Alright, so I just saw the new Spiderman the other day. I’m mixed on my thoughts. On one hand, I want to praise it for giving us the first decently done villain since Loki all the way back in the original Thor. We get some quick backstory on him at the start and it gives him a decent reason why he turns into a criminal. It was also nice to not get yet another origin story on Peter Parker. He was already bitten by a spider, and there was no sign of any Uncle Ben, so presumably he’s already dead. It was also nice to see that Peter has his own lame homemade Spiderman costume and only can get the nice fancy suit from the resources available through Tony Stark, rather than somehow being able to make such a nice fancy suit himself like the previous Spiderman movies. Also liked that he had to create the webbing himself, rather than it being a power given by the spider. Never was a comic book reader, but I know that’s how it was in the Spiderman cartoon which is what I grew up with, so that’s how it’s supposed to be as far as I’m concerned.
So, now to the stuff I didn’t like. I think they made him too young. I really think Marvel would’ve been better served having Peter be at the end of High School, beginning of College, like the Sam Raimi Spiderman did. There was a little too much focus on teenage angst and relationships with his fellow students for my taste. I also think Tony Stark should’ve taken the fancy Spiderman suit back sooner, so we would have to see the home made suit for more of the movie. Especially since Tony gives him back the fancy suit at the end of the movie, so this will likely be the only movie with him using his own suit.
Alright, to the real issue that bothered me. Really, Marvel? Please don’t tell me you’re going to start pushing your SJW crap into your movie universe. Do you really want to turn what’s been a cash cow for you into box office flops? So, what am I talking about? Well, there wasn’t a huge amount of the crap in the movie, fortunately, but there were a few standout issues. All of it that I can recall came from one particular character; Michelle. It starts with the scene when Peter’s group is gathering for a trip to Washington D.C. Michelle makes a comment about wanting to protest. Alright, just a one off, vague comment about protesting, but not what she wants to protest. Okay, fine. A bit later, we get to the group visiting the Washington Monument. Their group leader mentions not wanting to split the group and Michelle says how she doesn’t want to enter a structure built by slaves. Really? There were a couple other instances of social signaling by this specific character in other points of the movie too, if I recall correctly. Oh, and guess what we find out about the girl at the end of the movie? This is MJ. Yup, Parker’s future love interest is no longer a pale redhead like she always has been. Nope, now she’s a mixed race social signaling SJW.
So, I really wanted to love this movie. Growing up I regularly watched the Spiderman cartoon, it was one of my favorites. So I was kinda disappointed with this. It wasn’t bad, but it was slightly above average, really only because of an actual interesting villain. But I really hope this isn’t the start of Marvel trying to replicate the crap they’ve been doing in their comic books in recent years into their movie series. I’m interested in the upcoming Black Panther film, and, surprisingly, I’m interested in the new Thor. (I was surprised by that, given how rather boring I found Thor 1 & 2 to be). Hopefully this will be a one off deal, and not the start of a trend.
Thanks for putting my review up. Hope it isn’t too bad. Feedback is always welcomed.
Well, you can rest assured it’s not the worst, anyway 😉
I enjoyed reading it; although, I will say that I disagree on the age of Peter Parker. I think his character works best when he’s younger. The Tobey Maguire Spiderman was terrible for a lot of reasons–not the least of which was that I thought he was too old to be going through all that angst in the end.
Well, given that this isn’t yet another origin story for Spider-Man, I thought it would’ve worked better to have him be a little older. We aren’t seeing him get bit by a spider and learning his new abilities. We aren’t seeing him deal with the death of Uncle Ben. That’s all already behind us going into his brief appearance in Civil War. So, personally I think it would’ve been better served having him be at the end of his high school days.
I liked it. Mostly because I laughed out loud a lot.
“Michelle. It starts with the scene when Peter’s group is gathering for a trip to Washington D.C. Michelle makes a comment about wanting to protest.”
“Their group leader mentions not wanting to split the group and Michelle says how she doesn’t want to enter a structure built by slaves. Really?”
I hear your complaints about these social signaling scenes, but alas, this is what kids are actually like. If I recall correctly, didn’t the teacher have a reaction akin to rolling his eyes or like an “OK… whatever” face? Because honestly, who’s going to argue with SJWs these days if you value your career in public education?
Those scenes didn’t bother me. I saw observations from others, i.e. RedLetterMedia about the plethora of diversity in the school and commenters replied: “Yeah, but this is NYC, that is actually what the school’s demographics look like.” If the school was in rural midwest, then obviously the demographics don’t look like that.
The social signaling wasn’t so much that it detracted from the movie in my opinion. For me, it felt more like just a “slice of life” that added some authenticity to the movie, because in life, we have kids making those comments.
My biggest complaint was the no-risk, no-suspense fight scene at the end. You know nobody is going to die, or nothing serious is going to happen, just a stupid big flashy fight scene at the end of the movie because every movie has to have that.
I didn’t have a problem with the diversity of the school. Hell, if it weren’t for Marvel’s SJW comics of recent years, I probably would’ve brushed off Michelle’s character too. Sadly, specifically because of those comics and from the fact that Marvel is apparently doubling down on their crap with the comics (at least according to a fairly recent Sargon video I watched), I couldn’t help but wonder if this might be the start of pushing it into their movies now. I really hope it’s not. Like I said at the end, I’m genuinely interested in seeing the new Thor movie. Black Panther looks pretty good too. I’ve also heard about Sony doing a standalone Venom movie for next year, with Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock. (A vastly more appropriate choice for the character than the kid from That 70’s Show in the Godawful Spider-Man 3). Venom is easily my favorite Spider-Man villain so I’d love to go see that. Hopefully I’m just being paranoid about it. This is a movie series I’d hate to see go down the toilet because of that kind of stupidity.
I just attended a panel at a local Literacy NP a few weeks ago, the question before the panel was how marvel can be more inclusive, after the Pres or VP or whomever blamed the sales slump on diversity. Every single panelist was from a diverse background and some had more sense than others. The only two businessmen on the panel offered the best advice: If you want diversity, ask of it from your local shops. If Marvel doesn’t see the orders coming in for a series, they will drop it, so complain about it all you want, but until you spend your own cash then there isn’t much that can be practically done. Good advice, probably fell on deaf ears.
Fair enough. Hopefully the social signaling doesn’t get worse. Maybe I just accept that there will be some amount of social signaling in any hollywood production and I’m ready to tolerate it when I buy that ticket.
Another complaint I didn’t mention was the over the top product placement. I assume Audi paid quite a bit to be featured throughout the movie, which put me off as a fan of Audi cars.
I haven’t watched many new movies in maybe 10 years because the preachiness just got too much. Then i watched GotG, was surprised it was almost pure entertainment, and have been binging on all the Marvel flicks since, including the xmen universe ones.
Hopefully they will stay that way.
I have been branching out, and was surprised at how entertaining the Star Trek reboot is (to someone who isn’t a purist.)
I really welcomed Zendaya playing against type for this, and the slave thing was a throwaway line, but I did take notice of it. I liked most of the film except for the low-stakes end. However, it was true to the character/comic with not killing the bad guys and leaving the signs behind.
How can MJ be not a redhead?
I know, right? It’d be like making Gwen Stacy not be a blonde.
Hair colour I can live with, but MJ being a sullen, too-cool-for-life poser is where nerdrage starts building. She’s a goddamn party girl and proud of it!
Tbh I didn’t mind the fact that Raimi’s Spider Man had organic webbing. It downplays his intelligence and ingenuity, but when you get the sticky fingers and the super senses from a radioactive spider it would make sense for web-generating to be a power as well.
The problem was the original Spider-Man manufactured the webbing to complement his other spider-powers. This fit in with the Parker character because he was actually a science guy.
The comic-book creators knew what the movie makers didn’t know – the wisdom of playwright Anton Checkov – if you have a superhero with a big fuss made of his science background, he has to do something scienc-y.
Of course, I’m talking from a character-development point of view, who knows whether radioactive spider-bite powers should, as a scientific matter, entail web-making abilities as well as wall-climbing abilities…but if you go out of your way to emphasize who your guy is a science whiz, and he then gets the chance to be a superhero, you better have him making use of his science genius to enhance his powers.
Considering that we had to assume Peter was smart from occasionally getting a compliment from Dr. Connors, the comic writers probably made the right choice.
Dr. Connors was the giant lizard, not the metallic octopus, right? I think I still remember that much.
The scaredest Ive ever been from a comic book is when Spider-man used radiation to un-lizard the Lizard Man, and the radiation turned Spider-Man himself into a lizard. /shudder
Thanks for the review, EE. Much appreciated
I’ve been following the MCU since day 1, and until recently have been able to catch the movies in theaters on opening weekend, if not within a few weeks. But recently I have been able to make to fewer and fewer opening weekends, it probably has much to do with my growing list of responsibilities at my job, but I also think it has much to do with a sort of costume fatigue. I understand that the mouse is building a world that is both elaborate and multi-faceted in a way that wasn’t possible before, but it also leaves room for fatigue from the fans. I’m glad to have the movies and I respect them for the popcorn flixs they are, but they just aren’t as exciting as they used to be.
Glad you liked it. Maybe I’m not as fatigued with it yet since I actually only got into the MCU around the time Ant-Man came out, but I’m still rather enjoying the movies so far. Also probably helps that almost nothing else that has been coming out for the past several years interests me at all, so it’s kind of nice to have movies that I genuinely want to go into the theater to see. (Although I missed out on seeing Guardians 2, so I’ll have to wait to get it on Blu Ray before seeing it)
I loved GotG, both the first and second. I grew up in a geek friendly home, watched ST and SW and such, so I’ve always been around it in one form or another. I think a lot of my fatigue comes from both the best and worst thing about the MCU; the buildup. I know that Thanos is coming, I’ve been waiting on that purple mf’er forever. After he is inevitability vanquished, I’m not sure where the MCU goes. They have spent years and years building this up, after that arc is finished, unless they are willing to sink another decade into it, I don’t see anywhere for the series to go.
It’s not just women who are scared of spiders.
Read the first line as mental health activist, then read it again. Huffpo gonna kill me one day. Also the first time I’ve actually seen the ‘they’ pronoun to refer to someone
“lemmer, who works as a menstrual health activist, told HuffPost that they decided to stage the photo after the backlash to The Adventures of Toni the Tampon: A Period Coloring Book a coloring book they created to introduce kids of all genders to the human experience of menstruation. “
Here’s the money shot though,
“We had been friends for awhile and she’s a feminist activist, but when I realized that not even she had considered what it was like for people like me to experience bleeding on a (ir)regular basis I knew that I had to go public with my story to help shift the mindset around tying periods to womanhood and femininity. Not all people who menstruate are women, and not all women menstruate.”
TL;DR: Look at me, I’m special too!
“Look at me”
That’s really these peoples whole life in a nutshell
I need the box
“Existence is Pain, Jerry!” Just be careful what you wish for JB! Also are you a fan of the show? If not, why not? If so, are you ready for Sunday?!
I’ve seen bits and pieces. I don’t watch really watch TV except for some football. About as close as I get is sitting in the living room and reading or hanging out here on phone while the wife watches Netflix.
Fair enough. It’s really a nice little nihilistic cartoon wrapped in a lot of warped humor. It never plays down on the audience, which I appreciate. If you are ever so inclined you should check it out
Cool, thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, I have a warped sense of humor so I’m sure it’s right up my alley:)
Not all people who menstruate are women
And I’m the science denier?
Doesn’t everyone “experience bleeding on an irregular basis”?
swim swim stab
Yeah, I just looked at the picture and closed the tab. I can only imagine what idiocy was actually written in there.
Read it EE, read it and know the beginnings of sweet madness. If you can survive SF, you can survive HuffPo
the comments are great!
I can’t get them to load. Are they derpy great or calling it out great?
Ooh Boy! I really should stop investing so much time i derp on the internet. I have no interest in pursuing a degree in derpology, like out resident expert, but it is so entertaining.
I always enjoy “HA! you spelled a word wrong, so your argument is irrelevant!”
Such a bizarre obsession with genitalia. Even ignoring the whole “men have periods” lunacy, why the fuck is anyone advocating for awareness of periods. Everyone is aware. Also everybody poops, but we don’t need to walk around with shitstains on our pants to bring awareness.
sure you do
I haven’t seen Homecoming yet, but enjoyed him in Civil War.
If anything, I’d like to see a movie where Deadpool and Spidey get together.
Enjoyed those comics a lot.
You’d have to have a really good writer if you want Reynolds Deadpool and Holland Spidey together. The tone of each is deceptively similar, but it’d take skill to keep both heroes in character while they cooperate.
If they’re not cooperating, only outcome is dead spider in 20 seconds. Sorry, kid, but Pool plays for keeps and way outside your worldview.
Won’t happen. Different IP owners when it comes to movies.
To be fair, same with Spider-Man. But I don’t think Fox is looking to share anything with their franchises. They may have tanked the Fantastic Four, but they’re running strong with the X-Man movies.
Fusionist I saw you posted a Vladimir Horowitz link yesterday. Did you see they found a new home recording of his this week?
Thanks for the link
Thank you!
Love it. Thanks!
Every super hero movie: Boohoo I have super hero powers and a dark past that I struggle with. Oh look here comes a bad guy who obtained his super powers from some sort of experiment gone wrong. I must fight him to save the city/world/girl. I win… Movie over.
But what about your issues from the first half of the movie did you resolve those? Guess we will have to wait for sequel.
Sequel rolls around same plot no resolution. Ok time to reboot the series.
That is why I liked watchmen, and also the venture bros.
Deadpool is the only comic book movie I’ve ever enjoyed in a while. But that was because of the humor and over the top violence. The plot was still typical.
Whoops phone added the worded “ever” disregard.
If you’ve never seen venture brothers, it basically takes apart the entire super hero/ super scientist genre piecemeal. It’s also damn entertaining. I agree that there are certain tropes that are legion and I wish they could move past
Haven’t seen Venture brothers, but I did enjoy Watchmen.
Check it…
Venture Bros is less superhero commentary (although this last season it’s become way more common) and more a satirical look at Space Age optimism in comparison to modern day cynicism.
I’ll give you some of that, but the whole construct of the Guild and it’s arcane bureaucracy and rules, the way that protagonists and antagonists fight, it all speaks to a grand theater, everyone has RoE, actual Tropes they have to cleave to, if they want to play the game. Hell, the whole Brock in Spinx story is about reigning in the rogues who won’t do the danse macbre.
I sincerely miss Space Age Optimism.
(also, band name or album title?)
Album title
I’ll give Homecoming credit for not having any of that crap. When Spidey’s life sucks, it’s because he’s a 15 year old kid who bit more than he can chew, and he doesn’t bitch about it.
That’s why Watchmen was good. although sometimes I think no one liked that movie.
Or Deadpool, which was more revenge than outside bad guy.
I liked the movie, but it def had that Zac Snyder feel to it, and the needless modification of the plot line. I sometimes think Snyder is the M. Knight of superhero movies, he ahd a few great ones at the start and got stuck in that style.
Watchmen is disliked for two major reasons:
1. It’s worse than the comic, Snyder’s a shitty writer that just makes the source material worse, and most of the changes (outside of blaming Doctor Manhattan) are unnecessary and stupid.
2. Snyder tried to shoot the movie like it was the comic book. This is at least trying to stay faithful to the source material, but someone needs to tell Snyder that comic books are not films and vice versa. The camera jumping around everywhere is bad cinematography no matter your reasons.
I went premiere weekend, there were geeks in the crowd who had their copies with them following along with the movie. It was…odd. I freely confess to a high level of geek, but that was something else.
Watchmen is the modern comic book nerd Bible. It redefined comics when it came out, and unlike its fellow contemporary and influence, The Dark Knight Returns, it’s actually aged very well. Understandably the comic geeks thought giving it to Snyder was the equivalent of asking Michael Bay to direct Shakespeare.
I rewatched watchmen very recently. I still love it, but am very happy it was made before SJW’ing went off the rails.
Veidt would be the undisputed hero of the piece and played by Jim Parsons.
Jim parsons. (Simpson shudders)
I liked the movie a lot, even though Holland played Spidey way less mature than he was in the comics at the same age. Fat friend made me cringe and I wish he wasn’t in it, though at least his character paid off at the end. Flash was great, they should have pushed “Flash is #1 Spidey fan” hard, because that’s one of my favorite little bits of characterization.
Michelle made me hate her at the start, and by the end, I actually said “Oh fuck off” when she showed up. Forget SJWing (which was nothing special, just a standard Hollywood issue amount), she’s a pointless character whose every interaction save one could be cut out and you’d lose nothing. Her role is to bring a scene that’s coming along to a screeching halt by popping out of nowhere to pretend to be cool. I know it’s probably a representation of a type that exists, but come on, running time is precious.
Hinting she’s MJ didn’t make me even mad, I just rolled my eyes and said “sure she is, I totally believe this is not a misdirection.” Now, make her a villain and I’m down.
I’ve seen a suggestion that the reason Spidey is less mature and more hero-worshippy is that Uncle Ben’s death may not have been his fault, so he doesn’t have the guilt as driving motivation. And that they’re setting up Tony to die either to protect Spidey or because it’s Spidey’s fault, which will make him mature and shape up.
And that they’re setting up Tony to die
That could be a good use of his death.
Didn’t he die in the comic of Civil War?
Nah, that was cap, but in the ultimate storyline I think he does
Ah, that’s right.
I should read that one again.
It was one of my favorite stories, also had a deeply libertarian message that somehow managed to slip through
Yea, I was hoping the movie would keep more of that.
The movie did an alright job of it, tearing down the surveillance state was nice, but the whole Black Window, ‘you need spies like us’ speech at the end seemed out of place.
I hated the movie because they kept the sides from comics. I can maybe sorta buy Stark going “hey, I am smart, my idea is smart, everyone listen to me!” and the British stable of writers going “Hey, registration is such an obviously correct move, let’s throw Cap in on the other side so it doesn’t look like a foregone conclusion.”
Stark going “yes, we need govt. oversight, like the time I almost died because our overseers launched a nuke at Manhattan” and Cap going “No, as an old-timey soldier, I refuse to follow the orders of my government”? Fuck that!
The alternative “I give zero fucks about principle, this is about no-one touches my little buddy, no mater what shit he pulls, and I’m just pretending to be principled” motivation is not looking any better on Cap.
Ah, yeah, sorry, I got Winter Soldier and Civil war confused. Yeah Civil War was not the best adaptation. The fight scenes were fun though.
Yeah the private business guy loving the gov was weird…
Wikipedia sez
Gosh, why do superhero comics have such a problem attracting new audiences?
It’s all recycled tropes at this point, the best ones put a unique spin on it; setting, role-reversal, ironic deconstruction. The mainline houses though seem content to keep pushing it out, making unpopular story choices and then wondering why the numbers are down.
Because most been running for over four decades now and any creative product as sufficiently whore-y as that is going to inevitably decay into pure garbage?
As far as I’m concerned the social justice aspect is just the pneumonia of someone who’s HIV positive.
I believe Marvel may be doing a re-set on a lot of the most recent SJW-inspired stuff. They might even be new/old lines a la Coke Classic.
They lost a lot of business when they all SJW on their readers. The readers rebelled buy not buying. Marvel noticed.
They also had the balls to go full SJW and raise prices.
but come on, running time is precious.
You mean they were trying to make the movie clock in at under 2:30?
The “run over two hours, who cares?” attitude of modern cinema is baffling to me. I couldn’t believe when I saw Nolan somehow made Dunkirk to be 1:47!
I have said for a while that the intermission should make a comeback. I would appreciate it, both as a chance to stretch my legs and get some ‘fresh air’, but also a way to put a natural break in the action.
That would be cool. soda refills and bathroom break.
You could also us it to move the plot.
*super hero gets hit, gets knocked out*
*wakes up* “how long was I out??”
Nice. I could see that. I really don’t know why it hasn’t made a comeback.
I think the intermission, along with the overture and exit music, were usually only part of the roadshow version, back when movies weren’t mass-released. (I believe the first big mass-release summer blockbuster is generally considered to be Jaws in 1975, although IMDb says it was only released in a little over 400 theaters at first.)
“The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” – Alfred Hitchcock
I agree, esp, with Marvel Post Credit Scenes, I need to pee but want to see the teaser. I had to leave Scott Pilgrim V. The World a minute earlier because of the massive amount of Beer I had consumed.
Part of the reason why I like older movies, although even back in the day there were quite a few prestige movies that ran well over two hours. They even had the term “programmers” for movies that couldn’t be called B movies since they had top-tier stars, but had running times in the ~90 minute range.
Really? I feel like movies for the past decade or so have felt this strange need to keep it at around 90 minutes max. I recently watched Braveheart for the first time in several years and was just thinking how much this movie would’ve been cut down if it had been made today. “Three hours long?! Mel, don’t you know the average movie goer has ADHD? They’ll never last that long. Cut down on all the character building, please.”
Dunno, I only watch nerd garbage, and those are very, very long
Inception: 2hr 28m
Dark Knight: 2hr 32m (this is why Nolan doing Dunkirk in under 2 made me so pleased)
Avengers: 2 hr 23 min (2 hr 53 min extended cut)
CA Civil War: 2hr 27min
Ant-Man: 1hr 57 min(!)
Star Trek Into Darkness: 2hr 12m
Rogue One: 2hr 13m
I guess maybe “found footage” horrors get their job done fast, because god knows there’s not much happening in them in the first place?
What’s currently showing at my local sixtyplex:
Dunkirk: 1:47
Girls Trip: 2:02
Valerian: 2:17
War for the Planet of the Apes: 2:19
Wish Upon: 1:29
Spider-Man: 2:13
Despicable Me 3: 1:30
Baby Driver: 1:53
The Big Sick: 2:00
Wonder Woman: 2:21
(Those runtimes are courtesy of Fandango; IMDb or the sixtyplex’s corporate site may differ on some of them.)
A lot of those are hovering around the 2 hour mark, so not that much more. But I suppose 90-120 minutes would be more accurate. I will admit that because so few movies have been coming out that interest me, I’m not likely to take a look at the runtime for movies I’m not planning to see. Maybe it’s just most of the ones I have seen in recent years just happen to be in that 90ish minute mark.
I suppose fitting Stark into the role of Uncle Ben for Peter makes some sense. I’m not sure I could really see Marvel killing him off though. Maybe when they get into the Infinity War movies and finally actually fight Thanos. I guess we’ll see. Marvel has been playing the movies fairly safe so far, I think they might see killing off one of the big main characters (especially the original one to start the whole MCU) as too risky.
I thought it was decided years ago to replace the more expensive stars (read assholes who ask for too much money) as the movies go on. I think they plan to wrap it up with the next one and then transition into new actors.
That’s when the comic movies will die.
“We know we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home,” the judge said.
Don’t worry that judge will be in contention for a Supreme Court position soon enough.
This was meant as a reply to AJB above
No doubt. This is why I hate government.
“We expect our enforcement officers to show common sense and to use their powers sensibly”
Six cops respond? That we can see.
she woke up at 8? the bartenders were probably almost there.
If i were underage, I wouldn’t be calling the cops to get me out of the bar.
I feel worse for the bar. They are going to be fined or shut down out of this.
I agree
They thought they could get some totty.
I read underage and then saw that she was 20 and laughed. I was expecting a 16 year old.
There is another Spider man movie? I guess we are due another Batman movie too. We get a new remake every two years or so. At what point do these jump the shark?
Shark jumping took place in 2012, when Spider-Man was rebooted mostly to make sure rights to the character stay at Sony rather than revert to Marvel. The second reboot here is actually an improvement.
There is only one thing that would make me give a shit about Marvel comic book movies again.
Relevant to movies, we saw Dunkirk yesterday. Pretty good, some spectacular filming, and at times you felt as if you were personally inside the action. While the true story is both tragic and inspiring, and the movie did maintain a good chunk of that, it also had a bit too many shots of doe-eyed soldiers looking sad in yet another failed attempt to get across the channel. It was hard to tell them apart much of the time, especially near the end when many had oil on their faces. Still, I recommend.
Relevant to Glibs in general: During the previews, on came cataclysmic shots of the end of the world — explosions, floods, lava, death. New Michael Bay? No, it’s Al Gore, with “An Inconvenient Sequel”!
The movie shows all the wonderful people at the Paris meetings agreeing to rid the world of carbon emissions. And look! People have been building windmills and solar farms. All is going to be OK, right?
Oh no! It’s Donald Trump, saying we’re cutting the EPA and pulling out of Paris. We’re all going to die!
That’s really what the preview showed the movie to be about. After the preview ended, the entire theater burst into applause. Damned ignorant social-signaling northern California assholes. Even the people I went with (sigh). I just kept my mouth shut. Luckily another preview came on about talking garden gnomes, and I could relax.
I wanted to scream at one point when Gore was on. He was shown referring to his much-discredited earlier film (in front of a fawning audience, of course). He said, “In our movie I warned you that rising sea levels would flood the site of the original World Trade Center, and they mocked me. But look! (Shows footage of superstorm Sandy). During Sandy, the site of the original World Trade Center flooded! So they were wrong and I was right!” (raucous applause and cheering from fawning audience).
No, you weren’t right, asshole. You said rising sea levels from melting arctic ice would flood that site, not a major hurricane. Way, way different, pal! Hurricanes flood lots of places, especially those below sea level!
He also used Sandy to point out that “because of global warming, storms are getting stronger!” Oh really? How about how there have been far fewer than the normal average of hurricanes in recent years, and the ones that have come have been weak?
Nope, with those in the climate change religion, one storm proved everything. Never been a strong storm before in history, far as I can tell, right?
And did I tell you, because of Trump, we’re all going to die? Why won’t he listen to the 120% of scientists who agree on this?
So, Trump will be the villain of the movie? Who will some of the side characters be?
Koch Brothers, James Buchanan (the public choice theorist, not the possibly-gay President), Karl Rove, Darth Vader, etc.
Cameo by Sean Spicier.
Sandy wasn’t even a strong storm. It (technically not a hurricane, but whatever) was barely a Category 1 storm when it reached land. Was more the size of the storm that caused the issues.
If a Sandy-like storm went through, say, South Florida or Texas, it would’ve caused some flooded streets and that’s about it.
There are a lot of hurricane scientists who otherwise support the AGW theory who dispute that there’s a connection between hurricanes and rising temperatures. If there’s any connection, global warming would actually cause fewer storms, and the strong ones would average 5-10 MPH over what they otherwise would have been.
It’s also telling that Gore and others are using it as a “DURR HURR LOOKIT THE FLOODING GLOBAL WARMING IS CAUSING” while the overwhelming engineering opinion is “uh, the flooding occurred because New York doesn’t have a sea wall and isn’t interested in building one.”
Someone linked to this article on Bernie this morning, and the unpossible happened. It was so derpy, it had me defending Bernie fucking Sanders in my fucking head.
I mean, that’s not even mentioning how fucking derpy the other arguments only sort of related to Bernie are (not to mention its central thesis on black women).
“…those working-class white folk voted for a man who essentially advocated for resurrecting Jim Crow.”
How can the author even dress himself. or open his mouth without drooling?
And that prog Web site chided me for having an adblocker. I was blocking the *good* kind of capitalism.
As I’ve said a couple of threads ago, Bernie is being looked at by some progs as a heretic because he mostly ignores the intersectional wing, supports free speech, is willing to endorse pro-gun and pro-life Democrats and expand the rural base, and has voted against Russian sanctions before. Don’t know if this woman’s problem has anything to do with any of that.
How do you know he doesn’t identify as a woman? Way to other him!
That’d be me, thanks for the call out. I too was looking at it, tilting my head and shrugging at the derp
So it’s not just Sessions and the Trump administration’s all in on reefer madness/we need to crack down on state marijuana laws because VIOLENT MARIJUANA USERS!
I need a drink.
I’m drinking mango nectar with rum.
Currently getting ready to pour a double of Jim Beam double oaked
Fat Tire…..sigh.
those aren’t so bad.
Still at work?
Luckily I finally cleaned my home office up, so I’m working from home today.
I made the argument to a Progressive acquaintance of mine that Kamala Harris is terrible on civil liberties despite her rhetoric she has probably done more harm to the black community in California than Trump could ever do. Of course this set my acquaintance off but in the end pretty much admitted that the Dems aren’t that great on civil liberties either and the Drug War.
But he said a whopper of a sentence that made me incredibly pissed:” At least the Democrats are talking about it, so it that shows that we care.”
My point is that the Democrats could give two shits about winding down the Drug War and only talk about doing such simply so they can keep the black community in their grasp. It’s like a really hot woman promising sex to a dorky idiotic insecure guy if he keeps on doing stuff for her even though she knows that she would never let him even touch her. What’s so tragic about all of this is that a lot of the bullshit as the result of the Drug War are because of the Democratic Party policies in the urban areas.
I made the argument to a Progressive acquaintance of mine that Kamala Harris is terrible on civil liberties despite her rhetoric she has probably done more harm to the black community in California than Trump could ever do.
Why do you hate black people? 😉
There are
plenty ofsome republicans that want to turn down the drug war. At least Pot, which would be a start.They also talk, and actually carry through, with some licensing reforms. If we could legalize pot, or at least remove it from schedule I at the federal level, and make it much easier and cheaper to start businesses, it would be the biggest help to the black community.
I’m not sure a 17th Amendment repeal is exactly a cure to our current ills, but it definitely wouldn’t hurt.
What? Head back in the direction of Republic and away from
mob ruledemocracy?! That’s just crazy explains why the progressives hate it.
The checks and balances envisioned by the founders is a totes old fashioned idea. And those guys had like slaves and stuff too. What. Ever.
*Snaps gum and plays with hair*
Like, I just feel like that we shouldn’t let them have their say, like having states pick people would be totally not OK- like can you even imagine what would happen when texas gets to do that? I feel like it would be horrible.