Well, my holiday weekend dedicated to poling SP’s raft was interrupted by the ringing of my special phone, hidden where no-one can find it. This must be an emergency indeed, since I had no Girl Scout meetings planned. And it was. The frantic voice on the other end gasped, “Disaster! There were no Links this morning! THE COMMENTERS ARE LOOKING TO LYNCH SOMEONE!!!!”
This came at an extraordinarily inconvenient moment as I was steering around a sharp bank and about to arrive in the cove, but shit, where are my priorities? I leapt up and started typing before the torch-bearing hordes would descend on Rancho Sloopio.
It’s times like these I think of Mencken. “…and give it to them good and hard.”
Software that will never be on my computer. You made your choice, guys.
I’ll take the over on Melania deciding to catch up to Queen Michelle, but I’ll be delighted to be wrong.
I can definitely appreciate first-rate trolling. This fellow will go far.
And finally, I would not have known about this Pompeii relic were it not for the great Charles Murray.
Now please, please, please, can I go back to what I was doing?
Well, duh. Lynching is what straight white cis-gendered males do.
*Gently puts desk right-side-up*
*Places keyboard back on desk*
*Picks up files and folders off the floor and places them back in filing cabinet*
Okay, I’ll stop rioting. Thanks OMWC.
*knocks filing cabinet into desk*
There are Links! Riot!
This is like Springfield on the Simpsons, right? We don’t need a *reason* to riot – we just *do* it.
“Well, my holiday weekend dedicated to poling SP’s raft….”
Euphemism ahoy.
TMI ahoy.
I wouldn’t have interrupted that for a real emergency much less to give links to a bunch of shiftless scofflaws.
So Huck, you and SP are on you raft. Are you going to tell us about Jim? Or do we need to wait for SF’s version?
Kaspersky Lab
What software do they make and how can I avoid it?
If only there was a machine that could look up information based on specific keywords given to it through a vast network of similarly interconnected machines worldwide. Someone should ask Al Gore if he’s heard of such a device.
So just the internet security then, huh?
Pretty much. Can’t ever trust those ruskies.
Instead we are stuck with a vast array of interconnected tubes.
Why should I waste my time on that when I have you lackeys?
They make the best damned anti-virus, web firewall, financial protection software for PCs, mobile phones, tablets, and even Kindle, is who they are. Eugene (Evgeny) Kaspersky loves freedom and free speech, but he has to toe the line with Moscow, especially after his 16 yr old son was kidnapped by “unknown” parties, and eventually returned.
I fully expect Eugene to die violently, but not at the hands of hackers. He’s a good guy, and I’ve been a customer for a decade. Did I mention I work in defense? Work uses McAfee, which is a virus in itself, but at home it’s Kaspersky all the way, baby.
His firm even figured out the connection from A-S-D-F on the keyboard to the worms and viruses, including Stuxnet, that appeared in that order. He’s a friggin hero for freedom, IMHO.
To be honest, I have no idea how to evaluate all of this. OTOH… well, Gizmodo. OTOH, surrendering to the Deep State? I don’t know what to make of that.
Oh, and I’ve said it before but giving the government the keys to your kingdom means no private business will ever use your security-related software again. Why would they do this?
I honestly think he (Kaspersky) is between a rock (Washington) and a hard place (Moscow). He is very open about his business and trends he sees. I subscribe both to his personal Facebook page and his company’s page. Great stuff. Kaspersky often detects worms and viruses before anyone else does, and latency tests prove his software is the best at not hampering your computer’s ability to function, very unlike McAfee.
Because I work in defense on some high profile stuff, I fully expect that my email accounts, work and private, my texts, calls, etc, are monitored. Fortunately I am pretty much on the straight and narrow, so I think I’m OK. However, if hackers tried to frame me or something instead of just trying to rob me of some petty cash (the usual way), I’d be screwed. Fortunately, I’m not important enough for that. As far as I know.
I do have to report foreign contacts to my security officer and stuff, so it’s not the life for everyone, but it works for me. I do believe in USA strength through superior firepower, and that’s what I try to help bring about and maintain.
Mcafee would have told those slavers to fuck right off.
And then he would have eaten their faces.
More likely he would have shot them.
And then had sex with a teenage prostitute.
But only if was already high.
Isn’t he always high, cause he looks like he is.
Time is never wasted when you’re wasted all the time.
Heh. That used to be my motto. How’d you know?
Does this McAfee have a newsletter?
Yes, you’re already on it.
Now please, please, please, can I go back to what I was doing?
I got 6 more 22oz Stone “Enjoy by 7/4/17” IPAs. They’re 9.8% alcohol, and they HAVE to be consumed by tomorrow.
Or… what? Do they turn into arsenic? Do the IPA police raid your house and shoot your dog?
They explode.
IPA was brewed for shipment to India, and was higher alcohol content and heavily hopped to preserve it for its long trip. Unless you purchased it a year ago, it will be fine on 7/5/17 if you can’t manage to drink six beers in two days. However, if you can’t manage six beers in two days …
The Stone “drink by” IPA is referring to the date they recommend the drunkard drink the beer. Its an attempt to maximize the IPA experience by drinking the beer while the hops are most potent.
It is most delicious, but you are correct, its still safe to drink.
Re: Mr. Shiva’s gift to Ms. Warren, I now desperately hope he runs for president in ’20 or ’24 so I can vote for him.
I can’t wait for the ‘honest injun’ memes.
That gift is hilarious. I would have loved to have been in her office when she saw it. I wonder what she broke.
I hope he doesn’t ask for it back.
*squints – looks around for switzy*
This is hilarious, more of the “serious about liberty” Republicans need to take a page out of this guy’s book.
No you don’t. This guy claims to have invented email and is trying to sue people who disagrees with him. He also claims people don’t recognize his accomplishment because of racism. He is also presently doing some pseudo-scientific medical remedies right now.
He appears to have a screw or two loose – and that’s not including his not-marriage to Fran Drescher.
I learned today that movie mogul Jack Warner had an extremely vulgar sense of humor and liked to tell jokes in very bad taste.
Apparently when he met Madame Chiang Kai-shek, he made it a point to mutter very loudly that he had forgotten to bring his laundry.
Ancient Chinese secret, huh?
How about Urban Meyer?
F u
“Lindsay Lohan showcases her toned pins in thigh-grazing denim hotpants as she soaks up the sun”
What is this, the New York Times? Yeah, sure, Lindsay Lohan can tan, Russia hacked the election, and I’m a white corner back.
Jesus tap dancing christ she looks like she just crawled out of a well.
She looks horrible. What’s the big bruise on her leg?
Those are finger bruises on her leg. Three guesses how those got there.
Someone grabbed its motherfucking leg?
If they’re on the inside of her thigh, but that’s on the outside…
Somebody was trying to push em closed.
Remember when she used to be cute? Those were good times.
That’s as good as she has looked in a few years, sadly.
I always cheered for her because of the shit the hypocrites gave her about her heavy partying.
“I can definitely appreciate first-rate trolling. This fellow will go far.”
Heh, that’s great. Another Injun who doesn’t know he has to be a Democrat. I really like this guy already.
Most Indians (#notall) are way too high-achieving to be the recipients of the grievance awards.
Yeah, most Indians I know/ have known are apolitical, because I don’t think it matter much in their country. But talk to them about politics, tell them not to vote for democrats because they will raise taxes. It works, trust me on this.
“Yeah, most Indians I know/ have known are apolitical, because I don’t think it matter much in their country.”
With the advent of BJP and maybe to some extent social media, I feel like that is changing. Congress was in power basically their whole history (which was essentially one political family lording it over everyone else until exogamy ruined it), so things may get interesting for them now.
“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump’s action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid”
Don’t worry, we can just use his black hole theory to take some of the heat away.
Oh wait, he was wrong about that, wasn’t he?
From Hawking’s own… erm… mouth?
“When I was diagnosed at 21, I was told it would kill me in two or three years. Now, 54 years later, albeit weaker and in a wheelchair, I’m still working and producing scientific papers. But it’s been a great struggle, which I have got through only with a lot of help from my family, colleagues, and friends.”
But surely he’s 100% certain about his climate predictions. 100%. No way the scientists could be wrong.
Top. Men.
Gdamnit, he is fucking scientist! Did he forget basic math?
His math is too abstract for you.
Well, that was true when he claimed to understand Einsteins theories and was talking about black holes. But now I think that he cannot figure out why Venus is hotter than earth and developed a suffocating atmosphere, it’s the other way around.
Doesn’t he have something that kills people in a really short amount of time? I wonder why he is the exception.
He’s been dead for decades. The puppet on the chair was Henson’s masterwork…
At this point, nothing surprises me
Venus is far closer to the sun than Earth. That disease really is affecting his brain, is it not?
His statements have been getting more and more outlandish over the past few years.
I mean even a bright 10 year old could figure out that is nonsense. Venus is about the same mass as earth, 50 million miles closer to the sun, and a day is longer than 100 earth days. Duh.
+1 All Summer In A Day
Larry Flynt didn’t explain how the Earth was going to move as close to the sun as Venus.
Larry Flynt is right, you guys STINK!
I’m glad somebody got the reference.
Can you see this, Stehpen?
Venus Earth
Radius 6052 km 6378 km
Density 5250 kg/m3 5520 kg/m3
Av. distance from Sun 108 million km 150 million km
Rotation period (day) 243 Earth days (retrograde) 23 hours 56 minutes
Mass about the same, Venus nearly 50 million miles closer to sun, Venus day more than 100 earth days. What effect might that have?
Well, my formatting failed.
In fairness, I think it’s been established the sun doesn’t effect climate.
Tell that to the poor Mercurians.
Their atmosphere doesn’t provide the proper temperature regulation…
If only Democrat could have done something.
Politics makes idiots of us all, even famous physicists.
And his complete inability to understand it?
We’re really lucky that catastrophic climate change tipping point I keep hearing about keeps getting pushed back a few years every few years.
“Progressives” mock religious fundies for shouting ” the rapture is coming in
19841985198819931994199720002001200420092012201420162019“…… But their heads will spin if you ask them why the incoming climate catastrophe is totes legit this time even though the whole history of climatology is full of failed predictions.
One says tomato the other says potah-toe. Puritans are puritans no matter how they dress. They are both running doomsday scams and spend all of their time obsessing over controlling others thoughts and behavior.
It’s really no different from any of those other cataclysm cults.
Are we sure his chair wasn’t hacked by the Russians? Or that Al Gore isn’t standing in the shadows with a remote control?
Do we even know he’s still alive?
Weekend at Bernie Sander’s?
Drink a bunch of cold ones for me — I’ll be getting my knee fucked with by a physio, whom I will pay for the privilege thereof . . . **HEAVY SIGH**
I’m working on it, never fear, we have your back!
That definitely doesn’t register on the fun meter. If it’s any comfort (and I don’t know why it would be,) a few years ago my hubby had surgery on New Year’s Eve after I pragmatically pointed out that it would save us the amount of our deductible, which Hubby had single-handedly met earlier in the year.
whom I will pay for the privilege thereof
Aren’t you a Canuck? I thought that was all free up there.
Fortunately, you can still buy some quality private stuff, depending on which province you live in. B.C.’s actually got a surprising amount of for-profit stuff, considering its long history of electing fuckwit socialist governments that spray economic insecticide all over the province. Physios and related physical therapists are not covered under provincial health plans except in certain circumstances. Same’s true of dentists, optometrists, most drug plans, etc. And both my operations were in private clinics in Vancouver and New Westminster (an outlying municipality).
Ya, I was kind of being a smart ass. I know there is a private market on the side up there and provincial plans aren’t fixing your knee in most cases. I just wish the single payer fed healthcare zealots in the US knew that. They assume in Canada, it is an anything you want done is just a phone call away free of charge see the doctor next week utopia.
I know. I’ve had some interesting convos with U.S.-based lefties over the last decade or so — they couldn’t understand why I chose to have a private arthroscopic operation on my right knee, rather than do it through the public system. And they flat-out couldn’t comprehend it when I told them that the private op was a two-week waiting list while the public op was a 30-month wait. That was in Alberta. Of course, it confused ’em even more when I told them that each province would’ve had a different wait-time in their respective public system, because they don’t understand that health care up here is not federal but provincial. The Feds just
coerceencourage standardization via equalization payments under the Canada Health Act. (Even then it doesn’t work — every province has their own medical bugaboos that they throw resources at, while other medical problems are under-resourced or entirely ignored.)The U.S. left (and to be fair, the Canadian left as well) just don’t understand rationing.
30 months wait? But… but… access to healthcare! Access! It’s a magic word.
It is “access,” after a fashion . . .
Thats a long time to have a bum knee, sorry to hear. I fucked mine up a few years back, but luckily it was only a partial tear and I seem to have recovered. Best of luck, don’t puss out on the physical therapy. (whats the rationale behind not covering that? hm.)
Well, no, the bum knee (er, the other bum knee, my right) I got fixed privately. I had a complex bucket-tear of the medial meniscus — ain’t no exercises that can fix that. I don’t think I could’ve withstood the building white-hot rage if I’d waited the 30 months for the public system op.
This knee (my left) doesn’t need surgery, just a butt-load of physio ’cause I’ve managed to develop Patellofemoral Syndrome, which can usually be fixed via exercises, taping of the kneecap to pull it back toward the centreline of the body, etc. It’s just a PITA, is all. Best guess is one to three months of weird-ass exercises and taping should help fix it. I think. I hope.
As for the rationale for not covering physio, I have no idea, other than “we can’t even afford the system we’ve got, much less afford to expand it to new treatment modalities.” Just my guess. I’m sure some SJW types are, even now, furiously fapping to the new NDP/Green coalition government that will probably be running the place (for a short while, anyways), hoping they’ll extend coverage to every conceivable treatment modality including those not yet invented by humans.
Let’s not give them any ideas.
Sorry, I wasn’t trying to give them ideas. I just know that for example, knee surgery can be useless if you don’t do the proper therapy after the surgery.
That’s why every new program needs to be implemented on the broadest level possible! First on the nationwide level, then on the level of supranational bureaucracies like the European Union, and finally, on the WORLDWIDE level… Yes, a one-world government – man’s highest state of existence! The wreckers and kulaks will have nowhere to emigrate with their vaults full of gold coins. Only then will we be able to put real socialism into practice!
/satire, but not too far off from what “progressives” actually believe
This post made me think of 2112.
See you space cowboy.
Then we can finally join the Federation!
Good luck with the knees. They can be a total bitch as I have unfortunately found out.
“And finally, I would not have known about this Pompeii relic were it not for the great Charles Murray.”
I mean, a pyroclastic flow really has to be the worst thing that can happen while you’re fapping, amirite?
I thought it was Hillary Clinton coming on the TV.
I never want to see Hillary Clinton coming on anything, thx.
Whoa, sorry for inconveniencing you there, Robby Soave.
Wild Monkeys vs. Florida Man?
It won’t be long before they figure out how to build a meth lab.
At least one of those fuckers would have gotten some noine millametah if I got bit.
Dicks out for the nameless monkey!
“This is our last stand.
And if we lose
It will be …
a … planet … of … apes.”
ICYMI in the linx from yesterday – I think y’all might enjoy this Kiwi chick’s YT channel. No, no nudity. You’ll just have to use your imagination while listening to her sultry vowel shifts. But anyhoo, I noticed a certain irreverent, anti-politician, slightly conservative bent to her vids.
Since Kristen’s not doing the decent thing, here’s some Kiwi hotness for everyone.
You’re a baaaaaaaa-d man, JT
Say it again KK. I’m not sure he herd you the first time.
Mutton’ wrong with that.
I refuse to feel sheepish about my comment
Damn Canadians.
In case any Glibs think NZ is some kind of budding libertopia:
Oh, and the also have an official chief censor:
None of which is meant to contradict Kristen’s post. Just saying…
Huh? Excuse me? Are you telling me, when I buy something from someone and they make a profit, I am transferring my wealth to them and not paying for a product or service? Ok, got it.
After skimming the article, I didn’t see any mention of what the tax is on fuel, but they did mention lack of competition. I wonder what causes lack of competition.
Everyone knows that the only libertarian utopia is Somalia.
Just curious besides the US what is the most Libertarian country in either the populace or the government?
I was going to say Singapore, but after a wiki skim, I am not so sure.
I will say, I tried to open a bank account there a few years ago when I was being paid in AUD, and that was a big no go. I blame that on the US and the fascist tactics of the IRS though. What foreign bank wants to put up with that. I always claimed all my income, which was modest, but the IRS has fucked it for anyone ever wanting to hold funds offshore until there is a good time to convert them to USD and send them to a US bank. I am sure there are ways, but I was ignorant to them.
Dude, Singapore will confiscate your Nicorette gum at customs because they will jail your ass if you spit gum on the sidewalk. YOu can tell them you’d never spit it anywhere but a trashcan, but they do not care. You will conform.
Yeah, I don’t get the love for Singapore.
I don’t chew nicotine gum. Copenhagen for me tyvm. They didn’t take it at customs.
Ya, I have heard of the gum thing. I didn’t see anybody arrested for gum violations when I was there.
Yeah, I don’t get the love for Singapore.
I think they get high rankings, (not the one you linked to), for their financial policies. I am sure there are others who would know more than I in that regard. I have only flown through a couple of times. It is not like I was shopping for condos.
I think the Singapore love is by people who aren’t Libertarians and focus only on economics and don’t factor civil libertarian things like free speech or gun rights.
Agreed & I wasn’t accusing anyone here though I recall seeing it at the Other Place and rolling my eyes.
I just noticed the link mentions civil liberties, I still think that doesn’t include guns or the yokeltarians version of free speech.
Gum isn’t a big deal there any more. I chew all the time when I’m there, just don’t spit it on the sidewalk. And for crying out loud – don’t piss in the elevators you savages.
I don’t know. I’m a little torn on them. Aside from being equatorial and some of the political restrictions, it’s like my perfect place – amazing food, great cosmolitan urban living – clean, drinkable tap water, great cross cultural mixes, high tech, etc.
We vacationed in Singapore several times about a quarter-century back; had kind of mixed feelings, personally. It’s lovely in most respects, especially given where we were living at the time, but the whole city has a serious stick up its collective ass… slightly off-putting for a larval libertarian like myself.
Now, Hong Kong (pre-return)? I loved that fucking place.
I have never been to Hong Kong, or anywhere in China/related to China. I really liked Thailand, but still you had to pay off the right people to do business there was my impression. Especially as a Farang. You can’t even own property unless a Thai is on the deed. From what I understand, there are ways around that via lawyers, but you don’t own it. I guess that is not so much different than here where the government owns our land and we just pay yearly rent. Thanks for making me think of that. Fuck.
Things are doubtless different now that the Chicoms have gotten hold of it, but in the old days, Hong Kong was fantastic. Perhaps a little crowded for pure libertopia – I like my elbow room too – but the whole place just felt so *alive*; even walking around you could feel people creating wealth. And it was vibrant and fun! (Ie, not stick-in-the-ass Singapore.) And hardly anyone gave a shit about politics back then – the Brits provided a reasonably efficient and uncorrupt government, and let the locals do what they wanted economically, so they went and got rich and didn’t bother with all the stupid shit. (Perhaps having Red China across the border was an object lesson in the perils of being excessively political.)
PJ O’Rourke had a chapter in one of his books – Eat the Rich, maybe? – which captured old Hong Kong perfectly. I miss that place…
That is why I said, but after a wiki skim, I am not so sure.
I fear the US is the most libertarian thing going these days. It is not looking good.
oops, that was a reply to waterfall. Thread fail.
So, sold the gun….
This guy walks out and only says, “Hello.”
He hands me an ID and CCW. I open the back of my Jeep, and open the case. He opens the slide, disassembles. I tell him a few things about the gun, how much I carried/shot it, how old the night sights are, etc.
He bags it up hands me three $100 bills and leaves. It occurred to when I drove back to work the only thing he said to me was, “Hello.”
Totally, freaky but this is how I feel at the moment.
I didn’t hear about this. What gun was it?
It was my Walther PPS .40 S&W. Mostly because I didn’t love it, can’t carry it at work where I spend 90% of my day and sold it to fund the purchase of another. Was a good shooter.
I sold my pps because I felt the trigger was not up to par with other Walther firearms. 300 is pretty low though.
Its used, has noticeable holster wear and it’s the older frame. No, it is definitely not a PPQ trigger. The newer models with the PPQ style grips sell new for around $450-500. I thought I made out pretty well.
I have a Stainless PPK and it’s a hair trigger. The DA takes a little more effort but there is no slack at all, once it goes it goes now.
Same here JB. I love that gun.
I got it from a buddy last year. Have only had it out a few times. Need to break it out again. This is why I need land.
Meh. Average $ for the .40 PPS…
Found mexican sharpshooter.
You sure it didn’t actually go like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDr9axb7X7E
At least it didn’t happen this way.
Yeah, that would have been bad.
He gets a gun, and you get diabetes.
Also, is this the gun you sold? Because I wanted it, dammit.
(stupid fascist admins being allowed to post inline images while I can’t)
Your link won’t load on my government computer. It was this one. http://palmettostatearmory.com/walther-pps-40-smith-wesson-black.html
Sorry, I didn’t know you were in the market.
You don’t want it to load. Trust me.
Was JB trying to get me fired!?
Now that I managed to get the link to load, that’s not that bad. The only thing I don’t like about it is the USP is how blocky it is.
Is that a USP? I thought it was a P30sk.
It looks like it has the proprietary rail, that’s why I guessed USP. Couldn’t tell you if its the compact vs. full size.
It is not super horrible. Right up JB’s alley with the paint job. It might work if you were buying a gun for your Japanese girfriend I guess
I sold a less…. interesting…. version of that gun a few months ago.
I never sell a gun to anyone other than a licensed dealer or someone I know. No strangers. Strangers set off my ‘too many unknowns and potential trouble’ radar.
I required a Concealed Weapons Permit and ID. The state already did a thorough background check on him, and it’s pretty unlikely a bad apple is going to buy a gun in broad daylight in a Whole Foods parking lot.
As long as they don’t look sketchy, I’ll sell face to face without checking permission slips.
I just exercise an abundance of caution. I am afraid some undercover cop will try to pull some shit on me or maybe buying a drop gun on the sly….I dont know. I do know that nothing bad ever happened to me by not selling to strangers.
I’m more worried about local journos making me look like the Lord of War.
Was it this guy? His steel get sparked a lot.
Sports reviews you need. Brazilian goose throwing.
I get to watch stuff like this every day. What’s with the midget?
Wait… is the midget the goose? I didn’t see him thrown.
That is the stuff your Mrs watches on TV? I might need to get cable.
Globo TV. The scenery is incredible. That’s all I can say. And my wife doesn’t mind me checking out the eye candy. In fact, every year during carnival they have this samba contest and we always watch together to pick our favorites to win. The wife is more into the dance and the costume, while as she knows, I only care about the best body, which will always be OMG.
I watched all the way through and laughed so hard I now have a headache.
I thought it was funny. The guy is a great commentator.
Omg. Ozzy Man is my new favorite thing. Sweet tea bourbon and stupid youtube videos. Dont get better than this!
Re the White House staff payroll
What exactly are these hundreds and hundreds of people doing? All at an average salary of about 100 grand a year.
Trump is almost making it into my top 10 favorite Republicans in just seven months of time. It’s a low bar, but still notable because I thought that he would be little more than a Blue Dog Democrat during the campaign. So far, not even close.
I’m not sure how they’re computing payroll, but if it counts taxes and health insurance, thats not quite the same as grossing 100k.
But I do wonder why in hell a first lady needs any staff.
Cousin It
The parent gave birth to Searyl Atli in November at a friend’s home in British Columbia.
What a surprise, Canada’s California strikes again. And they’re even the kind of cunts that think spelling kids’ names weirdly is unique.
I like that her lawyer refuses to spell her name with capital letters. Of course you do princess.
Yep, again, Canada’s California, where the idiot nonsense they peddle makes the rest of the country roll their eyes.
Is that pronounced Cereal?
Anyone wanna do the over/under on the child’s psych bills 0-18? I’ll be generous and put it at 50 grand American.
It will hang xeself by 16
Also, what’s the over-under on this woman who’s complaining about defining sex by appearance flipping out if they determined sex by chromosomal testing?
Maybe already covered, but I saw this this morning.
r/The_Donald hits the big time.
I still chuckle every time it is mentioned on the news.
A Reddit User Who Wrote About Stabbing Muslims is Claiming Credit for…
Fucking subtle WaPo, of course every article about, say, Clinton starts with “Defender of Child Rapist Hilary Clinton” or Lena Dunham says “Television Actor and Writer Who Called For The Genocide of White Males”
“Lena Dunham, who wrote in her book that she molested her underage sister, today took to Twitter to excoriate Donald Trump for his sexual misconduct.”
I still find it depressingly hilarious just how little such things have affected her career and appearances in mainstream culture. She just had a piece featured in the NYT, for example.
Is NYT mainstream culture anymore? I wonder what their distribution is now?
Starbucks carries it here (in LA/Proglandia). I’ve never seen anyone actually buy it, but it’s there.
If you can’t even get progs to buy your prograg, you really are in trouble. But maybe they all have the online version (now only $99/yr, a 67% savings!) on their kindle.
I used to get them free at university, but that was well before the Trumpocalypse and they were only slightly misleading (as far as I could tell).
Also, love you avatar & handle.
So much for picking up a Mossberg Shockwave (mentioned here by our esteemed Vhyrus) or a Remington Tac-14. State police, without notice, began delaying background checks on those two models pending a ruling from state lawyers on whether they’re short barreled shotguns under state law.
Happy July 4th! Freedom means asking permission and obeying orders.
That sucks. I am picking mine up today after work. They called me about an hour ago to let me know it’s in.
Congrats! Do let us know how it feels.
I was still in the looking stage and didn’t have one on order (thankfully, otherwise I’d be even more pissed).
It is fun, and it is soooo dumb. I get a smile whenever i get to shoot it. Make sure to try out the shorter (2 1/4 – 2 1/8) 6-pellet buckshot in it.
“Omar’s here!”
Where is it you live?
Baja Washington.
I figured it was Washington state. I almost moved there too. Progs have to fucken ruin everything don’t they?
Baja Washington- the state south of Washington. Overall the gun laws weren’t too bad (and some still aren’t– CCW ban locations are fairly narrow, don’t include schools, bars, & don’t have a “no ccw” sign portion) but it’s been incrementally moving to progland- closing the gun show “loophole”, then the private transfers “loophole”. This year is the danger to someone without due process “loophole”. Soon it will be the private ownership “loophole”.
Ending the gun show loophole is their inside route to national registration because you can’t enforce laws regarding private transfer without it. They don’t give a shit about gun show sales, that’s just an excuse to get what they really want.
Not that it should matter at all, but not sure how these aren’t short barreled shotguns. People have been arrested for sawing off barrels, stock or no stock. It’s all bullshit of course.
Because they were manufactured from the start with those features and are not a shotgun and then converted.
That’s under federal law. State law could be found differently.
Have I ever tol’ you how much I hate the NFA?
Because the NFA is a 100 pounds of shit in a 5 pound burlap sack and it completely confusing and contradictory. If we make one its a AOW but if a manufacturer makes one it is miraculously by the hand of God just a firearm.
Have I ever tol’ you how much I hate the NFA?
I’m with you. I’d end it along with the batf if it were up to me.
The NFA is what happens when assholes who want to eliminate handguns cover all the bases, figure out they can’t ban handguns, then are too dishonorable to clean up their mess.
Any idea how comfortable those things are to shoot vs a standard pistol grip 18 inch. Enquiring reptiles want to know.
Also can you put a chainsaw forend on it?
I’m told it’s much more comfortable because the raptor grip puts the recoil inline with your arm. And yes, you absolutely can put a chainsaw grip on it.
Slightly. There’s also a trick to it. My version (a Remington 870 PGO converted before the commercial models came out) has a strap on the fore-end. To shoot it with a minimum of fuss, you firmly hold the birds-head grip, and apply a forward tension to the fore-end. The combination of the grip angle and the tension keeps it from rotating like a spinning crowbar under recoil. The strap helps keep your support hand from slipping out into the danger zone.
I usually shoot the 6-pellet Herter’s/Centurion buckshot and wrap the grip with padded tape, which is kind of cheating. If you refrain from trying to bring it up to your eye to sight down the barrel (wham!), and just do your best to index it, it’s even kind of accurate out to ten yards.
It’s hard for me not to yell “Omar’s here!” every time I shoot it.
my holiday weekend dedicated to poling SP’s raft
What a genteel euphemism.
*opera applause*
Yes, it’s almost romantic. As if graceful parasols and picnics, the reading of poetry, a loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thee should be involved.
And maybe an Oxford comma. SMDH.
Apologies if someone’s already said this…
…but does anyone think its funny that the French people screamed and squee’d about the threat of a “Fascist” like Le Pen…
…only to elect some fresh-faced bureaucrat who immediately does *exactly* the sort of thing fascists do? = i.e. consolidate power in the executive?
i mean, don’t get me wrong – i suspect france is actually long-overdue for some bureaucratic housecleaning, but… i think the question is left open as to “what” he needs all this added authority for?
meaning = he got elected more or less because he was a Mitt Romney type; someone both very very much part of the political establishment, but also ‘businesslike’ who might aim to create more business-friendly concessions within that establishment. why exactly would he need to cut parliamentary power by 1/3 simply to enact the sorts of technocratic stuff people like that tend to propose?
yeah, but again…. pronouncements about *what*?
I suppose if he makes good on “sweeping changes to french economic regulation”, i think it may actually be for the good. but i still think its funny that the non-fascist alternative is turning into a Caesar Augustus
This kind of thing might be, when described by third parties, a good thing. When it’s Jupiter crowning himself… I’m less sanguine.
Yeah, that whole statement made my spine tingle. Not good.
The French have never been shy about their love of technocratic control over their economy.
Maybe he want to spend more time being co-prince of Andorra:
Great song.
I can’t even.
Little Miss Raven Nation can’t be wrong.
Well, I won’t hold one case of her being so, so wrong against her.
Please accept my most humble apologies for the error of my ways.
Hopefully this will demonstrate that not all my musical tastes suck:
Or maybe this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5WJm2cKkCQ
Can we make Mark Steyn an honorary American on the 4th? Preferably before the rest of the Anglosphere (and the West in general) turn into a smoking ruin, at least.
In the near future (100-200 years), Islam is going to be the primary driving force behind a long period of human stagnation, if not regression. The progressives are going to like that world a whole lot less than the one they live in now.
They wont be around. The only evidence of them will be piles of skulls. The islamists will kill them all and erase them from the history books.
As Steyn himself points out in After America, the future belongs to those who show up for it, and, boy, are the Muslims working hard on showing up for it. The useful idiots piggybacking trying to destroy the West and give that Soviet Union thing another try… well, to borrow a phrase, it doesn’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows in Europe right now.
There is dysfunctionality baked into both Islam and the various flavors of collectivism. They are self limiting philosophies. The rise of either will inevitably result in great disparity between those who follow it and those who are rational.
Khrushchev swore they would bury the west. Instead they went broke and dissolved. Chavez was the rise of proper socialism in Latin America. Everywhere the Muslims have invaded and stayed turned into poverty ridden shitholes. Even today they manufacture jack-shit. Everything they have with more than iron-age technology they bought from the west.
They might show up for the future but they are just along for the ride.
If you look through a list of the top 30-odd countries by defence expenditure, you’ll see just about all of the major producers of military hardware. You’ll also see a bunch of Arab countries.
Sans the reconquista, I can’t think of a time that Muslims have been removed from an area once part of the native populace (even then, the area was very mixed, iirc). And since the advent of religious tolerance due to the reformation, Catholicism doesn’t have the same theological underpinnings which can countenance a crusade.
What is Israel, chopped falafel?
There is still a significant Muslim minority there, so they’re still in the game!
Uhh, but yeah, totally forgot about them.
Balkan Wars 1912-1913 were a fairly effective exercise in
ethnic cleansingkebab removal.As was the Partition of India in 1948.
Also large parts of Russia.
“Balkan Wars 1912-1913 were a fairly effective exercise in ethnic cleansing kebab removal.”
Was there ethnic cleansing? I know the Ottoman rule was ended in large parts of Europe, but were there many Muslims there really (besides Albania, which seems to be on the map still?).
“As was the Partition of India in 1948.”
Again, very significant Muslim minority in India still – compare to Pakistan where it is what, 98% Muslim?
Was there ethnic cleansing? I know the Ottoman rule was ended in large parts of Europe, but were there many Muslims there really (besides Albania, which seems to be on the map still?).
Yup. Albania remained mostly Muslim because great powers decided not to allow Greece, Montenegro and Serbia to carve the area up. But tons of “Turks” (both ethnic and locals of Muslim faith) were killed or shown the door by everyone. Compare the makeup of Bosnia, which was under Austro-Hungarian rule (Austrian part) with the Bulgaria, Serbia or Greece – it’s not just that Bosnians were markedly more enthusiastic about converting (they were to be fair), it’s that the newly independent countries just didn’t want Muslims around and so made it clear that conversion or leaving are expected.
Wiki has a short article on the issue. Note that cleansing was not only directed against Muslims – people in Bulgarian parts of Macedonia were told they were Bulgarians, and in Serbian parts Serbs, even if they identify as Macedonians today, and speak a language distinct enough not to be a Serbian dialect, at least. And Turks and their allies certainly did kill the Christian civilians during the conflict.
They didn’t go full removal like during Reconquista, to be sure. All those areas still had some Muslim populations left, and there are Muslims there to this day. More like how Jews were treated in Spain, in some ways.
the partitioning of India?
they didn’t remove them wholesale (well they did in some places), but it was pretty much a relocation on a national scale.
i see people beat me to that.
The war in bosnia.
Didn’t realize that about the first Balkan war (I had always been foolishly impressed that so few people converted after such a long Turkish rule). I had started to remember that there was such a thing as a Muslim Greek though.
Thanks to all for the edification.
It will be interesting to see how the demographics play out. Not sure what the population growth looks like in Europe in that regard but I do recall years ago Palestinians talking about having lots of babies as a political strategy. Progs seem on average to be less interested in having kids.
Oh, they’re dying out regardless of immigration.
1 child per woman in some places, doesn’t paint a rosy picture for Europe.
OK, I LOL’ed
He’s going to have to abandon the affected accent, if so.
also this is problematic
Hmm. I had seen his advertisement for the album but I didn’t realize that this was actually what it entailed… I thought it was a Sinatra/etc. compilation or something.
I can deal with it, though. The pretty ones are always crazy.
I’m afraid i’ll have to part with you there. Although he shows sometimes-excellent taste in ties. (and sometimes not, but never welch-bad)
Oh, haha, I was speaking of his intellectual appeal. That tie certainly isn’t helping swing me now that you mention it, though.
I watched that. I assumed somebody lost a bet.
Is that what got him hucked off of Mark Levin’s CRTV thing? If not it should be. I never got his cat infatuation. I always thought he was just joking around with that angle. Maybe he is just nuts.
Here’s one version: http://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the-collapse-of-the-mark-steyn-show
Steyn’s original take on it: http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/mark-steyn-responds-to-firing-by-crtv/
I read both of those. That would bum me out if he is the dick the beast article paints him to be. I respected most of what he has to say, and his lawsuit with Mann might do some good when it comes to that schiester. Who knows. I have never seen one of his shows.
No, I think it was basically a cold-blooded calculation that cat stuff sells big, and that a big band album of cat songs is an untapped market.
He may be right, I remember him posting about Amazon selling out and wait for restock.
I’m not judging, Mann lawsuit is a huge money drain…
Oh … wow.
Steyn was one of the few conservative commentators who said he would support Ron Paul if Paul had won the 2012 Nomination.
He also had some good takes on Ferguson. Here’s one:
So I got a phone call the other day from my mother – my Mother Jones-reading, Citizens United-disagreeing, NRA-disliking, climate change-believing mother. She wanted me to take her to the gun range sometime. You could have knocked me over with a damn feather when she said that. I asked her why she wanted to do this after disparaging the very idea of private gun ownership ever since I can remember, and she said, “I don’t want you to feel like guns are something you can’t talk to me about”. Someone suggested that maybe she’s jumping on that bandwagon of Trump-haters who suddenly see the value in knowing how to use a gun, but I’m pretty sure that’s not her reason. Whatever her motivations, I’m just glad that she’s willing to give it a try, even though she said she would still never own a gun personally.
Anyway, we’re going to get together sometime and I’ll give her a rundown of gun safety and basic operation, then we’ll go to some rural land owned by a friend of ours and actually shoot some.
Did somebody she knows get mugged? Serious question and understandable if you’re not comfortable answering, but that reality can change your attitude on guns.
Unless your David Souter.
How true.
That is actually more respectable though. You shouldn’t change your mind about guns over something like that.
Not that I know of, recently. I’m pretty sure she has known people over the years who have been mugged (and worse). She also works in the legal profession and her job involves reading very grisly murder stories and looking at gory evidence, so I don’t think she’s unfamiliar with how barbaric the criminal element can be.
That’s exactly what got my buddy to get his first firearm. Went from laughing at me and my hick culture to carrying within a month after getting mugged at gun point.
That was my first thought. Check to see if she has a list of senators in her pocket? Any plans to visit DC lately?
Has she started talking about bashing the fash?
I suspect alien takeover. She’s a pod-person now, d00d/d00dette. Just accept it.
Maybe softening to the whole idea of self-defense? (I certainly hope nothing happened that actually scared her.) Even so, if she’s been anti-gun for all these years, I imagine she’s loath to admit she may have been wrong. When you arrange your firearms training session with her, try to work the word “empowerment” into the conversation.
On one hand, she really has hated guns her whole life. She stated it in those exact words. She even got rankled when I’d play first-person shooter games or give my Lego men little plastic guns.
On the other hand, she has taken karate since about 1992 (she’s a fifth-degree blackbelt) and she is a very strong believer in using physical force for self-defense. She has actually roughed people up a few times who were being aggressive towards her (mostly drunk dudes at concerts).
I’m really curious as to what will happen. She might just come shooting with us one time and consider it “out of the way”, or she might take a liking to it.
Based on all the evidence you have given so far, I’m going to hazard a guess that your “mom” is actually Batman.
Silk Spectre?
Don’t be a Comedian.
Fighting words!
Better watch it, man!
She wants the D.
Funny. Your mom didn’t mention any thing about guns to me. I guess she had other things on her mind. Or on her chin.
About time someone made a mom joke.
Now please, please, please, can I go back to what I was doing?
Here’s our reply: https://youtu.be/-T8R_VDTOYQ
Some of us already answered….
Macron in the crosshairs.
I thought that Macron is the Napoleon of modern day French Politics?
This guy seems like a bright spark. It seems like despite apparently planning to assassinate Macron on July 14th, he didn’t actually acquire a weapon, though? I assume that it would be shouted from the rooftops across multiple places if something was found and I’m not seeing anything looking through a few pieces about it.
The fact that these posts by the suspect aren’t featured in the stories, while not necessarily nefarious, is something that makes me raise an eyebrow in this era of nonstop media misrepresentation. Listing a definite date makes me think that these post are probably less woodchippery in nature, but I’d like to read it from the horse’s mouth all the same.
Was the guy named Charles Calthrop?
+1 Algérie française
A video that kept popping up in my recommends (presumably because i click the links derp/you all provide)
It seems to be a british guy criticisng the british govt and explaining why there is a growing reactionary movement.
he’s not (as far as i can tell) one of them, but he sees the reasons why there are anti-muslim/anti-immigrant backlashes…. and notes that the UK Govt is excellent at repressing the backlashes, but less good at actually stopping the things that the people are backlashing *against* (e.g. things like rotherham, etc)
pretty interesting. although his wiki entry says he’s a full blown neocon. didn’t know that was a thing in the UK.
here’s a summary of the guy =
But he surely still support the NHS, because it’s the best?
Is anyone in the UK against that? Certainly seems not to be the case.
It’s probably an alien idea to them because most people alive in the UK have had “free” healthcare for their entire lives. They probably get their jimmies rustled if you say, “I think it would be better if everyone went out and purchased healthcare services with their own money”. Add in the fact that they hear nothing but horror stories about America, where poor people are literally thrown out into the streets to die if they can’t pay, and it’s easy to see how the entire nation could support the NHS.
It’s amazing the sheer amount of Europeans I run across online who think that people are refused emergency care here.
Yea, I’ve encountered Europeans online who think that you can’t walk down any street in America without dodging bullets. I always try to explain to them that almost all of the crime is concentrated in a few major metro areas and that the rest of the country is perfectly safe, but the media/political brainwashing must be pretty strong over there.
More that that – it’s highly concentrated in small pockets within those metro areas.
The more I’ve dug into the statistics, the more shocking it has been for me. The demographic that has the most guns also seems to have murder rates comparable to Europeans who don’t have guns… I honestly would have thought that having a gun would make you more likely to kill someone, relative to those that don’t have access to guns just because it would be relatively easier.
Of course, thats only since Obamacare, before that we sued to stack the poor like cordwood outside of hospitals. 😉
It’s a replacement religion and one whose intolerance for heresy would make even strictest 5th-7th century Christians pause.
Hilariously, you can open up large chunks of the system to private competition and tweak it all day long – as long as you shout the credo from the rooftops.
interesting question. i have no idea. I assume ‘yes’ because its a political non-starter.
here’s him talking about “welfare and the NHS”
it seems he’s about as skeptical about it as is possible for anyone in the UK. He calls it a ‘religion’, which he doesn’t mean in a nice way.
Seems he wants a ‘reform’ rather than a ‘removal’. But that may also be necessary given his intended audience.
*not an endorsement – i just thought he, like many smarter brits, is at least reasonably articulate about the point he wants to make
He has a regular column in The Spectator and is something of a buddy of Mark Steyn’s.
His latest article is pretty representative of his output. I don’t mind him that much, even though I’m less pessimistic about kebabing of Europe.
Ah, his article on Brussels attack from last year is probably his best, as he mercilessly dismantles the pantomime of “response to a tragic, inexplicable event”. As he put it, he can just replace place/time and republish it every time such a strange thing occurs.
in the US, we say, “Motives remain unclear”
Gillespie has a pretty good takedown of “Democracy in Chains”:
Quote: “Democracy in Chains is chicken soup for the souls of liberals, progressives, and members of the “resistance” who want to believe that libertarians don’t just want to destroy or reform ineffective and inefficient public-sector agencies and institutions, but actually want to kill people or destroy them irreparably. Because really, how else can you make a buck in a free market, right?”
That’s pretty good. Though I was a little annoyed when he prattled of a laundry list of reason Hobby horses and claimed that they were things that libertarians are for. (Abortion, open borders)
Dear Nick, that is 80% of the Left. You’ll never be more than a useful idiot to them. Why pouting over this specifically?
On the upside, the comment thread got Hihned, providing the same thesis as the book, but in a more original package.
Low hanging fruit. Old Man Gillespie may not be very good at his job but even he can point out obvious academic fraud.
And this is why DC is poison for ‘libertarian’ organizations. Gillespie lives in a world where his left-wing companions just view his politics as an acceptable oddity…because we have no power. If libertarianism ever gets anywhere he’ll be unpersoned and suddenly people will be arguing as to whether it’s justified to punch him in his Nazi face. ‘Useful idiot’ indeed.
We can call that “pulling the Johnson” after how poor befuddled Garry got treated last year…
technically he lives in Ohio. But i think your point is correct either way.
He lives on Twitter.
Twitter delenda est.
Pan Zagloba wants to build a dictatorship without democracy.
As reparations, I offer a proposal to make Michael Hinh Saturday contributor in place of Chapman. At least the articles will be interesting, as opposed to machine-written boilerplate!
I don’t think he’s physically CAPABLE of not writing in a COMPLETELY nonsensical way, bully.
He did seem to be better medicated for awhile before we left though.
Hihn is arguing that the NAP forbids ‘verbal aggression’, which is hilarious. Hihn wants a safe space.
“Because really, how else can you make a buck in a free market, right?”
Libertarianism has a long way to go. I’ve tried arguing the merits of libertarianism to “progressives”, but somehow they always bring up this nightmare scenario where a food truck owner lets his truck sit out in the heat with no refrigeration (to save money and make a bigger profit, of course) and all the meat goes bad, then he sells it anyway and it makes everyone sick (because that’s the most profitable way to run a food business). I keep asking for an explanation of why a food truck owner would knowingly sell tainted food in the age of instant Internet reviews, which allow customer complaints to spread faster than ever. But they just keep going back to the same old canard about how “we need regulations because businesses like those would just cut corners to make a profit and make people sick”.
I always throw that shit back in their face. I worked at a pizza place in HS. Every Wednesday night the health inspector called and placed an order. Chicken Parm Sub, with onion rings. He’d walk, pick it up, and there was always a 10 dollar bill tucked into the styrofoam container. Once a year when he’d come in he would have the certificate for the new year.
Kitchen wasn’t super clean, but there were no vermin, and no one ever got sick.
But our selfless public servants!
Did you ever add “the cream of sumyunguy” to his chicken parm?
So, for the metalheads out there, looks like Brendon “Home Movies” Small’s next solo project album is coming out next month.
I hadn’t actually heard about it – or the first album until I saw a listing that he’s putting out a comic version with Eric “Goon” Powell the same time (on Powell’s indie imprint) – got that shit preordered ASAP.
And just because I really love Dethklok – this is really well done.
Is one of them female? Not the cat.
Two SpaceX launches aborted at 10 seconds. Either a software engineer forgot that closing ; or Skynet is self-aware, and it doesn’t want to go to space just now.
That’s quite a feat of discipline.
If I’m 10 seconds from blasting, it’s gonna happen.
Just stating the obvious.
Unless blue balls is your thing.
No judgement.
Well, yes, but I thought we had a little more clas-
Almost got it out.
Ah, I see you can stop yourself 10 seconds from blasting!
It matters not who walks in. Been there.
“Either a software engineer forgot that closing ;”
More likely they forgot the closing curly bracket }, those things get tedious, you know.
A launch foiled by bad CSS.
Or null reference AKA the Billion Dollar Mistake. I can’t find a decent link but I recall reading at least one space accident being blamed on it.
Is that the one where NASA didn’t know an inch=25.4mm’s?
That rings a bell too. Maybe I got them confused.
“Null reference” means trying to take the memory address of “nothing”. Makes your program crash. Most modern languages have this “feature” and it’s a constant source of annoyance.
Ya, I don’t speak that language. Out of my league there.
But it’s unavoidable, unless you want to forgo support for dynamic memory and/or references to memory. You ask the runtime or the OS for some memory, maybe it is available, maybe it is not. You want to pass a pointer to heap memory to a function, maybe that pointer is null, maybe it’s not. You store a pointer to heap memory in a class field and don’t suitably protect it — well, maybe some other code has gone and deleted it under your nose, and maybe it has not.
The issue is more how some managed languages make (almost) everything dynamic in the very design of the language, such that (almost) anything can be null — that’s not strictly necessary, and it can introduce uncertainty where it might’ve been avoided. However, on the other hand, there are sound arguments for this, especially in a garbage-collected context. And there are ways around it, at least in certain languages (e.g. where you can make use of value types, rather than reference types).
As far as any space accident being blamed on a null reference though, unless it was due to an actual bug in the runtime (unlikely), that is just BS, and the issue comes down to human error, period. The programmer had the opportunity to check it, but didn’t, which points to another subtlety: in native languages (c/c++) a pointer may be null, or may point to valid memory, to garbage, or to already-freed memory, and it is impossible to detect the difference between the latter three at the call site (it’s still down to human error in the latter two cases, but the mistake may have occurred in unrelated code). With a null reference, on the other hand, the language itself guarantees that any reference is either valid or null, and you can never crash as a direct result (i.e. no guarantees about the state of the referenced object itself) of simply having accessed through a non-null reference.
Unless by “null reference” the article you refer to was talking about native code, in which case we’re back to the beginning: if you want to have dynamic memory, then you simply cannot avoid the possibility of it’s being null (or worse, if you make mistakes).
As an entity that writes a lot of SQL, NULLs are the bane of my existence. They have a habit of showing up at the worst times, much like regulators, in-laws, and VD.
Here the metric conversion one: http://articles.latimes.com/1999/oct/01/news/mn-17288
Can’t wait for that first software upgrade on my self-driving car.
Ya, that is the one. What is $125 million among government contractors. Superb work there.
Is everyone ready for a patriotic music medley?
OK, then, I know there’s a bit of dispute about, ah, unauthorized borrowing in this song, but whoever did it, it rocks.
Kid Rock: American Badass
Ha ha, just kidding, here it is (NSFW)
Cat video
For those who think rock musicians invented incomprehensible lyrics
Columbia, Gem of the Ocean…not really (NSFW)
George Washington pissed the lyrics and music to this in a snowbank in Valley Forge and Hamilton had to copy it out
Little known fact: This is the victory march the American forces played while accepting the British surrender at Yorktown
stop eddie. stop.
He’s just getting on a roll.
getting on a roll
On a roll.
On a roll
I bet you know what kind of roll I’m going to post here
No, I thought you would post this
Call me butter ‘cuz I’m on a roll.
Nice. I love cheesy t-shirts.
My company was acquired in 2005 by a British company, and while that mostly didn’t change much for us but the name and logo, we eventually had a North American VP who was an Englishman. When he came to address us in Minneapolis, we had the meeting in the big auditorium, the Yorktown. (All our conference rooms were named for great battles back then–the millenials are changing that to Minnesota landmarks so they can’t pretend we are helping kill our enemies and break their stuff, but, hey, back in the day…).
So new British overlord dude welcomes us to his speech and says nice things about what an honor it was to address his American colleagues in an auditorium named after a humiliating British defeat at the hands of the Americans. We all loved him after that.
I should have said “so they CAN pretend we aren’t helping kill our enemies and break their stuff.” I blame booze. And you guys. I love you, man.
1812 Overture, by…no, not really
2112. This is the only reason we don’t nuke Canada.
Battle Hymn of the Republic (revised and updated for the 21st century)
“By the transitive property of media magic: person who created meme once said something anti-semetic -> therefore anyone who uses meme =Hitler”
White House stays silent* on anti-Semitic connection of Trump’s anti-CNN video – CNN
*”staying silent” is now, by the inverse property of handwaving media gibberish, newsworthy, because everyone knows REAL politicians immediately respond to every charge no matter how ludicrous.
It’s funny how they respond to accusations of Fake News by Fake News’ing harder.
I think it was just last week when they were saying that the Trump administrations instant-aggressive response to critical story constituted “attacking the media”. They’re just asking serious questions, man!
now if the admin does nothing, its ‘suspiciously silent’.
I think we need to get Keith Ellison’s take on this.
Well, someone posted that Twitter feed the other day which declared that because Trump didn’t use the word “pride” once last month he hates gays.
If he had used it, they would have been ” how dare he”. He seems to get that better than most Rs. You can’t win when with people who are flat out trying to destroy you because you have an R behind your name. Might as well clothesline them and call them bloody face. lol
Maybe I am part of the new Idiocracy we are becoming, but I still think it is funny they got so bent over that meme/gif. Ya, it was not Presidential, but I am thinking Presidential is not all it is cracked up to be these days. The last President was worshiped. I think that is more dangerous than having one I can laugh at. Not to mention the things that happen, as many have pointed out, while he has the media in a meltdown over idiocy. Lets just hope he doesn’t launch missiles at the Norks right after a CNN beat down tweet. We will never hear about the start of WWtres.
I’m beginning to think that the great human divide is between people who recoil in horror at that and people who don’t.
Valid point.
Go Down, Moses
I was thinking about this story earlier, and I think in this situation, you should sue the hell out of the people who defamed you.
If one of her friends told someone in the administration something about you that wasn’t true–and she knew it wasn’t true or a reasonable person should have known it was untrue, you should sue the hell out of someone for that.
Prove malice. Prove damages. Prove it to the satisfaction of a jury of your peers, simple majority by a preponderance of the evidence . . .
Maybe they settle. Maybe as part of the settlement, you require them to take out an add in the student paper confessing that they lied about you. Maybe they don’t settle. Maybe you fuck them up financially.
Don’t sue the school. Yeah, they were assholes, but they probably didn’t violate your rights. Sue the people who hurt you. You can call the school administrators in as witnesses. Who told them those lies about you? Put ’em on the witness stand. They don’t like being in court–well then they shouldn’t have treated you that way.
I know suing people can be expensive and time consuming, etc. and the lawyers who take you on retainer will want to sue the people who have the money–not the people who did you wrong. The people who did you wrong were the ones who said you raped a girl when it never happened. They should have to pay through the nose. They should have it come out that they’re fucking idiot liars, who say shit about people that isn’t true.
I know why that guy backed Hulk Hogan’s suit. Wasn’t that Thiel? The people who actually did the awful shit should be the ones who pay for it, and that’s so often not the case.
Good chance it’s past the statute of limitations. Looks like the longest in the US is three years.
Proof that American drugs are the best drugs in the world
Further proof. I say let’s go for it.
Little-known fact: John Philip Sousa wrote this for the U. S. Marine Band
HM would like a word with you. Also, that’s all of the pics you could muster? More like Daily Fail.
I like big butts and I will not lie
But I solved for x when I should have solved for y
Now my formula produces just an average-looking butt
And my grant money’s running out
.7? Negative. The Golden Ratio is 1.6 as any ass aficionado, cabinet maker, furniture designer or artist knows. Don’t rework the classics.
I have a feeling I’ve seen several variations of this story before but don’t let that stop the Daily Mail.
First off, I think they are going x/y, and the ratio I know is y/x. Math is hard. Also, they are doing waist to hips. The bum is lower than the hips and a greater girth. I bet it still hits 1.6 as god intended.
Um, is it just me or did the comments all disappear from last night’s thread? I can see a number of comments on the front page but nothing below Zardoz’ byline when I open the page…kinda weird. (and nothing to do with monocle that I can see).
huh, it does look gone.
maybe my alien link got it all abducted.
Weird…I guess I shouldn’t have described Preet Bhahara as a
It’s payback for ragging on the lack of morning links on fake 4th of July.
Or 555 is the number of the ZARDOZ beast.
As if 555 comments suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly memory-holed.
(not sure why, but I’ve always found that repeated use of “suddenly” to be grating)
Suddenly grating.
I noticed that too. It’s a bunch of BS. I was planning on going through that yesterday evening after work, and then nothing. Now I don’t know what commenter goodness I missed out on!
They look gone to me too. I hope it was not intentional.
“We’re going to sing a song about our favorite actor of all time. This one’s about Tom Hanks and the time he got lost on a desert island and had to fuck a volleyball to survive. This is … _Shipwrecked_!”
A band named after a great Founding Father
The name of this band is not intended as a threat in any way, shape or form
Goodnight. Keep on Rockin’!
OH my GOD what fucking windmill is CNN tilting at NOW?!
The same one, just a different angle of attack.
Well, you know what happens when your angle of attack gets too high…
Han Job Solo?
If Trump wants to keep on calling out fake news for being fake news and provoking responses like these with his 69D chess Twitter troll game, I can only say, shine on, you crazy diamond.
Basically this.
I saw the Trump-CNN meme months ago, it is kind of funny he posted it but it isn’t really news, unlike knowing that the president has 2 scoops of ice cream- no wonder hes thicc.
Firstly, even Leni Riefenstahl made it, that doesn’t mean it’s it anti-semetic. If I find a funny cat picture that was originally made by the Grand Dragon of the KKK, and repost it on Twitter, there is no connection to racism.
Secondly, if in “In April 2017, after Donald Trump Jr., the President’s son, tweeted, “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” the Reddit user posted, “Spin the dreidel and find out,” that’s awfully weaksauce if that’s the worst thing HanAssSolo has posted referencing jews.
Thirdly, I realize that this response is way more than that article deserves.
The news media seems too focus on such trivial and sustained shit with Trump — 2 scoops of ice cream, this video. Yet when caught regularly promoting “fake” news, they seem to at most, fire a few people, issue a retraction and then move on. They seem to publicly ignore they seem the fact they keep on getting caught promoting “fake” news. And the “fake” news is page 1 so to speak and the retraction is page 69.
Actual patriotic song about whipping the British.
So apparently no morning links either.
It would seem we didn’t riot enough yesterday.
I mean, we’re not even rioting as much as a bunch of college students triggered over a lesson about XX and XY chromosomes. We suck.
If y’all aren’t too hungover to riot then you aren’t doing it right.
I tried to have fun. My wife is boring though. Sad.
What is fun? We just chose a traditional 4th food for each day (hot dogs, hamburgers, steak, pork ribs), made a big deal out of each one, had plenty of drinks and watched Perry Mason re-runs. Relaxing, delicious and for us, fun. Our days of dancing with lampshades on our heads are long over.
*Wife loves Perry Mason. When she was in labor with her son the nurses came to fetch her and take her to delivery but she protested: “Wait! Perry Mason is coming on! Come back in an hour!”
A senior White House official, in response to questions about the origins of the video, said Monday that it was not pulled from Reddit, an online message board site.
He then went on to say, “Don’t you have anything better to do, like scour the emergency rooms for fireworks injuries, or conduct an depth interview with the owner of a two-headed sheep?”