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Is that an actual poster somebody made? Because I feel like it’s promoting the opposite side of the one they intended…
What’s going on in the bottom right hand corner?
Nation work service. I guess it’s basically NRA (the Roosevelt one).
Is this the same hat, like Hitler had him, and after the war he shipped to the US and somehow became the MAGA hat? Or was he always a MAGA hat, and Hitler wore him ironically?
And is this tied in to the Secret Nazi President stuff?
Eddie, of course it is. It’s complex, bro.
The origins and powers of the hat are shrouded in deepest mists of mystery.
I just assumed he was from Taiwan.
Travel Stops of America. $12.00
Now, I’m not saying it’s the same hat, buuuut….
Where ever you find the Spear of Destiny, there you will find the Hat!
You are wise indeed.
Jesus fucking christ.
This was inevitable.
“I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fix’d and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.”
Right down the line.
I’m in a dive bar with a bunch of drunks right now which is way too respectable of a place to play a sugarfree video.
So… you’re the shitlord having the most fun right now?
I would say so:)
Tall young gorgeous bartender with short shorts, long wavy hair, and a perfect ass I should add. Lord have mercy.
Stop proclaiming your privilege, shitlord!
Pics or it didn’t happen
Yeah, pics, JB, pics!
I’m see what I can do but prolly not getting posted tonight since I don’t know how to do that and I’m not gonna mess with figuring it out tonight.
Just tell her that you weren’t intentionally taking pics of her arse and sharing them with your privileged shitlords on the intertoobz. It was peer pressure, you know.
Trite, Nutrasweet; terribly, terribly trite and utterly lacking in the horror that you are expected to deliver.
I’m trying to figure this out… So, the guys on the right are the bad guys, but they’re socialists… Ok, that can’t be right. So the guys on the left are the bad guys, but they aren’t the socialists… and they don’t like the Nazis… Heh, I see what you right wingnut (((Joos))) are trying to do!
The magic edit fairy offers you a do-over.
It still looks the same to me, magic edit fairy. I guess that’s why I need you.
You may repost it in the proper place and this one will be deleted. That is all our manly fairy can do for your benighted soul.
But… but #6 is the proper place, magic edit fairy… or might I suggest that mommy cores you like a crisp Vermont fuck apple?
OK. He thought it was a reply for #1. If you want to be a filthy anarchist, go right ahead.
Yes, yes, I want to be a filthy anarchist. Thank you, mommy edit fairy!
OT (sorta; its a half-assed movie comment)
On a whim, i watched Zero Dark Thirty again last night.
It has not aged well. not that it was a great film to begin with, but i think it came off “less silly” in 2012. The appeal it had as “Whacking-Osama”-porn has worn off. A number of books have come out clarifying details which the film got very wrong; even Manhunt (Peter Bergen) – which used the same fact-sheet provided to Bigelow et al by the Obama admin – came across as a far more interesting character-study of “maya” and the other females in the CIA who were responsible for tracking down OBL.
pretty much the entire cast was terrible, chastain in particular. they struggle to keep injecting scenes/moments for her that show “toughness yet vulnerability”, but instead it just comes across as a contradictory mix of needlessly/overly aggressive, but then cringing and dainty.
e.g. she has these “OMG SO YUCK” expressions while torturing is going on, but then demands more torture ASAP even tho its not really getting any results; later expresses skepticism about any info obtained under duress, yet then has montage of her spending hours and hours poring over torture videos as though they’ll reveal some secret detail….
add that stuff up, and you don’t get “complex”, you get ‘canceling each other out’.
you also rarely see any genuine “character toughness”: its just a blustery aggressive attitude that gives the impression she’s on her period (“oooh, she cursed in front of the CIA director” It comes across as unprofessional, not “tough”)
Blame the director/scriptwriter, maybe, but she doesn’t really help sell whatever ‘complex character’ the writers had in mind. I actually thought the woman who played the FBI agent in Sicario did a similar thing 10X better, with far less gratuitous screen time (ZDT is nearly 3hrs long)
anyway, i had other thoughts, but i don’t want to post overly-giganto-comment
*one thing i noted was Chris Pratt as the SEAL who gets the most dialogue. He has one funny line and steals the film.
I never saw the movie. Was it like this?
Holy fuck. Why’d nobody ever tell me this existed? HA HA HA HA HA HA
the entire “Damn Few” series is highly recommended. many lols
It was Gilmore that tipped me off.
Note: not a shot against Drake.
replace seal with Jessica Chastain, and that’s the first 90 minutes.
Also =
Guess which one of these people is supposed to be Ben Rhodes
hint: its not stannis
This is the most Southie thing I have ever seen in my life.
Atlantic Sunfish? Hillary?
Are we sure that isn’t Seth MacFarlane?
I was gonna say I didn’t know Peter Griffin owned a boat.
He didn’t punch the fish, so it had potential to be more Southie.
Or puke and piss on it.
I was in a Marine Reserve unit based on Cape Cod – that was the pretty indicative of most conversations.
John McCain has brain cancer, and that’s sad news.
. . . especially if you’re a neocon, Trump hater.
But, you know, no one should make light of John McCain having brain cancer.
. . . unless they wanted to incorporate it into a running webcomic series or something.
Or just, you know, for general fun.
My grandfather was a minister. He used to say, “If you can’t laugh at yourself, . . . try making fun of other people!”
But making light of John McCain having brain cancer, that would be wrong. Like making fun of that Kennedy who died playing drunken football on skis while he was waiting to be tried for statutory rape for boinking the babysitter. There’s nothing funny about that, and there’s nothing funny about John McCain having brain cancer either.
Unless you think about it.
I thought the Vietcong removed his brain in the Hanoi Hilton.
No, what would be funny is McCain smoking MJ for relief from the pain. And then watching his detached knob (aka Sen. Graham) rationalizing it while Johnny goes off on some epic stoner rant. If McCain had retired before the last election, my sentiments would be much more appropriate – but someone who won’t leave office until he dies deserves all the humiliation that can be piled on his old, stupid ass.
My mom used to tell me that if you don’t have anything nice to say about somebody, don’t say anything at all.
One nice thing I can say about John McCain? He probably would have voted to cut Medicaid eligibility, kill the individual mandate, and kill the employer mandate.
Going by her rule, though, I wouldn’t have anything to say about Rand Paul.
Get a load of Mike Hihn over here
I saw this from the dashboard and thought it was at me for posting 3 or 4 in a row in the tsa article way too late.
Make light of McCain having brain cancer? That’d be like joking about a judge in a woodchipper, no one with decency would do such a thing.
*one-armed applause*
More fun with sharks for surfing professionals (Warning: possible autoplay vid):
Surfing in Australia is nuts. The sharks are thick as flies, and I’m not sure being bitten by a shark is the worst thing that can happen to you.
They have a species of jellyfish down there that’s supposed to induce the most painful sensation possible. They say it’s like ten times worse than giving birth.
I read that one of the species fills people with a sense of impending doom. It probably has the same effect on vertebrate fish that it catches. Makes you so depressed that you don’t feel like struggling anymore. And then the pain sets in.
I’ve read that it’s common for people in the ER to beg their doctors and loved ones to kill them, that jellyfish sting is so painful.
In California, we just have to worry about staying warm. I see dolphins more than anything else out there.
Having a dolphin suddenly appear in a wave roughly 10 feet away while body-surfing can make you soil your wetsuit.
Or so I’ve heard.
I’ve been boxed in by them where they won’t let you out of their circle.
When that happens, it’s safe to assume there’s a shark nearby.
This was a single dolphin clowning around in the surf, in San Clemente.
I saw him a number of times after that, but that first viewing scared the hell out of me.
One of the other things to watch is the harbor seals.
I used to go down and run on the strand in the mornings, when I lived in Redondo, down on Catalina. There’s a hill and huge flight of stairs to get down to the beach where you can run. There are a couple of spots on the way down the stairs with benches where people can sit–they’re popular with the homeless at night.
So I’m booking down the stairs like I’m Rocky Balboa listening to punk rawk on the headphones, and all of a sudden this homeless guy with the worst breath ever jumps up off the bench and goes “BLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAH!” right in my face. It was totally unexpected, startled the shit out of me, and I jumped backwards so high, I cleared the rail doing like a back layout. As I was laying there in the pickle weed looking up at this guy, he jumps up on the rail to hover over me, and that’s when I realized it wasn’t a homeless guy–it was just a harbor seal. They don’t generally go up on the hills like that. This is probably 50 yards from the beach.
I guess he didn’t like me running down the stairs at him. He probably thought I was charging him.
Anyway, this lifeguard was laughing his ass off at me for doing the backflip. He said that the seals generally only go up the hill like that when one of them has been eaten by a shark. When he sees the seals all run for the hill at the same time, or go up the hill that high, he generally gets everybody out of the water. It takes a pretty big shark to go after a harbor seal.
So, I usually check for some harbor seals up on the hill, too. When they get scared, they’re usually too scared to be their usual lazy selves. And if they’re not scared, there’s probably not much reason for me to be. I should say, I used to catch sharks off a boat just off of that area between Hollywood Riviera and PV. When you’re trying to catch sea bass or whatever, you typically have to use a steel leader for when you catch a shark by accident. They’re out there, but most of them are too small to go after something as big as a person.
Dolphins are awesome, and swimming and surfing with them is awesome. They seem to ride all the best breaks for fun, too.
That’s Black’s Beach in San Diego. They seem to do it for fun. If I were a dolphin, that’s what I’d do.
Dolphins wouldn’t have voted for the Senate AHCA bill
Might be the bluebottle a.k.a. Portuguese Man o’ war.
Surfing in Australia IS nuts, but the vid I linked to is Jeffrey’s Bay in South Africa. The guy who was interviewed – Mick Fanning – actually fought off a shark there in the J Bay final in 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anhRxIQutZ8
Portuguese Man’o war is the largest jellyfish – can get absolutely massive – above and below the surface.
But the most deadly in Australian waters that I recall is generally “Box Jellyfish”.
Got a small non-box jelly on my arm back in the Philippines in ’93. That hurt like a mother – best way to neutralize the stinger was either piss or lemon juice depending what you had available – just don’t stay in the salt water.
Just for the record, . . .
Surf’s up, mate!
One of my favorite movie promo interviews ever, is one with Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans, where Hemsworth goes on about the glories of surfing, esp in Australia, and Evans says something like “that shit’s dangerous! You’re crazy!” And Hemsworth answers, “it’s safer than driving in LA” and then they argue over which is more dangerous/crazy.
A friend of mine has been drafted to appear on a panel discussing the outflow of young talent from the state, and how to stem it. She asked me for ideas. I told her it seems like an impossible topic: our state will never compete with any other state for prospects. Setting aside huge talent magnets like California and New York, even if we are competing for marginal victories over neighboring states, we do very little to attract opportunities here. The best we can do is work on improving our public schools, and being an inviting destination for businesses. We have to emulate Texas in that regard. But going after young people, that’s a fool’s errand. You go after the middle-aged, the budding families with young children who want quality schools but are not upper-echelon talent. People who are content to live in breadbasket states rather than keeping up with the Joneses on the coasts. Try to be San Antonio rather than San Francisco. Or Austin, if you’re dead set on catering to those horrendous millennials.
And I emphasized public schools because that’s the modern day tool of segregation: schools based on neighborhood. It’s fucking awful, but it is what it is. You want to attract opportunistic families putting down roots, you offer them good schools for their children.
(Our best schools are goddamn travesties, by the way. My mother taught high school English here. She was a mean teacher. I used to police essays for her, looking for plagiarizers. Because I knew google. Some of the guys I keep in touch with were students of her. They loved what a hardass she was, even after failing her classes. This was back when failing a high school class actually meant something. Pretty sure now it means you get some sort of flag on your permanent record, but you advance to the next degree. Fucking pussies, all around. That’s why mom quit, she was sick of administrators being such obliging fucking pussies.)
You seem to have all the right bullet points
I think you might want to throw them a bone and say, “don’t just develop satellite communities” of cheap development properties… you do need to have a city center, even if its a small city, and have people who want to come out and do stuff in the city. don’t just incentivize corporate office-tower filling businesses – incentivize restauranteurs and bar-ownders and small-boutique retail. it isn’t as high tax $ revenue generating in the first years, but it creates neighborhoods with desirable characteristics where none previously existed.
We’re a pretty settled city… mainly settled on extenuating our poverty at all costs.
But my friend, she has her heart set on this appearance.
Guess who said this?
“What is a federated state?
“By a federated state we understand a league of sovereign states which band together of their own free will, on the strength of their sovereignty; ceding to the totality that share of their particular sovereign rights which makes possible and guarantees the existence of the common federation.
“In practice this theoretical formulation does not apply entirely to any of the federated states existing on earth today. Least of all to the American Union, where, as far as the overwhelming part of the individual states are concerned, there can be no question of any original sovereignty, but, on the contrary, many of them were sketched into the total area of the Union in the course of time, so to speak. Hence in the individual states of the American Union we have mostly to do with smaller and larger territories, formed for technical, administrative reasons, and, often marked out with a ruler, states which previously had not and could not have possessed any state sovereignty of their own. For it was not these states that had formed the Union, on the contrary it was the Union which formed a great part of such so-called states. The very extensive special rights granted, or rather assigned, to the individual territories are not only in keeping with the whole character of this federation of states, but above all with the size of its area, its spatial dimensions which approach the scope of a continent. And so, as far as the states of the American Union are concerned, we cannot speak of their state sovereignty, but only of their constitutionally established and guaranteed rights, or better, perhaps, privileges.”
Abradolf Lincler?
That used to be a Stereo store back in the 70’s Man
Ed McMahon? Haha, yessir!
Himouto! Umaru-chan is poison to children’s minds and it creates a fake world for them to live in. Himouto! Umaru-chan introduces pornographic material at a young age and has very graphic and violent scenes. This carries over into adulthood and creates these lazy, nasty, hideous slobs that were once your children that now sleep with an anime body pillow at night and read Himouto! Umaru-chan hentai dōjinshi at least 10 times a day. Himouto! Umaru-chan also consumes your soul and wastes time that could be used to go outside, get 60 minutes of fresh air, do homework and contribute something to society. The people who watch that anime are not the problem, the anime is. Himouto! Umaru-chan is the root of all problems, cancer, war, Africa, and the Nazis. Since people watch it on the TV so much, it uses electricity and is the reason why the oil reserves will run out soon. Himouto! Umaru-chan causes cancer because it has been proven TV screens emit radiation and radiation causes cancer. Himouto! Umaru-chan has caused war by inspiring the Nazis to side with the Japanese through this cartoons and establishing the Pacific Front in World War 2. African leaders in Africa are corrupted by Himouto! Umaru-chan‘s influence and they cannot tend to their peoples needs and cannot feed them. Future generations will be ruined and destroyed by its influence. Everyone thinks the downfall of humanity will be ourselves, but in reality it is Himouto! Umaru-chan. After the atomic radiation, the Japanese wanted to get their revenge on the world and created their ultimate weapon, Himouto! Umaru-chan.
Where do I subscribe?
Another thing I love about Witcher 3: the feel when you get to the city Novigrad is very different from anywhere else you’ve been. Prostitutes abound. Depravity is rife. Thugs and whoresons abound.
But here’s the thing. Womenin the war-torn south are no less hungry or desperate, but none of them are offering their bodies to passersby. And it makes sense: the streets of Novigrad are filled with prostitutes because so many refugees have pushed north. The city isn’t some epicenter of vice, it’s just the gully where all the shit ended up.
Christ, I love this game.
Witcher 3 is easily my favorite game to come out in the past several years. Also one of the rare examples of a sequel being better in real meaningful ways to previous entries. (Although both Witcher 1 & 2 are excellent games as well)
I am shocked by how good it is. I went in hating it because it was so beloved, and midway through I was waiting for the twig to snap so I could finally heap my hatred on. And there has been some buggy horseshit, and some narrative choices I’d preferred were not have gone, but it’s a solid waste of hours of my time. I’m much happier exploring Velan as Geralt than I am incubating this false hope of adequacy as myself, I tell you what.
But what to do about the Squirrels…Those minorities hell bent on revolution through violence. tsk tsk.
Spot the Not: David Brooks
1. Love is the strongest kind of army because it generates no resistance.
2. The less you agree with the policies of your superiors, the more energy you must direct to their accomplishment.
3. The brain is not the mind. It is probably impossible to look at a map of brain activity and predict or even understand the emotions, reactions, hopes and desires of the mind.
4. Emotion is the foundation of reason.
5. If we are going to stop wars on this earth, we are going to have to make war on hunger our number one priority.
6. One of the things this world is finding is that emotion is the basis of reason. We really have to trust our emotions, which are much smarter than our reason in some ways.
7. I am not a Jew for Jesus but I am definitely a Jew for Christmas. Christmas is one of the best things you Christians have given us, along with mac and cheese, Bono, croquet and politeness.
8. Freedom without structure is its own slavery.
9. If it feels all right for you, it’s probably OK.
10. Sometimes we have to go with what feels right, even if the so-called facts say otherwise.
11. The legitimacy of a war is not established by how it is organized but by what it achieves.
12. People who give money in large amount in politics are basically not altruistic.
13. The Republican Party has become an ethnic nationalist party.
14. There are no free and democratic and wealthy countries in the world that have US rate of gun violence. We have to worry about loners and alienated people. We have to do better on mental health.
15. If I had to fault President Obama, I would say that sometimes he governs like a visitor from a morally superior civilization.
Bonus real quotes:
People used to complain that selling a president was like selling a bar of soap. But when you buy soap, at least you get the soap. In this campaign you just get two guys telling you they really value cleanliness.
It’s a completely irrational decision to drop out of school.
I’m a pundit. I’m, like, paid to be a narcissistic blowhard and be in front of the camera.
Donald Trump’s ego is like a comet the size of Jupiter just traveling through the solar system, and we all have to be affected by its gravitational pull.
Bragging about what a good deal you got is one of the many great art forms that my people, the Jews, have introduced to American culture.
He is awful. Say what you will about Hit & Run, they dud a great job banging on him and Thomas Friedman.
Dud = did
You are trying to trick us. All of those are nots. No one is that damned wrong about everything. That is a prog parody, not a real person.
random thoughts
I think what happens in a lot of places is that people stumble upon a social system that works OK and then they just stick with it forever. When change comes, it is usually imposed, often by foreigners.
Most cultures are much more conservative, collectivist, and authoritarian than the US.
In the US, a signed document means a final agreement has been reached. In many other places, a signed document means serious negotiations are about to begin.
this is an interesting point.
my brother did international sales for a couple of years. was basically flying around the world and trying get people to buy american industrial equipment. He said getting people to sign contracts was easy. getting them to pay was impossible. he said the ‘sales’ process generally lasted from the day you met to the day you’d finally filed the lawsuit against them. everything was a constant process of negotiation. he basically said the only good customers were the ones he’d been through the process once already, so he knew their bullshit by heart.
what struck me about it was how consistent this was the case around the world. (*tho he was mostly in latin america and south asia) basically, the idea that “a deal is a deal” is an american one which we take for granted. Trust in other countries is never simply assumed. they are loathe to trust you will deliver just as you are unlikely to trust they will pay.
double sidenote = he also noted that everyone at least pretended to be super-friendly all the time. the joke i had with him was imitating his business meetings =
“Ahhh yes, you have brought a contract. This is very interesting. But first! (clap hands twice) The whores!”
“Ahhh i see you have the invoice. We are very excited about this. but first! (claps hands twice) The prettier whores!”
Thank god we have (had) signed papers for climate change, Iran’s nuke program, and everything else.
I’ve had far too many dealings with US investment types for who the signed contract is just the starting point for negotiating. See, there’s the minor matter of the cost of enforcing a contract. Trump, in his business life, has been held up as an example of this, but he was nothing unique in that regard.
“You are only as good as your word” is a uniquely American ideal.