Several different things are all trying to occupy my brain simultaneously, so this will be more-or-less a group of free associations, (((links))) as it were.
First off, this is the sort of thing that could happen to any of (((us))).
Remember the story a few weeks back about Jews being excluded from the Chicago LGBT march because they had the temerity to put a Star of David (who was bi) on their banner? In a follow up, the reporter who broke the story has been demoted. It’s always delightful when the Left doesn’t even make a de minimus attempt to disguise their bigotry.
Ironically, Israel is basically a leftist country. And when there’s a leftist, you can bet your mezuzah that there’s a plan to sink taxpayer money into a choo-choo.
What was the best Hitler movie of all time? Of course, if you’re an internet freak, there’s nothing as useful as Der Untergang. If you’re a fan of classic comedy, there’s nothing like The Producers, the original, please, none of that Matthew Broderick remake shit. If you’re doing bong hits and need a midnight movie, you have no choice: They Saved Hitler’s Brain, which is Ed Wood-level bad and therefore unintentionally hilarious (which is the best kind of hilarious). Margin for Error is a bit unfair because it only has Hitler’s voice, but how can you resist Milton Berle playing a straight role? Whenever I see Uncle Miltie, this story haunts me. And I was delighted with a recommendation from Grand Moff Serious Man, the satirical German language film Look Who’s Back (SP was less delighted with it, but to be fair, my German is better than hers). Of course, no “Greatest Hitler Film” list is complete without the brilliant satire The Great Dictator, which I’m sure Progressives are repackaging for maximal Trump Derangement purposes.
But without question, the choice for the Old Man With Candy has to be a short with Hitler played by a Jew:
“a Star of David (who was bi)”
Are you referring to 1 Samuel 18:1?
That and many, many more. Like 2 Samuel 1:26.
Yeah, if it were Dave and Johnny, no sweat. But “David and Jonathan”? That sounds like a sitcom on LOGO.
Joseph Heller’s “God Knows” riffs on this, and pretty much that whole section of the Old Testament, to hilarious extent.
It’s not Catch-22—what could be?—but it’s better than most of the rest of his work.
What was the best Hitler movie of all time?
I’ll put my vote for In the Fuehrer’s Face.
There should be more than one – just google the title and see what comes up!
Actually that’s probably the doings of The Mouse.
Kind of ironic…
“And when there’s a leftist, you can bet your mezuzah that there’s a plan to sink taxpayer money into a choo-choo.”
You knew who else…no, that would be too tasteless.
Ripping off my weekly piece/daily link fusion? You’ll be hearing from my (((lawyer)))!
Is your lawyer Jewish?
I thought that when you passed the bar, no matter your ethnicity, you were made an honorary (((jew)))
I saw your link/firearms post last week as I’m catching up from vacation. You said something about guns in the American Revolution, with one exception, being boring. If folks are interested in old guns, if you’re not, I can write about old guns.
There just didn’t seem like anything particularly noteworthy other than the Kentucky long rifles which I mentioned in my post. If you can write something interesting about revolutionary arms then go for it.
I find all sorts of old stuff fascinating.
My wife says that to me.
Interesting you should mention that. I have noticed more than style and manufacturing changes. The guns people are interested in today are guns for shooting people. The gun culture I grew up in was primarily about sporting and utility guns.
A funny thing that I hate to admit, since I came up in the firearms culture the same way as you sound, Suthen, is that the modern “shooting people” guns can be pretty damned effective at the whole hunting thing too. A good AR in any of the trendy 6.5s is going to equal or smoke my .270 deer rifle in accuracy, especially at 500 yds+. Of course, that begs the question of why you don’t creep up closer; it’s called deer “hunting,” not deer “shooting, for a reason. But still.
I’m not going to use 5.56 for deer, even if legal, but I understand the 77 grain+ offerings aren’t bad at it.
And I wonder if a “tactical” shotgun with a red dot, and fitted to the shooter, even if it involved double-sided tape and lots of thick foam, wouldn’t perform almost as well as some trapFudd with a 20,000 dollar Krieger or Perazzi? Would you even need the long barrel if you were relying on the RDS?
And I wonder if a “tactical” shotgun with a red dot, and fitted to the shooter, even if it involved double-sided tape and lots of thick foam, wouldn’t perform almost as well as some trapFudd with a 20,000 dollar Krieger or Perazzi?
When it comes to shotguns, a lot of the value is in how well it performs with your body. The reason the perazzi is 20,000 bucks is that it is uniquely able to shoot accurately and has the weight to make to make the recoil managable.
Hunting continues to lose ground even as gun ownership increases. Along with increasing urbanization means less likely to be used as a ranch gun or the like, so target practice is about all that’s left. Unless of course those are safe/closet queens. Or also in the mostly unused category- firearms used for personal defense: concealed carry, home protection, etc.
Going back further, the same guns used for hunting and utility were also used to shoot people, either on small scale or for war.
“there’s nothing like The Producers, the original, please, none of that Matthew Broderick remake shit.”
Really? Broderick sounds like a Philistine.
He’s no (((Gene Wilder))).
Broderick’s the fucking worst in that movie. I had to watch it when I was dating a theatre chick and his bloody happy-go-lucky-straight-from-the-40s delivery drove me nuts.
Nathan Lane and Uma Thurman were fucking fantastic in that movie though, and Will Ferrell made me not completely hate him after that.
I actually thought the Broderick version of the Producers was very good. It was one of the few movies that I could take Will Farrell’s over the top comedic antics– because the role works with that. Broderick himself made less of an impression than Lane and Thurman did… mein gott did Thurman look good in that movie…
You’re dead to me. DEAD TO ME.
I admit that my opinion, such as it is, may be informed by Uma Thurman’s supernova performance, but still.
I have a strong dislike for musicals… Except for The Producer’s. Mel Brooks could make watching paint dry funny.
Huh – first I’ve heard them claim it was an “anti-Zionist” event, instead of just letting us assume it because
dykes (?)leftists.As always, I disregard the opinions of any gay ‘anti-Zionist’ until they’ve spent a week in both Israel and Palestine being openly gay in public.
The Muslims only hate gays because Western Civilization oppresses them into hating.
Oh no. They have a term for things like that. Apparently it’s called “pinkwashing”. You’re not allowed to point that out, or you’re zionist scum.
(uncountable) The practice of a company using support of breast cancer-related charities to promote itself and its products or services. (LGBT) The practice of presenting something, particularly a state, as gay-friendly in order to soften or downplay aspects of its reputation considered negative.
Well then, it’s less ‘downplay’ and more ‘make you realize that you’re suicidal morons’ but sure.
Also, by “reminiscent of Israeli flag” they mean “had Star of David in a different colour”. But they’re not anti-Jew, oh no!
Dudley Moore plays an underappreciated classic by Beethoven
Makes me want to watch Arthur again. I had to delete Bedazzled from my DVR to make room for other things….
Hey, guys, you know who’s like Hitler?
Oh ffs it’s so far beyond parody at this point.
He used to be dark-haired but he made his hair lighter…as if he were trying to embody the Aryan ideal.
Yet you still doubt?
Yeah, I clicked on that link, saw the title of the magazine, and saw the story titles along the side and immediately thought it was a Poe. Nope.
“Strongmen situate themselves within positions along the political spectrum, usually toward the extremes on the right and the left.”
Interesting “political spectrum” you got there. I’d put them all on the same end and myself, the individual, on the other.
The Wikipedia article they linked to ( does not contain Trump’s name anywhere.
Barack Obama?
Well, there you have it. Not only is it an extensive list, but it is on Wikipedia. It is obviously an inarguable fat.
Making fun of Hitler is code for supporting Hitler. I won’t be convinced otherwise.
Makes sense
So at the toy factory they were making a Tickle Me Hitler doll, and they gave it a test-tickle, ha ha!
Hmmm, I may have gotten my jokes mixed up a bit…
I have it on good authority that the Nazis were created by the Vatican in order to destroy the Soviet Union because the Vatican had originally created the CCCP in order to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church but the communists double-crossed the Vatican:
I love reading Chick Tracts so much. The sheer insanity of the conspiracy theories that lie within, the insanely stereotypical characters… just everything about them is perfect.
(the Dungeons and Dragons one will always remain my favorite though. That or the New World Order one)
D&D is delightful and famous, but Soul Story is a heady mix of utter brilliance, religious fervor and (unintentional?) racism that needs to be more famous.
That was basically just the plot of The Mack.
I should have qualified, art is the good and also (unintentionally?) racist.
The plot is “Someone showed Jack a blacksploitation film”.
My favs were the Crusader comics:
32 full color pages to explain the conspiracies.
I see no mention of fluoridation in this publication.
That is because THEY don’t want you to hear about it!!1oneoneeleventy!11!1
*pats foil hat*
At least the Vatican isn’t behind D&D, it’s just the Satanists. Unless the Vatican IS the Satanists.
Chick died last October aged 92.
Suuuure he did.
*winks knowingly*
“Chick had limited personal contact with the public; he gave only one known professional interview after 1975.[16] The lack of available public information about him created some speculation that he was a pen name for unnamed authors.”
file under: won’t somebody *please* think of the children?
Congress Moves to Save America From Growing Threat of ‘Snortable Chocolate’
On Monday, Democratic Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer’s office issued a strongly worded letter to the FDA, chastising them for missing out on this dangerous trend that literally no one had heard of before now. According to Schumer, the FDA is sadly remiss in not investigating the “use of caffeine in inhalable food products,” which go by names like “Coco Loko.”
“This suspect product has no clear health value,” Schumer’s office said in a statement released to media. “I can’t think of a single parent who thinks it is a good idea for their children to be snorting over-the-counter stimulants up their noses.”
Then nobody will buy it, dumbass.
When I was little I found a tin of cocoa powder in the cupboard and thought “yum, chocolate!” So I took a big swallow and almost choked on the disgusting chalky bitterness. It never occurred to me to snort it.
“Congress Moves to Save America From Growing Threat of ‘Snortable Chocolate”
Schmuber acting like Schmuber does not exactly constitute ‘Congress moves’ to do anything. I think even the FDA has pretty much told him to fuck off.
What was the best Hitler movie of all time?
‘The Boys from Brazil’, and not literally ‘Hitler’ nut a great Nazi movie ‘Marathon Man’
I was always partial to inglourious basterds myself.
Is it safe?
Szell! Szell! Szell! My God! Stop him! Szell!
Also if you haven’t already, read the novel, I know it’s a cliche, and as good as the movie is, the book it better.
De Weisse Angle!
Movie about people who are not Hitler. Cast as themselves.
More Than 1,000 People Have Eaten These Detergent Pods, And Chuck Schumer Was Almost One Of Them
Children have been eating the pods because they look like candy, and Senator Chuck Schumer held a news conference Sunday to bring attention to the problem, reports the New York Daily News.
“The incidents are skyrocketing. These pods were supposed to make household chores easier, not tempt our children to swallow harmful chemicals,” the senator said.
“I saw one on my staffer’s desk and I wanted to eat it.”
Are you pondering what I’m pondering?
I think so, bwain, but wouldn’t two tutus equal a four by four?
Is there a comprehensive list of everything that Schumer has wanted to regulate or ban? Would it be easier to come up with a list of things he doesn’t want to regulate or ban?
Maybe Spielberg will make “Shumer’s List”. A concentration camp of safety regulations.
Would it be run by safety nazis? I’d watch that.
Colonel Clink played by Bloomberg and Shultz by Deblasio.
Oh, I thought it was a concentration camp of Cabbage Patch-faced joke thieves.
Spot the Not: things Chuck Schumer has tried to ban
1. a video game
2. tank tops
3. powdered caffeine
4. green laser pointers
5. scented bath salts
6. pay day lenders
#2 – although the thought of him in one makes ME want to ban them.
Jeebus freaking Crikey. I think that Scmuber ate an entire industrial container of them. The shithead has brain damage. FUCK.OFF.ASSHOLES.
Fools worried about aliens when anyone with even an ounce of sense knows (((who))) it really is.
“Facebook user Michele Mannor wrote: “I don’t believe that explanation at all.”
Well how can you question the wisdom of a Facebook user?
I saw one of those UFO looking clouds once, when I was a kid. It was pretty cool.
Did your butt mysteriously hurt afterwards?
Dude! Aliens stuck things up your ass! And Kyle’s dog is a geh homosexual!
We’ve been doing this for 50 years and the only thing we’ve learned is that 1 in 10 people really like it.
+1 amateur rectal photographer
OMWC I hope you have all of your safes secured.
Some random facts
The median age of the world has been rising. It’s about 30 now.
The countries with the lowest death rates include a lot of poor countries in Africa and rich countries in the Middle East.
There are about 40 countries in the world where the median age is 20 or less, mainly in Africa.
Highest death rate countries are pretty much all in the former USSR.
About 4 billion people will live in sub Africa by the end of the century. They will constitute more than a 1/3 of the world’s population.
Seems like birth rates decline with wealth. We’re seeing China and India gaining wealth. Wonder if we could see that happen at some point in Sub-Sahara Africa and if so, what that would do to the projections.
These are the “maximum calamity” UN figures right? The ones that assume that Africa and Asia stay dirt-poor?
What was the best Hitler movie of all time?
To Be or Not to Be:
And if you can find Schtonk!, about the Hitler Diaries, watch it. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s ever been released to DVD in the US.
Mommie Dearest was a great Hitler movie.
I first saw that movie dubbed into German.
I bet that was awesome
The first time I saw Wayne’s World, it was dubbed in German. It lost something in the translation.
My first German movie was “Back to the Future”.
“The Sudden Wealth of the Poor People of Kombach”
You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen Kentucky Fried Movie in the original Dutch.
Katholieke middelbareschool meiden in de problemen
When I was in Poland, some of the people I was traveling with decided to go to the movies to hear something in English. What did they pick? Indochine, a French language film which was screened with Polish subtitles.
The first movie in German I saw was Das Leben der Anderen.
Ah, that’s on my queue to watch. Heard good things about it.
Also, I can’t wait for Deutschland 86… that is the year I lived in Germany – should be a hoot.
Yes. If you didn’t see 83, it was a lot of fun. Kind of soapy, and very atmospheric esp. with all the new wave music.
I didn’t see 83. I watched a trailer. I might just put it on my list of things to hunt down.
The scenery-chewing, chain-smoking aunt who cons our hero into spying in the West is fantastic.
This Libertarian Strategy to Make America as Screwed-Up as Texas
Before there were the Koch Brothers, there was James McGill Buchanan, the inspiration for their modern right-wing oligarchy.
The discovery by their chief funder, Charles Koch, of the approach developed by James McGill Buchanan for how to take apart the liberal state.
Buchanan studied economics at the University of Chicago and belonged to the same milieu as F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman and Ludwig von Mises, but he used his training to analyze public life. And he supplied what no one else had: an operational strategy to vanquish the model of government they had been criticizing for decades — and prevent it from being recreated. It was Buchanan who taught Koch that for capitalism to thrive, democracy must be enchained.
Buchanan was a very smart man, the only winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics from the US South, in fact. But his life’s work was forever shaped by the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision. He arrived in Virginia in 1956, just as the state’s leaders were goading the white South to fight the court’s ruling, a ruling he saw not through the lens of equal protection of the law for all citizens but rather as another wave in a rising tide of unwarranted and illegitimate federal interference in the affairs of the states that began with the New Deal. For him what was at stake was the sanctity of private property rights, with northern liberals telling southern owners how to spend their money and behave correctly. Given an institute to run on the campus of the University of Virginia, he promised to devote his academic career to understanding how the other side became so powerful and, ultimately, to figuring out an effective line of attack to break down what they had created and return to what he and the Virginia elite viewed as appropriate for America. In a nutshell, he studied the workings of the political process to figure out what was needed to deny ordinary people — white and Black — the ability to make claims on government at the expense of private property rights and the wishes of capitalists. And then he identified how to rejigger that political process not only to reverse the gains but also to prevent the system from ever reverting back. He sought, in his words, to “enchain Leviathan,” which is why I titled the book Democracy in Chains.
The horror.
We’ve been talking about this book a lot. It’s a straight up hatchet job, it isn’t even trying to be objective. The bitch tries to paint fucking Pinochet as some sort of libertarian pet project. It’s batshit.
Even Reason did a take down.
It’s got out-of-context quotes, straight up lies, etc.
“Rejigger.” Well my days of not taking these kinds of screeds seriously are certainly coming to a middle.
I can’t remember, now. What’s a rejigger in metric?
15 centijigs
But what’s that in cubic milliflurlongs?
You know, in a way, it’s like libertarians are the new Jews.
Then what are libertarian Jews? Double Jews? Would that mean I get more gold?
If Texas is so screwed up, then why are so many of the fucking locusts from NY, IL, MD, and CA moving here? (And screwing up further my 610 commute.)
Not me. The economy would have to be pretty fucking more spectacular than it is now to make up for the horrific weather.
Wait… horrific weather? I thought you lived in NY? Or am I confused about someone else who lives in NY who actually lives in Cali?
Yes, and in fact our weather is horrific this week for someone like me who is genetically incompatible with heat and humidity. But it rarely lasts more than 3 days.
Maryland is a paradise climate wise compared to NY. It’s too damn cold there in the winter. I lived in the upper midwest and I hated every single fucking minute of it.
I actually don’t mind the heat and humidity at all. Could live year round at our place in NE Brazil, avg 89 F high, avg 73 low, avg 75% humidity, year round. We’re near the ocean (5 minute walk) so we do get a nice breeze most of the time.
I would prefer Boston or Maine weather to here. I really cannot stand the heat and humidity – I was miserable today just walking around outside for 20 minutes.
I know a lot of people like that. I remember living in the midwest, I would be freezing my ass off and guys I knew were running around outside with their shirt off (I’m talking sub zero) and wanting to go ice fishing. Fuck ice fishing. It it’s below 50 F, it’s too damn cold.
I don’t like extremes at either end but extreme cold (and below 50 is NOT extreme cold IMHO) is a lot easier for me to handle than the other extreme. I grew up in upstate NY and the endless winters didn’t bother me as much as the one or two extreme summer days we would get.
Gotta love Conor McGregor. (Well, no, you don’t have to, but this is top-class trolling.)
The entire thing is a gimmick. There’s not even much novelty in it for me.
But the sidebar led me to this gem:
That sound you hear is his corpse drilling through the earth like a tunneling machine.
O.T. (or is it non-kosher?):
CNN is furiously rubbing it raw right now.
It’s not the best optics, but it’s absolutely meaningless legally. And even in terms of PR, it’s more about what the completely distorted view of reality being taken by the left. This was a bogus meeting that produced no results. It showed nothing more than a willingness of the Trump campaign to accept dirt no matter the source (as if Hillary and Dems are beyond that – lest we go through the scandals related to the Clintons themselves when it comes to foreign governments to prove that point). It in fact demonstrates that up until that point the Trump campaign did not have connections with the Russian government.
It’s the same meaningless story it was the other day before these supposed bombshell emails. Trump Jr. was sent to collect dirt. He only differed from the typical Clinton hack in that he stated his intentions openly instead of staying vague or employing innuendo.
As if the Democrats never took any money from someone with Russian “ties”.
They needed this bad after what they’ve been through, which unfortunately breathes new life into their withered corpse.
The only problem is, it will last a single news cycle. Maybe a couple more when the Dems force some hearings which the Republican cucks (I know the term isn’t popular, and for good reason, but it really suits most GOP politicians). But then it goes nowhere because there’s no crime and no real “there” there. Same as anything else related to Russia.
They’re still going to fuck themselves because they have no end game. It’s just throw everything against the wall until something might stick. And if not, throw some more shit. Because this is about #Resistance. Not reality or even a coherent political strategy.
Long story short, they’re going to lose, anyway. People don’t care about this shit. They aren’t going to vote on Russian conspiracy theories.
Well that, and keeping their followers enraged. I mean, I know people who firmly believe Russia hacked the election – even though they don’t really know what that means. The point is they KNOW, the election was stolen from Hillary.
There’s nothing there. Everyone already knows it. Desperation heaped upon desperation.
summary of conversation I had today about this:
Him: Russia hacked the DNC because they wanted Trump to win.
Me: Assange said the leaks did not come from Russia or any other state actor. And anyone, the info that was leaked revealed criminal activity on the part of the DNC.
Him: Assange is a liar! And GOP cheats too! Whycome they didn’t get hacked?
Me: The DNC didn’t get hacked. John Podesta was an idiot and got tricked into giving away his password.
Him: The info from the Podesta hack was only part of what was leaked.
Me: Even if Russia did try to influence the election, it’s not that much different that what many countries have done, including the US under Obama in the 2015 Israeli elections.
Him: That’s different because it was done in the open!
still don’t even think its worth responding to its so stupid.
what’s their story? “Trump supporting media scrambling to address our bullshit claims“? ahh, stage 3
1 – throw poop
2 – opposition complains
3 – point to opposition complaining as proof you’ve hit a nerve
And right on cue the international news outlets I listen to are running to Lindsey Graham for quotes.
Why Is Charles Murray Odious?
Less because of his empirical methods than because of his horrible moral values…
We should be clear on why the Murray-Herrnstein argument was both morally offensive and poor social science. If they had stuck to what is ostensibly the core claim of the book, that IQ (whatever it is) is strongly correlated with one’s economic status, there would have been nothing objectionable about their work. In fact, it would even have been (as Murray himself has pointed out) totally consistent with a left-wing worldview. “IQ predicts economic outcomes” just means “some particular set of mental abilities happen to be well-adapted for doing the things that make you successful in contemporary U.S. capitalist society.” Testing for IQ is no different from testing whether someone can play the guitar or do 1000 jumping jacks or lick their elbow. And “the people who can do those certain valued things are forming a narrow elite at the expense of the underclass” is a conclusion left-wing people would be happy to entertain. After all, it’s no different than saying “people who have the good fortune to be skilled at finance are making a lot of money and thereby exacerbating inequality.” Noam Chomsky goes further and suggests that if we actually managed to determine the traits that predicted success under capitalism, more relevant than “intelligence” would probably be “some combination of greed, cynicism, obsequiousness and subordination, lack of curiosity and independence of mind, self-serving disregard for others, and who knows what else.”
For a person of left-wing values, what any correlation between IQ and success means is that the structure of rewards in society should be readjusted so that they do not disproportionately favor people who have some particular random arbitrary characteristic (like being good with numbers), just the same as a society in which the elite is comprised solely of people who are good painters would also be unfair.
Murray purports to show that Europeans have produced the most “significant” people in literature, philosophy, art, music, and the sciences, and then posits some theories as to what makes cultures able to produce better versus worse things.
You can see instantly where this goes off the rails: however possible it might be to rank scientists by citation count, how on earth does this work for music and art? First, by using encyclopedias, aren’t you stacking the deck against cultures without written traditions? By counting individuals, aren’t you favoring individualistic cultural achievements rather than communal ones?
Of course, as always with Murray, biology is involved as well. Murray determines—again, using math—that “no woman has been a significant original thinker in any of the world’s great philosophical traditions.” (This might, of course, be because most philosophical writing throughout the history of the world has been little more than masturbatory nonsense, which women are less inclined or encouraged to produce, a hypothesis Murray does not consider.)
Huh. Same guy wrote for Salon. How shocking.
There’s about two or three dozen people who write this crap and it gets cross-posted and quoted on the same half dozen sites.
“…is a conclusion left-wing people would be happy to entertain.”
If you had just agreed with us, there wouldn’t be any problem here.
” And ‘the people who can do those certain valued things are forming a narrow elite at the expense of the underclass’…After all, it’s no different than saying ‘people who have the good fortune to be skilled at finance are making a lot of money and thereby exacerbating inequality.'”
Everything is zero sum!
There’s a lot of derp to unpack in that one. It’s an ideal candidate for an entry in the Derpomonicon.
The set-up in the very first paragraph reads like they’re about to put the beatdown on an autistic kid.
No, it would be more of a Derpocrypha. The Derponomicon is complete and I’m going to need a stiff drink before I look at at again.
That is some grade-A prime cut stupidity right there. You should probably go take a long, hot shower after digging up that nugget.
Hell yes.
A point he makes in writing
This might, of course, be because most philosophical writing throughout the history of the world has been little more than masturbatory nonsense,
“Look at me, I’m an illiterate Philistine, if my arguments didn’t give it away immediately.”
I’m somewhat inclined to agree with him on this point, particularly once you get to about 1960.
I question whether this limp-dick retarded Millennial sociology PhD actually has the mental capacity to even read Plato, much less critique him.
But he went to Harvard! And Yale! He has more degrees than a thermometer. Did *you* go to Harvard or Yale? Huh, smart guy?
He has a BA in African-American Studies. ?
Analytic philosophy doesn’t exist? When did it disappear?
It probably still does exist in some form. Back in my college days, Basics of Logic was a requirement for Computer Science and math degrees. It was taught by a math professor and was attended by mostly by math and CS students, but it was still somehow part of the philosophy department. It was actually a pretty good class that started with lectures about logical fallacies, then kind of moved into Boolean Logic,
Holy shit, people are still harping on this?
That having been said, he is correct that Murray’s Human Accomplishment is unmitigated bullshit. All Murray did was make lists of his favorite books and paintings and called it Science!. That book deserves all the disapprobation it gets.
And this guy thinks Murray is odious?
and who gets the power to decide what the ‘right proportions’ are? Ahh, the socialist Top Men, surely. No irony.
He wants to change how incentives work. New Soviet Man horseshit.
The thing is, people who are insanely good at math usually don’t make that much. The people who can use grade school level math to make a budget and then stick to it tend to be better off, but I’m not about to ask the local plumber to teach an AP calculus class,
Oh god there’s an NRA ad with Sheriff Clarke on youtube and it’s unbearable.
Motherfucker talks about ‘MUH HONOUR’ like he’s a fucking samurai.
What an asshole. An honorable man wouldn’t jail people for putting stuff into their own bodies.
Fuck him and fuck all the fake medals he wears like they mean something.
I remember someone wanted that Hulk scene from the Avengers turned into a CNN meme?
YT account closed, video no longer available.
That’s weird and almost spooky in the current political climate.
Yeah, that was my wife.
today in bathos:
America hits peak anti-intellectualism: Majority of Republicans now think college is bad
Republicans say no to college: It’s the only institution viewed in more sharply partisan terms than the media
For the first time, a majority of Republicans think that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country. Fifty-eight percent say that colleges “are having a negative effect on the way things are going in the country,” according to Pew. In other words, the Wall Street banks are more popular with Republican voters than Stanford, Harvard or the University of Akron.
Just two years ago, a majority of Republicans, 54 percent, rated universities’ effect as positive. As Pew noted, “this shift in opinion has occurred across most demographic and ideological groups within the GOP,” but in particular the poll found that positive views of colleges among Republicans under the age of 50 sunk by 21 percentage points from 2015 to 2017. While Republican views of colleges and universities remained largely the same throughout much of the Obama administration, 65 percent of self-identified conservatives now say that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country. Positive views of colleges dropped even among Republicans who hold a college or graduate degree, declining by 11 percentage points during the last two years.
Huh. I wonder what could have happened recently on college campuses that would cause this.
Ironically many college campuses are at their peak anti intellectualism. Salon has a very elitist line of thinking. No college = idiot.
“America hits peak anti-intellectualism”
Agreed, but for pretty much the opposite reason they think. College has nothing to do with intellectualism. Some of the most intellectual people I’ve ever met have only a high school diploma or 4 years or less of college. You don’t teach intellectualism. You teach knowledge in a particular discipline. I can know more than anyone else about any one subject and still be dull as hell outside of that subject.
half-remembered quote:
the mark of an educated mind is that it can consider an idea without accepting it
That’s a good one, and all too applicable today. First thing I think of is the 100% acceptance from the liberal campus crowd of catastrophic AGW. No questions asked ‘I guess I have to agree with the scientists’ *barf*.
I have met illiterate, witchcraft-believing, third world peasants with a firmer grasp of reality than some college graduates.
As someone who has spent a lot of time around people who never leave academia I can tell you a lot about the prevailing mindset. Don’t get me wrong, just like everywhere else, there are a lot of good people who have their feet firmly planted on the ground. But they are not in the majority. A lot of them, their absurdly inflated ego and lack of grasp of the real world outside their bubble makes it impossible to take them seriously. They wildly overestimate their own intelligence.
My dad has a fifth grade education and is probably smarter than 95% of the people I went to college with.
I believe you. Of the two most intelligent people I believe I’ve ever met, one has a bachelors and a law degree and the other only has a high school diploma. You can’t teach intelligence. And today, no one needs a degree to get even advanced knowledge of most disciplines. The internet has changed all of that. In my opinion, the main drivers of intelligence is curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Some people have those things, some don’t.
The education system, even ignoring the social justice idiocy, is producing people like Mr. Robinson, who believe that their vapid handwaves about how thousands of years of philosophical study and analysis are ‘masturbatory nonsense’ is substantial and rational. America’s not hitting peak anti-intellectualism, the school’s and their product’s are.
Aw, never change, Salon.
“For the first time, a majority of Republicans think that colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country.”
Universities are nothing but a net positive for everyone!
Unless you listen to this guy’s interesting hypothesis
(Godwin alert)
“…I believe that the sudden rise of Hitler, the atrocities of World War II, and the Holocaust were the direct result of decades of indoctrination in mythical nationalism and racialist ideologies by German universities, indoctrination that parallels the current work of American universities with respect to identity politics, multiculturalism, deconstructionism, scholar-activism and education for social justice. What happened in Germany in the prewar period is, therefore, a cautionary tale….
“Berlin University was one of the many hotbeds of Volkish ideology since its founding in 1810. The scholar known as the father of German nationalism, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, who was the first rector of Berlin University, lectured on the superiority of Germans, resisting the Enlightenment ideals of the French and argued against Jewish emancipation. Hitler later devoured Fichte’s writings, which later became core beliefs of Nazi ideology….
“The Volkish movement in German universities through the 19th century took myths and superstitions to a whole new scholarly level. Professors and their young idealistic students took the old, and newly minted myths of the German heroic past and imaginary evils of the Jews and turned them into a systematic body of thought….
“The Nazi ethos of “life unworthy of life” and the euthanasia program put into practice by the Nazi doctors, as Lifton explains, relied strongly upon the solid grounding in claims to scientific, logical and rational legitimacy. For Nazi doctors initially trained in the healing arts to be cool, detached practitioners of euthanasia – “direct medical killing”- and directing the “killing program” at Auschwitz “from beginning to end”, the boundary between healing and killing had to be destroyed. The scientific tradition established by the work of Haeckel and his followers enabled the Nazi doctors to erase the healing/killing boundary by enforcing the grandiose Volkish mission for the healing of the German race by killing off the “lower races”. It was the stamp of scientific legitimacy afforded by academia that enabled the great evils to come….
“Hitler was profoundly influenced by the long lineage of Volkish and Monist professors and scholars. He was an avid reader of Fichte and Chamberlain. The antisemitic 19th century Volkish academic, Lagarde, who provided inspiration for the extermination of the Jews, was one of Hitler’s ideological heroes.”
I didn’t read the whole article, but I wonder if they mention that back in the 19th century the “great” American universities tried to model themselves after the “great” German ones.
Spot the Not: Chuck Schumer
1. America is a place where we all come together. It is a place of consensus.
2. Mr. Snowden is a coward who has chosen to run.
3. It may be necessary to use methods other than constitutional ones.
4. You know, we have three branches of government. We have a House. We have a Senate. We have a President.
5. I went to the public schools myself. And they were great for me.
6. Inaction is perhaps the greatest mistake of all.
3. That sounds too honest for him.
#4 is perfect.
1 sounds the least like him.
2 is just ‘duh, anyone in washington could have said that’; and 3-6 all seem to capture his own unique ass-fisting of simple statements (*tho 3 could very well be Darth Cheney)
You know who else made lists?
Also, Derpy, I want you to ask your progressive friend about the Charlie Gard case and report the result in the Derponomicon.
3 is the Not. Robert Mugabe said that.
Asking The Prog from the Derponomicon about the Charlie Gard case could be interesting. I haven’t spoken to the guy in 3 yrs though, and do not feel a great desire to do so. Perhaps I will post another excerpt from the Derponomicon instead.
Speaking of the (((people))) , I finished Milo’s “Dangerous” last night. I can write up something more if people are interested, but generally it’s a fun, light read, much like the way he talks, but all put together. There’s no new info in it because of the ‘put together’ aspect of it (it’s half-memoir, half anti-SJWs/Leftists-are-dumb), but I like the idea of all this being in one place, footnoted and summarized for The Youth to read. As a sidenote: He makes such a big deal out of his flamboyant narcissism I’m actually more sure that it’s a persona, but I find it amusing, not annoying, so it didn’t bother me.
I think the main theme he got across is that the Right needs more and better salespeople. The “Debate Club Conservatives” (as he calls Shapiro and Ted Cruz) are useful for arguing and information, but they’re boring. We – as libertarians, conservatives, anti-SJWs, anti-Marxists, etc — need to be their opposite: fun where SJWs are not fun, bold when they are timid, free when they are constrained, etc to appeal to the kids who want something different. This shouldn’t be Your Dad’s Right; it needs to loosen up. In sum, the book made me think I should make a video/podcast type thing, and by that yardstick, I’d say it was successful.
Are you thicc?
I will interpret your silence as “yes.”
lol, I am aware of my limitations, my friend.
Seriously, video/audio media would be a welcome addition to Glibs, if you were so inclined.
Never change, HM. Never change
Look Who’s Back is incredibly disappointing, so it’s not your German.
Turn this heat off, you shitlord Deniers!
Finally the media has solved the six degrees of Kevin Baconovich.
Definitely Not A Jew.
Police pull over 11 year old girl for speeding. She’s driving her 10 year old brother home.
…. and now the “oh, that makes sense” fact:
Mom is 25.
Let’s let that percolate. Mother of 2 by the age of 15. Probably pregnant at 13. Probably pregnant for the second time at 14.
So way, way off topic for jewsday tuesday.
Lopez, so she might be one of those Argentinean Jews.
“surely decisions like that will be prevented by more welfare”
/actual arguments people make
Tucker calls the neocon Peters to the mat.
If this is the new Fox, count me a fan. The idea that we should’ve invaded Iraq, but my Top Man woulda done it right! needs to die. Tucker just pounds Peters to dust for his assertion that the US is basically against everyone in the Middle East. And yes, the little lunatic called Putin “Hitler” and Tucker a Hitler apologist.
So I’m guessing tomorrow the lead headline on Vox will be that a Bush Admin official calls Tucker Carlson a Nazi collaborator.
Anyways, weren’t you the one asking me about my schedule the other day? So I have to ask is this early morning for you. or crack of dawn?
Ahem Sorry, I’m bad at self-editing which leads to me saying things where people kind of know what I mean.
So is this first thing in the morning for you, or are you posting really really late?
It’s 7:00 pm here. We must of you are coming, I’m going.
*When. Tokyo.
TFW when your Japanese is as good your English.
Oh. That guy. If his neighbor’s ten year old kid accidentally broke his window with a baseball he would be screaming to send in the troops. I have never seen that guy do anything except shrilly stroke his giant war boner. This is not a voice Trump needs to have around. Who did he support during the campaign? I am guessing Hillary ‘I am going to shoot down russian jets’ Clinton after Trump got the nomination.
Oh, look.
Ya’ know, that really pisses me off. Our middle east policy for the last four presidential terms has made no sense whatsoever. The more I hear and the more I ask the more I get no answer. What have we gotten out of our actions over the last four terms? One drop of oil? Peace? Security? Order? No, the whole middle east has turned into a nightmare of chaos and blood and the establishment pols here just keep wanting more of the same.
Take out Assad? For what? What do we gain? Who is taking his place? Who is next? Ergodan? It is insane.
The only thing I can think of is that the old ‘military industrial complex’, which means the political establishment is creating pretenses for more contracts. They are getting rich off of it. I cant see any other goal that makes sense but I am really just pulling that out of my ass. I dont know for sure.
I could see him running a Military Junta in a former life. Control freak who’s answer to everything is more violence.