I thought STEVE SMITH and ZARDOZ were both placeholder accounts for the Glibs staff.
That’s just crazy talk!
Uh oh! Steve Smith is gonna go David Schultz on you Ted S.
You must be a blast a costume parties.
*prolonged ovation*
I go as Michelangelo’s David.
With or without the leaf?
3 leaves with tiny red stem
placeholder accounts
More like emergent personalities. Deeply-disturbed emergent personalities.
The fundraiser was for therapy sessions. Still no word on their effectiveness.
Aren’t we all deeply disturbed here?
oh yes, yes we are
But SOME OF US didn’t get a fundraiser! {sobs, runs away}
Yeah fuck the NHS. Remember when everyone on Team Blue flipped at the suggestion that socialized medicine ipso facto requires rationing and that ipso fucking facto some people would be denied care by the bureaucrats?
Ted beat me Im second.
Hastag sadface.
Yeah, but these particular parents raised the money for experimental treatment in the Wild West unregulated United States. /sarc as to the last part of the sentence, but not about raising the money, which I think they actually did.
That is how I understand it too. This isn’t even about rationing any more. It’s about “making an example” and shutting them up because they’re getting uppity.
Look socialized medicine IS the BEST and every civilized country has it. And if you don’t believe it, we’ll kill your kid.
Thats the part that kills me (no pun intended) the parents have raised their own goddamned money and Her Majesty’s government won’t let them spend it on their own dying child.
From now on we have a reference as to why we hate socialism. There’s no need for analogy or metaphor or hypothetical here: a government bureaucracy is litterally killing someone without firing a single shot.
It’s pure evil.
With the Pope and various other national figures chiming in I can’t imagine the NHS will carry this all the way through. At some point I think they’re going to want to save face. Or maybe I’m wrong and they’re just that evil.
I can’t believe that Obama hasn’t inserted himself into this yet and offered to go unplug the kid now himself before evil capitalism allows the kid to live for at least a little while longer.
I don’t see how this doesn’t become a defining moment in… something. Probably not a libertarian moment but at the very least an anti-socialism moment.
It should happen that way. I mean we are looking straight in the face of pure evil. Teresa May actually got nervous and started to back off on it already. I think only because she likes Trump. I have to tell you, if that vile fucking cunt liked me, I’d have to be taking a serious look in the mirror and pondering what the hell is wrong with me.
A children’s hospital in NY offered treatment for free, and they’ve already raised the money. This is not about money, it’s about statist assholes proving that their shitty failed system is the best.
It really is. This case makes me see red like almost nothing else. I always considered the whole “death panel” thing to be hyperbole, and I grew up with socialized health-care. But this is a new low level of petty evil.
For this family, the borders of the UK is now a prison. If they leave without their baby, he will probably be killed by the state. And if they decide to take their little boy abroad to receive potentially life saving treatment, without spending a single British tax payer penny, then what? Will they be physically prevented from boarding the airplane? Will they be put in a real prison, while their child is killed?
People in comments and on twitter is saying to give the kid a chance, or that he will never lead a normal life, etc., but almost no-one is talking about the elephant in the room: Who owns you?
Some of the comments on that article are disturbing. All hail the state and its wisdom.
Hmmm…they say the American doctors would just maintain the kid in a persistent vegetative state.
You know those Americans and their obsession with money…best to save the baby from the greedy profiteering Yanks.
Maybe the U. S. Ambassador can deliver a message from Trump:
“Dear Brits,
“We are aware that our health care system isn’t nearly as gloriously egalitarian as yours, but we had not realized that even the privately-paid parts of our system were defective!
“Please, send some medical experts over here at once so they can advise our hospitals on how they can better treat private patients with money.
The day this story broke on WaPo, there wasn’t a single prog there who wasn’t defending the decision to stop the parents from taking the kid to the USA, because equality.
And these same people will shrill “My body, my choice!”
It’s been pointed out here before, but it’s not about rationing care. It’s about power. The chance of the almighty state being proven wrong here is too great. This is why they’ve been fighting since January — when the kid even more likely been helped (he apparently suffered a grand mal seizure in February that caused further brain damage).
In last night’s links there was a reference to Harrison Bergeron, That’s the dystopia — not 1984 or Brave New World — that we’re really headed to. The first paragraph here, if the progressives had their way, we’d be there now, not in 2081.
Schmuck Moobster is a fucking stupid dickhole son of a bitch cockmaster donkey raping shiteater pussy fingered asshole.
Unfortunately he’s one of my senators.
I got Harris, Feinstein and Pelosi, you think you got got it rough?
Cuomo, Moobs, and that lady I can never remember her name. Yeah, you win.
Sn Franken, Sn Klobuchar, Rep Keith Ellison.
Sn Schatz, Sn Hirono, Rep Gabbard
Flat EEG, Flat EEG, possible movement EEG
Well egould310, why don’t you tell us how you really feel about the senator.
Don’t like him.
*opera applause*
Not even a little itty bitty teensy-weensy bit?
“$#@@#% Barbra Streisand!”
“I introduced so many useful pieces of legislation, but do they call me Schumer the Legislator? No.
“But screw *one* donkey…”
I’ll be satisfied if Schmuck and McCain are tied to a heavy lift rocket and shot into the fucking sun. Nothing less.
As soon as I heard the headline, I knew it was McCain or Schumer.
Cascadia’s probably going to have a problem with that white nationalist group I found a couple months ago that wants to build a white ethnostate there. Also, the superquake that happens every few centuries.
Also, reading their website makes me want to burn the entire Cascadia biome to the ground.
I thought Cascadia was far enough inland not to be affected by the quake. Or am I mixing it up with one of the other proposed states?
Probably the second, both this independence movement and a map of biomes I saw includes the coast.
I think I was thinking of the state of eastern Washington, or the one that wants to form from parts of Northern California and southern Oregon. That latter state wants to call itself Jefferson, if memory serves.
Heh. I’m looking forward to a Megathrust Earthquake (it was my nickname in Uni, after all . . . )
“Come again?”
I like these ideas if small states. It makes it easier for me to take over one and reign as libertarian in Chief!
Reading their bullshit “oh, we’re a localized communalist movement that care about ecology and want to destroy capitalism” website makes me want to crowdfund a filibustering force immediately to teach them the rule of steel.
I’ll volunteer. Cascadia’s too important a concept to be taken over by rampant enviro-weenies.
Can I operate the military-grade woodchipper?
Naw, you get to use the Killdozer.
Hmmmmph. Needs some upgrades.
But . . . okay.
Look, unless I can get the Russians to sell me some T-72s on the cheap that’s what we’ve got for an Armoured Division.
Maybe Pan could get some of his ex-girlfriends.
Okay, I’ve given John T some shit before – which he totally deserve(s)/d (because he’s Canadian), but he’s right about the T-72’s. Like the T-34 on up, they were very well designed, especially for commie fucktards, (like Canadians). Our Shermans were crap, the only reason they could compete with the Tigers was b/c the US factories were pooping them out at a bout a 10/1 ratio. Now if they’d sped up production of fucking Pershings instead, we might’ve gotten to Berlin ahead of the Russkies.
I’m just questioning the notion that Idaho would want to be part of their Progtopia.
Boise will drag them into the right thinking whether or not the rest of the state wants it.
Not only Idaho, they are claiming Missoula. Hah!
Wah!! My subway line was shut down for 14 months due to Sandy. And it affected a lot more than 7.400 people. These things happen – deal with it.
New York would have been better prepared for Sandy if the city didn’t have a nanny-state administration.
Oh I suppose. It was a once-in-a-century occurrence* though – no government is going to be prepared for that.
*Spitball based on the fact that the subways are over 100 years old and nothing like this had happened before
Bloomberg still wanted the marathon to go on.
Well that and the fact that the lack of sea walls, but as Rhywun notes, not a common occurrence.
When the link said moobs and G20 I honestly thought it was gonna say De Blasio or that fat-fucker Michael Moore. But Schumer is equally vile.
Isn’t Schumer known around these parts as Senator Moobs?
They’re at least a B-cup.
Dem tiddies…
I’m eating breakfast here, man.
I love that woman.
Hugh Grant was a total FUCKWIT.
At 8:00 PM?
The Earth is a sphere.
Yes, but it’s 8:00 PM in the only time zone that matters.
Oh come on, The Flat Society has thousands of people around the world.
No, it’s flat and it’s just turtles all the way down holding it up. /prog logic
“The Flat Society has thousands of people around the world.”
I actually went to their website and signed up just so I could talk to them. They’re fucking wacked, I don’t even know what to say. I got friendly with them and feigned genuine interest in their theory because if you go there and start making fun of them, they’ll ban you right off. So the first thing I asked them, is if the earth is really flat, why don’t we just fall off the edge. They have this very complex theory for why you never fall off. It’s total nonsense of course. They also believe that the sun and moon are only a couple hundred miles about flat earth. Seriously.
I meant to write, “Flat Earth Society”.
So I ruined a stupid joke, with stupid typing.
Not ruined at all bro, everyone knew what you meant. You should actually go over there sometime and talk to the tards, it’s really funny, for a while.
I’d feel bad but you’re probably eating fish and natto. If you can keep that down first thing in the morning, Sen Moobs should be nothing.
So which sociopath is rocking the moobs better? Schumer or Richard Speck?
Composer Ludwig van Beethoven discovered the totality of his deafness when he saw birds flying out of the bell tower as a result of the bells’ tolling but could not hear the bells.
That would suck, bad
/Partial hearing loss from music
Republican Party has ‘flat out lost its mind’
And they continue to struggle to understand why people don’t like the left… Plenty of reasons to dislike the Republicans, but nothing close to the maniacs on the left.
Medis reporting is pretty much indistinguishable from social media rants.
“Remember how dogged and relentless we were in covering Hillary Clinton’s sloppy handling of her emails? Remember the comparatively free ride we gave Donald Trump despite his repeated demonstrations that he was unserious, unsound and unfit?”
No, I don’t remember, because I wasn’t using your Transdimentional Teleporter like you, visiting the Dimension Where the Media is Pro-Republican.
Yeah, that’s a pretty unconvincing whopper. I wonder what the weather’s like where that guy lives.
The media was absolutely 100% pro-Trump until he secured the nomination. Obviously not for any love of Republicans, but because they thought he was the easiest R candidate to beat.
Mitt Romney, 6/2011: “Moderate Republican”
Mitt Romney, 6/2012: “SECOND COMING OF HITLER!”
Yeah, no idea why you lost credibility. None.
That was a complete waste of time to read. Mostly whining about Trump, and this….
Get real. The Democrats have gone full blown Marxist, and the Republicans are as mediocre big government lameoids as they have ever been. I think these people are believing their fevered dreams of imaginary oppression.
As touched upon yesterday, these are the people who think there are millions of secret neo-Nazis and white nationalists just hiding in American society waiting for their chance. That’s the ‘extremism’ they’re talking about and it’s entirely delusional.
Exactly. Today’s Democrats Party would have sneered JFK right out of Massachusetts in favor of people like Bernie and Fauxcahontas.
I believe the quote you are looking for is: “Elections have consequences. And at the end of the day, I won”
I hadn’t seen Pitts around in a while. Looks like he figured out he needed to step up the rhetoric to get noticed in these not so mild mannered media times.
How that half-wit won a Pulitzer is beyond me. I guess it was ‘his turn’.
So, the Miami Herald is the equivalent of New Republic or Salon? Nice.
for those wondering about the new avatar:
Wladyslaw the Elbow High was a Polish king who rules from 1320 to 1333. He defended Poland from the Teutons and granted equal rights to Jews. He was also short- hence his moniker.
His annoyed expression amused me.
*Insert king of the Polacks joke here*
*ruled, that is
Damn coffee stain language is screwing up my verb tenses
Hunt for Derp October
Desperate planners sought ways of making Soviet subs easier to hunt. Any technology that could speed up an undersea search was worth considering. “A submarine’s best defense is of course stealth, remaining quiet and undetected in the ocean deep,” Ballantyne notes. “Something that could rob the Soviets of that cloak of silence must have seemed irresistible and, at least initially, a stroke of genius.”
A Canadian scientist figured some kind of sticky undersea noisemaker would make a Soviet sub more detectable. He designed a simple hinged cluster of magnets that could attach to a submarine’s metal hull.
Movement would cause the flopping magnets to bang against the hull like a loose screen door, giving away the sub’s location to anyone listening. The simple devices would take time and effort to remove, thus also impairing the Soviet undersea fleet’s readiness.
At least that was the idea.
The 1945-vintage Auriga spent much of her time in Nova Scotia simulating Soviet diesel subs during hazardous under-ice ASW practice with U.S. and Canadian forces. During a typical three-week exercise, Auriga would be subject to the attentions of surface vessels, aircraft and other subs, including the U.S. Navy’s new nuke boats.
During one open-ocean exercise, Auriga was given the floppy-magnet treatment. A Canadian patrol plane flew over Auriga’s submerged position and dropped a full load of the widgets into the sea.
As weird as it sounded, the magnet concept proved a resounding success. Enough magnets fell on or near Auriga’s hull to stick and flop. Banging and clanking with a godawful racket, the magnets gave sonar operators tracking the sub a field day. Then the trouble started.
As Auriga surfaced at the end of the exercise, the magnets made their way into holes and slots in the sub’s outer hull designed to let water flow. “They basically slid down the hull,” Ballantyne says of the magnets, “and remained firmly fixed inside the casing, on top of the ballast tanks, in various nooks and crannies.”
The floppy-magnets couldn’t be removed at sea. In fact, they couldn’t be removed at all until the submarine dry-docked back in Halifax weeks later.
In the meantime, one of Her Majesty’s submarines was about as stealthy as a mariachi band. No fighting, no training, no nothing until all those floppy little magnets were dug out of her skin at a cost of time, money and frustration.
The magnets worked on the Soviets with the same maddening results. The crews of several Foxtrots were driven bonkers by the noise and returned to port rather than complete their cruises.
The iceboats may have been an even dafter idea.
And the inventor shot at a piece of Pycrete and almost killed the Duke of Windsor
Great Moments in Remove Kebab: Cherry guns
The Cherry cannon (Bulgarian: черешово топче, chereshovo topche) is a famous weapon that was created in Bulgaria for use against the Ottomans in the April Uprising. It was a wooden cannon that was used to arm the under equipped Bulgarian rebels against the Ottoman army. Balance scale masses and pieces of metal were used as ammunition for the cherry cannon. It has now become a common symbol throughout Bulgaria despite the fact that it backfired and killed its user during its first shot. It is often used in town seals of villages that were key during the uprising such as Koprivshtitsa.
And then there’s the Don Cherry gun used against the Canadian Establishment.
Yes, a weapon of mass destruction, but I believe the CBC had him sign some sort of paper that said he wasn’t allowed to use his “gun.”
Or the Don Cornelius Gun launched at Soul music
Peace, love, and sooouulll!!!
WTF is right. If you are an adult, you can decide you want to be a daisy, and water your feet every morning, for all I care. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone else, that’s your business. But parents should not be forcing gender identity or sexual preference on children. Although it’s difficult for me to say, “there ought to be a law”.
My 8 year old thinks she’s the center of the universe. Do I need to start some kind of hormone therapy?
Just give her this.
(Should be safe for work.)
It’s hard to say. We let parents raise their kids in all kinds of ways that are arguably harmful. Banning this one thing would open Pandora’s Box. Not that I support what they’re doing – not one bit.
I agree, there is no easy answer. Or least no easy libertarian answer.
I think that regardless of what the libertarian view on the problem is, the current ‘transtrend’ is not going to be looked at positively a decade or two down the road and will probably result in legislation restricting the practice to a later age.
I wouldn’t be surprised if so-cons push for such legislation much sooner than that.
I was very tempted to make a woodchipper reference here, but
So what’s next for Preet? US Senator, I suppose, unless he wants to go the Giuliani route and run for mayor of NYC?
He’d have to wait until one of the current senators retires or drops dead.
Schumer can’t have more than 2 or 3 years left in him, can he?
He’s only 67. It’s just that he first ran for the State Assembly fresh out of law school back in 1974 and hasn’t been out of office since.
I presume he’s already vetted the existing Senators for corruption problems.
Wait, who’s Schumer’s colleague? No, don’t get up, I’ll look for myself…
Ah, Kirsten Gillibrand.
He is working on something for sure.
But the world already has enough assholes.
Ugh, and he’s a Springsteen fan to boot.
Springsteen used to be great.
He figured that Springsteen was the safest choice for Favorite Musician. He couldn’t mention anyone classical, because that would be putting on airs. He couldn’t mention someone from the Old Country, because he’s trying to emphasize his 100% Americanness.
He didn’t even bother trying to give a favorite movie – probably too controversial.
Springsteen is a knob. Even the much touted Nebraska is a pantload.
Thanks for the laugh. I haven’t heard anyone called a “knob” in years. And it’s perfect for Springsteen.
[JB was arrested before he could complete this post]
He’s right. At least in Hilary’s case.
Good god the Preet love fest on the feed. I feel ill.
We must and much we will must…
What I took away from that is either a) Preet is lying about dropping cases or b) TOS never vehemently denied that commenters were not actually making threats.
“”This suspect product has no clear health value,” he said in a statement”
Those with moobs shouldn’t live in glass houses. For at least two reasons.
Speaking of Poles:
Speaking of Poles
Way too early for 2018 polls, but…
Where’s Austin Peterson?
Yeah, was disappointed not to see him even included in the polling.
Like Peterson a lot. Dude’s come a long way since he was more or less an intern on Judge Nap’s Fox Business show.
Has he changed his view on the NAP? I remember him saying it was illogical or something like that.
He was on Rubin’s show a couple months ago, still doesn’t like the NAP. And I’m with him on some of his points (i.e. stuff like how the NAP is a suicide pact when you allow someone to plan to harm you so efficiently with no response that you have no chance to respond when they actually do attack you).
Implies perfect knowledge. No-one has that. The NAP isn’t supposed to be a “God’s-eye view” of the world, IIRC.
The point is more whether the NAP is a solid way to manage both yourself and society. Overall it has some potential if everyone is agreeing to the same terms, but is easily exploited and abused by those who don’t. Sounds pretty fine for Buddhist monks and Christ himself, but I don’t get a respawn.
I think it’s got a hell of a lot more utility in regards to the relationship between the state and the individual than broadly applied across all human interaction.
Depends on how you interpret it. You don’t have to wait for the swinging fist to hit you in the face before you defend yourself. Many people have pointed this out and Austin didn’t address those arguments, but instead attacked the naive position. Seemed dishonest given he should’ve been aware of arguments put forward by Block and others.
Poll was taken before they knew about his candidacy. Apparently their next poll will include Petersen.
“As we know in Grenfell, many innocents were murdered by Theresa May’s cronies, many of which are supporters of Zionist ideology.”
Ya, I think he needs to be pointing the fingers at the greenies there. Unless the Jews made the “green” cladding that killed all those people.
Or the architect that made the cladding necessary. I knew this guy from Saudi Arabia and we would discuss world events at length. He opened up to me because I was critical of US military actions in the Middle East. Everything eventually went full bore conspiracy theory with him. Interesting, but scary too.
Of course Corbyn supports that organization. Of course he does.
(From the “important if true” files)
Not these Falkland Islands again
“A group of rogue Argentinian generals are planning to plant their country’s flag on the Falkland Islands, it is reported.
“The nighttime operation, due to take place in September, would see 14 commandos fly to a remote part of the islands in two helicopters along with a flag and cameras.
“Photographs of the operation would then be published days before the next election in order to humiliate the government and unseat President Mauricio Macri.”
(contains autoplay video)
I assume they got the idea from student-government elections at their old university, where they won votes by stealing a rival institution’s mascot.
“Treasury Dept Asked To Investigate Reports That Russia Funneled Millions To US Environmental Groups
“If you connect the dots, it is clear that Russia is funding U.S. environmental groups in an effort to suppress our domestic oil and gas industry, specifically hydraulic fracking,” Republican Texas Rep. Lamar Smith said in a statement.”
How many Democrats and Republicans were talking, or working with various Russians before the word Russia started triggering people?
Is there nothing Putin can’t do?
Saw CNN graph today about the Trump/Putin discussion at the G20: “Trump does not refute Putin denial.”
What does that even mean?
It’s not what you don’t think it doesn’t mean.
{followed by scratching of head}
It actually makes sense, I think?
You can use as many negatives as you want in Japanese. Once you get used to it, a whole slew of nuances become available. No double negatives! Why not?
“You’ve attained the rank of Pussy Willow”. Awesome.
I always liked this guy, but now I like him more.
I . . . would actually attend such a party. Not that anyone would ever invite me. {sad pouty face}
Do you want to tell us more about your life?
Good Lord, no.
Good for him.
The best revenge is living well.
Or in his case – wild.
The best revenge is to see your enemies driven before you and hear the lamentations of their domestic partners.
I was at a 4th of July celebration at a bar/restaurant on the 4th and wife and I were waiting at the bar to get a spot outside on the rooftop deck to see the fireworks. When the waitress came to get us, I told her I’m finishing my drink. So she asked me if it’s ok to take my ‘partner’ up to get our spot and then I can go up after I finish my drink. I mean, she didn’t say wife or gf, she said partner. Seriously, I’ve never heard this before. I’m not offended by it, just noticed it.
From the waitress’s (waitperson’s?) point of view, I suppose it’s a question of what risk do you wish to take – weirding out one of the norms, or pissing off an SJW. The former is the lesser risk, I’d imagine.
Maybe a lot of guys take their mistresses there.
“Are you happy now, Bernie?” she cries as three little people wearing raggedy clothes and ‘Ben Shapiro’ name-tags scuttle by.
Oh man Shapiro is going to be butthurt.
I saw some butthurt yesterday, but not from him, but from a couple of his pals . Or just generally right-wingers totes appalled by anti-Semitism, and/or complaining it was tasteless or evidence of Milo being obsessed with Shapiro.
Would Obama do the same?
No, but he might steal it and then wear it that evening when he’s having sex with the Klingon Opera Singer he’s ostensibly married to.
How would Obama have ever seen such a thing, such he’s always staring upwards at whatever?
Pretty funny, seemed genuine too.
From the side bar on that site.
Those same magazines are on display in just about every grocery store around here (suburb of a large city), and no-one even looks twice. Sometimes they even cover up Mother Jones with them.
I don’t know, but why wasn’t buddy wearing his chin strap? Big problem under a helicopter.
Obama wouldn’t have failed twice, a competent president doesn’t need more than one shot at hatting an marine.
Nope. He merely would have never succeeded once.
After a certain age ones intentions no longer count, Trump is well past that age. His actions here demonstrate two things, 1- He is incompetent, unable even to enhatten a motionless marine. And B- He is a racist, treating this full grown black man like a child who needs help keeping his hat on , the indignity he shows this man is inexcusable.
Perhaps your hypothetical Obama, knows the futility and more importantly the condescension inherit in such an action. Thus displaying not the indifference you suggest but instead a wise, perhaps even soulful understanding, of humanity.
In before someone mentions the fake Obama/umbrella “scandal” the Daily Mail et al tried to gin up a few years back.
Phelps Vs. Shark
Apparently you can bet on this online. I don’t know if Vegas picked up on it. Odds favor the shark.
Michael Phelps fastest time in water: 4.4 mph
Great White Shark Top Speed: 25 mph.
Yeah I’m going to go with the shark.
Those enormous feet would be the first things to get nibbled on.
Better matched than Mayweather/McGregor.
Still no Man vs Beast.
How tough is a Hi Point?
People make out like guns are rocket science, when in reality they are made by people living in third world slums all the time.
A Hi-Point is definitely a fine gun if it’s all you have or can afford. Also, they sell a carbine that takes the same ammo/magazines that can commonly be had for under $300. How many other companies have an American made handgun/carbine combo for under $500?
AK-47 made out of a shovel.
Every leftie in the US regarding Gard: Pictured
Apparently choosing between trying to keep a kid alive and tongue-bathing socialized healthcare is a real tossup for some people.
Well, its official. Gary Indiana is the biggest shithole on a long list of places ive been. Edged out Portsmoth OH by an inch.
How does Youngstown compare?
Never been to youngstown.
God bless you.
Camden, NJ. Fuck you, Google Maps!
Speaking of Porstmouth, OH; did commentor A. Adans ever make it over here from the old place?
I don’t think so. Someone new has the handle “Not Adahn” or something like that.
The observation I’m about to make will already be obvious to many of you, but I want to point it out for the benefit of any single, straight* males among us.
Want pussy? Buy a boat.
Don’t waste your money on dumb shit like clothes, booze, televisions, rims for your whip or dinners at fancy restaurants. Save up some cash, secure storage for the off season (if applicable) and go out and buy a god damned boat already. It doesn’t have to be a luxury yacht, but it should be no less than a sixteen footer with an inboard. I’ve been privy to this fact for a long time, but only witnessing it in person can really drive the point home. While at the beach with a friend today I saw two fairly average young dudes launching a relatively modest watercraft off of their trailer. Already on board were five very excited bikini-clad girls that would have melted your eyeballs out with their hotness. (There is a very remote possibility that the whole crew was of familial relation, but we won’t consider that because we are Glibs and we always see the glass as half full.) The word boat is derived from the Latin boatimus maximus which means “pussy getting machine”.
So what are you waiting for? Go buy a boat.
*Results are very likely to be the same for those of the lesbian, gay and BLT persuasions as well. The preceding advice, however, was inspired by actual witnessed events and is not to be interpreted as discriminatory in any way.
A boat indicates that you like throwing cash at a never ending list of problems. I can see how some chicks would dig that.
This is true
Had to drop 3k on a boat worth 6 last summer. It is a never ending list. But it can help get u laid5 months out ofthe year
Sailboat, you mean, Cats are Wet like Pussy, Engines are cool but god’s Gas is Sexy, I know
Boat: noun- A hole in the water surrounded by wood, into which you keep throwing money.
Sail does make one feel like a Monocle wearing Gentleman to be sure, Sir
Oh, I know this one, it’s because of the implication right?
Warning: Being part of the Navy is not the same as owning a boat, and will probably not get you the sex you’re looking for.
Submarines tho
I don’t know. that white uniform is pretty fucking sharp.
SIL’s watching some political talk show, maybe by that one unfunny blonde chick, I have no idea anymore.
Has on a former white house staffer. “You got a tampon machine installed in the building!” the host crows. Crowd goes wild. Of course.
Men (and women of a much higher stature than this nobody) are routinely making decisions that affect the trajectory of world affairs. But she’s gotten a tampon machine put into the white house.
And they wonder why they have to beg to be taken seriously.
I wish i was the guy who couldbrag about getting a condom machine in the WH
That happened in 1993.
You misspelled 1961.
Actually on reflection, 1993 seems about right, since JFK predates Greenwald. Not saying JFK didn’t keep some rubbers around, just that he had to keep them discreet.
Sure they are… they’re certain they’re the same as the effects of other large yet mostly inert particulates in your lungs.
However this product is not inhalable chocolate… it’s insufflatable chocolate.
I guess they don’t teach the distinction in journalism school.
I am not a doctor, but from what I’ve gathered, inhaling like amounts of things that aren’t air into your respiratory system is probably bad for you. Even a rather innocuous chemical like Dihydrogen Monoxide can be fatal if inhaled or ingested in large doses.
Also from looking at the sidebar, PA man makes Steve Smith look like Brad Pitt.
I meant to say ‘large amounts,’ not ‘like amounts’. Damn auto-correct.