Several different things are all trying to occupy my brain simultaneously, so this will be more-or-less a group of free associations, (((links))) as it were.

First off, this is the sort of thing that could happen to any of (((us))).

Remember the story a few weeks back about Jews being excluded from the Chicago LGBT march because they had the temerity to put a Star of David (who was bi) on their banner? In a follow up, the reporter who broke the story has been demoted. It’s always delightful when the Left doesn’t even make a de minimus attempt to disguise their bigotry.

Ironically, Israel is basically a leftist country. And when there’s a leftist, you can bet your mezuzah that there’s a plan to sink taxpayer money into a choo-choo.

What was the best Hitler movie of all time? Of course, if you’re an internet freak, there’s nothing as useful as Der Untergang. If you’re a fan of classic comedy, there’s nothing like The Producers, the original, please, none of that Matthew Broderick remake shit. If you’re doing bong hits and need a midnight movie, you have no choice: They Saved Hitler’s Brain, which is Ed Wood-level bad and therefore unintentionally hilarious (which is the best kind of hilarious). Margin for Error is a bit unfair because it only has Hitler’s voice, but how can you resist Milton Berle playing a straight role? Whenever I see Uncle Miltie, this story haunts me. And I was delighted with a recommendation from Grand Moff Serious Man, the satirical German language film Look Who’s Back (SP was less delighted with it, but to be fair, my German is better than hers). Of course, no “Greatest Hitler Film” list is complete without the brilliant satire The Great Dictator, which I’m sure Progressives are repackaging for maximal Trump Derangement purposes.

But without question, the choice for the Old Man With Candy has to be a short with Hitler played by a Jew: