations.
An apology just isn’t enough.
Agreed. But only if the reparations are delivered in shitty velvet bags too.
Without reading it, I’m going to guess “being mean to the Chinese and Japanese, and residential schools/the Indian Act”.
No, no I don’t.
On a more patriotic note, here is what you can do in Montreal to celebrate Canada
“Old Montreal will play host to a number of activities, including craft workshops, flag making and knot trying starting at 11 a.m.
“There will also be a 21-cannon salute, face painting, art stations, cake, musical performances in the evening and of course, fireworks to cap off the day.
“From 12 to 4 p.m., there will be a petting zoo featuring goats, lambs, geese and alpacas.
“New Canadians will be sworn in at 1 p.m. while the Canadian Armed Forces military band will oversee the raising of the flag.”
Huh, no marching barefoot in the streets wearing sackcloth, furiously whipping yourself in atonement? Not what I was expecting.
NYT “strike”
It’s not like those “professional copy editors” provide any value whatsoever. Outrageous poppycock is the rule, not the exception.
Re: NYT strike
The misery, confusion and derangement of the legacy media is unlike anything I have seen in my life and it is so, so delicious. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.
Good to see the water didn’t kill you.
Whatever you do, don’t snort it.
A vagina is not a sheath
Did you really have to share that with us? I could have gone through life in perfect bliss not knowing that that level on vapid insanity existed.
I post links to Salon. You were going to know.
From the woman’s website:
The work has grown into a responsive, flexible combination of soft tissue release, structural alignment, TCM-based meridian and point manipulation, Visionary Craniosacral Work, pregnancy and postnatal massage, scar tissue remediation, Holistic Pelvic Care™, the Arvigo techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, techniques drawn from Sexological Bodywork, Crystalline Energetics, and somatic-emotional release work rooted in Core Energetics.
On it’s best day, Salon wishes it could achieve that level of bring out the men in white coats utter lunacy.
Dude, Crystalline Energetics. What’s wrong with you? Crystalline. Energetics.
These people are fucking morons.
The Edmonton Sun tells you how to “Get in on the action to celebrate Canada Day 150”
This one struck me:
“Where: Historic Festival and Doors Open Launch at corner of Whyte Avenue and Gateway Boulevard
“When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“Part of Sand on Whyte Festival, the Edmonton and District Historical Society kicks off Historic Week with professional sand artists who create sand carvings that tell Canada 150 stories.”
You’re picking all the boring places, the real Canada Day events are going to take place in every bonfire field and campground in the country.
Pardon my ignorance.
“Whyte” Avenue?”
Boy, a walkout on Friday before a long holiday weekend. #SoBrave #Solidarity #HamptonsHereWeCome
Hamptons for a few, rooftop parties in Brooklyn for the rest.
I know we talked earlier a bit about the kerfuffle around the request by the Election Integrity Commission’s request for voter data.
What amuses me is that the same assholes who are worried about Trump and his administration getting a hold of their info are the same ones who were all heckling the legislators for not signing Minnesoda up for the RealID act. That was nothing except for a program to share personal DMV info with the Feds.
Principals not principles.
More fun from Project Veritas.
Once Robby’s finished writing his book, he’ll put a stop to O’Keefe’s shenanigans.
You know, I really wonder how it is that Rico Suave gets all these gigs, when random Internet commentators are invariably better at doing the things he’s getting paid to do. I’m predicting mushy false equivocations and virtue signals. Bash the fash, etc.
Oh, I didn’t bother to look at his top pinned tweet bragging about his “first article for the NYT.” The Weigelization is well underway. It’d be nice to be able to donate to Reason again.
Why so they can hire a new Robby Weigel?
Well, in a better world, because they’d be be making a show out of sacking a writer who’s publicly supporting violent left-wing terrorism if it happens to the right people (baiting and inciting indeed), just to mention possibly the most egregious example, and getting back to something more principled. Sigh, if only. Nothing lasts forever.
See, this is where the Ludwig von Mises Institute had a better idea–be located somewhere that’s not on the coasts. It’s not like these people actually need to live in cocktail party proximity when all they actually do all day is jerk off on Twitter.
Madison, WI, site of “what is referred to as the northernmost Confederate cemetery”
“The memorial at Confederate Rest is dedicated to members of the Alabama 1st Infantry Regiment, of which about 1,400 were captured on an island in the Mississippi River in 1862 and taken to Camp Randall as prisoners. About 10 percent of the troops died from illness, injury and other maladies.”
(contains autoplay video)
Gotta say. Not loving this Bell’s Porter. Surprising really.
Not loving this Bell’s Porter.
The only way those English words, arranged in the order, could make sense is if the beer somehow went bad or got skunked.
Justin Amash’s reasoning on why he voted no on Kate’s Law (or its equivalent)
Good enough for me.
“kate is a two-bit skank”
That’s not Kate’s Law. There are two separate bills. The one he’s talking about, H.R.3003, is the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act. Kate’s Law is H.R.3004.
True enough, although Amash also voted against Kate’s Law.
Wonder how many leftists opposing the bill will read Amash’s explanation and use that as their reasoning (Hint: none). Also, Massie voted yea, so I’m interested to see and hear both sides of the libertarian coin duke it out here.
I’m not a super big fan of some of the points he makes regarding federalism. SLD applies, as always, but I think it’s pretty much settled at this point that immigration is a federal issue. Certainly the feds can’t order local cops around, but the local cops don’t have the authority to flout federal immigration law.
The whole thing’s a mess. Immigration and crime are two things that if the War on Drugs ended would instantly be a lot easier to get a handle on.
Certainly the feds can’t order local cops around, but the local cops don’t have the authority to flout federal immigration law.
Are you trying to win paradox of the year? how do you square both sides of that circle? The feds can’t order locals around but they can make a law and order the locals to follow it, seems like a distinction/difference thing here.
Well the bill, from what I’ve read, was written because cops in places like San Fran would turn criminal illegal immigrants loose, because once they’re in the system ICE is on the way to deport them. So the leftist politicians would bust an MS13 member with multiple felonies on his record for DUI, but would turn him loose so the poor baby wouldn’t have to go back to his own country.
I find Amash’s argument regarding this particular point to be a tad specious. The feds are not levying a quota on the local ops, or drafting them into immigrant crackdown squads. They simply require that when the locals catch an illegal immigrant in the course of normal local policing, that they refrain from turning them loose. How long does it take an ICE agent to drive from the federal building to the local lockup?
That doesn’t even get into the bullshit like the Boston case, where two doctors (one a legal immigrant) were murdered because the local authorities conspired to keep a violent criminal in the country rather than deporting him.
As usual with immigration, the two parties are talking past each other, and a common sense policy which would satisfy 70% of the people of this country isn’t even on the table.
Sure, and your solution requires that local cops do the bidding of their federal overlords, requiring refraining from action is still a demand. This might be the best way to solve this particular problem* but to say that it has no states rights/federalism implications is patently false,
*if it actually is a problem.
There’s an equality before the law issue though. If an American citizen arrested for DUI is held until morning, but an illegal is turned loose so ICE doesn’t come for him, you have a clear cut case of preferential treatment. If a prisoner arrested for DUI is wanted on a federal warrant for tax evasion, or for vandalizing a national park, or mail fraud, then the local police see that when they book him, and notify the feds.
I generally agree with Amash’s reasoning, but that is the weakest of the arguments he makes. What is actually happening is that “sanctuary cities” are allowing violent or dangerous criminals free because they are illegal immigrants, they’re not handling all prisoners the same, and you could definitely argue that is an equal protection issue.
That sonofabitch is late again?
How could this have happened in such enlightened states? HOW?
No political will for long term infrastructure replacement. “That bridge has been here for fifty years and worked just fine! Why would we need to spend money on another bridge?”
Uh ’cause the bridge had a 35 year life expectancy.
35 Earth years?
Things are not going well for Texas Man.
Not gonna lie: I respect this guy for knowing what he wants and going for it.
Life for having a one man party? That’s fucked up.
It’s a little weird that they cite the tampering with evidence as the reason for the life sentence and not the children’s clothes and toys while sitting outside a baseball field.
Nine previous felony convictions, so they got him on “ten strikes and you’re out.”
Including one where he ran over a cop while he was under the effects of meth. (The vegetable lover, not the cop.)
I’m surprised he was still out of prison, TBH.
Shoulda murdered someone, he’s be out in 10
I don’t get it either.
New Braunfels man with history of ‘deviant’ sex acts with vegetables sentenced to life in prison
The vegetables did not consent.
They certainly didn’t consent to be spraypainted.
Must have gone to Canyon High School.
Da Bears
That’s where I took the picture on my avatar.
Cool! I’m always worried that they’ll get hurt, but I can’t help watching
When do we get to see one of those tourists get eaten?
I want to see the tourists start swimming upstream.
Man from Atlantis style?
I’m leaning toward going there for my big 50th birthday trip (a few years from now!). If I get mauled, I be sure to do it while on the webcam.
You’ll be a star. Necessarily a one hit wonder, but still.
Hey, looks like the search is over. We found the town with ethical and ballsy cops.
Police Chief (And Most Of His Department) Quit In Protest Of City Corruption
Why am I so cynical that I think that the real reason they resigned was because the mayor was going to put the revenue from the tickets into the general fund and not the fund to buy more MRAP’s and body armor?
FTA: “after accusing the mayor of the city of attempting to impose ticket quotas on citizens”
Idealistic enforcers are useless in amongst my species
You and ZARDOZ both.
Yes, and it is a shame the flying cranial rock will not share his mass-lift capable anti-gravity technology.
Local TV just came back from commercial break with a non-apology pointing out that earlier in the newscast they mixed up mug shots and used a mug shot for a story about child porn of somebody who most certainly was not arrested for that.
This is yet another reason why you don’t just regurgitate cop propaganda.
I’m so jelly. There is no way my Congressman is as cool as Keith X – I mean Ellison.
W00t! Minneapolis is going to mandate $15/hr. Now I don’t have to tip when drinking in Mpls any more.
Ugh. Sadly, Keith IS my congresscritter. Why do they put Fridley in 5th district when we are clearly a better fit for the 6th district with our fellow Anoka county citizens??
(Speaking of Anoka, if any Minnesota Glibs want to listen to live southern rock (Skynard, Alman Brothers, ZZ Top, etc), my husband’s band is playing tomorrow night at Serum’s in Anoka starting at 9pm.)
When suburban bars drain business away from Minneapolis, they will implement this at the state level, just like they did with the smoking ban.
How else are they going to keep Democrats in office?
Why hundreds of New York Times employees staged a walkout
We have to convince management that they need us??!!
They have more than zero layers of editing now?
Job abandonment makes the firing process easier. No need to pay for unemployment benefits.
The old Grey Lady she ain’t what she used to be.
copy editors say the move has forced them into a “humiliating process of justifying our continued presence at The New York Times.”
“What the fuck do you *do* exactly?”
“I’m a people person! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?”
“You physically take the specs from the customer to the engineers?”
“Well, no… my secretary does that.”
No surprise from NYT employees but these people just don’t understand basic economics. If they really wanted to save the jobs from being eliminated they could all agree to substantial pay cuts but we all know that’s not going to happen.
They care about those jobs only so long as someone else has to pay for them.
Cock holster, spasm chasm, serpent socket, love glove, honey pot, meat massager, bearded clam, cum crack
‘cockpit’ has always seemed the most appropriate word.
Is there anything you don’t post that isn’t sexual? Another Libertarian site gone wrong.
Goddamn fag Demons, lose to the fucking Swans. Kiss my ass, you shitweasels. Why don’t one of your fucking forwards go get a DUI like the fucking Orlando Lions asshole. ARRRGGGH. Fucking douchebags.
*(drinks even more, passes out on arm and cuts off blood flow)*
Well, TBF, the Swans early season form was below where they should have been playing. And, the Demons have been threatening to win a flag for about 35 years.
Gah – I just fired up my DVR and poured a drink and read this. Curses! I hate Sydney. Fucking lose again already.
Well, now what do I watch?
Ancient Aliens on History.
RN – I know, I was laughing mightily at the Swans, uh, dive during the early part of the season. Preseason faves fucking about with the like of Brisbane – it was quite amusing. I have noticed their improvement in form the past few weeks, but then, the Demons had also been improving somewhat.
Just not as much as needed, apparently.
Rhy – Sorry to fuck up the evening viewing. (Considering the score, you wouldn’t have been in doubt for long in any event – and if the Swans hadn’t had a ton of behinds, it could’ve been a 100 point win). I’m just pissed (in both the American and UK/Aus version of the word) – your Crows had been doing better for a while (along with RN’s Blues), although with your Crows playing the Hawks, and the Blues playing the Adelaide Crows, I think you have a much better chance of getting a happy event over the weekend.
Unless CFC finds the same mojo they had against GWS
Chicago police, federal officials to announce gun violence ‘strike force’ on eve of July 4th weekend
Are they going to stop limiting lawful citizens from protecting themselves? No? Go fuck yourselves slavers.
NBC taking over the 2nd 1/2 of the NASCAR season means no more Kenny Wallace til next year. Sadz.
I don’t watch Nascar, do I didn’t think about Kenny Wallace during the first half of the season.
“SB 9 does the following:
Hikes personal and corporate income taxes by $5 billion. The personal income tax rate increases to 4.95 percent from the current 3.75 percent rate. The corporate income tax rate rises to 7 percent from 5.25 percent.
Expands the sales tax to laundry and dry-cleaning services, as well as storage and other services to bring in $55 million.
Raises $54 million in cable and satellite TV taxes.
Closes corporate loopholes worth $125 million
The total $5.4 billion tax hike means each Illinois household will eventually have to pay $1,125 in additional taxes annually.”
I’m so lucky to be able to live in this Progressive hellhole of a state.
Can they override the Governor’s veto?
If Madigan (Democrat Leader and House Speaker) and Cullteron (Democrat and Senate President) could convince a couple of Republicans to vote for the tax hike, they could override the veto. The GOP leadership in Illinois are on board for the tax hikes.
Fuck you, cut spending.
(Well not you personally, Ed.)
Oh, and New York’s tax rate hits $6.45% at under 30K ($21,300 plus the standard exemption). It hits 5.25% at under 20K, so if you’re making minimum wage you’re still going to have to pay substantial income tax (never mind the payroll tax).
What’s $6.45%?
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they’re doing their damn best to turn this state red.
OT Question for dog owners:
My dog likes to dig and is very efficient at it. I would like to redirect her efforts to another part of the yard. Any suggestions?
This is when I miss my Dad. He had the touch with animals. They just longed to please him. Our barn cats would do tricks, like dance on back legs and do flips for him. When my sister had trouble house training her dog,she called him. My parents came for the weekend and when they left, the dog rang a bell to go out. I am pretty good, if I have an idea where to start. Late Lamented Cat would come when called,sit,lay down, roll over and beg. Current cat not so much. Late Lamented Cat wanted to please me. Current Cat not so much, though he comes when called and does obey off. Dog mostly wants to please so I should be able to at least redirect her.