Also, thanks 6 for that CGW post last night.
NP. Being 5 posts back, I wondered if you’d visit it.
Drop the hammer ZARDOZ.
Hail ZARDOZ! I belive in your ability to win a drag race, provided a suitably long course. However, consider playing to your strengths and explore the world of drift racing.
That was awesome, and reminds me of Monty Python “Keep Left Signs” sketch!
Goddamit, NCR, stay the fuck away from Hoover Dam!
NCR? Please, I drove those clowns out along with the Legion. Independent New Vegas, every time.
What do you have against National Cash Register?
My grandpa retired from there in the early 80s when he got cancer. I remember going to Old River with him in the summers before that when we were little.
I think a kid died there one day we were at the park. He tried to jump off a 3 meter board only halfway out and he landed head first on the pool deck.
I don’t know how more people didn’t die in those pools. They were massive and there were only so many lifeguards. But damn, were they ever fun.
To hell with the links. Come on Lachowsky, what happened???
*sits back and waits*
Refresh my memory?
The story about the friends guns getting stolen…
Oh, yeah, the one where I said he might want to get a lawyer.
(or his friend might)
I found the whole thing pretty damn engrossing when i read about it earlier
I still think my advice to call the media would have worked. But he might have gotten a speeding ticket every day for the rest of his life.
Some things just have to be done…
we’re back at work now. The story goes, he went to the cop shop this morning and pretty much got stonewalled. The on duty officer said he didn’t want to do anything without speaking to his supervisor, that he somehow couldn’t get hold of. My buddy lost his temper with the cops when they suggested he send his son to recover the firearms. He yelled at the cops and then left.
I think he’s planning on going to see the sheriff monday morning since the local PD obviously could care less about stolen firearms in the possession of teenagers. The guns will probably be in the river by then.
There’s only one word for them.
I’ll provide updates as they come in. I’m curious how the sheriff will deal with this. In small population counties like mine, The sheriff seems to be more reasonable, being an elected official and all.
In my experience, traveling across much of this great nation, sheriff’s tend to reflect the community that elected them (good and bad), Staties are more professional, and local city police are thugs.
Unions, city government, organized crime, etc….
A follow-up on the deep-dish-pizza-on-airlines story
A follow-up on the deep-dish pizza on airlines story
4 dollar Miller lite? Pass
I know! Liquor and beer are free on the front side of the curtain.
Unions gonna union.
How about Seth Williams pleading guilty?
“He had been charged with 29 counts of bribery, extortion and fraud.
Although 28 counts were dismissed, a prosecutor said in court that Williams admits he committed all the conduct.”
Unions, city government, organized crime, etc….
Why the redundancy?
+1 weird picture for avatar
Ah Philly, never change. Seems corruption is a way of life there. This, their DA problem. Didn’t one of their Congress critters get slapped with something last year?
The progs claim another scalp and force a Tiki bar to shut down due to cultural appropriation.
You can’t win with grievance mongers and they have nothing better to do than ruin your life. They get off on it. Sad.
The only correct answer was “go fuck yourself”.
This. So much this. Apologies only makes it look like your accusers has a point.
The most retarded thing in the article is the speculation that Korean chefs can’t be allowed to cook sushi, etc, because “ethnicity”. These people want honest to God segregation. They would have done wonderfully well as plantation owners in the 18th century.
The irony is, sushi is not indigenous to Japan.
Stop westernsplaining, shitlord!
He should just open a Klan bar and be done with it.
Cracker Cocktails
We could use similar naming to take care of the problematic sports teams to. Who wouldn’t want to cheer for the Cleveland Crackers?
Bah. *too
Most Clevelanders
HM is correct. Plus use the same “Hawaiian good luck sign” that the crew of the USS Pueblo used on the norks.
If cultural appropriation is so wrong then those same Pacific Islanders need to get back on their small islands until they figure out how to sail to Oregon using nothing but traditional materials, wearing only traditional garb and no electronics or compasses. If they don’t want to do that, then “Fuck you Bra! Spend your money elsewhere.” is the only appropriate response.
How about some Poke? No appropriation there. Or did the islanders invent soy sauce and sesame oil?
It didn’t look like pacific islanders made the appropriations claims, the article says they liked the bar. This is likely the work of upper middle class white folks, who just KNOW what’s best for everyone. Also, bonus, another evil profit business was shut down.
When it comes to Cuban themed coop run coffee shops, appropriation is totes OK.
Reminds me of a Fourth of July parade in Hawaii that I witnessed a few years ago. One group in the parade was protesting development on the island. My wife noted that all the people protesting were white. The Hawaiian guy next to us looked over and said, “Hah, you noticed”.
Check out the classic South Park episode “Going Native” (season 16 episode 11) where “native Hawaiian Butters returns to Hawaii. It is absolutely brutal and hilarious about white folks in Hawaii. Some of the jokes might go over the head of somebody who has not lived in America’s Polynesian outpost, but it is still near genius.
“until recently, the location was Cloud & Kelly’s Public House, an Irish pub”
Note the Irish didn’t bitch.
The Irish don’t care what it’s called as long as it serves alcohol.
Not what they said when I proposed “John Bull’s Queen Loyalist Guinness Emporium and Imperorium, Hail Brittania” as a name.
Way to other the Unionists, asshole.
Some of the more ebullient ones might firebomb it first, but they’d still want to get a drink there afterwards
While it was burning
“Irish Sambuca”
An Irish Car Bomb as a chaser for the Irish car bomb?
Another appropriation!
I zeroed in on that as well. How long until they come at him for that?
“A local Facebook forum also had numerous comments about the situation, including questions of whether it was appropriate for chefs to cook ethnic food that wasn’t from their ancestry”
Everyone of these assholes needs to abandon whatever hipster new-american fusion bullshit restaurant then.
Mexican kitchen workers not working at Mexican restaurants hardest hit?
“95% of all restaurants forced to close.”
Feature, not bug. Restaurants are evil capitalist establishments after all.
Ya that quote got me too. The best Sushi place in a 100 mile radius around here is owned by an angry Japanese lady and all her chefs look like they would be more at home making tortillas. They meld some Mexican into their rolls. Jalapenos and the like. It is awesome. It is Merica!
I stopped in a taqueria near school in NYC once for a quick bite before class and was surprised to find everyone behind the counter was Japanese. I thought I had gone to Bizarro world for a second.
I had to google the town – Oregon. Yup.
There is a good commentary on cultural appropriation more generally and “tiki culture” specifically linked in the comments there. It’s long, but a good read and touches most of what I find problematic of the whole cultural appropriation charges.
All the tests are back and you’ve got the clap!
He got it from slutty Asian piano players.
I thought it was from dead civil war soldiers.
Ha ha, you guys, I bet you give the best swirlies!
Look, I confused an Asian piano player with an Asian violinist. To be fair, I wasn’t looking too hard at the piano player’s face.
The piano player was simply doing her job.
Vanessa Mae was the true object of my criticism.
Though she’ll survive my disapproval, and won’t even know about it unless she reads the relevant Internet postings.
And that in itself shows why I’m different from the Muslim extremists HM compared me to.
Not that I’m sensitive about being compared to Muslim terrorists, no, it doesn’t bother me at all, as you can see.
I missed the story about this. I feel like such a n00b.
My beer guess is that he called some agency and asked for an Asian to come play with his penis and because of a lack of familiarity with English they sent over an Asian pianist?
Sp the old 12 inch-pianist excuse.
A private organization could never manage something as complicated as providing a label to identify an item as complying with their rules.
How long until they want to use the power of the state to control who gets to be called craft beer?
It’s almost what the “organic” and the “Fa Irt Rade” people did.
I doubt they’ll aim for the state controlling the label. The small brewers are usually fighting against AB-InBev and distributors, who have deeper pockets then them. They’re offering the label symbol for free to those who meet the criteria:
Now, in fairness, the BA has adjusted the definition of craft beer before, generally to increase the production cap when some of the larger craft brewers were about to go over the cap.
Probably way past the time to be commenting here but…
I can offer some inside baseball on this. I worked at Craft Brew Alliance for a few years. CBA is the Widmer Brothers/Red Hook/Kona brewer. They are a publicly traded company that AB-InBev owns like 32% of CBA and have for a long time.
The BA is, in some ways, just a creature of Koch’s Boston Beer. The changes to the definition of what makes a craft brewer have changed largely to try to keep Boston defined as Craft while excluding CBA. I’m not sure what the beef between Rob & Kurt is with Jim, but it seems to drive some of this. The main beef with CBA isn’t really about ABI partial ownership per se, as ABI mostly was hands off while I was there. The main deal was that CBA had access to the ABI network in a way that almost no other craft brewer did because of the ownership percentage ABI has.
And distribution is what it is all about. Distributors are some of the biggest rent-seeking ass monkeys you will ever meet, and when they work with companies like ABI they create some particularly onerous rules designed to protect the distributors.
There’s also the other smaller craft brewers that ABI has acquired that ABI does two things with; increase their distribution while decreasing distribution costs (one of the largest costs in the brewing industry), increasing their advertising/marketing, and offering additional capacity. They don’t futz with the quality of the beer other than helping it be more consistent. And they do this because the beer consumer is increasingly moving to not just craft beer, but local craft beer. If ABI wants to gain market share, they have to figure out a way to play in that space
I would think if Koch really had that much control over the BA, they would allow the flavored malt beverages in, seeing as how Boston Beer Company is a really big player in that space. They’ve got the Twisted Tea brand as well as the Traveler shandy company (on top of Angry Orchard).
I’d say on top of distribution, the big issue now is shelf space. At least in some states (like Ohio), brewers can self-distribute, but they’ll always need to compete for space on the shelves (which admittedly is tied into the distributors). I have the feeling we may be headed for another pop in the craft beer market. There’s too many brewers not dating their products, which I think is going to come back to bite them in the ass. Get a couple of old beers from a brewer (or a shelf turd of a mix pack), and the customer probably won’t be buying their product again.
Maybe calling them his creature is stretching it, but they always try to wrangle the definition to include Boston Beer while excluding much smaller brewers, the barrel limit increase has several times been increased specifically for that purpose.
Yeah, the proliferation of brewers is leading to a shelf-space crunch. If you can’t get into stores it becomes hard to expand. I think the trend is going to be more that expanding out of your home state, or maybe even your home city, is going to get harder and harder.
Honestly, I would guess that they keep upping the barrel limit to keep Boston Beer (and I think at this point Sierra Nevada) in is so they can show an always growing number of barrels produced by members. It would be kind of hard to spin a graph that shows a production drop of 5 million barrels from one year to the next.
We’re getting a lot more of the new brewers that are opening up just tap rooms, with no plans for bottling or canning lines. Some aren’t even planning on distributing kegs. Meanwhile, we’ve got one brewery (Platform), that’s already expanded to a production facility and a second location down in Columbus in under 3 years.
“When beer lovers buy independent craft beer, they are…..blah, blah, blah”
Piss off. If you make good beer, I’ll drink it. I don’t care how big your company is.
“When beer lovers buy independent craft beer, they are supporting American entrepreneurs and the risk takers who have long strived not just to be innovative and make truly great beer, but to also build culture and community in the process.”
How big can a company be before buying their beer supports killing kittens and enslaving minorities.
This has more uses:
Send some of those to the NYT.
The copy editors had better hope the bosses don’t take this one to heart – “Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.”
They’d have to shut my entire workplace down. 🙁
Those are great
I’ve bought dozens of their products over the years, often as Secret Santa gifts for coworkers and monocle-orphans who get assigned to me.
With care, you can usually find one that is both critical of a real failing the recipient has, AND to be mild enough to not upset them too much.
Great. Another thing ruined.
For those of you who don’t know, there is a huge Federal wilderness area along the NE border of Minnesoda and Canada. It is a fun place to go. You can’t use motors in large chunks of the wilderness area. You have to canoe and there are all sorts of other rules to keep the place clean and primitive.
Local outdoor columnist just wrote a puff piece on how the Border Patrol is doing doG’s work protecting us from teh Terrorists. I used to go for a week trip with a group of guys and have run into the rare game warden or park ranger. The only time I ever had any hassle was when two park ranger gals decided to set up a check point (they were making sure everyone had an entry permit) right on a portage and fucked up traffic big time.
I could only imagine the hilarity that would ensue if one of these BP idiots ran across me out there. My favorite lake to go to (Lac La Croix) is half in Canada. I know my look would have been 10 times more sneerier than the guy in front of the canoe in this story’s pic.
What is even dumber, the way to catch any contraband isn’t to paddle around in the wilds after them. There is no way you can cover that much area in a canoe. Although, it might be a Reno 911 type of video to see a high speed paddle chase.
To steal a line from a standup comic:
Until we run low on wood, that is.
Hopefully they’ll harass the wrong group and…Deliverance.
The group I used to go into the BWCA with always got our permit through a buddy of mine. He would apply get the permit and was a super laid back guy.
One year, when he got the entry permit, they sent him a warning telling him that there would be extra enforcement that year and he should make sure that every canoe had their permit tag with them. When you get the permit, it is a big piece of paper and along the bottom is a perforated strip that has x number of tabs. You are supposed to tear that strip off and each canoe gets a piece of it. It said something like “canoe 2 of x” and “canoe 3 of x” on it.
Anyway, my buddy constantly nagged us the entire trip to make sure someone in each canoe had that stupid piece of paper in it. He was worried that if one of us got busted getting next year’s permit would be much harder.
On the way out, we came to a portage where one end was narrow and very deep. It was always a tough landing spot and this year, a couple of park ranger babes had decided to set up a check point to look at everyone’s permit. If they had set up at the other end of the portage it would have been no problem because that side had a wide beach and was very shallow. (for those of you who don’t know, a portage is a small trail between two lakes. Travel in the BWCA is done via canoeing from one end of a lake to the other end where you grab your crap and the canoe and tote it over the portage to the next lake where you continue paddling).
Anyhow, I’ve got my permit in my wallet and the other canoe captain has his in his wallet so we get through without too much of a hassle. Our three canoes are clearly in a group. Our leader gets his crap up onto land and realizes he has packed his permit in his backpack. He tells this to the park rangers and tells them, “you’ve seen the other 2 permit tabs, do you really need me to dig mine out?” Of course they said yes. They made him dig that permit out of his pack and then warned him that he could have been ticketed because the permit was supposed to be “easily presented upon request.”
As a bastard libertarian it gave me great pleasure to see my poor friend get fucked by the system he had worked so hard to appease. It was also amazing to see how fast he paddled for the rest of the trip. His rage made it seem like he had a bootleg outboard on his canoe. I can still get him worked up by asking for “papers please!”.
Fuck, that was Eddie level wall of text. Sorry. Drinking tonight.
It was a good story so it’s ok.
I know that even though I could probably hold myself back from saying something smart in that situation, the involuntary look on my face that said “that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard” would get me in trouble.
Heh, I remember distinctly one summer when I was, I suppose, twelve years old, and my family drove up highway 61 to Canada for the day. The border crossing is at Grand Portage, where there’s a river called the Pigeon River, and there’s a small falls, not far from the border crossing, called Middle Falls (I looked up the names just now). Well, we stopped there, to park and walk around the falls for awhile.
Now, I have always known this happened to be exactly on the Canadian border, because I remember walking around that falls and looking down, having noticed something like a large coin on the ground; it wasn’t a coin though, it was a brass (?) spike (?) driven into the granite, with letters imprinted “INTL BRDR” (or something like that — just going from memory here). So of course, I had to do the old “Hey mom, check this out, I’m in Canada! Now I’m in the US! Now I’m in Canada!”
I know exactly where you were. My sons had a fight on that spot (playful one). The “Canuck” decided to invade the US and the American did his best to repel the invasion. The wife was exasperated at yet another demonstration of how stupid us XY-ers were.
That episode last came to mind, I think, when boarding a plane home in Vancouver… they had implemented the whole “US pre-customs” thing you have to go through before being allowed to board, same as when departing any European (or elsewhere, I imagine) country, and I just thought… if there’s a better illustration of “the terrorists won,” I don’t know what it is.
Then just yesterday, my dad randomly decided to drive up to Duluth for the day, after having had a meeting to discuss a job in Wisconsin. So we got to talking about those old times… times like I mention above, times like when my dirt-poor parents decided that a good honeymoon was to drive their VW minibus around the Great Lakes… and how he couldn’t do that now, for lack of a passport.
Placenta pills? That is downright disgusting.
An average Slavic couple.
Her teeth ruined it.
Ok, but what about her knees?
She had knees?!
Regarding that nationalreview in this morning links about Hannity saying Twitter is a way for trump to get his message out to the most people. Only for National Review to say that isn’t true since twitter is only 1/5 of country. The way to do that would be conventional outlets
Problem is that is true. The only way Trump GETS HIS MESSAGE out there is via twitter. The Nyt, Wapo, Cnn etc all decide what is posted. What Hannity said is correct. Those outlets aren’t going to just let him run his own message.
I like inspirobot. It almost makes me wish I had some sort of social media so I could post this.
Blessed by the Edit Fairy
LAST! Getting bombed on whiskey cokes. Flipping between the TWINS game, MAJOR LEAGUE II and a M*A*S*H marathon. Somehow listening to ROCKET FROM THE CRYPT during commercial breaks. I don’t always like my life… but some nights I do!
Spoiler alert: it isn’t a chicken. It’s a baby!!!
sloopy: Fucking late-period M*A*S*H. I remember seeing that episode when it aired. Math tells me I was nine or ten at the time. Memo to Alan Alda: It’s a sit COM! That means it’s supposed to be funny, Not make a 9-year-old kid have fucking nightmares.
He ruined that show four years before it ended.
By the way, I don’t know if anyone caught it, but when I joined Glibs I was watching an episode of M*A*S*H. That’s why I chose LEFT HAND of RADAR. It was in reference to Gary Burghoff’s deformed left hand. Anyway, it was that or “General Ripper.” Or the even more distasteful, “Genital Ripper.” Anyway. Whatever. I’m drunk.
Oh, so you’re too fucking good for Spearchucker Jones?
You fucking racist shitlord.
Come on, sloopy. Spearchucker made about as many appearances in the first season as that Australian anesthesiologist with the dopey hat who’s name I can’t remember. Was it Bruce? Anyway, as a connoisseur of M*A*S*H I feel like there was a two-season “sweet spot” for the show– the Nexis of which was Col. Potter, B.J. and Winchester. Frank Burns was such a shitty foil. Winchester could at least fight back. Jesus, I’m drunk.
the Nexis of which was Col. Potter, B.J. and Winchester. Frank Burns was such a shitty foil. Winchester could at least fight back. Jesus, I’m drunk.
In vino veritas, my friend. This is the absolute truth.
In Larry Linville (?)’a defense, playing Frank Burns after it was played to perfection in the movie just wasn’t possible.
I see some other folks are thinking Trump’s tweets are intentional. I tend to agree. Most of the stuff that has been implemented this week the progs would shit their pants over in hysteria on the news. But yet we didn’t hear about it.
I had no idea the travel ban was implemented Thursday night.
Trump is the smartest political mind this country has seen in a generation (Reagan):
He is brand new in the field yet he makes those who would oppose him spin like tops.
He is beginning to unravel some entrenched deep state bullshit by going after regulations.
He is eviscerating the useless State Dept.
He put a solid constitutionalist on the SC and has already proposed splitting up the most constitution-hostile circuit court.
And he’s doing it all with a congress that is generally opposed to him. And got elected with the overwhelming majority of media outlets openly cheerin against him. So while one may disagree with his politics, it’s hard to argue with his political acumen.
I thought this was just a typical day at Oxford.
Is “romped” UK-tabloid speak for “actually fucking”
because when they said it about the RyanAir couple from Ibiza, i thought, “ok, they’re being cute”. But “romping” a goat is…. it just seems the wrong word. I’m pretty sure the goat wasn’t having a lighthearted good-time.
Yet another case of context. With a goat, I think a more appropriate term would be “frolicking”.
Frolicking? Too posh. I think the proper term would be “chuck it up”. As in, “That bloke just chucked it up that goat”.
You mean “gambol”.
Not enough antisemitism for it to be “typical”.
I imagine many of these same people are anti-vaxxers.
Don’t judge, Gilmore.
::makes tiger penis tea::
*chugs 3 penis wine*
do you tell the tiger, or is it a surprise?
You drink it right out of him…
The hardest part about making tiger penis tea is holding it down while you extract the ingredients.
i mucked that up. i was trying to suggest he was making penis tea FOR a tiger. but it wasn’t that funny anyway. (even ‘nut crumpets’ didn’t help)
i vaguely remember when “environmentalists” were mad about how the @*(#*()@#() Chinese had created a boom market in rhino horn and tiger dick and shark-fins etc. Now the chinese pass law banning it* (which just means they want it more on the DL), and it doesn’t even make the major papers.
You had me at “believed by some”
I expect the take @ Casinos will skyrocket.
as will the number of people just staring at neon lights/fountains
Ever gambled away all your money?
Ever gambled away all your money ON WEED?
serious answer = no, and no. I play $5 craps tables and tend to lose only a little/win a little
I play 5 dollar poker games that tend to last for about three hours with four total guys.
But I HAVE done it on weed.
I was high as fuck the last time i was in vegas, but it was @ a wedding in Elvis’ penthouse suite @ the
Vegas HiltonWestgate. I don’t remember gambling at all. Probably because i didn’t want to put pants on.That’s how you do Vegas
-1 NYPD horse
This was the inspiring quote that Inspirobot provided
This is what I got:
I think I played that game on the C-64.
That’s what Zardoz has been trying to tell us for weeks.
But the genius of what followed is still either ignored by even “conservative” writers, or not understood at all. Team Trump also understood that they needed a window of a few months to lay the groundwork for all of this, to get the necessary people in place, and to begin drafting all the paperwork necessary. Their biggest enemy was the leak. If word began leaking out to Republicans, especially, who could be harassed, lobbied, and bullied before the whole package was drafted, many pieces would never see the light of day.
Sometime in this period, I’m convinced Trump (but most likely Trump and Bannon, because this is pure Anti-Alinskyism at work) came up with the “Cheese in the Maze” deception program. The idea was to constantly leak stories of chaos or disaffection within Team Trump in order to get the Fake News media chasing those rather than the policy stories. Hence, the “Bannon-Kushner fight,” “Trump Furious with Sessions,” “Bannon on the outs,” “McMaster Seeking a Coup,” and, the latest, “Sessions Considers Resigning.” At no time did I ever get confirmation from within Team Trump that any one of these was even remotely true—but on the other hand I couldn’t get Team Trump to admit to the “cheese in the maze” strategy. Nevertheless, along with “Muh Russia,” the Fake News media was 100% absorbed in what were essentially National Enquirer headlines while oblivious to the earthquake under their feet.
It seems too smart for Trump. And I have trouble thinking Pence and Sessions would go along with it.
Look at this week on thursday…all they talked about is the mika tweets
while this happened on that day:
1. 2 illegal immigrant bills passed house
2. pipeline approved to mexico
3. travel ban implemented
Virtually no coverage. These are the 3 prog hobby horses
Its fun to muse on, I’ll give you that. And its not like Trump can’t handle complex problems (the NYC real estate game), but-
Actually, you know what? I think I’m sold…
I think they are being fed bullshit…not that they aren’t necessarily in on it. And pence did agree to be Trump’s VP
I am not sure I buy into the theory, but I do believe that is something Bannon would want to do. He hates the media with a passion. It was Andrew Breitbarts mission in life to destroy them and break their cover. (At least that is my impression from what little I know of the guy.) I think Bannon is a true believer there.
I wish you’d abandon the AmSock handle here. You’re among friends.
Speaking only for myself, I love it. It reminds me of the way he snaked it from the obnoxious SOB that had it before. Granted, it’s mysterious to newcomers, but a good inside joke to those who were there.
Ya i also took on California socialist when he went to that because he dropped it due to me making my own version of cali socialist and saying reasonable things. I figured this was the best way to troll the troll
Wait, this is a different AmSoc? When did the change happen?
Yes. i stole his name on reason and am now squatting on it. I dont visit there anymore
I’ve been wondering why he suddenly sounded so reasonable over there.
see i originally was american socialist but i used an “I” in place of the “L”. I figured the best way to troll him was not to act like him and piss off you fine folks…but to be reasonable and say stuff libertarians would say. He started responding to all my posts saying it was cute which means he was peeved
He became cali socialist…i stole the real amsoc name. created a new email and did the same with cali socialist. Squatting on all the names.
Not sure what he is now. He is like voldermort in the first harry potter without a body
God damned kids. Always have to tie everything back to Harry Potter, don’t you?
If the election isn’t going to go my way, we need top men to stop it.
Or something like that. Bonus points for a lot of “interference” talk with no specifics. Double bonus points for incorrectly using the “all 17 intel agencies believe Russia…” lie that the AP was forced to retract earlier in the day.
Didn’t Brennan say in testimony it was probably same as before just that they can better detect it now
Yeah. But lest we forget Vault 9 said our intel agencies have tools that can make it look like foreign agents are leaving footprints on work that’s being done by our own people.
And I don’t trust spooks to tell the truth. Ever.
Exactly. The report reads more like a generic manual. Lacks evidence to me
And we have seen what a rat Comey and Clapper are.
That has always been in the back of my head about the whole thing.
it really makes me question the dnc narrative especially since debbie was calling jeh johnson a liar. and the whole crowd strike thing
“As more information about the response to that interference has been publicly disclosed, it’s become clear that key decisions were made by good people trying to do the right thing for the right reasons that nevertheless led to bad outcomes.”
I didn’t realize I had a hangover until I tried to read that twice.
The asshole did influence the election and used the power of his office to help his favored candidate. He came out and said nothing will come of Hillary’s email investigation prior to Comey laying that out there. How did he know that?
The election did not work out the way they all expected. The only reason the Russian hack attempts were not brought up by the Obama administration is because they all thought Clinton was going to win.
Remember Trump’s tweet on May 12 about “tapes”? And everyone thought that was reckless and out of the blue.
Well after Comey leaked the memo about “i hope you can see” on May 16…he was surely to be asked why he became a leaker. He testified that he did it due to Trump’s tweet (he leaked his convos to NYT) and that maybe tapes could corrobate it.
Problem is on May 11, the nyt had a piece about their loyalty dinner with quotes. Comey was leaking before that Trump tweet. And Trump’s tweet confused him on his timeline in testimony. He didn’t leak due to Trump like claimed, he was already doing and Trump called him out.
I think Trump really needs to appoint a special prosecutor to look into possible perjury by Comey as well as removal of government property, leaking of classified or sensitive information without permission and obstruction of justice since Meuller is so cozy with Comey.
It would be his ultimate troll job.
Well his lawyer pointed this out and they were going to file a complaint…this was on June 8. And i don’t think Mueller is looking into Trump for a few reasons:
1. Comey was allowed to testify
2. Trump met with Mueller on May 16 a day before the special counsel was appointed (hmmmmm)
3. Comey/Mueller relationship
4. Case of obstruction is weak to non existent.
The reason i think the chaos in the Trump admin is an act. Look whether it be healthcare, or the paris agreement, or picks like Pruitt. The progs don’t know on which topic to shit their pants. Instead they focus on all his tweets and “optics” of the presidency.
The paris agreement is ancient history. Reviewing the CAFE standards has largely been forgotten, the pipelines have been forgotten, rolling a bunch of programs back by Obama admin forgotten. But what remains is they focus on Trump and his tweeting
Instead what have we seen? Tabloid gossip the past two days of a personal feud lol wall to wall coverage
They’re just mad that a Republican is out-social mediaing them. Goddammit, THEY were supposed to be the hip ones!
Yea i think it is funny when the press who hates him and loves to point out his low approval rating say he should stop tweeting because polls say trump voters dont like it and hurts approval apparently.
Concern trolling i see there.
Lots of people bitching that Pride month is officially over and daddy government didn’t send them a card this year. Acting like it’s the apocalypse. Everything is a catastrophe.
The opposite of self hatred is pride?
Right, but if he doesn’t stroke their egos every week, he’s obviously going to send them all to camps!
The left was apoplectic that Trump never had a Ramadan dinner. Perhaps he should invite the SJW leaders for LGBT causes (the ones constantly seeking government solutions, not the ones simply living their lives like everybody else) and some of the leading Muslim clerics from the more fundamentalist camp to a joint PRIDE-Ramadan sit down.
I’m sure a few eyes would be opened at that event.
*Stands and claps*
Best idea this year.
PM Zoolander has some socks he could borrow for the occasion.
If he would have given a speech about gay pride they would have mocked him for that as well. How dare he.
wow. My birthday was a few weeks ago. The fucker didn’t send me a card either. #Resist
Hell, I share a birthday with Trump, and I didn’t get a card.
I am pretty sure sharing a birthday with Trump makes you worse than Hitler Ted. You should probably change your birthday.
So should Boy George and Steffi Graf. And Poodles Hanneford.
I prefer not being recognized by govt.
When you think the government is your parent, the natural next step is that you expect them to call you on your birthday, and get hurt feelings when they forget.
And Reagan was evil because he didn’t say the word “AIDS”.
Fuck Randy Shilts and his infantilization of gays.
Those comments are a goldmine of derp
Signaling really is more important to the left than reality.
They’d rather you were homophobic, racist, and misogynistic than that you said anything homophobic, racist, or misogynistic in public.
And it’s your duty as Signaler-in Chief to set the tone, damn it!
P.S. Does Trump go to church? Is he going to the White House prayer breakfasts?
If he isn’t, I’ve never heard the right complain about it, but that’s the same kinda thing, isn’t it?
I’m not sure the conservatives *expect* him to be much of a churchgoer. They just expect him to be allied to them on some key issues. They probably don’t even expect him to be sincere about it.
“Put not your trust in princes.” – Psalm 146:3
Right, that’s the distinction.
The left is complaining because Trump isn’t showing up to progressive church.
He didn’t go to progressive church on easter gay day, pride day, what have you.
The right doesn’t whine about shit like that.
They never had to. Obama and every dem for a generation or two attended all of the religious right’s big events. And of course every republican did, publicizing their faith like some kind of campaign event.
I think you’re comparing things that can’t be compared, tbh. Obama did all the events for the left state-worshippers and the right God-worshippers. Bush did the latter but most of it was pre-prog insanity.
IOW, it’s a very small sample size and this is the first guy to really ignore the progs with so much obviousness to it.
For the record, I have always thought Obama was very religious. He sees his God every time he looked in the mirror.
These people are so pathetic. One idiot wrote “Didn’t he say he’d be supportive. He lied again.” So NOT saying something trumps saying something. IOW, whichever one fits the narrative.
Trump continues to makes prog heads spin.
Laser-cat media control in action
Trump in 2012:
Twitter is great! It is like having your own newspaper without the losses
“Tweeting is like owning the New York Times without the lawsuits” @realDonaldTrump LIVE:
4:42 PM – 21 Feb 2016
Pinned Tweet
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago
I am thinking about changing the name #FakeNews CNN to #FraudNewsCNN!
27,898 replies 15,048 retweets 52,658 likes
Reply 28K Retweet 15K Like 53K
Normally don’t like breitbart but lol wow
Performance enhancing drugs!
Get out there and start begatting people.
Oh, c’mon! Even Socrates took one for the team!
Go donate some of that high quality sperm then. Those tax cattle aren’t going to make themselves!
If the supply of children decreases, where will we get our orphans from?
Goddamn fuckin’ glibertaryans. Fuckers. Fuck. I gotsta get my post out tomorrow. Fucking cunts. Damn shit. **drinks more, screams more pointless nonsense, passes out on the floor, wakes up & continues raging**
*Sobers up slightly* Fuck, sloop, fuckin’ rockin’ ‘stache
falls on floor, passes out…
A tie and the Blues did way better than they should have.
GWS and Geelong was a ripper – fun to watch a match like that especially when you don’t care who wins.
AFA – The Blues – facing up quite well with one of the best teams in the league. If there’s such a thing as a “good loss”, I’d say that’s it. If there’s a loss you can take heart from, that’s one. My Demons were such shit against Sydney, I don’t think it matters if they get into the final 8, because they’ll lose anyway. Hate saying that, but it is what it is.
Yeah, Carlton has a long road back. Malthouse turned out to be a very bad hire. Hard to see him coaching again.
Are you watching on FS1 or did you buy a subscription?
Port Adelaide or GTFO.
Richmond didn’t think so last week…
Catching stuff on YouTube channels. I’m not going to get it in real time in any event, unless I sign up for something…
Crap – sorry, that was last year’s match. I go to a few different places. Pls ask me again when I’m sober.
Sober is overrated.
I’m working on Powers Irish Whiskey lying in bed with the wife watching The Fugitive.
I’m heading out with Banjos for the evening. And the stache is rocking big time.
If your drunk while giving mustache rides, can you be arrested for a DUI?
Gah! Resize that photo! Edit fairy, save us!
Damn, I wish I had a full head of hair. Or I wish I could just break down and Bic it.
Goddamn, you have to stop tormenting me. Do You want Robby Soave hair, or Donald Trump hair? / Photoshop
Surprise me
Okay, I sent in a pic as you as Trump (and also as Sanders, but I don’t mind you not showing that one, as it’s shit).
The Robby hair one didn’t come off as well as I’d hoped. But I’m also really, really drunk, as per usual, so there you go.
The Trump one is awesome. I’d be happy to sport that rug if we move again to a place nobody knew me in.
I go clipper instead of Bic. You’d have to lose the sideburns as well, unless you just want them to fade out around the ears.
I had to read that five times before I figured out he wasn’t talking about drawing something on his head.
On the other hand, you didn’t wonder why he wanted to self-immolate.
I still think you look like Sam Becker’s older, more serious half-brother.
You have to understand that some of us are just dicks. You don’t seem to get that…
And some of us are dick heads.
*crosses to other side of street*
Banjos is gonna be pissed when she finds out about Bankos.
Needz Moar monacle
That and shaving down the hair will give a decidedly Col. Klink look.
“Ja, ze zeppelins haff been eeekweeped vis ze rocket weapons just as you haff commanded, herr Generaloberst”
“Now zee English pigdogs vill feel ze might of ze Kaiser!”
(Hey, this fun, maybe we should have “talk like a Junker day” on Glibs.)
I’ve been rockin’ the “Frank Zappa” for twenty years and everyone can line up to kiss my ass.
Broken Hearts Are For Assholes.
“Wristwatch, Crisco!”
Cut me some slack. The mustache is only 6 months old. The beard 2 months.
Someday I’ll have an iconic look. Although I may have to go postal for it to get noticed bigly.
You looking at me?
Randy Quaid may be insane, but this is a damn fine tweet.
He is a comedic actor so the sense of ho-ho didn’t get completely swamped by the paranoia. I agree, great shot!
Bernstein: It is known.
Dammit. Now I’m drunk because I was expecting more animated bears in that video than there were.
Rhywun could hook you up with a nice link I’m sure.
I can’t believe you are part of the conspiracy Sloopy.
I was about to link a video about that.
As a kid, I thought it was the Bernstein Bears. Only later did I realize I had the name wrong. And it was there on the front of the books the whole time.
So did I. Until, uh, very recently.
You mean right now? Same here. I didn’t even know there was a TV series for that. I just read the books growing up.
I like how the CNN talking heads look as if they’re getting their lab results. Good work on keeping a straight face instead of bursting out laughing. I don’t think I’d make it.
Lab results from an anonymous source.
OT – I ventured into Slate comments against my better judgement last night. I’ve been hanging around there for North of a decade and when I told the story of why I have to wait for three fucking years to get my abdominal hernia corrected (in Canada, home of the free, land of the meh) I was called a fucking liar by some of the most coddled members of the community. Some random feller pipes up with proof of my assertion and the blades came out for him. Then I told them the long tale about Worker’s Comp and how they had to fly me to Alberta for surgery at a private hospital just to get me off their single-payer teat. Also treated as a lie. These are comment-buds that I’ve known and joked with for years. Fucking pathetic.
Slate. Dude. Slate.
Yeah, but it’s like your first girlfriend, the one that never put out but had the greatest knockers. It used to be a good site until the Trumpolacalypse. Even the funny commenters have toned down. It’s just one-sided shrieking and dog-piles, now. Sad. Very Sad.
She put out. Unfortunately. She was quite popular.
I was king of the “getting to second-base with the biggest tittied girls” when I was 14-15 years old. Just a talent, not a learned thing.
Uffda. Maybe you should reset things and go back to basics. Maybe you are sad because you have gotten too far over your skis?
Go back to getting to second base with the 15 year old girls with the biggest tits and see if that sets things right again.
Can’t an old man have his “rememberings” on this, the holiest of days – Canada Day?
An echo chamber is a hell of a thing.
::goes back to glibs echo chamber::
Our echo chamber contains laughter, “Does anybody remember laughter”?
Forests hardest hit
Echoes, minorities, women and children unscathed. Phew, close one!
There’s a difference. The entire fucking MSM is Slate’s echo chamber. If we weren’t constantly exposed to leftist ideology 24 hours a day, I suppose you could call this an echo chamber. I prefer to call it a rest stop. One place where we can actually have a discussion on the merits of a policy without having to fend off non sequitors or ad hominem.
We’re a respite from retardation. With thicc asses.
IOW, we’re the perfect website.
And we’re grateful. Just don’t assault us with that mug again. I felt a little raped.
Dafuq? It’s not as if I’m gonna start rooftop beekeeping or penny-farthing racing.
I’m one of you, goddammit! Gooble-gobble and all that shit.
If there were penny-farthers in my neighborhood I’d be sitting in my front yard, sticks aready.
It’s a little jealousy. I could grow a handlebar neck beard, but that’s about it. Oh, and the ear hair is growing nicely as I near 50.
It’s a gentleman’s facial hair.
You’d better be; you remember what happened to the woman when they found out she was a phony.
<— says the guy actually living in Brooklyn.
I’m growing the vampire forelock. Fucking payback for vanity, I’d assume. Luxurious curly locks that reached mid-back until I hit my 30’s. I just use the dog clippers for my head every four months.
This was supposed to be a safe space.
*thousand yard stare*
“There , there, Dr. Warty will be by soon and make it allll better!”
I love you sloopy, but not in that way. NTTAWWT. This website is freaking hilarious but I do wonder if the cops are gonna kick my door down because I opened some of HM’s links.
Funny how lived experiences are so important until they stop fitting the narrative.
Don’t get into twitter feuds with comedians or porn stars.
White Knights! Lances Forward! Chaaaaaaaarge!
Probably too late to be seen, so I’ll post tomorrow. or it can be
stolenappropriated for links.David Friedman and Austin Petersen will be debating at the YAL convention at the end of the month. Anarchism/Minarchism.
Friedman taking the Anarchist side, Petersen with the minarchists.
Bless his heart, Petersen is a great guy, but he looks like a student government candidate.
I’m not saying Trump is playing 3D chess, but I can’t help but notice that the whole Morning Joe controversy blew up around the same time as two somewhat controversial immigration bills sailed through Congress. It’s not so much 3D chess, and more 3 Card Monty.
So if Trump didn’t Tweet, the lead story would have been about those racist Republicans being racist yet again. Every major news organazition has a sob story illegal immigrant on speed dial to to explain why they shouldn’t be deported.
It looks to me like Trump kind of took a bullet on this one. So instead of a bunch of articles about how ‘Republicans hates Mexicans’ we have bunch of articles about how ‘Trump hates a female reporter’ and everybody that is not a reporter, says “Who the fuck cares?”
Wait a minute, Ireland’s new prime minister is a half-Indian gay guy.
But those things didn’t seem to pose much of a problem.
“His opponent, Housing Minister Simon Coveney…did express “deep concern” at the direction in which his rival would take Fine Gael – suggesting Mr Varadkar’s economic policies would pull the party to the right.
“Mr Varadkar said Fine Gael should represent those “who got up early in the morning”.
“He went on to say he was talking about “people working in the public and private sector, the self-employed, carers getting up to mind loved ones, parents getting up to mind children”.
“But Fine Gael’s political enemies have tried to portray him as a rightwing ideologue – pointing to a recent campaign against benefits cheats.”
In Europe, it’s easy to become a right-wing ideologue. All you have to do is investigate people on the dole to see if they’re actually qualified. Or you say that gay rights may not survive massive immigration from countries where gays have walls toppled over onto them.
But let’s get to the important stuff, let’s talk about the new Prime Minister’s former work in in a call center.
VARADKAR: “Top of the morning to ye, my name is Leo, how may I help you today?”
CUSTOMER: “Begorrah, I spilled me whiskey on the keyboard again, now I can’t press the ‘l’ key.”
VARADKAR: “Saints preserve us! Quick, you must do exactly I say. Get a bucket. Now turn the keyboard over and catch as much of that precious whiskey in the bucket as you can.”
CUSTOMER: “OK, I did that.”
VARADKAR: “Now drink it before you spill it again, you clumsy sod! Now, is there anything else I can help you with?”
CUSTOMER: “There was, but I forgot.”
VARADKAR: “Have a nice day, and may ye get to heaven before the devil know’s yer dead.”
That also applies to the whole National Enquirer angle to the story. So supposedly Joe and and Mika were knocking boots before their divorces were finalized. Once somebody goes from divorced to marrying their coworker 6 months later, it’s pretty obvious they were already hooking up. You don’t have to be a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.
I hope Mika takes Joe’s name, not because of sexism, but because it’s easier to spell Scarborough than Brzezezeingky.
(just gonna do some quick tests down here, rather than louse up new threads)
I wonder if you can type angle brackets on this thing:
Or, show how to do it:
Or make a list:
item 0
item 1
item 2
Or link an image:
Let’s see…
So that’s yes, yes, no, and no.