Product description: From the Manufacturer The woman traveler stops by the security checkpoint. After placing her luggage on the screening machine, the airport employee checks her baggage. The traveler hands her spare change and watch to the security guard and proceeds through the metal detector. With no time to spare, she picks up her luggage and hurries to board her flight!
$254 on Amazon, yet sadly not available for international shipping.
$254? What the hell is it made out of? Also, disappointed that no reference is made to a strip search for a failed screening.
$20 in parts and labor, $234 for a pre-approved screening in order to skip the lines and nude body scanners.
Nothing about latex gloves and reaching inside the waistband. The kids will know it’s not realistic.
Uh oh.
Here’s the latest word you’re not allowed to say: ‘derpy’
Discover Magazine, in reporting on this issue, points out that while this is the first science-based derpy scandal, angst against this word has brewed for a while:
In 2012, the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon ran an episode featuring a klutzy character called “Derpy”. However, after worries that she appeared to be a stereotype of the “mentally handicapped”, the character was renamed (and her voice re-recorded).
A petition to “save Derpy” wasn’t enough to prevent her dederpification.
Steer into the derp. Once more into the Derp, my friends. When you stare into the derp, the derp stares back. You must be able to entertain derp in your mind, even if you disagree with the derp.
I was walking to class this afternoon and noticed on one of the buildings there was a “DERP” sticker graffitied on a fire department hose connection cover. I thought of Derpetologist drinking a fire hose of derp.
When was the last time we actually had a full-on mentally challenged character on a serious TV show? I remember Benny from LA Law and Corky from Life Goes On being kind of big in the late 80’s/early 90’s. And after that nothing.
Jeezus, McCain’s diagnosis was just made public. Way to pile on him.
A University of Central Florida student has been suspended for “cyberbullying” after posting an apology letter from his girlfriend on Twitter … complete with spelling/grammar corrections.
According to the Miami Herald, senior Nick Lutz’s girlfriend wrote the letter after he had blocked her cell number and her access to him on social media platforms.
Reverse the genders and you’d have a recurring feature for Jezebel.
The case is being reviewed by FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, whose Ari Cohn said Lutz’s situation is “a classic FIRE case.”
“Mean speech about another person is not unprotected by the First Amendment,” Cohn said. “If it was a campaign of harassment where he called her house every night at two o’clock in the morning, then perhaps there would be a hat to hang those charges [in the original suspension] on.
You don’t hang something on a hat, you idiot.
“Not unprotected”
“…Lutz’s ex-girlfriend, whom Gilmer identifies as a “high school student with plans to attend UCF in the future…”
Dude’s lucky his GF didn’t try to get him arrested for statutory rape or something
I dunno. I feel like Papers, Please works better as a computer game rather than a lego set.
A LEGO computer game?
We have our own set.
Ha. He kancho’d her.
When he waves the wand across her crotch he says, “It must be the smell.”
oh shit. I didn’t realize it was quite that raunchy.
Yes you did. You just wished it was a hot guy.
Obvious, Jesse. Not wrong, just obvious.
This is truly the best thing I’ve ever scene
It doesn’t look like you can recreate a body cavity strip search with this set. That means the terrorists win 🙁
PewDiePie having fun. TBH, the original video is fun enough without PDP, but he does a good job letting it breathe between jokes.
This guy gives women no respect.
I just realized, Trump being president is exactly like a Rodney Dangerfield movie where he’s president.
Not to mention the big red tie.
Trump reminds more of this scene from Back to School:
I have to figure Trump has the same attitude towards zoning permits, unions, and building inspectors as Rodney Dangerfield.
Pretty much
His accent is what really makes it delicious.
I tell you what, the press gives me no respect. They talk about Putin, hell my ex-wives all putin away my money. No respect.
random thought
I think the best militaries are in countries with small populations like Switzerland, Israel, and Finland. They can’t win through sheer numbers so they are forced to win through better tactics, training, and equipment. They also can’t afford to waste money on stupid stuff.
And on the other end you have Chinese. Over the past 170 years, the only people they’ve ever been able to defeat are other Chinese.
Switzerland is a bit odd in that they have a natural geographic advantage being in mountainous terrain. So block the mountain passes with big rocks, and the local Boy Scout troop armed with basic hunting rifles could probably hold off an advancing army for a few days all while inflicting heavy casualties. Plus, most of the world’s kleptocracies bank there, so nobody is in a hug rush to invade Switzerland.
Hug rush?
Look out, the Care Bears are attacking!
You know what I meant, and I’m pretty sure you know why the leaders of the EU aren’t in a huge rush to deposit their money in Sharia compliant banks.
Sorry, yes I would agree.
But…Care Bears!
Finland has been in the news for some defense stuff lately, but like most of the other Nordic countries, they really let things slide the last 20-30 years since the fall of the wall. Like Norway, they just haven’t been focusing nearly as much as they used to and the investment they need to make in personnel and equipment is going to be a massive bill very soon.
Denmark on the other hand has a small military, but significantly more recent experience due to AFG deployments, etc (I still keep meaning to watch the “Armadillo” documentary).
Worst. Penthouse. Letters. Ever.
Dear Penthouse,
I never thought your letters were real until a recent experience at a TSA checkpoint….
Until Lego started making more than just blocks, let me tell you, Playmobil was THE BEST if you wanted detailed playsets. I would’ve killed (well, metaphorically) for all those airport add-ons to go with my airplane, my Vaguely Medieval knights, and my Indians of Cultural Appropriation Village. Y’all just have no appreciation.
(it’s expensive because it’s discontinued. That’s a collector price, not regular retail)
The castle set i had as a kid was so great. They had giant kegs and beer mugs!! Playmobile is great
I liked legos more later in childhood.
Also now.
Citing Recusal, Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Hired Sessions
Fine. Fire him. Who would complain?
Sessions just sent out an order telling the DoJ to ignore all those pesky state asset forfeiture laws. Because statists got to be statist. So fuck Jeff Sessions. And good for Trump for tossing him under a bus.
If there ever was a winning position as far as popularity goes, standing up to asset forfeiture seems to fit the bill. If Trump isn’t an ideologue, maybe he’ll swing around on this.
Or he could hold a press conference with the weeping mother of some unfortunate kid who died of a drug overdose…
“In memory of young Bianca, I urge Congress to pass the Bianca’s Elimination and Neutralization of Drugs Overdoses Via Eradicating Rights bill.
Just went through that
Last night?
I just landed in newark. Now I get to be here for a few hours.
Yeah, the smell was noticable when the door opened.
So far, i haven’t seen christie in a lawnchair.
I bet he’s around here somewhere, all thr food places are just about to open.
I probably should not be given such easy access to the golf carts here.
Good thing I’m not from Florida
Duh, the price is the government contract price. It bears no connection to reality.
You’re welcome.