Yahweh is punishing you )))people((( for not keeping kosher.
Seriously, what the fuck is it about Boston and massive police over-reaction? “De-escalation” is apparently too many syllables for cops to understand. But hey, I’m sure procedures were followed, officer safety was paramount, and no-one will suffer any consequences, other than the dead kid and his family. And that’s only fair, right?
Sometimes, the elderly will die during routine surgery. We can only hope. It’s a pity that’s what it takes to get career politicians with a deep sense of Top Man entitlement to exit the stage- there is no modern Cincinnatus.
“If only the government could be more efficient at scooping up rent for me.” Fuck you, Jamie, gridlock is the second best thing that could happen. I’m embarrassed to be the same species as you are.
Expanded health insurance choice to devastate America. Women and Minorities Hardest Hit. Because if you don’t force SP and me to pay for maternity insurance, we could suddenly have a baby that we can’t afford. Hey, it’s not totally crazy, Yahweh did that to Abraham and Sarah, and you can’t be too careful.
Goddammit, now all I want to do is day-drink. News is so fucking depressing.
McCain’s Surgery Will Delay Senate Votes on Health Care Bill
If he’s transitioning, I don’t want to see what into.
I declare that an Official First.
My cherry been popped. I feel kind of dirty now.
You’ve always been kind of dirty.
…what Ted said! 🙂
Speaking of dirty. Thanks to everyone here’s YouTube links, I now have Ken Shimura henna ojisan videos recommended for me.
I bet you’re naked under all those clothes, you dirty slut.
Maybe he’s having a soul implanted for a transition to a decent human being.
Prefrontal lobotomy?
We can hope.
McCain is just taking advantage of Obamacare before repealing it, like they dirty Republican he is. /prog
Has SugarFree explored the depths of McCain and Lindsey yet? Working title: The Adventures of Frog and Toad.
The Adventures of Knob and Chode
The Boston Globe link appears to be dead.
It worked for me. Its depressing anyway, i guarantee you have read this story before. Maybe not this exact one.
I tried to read the Boston story. I really did. My hope and dreams rested on it. But all I got was a “page not found”. Now all I have left to do in life is work.
I think it’s fixed now. Maybe. No promises. I’m OLD.
now with candy!
I see you didn’t gender him. How woke!
It’s 2017, leonadasiv.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my faith in humanity is restored. I now feel like I can take all life has to throw at me. I feel special.
Obviously you haven’t actually read the story yet.
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It’s beautiful and so are you
“the birds are singing”
Bees are trying to have sex with them, as is my understanding.
Shorter Dimon – Wall Street is America, kiss our fiat money-plated asses.
And at one point we all have to get our act together or we won’t do what we’re supposed to do
forto the average Americans.we could suddenly have a baby that we can’t afford.
Stay away from the bus station.
That will only help so much. If a bus wants you to get pregnant, it’ll happen.
Harrison felt certain the police would help her son.
Fatal mistake
Yeah, this line of thinking completely eludes me. First, these stories are legion. It’s no longer a surprise when this awfulness happens. Second, they are cops not social workers. They solve problems with handcuffs, clubs, and bullets. None of those were going to help this young man. Third, why the fuck didn’t you either talk to your own kid or leave him alone like he asked?
Someone needs to round up links to this common story from over the years, i know ive read “welfare check gone bad” at least 50 times in tge last several years. To throw up in the faces of anyone saying the police are doing anything but playing Army. Especially for the folks who say “make sure you dont call the cops that you hate when you need them”.
Reason had a good one a few years ago about the cops shooting a man that was contemplating suicide in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The guy was over 100 years old. The cops had to kill him to keep him from killing himself.
Exactly. We keep reading these stories where the victim may be suicidal; not homicidal. What’s the logic here? We had to shoot in order to… what?
I remember that. I know ive seen similar stories a bunch of times. They never seem to go national though
Here is another story for that file.
Minnesoda woman calls 911 to report an assault in the alley behind her house. She ends up being shot and killed.
Police are strangely silent about what went on. Wonder why?
So did the son explicitly threaten to harm himself (or others) prior to the first call to the police? According to the story, he didn’t have a history of that.
My own personal experiences is that there is really nothing that can be done to help someone who doesn’t want to seek & utilize help. At best, police will (forcibly or with the threat of force) take the person to a hospital’s secure psychiatric unit for a 72 hour hold/observation and unless the person is completely looney tunes, gets released to go back to doing what ever they’re doing before. Ultimately a person who truly wishes to harm themselves, will do it.
Anyone else they might have called for help would have just immediately called the cops too.
Yeah, if you want something killed call the cops, otherwise do not.
Indeed. I have read different versions of this story dozens of times over the years. If you really want a suicidal person dead the best thing to do is call the cops.
It does seem from this story though that it was the ex girlfriend who first called the cops after a phone call with the guy.
Sometimes that’s exactly what the person was hoping for. “Suicide by cop” is a very real thing.
““I couldn’t even go to my regular doctor when was I sick,”
Sure you could, your insurance just didn’t cover you getting a cold. Quite frankly it’s sad that everyone thinks they need to see a medical professional the moment they get the sniffles. Go to the freaking pharmacy.
I couldn’t even go to my doctor when I was pregnant.
Julie Arkison, a self-employed horseback-riding instructor
I may have found her problem.
She’s following her dreams, man.
Why do you hate dreams?
Mr. Hands, that you?
Vice about NIBIN ballistics database has me hopeful we’ll see an uptick in solved violent crimes in our cities.
Criminals use stolen guns so not sure how that will help but when you have unlimited other people’s money.
Oh, look. Here comes that bogus number again.
Warner and other advocates for sexual assault victims are angry at DeVos for her handling of the issue. By meeting with both victims and people who say they’ve been wrongly accused on the same day, “it seems like a 50-50 issue,” she said.
According to the National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women, studies have found only between 2 and 8 percent of accusations are false.
“I was incredibly disappointed,” Warner said.
So was Hayley Krieger, a UC Berkeley junior who says she was sexually assaulted during her freshman year. “I just don’t think it’s appropriate to be meeting with people who have such a victim-blaming mentality,” she said.
By acknowledging the rights of the accused, we are victim-blaming. Women don’t lie.
All men are rapists and all women are victims.
They wouldn’t have been accused if they weren’t guilty right? They should just be happy they got their kangaroo court hearing.
So between a bullshit number and four times a bullshit number?
I’ve seen this said, can someone point me to a reference explaining what version is wrong with the number.
Start with the group’s name: National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women. The last two words aren’t superfluous.
The 2% number is from Susan Brownmiller’s Against Our Will. She claimed she got it from a policewoman working for a “New York City rape squad”. So even if Brownmiller didn’t make it up, it’s at best from a small group of police, working in only one city, from 42 years ago.
Brownmiller’s motives were purely political, claiming it was her job to come up with the ideology, and other people to come up with the statistics.
That’s crazy. Just like that a tenuous statistic enters regular political parlance. It just goes to show that people are drawn to supporting evidence.
We discussed this the other day. I’d link to it if i could but i find it really hard to search and then link to old comments here.
Brownmiller quoted a judge who claimed he heard from the ‘rape squad’. it has no source. It is literally “some chick said in a book”.
additionally, the 8% # comes from the FBI reporting on “investigated claims which turned out to be unfounded” – not a social-science estimate of all “false claims”…. because claims meriting investigation have to be plausible in the first place. its a sample which already excludes many false claims.
if you look at the collections of studies on the incidence of false rape claims, the spectrum has both a higher floor and higher ceiling (they are hard to summarize because they use various definitions). the median study tending to hover around 20% or so.
More detail here:
Thanks CP. I was also wondering where the number came from.
Last I looked one of the games they play is to only count accusations that go to trial. Most false accusations don’t get that far.
Not only is the 2% number total bullshit, as Count Potato explained, the 8% number is disingenuous bullshit. It’s the lower bound on the FBI’s statistics for the number of criminal allegations of rape and sexual assault that are investigated by the police but don’t result in convictions (IIRC the upper bound was 10%). It’s totally inapplicable to the campus tribunals, which have lower barriers to entry and lower standards of proof.
s/convictions/indictments/ per Gilmore’s comment above, which is what I was basing this off of
technically, they are not cases that went to trial – they are cases which were determined to be unfounded *after investigation*.
If there’s a way to read that number that actually makes sense, it would be as a ratio relative to other kinds of crime, not as an absolute #
e.g. “false claims of rape are 4X higher than false claims of any other kind of crime”
when comparing stats with different methodologies and differently defined samples, its often the only way to really milk some value out of assorted research – find some apples-apples comparisons within those data, and then try and find similar internal comparisons in other sets.
Noted, does my correction above match your understanding?
Also, I think your statement goes a bit too far. It’s not that “false claims of rape are 4X higher than false claims of any other kind of crime” but rather that “false claims of rape are 4X higher than false claims for most other crimes”. The rate is greater than average by a factor of 4, and it might even be greater than every other by at least some other whole-number factor, but it’s probably not 4X every other.
There’s also a purely logical problem with saying that “only X% of rape reports are false”… How would they know that? What she probably means is that only X% of rapes are discovered to be false (either through new evidence or a confession from the accuser). But if a false rape goes down on record as being true and the lie is never discovered, it’s not counted among the false rapes.
I didn’t dive in too deep but many of the comments seem relatively sane, a bit of a nice surprise.
It’s one of those bizarre anti reality things. Everyone is told that there is this epidemic of rape, and victims never lie, and blah blah blah. But in real life, you know your friend Chad is always very careful to get an exculpatory text message after he hooks up with some random girl. In real life, you know your friend Jennifer will be fucking some dude, but when she asks to be exclusive and he refuses all of a sudden he was abusive and “OMG I was so drunk when we met OMG I was probs roofied”.
It’s like welfare. We all hear about nice good people who are just down on their luck, but if you actually live in a poor neighborhood you see nothing but shiftless fucking layabouts who are poor because they make stupid fucking choice after stupid fucking choice, and get bailed out every time.
It’s one of those things that people don’t want to talk about. Even though Social Security is primarily paying for granny’s vacation home, and Medicare is primarily paying for hip replacements for people who are going to die in a couple years, and Food Stamps are primarily getting traded for real dollars and/or used to free up real dollars for other things, etc., people vote based upon the romanticized version of the programs.
For the excessively pedantic, “Granny’s vacation home” and “dying senior’s hip replacement” are meant to be illustrative examples.
Healthcare is the most maddening. Forget, just for a second, the massive payment side immorality inherent in government schemes.
Even if we didn’t touch Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP. Hell even to some extent Obamacare. Even if we left all that shit alone, we could still have a massive drop in prices and increase in quality by repealing all the stupid fucking regulations. Even if we still had massive government spending programs, there would be more hospitals, more drugs, more healthcare practitioners, new innovations in medical tech.
For 60 years the relative quality of the healthcare system has gone down as government involvement has gone up, and yet no serious person thinks that less government is the answer.
I am only half joking when I say a 5 megaton nuke going off in the heart of DC would instantly improve life in this country for everyone else.
The insidious of SS has always been the big lie that it’s just a government savings account. That the checks are from your pile of dollars that the feds have been holding onto for you. The whole “trust fund” lie. It’s gonna implode the country, honestly.
Granny’s vacation home and hip replacements are, in fact, what Social Security and Medicare, respectively, are SUPPOSED to be paying for.
Social Security was sold as a retirement plan for all, and Medicare was sold as old age medical insurance for all.
And I plan on a vacation home when I retire.
And, eventually, you’ll find that there will be people who think YOU’RE gonna die in a few years, so YOU’RE not worth the trouble. I hope you’re as anxious to rush headlong into that permanent night as you think everyone else should be when your time comes.
I don’t have a problem with vacation homes or terminal hip replacements. Once it’s in your pocket, it’s your money. Do as you please with it. But don’t act like the money that came from Uncle Sam wasn’t taken from someone else’s pocket. Medicare and Social Security are organized fraud. You did not pay for yourself. You paid for those who collected benefits that same year.
FDR sold Social Security on the basis of paying for granny’s food, not her vacation home. LBJ sold Medicare on the basis of paying for life-saving medicine, not any improvement in quality of life. They were probably both lying, but that’s kind of my point. People vote for the romantic versions.
I’m really glad that you enjoy these social welfare programs, but nothing stops you from saving for your own retirement. And you’d be a damn fool to trust that the government, which has demonstrated fiscal incompetence of a high order, will continue to provide for you throughout the end stages of your life. Don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining.
Moreover, your attitude illustrates why the majority of the Federal budget isn’t going anywhere. Never mind defense, the ~2/3 of the Federal budget that gets spent on SS+Medicare can’t be touched as long as people think of it either romantically as a safety net or practically as getting back out what they paid in. Do you like your taxes and debt? Because that’s how you get taxes and debt.
The govt made me an offer I couldn’t refuse and extracted $ from me for 50 years. Now the govt will be required to keep its part of the bargain. I don’t like it, but I sure as hell won’t deprive myself because the public are stupid ash holes.
The govt made me an offer I couldn’t refuse and extracted $ from me for 50 years. Now the govt will be required to keep its part of the bargain. I don’t like it, but I sure as hell won’t deprive myself because the public are stupid ash holes.
And when we turn into Greece, then…?
DeVos could meet with victims’ advocates for 98 days straight, sandwiched between two days of meeting with the Institute for Justice, and the SJWs would still say DeVois is victim blaming.
Ultimately, Devos is going to be cutting a bunch of phoney-baloney jobs, and that’s what this is really about. The campus tribunals justified the creation of administrative positions at universities. Get rid of them, and suddenly the gender studies majors have worse job prospects.
Couldn’t We Just Trade Presidents?
Dictatorial it’s so hot right now.
Being like HRC is so hot right now.
I thought he was a white supremacist now. It’s too difficult to keep up.
The comments on that article are just fucking pathetic. GooThinking People are so goddamned smug AND stupid.
The real question is how did she get all the way to the surgical table before anyone noticed. The NHS strikes again.
How the hell does she even have that many contact lenses at once? I just got a fresh year’s supply, and that’s only 24 lenses. And how did nobody notice such a huge ‘bluish’ mass during any examinations before deciding she needed surgery??
Government workers. They don’t have to be competant.
UCS hardest hit.
Look, to they were busy that day she came in. She had been in 23 times already and so running through the motions was reasonable.
With medical care this bad it’s a wonder why the first wouldn’t let Charlie Gard get that treatment in the US. Oh wait…
Judges not first
Have some hysterical shrieking tw- Salon.
This is the Koch Boys’ Billionaire Club, which meets annually at some luxury resort to schmooze, strategize, hear a select group of GOP elected officials kiss up to them — then throw money into a big pot to finance the Koch’s planned takeover of America. It costs $100,000 per person just to attend the three-day Koch Fest, but participants are also expected to give generously to the brothers’ goal of dumping $400 million into buying the 2018 elections.
This year, the group gathered in Colorado Springs at the ultra-lux Broadmoor Hotel and resort, owned by the brothers’ billionaire pal and right-wing co-conspirator, Philip Anschutz. Among the recent political triumphs that these elites celebrated in the Broadmoor’s posh ballroom was the defeat this year of the Colorado tax hike to fix the states crumbling roads. After all, who needs adequate roads when you can arrive in private jets? This attitude of the Koch’s privileged cohorts explains why the public is shut out of these candid sessions. A staffer for the Koch confab hailed such no-tax, no-roads policies as a “renaissance of freedom.” For the privileged, that is — freedom to prosper at the expense of everyone else.
This self-absorbed cabal of spoiled plutocratic brats intends to abandon our nation’s core democratic principle of “We’re all in this together.” If they kill that uniting concept, they kill America itself. Their agenda includes killing such working class needs as minimum wage and Social Security and privatizing everything from health care to public education.
The Koch brothers are straight out of a horror movie. Twin Godzillas, trampling all the ROADZ and SKOOLZ into dust, for their own amusement.
citation needed
Whether you want to be or not. It’s all in the social contract.
Democracy has one principle only. It’s better to be part of the ruling mob,
Citation #1
Citation #2
He is a public intellectual evidence is never needed
You buy elections by being outspent 2 to 1? Yeah, team D has really learned its lesson.
Still haven’t learned math.
Too Eurocentric along with logic and engineering.
But the money Team Blue spends is pure, it comes from the people. The money Team Red spends is evil.
That really is their attitude. When the GOP outspends, it’s because of Citizens United and but corporations. When Dems outspend it’s because the people love them.
I’ve tried so damn hard to make Democrat voters realize that “big money” is by no means a Republican-only thing. I’ve told them about how the infamous Koch Industries is vastly outspent by the American Federation of Teachers, AFSCME, and SEIU (individually, not as a group). I’ve tried to explain to them that the leadership of these organizations makes a colossal profit by keeping government huge and inefficient. They hem and haw and eventually acknowledge it, but they immediately go back to the “RethugliKKKans are getting big moneyz from KKKorporashuns” schtick.
Look up the amount that Tom Steyer spends through his PACs. It absolutely dwarfs what the Koch Bros spend.
A staffer for the Koch confab hailed such no-tax, no-roads policies as a “renaissance of freedom.”
A man after my own heart. We have found the one true Libertarian.
You found Hihn?
*Ahem* “BULLY!“
Needs more blockquotes and insults.
bolding in defense of aggression from known idiot
I’ve schooled you five times! *links 4 comments up*
+1 Necro thread fucking
:cites statistic from 1932:
%98 of libertarians called a Paulista from the CATO study said that socially liberal was agression.
If you have to be a schizophrenic with some type of amyloid disease to live up to this philosophy I might have to look elsewhere.
We spent the money on bike paths.
The money was there. Maybe if we stop subsidizing teslas gas tax revenue would go up?
Their agenda includes killing such working class needs as minimum wage and Social Security and privatizing everything from health care to public education.
Morning wood.
if someone wants to know what’s going on at CPA’s
I’m pretty sure the working class would appreciate the extra 12% in their pay rather than a hope of some payout.
When they say working class, they actually mean parasite class.
I live in a working class neighborhood. Lotta of beat up white vans and pick up trucks with “Joe’s Electrical Work” and “Smith and Sons Plumbing” with Trump bumper stickers.
cabal of spoiled plutocratic brats
Awesome band name!
… But enough about Hillary Clinton and her public sector union cronies.
Aren’t the Kochs in the oil and energy business? How does “destroying the roads” help their business model?
self-absorbed cabal of spoiled plutocratic brats
Who know the Koch brothers were subbing in for the DNC leadership?
“Concerned about his state of mind, the woman called police at 9:19 p.m., asking them to check on his welfare.”
“Stunned and afraid, Reeves dialed the Hingham police just after 10 p.m. to ask for help.”
“Harrison felt certain the police would help her son.”
I have mentioned this before. Never call the police on somebody that you wish to help. The police are not there to help. They are not your friends. They will make the situation worse.
Do what you can on your own or with the help of friends and family. Talk to the person, leave the person alone, offer to do anything within your power, but for God’s sakes don’t call the fucking cops.
⬆️This. Always this. ⬆️
I’m off to move some heavy weights around. So I am “working” but for myself.
“Goddammit, now all I want to do is day-drink. News is so fucking depressing.”
As a man who just finished his shift, I raise a beer in your stead. Cheers.
How do you roll on night shift? do you stay up now for a few hours or go to bed right after ‘dinner’?
I usually stay up for a few hours, drink 4 or 5 beers, then sleep til 5. Wake up, shower, eat, and then head to work. I work 7 to 7 with a 45 minute commute, so I really don’t have time to much of anything on the days or nights I work.
That’s how I did it. I preferred the ‘wake up and go (pretty much) straight to work’ option.
When my roommate was doing a night shift job he did the opposite and it confused me a little.
I can’t do it that way. Of I go to bed right when I get home without winding down, I will wake up after about 3 hours of sleep and not be able to get anymore. I’ve tried and it’s miserable.
For a while I was working two jobs, a 1 to 6 job, then I had 4 hours off before I had to leave and be at my 11PM to 4AM job. Come home, go straight to bed, wake up at noon.
Fucking Obamacare.
When I was on 3rd, I used to get off work at 7 AM, go home, have a quick meal, then go to sleep by 8 AM. I’d get up at 4 PM, then go about my daily activities until 10 PM, when I would get ready for work and head off.
I found it fairly easy to go to bed during the morning hours. I didn’t like the thought of having to go to sleep at 2 or 3 PM.
That’s what I usually did too – hated every minute of it. Doing a day’s worth of stuff only to have to go to work… ugh.
I typically work 6am-3pm or noon-9pm shifts (meat department at grocery store), but every now and then I get scheduled for an overnight midnight to 8 or 2am-10am for inventory, late load shift, department resets, etc.
It’s not common enough to try to rearrange my sleeping pattern entirely, so I just try to go to bed a little earlier and try to make it through the day on a couple hours
Finally a drinking buddy.
There is something deeply satisfying about sitting on my porch at 7:30am, drinking beer and watching the school bus drive by to take all the poor kids off to school.
I know that feel, bro. One time I sat on the back patio area of my apartment sipping some Scotch and watching my neighbors go to work.
I would Irish up my coffee to join you – but I am not sure the pastor at the 9am service would appreciate me coming in smelling like a whisky bottle.
You should go to Catholic Church. They don’t mind so much.
What’s the difference between Baptists and Catholics?
Catholics say hello to one another in the liquor store.
If Jesus could turn water into wine, he could spike your coffee.
a *hic* men.
“coming in smelling like a whisky bottle”
Ah, high school memories
I guess this is always good to reread every now and then:
Avoid News
How about a week of positive news links around here? That should be about one or two links a day. A nice break for the staff too.
btw, once again I can’t say enough good thing about Barrel Finished Hop Gray Skies Gray Skies. It seems to have been slowly replaced by Barrel Finished Gin which doesn’t – minus the hops – doesn’t have the same bold flavor. just more of a weird love child of whiskey ‘n’ gin.
Mixed with tonic and just a touch of lime – BFHG is just perfect for summer.
You’re saying there’s a silver lining?
Boodles makes a helluva G&T, a much more traditional gin though.
Sorry, Lord.
Of course it’s a good idea!
The Black Knight is CNN
Damn, son.
Lee Genes call your office
The week in patriarchy: sign up for Jessica Valenti’s newsletter
a tremendous political and cultural loss for women
Yes, because never before in history has there been a philandering pervert accused of rape in the White House.
“She estimates that she spent $20,000 on medical care in the seven years before she could buy a plan through the marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act.”
You poor fucking thang. I spent $10,000 on a very normal pregnancy and delivery in 2012 with insurance that used to be good before the ACA.
I’ve spent well over 10K this year already. Fuck that mewling bitch.
So she paid about the same for medical care as she wouldhave paid for medical insurance?
Those hotdogtopi look delicious. I would eat the shit out of that diorama.
I don’t have subscription to washington post. Probably for the best.
It’s not as bad as the link you posted yesterday about the cops singing an ode to the death of Eric gardner. I didn’t see that til late last night.
Holy shit, what assholes. That is bad.
I don’t think that was one of mine? I don’t remember posting anything like that. I was pretty drunk Friday so I could have then and forgot.
You’re right. It was Juvenile bluster, not JB. forgive me for confusing you two. (having the same initials and all)
Wow, that is f’d up. Zero class. I keep trying to not put every cop in that bucket of dicks but they seem to all want to be. Writer did not seem to know that was an old Jim Croce song.
Absolutely for the best, you only have to look at the comments over there to realize what kind of mindset (delusional and histrionic) they appeal to.
The Washington Post, working diligently to keep the New York Times off the bottom of the barrel.
Don’t copy that floppy.
Today, in I once was lost, but now am found political conversions:
In America, if you want to bring about change, if you want to be an agent of change and not a voice in the wilderness you must belong to one of one of the two political parties. I was a party faithful for the GOP. I often turned my nose up and voted for the GOP nominee no matter what. Some were good men and women, in fact, outstanding men and women. Others were as dumb as a rock and were still fighting the Civil War. I voted for them anyway.
Donald Trump and Bruce Rauner are the two men who drove this decision for me. They are twins. Rauner is Trump in a more presentable form. He is careful to not give to Trump, or mention his name because he knows it is the kiss of death in Illinois to support Trump. Bruce Rauner betrayed me. I worked to help elect him in 2014 and he lied to me. He is as corrupt as any Governor we have ever had.
Republikkkinz stand for hatred, racism, misogyny, anti-intellectualism, blah dee fucking blah. Democrats, on the other hand, are kind, generous, thrifty, polite, clean, well-spoken, und so weiter.
Get on the right side of history, America, before it’s too late!
Others were as dumb as a rock and were still fighting the Civil War.
On the Union side? Because, …
You know what, at this point I just assume everyone knows absolutely nothing about American history except “slavery”. They don’t even know the details of slavery. Just that it existed, we’re all guilty for it, and somehow only the Democrats—the party of slavery—can save us from its legacy.
Kind of like how Democrat hero FDR thought it acceptable to put a race of people in concentration camps, but nowadays we’re supposed to listen to Democrats screeching about how Republicans want to do the same thing?
Wartime necessities!
Never mind that the incidents of subterfuge by Japanese-Americans were exceedingly rare (e.g. the Niihau incident) and that Italian-Americans and German-Americans were not categorically interned (only those with political connections to the enemy governments).
So, I guess all the libertarians already converted (as documented by Salon, Slate et al) so it was time for Republicans?
Cat video + K pop?!
“Shelby Kendall considers herself female, as does her doctor and the state of Florida.
But that wasn’t good enough for a Fort Lauderdale police officer who pulled her over in January and issued the transgender woman a ticket that identified her as male — even though her driver’s license lists her as female.
Now, Officer James Brinton faces a hearing Monday before the Citizens Police Review Board over the complaint Kendall filed after the incident.
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall, 48, said Friday. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
I’m no detective, but I’m going to side with the police on this one.
Technically it the ticket has bad info on it, it’s invalid, right? So he was doing her a favor.
If that’s the way it really happened, then I side with Kendall. I would need to see some corroborating evidence, of course, or for the officer to admit this is what happened.
That is a hard 48, I don’t care how it identifies.
The Other Place has a mostly decent review of a book calling for an end to useless bureaucratic gender-classing. This seems like a good test case. WTF does the ticket need “gender” for?
Just like states that require signing for tickets. Leftover FYTW mah authoritah. Maybe at one time it was necessary to put the sex (either from the DL or observation) for identification of the driver. Police do like to put every like detail into forms- date of birth, SS#, physical description.
You know another thing- why shouldn’t it be perception of the cop writing the ticket to identify the driver? As far as the cop knew, it was a female transitioning to a male who hadn’t gotten around to changing the license.
It probably doesn’t. But police have a general need for identifying information. For example, let’s say the police witnessed this person committing a crime. Are they going to testify they saw a woman?
I think the same thing about Marital status. How the hell is my relationship status the states business.
For real?
Of all the shit that cops in Florida have done wrong, THIS is deserving of a review.
It’s a win/win for this man (oops) – if he’s prosecuted as a man he need only get the state to admit that it classified him as a woman, and hold the state to its previous position.
If he’s charged as a woman, he can then get a sensible jury, and say to them “do I *look* like a woman to you? And if the state is wrong about that, what else is it wrong about?”
I feel for the cop. It’s as if a speeder has brown eyes but triumphantly produces a driver’s license saying he’s blue-eyed.
Do you repeat the error on the driver’s license, or do you call the DMV people stupid?
How commonly do cops risk their jobs just so they can have the moral satisfaction of accurately filling out an official form?
It’s much better to go along to get along. If your supervisors tell most cops that the DMV must never be contradicted on pain of firing, what do you think they’ll likely do? Agree with the DMV.
You’re acting like cops can get fired.
There are extreme cases, like blowing the whistle on other cops or offending a powerful constituency, where cops might risk getting fired.
You know, if your biggest complaint in life is that when you look and sound like a man, a cop says you’re a man (as leonadasiv points out, invalidating the ticket), you really don’t have much in the way of complaints in this world.
“you really don’t have much in the way of complaints in this world”
What if *that’s* the complaint?
what, because being a man is so great???!
fucking shitlord.
“Columbia University pays large settlement to student harassed by ‘senior thesis’ of ‘Mattress Girl’”
It’s really quite mind boggling that it got this far. There are dozens of text messages of the “victim” professing her love for her “rapist” and wishing that he was back in town so they could have sex again. Then he decides to break it off and he becomes a rapist. Girl is fucking nuts.
Carrying around a mattress is pretty good proof of that too.
If I owned a business, I would keep a secret list of people who should not be hired, interviewed, or contacted under any circumstances whatsoever. Emma Sulkingbitch, Jacqueline “Jackie” Coakley, and any other false rape accusers would be on that list.
Hell, I’d probably add anyone who is connected in any way with campus SJW activities. What business would want to hire someone who is going to run screaming and crying to the EOCC the first time they hear a boob joke in the break room?
We do a lot of left bashing on this site, as we should. I believe we are more sympathetic to the right. I certainly am. However, I think we are, at least somewhat, mistaken. I think we sympathize more with the right (and by right I mean republicans) because we sympathize with many of the sentiments of Republican voters. I think the Republican voters are a lot better group than the the elected republicans. There is a disconnect between what a Republican voter wants and what a Republican voter gets when it comes to politicians elected to office.
I think that I reflexively defend republicans more than I should largely because I project my ideas about what a Republican should be upon politicians who are anything but that. The Republicans having power again is a helpful reminder to me that they suck too.
I think the same thing could be said for Democrats. I don’t believe for a minute that 80% of my city is board with even half of the crazy shit the machine pushes.
I disagree about the Democrats. The Democrat voters are largely onboard with the Dem politicians at all levels of government. I don’t hear any of them complaining about the devastation Obamacare wrought. I don’t hear any of them speaking up for 2A rights that the Dem pols want to take away at city, state, and fed levels. There are other issues that are starting to splinter such as $15 min/wage and the attack on 1st Amendment but these are secondary issues in comparison.
i do hear Republicans voter complain frequently about the disconnect with the elected politicians. And, unlike the Democrats, they are doing something about it. They tossed Cantor. They ditched Jeb. They elected Trump. Trump was a huge ‘fuck you’ by the Republican electorate to the Repub pols. Contrast that with the Dem voters who overwhelming backed either Hillary or Bernie to the hilt.
I think trump is the biggest piece of evidence available that republican voters are seriously unhappy with their elected leadership.
Agreed. Trump may be the opening of the floodgates. I’ve been watching the Kid Rock senate run with interest. This is starting to get the establishment on both sides worried.
I think you can find many issues where, individually, the support is close to 80%, but you probably won’t find more than 50% of the people, if even that many, who support the whole slate of issues. It’s just that they don’t vote that way. They might agree with the Democrats 60% of the time and the Republicans 40%, or throw in your choice of third parties/other positions so that it adds up to 100%, but only one person is going to win the seat.
Democratic voter “I want free healthcare” Democrat politician “OK, we will mandate insurance companies cover everybody, and expand MedicAid, and transfer huge amounts of cash to our supporters, and we will do it without a single Republican vote. It’s gonna cost us politically, but it advances our agenda and we are willing to take the hit.”
Republican voter “I want you to cut spending, cut taxes, drain the swamp” Republican politician “Fuck you stupid hillbillies, time for bipartisanship!!!”
More and more Republican voters I talk to (and not the younger, more liberty minded ones, but some older SoCons,) keep talking about how they want to break up the party system.
I think this circus-like failure to repeal Obamacare is a big wake-up call for many Repub voters, especially the SoCons who were firmly wedded to the party.
I work with a lot of older republican voters. A big hang up I have with them is SS and medicade.
I’m 30 and a lot of these guys are in their 50s. I understand that they have paid into it their whole lives. I get it I really do. I can even tell them that those programs are robbing their children. It makes no difference. I understand their outlook, but their outlook is selfish. They know it. No amount of reasoning gets through.
That’s why I like the opt out. We have to stop it, while somehow keeping a promise*.
*from what I know, SS only dictates that money taken is invested in treasury bonds, there is no actual promise that you will be paid.
Opt out sounds nice, it it won’t work. The taxes I am urgently paying are what’s paying for the benefits of those already drawing. It’s a ponzi scheme. It quits functioning if the younger people quit paying. There is no easy way out if it.
This is a good point. SS and Medicaid is something I’m always at odds with them over. Also, most of them will talk all day long about how much they hate Obamacare, then in the same breath go on about how insurance companies need to be mandated to cover pre-existing conditions.
Well, we’ve got $20 trillion in debt and growing, some of the highest corporate income taxes in the world, and a total individual tax burden averaging about 50% for a middle class working family. I guess, in the back half of your life, it’s easier to write it off as “someone else’s problem”. Hope the system doesn’t collapse before you die!
Well, from a tactical libertarian perspective, who’s the greater threat to people’s freedoms? I mean, yeah, sure, the GOP sucks. As do most Establishment Democrats. But, they largely suck in a banal, eye-rolling way that’s too corrupt to actively move to restrict freedom. But, the activists on the right aren’t really demanding a whole bunch of new restrictions on individual liberty. The activists on the left are.
The fundamentalists aren’t the ones out on the forefront of opposing porn or sexbots anymore. It’s the feminists. If I have a drunken hookup or go to a hooker, the socons might wag their fingers at me. The feminists will call me a rapist. If I want to make an exotic meal, my conservative friends will thank me for the invite. The progressives will accuse me of cultural appropriation. If I want to go shooting, conservatives will ask me what I’m using and offer their opinion on the make and model. Progressives will brand me a threat to public safety.
The bottom line is, as a libertarian (or at least libertarianish conservative), I go easier on Republicans because I listen to both sides’ activists. And the ones on the right are a lot less a threat to my freedom than the ones on the left.
I agree. I just think that it’s healthy to remember that republicans are giant statist assholes in their own way. I’ll admit, the main thing I care about politically is not so much the social stuff, but the economic stuff. I love my guns, but I hate taxes more. That’s where the Rs disappoint me every time. They suck at economics. The Dems are actively trying to destroy our economy and the Rs are their useful idiots.
They’re tax collectors for the welfare state. They’re constantly looking for ways to make the dreams of the Left work out financially. The Democrats don’t do that. Their solution for the Iraq mess was to GTFO.
There’s a reason the slur “cuck” got so popular. Half the Republican Party seems to do nothing but attempt to make the Democrats agenda work smoothly.
I think we will always feel a bit more connected to the party that’s out of power. If the Democrats spend some time in the wilderness, they will by some measure of necessity have to moderate themselves and will likely spend more time focusing on GOP abuses than the glory of socialism (although, I make no promises here). I really think many Democrats are gobsmacked by their recent shellacking and have not begun to accept and process it yet. The GOP, on the other hand, has had a rocky electoral history, and only somewhat recently came out of the woods on the national level*. They’re more accustomed to losing and expect to be held accountable. Honestly, that’s part of why Congress is such a shitshow. For every Republican from a solid red district who wants to repeal the ACA yesterday, there is a Republican who barely won his or her seat who knows that pushing too hard on ACA repeal when it actually stands to pass could cost him or her reelection. Of course, there are also Democrats who barely won their seats whose failure to repeal the ACA could cost them reelection, too. An interesting artifact of our system is that cross-sectional coalitions apart from the parties don’t really have much power. It could be that (50+n)% percent of the population wants something, but they are too geographically spread out to achieve electoral majority. I think ACA repeal** is in that category, but until the voters in favor of it in the close districts turn out more, it won’t happen. Basically, nothing’s going to change substantially until the 2018 elections.
* = Over the last 80 years, the Democrats have held the House and Senate much more often than the Republicans. They had a solid lock on the House for 40 straight years. It’s only somewhat recently that Congressional representation has been really competitive.
** = Or reform. Basically, the constituency that wants their insurance premiums and deductibles to stop going up and their insurance coverage for shit they actually want to stop going down. I mean seriously, I have to have a PPO plan now just to get 100% ER coverage (and that’s still after paying the deductible). WTF? That’s the whole goddamn point of having insurance!
The problem is that the shiftless parasites have time to go to town halls and spam emails and phone calls. It’s the Silent Majority thing. They voted Republican and they voted Trump to repeal fucking Obamacare. People are not stupid. The activist left can propagandize all they want, they remember their pre Obama insurance bills. They want that back.
It is, as usual, the spineless worthless fucking Republican Party that doesn’t seem to understand that they were elected to repeal Obamacare. Not form some grand bipartisan compromise to keep it.
There was never a second when Trump wasn’t promising everyone in America health care, and I personally doubt he would’ve been elected if he hadn’t nebulously promised an unspecified replacement of some sort.
I agree with this totally.
“Do you read the terms and conditions? Probably not. No one does. And so, inevitably, 22,000 people have now found themselves legally bound to 1000 hours of community service, including, but not limited to, cleaning toilets at festivals, scraping chewing gum off the streets and “manually relieving sewer blockages”.
The (hopefully) joke clause was inserted in the terms and conditions of Manchester-based wifi company Purple for a period of two weeks, “to illustrate the lack of consumer awareness of what they are signing up to when they access free wifi”.
Meh, needs more claiming of souls.
China is genetically engineering superdogs.
Do you want Raccoon City? Because that’s how you get Raccoon City.
“Little Long Long”
So it works on all of the muscles then.
“Teen says tattoo covering half his face is making it hard to find work”
Then he should sue whoever put that shit on his face.
(When he was asleep, I suppose)
Well that’s rather devastating for him.
He’s probably devast8ed.
Looks that that tattoo is
*dons sunglasses*
DEVAST8ing to his employment chances
no regrats
So… his roomie had a tatooing kit in priz? Something seems off with this story.
That’s actually very common. A needle, a small motor (like one from a DVD player) and an ink made from ash and food coloring will do the job.
Huh *shrug*.
How about the “homebrew” – is that a thing? This sounds like a no-security prison with all these goings-on.
nope. All you need is yeast (from inmates working in the cafeteria) and a sugary liquid. Making alcohol is not hard.
It’s a thing.
Well, at least he already knows how to have a good time, for his next visit.
Ink and a needle is all you need to home tattoo – not exactly quality work
When I worked at the women’s prison, the girls would find a paperclip or something and file it down to a sharp point, then break an inkpen open, dip the paperclip in the ink, and repeatedly puncture the skin. It must have been painful as hell, but it worked.
It’s not so much the tattoo on your face. We have plenty of non-customer facing jobs. It’s the fact that you were retarded enough to get a tatoo on your face. We don’t hire idiots.
Plenty of jobs: hockey goalie, umpire. operating room assistant, Muslim wife. protestor, radio host, etc.
“Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to testify against alleged Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami via gunshot wound to the head. The death was ruled a suicide. Eberwein was 50 and reportedly told acquaintances he feared for his life for his fierce criticism of the Clinton Foundation.”
TW: Wing-Nut Daily
Link from the Miami Herald.
Is this the same one from a few days ago or is this a new one? So whats the body count up to? At some point people are going to have to acknowledge a pattern. How many more bodies will it take for Hilary voters to admit something isnt right.
“Teen says tattoo covering half his face is making it hard to find work”
I blame racism.
So they finally made stupidity a race?
It’s NZ, facial tats are common there actually.
He’s not finding work because he’s a fucking armed robber with no marketable skills.
“This Study About Which Types of Women’s Bodies Men Prefer Is Pointless and Irresponsible
Writing about these findings as though they’re the true window into what men really want is dangerous, especially given that these specific findings literally tell us we’ll be more desirable if we’re underweight or close to it (and if we somehow get younger).”
She sounds fat.
Which brings up the question of women’s *minds*…women who use their minds are better than those who don’t.
That’s true. For example, Joanna Krupa thoughtfully posted this Instagram:
She’d be no worse off with a brain. She doesn’t have to trade, say, a boob for extra brain cells.
Unless there’s some weird neurosurgery I haven’t heard about.
And what you think she doesn’t have one? Or is that some sort of Polish joke?
OK, she’d be no worse off with a bigger brain…I don’t know how big the one she’s already got is.
“The study, published in PeerJ”
Is that an actual scholarly journal?
Because women are totally not into hot men. All the guys I see walking around in their “body conscious” outfits are wasting their time when they should be flashing their cash or brains instead.
The truth is a brutal bitch. Deal with it. Fattie.
“if she were strangely into Darwinism.”
Take a long hard look at a giraffe. Then tell me about how evolution isn’t real.
I’m just sick of the science denial on the left.
Rosemary…relax babe. Don’t fret.
We don’t expect you to somehow get younger; we’ll go out and find the younger ones.
Actually I think she’s bolemic based on her Google pics. She probably thinks she’s fat. She doesn’t look like she would survive much of anything.
And… another ridiculously one-sided Wimbledon finals. Blink and it’ll be over.
Didn’t think Fed would win another slam, but looks like I was wrong. Murray, Nadal and the Joker bowing out cleared the way, though.
“On the Receiving End of the Hockey Stick
Chris de Freitas, 1948-2017
In other words, he was a distinguished man in his field – until, in his capacity as editor of the journal Climate Research, he made the mistake of crossing Michael E Mann. “The Mann ‘hockey stick’ is nothing more than a mathematical construct,” concluded Professor de Freitas. “Sufficient evidence exists to disprove it.” That was enough to attract the ire of Mann and his cabal, and set in motion a campaign to ruin him.”
Good workout!
What in the fucking name of fucking fucknuggets did I just fucking watch?
what are you, a fag?
A skit from Little Britain – guys are obviously wearing muscle suits
Jesus, that @#()$* SWAT story
I got up at 4:30 to run a 10K – waiting for them to post the results so I can go back to bed.
i woke up an hour ago and i’m drinking a beer. (flexes muscle)
Yeah, well, I’m going to sleep the rest of the day. Top that!
I lied, incidentally – some of us *do* work, even on the Lord’s day. Sigh…
anyone see this from TOS?
Nope. Not surprised though.
“If the standard is “unacceptable risk of injury to the republic,” Trump’s behavior just may be impeachable.”
If that were the standard, every President’s behavior would be impeachable.
Funny how the big O is always left out of these discussions.
Blind spots
Cato are never-Trumpers. Film at 11.
I like how right off the bat they frame it as ‘Americans’ like any current impeachment process wouldn’t instead be the establishment attempting to tear down a democratically elected leader, not some bullshit ‘Will of the People’ nonsense.
It’s about representing the “will of the people” whose representatives won
the House,the Senate,the majority of state legislatures,the majority of state governorships, uh… New York and California.who are still pissy from November.
What has changed in the argument since then?
Dammit, with the short attention span of this generation, I was hoping they’d have moved on by now.
My favorite is moveon at this point. It’s beautifully ironic.
Trump has continued to be rude and say mean things on Twitter. IMPEACHMENT NOW.
The President should rise above saying mean things directly on Twitter, and should stick to subtly (or not) implying mean things in his speeches. That’s Presidential!
Sycophants in the media should just do his dirty work for him!
if they don’t, they’ll be wiretapped and followed. That’s presidential.
We should chant for bush to be brought up on charges of war crimes!
What? Obama expanded those wars? no way. he won the peace prize!
Will California ever thrive again?
VDH brings the gloom.
Excellent work, lefties.
Did I read that correctly? One third of Californians have diabetes? WTF?
No. One third of those admitted to the state hospitals.
I assume diabetes patients are constant repeat-users
(iow, small population, high frequency)
But enough about New York.
I’m sure it’s somehow everyone else’s fault.
Just that bad luck rearing its head again.
Better raise taxes again.
Minimum wage, too!
If we give everyone a million dollars everyone would be rich because money equals wealth.
“Damn you Republicans for foiling our plans!” /Cali prog
Which one of you told me that Fed was definitely not going to win another Grand Slam?
The GOAT. Without a doubt.
Raises hand. He’s the man.
OK, I am officially over the term “FedFed”.
So democracy is 1297 rich old white socialist and 3 rich old black socialist?
Well thank goodness, I was really worried.
One of the tags was “Cyberbullying”.
“Wah. Wah. Look at me. Don’t look at me.”
Is she retarded?
First world problems.
Still would
Not even with a case of antibiotics at my side.
Saw the new Planet of the Apes movie yesterday. It was OK. I got the feeling the director was trying to make it topical. The villain is an Army officer who rounds up the apes and forces them to build a wall.
His uniform was weird. The army tag and skills badges were sewn on but his name and rank were not. That by itself is implausible but even more ridiculous given his rank as a colonel.
So the villain is a white, male, Christian (the camera lingers on his crucifix in one shot), military guy. Hell, why not just put a MAGA hat on him?
yeah, but then people would just turn it into more CNN memes.
God forbid something doesnt get politicized. On top of everything else, its shit like this that will kill the lebs. Unless the right shoots themselves which seems highly unlikely.
The right could probably shoot themselves, cut both their feet off, and lay down on the train tracks and still beat the pinkos right now.
I think it was supposed to be Apocalypse Now reference/tribute.
I mean, it’s not like original wasn’t ham-handed about its message…
Firing up the BBQ and Diplome and tonic. Baby back ribs and Cornell style chicken.
Great afternoon starting. Hope you all are having a good one as well.
London Broil and Torpedoes, yummy!
Nice. Torpedo by Sierra Nevada or torpedo rolls for the steak?
Sierra Nevada, Kings Hawaiian Rolls, Baked Potatoes, Old school after Church style Sunday Dinner, But with
If you can find it, cigar city jai alai is delicious.
They are out of Florida I think, but some business stuff happened and now I can get it in CO through Oskar Blues.
I’m stuck in Cali, but I just got back from the pot shop and got some Gorilla Candy, so there’s that
Cigar city Jai alia is tasty. I’ve been drinking the NE IPAs a lot. Not so bitter.
Two feminist Geography professors recently wrote an article for an academic journal arguing that citations in scholarly articles contribute to “white heteromasculinity” by ignoring research by women and people of color.
The authors say that “white men tend to be cited in much higher numbers than people from other backgrounds,” but dismiss the idea that this is due to the relative preponderance of white male geographers.
In a recent academic journal article, two feminist professors claim that citing sources in scholarly articles contributes to “white heteromasculinity.”
Rutgers University professor Carrie Mott and University of Waterloo professor Daniel Cockayne advance the claim in an article published last month in the Feminist Journal of Geography, but also suggest that citation can serve as “a feminist and anti-racist technology of resistance” if references are chosen with the explicit intent of promoting “those authors and voices we want to carry forward.”
Students Love Socialism… But Can’t Define What It Is
“If helping people is socialism, then I’m for it.”
[head desk]
Thats not at all an uncommon mindset. And using logic and pointing out adverse affects/unintended consequences seems to do nothing to change this mentality. I’m out of ideas on ways to combat this.
That’s a common leftist tactic – redefining some ideology as some very simple, indisputable thing when really, it is loaded down with political encumbrances.
“Socialism is just the idea of helping people”… Plus a total negation of human rights and government limitation.
They also do this with feminism when they define it as “the notion that women are people”. No shit – nobody in the history of the world disputed that women are human beings. People have just disputed that they deserve preferential treatment from the government, which is what almost all of modern feminism is about.
There is a large number of people who make it through a college education without havIng the slightest idea of the number of bodies that socialism/communism has piled up over the decades. It’s almost as if teachers and professors purposefully avoid the topic.
That, combined with not bothering to read and research things on your own has lead to way too many people who don’t know the first thing about what that shittt ideology really means.
Um, no mention of the Twinks thrashing that Houston team?
“If helping people is socialism, then I’m for it.”
“Spending somebody else’s money to make my life better is teh AWESOMEZ!
What a fucking diva.
I posted a link a while back to a story about a muslim doctor (from India) who had moved to a small town in western Minnesoda. The story was him having a hissy fit because the county he lived in voted for Trump (over 60%). He said this proved that everyone there were a bunch of racist bigots.
Well, the linked story above is a followup on him. Some pretty self-serving statements about how people have sent him letters to let him know how great he is. (a few death threats too, but hey you need those to keep the narrative of bigotry going)
There was also this gem:
So he is using his position of power to silence his critics? I thought that was bad?
I don’t think anyone claims this country is perfect, but I wonder why he prefers this country to his old home. Maybe in India Muslims have more to worry about than mean ol’ Trump and the people who voted for him.
And I don’t think India is even covered by the quote-unquote Muslim ban.
You know, I have to wonder if a lot of Muslims/gays/black people/women haven’t just been fed a panic. That is to say, I wonder if, for a lot of these people, their concerns are real, but also a consequence of them having been bullshitted with the relentless repetition of how much Donald Trump hates them. I wonder if that doctor could cite three pieces of actual evidence that Trump hates Muslims.
“Virji moved his family to Dawson from Harrisburg, Pa., in 2014 and felt accepted. People were friendly, patients poured in. He loved the job.
“He began to realize, however, that a majority of his neighbors and patients had voted for a president who is seeking to ban Muslim immigrants from several countries, who suggested he might start a Muslim registry and who said “Islam hates us.” Virji became angry. He started to worry that people in Dawson secretly thought he was one of “them,” perhaps a terrorist. He even resigned as chief of staff and medical director the day after the election….
“During [a] speech, Virji became increasingly angry, and the crowd increasingly uncomfortable. But his audience was receptive and cordial, and Virji’s expectations of hostility did not appear. Later he wondered if he was too angry, too negative.
“I asked Virji if he may have underestimated his neighbors who voted for Trump, that maybe they were more compassionate than he gave them credit for.
“”Definitely,” said Virji. “If I learned anything, it’s that it’s complicated. It’s a journey for me.”
“But [Trump is bad]…
“…People were very interested in how I felt about [the story] because they don’t want me to leave.”
Yes, I’m guessing prima donna.
Maybe. But, also maybe just scared stupid by a media that tells him all the time that Donald Trump is hiding under his bed and is going to come get him because he’s Muslim. I mean, look at even the stuff you quoted. He was convinced all the Donald Trump supporters were these bigoted monsters who hate him because of his religion. And when confronted by the reality uh, gee, “it’s complicated”.
In a way, I feel sorry for the poor rube. He resigned a couple of good roles because a bunch of politicians got him all worked up in a bid to demonize their opponent. The only problem is he’s still drinking the Kool-Aid they’re serving him.
“a majority of his neighbors and patients had voted for a president who is seeking to ban
Muslimimmigrants from several countries which are listed as being hotbeds of terrorism and do not even comprise the numerical majority of the Muslim world“Fear mongering can be an effective short-term strategy to get people energized and voting. I’ve seen every side on just about every issue use it at one point or another to varying degrees. The problem is that it’s so high intensity that it tends to burn out quickly, and people can be motivated to spite the fear mongers. It can also backfire spectacularly when the fear turns out to be unfounded or overblown.
The media’s portrayal of Donald Trump’s thinking on Muslims: “Muslims are filthy animals. They should be locked away in camps until we can find a way to deport them all!”
Donald Trump’s more likely thinking on Muslims: “Some of Trump Properties’ best customers. Like all of my customers, they’re people who truly appreciate luxurious living. Have you seen those properties? Fabulous! The absolute best! So luxurious! But anyway, Muslims, yeah, if they want to help make America great again, that’s fantastic. I really want to make America great again. You know, a place where you can get a great steak and a really fine piece of ass. Have you ever tried Trump Steaks? They’re amazing! The best! You’re gonna love them. I’ve sold them to many, many Moslem people…”
Other thoughts may include, “I don’t care if they’re Muslim, Mexican, or whatever. If someone’s gonna come here and cause trouble, why should we just let them in?”
It’s not a particularly deep thought, it’s not a particular warm fuzzy thought, but it no doubt resonates with lots of people, and it’s not racist or bigoted. So therefore, the media will focus on the first half of the thought (but he called out certain groups in less than flattering ways) and ignore the second half.
What you’re saying is probably more reflective of his policy views. I was just trying to add a little levity.