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Half the text is very difficult to read.
Hold a scrap of paper in front of the picture of Gertrude, I think you’ll be better able to read the text.
Now why on Earth would I want to block her out?!?!?!
Some people are not like us Swiss and they see no appeal from boobies..
Dead people?
Lemme see if I can get this to work…
< explainthejoke >
I’m suggesting the distraction of the boobies is causing his reading difficulty.
< /explainthejoke >
Is RDA blind? Cause I can see her titties just fine.
“You haven’t seen the tit, until you’ve seen the nipple.”
/former college roommate
Gotta love philosophy majors!
*looks again*
Yup, I can everything.
*see everything*
Upside down nude differentials in space?
Glitter tits would be dazzling.
I saw Journey once. Changed my life.
Sublime, BP. A+
*joins applause*
The only reason I’m withholding that plus from the A-grade was RDA’s verb choice. I would have expected RDA to go with “I seen Journey once”.
I seed or I sawed Journey.
Let neuroscience explain why some people should be censored and others shouldn’t
“What’s bad for your nervous system, in contrast, are long stretches of simmering stress. If you spend a lot of time in a harsh environment worrying about your safety, that’s the kind of stress that brings on illness and remodels your brain. That’s also true of a political climate in which groups of people endlessly hurl hateful words at one another, and of rampant bullying in school or on social media. A culture of constant, casual brutality is toxic to the body, and we suffer for it.
“That’s why it’s reasonable, scientifically speaking, not to allow a provocateur and hatemonger like Milo Yiannopoulos to speak at your school. He is part of something noxious, a campaign of abuse. There is nothing to be gained from debating him, for debate is not what he is offering.
“On the other hand, when the political scientist Charles Murray argues that genetic factors help account for racial disparities in I.Q. scores, you might find his view to be repugnant and misguided, but it’s only offensive. It is offered as a scholarly hypothesis to be debated, not thrown like a grenade. There is a difference between permitting a culture of casual brutality and entertaining an opinion you strongly oppose. The former is a danger to a civil society (and to our health); the latter is the lifeblood of democracy.”
I wish they would just come out and advocate for repealing the first amendment the way some of the more honest gun grabbers talk about repealing the second. Own that shit, fuckers. Put your stamp right on the front and show that shit off like a badge of honor.
I don’t think you’re going to have to wait too long. As soon as it really sets in that they aren’t getting rid of Trump, the mask will finally come completely off.
My mother’s been on that “change the 1st Amendment” narrative for years now. Her problem is that she doesn’t understand why views and opinions that she doesn’t like (because they’re impolite, rude, etc.) shouldn’t be censored, and no matter how much I try to explain to her the virtues of protecting speech that you don’t like, she falls back into this absurd idea that the Constitution is outdated because it was written 240 years ago and that culture has changed. I think that part of the problem is that she’s Japanese and she lacks the cultural background to understand what makes the US Constitution timeless and worth protecting.
There are too many people that can’t grasp the fact that it won’t only be the opinions, ideas, and words they dislike that will end up banned, and thus we have so many that think this incredibly stupid and dangerous concept of banning speech they don’t like is hunky-dory.
Of course the government will only outlaw bad speech. The government has always done the right thing, right? That’s why there is no injustice in this country.
And yet she lives in the US…how did that happen?
She’s never really understood what authoritarianism is because she was from post-WWII Japan. She moved here because she married an American who was reassigned back to the US; she didn’t speak English at the time and had little idea about what the US was about besides what she heard from friends and the news. She had to grow to love the US, and definitely does now, but she still identifies culturally with Japan and has never changed her citizenship.
Yea, that’s a shame. I have a good friend who is Russian, and his parents fled the Soviet Union when it was collapsing in the 90’s. But, their fleeing was not bred of hatred of communism, it was just trying to escape the chaos and uncertainty of a country in that kind of transition. So, while they live in the US still to this day, they don’t appreciate our freedom as much as…say…a Cuban refugee that floated over on a truck inner tube to escape the brutality of their govt.
This is exactly why Democrats want to bring in as many new immigrants as possible. They know that most of these people do not understand how important our constitution is. They just know that all Americans are rich, this is seriously what most people in poor countries believe, and if they come here, they’ll be rich too. Enough of those and then the Democrats can finally repeal all of that pesky old document, which they hate, until Donald Trump is president. Then they can usher in the great utopia where everything is free and it doesn’t cost a single dime.
It took my wife almost a decade to come around to realizing that socialism is bad. Because her country ran out of other people’s money, just like I told her would happen. Now she gets it.
Yea it amazes me how many people can’t connect A to B when it comes to our living standards and the freedoms we have historically enjoyed. It’s like all the retarded Californians who flock to my state because of how badly effed their state is, and then vote to implement the same policies that broke their state in the first place.
“Hey, idiots, the problem with California wasn’t geographical in nature, it was political!”
My wife is Japanese(Okinawan), and she hates the statist attitudes everyone seems to have over there.
That might be my fault.
*Breathes on fingernails, buffs them on shirt*
So you’re going to try and tell us that you found not only a libertarianish female, but that she’s an Oriental? Not buying it, pal. Not buying it at all. Floating rock heads and rapey Sasquatches are more believable.
Of course they are more believable, they provide delicious links for us on a weekly basis.
Floating rock heads and rapey Sasquatches are less scary than my 4’11” wife.
They’re coming out of the woodworks.
Zunalter, nice avatar. A top hat wearing top hat. Hard to out glibertarian that.
If you don’t believe there are any female Asian libertarians, HM will be along here shortly with a whole list of them.
Hyp, you have Scruffy’s indomitable talents to thank for that bit of tophat-ception. He really went above and beyond.
If you don’t believe there are any female Asian libertarians, HM will be along here shortly with a whole list of them.
Will there be pictures? I’m more of a visual learner…
I’m guessing you are a former Marine? I knew a bunch of guys in Oki who came home with Japanese wives.
Yep, I met her over there when I was 19 and we’ve been married 23 years.
She has come a long way, and says I opened her eyes to things that her family and friends think are normal.
She also accepts my open carrying everywhere I can legally, though she was a little skeptical about it at first.
She did not provide a single example of Milo’s speech that she would censor without 1A protections.
I guaran-goddamn-tee that she hasn’t listened to a single Milo speech ever.
I found the comparison to Murray entertaining. I mean, like he isn’t on the social justice blacklist, as well? It’s just disingenuous for the progressive left to even pretend they want debate. The issue is that they know they suck at it and get their asses handed to them whenever they try it. Because they’re peddling shit.
yes, but i think she’s making a tactical distinction – say, “if someone is an academic, we should allow them to speak (even if they’re wrong)”
because most academics are already on her side, this is effectively winning the war before it starts. she wants to simply strip any protections from the unanointed.
Remember, when it comes to the left speaking about the right, the predecessor is always more acceptable than the current example. Charles Murray was basically Hitler, but now that someone like Milo is making inroads with younger audiences, he is now basically Hitler and why can’t we have more serious-minded responsible people speaking at college campuses like Charles Murray?
I wasn’t paying close enough attention back in the 90s, so I don’t know who they were appealing to back when The Bell Curve came out. William F. Buckley, maybe? It’s going to be funny when Rush Limbaugh assumes room temperature and he, of all people, gets this treatment from the left.
Naw, Limbaugh will always get the shit because he works via a very effective platform that they’re basically unable to corrupt unless they pass a new Fairness Doctrine or something.
that’s a good point. The predecessors come with pre-made rebuttals. There are probably shelves of books “debunking” Murray. And even the people who agree with Murray hardly ever read his book, much less his opponents. Too much trouble.
Milo et al, as you say, are appealing to real-life younger audiences. They are changing people’s minds in real-time. And i thought it was funny that the author claimed that people like Milo “don’t want debate”. Its literally ALL HE DOES, and all he ever demands of his opponents. The left keeps pretending they’re the defenders of rational discourse, but whenever offered the opportunity they simply demur and insist their opponents are unworthy.
Mentally ill person thinks everyone not like them is mentally ill
A ton of this…
Milo takes the positions of SJW “feminism” and extends it to its logical conclusion.. which is typically state-ownership of women. he is satire. and his relentless mocking embarrasses and exposes them.
I think that is usually why they hate anyone that disagrees. Mockery is powerful.
“What’s bad for your nervous system, in contrast, are long stretches of simmering stress. If you spend a lot of time in a harsh environment worrying about your safety, that’s the kind of stress that brings on illness and remodels your brain”
Like being in a trench in WW1? That must be what that’s referring to.
You know who was a WWI veteran and supported censorship?
Byron Price?
G.K. Zhukov?
The way Milo has been railroaded by the mainstream right really pisses me off. Even cosmotarians got in on the game. The left has gained completely cultural dominance on the sort of irreverent “bomb throwing” that Milo supposedly represents. The right is led by people who live in the bubble constructed by the coastal leftist elites and ultimately speak in their language rather than that of the people they claim to represent. So when they get a mouthpiece that actually speaks to a younger generation, they stupidly shun him to maintain the facade of respectability the left grants them in that bubble (right up until they gain any power, and then they themselves are cast as little Hitlerite fascists, as well).
The term cuck is apt even if people want to mock it.
I know that Breitbart has gone right back to endorsing and promoting Milo after all of that (as they should), and I don’t think he has been railroaded yet, more like he ran into a bumpy set of establishment tracks. The GOP has become like two parties since Trump’s election: the nu-GOP, who wanted to fight the left and push Trump’s agenda yesterday (a group that has my full endorsement), and the establishment GOP, who spent their entire lives capitulating to the left and are scared shitless of the cultural revolution created by Trump/Milo/Tea Party forces.
And it’s the latter group who news reports show whenever Trump does something. The calculus goes something like ‘Trump did what? Get *reasonable* Republicans like McCain and Graham on to show how bad he really is!’
The GOP has become like two parties since Trump’s election: the nu-GOP, who wanted to fight the left and push Trump’s agenda yesterday (a group that has my full endorsement), and the establishment GOP, who spent their entire lives capitulating to the left
It makes sense that there would be a division in the party like this, emerging recently. Remember, until last decade the Republicans were essentially a permanent minority party: any Republican entering politics from 1955-2001 had to work with the Democrats to get anything done, so it makes sense that the old guard would have adapted to play by their rules. Any Republican entering politics from 2001-present entered into a new world, one in which it is possible for the GOP to get things done on their own, to play by their own rules. A clash of these two world-views is not surprising.
They don’t understand. The game has changed and you don’t win by being Jeb anymore. The way to discuss 2nd A rights with someone on the fence might be to discuss self defense, tyranny, etc. The way to counter a prog gun grabber is to expound on the foundational racism of gun control and how you won’t condone any movement dedicated to the wholesale slaughter of woman and minorities. Ask how they can support a philosophy where the wealthy privileged have armed guards to enforce their will on the proles from who they have stripped any ability to defend themselves. The Repubs/NRA/etc should be screaming this from the roof-tops and paint every single gun grabber as a KKK supporting racist. The conversation will change dramatically.
They don’t though because they are still using Civil War tactics to fight WW3.
Milo does this much louder and much more effectively. I’ve enjoyed a lot of Milo’s posts.
Donald has shown them the way, if they can learn it. And I’m of course not referring to his politics, but his willingness to stand up to the left. You would think some of them learned something, but here we have a Congress who are apparently afraid to repeal Obamacare because the left are going to scream that they just killed a bunch of children and minorities. They’re succumbing to the same tired old tactics that they’ve been giving into for the last few decades. Stupid Party.
Also, a smaller point: the problem with the cosmotarians is that they’re desperate to maintain this facade that libertarians should hate both the left and the right, which in my eyes fails to depict the truth about today’s political climate. Right now, the enemies to libertarianism are the left and the establishment right: the nu-right, represented by people like Milo, wants to be friendly with libertarians, but the cosmos bite and attack them instead.
Some of the nu-right (not Milo) really are racists*, though. And that makes cosmos jumpy and scared, so, to be safe, they distance themselves from anyone on the right, establishment or not.
*not just trolling with racism, which is a different issue cosmos are equally uncomfortable with
Are the actual racists in the nu-right, such as NPI or AmRen, even remotely relevant to anybody except the media and the progs? I don’t think so, I think their readers are mostly venting to each other on Stormfront or something.
Vox Day and his side of alt-right (no, I’ve no idea why I at this point know of the differences between alt-lite, alt-right and alt-white) are straight-up racist and they own it, while having genuine contempt for Stormfronters.
The internal conflicts of the alt-right is a hilariously dumb rabbit hole to fall down.
“Our society is degenerate because of the propagation of non-whites and the destruction of our historical values, Christianity!”
“Fuck you, Christianity is a degenerate Middle Eastern Jew religion designed to make the white man weak and effeminate. We must return to our Germanic pagan roots!”
“God is dead, and pagan gods doubly so. We must create the Ubermensch by selectively quoting Nietzsche and ignoring all those things he said about it not being racial and anti-Semites being idiots.”
Yet they don’t seem to have the same problem when, say, feminist friends of ENB are open misandrists or their lefty journalist buddies opine openly racist statements, whether in regards to white people or a more general elitism towards minorities and ‘Uncle Tom’ing.
No. No they don’t.
Because that’s not real racism.
Cosmos always give lefties benefit of the doubt and interpret their statements and actions if the best light, if possible. If not, it’s 50:50 they’ll ignore it, or write grudgingly with “pox on both their houses” or “to be sure, this looks bad, BUT…”
Perhaps but libertarians can’t find common ground with the left. Everything they stand for is the opposite.
Conservatives at the moment are faaarrrrr less offensive and dangerous to libertarian/classical liberal principles than the left.
The bottom line is progressivism needs to be put down. I wonder if that idiot who penned that insipid NYT article would consider my saying so is ‘violent’.
I’ve said it too many times before, but the left are the mortal enemies of libertarians. There will be no truce, ever. And of the two major political party, the only home to be found there for libertarians, is in the GOP. The Democrat now ARE the left’s party.
The GOP also already has libertarian-friendly institutions built into it, too. Because of how entrenched the leadership still is, it’s sometimes difficult to see through the smog, but I’m sure that the entire Freedom, Liberty, and Tea Party caucuses are open to voting for libertarian legislation as long as the right leadership is heading the charge. Libertarians need to encourage and endorse candidates that want to join these caucuses, and they also need to endorse primary opponents against the GOPe.
The libertarians’ problems with the American right have never been with the real, Constitutional conservatives, who clearly love the Constitution even though I sometimes disagree with them about Israel. Rather, it’s with the entrenched, established right, who’ve been corrupted by leftist culture and neoconservatism. The emergence of Trump has made that particular division in the party much more clearer, and the cosmos in Reason need to recognize this difference and begin to side with the nu-right.
The left, on the other hand, is ground zero in the opposition of liberty, and need to be fought at all times.
Couldn’t agree more. The cosmos desperately want to deny that libertarianism is a breed of conservatism. They want to pretend that the right and the left are just two sides of the same coin, while ignoring that the left is predicated on beliefs about the appropriate role of government and the state that are fundamentally incompatible with libertarianism or classical liberalism. They believe that when Republicans betray ideals of small government that they claim to support it’s the same as when Democrats say they want to expand government and then actually do it, as if the individual failings of the one side are equivalent in kind and scope to the structural foundation of the other.
You can’t square progressivism with the tenets of the American Constitution.
Progressives have a world views that’s closer to the European model.
They call it being more ‘rational’ and ‘democratic’.
I call it being an intellectual and moral reprobate. To be a progressive; to agree with it, to me, is to hold a shallow, incomplete view of human nature and history.
They believe that when Republicans betray ideals of small government that they claim to support it’s the same as when Democrats say they want to expand government and then actually do it, as if the individual failings of the one side are equivalent in kind and scope to the structural foundation of the other.
Well put.
The problem with the cosmos is that they somehow think they have to appease millennials, the majority of whom seem to be a bunch of wannabe leftist tyrants. It’s gotten to be that every time one of the cosmos writes something, they first have to write something proving how ‘liberal’ they are and that they too believe that Trump is literally worse than Hitler. Only then can they go on to try to prove a libertarian point.
They may not know it, but a large and growing number of millennials are starting to turn against the left after Trump’s inauguration, especially the ones that didn’t grow up in the major coastal prog enclaves. Many of them are not conservative or libertarian, at least not yet, but are on that first stretch of road there. Being anti-leftist and being able to recognize who the pricks are is the first step towards understanding why they are pricks.
I hope you’re right.
My kids are both millennials. One is a libertarian woman (the Glibs’ own webdominatrix), the other an old-style conservative. Many of their friends fall into one or the other camp, as well.
Actual photo
I can’t make heads or tails of that two-word phrase. I mean, I recognize those words separately.
So are both of mine. And although they don’t call themselves libertarians, politically, they basically are libertarian. But they got most of their knowledge of politics from me.
I shouldn’t laugh at that, Gilmore, but I couldn’t help it.
Well, if by mainstream right, you’re talking about the Foxnews talking heads and the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, then yeah, they’re just as much a part of the PC nonsense as the lefties who invented it all. All of those people are terrified of being called a racists or something-a-phobe.
Aaaaannnd will advocate for lobotomies and eugenics in 3….2…..
People like this need to publicly ridiculed and mercilessly.
That truly is the height of idiocy. My guess is that Lisa imagines President Trump will be censored while she is free to spew more idiocy at will. No, the jackboot will never come down on her.
There is a difference between permitting a culture of casual brutality and entertaining an opinion you strongly oppose.
And here I was thinking that enabling a government to punish you for thought-crime at the whim of informants and bureaucrats creates a culture of casual brutality. I’m glad to be disabused of my wrong-think.
are we supposed to be RDA? because i feel like he’s the only one i can relate to.
Define “relate.”
paganism, public intoxication, rude lascivious treatment of others. he’s the theme song of my life.
Relate…or look like and act like. I think I can do either.
I’ve taken up wearing seran-wrap on my head entirely because of his forward-thinking example.
Who is that chick?
Nadine Chanz, Playboy model
Puffy nipples.
My favorite kind
I will never tire of those x-ray glasses on Cortez Cortex.
Everyone at CNN should wear those.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Muhammad Ali said it best, really, after he came back from Africa: “Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat.” These people just have no interest in reality where minorities scratch and claw to come to the West/US to live in these white patriarchal societies. Because they’re better off here than they are in the shitholes they’re leaving even if the people running the show tend to look more like them (at least in terms of skin pigment).
I’m guessing that if the “groups” they feel are underrepresented studied and wrote about a more diverse range of topics than race, gender, sexuality, and “heteromasculinism” they may find their papers getting cited more often in scientific research.
+1 Journal of Feminist Geography
-1 This journal totally isn’t what I expected
The bits about the hills are nice, but I need more info about the valleys.
It’s curious that, at least from the comments, the authors bemoaned the lack of white male Marxists being cited, as well. Assuming that’s the case, it’s funny how the Post left that out.
Maybe this is the source:
“Campus Reform inquired as to whether the citational disparity might simply reflect the relative preponderance of white men in the field, but Cockayne rebuffed that suggestion, saying, ‘the point we are trying to make is that important research done by traditionally marginalized voices…is often ignored by ‘mainstream’ and very well-established scholars—which means, in geography at least, white male Marxists.'”
Yes. Washington Post conveniently puts a … right before the white male Marxist part. I noticed that reading it as it was a quite awkward place to cut off a quote and for the writer to continue speaking.
Feminist geography….what the actual fuck is that?
In some cases, showing is far more instructive than talking.
So you want someone to mansplain feminist geography? I just can’t even. . . .
There is nothing more sciencey than considering the source of the claim to be more important than the claim provided.
They were wearing lab coats when they wrote the paper.
Damn dirty Germans are burning a Miata!
At least it wasn’t an S2000.
But do you ever worry that the real life media are overtaking CAAoSNP in implausibility?
Parody is hard for the SJW crowd. Also, feminists (see above)
[Stepping onto Minneapolis turf again]
So the cop who shot the white Australian woman is Somali. His name is Mohamed Noor.
That sound you just heard was everyone’s narrative exploding.
“Justine Damond was fatally shot overnight Saturday as police officers were responding to her 911 call in a Minneapolis suburb.”
How long is it going to take people to get this?
DO NOT CALL THE FUCKING COPS … unless you want someone to die. If you want to murder somebody, at this point it’s probably a viable strategy to call 911 from the person’s address and say you saw someone suspicious, or something like that.
Apparently they were supposed to be wearing cameras. But they mysteriously were not wearing them. And then nothing else happened, as always.
I thought I read that they had them, but they were turned off, because mysteriously they always seem to be off in these types of situations.
Yes, you’re correct.
Why are cameras optional?
Penumbras of privacy, always in motion they are?
My black friends get this innately. You do not call the cops to make your life better, you call the cops to make someone else’s life worse.
I would expect a man with an anime avatar to be aware of tactical uses of swatting.
I know of swatting, but have always thought of it as something 15 year old trolls use to fuck with people who beat them in Modern Warfare. Never thought of it as a tactical option.
The NYT seems to not have any information regarding the identity of officer. Isn’t that strange?
Their vision is based on narrative, so undoubtedly they couldn’t see the name even if they wanted to.
I think someone nailed it earlier. Cop pulled gun out in car to prepare to exit the vehicle and fired it accidentally. That is the first thing that popped in my head when I read about it.
Somali raised in a mud hut with stone age technology is unable to properly handle firearms. Color me shocked.
What the fuck is it with Scandanavians and their desire to bring savages in to shit all over their orderly society?
I wouldn’t put it on that. This happens all the time with cops. So many “accidental discharges”. White cops, black cops, doesn’t fucking matter.
Yep. Shockingly third world peasants know how to operate firearms. Usually better than educated middle class Westerners.
That being said, there’s always someone who’s just a fuckup.
That was like Afghanistan’s funniest videos right there.
I was just trying to figure out how a guy sitting on the passenger side unholstering his weapon could accidentally fire it while pointing it right at his partner 24 inches away and the woman, both of whom are to his left when the door he is exiting is to his right. Even if he were left handed why was the gun pointed in that direction? The only explanation I could think of was him waving the gun around like a pointed finger while he was talking. It is the kind of thing I have seen before from people with a primitive mind and no grasp of…well, anything. I was having some difficulty with this until I learned he is a somali, so yeah, I am gonna put it on that.
He shot her multiple times. Once I can attribute to an ND, but more than once sounds extremely suspicious.
Yeah, this was no accident. Panic fire is what it was. Because you know, cell phones look just like guns to cops for some reason unknown to the rest of us.
Hey, these guys are highly trained in the use of firearms which means, counter-intuitively, that we should cut them more slack on bad shoots. Because, reasons.
Oh, I know, procedures were followed, sorry we fucked up, here’s some tax payer money to make it all better.
Yeah, I missed that part. So it was deliberate and we get fuck-all for an explanation.
He managed to shoot her multiple times by accident. Fuck.
Well, maybe he went by “if I wing her, she can sue, if I kill her, we’re in the clear”.
Kinda like “if you hit someone, back up to finish them off” approach to car accidents…
MULTIPLE times!? That sort of foils my thought that it was an accidental discharge. Premature, so to speak.
I’m going to take a guess here as to what happened. The woman, not knowing any better, ran out of the house with her cell phone in her hand when she saw them pull up. Of course, all of here know that you don’t run toward the cops and especially if you have something in your hand. Panic fire, again. And he’ll get off without even losing his job.
And the media will drop this like a hot potato as soon as they find out the cops’s a Somali immigrant. So it won’t get any coverage and we’ll never find out what happened.
Whoa. I missed that part. Multiple shots? Ok, forget the accident part.
At this point, we need to shut down state operated police forces and let people instead pool some cash to hire private cops. The fact that they are immune from prosecution, means they are not going to fix themselves. So if they see anything that can be perceived even in the slightest way as a threat, it’s better for them to just start shooting, just in case.
Can we try to collect some facts before jumping to such hyperbolic racist judgments?
Who said she didn’t have a dog? Well, it’s obvious!
This seems plausible until you read that she was shot multiple times. Apparently his gun accidentally fired itself over and over, as guns are so often wont to do.
OK, this is too awesome to wait for PM links (Sorry, BP)
I posted last night about proposed response to Hamburg riot that made me go “you don’t want to do anything, do you?”
Today, EU just topped it
Migrant crisis: EU to curb rubber boat sales to Libya
Look, I dislike EU as much as the next Farrage-fan, but man, that’s some Grade A trolling right there.
“It is not clear how the EU will check that such exports do not end up in the wrong hands in the lawless country.”
Yes it is. It’s perfectly clear.
If I’m a legitimate Libyan fishing company the first thing I’m doing now is running an gray market operation selling boats to the locals.
EU: “Ali, this is the 300th boat you’ve bought this year. Seems rather suspicious…”
Ali: “It’s just bad luck. Honest. All the others sank, and I need another. To keep fishing. You wouldn’t deprive me of my livelihood on mere suspicion, would you?”
EU: “OK, that checks out. Sale approved.”
What we need is common sense boat control.
That’s literally what they are doing!
And, to prevent abuse like Titor’s above, they’ll get some effective licencing and control, and then they’ll have an in – AN IN, SIR! – to finally crack down on human smuggling. Because they will have used illegal boats! this time.
Also, racism.
Still doesn’t beat the classic “oh no, our boat is sinking now that we’re close to a European coast guard ship, you have to rescue us or you’re monsters” tactic.
Ah, but if it’s an illegal boat, we can fine the manufacturer! And a wholesaler who sold it! It’s like doing something, and requires many people to sit in comfortable offices and collect fines!
I predict a sudden spike in rubber boat sales to Egypt. Unexpectedly!
So, who among you white cishet shitlords is dying to get a sexbot to rape? Because everyone knows that’s all you all want.
Jesus, the NYT is getting as bad as everydayfeminism. Do they have any serious articles anymore? No, I am not giving them any clicks to find out.
Oh, look.
See, you should have paid attention to your instincts!
I would only rape her if she ended up liking it about halfway through.
Who says porn is not educational?
Fuck, this will end with banning videogames on the same argument, isn’t it?
I’m still waiting for the day they start to try to police BDSM and rape fantasy communities. Fortunately for them there seems to be a higher than average percentage of feminists who are also subs. Which may say something.
What I have found is that the biggest badasses in public are the ones that like to say ‘please beat me mommy/daddy’ behind closed doors. The most hardcore bitch sub I know is a former army ranger.
… go on …
99% of that former army ranger being a dude since they didn’t have female graduates until 2015.
You’re not wrong.
Yeah, it may.
*rolls eyes*
The Obama/Hillary Left thinks they have their savior:
Do it Democrats, make the face of your party an obnoxious, shallow idiot who slept her way up. Do it motherfuckers, pull the trigger!
You either vastly underestimate the DNC or vastly overestimate them. I’m betting the latter.
First of all, I don’t think that Harris will get the nomination, and if she does they will lose the popular vote in a landslide. Too many progressives are against her because of her AG tenure and her decision not to prosecute OneWest Bank for foreclosure violations.
Hillary helped put millions of young black men behind bars for petty drug offenses, opposed gay marriage, and openly promised to serve the interests of Wall St while purposely misleading voters about her views… and it didn’t stop either blacks or progs from backing her when the time came.
The proggies really frigging love her. I have seen a few profiles of her on left wing media over the last months. Last week some ejit on NPR had a big fawning spiel about her. She is being groomed for something that is for sure. I just can’t believe they’d be that stupid to put her up for Pres. Like I said below, if I had to bet she might well be 2020 VP candidate.
that makes more sense.
If they are going full prog it will likely be the all woman team. Fauxcahontas gets the top billing.
Warren – Harris 2020 “Empowerment Now!”
1 – i don’t think anyone will ever run an all-woman ticket
2 – warren isn’t going to even run IMO. she’s owned by MA interests and her skeletons only stay in the closet so long as she stays put
I can’t seem to come up with any Dem nominees for President in 2020 that have any credibility/viability.
Hillary – probably won’t make it three more years, and flunks the iron-clad “lose two elections, you’re done” rule. Also, old.
Harris – guaranteed to alienate the people in flyover country the Dems need to win.
Warren – see Harris. Plus, old.
Biden – perhaps their least bad option, but seriously? Also, old.
this is why i’m pretty sure the DNC is going to run a “ringer” from outside normal political channels.
Tom Steyer, or some CEO like Tim Cook/Howard Schultz/insert others… or some celebrity, or whatever.
Basically, some combination of the Trump/obama phenomenon. Someone with very little political track record who can just make the right sounding noises and let everyone project their own idealized vision on.
1 – i don’t think anyone will ever run an all-woman ticket
This reminds me of an interesting Midwestern phenomenon I noticed a while back – the very common (I’m assuming recent) practice of having a male/female ticket for Gov/Lt Gov. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky all have this, with Iowa having the reverse.
Yeah, the Democrats’ only hopes nowadays are with tabula rasa candidates their bases can project their biases onto.
Gilmore – I’ve said this before, but I still think that too many in the Dem base are against corporate candidates for any crazy rich Billionaire to make any headway in a primary. I think that the only shot the left has to satisfy both the base and blue-collar voters is Tulsi Gabbard, but I know that she likely will have a tough time getting superdelegate support because Syria.
The right doesn’t have the same hatred towards wealth and status for obvious reasons, so it was possible for a Trump to become their messenger and salesman. I just don’t see it with the progs.
I think the problem is that you think “internet progressivism” actually represents any genuine force in politics.
They don’t. the sentiment which is “normal” on lefty twitter isn’t at all related to what people will/won’t in fact vote for.
They will vote for anyone who makes the right noises and they think can win. You might think Bernie did well because he was Bernie. what he really was was “not hillary”, and he made the right noises. His being half a communist was actually mostly incidental.
Anyone less awful than Hillary – which is a very wide range – can win over Democrats. If a bazillionaire comes along who promises free college and climate justice and do-nothing jobs for everyone, their degree of corporate-y-ness won’t matter.
I think that’s right. The bases of each party are both relatively fragmented; the only way they can herd everyone together behind a candidate is to have them be an empty vessel with superficial “Credibility”,
People like Tom Steyer/Tim Cook/whoever don’t have nearly enough name recognition. They average voter hasn’t a clue who they are, but they certainly knew who Donald Trump is. It would have to be a celebrity type.
Only one that really fits is Oprah Winfrey, but she’s already stated that she doesn’t want to be president. Mark Cuban makes the wrong, pro-capitalist noises to be a Democratic nominee. The progs hate Mark Zuckerberg because he’s an open technocrat, so he won’t get any support. Only billionaire that I can think of that the left really likes and has full name recognition is Bill Gates.
no less than Bernie. And i think you’re wrong in any case. If you asked the average millenial to name 1 CEO, they’d all know Cook. And Steyer has bankrolled local DNC efforts now for like 3 election cycles. voters may not all know his name, but all political people do.
The problem that I was mentioning is that if the Left has learned the lesson of Hillary, it’s that a critical number of progs know and saw Hillary’s past history as a deterrent and didn’t vote for her in the primaries or the general. She made it through the primaries because the field was extremely meager, and those votes that she could’ve had costed her in the general. Kamala will most likely have to fight through a massive field of candidates, and her lack of a progressive record as AG will be her downfall as a candidate.
that’s not what hurt hillary. She crushed the “prog” vote. The ones that cost her the general election were the blue-collar voters in MI, PA, WI, etc.
My point was that Kamala’s sins are no worse than Hillary’s, and the left is perfectly willing to put aside past history if they like the optics and the message.
that said, i don’t think she’d do nearly as well as hillary did. Because Kamala is even more-unlikeable than Hillary – and she doesn’t have the bullshit aura of “inevitability” either.
She also doesn’t have the built-in love of middle-aged white women who venerate Bill’s presidency.
Yeah. Hillary had gobs of “Goodwill”/Intangible benefits.
She was going to get a huge slice of the vote on name-recognition and gender alone. I don’t think Kamala even starts anywhere close to that.
I think the progs will go goo goo for Kamala. But that regular voters – the “real people” who are too often ignored – will shun her because she’s an evil witch with a shitty attitude that doesn’t come off as “smart and tough” the way the retards in the press think it does.
This. The bloody communist party backed the Wall St. candidate. Principles matter far less than tribal allegiance.
The answer is always proggin’ harder.
The “Prog Harder” candidate.
Why didn’t she oppose all 22?? IMPURE.
Oh please make it happen. I can’t believe even the DNC is quite that deluded to nominate Willie Brown’s ex mistress for the 2020 run. An anti gun proggie from California should surely flip back those states Trump took last time. Yeah right. I would not be surprised though if they gave her the VP nod to assuage the Marxists though.
It won’t happen IMO. The Bernie wing either really doesn’t like Kamala or probably won’t when 2020 comes around. She has too much of a non-proggy history as AG to have any legitimate prog credibility that satisfies the base.
The Berne Bros won’t say shite about a half black half Indian woman running, they will get in the intersectional line. But like I said, the Dems are probably not that stupid, she will likely get a high level spot if they can somehow manage to win.
Intersectionality doesn’t stop the Bernie wing from hating Cory Booker, why would it stop them from hating Kamala Harris?
She ticks too many boxes. But there is almost zero chance they give her the top spot. She has too little experience and she is from California. She will prominently feature in the race as a surrogate and her name will be constantly mentioned as one of their top choices for AG or SC or something big.
My impression is that Harris simply isn’t that bright. Honestly, I suspect DT could take her in the debates.
Makes sense, Harris is sufficiently corrupt to play well in the Clinton machine.
After all, she is an acolyte of Willie Brown and she managed to get a reprimand from the 9th Circuit, something that you really have to try to achieve.
one word: backpage
two words: willie brown
Sure. Nominate a woman who only got her first job because she was fucking Willie Brown, whose record as California AG is kind of indistinguishable from Jeff Sessions. WTF.
Okay, which one of you is this guy?
Only HM comes even close to being that awesome and pimp!
More like the Kek School of Medicine, amirite?
I was going to make a similar joke but I think yours was the right one.
that guy knows how to live.
way to go USC.
Lol, when I first read it I misinterpreted “SNP” as “Scottish National Party” instead of “Secret Nazi President” and was confused.
You’ve outdone yourself with Gertrude. Excellent!