
It’s not a toomah!
US Senator John McCain (R, AZ) was just operated on for glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer. He has a roughly even chance of surviving for another year, three-year survival rate is in the single digits. Should McCain die in office or resign, his replacement will be appointed by the Governor of Arizona. One unique feature of Arizona law is that the governor must appoint a senator of the same political party as the senator being replaced. This appointment will last until a special election in 2018.
Current Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is a Republican whose term runs through 2018 and is eligible for re-election to a second four-year term that year. So it seems likely that Ducey will have to appoint a replacement for McCain. Ducey, a businessman prior to his political career, is no libertarian but does have some liberty-friendly positions on shrinking government and school vouchers.
Arizona is a mostly red state with some libertarian tendencies. Arizona legalized medical marijuana in 2010, but in 2016 rejected Proposition 205, Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative, by 2.64 percent. Arizona has some of the most gun-friendly laws in the nation. Arizona voters also elected Sheriff Joe Arpaio repeatedly.
McCain’s was last elected in 2016 and his term runs through 2022. The best outcome for libertarians is that Gov. Ducey will appoint a young, liberty-friendly senator to replace McCain. Given McCain’s prognosis, his replacement would have a good three to four years of tenure before seeking election. Such a senator would lack McCain’s baggage and track record, and could establish a name for himself or herself before standing for election in Nov, 2022.
Of the eleven appointed US Senators who have sought election since 2000, only one has failed election. There were an additional eight appointed US Senators during this period who did not seek election. This is, however, a rough metric.
When discussing terms of office I’m using the last full year of the term of office and discounting the few days of the following year when the term actually ends. Sources Consulted: US Senate website, Wikipedia, Ballotpedia, NRA-ILA.
McCain is a real piece of work and generally a horrible human being (true of all politicians really), but brain cancer is pretty fucked up.
Yeah. The man should be no where near any kind of power over other people, but no-one deserves brain cancer.
Have a friend whose nephew and nephew’s dad both learned they had brain cancer at the same time. Neither made it through. Fucked up, indeed.
OT: Sean Spicer has resigned as press secretary.
The worst thing about this is going to be the loss of the Sean Spicier twitter parody account.
I know! I love the Sean Spicier account!
Just saw this. Nearly died.
Haaaaaahahahaha xD You see? That’s gold! Gold!
I had to read that tweet 5 times to figure out what she was trying to say.
And his reply to her:
Sean Spicier @sean_spicier Jul 20
The real issue ma’am, is Hillary didn’t win
Whenever I feel bad about how little I care about my job, I think of Sean Spicer. And instantly feel better.
For sure! I was just catching up. This one is great:
Sean Spicier @sean_spicier Jul 18
As soon as Tropical Storm Hillary forms, she’ll start complaining that she should be 50mph stronger
Scaramucci, Scaramucci, won’t you do the fandango?
Thunderbolts and lightning etc.
I won my pool on Spicer’s firing. And hopefully this produces a far more entertaining breed of Trump press secretary. I still would have just appointed Manafort, myself. The cheesy guito accent that worked for the Trump administration. But I’ll give this new guy a chance.
I also encourage Trump to do as many press conferences on his own that he can. It’s must-see-TV.
That guy Gorka is funny as shit. He’d be good
/|\ this man gets it.
We certainly did. However I should point out, that in 2016 Maricopa County did elect a new Sherriff. Like Arpaio, I think McCain benefitted a lot from name recognition with voters who recently moved to AZ. All the time I got, “Oh you’re from AZ? I am 100% down with that crazy Sherriff of yours” from people out of state. Joe was cute for a while until it was obvious he was a petty tyrant in a not so petty position.
Libertarianish uncle (in CA) was very fond of him maybe 10 years ago (well before I’d ever heard reference to him) as a no-nonsense lawman in a world gone crazy, and then as more and more news about him came out the shine wore off.
I think a lot of people used to feel that way about him. That’s the way he seemed to me when I moved to AZ in 2004 and he was in the news all the time – he was tough on criminals, what’s the big deal? It took a while to get the full picture on Sheriff Joe and realize what a piece of shit he is.
AZ is weird
AZ is not weird. YOU”RE WEIRD
Now now, let’s settle down and just agree that New Jersey deserves all of our hate.
Arizona is basically a monument to man’s arrogance.
It’s funny they call us a monument to Man’s arrogance, yet nobody complains about Las Vegas–which wouldn’t exist without building one of the largest dams in existence. People have lived in AZ however, for thousands of years.
Yeah, people who’s civilizations kept getting wiped out by the heat.
Your link doesn’t say it was the heat:
The local natives themselves say:
I was taught in school they left because of drought. Drought is not heat.
Bloody hell, fine, they left *because of the climate adversely affecting their ability to produce food.
I wasn’t using the Wikipedia link as a serious source, you should never do that for anything history related. Now would you like me to back that up with primary and secondary sources in Chicago style, my-pedantic-Amerindian-history-professor-from-eight-years-ago?
Now would you like me to back that up with primary and secondary sources in Chicago style, my-pedantic-Amerindian-history-professor-from-eight-years-ago?
No, but I can direct you to an Ancient Aliens episode where they postulated the Indians built their cliff dwellings to avoid being seen by the alien starships…
Joke’s on the them, the Nazca Lines were built with a big arrow pointing in their direction with the phrase “abduct those cocksuckers”.
whom they believe left the Verde Valley for religious reasons
Because it got as hot as hell.
I’ll show myself out.
Yeah, but Nevada has blackjack and hookers. Hard to beat that.
Las Vegas is a monument to capitalism, and its pursuit to deliver anything you want. Even hookers.
I larf every single time I see that clip.
It is, but not in the way you thought.
(The movie is actually based on a true story.)
I read that as “Gliboblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer.”
New website motto?
Microcephalic Aggression
[golf clap] for all of you.
Golf sucks.
/pointless provocateur
You suck!
Golf was fine until they let those greasy-fingered negroes play. Next thing you know there’ll be women golfers and maybe even Muslims.
Damn, son, you are good at this.
How could I not be with the cranial capacity afforded by my mostly Northern and Western European genetics?
19th century ethnographers and phrenologists get erections whenever I walk in a room.
As long as they don’t let the damn Jews play. Of course, they’re too tight to pay the membership dues anyway! Chortle, chortle.
I, for one, welcome our new Korean golf overlords.
Is “black people have greasy fingerprints” a stereotype? If it is, how have I missed it?
I”m with you. I feel like I am missing something here.
Fried chicken. Shits greasy man.
Fried chicken.
*sighs and shakes head*
He’d be damned if he’d let some gook get his greasy hands on his son’s birthright!
And here I thought their fingers were sticky.
You know, from the watermelon. Not the euphemisms. Geez, you people.
I didn’t say anything about ‘negroes’. The guy had actual motor oil or something on his hands that left marks on the wall, which I pointed out to a cop. That’s pretty SJW of you to play it that way.
That’s pretty SJW of you to play it that way.
No, that’s fair, it’s just so hard to tell where your tired racist shtick ends and…whatever it is you are when you’re not harrumphing about women taking men’s roles, immigrants taking murrican’s roles, Muslims being rapey and blacks being fleet footed or whatever begins.
Yeah comment #4 was way out of line with that quip.
I saw the previous brouhaha and I must admit that while FS was being a dick, the others were acting “girlfriendish”. Can’t we all just get along?
OT – On a lark, I went browsing real estate far afield of where I am now. (outgrowth of a discussion about gun laws in the Lynx).
I found this one place, but I don’t know if the link will work.
Lets find out.
168 sq ft on 40 acres on “Poison Spider Rd”…
“Poison Spider Rd”
Looks like a great place to write some manifestos, wear dark sunglasses, and from which to pack mail parcels with ball bearings, UCS.
All kidding aside, if those small mountains are on the property, they’d make an excellent berm for all kinds of anti-tank weapons, .50BMG rifles, and other fun toys. Saves you the trouble of having to excavate a berm, at any rate. Assuming there’s a lot of prairie dog on the property to shoot as well.
Those may be in the “1000s of acres of Federal land” it borders.
Actually, that looks kind of nice.
You could live in a Western movie your entire life!
a shed on top of a mountain?
(looks at photo)
lol its exactly that.
A shed with a super comfy-looking leather loveseat tho.
My father in law has a mountain top in the Arkansas Ozarks. I’ve been meaning to build a shed up there.
It ultimately comes down to MUH ROADZ. The last time I was up there the dirt road to the property had four foot deep ruts in it.
my solution to shitty arkansas mountain roads. a lot of fun too.
Looks like a golf cart – the ground clearance is too low.
it’s all about that travel.
You’ll have to get a mule to go along with those forty acres.
No electricity, no internet… I’m not buying the plot.
Electricity is easy. There is plenty of solar and wind for one person. Internet… that’s a bit stickier.
No phone no lights no motorcar, not a single luxury.
Like Robinson ca-rusoe, it’s primitive as can be.
A: I’m not Amish
B: That’s not exactly prime farmland. Not sure what foodstock would be best for it if you were going it alone and off the grid.
It’s Wyoming – don’t they have a lot of elk and buffalo and such? Go full carnivore!
Elk meat is delicious.
Just call it a “tiny house” and you’ll be exceptionally hip.
I do that all the time when I get demoralized about NYC area rents. Downtown Detroit and Charlottesville, VA are my latest virtual touring spots.
Oh, dude, stay far away from CVille. It’s gone full prog. Lovely town, I enjoy my trips up the road for UVA games, but it’s not the same place it was 20 years ago when I lived there.
A charming little town here in VA that I would move to is Smithfield.
Almost bought a house on Shades of Death Road. I live just off Cat Swamp Road instead.
Lost my dad to glioblastoma 2 years ago. From diagnosis to death was about year and a half. He refused chemo and hospitals and died at home. We just morphined the shit out of him his last few days. I had great convos with him when he was still aware, so it was cool. He degenerated really quick near the end.
Cancer sucks, but fuck John McStain
That sucks, Slammer.
Thanks. Its all good
Sorry Slammer. My father in law went for the nasty treatments and didn’t make it much longer than your dad. I have wondered since if it would have made more sense to take your family’s approach.
Damn. When there are no good choices….
My uncle died from glioblastoma about 6 years ago. It was quick. He went from having headaches to dead in nine months. He went for the treatments and the treatments killed him. He was in his early 50s. That sucked.
Yes, it sure sounds like it did suck big time.
So sorry to hear it, Slammer. Cancer bites.
I also lost my father the same way, almost 6 years ago. They gave him 2 months without treatment, 4 months with. He chose to go without –
doctors actually agreed with him (the treatment would be pretty brutal). Hospice was called in. Remarkably, he got better, Hospice was sent back and he had a great 14 months until symptoms returned and he died peacefully 2 weeks after that. I’ve seen what chemo and radiation can do and it ain’t pretty, so for him he made the good choice as I’m sure the extra 2 months promised with treatment would’ve been hell.
Thanks for collating this information, Tonio. I’d heard bits and pieces of the AZ process, but it’s nice to have a quick and dirty fact sheet.
Thanks, Jesse. I banged this out quickly so we’d have content on this. I’m planning one or more followups. It’s very research-intensive.
Next up I’m going to look at possible replacements. Arizona Glibs, your input is welcome.
We do appreciate that you helped us get this out there!
Never let it be said that Tonio doesn’t put out.
They won’t hear it from me 😉
How about a replacement for Flake, while you are at it?
I haven’t deeply researched Flake’s voting history and/or stances, but my overall impression was that he’s not horrible. And while “not horrible” isn’t a exactly a ringing endorsement, it sure is better than how I view nearly every other politician. Am I missing something about him?
I am overly harsh. For awhile he was TOS’s dreamy libertarian poster boy (often appearing shirtless, iirc). Since being elected, he’s tended to be your standard repub from a spending perspective. Compared with the rest, he’s great, but I expected more from an alleged libertarian.
As I recall, as a Rep he was pretty good then went to the dark side.
He has some interesting things to say on immigration.
Yeah I don’t know, not ideal, I’d take him over half of the turds in the Senate.
Flake is a far cry from the libertarian-ish person he used to be in the House, but he’s still better than most Senators. It’s a really low bar.
Flake is doing an excellent job in the classic junior Senator role. He warms a chair and doesn’t embarrass the party elders. He’s pretty much a nullity, as far as I can tell.
Sweet gig, though, I’ll give him that.
You think he’s excited about becoming the senior Senator soon?
I guess I don’t follow things all that closely lately, what’s wrong with Flake? I thought he was OKish.
Arizona Glibs, your input is welcome
Dr. Kelli Ward. Because it would screw with so many people, including McCain’s people.
There wouldn’t be a special election in November 2018?
It seems not, though I’m having a tough time getting a definitive answer on that. The senate dot gov list of replacement senators showed them all finishing the terms of the people they replaced.
Hmmm. I thought the 17th had language that the appointments would last until a special election could be held.
FUCK, you’re right. Special election. Just re-read the Senate dot gov page.
Apologies to all. I submitted this late in the and I was tired.
::flips over folding card table::
I added that in. If I still didn’t get it right, I won’t be offended by you correcting me.
Thanks. It’s great.
the shine wore off.
As vaguely racist euphemisms go, that’s a winner.
That’ll do internet, that’ll do.
do they need to insert the “Infowars” logo between every one? I think alex jones and his crew don’t deserve any credit for this popular-dissent vs. cnn
Any credit? They have tens of thousands of fans sharing that shit
Yeah, Infowars actively encourages meme content and the internet responds. Alex Jones thinks memes directed at him are hilarious.
(shrug) maybe i don’t get it because i’m not a /pol 4chan type, but AFAIK the memes seem to be bottom up from regular old intenet users.
the role of Inforwars seems at best tangential and unrelated from my POV. I get that many meme-makers might be inforwars fans… but i don’t see why that matters any more than shared ‘game of thrones’ fandom would matter. Being anti-cnn isn’t defacto ‘pro alex jones’ from what i can tell.
No but within the ‘meme community’ Alex Jones is kind of seen as ‘one of them’. He likes their content even when they’re making fun of him. And yes, /pol/ does have a fairly big Infowars following. Basically because he can take a joke and has vaguely similar views as them they gravitate towards him.
The “meme” community?
Are these the meme shorts that were part of the award money contest John?
Most likely scenario: They prop McCain up weekend at bernies style till the end of the year, at which point he either dies or retires and they run the special election in 2018.
I was thinking his health has been in decline for quite some time and he only ran in this last election so he could have some say in who his successor was.
In other words, exactly what happened with Ted Kennedy (one of the dumber moves in political history, given how easily a Dem would’ve won a 2008 Senate election in Mass. versus what happened when the election finally occurred)
Arizona voters also elected Sheriff Joe Arpaio repeatedly.
You’re not hanging that on me. That’s Maricopa County who elected him.
The point stands, though – Arizona is a mixed bag for libertarians. Plenty of copsucking here, make no mistake. I would characterize Arizona politics as being Olde Schoole Conservative – Law and Order Yay, Taxes Boo, Regulation Boo except when its Yay.
You forgot to add, get off my lawn.
If your HOA dictates that you need to water that lawn, even though the water evaporates fully before it hits the ground, you’re gonna damn well water that lawn.
The boundless stupidity of petty tyrants aside, I was just trying to set the scene properly.
In the older neighborhoods grass is actually quite common.
I can confirm this, anecdotally at least. I live in a 90 year old house, in central Phoenix, and we’ve got grass in both the front AND back yards. *struts my stuff*
I put borax on mine and tossed some rocks down.
Does that kill grass? I have a park behind my house and the grass is invading my rocks.
It kills….everything. Including pets, so try to time it before it rains.
Borax’s active ingredient is NaOH. Ever seen Fight Club? It’s that, just not as concentrated.
Borax is the only thing I’ve found that reliably kills off sugar ants for more than a couple of days. Mix a teaspoon of it in a half cup or so of mint jelly and leave a dollop of it where they’re coming in. It’s a small enough dose that it won’t kill your pets – it WILL make them sick, though, so keep an eye out.
Arpaio got re elected so many times because of a fairly widespread dislike of illegal immigrants. That has started to wear off as of late while his bullshit macho Boss Hogg impersonation wore thin. The man is 85 years old as well which I think factored into his defeat at least a little.
The copsucking in this state is about as bad as I’ve seen it. On the plus side the cops (at least in the valley) are some of the best, nicest, and most well adjusted cops I have ever had to deal with.
McCain’s downside mostly has to do with foreign policy, far as I’m concerned. If bombing a country is a good idea, then occupying it is better, and peace isn’t necessarily desirable if it implies cutting the defense budget.
I exaggerate but only slightly.
I don’t imagine Arizona is likely to give us a worse senator on foreign policy, and I doubt they’ll give us a bad senator on gun rights, immigration, etc.
Times like this that I think of Pat Tillman again. Maybe he would have made an awful senator from Arizona, but I sure wish we could have found out.
McCain’s downside mostly has to do with foreign policy,
Keating Five?
Laying down for Obama in ’08? People forget McCain had the lead when he scurried off to DC to what most of his supporters opposed – jam through the bailout bills. When he was done taking his little break from campaigning to be all Senatorial and shit, he was behind and never recovered. Not much of a surprise, since he refused to campaign against his actual opponent.
McCain mopped the floor with O so strongly in that Q&A session when they were asked the same questions without hearing each other’s answers that I thought McCain was a shoo-in. And then the media did what they do, implied with no evidence McCain must have had the questions in advance, and carried O’s water for the rest of the campaign. And then McCain did what the stupid party does, as you mentioned.
And we all know the rest.
I can’t believe I have come so far since 2008, thanks in part to the likes of you Glibs. In summer 2008, I was a volunteer at the GOP national convention, stationed at one of the hotels to help at the info desk where a bunch of GOP delegates were staying. O’Reilly was a prick (surprisingly tall), Gingrich was pretty cool. He always asked if he could just have the granola bar out of the free snack boxes, and I always said, “Yes, Mr Speaker,” and deboxed one for him. He seemed genuinely embarrassed to ask and gleeful to receive.
Then the day came when they announced the VP choice. Sarah WHO??? I began to despair for the party, but she was easy on the eyes back then (Yes, I am a chick, but I am not blind).
Come to think of it, at that convention I was already starting to look for something other than the GOP. I was already subscribing to the newsletter of the Republican Liberty Caucus, but some of the local Ron Paulers that had taken over the local GOP were big time 9/11 truthers, and I couldn’t stand being associated with them.
And then a lady at the info desk I was manning figited with her hands while I looked up some bike rental info for her. After she left, I saw her gigantic diamond ring left on my desk. Must have been in the $10k range. I was about to hand it to the hotel front desk when I realized that I trusted me way more than I trusted them. So I fastened it to an inner pocket in my purse where I couldn’t lose it, and told the hotel front desk that if a lady asked about a lost piece of jewelry, to send her my way.
She frantically arrived at my desk a few hours later and was so grateful that she refused to give me less than $100 for keeping it for her.
To this day, the “I trust ME way more than I trust THEM” line of thinking has served me well and made me more and more libertarian.
The eff was that?? Glad I had bailed out of the “party” by then.
Yeah I’m not really sure what it is. I was trying to find footage of the hooting apes with cowboy hats chanting USA USA as some 2012 duly elected delegates were forced out. I gave up.
I think they were upset that puerto rico had someone there?
Great story. That really is almost the core of the philosophy. Trust others to do what’s good for themselves, not so much what’s good for others.
Yup. To some, it might seem selfish at first glance, but look what actual good it’s brought about in the world when people pursue their and their family’s best interests!
As Friedman said “The great virtue of a free market system is that it does not care what color people are; it does not care what their religion is; it only cares whether they can produce something you want to buy. It is the most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one another to deal with one another and help one another.”
And he just said that off the cuff in a Q&A with the audience; he didn’t carefully edit it for an article.
I just got the “Free to Choose” book, haven’t read it yet. The more Milton Friedman I see in old TV clips on YouTube, the more respect I have for him. Hopefully there will be a revival of those kinds of public intellectuals soon, instead of the other kind..
That was a great moment. I’m looking for the clip now.
Also anyone seeing wanting to leave others to make their own choices as selfish, have a selfish wish to control people. It’s yet another case of projection.
Please post the clip here, if you find it DOOMco.
I haven’t seen video of it. I have it in a short booklet called “Why Government is the Problem”, a speech and then Q&A by Friedman. You can find it on Amazon. I have circulated it widely through my coworkers’ group.
I think I’ve seen it somewhere, but I can’t find it now. just found a bunch of other good quotes.
That quote also sounds familiar from his Capitalism And Freedom book.
like this one
That Donahue takedown you linked is one of my all time favorites.
The truthers really hurt Paul.
Yeah, it’s sad, and probably one of the reasons Rand had to distance himeself a bit from dear ol’ Dad. Glad Ron was able to recognize the practical reality and fade away (except for gold hoarding commercials and the like…)
Yea, the post retirement stuff doesn’t really bother me. I wish he wouldn’t go on infowars, but whatever.
I still really liked his prediction speech. That might have actually been the video I saw that got me to support him.
Also, love the fact your handle is from an economic rap video.
I might have told you that before.
My brother the libertarian introduced me to those videos when he sensed he had softened me up enough to recruit me to libertarianism. He also introduced me to Reason, where he lurked but never posted. Now he lurks here.
Shout out to you, bro! You know who you are!
You’re a Minne chick, aren’t you?
I just realized I failed to thank you for the compliment. Thank you for the compliment! The fact that I happen to work with high explosives on occasion makes it perfect for me.
For those unfamiliar with the vids, here goes:
Keynes v Hayek Round 1
Keynes v Hayek Round 2 (my fave; ok to watch first)
Yes, Tundra. I live in Friendly Fridley. Keith Ellison territory (shudder)
Ugh, sorry. It’s good to know, though, in case we get off our collective asses and schedule a meetup.
I’d be up for that. In the middle of some crazy travel schedule, but I could definitely see doing a meet up especially in the grim weather. You and His Eminence are both in Maple Grove, right? Are there other Minnesodan Glibs?
Yup. Quite a few actually. We’ll get something set up.
…and here I was patting myself on the back for returning the $100 extra my boss accidentally paid me a few days ago. 😉
A lovely story and moral to it. Thanks for sharing.
I think I mentioned the time I found a wallet with $1600 hundred in cash in it… and returned it.
I think it was at that point my life went to hell.
You did the right thing. Even abstract concepts like morality do really matter.
But that would have been Waaaciiiist!
This might just be my faulty memory, but I think he has been pretty terrible on a bunch of domestic issues like privacy, due process, guns, etc.
There is a wiki page on Political Positions of John McCain that quotes him saying many of the right things, but the votes don’t always reflect that. Talk is cheap.
See also: Politicians.
OT: wife and I are taking a scouting trip to Western Virginia this October. Anyone lived/live there with recommendations?
Things you never hear, West Virginia edition:
Western Virginia, Vhy. Yuuuuge difference.
God dammit. Now my joke is ruined.
I drove through a sliver of WV one time. The highway speed limit was 70 and the lil’ mountains they was pretty cool. Never met any natives. And some, I assume, are good people.
I know tons of native West Virginian’s. They are the Crossfitters of state pride. They also subsist on nothing put pepperoni rolls and Mountain Dew.
And they burn couches the way regular people burn candles.
they burn couches
…I’m listening………
Western Virginia, as in anything west of Roanoke is Appalachia, so not that much different than Southern WV.
Watch out for mothman.
::spooky voice:: CCCCHAPSTICK!
::terrified double-take::
I went to high school in Lynchburg and still have some family that way. How far west are you going? What are you interested in?
Blacksburg. Looking for a place to live. Not looking for Culture or Nightlife.
Oh, you don’t want to live in Blacksburg. Major Hokie infestation there.
Casting for Deliverance II: Banjo Boogaloo?
jk. pretty country. i used to drive down 81S ~4 times a year between NY and TN and that section of VA along the blue ridge was one of my favorite parts of the drive.
Spent four years in Charlottesville, that’s westernish. Where are you headed? Several excellent breweries in the mountains.
C’ville is the border between Central Virginia and Shenandoah Valley.
I live there. When you say scouting you mean looking for a community to move to?
My advice would be to draw a North/South down through Wheeling through the entire state…..and live on the East side of that line (Excepting the Eastern Panhandle…..pretty much just a DC suburb). Better scenery, nicer people, several very cools mountainy type towns; Morgantown, Elkins, Lewisburg, etc. It’s WV so their are hillbillies everywhere but that part of the state is not nearly as obese and backward as the Western WV denizens (where I live). It’s actually a pretty great place to live if you are looking to be left alone. Good gun laws, low property tax.
And when I say “Good guns laws” I mean lack thereof
Fayetteville is just west of said line but is also a pretty decent little community right on the New River Gorge
I’d like to wish Senator McCain a speedy and full recovery so he may resume his duties in the Senate and, God willing, continue to advance the types of policies that have the United States such a great nation.
*laughs maniacally, runs out of room*
made the United States
What is it with libertarian websites and their hatred of edit buttons?
Which other libertarian sites do you know of that lack edit buttons?
Arizona Glibs, your input is welcome
Should be an injun. Because justice.
*I am not from Arizona
Dot or feather? You’ve got a better chance with dot.
Depends on the feather. I’ve met some Navajos that could out redneck most rednecks.
Yup. My Navajo buddy chews Red Man for crissakes – I don’t even know any white rednecks under the age of 60 who do that!
An Indian chewing Red Man? That’s a solid 8.5/10 on the Shitlord scale.
I nominate myself. I’ll self-identify as whatever group we need to meet the minority quota.
Don’t look at the fact that I’ve never even been to Arizona…
I don’t think that would disqualify you, the way things are going everywhere else.
Nobody in AZ was born here. You’ll fit right in.
We’ll need to establish a maternity ward in-state so residents can stop having to go to Mexico to give birth.
I’ll give many people their wish, particularly the founding Glibs and stop commenting here. I’ve greatly enjoyed getting to know and being friends with many of you over the last several years. I hope this community will flourish for years to come and I wish all of you the very best.
Hang on, you need a boost to get up on that cross?
What he’s really trying to say is that sometimes when you get a hankering for a good sandwich, a nice Thanksgiving sandwich slathered liberally with mayonnaise, chunky cranberry sauce, and turkey gravy well, well, it just fits the bill perfectly.
It’s better if you skip the mayo but have some mashed potatoes and stuffing on there too.
Yes, I’m a fat bastard, why do you ask?
The turkey and the stuffing are a given.
If you’ll accept unsolicited advice, I’d suggest that the prudent move would be to sit back, ignore the site for a while until tempers have cooled, then ask if there is actually enough of a rift to make a permanant break.
I logged in to say pretty much the same thing. Tempers flare once in a while–no need to make a permanent break.
My guess is we all have more in common here than not. But then we are libertarian, so we will always have differences.
Sports love vs. No sports love ranks right down there pizza vs. deep dish, mayo vs. miracle whip, etc. That said, I have a Cubs vs Cardinals game to get back to on my Roku. (Cubs fan stranded in Twins territory.)
Is that a weird kind of “baseball” where they let the pitchers try to hit?
/relax, I keed.
The St Louis/Chicago Cubs rivalry goes wayyyy back. My ethnic Italian-American husband from south of Chicago is a lifelong Cubs fan and, being closer to St Louis MO and East St Louis IL is very very aware of the rivalry. Especially since his full Italian immigrant grandfather may or may not have arranged for a couple of guys (criminals, of course–they needed killin’) to be found in a ditch in East St Louey.
Question to the members who aren’t total pieces of shit: should we all throw in on a going-away present for this prick? Maybe a blacked.com membership?
Naaah. Cut him some slack. He’ll be gone for a while, lurk for a while, and be back eventually. Even the prodigal son was welcomed home after a successful craniorectal extraction.
Vhyrus, you’re in Mesa. What about running the name Scott Smith up the flagpole? Was he legit as mayor? I know he finished runner up (the first loser, hah!) to Ducey for governor, but had a decent amount of support from what I recall.
Related to Steve Smith?
In all seriousness I’ve only been in AZ for 4 years so I am not exactly caught up on local politics.
I am surprised, no one is trying to draft John Shadegg to the senate???
I am not so in the loop these days, but I remember him as a pretty kick ass small government type who made a rebellious run for House speaker.
If we are going to go with former Congresscritters How about Jim Kolbe?
– He’s old, so we get to play this again pretty soon.
– He’s from the southern part of the state, so even Mexicans might vote for him.
– He’s openly gay.
I can’t ever hear or read “openly gay” without thinking of this Carlin bit.
Good one! I have to review some old Carlin.
Sadly, I’m not eligible, because I’m not a Republican.
I have met the governor though. He’s pretty short.
I’ll give many people their wish, particularly the founding Glibs and stop commenting here.
Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. We all need a time out, once in a while. But you don’t necessarily have to make it permanent.
My advice- try not to take/make things personal.
Dot or feather?
Woo-woo, of course.
Dimly remembered Monty Python snippet:
“Hang on. Do you mean a *Hindoo* Indian, or a *Woo woo* Indian?”
Ah, the Python boys. Always good for a laugh.
When my dear hubs was still bartending, he was relating an anecdote to a customer in which he started with “So this guy was drunker than 700 Indians,” and another bar customer, a lady (natch) says, “You can’t say that!” and he looked at her a second and said, “You’re right. What I meant was, he was drunker than 700 Native Americans” and proceeded to finish his story.
It was a proud moment for me.
But India is a neutral country
No, The WOO-WOO kind
/Get smart