Back in the day, there was a weird cult called est. You youngsters wouldn’t believe how big a deal it was, given its total (and deserved) obscurity today. In any case, the audience was locked in a room with a trainer for a weekend, with notoriously long stretches between pee breaks. The first thing the trainer would say was, “You’re all assholes!” That was the last true thing the audiences would hear all weekend. And so it is here, as I present links to fake news to you, my beloved assholes.
As much as I hate Trump for appointing a jackbooted authoritarian like Sessions to the top law enforcement post, I have to admit that some of his other appointees are pretty impressive. Still not enough for me to ever forgive him, change my low opinion of him, or give him my vote in the next election, but we do have to admit to small rays of light.
How could anyone object to Amazon acquiring Whole Foods and making it better, stronger, and helping make good food more accessible? Oh yes, I forgot. Democrats. Now, why could they possible object beyond the cheap schadenfreude of fucking up business deals? Oh yes, I forgot. Big money contributors.
[The Democratic congresschimp] letter was made public by the United Food and Commercial Workers union (UFCW), which represents many of the unionized grocery workers in the United States.
“Political concerns about Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods are growing for good reason,” UFCW President Marc Perrone said on Friday. “Amazon’s monopolistic desire to control the retail market and replace good jobs with automation is not only a direct threat to the hard-working men and women at Whole Foods, it’s also a direct threat to our economy and consumers.”
Heaven forbid better prices and service to consumers.
In other news, this is warped.
If Chipotle were authentic, this would be in the food, not on it.
Apparently, I’m the wrong kind of doctor. If I had spent my years as a grad student and post-doc pursuing medicine instead, I could have been this guy.
No sports news because football season hasn’t started yet and the Orioles have returned to their sucky ways.
And I leave you all with music from my youth. Difficult, complex, and brilliant music.
Saturday Morning Post, No Rockwell:
So nobody’s watching you?
First, dammit.
[tents fingers]
Puliafito was seen on video apparently smoking methamphetamine and consorting with addicts and criminals.
Kind of hard to smoke meth with non criminals.
ADHD is not a crime
Getting them to sit still while I take my hit would be.
And yet society wants to drug its boys into submission for it.
How could anyone object to Amazon acquiring Whole Foods and making it better, stronger, and helping make good food more accessible? Oh yes, I forgot. Democrats.
What ever happened to the freak-out over “food deserts”?
Better to have no food than capitalist food.
Standing in a Berniebreadline binds communities together.
I think they want those people to grow their own food in community gardens and shop at organic food co-ops.
And if only we raise the minimum wage to $30, they can afford to do that. Why do you hate poor people?
In other news, this is warped.
Why? These aren’t the master tapes.
Christ, y’alls taste in music sucks balls.
Try these girls instead
I thought it was going to be The Shaggs.
Where are the slutty Asian fiddlers?
At least the drummer has a monocle.
Actually, SP and I have front row seats for this tonight:
EHRMIGERD! OMWC is a fellow Beefite! My theory of a looped universe is nearing the testing stage and only Maxine Waters and her Coif can stop it from coming to fruition. The plot thickens…
Citation matters: mobilizing the politics of citation toward a practice of ‘conscientious engagement’
I know just what they mean. Citing dead white dudes is so embarrassing.
straffinrun buried the lede.
See, if other people don’t cite your work, it’s not because you’re a crank with crackpot theories; it’s because of a vast conspiracy.
This is paranoid schizophrenia in a tweed sport coat.
neoliberal technologies
I’m saving this for future use.
This is paranoid schizophrenia in a tweed sport coat.
If by “paranoid schizophrenia” we mean to say “belligerent intellectual inferiority”.
Six of one and half a dozen of the other.
“We argue for a conscientious engagement with the politics of citation as a geographical practice that is mindful of how citational practices can be a tool for either the reification of, or resistance to, unethical hierarchies of knowledge production.”
Is there anyone here that can explain to me what that sentence means. I don’t understand.
You need to brush up on your feminist technologies.
feminist technology
I thought that feminist tech involved butter knives, rocks and high-heeled shoes. They can fix anything with those implements!
I Want to Be Woke but No One Will Tell Me the PC Term for “Frigid Friend-Zoning Cunt”
It means, “I really don’t understand Foucault, but I’m trying sound all intellectual and woke and stuff.”
Forget Focault – I think Everybody Poops is a bit above their intellectual functioning level.
A tweed sport coat? That sounds awfully heteronormative. Some of them even have leather patches to shoot guns, sartorially reinforcing speciest paradigms/tools of oppressive structures.
It thought there was a trope of lesbians wearing tweed.
I thought it was supposed to be tweed patches on a leather blazer?
No, you just ruined a perfectly good jacket.
How could you have missed this one straff?
Fucking geographers! Or the epistemological consequences of neglecting the lusty researcher’s body
Submitted without comment:
The author of the article is the woman in the black top and jeans.
Meh, add a little makeup, bolt on some super bike class plus 2’s, and 30 hours on a treadmill. I could get behind that
Dunno man… I the MILF on the left is definitely a “would”, and the one on the right is totally doable as well. But I’m not sure the third one can be salvaged.
When she lets all out.
You are evil.
I don’t know how to read maps. *Sobs*
“Symposium: Natasha Warikoo’s The Diversity Bargain And Other Dilemmas On Race, Admissions, And Meritocracy At Elite Universities
Meritocracy dismissed
Although 40 per cent of America’s colleges offer test-optional admissions, some like Harvard still require SAT/ACT scores. The SAT/ACT are predictively weak and biased, stigmatizing minorities as underperformers. Test biases and the predictive superiority of high school grades are not widely understood. Warikoo’s proposal to blow up meritocracy with an admissions lottery is to be applauded.”
An admissions lottery? Wow.
I patiently await for the higher education bubble to burst. It has to happen at some point.
What, are there a lot of questions about mayonnaise and badminton?
YouTube to redirect searches for IS videos</a
One day I’ll tell my grandkids about the days when you just saw a 404 page when you searched for something that wasn’t there instead of getting propagandized to by the benevolent
Just fuck my link up fam
And yet…
Last year the United States government fined Harley-Davidson $15 million for selling devices that shut down its motorcycles’ emissions controls — and said part of that money would go toward a project to reduce pollution from wood-fired stoves.
On Thursday, the Trump administration said Harley-Davidson was no longer required to fund the antipollution program, knocking $3 million off the company’s bill.
The move followed a decision last month by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to halt a longstanding practice under which polluters could be compelled to pay for environmental or community projects, in addition to fines and direct compensation to victims.
You can’t be wrong all the time.
This in no way constitutes an endorsement, nor does it negate the jack-booted authoritarianism. And, of course, since it’s the Times, we cannot discount the possibility that Sessions fought tooth and nail against this.
I always wondered how they got away with selling what the EPA would consider a defeat device as the OEM… I guess they didn’t in the end.
And being an American company, they got fined far less than Volkswagen.
That could be the reason. However it’s probably more likely that it’s due to; the difference in the number of vehicles on the road, more miles put on the cars than on the bikes, and a diesel automobile engine puts out far more pollutants than a gas bike engine.
I’m making (I think valid) assumptions for everything I said there. If I’m wrong about any of it, let me know.
A little of each, I’m thinking. VW actively fudged the numbers – Harley sold a kit that enabled the customer to fudge the numbers.
Eric Peters had a good write up awhile back.
8 years does not make a long-standing practice.
I guess “longstanding” is the new “turn back the clock”
An increasing amount of scholarship in critical, feminist, and anti-racist geographies has recently focused self-reflexively on the topics of exclusion and discrimination within the discipline itself. In this article we contribute to this literature by considering citation as a problematic technology that contributes to the reproduction of the white heteromasculinity of geographical thought and scholarship, despite advances toward more inclusivity in the discipline in recent decades.
The day the last of these people disappears up its own asshole cannot come soon enough.
“white heteromasculinity”
That makes me want to wake up my white hetero masculine husband and do him proper. But I have to check the feminist handbook first to see whether that empowers me or degrades me. Can’t be too careful about this whole enjoying life thing.
First world problems.
“Aww, honey, is it the fourth Saturday of the month *already*?”
/Tasteless joke, pay it no mind.
The phrase “white heteromasculinity” used as a derogatory term brought vividly to mind the first time I encountered the phrase “false consciousness” back in the 1980s. When feminists were busy claiming that all women suffered under sanctioned slavery and rape in the form of marriage, many (most?) women reacted with “Hey, I’m actually really happy being married to my husband.” So the feminists had to come up with a way to explain that not all women agreed with their insanity.
“False consciousness” was what they came up with to describe the delusion (life-long) that you’re happy even though you are really unhappy.
I claim that is a bunch of BS, but even if it were not, isn’t a life-long delusion that you’re happy pretty much the same thing as being happy?
If by “pretty much” you mean “exactly,” then yes.
The natural state of a Marxist is miserable, and they can’t tolerate anyone who isn’t as miserable as they are.
That simple statement explains a heck of a lot that I can’t understand about my lefty counterparts.
I might never understand, but that can perhaps help me predict.
I think I can speak for your husband and say please do.
Heck, and an Amen for you too.
That’s some grade A derp there brooksie. I recognize some of those words, but when strung together like that, they lose meaning.
Utterly meaningless claptrap. Doesn’t pass the Turing test.
Look like Krysten Ritter for $1595:
When is the next season of Jessica Jones? It’s like I ordered peking duck on the edge of a wormhole.
Why would I want to look like Krysten Ritter?
Why would anyone want a Girl that look like a Man?
Could use some help up top but not seeing a man there.
Real is still better than fake.
Some of us albinos appreciate a woman with a sense of humor. Normally we just have the redheads, but it is nice to have a cute brunette that can tell a dirty joke amongst our freakish ranks.
More pertinent question: Is a Kristin Ritter look alike available for purchase at $1595?
How much for the fivehead?
Sorry, Donald Trump. Presidents who don’t win the popular vote seldom recover.
Bush. Clinton. Nixon. I’m sure they were heartbroken about their approval ratings when they handily won reelection after losing the popular vote their first time out.
Clinton and Nixon got a plurality, just not a majority. Trump and Bush 43 didn’t get pluralities.
Then again, Kennedy only got a plurality in 1960, and how did that work out for him.
about as well as a hole in the head?
Too soon!!
A majority of voters voted for Not-Trump, just as a majority of voters voted for Not-Hillary.
So the “will of the majority” – creepy though that concept can become – isn’t in play here.
Trump won and Hillary lost.
Like every other election, it was the will of the committed, not the majority. The beauty of non-mandatory elections.
Fabulously bitchy NYT editorial about Sean Spicer. You really have to read the whole thing.
No one was willing to put their name on it. And the NYT does that rather often.
Not giving them a click. Summary?
So, the cops busted a tug n rub asian massage parlor.
From the article,
“They also pointed out a post by the massage parlor on, a popular website known for human-trafficking and prostitution.”
The sheriff stated that there isn’t evidence of human trafficking, but the report has human trafficking in the headline and mentioned several times throughout.
The massage parlor must have finally cut off their freebies after a decade of undercover investigation.
Jimmy Lee didn’t look like I expected him to look.
I wouldn’t expect him to look like a black woman, either.
“There could even be satanic rituals and illicit table-top gaming. Who knows what else there could be?”
People from other states coming here to work!?!
The Horror!
“illegal sexual activity”
I long to see a day in which, outside of rape/pedophilia, this phrase is a category error.
Video from the last Glibertarians meetup.
He deserves an A for effort. Downloading porn like that takes some dedication. Maybe he uses a web cam to take a picture of his phone sceeen, to get it on his 90’s era PC at home?
Shit, didn’t even notice it was in the children’s library. Wtf!
Woman becomes US Navy’s first female SEAL candidate
As long as they are held to the same rigorous standards as the men I don’t necessarily have a problem with this.
My only concern would be over the men possibly feeling and acting upon an urge to protect the women in a combat situation when it isn’t appropriate or beneficial to the assigned mission.
Many of us cisheteroshitlords can’t help but put ourselves in some dangerous situations in order to protect women we’ve grown to care about that we may not otherwise do for men we care about. Call it an involuntary evolutionary byproduct, I don’t know. Maybe enough training can overcome that instinct.
That’s the spirit, comrade.
In Soviet Russia, instinct cum over you?
That’s all I got. It’s been a long, insanely hot week and I’m pretty much cashed out.
The true standard is to be the best available. Meeting the minimum means harassment for men until they quit or improve. That will not be allowed with women. It’s also a tremendous waste of money since women will have a enormous failure rate. For every 100 women they train at a cost of thousands in training to find the magical one that can pass they could have had 50 men. Asthma is a disqualifying condition but I would bet more asthmatic men could pass than healthy women. It’s just not worth wasting the money to find asthmatic seals for the “feels” of equality.
Over/under on tapping out before Hell week? 50/50?
Florida man accused of killing dog for siding with girlfriend
Bitches be trippin’ amirite?
Not quite Peak Florida, but close.
Is this particular Florida man employed by any law enforcement agencies? Seems like a copish thing to do.
A cop would have shot it
Letter to the Local Rag (aka These People Vote)
Well we all know that if he makes it easier to get fireworks children will blow off all thier fingers. Without single payer they’ll all die!!
Gilmore’s running again?
Trumputin comin’!
If one were confident that Mr. Trump, like most presidents, possessed a basic knowledge of world events and an ethical compass, his meetings with Mr. Putin would not necessarily cause alarm. Mr. Trump, however, is no ordinary president. Not only is he new to foreign policy, but his associates are under investigation for possible ties to Mr. Putin’s efforts to subvert the election that put Mr. Trump in office. On Friday, The Washington Post, citing “current and former U.S. officials,” reported that Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors that he had discussed campaign related matters with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to Mr. Sessions’s claims.
The administration has disclosed very little, even about the one meeting with Mr. Putin it announced in advance. So just what have these two leaders been discussing at such length? Has Mr. Trump pledged to lift sanctions on Russia, as Mr. Putin has demanded? Or has he offered to return the compounds in Maryland and New York that President Barack Obama said were used for spying and seized from Russia last year in retaliation for election meddling? If so, is he getting anything in return?
Of course Mr. Trump has to engage with Mr. Putin, given Russia’s position as a nuclear power with a veto in the United Nations Security Council. But at this stage in his presidency, he has so undermined public trust that Americans would be right to wonder whether he is doing so with their best interests at heart.
In your closet. Under your bed. Behind the curtain. Swinging from the chandelier. Watching. Waiting. Preparing to strike.
I thought is was going to be this:
Also a good choice!
If you are a CT fan, Here’s a fun video of Tom Petersson demoing his cool 12 string bass.
I’m still amazed those things don’t break.
You forgot “In your head.” You also got them out of order.
*Citation needed
Bush famously didn’t know that Sunni and Shia were different sects of Islam and despised each other.
The Democrat presidents seem to keep their mouths better shut on foreign policy ignorance.
However, they can’t keep their mouth shut when it comes to ignorance on basic economics or what they think of the average American.
Has the ghost of Robert Welch Jr. taken control of The New York Times?
“Difficult, complex, and brilliant music.”
Is that the same as “fun to listen to” music?
I hesitate to play it lest I find my musical tastes are different from OMWC’s, which would be awkward.
Everyone’s musical tastes are different than mine. Analogous to sexual tastes.
I’m afraid of the responses here.
The Captain is an acquired taste and even though I’m a huge fan I just can’t listen to him when I’m hungover. The weird time signatures make me feel like Sylvester when Tweety tells him about the “tewwible storm, the boat wocked from side to side. Up one wave and down another, wocking, wocking…”
When I think of my friends who share my love for the Captain, it skews heavily toward other musicians.
You are absolutely correct. No consensus bullshit ’round here, son!
I will discuss my own experiences as a (junior) researcher in the field, mainly my own discomfort and embarrassment to be perceived as a desiring woman-researcher, and trace how this has informed my own research trajectory.
I wuz raped by that data!
Initial Fitzgerald finding blames Navy Ship.
I really want to read the final report. The error chain is probably several hours long. I’m sure it’ll be a good lessons learned problem for the future – but I still want to know who had what turned off where. I still can’t believe the basics here.
Of course in a maritime environment, the ACX Crystal will still receive partial fault as well – ie. autopilot with nobody present (possibly), not responding immediately, etc. Will probably wind up something like 70 Navy / 30 Crystal, but could shift more depending on civil findings.
This is paranoid schizophrenia in a
tweed sport coatmuumuu.“No Rockwell”
Norman, Lincoln or Lew? And what have they done lately?
Who would make a stupid joke like that?
One of my *best friends in high school was into “different” music – some of it I loved – and others that drove me out of the room. Captain Beefheart was in the latter category. I used to own Trout Mask Replica but rarely listened to it.
*who later came out of the closet. Is Captain Beefheart related to homosexuality? /derp
I’m with you. Captain Beefheart never did it for me. Zappa, on the other hand…
Zappa was brilliant. This was also one of my teenage favorites.
Love that.
One of my faves.
From the comments on the Trumputin story:
jp2 New Mexico 5 minutes ago
The most powerful country in the world unable/unwilling the deal with the Trump crime family due to his republican lieutenants.His radicalized christian base have sold their soul out of greed for monetary and political power. The 1% want to make America a third world country so they can have cheap labor. We the people have given up citizenship and are now consumers. And you have the Koch suckers to blame for that.
Paranoia seems inadequate to describe this comment. That’s some major league alternate reality, right there.
I dunno, I think “alternate reality” and “mainstream Democratic beliefs” are quickly becoming indistinguishable.
The tin foil hat party.
“NBC’s Fake News On Millennials And Guns”
Do they mean progressive liberals?
If the millenials are slightly lower gun owners by percentage, it’s IMO entirely due to the millenials living through the fucking lost decade of Obamanomics and not having the same chance to make money their older friends and relatives did.
This particular millenial is running out of room in his safe.
The young adults in Chicago don’t seem to have a problem getting their hands on guns.
From the article’s description of the differences between how older people and millennials view guns, I’d say the millennials are more into guns.
“An angry pregnant wife has attacked her cheating husband’s mistress by allegedly forcing red-hot chili peppers into her vagina.”
She didn’t wanna give it away, give it away, give it away now?
Scar tissue
I knew this had to be Southeast Asia before clicking on the link, and not just because of the chili peppers. That hell hath no fury thing seems to be magnified in SE Asia.
*nods knowingly*
/HM’s wife mutters something about feeding the ducks.
When asked for comment, the victim said it was less painful than Californication.
“Now if you want to be promoted, you need to be engaged in something related to diversity and inclusion, and you can’t fake it,” de Garay says.
I work with a ton of rockwell products. I have noticed a distinct drop in the quality of theor products in the past 5 years or so. Their new 755 drives are prone to semiconductor failures that never happened in their older products.
When quality and profit aren’t your first priorities, guess what happens?
Last summer I installed 12 brand new Powerflex 755 AC motor drives. In less than a month 4 of them failed. Everyone one of the failures was because of QC issues in the transistor power supplies. I sent the failed drives back to rockwell and eventually got an explanation. They had a bad production run that got out onto the market. All 12 of the drives I installed were from that production run. They sent me 12 new drives from a good production run and I had to change everyone of them out. They have been running for a year now, but the 4 failures I had were very costly. 2 to 3 hours of down time for failure.
Contrast that to the rockwell drives that I have running in the rolling mill. I have 15 drives there that were installed 30 years ago and are still running on the original power supplies.
Who’s their chief competitor?
Siemens, ABB, Honeywell.
We are putting some ABB drives in the bag house later this year. If that goes well, we may end moving more business their way.
Honeywell is in disarray, as well. A couple good friends work for them and it’s been a brutal few years, Sad to see formerly brilliant companies go off the rails.
Good time for smaller ones to snag some market share, though.
How long has it been like that? We’ve gotten a number of ex-Honeywell exec and midlevels over the last five years and I’m less than impressed.
Years. Rotating management, bloat, back and forth to China, etc.
Takes its toll.
ABB for the win, rock solid in my experience
ABB. Used to stand for Asea, Brown, Bovary–a union of a Swedish company (ASEA) and a Swiss one (Brown-Bovary). When I was a student in Stockholm, we got to tour a very old and still very operational ASEA hydro power plant. They let us up to see the generators, about 100 yrs old, and i noted that the pretty brass fingers on the generators carrying current to most of Stockholm were individually engraved with a swastika. That was back when swastikas were associated more with Norse traditions and simple “good luck!” like a horseshoe or four leafed clover. And then that leftist bastard took over the symbol and ruined it. But hey, the ASEA brass fingers still carry current, so why replace them?
Made me think of A few old bank vaults I worked on.
The inside of this one was engraved all over. beautiful. 7 feet in diameter. every piece of brass and steel had the pattern.
the man must have worked forever on it.
And I am only one of a few who have ever seen it in 200 years. That really stuck with me.
I’ll look for a picture. I know I took a few,
I’d love to see a pic. I enjoy all the beauty that used to be incorporated into functional items, from generators to sewing machines. All that lovely brass, wood, and workmanship. Now all is plastic and disposable–probably for the best, as it is affordable to all now. But nostalgia for the beauty of yesteryear remains.
I have an 1880 ammeter (wood and brass, natch) and a number of antique tube radios, as well as a Singer sewing machine that was their first electric motor powered one. Still makes a beautiful stitch to this day.
Reeks of corporate bloat
A lot of it
When you have more Veeps than DC has ever had…
Chipotle really is the Barbra Streisand of fast-casual restaurants.
Why can’t American politicians be like this?
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Oh there are plenty of pics, can’t post ’em on here, but I’m sure you know where to find them.
You want Senator Moobs and Nancy Pelosi to release their sex tape?
If in fact true, this fight will be an even bigger shitshow than I previously thought; and I’ve banked pretty hard on that.
This was always going to be an absolute embarrassment for McGregor. He’s flashy, he shit-talks and he’s the current champion for the newer, sexier MMA instead of boring old boxing. If this were an MMA fight, he’d have a good chance of winning. It’s not. He’s going up against somebody who has *never lost* professionally. Does anyone really think Mayweather’s first defeat is going to be to a guy who’s basically a boxing dilettante? *pfft*
I imagine swimming in a giant pile of one hundred million dollars goes a long way to removing latent feelings of embarrassment
I caught a couple minutes of his trash-talking and yeah that’s pretty much the message he wanted to share with his fans.
If this was an MMA fight he would have better than a good chance, it would almost certainly be a guarantee.
(looks at cult-member list: sees, “Patrick Swayze” AND “Peter Gabriel”… immediately runs to join cult)
Capturing perfectly the Millennial attitude that it didn’t really happen unless it’s put on social media.
Over four million people watched this:
““Dumb skank” is my social-media brand”
Its like she watched the kardashians reality-tv show growing up, and saw it as a career path.
Surprising or not, it seems to be working.
Our culture that everyone seems to worry about immigrants ruining.
Chipping away at a great man’s legacy
An effort to hold someone accountable for JPMorgan Chase’s loss of more than $6 billion in the so-called London Whale trading scandal is coming to an end, with federal prosecutors in Manhattan moving on Friday to dismiss all criminal charges against two former bank employees.
The move to dismiss the case was another blow to the legacy of Preet Bharara, the former United States attorney in Manhattan, who was fired this year by President Trump.
Last month, a federal judge threw out much of the evidence in a major stock manipulation case against financier Benjamin Wey because of a botched raid by the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the auspices of one of the prosecutors in Mr. Bharara’s office. Two years ago, Mr. Bharara was forced to dismiss about a dozen insider trading convictions after a federal appeals court drastically curtailed the ability of prosecutors to pursue certain cases.
Poor Preet. All he ever wanted to do was ruin lives and extort vast sums of money on behalf of society.
Barring a sex scandal I expect to see him failing upwards by next year or so.
Insider Trading laws are idiotic.
Eating less and exercising more is the key to weight loss? UNPOSSIBLE.
Would (post weight loss).
Good for her. She sounds fun.
Coincidence: I need to move 5,000 records out of a storage space this coming week. I and my lower back are not excited about it.
Get a hand truck?
And that’s a lot of records!
Digitally recorded music is a lot lighter. Just saying.
Do you know what Serato is?
yeah, never mind.
sounds canadian/not interested
I got up late so can anyone summarize the comments for me?
Somebody’s watching ted.
Hayeksplosives is having sex.
Proggie fever dreams.
Cooter peppers.
Gilmore needs to deadlift more.
I think that about covers it!
I’ll add a fugitive monkey:
“SOUTH HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) –The search for an elusive monkey that scratched a 16-year-old girl Tuesday is now in its fourth day, without result.”
Have they tried putting out bananas? Poor thing’s probably hungry, just bait him.
DAY-UM! Succinct.
Poor Mr Hayeksplosives is a bit under the weather, so I am letting him sleep now in preparation for his gig a couple of hours from the Minneapple tonight.
(Note to young women in STEM: musicians are indeed fun, but they do need financing and they are a lot of work too. But the FUN…!!!)
Thanks Tundra.
AND spreading Nutella on bread IS WORK.
With bananas?
“Canadian Man Loses Sandwich to Escaped Monkey”
Is it Canadian Man, or Canada Man, like Florida Man? I’ve heard that the Canucks get irate when we call the annoying crap factories Canadian Geese instead of Canada Geese. “Hey, buddy, those geese don’t have Canada passports, eh? They aren’t Canadian!”
Hosers works also aye.
Canada Bacon? But neither bacon, nor Canada-ian.
I work with a couple of Canadians.
I amuse myself be referring to their home country as “Canadia”.
Wait. You mean bananas bananas right?
We were all busy working.
Steyn’s acid tongue takes on the Justine Damond incident.
He’s so good. This was a nice touch:
“A few days before he shot Justine Damond, a complaint was filed in federal court by another Minneapolis woman, who also called 911 and claims she was assaulted by Noor.”
That is the first I’ve heard that. So had he been on administrative leave while an accusation of assault was investigated Damond would be alive today.
Looks like the taxpayers will be on the hook for a lot of cash.
The American media’s reflex instinct is that this is an out-of-control murderous police-brutality story.
And they’re pretty much right this time. The rest of the piece reads like mirror-image SJW.
If there were “cultural” reasons for the shooting, it was due to the cop-culture of impunity and not some ooga-booga culture as Steyn suggests.
Not his best.
I read the bit about Noor as more about “Hey wow the WaPo wrote a huge story about a police shooting without mentioning the officers name or ethnic background. Isn’t that something?”
That’s true for the first 20% of the article. When he begins with
He obfuscates the fact that the police in our modern republic certainly do not view themselves as part of the public, and in fact, have quite different cultural norms than we “civilians” do.
this. its just the right-wing retard version of the BLM narrative that pretends the problem with police in America is ‘systemic racism’, and not the fucking drug war and its myriad excuse-making for absurdly excessive use of force against otherwise non-violent suspects.
Yeah I really don’t care where the cop is from.
An officer of the law shot a woman who called them. she was unarmed and in no way a threat.
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if the shooting was an accident. They should be be issuing cops guns with a dao, long, heavy trigger on the first round.
I still haven’t hear the official final tally on shots fired.
Good point.
that will be the real question.
They did say “multiple shots.” I believe the partner, the driver in this case, sang the whole tune. We shall see.
I don’t think there’s any way this was an accident. He had to unholster his gun while sitting in the passenger seat of a car, which is an awkward process, then turn and reach across his body to shoot her through the driver’s window. Multiple shots fired. None of that is “accidental”.
There is talk of a “loud noise” startling the cops, which may have precipitated his intentional pulling of the trigger. More than once. Still no accident.
Putting an affirmative action hire into a culture of no accountability kinda ramps up the whole immunity from consequences thing. So its probably mostly “cop culture”, but there’s a layer of SJW affirmative action on top of that, too. Any cop is unlikely to be meaningfully disciplined, but your affirmative action outreach poster boy is even less likely.
He probably pulled the gun because, scared by the loud “noise”, thought they were going to be ambushed. He fired because he saw someone rushing up to the car, which is what an ambusher could do. That is probably the excuse he is going to use and is probably fairly accurate as to what happened.
But, in reality, he was a jumpy, trigger happy man who never should have been a cop. He obviously doesn’t have the temperament to be in a stressful situation and would be a danger to his partners and any citizen he encountered. I’m betting he was never trained to handle stressful situations either. Cops should be held to a higher not lower standard than your normal citizen.
Just to be clear “what happened” in my first paragraph is what the cop thought.
Well, and a culture and training that you’ve got to use disproportionate force quickly and immediately that creates and reinforces jumpiness and snap judgement. Along with a supposed “war” against cops.
I actually think there is sort of a “war” on cops. It is a subset of the “war” on common sense by those who see everything through the (I don’t really know what else to call it) social justice lens. There are a lot of extraordinarily vocal people who “know” the reason more blacks get arrested is because of racism instead of the “war on drugs”.
As far as unholstering his gun. They’re on their way to a potential assault and I believe we’re in an alley. My guess is he had his gun out before they even pulled in the alley. He saw someone approaching the car and probably pointed his gun at her. Hears a louf noise and pulls the trigger. I’m not making excuses for him. It shouldn’t have happened and even if it were an accident he should get involuntary manslaughter at least. It was senseless tradgedy. I agree with others that the lack of accountability for there actions lead to this sorry of thing whether or be carelessness, caulessness, or cold blooded murder
Assuming he’s right handed, that would put the gun on his left hip, towards the driver’s side. It’s not hard for me to imagine him pulling the weapon and firing it quickly because his right arm would be pointing towards her as he’s pulling the gun out of its holster.
Shit, disregard all of that last post. Right handed cops tend to put the taser on their left.
Yeah, I really don’t remember ever seeing a cop with his holster set for a cross-draw. Always on the right hip.
Maybe he does ride around with his gun in his hand. I don’t see how that really makes it all that much better, since we are debating where on the line from “reckless” to “negligent” this (intentional) shooting falls. Accidental, it is definitely not.
Almighty, I think you make the best case that can be made here. Unfortunately, I predict with high confidence that we will once again see the requirement that a “reasonable person” would have felt threatened with death or injury disregarded, and we’ll go back to our default of “did the cop say he felt threatened” as being an adequate defense.
80% chance he walks.
I strongly suspect the “loud noise” is pure fiction.
Me, too. Don’t recall if his partner said it, but I think so. Still, the neighbors should be able to validate it (or not).
Remember, the cop has to establish an affirmative defense here, which means the burden of proof is on him to show there actually was a loud noise. If all the neighbors say “nothing in particular until the shooting started”, then it shouldn’t be taken as support for his defense.
But, this is a cop. They start with the presumption that everybody they kill was justifiably killed. So, the mere statement by the cop, even if unsupported by anything else, will probably be used to justify the killing.
“Mattress Girl is indeed a sad, pathetic victim, but what has led her to her present state of unfortunate desperation is a female-empowerment culture that invites young women not only to be complicit in their own degradation, but to confuse it with liberation.”
How is that bitch a victim in any sense? The fact that she isn’t sitting behind bars right now for her false accusation is proof she’s no victim.
Her father was a horse
I read it as victim of a degraded “female-empowerment culture”.
“Hillary Clinton is even less popular now than she was when she was running for president — and according to an article in the Huffington Post, that’s because she’s a woman.”
The same people who went on full blown misogynistic attacks day after day against Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann have no credibility on this subject.
They weren’t real women and ought to have their vaginas removed. At least according to the latest feminist hero.
Illiterates who say ‘she won the popular vote’ need to grasp what they are saying is:
We lost the game but we had more shots on goal! NO FAIR!
Because elections are non-mandatory, most people didn’t come to the polls at all. It was the will of the committed and active that brought Trump into power.
I have severe doubts that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a woman. I’m convinced by now that she’s an agent of SKYNET.
She’s no Summer Glau.
“That is civil asset forfeiture. It’s a gigantic law-enforcement scam (in 2014 the government took more money from citizens than burglars stole from crime victims), and it’s a constitutional atrocity. It’s a constitutional atrocity that Donald Trump’s Department of Justice just expanded. Yesterday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions revived an abusive program that allows state authorities to seize property and then transfer the property to the federal government to implement the forfeiture process. Once the Feds obtain forfeiture, they then share the proceeds with the seizing state agency. This allows state law enforcement to explicitly circumvent state forfeiture restrictions and profit while doing so.
Even worse, Sessions’s announcement of the change was misleading. In a speech to the National District Attorneys Association, he said that “no criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime.” Most Americans would agree with that statement. I agree with that statement. But civil forfeiture allows the government to deprive citizens of their property even when it doesn’t even try to prove that the citizen committed a crime.”
I said this before, but until the left stops virtue-signaling about Sessions and starts criticizing what is actually bad about him, nothing will change. Asset forfeiture exists because only those loopy conservative and libertarian academics are against it.
Of course, the left and the mainstream media love and worship the state, so they comply and stay silent about garbage like this.
I have a bad feeling that your low-info lefty/proggy authoritarians who are hearing about asset forfeiture for the first time because of this announcement aren’t thinking “That’s terrible!”. They’re thinking “You mean we don’t even have to try to prove someone broke the law to take all their shit? Awesome!”
TN judge offers early release for inmates who get sterilized.
Re: Amazonian food delivery
I recently started working for a company that already delivers groceries to people’s houses, and that has been doing so since the 1950’s.
The food–the food that I have tried so far, anyway–is good, too. For example, the manager cooked some of the chicken lo mein and some egg rolls for the driver-salesmen (RSRs), and while I’m not a big fan of Chinese food, I quite enjoyed it.
Amazon’s problem may be developing a delivery network. Maybe they can deliver everything with drones, but I doubt it. They may be planning to rely on FedEx/UPS, but if they want to build an internal transport division, it will mean hiring a bunch of people that can meet DOT regulations. With Millenials being hooked on opiates and everything, the supply of acceptable drivers will be limited. The free delivery business model will be threatened, I think.
Nice. My folks used Schwan’s when I was a kid. I remember their ice cream was good.
Currently, my mom uses Peapod for her groceries.
Where did you grow up, HM? y mom did as well. I loved the little pizzas.
I was born in Queens, but moved to NH when I was 8.
Schwans is based in southern MN. I had no idea their delivery area was so big.
Out on the west coast here. Our next door neighbors as a kid had Schwanns. I still see the delivery trucks frequently today.
I used Schwan’s a few years ago in rural arkansas. I think they are everywhere.
They’re also in Florida, my parents used to get weekly deliveries.
Tony’s Pizza, sold in grocery stores, is owned by Schwanns.
Also, Red Baron Pizza, Freschetta Pizza, and Bon Appetite Pizza…Mrs. Edwards pies
I had some Schwan’s awhile back. It was pretty good.
Meal delivery like Schwan’s does is a great idea for elderly people, most of whom eat like shit because cooking is too much trouble or, if a widower, a complete mystery. Its always sad when I go to the grocery store here in Tucson (which is jammed with old people) and see old people, by themselves, getting their food out of the frozen aisle.
My mom still uses Schwans.
UCLA medical school =
[insert photo of guy in tuxedo partying with hot young blonde hookers]
I recently started working for a company that already delivers groceries to people’s houses, and that has been doing so since the 1950’s.
Exactly so.
The route is in the Ouachita Mountains area. I was unaware that there were mountains in this part of the country. They aren’t as impressive as the Rockies or the Smokies, or even the Ozarks, but some if the views are almost stunning.
North central arkansas. The ouachita are pretty. I love in the river valley that separates the Ouachitas from the Ozarks. It’s gods country.
Love in the valley sounds kinky.
Get Ready to Cling . . . Tightly
Eric Peters on the downsides of automated vehicles (hint).
No thanks.
Fuck. (hint)
A YouTube URL isn’t much of a hint.
I’m really looking forward to fully autonomous vehicles since the complete idiots who have more interest in their phone than driving will be able to do both without running me off the road. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let those same idiots take my car away because they think I’M the one who isn’t safe. Fuck them.
That’s the point, though. The only way to make it work is to make us criminals.
Freedom isn’t neat and orderly. Sorry, proggies.
Is there anything a massive amount of steroids and photoshop can’t do?!?
Not a good mental image.
In total, the couple reported as much as $212 million in income since early 2016, according to new and previous filings. The bulk of that number comes from Mr. Kushner’s holdings.
Ethics experts say the extensive holdings of the two pose potential conflicts of interest. Unlike Mr. Trump, who is exempt from federal ethics laws, Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump are prohibited by those laws from taking any government action that might benefit their financial holdings.
Mr. Kushner and Ms. Trump both “walk a very fine line in having to step aside and recuse themselves from certain discussions and give advice if it would benefit them and their business personally,” said Scott H. Amey, the general counsel at the Project on Government Oversight, a nonprofit organization.
Why can’t we have noble selfless ascetics like the Clintons running the country?
The fact that there’s such a thing as an “ethics expert” makes me laugh my ass off. Especially when it’s related to government.
It’s funny how these “progressive” eggheads always scrutinize people on the Right for having “potential conflicts of interest”, but they never bat an eyelash at the relationship between Democrats and public sector unions, who have a huge financial interest in stopping any government services from being cut, privatized, or even made more efficient so that they can run with fewer paid employees. And the SEIU, AFSCME, and Teacher’s Unions all outspend Koch Industries several fold (each of them on their own, not combined).
I just about flipped out the other day when I was discussing Trump vs. Clinton with a “progressive” and he said that Clinton was better than Trump because of her “lifetime of public service”.
First off, public “service”? It’s not like she resigned herself to a humble, spartan existence to provide the country with her “services”. The bitch is a fucking billionaire with tons of power and fame. And we’ve seen that she’s basically above the law, so that’s another fringe benefit. Politicians are not “serving”, they’re occupying positions that are extremely lucrative in terms of wealth and influence. “Public service” my fucking ass.
And a lifetime in politics doesn’t mean that her ideas aren’t dog-shit stupid. What has she done during that time? Bombed the shit out of Libya? Enthusiastically voted for the Iraq War, and pretty much every war and foreign intervention she ever came across? Basically tried to dismantle the 2A?
This is why it’s so maddening to hear people whine that Trump is “unqualified”. I’m not his biggest fan either, but let’s be honest: career politicians are the worst kind.
If working for the government is “public service,” they should have all their benefits cut and their pay reduced to a level where they actually need to work a real job to make ends meet.
The worst is how former presidents are basically supported in idle luxury for the rest of their lives. I think if your term is up, you should get nothing. They already get paid shitloads of money (senators start at six figures a year) so they shouldn’t have any problem saving for their own retirement like the rest of us.
They spend all of campaign season posing for photo ops next to factory workers to show what an Average Joe they are, but suddenly, when it comes time to leave office, they’re too good to work a regular job like us peons.
That drives me nuts too. They make it sound like these people worked for the peace corps in thurd world shit holes and lived in huts. Thats one i cant ever bite my tongue on when i hear someone praising “public servants”.
If they’re out servants, then we’re their masters, and they ought to be treating us like their masters.
And in Hillary’s case in specific – she was a public leech. Even if you count elected/non-elected government officials as “public servants”, for most of her life, *Bill* was the “public servant”, not her. What was she doing besides covering his ass and planning parties for most of that time? THat’s hardly selfless public service.
That’s what occurred to me when I heard rumors of Michelle Obama running for president at some point.
Fucking the president does not qualify you to do jack shit.
Careful, Akira. It’s not wise to upset a wookie.
Fucking the president
Assumes facts not in evidence.
I’d settle for a president with no wife, kids, or any other family.
I note that this interest in the personal holdings of people in government is a very new thing. I recall no such concern with the various Kennedys, with John Kerry and his wife’s vast personal fortune, or pretty much anyone else before the Trumps.
No such concern raised over the Bushes?
I really don’t recall anything. Certainly nothing like what we are seeing now. Its not so much the Dem v Rep double standard as the Better and Smarter than You Establishment v Irredeemable Yokels double standard, which Trump has really dragged into the light of day.
Maybe if we point out their hypocrisy of it all they will come to their senses and realize what asshats they have been
I’ve tried pointing out all the big money dealings of the Democrats to “progressives”, and here’s how it usually goes: first they deny it; they will usually question where I read that and possibly assert that it’s “fake news”. If I look up some proof on my smartphone and convince them that it’s true, they will give some mealy-mouthed line about how it’s bad, but the Republicans are SOOO terrible that they must be stopped at all costs, even if that means voting for a big money candidate.
Sometimes, I’ve heard the excuse that it’s OK for Democrats to be super-rich political grifters because the Republicans are doing the same thing and the Democrats wouldn’t be able to compete with them. You see, it’s all the Republicans’ fault for turning politics into a money contest…
I take it most of the progressives you talk to are Union members?
None of them are, actually. Most of them are fairly wealthy professionals, and a small handful fall into the “I’m poor and I wish I had more money” camp.
I don’t even know if I’d classify my dad as a “progressive”. He seems receptive to some things I’ve said about the problems created by welfare programs and public sector unions, but he votes blue. I think part of it might be the fact that he enthusiastically voted for George W. Bush in 2000 and he’s trying to live it down.
That is genuinely horrible music.
Heh, UFCW, or as I like to call it “Undocumented Foreign Colored Women’s Union”. I’m actually a dues-paying “member” and I’ve never met a rep, received any information about bennies or had any interaction with them except for a non-laminated card showing up in the mail one time and the fact that their fee shows up on my pay stub every two weeks. I’m sure that they are good people and only have the best interests of their members in mind, good citizen that I am. (snicker)