Good Late Morning, Glibs. I am not 100% sure who had link duty, so I am assuming I screwed the pooch and will give some now.
- If at first and second you don’t succeed…try again!
- Socialist compassion in the Big Apple?
- A new terrorist organization/separatist group??? Cornwall…WTF?
- Er, ma’am, your bum is showing.
OK, commence to snarking and posting your own links, you rabble!
Don’t tell me what to do!
Damn, she’s a 2-bagger! Bum is ONLY slightly attractive feature.
yard- or contractor- ? asking for a friend…
To pun or not to pun? Such a corny imitation of real separatists…
No punning allowed? Aw, shucks.
So what is the punishment?
An earful?
Eh, we’ll cob something togehter.
There’s a kernel of truth in those turds.
A bit difficult to navigate this maize of lies
I dont really understand any of that. Who are these people and what do they want? What’s their bitch? The article really doesnt make any of that clear.
If I had to guess based on other movements like that,
1. England isn’t (presently) socialisming hard enough
2. They want their mostly useless language (Cornish, in this case) taught alongside English
“we note that previous members of the IRA are now in power in the North of Ireland showing that there is a place for military action.”
Yeah I’ve always been astounded that IRA front party Sinn Fein was given a role in the government and its members high office. It literally justifies IRA terror.
More like brunch links, amirite?
David Putty high five.
file under: Republicans in the Mist
Law prof proposes ‘white middle-class studies’ discipline
George Washington University Law School professor John Banzhaf is proposing that universities create “Blue Collar Studies” programs to help scholars better understand Trump voters.
The courses are loosely modeled on the progressive identity-focused studies that examine the experiences of minority groups in the U.S., which Banzhaf argues is necessary because most scholars have little or no understanding of the perspectives that drove people to vote for Donald Trump.
“The abject failure of academics and other key members of the knowledge society to predict, much less to understand, the views of the six-in-ten Americans without college degrees who provided Trump’s primary support in the U.S. presidential election dramatically illustrates the urgent need for at least one new direction for critical studies: Blue Collar (or non-degree) Studies,” the professor contends in an abstract to his upcoming presentation.
“Such new studies are needed for exactly the same reasons we have Black Studies, LGBT Studies, and others: that we urgently need to understand more about these subcultures, even though the interaction and knowledge gaps between cultures are greater regarding people without degrees than with these other groups,” he adds.
Banzhaf told TheDC that the discipline is important “in light of the unexpected election of Donald Trump and alarming reports that life expectancy is surprisingly tumbling among white middle-class Americans,” speculating that “Blue Collar Studies” programs would also help governments to better comprehend the problems faced by middle-class Americans.
Did they ever consider just talking to the average person?
Mix with commoners?!? Have you gone mad?
Well I did read a Sugarfree story awhile ago so…
Sure, they tried talking. It’s the listening that’s the problem
Oh yeah, I forgot every time they start talking with the people it becomes an unwanted lecture.
It’s ridiculous. Maybe us Glibs ought to build a lesson plan for their little class
Theorizing why the hoi are so polloi is far preferable to actually mingling among them.
They do talk to them and don’t like what they hear ergo they need to ‘study’ (reprogram) them to stop thinking against their better interests.
You mean their better’s interests.
dear professor, stop advocating for policies that fuck me economically.
white uneducated middle class American
Well, the upcoming shitshow should be interesting.
Incredible to me how out of touch these people are. Their basic premises are so different from the average american that they literally cant understand their next door neighbor.
You think they live near them?
To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy, drive 40 minutes outside of any large city and you are among his people.
And they start off failing by trying to insinuate that no one with a college degree voted for Trump. Also, no one needs a college degree to understand that Democrats have went completely insane and their brand is now toxic. Duh.
Will they put white middle class workers in a cage and observe them?
I assume a super prog will be teaching the class though.
Er, ma’am, your bum is showing.
Weird tats. Operating instructions, maybe? Warning labels?
I vote warning labels.
English have some dumb reality shows . Who watches this crap?
She’s not that attractive.
Yeah, the Botox is an automatic DQ. Anything fake is an automatic DQ, for me. I just love Dairy Queen that much.
Her face is super fucked up.
I wish these docs would get people with body dysmorphia (sp?) help rather than operating on them.
There ought to be a law
Don’t mention people who abuse plastic surgery to try to look like an idealized version of themselves and end up disfigured to “transgender” supporters.
Are her lips the reason she’s called Salmon?
She looks like a manikin. She should look into doing horror movies.
Been in and out this week so don’t know if you (Swiss) saw this about 2 Sth African teams joining the Pro12:
Yeah, something is going on out there in the high level rugby world…and I am not in the know!
Short version: Super Rugby is cutting three franchises next year, two from SA. And the Pro12 has invited the 2 SA franchises to join their comp which will split into two divisions.
Also, apparently the Lions/AB test last night was a classic.
A classic? Damn it I missed it. Sucks to not be able to get rugby here on cable.
I played myself in college until I made one too many calls to my mom from the emergency room lol.
Y’all are fellow ruggers, correct? When and where did ya play?
I only played a couple of years when I was 11 & 12. Strangely enough, the sport I played the most was basketball.
Highlights are already on youtube.
I played for the University of Illinois end of the 1980s, ealry 1990s, then for the Fox Valley Maoris after that. Had to retire 2 years ago when I donated a kidney.
Started out center, rapidly moved inward until I was a second row.
Is that Fox Valley in northern IL?
I hail from that area.
I only played high school level, made the ‘allstar’ team, which doesn’t mean much, imo.
Fun game though, wish I felt the risk of injury was worth it (tweaked my knee a few years back). Was 2nd row as well.
You played yourself in college?
Well, at least you and your opponent were evenly matched.
Thank you! I’m here all weekend!
(I was gonna go with “Hey, I played a smart-ass in Uni” but then I realized I’m still playing that role, so…)
Holy cow, this woman is textbook butterface.
I could see her being attractive before she mangled her face with all that collagen and botox.
Yep. “Duck face” is now the only facial expression she can do for the camera. I belong to a group of photogs in the Lower Mainland who explicitly list and disqualify for work any model who looks like that. It just ruins ’em.
Those eyebrows are the real crime.
OK, commence to snarking and posting your own links, you rabble!
Ok, here’s one.
We need some rooftop Koreans in Hamburg, stat!
Pretty sure the Germans are already blinded.
Looks like we just need some Kraftwerk, stat!
Why do people keep calling them “protesters”? Yes, there were protesters there as well. But breaking things and setting fires isn’t protesting.
Hey, if what happened in Seattle in 1999 during the WTO meetings can be called protests, these are mild protests.
Why do people keep calling them “anarchists”?
Because the term “anarchists” allows them to remain ideologically discreet from various good-guy groups such as Antifa, Occupy, and BLM! It even subtly hints at them being bad-guys and maybe even (gulp) those evil libertarians!
Right. Except they don’t seem to be anarchists at all. Just like “Antifa” doesn’t actually seem to have a problem with fascism, as long as it’s fascism they agree with.
And, of course it’s Trump’s fault.
I saw someone talking about Trump’s speech where he counted the number of times Trump used the word ‘freedom’ (20something times) and his defense of western enlightened values. The left is characterizing that as ‘racist’ and bigoted.
Digging deeper!
Yep. Tapper retweeted a thread from Jamelle Bouie, who was spouting a lot of nonsense about how many dog whistles to “white nationalists” was in the speech.
Look, I get that the guy giving the speech in defense of Western Civilization is hardly the best example of it. But, the very fact that Jamelle has the freedom to tweet such nonsense, from a device which very likely wouldn’t exist were it not for the foundational ideals of Western Civ, is proof Western Civ doesn’t equal the racist BS they claim it does.
Are there bigots and racists in the West? Of course. Show me a human society where these don’t exist. On balance, Western Civilization has provided for more freedom for people of various races, creeds and cultures than any other in history.
These people are hopeless.
“no political affiliation was ascribed to them”
Umm, some of them had anti-capitalist signs. It must really hurt to be that stupid.
Land whalePlus-sized woman strips naked at mall to body shame people that care about their health.“She’s so courageous!” “What a role model!” “She’s not ashamed!”
It’s all so tiresomely predictable. Lefties hate human nature in all forms; that men are attracted to fit women is just one more part of that derangement.
But don’t forget, lefties also decry the obesity epidemic that’s destroying America.
We hereby officially Ban Banning.
“We’re not gonna Protest!, we’re not gonna protest!”
No more slogans, no more press, we don’t want your damn protests!
“Hey Hey, Ho Ho
This Penis Party’s Got to Go!”
Lefties say the reason that there is so much obesity among the lower classes is that they live in food deserts and/or the price of produce is too expensive for the average joe (!).
I don’t know if you ever go in produce sections — or even better, produce stores — but you can easily fill up a shopping cart for about $20, or the price of one KFC family meal.
And it turned out the food desert thing was a lie.
Perhaps if the government stopped trying to tell everyone to eat high-carb, low salt diets, people would eat regular food and not get so fat on chips and sodas (both high-carb and low-salt!)
Have you looked at the nutritional label on a bag of chips lately?
The individual-portion bag I just looked at contains 50% of the USRDA of sodium?
Huh? What kind of crazy chips are those? Are you sure you aren’t reading the content for an entire multiple-portion bag?
I just looked at all the bags of chips and boxes of crackers in our pantry, which included tortilla chips, potato chips, and even ‘saltines’. They were all between 65mg -200mg sodium per serving. meaning all less than 10% of the ridiculously low daily ‘allotment’.
Want to really get too much sodium? Look at a Campbell’s “Reduced Sodium” soup for a big laugh, or any can of chili.
Regardless, unless you’re part of the 20% of Americans who are sodium sensitive, or you have high blood pressure, eat all the high-sodium food you want, it’s not going to hurt you. That’s why you have kidneys.
I should have been more clear, these are the size bag of chips you tend to get at, for example, Subway. They technically contain “two servings” but that’s nonsense because everyone always eats the whole bag. So it’s 25% of USRDA per “serving.” To your point, tho, these are specifically “sea salt” Kettle chips, I’m sure the plain flavor lays has less.
I completely agree with your overall point that, unless you’re in one of the groups that matters, you shouldn’t care at all how much delicious, delicious sodium there is in your food.
I am the 20 percent!
That USRDA number is low.. so many people today suffer from depression because they have been told to avoid salt and sunlight.
But there was this society 20 years ago that thought fat was attractive !!!!
ask a girl if she would date someone shorter than her.
I was just commenting on this the other day: Both men and women have preferences for their sexual partners. Women’s sexual preferences are considered completely normal and justified, but men’s sexual preferences are viewed as “oppressive” and lead to complaints that “society forces women to conform to a certain standard of beauty”.
You know who makes women conform to a certain standard of beauty? Other women. Men will bang anything.
Er, some men will bang anything.
Back in Uni, I was offered a number of opportunities that I politely (and in one case, not-so-politely) declined. Guy’s gotta have his standards, doncha know . . .
Yeah. Then you get older. And you realize that you turned down a whole lot of women that you would pay to see naked these days.
No, but a whole lot of women that turned me down are still ones I’d pay to see naked these days.
The last time I looked this up, it seems that studies prove out what anyone with eyes can see :
Men are more willing to date women who are fatter than them than women are willing to date men who are shorter than them.
This reminds me of a test I like to apply to see if someone is a feminist or a female supremacist.
Ask them if there is any way in which women are worse than men.
If they say no, you have your answer, because that is pretty much statistically impossible when comparing two classes with very large sets of attributes. It doesn’t even require us to be talking about “women” and “men.” Class A (“Women”) end up being “worse” at something just because attributes are very unlikely to be distributed between the two classes so un-evenly. It takes a quasi-religious belief in inherent female superiority to believe it is not only possible in nature but real.
Yeah, but if his wallet is fat enough he can stand on that and he’s a stone-cold 10.
As someone who never stood taller than 5′ 8″, my confirmation bias says “Yep!”
Elite Elite has found the perfect tag line not to get clicked.
You know you want to. The author of the piece talks about how stunning and brave this whale was.
Free Whilhelma?
Just because her “collide with ground” attack disorients those within ten meters, that doesn’t make her ‘stunning’.
+1 Dwarf Stomp
At least she helped other people in the mall to lose a little weight by causing them throw up.
Thanks Elite. I was trying to enjoy my Saturday.
Glad I could start your weekend off right.
Somebody call Greenpeace so they can roll that whale back into the ocean. God lady, please keep it covered.
I am not clicking on that.
It’s pretty spectacular.
A Cornish terror group dubbed the ‘Ooh R A’ has claimed responsibility for firebombing Rick Stein’s seaside restaurant – and claims it has a would-be suicide bomber in its ranks.
You may want to distance yourself from that guy.
Is he a veteran of the Scottish kamikaze school?
That was pretty good. Can’t even play of it.
Let the Polack jokes commence.
They didn’t give him a copy of The Witcher 3?
“Finally, on both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger, one firmly within our control. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people.”
I rarely hear a president say something i like. i like that. i hope he truly believes that.
I am liking the guy more and more every day. He has done more in his short time for the cause of freedom than…well, anyone I can think of. He is definitely worse than Hitler. All this talk of freedom from an aspiring dictator.
I wonder what TSTSNBN has to say about this speech? I will pop over and see.
Send up a flare if you need to be pulled out of the smoking wreckage..
Something something ‘despite being worse than Hitler’ something something?
More along the lines of “Introspective, narrow view of what constitutes the West, Russophobic.”
Lachowsky, if all he does is keep Hillary out of the White House and make the Dem-Op Complex* toxic to normies, I will vote for him. Much of the rest of his agenda is in the hands of the gutless, spineless, ball-less, brainless Repub Congress, so if it fails, I don’t blame him. I blame the gutless, spineless, ball-less, brainless Repub Congress.
*Academia, much of the media, the Democrat Party, and the civil service.
The rupub congress will likely block a lot of what he tries to do fro exactly the reasons you state. I have to remember that he wants to do braindead stupid shit too when i read stuff i like. Building a wall is retarded. Mercantilism is retarded. Trying to destroy the fed bureaucracy (which is actually within his power) is a gift from heaven for libertarians.
Trying to destroy the fed bureaucracy (which is actually within his power)
Not as much as I thought. He can’t close departments or have wholesale layoff’s without Congressional approval. He can’t even do all that much to revoke administrative regulations without Congressional approval. Even things that are within his power (such as the EO on immigration) can be blocked in the courts.
What we see in the executive right now is that it is a marvelous machine for unilaterally growing government, but largely crippled as far as reducing government.
Oh, and my list of members of the Dem-Op Complex left out “much of the judiciary”.
Congress can’t force him to nominate people for every position he’s supposed to.
My plans today are simple, go for a nice bike ride (~25 miles) and hit up some of the new breweries that have opened in Cleveland that I haven’t made it to yet. The difficult decision is going to be which one to grab lunch at. It can be a tough life sometimes.
Reach deep, man. You can do it.
Remember, this is your time!
I was expecting this link.
The main question you need to ask yourself: do they serve bratwurst? The rest will follow.
Kinky.Free your brat and your ass will follow?
What you did there… I see it.
These puns are the wurst.
The only brewery that is near the route that serves brats would be the Hofbräuhaus, which I’ve been to before, and isn’t that impressive beer-wise. The current list is Noble Beast, Collision Bend, Saucy, Terrestrial, and the Buckeye Tap Stack.
One day I may try to work out a plan like this guy to try to hit all the breweries in the Greater Cleveland area. I’d try to avoid the arrest at the end, and I think we may have more breweries in that same radius.
That sounds like a wonderful day, especially the second part.
I haven’t visited a new brewery in a long time. My family and i have spent nearly every weekend getting our house ready to sell. It’s been 100+ here in the high desert for nearly two weeks straight. Cold beer does help.
“A booty-ful view Love Island star Katie Salmon reveals her peachy bum in a thong swimsuit and mesh top in sexyLove Island star Katie Salmon reveals her peachy bum in a thong swimsuit”
That’s some top quality editing.
Maybe some NYT style layoffs are in order.
Rachel Maddow talks for 20 minutes about fake NSA document about Trump and Russia.
Why do my prog friends keep insisting she’s so smart?
Remember that time she had Trump’s tax returns.
The schaudenfreude was particularly sweet that day.
The best part about the Maddow tax returns brouhaha was that it was hyped to shit by MSNBC and many other fellow travelers online, including Larry O’Donnell spasming with joy that this could be the moment we’ve been waiting for to IMPEACH DRUMPF… and then after it was such a dud even the much of the left couldn’t keep the TDS-boner going, Maddow then took self-responsibility for the fuckup and started arguing in favor of individual rights and capitalism on her program. (Haha, maybe not. I have a hard time even trying to imagine that as a comedy bit.)
They like to watch not very smart fugly butch dykes go on for an hour making predictions that are always wrong?
You can put a muppet there spewing their narratives and it’ll be considered a genius.
Glenn Greenwald posted a good reply to her show on The Intercept. He was far more generous than I would’ve been.
This topic requires full discussion. I’m sure it will be on the links soon, but my initial take is “if you are Rachel Maddow and Glenn Effing Greenwald has to repeatedly debunk your crazy conspiracy theories, maybe you are done.”
This is a bizarrely successful weekend for the Trump. Between this kerfuffle and the Fusion GPS – DNC – Russia counterattack, I’d say he’s winning big.
Somehow I doubt the media will be covering it that way.
But if the Fusion GPS thing pans out at all, anyone in the media with even an ounce of self-respect should be all over that story, hounding the Clintonistas, Obamites and DNC apparatchiks to the ends of the earth. Ok, so there won’t be anyone with even an ounce of self respect left….
It might have something to do with family courts being a mafia, but what do I know?
Wait I fail to see the article prove millennials aren’t getting married beyond anecdote. What are the numbers?
I think the girls writing the article were tired of people asking them why they aren’t married. Besides, if all we’re going by is anecdotes, I’m going to two millennial weddings in September, so there!
People gotta have something to bitch about/be scared of. NO ONE IS GETTING MARRIED! THE END IS NIGH!!
The real question is, how is this Trump’s fault?
He grabbed their pussies so they can’t get married due to the trauma?
Well, feminism has been very successful in making marriage a horrible deal for men. Then they pretend to be surprised when men start wanting to stay single in ever increasing numbers.
There’s that, and there’s the fact that since the “sexual revolution”, any decent-looking man (with some practice) can get laid regularly, no marriage required.
What did they expect?
This millennial has been married for almost 6 years.
To the same person,
Who is of the opposite sex.
Pretty soon, professors will be offering a course of studies on you.
You should sign up for that course. It would be, um, interesting.
Are you sure about the opposite sex part? What is the preferred pronoun? How bout gender?
It should be easy enough to find the never-married rates for millennials of a certain age, and compare that to people of that age at other points in the past.
prog shitrag:
Pretty Much Anyone Who Says They Can’t Pay $15 An Hour is a Lying Swine
I have spent the last year and a half running a small magazine of left-wing political thought called Current Affairs. Our circulation is tiny. We carry no advertising. We have no sponsors. Our revenue comes from selling printed copies through the mail. In other words, we are not exactly the world’s most financially lucrative enterprise. It’s often a struggle to stay afloat, and we have to be very careful about our expenditures. Nevertheless: when we pay someone to do work for us, we would never pay less than $15 an hour. And if we can do it, any employer can, and anyone who says they can’t is lying.
Note the key words “when we pay someone”. I’m guessing this magazine has approximately zero full-time employees, in addition to having a terrible business model based on a medium that is nearing obsolescence.
Except maybe in the most remote areas, then, or among teenagers working their first jobs, paying people less than $15 an hour inflicts hardship. It means they aren’t going to be able to live a decent and comfortable life working full-time. Even at best, especially if they have a child, they’re just going to be subsisting, with no opportunities for vacations or indulgences or any of the occasional costly pleasures that make life worthwhile. (And certainly no retirement savings.) At worst, they are going to be living a truly precarious existence, defined at every moment by the need to think about money.
Paying people money does not inflict hardship. There is no right to expensive vacations. Lots of people, rich, poor, and in between worry about money.
The Washington study, showing that employees had their hours reduced and lost jobs because of the minimum wage hike, could well be correct.
It’s important, though, to realize why it would be correct. What free market economists and minimum wage opponents rarely say out loud is that their models and predictions assume that capitalists and business owners are sociopathic; i.e., that they do not act in the interests of their workers’ well-being, but that their workers’ well-being is incidental and will be sacrificed as needed to ensure continued profitability. So if the minimum wage rises, a business owner will not compensate themselves less, but will try to find a way to cut back on labor costs elsewhere, say by requiring greater amounts of work over shorter periods of time. The whole reason that economists believe minimum wage raises hurt workers is that companies do not mind hurting their workers. Corporations are structured so as not to have moral obligations toward human beings, and so it would be unsurprising if they reacted to an effort to get them to behave more morally by behaving less morally.
People are selfish and businesses owners want to make as much money as possible. In other news, water is wet.
This is why free-market economists are often right about the potential pitfalls of regulation. It’s true that if you mandate greater livability standards in housing, landlords might just push up rents and pass the cost onto the renters. Or if you set caps on rent, landlords might maintain their apartments less well. It’s a perfectly understandable consequence, but it’s important to acknowledge what this implies: that landlords act without regard for any goal other than their own financial enrichment. The empirical fact might mean that some regulation is not actually a good way of solving a problem, but the reason it will not be a good way of solving a problem is that there is often almost no way to prod a corporation or landlord into treating human beings decently, because of the nature of landlords and corporations as economic entities.
Ooh, so close to seeing it.
So I believe minimum wage increases should be implemented carefully, in accordance with an unbiased interpretation of the available empirical evidence.
[head desk]
These people really don’t learn, do they?
They do. They learned you nerd the right top man making the right decisions according to the right science
All business owners can afford to shell out 30K for each fulltime employee, tis a known fact.
I mean, it’s not like business owners pay themselves last with whatever’s left over now, is it?
I remember the shocked look on an employee’s face when I told him that I hadn’t taken a paycheck for six months or so. He was a significantly better employee after that.
I just quit my job because of a similar reason. It was a start-up and i hadn’t gotten a full paycheck for 15 months in turn for some equity. Of course, after 15 months and nothing changing, I was pretty decided that my investment wasn’t going to turn around. That and I found out that the Biggest business partner had been taking an 8K/month paycheck while the other two of us were at half pay.
Yep. When I first started the IT consultancy I had back in the late 90s/early Oughts with a couple of partners, we went for the better part of a year without drawing a dime of remuneration. It all went to our subs, employees and software/hardware purchases to keep the consultancy afloat. If it hadn’t been for the fact that our spouses worked, we would’ve collapsed. Money was nevertheless tight.
It was also over two years before any of us took a single-week vacation. Two- and three-week vacays were simply not in the cards.
While this is true and was pretty much the track I went through, assholes like that guy at Current Affairs would call this ‘whining’.
Business owners don’t work anyway just profit of employees labour, so why should they get compensated at all?
Of all the dead-wrong “progressive” beliefs, this one is the most mind-boggling; this view of business owners as white-mustached exploiters who are riding high on the broken backs of the workers, to whom all the credit for the product actually goes.
In reality, the factory worker puts stuff in a machine and pushes a button. That worker does some of the physical labor, but he didn’t design the product. He didn’t solicit investors. He didn’t do market research to make sure that the public would actually buy this. He didn’t arrange the distribution network through which the product would be sold. He didn’t assume the legal liability if some moron used the product improperly and ended up in the hospital. He didn’t oversee all of these processes to make sure they were all working in harmony. Yet, “progressives” think that the CEOs and management just “get paid to do nothing”.
How many full-time employees or even part-time does this person have, with the attendant other costs related to employment?
I’m guessing when someone writes an article they get $45 and a IRS Form 1099.
“Look, my boutique business selling to upscale clientele has lasted for a whole 18 months paying out $15/hour, so therefore I’m qualified to assess what every other employer should be paying.”
There’s also the distinct possibility that they’re just lying. I’ve seen people claim to be employers yet oddly are unable to offer any specifics on how payroll works, the kinds of benefits they pay, etc. It’s like the “I used to be a libertarian” pieces, just in-group bullshit.
Bingo. I’m guessing that (a) he exploits the shit of people by taking “volunteer” work, (b) unpaid interns, and (c) free content. The number of people he actually employs may be two or three buddies, at most.
Also, I bet they use an outside contractor for things like janitorial service without a care in the world for what those individuals get paid.
Nathan is beyond hope.
And he’s damn smug about it too.
“So I didn’t know how much credence to give those Small Business Owners who are always whining about how put-upon they are. ”
I can but just give this presumptuousness ignoramus, as a SBO, the middle finger.
“Honestly, I was not surprised at the new study suggesting that Seattle’s raise in the minimum wage may have reduced the employment of low-wage workers. Unlike many on the left, I am perfectly open to the idea that as an empirical matter, raises in the minimum wage cause employers to reduce hours and lay off workers in ways that ultimately result in workers being paid less than they were before. (The Seattle study, by a team of University of Washington economists, suggested that the average low-wage worker saw their monthly paycheck shrink by $125.)”
I don’t know where to begin tearing this crap down.
/face palm.
it’s important to acknowledge what this implies: that landlords act without regard for any goal other than their own financial enrichment.
And the Free Shit Brigade doesn’t?
I believe minimum wage increases should be implemented carefully, in accordance with an unbiased interpretation of the available empirical evidence.
Finally something we can agree on. Because an unbiased interpretation of the available empirical evidence means no more minimum wage increases.
Because an unbiased interpretation of the available empirical evidence means no more minimum wage
Kindly fuck off. Also, “small left-wing subscription-only newspaper with no ads” turning any semblance of a profit while paying anyone? I call bullshit.
“The abject failure of academics and other key members of the knowledge society to predict, much less to understand, the views of the six-in-ten Americans without college degrees who provided Trump’s primary support in the U.S. presidential election dramatically illustrates the urgent need for at least one new direction for critical studies: Blue Collar (or non-degree) Studies,” the professor contends in an abstract to his upcoming presentation.
Maybe they should go to Hooters for lunch.
You buyin’?
OK, I’ve linked to a few stories about Enbridge trying to build a new pipeline in northern Minnesoda. This one is pretty funny though.
1) Look at the picture of the author. The whitest red head you can imagine. He’s spent a few hundred words lecturing the rest of us on how pipelines impact the tribe and works for a lobbying group started by Winona LaDuke.
2) He -no shit- somehow works in an accusation that Enbridge failed to assess the impact of sexual violence in its Environmental Impact Review
3) He puts “right” in scare quotes when he says “The entire process prioritizes the corporation’s ‘right’ to make profit, and ignores the real questions of public need and purpose.”
4) (finally) Anyone want to invest money in his vision of the future?
They want to re-route the pipeline to run parallel to esisting piplines and power rights of way? The horror.
They are re-routing it a bit, but it still pretty much goes through existing rights of ways for other infrastructure (like power lines).
The precious part is that even though the pipeline won’t go through any reservations, the tribes are going to protest it because under the Minnesota Treaty of 1855 they retain hunting and fishing rights to all of the land ceded by the treaty (aka northern MN). So they claim that their “rights” are being abridged by the pipeline wherever it runs in Minnesoda.
some of the best whitetail hunting ive done is along pipeline and powerline right of ways that cut through the woods. setting up a stand in the treeline overlooking a cleared right of way is an excellent way to hunt deer. These people are full of shit.
+ 1 sendero.
Agree. If you are stuck hunting public land another good strategy is to go straight to the thickest swamp/brush tangle you can find.
As soon as the shooting starts, the old and wise deer make a beeline towards the thick crap. Of course as soon as you shoot one you wonder why the fuck you were so dumb to shoot one back in the boonies.
Deer hunting: 15 minutes of the most intense excitement ever followed by 8 hours of drudge work.
This is what you get when you name your kid Thane and let him attend Cornell.
Hockey scholarship.
“and electric car infrastructure will dominate world markets in a matter of years.”
What the fuck is electric car infrastructure? Does he mean a charging station at every Starbucks?
No, the little prick means an ICE ban. It’s always the answer.
He thinks transportation is the only use of petroleum products .. While just about everything around him could only exist because “oil”.
So as long as cars stop running on gas, we can stop drilling for oil. Nevermind the fact that we probably couldn’t build the Gaia-saving car itself without petroleum products.
propped up by billions in taxpayer subsidies
Such as? Be specific.
I’m sure it will end up being the fact that the oil industry took advantage of some tax break. Not taking = subsidizing.
Our revenue comes from selling printed copies through the mail.
In a plain brown wrapper?
“Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said Thursday that she plans to sign a sweeping, unprecedented bill requiring insurers to provide free abortions for their customers, including illegal immigrants.”
Start across the border at Evergreen.
Retroactive, 75th trimester abortions?
Well, most of those kids couldn’t survive on their own, so it’s totes cool.
Mandatory cough drops!
Here is another take on it:
“Oregon just became the latest state to safeguard its residents’ reproductive rights against the GOP’s agenda.”
So just out of curiosity, who was preventing them from reproducing?
Wait. I thought free abortions were to endure no reproducing?
Whoever it was, they had a great idea going.
“Free” abortions for all!
As Jimmy Carr said, falling down the stairs is not that difficult
At whose request? The eugenics movement is alive and well.
Abortions is the least of it. Also passed- increased healthcare taxes to pay for state’s insurance fantasies (costs? how the fuck do they work) including coverage for 15K underage illegal aliens, sales taxes on cars & bikes which is the nose under the tent for full sales taxes, folding to REAL ID, and allowing firearms and other possible weapons seized merely on a family member’s say so that one is a threat to themselves or others. Thanks RINOs for either enabling or proposing (the gun seizures) these load of crap.
“Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said Thursday that she plans to sign a sweeping, unprecedented bill requiring insurers to provide free abortions for their customers, including illegal immigrants.”
So, will a men’s group file suit to get their free abortions? Each man should order a six-pack of them.
The men’s group will get miniature American flags.
Excerpts from Trump’s speech in Poland
Our adversaries, however, are doomed because we will never forget who we are. And if we don’t forget who we are, we just can’t be beaten. Americans will never forget. The nations of Europe will never forget. We are the fastest and the greatest community. There is nothing like our community of nations. The world has never known anything like our community of nations.
We write symphonies. We pursue innovation. We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers.
We reward brilliance, we strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God. We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression.
We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success. We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives.
And we debate everything. We challenge everything. We seek to know everything, so that we can better know ourselves.
(APPLAUSE) During a historic gathering in Saudi Arabia, I called on the leaders of more than 50 Muslim nations to join together to drive out this menace which threatens all of humanity. We must stand united against these shared enemies to strip them of their territory and their funding and their networks and any form of ideological support that they may have.
While we will always welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind.
AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph.
AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
TRUMP: Thank you.
I don’t know…sounds racist.
Every progressive and liberal I know is stretching this into some kind of alt-right dogwhistle and I’m somewhat impressed in how much they’re twisting what the guy actually said.
Any speech by an official that gives a shoutout to debate and free expression is good with me.
I don’t even care anymore. His job is head salesman. The product is a series of ideas and ideals that have really worked out quite well when they are promoted and used.
It sucks, maybe, that he’s not the ‘right’ top man, but he’s really fucking good at it.
I think the fact that he isn’t the right top man is what makes all this possible. Only someone as vulgar, unpolished and fearless as Trump has been could take on the DNC-MSM-RINO cabal and make headway against it. In the immortal words of Jagger, you can’t always get what you want, but… sometimes, you might find you get what you need.
Now I understand why “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” was the Trump campaign theme song (much to Jagger’s dismay, BTW). Thanks for explaining, it always seemed a strange choice to me, hearing it played as he walked off the nomination stage.
Over at TOS they used to make a big deal about how subversive Dallas was. The poor bastards behind the Iron Curtain would watch re-runs of the show and wonder how great a country must be to have a lifestyle like J.R. Ewing.
Now we have a real life J.R. as president and instead of playing up that angle, the progs think we should get rid of him. Fuck, I realize he is a shady bazillionaire, but he is rich and he is a great salesman. Him telling the Poles that they are on the right track for making money and living the good life should be a great thing.
I’m with you Tundra, I don’t really want to defend him, but for fuck’s sake he gave a very good speech. Roll with it.
Plans to cut taxes. Slashing regulations. Offices of federal bureaucracies are emptying. Talks liberty, freedom, innovation and economic success.
Maybe JB, you should start defending him voluntarily. This guy is turning out to be the most libertarian presi…..oh. Yeah, there is the war on drugs abomination. Still, he is a better president than I expected to see in my lifetime. A lot of pluses and few negatives.
He is continuing a bunch of illiberal things from previous presidencies, like the WoD, mass spying, and war abroad. And then there’s the issue of Sessions as AG.
But other than that, he seems to be a vast improvement over, at least, the last 3 presidents. And if libertarianism comes in degrees, he is pretty damn libertarian in comparison.
JB just needs to embrace his yokel side.
I’ll be interested to see what reforms shake out on the mass spying side of things. Trump probably doesn’t have a problem with the surveillance state on principle, but the apparatus in practice has been weaponized against his administration. That gives him every reason to want to put a leash on it, which may result in some incidental benefits to civil liberties, at least compared to Barack “No Such Thing as Too Much Spying” Obama.
Unbelievable!! I watched NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and listened to NPR and I heard not a word of this. Certainly you must be making this up!
Somebody (wonder who) painted another swastika.
With poop? Its not real unless it’s a poop swastika.
I think I just named my next punk band Poop Swastika.
Sweet! When’s the album coming out?
Sweet has a new album coming out? Will it have an updated version of “Little Willy”?
What free market economists and minimum wage opponents rarely say out loud is that their models and predictions assume that capitalists and business owners are sociopathic; i.e., that they do not act in the interests of their workers’ well-being, but that their workers’ well-being is incidental and will be sacrificed as needed to ensure continued profitability.
Your employer is not your mommy. That’s quite a revelation, to some people.
They understand cutting their own expenses though. They can all get rid of cable and go OTT, or switch wireless carriers multiple times, or compare gas prices to save a few bucks, but those same companies they want to pay less or get rid of altogether if possible, can’t downsize or try and keep expenses down themselves cause that’s evil.
Two tastes that don’t quite taste so great together:
– Our Internet is slow and expensive compared to the rest of the our world*!
– Everybody deserves to get paid a living wage!
Then again, they probably think infrastructure just up and installs itself while greedy corporations take all the revenue from consumer fees and go yachting with it.
* = It’s not, really. When you adjust for population density, disposable income, etc. the difference disappears.
Except if you’re talking about specific very rich and comparatively dense cities like… say… San Francisco… where deployment of very high speed internet is directly prevented by municipal grant of near-monopoly right to build out the network.
So you get hilarity like this, in an announcement that they’ve been able to build in a few small neighborhoods in SF :
You know, noted dense urban hub… Sebastapol.
True, regulatory factors can and do skew the market. But nobody talks about breaking up the local monopolies. The most you’ll every hear out of anyone on the local Internet regulatory front is that the local government needs to crack down more because Comcast is evil and/or the local government needs to spend money setting up “free” service even though they have none of the necessary expertise or capital.
capitalists and business ownersprogressives and marxists are sociopathic; i.e., that they do not act in the interests of theirworkers’fellow citizens’ well-being, but that theirworkers’fellow citizens’ well-being is incidental and will be sacrificed as needed to ensure continuedprofitabilitypolitical power and the transformation of society along progressive/marxist lines.It’s not sociopathic. It’s a darwinian process. Because businesses that make a habit of money-losing decisions (like paying employees more than they return in value) will be replaced by more efficient ones.
But there is a force that compels businesses to treat their employees decently, and it’s called labor market competition. If a competitor offers you a better wage and/or benefits and/or work conditions, you are free to leave. Employers that treat their workers like dirt will end up without any talent.
Progs don’t seem to be able to ever understand this.
Progs don’t seem to be able to ever understand this.
Sometimes, they do. They’ll talk about a “race to the bottom” which the government has to stop. But then, they won’t make the connection to consumer prices going up.
Or they’ll talk about how workers have little or no bargaining power in many industries. Which is true, at least to some extent, but that’s because the supply of labor outstrips demand. Your lack of bargaining power is due to the fact that there’s ten people waiting to replace you who have no job right now. If the government forces your employer to pay more, that just means even more people without jobs. Your only solution is to put yourself into a labor market with less supply and/or more demand.
It all goes back to fallacies about economics. There’s no free lunch, but wealth is not zero sum. Scarcity is an iron law and full employment is practically impossible in a large economy.
So watching some nba summer league stuff the question is is Lonzo Ball officially a bust or does he get another game?
It’s Summer League. If your player does good, he’s going to be a hall of famer. If he’s bad, it’s just summer league.
Though I have bad memories of trying to justify Evan Turner’s shitty summer league his rookie year. *shudder*
He needs to get his legs under him. That being said, he was not in good conditioing when he worked out for the Lakers. That’s no good.
He’ll be fine.
Ball is going to get trash talked so hard about his obnoxious father that his head will explode from the pressure.
And the refs won’t call a foul on it.
These CNN gifs just keep getting better.
Best one I’ve seen yet.
*Reaches for bubble gum* Huh? Ok then…
That was great:)
Asking the important questions.
NB: Observing from a sociological point of view, few people outside of politicians incite such polarized reactions as Bilzerian. It seems that men either absolutely idolize him, or despise him (IMO, this is a “he doth protest too much” covering up enviousness). My personal feeling is that he’s living the way many (perhaps most) men would live if given a zillion dollar trust fund and no real responsibilities. The thing I find somewhat annoying about him is the extreme vanity of having to advertise his lifestyle to the world. But I suppose part of the attraction of being a “playboy” in the first place is the “look at how awesome I am!” self promotion. Beyond that, I go for months at a time forgetting such people exist, until I stumble up a story while trolling for Glib links.
“Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises. The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns. All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again. All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already in the ages before us. There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things[e] yet to be among those who come after.”
PS: His girlfriend is pretty freakin’ tasty though.
PPS: I’ve now officially gotten to Schmidt-level text wall
TL;DR: Q Continuum is a pompous, bloviating ass.
PPPS: Schmidt-level = Inside joke from soccer forum I post on. Believing anyone would get that = further proof of pompous bloviatingness.
The only thing I know about him is his name, and it is pretty annoying.
NB: Observing from a sociological point of view, few people outside of politicians incite such polarized reactions as Bilzerian. It seems that men either absolutely idolize him, or despise him (IMO, this is a “he doth protest too much” covering up enviousness).
What about men who say, “Who the fuck is Dan Bilzerian and why should I give a shit about him”?
There’s at least 2 of us. We could start a club!
Some video from the G20. I think what’s most amazing to me is not so much what assholes they are, but how many of them there are.…..s-injured/
That’s not loading anything, AJB.
Take two
Our peaceful and tolerant betters showing the unwashed, cousin-humping, knuckle-dragging deplorables how to conduct reasonable discourse in the marketplace of ideas.
I hate that I’m rooting for the club-wielding cops.
I don’t even understand why the cops are even there. Doesn’t seem like they’re really doing anything except giving the rioters something to throw glass bottles at.
It’s a good question. How the fuck do you handle this type of bullshit? Let them just smash and loot everything until they get tired?
Doesn’t bode well for their future.
The cop mission is to protect the People Who Matter. Business owners, employees, regular old Germans – they aren’t People Who Matter. That’s why you see so much looting and violence and nary a cop in sight.
I don’t like rooting for cops, but this is dead center of why they exist. They should be beating the shit out of these people, frankly, because these people are a clear and present and imminent danger to health and safety. Nightsticking them into unconsciousness is self-defense, full stop.
A lot of people are asking why Merkel decided to have the summit in a city well known as a hotbed of radical leftists.
Well lets see. She was born and educated in East Germany and attended a school that makes Evergreen U look like Hillsdale. I wonder why she would do that.
They even have an openly “antifa” soccer team that was briefly in the top league a few years ago. The glowing press coverage of how woke and not-racists they are was nauseating.
Which team was that?
And where Bayern and Barça the original anti-fascist teams?
There are those damn anarchists again. Wielding flags with red stars and fists..
Also in grandstanding politicians going to Hamburg: Apparently Governor Moonbeam is there too.
“Speaking to over 12,000 environmental activists in Hamburg”
Are they talking about the thugs?
Forget fake news — alt-right memes could do more damage to democracy
Just like talk radio before it, growth of alt-right social media is the real crisis behind Trump’s CNN tweet
Rather than fight Trump, outlets like CNN have to take seriously the fact that a major portion of the population simply doesn’t trust them. Even worse, they don’t find CNN interesting or compelling. And, as Carlos Maza has pointed out, the fact that CNN treats politics like sports isn’t helping. By covering politics as if it were a game, CNN hypes controversy more than it reports the truth.
The challenge facing CNN isn’t a president who will tweet an immature and aggressive video of himself tackling them; it is the reality that a significant subset of Americans, including ones who work in the White House, are more likely to be influenced by a Reddit user who goes by the ID HanAssholeSolo than they are by a commentator for CNN.
Do you have some kind of neurological prophylactic to prevent permanent brain damage from spelunking in caverns of derp like this?
Derp is my passion and profession. Over years of exposure to intense idiocy (public school, raised Mormon, etc) I have built up a great tolerance, like a herpetologist who deliberately injects himself with snake venom.
I once tested my limits to absorb derp. I holed myself up in a motel room and spent 10 days watching MSNBC for 12 hours a day and drinking beer. Near the end, I experienced a kind of fugue state or ego death. I stopped because it was time to move into my new apartment.
Was that when you went from being Derpetologist the Grey to Derpetologist the White?
He came back to us, at the turn of the tide.
Did you ever consider going into the field of Progtrollogy, rather than Derpetology?
Is progtrollogy the science of pulling a person’s head out of his ass? Has there ever been a successful operation?
I think it’s largely a difference in how you engage with the person. A Derpetologist confront the subject (Progressus Idiotus) with an idea, then study and report on the resulting word-salad. I envision Progtrollogists attempting to cause a cognitive overload in their subject, rather than trying to understand the malfunction.
I’d trust HanAssholeSolo over Chris Cuomo or Brian Stelter anyday.
Mostly because HanAssholeSolo got his gig on merits?
Reddit isn’t going to put HanAssholeSolo Jr. on the payroll for a bunch of money as payback (or to get “access”)?
Brian Stelter was best when he was in the Stray Cats.
a significant subset of Americans, including ones who work in the White House, are more likely to be influenced by a Reddit user who goes by the ID HanAssholeSolo than they are by a commentator for CNN.
Count me as one of that subset. At least the reddit poster is entertaining. When the credibility of both is near zero, ill take funny over hyperventilating.
I wouldn’t say that their reliability is the same.
HanAssholeSolo might occasionally tell the truth.
I’m genuinely curious: What’s the reaction from that crowd going to be when the Democrats lose seats in the 2018 midterms? Because given current momentum that’s seeming a more and more likely scenario. Who are they going to blame?
Not so much who as what, the whats being racism, Islamophobia, and misogyny.
Stupid voters don’t know what’s good for them.
Since those elections are done by popular vote, it’ll be interesting to see what they want to change about the voting process afterwards.
The Russians obviously.
Who are they going to blame?
Why, the libertarians, of course.
Well do you have any proof it wasn’t the libertarians behind it? DO YOU?
Of course not. The Russians memory-holed all the proof.
I don’t know what the answer will be.
I know the answer will not be: a) it is our fault for being condescending b) or insulting to the avg voter. Or even c) our pandering to insanely small demographics as part of our virtue signalling (aka Trans rights). They will never ever even consider the idea that maybe they have a problem with their worldview or the product they are trying to sell.
Seize the memes of production. Or is it the production of memes?
I have to admit the rise of kekistani meme magik is one of the more entertaining developments of the year
That and the fact that the Millennial staffed media can’t seem to wrap their heads around it.
Some people don’t understand that trolling it’s its own reward. Also some profit, the outrage industry is always in need of fresh outrage. I think it is the classic combination of profiteers and useful idiots.
It’s Baptists and bootleggers.
It’s more like Baptists and halfwits
They didn’t seem to have a problem with Americans being influenced by John Stewart of Stephen Colbert.
So people disagreeing with CNN is damaging to democracy. I get it. They are just repeating the Hildebeast’s ‘deplorables’ speech. That will win people over.
I think what we are seeing is the wailing, flailing and flopping around of a dying animal.
are more likely to be influenced by a Reddit user who goes by the ID HanAssholeSolo than they are by a commentator for CNN
She left out the “and rightly so”.
yea, we all know the left doesn’t make memes.
Trump’s alt-right Poland speech: Time to call his white nationalist rhetoric what it is
After two years of flirting with overt white nationalism, Trump jumps the alt-right shark in his Warsaw speech
Amanda Marcotte
Donald Trump continued to push forward his white nationalist agenda in Poland on Thursday, in a speech that, as Sarah Wildman at Vox wrote, “often resorted to rhetorical conceits typically used by the European and American alt-right.”
That this is true should hardly be worth debating. Trump argued that Western (read: white) nations are “the fastest and the greatest community” and the “world has never known anything like our community of nations.” He crowed about how Westerners (read: white people) “write symphonies,” “pursue innovation” and “always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers,” as if these were unique qualities to white-dominated nations, instead of universal truths of the human race across all cultures.
He also portrayed this Western civilization as under assault from forces “from the South or the East” that “threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are.”
The speech read, at times, like a cleaned-up version of “The Camp of Saints,” a white supremacist novel that Trump advisor Steve Bannon reportedly admires, which portrays a Western civilization on the verge of invasion by legions of evil dark-skinned people intent on destruction.
Which isn’t to say that Trump is a Nazi, but he shares their authoritarian DNA. And this is what authoritarians do: They wrap their grotesque ideas in ennobling rhetoric of tradition, patriotism or family. That’s why their words need to be understood in context, rather than playing this game where a few unobjectionable quotes are taken out of context and held out to be not-that-bad.
A big part of Trump’s Poland speech was about Poland’s heroic struggle against Nazis and Communists. Just saying.
This monument reminds us that more than 150,000 Poles died during that desperate struggle to overthrow oppression.
From the other side of the river, the Soviet armed forces stopped and waited. They watched as the Nazis ruthlessly destroyed the city, viciously murdering men, women, and children. They tried to destroy this nation forever by shattering its will to survive.
But there is a courage and a strength deep in the Polish character that no one could destroy. The Polish martyr, Bishop Michael Kozal, said it well: “More horrifying than a defeat of arms is a collapse of the human spirit.”
Through four decades of communist rule, Poland and the other captive nations of Europe endured a brutal campaign to demolish freedom, your faith, your laws, your history, your identity — indeed the very essence of your culture and your humanity. Yet, through it all, you never lost that spirit. (Applause.) Your oppressors tried to break you, but Poland could not be broken. (Applause.)
No. Please no. No more.
Nah, this is great. I like watching snowflakes melt.
Marcotte should look at what societies the vast majority of patents originate from before she writes her nonsense. She’s preaching to the choir though so being grounded in reality isn’t a requirement.
If you prog hard enough, even results can be argued with.
I really don’t get this all people except whites get to think their culture is great. And by many a metric western nations were the most successful. I dont get how the postmodernist cultural Marxist bullshit caught on so strong with these people. Stupidity? Self hatred? What?
I mean I am actually curious to understand how someone reads this shit and think it’s not horsecrap. It is obscurantist no consistency illogical
I’m sure it’s being praised as genius over at DU at this very moment. I don’t even have to go see to be sure of it.
I wasn’t thinking at this particular article but the whole cultural marxist / postmodern phenomenon in general
Progs dream of something I like to call the Kindergarten of Eden: a world where everybody gets along because no one thinks they’re better than anyone else. In order to make that happen, the winners must be dragged down and the losers must be built up. This is why, for example, a prog will always side with Cuba, a crumbling socialist shithole, over Israel, a thriving free society.
I’m gonna have to steal that title, Derp.
It’s already the title of a book by a guy named Evan Sayet. Sometimes I switch it up with The Garden of Sweden.
Sayet has a pretty good speech on youtube called understanding how liberals think. He’s a little too far on the so-con side for me, but he makes a lot of good points.
But a lot of the societies they praise are much worse from all points of view. More violence more discrimination, social and d economic segregation. Seriously contemporary western culture is the closest to people getting along . And their stupid collectivism will invariably lead to tribalism and conflict. It makes no sense
The central issue as I see it is they believe in in a utopia that can never be achieved. You can point out how terrible any of the socialist societies are, but they’ll always see them as the have-nots, who need to be given their fair share from the haves (in this case, the West.)
The part that’s difficult for me to understand is their refusal to acknowledge basic human nature.
Yes if you build an unachievable utopia it can never fail. It wasn’t real ***
Robert Conquest made a parallel point in “Reflections on a Ravaged Century.” I don’t have the book handy so can’t remember it exactly but, when talking with people who claimed no culture was superior to another and we should respect all cultures equally, he would respond by asking them if we shouldn’t, at least, think cultures which actually practiced such respect were somewhat better than cultures that didn’t.
Point is no loser is dragged up in this scenario
You know who else got butthurt over Jews succeeding at something?
If you want to say the drive to innovate and explore, etc. is spread across all cultures, I’ll give you that, because that’s just something that varies by person. But the simple fact is is the West achieved the greatest results, as it’s the only place where that drive was allowed to flourish. I don’t see why it’s so hard to acknowledge this.
Because someone has more than me. Envy is a skanky bitch that will scratch all your CDs.
I dont get how the postmodernist cultural Marxist bullshit caught on so strong with these people. Stupidity? Self hatred?
If you were as stupid as they are, wouldn’t you hate yourself?
Indeed. Every time I see crap like this I want to ask, “What other society will you voluntarily move to that’s better than the one you grew up in, Amanda?”
Of course, that requires her being willing to give an honest answer.
Fuck her and all like her.
She’ll mention a bunch of even whiter societies. Like a Scandinavian country.
And the irony will be entirely lost on her.
The speech was about ideas. Principles. She equates that with racism or hatred of people. The truth is that she hates those ideas. More mendacity from the left.
“Which isn’t to say that Trump is a Nazi, but”
Amanda can now write articles for Reason.
If someone has a sudden urge to have sex with Kat Timpf dressed like Maverick from Top Gun, is that gay? Asking for a friend.
Call me gay then.
Depends on the size of strap-on she is pegging you with.
Tailhook on the #2.
No. Unless you were planning on fantasizing about Maverick while doing it. If it were Tom Cruise wearing one of Kat’s skimpy dresses then that might possibly qualify as gay. Unless you were drunk and said no homo.
“I feel the be in my bunk”
Best comment:
“Now do the volleyball scene.”
Excellent! I thought she might be into dress-up.
Now she and I can hook up just as I imagined, where we can have sex on her desk in the National Review offices, and she’ll pretend I’m one of her favorite Republicans from history.
“Oh, fuck me harder Silent Cal.”
One of Donald Trump’s failings as president has been a refusal to face up to Russia’s role in hacking the 2016 election, something American intelligence agencies have testified under oath they know took place. So it is important that when he held his first presidential face-to-face meeting with Vladimir Putin on Friday, Mr. Trump began by raising the interference issue and then reportedly pressed him more than once on Russian involvement during the course of their two-hour-and-15-minute conversation.
Not to do so would have been derelict and would have provided further reason to wonder what sway the Russians may have over Mr. Trump’s White House, as a special counsel investigates Russia’s role in the election and potential collusion by the Trump campaign.
There are important questions, however, about the rest of the exchange, and about whether even now Mr. Trump understands the gravity of Russia’s interference in America’s democratic processes. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the only other senior American official in the room, said Mr. Putin denied involvement in the election, as he has in the past, and asked the Americans for proof — a familiar diversionary tactic by Russians caught red-handed. There was no indication that Mr. Trump demanded that Mr. Putin accept responsibility for the hacking or promise that it won’t happen again, either in the United States or in other allied countries, especially Germany, France and the Baltic States, where Russian meddling has been suspected.
Oh, the audacity of requesting some sort of proof! Somebody said something happened, and that’s goos enough for the New York Times editorial board.
Maybe if Putin sent flowers and a letter of apology to Hillary…
“hacking the 2016 election”
They just keep repeating this nonsense language.
Repeating nonsense is what they do best.
It’s how you get 59% of Democrats thinking the Russians directly altered vote tallies.
I notice the absence of what the Russians are getting out of this sway they have over the whitehouse. I swear these people are worse than bigfoot believers in ignoring the obvious. It’s always some murky innuendo but never any specifics.
This is a good example of why trying to ‘quantify “terror”‘ always ends up so retarded.
people try to statistically pretend that some paltry handful of marxist/nativist/ethic-separatist dipshits in a remote corner of he UK should somehow be credited as “a group” (counted as 1 in ‘list of terror groups’) no different than Al Qaeda or ISIS or Lashkar-eJhangvi or whomever. Because they burned a fucking restaurant down. barely.
and there are literally thousands of near-identical “rando group of malcontent dipshits” all over the world who vandalize property or send threatening letters to pols or “call for action” (generally ignored) and release incomprehensible manifestos. they are legion, and they are mostly meaningless. yet they clog all the “databases” which pretend to analyze the phenomenon of terror.
and no one ever looks at those datasets and says, “wait, its all bullshit”, because the bullshit serves the interests of a wide range of groups
basically, if the problem were more-narrowly-isolated and identified, it would be far easier for the public to demand their governments do something about it. and they’d be able to measure their progress. Can’t have that! instead, constantly flood the public with ‘studies’ which pretend the problem is amorphous, multidimensional, and everywhere.
And we must spend bazillions to deal with it, and not just with ‘military type stuff’. No, we need to spend on schools, local police, firemen, AND new bombers and new aircraft carriers AND more technology in all the public transport AND of course more funding for university ‘experts’ to *study* terror and produce more reports!
who would ever want to kill that golden goose? Terror becomes a permanent excuse for MORE of everything.
Is the group currently doing this in Hamburg a terrorist group?
The all-expansive and inclusive definitions will suddenly find exceptions when the people committing violent acts in the name of some political cause are “the right people”.
‘protests’ aren’t terror, they’ll explain. Because why? because reasons.
if not clear from my above rant – i’m still entirely against calling these chickenshit anti-capitalist arsonists terrorists, or at least trying to find a different category such that we don’t conflate Antifa and Al Qaeda. But yes, it is not hard to find mammoth hypocrisy if you scratch the surface.
It was clear. I’m not sure I agree, though. Where do you draw the line?
intent to commit mass, indiscriminate murder
*which is what makes a “failed bombing” that never hurts anyone an act of terror, and what disqualifies 99% of the stuff that the above NYT-chart tries to characterize as ‘deaths by extremists’.
i should probably add more to it =
“An act 1) intending to commit mass, indiscriminate murder 2) conducted by an organized group with specific political objectives ”
just so it doesn’t include the ‘batshit spree-shooters’
“In a paper published by The Economic Journal last month, a study by the Norwegian School of Economics in partnership with the Pennsylvania State University Department of Sociology and Criminology, found that marijuana legalization has led to a decrease in violent crime in U.S. states that border Mexico.”
I’m still thinking Texas will be the second to last state to legalize it.
I have 5 dollars that says Texas is infact the ante-penultimate
I don’t understand how that got to be a word.
For some reason this reminded me of kingdom of loathing
I plate that game a lot back in the day
played goddamnit
Who could have predicted…oh wait we all did.
Is there even one attempt in a red state to get legal weed on a ballot?
Looks like Arizona is trying again:
Arizona fell short last time, due to a big pharma funded propaganda campaign. Might pass next time; pretty sure they are making another run at it.
John Morgan (money behind the medical marijuana bill) is probably going to try in Florida, depending on how the lawsuits over the medical marijuana enabling act go.
arkansas voted in medical this past cycle. its highly restrictive and tends to lend itself towards cronyism, but its a start.
I found a list:
I like this one.
legalize all drugs
I was reading the other day that Iran is in a demographic plunge. Average fertility went from 7 kids per woman in the 1960s to less than 2 today. Iran is still on track to have a larger population than Germany and Russia by 2050.
Reasons for the decline include infertility from STDs. Cousin marriage has also been blamed, although infertility is not a problem in placed where cousin marriage is prevalent.
Iran may get nukes, but they will have few young men for their military in 30 years.
Dictatorships are a self-correcting problem. They become such unpleasant places that people either run away or stop having kids.
I wonder if having a really really hot cousin makes that tempting because right now sounds icky
Depends on if you grew up with your cousins.
See: The Westermarck Effect
Typically cultures that allow cousin marriage still have limits and make distinctions between cross cousins and parallel cosuins. To slow down the genetic incest.
So, for the past week, my 2 year old has been asking everybody he meets (in little kid voice):
“Do you have a penis, or are you a girl?”
I’m wondering how long it’s going to take before somebody gets really offended.
I bet I can get it done today if I take him to Whole Foods.
Cue inevitable SJW explaining = “A girl can have a penis too!”
Do it and report back.
That is funny. After the person answers, does he demand to see proof?
Heh. Nice!
We all expect an update afterwards.
Hey commie Pope, fuck off (my apologies to any Catholics here).
None taking. I don’t view his political out takes as Catholic anyway.
He’s a commie.
It’s like a bloody list of reasons why he’s an idiot.
1. Protest G20 like a moronic twentysomething protester.
2. Complain about ‘distorted worldviews’ while being completely out of touch.
3. Claim the biggest concern about the G20 is immigration? What?
4. Immediately call for a federalized Europe.
This guy’s an embarrassment.
Yeah, I’m not sure how a bunch of elitists having a big party affects immigrants. In fact, I bet most if not all of them are all for a completely borderless world. I think what we’re seeing here is senility.
“Our main and unfortunately growing problem in the world today is that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, which includes migrants.”
How many migrants are living at the Vatican? Outside of the ones cleaning the gold toilets.
So, a pope that is encouraging muslim immigration into Europe, many of whom claim they will one day hang their flag on the vatican. Francis is the CC’s Obama.
We need a new Pope… maybe someone from Poland again, with their head screwed on the right way.
I dont know what the College was thinking in choosing an Argentine pinko, but I find it very troubling.
A large international organization dedicated to spiritual collectivism picking a leader who is into other forms of collectivism – hardly a surprise?
Outside of the ones cleaning the gold toilets.
Silly rabbit! That’s what the cardinals are for.
How do they hold the toilet brush with those little beaks?
It’s a miracle, it is.
It’s not a knock on Catholics. They didn’t choose him. Also, he is a commie first and pope second.
The rest of the world has been cussing us and telling us we are doing it wrong for over 200 years, 200 years in which they tried unsuccessfully to catch up with us. At least 100 years crying and begging us to save them. At least 100 years of them begging us to bail them out. Fuck the commie pope and fuck anyone who doesnt like the way we do things. I include American lefties in that.
All I can add to this is an “Amen!” Or, perhaps “Fuckin’ A Right!” is better.
“As transclated into English by Agence France Presse, which picked up the story, Pope Francis told La Repubblica: “I worry about very dangerous alliances between powers which have a distorted vision of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and (Syria’s Bashar al-) Assad over the war in Syria.”
““The danger concerns immigration,” the pope continued to La Repubblica, as translated by AFP. “Our main and unfortunately growing problem in the world today is that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, which includes migrants.”
“”This is why the G20 worries me: It mainly hits immigrants,” Pope Francis said, according to AFP.”
OK, I admit I don’t understand what all this means – and I don’t have to since he was not issuing instructions to the faithful.
But the Pope was criticizing certain alleged alliances, and some of these alleged alliances involve commie powers. North Korea is commie. Assad is a Baathist, which I think is an amalgam of commies and fascism.
I wish I understood what he meant by the danger to immigration, but here’s what the Church teaches, and if you think the Pope is trying abrogate it, let me know how:
“2241 The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.
“Political authorities, for the sake of the common good for which they are responsible, may make the exercise of the right to immigrate subject to various juridical conditions, especially with regard to the immigrants’ duties toward their country of adoption. Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to assist in carrying civic burdens.”
So this isn’t an open-borders screed, but it says rich countries should let in migrants if it’s economically sustainable, while excluding migrants who don’t respect our institutions and customs. In short, migrants who are into a new Caliphate should just keep moving and find another country, like Saudi Arabia. Nothing in what I’ve quoted to contradict that.
Obviously, I’m responding to the quote in the specific article, but I expect the responses I get will be generic Pope-bashing without paying too close attention to the details of this particular story.
And here we see Eddie desperately trying to defend statements not worth defending.
But the Pope was criticizing certain alleged alliances, and some of these alleged alliances involve commie powers. North Korea is commie. Assad is a Baathist, which I think is an amalgam of commies and fascism.
Which has nothing to do with what the Pope is actually saying, because he loves communist dictators. You’re putting words into his mouth.
Like I said, “I expect the responses I get will be generic Pope-bashing without paying too close attention to the details of this particular story.”
Look below, I even found a genuinely outrageous quote or two for your entertainment.
‘Generic Pope-bashing’ is a complete strawman. If some idiot university student was saying this you’d be mocking them, but instead you desperately try to defend and twist his statements in a way that suits you. We’re not the problem there Eddie.
So, in saying I didn’t understand the quoted statement, and then linking to a statement that actually *was* offensive, I was defending…your Pope Derangement Syndrome won’t let you see the illogic of your remarks.
No, in completely making up a rationalization so that the Pope’s statement might conform to your worldview, rather than actually recognize what it is.
Again, you strawman with ‘generic Pope-bashing’ and ‘Pope Derangement Syndrome’. Nothing anyone here has said anything remotely close to that and you’re profoundly disingenuous for pretending that’s the case.
“making up a rationalization so that the Pope’s statement might conform to your worldview”
Kiss my ass, you silly twat, I didn’t say that.
Kiss my ass, you silly twat, I didn’t say that.
…But the Pope was criticizing certain alleged alliances, and some of these alleged alliances involve commie powers. North Korea is commie. Assad is a Baathist, which I think is an amalgam of commies and fascism.
Please point out the part in his statement where he argues that these alliances are negative because they involve communists. That is an assumption you have made and tacked on to try to defend his statements.
I gave an example of a genuinely anti-capitalist, offensive remark. I went out and found it for you. You’re welcome.
The remark you linked to doesn’t have the same punch. It doesn’t show what you think it shows.
You’re confused because I was pointing out the bad quality of your evidence and you were thinking I was denying that any real evidence existed.
But I linked to the real evidence, so you don’t have to use the fake stuff any more.
The Pope trying to promote poor relations between two nuclear superpowers is pretty offensive. That’s not ‘bad evidence’, that’s actually very solid evidence of how profoundly irresponsible he is.
“The Pope trying to promote poor relations between two nuclear superpowers is pretty offensive.”
So that’s what makes him a commie? Hostility to Russia?
You should definitely ask the Ukrainian Catholics about the Pope’s hostility to Russia – last year his neutrality in the Russo-Ukraine war prompted discussion of Papal “pro-Russian” proclivities.
No, the actively invoking communist rhetoric is what makes him a commie. Promoting world tension by giving his stupid views on foreign policy makes him a moron.
(1) I was criticizing your misuse of evidence, not saying the was no evidence of the Pope’s anti-capitalist views
(2) I found a link you missed, making part of your own point.
(3) But you still want to have something to argue about.
(4) Because you are a jackass.
“he loves communist dictators” – linking to the message he sent about the death of a communist dictator.
Because if a noncommunist leader dies he just sends a routine telegram without praising the deceased:
“I have learned with sorrow of the passing of the former Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, after a long and grave illness. I express to his family, as well as to you and all the German people who mourn the “Chancellor of Unity”, my heartfelt condolences. Chancellor Kohl, a great statesman and committed European, worked with farsightedness and devotion for the good of the people in Germany and in neighbouring European countries. May merciful God recompense his tireless efforts in favour of German unity and the union of Europe, as well as his commitment to peace and reconciliation. May the Lord grant him eternal joy and life in His heavenly home, and I implore God’s consolation and blessing upon his brethren and all those who mourn his passing.”
Yeah, all he does is equate communists favourably with Christians.
Funny how this Pope defends the horrors of the left every chance he gets.
The thing is, there are plenty of Catholics like myself who deplore the Pope’s anti-capitalism, just like there are plenty of people who are not sure they like Trump’s policies.
So you could attempt outreach to these people, or go full FDS, with the equivalent of those “Dear White People” letters to Trump supporters, and hope that works.
So you could attempt outreach to these people, or go full FDS
‘Holding the Pope to an actual standard’ is not ‘FDS’. I don’t think anyone who praises communists should hold a position of power Eddie, do you?
with the equivalent of those “Dear White People” letters to Trump supporters, and hope that works.
Another strawman. Not once have I said anything about Catholics in general, I have directed every single complaint at the Pope alone. Spare me the victim complex.
TDS is when I say that the Pope is anti-capitalistic, that he or his successor should change his attitude, that he seems to be a Peronist, and yet I *still* have to prove my loyalty to liberal principles by seeing something sinister in a remark denouncing North Korea.
Why use the fake stuff when you can use the real stuff I gave you?
by seeing something sinister in a remark denouncing North Korea.
That is not what that statement said, and you’re completely dishonest for pretending that’s the case.
Stop projecting, or else get a job in Carmike Cinema.
If only we had a direct quote or something…oh wait:
“I worry about very dangerous alliances between powers which have a distorted vision of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and (Syria’s Bashar al-) Assad over the war in Syria.”
That is not a remark denouncing North Korea, and you’re a dishonest cunt for pretending so.
When were you going to mention that the statement denounced North Korea?
You wouldn’t have mentioned the North Korea reference at all, would you? Because you were focused on using the fake stuff instead of the real stuff.
Yeah Eddie, just ignore the actual context of the quote and double down harder. You should get a job at CNN.
Seriously, when *were* you going to mention the North Korean part of the quote? Assuming I hadn’t provided the quote myself?
It’s a bit hard to take these insults from the sort of person to whom Johnson and Weld were trying to cater. I only go this low because you asked for it.
How about when you recognize the actual context of the quote and quit being a garbage sophist?
Let me make it simple for you Eddie:
In that same quote, did the Pope also mention the United States and Russia?
Did he also denounce them?
Did he also denounce a positive relationship between them?
Did he just argue against these two powers having a positive relationship?
Is promoting tensions between nuclear superpowers a really, really stupid thing to do?
That’s what you’re defending.
You seem to have a real problem taking yes for an answer.
I’ve not only said the Pope is a Peronist, I’ve helped you out by furnishing you with evidence.
Because of the format of Internet discussions, we’ve skipped right over these areas of agreement and come down to “no, but you’re not denouncing the pope enough! Or sincerely enough!”
(After that Sandro Magister article I linked to from last year, the talking point about the Pope being anti-Russian doesn’t pass the giggle test, so I’ll overlook your OMG POPE STRANGELOVE remarks)
I’ve not only said the Pope is a Peronist, I’ve helped you out by furnishing you with evidence.
And you keep repeating this like it’s relevant. You’ve got your victim complex running full steam claiming that I want you to ‘denounce the Pope’ when in reality I’m only asking for you to recognize that one specific thing he said was stupid.
So answer the questions: Is the Pope arguing against a positive relationship between Russia and the United States? And is promoting tension between two major superpowers a bad idea?
If your answer is ‘yes’ stop defending his statement.
My guess would be that the Pope isn’t doing all that Strangelovian shit you suggested, given the article I showed you (and as to which you weren’t even curious) suggesting the Pope was being criticized as “pro-Russian.”
I tend to find Sandro Magister is a tad more well-informed than you are about Church affairs.
And this is why the Libertarians ended up with Gary Johnson and “I’m with her” Weld – because the alternative to these clowns was to reach out to religious conservatives.
Plenty of faithful Catholics, including in the U.S., don’t like the Pope pulling the rug out from under them and emboldening the SJW faction in the American Church. They’re natural constituents for some kind of pro-liberty philosophy, and if (to return to my handle) you’d kept to the wisdom of Frank Meyer your ideas would be an easier sell to these people.
But because they’d rather lose with Gary and Gelded Weld than accommodate, even to a remote degree, the “superstitions” of potential religious allies, libertarians work overtime to make themselves irrelevant.
One superstition on faithful Catholics (not that I number myself among them, but I’m on their side) is that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, and though he’s not infallible when giving airplane press conferences or sending messages to international conferences, that doesn’t mean they would be comfortable with abusing the Pontiff or fantasizing about beating him up.
Apparently your answer to such people is to stop being Catholic and to simply hand over the keys to the Church to the SJWs, otherwise you have nothing to offer them.
I had to find the actual “commie” stuff on my own.
Here’s the outrage-inducing quote so you won’t have to look for it:
“The fateful ideologies of the first half of the twentieth century have been replaced by new ideologies of absolute market autonomy and financial speculation (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 56). In their tragic wake, these bring exclusion, waste and even death. The significant political and economic achievements of the past century, on the other hand, were always marked by a sound and prudent pragmatism, guided by the primacy of the human being and the attempt to integrate and coordinate diverse and at times opposed realities, on the basis of respect for each and every citizen. I pray to God that the Hamburg Summit may be illumined by the example of those European and world leaders who consistently gave pride of place to dialogue and the quest of common solutions: Schuman, De Gasperi, Adenauer, Monnet and so many others.”
And on migration:
“The gravity, complexity and interconnection of world problems is such that there can be no immediate and completely satisfying solutions. Sadly, the migration crisis, which is inseparable from the issue of poverty and exacerbated by armed conflicts, is proof of this. It is possible, though, to set in motion processes that can offer solutions that are progressive and not traumatic, and which can lead in relatively short order to free circulation and to a settlement of persons that would be to the advantage of all. Nonetheless, this tension between space and time, between limit and fullness, requires an exactly contrary movement in the minds of government leaders and the powerful. An effective solution, necessarily spread over time, will be possible only if the final objective of the process is clearly present in its planning. In the minds and hearts of government leaders, and at every phase of the enactment of political measures, there is a need to give absolute priority to the poor, refugees, the suffering, evacuees and the excluded, without distinction of nation, race, religion or culture, and to reject armed conflicts.
“At this point, I cannot fail to address to the Heads of State and of Government of the G20, and to the entire world community, a heartfelt appeal for the tragic situation in South Sudan, the Lake Chad basin, the Horn of Africa and Yemen, where thirty million people are lacking the food and water needed to survive. A commitment to meet these situations with urgency and to provide immediately support to those peoples will be a sign of the seriousness and sincerity of the mid-term commitment to reforming the world economy and a guarantee of its sound development.”
Yeah Eddie, you sure showed us with your quotes that demonized capitalism and evoke a literally communist view of migration policy, why on earth would we mock this guy as a commie?
Like I told you, I am interested in accuracy, I quote those remarks by the Pope which should actually be offensive to you, as a public service, because you can’t seem to distinguish between the offensive and non-offensive remarks.
You’re like a CNN anchor who doesn’t just think Trump is bad, he thinks Trump is being evil every time he checks his watch. “Trump makes fascist watch-checking gesture.”
And the thing is, I was actually agreeing that the Pope said offensive things and GIVING EXAMPLES, but apparently that’s not good enough for you.
You’re whining about ‘Pope bashing’ and claiming you care about accuracy when you just make up motivations for the Pope that suits your bias.
You’re like a CNN anchor who doesn’t just think Trump is bad, he thinks Trump is being evil every time he checks his watch.
Actually no, I don’t think the Pope is evil, I think he’s a moron. The difference is actually that you hold him to a much lower standard than you do other people.
Now you’re simply dense.
Again, I gave an actual link to an actual offensive, anti-capitalist quote by the Pope.
Once more: I found a link to an offensive quote by the Pope and I shared the link with you, you dimwit.
And I say again: you dishonestly characterize people as ‘Pope bashing’ when they make perfectly valid criticism of him. Sure, you’ve got your complaints, but you’re also perfectly willing to try to defend plenty of the stupid things he says.
Piss up a rope, I disclosed an anti-capitalist quote from the Pope you obviously hadn’t seen before, which is why you used the fake stuff instead of the real stuff to criticize him.
Again, it is not ‘fake stuff’, it is valid criticism that you choose to handwave. The very fact you think it’s ‘fake’ exposes your bias.
The Pope denounced North Korea as having a distorted vision of the world.
When were you going to mention that? You weren’t going to.
I gave an actual link to an anti-capitalist remark by the Pope.
Because I’m not being profoundly disingenuous and ignoring the entire context of the quote.
The Pope didn’t denounce North Korea, he denounced the United States, Russia, China, North Korea, and Syria. He also denounced positive relationships between these various states, including interactions between the United States and Russia.
Now are you willing to recognize that the Pope is promoting poor relations between nuclear superpowers?
I’m willing to recognize that you’re a dillweed. And I think any further discussion would tend to be repetitive.
People who continuously deny reality and scream “NORTH KOREA” don’t get to complain about things being repetitive.
Girls, girls, you’re both pretty!
I am sorry Eddie but if this pope had the power to enact his agenda the end result would be indistinguishable from that of the far left despite all of the smoke he is blowing.
Also, they are not migrants. They are invaders. This is just the latest in a long line of muslim invasions of Europe. This is what an invasion looks like. It is what all of the others looked like and will probably end the same way.
I volunteered an example of a genuinely offensive remark by the Pope, as a substitute for the confusing quote you offered. You really ought to be grateful I was helping you out. Because I was trying to explain that I shared much of your concerns.
I am. I am not accusing you of actually defending the guy just trying to point out that he is couching communism in the language of compassion. As for the ‘not open borders’ bit I contend that despite his language in practice that is exactly what it would be.
“The fateful ideologies of the first half of the twentieth century have been replaced by new ideologies of absolute market autonomy and financial speculation (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 56). In their tragic wake, these bring exclusion, waste and even death.”
That is particularly illuminating. Shorter commie pope – “Free markets are evil.”
I am not accusing you of being a Francis-ite. As long as the guy keeps going about blabbering pinko bullshit and supporting the progressive agenda down the line there is going to be pope bashing.
Exactly, and there are plenty of Catholics who hope for a change, either from the current Pope or his successor – so as to get back to the more balanced approach toward economics of, say, Saint John Paul II.
But apparently, because I’m “the guy who defends the Pope,” anything I say will – by some people, not you – be read as denying his anti-capitalist remarks.
I thought I’d made clear, by actually providing my own link to one of his offensive remarks, that I’m aware of, and deplore, these statements of his.
But if people are asking me to take a TDS-style approach and see something sinister in every “a” and “the,” you’ve lost me, and probably aren’t going to reach many free-market Catholics.
And strictly, I’d use the term “Peronist,” not communist, because from everything I hear about the Pope’s background – and that of many Argentinians – this seems to be his baggage, sadly.
Wait a minute, aren’t you Orthodox? Is this guy even your pope?
Byzantine Catholic. They acknowledge the Pope, but TL;DR version they do it with more awe-inspiring ceremonies.
My issue wasn’t so much with the migration issue, it was the talk of international relationships. Some alliances are troubling, China and North Korea I’ll concede, but the American-Russian alliance (which isn’t really an alliance and is just a hyperbolic characterization to make a nonhostile working relationship seem bad) is in the interest of the world as a whole and of anyone who desires peace. The Maronite Catholics left in Syria would also like to have to have some words with the Pope too, I would think.
Exactly. Why does the Pope want to promote tensions between nuclear superpowers? Why, exactly, is it bad for them to have positive, or at least not overtly hostile, relations?
This is what I’m listening to, right now.
Hank III
I like his music too, pretty unapologetic stuff.
Is the group currently doing this in Hamburg a terrorist group?
Terrorists or Patriots?
It all depends on which side of the plate glass window you’re on.
I posted a link to some videos above. Huge numbers of protestors there. That would be one hell of a terrorist organizations.
So, I’ve noticed over the last week, the left seem to have a single new talking point they’ve ran with: “kicking 22 million people off healthcare”. There has to be thousands of internet trolls spreading this simpleton nonsense.
“16 people volunteered to be arrested”
I saw on news this morning that all of them were from out of state.
Shia LaBeouf arrested in Georgia for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct
The guy is in bad need of an intervention. Or lithium.
That’s what happens when he wanders away from the woods, where he kills and cannabalizes the hikers unlucky enough to cross his path.
He couldn’t afford a plane ticket to Hamburg?
Maybe not. His last movie opened in England and sold three whole tickets.
I remember that. That was funny. Has a movie ever flopped that bad?
Happens alot, there are a lot of movies where a theatrical release is in someones contract so they do the bare minimum.
Who the fuck is Shia Leboof?
Yeah, I didn’t know either.
He’s been 4chan’s bitch since the election.
He got a particularly bad case of TDS after the election and vowed a 4 year non-stop on air protest of Trump. Then he somehow got in 4chan’s cross hairs and now I think maybe Russia has hacked his brain or maybe he ran into STEVE SMITH and got brain raped, because he seems to be quite insane.
Somehow got into 4chan’s sights…somehow would be the whole Pepe the frog = alt-right crap that Hillary made up out of thin air. She lost the election because racism and secret nazis and then she pointed the finger essentially at 4chan just because. Shia bought into her bullshit thus the resist flag came down and the MAGA hat went up in it’s place. That is some of the funniest shit I have seen.
My god, if you step back and look at what the left has been doing since 2008 with a broad view it is indistinguishable from insanity.
Ah, so that’s where all of the frog bashing CNN around meme’s came from. I’m still not sure what Kekistan is all about, but it must be related.
Some 4channer posted something about an egyptian god named Kek who portrayed as a frog headed dude. Kek is the god of darkness and chaos, something the 4 channers see in themselves I guess (anonymity and hacking) The egyptian god through some Alex Jones style reasoning got associated with the cartoon frog Pepe.
So now kekistan is the kingdom of 4chan ruled over by Pepe the frog, I think? I am not really clear on it all but I do know this: The Pepe/Kekistan thing is satirical. The 4 channers seem to be master trolls in that they make shit up and snicker amongst themselves while everyone else begin shitting their pants. Thus Secret. Nazis.
It is almost more laughable that Clinton and Co. took the Pepe the frog meme seriously than her losing the election. That she did says a lot about why she lost.
I believe “Kekistan”, as a fictitious nation, is for people who adopted the whole “deplorable” thing, rather than try to apologize and distance themselves from it. It’s a pretty good strategy to take the power out of the hands of those who try to shut you up by calling you something socially unacceptable.
From any of the times Kekistan was explained by Sargon, he says it was made up as a way to mock identity politics.
Yeah, I can see how creating a group of deplorables/kekistanis, then claiming oppression can be used for that purpose.
Sounds a lot like how we Glibertarians have adopted the stereotypes that intellectual challenged tards like to use to portray us, like we hate roads, have orphan slaves, all of that. It’s really near impossible to troll someone who uses that tactic.
Kekistanis worship Kek, but their leader is big man Tyrone:
Hey, wait the fuck a minute now… I thought that libertarians get first dibs on Somalia? Who the fuck knows what these Kekistanians will do. They might… *gasp* build roads and ruin libertopia!
/pol/ v. Shia the cow:
When the Art Bell crowd encounters Kekistanis:
Damn straight. We need means testing for the bums. I am sure a new department can be created.
But enough about the public sector unions…
I laughed. Well, snorted coffee is more like it.
“there are also people out there who are just begging for money and it is not out of dire economic need –and that is frustrating to me.”
Yeah, the government pisses me off, too.
well done, Brooks.
“The Left’s Factions Increasingly Turning Their Sights on Each Other”
Links to other links.
I actually think in this case, if you’re interested in “Liberal vs Leftist” schizms, the NYT might be a better source
i mean, its their world.
there are a billion other pieces from the leftist side, but rarely coherent.
also good – Nat review provides their summary from earlier in the year
the importance all these people apply to the “Chapo Trap House” podcast seems to me to be ridiculously overblown. I listened to a few episodes over the last few days, and they strike me as naive and juvenile…. just as you’d expect millenial-know-it-alls to be. Not the makings of any genuine “new new left”, imo.
I think it’s a lot simpler than that. The ‘liberals’ were hijacked and taken over by the left, who are anything but liberal. But they decided to keep the moniker because it has a nice ring to it. I mean it did have, until it became obvious to almost everyone that it really means ‘leftist’ today.
The ‘liberals’ were hijacked and taken over by the left,
Which is now conducting the traditional purge of revanchists.
Perhaps the terms that would be clearer would be “Left and Leftier”
because many of the people you might already think of as “left” are currently the enemies of the Leftier brigades.
basically, you have Democrats who believe “single payer” healthcare is a difficult political stretch…. and Leftists who think its a bare-minimum-starting-point
the people who think hillary lost because she wasn’t Progging Hard Enough, vs. the ones who felt she lost because she conceded too much to the Lena Dunhams of the world
The NYT has always been good at expressing bad thoughts well. Having just read that, my take is that is that author thinks that the problem with liberals is that they are too moderate, more concerned with style than substance, and they need to prog harder.
i think i probably said this 100 times over @ the other place during the election, and in the immediate aftermath. the left is going to fracture, and the base that demands they Prog Harder will guarantee they lose again in 2020.
i think the people in the Dem establishment – what i call ‘the money people’, the ActBlue’s, the SEIU, the media, etc – may be trying to speed-up the whole debate and try and get the grievances aired ASAP so that by the time they need to actually hold their noses and vote again, some of these stresses will be either resolved or set aside.
i think they know that if they DO prog harder, they will lose. so they need to let the kiddies have their scream and whine, but then say to them, “Yes, surely we do need to prog harder, …. BUT = we need to win first! so….”
they’re not ready to hear that now.
Let me do my psychic act and see if I can visualize the NY Times article:
Liberals are the responsible, moderate, people (like FDR, judging from the picture in the article) – beset by the proverbial “extremists on both sides” – sincere and honest, but insane, leftists on one side, and sinister right-wing forces on the other side.
Have I got it right?
It’s almost like they’re destroying themselves intentionally. I mean, can anyone be so stupid? They really think that attacking and vilifying the largest demographic in the country and then dividing everyone else into the smallest identity groups as possible and pitting them against each other to vie for the most attention, is a great fucking idea?
Attack and destroy is all they know. They ran all of the conservatives off of campus, now the classical liberals.
“today’s ‘Left’ is rife with the most obscene, abusive, nasty, spiritually ugly and utterly unethical, hypocritical and fanatically horrible people I’ve ever encountered in my 58 years on earth.”
That’s because you didn’t meet any of the others. They are all essentially the same. Same ideas, same language, same tactics, same end product, same kinds of people.
It aint called demoralization for nuthin’.
Shit, Suthen, I wanted to tell you to get off my lawn, but you’re a year older than me. Old man!
Then I realized you didn’t write that but just quoted it. Get off my lawn!
Yep. I saw seeds of this in Robert Hughes’ book “Culture of Complaint.” Amazingly, it was assigned in a film aesthetics course I took at Columbia College (a typically lefty place) in Chicago back in the early 1990s.
It was also hinted at in some of Ayn Rand’s non-fiction, when she discussed the moral relativism of the left, specifically those in the New Left of the 1960s who seemed to reject Western society and any objective reality.
Iowahawk, living legend
I read a comment today on some story that stated something like, “Fascism can only come from the right”.
Some people have lost their minds.
They’ve been trying to equate fascism with the right for years now. While at the same time trying to claim that ‘socialist’ and ‘communist’ are totally not the same thing because ‘you don’t even know what socialism means!’.
you don’t even know what socialism means!
Incremental communism is my working definition.
Of course they also don’t understand that even the word “fascism” refers to a collectivist philosophy which is largely indistinguishable from communist collectivism in practice.
One of the supposed differences is fascism’s focus on nationalism – but when was communism ever not nationalistic in practice?
It’s an excuse. They either don’t understand what they’re talking about, or are deliberately trying to push Hitler over on the right. I guess the left is getting too crowded with mass murdering dictators.
Fascism might be focused on nationalism, but it usually goes hand in hand with collectivist economic policy. I can think of only one dictator who leaned economically to the right: Pinochet.
And unsurprisingly I hear “Chilean Dictator” still breathless whispered by some of my lefty friends when they want to actually talk about dictatorships. They most often don’t want to have that conversation, because he’s all they’ve got, and showing that Hitler belongs on the left of the economic spectrum is laughably easy.
The human rights violations of Chile under Pinochet gets its own wikipedia page, and honestly the numbers pale in comparison to dictators my friends never want to talk about. This doesn’t make it right, it just makes it an obvious diversionary tactic.
Hmm, that is a fair point. All of the communist movements that actually got off the ground and took over places ended up being nationalistic. That might be more cultural than anything else (it’s easier to sell “our” communism than “their” communism), but all of the internationalist movements have either been pawns of national governments or else ineffectual navel-gazers. Then again, “true” communism is supposed to be anarchic whereas real communism always ends up being authoritarian and despotic.
I never understood how this was going to work in the real world. You want to outlaw capitalism, but you also want no government which can enforce it. Is it somehow tied to a naive belief that capitalism is learned behavior, and once you murder all the capitalists, no-one will ever figure out that it works and do it again?
How do you enforce equal distribution of resources without a government to take those resources from some and give them to others?
Who thought that “full control” was a good way to get to “no control”?
If communism ever got to the final stage and gave way to anarchy, anarcho-capitalism would quickly become the norm. I think the point is that communism is never supposed to actually graduate to that point, and rather be stuck in the control stage forever. The anarchy spiel is just to lure in the useful idiots.
I listened to this a few weeks ago. It goes into the fascist ideology better than anything else i have heard. Its a good commentary.
They have been largely successful. It is pretty common for people to characterize the Nazi’s as right wing. I cant tell you how many I have left speechless by asking “Wait, the National Socialists were right wing? I am confused. Explain to me how socialists are right wing? “
Yeah, nothing says right wing like National Socialists.
At least it’s an ethos.
For extra lulz, tell them that the conflict between Nazis and commies was a fight between the Nazi’s ideology of”national” socialism and the Russian’s ideology of “international” socialism. IOW, yet another bout of internecine warfare in the Marxist ranks. See, also, China v Viet Nam, Soviets v China, etc.
Maybe posted, but did anyone else read this whining?
Whatcha wanna bet the douchebag’s password is still ‘password’?
He changed it to p@ssword. That’ll stop those hackers.
only cause you keep telling everyone GAWD
He’s too crafty for that shit. It is p@ssw0rd now.
The Russians stole my emails.
Assumes facts not in evidence. To this day.
when he came face to face with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, we heard him say what an honor it was to meet him.
Did he promise to be more flexible after the election?
The crime the Russians committed,
Not proven.
as the intelligence community has concluded,
A brazen lie. The “intelligence community” concluded no such thing. The fabled 17-agency memo is a myth, as even the NYT admitted a couple weeks before they published Podesta repeating the lie (lightly disguised).
was for the purpose of helping Trump get elected president.
So they could watch him undermine their economy and loosen their grip on Europe? There was no reason whatsoever for the Russians to prefer Trump over Hillary, who was ALREADY ON THEIR PAYROLL.
A brazen lie. The “intelligence community” concluded no such thing. The fabled 17-agency memo is a myth, as even the NYT admitted a couple weeks before they published Podesta repeating the lie (lightly disguised).
It is infuriating that is still thrown around as fact. I actually had to wade into the comments on that one. The intelligence agencies, 3 I believe, have never seen anything but the report Crowdstrike put out as far as I know. It is all bullshit and has half the country in a collective meltdown.
“when he came face to face with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, we heard him say what an honor it was to meet him.”
So, president acts presidential and you don’t like it? Maybe he should have just tweeted ‘Podesta, still a loser!’.
At least he didn’t fucking bow.
Yeah, just keep repeating the bullshit that the Russians stole yer fucking email, you fuckwit, that will fix it.
And why doesn’t every reporter followup Podesta’s claims with: “They stole your email? You mean after you gave them your password over the phone? After that right?”
Make him confirm over and over that he gave them his password over the phone. Maybe also ask “Were any of the emails that were attributed to you false? Did the ‘hackers’ fabricate anything or where those real emails from your account?”
Meanwhile, 99% of people in Cornwall are saying “the liberation what? Who are these people?”
And the other 1% are calling their retarded cousins and telling them to cut that shit out.
Cornish National Anthem
A good sword and a trusty hand!
A merry heart and true!
King James’s men shall understand
What Cornish lads can do!
And have they fixed the where and when?
And shall Trelawny die?
Here’s twenty thousand Cornish men
Will know the reason why!
And shall Trelawny live?
And shall Trelawny die?
Here’s twenty thousand Cornish men
Will know the reason why!
Out spake their Captain brave and bold:
A merry wight was he:
‘If London Tower were Michael’s hold,
We’d set Trelawny free!
‘We’ll cross the Tamar, land to land:
The Severn is no stay:
With “one and all,” and hand in hand;
And who shall bid us nay?
And shall Trelawny live? , etc.
‘And when we come to London Wall,
A pleasant sight to view,
Come forth! come forth! ye cowards all:
Here’s men as good as you.
‘Trelawny he’s in keep and hold;
Trelawny he may die:
But twenty thousand Cornish bold
Will know the reason why!’
And shall Trelawny live? , etc.
This version of the song is about Bishop Jonathan Trelawney, put in the Tower of London by James II.
The antecedents of the song may go back to the bishop’s grandpa, who was put in the Tower by order of the House of Commons.
Out-of-control king, out-of-control Parliament, whatever, time to crack some heads!
(I mean metaphorically, just in case the Crown Prosecutor, Gryffyn Bhahara, is listening)
Rand Paul is going to war with his own party.
Lock n load.
When have the R’s ever shrunk government? Reduced spending? Do we have our tax cuts? Is Obamacare repealed? They always promise it, talk a good game but in the end we just get more of the same and the democrats incrementally advancing their socialist agenda.
“The ACA is hereby repealed.” <—- How fucking hard is that? The democrats rammed Obamacare down our throats without a single R vote, why cant the spineless pussies ram that down their throats without a single D vote? Because they dont want to repeal it, thats why.
The lying sacks of shit are useless. About 80% of them need to clean out their desks. My hope is that next year a sizable number of them will be primaried out.
Paul is right to declare war on them.
^THIS^ The one thing the Republican party has excelled at in my lifetime is conceding to the left.
Just look at the budget that they passed and Trump signed. Schumer and Co couldn’t believe how badly they rolled the R’s.
Of course, we are assured that this was just because it was a continuing resolution or something. Wait until this fall when the real budget is proposed. Then we’ll see slashing like you’ve never seen.
Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath.
I’m already waiting for the “Re-elect us so that we can get to the REAL spending cuts and ACA repeal!”
The GOP’s problem has always been the established leadership. Even when they “go away”, they don’t actually ever leave.
Well, one thing we do know: if Trump starts taking Rand’s side on the healthcare debate, many in the NeverTrump camp will finally understand that people like Mitch and Ryan are the problem, not Trump or those kulaks that love him.
Reason writers are a small microcosm of the overall problem: shrinking government associates them with hillbilly backwater folks, and who wants to lose cocktail buddies over it? Therefore, capitulate.
Sadly I think that is largely true. It shows a profound lack of character and principle. That was my primary complaint about TSTSNBN. It showed through in other ways as well.
There was a good discussion in the comments of one of the articles the other day of the what was happening when most people left. It was accurate for the most part.
Which article?
It was in “What CNN’s Threat to Dox a Redditor Tells Us About the State of Journalism”. Fist of Etiquette started it with a comment at 10:36 am
GOD chemjeff is such a tool.
People keep saying they think he’s Cytotoxic, but Cytotoxic was never that naive and virtue signalling.
Fist of Etiquette started it with a comment at 10:36 am
OMG, those Hihn posts! I needed a good laugh. Every single response to him is AGGRESSION BY A GOOBER!
Wow. Somebody hid his meds and gave him an internet connection again.
I like Citzen X’s post to Hihnny.
The Elite Elite,
If you ever post at TSTSNBN, just remember not to contradict the One True Libertarian or risk his wrath.
Ironic watching a bunch of libertarians trying to collectivize a reason for why a bunch of other libertarians decided to take their comments to a different site.
And Hihn autodoxxed himself in that thread. Turns out he has a property management company (most likely for property he owns). Can you imagine being one of his tenants?
Oh, I know. I’ve had plenty of fun in the past getting him all worked up. (Not a hard task). I was on his list of worst commenters. I don’t think he ever revealed all the names on his list.
Well, the did manage to get rid of all (most) of the yokels and the effect of that can be seen over there in the comments section. l believe they get a handful of good comments on avg in links and nearly all of those are from Glibertarians.
That’s been my experience as well (the few times I go to the site).
Have you all seen Rand Paul’s address to the GOP?
I think it is very disrespectful and hurtful to the gayz to compare them to the GOP. Have you no shame?
Let’s ask the expert witness.
I was just joshing you. I’m posting like crazy today because I want to show off my new Twinkle Tush avatar that SF and the staff bestowed upon me.
Is that the new catbutting picture?
No man is going to say he doesn’t like vagina? Has she met any homosexuals?
I will never learn.
You saying that you don’t like vagina?
xkcd sums up the progs pretty well.
The same xkcd that literally ran an ‘I’m with Her’ comic right before the election?
Sigh. I had already known that feminism was rotting his brain a bit but that was too far. A damned shame.
I had missed that. “Thanks” …
oh, I [sighed] after the ellipses but did it with the wrong markup and it ate it.
Yup, the same. Shame, but the majority of what he puts out is still humorous.
This doesn’t pass the smell test to me.
They actually look at public finance as in Gov owned banks and the like that make loans and invest and not the usual, tax write off = subsidy, but a quick googling shows Elon Musk alone getting 4.9 billion of taxpayer coin for his green ventures. (I guess his space program is in that too) As to the US, other than the ExIm bank, which should be abolished, what gov owned banks do we have?
There is a lot of, “oh no the world is going to end soon” in that report.
without looking….
….the Fossil Fuels industry is ~100X the size of the “clean energy” market.
are they measuring that “4x” on a per-unit basis, or overall? because it may not be saying what they are trying to say.
And i can only assume there is epic, rank dishonesty in how the concept of “public finance” is being accounted for.
I mean, *of course* a mature and highly profitably industry is going to be getting many-many-times more grants of ‘use of federal land’, or subsidized loans, or tax breaks, merely by virtue of the fact that there’s so much more of it, and it is (surprise) profitable, and tends to pay back its loans.
but i assume all of that sort of common sense is carefully buried/masked/mis-stated
….the Fossil Fuels industry is ~100X the size of the “clean energy” market.
Yes, that was my first thought as well. Two completely different markets where one makes money and is a good investment and one has no ROI.
From my skimming, I don’t even think they are taking into account grants and tax breaks, because I am pretty sure the majority would go to the greenies and defeat their narrative. It is just dealing with bank financing like the ExIm backing loans to oil companies that actually make money. Like I pointed out Musk got 4.9 billion in tax breaks and the like and has not made a cent other than expanding his stock portfolio.
I saw that here
This is brilliant.
Corb Your Enthusiasm – Episode 1
I was expecting Larry David to be replaced by an ageless Corbin Bernsen
I’m starting to wonder if Theresa May placed a bet with the bookies on a close election and then tanked on purpose.
Even funnier: Episode 5
Episode 5 is amazing
Wait, Omar is still alive?
Fucking awesome.
More evidence that she is thinking of running in 2020?
Third time is the charm, right?
Think any sovereign wealth funds are dumb enough to invest in her campaign, again?
Not even considering the possibly illegal vote tallies, but how much of the California margin can be attributed to the fact that there was no Republican running for that Senate seat?
I’ve been saying that she runs again in 2020 since Nov 8, 2016. As long as there is a breath left in her, she will be running for president.
Oh, she’ll run if they have to prop her up and wheel her around.
She wont get the nomination. Even the idiots that run the D party have figured out that she is poison.
Never underestimate their stupidity. So then who do they run? Warren? LOL.
Kamala Harris. Follow Shia’s advice and just do it, Democrats. I’ve already seen plenty of crazed raving that anybody not Harris will be racist and misogynistic on leftist communities.
I think there will be a number of contenders for the “ticking off the right Person of Color+Correct Gender boxes” category
Kamala Harris is probably (currently) high on that list, but i think there will be others.
I think what is *most* likely is that the ultimate nominee for the Dems will be someone with even *less* of a political track record.
As was mentioned above = the left is going through something of an ideological schism right now; they will have a very hard time floating anyone who has been in politics for a long time who actually pleases everyone, or who will actually be credible if they start acting like they’ve been super-proggy all along when in truth they haven’t.
What they need is another Obama character, who has very little real track record to pick apart. that, or someone from outside politics, like Trump – a businessperson, or a celebrity.
I have strong doubts that anyone from the current congress will ever satisfy the needs. Harris is the closest… but i don’t know how she’ll actually hold up when exposed to a larger audience. I think many people would think her batshit crazy and simply unlikeable.
I’m not so sure about that, if this is a decent indicator of the Bernie faction. Kamala and Booker are already being seen as Corporate Democrats, likely won’t get the base voters for that reason.
if you see my comments above (re: ” “Liberal vs Leftist” schisms) …. this frothing about “corporate dems” is just the ineffectual youth-vote pissing and moaning about their fantasy belief that Sanders could have won.
He couldn’t, and they will gradually absorb that as future elections come closer.
What they want is to be pandered to; that doesn’t mean they’ll ultimately reject someone “better than Clinton”.
Opposing candidates like V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai give me hope that there are people willing to play politics at the same level as the dems.
I still got money on ‘prog billionaire who thinks they can be Nega-Trump’.
yeah, that’s closer to my thinking as well. I think Tom Steyer may finally throw himself into the ring. Or someone like him/funded *by* him.
So Jay-Z then?
I don’t think the “minority” and “bazillionaire” aspects necessarily complement one another. I think it will be either/or, not “both”.
Also, J-hova is kind of an asshole
Watch the vid that I posted above to Somalian. The Democratic base has no time or desire for another billionaire candidate. If they were, why is “Corporate Democrat” a thing in these circles? The Bernie wing is laughing their heads off about Zuckerberg doing his usual elitist technocratic shit.
I don’t think that’s true. You’re confusing leftist-twitter as being significant of the bulk of the actual prog thinking.
what they really want is something “better than the establishment”. If bazillionaire has solid-enough Proggy credentials, they’ll excuse his capitalism.
I think the ‘Bernie wing’ is largely overstated due to their strong response to the Clinton nomination this time around. I think plenty of them would conform to the rest of the Democrats if Nega-Trump say, promised socialized medicine or something.
I still think that 2020 will be Warren or Bernie, I believe the Secular Talk prog has it exactly right. As long as the economy is good in 2020, either of them will be laughed off the stage and Trump will get a landslide victory.
Sanders is going to be 80 years old in 2020, or dead. I don’t think he’s ever going to run again. Warren has too many skeletons and some of the ‘Bernie wing’ has seen right through her and actually hate her. No, they need tabula rasa candidates like Obama they can project on to bring together their conflicting camps. That means outsiders or lesser known people.
right. “person of color who promises single payer, free college, and gibberish about climate change”
they don’t need another Bernie, quasi-communist, regardless of what they say.
Warren is also never going to be able to run nationally. its far easier to find some empty-suit who ticks the right boxes than it is to clean all the skeletons out of her closet (*no euphemisms)
Well, if the leftists want tabula rasa, then nega-Trump or celebrity candidate would not be the way to go. There was actually a quintessential tabula rasa that just announced he was running for a governor’s seat, but I think he’s more 2024 than 2020.
Trump would just label Warren one of the many Indian handles she’s already been tagged with, it would stick and she’d never be rid of it. She’s also weird, obnoxious and really not any more likable than Hillary. The Democrats are really going to have to pull something special off to get a more middle of the road candidate and the progs are going to go batshit if they even try it. They’re going to need crossover voters and I have no idea how they do it. The Democrats are so far left, I don’t see how they get from there to anyway near the center. And the message coming from them now, is that they plan to go further left.
You can’t run without money.
she aint paying for it herself, and no one is throwing fresh green at her animated-corpse anymore.
its over. she exists only as a distraction from the current “powerless and inept” status of the democrats in congress. she has no further utility for anyone. her entire network of support has been completely distintegrated and there arent any more favors left to call on. she might get some gratuity thrown at her, some consolation-prize job, like “ambassador for women to the UN” or some other meaningless bureaucratic bullshit, but otherwise she’s as electable as a used tampon.
that’s not true, I would much rather vote for the used tampon over her.
Jeezus, She’ll be in a nursing home by then.
Some Swedes don’t want any more cultural enrichment.
Bring savages into your country you get savagery. It’s complicated.
Have all the men there been neutered?
Apparently so.
Not all, but most.
Judging this woman on appearance is probably wrong, but let’s just say it wouldn’t surprise me if she was gay. Europeans are generally a little more in touch with how islam treat homosexuals and women than American progressives are, and as a result you won’t see LGBT or feminist outfits joining forces with them.
This guy’s behavior is surprisingly common too. Last time my American wife and I went to Denmark, a guy like this zoomed right in on her, and tried to physically intimidate her in a store. She’s a tiny woman and I was a ways away from her in the store, but she didn’t back down and started shooting her mouth off. I had to tell her to stop, because Americans are unpopular there and she could go to jail for some of the things she was saying. She would have been considered the aggressor.
Seeing someone deck that twat with a lead pipe would have been a sweet sight, a violation of the NAP and all but fuck it.
WHo wants a sad, nutpunchy story reminiscent of Salem and Fells Acres?
That was actually interesting, the power of suggestion and whatnot.
I’ wondering how that psychologist never had his license revoked, never mind the wannabe cop that became a cop and ruined all those people’s lives on his witch hunt.
Cops hardly ever pay for stuff like this, the psych, on the other hand, should have recognized what appears to be a textbook case of a false memory implanted in a weakminded person. It reminds me a lot of the Satanic daycare panic of the late 80s/early 90s.
I.e. Fells Acres
Got it, wasn’t sure what you were referring to there.
THe psychologist was clearly drunk on his own power and prestige within the community.
I stopped at the part where the dead grandma was determined to have been ass-raped. Dinner is soon.
Revisit after dinner, if you’re into psychology at all it really is a good article.
Let’s just say this is a case where, while justice was ultimately served, there was no justice.
I think you develop your first impressions of the competency of police-investigators from watching lots of cop-shows as a teenager. (later generations will have “CSI”)
As you age, this impression is steadily dissolved.
Anyway, that thing was a good piece of writing, tho i think the author could probably have managed to slim it down 20% if she had better storytelling skills.
While there is probably no way to tell a story like that without it being essentially-depressing … i can’t help but feel that it suffers a little from “New Yorker-itis”, which treats every tale of middle america as some sort of David Lynch-esque, dark freakshow of broken homes and wasted lives. It may be entirely true in this case, but it still didn’t need to feel so cliche and monotonous.
Umm, I mean, WOT??!!
Maybe Al Davis will return from the dead and draft him in the first round again.
He lived in my town for a while.
I think I can safely say that his dad ruined his life.
I imagine their slogan is, “We just make it up as we go along. Don’t ask.”
Umm, he wasn’t any good when he was drafted. He throws the ball like a girl.
I wish him luck but I shudder to think what a couple of football concussions would do to a 48 year old brain.
Or already have done, for that matter.
I’d thought I’d just leave this here:
I see his avatar is Pepinochet throwing leftists out of helicopters.
That’s pretty damn funny.
I’m stocking up on popcorn and alcohol.
Someone, Hyp i think was musing the other day about whether there had ever been fight on Glibs before. Today is the day.
It wasn’t me, but I responded to the post.
Why is there going to be a fight?
see Eddie and John titor above. already happened
I was sorely tempted to tell them to get a room. But it looks like they’re done and both are probably smoking a cigarette by now.
Oh, great. I’ll check it out.
Fuck you Hyp.
Your mom says hi. I picked her up last night while cruising the Block.
*assumes defensive stance*
That guy looks like he’s taking a shit while holding up his tits?
In all fairness, it looks like an efficient pooping position.
Just answering your question.
people yelling at eddie about religion doesn’t count.
John Titor is more than one person?
He’s not the first.
I’m three children in a coat actually.
RE the bums who are not bums
Just got off a flight and have to brag….had a long conversation with this actress who I had the good fortune to be seated next to: Surprisingly congenital and down to earth. Also WOULD.
Blessed by the Edit Fairy

“Sorry, No Posts Found”
Maybe that one….sorry posting from my phone
I ought to fly more often.
Nicole Dambro. So much for my html skills…help edit fairy!!!!
Yep, that’d be her!
Never heard of her, but did you get her to join the Glibertariat? If not, what good is that to the rest of us?
Obviously she’s not as good-looking as the libertarian ladies we already have at this site 🙂 but the more the merrier, right?
Oh absolutely. All..3 or 4?.. of them?
This site need more B-movie actresses!
IMDB says she’s also a “casting director.”
[DISCLAIMER: Not responsible for jokes posted in response to this information]
Occasionally 1 or 2.
Well yeah she’s mostly been in b-horror films….the point is an average looking libertarian guy got to talk to a solid Hollywood 8.5 and she at least feigned interest….so that’s kind of a win for all the glibs right? Plus I’m bored in the airport and have nobody else to tell….
Look, you didn’t recruit her and no milf’s were nailed in your story. Sorry, brah.
Did I ever tell you about my wife, Morgan Fairchild?
/just a little outdated humor
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
You forgot the *smooches*
She just posted this on her Twitter feed*
“lol this guy on the plane kept talking about a nap but never took one, he didn’t seem tired at all. #atleasthewaswelldressedandnotoverlyweird.”
*not really
Eh….more or less accurate
Did you tell her about the orphans?
That’s the Edit Fairy?
Given that she’s a fairy, I don’t think you could. She’s too small.
Stop it, or SugarFree will come up with a way.
You missed the Edit Fairy’s first appearance, it seems.
Oh? Where was that?
She made her first visual appearance here.
Surprisingly congenital
You might want to kick your spellchecker in the nuts.
Well that made me larf…’s posting fails all around when I’m on my phone
Starting a phone survey now.
Aaaaannnnnnd over. Had to be a resident of the city and I’m just outside the limits.
Don’t even know what it was for. Oh well.
That’s the first one I’ve agreed to answer in years, probably the last for a few years.
From Wikipedia on Cornwall:
An additional political issue is the recognition of the Cornish people as a minority.[78]
To be fair, devolution is all the rage nowadays…people who would have been happy to belong to a unitary British state back when it was *Great* Britain may be less willing to be part of a weak, flabby, postmodern Britain.
When there’s nothing Great about Britain anymore, the constituent nations (mostly peacefully except for Northern Ireland and the violent retards in that Cornwall article) are going to want to have a government closer to home, and more recognition of their own national peculiarities.
I would agree, except that the Wikipedia link to the council minutes indicates that minority designations can be used to fund groups. It seems that the Cornish just feel like they’re not being treated as special enough.
Interesting…well, once you go in for a racial spoils system everyone is looking to get in on the action, I guess.
As least Cornwall is a geographical designation as well as a People (with a pretentious capital P).
But I suppose they’ll find some way to screw it up, even if in and of itself federalism is a good idea (and something the US should try one day).
Admittedly, I know little about the place or people. The Daily Mail article seemed to paint the Cornish Resistance as largely opponents of gentrification and outside money.
I think the “Resistance” is a bunch of loons with little popular backing. I could be wrong.
But peaceful devolution is another thing. In general, leaving more responsibility to local governments is a Good Thing, unless there’s hostile ethnic groups in an area and the local govt seems inclined to use its powers for oppression – then you need some central power to protect civil liberties…
In short, in a community which is homogenous, or where the various groups get along together, then a local government would be the most responsive way to handle their problems…but if one group wants to stick it to the other, there ought to be a higher level of government to which the minority can appeal for protection.
Minarchy? That’s crazy talk.
“Second, we demand the genocide of our game-hens cease”
Can any of our legal eagles tell me about being a paralegal? Is it horrible and thankless, or rewarding? Can one support themselves on a paralegal’s salary in a big metro area? What about working for a public interest firm as opposed to a business-type firm?
I’ve thought, on and off, about pursuing becoming a paralegal and working somewhere like IJ. But I have doubts about whether I could afford it. I need to make around $70k (which wold be a big pay cut, but doable), but I don’t think that’s possible?
My friend does it in San Francisco and likes it, and makes about $100K. But that is SF big law firm wages, of course — not sure what it would be like in a different city or a smaller firm.
A good paralegal should make 60 -80K in a mid market city.
How good a job it is depends entirely on your boss and organization.
My wife’s head paralegal makes 120k. But she’s good.
Remember when Sarah Sanders suggested that Chicago might not have a gun problem, but rather a morality problem? What a vile racist bigot KKK Nazi she is for suggesting such a horrible idea.
We have third world enclaves in this country populated by natives.
I’ll laugh if it turns out to be a midget.
+1 Little Man
Here’s the potential 2024 tabula rasa candidate that I was talking about. He’s got all of the right credentials and scholarships from the right schools (Rhodes Scholar, medical doctor that studied “social inequities” in medicine), says the right gibberish, has all of the right intersectional checkmarks.
The guy’s a Muslim. With a very Muslim name. He has zero chance of being elected president. You know, Islamaphobia and all that.
If polling’s worth anything Muslims still have a better chance of winning than atheists.
663 comments starting at 9:51am.
Don’t you people
workhave hobbies?I’m just a simple man drinking on hot day.