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When satire and reality seem more and more indistinguishable, BP still manages to keep his contributions fresh and edgy.
So, whose phone numbers are those?
One of them actually did reveal a name when I searched on it.
(Seriously, I think that’s a pretty big problem, BP.)
Related: the proper format for “fake” phone numbers is XXX-555-01XX where the first 3 digits are an area code (i.e., not a toll-free, pay, or reserved code)
Although, it’s funny how this works. BP probably just came up with a random seven digit number (the area codes look correct; at least, 903 is a Texas area code). Anybody could come up with seven random digits. But you put those digits in print, and suddenly people feel a desire to look them up and even call them.
218 is Minnesohhhhhta. The search that didn’t reveal the name revealed it’s a VoIP line, but didn’t reveal the name of the owner.
I called all of them and thanked them for their service in the Great Meme War.
Shit. I did a search on active prefixes in those area codes, and didn’t see those. I’ve updated the pics as per kbolino’s point and sent them in.
Is this Jenny?
“My mom kept calling the radio station to get them to stop playing it. And, of course, that didn’t help.”
Forget where I heard it (probably here), but if you call that number with a 919 area code, it plays the song.
For what it’s worth, I did an exchange search, and the exchange for my cell phone didn’t show up as being in use on one of the two sites I checked.
I would assume they’re all in use except for the aforementioned 555. That’s why they keep introducing new area codes.
Also Sloops pic looks more intimidating in color the B&W.
Love the Hair! Same stylist as Robby?
Exact same…
*sigh* at least the Blues seem to be improving even as they keep losing.
Hockey season doesn’t begin for another three months.
Tough loss. If they could’ve kicked with better accuracy…
They’re playing the Bulldogs next, and they seem in free fall.
What happened to the hot field reporters Newsish?
I used to do stuff like this with the 1932 NSDAP platform in university.
That is funny. He should have ended with, “You sick ignorant fucks just cheered the words of Adolf Hitler because you are just like him.”
So they’ll have a nice extended vacation until Trump is out of office when they’ll be rehired with backpay.
Hopefully this hasn’t been posted yet. At least one Top (wo)man hasn’t drunk the Kool aid yet.
And of course I missed the link.
Wow not having a good day.
I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
10 bucks says she will either retract it, or lose her license.
Yeah, that article… I don’t think it’s what it appears to be.
She goes on and on and on about how all of these programs use a “transition-affirming protocol.” But if you click through on the link for “215 pediatric residency programs” it just links to the ACGME’s list of accredited schools. Not to any citation of a “transition-affirming protocol” for gender dysphoria.
If you then go and google what the ACGME has to say about “transition-affirming protocols” for gender dysphoria, say by… googling “ACGME transition-affirming dysphoria” … you will get no results. “ACGME dysphoria protocol” also no results. It’s certainly possible that her article describes something factual, but I call bullshit on her article’s totally unsupported foundational claim that the ACGME is pushing a “transition-affirming protocol.”
FTR, as to the underlying subject at hand.. I personally don’t approve of parents consenting to let their children have their ears pierced… given that, I certainly don’t approve of them allowing their children to delay puberty with sex hormones.
I have no idea how far the craziness has spread, my best guess is that it will go from “that would never happen, you paranoid right-winger” to “it’s settled science, you denier” in a surprisingly short amount of time.
I’ll be interested to see what my wife has to say about it. She is a pediatric nurse and is active with the state org. Her newest gig is in psych. I forwarded the article to her.
Might she be going to the APNA convention in Phoenix this October? I’ll be speaking there.
She had not mentioned it. She just started in this new position a couple of weeks ago though. She’s in the middle of her Masters program.
So not sure if she’ll have the time:)
“FTR, as to the underlying subject at hand.. I personally don’t approve of parents consenting to let their children have their ears pierced”
How can I convince my wife of this? She is convinced that baby girls need to have their ears pierced where I see it as inflicting pain on someone so they look prettier to you (unethical). I think I’ve made decent arguments but it just always boils down to “but its tradition/my daughters will look ugly/how can you tell it is a girl then??” I’m not sure how to attack these arguments and I may or may not have set off a countdown timer on deciding this…
Listen woman. Our daughter is not getting her ears pierced. That’s it. Now go make me a sandwich.
I said help me, not get me killed.
Pfft, she won’t be able to kill you if you never sleep again genius.
If a kid pulls on an earring in her pierced ear .. or it gets caught on something….ugh! Plus, it’s a reward you can allow her to have later.
I have two daughters and I didn’t let them get their ears pierced until high school. My wife just informed me that she wanted to get their ears pierced when they were baby’s but I said no. I actually don’t remember that.
Not sure how long you’ve been married but you really have to pick your battles. If it’s really important to you then tell her that. I always tended to let my wife have all the little stuff and the big stuff usually (but not always) went to me. Seemed to work pretty good for the most part. Going on 28 years.
Just a few years.
Thanks for the advice.
Thats True AJB. I let her have most everything she wants but on some things like stabbing babies, the answer is no. And no means NO.
If you *do* let her convince you to get their ears pierced….
And whatever you do, don’t let her get high and pierce them herself. So I’ve heard.
how can you tell it is a girl then??
Put a bow on the little bald baby head.
I got my ears pierced when I was younger and they got infected because I didn’t take care of them properly. You could tell her that you don’t want to risk an infection and that they should wait until they’re old enough that they can take proper care of the piercings?
Maybe point out that piercing the ears of an infant or toddler is a common cultural trait amongst white trash too.
I just told my wife ahead of time that my daughters were welcome to get their ears pierced…when they could ask me for permission.
As of this writing, only my oldest has bothered to get it done.
Up is down in Bizarro world. I’m not expert on this, but my instinct is that transgenderism is a real thing that impacts a small number of people in reality, and that the recent explosion is parents confusing their children some probably out of sheer derptardnesd thinking they’re doing the right thing and some for their own social benefit which is certainly outright abuse considering how much they could screw their kid up.
FWIW, I agree. Probably 1/10 “transgenders” are “actually transgender” and the other 9/10 are “transtrenders.”
I am not sure that it’s ethical to treat any of them with surgery, but there are statistics that suggest a significant majority are happier post surgery, so /shrug? I also feel that it could be ethical to treat those people who think their arm isn’t their arm with amputation.
Yeah, I’m not sure the right age for them to be medically messing with their junk but I suppose legal adult is as good as any.
I’ve heard that something like hormone blockers to prevent puberty onset can be stopped at any time without major long-term consequences… If that’s true, something like that would seem to be okay because if they do find after many years that yes, they do have this condition and would like to transition in adulthood, there will be less problems for them later on (i.e., if they’re MTF they won’t have to deal with a man voice, prominent Adam’s apple, stuff that makes it really obvious they weren’t born female); and if they change their minds, it’s an easy fix. But I really balk at the concept of surgically fiddling with their bodies before they’re adults.
I’ve heard that something like hormone blockers to prevent puberty onset can be stopped at any time without major long-term consequences
I have some pretty serious doubts that you can fool around with a developing adolescent’s hormones without major long-term consequences. For one thing, I doubt we have enough of a statistical base (people treated plus years to follow them) to reach this conclusion.
this is what i was talking about below. I think the data shows that your rough guesstimate isn’t actually that far off from reality.
I can’t remember the exact studies, but there were 2 things done in the UK and Sweden which collected reports from psychologists who met with patients requesting gender-reassignment surgery… i think over a period of ~10 years of so. And – from my memory – the data tended to show that the vast majority of ‘seekers’ never went through with the actual procedure. A few persisted with ‘representing’ as their chosen gender (e.g. transvestism, etc), but most it seems just sort of worked it out of their system, so to speak
I agree with this. I would guess that it probably is close to the amount of people who are born intersex, since it seems to be a similar sort of birth defect (I mentioned it a while ago, but I remember back about 15 years ago reading about a study that indicated that transgender people’s brain patterns more closely resemble those of their “chosen” gender rather than that of their birth genitalia, which to me indicated that something similar to hermaphroditism was going on in the womb—maybe the body starts developing one way then switches partway through). Unfortunately, it’s become so vogue that people without the actual symptoms are IDing with it, whether because of other mental health problems or because they want attention. It’s sad and frustrating for me, and I agree that it’s going to get worse thanks to all these woke parents who are desperate to show off their tolerance and aren’t considering the fact that their kids actually having this condition would be incredibly rare.
I think the consequences of the current trend are going to pay off very negatively for them ten/twenty years down the road. The post-op transgender suicides aren’t going to go down, and may even increase as a result of the current attitudes. You’ll probably get a couple post-op anti-trans advocates cropping up, arguing that their parents pressured them into it and ruined their lives, etc. Combine that with the more conservative views that Generation Z is apparently picking up and I think you’ll see legislation and a stigma on par with child abuse emerge.
I agree. I think the people surgery is helping are the people who genuinely have the condition. And I agree with the others that it’s probably 1 in 10 people who are currently IDing as trans. All the others (including every trans or NB person that I know) have a huge amount of other issues (body issues, mental health issues) and surgery isn’t going to make that go away. Surgery might not be leading them to the suicide, but it’s not helping them, either. A lot of them are using what they think is gender dysphoria as a distraction from their real underlying problems.
i’m not super hip to all the ‘studies’ on the topic that are out there, but i have looked at a bunch of epidemiology data on the incidence of gender dysphoria around the world, and the ways/patterns they tend to manifest
(usually documented when said person first starts seeking therapy, which is often a requirement in many countries for anyone eventually seeking transition surgery)
some of the things they showed was that a very large share of the people claiming dysphoria symptoms don’t actually end up ‘sticking with it’ for any significant length of time. iow, its actually just a transitory psychological thing which is eventually dissipated by therapy.
while this says nothing about those that DO transition, and who may in fact suffer a genuine biologically-caused condition, it suggests that the majority of the people claiming to ‘feel’ inclinations to identify as the opposite gender do not do so because of some ‘permanent difference in their brain’, but rather out of some psychological inability to reconcile their own sexual impulses.
Its worth remembering that the numbers of people who genuinely go ‘trans’ – as in, complete gender reassignment surgery – is a tiny fraction of the population, and is even tiny compared to the larger gay/lesbian community. (e.g. 0.3% vs 5+%)
its something i find constantly irritating about all the public noise surrounding the whole topic of ‘trans bathroom access’ and the like – that millions of people are pretending to debate the key-interests of a community that is so tiny that its almost impossible to find actual members of that group to actually speak for themselves in any convincing way.
The few ‘activists’ who do rarely represent any actual consensus of a coherent trans-population, but rather are just some random person who asserts authority because “look at me i’m one of them”.
This was a looooong time ago, way before being trans was trendy. I wouldn’t trust a study like that now. I believe the condition does exist simply because other, similar birth defects do exist, but in very, very small numbers. The “1 out of 10 people currently IDing as trans” guesstimate seems right.
Additionally: based on those findings, I believe that the condition could be diagnosed using an actual test if more scientifically-based study was given to it, similar to how intersex people who might look fully one sex on the outside can now be diagnosed with a test that shows they have XXY chromosomes. But right now, it’s based on feelings, and they want to keep it that way. If this condition could be diagnosed with a test (like if a cat scan or something could show it), they’d lose their minds because it would show that most people who are claiming it now don’t actually have it.
I think 1 in 10 was from before being trans was a thing that was talked about. I would guess it is 1 in 100 now.
i think this is sort of the perennial complaint about the entire field of psychology; that diagnosis is rarely ever so black/white and easily conducted with ‘simple tests’.
IMO, this is obviously because of the titillating sex angle.
The incidence of Fragile X syndrome, for example, is 1 in 2500-4000 males. We never hear anyone talking about them FOR ANY REASON. I guess being “transgender” must have much more of an impact on a person than having Fragile X?
Yeah no, just not sexy to talk and think about. /shrug!
Neurologists basically have one of the worst scientific jobs in the world now. They’ll spend years doing research on some aspect of how the human brain functions, end up with some well-founded conclusion backed by other studies, all peer-reviewed, that suggest something like how males and females have, on average, fundamentally different brain structures (white/gray matter distribution being one of the primary differences) and then get shit on and harassed by social science majors because it doesn’t conform to their theories.
I’m fully on board with the idea that people can truly believe or feel they should be of the other sex, and have no issue with an adult converting. But this still maintains a binary system. I still can’t buy that we have to have 50+ ‘other’ genders, which to me seems like either trying to be trendy, or artistic, or wanting attention, or having personality issues.
If we buy into the idea of fluidity of human gender — which is a hard biologic binary fact for vertebrates in general, you’re either one or the other — then we cannot prevent the fluidity of race, which has very little biologic base. So when my son applies for colleges in a couple of years, what would prevent him from applying as black and getting an affirmative-action slot at a university he might not have gotten accepted at otherwise? If challenged all he would have to do is say he ‘identifies’ as black, despite his blond hair and freckles — and they couldn’t deny this if they can insist the other student down the hall is ‘genderfluid’.
We may be heading down a path where anyone can be anything they say they are, and if that happens, perhaps that would be a good thing, because it would make it a lot more difficult to be tribal and set identity political groups against each other. It might be like the old Dr. Seuss “Sneetches” story coming true.
Anybody remember the story about a guy who had a circumcision accident shortly after he was born? A doctor convinced his parents to remove the rest of his penis and raise him as a girl. Any acting like a boy was punished by her(!) parents and the doctor. The girl(!) had huge psychological problems that weren’t helped (much) by finding out she was actually a boy. I think the doctor lost his license because of that.
I’m wondering if a lot of people aren’t making the exact same mistake the above poor soul’s parents and doctor made. I wonder how many damaged kids are going to grow up to be damaged adults because of this.
David Reimer. He also tried to transition back to a boy in his teenage years once he found out. The guy had a lot of issues and depression later on in life and blew his brains out. John Money, the psychologist involved, was praised and received dozens of awards until Reimer’s suicide.
Also, does this sound familiar?
Money claimed that media response to the exposé was due to right-wing media bias and “the antifeminist movement”. He claimed his detractors believed “masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen”. However, intersex activists also criticized Money, stating that the unreported failure had led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.
I can see it now — the parents, doctors, and activists basking in glow of their moral and intellectual superiority, while their experiments are hidden away in a little room to play with socially approved educational tools.
Just skimmed over the Wikipedia article on David Reimer and found this little oddity:
If we’re going to have occupational licensing, how come fuckstains like this “doctor” are not barred from the profession for shit like this?
Look, experimental research, particularly for psychology, in the 60s and 70s took a turn for the…fucking weird.
This was around the same time they had a woman masturbating and tripping on acid with a dolphin in an attempt to make it learn human speech.
I agree, a lot of the parents treating their sons like a girl and vice versa seem to be engaging in Munchausen by proxy, where they use their kid as a way to show how woke they are.
Twenty years ago a six year old girl acting like a boy would just be shrugged off as a tomboy and expected to grow out of it, but now parents say their daughter is really a boy trapped in a girl’s body.
I’m looking forward to the Muslim fundies who like to mutilate little girls latching onto “transgenderism” as an excuse for their barbarity.
Hey Vhyrus, not sure if you ever watch hickok45 but saw this today and thought it quite cool.
Not sure if I watch internet gun moses? Surely you jest. Haven’t watched that one yet though.
Cabela’s has a pretty sharp one.
I’ll have what BP’s having.
I wish I lived on Camel Toe Drive…………superb
Nice hairdo on the mustachioed one. Or is that a furry penis tip helmet?
It’s a full Robby.
So Robby parts his hair in the middle and combs his wings to look like a penis? I have heard the hair references over the years, but never cared enough to look up his picture. So retro. That is all mid 70’s early 80’s there.
Washington Post article linking Scalise shooter to conservative radio host sparks online outrage
The Washington Post struck out with many on social media over an article that appears to blame a right-wing Illinois shock jock for the Virginia shooting rampage by a Trump-hating, Bernie Sanders volunteer who targeted Republicans during a baseball practice.
The lengthy piece takes aim at the foul-mouthed Bob Romanik, who spews invective on the AM dial from a studio in Belleville, Ill., shooter James Hodgkinson’s hometown.
“What’s the point of this?” Buzz Feed political reporter Katherine Miller asked on Twitter. “The shooter hated Trump and there’s no indication in the story he listened to this pro-Trump host.”
Washington Examiner political correspondent and Fox News contributor Byron York tweeted, “Revision of the year: WP suggests, without evidence, Alexandria shooter was inspired by right-wing bigoted radio talker.”
“Devoted Bernie supporter shoots up baseball field of Republicans. Washington Post blames pro Trump talk radio in his hometown for it,” Heat Street contributor Stephen Miller said in a tweet.
The Post article, written by Peter Holley, pointed out Hodgkinson “shot four people at a congressional baseball practice” in Virginia — but never got around to identifying the victims.
Holy shit, when even Buzz Feed calls you out, I don’t thibk you can go any lower.
I think CNN and Washington Post are continuing to miss good news stories and instead are posting political hatchet jobs. CNN’s article could have been about the Reddit and the particular community that makes and post political GIFs supporting Donald Trump. Who are they? Why are they making and posting the GIFs? You know, human interests stories that would help people understand each other. Instead the intent of the article was to connect Trump to a possible racist and anti-semite. And punish the GIF maker for the crime of making fun of CNN.
The Washington Post article was about a right wing radio host who hosts a locally popular radio show. And how his rhetoric is similar to Trump’s and may have lead the Alexandria shooter to start shooting thereby blaming Trump. What about the town? What did the people in the town think about the shooter? Did any of them know him? Again stuff that might help put a little context to the shooting.
It is almost if they have taken a side and are no longer interested in being news organizations 😉
Nothing wrong with being openly political partisans – that’s how the media always were until recent decades, for some reason, they started to pretend to be “unbiased”.
Makes it easier for me to identify them and refuse to read CNN or WaPo ever again, too.
Biased is one thing. Completely unhinged propagandists is another thing entirely.
The Post continues its ascent to the top of Shitpost Mountain.
In Alexandria shooter’s hometown, rage-filled radio host channels middle America’s inner frustration
The nation was shocked, but Romanik — who seems to delight in launching savage attacks on local politicians and stoking his listeners’ many frustrations about race, crime and government — certainly wasn’t. Despite being a die-hard supporter of President Trump who has perfected the art of the dire populist message, many of Romanik’s biggest fans in southern Illinois are disgruntled Democrats like Hodgkinson.
Earlier this year, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch called upon the Federal Communications Commission to investigate Romanik and even provided readers with the chairman’s email and the commission’s telephone number for complaints.
“Romanik makes GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump seem like a model of good manners and decorum,” the paper wrote.
Months later, the shock jock still bristles.
“I’ve never heard of a real newspaper calling for less freedom of speech,” he said. “They can kiss my wrinkled old ass!”
Off the microphone, Romanik is playful, intense and perpetually swearing. He is an incessant talker with a fast-twitch mind and a short attention span. He grew up dirt poor in the notorious Roosevelt housing projects in East St. Louis, where, he says, he first developed a hatred for elites, seeing wealthy men drive into his neighborhood to take advantage of cash-strapped young women.
A hatred for politicians developed, as he saw them as hypocrites attracting votes in poor communities without delivering on their promises. Romanik vowed never to let another politician — or government administration — control his livelihood or his speech.
When Romanik shows up at local restaurants, he is often mobbed by listeners, many of whom swear at him affectionately and shake his hand. Romanik, who claims he is worth $40 million, is known to give out thousands of dollars on the street each week and leave local waitresses $100 tips.
“I’ve never heard of a real newspaper calling for less freedom of speech,” he said. “They can kiss my wrinkled old ass!”
I can agree with at least that much, sans my ass being wrinkled or old.
Excellent! And nice working shitlords in there. It’s about time we shitlords get some coverage.
Swedish political confab invites politically powerless wrong-thinking group; others say hate speech isn’t free speech because it takes away other people’s rights.
“Nordic resistance movement” – sounds sinister. But I’m used to associating people who speak positively of Nordics with…well, with Nazis.
I know that people talked like that before the Nazis, but after the Nazis, non-Nazis generally stopped talking like that.
IOW, pre-Hitler, it was fashionable to talk about the glories of the Northern European “Nordic” peoples and their WASPy descendants in the U.S. But Hitler ruined that sort of thing just like he ruined so many other things.
Now you can’t even display an innocent Indian religious symbol without people being bent out of shape!
And yet, “but Denmark/Norway/Sweden” is an acceptable refrain in socialist-lite circles about “working examples of democratic socialism”, and was so even before the recent migration… issues.
The funny thing is that on the economic freedom rankings, those Nordic countries are either ahead of the US or just barely behind, suggesting that while they have big welfare programs, the rest of their economy is pretty laissez-faire. It makes sense: the only way you can get away with such programs is by having an extremely robust and productive free market (and last I heard, all of those countries are looking for ways to roll back those welfare programs because the costs are getting out of control).
I’ve been waiting for a “progressive” to say that we should be more like Scandinavia so that I can say, “oh, you mean cutting our corporate tax rate in half and repealing all minimum wage laws?” I’m very interested in how they would respond to this.
Sweden has a much more socialized system following the Second World War, and had the benefit of not having their industry destroyed in comparison to the reason of Europe. That kept them going until the 1970s when they actually had to compete with other European countries again and their GDP and standard of living declined. It culminated in a large recession and several industry busts in the 90s, which forced them to liberalize their economy. Denmark’s story is pretty similar but without the post-war success, and Norway’s a petrostate more than anything else.
It also helps to have Pax Americana established and footing the bill for your defense against the Hungry Bear.
“Nordic resistance movement” sounds like an infomercial for workout equipment.
“It burns all those harmful, parasitical calories away!”
Tim Pool’s whole look at the migrant problem in Sweden is enlightening, maybe because he talks about how repressive the Swedish state is in general to people to run counter to their narrative.
I just cannot figure Europe out. So does every group that is opposed to the radical SJW nuts, have to become Nazis? Or is everyone who opposes radical SJW nuts, automatically labeled a Nazi group?
In this case, the Nordic Resistance Movement are legitimately neo-Nazis. They’re remnants of an older group called the White Aryan Resistance.
Here’s my view on it: when people can’t express any criticism of unlimited immigration, refugee resettlement, or welfare programs for fear of being called racist, some people are going to feel like the only way they can have a voice is by joining up with actual racist groups.
Anyone have recomendations for Door County WI?
Looks lovely
Stay away from the kid with the buzzcut, he looks like trouble (I had buzzcut at that age)
Those folks must really love skippin stones
They have an old gold Chevy and a place of their own.
::proceeds to do the Crocodile Rock::
Ted, I went on the Turner Classic Movies guided tour of film locations yesterday. It was pretty fun.
And as a sad testament to how much time I spend with the Glibertarians, I often thought, “Oh! Ted S woul love this. “
Of course, pretty much all of the Bunker Hill section of Los Angeles has been torn down for urban renewal.
I always enjoy the set design of contemporary movies, such as the kitchens in movies from the 50s and 60s, but have never liked the whole set of films and TV shows trying to relive that era. Camelot, my ass.
Reduce the county sales tax to zero, lower property taxes and have a user fee for education, fire most of the county employees and privatize.
What, they dont just stick it to touriststo keep it afloat?
I have no idea I have never been there. I was just being a smart ass.
You said it with such passion, i naturally assumed they touched you in bad places
Avoid the FIBs.
Take plenty of booze with you.
Just returned from time in northern Wisconsin, and egould310’s advice is sound — but you probably won’t actually have to bring it with you, booze is everywhere in Wisky.
It’s considered part of life there. They fought changes in the drinking age and drunk driving laws for years, and still pretty much wink at youth in bars. In fact, if you’re underage there, you can drink in a bar if you are with a parent (at least that’s what they told me).
The little 4th of July parade we attended had multiple ‘lemonade stands’ along the parade route set up selling potent bloody marys and screwdrivers for $2 each. Clearly no liquor licenses needed.
I’m pretty sure I had a good time there. I wish I could remember it better.
not a big drinker but i do plan on a 2 day drunk while im there. Maybe stumble around and look for cool driftwood.
Archie, not sure how familiar you are with ‘sconie, but if you can finds a traditional Wisconsin Supper Club go for it! They are kinda awesome,
*find. Jesus, I’m not even drunk yet.
Here are some suggestions:
I cant figure out the difference between a supper club and a restaurant.
Not at all familiar but ill check it out.thks
Soave’s hair on sloopy has caused a low-level giggle that has not stopped for 15 mins
Same here, that cracked me up when I saw it, and I’m still chuckling.
Balance out your week’s nut punches with some possible drug decrim
Oregon poised to decirminalize meth cocaine and heroin
Wow. Glad to see that somewhere.
Linky no worky. i also have a hard time believing that.
Theres several articles on google. I wonder why they left off pills.
I can’t wait until our statist congress critters freak out and start screaming ‘See, this is what happens when you legalize pot, then people want all drugs legal! Gateway legalization!’.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about.
Well, color me surprised. I didn’t think there was a chance in Hell anyone in government would actually step forward with legislation for the legalization of Heroin. Maybe it will pass the senate. (Libertarian moment indeed)
“Republican State Sen. Jackie Winters claimed the war on drugs as it currently exists amounts to “institutional racism” due to how more frequently minorities are charged with drug crimes than whites.
“There is empirical evidence that there are certain things that follow race. We don’t like to look at the disparity in our prison system,” Winters said during a hearing. “It is institutional racism. We can pretend it doesn’t exist, but it does.”
I don’t like how they are screaming institutional racism as their rationale for passing the bill. I would prefer to hear, we wish to legalise drugs because the was on drugs is a spectacular failure that costs billions in taxpayer dollars, has led to legislation that has rolled back the protections of the bill of right, was a horrible idea to start with, and because we the legislature have no authority to decree what people can take into their bodies.
Ill take what i can get though.
” I didn’t think there was a chance in Hell anyone in government would actually step forward with legislation for the legalization of Heroin. Maybe it will pass the senate. (Libertarian moment indeed)”
Ron Paul did it a decade or more ago.
Jackie Winters is the state senator for my district. When she ran for reelection a couple years ago, she was the candidate for both the Democrat and Republican parties. Make of that what you will. Despite the fact that they list her as (R) here, I don’t think she’d also get the nom for (D) if she was running on her small government principles.
It’s BS but it’s probably the only way to go because that’s how fucked up race relations have gotten.
Krauted the link?
I don’t know, it’s Oregon, and AZ has a legalize all drugs effort trying to make it on a ballot. That would be hilarious, McCain would have a heart attack on live TV.
I don’t care how many children overdose the next day if the bill’s passage resulted in McCain having a heart attack on live TV.
The first person to OD would probably be Maureen Dowd.
Article titled: I Went To Oregon And Found Out What A ‘Hot Shot’ Is
“McCain would have a heart attack on live TV.”
Oh, pretty please?
That I’d like to see.
Mea culpa, had to go put someone to bed and abandoned my bad link. Will go read some of my FaceDerp in penance.
So, we all know which of the ‘wrong’ guys sloop is, what I’m curious about is which one of you is TeteDepingle?
That’s actually Soave with sloopy’s hair
Bourbon, nose, spray, phone, choke
Huh, looks like sloop with Suave’s hair to me.
Gabba Gabba Hey!
One of us!
Why would you think she’s one of us?
The link doesn’t work, it just goes to Youtube but not to any specific video. She? Holy cow, that’s not a woman, that’s a man baby!
That’s a colorized shot of one of the characters from Tod Browning’s Freaks, I believe.
I don’t want to be a shit-lord no more
I just met a meme that I could go for
Everyone’s accusing me.
Gabba Gabba, Hey!
gabba gabba, hey.
Where the hell are you guys getting this Gabba stuff from?
It’s a combination of a movie called Freaks…and this.
The Ramones. Pinhead. Zippy the Pinhead. Freaks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freaks
Ya see, this is where having kids just changes things. And not always for the better.
What I hear when I see “gabba-gabba”.
Also, good comic Baked Penguin.
Also, fried chicken.
Agreed! Forgot to compliment BP on another great effort.
Hadn’t heard the chicken bit in, like, forever.
Same! I got distracted and didn’t remember what thread we were on. Great strip, BP! Very funny.
Look, at the risk of seeming a tad needy, there’s a few articles still up for review here, two of which are mine, not that my ego can’t take it or anything, but will Glibertarians publish them or will I have to sell them to the Journal of Obscure Crap that Nobody Reads, Not Even the Authors? Because that’s a totes prestigious journal and they’d snap up any of my valuable contributions.
Put more guns in your articles. It worked for me.
I got guys getting shot, chopped, stabbed and drowned, that should count for something.
Wow. You sound needy…..
Yes, at least a tad.
No hot Latin reporter boobs. I am disappointed.
We still have Becky.
A bold mashup of avant-garde and late 90’s pop
Nice, Penguin.
The “internet nerds are now saying” reminds me of this for some reason.
actual LOL, good job. BP!
Old rag, or evil totem?
I figure it’s about time to do something with that swastika in the attic.
I must have seen it for the first time in childhood. The red edges are ragged; this circle, four feet across, cut from a giant banner and signed by the men in my grandfather’s United States Army unit, the 460th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion. They made it to the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat in the Bavarian Alps, in the spring of 1945. The war was over when they got there. My grandpa took the flag. A souvenir.
I brought the flag back to my apartment, unfolded it, spread it out on a table. It was really in Hitler’s house. The Hitler. He probably heiled it in the morning over a bowl of muesli before a long day at the office of orchestrating mass genocide.
The swastika hummed with violence, like something cursed, or alive.
Go ahead, let an inanimate object terrorize you. It has no power other than that which you give it.
But by all means, preen for us in the NYT.
The Picard
Sometimes a ghost story starts that way and gets interesting, but probably not in the NYT.
If it was an authentic nazi flag from Berghof, i would sell it so fast. There has to be a rich white supremacist somewhere that would pay big money for that. I also doubt the veracity of the authors story.
Yep. My grandfather came back with swastika rings and assured everyone that they were from SS officers. In reality he was probably just taking them off random Wehrmacht soldiers. Everyone hyped up their war trophies with nonsense. I can’t find anything about where the 460th served online but five bucks says he got it from some town hall or something.
Ya, if they could prove that story that thing would be worth a lot of money. There are lots of people who collect that stuff, and not just the white supremacists. Glenn Beck for instance. He is a nut, but not a racist as far as I know. WW2 memorabilia goes for big bucks.
I have mentioned it before, but I have a commi flag from the USSR days that a friend heisted somehow back in the late 80’s. It is in the bottom of a box around here somewhere. I have often wondered what I would do with, and I think it needs burning at an earth day protest when the commis are marching by.
Or maybe burn it at a Bernie Sanders event.
I would affix it to the front facade of the nearest courthouse.
I remember several years back TSTSNBN had a piece on a Washington DC mag feature about one of Obama’s advisors. The two takeaways were how the photos were hilariously photoshopped, and how the guy’s family Communist memorabilia hanging on the walls and this was treated as perfectly normal.
Hey now, Soviet realism was like the only good thing to come out of communism.
Do you want to buy a flag?
If everything that GIs brought back from Berghof had actually been there, it would have been stuffed to the rafters with soon-to-be- souvenirs.
Having been to Berghof is the GI version of Boomers having been to Woodstock.
Somebody fucked up my tag!
I blame Hitler’s ghost. Or Trump.
Same thing, really.
Also, thx to everyone who liked it, sorry to everyone who didn’t.
Should have spoke up earlier, Good Stuff BP!
War makes strange bedfellows.
I know we joke about this a lot here, but I think I’m officially giving up on Japan. If this is what they have come to then an evolutionary dead end is in store for them.
Here’s a slightly better video of the same.
Meh. They’ve got a population four times the size of my country in 1/40 the space, even if a quarter of their young men don’t learn the obvious lesson they’ll be fine. All the old people sure are going to suck for the next twenty years though.
Also unlike Europe Japan isn’t “social justice-y’ enough not to start paying Japanese women to get impregnated and have kids if required.
Germany was paying women to have extra kids when I lived there in the 80s. I think Europe gets it.
Japan is what the west will look like in 50 years, plus seaweed flavored candy.
It’s already happening.
PM Zoolander awarded with honorary degree from University of Edinburgh. Personally, I’d like to think they awarded him with Mugabe’s stripped honorary degree.
I don’t wanna be buried in a hippie cemetery
“The City of Muskego [WIsconsin] fined a 64-year-old Franklin man $500 for mowing the lawn of a cemetery, stating he violated a “Muskego park and recreation regulation on the cutting of trees and plants.”…
“The cemetery mowing removed “approximately three-fourths of the vegetation there,” according to a statement from Bob Koenecke, the commander for the Sons of Union Veterans, a Civil War group dedicated to maintain the history of war veterans….
““Luther Parker Cemetery is an eyesore and we can certainly sympathize with others who feel the same,” Koenecke said in his statement. He noted his group “is pursuing a legal remedy through the courts to get Muskego to clean up its cemetery.””
So exactly what was this ‘vegetation’? Was it unmowed grass and weeds? So the guy did what the city was too lazy to do and they didn’t like it? Sounds like typical government in action to me.
I may have posted this back in April
“Civil War group files a lawsuit to get Wisconsin city to mow grass around graves…
“The Sons of Union Veterans asked Muskego officials last year to clear weeds and debris from the graves at a tiny cemetery at the southwest corner of Ryan and North Cape roads. The city refused because the small plot is a plant sanctuary and the last native prairie in Muskego.
“Muskego clears away some of the plants in the spring with a controlled burn but that also concerns members of the Wind Lake chapter of Sons of Union Veterans.
“”From their periodic burnings that they do, it’s degraded the (burial) stones where they’re about ready to fall apart and tip over,” said Bob Koenecke, the group’s commander. “We’d like them to stop the burning and we’d like them to clean up the cemetery.”
“Under Wisconsin law, veterans’ graves must “receive proper and decent care” from cemetery owners. The lawsuit filed in Waukesha County Circuit Court Tuesday is seeking a declaratory judgment on whether the way Muskego is caring for the cemetery is proper and decent.”
I should have said “I don’t wanna be buried in a plant sanctuary.”
Good one. But you wouldn’t need a plant sanctuary if you were a Plastic Plant https://youtu.be/agZqIr37rmE
“Every town board, village board, or common council of every city shall at all times see that the graves and tombstones of all veterans…and of the spouses or surviving spouses of all those veterans, receive proper and decent care, and may employ all necessary assistance to carry out this section. The expense of the care of the graves and tombstones shall be borne by the county where the graves are located, except where suitable care is otherwise provided. The amount of expense charged the county for the care may not exceed the charge made for the care of other graves in the same cemetery.”
Fuck it. They shouldn’t have to do it in perpetuity.
“a plant sanctuary”
Yeah, sure. I’d like to challenge one of these morons to name a few species of these sanctuary plants.
This sort of reminds me when people started mowing and taking care of abandoned lots in Detroit and the city got all butt hurt about it. It’s a sad thing that our country has went so far downhill that we don’t make these assholes get real jobs.
That was awesome, BP. I like the idea of using Glibs for walk-ons. Could be a fund-raising idea. How much to be featured as Random Drunken Asshole?
How much to be featured as Random Drunken Asshole?
Based on my experience it’s one night in the pokey and $105 plus court costs.
Damn, you got a bargain. My cameo as a random drunken asshole was way more expensive. Although I have had repeat performances that were much cheaper, and on occasion, absolutely free.
Yep. Good idea.
I’m not sure my breasts are large enough.
I’m thinking that pretty much everyone here can play random drunken asshole occasionally. In fact, I’m rehearsing for it right now.
Dem titties…
Let’s see em, mmm, titties.
You really want to see Glibs’ moobs?
Hey, there are some hot Glib women! I mean, I like to imagine this, stop harshin muh buzz!
Dude? S/b “Let’s see em, titties, mmm, titties.”
If it ever goes live, Im’ma direct the hot Latinas. Because quality.
Yuh. Quality.
That’s how much I care.
You asked for it.
No one asked for that!
Tonio – it might be a lot, since I based the character on myself.