Boring Torah sedrah this week. Nothing remarkable in the Middle East (other than Palestinians driving like elderly Florida Jews). No prominent Member of the Tribe doing something stupid on a newsworthy level. My brain is fried from work and trying to get an actual paying article finished. SP vetoed my idea about Best Christian Baby recipes. So… I got nothin’.
If you want something serious, Eddie wrote a mini-book in Afternoon Links. Me, all I wanna do is have some fun. So before I start pounding alcoholic beverages with the estimable SP, I have some assorted pix to toss out, all stolen from various spots on the Web. Feel free to caption any of them if it strikes your fancy.
I would have thought this tasteless, but my dog actually has one of these outfits, a Hanukkah present from Grand Moff Serious Man.
Jeremiah Wright, call for you on Line 3.
This was a scene from my last visit out to see jesse, Playa, Los Doyers, and Mad Scientist. And once I was there…
This is seriously how SP envisioned me when we first met. Joke’s on her, I guess:
And this made my day:
But my motives are clearly ulterior:
I thought Jews had to spell it d-g.
Reverse honor killing.
Duckface. She was asking for it.
I imagined that was going to be something more like, “slutty muslim girl murders her father and brother and claims victory against patriarchy”
I was thinking more along the lines of “devout Muslim girl murders father for cheating on her mother”.
My dad has a copy of the “Buy the magazine or we’ll kill this dog” National Lampoon. It’s hands down one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
Vote for this guy, or it means you don’t like dogs.
c’mon guys, check the link, best political ad outside the Herman Cain smoking ad.
Whoa… I just watched that commercial, and realized that Herman Cain was channeling Pepe at the end.
How did you even find that thing?
“Eddie wrote a mini-book in Afternoon Links”
I linked to an article or so, I can’t claim authorship, I mean I could but the real authors might object.
Here is the Judah Benjamin article – the author did on-site research in Benjamin’s former home, which happened to be a New Orleans strip club at the time.
He was a Confederate leader, proslavery, but I’m not sure if the article mentions how at the end of the Civil War he suggested recruiting slaves into the Confederate army in exchange for their freedom. It was too little and too late for the CSA.
Come to think of it, many of the *Forward* articles I found when I Googled have a bit of a self-flagellating quality. “OMG Jewish Confederates!”
The Forward has always been somewhat to the left of socialism.
Apparently so, but of course the Confederacy is not the stark opposite of leftism.
As pro-slaver George Fitzhugh put it,
“The dissociation of labor and disintegration of society, which liberty and free competition occasion, is especially injurious to the poorer class; for besides the labor necessary to support the family, the poor man is burdened with the care of finding a home, and procuring employment, and attending to all domestic wants and concerns. Slavery relieves our slaves of these cares altogether, and slavery is a form, and the very best form, of socialism. In fact, the ordinary wages of common labor are insufficient to keep up separate domestic establishments for each of the poor, and association or starvation is in many cases inevitable. In free society, as well in Europe as in America, this is the accepted theory, and various schemes have been resorted to, all without success, to cure the evil. The association of labor properly carried out under a common head or ruler, would render labor more efficient, relieve the laborer of many of the cares of household affairs, and protect and support him in sickness and old age, besides preventing the too great reduction of wages by redundancy of labor and free competition. Slavery attains all these results. What else will?”
That would be a good sign to carry on placards when protesting against prog policies “…slavery is a form, and the very best form, of socialism.”
Or some troll could pretend to be a socialist and read the above paragraph, pausing for applause for the attacks on “free competition,” then getting to the slavery line…
Wow. I am not sure I will be marching in any protests, but I think that there needs to go on a T-shirt.
Book marked, thanks Eddie.
This Breitbart article has more juicy quotes, though I haven’t verified them.
There is actually some merit to this argument, historically speaking. It took hundreds of years to transition from fuedalism to something else. America was at the vanguard of that transition, perhaps, but the truth is that, for hundreds or thousands of years, society was centered around the local Manor house. The serfs or slaves working for The Man were given a place, a function, income, and food.
By today’s standards, it is vile. But to judge what is a well argued position in the 19th century by 21st century standards is not fair
Serfdom was a bit of an advance compared to slavery, because serfs couldn’t be “sold down the river.” They and their families were tied to the land. Whereas slaves could be sold down the river and their families split.
Just as Europe was putting slavery behind it, Europeans began “discovering” Africa and the Americas – they certainly didn’t invent slavery there, but slavery got a new lease on life among Europeans thanks to the trade in Africans.
I think it’s an example of moral regression.
Yeah. My point more involved the economy. If you didn’t want to work for the local big guy, what could you do? Go to the city and find work? Not at that time period.
I’m unable to phrase it correctly, but maybe you can put it better words. But, the local Lord was the economy.
My point is that, that mindset was rational in that time period.
Watched a 1960s CIA documentary about China today. There were a few moments of levity:
-Chinese naval officers told the Empress Dowager Cixi (aka Dragon Lady) that China needed to spend money on a modern navy in order to fight off foreigners. She took the navy’s money and spent it on a marble yacht sculpture and put it in a lake near her palace.
-An American journalist was talking to Mao in the 1940s. The American asks him if he believes in free speech. Mao says of course. The American presses him: do you really mean everyone in China will be free to speak their mind and write whatever they want in newspapers? Mao says absolutely. Everyone will have free speech and freedom of the press- except class enemies.
-Another American was talking to Mao about how he planned to overcome nationalist Chinese army, who had modern weapons, foreign support, and so on. Mao said the situation was like the American Revolution and he was George Washington. After all, Mao said, the British had the best weapons, electricity, and so on. Evidently Mao had no idea when electricity was introduced.
-It was amusing to learn that Mao was part of the nationalist bloc before they purged the communists. He was like a reverse Mussolini. The nationalist ideology was not far off from socialism:
Even after Chiang turned on the Soviet Union and massacred the Communists, he still continued anti-merchant activities, and promoting revolutionary thought, accusing the merchants of being reactionaries and counterrevolutionaries.
The United States consulate and other westerners in Shanghai was concerned about the approach of “Red General” Chiang, as his army was seizing control in the Northern Expedition.[11][12]
Chiang also crushed and dominated the merchants of Shanghai in 1927, seizing loans from them, with the threats of death or exile. Rich merchants, industrialists, and entrepreneurs were arrested by Chiang, who accused them of being “counterrevolutionary”, and Chiang held them until they gave money to the Kuomintang. Chiang arrests targeted rich millionaires, accusing them of communism and counterrevolutionary activities. Chiang also enforced an anti-Japanese boycott, sending his agents to sack the shops of those who sold Japanese made items, fining them. Chiang also disregarded the Internationally protected International Settlement, putting cages on its borders, threatening to have the merchants placed in there. He terrorized the merchant community. The Kuomintang’s alliance with the Green Gang allowed it to ignore the borders of the foreign concessions.[13]
In 1948, the Kuomintang again attacked the merchants of Shanghai, Chiang Kaishek sent his son Chiang Ching-kuo to restore economic order. Ching-kuo copied Soviet methods, which he learned during his stay there, to start a social revolution by attacking middle class merchants. He also enforced low prices on all goods to raise support from the Proletariat.[14]
As riots broke out and savings were ruined, bankrupting shopowners, Ching-kuo began to attack the wealthy, seizing assets and placing them under arrest. The son of the gangster Du Yuesheng was arrested by him. Ching-kuo ordered Kuomintang agents to raid the Yangtze Development Corporation’s warehouses, which was privately owned by H.H. Kung and his family. H.H. Kung’s wife was Soong Ai-ling, the sister of Soong Mei-ling who was Ching-kuo’s stepmother. H.H. Kung’s son David was arrested, the Kung’s responded by blackmailing the Chiangs, threatening to release information about them, eventually he was freed after negotiations, and Ching-kuo resigned, ending the terror on the Shanghainese merchants.[15]
[head desk]
Germany supported, trained, & equipped the Chinese against the Japanese until shortly before WWII.
The Soong sisters are quite interesting. Soong Ching-ling, the wife of KMT founder Sun Yat-sen, became a ChiCom big whig while her sister Mei-ling (“Madame Chiang Kai-shek”) was in Taiwan.
I have noted on many occasions that when “Western thought” (broadly defined) runs into someone who has absolutely no problem being morally-hypocritical…. that it doesn’t really know quite what to do.
The Western idea – and maybe its “christian”-thinking at its root – that people should live within a system of rights and laws and moral principles which apply to everyone, both ideological allies and enemies alike… is in fact an extremely odd proposition. One which i think most other cultures have looked at and ended up thinking was rather silly. Why should you grant your ideological enemies free speech? Society is better off when you have consensus; so crush dissent and give all the freedoms to the ones who behave correctly.
the idea of ideological pluralism being a good thing only makes sense if you actually believe that people can deal with one another rationally, and resolve disputes via some mediating process (e.g. via the law).
If you don’t believe that process is actually of any use, or if you don’t believe that ideas should ever be tested/changed over time, then *of course* you should repress and crush Wrongthink.
Society is better off when you have consensus;
Who, in recent history, was it that said something like, ‘It was better when we all worked from the same set of facts’.
I can think of two people who have said something like that. One an ex-President, one a so called journalist/news anchor who’s name I am not remembering at the moment.
being a white student at a historically black college
They all look like Howard Stern.
18 yr Justin Trudeau on Quebec independence
“He doesn’t much care what his peers think of his views.”
And then, of course, he threw a temper tantrum several years ago where he said he’d become a separatist if Harper did anything in regards to gay marriage or abortion. Then had to backpedal and apologize just like whenever he says really stupid shit.
Apologize?! Trump’s solved that silly problem.
“…are as interested in federalism as much as lawn bowling…” What?
It was a stupid report then and it hasn’t aged well now. I saw this a couple of years ago when Poptart Lasagne was starting to make his push for the Liberal leadership. He oozes misplaced arrogance. Still, he’s better than any separatists/nationalist.
Neil MacDonald. Ugh and face palm.
Over to Pan Zagloba and rts.
Dammit, I was at the movies 🙁
But hey, it’s Zoolander at 18 – I expected even less!
Barbara Streisand. That’s all I got.
Before she took an izmel to the second “a”?
Someone needs to do come memes of Rand smacking Turtlehead around.
Euphemism Alert!
Are dogs even kosher? (I assume the sacrifice is not wasted but rather served with a nice salad)
Ask the Korean Jews.
If they are proper Korean American Jews, they would be doing some Korean dog tacos with shalom sauce.
I expect this every time I visit my Korean friends. Well, I mean if some tender cat chops are not available because the feral herd has been tapped out for the week.
There’s a dog who is in the Book of Tobit. That book used to be in (((your))) Bible, but you dropped it. {{{We}}} on the other hand continue to hold the book to be canonical.
(((We))) call this “sloppy seconds.”
Was it sacrificed?
Just a loyal companion animal, not eaten that or sacrificed that I know of.
Hilly less popular than Trump?
Oh muh gawds, it’s can’t be possible, Hillary only lost because Russia!
gee, that sounds familiar.
Yeah, vague uproven claims, that does sound really familiar.
Polls? I seem to remember that polls showed Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the election right up until election night.
Yeh those Trump is the ‘least popular President evah’ polls have me swimming in grains of salt.
I can’t believe people take those things seriously now.
You know, Rufus, 83% of the people still think polls are reliable.
Then, you know, we’re fucked.
(That was a joke, you see)
Ok, Henny Youngman.
/Cites Jewish comedian because it’s Jewsday Tuesday.
Ironically, Henny Youngman was half a century older than Gary Oldman.
Jesus Christ.
But good one!
Which makes it that much more derptacular when those same polls are now showing Hillary are being less popular than Trump, the guy who is worse than Hitler and only won because Putin hacked our democracy.
+Nate Silver needle gauges
who was that last guy?
Rico Suave?
Max Boot has da sadz.
Peters called Tucker a Nazi appeaser and Boot called him a useful idiot for Putin. The neocons aren’t going down without a fight.
Just imagine someone named Max Boot being an authoritarian dickweed, it’s nearly impossible, only libertarians could pull it off.
…stomping on a human face forever?
“Do you know what it’s like falling in the mud and getting kicked, in the head? With an iron boot? Of course you don’t, no one does, that never happens. Sorry, Ted, it’s a dumb question, skip that.”
What’s a neo-isolation?
Similar to neo-antidisestablishmentarianism?
Neocons like Boot are pimping the Putin got Trump elective narrative?
That tells me Trump is doing something right.
Neocons smell blood in the water and hate the fact that there isn’t a puppet in Damascus yet. They’ll pimp any narrative in order to push their goals.
Imagine a Boot stomping on logic…forever.
*cheers and applause*
He’s the guy that I look back at in 2001-02 that I shamefully believed. Never found the WMD argument persuasive, to my credit, but I did think the Iraqis would be better off without Hussain. When it went to hell, I changed and, sorry Hihn!, it was because a friend of mine heard me questioning the invasion in 2006 and sent me some Ron Paul stuff. Never looked back since. I know this Max fucking Boot guy and his arguments. Total POS.
Ah, yes, the Great Debate over the Iraq War…tough-minded hawks versus cowardly, appeasement-oriented doves.
(Or as I recall, supporters of a ground invasion versus supporters of the “peaceful” option of using the Navy and Air force to blockade Iraq)
…plus a no-fly zone. And those were the doves.
The whole WMD thing has also bee hard for me to parse. If by WMD they meant chemical weapons, we know Saddam had them. And I’ve had first hand reports from people who were there, claimed they saw chemical weapons found., and transferred to Iran. But somehow WMD came to mean nukes for a lot of folks, which Saddam never had.
I seem to recall a theory Hussein moved them before the inspections.
It wasn’t a stretch the WMD angle given, as you pointed out, we do know he had them.
well, he wouldn’t have moved them to Iran, but that’s where active duty folks, including a guy who was special forces and took one of Saddam’s palaces, said they saw them bound.
I heard they went to Syria. That there were huge convoys of trucks going to Syria just before the war broke out.
Same here. Remember him being everywhere selling the invasion.
Now I see.
i guess i should read farther before making the obvious joke.
I miss James Baker and Caspar Weinberger.
So I guess, to Boot, policymaking involves
1) Thinking up fun ideas for foreign adventures
2) “I’ve done the hard thinking, now Congress just needs to figure out some way to pay for my ideas.”
How did I live my entire life not knowing that the original Golgo 13 game main theme song had lyrics?
Some about he has a “Jew” and the cross is shining. WTH is that?
You’re not familar with Golgo* 13? (*Short for Golgotha, which may be a mangled metaphor in translating the lyrics)
Never watched it, but I’ve seen it around. Embarrassingly, I have the entire set of Shinchan manga, but that was about as far as I went besides reading some of my daughter’s Doraemon manga. “A shining cross is carved into the hill”. What is that?
Golgotha is the site where Jesus was crucified.
I played the game when it was originally released for the NES. You actually gained back life by sleeping with female agents in hotels. Also, the final boss is Hitler’s brain. The game is difficult as hell, but I’m proud that it’s one I legitimately beat with no cheat codes.
Again, I’m guessing that’s a Golgotha reference, or “Calvary” as we usually call it in English.
Golgotha reference
Yep, I remember it well on the NES. One of my favorite games from way back then. Watching the Youtube, holy shit, I don’t remember the graphics being that bad…
it seems the lyricist, Nao Kuramoto, also wrote English lyrics to the theme, which is basically Golgo 13’s love song to his M-16.
It’s not “Jew” its 銃 or “gun”. That’s a weird coincidence. Jew and gun are the same. Usually they say, ゆだいやじん “Yudaiyajin”, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun.
Is a Jew gun like a Shogun?
It’d be a Jew Jew gun. I want one.
And the first video you linked only had hiragana and no Kanji. FYI, you do that again and I’ll defriend you on facebook.
Freaking weeaboos.
It’s spelled ‘weblos’
The first video is the original footage from the game.
Blame Vic Tokai.
You’re forgiven. My letter of apology.
During the 8-bit era, no games used kanji as they didn’t have the memory. All dialog was in hiragana and katakana.
I was amused by the random Tom of Finland looking motherfucker at the end.
Not enough definition to produce them clearly enough, I suppose. Drives me nuts, though. I can read the newspaper faster than I can my daughter’s picture books because they’re written using only hiragana and katakana. You can’t even guess the meaning of some words.
Staff, did you see the link in the afternoon links to the Pholosopher?
meant ‘Straff’,
I didn’t. Why?
No, and I still don’t.
Is that anything like the Philosoraptor? did that work?
The Edit Fairy is on vacation. You’ll just have to cut and paste.
meh, last one works for me.
CPRM trying to get an all nighter going, eh? You little trouble maker.
sippin on gin and juice..
seriously, if the linky no worky,
The link works. “You stop states from subsidizing immigration first and then we’ll open the borders.”
“No, You open the borders first and then we’ll stop subsidizing immigration.” Think we’ve all be through this debate before.
and HM, she ain’t thicc.
It was more cute asian libtertarian why I mentioned it (she has some daft arguments in a few videos, seems shes new to the whole thing)
Doesn’t matter. It’s the Pholosopher.
So Pho loving beats thicc?
You haven’t met my wife, I see.
I’ve never met any of you deviants.
You’ve got some Freudian thing going on, HM.
I am large. I contain multitudes.
But as I’ve mentioned before, Mrs. Mulatto is a 4 foot something, 85 pound Asian stick woman from Thailand.
Well then…
[the world’s most offensive joke deleted]
I like the Asian ladies, I tried to get my senior quote to be ‘I like to eat chinese, but I won’t touch the food’ but they accused me of using sexual language.
I actually hadn’t though up the world’s most offensive joke, but I see I have some serious competition.
But when I have concocted the ultimate offensive joke, it’s going to make yours look like a knock-knock joke. It’s going to make “the aristocrats” look like the chicken crossing the road.
Eddie, I thought I should let you know, for your own mental sanity, you’re not the only believer here, I thought seriously about becoming a priest at one point. But I couldn’t reconcile that I wasn’t any better than anyone else with preaching to them.
Ben Shapiro has been reading Glibs.
Darnit all.
It’s good to be on top.
*Silently listens to gay man. Raises finger in objection. Falls back into silence.*
Honorary shitlord status.
There we go, this is how we caught the black man, we just had to make him fat like a white man, then, muhahahaha, he falls for our secret plan!
+1 Eric Garner
shit…can you remind me what our secret plan was, I got drunk and forgot.
+1 shift from a skinny thread
It was making me claustrophobic, or was it transphobic, can’t keep it straight, I mean gnederqueer..
Good job fellow WHITES selling HM Anaconda Malt Liquor
That librarian who whined about racial fatigue also thinks Dunkirk was D-Day, and is annoyed that a movie about the evacuation of the British Army doesn’t have any “POC” in it.
was said in earlier links. But I think Dunkirk is racist cuz it got no one from Thundera
Believing in intersectionality means you are following either a sophist or an idiot.
Did she not notice the huge fucking black guy?
Nevermind, wrong movie, didn’t even realize there’s a new one.