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Classic Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri
Serves 4 (YMMV)
This is one of those drinks that when I make it, I say, “why don’t I make this more often?” So easy, so balanced. I freeze strawberries when they are in season, but frozen berries from the store are fine.
Many people prefer cocktails (and everything else) much sweeter than we do. Adjust the sugar as desired. Most recipes will call for 5-7 tbsp sugar. You can also use simple syrup, but I find it adds more liquid than I like.
2-1/4 cups frozen unsweetened strawberries, straight from the freezer
3/4 cup light rum
1/2 cup lime juice (don’t worry, bottled works fine)
4 tbsp white sugar – adjust to taste
Put all ingredients in the blender and puree until smooth. The final consistency should be slushy enough to drink through a straw without waiting, but not runny.
Happy summer!
It’s 10:00 in the morning? Do you think we’re a bunch of drunks?!?
Oh, wait..
I can drink when I’m awake.
It is in fact 6 20 in the afternoon, good time for a drink. 34 degrees here though, kinda hot to be drinking alcohol
The being said, men don’t drink Daiquiri
What kind of whack job time zone are you in? 😉
34, let me see. Multiply by 9 over 5, add 32. that comes up to about 93 degrees. Sissy Europeans. It’s been over 90 since since ten this morning here.
And too hot for alcohol, I have never heard such nonsense.
10 AM was about when I finished making coffee. I put some Bailey’s and Kahlua in it.
I guess I’m not helping here am I?
I feel like this is why Libertarians don’t have more political sway in the culture… they are dying left and right from cirrhosis of the liver.
Some people like fruit for breakfast.
I’m eating rum Jello shots for breakfast. This daiquiri would make a good breakfast dessert.
Love the concept of breakfast dessert.
I would imagine I could make this today.
We’re painting the living room today. I think.
The rotating daiquiri makes me want one even more.
Yes, nice touch SP!
Some drinking music: https://youtu.be/wWC_CNXYG04
Thanks for noticing, Doom, Tundra, and eg310!
I can’t do those sugary drinks. Not that I don’t like them, they just make me feel sick to my stomach for some reason.
I could go for a Bloody Mary right now though.
I have never been able to finish one of those for some reason. I tried to drink them a few years ago when I was really into mixology. I would get about halfway through, then for some reason, the taste would just become vomit-inducing and I’d have to dump it out.
Oh well.. I’ll stick with beer and boulevardiers.
Wine for me, although I’ll have some vodka on Friday and Saturday nights.
I like wine too, but I haven’t gotten really “into” it like some people do. I usually get a bottle that’s between $12 and $15 when I make spaghetti sauce just because I like to dump a little in there for flavor and drink the rest with dinner.
Wine is another drink that upsets my stomach. I think it’s the acidity.
Lots of pepper is the key.
A tip from the pros: Use strawberrys that are very ripe. They are naturally sweeter and they blend into a smoother concoction.
(Mrs. Hobbit loves Strawberry Daiquiris)
… Hobbit
Indeed. The sole reason I freeze my own berries (not a euphemism) when they are at peak flavor.
The Papa Doble recommended back in Ye Olden Days of Belly Up to the Bar has become a Casa Dean favorite. Our (very slight) variation:
3 oz rum (we use dark rum because its what we generally have)
2 oz lime juice
2 oz grapefruit juice (actually a leetle less seems to balance better)
1/4 oz Luxardo maraschino liqueur (perhaps a leetle more)
The trick to this one is to get just exactly the right amount of the dry maraschino liqueur flavor (much like the trick with the Monkey Gland was dosing the Pernod precisely). The original recipe called for a “splash” of liqueur, which sometimes was too little and sometimes was too much, so I went with a measured pour.
Shake over ice, pour over more ice (the big ice balls are the thing here, too).
I’m also working on dialing in a mojito recipe, but there is still much work to do, I’m afraid.
Your work is very important to all of humanity.
I like exact measurements, too. I like to be able to replicate it when it’s delicious!
1/4 is is half a tablespoon, right? Or 1-1/2 tsp.
That’s 1/4 oz.
Brava! A true classic. Do not short the magic of a mango daiquiri as well. The riper the mango the better and frozen works fantastic.
Mmmmmmm mango daiquiri! I think I even have some mango in the freezer… *runs to check*
(This also works with frozen peaches.)
3/4 cup of rum doesn’t sound like four servings to me. Maybe two.
Coincidentally, that’s exactly how many took part in the drinking…
It is indeed not much, but it’s all about the balance. 2 servings each yesterday afternoon was about right as an aperitif. We generally switch to wine with dinner.
Will Comic Films Hit The Wall?
If Razorfist thinks comic book movies are oversaturated, just wait until the next eight Star Wars movies come out.
Watched Logan last night. Had q
I watched Endless Love. Brooke Shields can’t act, but of course that’s not why you watch her.
Stupid fingers.
Watched Logan last night. Had quit following the X-Men movies, so maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised at how grim it was. I don’t think much of the following is a spoiler if you’ve seen the trailer, but . . . SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS
Professor X doped to the gills and hiding out somewhere near the Mexican border? Wolverine a stone alcoholic and dying of . . . something? Mutants pretty much all tracked down and exterminated? A secret breeding program to develop mutant super-soldiers by experimenting on, and killing, children? The nice family who helps them out getting brutally murdered, along with Professor X? Yikes.
I quite enjoyed it. Even (especially?) the feral child, who truly was 4′ 10″ of pure murder.
Naw, the more recent X-Men movies were around as dark as the original (I mean, there first one starts literally at a concentration camp, so it’s hard to top that). Logan was the first time that an X-Men related property was designed to have an R-rating so they thought “YES, HAVE WOLVERINE CHOP UP ALL THE PEOPLE”.
Deadpool was the first R. Fox let Logan have the R because Deadpool made enough bank that they realized the R rating wasn’t the box office poison they had feared.
If they’d thought about how well Blade/Blade II did – they might have tried it a little sooner.
Or Punisher War Zone
I love this sketch and use the term all the time, but no one I’ve come across since college gets it. Probably too young of a crowd.
I was blanching garden tomatoes last week to make salsa and spaghetti sauce. when I was peeling the skins off the tomatoes, I did so over a large bowl so that I captured any tomatoes juice that escaped when the peel is removed. I ended up with a little over a quart of the best tomatoe juice that you can get.
Add vodka and black pepper for the best bloody Mary you’ve ever had.
horseradish, yo.
and lemon juice. and worcestershire sauce
i mean, call me picky if you want.
I would normally agree, but if you are starting with light, sweet, fresh, delicious garden tomato juice, you don’t want to add too much to it. The juice is great all by itself.
It’s kinda like how a quality rib eye cut doesn’t need anything but a little salt and pepper. No need to doctor it up when you raw material is of the highest quality.
(shrug) the tomato juice is just a delivery vehicle for the tasty-stuff imo. a bartender girl in my hood a while back had one of the best BM’s in NYC and it was light on the tom and more focused on the spice-balance/type. (iow it came out actually looking more sort of watery light-brown/red than the typical “red soup” look) It was awesomely refreshing, tho i’d demand she not over-garnish it
(like many pretentious bartenders in ny she’d slap like 2 celery stalks, a pared radish, 3 olives, and a lemon chunk on it and you had to fight your way through her salad with a machete to reach the booze sometimes)
I sadly have a mouthfeel issue with tomato juice.
I can about 100 quarts of tomatoes each summer, mostly crushed, which get turned into various items all year. It amuses OMWC when the kitchen looks like a murder scene.
That daiquiri recipe looks good. Though I wonder if it would work with dark rum?
What AJB said.
Here is a recipe for something I call “sour punch”. I don’t drink alcohol, but people who have tried it said alcohol could be added.
1 can of orange juice (the big tin can on the juice aisle, about 46 oz.)
1 can of pineapple juice
1 packet each of cherry, strawberry, strawberry-lemonade, and lime flavored koolaid.
Mix all ingredients together.
Also, being a policeman is awesome
They’ve about got it. Not enough dead bodies though.
That looks tasty! Thanks!
Jihn Heard died
Fool’s Paradise streaming at wfmu.org. If you like old time rock and roll, r&b, surf, twang, garage, trash at 45 rpm, then check it out.
I got a bunch of fresh mint in my produce box this week. I guess juleps are my drink of choice this weekend. Maybe mojitos?
I like Mojitos. I substitute sprite zero for the sugar, soda, and lime.
Mmmmm mojitos!
Tonight we’re throwing a booze-fest at the neighborhood pool – at first I was thinking tiki torches, a whole spread of food, and homemade margaritas.
Now we’re ending up with chips ‘n’ salsa and a box of wine. Lazy factor! Also it is BYOB so no reason to go crazy buying booze.
What, not R C Dean’s Own Margarita?
I haz a sad.
I have, maybe, three ounces of cheap vodka in my pantry.
What are my options?
just pour it in orange juice and knock it down. Doesn’t seem like enough to make a fuss over.
Or any juice. Or soda. Or coffee.
This demands maximum efficiency of delivery Go borrow a tampon from your neighbors.
Go out to a liquor store and buy more, stat.
I don’t even know if this is real and actually an effort by B&N to disassociate themselves, or just Milo trolling the fuck out of booksellers, but its still funny either way
**side note: the way that girl talks? if she were my daughter i’d probably have to commit an honor-killing. Its unbearable
Either that or a strict no talking in the house rule. And you looping that is just cruel.
BN has been like that for ever. It’s pretty obvious by what books get placed up front right when you walk in the door and which ones are hard to even find that they are 100% DNC. They really don’t even try to hide it.
Now that we are up to a balmy 98 degrees here, it’s time to hop on the lawn mower and crack the first beer of the day.
It’s probably dangerous to hop on the mower. Especially while drinking.
Maybe so, but I survived and the yard looks a little less white trashy.
The only reason OMWC ever mows the yard is the HOA enforcement by actual cops.
I think I’d just as soon move to Venezuela as be ruled by petty tyrants in a HOA. I live way out in the country and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Here’s the view from my carport that I am currently sitting in.
Nothing can compare to the freedom of not having to deal other people.
I agree completely. I used to own a house in the middle of nowhere on acres of forested land.
We are just renting here at the moment, because of work location. We would never buy a house with an HOA.
very nice.
This is my current view as I drink a heady topper.
very nice
I approve.
Damn, I miss living in the Rockies.
It’s the danger that let’s you know you’re alive.
Entirely OT and could probably never happen, but I’d like to see a version of Star Trek where the Ferengi are the good guys. Have their greed be actually backed up by an actually capitalist ethos. The Federation would be a bunch of arrogant halfwits who presume their organizational self-interest for morality (think EU writ large). I think it would work best as a comedy.
That’s like half the Ferengi episodes of DS9, until they coward out at the end and ‘reform’ them.
They irradiated their own planet?!?
It always seemed to me that they’d get 60%-70% of the way there and then they’d run away. It was a bridge they just couldn’t bring themselves to cross.
After Enterprise, Voyager and the new movies I’d just settle for a Star Trek series that was actually good. But I’m guessing they’ll be going for ‘sufficiently woke’ over ‘good’ nowadays.
The Klingon “redesign” for the Discovery show doesn’t fill me with a lot of confidence, I have to say. It’s hideous, like Power Rangers villain bad.
link to photo at twitter
Wow, you weren’t kidding. Even if you were going to make a redesign the theme you should be working off of is ‘Space Mongols’ not ‘rejected Farscape costume’.
The greatest Twitter Account, Godfrey Elfwick, is dead. 🙁
Apparently this is the woman behind it. Who knew?
Godfrey Elfwick lives on in our hearts and minds. Like V a new man will take on his persona and begin again.
My guess is that the assholes who run twitter have a secret list of people they keep on “Ban ASAP” and the minute they can catch them calling someone a “cunt”, they can drop the hammer.
This seems correct. Patreon just shut down Lauren Suthern’s account with them for being wrongthink. at least that’s her claim. I’m not surprised, and imagine a lot of people might be a little worried. Sargon comes to mind, but any non approved person who is paid on that platform is at risk.
“As your physician, I ask you to stop drinking all fruit-based alcoholic beverages.”
“What about a hickory daiquiri, doc?”
If I laugh, it will only serve to encourage you.
I laughed anyway.
Tell him the pope doesn’t approve.
The joke goes at least back to Bennett Cerf in 1965, and who knows how far before that, yet to my knowledge no Pope ever took notice of it one way or another.
The future Pope John XXIII was at a reception where a scantily-clad woman wore a crucifix around her neck. His response was “what a Golgotha!”
You don’t get to tell dad jokes unless you are an actual dad, you know.
I am not big on the frozen blender drinks, but I probably should eat more fruit. Maybe I will have to break down and buy a blender. Fruit and rum sounds good.
Two of my favorite drinks:
– Rum + limeade + club soda. It works with any shade of rum, but I like the in-between kinds like 10 Cane.
– Rye whiskey, peaches, a little bit of peach brandy, and club soda.
*makes a list*
You know who else had a list?
In 1811, Adam and Anna had a little Liszt.
The Lord High Executioner?
Arya Stark?
I drank a shit-load of strawberry daquiries whilst in the arms of a huge MDA high. Puked my gizzard out but if I had the chance to be 18 again I’d do it once more just for being awesome and eighteen fucken years old. That’s the me that I never want see dating my Granddaughters. It’s a wonder that there are so few shot gun deaths involving the “courtin’ set”.
An older male family member actually chased a guy off our front porch with a shotgun when I was a teenager.
This looks yummy! Thanks, SP!
You’re welcome!