SP and I go away for a few days and everything goes to shit. Never mind, we’re back from our latest glamorous trip, this time to Kansas City and Eldon, Iowa, and we should be able to handle Missing Links and Site Hacks with a degree of alacrity.

Now you might ask, why Eldon, Iowa? If, like us, you’re an art geek, that question needs no answer. If not, look up Regionalism, which is my favorite art movement. And of the three great Regionalists (Curry, Benton, and Wood), I have the deepest love for the work of Grant Wood. The setup in Eldon is great- they’ll even loan you pitchforks and costumes to pose in front of the house. SP refused, but I’ll come back with the daughter-unit (webdominatrix) who has no hesitation about looking ridiculous with her dad.

OK, none of this is relevant when there’s news afoot! But still, art geek here.

Why does this remind me of the constant stream of stories about how the “number two” in command of ISIS or Al Qaeda or whatever gang has gotten killed? Maybe it’s true this time, who knows. But what is certainly true is we’re still there. Trump seems to show no signs of extricating us from the Bush/Obama Undeclared Forever Wars. This seems to concern Progressives far less than tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about why their warmonger’s campaign tactics last year were exposed.

And I predict that this latest Ceasefire To End The War will work just as well as the last dozen of them. I’m so happy our last election prevented the interventionist Clinton from escalating our involvement in… never mind. This is one of the most frustrating things about being a libertarian- no matter who gets elected, we lose.

Nice to know that German progs are just as stupid, annoying, and ineffective as our homegrown ones.

Unions, always at the vanguard of progress.

Don’t know if this already got linked or not, but if so, it’s worth doing again. The perfect story to demonstrate why regulation beyond the bare minimum and giving state power to bureaucrats never ends well.

Feel free to ignore all of this and post kitten and puppy videos.