Y’all aren’t going to receive a sports update from me as I don’t follow every sport known in existence like sloopy does, so provide your own.
The only person capable of getting the mainstream media to talk about something other than Trump.
In a sad attempt at winning back the working class, the Democrat Party released their new slogan which many find reminiscent of Papa John’s slogan. At least they didn’t go with their original slogan. Well, not openly at least.
Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park, committed suicide by hanging himself on the same day as Chris Cornell’s birthday, who also hung himself last May. The two are reported to have been good friends. The selfish, drug addicted piece of shit, left behind six children and a wife.
In “this surprises no one” news, a new Pew Research Poll shows that 47% of liberals say that someone being a Trump supporter would put a strain on their friendship versus 13% of conservatives who claim the same about having a friend who is a Hillary supporter.
The body camera footage which caught Baltimore cops planting evidence prompts a review of 100 cases which involved the officers who were caught.
Prefer my version of the links? Please let sloop know in the comments. Oh, and a link to a song.
47% of liberals say that someone being a Trump supporter would put a strain on their friendship
Which is why I don’t talk politics with my neighbors and friends.
Trump supporter in hiding? Or is being libertarian worse? I mean libertarians can be worse then Nazis, or so I’ve heard
I did have a semi-drunken conversation at a neighborhood party when a woman said – while discussing politcs – “And what are libertarians? They seem worse than Republicans.”
And I had to pipe up; “I’m pretty much a libertarian.”
And it quickly went downhill after that.
By downhill, you mean you plowed her, right?
That is, pretty much, the bottom of the hill.
I did have a semi-drunken conversation
Your problem is that you aren’t drinking enough.
Damn libertarians, wanting to seize control of government and let people live their lives in peace.
She probably knows about the orphans. Someone must have let it slip.
Guys… I think it was my fault. One of mine managed to escape. I don’t know how it happened.
Bought stronger shackles this time, I promise it won’t happen again.
Can’t run off if they don’t have feet, I always say.
You’ve got to lead them on for a while first. Get them really frothing at the mouth and then show your official libertarian creds.
That may get you arrested in most states.
Oh come now…OMWC still walks free.
Not really. SP has me in a shock collar and electronic ankle bracelet.
But enough about your fetish.
How about with foreigners and enemies?
Even in the PDRC, they sometimes do something right.
BAMN Leader arrested for Assault, Inciting a Riot
Felarca, a member of the group By Any Means Necessary
Do we get to fight against them by any means necessary?
Middle school teacher????
I used to be a sexual predator. I know how men can be made to change
So much bad social awkwardness here…
Yeah because that lame little anecdote represents men.
He’s attempting to alleviate his rightly deserved shame by lumping all men in with him. SOCIETY MADE HIM DO IT.
This. Progs do this ALL THE TIME. “I’m an asshole because of society / the media / **abstract, third-party factors**, let me project my racism/misogyny/*phobia onto everyone else!”
A sexual predator who couldn’t get laid, ever, in college?
What he’s describing is more like a creepy loser.
^This. Creepy loser consoles himself by imagining that all men are creepy losers like him.
Yeah I was shy as hell when I was in high school and college but still managed to get a lot of female attention. Of course I had that whole geeky Anthony Micheal Hall look going for me.
I would have thought it was the leather straps and mysterious mask.
That was before the accident, you shit lord!
You would think that if all the outcry about campus rape culture was true…
I’ve never seen any hard evidence that porn actually causes men to treat women differently in real life. It’s the same old shit as the “violent video games make people violent” canard.
PS: Porn is illegal in the Middle East; maybe they should do a fact-finding mission to see how women are treated in those countries.
Yeah, I’ve come away with a different set of lessons than the one he learned.
I’ve watched porn since I was 12 and never once have thought it ok, or tried to, grope some random girl in a bar or club.
Fuck this guy.
Yes. No useless sports crap to find the end of to get to the links I won’t be reading.
What he said.
*or she or other
You assumed my gender? SHITLORD BULLY!
We’ll need a blood sample for genetic testing.
Perferably carotid blood, just to be a pain in the neck.
Hihn as an sjw? Not much different then hihn as he is.
And none of the tedious Ohio State rules/Michigan sucks shit either.
But at least Sloopy is half right. Michigan DOES suck. Of course so does tOSU
The whole B1G sucks. Except Rutgers, because they don’t even count.
I typically forget Rutgers even exists. At least Northwestern is actually a good school and Michigan used to be a good school before they became an extension campus for Berkeley. The rest of the B1G though? Ugh why do those schools even exist? Is it because retail managers need college degrees now and they have to get them somewhere?
You really do want a shortage of engineers, CS types and doctors, eh?
I want a shortage of engineers, CS types and doctors from THOSE schools.
It’s like y’all don’t understand how the school spirit game works. I went to UT so every school ranked beneath UT is a garbage school for garbage people and every school ranked above UT is coasting by on an undeserved reputation. and totally not worth the tuition. See how this works?
*wipes away single tear*
*burns diploma*
Untrue. While both Madison and Minneapolis are progressive hell holes, both are very good schools for certain things. It actually takes some good grades to get into Madison. At least it used to. If you’re a white cis hetero shitlord.
I spent my childhood in Ohio, and I assure you it sucks. I can’t speak for Michigan since I’ve never been there.
Fuck Michigan!
No! Have you heard what kinds of social diseases Michigan has? There’s not enough protection in the world.
Yes sir.
I’d do some of my sister’s classmates, that’s for sure.
Though the lack of alt-text does dull the shine on that a tad.
Exactly. But still no bullet points. Too much like a period?
Keep it up. All you’ll get is sports.
Shit, dad saw us!
Morning Sports Links…
Well, then I can know to just skip directly to the comments.
Isn’t that what you do on H&R?
Politics is basically sports anyway. “Last night Team Blue said such-and-such about Team Red’s quarterback. This morning Team Red retaliated by saying so-and-so about Team Blue’s goalie.”
Learn to scroll and ignore.
First female SEAL actually a man?
The navy is a social construct
Well, there was Chris Beck, who was a SEAL who turned into Kristie Beck. Only after he left the service, though.
There are a few ways in which she gets through the process:
1.) They lower the standards.
2.) She’s actually Wonder Woman.
3.) Upper echelons lean on the instructors to carry her through it.
I’ll let you decide which of these is most likely.
4) a dude that identifies as a women.
Checks a box without needing a box.
Or, as per the article, he’s actually a man and may not have had his testosterone generators lopped off.
There are several different individuals in that article.
*looks at link, but does not follow*
Ah, it’s different from the one I read earlier. I must have conflated the two.
I’ll take your word for it.
Yeah, it’s tough. They worded it in a way that says there’s multiple candidates and two women were in the pipeline, but one dropped out.
Oh, and they can’t confirm someone identified as a tranny, but someone identified as a tranny.
Here’s hoping Trump ends this nonsense, preferably with a shockingly sexist tweet about female soldiers bleeding out of their whatevers.
Let me guess, the women will a special instructor because the regular one will be super mean. They won’t have to qualify by doing the same number of push-ups or run as many miles as anyone else, they won’t have to stay underwater as long as everyone else and they’ll be graded on a curve that assures at least one person with a vagina will qualify. Then we can dance around and proclaim women as good as men in combat roles. Then we can move on to this issue of equal pay, we’ll pay the women more than the men and call it equality. I’d make such a great feminist.
I guess I should read the article. I didn’t realize this is one of those women that actually have a dick, I think they’re called ‘men’.
1) Almost perfect, FS. You forgot the obligatory clause: “…as good as men, if not better, in combat roles.” See, once female standards are judged to be the same as those for the males, then you have to consider that their intuition, temperament, and wisdom is superior, therefore women are better at everything, pace Lily Allen.
2) Men should push the “capability gap” just as hard as feminists push the wage gap. Something like “Women only bench press 59 pounds for every 100 that a man benches!”
Oh shit you’re right. I didn’t mean to imply that women weren’t better than men in all things thought to be traditionally masculine. I hope Lena Dunham’s soggy vagina will forgive me.
I hope Lena Dunham’s soggy vagina…
Welp, there goes my appetite.
To be fair, the Army did not change the standards for the women that made it through Ranger school.
They just let them continue to ‘recycle’ until they finally made it.
A male normally is only allowed to recycle once in each phase of Ranger School.
You’re probably onto something there. There is this article, to be taken with a grain of salt, it’s full of “anonymous sources” with some non-anonymous sources mixed in. However I imagine it’s career threatening for an officer or NCO to go talking to the press in a way that contravenes the leadership’s public statements. So my final ruling is ‘meh’.
It will if you kiss it to make up.
After equal pay comes equal pay reparations.
Death metal fans hardest hit.
(Seriously, dying at 50 of kidney failure is much too young.)
Andrea Jürgens.
I saw the name in Wikipedia’s obituary list, looked up one of her hits on Youtube, and knew the crazies here would find it trippy. Even if it’s not quite death metal like most of you prefer.
(Well, except Eddie who prefers baroque music, but this isn’t baroque either.)
Love that shirt in the first pic. 🙂
Ted, are you old? only old people read Obituaries, looking for friends, creepy and true
No; I blog about classic movies, so I look to see if anybody noteworthy in that regard died that I’d want to blog about. (eg. Martin Landau.)
On another forum I’m called the Cryptkeeper for linking to so many obits.
You should do a classic movie column for Glibs!
What about baroque metal?
According to the Post, the platform will highlight Democrats’ policy goals, including “tax increases on the rich, affordable college, infrastructure spending, higher wages, job training, paid family leave.”
Where’s my pony?
A repackaged same ol’ shit from the same ol’ faces? We already know who you pinko motherfuckers are. Saying the same thing using different words isnt going to win anyone over. Prog harder you idiots.
Bleeeck. Why would you link that? Ear cleaner.
I could state it much more succinctly: “Higher taxes; moar free shit.”
Nothing about keeping us safe from Russia Russia Russia?
Look, a Donkey in the office is a magical totem that makes Russia an issue for the 80’s.
Do normal people still really buy their crap about infrastructure spending? Obama spent like a trillion dollars on it, and we’re still told it’s crumbling. At some point, people are going to expect results.
Oddly enough, it looks like the new Tappan Zee bridge will come in mostly on time and mostly on budget. I have no idea how that happened.
Someone took the original estimate and multiplied it by three?
I’ll believe it after they’ve done it.
I’ve worked for the state a while – they say a lot of things are going to happen, and it often turns out different.
Tappan Zee bridge
Tappin zat azz
I haven’t looked into this, but Tom Woods said on his podcast that the “crumbling infrastructure” canard is bullshit because most of the bridges they’re talking about are old single-lane bridges that may not actually get any vehicle traffic at all, but it’s technically a bridge and it’s technically in bad shape, so it probably gets counted in some national survey of crumbling bridges. They make it sound like a major highway overpass is just teetering on one crumbling pillar and will fall down any second if we don’t spend more money on it.
You mean like this one? I-35
And why is it always “crumbling”? Can’t they come up with a new verb once in a while?
Klamath Basin outdoor news briefs
This variation on car-hotboxing is way too extreme for my tastes. Count me out.
I dutch oven my wife after we make love because that’s just what they do in her culture.
Inuits freaky like that.
This is Maple Lake, not Maple Grove where Tundra and I live. Although I’d love to vote against <a href="http://blogs.mprnews.org/capitol-view/2017/07/mn-lawmakers-filing-lawsuit-over-denied-pay-raise/"this derpster.
Legislators are suing the speaker of Minnesoda’s House because he didn’t take action to implement a pay raise for themselves (from $31K to $45K).
Ummm, you are supposed to be a citizen legislator. If being one is so tough, keep you day job and forget about running.
Does the edit fairy carry a Banjo?
who said bipartisanship is dead? look at these from across the aisle, coming together to get something accomplished.
for themselves.
Judge for yourselves:
Marion O’Neill
Rena Moran
Don’t need no stinking faeries around here.
Fixed link
So… If Bill Gates sold his business and had no income, would that be a problem? Presumably she had some equity in that business that got turned into cash. The other solution would be that she push for aggressively short legislative sessions.
I think that is a big assumption on the success of her business. Liquidating the office furniture and terminating the lease may not have led her to a large pile of cash.
shooting from the hip there, with no looking into it.
<a rel="no follow" href= “Her campaign website
I doubt she even had office furniture, or an office. My guess is, her business consisted of lining up trades for remodeling or some other project, and then tacked on X% to the bill for her time while not actually doing anything. I have worked for people like that.
oops……yet it works.
Thanks for the reminder to no follow those links, def don’t want to provide backlinks to these assholes.
She should run for President!
Or she was a “woman- or minority-owned business” for hire.
I don’t believe there’s any legal requirement that she finish her term. She’s free to quit and find higher paying employment elsewhere. As a former legislator she could probably easily score pretty good money doing policy work somewhere.
They’re both just signaling that they’re ready to sell their votes to the highest bidder.
Crusty linked to this at another place. Pretty good read and atypically lucid for something published at Slate.
Nothing can kill comedy. It has been around for a while. Not 50 years of communist dictatorship, certainly not online trolling. Dunno why it needs to be mentioned.
Because Trump has supernatural powers of destruction.
He has made people like Colbert even less funny.
They can’t kill comedy, but they’re working hard at killing Comedy Central. The level of derp at that place seems to be growing at an exponential level. Every new show is worse.
When they finally pull the plug on South Park, it will be complete.
The blocking of Winnie the Pooh might seem like a bizarre move by the Chinese authorities but it is part of a struggle to restrict clever bloggers from getting around their country’s censorship.
I think you should having linked to a different curb job.
not clicking.
Should be safe for work.
Was expecting American History X.
same here. I get a little sick thinking about that. ugh
I’m not disturbing like HM. (Well, I suppose my links disturb in a different way.)
You mean ‘as disturbed as’, not ‘disturbing like’…
My first thought was Larry David.
The selfish, drug addicted piece of shit, left behind six children and a wife.
The stoics tried to encourage you by saying that you could always “turn your wrist over” it got too bad. Can give you courage or cowardice to think of it like that.
Apparently, Chester Bennington was the secret bastard son of John Podesta. The likeness is uncanny.
I refuse to click on that, but I’m suspecting that /v/pizzagate is probably the worst place on the internet. I mean, even the conspiracy theory subreddit on Reddit wouldn’t have them (probably because they’re not blaming Pizzagate on (((them))), but that’s another story)
I’m just reporting the theory. Here’s a side-by-side photo: https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1500615798696.jpg
Of course
A rape-able sex robot makes the world more dangerous for women, not less
This sounds an awful lot like the arguments that were made about how violent video games will turn young boys into killers. Yet violent crime has been falling for a good long while now.
Send a few of these over to Steve Smith’s cave, and maybe it will be safe to walk in the woods again…
Extreme product testing. But it’s also pretty hard on the delivery guy.
Sex robot settings that eroticise a woman’s lack of consent
Pretty sure that’s consent.
I wish for the day when the perpetually outraged can say ok that’s it nothing left to be outraged about, glad I am done.
Well, I’m here to tell you now, each and every mother’s son,
That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,
‘Cause someday never comes.
Well done.
The first successful sexbot for women will come with a “Fifty Shades of Grey” setting.
“I call him Fister Roboto. And the good part is, he’s learning!”
Domo arigato, Fister Roboto.
Dildo Harigata, Fister Roboto.
“Women’s sex toys, good; men’s sex toys, bad!”
My pocket pussy has never said no. Maybe I should hook it up to Alexa.
So I guess board games like Risk should be banned, lest we breed a new generation of would be Hitlers…
ENB (I don’t care what you guys say I love her still) put it well
I still like her too, but:
I’m surprised
That explains so much…
I think she’s fine on the sex trade issues, but extremely shallow and prone to stupid ‘social justicing’ for no good reason.
Like that idiotic article she posted about how she had white privilege because she was treated nicely by police at the Republican Convention after being in a restricted area. Ah, no, you moron, they treated you nice because you’re an attractive woman, if my Bosnian terrorist looking white ass was there you’d better believe the response would be worse.
Great reply:
De Goede Dokter @voutilad 5h5 hours ago
Replying to @ENBrown
If a robot can be raped it makes it more dangerous for _everyone_ because the robots will add this to their list of reasons to subjugate us.
wait. If rape is about power and domination, then why wouldn’t a robot serve that need? A robot will do nothing but what you tell it to do, so that’s nothing but power and domination. So … why wouldn’t that work? If it doesn’t, she certainly doesn’t say why. Because in the next line she says, no, actually, rape is about ‘attitude’ and a ‘sendse of entitlement”. That’s not the same thing as power and domination. She certainly doesn’t hook them together in anyway — ‘ a sense of entitlement FOR taking power” or something like that. Nor explain why a robot wouldn’t actually help with that, just the canard that outlets for violence don’t reduce violence. And even if it were true that sexual outlets don’t reduce sexual violence, then… they’re not reducing them. But if they’re not *increasing* the incidents of sexual violence, then the robot makes no difference at all.
UGH I HATE THIS “FEMINIST” claptrap, where they just barf out the same crap in a random order, and get high-fives, and it MAKES NO SENSE.
So Valerian is out in theatres. If it can bring even 80% of the awesome that The Fifth Element can, then I’ll be a happy camper.
In other Minnesoda news, the courts spanked Gov. Mumbles and his plan to defund the legislature.
No surprise really. It was pretty silly to think that you could line item veto the budget of one of the branches of govt. Maybe next budget he’ll line out the budget for the judiciary.
Lobbying for legislative seats being essentially voluntary + travel costs would be a nice idea, but that’s not what this is about is it? 🙂
Report: Former Zetas cartel leader used to eat victims
A true environmental hero.
Rodrigo Duterte would like to pin a medal on this man.
“… he claimed the buttocks was the most toothsome dish. I mean, this Heriberto Lazcano…what a jerk!”
but where they thicc cuts?
*Norm approves
Mum defends using a sex toy to soothe her baby son’s teething pain as probe launched
Was it a new sex toy, or previously used?
“as PROBE launched”.
Now that is a good headline writer.
Why post a video online? You live in the UK – a police state.
Any want a WWII .45? If Republicans in Congress don’t fuck it up, the CMP will have a bunch of them to sell.
I’d love one.
I don’t, however, want to give the local cops access to my social media accounts, dig up four people willing to attest to the good content of my character, or wait upto a year with many nonrefundable fees upon the whim of the local anti-gun police force.
I was wondering if I would have to go through all the local hoops for one. Or if being an honorably discharged combat veteran with zero criminal record might suffice in this particular case.
That’d probably make it worse because “PTSD!”
Actually, you sound more dangerous.
For me to own a handgun and comply with the laws in New York, I would have to jump through all of the hoops above and then some.
This is a “May issue” state that is effectively “No Issue” for most residents. I’ve contemplated buying a piece of property across the Vermont border to use as my official firearms residence. But Not actually living there might constitute fraud.
I’ve contemplated buying property in New Hampshire and never leaving.
If I were going to do a one-way relocation, I’d aim for someplace like Wyoming. I was looking at Vermont as the closest available loophole.
Maybe eventually. Right now my family and work are on the East Coast.
If you’re really serious, run the scenario of purchasing a VT investment property, taking a 1 month vacation from your job, establishing legal domicile in VT in the formal sense, storing and securing your arms, and re-establish legal domicile in NY after you come back from vacation. I know a combo FFL+attorney to refer you to if you are really serious.
I need more seed capital first.
I’ll come back to the thought after I’ve done something about my current debt. (Good news is I’m still on track to be debt-free in seven years. Debt-Free, in this day and age.)
As long as you follow the letter of the laws strictly and don’t deprive NYS of the protection racket tax revenue, you should be fine.
Pennsylvania has great gun laws as well. so if your closer to PA then VT that is also an option.
Eh, Pennsylvania’s gun laws are ok. We’re about middle of the pack nation wide. Still pretty good, but nothing outstanding. Like most things except our asinine alcohol laws, PA only looks great compared to our neighbors. Not that I’m complaining, PA beats the ever loving hell out of being stuck in New York, Jersey, or Maryland, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done.
‘Course, we’ll have to wait for a half decent governor first.
I work in Albany. I’m 1 hour from Vermont.
I have no idea how many hours it is from Pennsylvania, I’d have to pass New Jersey or the Catskills first.
I agree, but we’re the Wild West compared to the rest of the Northeast. CC permits are easy as pie to get, open carry is legal, and there is little to no restrictions on type or features of guns.
::coughs and politely points to northern New England::
UCS, from Albany to Pennsylvania is about 6 to 7 hours normally. Off course, that will land you in the hinterlands of Pennsyltucky, you’ll have to drive a bit further to get any where with people.
Off course, knowing you’re disdain of almost all things, the endless mountains and their relative lack of population maybe right up your alley.
Fair point, I should exclude NH from my statement. I’m surrounded by folks from NJ and NY, and CT so I have a blind spot for the better side of Verhampshure.
Good bless Pennsyltucky for still being numerous enough to counterbalance the transplants. May we never go the way of Colorado.
NH is the Johnny-come-lately. Vermont has had the original Vermont carry for a long time. Maine is a shall-issue CCW jurisdiction. Northern New England is overall pretty solid.
Thanks for the info Pomp, did not realize Vermont laws were so reasonable.
Uh, are you thinking of the process of getting a CCW? I’d imagine just buying that handgun would be pretty simple. Hell, even here in California it’s just a few signatures, a DOJ background check, and the 10 day waiting period.
It is illegal to purchase or own a handgun in New York without a permit.
There is only one kind of permit. You have to go through the whole rigamarole regardless of the scope of the permit requested. And as it’s nigh impossible to get your permit scope expanded, there’s never a point to ask for less than full CCW.
NY is impossible.
Here in North Dakota you have to wait about 5-15 mins for the NICS check to clear. That’s it.
I was thinking of writing an article on the unconstitutional (and downright immoral) requirements for legally purchasing a handgun in New York.
I still might.
The NICS verification process has never taken more than a couple minutes for me here in NH. Predictably the new VT-style “constitutional carry” here has not resulted in an immediate uptick in murders.
UCS, New Jersey is just as bad if not worse.
First PICS check took about an hour for me; PA had its own background system run by our state police. Every time after that it had been about half an hour. Most people can get it done in around 10 minutes, but I have an incredibly common name so background checks of any kind take longer, as they have to verify they have the correct Mr. Smith.
“It is illegal to purchase or own a handgun in New York without a permit.
There is only one kind of permit. You have to go through the whole rigamarole regardless of the scope of the permit requested. And as it’s nigh impossible to get your permit scope expanded, there’s never a point to ask for less than full CCW.”
That’s nuts.
I’m hoping that there is a Northeast (NJ, NY, or CT) gun case that makes it to the Supreme Court and gets a massive slapdown from them. (As long as I’m not the test case)
I’m hoping that there is a Northeast (NJ, NY, or CT) gun case that makes it to the Supreme Court and gets a massive slapdown from them.
The 3rd circuit fairly recently ruled in Drake that New Jersey prohibiting citizens from bearing arms does not burden the right to bear arms. SCOTUS refused to take it up and let the decision stand.
Yea – I’m kind of confused why the Supremes seem to have no problem knocking down DC and IL on 2A cases but ignore NY and NJ. Maybe as the court changes this year and next they’ll take one.
OMG a million times yes, I want one badly. Hopefully the Senate doesn’t sabotage this. *chortle*
I believe that the last time this went through, McCain sabotaged it.
So we might stand a chance this time.
Does it make me a bad person that when I heard McCain had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, my first thought was “well, that explains a lot”?
If it does, I am too. Thought the same thing.
hell yeah!
I’ve bought some still-sealed WW2 era oil capacitors in the same type of kraft/wax paper. Also vacuum tubes wrapped in some softpack material (that probably causes cancer). It’s a great feeling to unpack a bit of history.
Cosmoline ftw
We were digging around our granddad’s basement after he died, and found a WWII field medic’s first aid kit. Remarkably complete, even contained a still-full hydrogen peroxide bottle.
I’m in the market for an M1 garand. They are hard to find at a reasonable price
Reply derp this was meant to be on another comment.
Go through the CMP. it’s the best deal you can get.
I wanted to get this, but I’m not in the club.
I joined a cmp affiliated club for almost nothing a fee years back when I ordered a Garand. There is a shooting range that has some affiliation to the cmp a few towns over. I gave them 20 bucks and shot there a few times and that was good enoigh. You can look up lists of cmp affiliated orgs and there are a lot of them that charge very little to become a member.
theres a good idea.
Any want a WWII .45?
Does STEVE SMITH rape bears shitting in the woods? Hell yeah!
Will I expect it to work at all? Hell no.
Is that a statement regarding WWII-era 1911s and/or the original manufacturer, or presumption based on age? Assuming that all the parts are slathered liberally with cosmoline and there is no remarkable level of corrosion, those guns should fire just fine.
Oh I forgot to say this: I own a Yugo Mauser M48 that was packed away in cosmoline for something like 4 decades, worked flawlessly after cleaning away all the cosmoline. Same with a 1976 Yugo SKS, which came with a sweet maintenance log book with both Latin and Cyrillic handwriting, basically hadn’t been fired since the 1976 100m group log. Both guns were so well slathered that they didn’t have a micrometer of corrosion on them anywhere after they were cleaned up.
Michigan Corrections Department to aid transgender inmates
Gender dysphoria is defined as a conflict between a person’s assigned gender and the gender they identify with.
I remember getting my gender assignment from dad’s sperm. It was such a proud moment.
Yeah, it’s not assigned, it’s just reality. But pointing out biological reality might make all this “identifying” stuff look like the mental illness (in some cases attention-whoring) it actually is.
It pissed me off that taxpayer money is used for non-essential surgery and medical treatment.
gender-affirming surgery
*Winston Smith pauses, then goes on with work*
Haha. You don’t even realize how they twist words until someone points it out.
Thrones Producers talk their alt-history modern slavery show, play the word salad game really well.
I really don’t understand the objections to this show. Are they denying that the South was actually pro-slavery, and might have continued the practice for some unknown time if they hadn’t been defeated? If not, then why is a show based on that premise so bad?
There’s a lot of denial (and in some cases none at all) on the right as to what the South was fighting for.
But this show’s premise seems to explicitly claim slavery as a casus belli, so what is their objection?
I was mistaken. The outrage is coming from the left apparently.
Don’t enact that labor for them Roxane!
Probably 3 or 4 I would think.
Woooah! I better take break and lie down. That was strenuous.
My favorite was the one that said “They’d never greenlight a World War II alternate history where the Nazis won!”, followed by 1000 people pointing out Man in the High Castle.
They really are clueless idiots.
They need to consult non cis het male POC on how white cis het males would implement slavery in a modern setting. Otherwise it’s som
.. something evil. Sorry phone error.
I have no problem denying that the South would have continued slavery for well over a century after the Industrial Revolution. The economic advantages technology has over slavery would have driven them to discontinue the practice WELL before the 21st century.
We had this discussion – It would not be as common, the economies of truth pushing towards other modes of operation, but it might very well still be legal, and a status symbol “I can afford to keep people.”
Modern slaves would be more custodial in nature I would imagine.
Something like a prison work farm?
More like personal manservant or personal whore that can’t quit their job.
I find it objectionable because, as a born and raised Southerner, I’m sick of liberal coastals finding exciting and new ways to take a shit on my home and the people I love. It’s tiresome.
Especially when liberal enclaves can be as racist or more than any place in the South. I mean, in the South there’s much more daily integration.
This is very true. After living in the south I know that people of all races, colors, creeds and socioeconomic status hate Nick Saban.
For my whole life I’ve been a westerner or a “Yankee”, but it’s always been uncomfortable for me to listen to holier-than-though pricks shit all over southerners. Having a good-natured chuckle about Cletus the hillbilly winning Powerball or Florida Man or what have you is one thing, but the earnest “backward racist South” and “pure as the driven snow righteous Northerner” combo is tiresome as fuck.
It can work both ways too. There are plenty of prejudiced retards from the south that want nothing to do with a “Yankee”.
It’s just tribalism all the way down.
So much this. I suppose they think we’re supposed to feel guilty in perpetuity for having ancestors that did what every other person’s ancestors also did.
You aren’t repenting adequately enough for your original sin.
Which is doubly stupid when you look at interstate immigration trends from 1865 to today. Never mind the fact that the vast majority of white Southerners didn’t have the means to own slaves in the first place. Or the fact that Northerners owned slaves too.
pretty much this.
Hasn’t this horse been dug up and defiled enough times? Can’t they just spank it to the footage from last time?
Brain damaged man says crazy things.
I see the surgery to cut out the tumor hasn’t affected his war-mongering lunacy.
Prefer my version of the links? Please let sloop know in the comments. Oh, and a link to a song
Whoever is the purveyor of daily links is my hero, because I am a lazy piece of shit. So, cin-cin.
Right, RIGHT?! Bunch o’ whiners and abusers of the commons upthread.
*sheds single tear of gratitude*
Body cam footage from dog shooting cop released.
Trigger warning. It looks worse than it did on the original security cam footage.
I could only watch a bit of that before my blood started to boil… WTF!
why is the cop in the backyard?
those dogs weren’t aggressive at all: Wagging tail? Hello?
You missed the part where he is talking to the gal at the front door? Where he shows all the emotional range of Keanu Reeves saying it is “unfortunate” and “I love dogs”?
And yeah, looking at that first dog who isn’t even heading in his direction and wagging its tail getting shot is pretty fucking bad.
Speaking of Keanu Reeves, would anyone have blamed her if she went all John Wick on him after that?
If that had been my home where some asshole came into my back yard and killed my dogs, I would have come out immediately guns blazing. And likely end up dead or in jail for life.
The copsuckers are still gonna copsuck here. Here’s an example comment.
(all spelling errors above retained herein, just because)
How do UPS drivers, mail carriers, etc. manage to handle these daily encounters with dogs without slaughtering them? Are cops such pants-shitting pussies and cowards they can’t even handle obviously friendly dogs? Or maybe they really are sociopaths with a jones for killing.
My ups driver was attacked by two dogs two weeks ago. One bit him pretty good on the leg. He fell over a fence trying to get away and tore his rotator cuff. He was back on the job after a day off. He didn’t shoot any of the dogs. Nice guy.
Serious question. How many dogs have actually seriously injured or killed cops in the past 10 years or so? If it’s more than 5, I’ll be surprised.
Killed is zero. I’m not sure about seriously injured, but I’d be surprised if that wasn’t zero too (unless you go by the cop definition of “seriously injured”, which likely involves a chihuahua nipping their heels)
So you can see how effective their shoot first policy is at making certain they go home safely after their shift.
Yup, a split second for a dog to snap. Somehow, I don’t think that split second will mean instant death for the cop. He can wait for that snap to happen before shooting a dog. If these POS cops are so terrified for their lives that they need to fire their guns at anything that could even possibly may might become a threat, maybe they shouldn’t be fucking cops! For God’s sake, soldiers are expected to show more restraint, and their lives are in far more danger than police will ever face. Also, I’d love to see what the salary of cops are compared to the average American’s salary. Oh wait, the person used a weasel word “average decent tax payer.” So I guess he/she can throw out any salary that might bring the average below what cops make.
The dog feared for its life.
It takes a split second for a cop to snap. Do we get to shoot them for our safety?
Umm, at the risk of opening myself up to a host of things, I am actually a cop. I’m also in a position to direct the training of the other cops who work for me and it is specifically because of the Glibs here showing nutpunch after nutpunch that I quietly implemented a program where my K9 handlers routinely train my straightlegs on how to identify friendly vs. aggressive behavior in animals and react appropriately. It’s never been an issue.
I’ve also implemented a number of other programs and the frequent refrain from my trainers whenever some idiot new guy spouts off about use of force or “fearing for their safety” is “do you want to look like one of those morons on the news? No? Then shut the fuck up and think through these things.”
Cops need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Your job is to protect people. It’s not to go home safely at night. It’s to ensure that everyone, criminals included, stay alive. So kindly fuck off with your cowardly shit because I’ve been through it (this includes the people who will support them without a second thought).
Thanks, Mustang. I have heard similar things from cop friends. The smart ones recognize that the PR battles are being lost every day.
To be clear, I’m military police, but we do the day-to-day law enforcement on base and encounter the same things, especially on larger bases. I often have to work with civilian law enforcement (yes, they are civilians despite what they think) and I don’t find them to be particularly agreeable, in part because of the rational counter-arguments I read lurking around here.
Christ, thank you. The “Cops aren’t civilians” thing pisses me the hell off.
They’re at least nominally subject to civil (rather than military) law, that makes them civilians. Full stop.
I have no real issue with police. I only want them to shoot after being shot at (or in this case bit).
We all have risks in the job we take. Police probably have more than others, but we all knew that going in. if they think they’re going into a battlefield, maybe they can use the same rules the military does.
“I only want them to shoot after being shot at”
I think this is an unreasonable thing to ask of someone. An actual threat should be enough to warrant acting in self-defense even if it’s difficult to determine sometimes. I think the solution, as imperfect as it is, would be to have all cases of violence tried in court.
“I only want them to shoot after being shot at”
I think this is an unreasonable thing to ask of someone.
Military ROE right now basically requires this. In an actual war zone with actual hostiles. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to hold cops to the same standard with their fellow citizens. If they don’t want the risk, find another job. They are supposedly there for the public’s benefit, not to ensure their own safety above all else and at the risk of the public.
someone military could chime in, but i think in their ROE they have to get permission after being shot at.
I think to find a reasonable line, we might have to use the military ROE for now. I think the mil ROE might be a little extreme when in a combat situation, but we have people who legally carry who get shot here.
^This. There are many places with comparatively strict gun laws that still allow open carry, so it’s not unreasonable to imagine a law-abiding, peaceful citizen going about his or her way with a loaded firearm visible on their person. It’s also, sadly, not surprising that in many of these places police will see a person carrying a holstered firearm as a threat by default. Hell, if a dog is a threat because it is possible that the dog could bite the cop then an openly-carried firearm should fall in the same idiotic category.
Police work is not especially risky. According to the stats, cops are pretty far down on the list, even sanitation workers have higher on the job mortality than cops do. Yet we don’t allow the garbage man to violate our rights because he has a “dangerous” job.
I’ve thought about that route for a career before. Statie, I suppose. How do you square your libertarian leanings with it? I think that would be my biggest hang up.
I’m getting out of the law enforcement role and running far away from it specifically because I can’t square it with my principles anymore. I have entertained the idea of joining civilian law enforcement with the intent to reform it but my experiences with working them have been less than impressive. I just want away from the legal horseshit and corruption that ties my hands so often. Everything you guys complain about on here is true from my anecdotal experience.
Fair enough. I’m not an anarchist, so I’m not so apposed to police. I think they have a drastically unrealistic view of society.
I assume the mil side is a little better at that.
I won’t lie, working with federal law enforcement and local law enforcement frequently, I’ve found myself understanding why people would leak information.
When the FBI shows up to an exercise riding Blackhawks with better gear than I can get my troops, I have a really hard time not ranting.
opposed. jesus.
I don’t have a problem with a cop wanting to go home safely at night, and I’m sure that there are some actual situations that are going to scare a person to the point of going into self-preservation mode, but ffs please keep in mind that all the rest of us are also mere men and like to go home safe at night as well.
Mustang, if you’d consider doing a piece for us about your experiences, about the people you’ve worked with, and the evolution in your thinking, I think that would be fantastic. I’d love to understand the POV of a principled LEO and I thing the rest of your fellow Glibs would as well.
I will definitely consider it. Bit swamped right now but I’ll get started!
Thanks a lot, you have a set of experiences that the rest of us don’t.
Yeah, thanks Mustang; good job. If I could make a request as a fellow reader here, please promulgate the notion amongst your students that once they get in the civilian world they are “Peace Officers”, not “Law Enforcement Officers”. Words/mindset/culture matters.
(I guess in MP roles it actually is proper to use the LEO term – dunno.)
After reading your last sentence, I was going to ask if you were ex-military, but I see you answered that below. You see that protective attitude more often with cops who come from a military background.
Do police departments hire mental case officers? Or does the stress of the job cause mental issues with officers? I’d love to see a deep dive study into this.
Bla haven’t had my caffeine yet. Do departments hire police officers who are mental cases?**
I think given the current realities of the job (virtually unlimited authority to fuck with people without consequence) that the job naturally attracts sociopaths.
And repels those with a conscience. When I was coming off active duty in my mid 20’s, I could have very easily got myself a slot in a police academy. No question my total earnings and retirement package would have been much larger if I had taken that route.
But I could not see myself being the asshole writing people tickets on their way to work, hassling teenagers for drinking (like I did), etc…
And if you exercised your conscience regarding the malfeasance and assholery of your fellow cops, your career would have been very short anyway.
Nitpick: you should have written “dog-shooting cop” instead of “dog shooting cop”. I initially thought this was a freak case of a dog somehow shooting a cop. Although maybe that bizarre misinterpretation is all on me.
Florida Man needs to beat his worthless children more.
Chipwooder needs a beating more often so he remembers to post working links.
You need to hit it like ten times before it works.
I Disagree
The links are SF’d all the way down!
*deadpan* That’s the joke. */deadpan*
Your link doesn’t work!
I picked up on your joke UCS.
*Drinks more coffee*
I even double checked that time
Oh, FFS. Evil has won.
Could have linked to this instead.
That I can understand — her hair is did, and she’s wearing that lovely coat. Why mess all that up?
I mean, they didn’t even call their lawyer or union rep! For God’s sake!
I like what you did there
So should the suicide text message girl go free?
I have a feeling these little psychopaths are going to make their little corner of Florida hell in the not too distant future.
Well, until they end up getting shot when they fuck with the wrong person.
Seriously. If that was a member of my family, there names and pictures would be on a list and my life would be dedicated to crossing each name out.
The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
In which, Michelle Obama receives high praise for using twitter to simultaneously wish a Happy Birthday and virtue-signal.
I’m sorry, but the exhorbinate bill from Shelly O’s innumerable vacations says Mel is the better first lady so far.
What about Michele’s courageous “Bring back our girls” sad-face hashtag campaign? Now that’s a great first lady!
Until she does a hashtag for the boys slaughtered by Boko Haram, I’m going to assume she’s a misandrist.
Pretty good bet your assumption is correct.
Michelle is an elitist ignoramus who thinks she knows food and pimps out beliefs and supports regulations that harm children and the overall health of people.
For once she’s proud of her country? GTFOH.
Occupy Democrats has to be the most ignorant of all Prog groups. Their Obamagasms are downright creepy.
Maxine Update: Every Team Red guy groans in sadness as she admits she doesn’t want to (um, can’t) run. I was briefly thinking about an ultra-moonbat Kamala/Maxine ticket, but alas that’s only a dream.
I think she’s an idiot, but cunning enough to realize that her poverty-pimp schtick will only work to secure her current, safe seat, and that it won’t fly in flyover country.
If she wants to make herself useful, she should agree to switch jobs with Samantha Bee. Maxine’s at least unintentionally hilarious.
Then you would have Samantha Bee in Congress, nobody needs that.
California electors wouldn’t be able to vote for both Harris and Waters.
As the top Democrat on the Financial Services Committee
Don’t you just feel like the next Lehman shock is going to be just a tad worse?
Democracy in action.
That is how she cuts breaks for her husbands bank isn’t it?
I prefer to be an optimist that Harris is merely a scumbag opportunist and not a moonbat.
I’m not sure that’s better than being a true believer.
You’re probably right.
He just really likes donuts
The first time was a practice run.
You have to go through the proper channels to become a police officer.
Trailer for Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Damn I can’t wait for this movie.
Same here. It looks like they kept the same tone and everything!
Kuchar went +1 today and is one stroke behind the leaders now, Spieth and Koepka haven’t teed off, but no one else playing the morning session today made a move.
The only golfer better than -1 so far today is Zach Johnson, who shot a -4 to get to +1 overall.
Until we get to the weekend, I’m not paying attention.
Re asshole progressives who stop talking to friends and family because they thing they’re so smart, moral and revolutionary. Gavin on having lost friends because of politics:
My mom said she found my 5 year old niece crying because she couldn’t lover her Nana because Nana voted for Trump. My brother ain’t a wackadoodle, but his wife is. At least now she tempers it around other people, but I can’t imagine the fucked up shit she talks about in private if she put that in my nieces head.
I’d think being five years old and being Nana’s lover would be creepy.
Why the hell is there still no edit button!
That’s just wrong.
I guess to fair to my sister-in-law, it doesn’t appear this was directed solely at my mom, because my niece asked her if she had voted for trump and when my mom said she did, then my niece said that. So what ever the hell she’s being told, it is that she should hate all trump voters, not just family.
Still wrong.
It’s beyond just wrong, it’s sick.
“Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages”
“Better whiners, better diversity, better cucks”
Define “Better”
Do a better job and you will get better wages.
But better skill for better wages is offensively untrue
Dionysos ☭Ⓐ @arlaqin
I mean you seem to care about the objectively true. It is undeniable that millennials are the most educated and skilled gen in history
Undeniable, eh?
Most educated is probably true, in that more of them go to college than in previous generations (though we can argue what a modern college education is worth).
Skilled? Nope.
Actually, credentialed is not the same as educated. So I would argue give the lack of intellectual and scientific rigor in many study areas these days, that they are not even close to the most educated either.
^ This. Most credentialed generation is the only thing remotely close to what that tweeter (twit?) that is actually objectively true. True education encompasses far more than formal education, such that an un-credentialed person can in fact be more educated than a credentialed one.
I’d say boomers and gen xers had a better education. Maybe not college degrees, but at least you could read if graduated high school.
And they still manage to be illiterate.
I doubt, for example, most of them read the classics judging with my interactions with them.
Rufus: Hey, how about that Moliere, eh?
Tattooed bearded Millennial: Who?
::Enters Moliere into wikipedia::
PPFFTT, totally. Stupid illiterate millenials.
I had a bright young scientist working for me (BS and MS degrees) who had never even heard of Orwell or 1984. I told him he was a dumbass. That night, he went home and complained to his wife that I had been mean to him. “He called me a dumbass because I never heard of something called 1984.” She responded, “The Orwell book? You don’t know that? He’s right, you ARE a dumbass.”
So I’ll give that generation a 50% grade.
That book was required in my 9th grade English class.
While a sample size of two might be plenty for the back of your windowless van…
Confirmed: Rufus is a misanthrope.
They misspelled “entitled”.
“What it means is: we won’t change the economy to benefit the workers. Workers get what they deserve – if they want better they have to BE better”
Wait, this woman he’s quoting actually thinks that’s a BAD thing? Isn’t it, like, a fundamental rule of economics? You get paid more if you bring more value to your employer?
No, because everyone HAS A RIGHT to a comfortable living wage, shitlord!
The Papa John’s angle just made me think of this photoshop the news entry I did when Peyton Manning retired.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
Found on that OG quote link.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the lack of sports bullshit, Banjos.
I was hoping he would let Sloopy know that the Astros got beaten like a redheaded stepchild last night.
There needs to be a study to determine why red headed step children are so damn deserving of beatings.
Gingers, man.
Constant reminder that the old lady slept with one.
My assumption was always that “stepchild” was a euphemism for a child who was the product of the wife’s infidelity.
You are always free to post sports free links somewhere else. Complaining about them here is a bit whiny.
You are always free to post sports-full links somewhere else. Complaining about someone complaining about them here is a bit butthurty.
*Sniveling in someone else’s house about the furniture*
What’s that I hear?
Is that the sound of an incoming cat-butt?
Meh. I’m more than alright with the sports stuff I don’t care about – beggars can’t be choosers. The way sloopy presents the links after that more than makes up for the “inconvenience” of scrolling idly past the verbiage. Plus, it’s extremely common for him to be like “okay, now we got that sports stuff out of the way, on to the important stuff.”
I was actually referring to the Freeman. I would never advocate cat-butting a fellow RF/Microwave nerd.
Are you fucking kidding me? Some of the most punchable pricks on earth are e-mag fetishists. Fucking dorks.
*quickly hides collection of historically important Yagis*
Freebie, Swiss is one of the Glib founders. You know, the people who contributed time and money to make this place. IOW, you are a guest here and you are acting in a churlish and ungrateful manner.
Give me a fucking break. I didn’t say anything that should have produced butthurt, but it did. If someone wants to get shitty with me I’ll get shitty right back at them, I don’t care from which noble lineage they are descended. Ban me if that’s what the situation calls for.
( * )
Nice butthole, I think.
My, we are pleasant today, aren’t we FS.
You could leave and not diminish this site one jot. Or, you can stick around and whine, I suppose.
Just ban me if you want. The hurt in your butt is apparently very deep. I’m a prick because I put the word ‘bullshit’ next to ‘sports’, then I was a huger prick because I returned fire on one of my betters. This is petty as fuck.
You seem fascinated by “butthurt” – its just a bit of weariness about us putting up hundreds of posts and we get someone belching in the corner that the food is lousy….and the portions are so small!
If we are such a burden on you, depart for greener pastures. If you can not be such a snarling oaf, stick around and enjoy the variety of topics,links, articles and commenters.
*Extended sniveling*
Maybe if you put up 10 or 12 more posts explain how you’re not the one who’s butthurt we’ll start to see it.
Bit strong, though, don’t you think?
That’s the vibe I’m getting.
Wow. I’ve never gotten the vibe that you were a prick. I guess I just didn’t notice until now.
Right back at ya I guess?
That’s sure to work out well. Why bite the hand that feeds you links?
I thanked the hand as I recall. I’m so sorry to have deeply offended everyone. Excuse me while I go cry into a pillow.
Specifically, I was referring to Swiss, who often does the links. I’m not sure what you hope to accomplish being surly and childish this way, but it’s rather unbecoming. I could speculate that you’re better than this, but I hate being proven wrong.
I spoke ill of sports. Then I’m called a whiner and invited to leave the site altogether. And instead of kissing feet I fired back. If that’s enough to change your opinion of me well I guess I must have been on thin ice for a while now.
Hard to argue with that logic.
Door. Ass.
It’s always open and swings both ways. A clever man will divine the obvious hints lobbed directly at his thick fucking head and, hopefully, act accordingly.
Breathe in and let the chaos consume you.
it’s like 4 lines of text. I don’t get the hubbub.
When college football starts, I’ll be doing some updates for the PAC12.
There is no hubbub. Except the people taking shit personal. I PROMISE I’LL NEVER SAY MEAN THINGS ABOUT SPORTS AGAIN FORGIVE ME!
Say all the bad stuff about sports you want – whining about how we do our posts…eh. Not productive, no value added to conversation.
*Extra bitching and whining*
Comment #4 in this thread was made in the exact same spirit, but not a word of censure.
I like the sports blurbs. I don’t follow sports closely, so I like the update on the goings on.
I am already prepping my college football weekly preview for week 0.
My promise is it will be totally unlike any preview anywhere else.
Girls of the SEC vs. Girls of the ACC vs. Girls of the California PAC12 Schools?
barstool might have that.
Arizona PAC12 girls put the rest of the universe to shame. Objective fact.
I thought it was the Arizona State girls who did? Granted, I’ve spent a fair amount of time around Tempe and very little around Tucson.
I agree Chip, every time i was on ASU campus I wondered if they were involved in cloning hot blondes.
As long as you don’t include Duke, the ACC will be a strong contender.
I dig on sports. I don’t know, is that weird here? Seems like a number of folks on this site have at least a passing interest in one sport or another.
I just called sports bullshit, I didn’t say the people who like sports are bullshit. People on here talk shit about my home state in the most vitriolic terms, yet I never felt the need to get bent out of shape about it or accuse them of being whiney or telling them to leave. It didn’t even change my generally positive opinions of the people saying it. It’s like I slaughtered someone’s sacred cow.
OOC, is your home state California, New York, or New Jersey? I’m just guessing the likely suspects. I’m from Maryland, which is like those states but lacking any of the positive traits while not even being bad enough to be infamous. But at least we have a good flag.
I don’t know where everyone is, but I know that right here on the sunny shores of Spa Creek, minutes west of the Chesapeake Bay, the heat index is somewhere around 100F and it’s humid as eff with our usual ironic lack of anything like a breeze, so tempers are short as hell.
That could be but these flair ups don’t happen very often. If putting the words “sports” and “bullshit” next to each other in a sentence leads people to believe that I’m castigating the founders, the posters, the linkers and their pets then clearly a lot of people want me gone. Perhaps I’ll oblige I don’t know.
Hey Free; from one prick to another, don’t go. You’re alright, kid.
And I know we’d all miss that avatar.
I appreciate that Mike. Take care of yourself 🙂
Go Buffs.
Damn right.
I’m a USC fan…
Can I write those for you? Update: The PAC12 sucks.
If only a key Democratic constituency weren’t actively undermining that “better skills” part, I might find them more believable.
That dog shooting is fucking outrageous.
You can’t possibly know what it’s like to be a cop! They’re out there keeping you safe, and all you can do is criticize them! Next time your house is broken into, CALL A CRACKHEAD!
I love that clever cop-sucker rejoinder. You know, because those are your only choices. Someone hits me with that one, my response will be, “No, I’ll call a private investigator so I can get my stuff back.”
Last time my business was broken into, the cops were of no use whatsoever. The thieves left a trail of candy wrappers back to the rent control apartments (no exaggeration whatsoever), yet the cops couldn’t be bothered to go ask around or investigate. They just put me thru my paces and paperwork so they could respond to the insurance company and left it at that.
Next time, call a crackhead. The results won’t be any worse.
I was at a friends and we saw a crackhead on the roof of the porch to the apartment below us. he had just robbed the place below. she ran to the window and scared the fuck out of him. he fell off the roof and hit the fence, it looked like he had to have sprained or broken an ankle.
when the cops came, they asked if they could search her place. she said no and they got all pissy. then they left.
Back in my days of big city livin’, my house was broken into three times when I was at work. My neighbor witnessed it each time, said he personally knew the convicted felon responsible, he gave the cops the guy’s name, the guy’s oily finger prints were so present that they were actually visible to the naked eye on my white walls. It would have been the easiest case in the world to solve. The responding officer said they had better things to do. Supposedly she (the officer) was involved in a big marijuana bust. Which is like totally more important than people kicking in your door and invading your home repeatedly.
A few weeks ago a buddy if mine had two pistols stolen out of his house by teenage friends of his son. He had photographic evidence of the kids who stole them with the guns in their hands. He gave the evidence to the police and even gave the police the address where the kids and his guns were. Nothing. the cops did absolutely nothing about it.
Did he ever get them back?
nope. There are too many people riding around without their seatbelt on and smoking the Devils weed for the cops to find time to follow up on a mere case of a homeowners firearms being stolen from his house.
No shit? He never went over and retrieved his guns, or at least tell the shit kids parents? I’m not sure he wants his guns running loose. That could end badly for him.
Now that OJ is getting out of jail, maybe the juice could help out with property retrieval.
My uncle was murdered and cops didn’t do shit (didn’t help that he was a Yankee murdered in rural Georgia). My mother hired the best Private Investigators she could find (admittedly two former detectives), and the guy was in custody a week later. Then he pled down to manslaughter, did 7 years of a 20 year sentence, and immediately tried to kidnap a girl when he was released.
Here he is (and it wasn’t his uncle, he was a 2nd-cousin on the hillbilly loser side of the family).
wait, you’re related?
it says he killed his uncle.
It wasn’t his uncle. Distant 2nd cousins or whatever. Met the guy once when he was a kid at my grandfather’s funeral. My uncle was down there visiting family when this asshole killed him, buried him in a garden, stole his money and truck, and took off on a drug-fueled joy ride.
The crackhead could actually be incentivized to go get your stuff back for you.
Today, in Tim Egan Watch- an ode to no man’s land.
But for a time, the Kootenai National Forest fell into the wrong hands. The barbarians nearly destroyed a land that was meant to remain a place of wonder for our children’s children’s children.
The mountainsides were skinned in industrial clear-cuts, the end result of public servants colluding with corporate plunderers. After the forests of larch, cedar, fir and pine were leveled for timber, the hillsides could no longer hold the ground during times of heavy rain and snowmelt. Tons of sediment slid into the Yaak River, which flows into the Kootenai.
“Industrial clearcuts” you say? And what, I wonder, became of that timber? You don’t suppose it went all across America, to be used to build houses like the one you grew up in, do you? Or perhaps made into paper such as that on which you smear your feebleminded excrescences? Of course not. Those evil corporate plunderers just cut those trees down and threw them away. When you’re a corporate plunderer, you do stuff like that. In fact, I bet some evil rich guys clearcut that forest so they could hunt from hot air balloons, slaughtering Bambis by the hundreds, even as they sat in serene suspended luxury high above the dirt and bugs, sipping champagne and eating delicacies prepared by their indentured teenage love slaves.
That’s what I’d do, given half the chance.
Air balloon somali pirate hunting.
Throw in a picnic basket, a supermodel and some champagne and you have a perfect day.
Pinch basket, eh? Sounds sexy…
Edit Fairy got ya!
Pissfucks like this guy stir a dark impulse within me to go on a child-murder rampage.
Does this guy not understand a very simeple fact – Trees grow back
Or that they burn down if left to their own devices
Hmm. I drive through the St. Joe Paper Company’s holdings all the time. The only part that is clear-cut and not growing back is the part they sold to developers to build beach houses for rich people. Do you think the paper and timber guys are going to waste land that obviously grows good trees? Just because the field is plowed under doesn’t mean it will never grow again.
National Forests are logging preserves. Egan is confusing National Forests (Dept of Agriculture) with National Parks (Dept of the Interior, perhaps deliberately so. Every serious hiker, hunter, etc knows this difference.
There are a few Recreation Areas (campgrounds, etc) within the National Forests, but that is not the primary purpose of the National Forests.
“We need wilderness to protect us from ourselves,” wrote Rick Bass, who was born in Texas, and found his voice after moving to the Yaak Valley some years ago.
I cannot help wondering if Rick might not one of “those” Basses. You know, *the* Bass Brothers, out of Texas. Billionaires, they are. That seems to be the sort of circle one would expect a New York Times moralizer to travel in. If true, that little homily was more likely than not uttered while sipping antique Scotch flown in from Scotland, while while philosophizing about the view from the veranda of an rustic, yet ultimately rather comfortable, twelve thousand square foot log weekend getaway.
“We need wilderness to protect us from ourselves,”
I’m going to assume this guy has spent little to no time in the wilderness. The wilderness actually tries very actively to kill you. It’s civilization that protects us from the wilderness. That’s kind of the whole point of society.
While not a sportsball fan I do enjoy Sloopy’s commentary. It’s pithy and amusing, and helps me understand what the other folks are talking about.
*marks Tonio down as new recipient for daily Competitive LARPing newsletter*
My Lord the comments in the WaPo article.
The hate progressives have is something else.
It’s pretty much all they have right now.
Wow, that is an impressive load of projection, right there.
hate’s an ugly emotion on just about everybody too. these people must not like looking in the mirror these days.
Krugabe’s beating his tin drum
Is Trumpcare finally dead? Even now, it’s hard to be sure, especially given Republican moderates’ long track record of caving in to extremists at crucial moments. But it does look as if the frontal assault on the Affordable Care Act has failed.
And let’s be clear: The reason this assault failed wasn’t that Donald Trump did a poor selling job, or that Mitch McConnell mishandled the legislative strategy. Obamacare survived because it has worked — because it brought about a dramatic reduction in the number of Americans without health insurance, and voters didn’t and don’t want to lose those gains.
Has it made people healthier? Who gives a shit? That’s not the metric.
Health insurance is not the same as healthcare. derp
I’m glad trump care is dead. Please just repeal. repeal, deregulate. it’s that simple
I agree with you.
Further, people will be healthier if they are forced to financially participate in their healthcare. Like everything else, having skin in the game changes the incentives.
repeal, deregulate. it’s that simple
While that would be the best option, it’s not going to happen, because the people don’t want it to. I saw a poll the other day (insert standard disclaimer about the reliability of polls) that showed that this is one of the least popular options. People don’t like Obamacare, but most who dislike it want it replaced, not simply repealed. I think the numbers were something like 35% wanted to repeal & replace, 30% opposed repeal, and 20% sided with you, wanting total repeal (the rest had no opinion).
I’ve thought: “if all we care about is covering people, let’s just give them plans with one dollar per month premiums, but with $1 billion dollar deductibles and they only cover Mad Cow Disease and nothing else”. There you go, easy peasy. Everyone has equally useless coverage.
Why should we pay for Rachel Maddow?
it brought about a dramatic reduction in the number of Americans without health insurance,
Yea, forcing people at gunpoint to pay for something will do that to a market.
Anyone else watch that Milo video that “NPR doesn’t want you to see?”
I gotta admit, I’ve read/watched very little of his actual publications. As expected, he’s got the “Conservative Falstaff” bit down, but I thought it was telling that he comes right out and says it. He keeps saying over and over again “I’m telling basic truths and being intentionally, clownishly offensive and you dumb mother fuckers are the only reason I have an audience” and even the slow-witted, dulcet-toned NPR interviewer IN THE SAME ROOM can’s help himself.
No wonder this guy has such a huge following. He’s got something to appeal to those only in search of the lul’s, and he’s got something to appeal to for those who want to hear some real truth spoken to real power, and he’s got something for those who just want to see a skilled pundit arguing a point. And he’s only able to do what he does because his foes are so, so much worse at what they do that he is.
So all my preconceived notions are confirmed and I don’t have to grow as a human. Just the way I like it.
Link please.
Thanks. bookmarked for later
Thx everyone.
Milo is publicity gold. It’s not that journalists stick their dick in crazy, it’s that he’s a treasure trove of free publicity.
Journalists are not Maoist propagandists. They’re self-involved narcissists who want all the trappings of fame without the effort of producing media.
That was a helluva good interview. Had its intended effect on me too; I bought his book right afterward.
I find Milo very entertaining, and he pisses off all the right people.
No, YOU got too drunk and stayed up all night playing video games.
Googled “mouse mouse mouse mouse.” Was not disappointed.
What game?
Witcher 3
I think I finally being recognized as a libertarian…my phone just finished this sentence with orphans- “I’m out of…”
Since coming up with this idea a few days ago, I have been brainstorming ways that a libertarian could be able to run as a Democrat to adapt to districts like mine (which is D+17!) Here are the ones that I’ve come up with:
1. Push for marijuana to be descheduled, other illegal drugs to be available by prescription.
2. Be the voice for full marijuana legalization in North Carolina.
3. Be the most muscular watchdog for NSA reform enforcement, specifically for bulk surveillance.
4. My rep, David Price, voted in 2013 against an amendment to the PATRIOT Act that would’ve slowed NSA data collection. Make this the primary focus of the primary.
5. Support the ending of the cronyist and corporatist Ex-Im Bank. Price has voted in favor many times for reauthorizing the bank in Congress, most recently in 2012.
6. Become the first major voice in my home state in favor of ending the Alcoholic Beverage Control board for hard liquors and privatizing that industry. Promise to endorse State Reps and Senators in both parties who favor this position.
7. Advocate against border wall legislation (because it’s poor resource management) but for other, more effective forms of border control.
8. State that I’m in favor of single-payer, but only if there’s massive entitlement reform and 10 straight years of budget surpluses (Glib tactic). Become the first Democrat to ever join the Freedom and Liberty Caucuses, so that I can be a leading bipartisan voice on the budget.
9. Become the leading voice against the neocons and the foreign aid gravy train.
10. Build a pro-choice abortion record, but favor that the rights are reserved to the States.
11. Stay quiet on the guns, but slowly build a pro-2nd Amendment record.
Other ideas? Are my ideas nuts or somewhat plausible?
After carefully watching the political scene for the past couple year, I’m pretty sure what Americans want most is an axe handle to the back of the head.
I have thought about doing this sort of thing; basically planting libertarians as Dems in super partisan districts. The trick is finding an open seat and then winning the primary since once you get to the general it’s a shoo in and you’ll be mindlessly re-elected forever. I suppose you could just lie to win the primary then do whatever you want after that. It’s not like progs (or most of the general populace for that matter) pays attention to voting patterns.
It wouldn’t work in places like California or Washington state, where two-Democrat general elections are allowed, but it’s not a bad idea for states with more traditional two-party generals like mine.
“I promise never to vote for gun control measures until we get rid of 2A”.
“I will not support single payer until we get rid of Social Security”
How you keep people from bringing up economic issues?
“10. Build a pro-choice abortion record, but favor that the rights are reserved to the States.”
That’s probably not enough to get the young woman vote.
Run in a wealthy district (like mine is).
Democrats are still going to want to social signal on economic issues.
Easy. Just lie. Once you get elected there is a 99% chance that the only way you’re ever getting out of there is by retiring or dying.
See, I’m a terrible liar, so I’d rather just say that I’m a super-unique, individualistic Democrat a la Kucinich and mostly campaign on what I actually believe.
Congratulations, you invented Ron Wyden.
Except that I would plan to openly favor Constitutional originalism and won’t do a “common-sense gun grab.”
It’s a laudable platform that you got there, and Dems *should* be able to get behind it, but that candidate would lose in the primary to whichever black lesbian transgender cripple says the word “inequality” the most times because that’s the kind of shit that animates their base.
Not enough free shit, you won’t make it through the primary.
Better booze and drug choices isn’t good enough for my constituents? Also, I would promise free shit to my hypothetical constituents, but only if there’s 10 straight years of budget surpluses. I thought that such a strategy would be a good way for progs to cheer when budgets or entitlements are cut.
It doesn’t sound too bad to me, I just feel like attaching too many strings to the free shit means you’ll lose out to someone who doesn’t, reality be damned.
Commit to fixing ObamaCare by ending all subsidies to evil insurance companies.
“47% of liberals say that someone being a Trump supporter would put a strain on their friendship”
I am confronting this right now. Best friend, known the guy for 17 years, was best man at his wedding. He has gone from someone who was aggressively apathetic about politics to a raging prog with a terminal case of TDS. That, by itself, wouldn’t matter to me. I may not understand his leanings, but at core I don’t care enough to let it affect things… *except* for the fact that he won’t STFU about politics EVER. I have told him numerous times that I don’t want to talk about it because it has no point, we’re never gonna agree, just let it go. He can’t do it. Not really sure where to go from here with, just avoid the guy for the next 4-8 years? It really sucks that some people let politics take over their lives. I vent here so I don’t talk about that stuff IRL.
I’ve lost several friends over it. Not for being a Trump supporter — because I’m not. I’ve lost them for not going over the top TDS about every thing he does.
“Lost” them.
Look at it this way, it cost you twenty dollars to get rid of him.
+1 Louie Dumps
Dude, try being married to someone like that.
I’m just saying, at least during the Obama administration I didn’t have to hear about every single time someone on MSNBC mentioned a person who said that they think Donald Trump was in a line at Starbucks behind a guy whose cousin works for a Russian businessman.
In today’s edition of “HOLY SHIT I’M OLD”
“Appetite for Destruction” by Guns ‘n’ Roses was released 30 years ago today.
Crazy, isn’t it? It sold 30 million copies.
My favorite Replacements album came out in June of 1987, as well.
300,000 copies.
I love that Replacements album.
I was working a summer job as a bus boy/prep cook/toilet scrubber when Appetite came out. My kitchen guys listened to that album, non-stop for 2 months straight. Seriously. Back to back to back, all day, every day. I could occasionally mix in AC/DC, Sabbath, Suicidal Tendencies, Black Flag, Necros. That’s about it. The chef liked GnR, and by god that was what we’re listening to.
Ha! I was working for a prominent electronics retailer and we had one guy who used Appetite as a speaker demo. Over and over and over. I’ll bet it was 15 years before I could listen to it again.
Appetite pretty much killed hair metal, and in a way created a space in the music/radio industry for Nirvana/Sonic Youth. Boom! I just said that.
Eh….somewhat. GnR were kind of hair metal, but not completely.
I was in sixth grade in the fall of 1987 and our flag football team in gym class was named Appetite for Destruction.
IMO, “Cherry Pie” killed hair metal, not Appetite or GNR.
Peter Angelos has now owned the Orioles for exactly 1/2 of my life.
I searched for important events on that date.
To be sure
Unfortunately, like so much else in the Trump administration, the reform effort has been plagued by unforced errors. Candice Jackson, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil rights office, wandered into a minefield when she said that “90 percent” of campus accusations are about regretted drunken sex. Ms. Jackson, who is herself a rape survivor, apologized for being “flippant.” That said, alcohol is a major factor in campus sexual assault.
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s meeting last week with groups that work on behalf of students accused of assault was another good initiative marred by a misstep. One of the groups, the Carolinas chapter of the National Coalition for Men, has been rightly criticized as extremist for, among other things, referring to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand as an “‘All men are rapists’ misandrist.”
Cathy Young wants a cocktail.
a rape survivor
God I hate this. Unless it was a rape and attempted murder, you are not a survivor. A survivor lived through an otherwise life-ending event. Rape is a horrible crime but it’s not murder.
It’s like “bullying survivor”, it falsely confers great fortitude and heroism upon someone for “surviving” something which would supposedly destroy most people. It’s the odd case where the left doesn’t like to use the word “victim”.
London, rofl, amirite?
I wonder who thought knife control could possibly work? Technologically, that one step above trying to ban pointy sticks.
From the nation that brought us sock with half a brick innit.
You can’t effectively control knives. I make them in my garage with a hacksaw, files, sandpaper, and a charcoal grill. And I could fab the saw, files, and forge from raw stock and replace the sandpaper with a rock, if I really had to.
Hey, NYC also has its form of knife control. Shocking, I know.
ZOMGGG Chipotle’s stock is TANKING!!!!!!111
it’s down a whopping $6 to only $350/share.
but in all seriousness, i’ve must’ve been living in a cave my whole life because Chipotle is trading at $350/share for fast fucking food. crazy pills. only explanation.
And yet they seem to somewhat regularly sicken their customers with mediocre food. I really don’t get it.
Just one word: GMOs. There’s a great future in GMOs.
They’ve probably just never split their stock. I’d imagine most successful companies would have sky high prices if they didn’t periodically split their stock.
fast casual.
Well, as Jerry’s friend Seth said in Seinfeld, “Not fast food – good food quickly!”
Alex Jones can carry a tune.
gay frog
Wow, you’re right!
Another example
This is no way to treat the hottest man in Canada:
Lauren Southern… I do like her. Very much.
Hey, that link isn’t about Chad Kroeger. LIES!
“California College Boss Wants Algebra Graduation Requirement Gone, Says it’s ‘Civil Rights Issue”
How can California tolerate such blatant Islamophobia?
Yeah, my algebra teacher was always going on about “slopes.”
And they’re always drawing breasts, saying it’s a “sin curve.” Yeah, it’s a sin, all right.
That’s just tangential.
It’s funny cos it’s true.
I cot take any more of these puns.
He went to point out to universities like the Carnegie Foundation and the University of Texas, which are also considering dropping the requirements for algebra, and suggested the statistics could substitute algebra as a new requirement.
Who’s going to break the news to him that you need to understand algebra to do statistics?
These will be new statistics that don’t appropriate Arab culture.
Why not just cut to the chase and award degrees to anyone who needs one, if all that matters is that employers demand some “credential?”
I mean, this guy doesn’t seem to be worried about his institution’s degrees getting devalued in the eyes of employers, so why not go the whole hog?
This is even more racist than those “ghetto math problems” which I won’t link to because they’re racist.
Morally reprehensible but not illegal. I can get on board with that, unfortunately. Stories like this do make me think that SoCon societal decay theories are less conspiracy-ey though.
“Police said Dunn turned up at the pond following an argument with his fiancée about 10-to-15 minutes before the incident. The fiancée then left the scene to run errands.
“The kids were at the park that day smoking marijuana and apparently saw him walk into the water. He walked in on his own. They were watching him,” Martinez said.”
Sounds like he wanted to drown himself. He succeeded.
Yeah, not illegal, but certainly vile and reprehensible. How can I put it…I don’t believe the state should be involved in any way when these little shits have the skin flayed off of their legs and their feet broken with lead pipe.
The evidence is there for both the decay and pendulum models. With the pendulum model, there is at least hope of a return to sanity/ (assuming there hasn’t been enough damage done by being out at the extreme of the arc)
Apparently Penzey’s Spices just went all-in for the National Women’s March. They are giving away free “replacement” pins for those who misplaced their service pins. Free shipping, too. Penzeys dot com.
Tonio confirmed hacked.
Corporations don’t have first amendment rights.
Any day, now…
Self-driving cars are zooming at breakneck speed toward America’s roadways, and Washington is finally reaching for its seatbelt.
For years, the race to create fully autonomous vehicles went mostly unnoticed by federal lawmakers, who tended to speak of self-driving cars (if they spoke of them at all) as something out of “The Jetsons.” It was an odd blind spot, given how close companies in Silicon Valley and Detroit were to creating mass-market autonomous vehicles, and how many important industries — taxi driving, long-haul trucking and shipping among them — stood to be drastically transformed as a result.
But now, lawmakers are taking cautious steps toward the driverless future.
Zooming. Breakneck speed. Before you know it.
Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, recently told a National Governors Association meeting that within 10 years he expected “almost all” new cars produced in the United States would be fully autonomous.
If Elon says it, you know it’s true.
Why do we need those AND the hyperloop?
Oh, and fuck you, Elon.
The automated cars will load and unload themselves from the hyperloop’s peoplemovers.
My friends who insist that Musk is a genius are right but not in the way they think; he’s a genius at running cons. He’s the high tech version of PT Barnum.
Elon’s got to keep talking about newer projects to distract from the fact that the Tesla house of cards is starting to wobble.
Not going for a run today, resting the old legs. Should I go to yoga and look at hot girls in yoga pants? Or bike down to Seal Beach, swim in the ocean and look at bikini girls?
Why not both? Surf and turf, so to speak.
Yoga is at 11. Beach operation would happen between 10 till noon. Beach would also involve a stop at the Ballast Point brewery for lunch.
Beach today. Yoga tomorrow!
(And pics for us on Sunday)
Thats actually the plan. Ill try to get some picks at the beach posted.
Bikini girls and a glass of Sculpin. You are living the dream!
The bastard.
Disappointing lack of bikini girls so far. It’s early yet. Still a beautiful day.
Not helping. Bastard.
Once one of them sees you, she’ll call her friends and they’ll all put their bikinis on and come down to the beach. Order another beer and give them time to get changed.
Lookit Mr. Universe here, all active and fit.
Do whichever of those you’ve done least recently. You don’t want either group to feel unimportant.
That is right thinking, Mad.
Somewhere out there, a piping hot 23 year old is asking her friends:
Not going for a run today, should I go to yoga and have creepy old guy leer at me in my yoga pants? Or bike down to Seal Beach, swim in the ocean and get ogled by creepy old guy checking out me in my bikini?
Someday when that piping hot 23 year old is a decidedly lukewarm 57 year old, she’ll WISH she had a creepy old guy leering at her!
I am moving to where you live immediately. See you soon.
This is even more racist than those “ghetto math problems” which I won’t link to because they’re racist.
*writes up egregiously racist math word problem, wisely deletes it*
I has a sad.
Man, what will this do to the Sean Spicier feed!?!?
Sean Spicier @sean_spicier 3m3 minutes ago
Man, forcing a guy out of his job just to silence a parody is harsh
NYT. ” according to a person with direct knowledge of the exchange.”
There will be much glee on my Derpbook.
Melissa McCarthy hardest hit?
Trump should go full troll and appoint Milo Yiannopoulos as the replacement Press Secretary.
Oh please. PLAESE TRUMP!
My vote is for Ted Nugent myself.
Oh dear God, either of those and I would record every press conference to play over and over.
I would bring my laptop to the cafeteria and work in front of the TV every time.
now that you’ve said it, I want to live in that timeline SO BADLY now.
What will Sean Spicier have to say about this?
Shameless propaganda minister resigns.
He wants to devote his full attention to his new show.
Resignation based on conscientious objection to the new Comm. Director pick, or was he looking to jump overboard as soon as the first plausible opportunity presented itself?
A dust-up in the comments?
A woman sharing the Morning Links? But what if she menstruates on one of them?
“Please let sloop know in the comments.”
He already knows we like you better.
Sloopy has that awesome mustache though…. Banjos with a mustache would blow him out of the water!
That sounds kinky.