Wimbledon mens semifinals today. Go Sam Querry! Ladies played yesterday and Venus beat that limey girl to make it to the finals. USA! USA! I hope she wins and does her usual classy interview. And I hope her smarmy, jerk of a sister takes notes. The dude I assumed was a lock to win the bike race seems to have lost his lead. I’m sure a few of you will clue us in on what’s gonna happen from here on out, because I’m not really paying attention.
Tebow Time!
Baseball, which I thought was back last night, is actually back today. Well, the minor leaguers are still playing but I doubt anybody wants to hear about the exploits of Tim Tebow. Nope. We’re all waiting for the face-off between the Minnesodans and the mighty Houston Astros. Series starts tonight, which means if Houston doesn’t do well, I only have to mention it once in Monday’s links. We shall see. Of course, the dicks over at ESPN will probably have the Yankees-Red Sox series on wall to wall coverage instead, so find the MLB Network on your tv.
No more sports (mostly). Time for…the links!
OK, a little more sports. I hate the team, but I gotta applaud the coach for this level of trolling. Also, Vice have completely turned into a bunch of pussies.
An interesting WSJ piece about the Amazon-Post Office relationship. We should send up some smoke signals to the commenters. Looks like they understand the USPS. Maybe they’d fit in over here.
BREAKING NEWS: David French is now categorized as a one-man hate group. Jesus, what an accurate takedown. I’m glad someone in major media finally had the stones to do it.
![While a lot of Americans bitch about heat and humidity, Houstonians just get down to drinking and dancing.](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/core_centerpiece_tab_medium-300x200.jpg)
Ladies enjoying National French Fry Day at St Arnold Brewery
Yesterday was National French Fry Day! Therefore one of the greatest breweries in the world threw a party.  Seriously, if none of you have had the pleasure of drinking some St Arnold beers, you’re really missing out. Their beers range from outstanding to ohmyfuckinggodittasteslikejesushimselfpissedinmymouth delicious.  Which reminds me: I’ll probably try to schedule the Houston meet up at the brewery during one of their events.
This actually is breaking, because it happened overnight: A Hawaiian judge has loosened the travel ban to include a whole host of people that nobody in their right mind would consider “close”. Expect the twittersphere to go insane.Seriously…I guess leftist judges are incapable of reading or they just don’t care about plainly-written laws, executive orders or Supreme Court rulings.
Canada’s national dish
Some very scary news. Women, children and minorities Canadians hardest hit.
For the Tour de France fans. (Some of you might want to open this in a very small window or in the background if they’re at work. It might be NSFW!)
That’s it for me. By the way, I shot a 76 at the Shell Houston Open course yesterday. From the member tees, not the tips. Played out of my mind, but its noticeable when you play a course like that because the greens are always so receptive and hold shots most local tracks won’t hold. Let’s see if I can repeat the feat at my home course today, as I have a small money match with Judge Smalls and Dr Beeper today at noon.
Have a great day, dear friends!
+1, Queen
More Queen:
Hammer to Fall
Was it all worth it?
I want it all!
And of course…Flash Gordon
I forgot all aboot Flash.
I saw that movie in the theater /old man
Me too!
I remember thinking “This is gonna be as good as Star Wars!”
Spoiler – It was not.
Much like “Krull”
I saw Krull too – and walked out disappointed.
My older brother – thanks to the Star Wars mania – wanted to be a filmmaker so he dragged me to any number of crappy 80s movies. He did end up working around cameraman – in TV news.
Yeah, but Lysette Anthony in Krull was kinda easy on the eye.
You know who else tried to enter an artistic occupation but didn’t quite make it?
Emma Sulkowitz, of course!
I saw Conan (I think it was 2nd one “the destroyer?” not for sure) in theater and it was awesome. It convinced me to read the whole Conan series.
Flash Gordon was awesome. Best camp film ever.
Big Trouble In Little China, imo.
Can we nuke Hawaii?
I would but my country has no nukes
These pinko judges are going to keep it up until they get their tit caught in a wringer. The chocolate jesus no longer reigns. The SCOTUS was pretty clear.
It’s almost impossible to remove federal judges unless they are caught committing a crime. And criminally bad rulings don’t count.
That’s true. But, let’s say, at some point, there’s a terrorist attack and the culprit hails from one of the five countries? Do you think the Republicans won’t run on curbing a runaway judiciary that let that happen? And do you think that won’t resonate with a large portion of the public? Then, why couldn’t you see the 9th Circuit broken up? Or some of the other circuits expanded with friendly judges? Or maybe the power of the courts curtailed? Or just a plain-out green-lighting of disregarding the courts?
Love the new avatar.
And I, sir, love your new avatar.
How do you know what eye on the potato(e) to put the monocle?
*shrugs* Meh, gotta nuke something
Trump should close all refugee processing offices, except in Hawaii. Then let the good citizens of HI do their thing.
Cant believe people still like baseball. They need to find a way so you can score on defense. You know, spice it up a little
No sport is a spectator sport.
We know, we know. And salt is an unnecessary extravagance, right UCS?
No, salt is a biochemical essential.
But there’s no point to sitting around watching other people play a game.
Not even chess? Or boxing? Or chess boxing?
But thereâs no point to sitting around
watching other people play a game.reading another person’s book, watching people act out a play, watching people act out a movie, etc, etc, etc.To be fair reading books can be useful in life beyond just relaxing, chilling, taking the edge off. Watching sports not so much. It is pure mindless entertainment. Not that there is anything wrong with that or that it does not have it uses.
Throw out the dining example then. The others are perfectly accurate analogies to what you said about sports and watching others perform, are they not?
Threading fail.
Why do you think I have such a hard time selling?
But more seriously, when you look at the content they try to pawn off, there really is no reason to engage a lot of those either.
Maybe for you, but billions of people would disagree.
Watching people match wits and physical abilities against each other has been a human pasttime since forever. It’s because people like to see other men and women push their minds and bodies beyond the limits of average people and attempt to be the best at something.
Athletic achievement is about more than meatheads hitting each other. It’s about pushing past perceived physical limitations to accomplish what was thought impossible or to develop as a team to defeat others in both physical and mental challenges. How people misinterpret it is beyond me unless they’ve never played a competitive sport in their life.
Playing is bother perfectly understandable and something I can get behind.
What does not make sense is watching other people engage in a participatory activity.
Sometimes, people do things that don’t fit well into a pure Randian, rationalist lifestyle.
What is not essential is parcipatory. By your logic, it doesn’t make sense to watch anybody else do anything for the mere pleasure of watching them.
Does the same apply to reading for pleasure? Listening to music for pleasure? Going to a fine dining restaurant when there’s an Applebee’s nearby?
The alternative to “fine dining” is not another restaurant it’s home cooking. Get your strawmen straight.
But home cooking at my house IS fine dining….
I’ll be the judge of that. Where are you located?
Sadly I’m moving to Florida soon, so I’ll have to learn the native cuisine. I’m not sure that meth stuffed python or four loko braised gator tail are really in my wheelhouse.
don’t forget the bath salts to taste.
A lot of people like watching others that represent the pinnacle of what is possible in a particular sport/activity. Even in videogames – I like to watch some of the pros on twitch because they show what is possible and give me something to strive for.
ALSO – you learn from them. You can up your own game by copying them. It’s not just entertainment, it can actually be USEFUL.
“What does not make sense is watching other people engage in a participatory activity.”
What about porn?
What does not make sense is watching other people engage in a participatory activity.
Because watching something expertly done can be enjoyable. It gives one an appreciation of their skill and effort. It appeals to one’s aesthetic tastes. On a psychological level, it provides some assurance that the transcendent is possible.
I agree on that; you couldn’t pay me to sit and watch a bunch of millionaires throw a ball around. But everyone’s got their own thing.
I like collecting antique records, and I get a thrill when I get a new one in the mail and put it on the turntable for the first time… But I certainly don’t expect anyone else to get excited over some old-ass records whose sounds are barely discernible.
Theres a point to any of this?
I’m stuck at work and arguing on the internet is the only thing I have to fill my time.
Life you mean? No…
Don’t forget your towel
Two words …
+1 Ode to a Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Arm Pit One Mid-Summer Morning.
This guy gets it.
Is there a point to watching other people argue on the internet about stupid shit? Because it beats work.
This is where i think the good people of Glibertopia is better than everyone else. We take timeto learn a thing or two between discussions
Watching sports is like reading fiction.
The only US sport i like is Basketball and that seems the least like around here so I don’t get it myself. The only redeeming thing about basketball is that it is not cricket
Used to be into it all, but now I only watch MMA, some boxing and little women’s beach volleyball.
Lonzo Ball is going to bring back your excitement for the might sport of bball
Is he going to wearing a bikini?
Big baller brand has a new line of mankinis
Are there a lot of fans of the Kazikstan basketball league where he will end up?
“KK Jugoplastika” still around?
Baseball is one of the true sports in my book.
Baseball is a thinking man’s sport.
One of the great things about it is that the fundamental rules don’t change. Except for the execrable DH rule, which should be spindled, folded, and mutilated. Ditto domed stadiums, artificial turf, and call review.
That rant aside, there’s almost a perfection to how the size of the diamond and the timing of runs and throws fit together in a Platonic fashion.
Actually, curling is the thinking man’s sport
You misspelled “drinking.”
You’d have to be sloshed to think going out on ice with blades strapped to your feet is a good idea…
Oh you.
There’s a story, a funny story, about me sitting in a restaurant. I’m eating this big meal and maybe having a couple of beers and smoking a cigarette. A woman comes by the table. She recognizes me and she’s shocked because it seems like I should be in training or something. She’s getting all over me, saying that a professional athlete should take better care of himself. I lean back and I say to her, “I ain’t an athlete, lady. I’m a baseball player”. That pretty much sums it up.
– John Kruk
I prefer athletics to baseball.
I can’t think of anything more challenging in sports than hitting. When failure 2 times out of 3 puts you in the “elite” category, that sort of sums it up.
Vlade Divac used to smoke between quarters when he was with the Lakers. Just thought I’d throw that one in.
Len Dawson, badass.
And of course, no Hall of Fame Athlete Body Abuse is complete without the late, great Artie Donovan.
Doc Ellis pitched on acid. Mantle once hit 3 HRs completely hung over. Max McGee scored 2 TDs in SB1 after an all night bender. Babe Ruth missed half a season with a ‘stomach ache’ (liver issues).
National fuckin’ treasure!
I thought the Fresca was a nice touch.
Guy Lafleur would smoke between periods.
Did she have a lubrication problem?
Chris Mullin was drinking massive amounts of beer each day for a good part of his early career.
I’ve heard that many times, but I don’t get it. What about baseball makes it a “thinking man’s game”? The lineup? I mean, I don’t know, I’ve always thought of football as more intellectual. Lots of moving pieces, building “formations”, something of a chess game between coaches, etc.
There was a British chess master who visited the US in the 1950’s who watched American football and, while not outright endorsing the sport, considered it rather chess-like. Stand by while I find the link…
I remembered some of it wrong. It was not a chess master, it was broadcaster Alistair Cooke:
There’s strategy in each pitch (location, speed, movement choice), in how the fielders position themselves, in how they react to balls hit the same way but with different situations (men on base, number of outs), in how the runners react on each pitch, substitutions (that’s one which the DH rule damages), bunts, squeezes, hit-and-runs…
Oh and platooning, for which Earl Weaver became famous (Roenicke and Lowenstein being a prime example).
That seems more tactical than strategic, and not much different than soccer or basketball, honestly. I’m not saying that to be contentious, just to convey why I don’t understand the reputation, or at least why baseball is singled out (har har) for being more intellectual. I can see where managing a lineup has some deep strategy involved, but the rest seems like just individual players being good at the sport rather than an example of strategic thinking.
I keep going back to football, but the structure makes it, at least in my mind, a game of strategy. It’s basically a simultaneous turn-based game (to borrow from video games) where both sides are trying to counter for the expected moves of the other, all while managing things like player fatigue, player capabilities, sometimes arcane or bizarre rules, field position, etc.
I probably don’t know enough about baseball to get it. It’s just that as a casual observer I don’t really see it as fundamentally any different than any other sport, unlike football.
Yeah, thinking very slowly.
American football is the thinking mans sport. Its a game broken up into segmented plays, which require a higher level of strategic choice than continuous play sports. And with 11 people on the field, there’s (counts on fingers) 21! player interactions per game. Even dumbed down to a simple [run, pass, play-action] play calling set, there’s more strategery in a single NFL play than there is in an entire baseball game.
There’s a reason its the game most resistant to analytical analysis and baseball is the most transparent.
QB: “Niggers go deep.”
Football is frequently compared to war because it’s essentially a game about capturing territory. This is why so many football plays look like military strategy maps.
The beauty of baseball is that it both an individual competition and a team sport.
It’s a duel between the pitcher and the batter until the ball approaches the batter.
But once the ball either is struck by the bat or crosses the plate, it’s a magnificent team sport.
Everyone scores on defense. The offense is the team with the ball, right?
Not in baseball. Defense has the ball.
Not if you define offense as the team with the ball. Then the defense is scoring points.
I know that is not how baseball defines offense and defense, but so what?
Good point. Let’s just have a beer, and enjoy the game. ?
Cant believe people still like baseball
You’re not watching it correctly. Feet up, beer in hand, sometimes a little nap here and there. It’s immensely enjoyable and relaxing.
You just described fishing. I’ve occasionally failed to bait hooks without a noticeable impact on my day.
So its safe to say you arent a master baiter
Can do that watching Teen Mom. Not thatI do….
I was speaking in-person. You can’t go to Teen Mom’s house and do that. Well, maybe you can …
But then u might get stuck watching a 3 hr pitchers dual. I used to love it till the strike. After that it was football and basketball that got my attention.
I used to think baseball was an insufferably boring spectator sport. Then I took up poker. Now I really enjoy watching baseball when I’m out of a hand. It’s a great sport to watch when you’re doing something else.
By the way, I shot a 76 at the Shell Houston Open course yesterday.
Golf is a good walk spoiled
*said bitterly as I used to play but was never very good*
76? Wow. What did he get on the back nine?
::good edit faerie is feeling generous today::
What sucks is that I had a bad stretch at the turn where I bogeyed 8, 9, 10 and 11. I lit it up otherwise. And all that rain helped hitting into the greens but everything off the tee lost a good 10-20 yards of roll.
I ain’t complaining, but hitting 8 irons into greens instead of wedges was a bummer.
If you broke 80, you had a good day in my book. Someone needs to make an all dog leg right course so that my slice and I can do it.
I gave up on golf years ago. Had a membership to a military base course, so I could play all I wanted for a $3 a day greens fee. Played a minimum of 18 holes every day after work, and got to the point where I was consistently shooting in the low 80s with a personal best of 75 on a par 72 course.
Why’d I stop playing? In all that time I never once scored a birdie. I quit playing the day I was sitting 2 on a par 5, 10 feet from the hole. And three putted.
It’s funny, I still watch golf fairly regularly, but only the Majors. I think that goes back to my childhood and fond memories of going to the Masters every year.
At my best I was a bogey golfer and I made the occasional birdie. I would just follow it up with an 8.
One of my best — great drive, long, down the center of the fairway and a shortish part 4. Short iron to the green, good birdie opportunity if I didn’t screw it up. I chunk the shot about 10 yards forward. I dont change clubs, I dont go to my bag, I just walk up in a rage and hit it again without even taking a stance. On hop, in the hole.
This is my experience too. Id even work in the occasional eagle.
To add to your “enjoyment”, I suggest watching women’s majors as well, especially when they are played at a Trump-branded course such as this weekend’s US Women’s Open. Plenty of hand-wringing (not by any players, as far as I can tell) but I challenge you to slog through one of Christine Brennan’s USA Today columns. Link may not work, but that might be doing you a favor:
In addition to TDS, there’s a bonus gender pay disparity complaint!
I can remember when athletes were told by the media “I don’t care what side he’s on, just make a stand.” Specifically Michael Jordan in the 90s, when he was considered apolitical and more concerned with his commercial brand and being inoffensive to all. Of course he was being compared to and found lacking against those noted athlete-articulators of the past like Jim Brown, Arthur Ashe & Muhammad Ali, who had similar political points of view to the media, or at least the media of the 90s.
Soon after, though, if an athlete’s comments strayed from the sports media-approved viewpoint it became “Just shut up and play.” And now it’s morphed to the even less tolerant “Here is the narrative athletes must embrace” dictate from the media.
If the players really cared that much about Trump, they could choose to boycott the tournament. It’s that simple.
But no, the payday and exposure are more important.
Yeah, the players (who are essentially small businesswomen/independent contractors/East Asians) don’t really seem to have a problem with Trump. He’s long been a friend and supporter of the sport. The media couldn’t even get Lizette Salas (American golfer whose parents are Mexican immigrants) to say a bad word about him two years ago when one of his courses hosted the Women’s British Open. The sports media just has to feel validated by the people they are covering, and they become more and more hysterical when they don’t get that.
Australian rules golf can be fun.
Kid Rock Confirms Run for U.S. Senate
Well, at least it isn’t Fred Durst. I guess.
It could be Eddie Vedder.
Ladies and germs, I present to you, Senator Eddie Vedder.
What the fuck was that?
Why is the bar for male feminism set so painfully low?
“or men acting in a non-sexist way”
sexist to me seems another way to say heterosexual
Go after your white knights. Great idea.
The reaction to a man saying he had changed his nappy pretty much sums up everything thatâs wrong with how we treat male feminism.
No, it pretty much sums up your retarded-ass celebrity worship.
Ten foot high posters of their faces. Ornamental collectible plates. (Okay, not quite, but an outpouring of adoration and praise nonetheless).
I have been assured that that is not true, all sex is rape and women could never, EVER, actually like men.
The penis is evil, it is known.
Am I reading this phrase incorrectly? On the one hand, the author says that the bar for male feminists is set real low and gives an example of a male actor just saying women need to be paid more. The implication is that “the bar” is something like a high jump bar where the difficulty increases as it is raised and when the bar is set low, there are low expectations.
But in the opening sentence, the author describes the bar as being used for limbo, where the difficulty increases as the bar gets lower, thus the expectations are higher.
Is this one of those prog tricks? Am I an idiot?
No, the author is. Don’t try to make sense of it.
Hah, I noticed the same thing.
“is so low that a double jointed Borrower would struggle to limbo under it.”
What the fuck kind of references are these? (I know who the Borrowers are, but …)
At least it isn’t another Harry Potter reference.
Yeah, feminists, keep insulting the guys who take your side. After all, you’re entitled to have people agree with you and support your agenda.
Your car has just been crushed by hagfish: Frequently Asked Questions
Wait, what?
Earlier today, Oregon State Police reported that a truck carrying a shipment of live hagfish overturned, spilling itâs slimy cargo all over the highway and damaging at least one vehicle.
Ah yes, the hagfish hood smash. Here at Farmer’s we’ve seen it all.
Cue the jingle!
TW: Salon
What UFOs and Bigfoot have in common with Donald Trump
*sigh* let me guess UFOs and Big Foot have in common STEVE SMITH or something
âIn the original version of alien contact, it was a version of New Age ideas couched within this combination of life from other planets,â he added. âIn the late â70s is when it really began, but in the â80s and â90s it transferred to this abduction-abductee narrative.
But that’s wrong. If you’re going to construct a retarded narrative you can at least get your ufology correct.
Yeah, I was going to say, really the modern UFO craze started with the Foo Fighters and 50s Cold War paranoia/alcoholism.
Holeeeeey shit, that is some nuclear grade projection there.
Glibertarian intersectionality
Sounds painful.
That bullet train to Riverrun…
FYI, it’s hilarious.
Looks like Sikha had some imput.
It’s tongue in cheek in the video if you aren’t able to watch it. The whole thing had me laughing at my desk.
Ok that made me laugh. Sadly I don’t think any non-libertarians will understand it at all or I would send it out to my unwilling acquaintances among the unwashed masses.
I’ve watched it like five times and keep finding really funny bits. There’s a news scroll at the bottom in one part that reads:
That is quite humorous.
*removes monocle to wipe tear from eye*
Oh my. Another news scroll:
“I really thought this was the libertarian moment…”
That got an audible laugh from me.
Andrew Heaton is the best thing to happen to TSWMNBN since Fruit Sushi took a sabbatical. He even makes a podcast with The Jacket almost listenable.
I almost literally spit coffee all over my laptop at “Covfefe”
Saint Arnold Brewing Company has an average rating of 3.87/5 on beeradvocate, and beeradvocate does not lie so it can’t be that good.
The women poets taking over the world
derp – obviously not a reply.
/lights the Gilmore signal.
“Nineteen-year-old American Nina Donovanâs rage-filled yet irrepressibly defiant spoken word piece Nasty Woman became the answer-back to Donald Trump when it was performed by actress Ashley Judd at the Womenâs March in Washington earlier this year. US slam poet Olivia Gatwood delivers ferocious take downs of male entitlement by mocking the concepts of the âresting bitch faceâ and the manic pixie dream girl. And New Zealander Hera Lindsey Bird has found fame by writing about Monica from Friends, among other subjects.” I am sure this is going to totally change the world and usher in Utopia
“Poetry” is a discipline for people who want to claim to be creative, but can’t turn a phrase and lack the audacity to claim the trash heap they dumped in the corner is “too sophisticated” for most people to understand the message of.
Ode to UCS:
Loving me isnât easy,
I have sharp edges,
I have missing parts.
âDonte Collins
Fourth-wave feminism???
Maybe someone (meaning HM) can clarify, but I thought in ancient Greece the word we translate “poet” meant basically a composer, or a singer-songwriter – in other words, music as well as words.
If that’s true, poetry includes the stuff you hear on the radio as you’re in the car (unless you’re a weirdo who listens to talk radio or classical).
That is what the Nobel committee was thinking when Dylan got the award.
No one composes the traffic noises. It’s an emergant property of the road.
(Seriously though, I listen to audiobooks because there’s nothing over their airwaves that isn’t riddled with ads)
Yes, Greek lyric poetry was accompanied by a lyre. Similarly, rhapsodists sung epic poems.
I find their offerings to be more hoppy than I prefer in every category. But they do make some amazing beer on the lower hopped end.
Kristen, not exactly what you requested, but I took some artistic license and matched up your ski outfit with an appropriate hat and monocle.
Off to an appointment… *whistles nervously while walking away*
I added a rudimentary hat and monocle to my X Files screaming guy in honor of whatever it is we’re doing with this.
*checks on phone*
The Cat in the Hat is Back – and he wants to explain Hayek to you.
You have a gift.
No, Obama has a gift.
Your monocle
Can you make me two monocles?
Where would you like them?
I feel that is a necessary question given the image.
High beams.
I grant you artistic license.
Okey dokey
They are already like little top hats.
Where to put them???
I finally blew up the photo. Yeah, pokies are fun, but why is Hillary doing a chipmunk impression?
Hey, why doesn’t his monocle attach to his genitals?
It matches the rainbow onesie perfectly.
damn, can you hook my baby up with a hat and monocle??
Post the original to imgur and leave me a link here. I’m a little busier today but I’ll try to get to it.
Thank you for your service
Microsoft’s Calibri font is at the center of a political scandal
Always use comic sans is the lesson here
That was kind of the big take away I got from watching CERN announcements. All big breakthroughs must be published in comic sans.
I hate Calibri font and I always will. Times New Roman 4Life.
I like Century Gothic better for a modern sans-serif font. Of course, Courier in a terminal is the only true choice…
I like Ubuntu, but I’ll have to give courier a try.
Heh, I was half joking, although I do like Courier for terminal. It’s nostalgic. Ubuntu’s stock fonts are actually nice. Strict FOSS distros tend to look like shit as far as fonts go. Not that Arial wasn’t a great font and all, but there are options other than Liberation Sans…
Optima or die.
Preach it. Times New Roman, or if you simply must sans-serif serif, Trebuchet.
Must admit, I’ve started to appreciate Noto, primarily for the the Unicode support.
Times New Roman only belongs on shenzhen knockoffs – it’s the quickest way to tell something was made in the PRC, poorly, by people who don’t give a fuck
Totes. Times New Roman says that PRC manufacturer of the cheap-ass item you ordered from Amazon Marketplace cares enough to outsource the Engrish translation of the manual to some 15-year-old Pakistani call center employee moonlighting as a translator.
You guys are all font retards.
Of course, I’d expect that from those of you using Windows Vista making your Power Point slides.
Did they sub contract /pol for this investigation?
This is why I’ll only stop using wingdings when you pry it from my cold dead hands
JFC, Begala. Chill the f**k out.
I love the TV talking head next to him smirking and bouncing his head in a nod in response to this cockbag discussing “blowing up” a defunct predecessor organisation.
He did qualify it with, “Or whatever it is.”
Because he’s such an expert.
Lunatic asshole
He can’t even get the Russian intelligence agencies right.
Your latest candidate for dumbest thing ever said by a politician. Keep in mind how high that bar is.
He was elected to lead, not to read.
So you’re saying we should seal Australia under a giant dome?
Tell him that for green energy initiatives to work, he needs to reform the law of conservation of energy.
Wow, I didn’t know that universal laws weren’t actual laws for Australia. So, which law is it that approves gravity in Australia?
The Earth is deliquent in paying its fines for failing to obey the “Australian Space Agency” exception that allows their rockets to have 1/25th normal gravity when taking off.
I just figured Australia is the the source source of all Australianium, So Australians just play lots of TF2. They’re taking it up the ass when it comes to pricing on every other game.
The water goes the other way down the toilet. All is possible!
What the fuck is this guy talking about?
Excuse me stewardess, I speak raging warmongering political flunky. He’s trying to say: “LOL dongs”
Threading fail. 50 lashes of Albert Fish-style self-flagellation.
It actually was a near-perfect answer to the question though.
An interesting WSJ piece about the Amazon-Post Office relationship.
You people actually pay to read the WSJ?
You’re the second person to say that. Is it behind a paywall or something? Because it keeps opening up for me without a problem.
It opened for me.
It’s behind a paywall for me. Does WSJ do a limit on the number of articles you can read per month? You guys link enough of them that I probably hit that number pretty quick.
Not that I know. Open in incognito or private browsing and it’ll open just fine.
Didn’t work. :/
Paywalled for me too.
It’s paywalled for me, although then I googled the topic and got a page which I could read (although the text had a gray background that made it harder to read.
HuffPost goes out in search of Middle America
Seeking a new direction, the site launches a 23-city bus tour to ‘listen to America.’
“The banjos at the woodcutting jamboree twanged at full speed, just like the roar of the chainsaw. I could feel my heart being cut in two by the cloud of racism”
Are they piggybacking on Zuckerberg’s expedition into the wilds of flyover country?
I Look forward to reading their their stories about their visit to the Odessa, TX Home Depot Parking lot.
“Listening tour” morphing into “lecturing tour” in 3…2….1….
I still remember when HuffPo announced they were moving all stories about Trump from politics to entertainment because he wasn’t a serious candidate.
The Twitchy feed on this is hilarious.
That sounds like me down South.
Yes indeed. I may have lived almost my entire life in the south, but one thing I retained from my NY family roots is a dislike of being greeted by strangers.
Southerner in NE City: “Excuse me” *smiles, makes eye contact*
Nice City person: “I gave at the office” *walks away*
Less Nice City person: “What do you want?”
You need to promote that little gem a little better.
There’s this strange place called Dairy Queen. Are women reduced to milk carriers? Literally the Hand Maids Tale.
â Texas Guy (@Collinsdw) July 13, 2017
so true
I’m totes getting in on that hashtag!
Hugh Manatee @Wombat32
#HuffPoInTheHeartland Day 6: Learned an outdoor roomba is called a “lawnmower”.
Haha. Holy shit, that’s funny.
Alison for USA @Alison4Trump
That girls’ softball team just lost. AND THEY DIDN’T EVEN GET A TROPHY! ? #HuffPoInTheHeartland
Piatt Grayâ @piattgray 2h2 hours ago
“We’ve been terribly mislead about Champagne, IL” #HuffPoInTheHeartland
My contribution:
#huffpolintheheartland People here are very concerned with my cardiovascular health. They keep saying “bless your heart” to me!
(Southerners will get it…)
God bless the folks that don’t get it.
The funniest damn thing with that. I was apparently annoying the shit out of my cousin’s cousins (my 3rd cousins, I guess) at a family thing when I was 12, and the girls kept saying “Bless your heart.” I had no freaking clue until three years later, when my AP European History teacher (from South Carolina) used it to correct someone in class. Must’ve been funny as hell though, cause the cousin had this smirk on his face the entire time (to be fair, he’s a happy go lucky kind of dude, so I didn’t notice anything amiss). Also explains some of the elbows I caught when we were playing basketball.
I’ve done 4 so far.
I’m an accountant, so I used up my daily allotment of creativity on my one….
Now that last one was AWESOME! Jesse approves.
OK 5
+1 tatter tots
They’re all strong, and I can’t decide if my favorite is the Mattress Girl or the CPS one.
Skadiâ @Living4Winter 20m20 minutes ago
Talked to a guy who didnât even know who Emma Sulkowicz is! Literally crying. #HuffPoInTheHeartland
Ok, I had one more creative burst:
#HuffPoInTheHeartland Man in Appalachia warned me of bear activity in the woods. Homophobe!
And one last one:
#HuffPoInTheHeatland Appalachia: more teeth, fewer banjos than expected.
It seems their tour only goes through the mid-west?
Which is not surprising, it is the cradle of American progressivism after all. Probably easier to get a bunch of country bumpkin types to come out in force for minimum wage and single payer health-care in those areas. Just like deir Danish and Swedish ancestors, don’t-cha-know-it!
Huffington Post staff try to blend in at a local diner
Huff post headline:
“Southerners in the Mist”.
Wouldn’t the more accurate headline be “Deplorables in the Midwest”?
I liked that for Montana they chose Livingston (kinda Montana’s Boulder) instead or, say, Butte or Glendive.
Hey Livingston is pretty redneck – the Wine Bar serves their Duck Confit with a HUCKLEBERRY Chutney. So quaint!
Piers Morgan gets upset by facts, thinks moral outrage is an argument.
To be fair, for most people it is the only argument.
Sargon keeps slipping libertarianwards, from his former center-left position. If only he could give up his idea that as long as a shitty law applies to everyone equally, it’s not shitty.
That’s going to be tough. He’s a military brat and old habits are gonna die hard.
James Woods Defends His Controversial Comments About âGender Creativeâ Child
I would applaud Mister Woods, but that would ruin my reputation for not liking anything.
Stay strong! Don’t give in!
He’s kind of right here, but he’s still an asshole of the highest order.
Kind of my thoughts as well
Yeah, but my kind of asshole.
Old, wrinkly, and hemorrhoidal?
Freshly botoxed?
*GIS James Woods*
Err, guess not.
Good. Don’t back down. HIS OPINION.
Seems to me that the parents are the ones who should be on the defensive.
My god, the nation needs more of this!
Hillary Clintonâs Charitable Giving Dipped by Millions in 2016
“charitable endeavors“
Such a compassionate humanist Piss Cackle is.
“charitable endeavors”
Top recipient of Clinton Family Foundation money was the Chelsea Clinton Global Literacy and Wedding Fund.
Aide (kneels before statuette): Miss Madame Highness Hillary, will you be giving this year?
Hillary (emerges from behind statuette fondling herself): Let ’em starve.
You’re no SF.
Didn’t you pappy teach you if you’ve got nothing good to say….? Something, something.
I thought it was great Rufus. You Canadians don’t have time for the writing skillz like us lazy ‘Mericans.
I would take that as a compliment.
Super creepy:
Newsweek Dabbles in âPresident Hillaryâ Fan Fiction
SugarFree rides to the rescue.
Maybe he could start with this:
“Veselnitskaya appears to have been inside Sen. John McCainâs office in December 2015”
I’ll just get this over with in advance…
*projectile vomits*
Whatever happened to Barfman?
Are we going with the version of Hillary who keeps her public campaign promises, or the ones who keeps her promises to the rich dudes she addressed at that secret luncheon?
I’d probably prefer the latter, of the two versions. But only because what she promised in public was so horrific.
London Tube staff ditch ‘ladies and gentlemen’ for gender-neutral greetings
If only we change the words, we will solve all problems. We’re so close, just a few more words!
You wouldn’t have seen the Dictionary 10th edition, would you TK? And the 11th will be thinner.
All my troubles seemed so far away.
I was looking at some Brit’s shooting videos on the Utube (he moved to the US for the sole purpose of being a gun nut) and in the comments his countrymen were complaining that the UK had become the second coming of the USSR. I wonder how many of the still sane ones are going to leave. I think they may be headed down the same road as Venezuela.
It’s pretty far-gone, but still a long way from Venezuela, even if Corbyn gets in. The apparatus of state is sufficiently massive that it’s like turning around an 18-wheeler in a 2-lane.
They’ll become something more like Iraq or Syria.
How DARE they address me as though I am “one”! I am a collective entity*!
*Seriously, I’m really fat.
I added your monocle and posted it upthread
Oh, thanks! I was joking around yesterday – gave me a reason to post that Seinfeld clip.
Britain officially sucks. The descendants of the people that forged the British Empire are mostly leftist weaklings obsessed with deconstructing everything good and decent.
Aru only is up 6 seconds. If Sky has the legs, they’ll try to get the jersey back for Froome TODAY. A poor strategy would be to wait for the next time trial. I don’t think Astana (Aru’s team) has the power to back him up to defend the jersey. They looked pretty ragged at the end of yesterday.
Whaaaaaaat? Are you talking about Quidditch or Pokemon?
These euphemisms though…
I love the hat. Seriously, love it.
It’s jaunty, innit?
So you’re wearing Libertarian Goggles?
Hand-molded by my orphans. The monocle is inside.
Read the article. Pretty much what I was saying. Velonews is a great read; used to be subscribed to it way back.
Yeah, they’re my go-to for inside info and analysis. They do a great job.
âTo The Boneâ Trailer Presents Anorexia As A White-Only Issue. It Isnât.
Leave it to HuffPo to make looking at Lily Collins unbearable.
They assure us that they’re about to start listening to regular Americans rather than lecturing them… any day now… tick, tock…
And the article is written by a blond white person.
Maybe they think starving people in Africa are anorexics.
16 Things You Must Believe to Buy the âWitch Huntâ Russia Narrative
The headline was misleading to me. I thought they were going to be arguing that the whole thing is a witch hunt. I didn’t realize they were going to be attempting to legitimize it.
The same National Review that defended Bush against similar narrative surrounding the Plame affair, US attorneys firing, etc etc.
If only they could get rid of this ghastly Trump character and replace him with someone who really knows Washington, someone with decorum, someone who’s not afraid to roll up his sleeves, walk across the aisle, and get things done for the American people. Someone like Jeb Bush.
JEB! is going to ride into town riding George Will.
I was actually pretty willing to roll with the premise until I found this gem:
which is, ladies and gentlemen, what in poker we refer to as a “tell”.
Elephant all at sea before navy rescue 10 miles off Sri Lankan coast
Oh come on, the elephant was just going for a cruise to visit the local whales.
but enough about the LBQGTZX convention.
10 miles off the coast and they quickly realized the elephant was in difficulty. They see a lot of elephants not having difficulty out there?
At first they mistook it for an american tourist.
Apparently, elephants are actually good swimmers.
Asian elephants are excellent swimmers.
But not African elephants? Racist.
Surprised they didn’t engage in gunnery practice instead.
Ted CruzâVerified account @tedcruz 16h
Weird⌠my search for tweets from CNN mentioning the âso-called Affordable Care Actâ turned up no results.
Ted Cruz added,
CNNVerified account @CNN
Ted Cruzâs so-called Consumer Freedom amendment to be included in new health care plan
What, the people at CNN are being disingenuous partisan hacks?
She looks annoyed in that second picture:
“âI just want people to see that this is who I am right now. Iâm not saying Iâve never been myself,â she clarifies. âWho I was on the last record was really who I am. Itâs just myself has been a lot of different people because I change a lot.â
Aww… Miley is growing up fast *sniff*
Not sure what’s worse. You finding that or me having clicked on it.
The cool thing about modern medical technology is that “laser beams” can more or less remove extremely profound finger tattoos.
This broad interpretation of what constitutes a crime also infected Bhararaâs much-heralded crackdown on insider trading.
Among many other wood-chippery-things
I’m annoyed. The removal of Shelly was on the short list of good things that happened in New York. Now he might not go to prison after all.
the prisons would be filled with people who made a campaign contribution so they can get a meeting with a politician.
Outrageous, but…
“…Bharara, now a private citizen and law professor at NYU,…”
Drunk Preet: I used to be a big deal in this town!
/Under his breath he mutters while passing his hand gently on a woodchipper and narrows gaze, “…Donnie…”
I know how we feel about Preet but honestly if I somehow became president I would think long and hard about making him Attorney General with the sole purpose of needlessly charging everyone with corruption. Of course the end game would be him inevitable going after me, but hey if I did become president I probably had it coming.
Trump Lawyer Marc Kasowitz Threatens Stranger in Emails: âWatch Your Back , Bitchâ
Classiest administration ever
The usage of “bro” in any official communications should call for immediate dismissal.
I would expand that to include unofficial communications as well.
Embarrassing. An old guy like that calling somebody “bro”?
Come at me, bro!
I know, right? Does he even lift?
I think this guy has just produced a superior version of “Come at me bro.”
All hail Kasowitz.
It always blows my mind how anyone ESPECIALLY politicians/lawyers or people in the public sphere leave A TRAIL via emails and Tweets.
Makes you wonder how dumb they are.
No need to wonder.
At best, many of them are idiot savants. In some cases, however, they’re more like this …. which of course, has its uses. (SFW)
Those monsters were simply trying to enforce the dress code: Shirt, suit and tie required to enter the castle.
This needs to become copypasta.
I await your effort.
You don’t know me, but I will know you
How dare you send me a reply like that
I’m on you now. You are fucking with me now
Let’s see who you are
Watch your back, bitch
“BREAKING NEWS: David French is now categorized as a one-man hate group. Jesus, what an accurate takedown. Iâm glad someone in major media finally had the stones to do it.”
The rest of the media will ignore it though.
One man group? Still afraid his wife will give it up to the first guy, other than him, that she speaks to?
“My view was: Collusion? I just donât see it. But Iâm open to empirical evidence. Show me.
The evidence is now shown. This is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks. This is an e-mail chain released by Donald Trump Jr. himself. A British go-between writes that thereâs a Russian government effort to help Trump Sr. win the election, and as part of that effort he proposes a meeting with a âRussian government attorneyâ possessing damaging information on Hillary Clinton.”
I still don’t see how that is collusion.
It’s collusion until you get elected, then it’s “intelligence sharing”.
Yeah, if I’m told “Hey the Russians want you to win and we have information that will help if you have a meeting with us,” and then once the meeting happens it turns out they have nothing and just wanted to talk about some other pet issue, I don’t come away from the meeting thinking the Russians want me to win.
because “someone sent an email making a claim” does not make that claim plausible. and because “someone responded to that claim” with, “ok lets meet”, that doesn’t mean they either believed them or that its any more true than when said 1st person made it.
the analogy i’ve used is the nigerian-prince-email-scam = if you said “yes” to his email offer of hiding his families purloined millions, it neither proves his royalty or demonstrates your credulousness about the actual existence of the money. Indicating affirmation is nothing more than a desire to see proof of claims.
Exactly. The offer to meet doesn’t necessarily mean an interest in collusion.
Also, French refers (in a separate article) to Russia as a “hostile power”, but is that really the case? Was that the case at the time of the alleged meeting proposals? And when, for instance, Pres. Obama pressed the Brits to reject Brexit, did that make us a hostile power to the UK?
I don’t know, but this damn sure feels like the media atmosphere just prior to the Iraq War.
Some derp from the mac & cheese article comments:
Macaroni and cheese only has to kill about 50 million people before that logic works out.
And the capitalist system needs to… You b know…. Fail.
Try and find Mac N Cheese in any random grocery store in Venezuela or North Korea. That’s right, you’re not going to. We truly are savages.
Because fuck Iceland?
I did my part when I was in Iceland.
+1 excellent pun.
I think I just found ground zero for Jewish Illuminati Hating Women from that post
Not a single non-white person in the picture…
I imagine that Iceland will soon go the way of Greenland.
Of course, if you know anything about Baldwin, you the context of the quote is that in a country where true equality existed there would be no reason to define one’s self as “white,” as opposed to “black”, etc.. We don’t speak of the United States as a “right-handed country” even though the vast majority of the population is right-handed, because the contrast between right-handed and left-handed identity means nothing. No one really cares.
Of course, I’m not sure the sign-maker is aware of that nuance, much less the baboons shrieking about DA JOOZ in the comments. Not that any of them would care. Intellectually, we have entered dark times, and the vulgarians roil like the sea before a storm.
We donât speak of the United States as a âright-handed countryâ even though the vast majority of the population is right-handed, because the contrast between right-handed and left-handed identity means nothing. No one really cares.
Nobody besides academics and the last 50,000 or so legitimate white supremacists speaks of the United States as a “white country” either though. It’s especially ironic getting lectured about national identity by the French.
That’s absolutely true. To be fair to Baldwin, he was writing during the very heart of the Civil Rights movement, when Jim Crow was still a thing. I suspect the sign writer chose him was due to the fact that Baldwin was an ex-pat who lived in Paris until his death.
Also, he was once Marlon Brando’s roommate. Just random trivia.
Keith Olbermann has blocked me on twitter. I’ve ever mentioned his name in a single tweet I’ve ever sent and, in fact, my tweets are protected.
I think it’s hilarious, and a decent insight into what a loser he is
The guy has legit mental problems. It’s almost like GQ sponsors the guy’s web series to give us a look at what the word “unhinged” means. Olberman is so outraged in his belief that Trump colluded with foreign governments, that Olberman put out an episode of his lunatic podcast calling for foreign governments to overthrow the US government.
“The Trump Administration is treasonous! Some other country should overthrow my country’s government!” is an interesting rhetorical strategy.
You probably were listed on one of those double-secret lefty Twitter block lists that many of them subscribe to.
“It may be legal to experience a spiritual or healing journey on magic mushrooms sooner than you thinkâif you live in the right part of America. A group called the Oregon Psilocybin Society is pushing for a 2020 ballot measure that would make the Beaver State the first in the nation to legalize psilocybin, the primary active ingredient in numerous species of psychedelic mushrooms, in a therapeutic setting.”
TW: Vice
And out pop the nannies:
A more effective strategy in Oregon would be to make a propaganda video a-la Reefer Madness where a bunch of youths hopped up on magic mushrooms go vote for a Republican.
Repeal of prohibition is snake oil. Also by that premise we must engage in a war and imprison millions in order to protect themselves from snake oil.
Your tophat
Thanks! That looks awesome!
People need to go low against these anti-drug spokesman. Dig for dirt. Find out what they’re into and expose them. I want these people ruined for trying to make my life worse.
Agreed. The reason these fuckos are so virulently ant-whatever, is their complete lack of self control.
Or fear of lack of self control. I’ll admit I avoided alcohol until I was 21, since both my paternal grandparents were alcoholics, and my maternal grandfather doesn’t drink because his father was an alcoholic. I also avoided other substances due to the idea that if a possible 5/8 of my genetic code could include genes that select for addiction, I should avoid addictive substances (plus I hate the smell of weed). I drink relatively little now, maybe 3 a week at most, because I realized it’s on me to control myself, not anyone else, and introduced myself to alcohol slowly.
But that’s no reason for me to restrict other people’s behavior.
The worst thing about the smell of weed is that weed smokers never realize how badly they reek of the stuff.
âWe must use the FDA process to determine what is or is not a medicine”
Really? So you’re saying appoint people who are sympathetic to medical MJ, medical shrooms, etc., to the FDA and those drugs will soon be OK?
PS – once the FDA approves a drug for one use, then there are certain circumstances in which doctors can prescribe it for other, “off label” uses. I’m guessing they’re against that because the FDA doesn’t rule on every off-label use?
If you’re going to judge the morality of a molecule in the first place, which is an exercise in idiocy, it seems more intuitive to favor the ones that are found closest to nature, but I suppose having it blessed by the secular shaman works too.
What a douche. Look at the utter mayhem that salvia divinitorum has inflicted on jurisdictions where it is not subject to prohibition or regulation.
“therapeutic setting” – because there’s a vital moral difference between people taking magic mushrooms under a psychiatric prescription and those who don’t?
What conditions would it be prescribed for?
“What conditions would it be prescribed for?”
Any condition, really. There is a reason they are called “magic” mushrooms.
PETA sues man on behalf of monkey
I hope this guy counter sues for everything these idiot pieces of shit have
I wonder if they sit around, and think. We have a bunch of money… What’s the best use? I know let’s spend it all harassing and ruining the like of someone who is halfway sympathetic to our cause.
One of PETA’s goals is to get the court system to declare that animals have the same rights as humans. So to them, this is a good foot in the door. If a monkey can own a copyright, then it could be argued that they have other rights as well, and down the slippery slope we go.
Can a human fetus own a copyright?
“In 2014 he asked Wikipedia to take down his picture after they published it without his permission, but the web giant refused and said that the copyright belonged to the monkey.
The US Copyright Office ruled that animals cannot own copyright but People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sued Mr Slater in 2015.”
“Angela Dunning, representing Mr Slater, told the court that PETA was ânot even sure they have the right monkeyâ, referring to Naruto. âIt is absurd to say a monkey can sue for copyright infringement. Naruto canât benefit financially from his work. He is a monkey.â
Naruto? Maybe he could use the money to buy a waifu pillow.
Your potato sir
Well done.
Classy spud!
The mustache is a nice touch.
I like this one a lot.
I have this mental image of a butler presenting a baked potato on a silver platter from that comment.
So is this like the opposite of the courtroom scene in Planet of the Apes?
Beneath Helsinki, Finns Prepare for Russian Threat
You know who else had an underground bunker…
Sounds like the RUsskies are Finnished.
I will not dane to engage in a pun thread with you.
In Norway am I getting involved in this.
That’s swede of you.
Oslo down man, we can’t keep up!
I can’t Cope(nhagen) with all the puns!
The Russians don’t know what kind of Helsinki they are going down.
Neocons are lapping this up.
All these puns are getting lutefisk.
A few more and there will only be crumbs lefse.
Don’t Tampere with the flow.
To pun or not to pun? I’m Tornio.
That’s borderline, Tundra, but Eura gonna get away with that one.
That doesn’t Bodø well for my next one…
Dr. Evil?
Tony Ortega?
The White Plains (NC) Baptist Church Cemetery?
Doomsday preppers?
Just about everybody in Tornado Alley?
Edith when Archie was in the basement?
The French chateau in The Dirty Dozen?
Aperture Science?
The courts need to have their balls cut off or the tireless march left will never stop.
How does the Judge get the visa process people in the U.S. Embassy in Yemen to comply with his decision?
It’s leftist activism all the way down.
I still think Trump should say that anyone admitted into the country due to this judge’s orders will have to live in Hawaii for so long as they are here. As they are deemed per the EO to be a security risk, keeping them in one place, and on an island, even, seems only prudent, does it not?
We should do with Hawaii what Australia did with that island where they stash all the boat people and illegal immigrants.
Ha ha. you said it not me…
Having made its name as a home for liberals and the blog posts of coastal elites, the recently renamed HuffPost is seeking to reinforce its new, less partisan image with a seven-week bus tour through Middle America to âlisten and learn what it means to be American today,â the site will announce on Thursday.
*outright, prolonged laughter*
They can become less partisan than they were before and still be more partisan than the DNC.
Its incredibly telling that, instead of hiring writers from Bum-Fuck Wisconsin or Ass-Fuck Iowa, they decide to pile themselves in a luxury bus and visit like tourists. This is literally a job that requires a desk and a computer and the internet, which even Wisconsin has. But actually associating with, and treating like peers, the residents of Red America is out of the question.
Opened my Derpbook feed this morning and was pleasantly surprised to find this bit of mindless fun:
What did Donald Trump tweet about you?
” I shot a 76 at the Shell Houston Open course yesterday. ”
That’s pretty impressive. How do you find the time to work on your golf game, what with processing the new orphans for the expanded monocle factory and all?
“Columbia University Settles Suit Filed By Victim Of Mattress Girl”
It doesn’t say how much though.
I’m guessing several metric tons of oats and hay.
“But the most common reason the Confederate flag flies across Europe, Pitcavage said, is ignorance.
âEven Americans are infamously ignorant of the culture and history of other places,â he said. âMany Europeans donât have a detailed or nuanced understanding of the U.S. and they sometimes get a Confederate flag because itâs a symbol of Americana to them.â
âThey donât understand the racial or dark history of that flag and what it represents,â he said.
Posted your glib potato upthread
Bo & Luke Duke hit hardest.
Bo and Luke were forced to paint a white flag on the roof of the General Lee.
HuffPo goes on a safari in the dark continent of North America.
Good one Q.
Incessant bores, they are
A couple of us have contributed to the hashtag – ^^^ up there
Notice how they didn’t shoot this dog.
For your review
I don’t deserve such a wonderful present. *Bows deeply*
Just greasing the skids for when I need a contact for Sailor Moon paraphernalia .
You are fucking brilliant.
nice work!
Kid Rock reportedly running for Senate. Bawitdaba.
Got a kick out of this comment in the Amazon story
We know that Mr. Bezos has benefited and Amazon’s customers have benefited-who else?
Clearly there must be some kind of conspiracy at play if the free market allows a win-win for both company and consumer.
Send ’em a text … whisper “Shareholders and anyone who has a 401-K”. ….
I can tell you, Amazon going from UPS to USPS was not a win for me. Especially if the weather is bad. USPS will say they delivered the package when they didn’t and then it shows up the next day when it’s not snowing out or raining. If it can be crammed into a mailbox it will be, anything to not have to walk to the porch. Bend something in half that’s not suppose to be out crunch to the box corners, sure why not.Ive had them take boxes and put them on the sidewalk in front of the porch instead of under the covered porch which would have taken them two steps to complete. Ive had boxes thrown on flowers in the mulched area in front of the porch. Fuck USPS. They should not even exist.
We’re lucky.
Our regular USPS delivery guy is old-school and very diligent, but upstream of him is a huge network of incompetent knuckleheads. We had one delivery that wasn’t obviously damaged, and our USPS guy rang the bell and said – “you want me to return this damaged – look at this?” and he pointed out a severe crushed corner that someone had pulled out with some tool or other, while my wife filed a damaged item claim.
I should have provided better context. The comment was about Amazon’s success destroying local shop owners and not really related to USPS.
I actually have a decent USPS now but that’s definitely the exception. My previous experiences were more like yours.
At my apartment, I had a hell of a time with all of the carriers.
At my house, All three who’ve delivered there are pretty good (USPS, UPS, and FedEx)
We have a new UPS chick who is absolutely delightful. Young, pretty, happy and flirty.
VERY disappointed when the stuff comes USPS…
Time to order that 55 barrel of lube from Amazon.
*cue yakety-sax music when she delivers package*
What can brown do for you?
Technically it’s the exploitation of a poorly-run government program.
How is this not compelled speech?
Can they phrase it however they want? “The slavers will gut you for nothing.”
Could be a bit of an overstatement here…
proper bike fit, clean your kit and use chamois butter.
+ 1 euphemism
Viking and I had a debate a few weeks back about Virginia, over whether it was smarter to broadcast to independents (Gillespie) or narrowcast to MAGA nation (Stewart) in that particular state, with him taking the latter stance and me taking the former stance. Well, now we might have a second chance at seeing this play out:
I’m with “no more Mr. Nice Guy”. I think appealing to independents is a mug’s game – “independent” usually means “crypto-liberal” or “apathetic low-info”, and they seem to have a depressing tendency to break left when the choice is lefty v squishy middle-of-the-road.
I am too, for the most part, but I’m not a Stewart fan. I’ll eat my stylish new top hat if he ever wins a statewide race.
Stewart seems like an annoying campaigner, but most of his policy stances in the primaries were very good, especially the fiscal side. I still think he’s too scary for the NoVa vote, but I his type of campaign could surprise a lot of people now that he has name recognition.
Wrapping himself in the rebel flag was a mistake. It’s one thing to advocate throwing the brakes on the current mania of ripping out statues, but it’s another thing entirely to actively campaign on the glories of the Confederacy. Hell, I’m eligible for SCV membership and even I cringe at it.
Stewart seems like a “screw taboos” kind of guy, which I sometimes identify with, but I can see how that can turnoff a lot of people, even some libertarians. To me, the left’s meltdown over Confederate iconography is a non-issue that is more about shallow culture wars and social signaling than anything else.
I’m with you for the vast majority of cases, but my sentiment was more customized toward a state like Virginia, where a huge chunk of voters on both sides work for the state or federal government. I think it’s very possible that politics skew establishment and centrist here, seeing how the true-believer leftist got creamed by the center-leftist in the primaries.
An accurate statement, I think. Virginia is unique when you consider how much of its electorate are either federal employees or military members. Even the nominal Republicans freak the fuck out over government shutdowns, for example, because shutdowns affect such a huge number of VA voters regardless of party.
Virtually all of my friends voted Northam specifically because they thought Perriello would drive our state budget into the ground. We are consider ourselves fiscally prudent, somehow, despite working for the federal government, which is incredibly irresponsible.
I don’t like the idea of the Republican party going full-Trump, especially in my home state.
I was skeptical of Trump during the election, but seeing the stuff he’s done so far, I’m favoring Trump’s presidency over the entire GOP establishment right now. I still think that “SometimesTrump” is favorable to “MAGA MAGA MAGA”, but if Full Trump has the power to topple establishment politicians, I’m in full support of it.
I think if Trump had his way, he’d go so America-First that he’d put in a lot of economic protectionism policies in place. I think he’s economically illiterate when it comes to macro-level trade. I’m all for his dismantling of the regulatory bureaucracy and getting us out of the Paris Climate Accord – but I’m not so big on increasing military budgets and economic protectionism.
I’ll admit that he’s done more good than I thought he would.
If he keeps the economic and trade protectionism small-scale and token for appeasing the Rust Belt vote, then I think Trump, on balance, will be more good than bad. The thing is that it isn’t just the establishment GOP that is against such practices, but also the real conservatives, so it is doubly hard for Trump to make headway on my worst fears heading into the election.
Sargon posts video of Based Polish Grandpa vs Piers Morgan.
I swear that guy is one Gustavus Adolphus rant from being live version of my avatar!
Yup, Piers Morgan is still a cunt.
The collectivization of everything is killing me. When I hire, I don’t hire all women. When I choose whom to pay what, I’m not paying all men or all women. I am hiring and paying individuals whose merits are their own.
Merits = great tits, right?
McArdle is back on form
Is this illegal? Does getting oppo research from a foreign power count as an in-kind campaign contribution from a foreign national, one that might leave Jr. and Kushner vulnerable to criminal prosecution? I have no idea, because as we say on the interwebs, I am not a lawyer. Regardless of whether these actions turn out to be legal, it hardly ceases to be a problem if this somehow manages to squeak through some hole in our federal election laws. What they did is so obviously wrong that a 10-year-old child would know better.
Social media indicates that there are some people out there still trying to defend the Trump camp’s relationship with Russia, so it bears spelling out why this is, as the ethicists and public relations pros say, “not OK.”
Donald Trump is an American. He is an American who ran for office under a slogan of patriotic pride and love of country. People who love their country do not help rival powers intervene in their countryâs elections, even if that intervention might have the lovely side effect of getting them elected. Countries gonna country, and spies gonna spy. But Americans running for American office must pick sides: the will of American voters or the influence of a foreign power. Hint: You choose your fellow Americans.
I read something by her not long ago which was actually not wholly unadulterated imbecilic nonsense. I guess she recovered from whatever head injury she sustained.
And- her feeble attempts at snark are just pathetic. I actually almost felt sorry for her.
Well, she’s been Sudermanized, I guess.
People who love their country do not help rival powers intervene in their countryâs elections, even if that intervention might have the lovely side effect of getting them elected.
New quiz – Megan McArdle or Hugo Chavez/Fidel Castro/Slobodan Milosevic/Vladimir Putin?
I still have a soft spot for her for pointing me at Reason five years ago and at least she’s not as bad as her husband, but damn….
refresh my memory = didn’t the press use intel acquired from the British to try and smear trump?
and didn’t Buzzfeed’s dossier on trump – acquired during the election but never used because it was so retarded – also come secondhand from helpful overseas sources?
of course, all of this is an unfair comparison, because these are *actual examples* of dirt *actually used* by the left, while the allegations against Don Jr are about his merely expressing *interest* in claims that never actually turned out to be real.
*also, re: “Rival” powers
this is just a rhetorical gesture; ALL foreign powers are by definition ‘rival’. It is the nature of intl relations that everyone seeks their own interests first. Aid from any 3rd party, whether nominally friendly or nominally competitive, should rightfully be seen as an intrusion into our political process to serve their own interests
Pretending that Russia are especial bad-guys, but that the UK or anyone less former-soviety is AOK is nonsense. In fact i’d assume that mechanizations by ostensible allies are far more pernicious because of the very fact that they have a friendly relationship to exploit; a friendly nation is likely to have many more trade and security relations and thus far more areas of opportunity to exploit in their own interest.
People who love their country do not help rival powers intervene in their countryâs elections,
Somebody needs to tell McCain and the Hillary campaign, then.
And since when is getting and using oppo research “intervening” in an election, Megan?
So this is just a naked appeal to nationalism? That might explain why I can’t for the life of me figure out what the big deal is. Everything I’ve read and heard about this just assumes that everyone everywhere will instantly know why its a problem, and I just don’t get it. But this makes perfect sense. Everything that’s not American is bad. This is not American. So this is bad. Got it.
One of the more bizarre byproducts of the 2016 election has been the sudden jingoization of people who had previously styled themselves as being too cosmopolitan and sophisticated for patriotism.
Pretty much as soon as Trump won the election every single Democrat or Dem supporter went back in time to have always despised any kind of foreign influence in domestic politics, even if the Best. President. Ever. did it every now and then (but not really) for really, really good reasons that any reasonable, moral person would approve of.
My mom posted a meme on facebook stating since 1968 the gop has had 203 indictments or convictions and the dems only like 4. Isthat even remotely possible?
at what level? Illinois Dem governors have more than four by themselves.
Feds i guess. Maybe just in the executive branch? It was purposefully vague
Even at the federal level, I can think of more than four – Abscam alone had at least four convictions, the there was Dan Rostenkowski, James Traficant, Jesse Jackson Jr, Mel Reynolds….
Accurate or not, I think this gets to the root of the issue.
Obama meddles in foreign elections, Clinton meddles in foreign elections, Clinton solicits info from Ukrainians during US election, etc….
Nothing happens, no outrage, no indictments, nothing…..
The Clintons auctioned off White House access to the highest Chinese bidders in the ’90s, don’t forget.
The root of the problem is “just make shit up as we go”
I think the philly democratic establishment has had more than 4 indictments since 2008 alone, so no.
I’m going to guess that Democrats have had more than 203 indictments or convictions since 1968 in Illinois alone.
Certainly implausible, but since 1968? I can probably come up with way more than 4 democrat indictments since then, which would discredit at least half of that claim.
On the gripping hand, that’s 50 years, so 203 GOP indictments doesn’t sound improbable
The House Banking Scandal of 1992 caught up at least half a dozen house democrats in indictments.
Even if it is true, who gives a fuck?
My partisan hack of a mother. I enjoy rebutting her bs like that occasionally
Point her at this then.
Looks like both sides are pretty prolific when it comes to being indicted.
Done and done. Thks
I have one, too. I’ve given up trying to rebut and just respond with libertarian talking points. It’s more fun.
Lol. My initial response to you “who care” was gonnabe “your momma”. guess i shoulda went with that
Always go with your instinct, grasshopper.
My mom was a die hard democrat until she was 50. Now she’s a full blown conservative at 75. If she makes it to 100 and goes completely senile, she’ll finally become a libertarian.
Ever make u wonder if you will be a democrat in the future?
If I ever need free shit, yeah.
I know the feeling, my dad was a hardcore Republican until the day he died. After that he became a Democrat.
:tips hat:
Not seeing a hat, Archie. To the Nerfherder, stat!
I had family living in Cleveland that I visited regularly from 2005 to 2011. Every time I went up there, there was at least 1 new official in the Cleveland or Cuyahoga County governments under Federal indictment. They were all Democrats.
Wikipedia list of American federal politicians convicted of crimes
Looks like the count from 1968 stands at:
43 Rs convicted of crimes
40 Ds convicted of crimes
Near parity…surprise!
Given that, and assuming Republicans do indeed get indicted much more often than Dems, then what that really says to me is that the criminal law establishment likes to fuck with Republicans more, not that they necessarily commit more crimes.
From the “Public Religion is like a Public Toilet” department
Satanic monument in Belle Plaine prompts weekend rallies of protest, support
Holy virtue signaling, Batman!
I’m not up on the whole Satanist thing, but their proposed monument looks a little like a Pantera album cover. I kind of like it.
These guys were edgelords before edgelords (or 4chan and the Goon Squad) where a thing. At they are best, they are like antibodies for stupid government overreach because they occasionally demand the same privileges doled out to favored religions. At their worst they are, well, middle aged edgelords that aren’t half as smart as they think they are and don’t let their saggy, pale, middle aged grotesqueries of a body stand in the way of public nudity.
“the constitutionally required separation of church and state”
You mean the Thomas Jefferson gloss on the First Amendment, adopted by the Supreme Court to in part of an opinion letting polygamists go to prison: “Coming as [Jefferson’s letter] does from an acknowledged leader of the advocates of the [First Amendment], it may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the amendment thus secured. Congress was deprived of all legislative power over mere opinion, but was left free to reach actions which were in violation of social duties or subversive of good order.”
Yes, saying the constitution requires X is isomorphic to saying the Supreme Court has adopted interpretation X. That’s the way judicial review works in the US.
Not really.
Well then you would at least need to qualify the second half as “the Supreme Court has most recently ruled with an interpretation of X” since the Supreme Court has contradicted and reversed itself many times.
I also think one needs to distinguish between the constantly changing body of positive law, which is what the state will enforce, and the written word which is fair less mutable. Many people have mounted legal defenses, sometimes successful, by basing their arguments in the text even though the prevailing interpretation at the time was different.
No, I don’t need to qualify that. Your qualification falls under the common understanding of the word adopted. As for your issue with positive law vs written word, I have no idea what you are talking about. I know what all those words mean that you use, but you are making no sense. Your distinction between positive law and the written word is nonsensical.
As for your issue with positive law vs written word,
Broadly speaking:
The written word: what the document (statute, constitution, whatev) actually says.
Positive law: what the state (including judges) claims it can and should do.
Thus, the Constitution says: The RKBA shall not be infringed.
The positive law: you can be required to register weapons, get a license for weapons, and a license for concealed carry, and carrying a weapon can be outlawed. Those are not consistent in any way with what the Constitution says, yet they are the positive law.
Did we at some point stop talking about the Constitution? My comments don’t make sense out of context, I would agree, but in context it should make sense.
The text of the Constitution has not changed much. It doesn’t get modified every time a court farts out an opinion. That is “the written word” to which I referred.
On the other hand, the Supreme Court, the lesser courts, the national and state legislatures, the regulatory bodies, etc. change the law ad nauseum. They don’t always write down the exact strictures. And there isn’t a single body of law to which an individual could refer even if they did. That is “the positive law” to which I referred. It is the law that, practically speaking, governs us in fact.
Put more bluntly, Heller prevailed by appealing to constitutional requirements which were not “isomorphic” to the Supreme Court’s adopted interpretation. The Supreme Court adopted a new interpretation and thus broke the isomorphism. The isomorphic property is transitive. If A is related to B and B is related to C but A is not related to C then the relation is not an isomorphism.
Dean – but that positive law is all still written down. The CFR and every administrative department’s operating manual fall under what you identify as the positive law, and the are absolutely written. The opposite of positive law isn’t the written word, its natural law.
You are getting at the idea that administrative rules can’t trump law, and law can’t trump the constitutions. Which is all an element of positive law as it stands in the US.
Strike everything I just wrote about isomorphism above. I confused it with equivalence relation. Honestly, I’m not even sure what your original sentence is saying any more and thus I don’t even know that what I am saying has any relationship to it.
Fair enough. Have a great weekend.
At a certain point, does “hate group” or “racist”/”sexist”/”homophobe” not only lose its punch, but actually start to make those things more palatable?
Already, I can say I’m at the point where, if I hear a group is a hate group, I wonder if its a hate group or a “hate group”. And if I hear someone is a racist, sexist or homophobe, I wonder if they’re a racist, sexist or homophobe, or whether they’re a “racist”/”sexist”/”homophobe”. Every sane person not in the proggie echo chamber knows there’s a difference.
But, I wonder if the thinking winds up extending. If “racist”/”sexist”/”homophobe” includes guys like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin (and all have been so labeled), maybe racism, sexism or homophobia shouldn’t be considered some sort of mortal sins. Sure they are bad things. But, there’s no limit to bad things people can be. Ian Smith was a racist bastard. But, most black Zimbabweans today would probably choose to be led by Smith rather than Robert Mugabe, given the choice.
I’m not saying I find any of these things palatable. But, I can’t help but wonder if the watering down of the charges doesn’t wind up leading there.
I think you are spot on. If everything is âracistâ/âsexistâ/âhomophobeâ, then nothing is.
its already happened.
anti-black and anti-Semitic commentary is now so commonplace that its effectively ‘meaningless noise’ in the background. Before the BLM fashion-crazy, people were actually likely to be chastised in public for expressing racist beliefs. Now its ‘hip’ and ‘edgy’ to screech, “WE WUZ KANGS” anytime some black advocate speaks on TV.
Title IX “sexual assault” policies under review
In responding to critics, DeVos underscored that whatever actions her department takes would not allow institutions to turn a blind eye to sexual assault.
“We can’t go back to the days when allegations were swept under the rug,” DeVos said. “And I acknowledge there was a time when women were essentially dismissed. That is not acceptable.”
In the days leading up to the meeting, DeVos was slammed by those who oppose curtailing the Obama guidance for inviting students who have been “wrongfully accused” of sexual assault and their families. Nationally, only about 2-8 percent of sexual assault allegations are false, social scientists have estimated.
I’d like to know how much it hurt when they pulled that number out of their asses.
Just don’t call them “kangaroo courts”. That would be hurtful and dismissive.
Social scientists have estimated.
Well I’m convinced
People don’t understand that you don’t have to choose between never believing women and always believing women. Due process is a thing.
It was a revelation when I figured out that most people treat politics as sport. Only took me like 35 years, on account of how smart I am. Anyway, as a Steeler’s fan, you’ll never convince me that the Baltimore Ravens are anything other than morally indefensible, and I’ll always come down on the Steeler’s “side”. And that make sense in the context of a football game.
But for most people, their social tribe is their team, and political conflict is sport. Saying “these accused men have an unknown percent chance of being innocent, and even the factually guilty ones deserve due process” won’t penetrate with them any more than saying “Joe Flacco is a decent young man and Terrell Suggs is a fierce competitor that any franchise would be thrilled to have” will to me. I’ll always “know” that Flacco is actually a unibrowed’d Bert puppet that’s fishing for shady PI calls and Suggs is always a dirty player. And these people “know” that the woman was always assaulted.
Flacco never raped anyone
Suggs is dirty as hell, but Flacco? I’m sorry, but what NFL qb doesn’t try to get PI calls? And I say this as a lifelong Redskins…well, fan is strong…let’s say “observer”.
My point is that my Steelers fandom makes me irrational about the Steelers and the Ravens. Objectively, I think that PI fishing is a bigger part of Flacco’s game than most QB’s, but it doesn’t bother me on an emotional level when other QBs do it. When the Ravens do it, it sets my teeth on edge. Irrationally.
I don’t believe a woman who takes her case to administrators but refuses to file a police report. Either you believe you were assaulted, coerced, held against your will, or raped, all of which are serious allegations carrying properly serious punishments, or you don’t. If a woman’s idea of punishing rape or assault is expulsion or a no-contact order or relocation off-campus or mandatory awareness classes or whatever else administrators are authorized to compel, then her notion of what constitutes rape or assault is just as suspect. And if the only way an aggressor can be punished is by star chambers and social stigma, then the entire process is bunk.
“He totes raped me, but I’m cool with leaving him at large to rape other women, as long as I don’t have to see him around campus.”
Umm, sure, honey.
I often wondered if #6.2 ever gets accused at college, whether I could have him charged with rape myself, and throw the whole thing out into the open.
I’m an honest man, and I have principles. Rape is so bad, I can’t excuse anyone, even my son, for committing it.
He is a man, there is no other path he can take.
sentences like that should remind you how bloody loose with the truth journalists can be.
the 8% actually come from FBI’s own statistics and is based on actual criminal investigations, not ‘estimates’. and given that criminal investigations are only of claims *plausible enough to demand one* that naturally is going to exclude a huge proportion of the false claims which are facially implausible.
the range of “estimates” by social scientists is far wider, with a far higher ceiling and a higher floor = with the averages being around 20%+
re: the 2% low-end that is so popular – Even Megan McArdle has said =
Moreover, the DoE OCR under the Obama administration promulgated novel interpretations of the law and fostered a change in culture where attention was awarded for reports of sexual assault regardless of validity and there were no downsides to the reporter for omissions, embellishments, or outright fabrications. It is entirely possible that the cases that have been reported to OCR lately are not like the cases that have been reported to the FBI, local police, or even campus authorities prior to this change in direction.
Statistics collected with one methodology do not necessarily have any predictive power under a different methodology.
that’s sort of exactly my point; lumping incomparable data together and pretending they’re all measuring the same thing in the same way is not just misleading, it encourages and amplifies public innumeracy. Its doing the very opposite of what journalism should do, which is to simplify and clarify issues to enable public debate. They’re not just hacks, they’re incompetent hacks.
sorry about the strikethru there. pressed wrong monocle button.
Fair enough. I thought you were only pointing out that the number is total bullshit regardless of methodology (which it is).
I don’t know which “the number” you’re referring to.
I think the range the journalist presented was a terrible mischaracterization in multiple dimensions.
(eg. 1 the low end isn’t even an acknowledged ‘study’; the high end is actually very very low, and isn’t an estimate, its based on actual investigations; and actual ‘social science’ ranges are in a completely different scale, etc)
i do think there is an honest and fair way to sum up a range of studies that use disparate methodologies, but handwaving and saying, “social scientists” when you’re talking about everything from “pulled it out of my ass” to “actual criminal justice statistics” is misleading;
perhaps worst, it suggests that “social scientists” are the best source of this type of intelligence, when the criminal-justice figures are probably what i would call the most “granular and tangible” – the data are real. That doesn’t mean that estimates aren’t valuable, just that if you were doing some sanity checking exercise, you’d want to have the real data as a baseline.
e.g. “false-rape claim-data range from 8% (fbi reported) to social-science estimates of 10-40%” -something like that which qualifies that the data aren’t using the same sort of methods and don’t represent the same things.
**correction, i’d probably say, “2-40%” in the social science bunch, just because i think it would clarify that the ‘science’ of social-science is really just so-much ‘here’s what my cherry-picked methodology produced’
The 2% number
Earlier Thursday morning, more than 100 advocates of survivors of sexual assault rallied at the Department of Education, urging DeVos to focus more on survivors’ stories and their concerns and spend less time on the rights of those accused.
Among those gathered was Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who along with Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., is leading the efforts of congressional Democrats pressing DeVos to uphold civil rights, including those expanded under the Obama administration.
Ah, yes, the presumption of guilt. It’s as American as the cat o’ nine tails. Good to see Senator Sorority Girl out there fighting the good fight.
All three branches of our government stopped pretending there was a 4th amendment a long time ago. I”m not sure why you’d think anything would be different now.
Gee, there seems to be a conflict here.
Focusing on many of those “survivors’ stories” sufficiently well would establish the innocence of those accused, I’d bet.
Especially if the focus was undertaken by law enforcement officers.
They want “focus”, not scrutiny.
That was my take:
Which is it? Uphold civil rights, or spend less time on the rights of the accused? Pick one, because you can’t do both.
At least the Senators are being honest.
Gee, there seems to be a conflict here.
Civil Rights for some, gibbets for others.
When did it even become disputable that defendants have civil rights, especially among soi-disant liberals? Apparently everyone is just one narrative shift away from losing any respect for their civil rights.
Remember when they wanted to do away with due process a year or two ago after the shootings and even did a sit in when they didn’t get their way? They wanted to create some sort of no-fly list of people who they think shouldn’t be able to buy guns. If you think the Modern Left were for Civil Rights and liberties, you are delusional.
The fight against Grand Juries was especially galling to me. One of the few good checks on government prosecutorial power, and we should throw it out because a couple of cops didn’t get indicted? As though the whole legal establishment is going to suddenly stop being on the side of the police if we just discard a fundamental protection for everyone.
Stupid, short-sighted, and dangerous.
That’s one of my biggest issues with statists of all stripes. They are willing to throw away constitutional safeguards simply because they did not get their desired result. And when you try to explain to them that these safeguards are worth having even if at times it results in a shitty outcome, they will accuse you of not caring about the issue at hand.
I’ve always said that the law you use to fuck someone you don’t like over will be the same law that will eventually fuck you over.
Or, put another way, the law you throw away to fuck over someone you don’t like won’t be there when you’re getting fucked over.
If you think the Modern Left were for Civil Rights and liberties, you are delusional.
A lot of things have been eye-opening lately, and this is one of them. I’ve been a libertarian for a long time, but I used to be in the “the two parties/sides of the political spectrum each have strengths and weaknesses” camp. Lately, I see one party that isn’t always shitty and one party that is doing everything it can to be consistently shitty.
Me too. I used to think we could work with the Left on criminal justice reform but the whole BLM nonsense was eye opening. The moment you tell them that reducing government’s power would stop a lot of the abuse, you’re suddenly an outcast.
The Left will claim up and down that they are for civil liberties but will made every excuse in the book and even on occasion cheerleaded Obama’s misdeeds.
*but made every excuse in the book……
The side that’s winning the culture war always tries to reduce the civil rights of the masses. The side that’s losing always tries to protect the civil rights of the masses. In the 50’s-60’s, the left was losing, and they were in love with civil rights. Free Speech was the cause of the day in Berkley. in 2017, the left is on top in the civil war. Punching the Distasteful is the cause of the day.
When did the “liberals” change? They changed recently when they started winning the culture war. You can probably mark the date and time by going over the ACLU’s twitter feed. The cowards.
Zunalter, as promised
Scruffy, you are a prince, thanks!
I started playing The Witcher 3 this week. Maybe I’m not far enough into it, but it seems like I’d enjoy the books more than I am the game. Has anyone delved into the series?
It’s substantially more approachable than the first Witcher game, I can say that much. My understanding is the guy who wrote the books sold the game rights to CD Projeckt Red for a pittance with no cut of future profits, believing the games would never go anywhere, and so there isn’t much coordination between the games and the books.
Witcher 3 is a fun game but I do find the leveling system a little opaque. You won’t really know that you made the wrong choices until it’s too late (although this applies to plenty of other RPGs, too).
Ouch. That has got to sting.
It’s called replay-ablility.
For the author, I mean. From what I can tell the series blew up.
Yeah. It’s more understandable when you take in context the fact that, at the time, PC gaming was dying and CD Projeckt Red was just a small company in Poland with a rocky history. It’s a really impressive success story, on the one hand, and kind of a sad tale for the author on the other.
Although, I think sales of the books have spiked thanks to the games, so it’s not all loss on his part.
Minor corrections: the name of the parent/publishing company is CD Projekt, and the developer is CD Projekt RED.
As far as I understand it, the author killed Geralt off in the last book. Then, dead, he rides with The Wild Hunt with Yennefer, and is expelled from it (but it takes till the Witcher 2 to figure this out).
I sill haven’t finished the witcher 3, but I’ve enjoyed it this far. it’s also my first venture into the series, but I don’t feel too lost. The beginning felt slow, but once I got some combat down and got out of that first area, it made a lot more sense. Roommate runs very hard potions and bombs, it works for him.
haven’t played 3, but thoroughly enjoyed the first 2. Just started Fallout 4 and got a few other games a picked up on a steam sale to play through, so I prolly won’t get around to Witcher 3 for a while.
Are you the guy from Reason I know on steam, starting “Inc”? ‘Cuz that guy is on FO4 all the time.
Nope, don’t use steam for social stuff, only to buy games cuz there is nowhere around here that sells PC games.
Yeah, I just got to “Lady of the Lake”. They’re good, and I’m not really a fantasy guy so I’m not one to give genre books the benefit of the doubt. Also, I’ve played all three games, which I believe come after the end of the series.
Witcher 3 is excellent, books are awesome and I regret not reading them first. Some characters I now see in a completely different light (seriously, Triss?!), and playing games first made me dread when a character I don’t know from games turns up because all I can think is “fuck, I like you, but you’re doomed, aren’t you”).
Here’s a query unrelated to pretty much anything.
The other day Vhirus (I think) was talking about how his STI went in for a head gasket after overheating. Apparently this is a fairly common Subaru issue. My question is, is that specifically head gasket issue, or do the heads warp, requiring resurfacing?
*My brother went through three or four turbos and two motors before he finally got rid of his Outback and bought a Honda.
Brooksie, my neighbor is a hardcore Subaru guy. He said the design of the turbo sucks balls. I know he replaced the whole system with aftermarket.
Even for synthetic oil?
<fx: hurriedly buys shares in ExxonMobil>
Had a turbo Saab with no such problems. Loved that car.
**Shakes fist at Government Motors**
/me is in turbo hell at the moment. Or, more accurately, shitty imbecilic dealer who can’t fix turbo hell.
Take it to a place that rebuilds them for trucks. They know their shit.
It’s more a legal issue than a technical issue.
If a call I have in with them this afternoon goes the way I think it will, I’ll have all my money back, and no turbo problem.
If they’re stubborn, I have my fall-back plan on speed-dial.
Interesting. Brand & model?
Audi A4 Avant 2.0, 2006. Yep, I know – don’t tell me what I now know.
Is it the sludge?
No, when I bought it it looked fine. All the stuff I could reasonably inspect looked fine. Bodywork and chassis were OK, superficial rust only. Needed new tires, but everything else that an ‘informed’ buyer could reasonably inspect looked fine. Took it for a 10 mile back-road run, basically OK ride. Put some money down, told them I’d pick it up a week later, asking them to do an oilchange if it needed it.
So I pick it up and I’m on the 84 and the CEL comes on. Take it back – I didn’t have my OBD with me – they reset it and told me they’d had to reset the whole system after having the electrics powered down for 2 days. I drive off, CEL comes back on and I just finish up the drive. Turbo, EVAP, couple of minor things like a window sensor.
Long story short, I gave them the chance to remediate the issue, and they haven’t. I had the car checked over by a separate garage, and they told me that the oil was OK, probably had 50% life left and no visible engine debris in the sump. So I persisted.
Story is long, torturous and so on, but in short, the idiots didn’t disclose ANY defects on the K-208 sales docs (which are state and federal documents) so the “as-is” state of the sale is technically fraudulent, and I’m fed up with driving this fuckin’ albatross around. At least I know now why Audis are so peppy. They’re all plastic. Not like the Audis I knew 20 years ago.
The check engine light on an Audi/VW is the best working part of their cars đ
That sucks, 6. I remember the days of buying Volvos with 150K on them, driving them for a year or two and selling them for more than I paid.
Those days are over.
The check engine light on an Audi/VW is the best working part of their cars
Funny line, but I’ve had VWs from every decade from the ’70s on. Never any significant issues (except my 1974 Super Beetle – that was pretty bad).
CEL functionality is the first thing the OBD checks.
It’s sad, because my ’88 VW Golf GTi 16v was a great car. O how the mighty have fallen.
ARP can just stage 2 that A4 if you want…
Tundra, the beetles are only good for dune buggys! Or WRX/STI swaps.
or both…
It’s pretty straightforward really. I told them I want the car they said I was buying, per the K-208 paperwork, and once they gave me that, and after I have the car checked by an independent mechanic, I’d be on my merry way. If they couldn’t deliver on that, I’d like back the sale price of the car, less a reasonable sum for 450 miles of use and the plate fee and both parties could part ‘without any further action’.
Sales guy hit the roof – “don’t threaten me!”. So I sighed and said that unless he could come up with an acceptable alternative, of course someone else would need to get involved. So, the car’s back with them today, if they need a few more days, I’d be prepared to wait. I suspect they’ll try and be assholes, so as I said, I have the attorney on speed-dial.
Stage 2’ing the A4
I would but for the fact this car is ultimately intended to be #6.2’s first car. Last thing I need is a 16 year old in a parentally-underwritten street racer.
Even if it was for me, I’d want to be far more confidant of this thing’s ability to withstand the kind of driving I’d like to put it thru’. Is rallying a thing over here? I have fond memories of the 2 years of co-driving I did in the 80’s in the forests of North- and Mid-Wales.
Autocross is everywhere here, but I don’t think any staging will help.
It’s usually taking place in a parking lot.
I’ve seen a few rally areas, but locations are more sporadic.
One of my business ideas is to make a small rally course. Get all these Wrx’s we have in town to some real use.
Tundra –
I really hate VW – all from the days (long ago) on working on my then GF’s ’84 Rabbit GTI. That thing ate struts like a sugar-addicted toddler in the candy store. And the first gear (in a manual!) that stopped working (bushings), and the multitude of electrical issues – hello sparks behind the dash!
It’s replacement – a beaten and abused ’86 Accord LXi was better by every measure, and that car was also a POS.
If you’re going to go Euro, at least suffer through Mercedes or BMW for the status đ
Most fun you can have with your clothes still on. I was the co- in an old boxy-style Quattro, and later in the “Sub 1300” class with a Ford Fiesta 1.3L with an up-suspensioned but otherwise stock 1296cc engine.
My friend and I autocrossed his 03 WRX for a winter.
Then got invited to a hillclimb event, but couldn’t go up because we had no roll cage.
But a driver of a hill climb 911 invited my friend to ride up in that, I caught a ride in an 07 STI. I remember feeling all 4 wheels leave the ground as we finished a corner.
It’s exciting, even in a relatively low-powered vehicle.
The Welsh rally/autocross scene was very well attended back then and even if you were crap, it was great fun, and as far as auto sports are concerned, cheap as hell. Unless you made a habit of really leaving the trails backwards or upside-down
To my knowledge heads wont warp unless running it for some amount of time after gasket goes bad. Usually a short amount of time. But im just a shadetree mechanic
I had an old Mitsubishi made Plymouth with an iron block and aluminum heads. It blew a couple of headgaskets and the last it cracked the heads.
that’s more of a subaru problem specifically because of the stupid screen in the turbo feed banjo bolt
Even for synthetic oil?
I’ll say yes. Turbos introduce a tremendous amount of heat into the system. Heat is your enemy. Heat kills your oil.
Paging AceDroman to the nearest courtesy phone, your glib spawn needs you….
wife hates it = I love it. thank you kindly
Your kids face is perfect in that one.
she gets her rotten attitude from her mother
New Razorfist is up and was excellent. Thanks again for the pointer, Gilmore
I was first exposed to Razorfist by Gilmore during the Milo pedophile outrage deal. His rants are so entertaining I’ve shared them with a ton of my friends.
that was therapeutic.
the 8% actually come from FBIâs own statistics and is based on actual criminal investigations, not âestimatesâ. and given that criminal investigations are only of claims *plausible enough to demand one* that naturally is going to exclude a huge proportion of the false claims which are facially implausible.
Gilmore- should I assume this is the percentage of cases in which charges were actually dropped (or, alternatively, formal investigations closed with no charges filed)?
I could easily see a higher percentage than 8% in which an investigation was abandoned in the very early stages with no paper trail. We also cannot exclude the possibility of real crimes which cannot be effectively prosecuted for reasons such as insufficient evidence.
*not quibbling or disputing, just curious
Can’t say – the report is here
the language they use is pretty specific = “unfounded”
my point about how that sort of # should be evaluated was that the claims would have to be plausible enough to merit an investigation in the first place; there are surely far more claims made which never even merit any law-enforcement response at all, so that the sample they’re looking at isn’t really all-encompassing by definition.
shit, sorry about the strike again. (#*$()@@ button
Posted a musing last night
Scruffy, you seem to be into image manip, would you be interested in participating in such a thing? This is the kind of stuff it would be.
I was the co- in an old boxy-style Quattro
Russia said on Friday that too many American spies operated in Moscow under diplomatic cover and said it might expel some of them to retaliate against the United States over Washington’s expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats last year.
The warning, delivered by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, reflects rising frustration in Moscow over the Trump administration’s refusal to hand back two Russian diplomatic compounds which were seized at the same time as some of Russia’s diplomats were sent home last year.
Barack Obama, U.S. president at the time, ordered the expulsion of 35 suspected Russian spies in December, along with the seizure of the two diplomatic compounds, over what he said was the hacking of U.S. political groups during the 2016 presidential election, something Russia has flatly denied.
They can’t do that to us. We’re the good guys!
We’d never spy on anybody.