Boy, do I feel stupid. I played golf yesterday and then went home to watch the Astros game. So I watched it, while flipping back and forth with the USA-El Salvador soccer match, until the 8th inning. I had my hopes up for a rally…then I noticed the “Replay” thingy up in the top right corner of the tv screen and realized it was daylight outside the stadium at 9:30. So I opened my phone, looked up the final score from the day game, acknowledged that I was an idiot and moved on with my life.
Speaking of the soccer game, the USA won 2-0, but played like ass on the back end. Do that against the Ticos on Saturday and they’ll get smoked. Also, El Salvador are the dirtiest bunch of fuckers I’ve seen in a while.
Bikes still racing in frogland. The Open is underway, and Spieth is off to a solid start this morning in addition to Stenson and Poulter. Its gonna be a fun week. Follow here.
Yesterday afternoon and evening were just an endless stream of serious shit happening. Let’s touch on some of it in…the links!

Al Gore: charlatan
Al Gore: There’s still time to line my pockets, rubes avoid catastrophe. People are still buying the shit he’s peddling. Amazing.
So brave. So cutting edge. So … meh. Why did you have to ruin a good show by coming back after all those years? And now you’re making it worse by being political and piling on? Just count your money and stop. Please.
John McCain has brain cancer. The floor is yours to comment as you see fit.
Trump goes ballistic in NYT interview. Let me know if you find anything he said that was wrong, re: the Russian investigation/witch hunt. Because I read it a few times and I gotta say, he’s absolutely dead on.

Retired mechanic Adi Astl
Canadian government can suck just as bad as America’s. I just hope the people show up with torches and pitchforks when the government shows up to do their thing.
And I will close with pure, unadulterated impotent rage. This is it, folks. Boiled down to its essence. The most retarded ass shit you’ll read in over 140 characters all day. (TW: Salon. And I mean off-the-rails-out-of-his-fucking-mind Salon)
I’ll be eastbound and down today. Headed to Charlotte with my son for the AAU dive nationals. So I’m playing this. Wish me luck on that Lake Charles bridge. That fucker gives me an anxiety attack almost every time.
Have a great day, peeps.
Boy, do I feel stupid. I played golf yesterday
I went ahead and played 36 holes. It was pretty empty and I was looping fast. A heat index of 110 helps.
I drank at least a half gallon of water (I know that because I have a half gallon jug and I emptied it) and still didn’t piss until 10 last night. That was a great sweat.
I laughed. Great first comment.
Good morning
Top of the morning to you!
Guten Morgen, Glib.
Trump Ends Support to Anti-Assad Rebels
There is no scandal, just a hysteria that is mostly limited to out of touch, ideological media clowns. Also, what kind of hit would it be for the US to stop arming fucking ISIS types against Assad?
Derp derp derpity derp derpi doo.
Perception or appearances, not optics.
It’s ok when we meddle in other countries business with guns (also see Fast & Furious) but not ok when they “meddle” in ours by … shit, I still don’t know how they meddled in ours.
It’s funny because these are the same people who would say we should let foreigners vote because they are affected by US decisions.
People who let their feelz determine their world view, especially when said feelz will allow them to defy/ignore reality to keep their dogma going..
Good move Trump, there ain’t no moderate Syrian rebels left. This might make Putin happy but no Russian I’m aware of wants to cut my head off.
The Russians just want to hack your game of GTA5 online. Makes them not quite as bad.
Trump should keep giving deadly weapons to armed groups to avoid bad “optics.”
These armed groups aren’t fighting ISIS, but the Syrian government which (correct me if I’m wrong) ISIS is also fighting.
And the U. S. government doesn’t have a good track record distinguishing the “moderates” from the non-moderates. Even before he got brain cancer, McCain seemed to have trouble on these lines, and he’s a bold, tell-it-like-it-is maverick. If even McCain can be fooled, our dump President would be more likely to be fooled, yes? /sarc for that last part
What was that we were hearing about the era of smart foreign policy? “Don’t do stupid shit,” and all that?
You know, if Trump can figure a way to get Putin to sink a ton of money and Russian troops into the ME shithole, I’d love him.
I have to think that the average person here is going to be happy with this decision. It saves money, it keeps us from fucking things up and you know the CIA would fuck shit up worse.
So Trump stops helping the
good guysother group of terrorists and the left get all butt hurt? Makes sense.If we find out tomorrow that Trump tears cure prostate cancer, these douchebags would accuse him of being a sexist motherfucker for that..
“The optics here are not good, to say the least.”
Not giving guns to Al Qaeda, Isis and a shit-pot of other savages looks pretty good to me. I am more glad I voted for him every damned day. It’s like a christmas that never ends. No more TPP, the steaming pile that was the Paris agreement, no more arming of our enemies….hell I could go on all day and the man has only been in there less than a year. Looks like he might ditch Sessions too.
Tory also cited safety and accessibility issues in terms of the staircase’s design. City inspectors have said the stairs are unsafe because the railing is unsafe, the incline is uneven and there is no foundation.
Mr Zoolander, Tear down these stairs!
So of which will cost $64,500. Is that quote on Canadian?
That’s the $64,500 question.
So less safe than the rough trail that actually DID hurt people? The disconnect is astounding.
In the modern, civilized world people are not allowed to make improvements on an existing situation unless they do so in an over-engineered, over-budget, government-approved fashion. This is what sets us apart from the primitive world, where anyone could just contribute to the betterment of the world at their whim.
You can’t just go around building stuff on the cheap when the government is concerned. Why it would be pandemonium. You people are still not thinking of the children
You people are still not thinking of the public employee unions
There’s an aphorism around here – nothing is easy to do.
Being asked to do nothing is a positive outcome…
Can’t have the serfs thinking they can do things for themselves. They need to learn to wait for government, even if that wait is months or years. Mustn’t learn self-reliance or any evil wrongthink like that.
Next thing you know, they’ll ban home maintenance. After all, people can’t shovel snow off their sidewalk just because that’s what they want to do.
Oh man, that reminds me of a great argument that was had at H&R a long time ago about snow removal. By “great”, I mean awful. There was a lot of anger that day.
What, a particularly big fight with Tony/Cytotoxic/Tupla?
I remember Nicole going completely off the rails.
Oh Nicole, she really was the worst.
Was it about places that mandate you clean the sidewalk in front of your property?
Yeah, and Nikki was oddly in favor of it, for called out by some of her detractors on the obvious break in her normal an-cap views, and both sides proceeded to go bananas.
It was oddly surreal.
Wow, that’s…that’s something, alright. “I’m an anarcho-capitalist except when there are laws that benefit me personally, in which case I’m Mussolini.”
Hey, I made a joke about gambol-tech!
*pats self on back*
Snow removal can be dangerous. You can throw out your back or, if not done right, people can trip and fall on icy patches. This probably generates a significant expense to taxpayers in healthcare costs. The case could be made that only licensed and regulated snow removal professionals should be allowed to clear snow. I can see a lot of people actually buying into this logic.
Like the pros I have pulled out after they got their truck stuck?
I bet you didn’t even have the proper permits and licensing to do said towing. There oughta be a law! When the licensed snow removers get stuck, we can only allow licensed towing professionals to get them un-stuck. We can’t let unlicensed people just go around distributing aid: that would be anarchy.
Excuse me while I go turn myself in for discussing law without a law license.
That’s how you create shovel ready jobs outlaw civilian shovel use. It’s too dangerous too many back injuries, ground wires, ecological and anthropological concerns to let people just dig anywhere.
we definitely need sensible shovel regulation!
If I recall, the state tore down this bridge because it was built for free by volunteers.
‘Game of Thrones’ Creators’ Next Project Explores Alternate America Where Slavery Never Ended
Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have set their next project at HBO.
Titled Confederate, the series explores an alternate history of America in which the South succeeded in seceding from the Union during the Civil War, and in which slavery is still legal and has become an accepted institution, according to Deadline.
According to a brief description of the new series from HBO, the series takes place during the “Third American Civil War” and follows the lives of “freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, abolitionists, journalists, the executives of a slave-holding conglomerate and the families of people in their thrall.”
“Why won’t these people vote for us? We keep showing them over and over and over again how terrible they are! Must be Russia.”
Now I don’t wanna start a civil war discussion, but I do think slavery would have been over by 2017 even if the south seceded
Right? After in the Industrial Revolution it wouldn’t have made sense economically.
The Industrial Revolution occurred before the civil war.
And a product of it, the cotton gin, increased the economic viability of slavery.
The reality however is just as conscript troops are really only worth using as ditch diggers and cannon fodder slaves have just as limited usefulness in any kind of work that requires significant skills because the investment in training them to acquire those skills makes the slave too valuable to just kill should he not behave or follow orders, it also generally means the slave is now educated enough to recognize his value and the protection that affords him.
Sure you might be able to keep them cowed for a little while by actually killing a few to serve as examples but in the end the costs of that will make you noncompetitive with competing operations that just hire workers and pay them a decent wage.
The USSR had lots of slaves in the 20th century. Most were literate, some even had rudimentary skills.
In Soviet Russia, skills enslave you!
In Soviet Russia, slaves literate you!
Temporarily. A modern picker can pick more cotton in 90 sec than a slave could in a day.
Google says the modern picker was developed in the ’30s. Which was a lot longer than I realized.
And after the Civil War, farmers found that sharecropping was more economically sound than slavery.
Problem is, you’ve got to pay to house and feed slaves. Dirt-poor shanty Irish will work for pennies on the dollar, and if they keel over you just replace them with the dumb Slav who just got off the boat behind them.
the cotton gin, increased the economic viability of slavery.
True, but later products of it, the automatic harvester, would have made slavery an economic loser. Let’s do an experiment. You can buy fifty slaves that you have to feed, house, and clothe every day of every year, bumper crop or crop failure. I buy a harvester that I only need to buy gasoline for during the harvest and hire a semi-skilled operator for just that period. Oh, and I might be able rent out on off seasons. We’ll see whose operation is more profitable.
That’s not how the left sees it. To them the industrial revolution turned us all into slaves. Nevermind the vast increases in leisure time and living standards. Nope, we’re all wage slaves now.
That’s not the reason why slavery wouldn’t exist in the Confederacy. Chattel slavery wouldn’t exist in the C.S.A. because their largest trading partner and the nation they would have probably been completely dependent on economically for most of the 19th century was also the world superpower that was pushing anti-slavery on every nation it could.
It’s popularity in the South was in decline in prior to the Civil War. Something about spreading Evangelicalism frowning upon the practice. It’s been a long time, I’d have to dig out a couple of books.
Relevant book that made the NPR lovefest rounds a year ago. I might read it still.
I read it – it wasn’t bad. A bit fanciful, of course.
In order for slavery to be viable, I assume the Industrial Revolution also never happened, and people are still riding horses and horse-drawn carriages everywhere, blacksmiths forge tools entirely by hand, etc.?
Meh in the barbarous lands of Araby they have gold plated Bentley and slaves … And there is a bit of sex slavery going in the civilized world (not as much as some panick.outrage outbreaks claim, as ENB keep reminding, but still)
Much of the slave trade into Muslims lands was always for sex. It actually worked out well for the African slave wholesalers in the 17th Century. Three-quarters of the male slaves were shipped to the America’s for field work while Three-quarters of the females were shipped to the Middle East.
Slavery doesn’t have to be viable to still exist.
I mean it still exists today, simply because people want to have them.
If it were legal, slaves would be a status symbol rather than an industrial input. See riding horses for an example of a similar formerly commonly held chattel that became a status symbol because it was no longer practical or viable.
I mean to be hones going around in a litter carried by 20 hot slave girls while a few others fan you with giant feathers and feed you grapes is traveling in style. Although I assume if rich enough you could pay for this, but Twitter would consider you a douchebag
Or if you are charismatic enough you can get people to carry you on a litter for free. People will still call you a douchebag, and they’ll kind of have a point, but you’re the one traveling in style, not them, so what do you care?
Is it officially based on Harry Turtledove’s novels or just stolen from them?
I’m guessing stolen. I loved the series i HS, but going back to read it, was akin to wathcing a beloved childhood show after growing up.
“The South Won!” alternative histories were being written long before Turtledove was even born.
Winston Churchill even wrote one in the 1930s for an anthology of alternative histories.
I’ve read a few actually, Churchill’s was pretty decent. I enjoy alt-history a lot, Turtledove though fell into the trap of keeping the safe historical actors in place despite the POD and also of repeating himself at length, through the series.
Did you ever read Bring The Jubilee by Ward Moore? Very early popular fiction treatment of the North and South fighting to a standstill and life in the North afterward.
I’ll have to check that one out, thanks.
Mencken did a nice non-fiction what-if version back in the 1920s.
It’s been done.
First thing I thought of. Weirdest part of that one were the “commercials”.
“Do y’all wanna know more?”
+1 jigaboo bright!
Creators seems a bit of a stretch.
So set in the real world? The left often talks like slavery is still alive and well.
Or maybe set in a socialist America where Bernie Sanders won, and where every person is a slave to everyone else?
“So set in the real world? The left often talks like slavery is still alive and well.”
Slavery is alive and well today, but the left never focuses on that. After all, their gripe isn’t with slavery per se (they never bother to complain about real slavery that still exists today) but with bringing down western civilization. That is because that marxist pap they have been indoctrinated with has convinced them that the only way their totalitarian communist utopia can be made real and work is if somehow the most economically successful and viable system on this planet is not just eradicated, but replaced by one run by those noble savages they so love.
and where every person is a slave to everyone else?
Got to have a Proletariat!
“John McCain has brain cancer. The floor is yours to comment as you see fit.”
I would say “John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I’ve ever known. Cancer doesn’t know what it’s up against. Give it hell, John.” but I see it is already taken
That’s about as classy as we’re gonna see here I’m guessing. *Bites tongue*
Even evil people don’t deserve to get brain cancer.
Im going with the “dont say anything at all” route
Nature is going to do her business. That’s all I gotta say about that, un huh.
I wish Mr. McCain a speedy recovery and a long and happy retirement.
My thoughts on John McCain’s brain tumor:
He’s probably had it a long time. It would explain a lot. If they cure him, will he realized what a piece of shit he’s been? Will that be a mercy or a terrible fate?
As classy as I can be for him.
He’s supposed to always been a prick. I doubt the brain cancer predates things like the relatively recent “jocular” Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran incident. Fucking prick.
I trying to be kind. Long term brain damage was all I could come up with.
Supposedly Goldwater-McCain conversation:
G: If I had been elected, you never would have been in a Vietnam prisoner camp.
M: No, it would have been a Chinese one.
G: Nah, the Chinese are better shots.
Note: The last part is my addition. Apparently Goldwater didn’t deny McCain’s response.
I’m not going to say anything bad about him at this time. I hope he gets well but never goes back to Congress, ever.
So much this…
I don’t know why people are expected to lie about someone just because they’re sick. Getting brain cancer didn’t suddenly turn John McCain into a laudable figure. I hope he beats the odds and recovers fully, but I still want him the hell out of the Senate in that case.
I don’t know that people are expected to lie. But we certainly should be able to separate a disdain for his policy and personality from the very human side of cancer and ultimately death. At the same time lots of less fortunate people get brain cancer everyday so forgive me if I don’t start a parade. Also, I’m sure his loss in the Senate will actually save scores of other lives. Ok, I’ll stop before I go too far…
I’ve always said that bad people get cancer, too. I don’t wish ill on the man, of course, but I’m not going to start thinking fondly of him just because he developed a serious medical condition.
You don’t have to think fondly of him. Just wish him a long and happy retirement.
John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I’ve ever known.
Are you talking about McCain or Raymond Shaw?
John McCain is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
You can try, but Preet may still find you.
As one of his subjects, my position is
(a) I hope he recovers and has a pleasant retirement.
(b) Starting immediately.
“Al Gore: ‘There’s still time to avoid catastrophe’”
I took for granted the 2010 timeline for avoidance of catastrophe so now I see not point in trying to avoid the inevitable.
I see the fame has given him a swelled head, that motherfucker’s huge.
I met Gore at some reception at Memphis State back when he was the VP candidate. Boy is he non-charismatic.
If his daddy hadn’t been a senator, he would have been working a small patch of tobacco somewhere in Tennessee and no one would have ever heard of him.
Al Gore is one of my most favorite shysters. He became stinking rich peddling some of the dumbest marxist bullshit to idiots desperate to find both a new apocalyptic religious movement they can grandstand about supporting and validating their idiotic world view that the answer to big government problems is always more and bigger intrusive government..
John McCain has brain cancer.
Sharia advocate Linda Sarsour labels CNN’s Jake Tapper “alt-right”…internet laughs
Not being americanese I am confused, is Jake Tapper alt right?
We’re all alt right.
Let’s move before they raise the parking rate.
“Mom is alt-right
Dad is alt-right
They just seem a little wieerd…….’
now that is going to be in my head all day….damn
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
*surrenders to awesome ear worm*
I saw them on South Beach back in 87’ish. That was a fun afternoon/evening.
Not a huge Cheap Trick fan, so the first thing I hear after that “this next one” line is the bass and beats for Jimmy James off Check Your Head by the Beastie Boys.
That said, I am finding more and more interest in Cheap Trick stuff.
Start with Cheap Trick and In Color. They are really talented dudes and have a hell of a catalog.
No. He’s firmly in the other camp
The Kids are Alt-Right
I don’t mind other Nazis dancing with my girl.
That’s fine, I know Richard Spencer pretty well.
Despite all the amputations
You could just dance to the rock and roll station
And it was Alt-Right
You feelin’ alt-right?
I’m not feelin’ too good myself
Well, you feelin’ alt-right?
I’m not feelin’ too good myself.
No. He’s an anchor and chief correspondent at CNN.
Wait on which ship? Military or commercial?
*narrows gaze*
Define “alt right”. Because according to the militant feminists, it’s anyone to the right if Karl Marx.
That still might exclude Tapper.
Centerish – can drift slightly left.
Tapper, I would say, tries harder to be a professional journalist in the sense that he wants to actually report what happened. Far more than any other TV journalist I can think of.
Agreed. Of the “journalists” at the major 24 hour news networks, he’s about the best there is. It’s not a high bar, mind you.
What about Shepard Smith?
He tends to follow the herd.
He’ll forge ahead.
I think that’s fair. Still leaves much to be desired, but much better than most of his contemporaries.
That makes perfect sense, because facts and logic have apparently become a far right ideology.
I wonder how these people see that kind of argument play out with normal every day people who haven’t had their brains eaten by rabid leftism.
It’ll start to get interesting when the far left and idiots like that moron Sarsour start tagging more middle of the road ignoramus progressives as ‘alt-right’.
Methinks that would be a bad move on their part, as if a bunch of moderates start seeing themselves as right-wing because you label them as such, what’s to stop them from voting Republican?
Well, he didn’t feed HRC the debate questions in advance last fall, and he didn’t actually debate Trump like some other “moderators” debated Romney, so I’m going with Alt-Right.
So much Gore-derp. Two of his solutions involve giving him money. And since when do you win, or lose, conversations? What a fuck
And this:
Yes. I’m sure he does.
Get a load of Lyle Lanley over here.
What an assclown. And people who do buy the book and watch the movie are knaves and fools.
Get a load of Lyle Lanley over here.
Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
He’s pushing solar and wind energy. And yet, we’re the science deniers.
He told us the polar ice cap was going to melt by 2014 and the science is settled.
What are you talking about? Gore was right: the ice caps did melt, and we are all underwater. And the emperor is wearing a nice set of new clothes, too.
Russian meddling all by itself, with or without the help of Trump and his minions, would make the election illegitimate, so whether the meeting was “legal” or not is immaterial at this point.
All our presidents have been bastards?
I wonder if he considers all those elections Obama meddled in “illegitimate”?
Actually, I’m sure he does since Obama’s meddling never ended up swinging an election his way.
Or the 1996 Clinton campaign that was largely bankrolled by the PRC.
Yeah, I was going to bring up that inconvenient truth too.
Also maybe mention Obama taking in online donations without vetting that they came from US citizens.
By that logic, if Hillary had won she’d be illegitimate. That is how I know this piece is just one hack trying to twist logic into his argument.
You made it further into that article than I did.
Women will keep being exploited if we don’t give them the economic security they need
So it was capitalism all along? As always? I knew it!
I’m confused. Is this woman retarded? Or is she making this up?
Are you sure that’s an either/or rather than an and?
telling me he had cocaine and champagne and asking me to come to his hotel room – I wasn’t sure how to handle it.
Cut some thick lines for him, pour a tall glass of champagne and whack him over the head with the bottle. Strip him to his undies and smear some lipstick all over his body. Go home. Ask for raise next day while holding photos.
*quietly jots “straffinrun” on list of really devious advisors*
I would add if the bottle-smashing is scary and something you can’t handle, then strip to your underwear, pull out rope or handcuffs, tell him that nothing turns you on more than being able to dominate him, tie him up, take photos, put your clothes back on, and leave.
I could be a woman.
tie him up, take photos, put your clothes back on, and leave
I think you left out a step.
Or, maybe not.
I think you left out a step.
Were you gonna anally violate him, too?
Alright, maybe more than one step.
Let me translate that all down:
“No one will fuck me. Someone needs to pay attention to me!”
Total and complete bullshit.
If her manager texted her that then there would be an electronic record of him violating several laws and she would have an instant lawsuit and/or promotion.
Also: cocaine? Really? They didn’t have SMS in the 80s.
“Women will keep being exploited if we don’t give them the economic security they need”
Usually this help takes the form of exploiting men by taking their rights, money and humanity away.
Of course. After all, we learned yesterday that women do literally everything better than men, so how else can women truly be allowed to shine other than taking even more of men’s rights away?
–” I have a friend who laughed at a stranger who attempted to chat her up in a club and was punched in the face as a result.”–
Ok so lets just assume for the sake of argument that this actually occurred exactly like she said, I mean it is plausible after all as such incidents have occurred albeit rarely.
How many “friends” does she have? On average over the course of her life probably around 500 or so that she would know well enough to have heard of the event. So because one time one in 500 women was assaulted by a likely drunk ass creep because she insulted him to his face in public (note she didn’t just say no, she laughed in his face) all women must now behave as if any man they reject no matter his state of intoxication or the environment they are in is a likely threat to her physical health?
I’m sorry there is a term for what she is experiencing, it is called delusional paranoia.
Now lets look at her boss, how fucking stupid is she to not realize he just texted her a pay raise? That text all by itself taken to HR is enough to guarantee her job security for 3 years at least and at a minimum out his rise up the corporate ladder on a dead stop if not end his career outright. She acts like she has no power in this situation, like there are not already laws in place that made what he did massively stupid because they give her massive power over him (do what she says or she reports you and your career and possibly marriage is trash).
Cry for poor little victim girl she just has no choice at all but to let herself continually be victimized….
I have a friend
who laughed at a strangerwho attempted to chat her a woman up in a club and waspunchedslapped in the face as a resultA far more common occurrence, I would bet, but somehow not a problem at all.
Not trying to sound all all alpha male but most bars I have hung out out at, any guy that punched a woman would have been bounced 5 seconds after that happened. And the regulars who hang out at those bars probably would have given that guy an extra ass whooping in the alley after the bouncers were done with with him. After all, drunk guys like having women around, and assholes that drive away ladies ruin the bar.
I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but it seems like a problem that the patriarchy already has a built in fix for when it happens.
From the same article:
Yeah, she wants to work the two most profitable days of the week, but heaven forfend should actually have to work late on those shifts.
This woman is a freeloader. Pure and simple. She’s dressing up her demands for free stuff in the name of “she’s oppressed otherwise”.
“We just can’t have people decide to go out to Home Depot and build a staircase in a park because that’s what they would like to have.”
Something something phony-baloney jobs.
So I found out about the existentialistcomics from someone on the old site and knew the author was a lefty pardon the expression SJW douche, but he is dumber then I though… It’s actually funny.
An “anarcho-capitalist” is just a Nazi who hasn’t found the dictator that they want to follow yet.
Now I am no ancap but … yeah
also “In America we are so free that if your first job doesn’t pay you enough to live on, you can go ahead and freely get a second job.”
“Economists have to go to school for so long because it’s hard to figure out a reason why paying poor people more money is bad for them.”
“There are two freedoms: freedom to have servants, and freedom to not be a servant. People push for one and want you to think it’s the other.”
Off course a few tweets before he said “The ideal tweet is one that seems clever when you first read it, but if you consider it for 4-5 seconds you realize it is mind numbing crap.” so he may be trolling. I dunno people who troll/are serious on the internet should be required to disclaim in advance which is it. There ought to be a law is what I’m saying
Twitter banned Godfrey Elfwick, so maybe there is.
Apt response
This is what these tards actually believe. That people will stop protecting their property when there isn’t a state to do it for them. No exposure to history will soften their desperate delusions.
Capitalism needs a state to uphold private property
So in ancom land we have even more violence because FYTW?
“That’s not a blood clot. It’s a worm! EEEEEK!”
::warily eyes the commentariat::
Why Princess Cosplay Is More Popular Than Ever
The racks in racked article are disappointing
Yeah, I don’t think any of the girls shown were terribly cute. Which is a major fail, because I’ve seen tons of pics of female cosplay before. There are some damn cute girls that are into that. How this site managed to avoid pics of a single one of them is amazing.
My daughter is into cosplay. (NO PICS! Don’t even ask you pigs)
When she and her friends assemble at our house before going to a convention, I have two thoughts a) don’t stare and be Creepy Dad and b) what is wrong with the betas in her group that they aren’t completely hitting on all those cuties?
Pics or it didn’t happen.
It’s only creepy if they don’t like it 😉
Answered your own question.
From what I can gather as an outsider who finds cosplay weird and disturbing is, most of the exceptionally thicc/sexy cosplayers are just regular models who are trying to get into a niche market. A certain percentage are definitely into it and probably a higher percentage have *some* affinity towards it, but I would say for most it’s good promotion.
I know a few women that cosplay and only one is attractive. More cute than hot. From the pictures they post, that seems to be true across the board.
The difference between modelling and cosplay is whether a gay man or a straight man designed the outfit.
That Leia… Ruined the pristine memory I had of her. Bitch.
Caption: “Your library book is severely overdue. Please return to avoid a $5 fine.”
Yep, a librarian or Nurse Ratchet.
Blame J.J. Abrams. He could’ve told Carrie Fisher “Fuck off, I don’t want your drug-addled, plastic-faced ass anywhere near my production.”
Or something like that.
Maybe Leia isn’t a princess anymore because her planet fucking exploded?
Next your going to say that Chelsea shouldn’t inherit the throne. #HerTurn
If Chelsea wants to ascend the Clinton Throne of Skulls then that is between her and the dark gods they serve. Assuming her ritual blood sacrifice is accepted I’m sure she’ll get her turn.
Agreed what the hell is she going to inherit plus they also found out she wasn’t a legitimate heir.
Wait what? Did someone finally find proof her real father was Janet Reno?
That’s what I was going to comment. It makes sense for a title shift, as the aristocracy she had been a part of was obliterated and her new organization is not a monarchy.
I had the vague impression that her Princess title was mostly ceremonial, and her Senator title was far more important.
Um, Leia was getting a little long in the tooth to be playing the princess angle in 2015.
And she’d been in the high command since A New Hope.
The Al Gore alt text is gold.
Misleading title is misleading, but an interesting read
Bear walks into home, then poops and leaves
So bears do not shit in the woods?
Maybe the woods was out of rabbits, so he came inside to get some TP to wipe its ass?
Obligatory joke
Wait, that’s why snowshoe hares turn brown during the summer?
So standard joke about the woods, or?
*high five*
Meh. I have had worse roommates.
“The WOODS! You’re supposed to shit in the WOODS!”
Oh, never mind.
Bears are flighty motherfuckers.
I would take a revenge dump in his neck of the woods.
This made me think of the book on punctuation “Eats, shoots & leaves”
Supposed to keep the Charmin in a bear resistant container.
They say this like its a bad thing…
Japan hangs 2 inmates, including one seeking retrial
That statement was probably part of what he said, but was not the quote where he expressed a personal opposition to the death penalty. They just picked a quote where he was lamenting the difficulty in abolition rather than his opposition.
tl;dr – poor journalism.
Negga, please.
she should marry Frank Black and hyphenate her last name.
/narrows gaze at self
Odds on McCain stepping down from his seat in the Senate?
*laughs uncontrollably*
I remember her looking way better during the campaign.
Poor kid got Dad’s looks instead of Mom’s.
23? Gah. Marla is much preferable even in her 50s. Can they have her dark-haired friend pose for a few more pics?
Is anyone watching this show?
Anyway, would.
Wow Bob, Wow.
She is fantastic as Janey-E. The show is unlike the original in so many ways, which is actually a good thing. It’s as if Lynch is trying to cram all of his other failed projects into this, which makes it super weird.
“Got A Light?” was definitely weird.
Also, he keeps adding scenes of different bands playing.
Beer Remains the Preferred Alcoholic Beverage in the U.S.
These days I rarely drink beer.
I should break out the Krupnik again.
*looks around, realizes I’m still at work*
Damn. No drinking yet.
What do the other 4% choose? Rubbing alcohol?
Purple Drank
or mouthwash, or methanol. Doesn’t matter to them.
Everclear soaked tampon up the pooper.
Now this^ is a guy I wanna party with.
In commie Romania people used to filter medicinal alcohol to get the blue die out and drink that. It is called Spirt and was like 93% alcohol in Romanian and there was a joke that maybe doe not translate well along the lines “Why did they introduce alcohol-free Spirt? So the people in Vaslui can have a few drinks and drive” (the joke is a play on alcohol free beer and all that). Anyway
Hehe, endemic culture of extreme alcoholism. Always good for a chuckle.
In commie Romania people used to filter medicinal alcohol to get the blue die out and drink that.
I know you’re not a native English speaker, but I’m reminded of how the Federal government deliberately poisoned alcohol during Prohibition to try to stop people who still wanted to drink.
It’s like the way they spike certain pain-killers with acetaminophen so that people will die from poisoning their livers with acetaminophen before they die of an opiate overdose. Profoundly evil.
Denatured alcohol is still a regulatory requirement for certain uses to avoid regulations regarding ethanol distribution. Ethanol cleaning solutions spiked with methanol so as to not be repurposed as beverages, despite them being more expensive than booze, etc
Unfortunately, I like ’em all…beer, wine, liquor. Wish I was really fussy or such.
I’m fussy enough not to like Manischewitz. Or “white merlot”.
It’s too bubbly for me now. I have to go mixed drink.
“IT does no good to build a Doomsday Device AND NOT TELL ANYVONE ABOUT IT!“
That guy kinda looks like sacha baron cohen in the dictator.
That or a stereotypical basement dweller nerd. Maybe the SJWs are right, maybe gamer-gate does lead to homicidal gay hating authoritarianism.
He looks like Guy Fieri without the highlights in his hair. I’m following him on Instagram for some reason. He’s the weirdest, douchiest… He’s like everything the left says Trump and Pence are.
Wait, why was Real Sports interviewing this guy??
So, the article says the Russians built an automated program to launch their nukes in case of attack. In the 1980s.
No wonder Reagan decided to launch the Star Wars program.
yeah, NATO reporting name Dead Hand
Wasserman Schultz still doing bizarre stuff when it comes to the “hacking” investigation.
“Soon after resigning as head of the Democratic National Committee in wake of it being hacked”
That still hasn’t been demonstrated, because:
“The DNC also refused to let the FBI assess its servers after it was breached”
Therefore, we don’t know if there was a hack, breach, whatever.
Just a dead intern and a bunch of really shady Pakistani IT Admins. But it was totally the Russians!
Considering that we’re talking about the Clinton’s, there is a conspicuous absence of dead Russians.
Russian spies take a lot more killing than lawyers and interns.
Polonium and sushi works fine.
there is a conspicuous absence of dead Russians
I suspect because the Russians have a reputation for killing you back.
How does this even apply since she is not the one under investigation?
The clause at issue:
for any Speech or Debate in either House, [senators and representatives] shall not be questioned in any other place.
Does not apply in any way, shape of form to emails to or from a political party or campaign. Lying liars lie. Its who they are; its what they do. You are more likely to get a dog not to eat his own vomit than get them to stop lying.
Has she washed her hair yet?
Decade’s not up yet.
Ahhhh… good old Lucian Truscott IV, master of the white guilt.
“Wow, it looks like your relatives sure were racists. But we’re not related to you, thank God, so piss off.”
Shit, forgot to post this gem. Florida Man doing his thing.
It does look like they blocked his driveway which is a real dick move unless they gave him some advanced warning. (although it doesn’t justify gunplay)
Alternate headline “Hialeah Wednesday”
It was in Hialeah? That explains it.
Hialeah is about the most “Florida Man” place in the southern half of the state.
Hispanic name does not compute.
I fail to see how shooting out the tires and the radiator is going to make it more likely that the truck moves.
Virginia man sentenced to 137 years for stealing tires and rims in Loudoun County
The jury sentenced Brooks to 132 years in prison, 63 months in jail and $6,000 in fines, authorities said. He will reportedly return to court on Oct. 18 for a final sentencing hearing.
I’m predicting you don’t ever get the 6 grand.
Seems a bit harsh
“Larceny with intent to sell” seems redundant. Unless there were at least twelve proven acts of larceny, but he planned to keep six sets of rims/tires for himself.
So I’m guessing this is one of those deals where they open up with a terrifying sentence initially and then make some deals to wind up at something more reasonable at the final hearing, with the idea that he’s probably going to be released on parole.
So I’m playing this.
Oscar-nominated, although it lost in a really strong year.
What do you do when you have a president who was not legitimately elected?
I don’t know. If that happens, some day, we’ll see.
The country did just fine.
About a century later, we had a president who was never elected – and we still survived that.
I’m not concerned about the guy who won the electoral vote.
Gerald Ford was nominated by NIxon and confirmed by Congress as Vice President. One of his responsibilities was being President if Nixon resigned, which Nixon did.
For was as legitimate as any European leader chosen by Parliament.
I don’t recognize Parliment.
This should help.
Those votes don’t matter. Yes none of them were tampered with, but because I don’t like the result they are not legitimate.
This is the autocrats way of thinking about elections. The people are given the ability to vote, but it’s not a legitimate way to actually determine the next leader.
That’s what’s bothered me about the reaction to Trump. The election had the wrong outcome therefore it is illegitimate? Why bother having the election at all?
Why bother having the election at all?
Now you’re getting it.
Elections are supposed to be like Harlem Globetrotter games. For entertainment and money-making, not as an actual contest to determine a real winner.
Exactly! The credentialed elite class that has been systematically plundering the west and destroying it are pissed the rubes had the temerity to give them the finger by electing Trump, and they will make damned sure Trump and these deplorables pay for daring to do so.
+1 Gerald Ford.
I … would consider voting for Kid Rock. #thingsIthoughtI’dneversay
Seems a bit overqualified
Entrepreneur, hard worker, not pretentious-he’s got my vote so long as he doesn’t sing/rap.
I say this with all respect for the brand he’s built: Dude’s never had an original thought in his life. He’ll fit right in.
The only time I’d be interested in original thinking is if it improves on the Founders’ thinking or applies their principles in useful or creative ways. As to the latter, Rock would have people for that.
You want an originalist thinker.
With Stabenow as the alternative? Is that even a question?
Stabenow? How about Stanhope?
Is he gonna paint Maxine Watters white?
Can we go back to calling it the British Open?
Calling it The Open just because the Brits do that is as stupid as the Torino olympics.
You mean Turin?
Yes, I do. But for some reason it wasnt the Turin Olympics.
We had the Munich Olympics, not the München Olympics, so why Torino?
The real irony? “Turin” is how it’s spelled in Piedmontese, the local language. Trying to change it to Torino was a political move by Rome I think.
I never got the push to use the ‘local name’ for places when that name was in a different language and there was a perfectly good English name for the place that has been in use for as long as the English-speaking world knew of its existance.
As PJ O’Rourke once wrote, “What’s this CHEE-lay bullshit? In America, that country is “Chili”
Unless it’s a town by Rochester, then it’s Chai-Lie
Those foreign city names in US states usually have amusing pronunciations, like Versailles KY (“Ver-sales”) or Lima OH (“Lie-ma”)
I blame foreign exchange programs.
Not only is it pointless multiculturalism/cosmopolitanism, it’s also counterproductive, as a lot of the reason behind the fact we have separate names for things in English is because it’s difficult to pronounce the foreign versions. Plus, it’s inconsistent. I’ve never heard people say “Deutschland” or “Moskva” or “Zhongguo” when speaking English, even though I’ve heard tons of Spanish and Middle Eastern pronunciations used.
Players I am following: +6, +7, +9, hasnt teed off.
I may be down to following 1 player Saturday.
At least Duval outplayed O’Meara.
Maxine Waters 2020 – time for America to go full-retard.
Waters/Harris 2020-please, please, please do this.
Waters/Harris vs McCain/Lomax
McCain? A weekend at Bernie’s (the movie and not the douchebag from VT) reenactment?
Because going with a woman wasn’t enough in 2016. If we add a black woman, WIN! Team D isn’t making bad decisions, they are simply being swept away by the monster they created.
Not just a black woman, a mentally handicapped black woman.
You forgot senile, it’s the perfect quadfecta.
Here campaign video is pretty good:
US Armored Vehicles reportedly landing in Syria. Apparently we’re not supposed to be giving the Kurds MRAPs and other cool toys, so the supposition is that large numbers of US “special operators” are in country for something.
Death or cake?…
The Kurds are the one group we should be supporting. I’d like to see them get their own county. They could be the westernized country that Turkey failed to be.
Would they really be Westernized? Also one of the main Kurdish groups fighting is outright Communist.
Never hurts to have yet another failed Commie state to point out.
No. Let them all sort each other out. Commies vs. caliphate still sucks.
They would probably be a secular state, at least.
“The communists who starve their children in times of famine would be totes westernized.”
USPS broke law by pushing leave for employees campaigning for Clinton, investigators say.
Don’t worry there will be ample time for the USPS to “lose” emails until an investigation begins. Amazing how the government can dig up anything for prosecution of citizens. But when it comes to Investigating their own they can never find enough evidence.
“We can’t keep track of physical mail, what makes you think we can keep track of electronic mail?”
And nothing else happened, amirite?
This is my surprised face.
Anyone up for a caption contest?
“…No one tell her we cut the mic.”
“…Lonely spinsters cheer their leader”
Showing the inclusiveness of the organizers, a mentally ill homeless woman wearing a sweater coat on a very warm day takes the mic at the March for Truth.
“March for Truth? I can’t handle the truth!”
*suppresses inner middle school kid*
“It was this big.”
I just imagine a gush of guttural Enochian and the souls of all the poor people in the audience being absorbed into the hungry ghost of her diseased mind.
This reminds me that Diane Feinstein is no longer the worst Senator from California thanks to Kamala Harris being elected.
“El Salvador are the dirtiest bunch of fuckers”
This is a feature in Central/South American soccer. Worst among them? Brazil and Argentina with Uruguay close behind.
I can’t take soccer football seriously. Every time I watch soccerball on Telemundo, I burst out laughing when a flopper crumples to the ground and pretends to be in serious agony. Then gets up and plays like nothing happened 10 seconds later.
As if there are no floppers in basketball or hockey. And NFL teams have been known to fake injuries either to slow down an opposing team’s offense, or to try to get an extra timeout late in the game. (The rule about forcing a team to use a timeout in the final two minutes for that was added many years ago.)
But because it’s done in soccer, OMG that makes soccer a worthless sport.
True Ted, but you have to admit it’s pretty shameless in soccer.
And the NHL actually penalizes it once in awhile.
Soccer is moving towards video review and retroactive punishment for diving.
You can get a yellow card for diving.
The show of it is actually very entertaining.
The non-stop coverage of crying Italians and Frenchmen doesn’t bust up any stereotypes either.
You know, I have this tendency to be lazy with regard to leaf cleanup in the autumn. In the last 4 consecutive autumn seasons, I have left piles of leaves that I didn’t bother hauling off to dump in a wooded area of my property. When I do inevitably clean the piles away in early summer, there are inevitably these large circular dead patches devoid of vegetation.
Tell you what, throw several handfuls of teff seed onto those babies, and 2 weeks later you have lush turf no matter if it’s highly shaded or receives direct sunlight for 12 hours a day. Teff: the norn of Africa’s miracle grass.
I don’t end up with a circle of dead vegitation – I have handy pavement to leave the leaf pile on for wintering. But I do this on purpose. After a winter, it’s more compact and easier to shovel into a lawn waste bag. As loose leaves they’d be a royal pain to work with. So I sweep into a pile, let it break down a bit under the snowbank, then shovel them up come spring.
Johnny Most used to call it a “Stanislavski”. The NBA was supposed to call technicals for it. Not sure if they actually do as I lost interest and stopped watching.
It’s kind of a big deal when the only way to actually score in a soccer game is to flop and get a penalty kick.
Yes, drawing a penalty occurs in most every sport. But the drama in soccer is sad.
I believe it wasn’t just the flopping but the theatrics that were being complained about
They should have a rule like the concussion rule in football (or the wreck rule in NASCAR).
If you are so injured you can’t play for five or more minutes, you can’t come back to the game. Not an expert on soccer, but perhaps change the rules on carding so that the alleged aggressor gets some kind of penalty scaled to whether the other player has to leave.
Perhaps the aggressing player can leave the game temporarily for a time determined by the severity of the penalty. Perhaps even they can be put into an enclosure of sorts where they can sit in shame for their actions.
The Denis Lemieux rule, perhaps?
Is that like a penalty box? I’m not one of those hockey…people.
Floppers are just giving the other dudes on the pitch who have been running like maniacs for 43 minutes straight a little break.
I’d argue that Mexico is the worst and their fans are terrifying. However last night El Salvador seemed to one up Mexico. The official should be canned, he missed 3 or 4 red cards.
The countries with the most red cards in World Cup history are Brazil and Argentina.
They’re more aggressive than anything I’ve seen from Mexico. In fact, Mexico would be tame next to those two titans.
You really think CONCACAF is going to allow for anything except a Mexico-USA final?
One of the Salvadorans apparently pulled a Luis Suárez. (I couldn’t tell from the replay.)
How many times has that dude bit opposing players? Once and you should be out forever.
He clearly did.
Also, Luis Suarez is awesome, and he hasn’t bitten anyone in like 3 years!
Look at dude’s grill, and bear in mind that man makes more money than the entire Glib nation will likely see in a lifetime. That’s the best modern dentistry could do. He’s probably not actually biting people, he just can’t get his molerat overbite out of the way.
Great song.
Even better man.
Has to be getting to a point of diminishing returns, no?
Tundra, I think you were right yesterday when you said that the Thin Blue Line isn’t going to back up Noor (the idiot who shot the woman in Mpls).
Even Bob Kroll isn’t backing up his tribe member. Kroll is the head of the police union here and he has always defended the cops no matter what they were up to. He says that last time he defended an officer he was picked on because he came out too soon.
Interesting quote from the city council, though:
It’s already out there that Mohamed Noor had three use of force complaints filed against him during his two-year law enforcement career. Sounds like a real winner.
I’m not really surprised. The PR nightmare unfolding (particularly after the dog shootings) is a serious one. I get the vibe that Noor was among a group of cops pushed through the system for the optics.
That precinct is one of the wealthiest and safest in the Cities. This isn’t going away any time soon.
I agree with Tam on the warning signs about Mohamed.
Holy shit this. All day.
Cops are the garbagemen of society. It’s steady work, sure, and it might pay reasonably well if you stick with it, but if you’ve got other options you take ’em. My dad was a cop for 15 years ( he did a turn in the air force as an MP and PG County was hiring when he got out ) and the happiest day of his life was when he got to retire on disability following a car accident. He told me at least once a week, “You can do whatever you want with your life, but if I ever find out you’ve become a cop, I’m going to break both of your legs.”
He was just telling you he was gonna help cut you in on the disability scam. Start your job and retire in the same year like every cop dreams of doing.
How long before the narrative becomes “Oh, cops only get punished when they’re black and the victim is a blonde woman”?
I mean, there could be some truth to that.
There might be some truth to that, but the proposed solution will be more shootings of whites to even out the numbers.
Daily Caller just had a headline “Muslim groups fear backlash after Minnesota cop shoots Austrailian Woman” or something like that.
How’s the joke go? Muslim community fears backlash following tomorrow’s terror attack?
Luckily the mayor may be counted upon to bring some sanity to the situation.
It’s less about the race of the cop and more about the person he shot. It’s bad business shooting taxpayers. It’s even worse business shooting taxpayers who live in an influential district. There’s rules to the game and this cop broke a cardinal one.
Don’t forget that the police union defended the cop who shot the dogs.
And it never hurts to point out that Bob Kroll is a piece of shit.
Women in their late 30s/early 40s in South Mpls seem really shaken up by this. Lot’s of “I don’t feel safe in my own neighborhood anymore” stuff, etc, etc. Talk about asking the police not to come to the block party, that sort of thing. White, upper-class/professional women are one of the last groups out there who still see the police as basically their servants. This is not sitting well.
It will be dogs and pretty white women who bring the shit system down.
White woman in trouble!
What’s really sad is the number of people who reflexively assumed “Oh, negligent discharge” (a) as if that made it OK and the cop still shouldn’t be banged up for manslaughter and (b) clung to this even after it was perfectly obvious this wasn’t a negligent discharge at all. I’ve seen this at PowerLine and a few other places. And I don’t think they have come around yet to saying “He murdered her, the only question should be whether he is convicted of voluntary or negligent manslaughter, but there is no question he should do time for this.”
Negligent mf’ing discharge. And I keep being told by gun grabbers that only police should be allowed to own guns because they’re trained professionals.
They only want the police to have guns because the rest of us have guns. Once they disarm us, they’ll want to disarm the police next.
He meant to kill the person he pointed the gun at. I don’t think there is any room for doubt about that.
That person did not pose a threat of harm, to a reasonable person, when shot. So there is no affirmative defense to the killing. Now, this is where killer cops get off, I know – they are allowed to kill people who a reasonable person would not say posed a risk of harm. But, leaving aside that under our legal system as currently operated cops are allowed to claim that killing someone who presented no risk of harm was nonetheless self-defense . . .
The only question is whether being mistaken in whether someone posed a risk of harm is negligent or intentional homicide.
This guy gets it:
At this point, Amash and Massie are all we’ve got. Rand Paul talks, but he voted to confirm Sessions, and isn’t really all that reliable when he votes.
I want Amash in the Senate.
if he had voted against him, would it have actually prevented sessions taking office?
if not, it would have been a purely symbolic political gesture. What’s the cost-benefit of doing it?
benefit – you could brag about your libertarian bona fides
cost – you would spend the entire rest of this administration shut out of any legislative debate.
as a matter of principle some people believe that presidents have the right to appoint whomever they want to their cabinet. if you block person A, what’s going to happen? they’ll appoint person B and then demand person B prioritize the same things person A would have done.
“”From 1977 to 2013, the last six incoming presidents — Jimmy Carter through Barack Obama — made 109 appointments to Cabinet-level positions. Just six failed: Five nominees withdrew, and one was voted down by the Senate “”
1 person rejected in 40 years.
i think if you’re a sitting senator, part of a minority within your own party, and you’re choosing your battles. …. “cabinet appointments” is not the hill you choose to die on.
Completely agree with this. Voting against Sessions would’ve done nothing good for Rand.
The one was John Tower, right?
if not, it would have been a purely symbolic political gesture. What’s the cost-benefit of doing it?
He might be in a better position to argue against what Sessions is doing, but maybe not. It would have cost him political capital inside the party, that’s for sure.
The best news recently is that Trump is pissed at the garden gnome. Just fire the dick already so the left can defend him. That should be awesome.
The Left would begin defending him 30 seconds after he was fired as more proof of Obstruction! He was only fired because he wouldn’t get rid of Mueller.
In before “Good thing McCain has Obamacare!” (actually no, I am already late to stop that take)
While the ACA succeeded in getting more Americans insured, access to quality cancer care has been plagued by the emergence of narrow networks in both public and private insurance programs. Since consumers are increasingly responsible for making coverage decisions, future regulation of narrow networks must ensure uniform access to high quality cancer care.
New reimbursement and delivery models are being tested, yet their ability to improve quality and reduce costs remains unproven. In fact, as cancer costs continue to grow, one could argue that value for cancer patients is declining despite the ACA.
Congress is exempt from the ACA.
I know, I unfortunately belong to a circle of people that make the connection anyway.
Yes, good thing the multimillionaire military aristocrat has Obamacare.
future regulation of narrow networks must ensure uniform access to high quality cancer care.
IOW, narrow networks must be regulated out of existence.
Horrified because she wasn’t sharing the take with him?
Or horrified that his wife found out he called a prostitute?
He was horrified that she was 48 and not 26. Also, I don’t care if the pic is from the neck down, you should be able to tell she isn’t 26.
He didn’t recognize his own wife naked (from the neck down)?
He had to call hookers – I don’t think he’s seen her unclothed in a while.
Fake news!
Wasn’t this story already posted a while back? Is this going to be like Oregon Man story and never really die?
Wait. Oregon Man is still alive?
South Carolina just outlawed martial sex?
Is that like what Sherman’s troops did to the Southern Belles on their way through?
Hey, hey, hey-too soon!
Do the like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain?
Oh come on, you know you were thinking of making that joke yourself.
Does he like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain?
Damn it!
I see someone IS into yoga and doesn’t have half a brain.
I mean, really, this is a plot for a rom-com. I see no reason this couldn’t have ended with some honest conversation and possibly anal sex.
Already posted but I’m giving you the derpiest perspective…
pretty sure she didn’t speak actual chinese. he was clearly trying to insult our allies.
I want to die in the Cleveland Browns stadium, so they can burn me down one more time.
Al Gore: “Ten years ago we did ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’ Its predictions are coming true. Seas overflowing, storm changes, air changes, temperature rising, surges like superstorm Hurricane Sandy.”
Not one word of that is true. Ok, the ten years ago part, but none of the rest.
What a fucking transparent scam.
Storm changes! Technically true. There have been far fewer Atlantic hurricanes in the last 10 years. The opposite of their prediction, but it’s still a change.
Atlantic hurricanes run in ~30 year cycles. The current cycle started in the late 80s, and is slowly coming to an end. We know this.
There haven’t been far fewer Atlantic hurricanes in the last 10 years though. Been more down years than the previous decade though. And there was nothing incredible about Superstorm Sandy, except for its size. Wonder what he’d say if a Category 4 hurricane struck Long Island, and then went north and struck Providence as a Category 3. Major storm! Disaster! Except it already happened… in 1635. Looking at hurricanes like this is silly anyways, because we really only have about 50 years of hurricane records we can trust (before the satellite era we have no clue how many hurricanes or tropical storms there actually were in a given year).
How do they know that much specific information about storms from 1635, as far as their strength goes?
You can probably estimate the ones that actually had significant landfalls in populated areas. Which isn’t true of many hurricanes today, and was true of far fewer historically.
They don’t obviously.
Well there was one other unusual thing about it, usually storms make landfall far south of that or they just never make landfall at all so the path of the storm was uncommon. Not unheard of but uncommon
You’re not allowed to use individual events to suggest the models are wrong, but you’re certainly allowed to use them to claim the models are right.
I have to assume when he says seas overflowing, he’s talking about high tide.
Or when Chris Cristie goes for a swim…
TK, any progress?
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
The lack of an update may be an indication of progress
Slate haz a sad
I have some Sasse-ian empathy for Ben Sasse. It must be exhausting to be the good-faith guy in a party whose approach is all bad faith. I genuinely appreciate his candor and intelligence. But the tough love Sasse wants parents to show their children requires me to point out that if Nebraskans had elected a cravenly partisan alt-right bozo as their senator in 2014 instead of a genial Ph.D., American public life would be little different today. Sasse is probably doing exactly what his constituents want him to do right now—Trump won Nebraska by 25 points. But it doesn’t seem like he will be able to maintain such a large gap between his stated values and his record indefinitely without losing either his national reputation—which must matter to him, or else why write a general-interest book for a major publisher—or his sanity. At some point Sasse will have to actually interrupt Bill Maher; he’ll have to actually run against Donald Trump instead of suggesting that it would be nice if someone else did; he’ll have to challenge his own president not just by tweeting but by putting a hold on an executive-branch nominee until the Judiciary Committee, of which he’s a member, agrees to hearings on Trump’s obstruction of the FBI’s Russia investigation; he’ll have to refuse to vote for a motion to proceed on the health care bill until it gets a public hearing. It will be hard work, and he will get a lot of blowback from his own party and its dogmatic activists. But living in a republic demands a great deal from us.
Oh, he seems like such a nice man. And those dreamy Ivy League credentials. Why isn’t he a Democrat?
Why isn’t he a Democrat?
Because he appears to be intellectually consistent.
That’s a lot of words about a politician without actually mentioning a specific issue and how Sasse is acting in bad faith on it.
does no one @ Slate get paid to write?
No, that would make them capitalist pig-dogs.
I thought they liked sasse people.
How is this not here yet?
Okay well John Podesta shit the bed with his email security and someone with an ostensibly Cyrillic keyboard pilfered his emails and released them into public view …. AND THEN THERE WAS MASS HYSTERIA THE DUMBASS FOUNDERS DIDN’T FORESEE. The Founding Fathers would be spinning in their grave if they knew that Hilary was denied her coronation because the party of bread circuses was made to look bad by way of their own action and words. SO UNDEMOCRATIC. NOT OKAY
У меня есть клавиатура с кириллическими буквами.
Don’t hack me, bro!
Reported to the NSA. Whew. That was close.
” Wish me luck on that Lake Charles bridge. That fucker gives me an anxiety attack almost every time.”
Hey now, my grandfather was on the design and construction of that bridge.
Yeah, ok. It makes me nervous too.
Be thankful your grandfather didn’t invent the automatic roll-up function on car power windows. I intend to travel through time to murder that man to prevent it from happening.
Explain which annoying feature of power windows you mean.
I think he means the one where it keeps going up even after you have let go of the button.
I’ve got to do some double taps a few times, while driving, just to open the window a little bit. And what is the big gain by having this feature? The added convenience of not expending an extra thousandth of a calorie by having to hold your finger down on the button for an extra three seconds on the off chance that I want the window to be fully down.
Do you not drive-thru, brah?
From time to time, bruh.
That is obnoxious. If I wanted the window to move all of the way, I’d have kept holding the button.
YES. This guy gets it.
In most car reviews I’ve seen this is usually considered a feature: ‘driver’s side power windows’.
Power locks are my bane.
My Honda Pilot “helpfully” automatically locks the doors after 30 seconds if I don’t open a door. Always fun when you are bringing loads of things to your car and it keeps locking itself.
Worse are all the dummies on the Honda forums who keep telling those of us who are mad that we can’t turn it off that we really want that feature.
I hate the fact that when I open my driver’s door from the inside ALL of the doors unlock. I don’t want any other door unlocking when I open just one!
If you have a newer car, you might be able to change the setting to prevent this. My car gives the option of unlocking just the open door or all doors.
You get 30 seconds? I think my Nissan gives you about 10.
Also, the auto-lock timer sounds like an excellent way to get losts of keys locked in cars.
My Explorer beeps at you if you try to lock the doors with keys inside.
it is.
I made a good living off it.
use your key to lock doors people!
That’s another big issue I had. People would lose their fob, but since they never used their door lock, they key wore out while the lock stays at 100%. The ignition lock and the key wear out together, so they have a bit longer before you start having issues.
Subaru (~08 forward?) has a great feature where if you lock the car with the fob or the lock button inside the car, and then unlock it with a physical key, the alarm goes off.
If you lock it with a key, or push each switch from inside, and unlock with a key nothing happens.
So let’s say you lost your subaru key hiking, but you have a spare door key hidden under the car.
It might not work at all, because you haven’t used the lock ever, and if it does, your alarm goes off.
I hate that alarm-goes-off-when-opening-with-key shit.* When was the last time people scrambled to help when a car alarm went off?
*and the window-going-down-with-finger-off-button shit, and the doors-lock-after-10 seconds-of-not-opening-a-door shit, and the only-one-door-unlocks-when-I-get-out-of-the-car shit, and…
never, that never happens.
it’s also just dumb. Picking an automotive lock isn’t easy. Why would you program a car to think that “lock cylinder turning”== theft?
Fanboys are the worst.
I’m looking at all this and the new computers under the hood and dreading the day I’ll have to buy a new car. I have a 2000 civic with manual locks, manual windows, manual transmission, analog indicators, and easy access under the hood to change filters, fluids, battery, sparks, fuses, and cables myself.
BMWs no longer have a goddamn dipstick. The feds are considering mandating those fucking nanny sensors (lane departure, auto stopping, etc). Even ‘economy’ cars are loaded with shit.
Keep that Civic running.
Fixing those sensors, tax wise, helps the feds collect revenue because they are expensive as a fuck…
Reminds me of the story some douche was telling about some engineering company spending 2 years and over 5 years to develop a ball point that works in space, only to be asked why the fook these idiots couldn’t use a god damned pencil. worth a dollar, and everyone freaking out that this dood was against innovation
2 years and$5 milion dollars, sorry..
They did that to sell “Space Pens” to the average Joe. NASA happened to buy some, but they we’re just a few bucks a piece.
My Honda Pilot “helpfully” automatically locks the doors after 30 seconds if I don’t open a door.
Yeah, my FJ does that. I think it won’t do it if the key is inside, but I don’t want to seriously test it.
My ol’ Volvo 850 did that… I left the keys in the car, shut the door and go off for a few seconds to move something out of the way of the car. I come back and the car was locked.
Luckily – being a hot day – I had rolled the windows down. I’m surprised the car didn’t also roll ’em up while locking the doors. Of course that was a 90s vehicle – I bet today is even worse.
My Mini is pretty stupid – just likes to chime for everything: low air in a tire? Chime. Bulb out? Chime. Getting cold outside? Chime. Not wearing your seatbelt? non-stop chime.
Minis intrigue me. I no longer need a big vehicle, so I’ve been thinking about a change.
Do you recommend?
Mini cooper s is a fun car, I preferred the R53 (till ’06) because they were supercharged instead of a turbo.
The family had an 05 one that was a blast. It also fit 4 adult sized people. my brother and I were able to fit in the backseat, but I wouldn’t call that comfy.
Mom has a 15 countryman all4 S. Lots of fun.
Like all cars, I would also avoid the CVT, but that’s just me.
Thanks, Doom! Yeah, the Countryman and Clubman look interesting. The ability to get a manual was another positive.
Yes and No.
The 1st gen MINI (versus the ol British Mini) Cooper S, with it’s supercharger is the one to get. 2003-2006. Of course they’re all getting long in the tooth, but they capture the whole “small car / great handling thing” that you expect from the brand. They really like to rev and the steering wheel feels like it’s attached to your nervous system. The most fun car I’ve ever driven – once you learn just how hard you can push the car.
Stay away from the 2007-2010ish Prince engine – timing chain guide issues are a real problem. They also went with a twin-scroll turbocharger which make a lot of torque down low but start to lose power after 5500 rpm. At least with the Clubman S I own it just doesn’t handle as well as the old 2003 that I keep around. It’s still better than a lot of cars out there but lacks the joy of the first generation. The Clubman feels more like – oddly enough – a BMW 325i that I used to own. I never drove the standard Cooper version of this car. But my feeling – a small 4 cyl sports car should like to rev high, not feel like a pushrod V6.
2011ish saw the engine redone so timing chains don’t slip off anymore. I don’t have any experience with those cars except for the small CUV Countryman S, which handles well for it’s size but is like like its pint-sized brother. Good for hauling the family but not “sporty” (whatever that means)
I have zero experience with the 2.0L BMW engined ones.
All stickshift – of course! One of the reasons we stay with the brand – and my wife is crazy about ’em. Mini Purse and Mini t-shirts 😉
as an add on, the very early cooper S (02 ish) had some issues cooling. there was some extra fan they had to move around a few times. It was worse with the CVT trans. an 02 cooper s auto is a lemon.
Thanks, guys. Good info.
I think I’ll pass on the purse, though.
Take one for a test drive. They aren’t as small a you may think, and their interior space is probably significantly more than you think. Plus, they’ve been getting bigger.
On the downside (or not), their engines are pretty minimal, and their “S” class I think isn’t really much of a bump up, if that kind of performance matters to you.
The ’03 Mini S has actually been quite reliable – I recently drove it on a long road trip without any issues. Some minor oil leaks from the pan and (ha!) the oil pressure sensor… both PITA fixes. and the occasional speed sensor on the rims.
The traction control is aggressive though – best to turn off if you’re doing a launch.
The early Xenon headlights are also troublesome – and everything is contained within the headlight body! – so replacing the ignitor means replacing the whole assembly. Which is expensive.
The big problem with MINI – from a home wrencher point of view – is the packaging. Everything is packed tight making it hard to get in there without taking the front bumper off (ala Audi “service position).
re: RC Deans comment
I think that’s the problem with Mini being owned by BMW. They don’t want the cheaper cars to encroach on the performance on their more expensive models. Like GM doesn’t (didnt?) ever want the Camaro to be faster than the Corvette.
Straight-line performers they aren’t – unless you go up to the JCW trim – but “quick” comes to mind. And the handling certainly beats many cars that I’ve driven.
But “lifestyle” accessory is also a good description. My wife, who generally doesn’t care about cars at all, suddenly became someone who care about her vehicle. Finally!
I’m sick of automotive design. With the exception of the new Alfa, everything looks the same. I don’t give a shit about straight line speed – you can’t use it anyway. Hell, I still grin every time I drive my Triumph and it might be the slowest 0-60 car i’ve ever owned.
Cars are appliances now. The mini looks fun.
To my eyes that’s their best attribute – they really stick out in boring jellybean land. Minis also age really well. No one ever guesses how old the 2003 is since the paint has held up really well
The other option I would look at – if I was shopping for myself – is the VW GTI or the Ford Focus ST. Good deals can be had for both of those cars.
I’m sick of automotive design. With the exception of the new Alfa, everything looks the same.
No shit. Blame the regulators, whose “safety” rules are so comprehensive and strict that they basically force every car into the same narrow range.
Supercars an exception, of course, and new McLaren 720s may be the most awesome vehicle ever designed.
Link unbotched.
Yep. Already drove the GTI, the GLI and the Alltrack.
I have two VWs already, though.
Late to the party on this, but the Mini I rode in was harsh, I would not want one north of the frost heave line…
Like Minnesoda. Popping that crumbly seam in the highway every 50 feet would get real old, real quick.
I use it more often than not.
Me too! Because it’s fucking involuntary.
My hot hot hot Honda Odyssey allows for the “light touch” where the auto-roll doesn’t engage.
Those generous Japs.
Swing by here on your way and pick me up. I have a list.
*guy who invented flathead screws
*guy who invented particleboard
*Karl Marx
*that asshole that brought fire ants to NA
That’s just off of the top of my head
The first two you’re not going to be able to stop. If the particular person who made them didn’t, someone else would have.
For the rest, be my guest.
Maybe Abraham Lincoln too if there’s time.
What’s wrong with flathead screws?
Anyway, I’ll add:
*guy who invented speed bumps
The screwdriver never stays in the slot for very long.
I totally hate 18th century inventions too…
All hail King Lud.
I think you are confusing “flathead” and “slotted”, and even then you are doing it wrong.
Well, excuse me for assuming a flathead screwdriver drove flathead screws.
I’ve never had cause to notice the difference in performance between flush and raised screwheads before.
Nomenclature aside…slotted, flathead, whatever. You know what I mean. The guy deserves a screwdriver stab to the kneecap.
Quit othering us mechanically declined people.
I’m quite happy with my nomenclature for my toolset: squeezer, twister, pounder, etc.
Do you know how triggering it is when you fancy pants start using you fancy words?
I still think they look better, or are more convenient for certain things. They work well enough if the driver fits properly. They just aren’t suited for high-torque applications.
The only place they belong is on a carburetor.
+ 1/4 turn.
If you have a flathead screw but no screwdriver you can theoretically use another object to remove the screw. Like a knife. A useful feature no Allen screw will ever have.
Although it’s not a problem with hex or torx. If a phillips is over-tightened, frozen, etc. the rotational force can push the driver outward stripping the fastener. That can’t happen with a 90° slot.
Though for the flathead screws, you could aways introduce the guy to an alternative interface shape with less slippage.
I’m OK with the invention of flathead screws. Inventions are often incremental, but at the first thought of phillips all use of flathead should have been dropped.
Torx for the win.
Yeah, I’ve never understood that, unless there are THAT many people who appreciate being able to turn a screw with a butterknife if necessary.
++1 Primitive Peet
Bah, how many stripped out slotted screwheads have you seen?
Enough to justify never dealing with the bastards ever again.
Gavrilo Princip and LBJ?
Oh, and anybody who’s ever planted imported privet in North America – or suffered it to remain alive.
Yeah, that too.
Same goes for woodbine.
Flathead screws have a purpose. I’ll keep them, thanks.
Of course, if people try to use them in the wrong place, they blow. But that’s true of everything you fuck up, so I don’t blame the screws for that.
My bad – you were talking about flathead screws as in the shape of the right screwdriver. I thought you were talking about these.
The fact that so much energy was expended over the best and worst fasteners really makes me happy.
This thread reminds me, though, of why libertarians make shitty political animals.
*gang signs*
■ drive 4 life!
*pulls out impact driver*
he turned it sideways!
I suppose everyone’s heard this but why the hell not?
Lucinda Williams-Lake Charles
Also with regards to McCain: The man left the wife and mother of his three children that waited patiently and faithfully for him while he was in a POW camp because she was in a car wreck and she lost her looks. After playing the field for a while he settled on marrying for money. First wife has lived decades of abandonment and loneliness. Fuck him.
The guy is a scumbag. Since everyone else is trying to be nice I will be the bad guy here.
Hey John…that brain cancer? Enjoy.
Agreed. McCain is a narcissistic asshole of the first order. I shed no tears for him, I don’t even think “that’s unfortunate”.
More of that Salon retardation:
The theme of this article seems to be that the Founders and Framers were a bunch of dumbasses, unlike the sharp minds working at Salon. Salon got an actual Stanford law professor to go on the record with the claim that nowadays presidents are elected by popular vote instead of the electoral college and that the framers had no notion that the First Past the Post system they specifically implemented could possibly result in two broad factions in Congress. I’m amazed that people actually pay money to Salon, someone somewhere is rewarding their abject stupidity.
By the time of the 12th amendment, when they redid the electoral college, we were at two parties.
technically, they don’t.
the place has been running @ a loss since inception. their operating capital comes from a small handful of wealthy old-guard SF elites (one, former CEO of Adobe Systems, and another a VC banker who was an early investor in Apple + Amazon)
why they still pour money into it (it has lost over $150m to date) i have no idea.
Even the most progressive asshats in america call it a “joke”
They aren’t there to persuade or make serious arguments of any kind. They are there to preach to the choir and get clicks. It is a completely useless operation. It’s commie porn.
As Gilmore pointed out, clicks seems to be irrelevant to their business model. It seems that spreading hyperbolic bullshit is the sole purpose.
The framers didn’t assume the kind of elections we have today, the election of the president by popular vote.
Umm, sweety, that’s actually not the kind of election we have today. I know it feelz that way to you, but that ain’t the way it actually works.
And this woman is not only very highly credentialed, she is actually employed for her expertise in this area, and used to be a prosecutor.
The time in Ireland is done, I’m now back to the hellish grind of work. So did I miss anything important over the past week?
Did they really elect a gay Indian President? That seems too preposterous to be true.
Not for the President, for the Prime Minister. The Irish have both a President and a Prime Minister. As it was explained to me by a local, the President is a figurehead position with no power, 7 year terms, and basically fills the role of the British Royals for the Irish people.
They want their royalty to be fabulous too!
Russians handed Trump the election.
The Astros won some and lost some.
“Imagine: a major, highly trafficked West-Coast American web site publishes a lengthy, glowing account of how an educated, successful professional woman converts to fundamentalist Christianity, despite the objections of her family, to say nothing of the faith’s foundational texts, which reek of misogyny and homophobia, condone slavery, and preach an End Times worldview antithetical to the approach we so urgently need to adopt to safeguard the future of life on our fragile planet.”
“The ‘Intersectionality’ Trap
Amid the celebration of left-wing political violence, a man who had been radicalized by liberal politics attempted the mass assassination of Republican members of Congress. Far from dwelling on this potentially generation-defining attack, the event passed through the national consciousness like an apparition. We don’t talk about that now. Perhaps we don’t want to think about what it might portend….
Yet the Democratic Party and the liberals who animate it have come under the spell of a philosophy that explicitly forbids the exorcism of its demons.”
Kirsten Gillibrand described Sarsour and her colleagues as “the suffragists of our time.”
I CANT EVEN MAKE FUN OF THAT! These fuckers are going to destroy satire.
Her conversion withstood being dumped by Khan.
No bigger lunatic than the zealous convert.
Wow, that article is savage.
To be fair, she converted to Sufi-ism.
“The Neurodiversity Case for Free Speech
Censorship kills creativity, truth, and progress in obvious ways. Without the free exchange of ideas, people can’t share risky new ideas (creativity), test them against other people’s logic and facts (truth), or compile them into civilizational advances (progress). But censorship also kills rational culture in a less obvious way: it silences the eccentric. It discriminates against neurodiversity. It imposes a chilling effect on unusual brains that house unusual minds. It marginalizes people who may have great ideas, but who also happen to have mental disorders, personality quirks, eccentric beliefs, or unusual communication styles that make it hard for them to understand and follow the current speech norms that govern what is ‘acceptable’. Harvard’s speech codes and Twitter’s trolls may not prohibit anything in Principia itself, but they drive away the kinds of eccentric people who write such books because of all the other ‘offensive’ things they sometimes do and say.”
The same people who lament the way Turing was treated for being a secret homosexual would have treated him just as badly today if they had discovered he was a secret homophobe.
I couldn’t think of any other link text.
Watching her and Trump debate would be comedy gold.
“Cop killer” is a racist term and Jake Tapper’s bad for having used it.
(side note: ENB “liked” that tweet)
Are there any proggy writer types on Twitter who don’t live in Brooklyn?
Chicago (north side, never go anywhere near that south side for some reason) and Seattle too.
Look, they can’t have their ideological safe spaces if they get too spread out and end up accidentally comingling with the hoi polloi.
i wonder why that is.
Ice-T’s fault?
Serial thrilla is also racist.
I vote that we:
(a) refer to people who kill cops as “cop killers”
(b) refer to cops who kill people as “killer cops”
(3) set fire to the house of anyone who uses the term “officer-involved shooting”
Today, in misogynist bullying–
Lutz’s punishment includes a suspension from classes for the summer and fall 2017 semesters, probation until he graduates and an assigned mentor, according to the appeal letter. Lutz also must create a presentation on how his “actions in this incident have impacted others” and write a five-page paper on the “impact of this type of behavior in the future,” the letter said.
Guy’s ex-girlfriend writes a letter, sticks it on his car. He “grades” it and posts to twitter or something, becoming a celebrated cybermeanie in the process. School decides a line has been crossed.
I would not be surprised to hear it’s the fault of the dragon lady, DeVos.
Why didn’t I know better than to read the comments?
delcrookes @hairydel @NickLutz12さん
Hey Nick – Del from the BBC in London here. We’ve written up your story but wondered if you’d like to answer a few questions?
Nick Lutz @NickLutz12 2月20日
SMDH. Learn much from dealing with these people?
No ex of mine ever apologized. I think I would frame the thing.
I actually got a similar letter once in college from an ex who had moved away to NJ a year before. She wasn’t a stalker like this chick and didn’t cheat on me, nor was she trying to get back together, so I actually appreciated it as a nice gesture. We stayed in touch and remain friends to this day. Her daughter just turned 13, which makes me feel fuckin’ ollllllllllllllld.
Oh my fucking god, so much caterwauling about “bullying” in the comments. You know what bullying was when I was a kid? A much larger kid beating the piss out of you. These pussies can go pound sand with their crying about someone saying something mean about them on Twitter.
Exactly. Bullying is when you get your ass kicked by a bigger kid for no good reason. People being pushy or annoying or saying nasty things online aren’t bullies.
I thought it might be a high school incident, but no… it’s a university. That’s just pathetic.
In the bizzaro universe.
short version…
University forces female student to take remedial English course or be expelled from school.
The news article states that the ex-girlfriend isn’t even a student at the UCF.
*blank stare with mouth open*
Someone can roll up to the university and file a complaint against you? I’m so confused.
After the sheriff’s office ignored her. That’s right, she called the fucking cops.
I have no idea why the university should even get involved.
Can this higher ed bubble just burst already?
Lutz is reporting on his Twtter feed that all charges have now been dismissed.
“…Lutz’s ex-girlfriend, whom Gilmer identifies as a “high school student with plans to attend UCF in the future…”
Dude’s lucky his GF didn’t try to get him arrested for statutory rape or something
“identifies as a high school student”
Does that mean she’s actually 57 years old but insists everyone refer to her as Buffy and say they’ll meet her after homeroom?
Imagine if a girl’s ex-boyfriend was leaving notes on her car after they broke up. Tell me that wouldn’t be stalking and aggression and practically rape, man.
Journalism! Read headline. Then read two paragraphs to realize the headline was complete bullshit and they really have no idea what the fuck is going on outside of some really weak correlation and might not even exist. I trust these people to interpret scientific data implicitly.
In the first sentence! but the author “fucking loves science”
The curious task of science journalists is to demonstrate how little they understand about what they imagine they can report.
Watching porn is not cheating and thinking that it is reveals deep insecurity.
That’s a very sensible article.
I blame Jimmy Carter.
Watching porn is cheating if and only if watching football turns me into the starting left tackle for the Washington Redskins.
been watching a really good documentary-style series on Saudi Arabia but with all white actors. it was called Handmaiden’s something. i forget the specific title. holy shit what a fucking awful existence it must be for women over there. also, hello cultural appropriation using only white actors to play arabic roles.
Do you even Trump bro?
I have no idea who this wikipedia brown chick is, but her Twitter story about buying bootleg chicken had me chuckling.
Was it written by SugarFree?
Link doesn’t work, brah.
This work?
Yup. Good on you.
Try this.
I have to type out Twitter links here. For some reason I’m allowed to slum it with you miscreants and reprobates, but Twitter is inappropriate for work.
You might be alt-righting on it.
That’s a pretty fowl policy.
Funny story, but the rest of her twitter is cultural marxism that has been under the heat lamp too long.
Back in the day when I used to do a bunch of IoT projects for Quick Serve Restaurants, I created an app that would monitor the fryers in a QSR that rhymes with Bendy’s. The employees were supposed to filter and clean them each shift.
We were having a review with the managment of our pilot stores and we discovered that one store was basically shutting down early (like in the story you linked to). Worse, they were shutting down and cleaning the pressure fryer that was used to cook chicken way early. The employees were obviously trying to close/clean stuff early so they could get out of Dodge as soon as possible.
The management pulled some point of sale receipts from the days in question and confirmed that they had been selling chicken after the pressure fryer was closed. The regular fryers weren’t supposed to be used to fry chicken because it didn’t get hot enough to cook the chicken safely. So management had a shit fit about it because they potentially had a big liability on their hands.
That job proved to me that you never want to eat out at a restaurant. They all do crazy things with your food.
What the hell? In HS I worked in a chicken joint. At closing whatever chicken was left over was sold in bulk at a super discount. That’s not bootlegging, it is called not wasting resources.
I thought the Left was totes on board with segregation now?
They couldn’t care less. It’s all about money.
“Weingarten’s AFT and other teachers’ unions hold that school choice will drain funding from public schools over time, hurting teachers.”
I also don’t understand why college educated professionals would need a union. Doctors, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc. don’t have a union. They are teachers, not factory workers.
They’re teachers – meaning they were rejected by the factory.
“Those who can’t do…”
Full disclosure, my father belonged to that union. I don’t know if it was voluntary or not. Might have been where you had to pay dues no matter what, so you might as well join.
I like to rebut that argument with the idea that the goal is to educate children, not fund public schools. If some other method was developed that did a better job of educating more children than public schools, that would be a better approach. Right?
Sadly, most public school advocates will respond that it would mean that some kids would be left behind in the public schools. Like every kid now is being educated.
Charter schools use less money per-pupil than traditional ‘state’ schools
basically, the more students they drain out of the system, the more the public system has left behind to use per-student.
The problem isn’t the money. The problem is the students. because if people can leave, and they do better at charters, more parents will demand better results from the state-schools, which will force them to actually ‘get results’ with the same money they already have.
Its not money, its accountability they fear.
Cops are teachers with guns.
Or maybe teachers are cops with yardsticks.
Either way, they both sexually liaise with teenagers.
And I am home in VT!
Carry that gun proudly.
I didn’t bring it! I thought about it but got nervous that it would get lost during my connection in NJ.
…Does renters insurance cover that?
Sure, if you lie about it.
That’s what I thought. I don’t want to do that. I just didn’t trust the TSA to get it there and back.
I’d be more worried about somehow getting my luggage returned to me and needing to recheck it, such as a cancellation. I’d either not claim my bag or rent a car and drive out of state as quickly as I legally could.
Unlike this guy
Nice! How long will you be there?
a few weeks. I start the programming bootcamp when I get back, but thought now would be a better time to visit than 6 or 7 months from now.
Early August I return. 6th?
Sounds great! I hope you have a relaxing vacation.
My parents are currently halfway through redoing their kitchen, master bathroom (which meant ripping half of the walls down between their bedroom and the kitchen), and some of the porch. And the dining room is getting new flooring.
It looks like I’ll have my work cut out for me, but it’s worth it.
This kitchen is looking niiiiiiiiice.
They are apparently cooking on the porch.
I’ll get to drive the TVR Vixen though, so that’ll be cool. I’ll put some pictures up on MU.
Thanks. I’ll look forward to it!
Bill Nye the Liquidation of Inconvenient People Guy.
NB: Not like Bill’s getting any younger, why doesn’t he lead by example?
Bill Nye the Endlösung Guy!
Al Gore is 69. Time for him to go.
Logan’s Run – nice.
Soylent Green could feed the hungry populations of starving countries.
You know who else wanted to exterminate the sick and elderly…
*starts to raise hand, notices no one else is raising their hand, awkwardly scratches head instead*
It’s such a convincing theory that it merely requires decades of propaganda, in order to be widely accepted.
Older people are more familiar with weather and climate cycles, were probably taught actual science when they were young, and have seen more than a few scams in their day. They can spot this charlatan a mile away, so yeah, the majority of sensible people are older.
May have already been linked, but here’s your daily nut punch.
I was pretty outraged until this:
Still doesn’t justify anything the state did, but just points out how weird the world is.
It’s impossible to know the full story when child welfare officials are unable to comment, but the case has left the couple and their advocates heartbroken.
Reminds me of an argument I had with a friend ages ago about whether criminal charges/proceedings should be kept confidential, like medical records or this happy horseshit. No, you do not want cops and prosecutors insulating themselves against criticism by claiming privileges on behalf of the defendants they’re railroading.
John McCain has brain cancer. The floor is yours to comment as you see fit.
*checks John McCain Voodoo doll*
It wasn’t me. I’ve been sticking the pins in his ass.
The brain cancer overshadows the hemorrhoids.
I set you right up for a head in the ass joke. Swing and a miss Q.
Swing and a miss.
Then it was you. Where do you think his head’s been all these years?
^^This guy gets it!
I would have been quicker, but I have to break out the tablet if I want to post, instead of just lurking on my workstation.
Xenophon linked the Federalist article on Kid Rock above and I think I could say I am pretty pro Kid Rock for Senate. Let’s leave aside his music (please) , but the dude seems like a pretty good dude. The elite media and progs would really have wonderful meltdowns over it. I like his drug policy:
“it’s a whole different ball game, drinking without f—ing blow…And now I’m, like, trying to leave that shit alone. I’m relearning to drink.” He’s sponsored by Jim Beam.
The guy openly identifies as a libertarian. It could certainly be a lot worse.
If the Dems fail to retake the Senate (which I expect will happen) , and Kid Rock is one or one of the few Repub gains, election nite in 2018 will be absolutely amazing to watch. If Trump was a massive orange middle finger to the establishment and media then Kid Rock would be a giant, erect, laughing cock pointed in their direction.
Like honey from the lips of an angel.
Let’s leave aside his music (please)
He is the Bullgod, you understand? THE ILLEGETIMATE SON OF MAN.
Arguably the pioneers of the desert sound, though maybe that honor should go to Dead Hot Workshop.
My sis saw these guys back perform at the NMSU student union before they got big. Then their primary creative force (Doug Hopkins) got kicked out of the band for being a raging drunk and killed himself. If he had stuck around, I think they’d be legendary.
Arguably the pioneers of the desert sound, though maybe that honor should go to Dead Hot Workshop.
Not these guys?
They be the bomb too.
*sigh* ah, nostalgia.
I just watched the music video for Smashing Pumpkins’ “Today” for the first time in a really long while, I had forgotten what an excellent video that is. Siamese Dream is a really fantastic record.
Siamese Dream is a really fantastic record.
It really is. I like that and Gish the best of their albums.
Cherub Rock is a fantastic song.
One of the odder moments of my life came recently when I discovered that my mother is a huge Gin Blossoms fan.
Holy shit someone mentioned NMSU on here. You in NM?
I grew up in ABQ. Went to college at U of A, sis went to NMSU for undergrad and UNM for med school.
At a price like this you can’t afford not to buy one!
I don’t know anything about the parts Anderson uses to build their ARs. But yeah we’re seeing the pricing result of an inventory glut.
I am actually going to focus tomorrows post on good gun deals but this gives you a free float quad rail for about the same price.
I heard “quad rail rifle” and the image that came to mind was an electromagnetically driven weapon with four sets of helical rail pairs…
And this is why you write science fiction.
Funny aside: Colt makes a 1911 with a rail machined into the bottom and the official name is the ‘Colt Rail Gun’.
I hope you talk shit about HK’s magazinepalooza.
1. “palooza”? you’re HK. act like it.
2. four free mags makes a ton of economic sense to the prospective buyer only b/c their factory mags are $60.
I lol at your assumption that HK is some professional organization, or have you forgotten the backwards bullets?
Theres also this one for just a bit more that has a brand name optic and a MOE handguard.
…and the lamentations of their
womennumber-crunchersIn the 2016 election, the Democratic Party committees that support Senate and House candidates and allied progressive organizations spent more than $1.8 billion. The effectiveness of that staggering amount of money, however, was undermined by a strategic error: prioritizing the pursuit of wavering whites over investing in and inspiring African-American voters, who made up 24 percent of Barack Obama’s winning coalition in 2012.
In spring 2016, when the progressive independent expenditure groups first outlined their plans for $200 million in spending, they did not allocate any money at all for mobilizing black voters (some money was slotted for radio and digital advertising aimed at blacks, but none for hiring human beings to get out the vote).
tl;dr- those damn lazy ungrateful nigras didn’t show up for work.
they can’t seem to make up their minds whether it was the “White working class” that rebelled against the Dems, or that they failed to inspire the black vote with sufficient money.
they seem to pick the narrative that fits depending on the argument being made. I think the scariest proposition might involve them realizing that they could have spent that nearly-2-billion in exactly the way they now think they ‘should have’, and yet they’d have still lost. Because you *can’t buy votes* the way you always pretend your opposition does. At least not with money.
which is why they will probably run w/ Kamala this next time around (or some other black candidate). they probably secretly realize that their bullshit proggy messaging does nothing to motivate black voters, and that the only thing that will drag minorities out anymore is someone who looks right.
I was really, really surprised when Hillary didn’t pick a black VP. It would have kept the black votes in – maybe not to the same extent as Obama but much better than the actual results.
Of course I thought the smart move for Trump would have been a woman or minority VP, but what do I know? Instead he bolstered the conservative/so-con base with Pence.
I pity anyone who would have taken the job of Trump’s woman or minority VP, the disdain and hatred thrown at Palin would be pale in comparison.
Yeah, me too. I was making that argument – that it would be someone “young and brownish” to counteract her age and not-so-new-car-smell.
instead she went ‘conservative’ because she thought beating trump was a joke, and didn’t want to do anything risky. I also think the prospects for a good match were thin (*the risk was that any charismatic black male would overshadow her; and possibly ruin that person’s own potential as a future independent candidate)
My view there was always that he needed, “An insider” – someone with lots of congressional experience, and proven ability to govern. It would show the big money GOP people that he was ‘serious’. He didn’t need ‘color’ – he *was* the color.
So the main story is that Rand Paul did more minority outreach than Hillary did.
Entire Burundi robotics team reported missing in D.C.
Now that’s what I call initiative.
If you were from Burundi, wouldn’t you try to take off, even in DC?
Faculty lounge bitchfight
To be indifferent to every claim of truth or fact is the ultimate assertion of power. It is to say: Nothing restrains me, not what I promised yesterday, not what I am saying to you now, not what I might do tomorrow. That’s how Putin operates in his sphere. That’s how Trump operates in ours. What’s worse is to see so many conservatives who should know better excuse one president and line up behind the other.
Dennis, you got your wish: Hillary Clinton isn’t president and never will be. But the responsibility of a public intellectual like you isn’t to spend the next several years justifying your vote. It’s to see things plain and in their true perspective. To suggest that Vladimir Putin is a distant nuisance but Maggie Haberman or David Sanger are an existential threat to our civilization isn’t seeing things plain, to put it mildly.
Apparently, this Prager guy referred to the media as an existential threat. Stephens is aghast.
I like Victor Davis Hanson’s piece much better. Putin wanted discord and mistrust among Americans, and the left gave him exactly that.
They just can’t stop taking their marching orders from Moscow, I guess.
This Elon typo tickles me.
OK not a typo – I didn’t know he actually had a company called “The Boring Company”. LOL
I’m owner and operator of Dull Corp.: we take the edge off things.
He named the drill “Godot” which makes me think it’s all a hoax.
urge to post this rising
I think for the cost, we could just buy everyone unlimited plane tickets.
It’d be cheaper and you’d stop being a crony capitalist.
I like to rebut that argument with the idea that the goal is to educate children, not fund public schools. If some other method was developed that did a better job of educating more children than public schools, that would be a better approach. Right?
You slay me.
Someone upthread was wondering how the left-wing media will pivot to defend Sessions? Thus.
fucking heartless..
Johnson said he was searched for a firearm and, although he was not carrying a gun, officials demanded to see his concealed carry license. He was then told he would need to give MDHHS the serial numbers of all of his firearms, including rifles and shotguns, and register them with the agency. After questioning why he would have to register his firearms in order to foster his grandson, Johnson said he was told by one caseworker, “if you want to care for your grandson you will have to give up some of your constitutional rights.” When he objected, he was told there would not be a “power struggle” and MDHHS “would just take his grandson and place him in a foster home” if he didn’t comply with their requests.
Two weeks later, during a hearing on placement of the child, Johnson said a Gogebic County Court judge similarly told him, “if you want to care for your grandson you will have to give up some of your constitutional rights.”
Gottlieb and SAF are on it.
ACLU too busy fighting for free cakes to help people harassed.
ACLU get involved, yeah right.
How does the ACLU count to 10?
1, 3, 4, 5…
So, I apparently won’t be watching American Horror Story ever again
That’s makes it all the more terrifying.
I was a fan for awhile, but it seems like after the first few seasons it followed an arc where the first episodes would be pretty good, then it would take a left turn at nonsensical and keep on drivin’ until it hit retarded. Now that it’s actually making an episode about TDS, I won’t have to hold my nose while I wait to see if an episode is any good, I can just save time and skip the whole damn thing.
Anyone else check out Ari Shaffir’s Double Negative special(s) on netflix?
I watched the first two now. I’ve enjoyed it so far.
Great news from the Ministry of Love!
“This is likely one of the most important criminal investigations of this entire year, I have no doubt about that,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said at a news conference on Thursday. “Most of this activity was for illegal drugs, pouring fuel on the fire of the national illegal drug epidemic.”
AlphaBay went down in early July, prompting speculation that it had been seized by law enforcement authorities.
The man said to be the founder and leading operator of the site, Alexandre Cazes, was arrested at his home in Bangkok on July 5, officials said on Thursday.
Mr. Cazes, originally from Canada, had his laptop open and was logged in to AlphaBay at the time of his arrest, allowing the authorities to gain access to all of AlphaBay’s hidden servers and financial accounts, according to legal documents unsealed on Thursday.
Mr. Cazes committed suicide in his jail cell shortly after he was arrested, the authorities said on Thursday. He was 25 years old.
Thank Zod for the brave men and women out here protecting us from ourselves.
Sessions is Trump’s number one fuckup.
I can’t get over Sessions. Like, I’m blinded by his fuckery and can’t see the decent policies Trump wants to implement because of his existence.