SP and I go away for a few days and everything goes to shit. Never mind, we’re back from our latest glamorous trip, this time to Kansas City and Eldon, Iowa, and we should be able to handle Missing Links and Site Hacks with a degree of alacrity.
Now you might ask, why Eldon, Iowa? If, like us, you’re an art geek, that question needs no answer. If not, look up Regionalism, which is my favorite art movement. And of the three great Regionalists (Curry, Benton, and Wood), I have the deepest love for the work of Grant Wood. The setup in Eldon is great- they’ll even loan you pitchforks and costumes to pose in front of the house. SP refused, but I’ll come back with the daughter-unit (webdominatrix) who has no hesitation about looking ridiculous with her dad.
OK, none of this is relevant when there’s news afoot! But still, art geek here.
Why does this remind me of the constant stream of stories about how the “number two” in command of ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever gang has gotten killed? Maybe it’s true this time, who knows. But what is certainly true is we’re still there. Trump seems to show no signs of extricating us from the Bush/Obama Undeclared Forever Wars. This seems to concern Progressives far less than tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about why their warmonger’s campaign tactics last year were exposed.
And I predict that this latest Ceasefire To End The War will work just as well as the last dozen of them. I’m so happy our last election prevented the interventionist Clinton from escalating our involvement in… never mind. This is one of the most frustrating things about being a libertarian- no matter who gets elected, we lose.
Nice to know that German progs are just as stupid, annoying, and ineffective as our homegrown ones.
Unions, always at the vanguard of progress.
Don’t know if this already got linked or not, but if so, it’s worth doing again. The perfect story to demonstrate why regulation beyond the bare minimum and giving state power to bureaucrats never ends well.
Feel free to ignore all of this and post kitten and puppy videos.
“This seems to concern Progressives far less than tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about why their warmonger’s campaign tactics last year were exposed.”
Huh? I read that three times.
*drinks more coffee*
The usual media suspects have done a fine job of transforming “there’s a suspicion that Russians exposed DNC emails” to “Russians hacked the election and made Hillary lose.”
Oh, OK.
You just put me in the mood for hash browns. Maybe one of your relatives?
How about Uncle Boris?
That’s wheat vodka.
Right, I knew that, I was just testing you.
“Why does this remind me of the constant stream of stories about how the “number two” in command of ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever gang has gotten killed?”
The drummer for Spinal Tap died again? RIP.
I think they should just kill the #4 and #7 guys. they are the only ones that are irreplaceable.
Is that movie worth watching in 2017? I bought it at a yard sale for .50$ yesterday.
Yes. There will always be a reason to watch ST.
If only for the cultural references which are made here.
But it’s certainly worth expending an hour and a bit of your time on, because otherwise, you’ll have wasted 50c.
Sunk costs fallacy. *shakes head*
My wife doesn’t like me bringing up the “sunk cost” argument. Some reason she thinks “we spent $200 on that 10 years ago” matters in the least
You could throw it through a shop window and stimulate the economy.
I pedal drugs to children in order to keep the economy going. Someone has to make sure prison employees and lawyers have work
You do bicycle delivery, huh?
Just make sure the shop owner is a white cis-hetero straight male, otherwise it will be a hate crime.
Morning y’all! It’s Sunday so that means I get to get up in the predawn hours and come into work. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Anyway, here’s something no one could have anticipated…
Ha! So one of you do work.
It’s okay. I’m at work too. Will be here for another 11 1/2 hours.
I’m shamed to admit it, but yes I am a hard-working blueish collar guy.
Sucker. Just get u a couple employees and make them earn your paycheck. It’s the American way
They keep telling me that, but then again they probably don’t get up at 5am on a Sunday to go to work either.
Julia Reusing, 27: “Revolution must not be full of agression. Revolution means love — not to come together and fight.”
Appropriate family name.
Not mentioned is counter protestors, whether they were antifa or just people who hate the klan. But the BBC used it as good leverage to denigrate the ‘far right’ in the US and somehow bring up Trump
Put a gun at my head and force me to chose which group to support and I would seriously have to hesitate.
I concur. The KKK are some top tier shitheads. I have never met one (in garb) but am certain that I’ve encountered a few in my time while they are playing normal. The other side seems to be more concerned with erasing history to prevent hurt feelings. Both sides are staffed by the worst sort of collectivist idiots.
It’s always amazed me that the most ignorant bottom of the barrel shitstains who glorify the losing sides from two major US wars go around talking about their supremacy. Especially given the fact that most other white people rightly consider them to be the scum that scum scrape off their shoes.
I think it’s a case of finding an ‘underdog’ story. They like the progs believe that there is a pervasive system keeping them down, and by doing the shit they are doing, its thumbing a nose at (((them))) and also recruiting. It’s a sad state when one must look to something so shallow for a sense of exclusive pride.
The ‘invisible foot’.
Exactly. The only people who pay any attention to a tiny fringe movement of attention-whore losers are the SPLC and the people they dupe into contributing to the Morris Dees New Mansion Fund.
The “alt-right” in 15 seconds.
It’s astounding how much attention they are given. It’s like they need a badass secret evil movement to justify their own fuckery, so they create one by elevating a fringe to the forefront and proclaiming them mouthpieces of a wider organization.
HM: But I thought we were alt-right. /s
Rick: But once you start hearing all those dog whistles, then you’ll realize everyone is secretly racist.
That’s what I gathered from my time in college dealing with Peace and Social Justice majors, there was no debate, only condescension and accusation. Remind me sometime and I’ll put together a greatest hits article from the one PSJ class I took.
A what and what major?
Peace and Social Justice. My College had a legit major for people who wanted to learn about dismantling oppression.
I was poli/sci in a class with a very diverse political mix and a debate champ, but a single class with a PSJ prof was enough to make me want to rip hair.
I can’t even begin to contemplate the condescension and virtue signaling that would generate.
It was fascinating, I kept my politcal opinions shuddered for a few classes just to see what people thought when they weren’t being challenged. After that I started debating. The was had been slipping until they realized there was an outsider. Then it turned into a lot of hinting that I was a racist, misogynist, misanthrope. But the prof, despite being a both-barrel prog and debating me out of class graded me rather fairly and I passed with a B+
I think every major university has at least one program which generates such degrees. Though I’ve never heard it called Peace and Social Justice before.
I used to make fun of English/History majors, but at least they learned about legitimate fields of study.
Dismantling oppression?
Funny, I would think taking US History 1 and 2 and Intro to Mircoeconomics would teach you everything you needed about how to tear down oppression and cause humanity to thrive.
You would think, but keep in mind that all the founders were nazi-cishetshitlord types who just wanted to break from england to oppress the downtrodden in new and different ways and to enrich themselves.
(Actual argument heard in that class)
Palate cleanser. Damn, HM, I don’t which is nastier, her face or her dinner.
I’m reminded of one of my favorite story arcs from Preacher.
It’s cosplay revolution all around. It’s going to keep going until someone gets painted into a corner and lashes out. I hope that doesn’t happen but idiots abound these days. If it does happen I expect that a lot of these pseudo-baddass types will discover the value of their mortality pretty quick like.
Great avatat, N. Are you liking the Preacher series on AMC so, I enjoyed the first season, trying to get the wife into it now.
I’m enjoying the series, I was a bit hesitant at first with Seth Rogan behind it. The changes they’ve made to backstories and such have worked for the most part (it would have been hard to have Arseface be tied to Cobain unless they set the entire series in the past). My biggest complaint is how they ended the first season, and took out Odin. It makes the entire first season a prelude to the actual show getting started.
That’s my biggest complaint as well. But it does make sense in a way, for viewers who are unfamiliar with the mythology it’s a nice way to ease them into the general weirdness.
Saved forever that one is
Well, it’s not like Obama spent eight years stirring up racial tensions or anything.
(James Earl Jones Voice) This is CNN
Progs can smell a top man from a young age.
Indeed. The child has been graced and must now embark on a lifepath of gov’t service.
To be fair the child still has more mental maturity than your average prog.
I’m confused. Shouldn’t this be in their lifestyles section or something?
It has nothing to do with politics. Though, if he really is good with babies, that would explain why he did so well with millennials. 😉
Said the man backed up by almost completely unrestrained armed security. Ordinary people have been arrested for threats like that. Even if joking. His armed guards have even less sense of humor that Preet does.
Well, that’s to be expected from the guy who cracked a joke about killing the Jonas Brothers with predator drones if they got too close to his daughters while innocent people in the Middle East were being blasted to a pulp by such drones.
“US actor Nelsan Ellis, who starred in the popular HBO series True Blood, has died aged 39, his manager confirmed.
Ellis, best known for playing the flamboyant Lafayette Reynolds in the horror-drama series, died after complications from heart failure.”
Saw that. I liked that show for awhile but gave up after a couple seasons. He was good on it.
It started out really well, then the crazy catlady Wiccan pandering started around the 4th season, not to mention Lafayette getting possessed constantly.
Feel free to ignore all of this and post kitten and puppy videos.
Smarty dogs.
I for one welcome I future canine overlords.
How about some stupid dogs to balance out?
Fair enough, I’m a cat person myself and am convinced the only reason (drink) that cats don’t rule with an iron paw is their laziness and lack of opposable digits.
“Unused Confetti from Hillary ‘Victory’ Party Honored as Feminist Art
Burson said this exhibit would travel next to Colorado in December. She plans to make 1,000 snowglobes with the leftover confetti and sell them and give the funds to Planned Parenthood.”
Snowglobes for snowflakes?
She should fill them with little figurines of Hillary in the Russian wilderness.
Snowglobe with a glass ceiling Hiliary is forever trapped under.
I hope it’s soundproof.
The ones with trump’s confetti leak.
Nice. I hope it comes with a cloth so they can wipe the dust off.
I would prefer to see Hiliary imprisioned in one of those 2-D flying square glass thingies like on Superman II.
More feminist art
Will the liquid the confetti is suspended in be the tears those people had when she lost, if so I would like whichever one had either thr Young Turks, or Rachel Maddow.
I wish I could get some of that confetti so I could roll around in it like it’s a pile of freshly-rained Benjamins.
I’m still trying to figure out why they decided the profits derived from Hillary losing should go to fund abortions.
There’s something there, but I just woke up and am not yet clever enough to tie everything together.
No baby should have to suffer the indignity and oppression of living under Trump?
She cut a deal with Planned Parenthood and they will save dead baby parts for her next snow globe art venture.
Barf. I wish I didn’t have such a vivid imagination!
You all just brainstormed a better product and marketing angle in a matter of minutes.
“Inevitable: Argument over whether Star Wars or Star Trek is better ends in assault, knife wound”
Assault knives, sounds like we need common sense knife control!
Nice, good to see some fellow nerds embrace their clumsy-violent side.
Also ST>SW
DS9> all other Treks
I’m trying to revisit DS 9, but the acting is just god-awful to the point of being distracting.
I always found Sisko a little too theatrical but otherwise I don’t see any problems with the acting? He’s right, it is the best Trek.
Are you assuming my gender shit-lord?/
I enjoyed his haminess, especially when he got to show it off, the Bashear spy episode comes to mind. And Garek is probably one of the most complex characters in ST, besides being my favorite. ‘In the Pale Moonlight’ is my favorite DS9 episode, for that reason.
I actually almost wrote “Rick” instead, for that exact reason.
“FAKE!” Yeah, that’s a good one. Garek is my favorite too.
For the record, I’m a dude. But what would glibs be without a little ribbing? Honestly DS9 was the one trek series where I think the alien characters outshone the humans in their quality and story arcs.
The first season is admittedly rough, but it was the first post-Roddenberry show, so there were going to be some wrinkles. I personally love it from season 3 onward, the Dominion War really served as a great vehicle for dismantling the utopian vision that Roddenberry had built, and despite being a bunch of heels the Ferangi get fleshed out rather nicely as well.
The first season of DS9, while definitely not that great, is still light years better than the early episodes of TNG. I’m actually kind of amazed it survived long enough to get its groove and become something decent.
Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to be seeing “shows that take a few seasons to actually find their footing” much anymore. Unless it’s a hit to begin with it’s not going to get continued funding, and if there’s still interest in the topic it’ll be rebooted instead.
Firefly is better
Concur, but also it got screwed out of becoming the classic it should have been.
Well, Firefly was bleeding and cauterized wounds just about EVERY episode. What’s not to like?
Sadly, with hindsight, I suspect Firefly would have gone more Whedon, less Minear as the seasons stretched out and it would have ended up totally woke. We’d be seeing editorials with Wesley Crusher defending Kaylee’s decision to transition into a vegetarian dinosaur or something. And there’d be a reconciliation between Mal and Saffron, where she helps reform himself from being a shitlord.
All of the BSG universe actually. I rewatch BSG again every so often.
Far Out Space Nuts
I was unaware of that particular show. Looks interesting. It’s queued.
Farscape > all
Meet Grant Wood’s Sister, the Woman Made Famous by “American Gothic”
The painter gave his sibling Nan a makeover in his alluring portrait of her
“…Nan Wood Graham’s image also stirred up some meanness. “When American Gothic was first shown in 1930, there were critics who said that she looked like the missing link, that her face would turn milk sour,” says Wood biographer R. Tripp Evans. The following year, as a sort of apology, Grant painted Portrait of Nan, one of his most intriguing works. “It’s really kind of a love letter from Grant to his sister,” says Evans. “He adored Nan. And it’s a painting that he felt very close to as well, one of very few of his mature paintings that he kept for himself.””
(Hint: I’m kind of setting up a punch line here, don’t leave me hanging, thank you)
Nan, Grant, and their mother all shared a living space, a tiny garret in Cedar Rapids; they were very close-knit. We visited there last weekend and it was, for me, a holy pilgrimage.
Well, I like the way the viewer can tell what the picture is of, which was contrary to many artistic trends at the time.
But you’ve made me feel uncomfortable with trying to set up my dirty joke.
Aww, sorry. Go for it anyway, you’re among perverted friends. Is it a variant of The Aristocrats?
*Sigh*…I post the story above, and someone replies “Wood.” But setting up a joke here is like herding cats.
No one will grant you that wood.
Good lord, Eddie, quit pouting.
Nothing against Eddie, but I wouldn’t.
We are libertarians, we don’t do very well with doing what other people want.
And THIS is why we can’t have nice things, like electoral victories.
That’s Grant Wood’s portrait of his mother. We saw this in person last week and when you can get close and really observe the technique and the feeling, it’s profound.
Not bad, better than Whistler’s.
“Report: MSM Networks Intentionally Misspell Words To Increase TV Ratings”
So they are truly attention whores in the purest sense? who would have guessed?
Such a cunning stunt.
you mean stunning cunt?
Guess I should’ve said NO Spoilers.
That’s how I read it.
Then again I see that word in almost every other sentence.
I heard about that. Turns out they found someone even dumber than them to measure their success. Nielson < CBS Evening Nws
Next up, Press the Meat, followed by Starring with the Dunces, then it’s Big Bong Theory…
So the reason they freaked out over ‘cofveve’ was because they were upset trump was using their playbook?
I used Covfefe in a text to a client last week, he loved it, and understood the context, perfect!
“400-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.”
WRT the goat article.
Public sector unions are an unfettered evil and need to be destroyed.
I’ve brought this up to “progressives” before, and they have never had a rebuttal; they’ve just gotten uncomfortable and moved on to another subject. I think most of them aren’t even aware that there’s big money in big government, and the Democrats are raking it in from these public sector unions.
I even brought it up when police violence was being discussed (since the police union always protect these uniformed shitbags who commit outright murder) and the response I got was “well, I think that might be part of the problem, but the bigger problem is racism in our society and blah blah blah“…
“Video: Transgender Antifa Talks, Behaves Like Man Until Victim Throws Counter Punch”
That person doesn’t look or sound transgendered to me.
Milo still around?
Around, getting published, staging a comeback. He went quieter, but not silent after the controversy, however as media savvy as he is, I suspect it’s only going to be a bit while longer before he’s back on the circuit.
I still think Twitter banning him was complete bullshit.
I think Twitter banning him was Twitter being Twitter.
Even at the time, it was clear that in MY’s terms, it was a huge win for him. If I had been a new messaging firm dedicated to free speech forever, I would have tried to get him to endorse my platform, but that’s just my entrepreneurial spirit speaking.
He lost a shit-ton of money on that book deal that apparently fell thru before he could get the fat advance he was expecting.
Yeah, he’s plowing ahead with a different publisher, but the book lost a lot of momentum.
Still gay as well?
And still a troll:
Very much so. Try asking Simon & Schuster’s legal department
Ok, so I went full rant over at HnR about the Maddow affair. Here it is, sans links:
So, yesterday I was wondering how the media would cover the latest conspiracy theory treatment from Rachel Maddow.
Would they heap scorn on a progressive talk show icon for failing to do simple fact-checking – like calling the intercept to find out more about what they knew about the documents they published?
In a word…. No.
Newsweek is credulously running with her conspiracy theory version.
“We believe now that the real story we have stumbled upon here is that somebody out there is shopping carefully forged documents to try to discredit news agencies reporting on the Russian attack on our election,” Maddow said, according to Mediaite. “And specifically on the possibility that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russians in mounting that attack.”
Huffington Post predictably lauds her as a hero.
So does Salon.
Salon actually ends their article like this:
In the words of Amy Siskind, the President and Co-Founder of The New Agenda, “this is a very well orchestrated effort to hurt our media and dull their voice.” She added that “I’ve seen videos from past years of my tv appearance doctored — and/or storylines manufactured to weaken me as a voice for the Resistance.”
Siskind ends with a warning that could have come from Maddow herself:
“If you see something that strikes you odd or out of character, be woke — this is happening.”
Yes, I really cut and pasted that. I didn’t doctor it to make it look worse. Be woke, ya’ll!
At least the big boys are covering the real story, right? Right, Washington Post?
It is a credit to Maddow’s sense of fairness that she — as vocal a Trump critic as there is — exercised enough restraint and skepticism to sniff out an elaborate hoax that she might have wished were true. Maddow likely was targeted on the premise that she personifies a press corps so bent on destroying Trump that it will publish any incriminating information it encounters without proper journalistic rigor.
That she didn’t publish is evidence that caricatures of what Sean Hannity calls the “alt-radical-left-propaganda-destroy-Trump media” (catchy, right?) are a bit inflated.
But there is no glory in avoiding a mistake. There is only shame in making one, and it appears that bad-faith sources are working hard to increase the media’s error rate.
So, if you didn’t read Greenwald’s column yet, now would be a good time to go back and get the facts. He’s way too measured in his critique of Maddow, but the result is the same, nonetheless.
Maddow takes pains to “prove” that a source inside the administration created and disseminated this forgery as a false leak to discredit legitimate news organizations (like the Maddow Show). Only, Greenwald easily shows that it isn’t true.
The Daily Mail goes all in on Maddow’s conspiracy theory. They publish her (already disproven by Glenn Greenwald) conspiracy theory with breathless credulity.
I know…. not exactly the least likely paper to get taken in with a cock-and-bull story. Still, they published it hours after the Greenwald article went up, and have updated it since. At any moment they could put “oops, this is all hokum” on the story. Instead, they are all-in, graphics and all.
And in a move that was also used by several of the other sources, they tied the whole thing to the CNN affair of last week:
Just last week, three CNN reporters resigned over a story which tied a Russian investment fund with Trump officials turned out to be false.
CNN later said that the story was based off of a single anonymous source, and in retrospect the story ‘did not meet CNN’s editorial standards’.
It’s unclear whether the anonymous source behind the CNN story was in any way related to the Maddow leaker.
That’s how they end their story. Leaving the suggestion that a Trump campaign operative brought down the CNN team with a fake leak.
When we already know that the “leaker” Maddow used was some random guy on the internet who knows how to download documents posted at “The Intercept”.
So the news cycle has spoken. Even though “The Intercept” itself did a thorough (but gentle) takedown of the Maddow story, the News Cycle has decided that the real story here is that Maddow is a Hero of Journalism and Defender of Truth against the Evil Trump Empire!
Maddow’s crime was confirmation bias… she wanted desperately for Trump to be the evil in the world. So even though they figured out that the story was a fake, they ran with “the leaker has to be a false flag operation”! Even though a simple google search gave them everything they needed to disprove that version too, they ignored what their eyes were telling them and found tiny discrepancies that they thought proved their conjecture.
Which a simple phone call or email to “The Intercept” could have dispelled. But they didn’t make that call.
Even after Greenwald contacted them, you can see how deep the bias runs. They can’t even comprehend what Greenwald is telling them. They have no clue that the details they have been harping on prove that their “leaker” is some random dude on the internet. They can’t slow down for 5 minutes and see the real facts, even after he questions them about things like “why didn’t you just call me?”
And in an ironic fit, media organizations around the world cover her message of “staying woke” to the threat of fake leaks. They gleefully laud her for reminding everyone to do their due diligence on every story.
In a story that is all about Maddow not doing the simplest of due dilligence. And all of the media organizations that repeated her story…. not doing their due dilligence. Not one of them actually checked her facts. They just repeated them as gospel.
All they had to do was download a copy of the document published days earlier on The Intercept and do a compare – and they would have seen that the “fake leaker” obtained his document from The Intercept website. The “timestamp” thing that was so important to Maddow’s story could have been checked without even using a compare tool.
Alanis Morrissette should write a song about that.
So their stories of Russian hacking aren’t panning out…so the new story is “Trump tricks us into believing there was Russian hacking in an insidious plan to discredit the media!”
Have I missed something?
He tried to trick them into doing their allegedjobs.
Thanks, Ken.
As they shouldn’t need to. Everyone knows that she’s a fucking genius because of the credentialism of Stanford, Rhodes Scholarship, and Oxford.
Obligatory – Rachel Maddow, Your Imaginary Girlfriend
how bout no?
I’m trying really hard not to say something unfair about you right now for making me read that.
It is worse than SugarFree.
I think Sugarfree was the one who originally linked to it it years ago on TSTNBN. It’s been burned into my memory ever since.
Although it might have been Episiarch, can’t remember.
Speaking of Sugarfree, I think I found his cousin:
I am a better person for having read that.
I am calling bullshit. Going to the park, be back later.
I had forgotten it. Thanks for bringing it back, asshole.
I read sugar free and nothing has made my skin crawl like this.
I think I’d rather take a vow of celibacy.
Living Room
Your girlfriend Rachel Maddow is sitting on the couch. She’s just picked up the New York Times crossword puzzle and is rolling a chewed up pencil between her fingers.
>take pencil
You take the pencil out of Rachel Maddow’s grasping fingers.
>kill with pencil
Kill what with the pencil?
>kill self with pencil
You repeatedly stab yourself with the pencil, as a horrified Rachel Maddow looks on. As the lifeblood slowly oozes from your body, a small smile creeps slowly onto your dying lips. You have finally escaped your worst nightmare.
+1 grue
I’d rather date a gru.
Well, I’m sure that a statistically significant percentage of them are truly despicable.
I just get a laugh out of “The Resistance”. These people have their heads so far up their asses they wouldn’t recongize the for-real kinds of oppression that they would like to impose on the rest of us. You know, the kind that people have to risk their lives for, not just knit pussy hats.
I don’t think this is that complicated
MSNBC is incompetent. Media failing to fact check before reporting, is incompetent. And it means their own audience can’t trust them.
They can make up all the conspiracy stories they want, but they wouldn’t get fooled if they weren’t so incredibly credulous and incompetent in the first place.
That Texas liquor agency story is infuriating….
Any regulator involved in that case should have to pay personal damages to Spec’s Liquor equivalent to the three years of salary and benefits they received during the course of their sham investigation. Even if they have to liquidate assets and are left homeless. Fuck the leeches on society that are bureaucrats.
At the moment, Specs is stuck with over a million dollars in legal fees. To prove themselves innocent against remarkably bogus charges. And IF they recover, you know who’s actually on the hook, and it’s not the TABC jackboots.
But on the bright side, it’s a useful story for arguing the libertarian case. Even the proggiest of progs will have to admit that overreaching government was a problem (even if only “well, at least this time”).
Jesus, that is insane.
I saw that they spent a million defending themselves, Incredible. Taxpayers being on the hook for the misdeeds of jackboots needs to end. It is out right criminality to pull charges out of their ass and then demand a settlement from a business. I would think/hope that is not a bureau policy, therefore I would argue, the state is not liable. Those are personal decisions of individual jackboots who have no business collecting a paycheck from the state.
“Even the proggiest of proggies will have to admit…”
Aren’t you the optimist.
Some years back I tried this approach with one of the lefty trolls at TSTSNBN.
“Lets start with the basics. Health is better than illness. Wealth is better than poverty. Honesty is better than lying. Freedom is better than slavery. etc”
What I got back was a long, convoluted screed rationalizing that up is down, that all of those premises were wrong. Remember Krugman’s nonsense that higher taxes and choking regulations were good for business because it makes them stronger? yeah, that kind of shit. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY is how they think.
They aren’t going to admit to anything.
As a Romanian the notion of not being able to buy any kind of booze in basically any store at any hour on any day is strange.
I remember being very angry in Barcelona when I got to the register with a sixpack of their shitty Spanish beer at 23:02 and they told me the cant sell alcohol after 11.
The funny part is the the city was full of immigrant guys hawking cans of beer on the street and the local were upset at this practice.
As an American I find it strange as well. It is also dumb.
Yeah, the liquor stores around here all close at 9 and you can’t buy beer beer after midnight, but the bars are open until 2 A.M. So the state makes it easier to go out and drink, rather than quietly sitting at home getting drunk. When I point out the incongruity of this, people look at me like I grew a second head.
I spent ten minutes at the grocery store ranting because they lock up the booze at 6 pm here on Sundays due to a local regulation (affluent suburb in Massachusetts). What is the world coming too?
What is the world coming too?
We’re all coming, get used to it.
You’re lucky. Only a few grocery stores in Massholestan are allowed to sell alcohol at all. Stupid Masshole voters even defeated a referendum to make grocery store sales of wine and beer legal a few years ago
Some places are just more free than others.
And Anderson isn’t being brought up on perjury charges.
From the story I get the notion that that particular business is not the only one that has been victimized. A lot of agencies are infested with people who see their role as adversarial to the people subject to their regulation. Look at the detestable EPA. This is what happens when people see themselves as rulers instead of public servants. Not long ago we had a case here like that. A health inspector for the city that actively tried to keep new restaurants from opening by throwing every obstacle in their way that he could until their money ran out. The city couldn’t fire the guy because of civil service rules so the city attorney’s office finally assigned the guy to head paper clip inventorier. The restaurants are opening but the tax payers are still on the hook for the guys salary and pension.
Leeches indeed.
Vascular Solutions has a lot of offices a few hundred yards to my house. They have grown their company from one office to multiple offices. Should be a nice story about a company making good. Wrong!
The Feds went after the CEO big time. They spent $25M preparing their case and ended up not calling a single defense witness because it was such a weak case.
Since then the CEO has resigned. He said that he was worried that he would be accused again and found guilty.
I’ll bet those goats aren’t even paid a living wage.
Some Oregon derp.
“Portland’s rule requiring landlords to pay relocation costs to renters ” ok this is particularly stupid even as renting laws go
His strongly-worded ruling marked a major loss for landlords.
But not for renters. Lol.
Man there’s gonna be some bad luck hitting the Portland rental market for sure.
I see that point was made in the comments a few times. Politicians think a raise in the cost of doing business won’t raise the cost of the service for the users of the service?
Reminds me of when I got into a discussion with a Co-worker over a zoo arts and parks tax that got passed. She told me that I shouldn’t worry, since I rented and it was a property tax, I wouldn’t have to pay.
She sounds smart
Yeah, that’s about where the conversation ended.
My dad does the same thing, from a conservative POV.
He complains that renters don’t pay property taxes, and therefore such taxes are unfair.
Yep, renters shouldn’t be able to vote on property tax issues. I’ve encountered that many times.
I’ve seen the “renters shouldn’t vote” argument here on this site.
Interestingly, some of the earliest laws on voting in the U.S., while restricting the franchise to free males, generally allowed non-citizens and renters to vote, provided that they held residency in the place where they were voting.
It is funny because he otherwise recognizes that taxes and regulations raise prices for businesses and customers.
The last time he said it I mentioned the parallels and haven’t heard that argument since, but who knows.
Forget it man, it’s Portland.
My buddy lived there for a few years. He referred to it as ‘North Berkeley’.
I do love Oregon and will probably wind up back there soon to settle down (outside of Portland). The politics kills me sometimes but I have some close friends and family there who are libertarians that I can rally for our eventual takeover.
Get them to build the stockade and murderous spike-filled ha-has before you actually get there.
Only if they want to.
I do question what is this supposed to mean. How can you evict someone “without cause”? Don’t they have leases?
As a former landlord I can assure you that renters are not evicted without cause. paying customers are always welcome. Vandals and non-payers, not so much.
So, FUD. I thought as much.
My IANAL guess on that: suppose you have a one-year lease, the landlord decides to sell the place, move in his mother-in-law, tear it down and build a new complex, whatever. He does not renew and tells you to leave. You don’t, but make reasonable efforts to continue paying rent, so eviction proceeds.
This assumes the landlord follows any lease-termination requirements.
The plan was to move the mother-in-law in, then begin tearing down the building. Right?
If he’s smart, yes.
Disclaimer: My m-i-l was an absolutely wonderful lady whom I miss greatly. Now SP won’t try castrating me with a rusty tin can lid.
Selling the place first then tearing it down is the real ballsy bit.
Yeah, so that’s not an eviction. I can’t imagine what the article is claiming except “shit that never happens”.
So your standard argument for adding new regulations?
I should look things up first.
Notice of Termination Without Cause
Even if you have not violated the rental agreement and have not been late paying rent, a landlord can usually ask you to move out at any time (assuming you don’t have a fixed term lease) as long as the landlord gives you a longer notice period.
A 30-Day Notice to Vacate or a 60-Day Notice to Vacate to terminate a tenancy can be used in most states when the landlord does not have a reason to end the tenancy. (The length of the required notice can be slightly longer or shorter in some states.)
Rent Control Exceptions. Many rent control cities, however, go beyond state laws and require the landlord to prove a legally recognized reason for termination. These laws are known as “just cause eviction protection.” (Tenants in only a couple of states — New Jersey and New Hampshire — also enjoy just cause eviction protection.)
Excerpted from Nolo http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/evictions-renters-tenants-rights-29824.html
I guess if one is stupid enough to rent without a lease you can sort of squint and call that “eviction without cause” but who does that?!
People who need glasses since they are squinting that much?
There’s also the end of a common one year lease. Most of the ones I’ve seen (and signed) say that if a renewal or new lease is not agreed to at the end of the year, it automatically goes month to month.
Here in SF you cannot just tell a tenant to leave after their lease is up. Even if you expressly rent to them for a certain fixed time, at the end of that period they can simply decide to stay on. And the ejits here wonder why rents are so expensive.
I’m into fragmentalist art myself.
Dynamite art?
So some guy made a stupid meme about Trump and CNN and when people comment on it he screams that he is not getting credit. For some reason this amuses me.
More porkbarrel BS for the worst airport in America. The entire airport was/is nothing but one giant porkbarrel, corrupt exercise in cronyism in the first place, why not keep up the tradition? Glad to see some of the airlines and tenants are pushing back.
I always figured D.I.A is what your get when you mash D.O.A and M.I.A.
I’m surprised progs don’t yap about airline routes like they do roadzzzz.
I don’t know if they get the worst airport designation. Have you ever been to Lagaurdia, Kennedy, Dulles, LAX……….
I rarely have to go through security at DIA though. I get that done elsewhere and just pass through.
Heathrow. Nowhere else have been required to queue in what amounted to a hallway closet.
Ya, Heathrow is godawful. I hated flying through there. The longest queues and most rude dumb asses in line though has to be Dubai. I was traveling through there once with four Canadian dudes. Emirates oversold our flight so to the counter we went. Over the 5 hour wait in the hundred meter long line the Indian dude behind us was slowly inching his massive pile of belongings in front of us so he could cut. I thought my companions were going to drop gloves and jersey over the head that asshole a few times.
Amazing how effective it is in situations like this to calmly turn around and bluntly state “keep your belongings behind us.”
Isn’t that airport like monstrously huge? I saw a map once and it looked bigger than the rest of the city.
It has to be to have the secret aerial swastika.
It really sucks if you can’t walk very well like me. The United terminal is an extremely long corridor, without any ‘tram’ or ‘light rail’ alongside as most airports designed this way would have. No, it’s a long series of ‘people-movers’ (flat escalator-type conveyors) that are broken up by large malls of shops and restaurants. If you’ve got only 30 minutes to make your connection, and you aren’t able to snag one of the guys with the little golf-cart cars (which there aren’t nearly enough of, and seem to be taken mostly by fat people, not elderly or handicapped) you are pretty hosed. And no, they won’t hold the flight an extra minute for you, because there’s another one you can take in just six hours!
On the other hand, DIA does have what is probably the last bar you can smoke in an airport throughout the USA. I’m sure they’ll close it soon, but it’s usually packed with people and must turn over money like you wouldn’t believe. Boy does it reek as well — it’s amazing it took such little time to forget what a smoky bar was like.
I had thought they closed all the smoking bars at DIA. A quick search said there is one left until 2018 when their lease is up. I remember when they closed the one on the United concourse because I was pissed. I was still a smoker back then. And ya, they reek. The food and coffee was awful, but they had beer. The place was often standing room only. They had to be making money hand over fist but closed because the mayor “asked them to”. It didn’t make sense to me.
I also know what you mean about the length of the United concourse. I have more than once landed in the small plane ground level and have had to get to the other end for a connection. I always try to have an hour or two layover. It takes the stress out of traveling because they are not on time more than they are on time.
Letters to the Local Rag (These People Vote)
Someone who doesn’t understand the difference between million and billion.
A million is like what… 1/2 of a billion?
the latest conspiracy theory treatment from Rachel Maddow.
Another thing I know nothing about.
Gotta grab good news on 1A when you can find it.
“The panel majority concluded that the police officers were entitled to qualified immunity, because the right involved here wasn’t clearly enough established”
Ha! Found the nut punch.
Worst joke in modern law: “qualified” immunity
Although, “certificate of need” is not far behind
Be woke, ya’ll!
Boy am I ever glad we’ve got crack economists and Top. Men. on this! It only took them 8 years to figure out what an undergraduate economics student could have told you in 10 minutes!
In Romania similar programs were sold as a way to replace old cars with newer safer less polluting ones, not as kyensian stimulus
Do the so-called “Keynesians” really believe this shit? Or do they know it’s bullshit, but don’t care? I have a very hard time understanding how anybody could think that destroying perfectly functioning cars would somehow make us more wealthy.
Or that the energy required to gather resources and construct a new vehicle is less than having a somewhat less efficient one.
They know and dont care.
I challenge anyone to give an example of anything Obama and Co. did that was not intended to be destructive to the country. They knew what they were doing and did it deliberately.
In the long run, we’re all dead.
Jesus, Hihn infected FEE!
I’ve also seen him on Mises.
Oh man, those poor sites. I wonder if he finds everyone in those comment sections to be aggressive goobers too?
Oh yeah, they do.
I have also seen him as Niskanen (sp) center.
Characterizing him as a disease is more accurate than we thought.
What name, Mike Hihn? Are you some kind of goober?
Catbutting Hihn would be glorious.
For any mammals looking to beg for mercy, or just want to peruse a large collection of your inferior weaponry, I will be at the Palmetto Gun Show. Look for the large reptile.
Looking for antiques or is your advanced weaponry unreliable?
Wait are lizard allowed in Florida?
Palmerston is South Carolina, I believe.
That should be “Palmetto”, of course; fucking auto-correct.
Palmetto is a city in Manatee County, Florida, United States.
given Manatee County, to me it not just sounds like Florida but very Florida
Considering the story I found within a few minutes, you would be correct
Allowed? You can’t walk anywhere without nearly stepping on one.
This is funny because there are so many companies like this in Boulder. They are like lilacs, they bloom extravagantly, then die very quickly. The turnover for these startups makes me wonder who in the hell keeps funding them.
I don’t see that many in these parts, but I know the types of people. I suspect that a lot of them get their money from co-signed loans with their parents and/or grant money.
Things like having food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and healthcare are boring and stupid, like old people.
That’s pretty funny, I needed that.
Damn. I should try that myself. And hire only women, because we have to fight the patriarchy somehow. Yes, an office full of 23 year old women…
Have you ever worked in an office with mostly women?
Does a department that is mostly women count? If so, then yes.
Yeah, and I have the fighting over the thermostat to prove it.
I used to work in an office (actually one of those modular “trailer” buildings) and it was me, two other males, and about ten women. The thermostat was in my office. And for some reason, the climate control was totally wonky; no matter where the thermostat would be set, a few offices would be fine, a few would be blazing, and some would be freezing. It seemed completely random. I never touched the thermostat, but I had women marching into my office every ten minutes saying, “what did you do to the thermostat? It’s freezing/sweltering in my office! Turn it up/down!!”
Ah, I remember the late ’90s, when this wasn’t satire.
Hilarious, though.
Letter to the Local Rag
Checks and balances apparently means caving to the executive.
Obviously if the right TOP MAN is in position then that is all that matters.
Well, Obama was the Messiah and McConnell was Judas. So I can see his point.
This sort of goes into what I talked about yesterday about Reason writers, but it seems like everyone in the establishment R leadership is deathly afraid of being looked at as backwater hillbillies. Guess what, you idiots: no matter that you do or say, there will be a huge group of folks that will always look at you as backwater hillbillies, no matter how much you capitulate. Why is it that only the conservative wing (and increasingly, Trump) understands this concept?
Checks like in boxes or checks like in hockey?
Progs are one zany tribe.
And not in the fun way either.
No difference between them and the evangelicals of the 19th/20th century who helped being the process of enacting regressive drug laws.
True, and they get incredibly upset when you tell them that.
He destroyed checks and balances by checking another branch of government. That is interesting.
Any Glibs feel like guinea pigging the Cabergoline treatment? For SCIENCE! of course.
Wouldn’t it be glorious, if a minute or so after that supreme moment, you could lie there and scold her for the fact you only had ONE!
“Bitch, please, I can sit in a park and have as much fun watching the pigeons!”
My handpicked 2024 tabula rasa Democratic candidate (running for Michigan governor next year) spreading TED gibberish about how poverty, FOOD DESERTS!, and RACISM! are to blame for poor health outcomes. A lesson on how even a Rhodes Scholar can become your idiot next door when exposed to critical racial theory.
Cue Benny Hill chase music
Well, it is at U of M.
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Hm. Never heard of it.
I think it’s for kids with special needs.
Well that sounds nice. Maybe they can get those special kids some exercise by organizing a football team?
“Food deserts”… I love those.
I live in an official USDA food desert. Within this food desert is a Kroger supermarket, a family-owned market that sells all kinds of local foodstuffs, and some kind of bulk “natural” food store.
In Romania similar programs were sold as a way to replace old cars with newer safer less polluting ones, not as kyensian stimulus
When I was in Australia (early ’90s) I was talking to a guy about cars (!) and I said I had a twenty year old BMW and a thirty five year old Austin Healey. He said something along the lines of, “Ooh, Mate, I’d love something like that, But I can’t afford an old car.”
In response to my WTF?, he told me the Australian govt, in order to prop up their domestic manufacturers, *raised* license fees as cars aged, to “incentivize” turnover. The old cars got shipped off to Malaysia or someplace.
Surprisingly, that approach didn’t work:
Surprising to who exactly?
No doubt all the politicians and social planners who advocated it.
My comment was sarc.
I figured, but I’ve heard that before so I had to say it.
Brooks. Do you still have the Healey? It would be cool to have two Glibertarian Healeys in Montana.
Progs are one zany tribe.
I’m pretty sure that’s racist.
“Trump seems to show no signs of extricating us from the Bush/Obama Undeclared Forever Wars.”
That may have just changed.
“US, Russia announce Syria cease-fire after Trump-Putin talks”
—-Associated Press
Trump’s Reaganesque/Bush Sr. willingness to shake hands with the devil if doing so is in American security interests (in stark contrast to Obamaesqe/Bush the Lesser’s neocon prudishness) means that Trump can make deals like this–and they are necessary first steps in bringing peace to a region.
I don’t know whether this ceasefire will hold, but if Trump can get Putin to use his sizable influence with Assad, Iran, and Hezbollah to get them to agree to a ceasefire in the first place, then we have moved squarely in the direction of being able to extricate ourselves from this forever war.
Trump campaigned on putting American interests first in regards to foreign policy in this way–he campaigned on working with Putin to accomplish precisely this.
Obama opposed working with Putin against ISIS for personal and ideological reasons (that he shared with Bush Jr.).
If Trump campaigned on doing this and if Trump then does what he promised to do and if it has the desired effect, then he gets credit for that in my book.
We haven’t had a competent President in, at least, 16 years. I don’t have to agree with a President in order for him to be competent. Competence is about having a good idea about what the consequences of something are likely to be, pursuing desired consequences with policy and management decisions, and getting the desired results. Instead of competence, the last two presidents gave us nothing but 16 years of pratfalls. We’ve come to anticipate incompetence, and that’s made it harder to notice competence when it’s happening.
Regardless, Trump is making smart moves that he campaigned on and they’re having the desired effects.
Only in response to the opening phrase.
Which phrase is that, and why is it funny?
I wanna see a drawdown in these fucked wars, but if Yemen is any future indicator, I’m not optimistic.
Yemen is a different situation.
Yemen is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, isn’t it?
It was more or less that way during the Cold War, too when South Yemen was on Iran and the USSR’s side, and North Yemen was backed by Saudi Arabia and, ultimately, the U.S.
This was all exacerbated by the Arab Spring, which scared the shit out of Iran. Tensions between Sunnis and Shia are high, especially because of what ISIS has done in Syria and Iraq, but they’ve lived together peacefully before, and they will again.
Forgive me for not being optimistic, but this is like what the 10th cease-fire? Wake me when this one holds for more than a week.
Obama repeatedly tried to get a cease fire. He failed miserably.
This was from one of Obama’s last attempts:
“Obama and Putin unable to reach cease-fire agreement for Syria”
Notice, Obama is basically blaming his own intransigence for the breakdown of ceasefire negotiations, and he’s blaming further bloodshed on the breakdown of those negotiations, as well.
I agree with Obama.
The Italian Prime Minister was always trying to broker a ceasefire in Syria, but he kept saying “mama mia, what’s-a Leppo?”
Gary Johnson was the prime minister of Italy!?
Wheels within wheels, man.
Rats within rats, which was also my dinner last night…
I warned you about eating at [insert name of restaurant unpopular with the commenters].
As mentioned elsewhere…. its hard for your “Ceasefires” to be effective when its the US and Russia declaring them, but the “War” is actually between “Syria and other Syrians” (and/or Iran-Hezbollah vs. Saudi/Gulf state proxies)
To be blunt that’s why I don’t expect much out of this one either.
Maybe it’s a stop fighting or we’ll both Nuke you kind of cease fire.
It works with my kids.
When did the U.S. announce a ceasefire before?
I suspect we’ve all been subject to the same Obama glorification news, and we’ve been given the impression of things happening that never happened.
There was a time when Putin announced a ceasefire, but that was without the United States’ participation–no U.S. backed rebels were a party to that agreement, which kinda defeats the whole purpose. Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and Assad all agreeing not to fire on each other didn’t accomplish much.
Again, Obama wasn’t willing to be a party to that negotiation for both ideological and personal reasons. The ideological reasons were mostly neocon ideas–you don’t shake hands with the devil. The personal reasons had to do with Putin making Obama look like an ass every time Obama tried to do anything–from saving Obama from his stupid red-line comment to negotiating with Iran.
Regardless, the United States, Jordan, and Russia agreeing not to fire on each other on behalf of the rebels, the Iranian National Guard, Hezbollah, and Assad is not like when the opposing parties are not in the agreement.
I don’t know if the ceasefire will hold, but when the parties that are shooting at each other are all parties to the agreement, that’s a ceasefire that has a fighting chance to hold.
Moral of the story is that this is the way wars are ended. The Syrian Civil War/Revolution will come to an end, and it will start with a ceasefire. Obama’s strategy of not working on such deals with Putin because Putin doesn’t respect gay rights in Moscow, always makes Obama look like a fool, and, besides, you shouldn’t make deals with the devil anyway was retarded horseshit.
When there is a ceasefire that holds, it will happen because we’re following Trump’s strategy–regardless of whether this is the one that holds.
Your first link further proves my point.
“America and Russia agreed to work towards a “nationwide ceasefire””
The media announced an agreement to negotiate a ceasefire as if it were a ceasefire.
It wasn’t. There was no ceasefire in 2015.
The media probably announced it that way because that’s the way Obama would announce thing. Obama himself would announce an agreement to negotiate a ceasefire as if it were a cease fire itself.
Your second link about the “ceasefire” in 2016 was announced a response to the political flack Obama took from announcing he was unable to get a ceasefire agreement a few days before.
That flack was a response to what Obama said in the Washington Post article I linked above, where Obama announced he couldn’t get a ceasefire.
That “ceasefire” agreement Obama announced in 2016 wasn’t really a ceasefire agreement–despite Obama calling it one. That’s because the “ceasefire” agreement allowed Russia and its allies to keep targeting terrorists–and Assad’s forces, Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and Russia consider all the rebels to be terrorists, not just the ones in ISIS.
That was typical Obama bluster. He announced it as a “ceasefire” to win the media war that week for domestic consumption. Obama can call it anything he wants, but a “ceasefire” that lets one side keep shooting, bombing, and shelling the other isn’t really a ceasefire–certainly not just because Obama says so.
I don’t think that’s what Trump’s ceasefire is doing. I think Trump’s is for real.
Whatever ken. You don’t seem to be saying anything at all except, “Trump good! Obama bad!”
As I said way above = the US and Russia are not technically the primary belligerents in this war.
Pretending that agreements made between the US and Russia are significant to the long-term objectives of Syria or the Rebels is idiotic, yet the media continues to pretend that we’re 1) not really at war, but 2) magically control other people’s civil wars
and all this is completely besides the point, because as noted below, the current ceasefire you’re touting as some significant change to how things have been done (it isn’t) only affects a tiny corner of a sprawling war
On this issue, Obama was particularly awful, and Trump is particularly good.
I don’t think suggesting that Obama was awful on Syria needs much qualification. From foolishly threatening Assad for crossing Obama’s red line and then erasing it, from arming rebels and seeing those arms fall into the hands of ISIS, etc., etc. Obama couldn’t didn’t do anything in Syria without making a fool of us all.
Obama’s biggest problems all seem to stem from his neocon sensibilities about not being able to deal with people who don’t have hearts as purse as gold. Obama was far more concerned with how LGBT are treated in Moscow than he was about whether partnering with Putin was in America’s best interests. It wasn’t just Putin either! Obama was like that with Duterte. Who cares what’s in America’s best interests–how Duterte was treating drug addicts in Manila was far more important to Obama. It was like that with Israel. Whether Bibi was tearing down settlements in the occupied territories was far more important to him than whether our relationship with Israel was of any strategic importance to American security.
When Trump ran on putting America first, this is the kind of thing he was talking about. It’s a return to Reagan era pragmatism–which is exactly what we need in order to get shit done and get it done right. If it’s in America’s best interests to deal with Pinochet or Putin, then that’s what we should do. Rigid ideology led Obama to do stupid things–like draw red lines with his mouth that he couldn’t and shouldn’t cash. Pragmatism led Reagan to bug the fuck out of Lebanon while the getting was good.
If Pragmatism leads Trump to do smart things like make real ceasefire agreements with Putin, then, yeah, Trump is head and shoulders superior to Obama on the issue of foreign policy. I should add that the sooner a ceasefire there takes hold and spreads, the sooner Syria comes completely off America’s agenda. And it seems to me that this is exactly what Trump is trying to do–get Syria off our agenda. If we can’t get rid of Assad, then Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia getting rid of ISIS in Syria means we won’t have to worry about ISIS in Syria anymore.
which is a bizarre conclusion from “diplomatic behavior that is literally no different than what has happened many times over the past 5 years”
especially considering that facts on the ground don’t lend themselves to any particular optimism.
i don’t even read most of your comments, ken, because unless you can talk about the specifics of the situation, all the hemming and hawing about historical analogies is pointless.
That isn’t a bizarre conclusion. This ceasefire isn’t like the others. The others either didn’t include the other sides or it was never a “ceasefire”.
Here’s the BBC on the day of your “ceasefire” announcement:
Later in the same article:
It was simply never a ceasefire–certainly not because Obama said so.
Obama didn’t want to walk away from a meeting empty handed because that looks bad on TV, so he pulled something out of his ass and announced it as “ceasefire”–but it was never any such thing, not just because Obama said so and his adoring fans in the media parroted him.
What Trump is doing isn’t anything like that.
Which makes him worse than Hitler.
Somehow, everything he does seems to make him worse than Hitler.
I don’t know whether this ceasefire will hold
This time, Lucy won’t pull the football away at the last second, right?
I’ll take the “under” on 72 hours.
If peace ever comes to Syria, it will necessarily have to start with a ceasefire.
That’s the way peace happens.
That Trump was able to get an agreement from Russia, to whom the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah, and Assad are all ultimately beholden, by pursuing his campaign promises and the strategy he mapped out during the campaign, then he gets credit for that.
If the ceasefire holds and spreads throughout Syria, then Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
If the present ceasefire doesn’t hold, the negotiations will continue. Military force (like lawsuits) are ultimately leverage in a negotiation. That Trump is able to negotiate and form agreements with the players means he’s a vast improvement over his predecessor and is doing his best to do what is necessary to extract us from that situation.
I understand that fight against ISIS in Iraq isn’t going badly either.
It’s funny how so many on the intellectual right thought that because Trump never talked about diplomacy the “right way”, that his ideas would put us in threat of more wars and instability. I remember that screeching sound vividly.
*To be clear, I don’t mean those “banal” and “necessary” regime change wars, we can’t live without those! I mean utter nucleeeeaarrr catastrophe!
Remember that neocons aren’t really the old guard, Republican, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., right.
They’re neocons because they’re new to conservatism. Before they were conservatives, they were Marxists.
Before Barry Goldwater, the right was still isolationist. Barry Goldwater changed that by saying that communism was such an existential threat to the United States, our Constitution, capitalism, and our rights, that you couldn’t properly defend those things and be an isolationist anymore. Vietnam made it clear that proxies were preferable to direct confrontation and then Kissinger, McNamara, Reagan, Kirkpatrick, Shultz, Scowcroft, Bush Sr. and Baker used pragamtism and proxies to stop communist expansion from Chile to Israel and from Afghanistan to Angola–and that’s half the reason we won the Cold War.
Trump is returning to the pragmatism that helped us win us the Cold War.
Using someone like Putin to further our goals is not unlike using Pinochet. When we stop thinking of Putin like he’s Brezhnev and start thinking of Putin like he’s Pinochet, things start to make a lot of sense–unless you’re a necon. If you’re a neocon, finding a way to overthrow Putin is more important than anything, and you can never accept leadership by Assad over those who rebelled against him–regardless of what’s in America’s immediate interests.
also, ken = this current ‘ceasefire’ thing? its purely limited to a specific region where there are multiple international forces mucking about. it has little to do with the larger war.
“”U.S.-Russian ceasefire deal holding in southwest Syria“”
there’s still plenty of actual fighting between Assad /anti-Assad forces happening in the east and in the north
what they’re talking about seems to be just a pocket around Daraa
I didn’t say Trump’s ceasefire will be the end of the war.
I did say that it hopefully holds and spreads. I said that If it does and brings peace to Syria, it’ll be such an epic achievement, Trump will be worthy of the Nobel peace prize (by which I meant to suggest that may not happen).
I did say that the Syrian Civil War/Revolution will end someday and that, when it does, the end will start with a ceasefire agreement like the one Trump negotiated.
I said that agreeing to a ceasefire is a necessary step to the Syrian war ending.
And I said Trump campaigned on doing exactly what he’s done.
what you say would sound “sort of conceptually plausible” to someone who has literally never paid any attention to this conflict before today, and had not already actually seen a half dozen similar exercises in “diplomacy from 50,000 feet” come and go.
its a temporary cease fire around a small corner of the conflict. that’s all.
there is no indication that the US is unilaterally ending their support for rebels, and that we’ve made any significant progress in coming to terms with Russia over how we think any post-conflict scenario should look.
if the war ends, it will be when Assad is overthrown, or rebels capitulate.
This is just TV-Diplomacy: its just an agreement so that the US and Russia can say “something happened” when they talked.
Pretending that something of great significance has occurred is silly. You can tack a lot of “if ->then” speculation on top of it, and make overblown historical comparisons … but it doesn’t really add up to any actual ‘analysis’ of what’s actually going on.
You’re arguing with voices in your head or something.
Much of what you believe seems to be about what Obama has told you–rather than anything that actually happened.
Do you believe that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, too?
NYT hyperventilates about vote hacking In the comments, we find this:
Robin Bay Area 23 minutes ago
These are the facts:
1. Russia hacked the election to get Trump in power.
2. Trump expresses admiration for Putin and downplays the hacking.
3. Trump meets with Putin with only the award winning friend of Russia, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov and 2 translators in attendance. They would not allow any US staff. We may never know what they discussed.
4. Putin has created a gangster state in Russia.
5. Polls show that the Democrats stand a good chance of winning the House and Senate, providing a power counter balance to Trump.
6. CNN reported on Thursday that FBI reports show that suspected Russian spies have been receiving US visas from the State Department (run by the Russian Order of Friendship winner, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson) and they have stepped up activity in the US.
7. The US election systems are decentralized by county, but could be vulnerable to local hacking by patient and industrious individuals trained in spycraft. Give them 1.5 years, serious damage could be done unless the systems were protected.
This is a national emergency.
Member when the Democrats bitched about how ridiculous claims of voter fraud were. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
‘Member when the Democrats laughed at Romney talking about Russia being our number one foe?
Pepperidge Farm indeed remembers that.
‘Member when Democrats dismissed any claims of election rigging and chastised Trump for even suggesting that?
There isnt a single word of truth in that. Ok, maybe No.4 but I dont know enough details to say. Aside from that, not one word is true.
I thought that the first part of #5 would’ve been true, but based on the current momentum even that might not happen. If the economy is good, they might actually lose seats, hilariously enough.
The rest of it is pure disinformation.
The idea that the Democrats can retake both houses (especially with the Senate map they have to run in*) in an off year election (GOP turnout in midterms is always better) without a truly terrible economy is dubious at best. The House is always fundamentally a local thing, and they’ll probably pick up some seats there, but there will not be a flip in the House.
Senate has 23 Democrats and 8 Republicans up for reelection. The Democratic Party has to defend Democrat Senators in the following Trump and Romney states: IN, MO, MT, ND, WV and in the following Trump states: FL, OH, PA, WI, MI. Plus they could very well go on the offensive in MN or VA, although that’s tough sledding in both cases.
Meanwhile the Republican’s have 8 seats, and only Nevada is vulnerable. The rest are in strongholds. Which means all their cash can go to offensive efforts. If they choose to write off Nevada entirely, they can trade Heller for new Republican Senators from IN, MO, MT, ND, WV, FL, and probably one and possibly two of OH, PA, WI, MI.
I think that ME is possibly in play, as well, because of how good the potential GOP nominee is there (Brakey). MN and VA will need the right candidate, preferably someone with the right rhetoric to drive base turnout, but without the scare factor of Corey Stewart’s gubernatorial campaign (He seems like he’s going to run for Kaine’s seat next year; I wouldn’t be surprised if he did better than anyone expects). As far as the House is concerned, all that the Right needs to do to hold all of the endangered seats is unite behind a Senate and Governor candidate in California and prevent two Democrat elections at the top of the ticket.
The situation is flipped from what it was years ago. This 2012 Senate class has so many Dems because the GOP ran all those shitty Tea Party candidates who were bad politicians. Now you have Representatives and Governors from the Republican victories in 2010 and 2012 who are seasoned politicians who won’t make the same mistake that the Todd Akins of the world made.
I have major problems with RINO types when they represent states that shouldn’t be electing them (Textbook example being McConnell or Cochran), but at the same time I’m strategical and pragmatic and believe that having a large tent is critical to pushing the GOP in a more libertarian direction. I’d rather have a moderate that can win an election and can support some libertarian ideas (like Heller and his nay on the Saudi Arms Deal) than someone that agrees with everything that I like and loses to a leftist. I think that the Tea Party base learned a lot from the mistakes of 2010 and 2012, and will pick their spots for primaries. I think that MO, ND, MT, and IN are ripe for a more conservative/libertarian-leaning senator.
I actually think that the only seat that I am 80% sure that the Dems will be able to hold is Manchin’s seat (if he isn’t primaried). He’s really sleazy, but he’s also very, very smart. He might be the only Democrat that has both 100% stayed away from the identity/intersectional shitshow that the rest of the left has put up and agreed to interview with Breitbart and other networks from the other side.
The issue with the Blue Dog thing is that for decades they’ve been able to say one thing at home, but when push comes to shove they vote with their party. Especially the Senators (I voted for cloture, but I voted against the actual bill, because I am a moderate Democrat!!!!). All those Blue Dogs got voted out because they voted for Obamacare, but they fell on their swords for the advancement of the left’s agenda.
Can the WV GOP successfully persuade the people of WV that the next time there is a Dem majority and a Dem President that Manchin is going to fall in line and do what he is told?
Possible, but it might be difficult in a sense. A lot of people don’t know this, but WV was historically a one-party Democratic state for about a century (explains the poverty, you see). Not proggies, mind you, but the segregationist (and later labor unionist) statists that we all “loved” at one time, you know, like the Exalted Cyclops himself, Robert Byrd. The in-state shift to the GOP has only happened in the last 10 years because of the insanity of the environmental left, but I’m sure that loyalties still exist to the right Democrats, like Manchin. It won’t be impossible, but it’ll take a really good candidate to pull a victory off.
The Tea Party candidates were sabotaged by the Republican estalbishmnet, which would rather have a Dem win than a Tea Party candidate.
I also think that Heller will be re-elected; his favored opponent (Rosen) only got elected to the house 6 months ago, and will be successfully portrayed as a craven opportunist that never actually cared about the constituents in the district that she ran and won in. I hope he pulls it off; he’s been shitty about healthcare (b/c Clinton won in his state), but he’s recently taken Rand Paul’s side about both the Saudi arms deal and surveillance state reform (nay on Courtney Elwood).
Real Link
I don’t think that person knows what facts are.
I am not a professional logician, but…. doesn’t the reality of #7 make the effect of #1 implausible?
making the rest of the whole chain effectively a meaningless collection of insinuations?
chain of meaningless insinuations, I didn’t realize Krugman wrote the article.
#7 is what everyone said when Trump claimed the election could be corrupted. Then he won.
#7 (paraphrase) = “our election systems are highly localized and basically impervious to ‘Hacking’ unless conducted on a hyper-localized basis, which makes any material effect exceedingly difficult to accomplish and would be easily discovered after the fact”
its actually the only truth in the entire list.
but if its true (it is), then #1 is basically impossible.
I believe His Holiness Barack made that exact argument after Trump would not say he would not unequivocally accept the results of the election during the last debate and then statied anyone who would think the election could be rigged was not fit to be President.
that sentence is kind of butchered, but you get the point.
That’s probably when I first noticed Trump’s ability to zig when everybody else was sure he would zag, thereby throwing them off their game.
I don’t think the Baltimore Democratic Party has ever been described in such competent terms before.
Have another. Howard Jarvis San Francisco 37 minutes ago
The US (through the CIA) has been interferring in foreign elections and trying to overthrow foreign leaders it didn’t like for decades under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Iran, Iraq, Cuba, South Viet Nam, communist Poland, Libya, Syria and Nicaragua are a few examples. The pot has no business calling the kettle black.
Personally, I am more concerned about the millionaires and billionaires in the US hijacking the democratic process with their massive campaign donations. It’s all legal, made possible by partisan members of the US Supreme Court in 2010 in the Citizens United case. Then there is the role played by members of AIPAC who have been buying the political loyalty of members of both parties.
That’s right. Money = votes.
Damn right we have the proof! Look at Hill…err…Oss…err…never mind. KKKoch!!
They must be real idiots then, because it’s the opposite party that’s raked in the most dough after Citizens United.
Also, after the whole IRS/Lerner business, are we really supposed to believe that the government is going to control political money in a “neutral” way? Even if you don’t buy the 1A argument, it’s pretty obvious that whoever gets to control the spending gets to control the message.
Ok, OMWC, I did some research on Regionalism. I wondered why they were separate from the Realists and I found this.
I love Hopper, though.
Me too. Always bummed me out when TCM stopped using their Hopper-esq interstitials.
I’ve never gotten the love for “Nighthawks”
You’ll have to have a beer with my husband sometime — Hopper’s his favorite painter, and he has an enormous print of Nighthawks hanging in his office. He will artsplain its perfection to you.
Well, ya’ll forgot the most important link.
Look, it’s Schmuck Moobster, the only US Senator who cares about the children.
Hmm… Chocolate in powder form… If I’m not mistaken, that’s been around for quite a while now.
What white people nonsense is this?
Sounds delicious. That’s what.
I’m not sure the cream of mushroom soup is gonna be a fit with the traditional Reuben flavors, but to each his own.
There are several reviews that appear to agree.
Not to start another MAYO flame war, but words mean something. Hotdish has to have cream of mushroom soup.
I’m also a bit worried about the lack of tater tots or mixed veggies (green beans in a pinch)
I am interested in this recipe, but I think this should be called a casserole.
You can call it what ever you want, I’m only thinking that the answer to the question – ‘Do you want mushrooms on your Reuben?’ is a big old ‘No thank you, good god mans what wrong with you?’
I’ve been making a very sinilar casserole fir a couple years. It’s very delicious. You’re tummy will thank you.
And I’m saving that for later.
I would eat that.
It says “worthy of a deli favorite,” which means it isn’t currently a deli favorite.
Oops, casserole version of a deli favorite, not as bad.
What is obvious to some people is baffling to others.
The research I’ve done with my “Rethinking the Corporate Campus: The Next Bay Area Workplace” colleagues at the urban-planning think tank SPUR explores in depth the history and context of the region’s surprisingly counterproductive landscape — and opportunities for reshaping it.
This includes encouraging local governments to allow growth in downtowns (as Seattle has done with Amazon) and in areas next to rail stations (the cloud content management company Box did it in Redwood City); identifying suburban locations that can be retrofitted with not just big office parks but also housing, stores and restaurants (Google has been trying to do this in Mountain View and is reportedly looking to install 300 units of modular housing there); and reducing the number of people driving alone in their cars to work and improving other transportation options. The goal should be reducing congestion and carbon emissions while increasing competitiveness and quality of life.
Why do we remain so wedded to the old suburban, car-dependent model for workplaces? If autonomous vehicles (or even flying ones) are truly imminent, why are we building millions of square feet of supposedly soon-to-be-obsolete parking spaces? With so many studies touting the benefits of walkable, bike-able and transit-accessible environments, why are we designing in such a way that makes long, painful commutes inevitable?
One can’t point a finger solely at the companies themselves; the public sector, the community and the private sector all need to collectively tackle these problems.
And these aren’t Bay Area-specific issues (though they may be felt most acutely here). As cities everywhere — Reno, Nev., or Oklahoma City — clamor to be “the next Silicon Valley,” they would do well, frankly, to take some lessons from this region to learn what not to do.
The idiocy of single use zoning, buttressed by fanatical nimbyism and holier-than-thou local politicians, never fails to make a bad/complicated situation worse.
Wait for twenty years and the company “town” with offices/housing/stores will be decried.
Urban-planning think tank. I stopped there.
I just assume the “corporate campus” goes wherever the CEO lives.
I don’t know about the left coast, but here on the Atlantic side of things, there are many factors driving the “suburbia + single-person commute” situation.
1. The employers are spread out. You can’t optimize for living close to work when work could be anywhere within a 25+ mile radius and you’re likely to change work locations every couple of years.
2. The more dense the area, the more expensive the real estate. When it’s much cheaper to live farther away and drive dozens of miles every day, then that’s what many people will do.
3. Gas is cheap. And thanks to easy credit, so are cars when you amortize the cost of one over 5 years with a loan.
3. The transport options suck. The once-vaunted DC metro is now a shitshow thanks to decades of mismanagement. There are commuter trains, but they’re only really practical when driving to work isn’t a viable option (heavy traffic, lack of parking). Buses work for a handful of situations (basically, you live at one end of a route and work at the other) but those situations are rare.
Doubled up on a number, there. Last bullet should be 4.
In “defense” of the DC metro, it was a shitshow-in-waiting from the start. It has been grossly mismanaged by WMATA without a doubt, but it was built wrong from day one. There’s no excuse for that, either. The DC metro didn’t even start until the 1960s, with much of it built in the 1970s and 1980s, and so they had ample established examples to learn from. Instead, they built like a bunch of amateurs would, with low fault tolerance. Once you factor in WMATA treating it like a personal pension program/make-work project/slush fund, the end result is serious structural problems.
This isn’t even true in the Bay Area. For the past decade “Plan Bay Area” has been trying to force “Transit-Oriented Development” in small outskirt suburbs that frankly don’t want to change their little downtowns into high-density apartment buildings. There is even a law on the books in California that a single-family house and yard can be declared a ‘blight’ and taken via eminent domain, because it’s not fair that one family is living there, when many families could live there if the property was converted into an apartment building. Then they have a ridiculous idea that all the jobs are in San Francisco, and so all the suburbs need to build more apartments along the train/subway lines so that people can live there and take the train to and from work. And on top of that, there are ‘urban limit’ lines preventing new businesses and housing from being created in the opposite direction from SF.
Here’s the main mistakes:
1) All the trains and transportation going into San Francisco are jammed past the extreme, with no way to increase short of figuring out how to run trains every minute. Meanwhile, the trains for the reverse commute are empty.
2) People who want to live in apartments usually want to be part of an interesting urban lifestyle, not stuck in the middle of a bedroom community suburb with no nightlife.
3) The dream of someday having a family and living in a house with your own yard is still dominant, even among millennials. And people like the freedom of owning a car and parking it in their own driveway. They don’t want to think their entire life will be living in a cubicle with the only way around being to fight everyone to get on the subway.
The obvious solution is to build the high-density apartments in the cool cities like SF and Oakland, and allow for more businesses to develop on the outskirts, so folks who want to live in apartments can live in the city and do reverse commutes to worksites. And to continue to allow there to be different ways for people to live — urban for some, suburban for others, and not try to force people that there’s only one choice.
And actually, the funny thing is, that’s exactly what Silicon Valley is — where all the high-tech is now was orange groves not all that long ago. If the current braintrust were in charge forty years ago, Silicon Valley would never have been allowed to develop, and everyone would be forced to commute from that area into SF.
The secret not being said here is that this is all a big wet sloppy kiss to developers, who can rake in much better profits over building condos than they can with single-family homes. So what a surprise, all the new laws favor condos over houses. Developers in California are extremely well-connected with the politicians, so much so that the average politician sees anyone who disagrees with a developer’s POV to be a selfish nimby.
‘Julia Reusing, 27: “Revolution must not be full of agression. Revolution means love — not to come together and fight.”
“Throughout the day, groups of around 50 people attempted to cross into the “Red Zone” — many staging sit-ins that included singing, chalk-drawing and bubble blowing with other groups drumming and chanting. Local residents handed out coffee to the demonstrators.”
“Caught in the middle of the skirmish was 77-year-old Hamburg resident Karsten Alpers and his bed-bound wife Halgard, who he had brought outside for their daily stroll.”
“Some moved barefoot through the square — cutting through a wafting pungent smell of cannabis and cigarette smoke as Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” blared from a loudspeaker.”
The CNN-G20 article is like a vein of pure derp-gold. It’s like reading the transcript of a Flying Circus episode.
You’d think at some point in the coverage of these protests, someone would bother to point out that they’ve been doing this “Smash stuff, burn stuff, have anarchist carnival” thing now for 20+ years at G20 meetings, and have never once actually accomplished anything at all…
… neither have they ever come up with a list of demands coherent enough to get a delegate to actually speak in front of the audience and articulate. You’d think that all the free TV coverage they get, that one of these lefty intellectuals might think, “gee, what if we actually SAID something? instead of, you know, looking like petulant children?” Naaaah! Smash stuff fun!!
Don’t worry, Deblasio and Moonbeam are on the case.
As to De Blasio in particular, how could he possibly have gotten this far in his “career” without understanding the concept of optics? To say nothing of the fact that he is LITERALLY the exact type of person being protested against in Hamburg.
Dude is a fucking moron and it says alot about NYC that this won’t cost him the election.
Seriously, Gilmore. I have never once heard a coherent statement coming out of these. Like maybe explaining why the fuck they are destroying shit would prove to be useful in some way…?
I also wonder whether any of these sheeple actually realize the asyninity of recording an anti-capitalist demonstration on a friggin IPHONE?!!
Also, dunno if you guys have seen this, but UN/UNESCO have ruled the oldest surviving Israelite building in the world (Tomb of the Patriarchs) as (you guessed it!!!) a Palestinian heritage site. Derp on a historical scale.
Not just this, but UNESCO should be shut down and their list torn up.
Brooks. Do you still have the Healey? It would be cool to have two Glibertarian Healeys in Montana.
I sold it (a Bugeye with upgrades) to my brother and sister-in-law in New Jersey a long time ago. My nephew has been driving the shit out of for the past few years. I’m glad it doesn’t just sit in a garage somewhere.
I always wanted a 3000.
We’ve hung on to our 3000 all these years but it sat for way too long. If anyone isn’t clear on the concept of entropy just park a car for a couple decades and see what happens to it.
I’m doing a complete restoration which is also taking way too long as I’m trying to do all the work myself.
Dear big. Now I feel embarrassed at the jokes I made a few days ago about aspie AH owners at Posh Parties now.
And feeling embarrassed isn’t something that comes naturally to me.
Oops. apologies to His Bigliness. I meant to say bog
Actual photo from the CNN story about the G-20 protest
captioned “The rally called for solidarity amongst anti-capitalist leftist groups.”
not exactly evocative of the potency of the proletariat collective
Anti-capitalist is pro…what?
Who are three white guys that will be first against the wall?
They look like their idea of a “call for solidarity” would involve getting people to play Xbox with them.
No they’re really tough guys.
Hold me, I’m scared of these guys.
Is that a parody?
I think it’s supposed to be a real thing, but who can tell these days?
Is it their physical or their mental prowess that scares you the most?
I’m frightened by their perfect coifs.
Actual photo from the CNN story about the G-20 protest
Those hot dudes are bagging all the chicks?
i feel like i might be able to crush their socialist revolution merely by putting one of them in a headlock.
Atomic wedgie
Now I feel embarrassed at the jokes I made a few days ago about aspie AH owners at Posh Parties now.
Why on earth would you? Most of the stringback glove nitwits who own “classic” cars like Healeys deserve every bit of disdain and ridicule thrown at them. Just consider, for example, the prissy douchebags who infest the comments at BringATrailer.
I’m doing a complete restoration which is also taking way too long as I’m trying to do all the work myself.
You’re right about classic sport car types. I’ve found I mostly don’t like people who like old cars. The folks that do their own work are often OK.
But then, I mostly don’t like people so there is that.
We’ve got a neighbor who works on classic cars, although he’s gotten rid of quite a few recently since he’s in his 80s. The other day I saw him and his wife out in their two-tone (mustard and brown) VW Beetle.
You know who else…oh, wait.
Thats not right. Hitler was an extreme right wing fanatic.