With Sloopy still on the road, Banjos steps up to provide for you, dear commentariat, the links.
Edit: Spieth won the British Open after the greatest rope-a-dope since Ali. Poor Kuchar looked like he was gonna cry. -sloopyinca
- In “I am so happy to be living in this timeline” news, Kid Rock leads challenger Debbie Stabenow 30% to 26% in a hypothetical Michigan Senate Poll.
- The progressive, social justice left working hard to destroy their brand for generations to come. NSFW, not safe for anyone, even Sugar Free. Yeah, it is that bad.
- I’m trying hard to not blame this on corruption, but it’s just far too strange to blame this purely on stupidity. Seriously, how the fuckity fuck did these guys get a contract to manage the IT for House Democrats? How? HOW?!?! Explain it to me in any way that does not involve some form of corruption because I genuinely can not.
- In “Trump is going to be reelected” news, 9 people died, including children, in a tractor trailer in San Antonio that was smuggling more than 100 people into the United States from Mexico.
I hope you enjoyed the links and you won’t rip them to shreds.
What’s with all the damn sports stuff?
Yay sports teams!
*waves tiny triangle-shaped flag*
You just made the list, pal.
Finally! I thought nobody would ever pick me!
To be honest, I wish I had been chosen, now.
Me! Me! Pick me!
Well, that’s one way to clear minefields
Forest Fire detonates landmines
45) Hey, a columnist in the Washington Post claims it’s unfair that the recent debate between gubernatorial candidates in Virginia didn’t include the Libertarian candidate, Cliff Hyra. Nice of them to let this information slip out, since I had not previously heard there was a libertarian candidate running, despite having read numerous articles in the Post over the past several months on the election. Better late than never, I guess.
Anyway, Hyra is also not too likely to be included in the at least two remaining debates. This despite the fact that the libertarian candidate in 2013 received 6.5% of the vote—with virtually no advertising or exposure. Imagine if the libertarian candidates in Virginia were actually allowed normal exposure like the candidates from the duopoly parties.
As for Hyra, I checked his website. Good stuff. He wants to exempt the first $60,000 of household income from state tax; end state occupational licensing requirements for cosmetologists, interior decorators, nail technicians, etc; and end Virginia’s bizarre law requiring bars to make at least 45% of their monthly revenues from food sales. Much better than anything emanating from the other two candidates!
I read that as “Cliff Hydra”.
‘Hail Hyra’?
Cut one head off, two take its place!
And would you expect the Libertarian candidate to be anything but undercover Hydra?
Every single bar in the state? What happens if they sell to much alcohol?
That’s my Q. That seems really archaic.
I believe you can count your food sales at the fair market price regardless of actual selling price. My college bar hangout, which sold pretty much nothing but alcohol, managed to do get around this by having 10 cent taco nights and other similar food promos.
Huh. Still , what a complete PITA. So every bar needs to have kitchen (periodically inspected by the state) and every other headache that goes along with serving food to the public. This is one of the crazier laws I’ve heard of.
I agree it’s crazy and also forces bars to sell food at a loss to make their food/alcohol ratios even out.
Or a microwave and sell tv dinners.
So I knew Oregon (OLCC) was fucked but, but jeezus?:
Sounds kinda like Utah law. In Utah either you are a bar or a restaurant. If your restraint that had purchased a license to all beer, patrons have to first order food before you can serve them alcohol. If you want to have a bar, that’s fine, there’s a separate licence for that and you have to physically segregate patrons for the bar and patrons for the restaurant. As far as I can tell. Oh and all alcohol sales are on a buyback scheme from the state. That means brewery’s have to sell the beer to the state and then repurchase them back, to sell their product. For all the Republicans in the state they sure went full commie on the alcohol business.
It’s the Mormanism. They want to disincentivize alcohol consumption.
Yep. I’m actually surprised that Utah doesn’t have more stringent alcohol laws.
Well there is the new DUI level at .05, alcohol content watered down, and a host of others, but, since I don’t drink, I’m not aquainted with them all.
“It’s the Mormanism. They want to disincentivize alcohol consumption”
Oh I understand that. Though it frustrates me (as a Mormon) that people don’t get that it’s all personal, and shouldn’t be enforced by the state. But some people are statist first, devout second.
What good is government if it can’t be used to force piety on people?
I feel the same about most religious-based laws. I’m speaking as a non-Mormon Protestant (and not sure of the particulars of Mormonism), but this whole legislating moraliy thing frustrates the crap out of me. If a thinking Christian person actually thought about their theology a bit, it seems pretty obvious that “the rules” are meant for the converts. Why would you seek to apply those rules universally? Especially when mainstream Christian dogma is pretty clear that the pre-requisite for “salvation” is “conversion” and sans “conversion” no amount of rule-abiding will suffice. If someone’s activity doesn’t directly affect you, then why do you need to punish them from doing it? According to any Christian teaching I’ve ever heard, you’re judged based on what you do, not what you force other people to do via the power of the State… Legislating morality is just so stupid!!
The alcohol distributor laws (I think all 50 states have some version of them?) are some of the most egregious laws on the books. IMHO
There aren’t any actual bars in VA. There are restaurants that have bars, but it’s basically illegal to only sell booze and not have a full menu.
I’m not sure, but I think MD is that way, too. I’ve never seen a bar that didn’t serve food, at least. In my town, there’s also a “cafe law” thing where you can’t serve booze in front of your establishment without also serving food. So you can get a drink inside and stand outside, you can just get drinks at a patio table behind the place, but if there are tables on the sidewalk type of thing at least one person has to be eating.
Same is true in NC. And of course, if your alcohol sales are out of whack with your food sales, there’s a fine, plus you risk losing your ABC license.
But this is also a state that doesn’t allow private liquor stores in any way, shape, or form. Beer and wine can only be sold in private stores (grocery stores, convenience stores, etc.), but they have to have the requisite license. But liquor can only be sold in state-owned and -run ABC stores. And no beer/wine in the ABC stores, either. And no non-alcoholic mixers in the ABC stores. Makes shopping for a party a pain, as I found out when I was shopping for my 21st birthday.
The reason is, of course, we’re in the bible belt. Baptists go one of two ways here, in my experience– they either drink like fish, or don’t drink at all and don’t want anyone else to either. The latter ends up dictating our laws.
VA’s (and NC’s, and SC’s) weird liquor laws are one of the only things keeping me from moving down that way. I refuse to buy from an ABC, for one thing.
I’m about to immigrate to NoVA, from the MD=DC burbs. I can tell you right now, that other than the stupid fucking ABC stores, MD has nothing, and I do mean nothing, on VA.
Seeing how you can live well down there, only made the hate for MD flow through me all the more.
I was astonished to learn that Kid Rock was a single father for quite a long time after his baby mamma decided she didn’t want to raise their son.
I think he’s going to win.
There is a decent chance. The Franken/Rock debates on the Senate floor will be glorious.
I’m not sure he can do it. I mean he’s pretty much got it made. Up on top of a hill on a large tract of land where no one will bother him. And he’s going to DC to be around the biggest gang of assholes on the planet? Could you work around Chuck Schumer without punching him?
Not likely, but that’s why I’m not running. Besides, if he can deal with the assholes in the music industry then he can deal with congresscritters
Being the sort of annoying bastard I am, I have to provide an addendum to the DoW3 commentary I did. I recently found out (from the announcement that they would be putting out a custom Gabe mini for tabletop) that our oversized Space Marine leader is not in Cataphractii armor as I had thought. Turns out they say it’s supposed to be over decorated Taratros armor.
The problem with that is, Tartaros armor is smaller than Cataphractii, so it makes his size difference even more absurd. Here’s a lineup (funny how the camera picks up all the flaws that go unnoticed by the eye in-person…). The guy on the right is the basic tactical marine, which is our base line. The middle figure is in Tartaros armor, the guy in the left is in Cataphractii armor. This makes Gabe’s size even more inexplicable.
So you don’t have to go hunting for the article, Here is the relevent picture. The lack of the fringe and the second slab pauldron should have been a giveaway that Gave wasn’t in Cataphractii. But the issue was one of scaling – it still bugs me.
This sounds like my son when he starts discussing Pokemon. I just nod my head and space out when that happens. He usually stops talking after ten minutes or so.
Here’s a crochet shawl and a Matlock marathon. You just sit here and snooze.
Nice musical choice, Banjos.
Too bad there’s not more sports, though 😉
Debbie frolicking in the surf, anyone?
Please and thank you!
You like the idea of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz frolicking in the surf?
Dammit Ted! Why’d you have to put that disturbing image in my head? I need to bleach my brain now.
I don’t want SugarFree to be disappointed in me.
That’s unsettling.
As always with old videos, always surprising to look at the background and see that everyone is of a healthy weight.
watch these…the artists are within easy reach of the audience and no one rushes the stage or grabs at Harry. It was a different world.
Oh, I watched it myself just now. I forgot her ‘you cant hug children with nuclear arms’ speech
But you can – and it has the added benefit of giving the child superpowers – or cancer. But hope for superpowers!
Also, you can’t hug children who’ve been nuked off the planet by the Soviet first strike.
They say it is a lone act, and being swiss I’m inclined to believe them. That being said
Swiss Chainsaw Massacre? Doesn’t quite have the same ring.
Also, “The police say the attack is not related to terrorism.”
How can they possibly know this, if they don’t have a suspect in custody or even know who did it?
‘Unkept’ man driving a white VW? Gotta be a extreme right winger.
White = the color of racism
VW = the car spawned by You Know Who
Unkept = not under the thumb of a woman
So the perfect shit lord.
And I bet it’s one of those VW’s with the fudged emissions numbers and he hasn’t brought it back the dealer to get it fixed. Gaia hater!
Excellent reasoning.
How the hell do they have perfect front and side profiles of a guy they don’t know the name of?
Stay Classy…
The world is chock full of maladjusted retards.
I’ve heard this talked about, but how can they bring him to the USA for treatment? He doesn’t even have insurance, and everyone knows health insurance = health care.
If it only saves one child, amirite?
The Alt Right’s Fear of Getting ‘Cucked’
The far right’s favorite insult is a reflection of what scares them most.
Instults are generally geared towards what riles up the recipient most, not what the speaker is afraid of.
What this tells me is the trolls are hitting a little close to home with accusations of cuckoldry.
Person #1: Fucking faggit!
Person #2: *shrugs* K.
I suppose then, in this formulation, the mainstream feel like a bunch of fascists and racists, since it’s what they most often accuse their opponents of?
Alt-right demagogue Milo Yiannopoulos has stated that men whose girlfriend’s are on birth control are “cucks,” implying women on birth control are undoubtedly sleeping around or cheating on their partners, an absurd myth built on a hatred for women’s sexual independence, but one which plays directly into the fears of many in the alt-right.
Yes, as a gay man Milo surely must despise women’s sexual independence…
*mainstream left
I find this absolutely mind-boggling. I listened to an interview (and he repeats this pretty often in his book) with him where he’s like, “I’m a gay Jew who only dates black men. Neo-Nazis hate me.” And yet the narrative is that he’s a self-hating bigot working for a racist “alt-right” American Reich.
Shorter version: “I know you are but what am I?”
So, does this make Milo a cuck then? These idiots really don’t get it at all, do they?
I think Milo is out of the closet about being open to dating men of color.
“The alt-right’s perception of all of these alignments and beliefs as signs of weakness clearly illustrates exactly what they are most afraid of. They feel threatened, they feel cheated, and they feel taken advantage of.”
Does anybody dispute this? Isn’t this why Trump is President? Because the coastal elites ignored the large majority of Americans who feel threatened, cheated, and taken advantage of? By them?
Basically, “the dummies who we tried to exploit really are dummies for daring to notice!”
Yeah the Left likes to bring this one out from time to time:
“Oh I thought you fucking knuckle draggers were tough, real men? Well real tough guys love fighting with their hands, so give me your guns. Real tough guys make lots of money, they don’t care if half of it gets taken.”
They feel threatened, they feel cheated, and they feel taken advantage of.
Oh, allofasudden feelz aren’t the be-all and end-all?
Seriously, can they make up their minds? Is feeling threatened the worst thing that can happen to a person or isn’t it.
Feelings = reality except when “Right-wingerz1!1!1!” have them.
Don’t be absurd, all right wingers are emotionless psychopaths. /sarc
Women beer drinkers finally get the Beer for Her they never asked for
This is not a “Finally” every couple of years they come out with a “Beer for Her” and you know what happens? It bombs on the market. Women beer-drinks already know what they like, and if the “women’s beer” isn’t good beer, they won’t switch to it. Other women won’t start drinking beer because there happens to be a “beer for her” on the market – they don’t drink beer at all.
This keeps happening because of a confusion of cause and effect. People assume that the majority of beer drinkers are men because beers are marketed at men. The fact of the matter is the opposite, beers are marketed at men because the majority of beer drinkers are men.
The fact of the matter is the opposite, beers are marketed at men because the majority of beer drinkers are men.
But in order to believe this, one would have to believe that differences can exist between groups in the aggregate. Which is heresy: everyone is exactly equal, so if any disparities exist that is proof positive of systemic bias.
If everyone is exactly equal, then advertising would work the same on everyone and there would be no such thing as “marketing to men” or “marketing to women”, as everyone would have similar tastes, and thus the marketing would have equal effect.
While I know the standard response would then be social conditioning, but then you have to uncritically accept that humans expend vast amounts of effort unknowingly to create differentiation rather than the more self-evident fact that there are differences between the sexes. Of course, this is a tenet of their faith, so they cannot be reasoned out of a position they did not arrive at through the application of reason.
Areola Beer for women? Makes sense. Oh, Aurosa. A suburb of Denver, where beer comes from. Got it.
I thought Corona and all these fruity “summer ales” were for the ladies?
+1 Shandy
In my experience, it’s Miller Lite.
Ha, I can’t stand the heavily hopped IPAs, my girlfriend loves them. We have several times been brought our beers at a brewery by a different staff then the one we ordered from, and I get handed her Hopageddon Imperial Double Bitter Blaster and she gets my Summer Fruit Hefeweizen Sparkler.
note to self: don’t pick up the soap around Viking1865 😉
What if you’re out of soap and the store near Viking1865 is have a great soap sale? You’re not going to stop and pick up some soap?
It better be a really big soap sale.
C’mon, he is clearly gonna be the one dropping his soap everywhere.
“Whooops, silly old butterfingers!”
I don’t generally care for the ultra hoppy IPAs. I do like a nice smooth brown ale. If that’s not a choice, I’ll try the Porters and Stouts.
Women dont like beer. Men dont like avocados. Stop trying to change nature. We have different metabolisms, things taste different to men and women.
I dont want to hear from any avocado gobbling men unless you want me to start referring to you as Xe. Xu. Xem? Whatever.
Bring it, Suthen! I’ll take avocado w/beans and rice any day!
Are you insane? Call me whatever you like, but avocados are the greatest.
Clearly, it’s racism against Mexicans.
More for me. Although the US Eastern avocado is watery shit. The Hass is far superior (by being both edible and tasty)
Suthen has woken a sleeping giant…
Avacado is not food.
Avocado, haowever…
is derived from the Nahuatl word for testicle.
It is still not food.
Look Unciv, we can’t all subsist on the diet of gruel and self-loathing that sustains you. Some of us need taste in our caloric intake.
I must need to invent a new pronoun for myself because I like beer and avocados.
I do, however, not care for cake, cupcakes and pastries that many women love so much.
Call me Xe Nerfherder then.
*gobbles avocado*
Men don’t like avocados? What cucks do you hang out with? I’m a male and I hate beer and love avocado.
Avocado beer.
I like avocados and fruity beer. Fight me.
I’m going to give Suthenboy the benefit of the doubt on this one. Maybe he thought he was eating avocado but it was actually snot? Who knows?
nice hat.
Thanks, I was going as Johnny Depp for Halloween last year.
Not enough pointless bracelets.
Is that like this well-thought-out product?
Love the comments on that.
The Questions are even better.
How do you get the pen to write? At the bottom there is just a hole where there is usually a pointed end with ink on it.
Is this product available with wings?
Do these only come in medium? I think I need a heavy.
Now if somebody is brewing a Panzerbrau, I would be interested.
How do you ferment Elephants in such a way as to produce beer?
Same way you do pandas.. duh.
Nice work with the statue tophat and monocle.
Ta. It looks way worse in a higher resolution.
And within a week the usual suspects will be bitching that it’s more expensive than Coors (which it probably simply is with a label switch).
Sometimes I think these people live in some kind of neo-Victorian alternate reality where women are forced to wear corsets and abstain from any habit that is deemed unladylike.
I see tons of women buying craft beers at the store. Get over yourselves; you’re not Susan B. Anthony because you dressed up your beer packaging with some “grrl power” bullshit.
Lite “Beer” = beer for her.
Texas man ordered to pay $65G in child support for kid who isn’t his
The patriarchy strikes again.
“Texas’ family code, chapter 161, states that even if one is not the biological father, they still owe support payments that accrued before the paternity test proves otherwise. In Cornejo’s case, that amounts to some $65,000.”
That seems fair. Especially when you intentionally don’t tell the man he’s on the hook for those payments until more than a decade has passed.
So, we’re going to take money from the children who are actually his, and give it to one who actually isn’t. For Great Justice?
I wonder if the law also says that if you are identified as the actual father after several years, you have to pay going all the way back as well. Bet it does. For Great Fucking Justice.
Couldn’t the mothers just keep up a steady stream of false accusations, getting a fat payout in between each test?
Texas’ family code, chapter 161, states that even if one is not the biological father, they still owe support payments that accrued before the paternity test proves otherwise. In Cornejo’s case, that amounts to some $65,000.
This also seems to encourage stalling tactics when the purproted father demands a test.
Who the hell thought that was a good law?
Feminists. Though I bet they would have prefered “Regardless of the outcome of the paternity test, the declared male is responsible for the support of the female and her offspring.”
Yeah, honestly surprised it’s this light. They’ll probably shoot for making it the way you say at some point though.
In some places it already is (will have to look up where, because it slips my mind)
Probably places like my “wonderful” state of California.
I think it’s California, and it makes an awful kind of sense from the state’s perspective. There just has to be SOME responsible male involved in supporting the child, it’s irrelevant to them who that is or how they are related.
If this happened to me I would fight like hell for custody.
That’s actually part of the background for a pair of characters in one of the books I’m writing. I think the quote went “They wouldn’t let him get out of child support for something as insigificant as not actually being related to me, so he sued for custody instead.”
To be fair, I doubt there was a whole lot of pushback from white knight social conservatives.
I run into fewer of them in this area, so I mentioned the loudest group that came to mind.
Oh, well if she vowed there was no way he wasn’t daddy, then that’s good enough. I mean come on, a woman lie? When has that ever happened before?
I would burn everything I had and go to prison out of spite.
That would be tempting.
me too i think.
Unfortunately, he has other children to look after.
From the link in the link, his lawyer said,
There is no way this can stand. I hope. Nobody is disputing that the kid is not his. Their only claim that he knew he was even under an order to pay, is that he did not notice a couple of $31 garnishments at some point in the past.
Oh, don’t worry it’ll stand. “Think of the poor womenz and childrenz!” There’ll be complaints that this guy is getting off too lightly.
Time to reopen chancery courts.
So the lady gets rewarded for being a liar? Who knew lying paid so well?
Professional Victims?
Con Artists?
Wait, that was a rhetorical question, wasn’t it?
Mattress Girl?
More male privilege.
I would like to think that I’d be willing to go to jail rather than get railroaded like that.
Let’s say this is your situation, you are accused of siring a child, but it turns out it isn’t yours. Yet you are expected to somehow pay the price of this child’s existence. You’re presented with a choice of punishment. Would you rather:
A) Be raped once by Steve Smith?
B) Have half of your earnings and wealth taken for a decade?
Enjoy the derp!
I tried reading that gibberish, but after about four sentences I realized that it wasn’t worth it.
It’s worth it, if only for the glimpse inside the prog brain.
one of my favorite prog speak terms
Waiting for it to shorten down to YPpo before I adopt.
It’s coming, haven’t you seen the 11th edition of the progspeak dictionary? Wonderful stuff, soon there won’t be anything unoffensive left
Blue Dogs eye comeback in 2018
The caucus of conservative House Democrats thinks Trump’s election can fuel their resurgence.
“Democrats, who argue that building on the liberal enthusiasm unleashed by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) heading into the midterms is how Democrats can succeed”
“Democrats, who argue that building on the liberal enthusiasm unleashed by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) heading into the midterms is how Democrats can succeed”
“Oh, I get it now. (beat) They’re insane.” (laugh track)
Yes go further left. That will work.
Paul Ryan isn’t a Blue Dog Democrat?
If the Dems want to be a “50 state” coalition again, they need the Blue Dogs, but they won’t go for it because ATM the left is split three-ways: the Clinton-crats, the intersectionality wing, and the progs who want their own Tea Party. No room for the Blue Dogs to breathe.
Obamacare (and the man himself) really destroyed the Blue Dogs. They took their marching orders, right off the edge of the cliff.
But they won.
The Democrats are willing to sacrifice their political careers to advance toward the Glorious Socialist Future.
Even if the Republicans actually had a restoration of limited government as a goal (which they don’t) they are completely spineless, feckless, and worthless.
True that. I remember when Obamacare passed and I was thinking “holy shit, when they crack the whip, the Democrats jump.”
Not so much the Republicans.
The Republicans recognize that reducing government power and bureaucracy does nothing for their own self-aggrandizement.
I think that what the establishment wants is very different from what the nu-right wants. The congressmen that represent the nu-right actually want limited government, but their voices are drowned out by the blob. They realistically need a few more purges to actually become the “Deplorable” Party.
>They realistically need a few more purges to actually become the “Deplorable” Party.
That was the mistake the Gingrich coterie actually made. They actually followed through on their term limits promises, leaving the seniority in the hands of the “go along, get along” crowd. The “a billion here, a billion there” bunch.
Basically Rand has to survive to be the Senate Majority Leader, with Massie or Dave Brat as Speaker of the House, with all the rank and file indebted to them and the ideological wing of the party…..in other words, do the same thing the Democrats did.
I’m one of the few on this board that is against term limits; I think that high political turnover tends to result in less individualism in government and more influence from unions and major interest groups. I do understand why many actual conservatives (like Tom Coburn) and libertarians see them as an honorable thing to do. IOW, real conservatives have principles and real leftists have principals.
These are supposed to be the political experts?
Progressive districts already have Democrats in them. If they want to pick up seats, they’re going to have to win swing districts. Do these guys really think the problem for Democrats in swing districts is that they aren’t progressive enough?
It is so simple!
Local man leads Dems out of wilderness.
His column shows how easy it is to have single payer, 12 weeks of parental leave, mandated vacation, etc. The polls show we all want it!
It’s Les Nessman!
Complete with masking tape walls.
Ah yes, that massive insurance bureaucracy, compared to the sleek and svelte government operation! No wonder the government never switches to private procurement.
For even more savings, try the Soviet system.
Starve a fever?
Once you move the incentive for making something run efficient (profit) it begins to run more efficiently.
Don’t these polls that the leftists tour change drastically when you change how it’s worded? For example, switching the term single-payer with the progspeak “Medicare for All”?
The VA, ladies, gentlemen, transpeople, and shitlords.
I suppose that first comma should be a dash or something.
I’ve thought about this as a compromise solution for a while. The progs want government healthcare. Fine. For a year they’ll get to sign up for it. Through VA Hospitals. The only catch is that they have to remain in the VA system for all their medical needs for a period of ten years. It might be costly, but the benefit in teaching an abject lesson and reducing the surplus prog population would be worth it.
Note that the prog talking point is “Medicare for All”, not “VA for All”. Apparently the VA is the wrong kind of socialism.
Yeah its the wrong kind of socialism, there’s like, flags, a giant picture of Trump and various other patriotic symbols around here.
she did??
Donald Trump is anything but lazy.
She had a positive vision? Really? Too bad he doesn’t care to elaborate, because all I ever heard from Hillary was “Trump Bad” and “Vagina”.
Dig a little deeper, WTF. There was also “Deplorables” and “Like, With a Cloth” and “Just Pneumonia *hugs little girl*”.
“Just Pneumonia *hugs little girl*”.
That one still makes me smdh.
There are people in the world who actually believe that. Seriously. It’s like finding out that there are hundreds of thousands of people who think that the US lost the revolution and we’re still colonies.
Yeah, that’s why people hated Hillary, ’cause she’s so damn smart. As evidenced by the campaigning she did in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan….I mean she’s brilliant.
If you want a real laugh, google “Medicare broke”. The first four entries are all about how Medicare is fiscally solvent and rumors of its demise are totally false.
Medicare/Medicaid. Such wonderful systems with payouts to hospitals that don’t even cover costs.
Which is why the hospitals ramp up what they charge insured patients (let alone cash patients) to make up for that.
But sure, let’s go for Medicare for all. And then in 10 years when hospitals are closing, there aren’t enough doctors and there’s no innovation in healthcare we can all act surprised.
And then in 10 years when hospitals are closing, there aren’t enough doctors and there’s no innovation in healthcare we can all act surprised.
We’ll just pass a law to stop that, duh. Plus, government funded science makes all the best innovations.
+1 Lysenko
UNH – the largest insurer i could think of – spent $252m on advertising in 2015
on revenue of ~$150billion
~2-tenths of 1%? 4% of net inc.
i’m familiar with people like Coca Cola – who spend over a billion annually on sports adverts alone… against 1/3 those revenues.
Lavish, it aint. but i assume that sort of total mischaracterization is small-beer compared to the whopping bullshit elsewhere in their piece.
Don’t forget all the money spent on this tasteless crap:
Sorry, that was the first link I could find.
“The massive bureaucracy of the private insurance market and its lavish expenditures on advertising will under any private system continue to waste billions of dollars.”
Don’t even get me started on all the money those 23 deodorant manufacturers waste competing with each other.
Medicare has a 52-year track record that demonstrates single-payer works at a fraction of private insurers overhead.
Do they include the allocable cost of the IRS which collects their “premiums”? Their share of the interest on the debt that funds their outlays?
And don’t forget, most of the overhead is outsourced to “fiscal intermediaries”, which are, wait for it – private sector, some of them actually insurance companies. Is that inclu
If they don’t know who that works, they won’t include it in their math.
“On the other hand, Medicare has a 52-year track record that demonstrates single-payer works at a fraction of private insurers overhead.”
Gonna need a cite for that, bud. These people are super delusional.
It’s a Vasectomy Party! Snips, Chips and Dips With Your Closest Friends
I’ll take “objects that don’t belong anywhere near my penis for $800”
That sounds like a horrible idea.
“a brosectomy”
Ummm, I’m no doctor, but it seems booze before surgery is a terrible idea
They weren’t the ones doing the cutting…
(Yes, I know, it’s a vasodilator and increases bleeding among other effects)
I mean, that sounds like a drunk frat boy thing to do, get drunk, not want to knock up sluts, do the snippy-snippy. No ragrats tattooed
damn it, on the face. Good times all around.
Some of the commenters have gone to the other extreme. Seems like a malpractice suit waiting to happen:
I was an anesthesia resident at the time. I got one of my buddies to break me out of my case, I went downstairs to the urology clinic. Urologist numbed me up, did the old snipsnip and I went upstairs to the OR and finished my case. No big fuss, no male version of Sex in the City, just get it done and get back to work.
Back when, one of my underlings (who was not a manly man at all) showed up the day after his snip and said “it didn’t hurt and I really can’t even tell that it happened today so I figured I might as well come in”.
So when it was my turn a few months later, I expected the same. Fuck, it felt like I had been kicked in the groin by a mule for at least 2 months. I didn’t have any swelling or infections, it just hurt like fuck. My buddy got an infection from his and his balls swelled up so big he couldn’t wear pants for a couple weeks.
I think that this is one of those YMMV type of procedures.
I didn’t find it to be that painful, but I still played the pain card. One whole weekend on the sofa, beer in hand, watching the NCAA hockey tournament.
“My buddy got an infection from his and his balls swelled up so big he couldn’t wear pants for a couple weeks.”
A condition many of us suffer chronically… I’m sure
Or this
My buddy got an infection from his and his balls swelled up so big he couldn’t wear pants for a couple weeks.
So how did the utilikilt look?
You get what you pay for.. Brosectomy not looking so bad now.
I’ve seen advertisements, both from practices and bars, for vasectomies around March Madness so you can hang out with a bag of frozen peas on your crotch and watch the games and drink beer.
Anecdotally, a lot of urologists will report a increase in volume for vasectomies around the start of the tournament. it makes sense, an OP procedure, be out of work a couple of days, and few comfortable positions. May as well check on your brackets.
I’m sorry, maybe this makes me a pussy or an idiot or whatever, but nobody’s cutting me for any reason outside of medical necessity. Particularly in the neighborhood of the testicles.
Yeah, I also don’t get it. If there’s no expectation that my wife doesn’t have her tubes tied, and other measures exist, why cut the “snip snip”? If what Jimbo describes above even happens 5% of the time, yeah, I’m not interested. Fuck that.
“…for what some are calling a brosectomy…”
No one is calling it that.
(Please make this be true)
A “Brosectomy” would be the surgical removal of one or more bros from a person.
Now, I don’t particularly want to hear about what you do on your alone time, but if you need your bros surgically removed, you’ve done something wrong.
I don’t want to be involved with anything involving ‘just the tip’ with any of my bros.
And people wonder why “cucks” is a term that seems to have legs.
When I had my vasectomy, my wife asked if she could observe. Which I knew she would. And she did.
Draped and sitting in the surgical chair, I could hear her and the doctor talking clinically and objectively about the procedure. Sounded kind of interesting so I asked if I could take a look. As one they both said, “NO !”
We must not allow a Bigfoot gap!
Why are Russians still searching for Bigfoot?
Umm, Russia’s welcome to their STEVE SMITH GAP.
(foams at mouth)
You wandered the internet without proper protective gear.
Poor bastard.
Get the crematorium fired up, we don’t want this one infecting others.
Serve Chaos UnCiv. Serve with us…
Khorne beckons…
At least they are honest.
honestly awful!
It’s amazing to me how people like these don’t understand how stupid that sounds.
Forget it scruff, it’s Marxtown
I’m going to guess from the headline (I’m to lazy to follow links) that Trudy II is continuing his destructive pattern of leftist dogma while neglecting the actual needs of the country. Though photo ops at pride parades are probably better than making cash payments to convicted terrorists on Canada Day.
But what socks was he wearing?
Wasserman Schultz – what a bizarre combination of stupidity and malice.
From the guy who rented out the house that DWS “IT” guys left.
He knows his place.
DWS is going to be in Congress forever. None of this other stuff matters.
I’ll continue to cast my only (R) votes I’ll ever cast against her every 2 years, not like that will help.
“a bizarre combination of stupidity and malice.”
Isn’t that a job requirement for congress?
Slogan: Fuck it, why not? Hah!
RE the DNC IT staffers under investigation. I think that is one of the biggest stories to come out of DC in a long time, and the only outlets I have seen covering it are the Daily Caller and a few other smallish news orgs. I wonder why?
To be fair, what TV news outfit wants to run any story where they have to put up a pick of Debbie? Talk about driving eyeballs away.
Yeah, this is one of those stories that should be front and center everywhere.
What comes to my mind is the leaked email where the Clinton campaign was bragging they got a story killed linking Hillary’s opposition to the Magnensky Act to Bill collecting 500 grand for a speech in Russia. I assume the same thing is going on here and the DNC is keeping this out of the news, and the big outlets are happy to oblige. I understand one of the people under investigation has fled the country. This is huge.
Good point about Greasy Locks Schultz though.
They aren’t DNC IT. They were the Democratic House of Representatives’ IT staff. Different. As in, government data, not private data they had access to.
Good point. I was generalizing.
I think that actually makes it worse. I have to imagine that the Congressional networks probably have access to a lot of other sensitive govt networks. So once you let in the crazy Pakistani IT people and let them connect their laptops into the govt network, they can get a lot more things than if it was just the DNC network.
It stuns me that they would allow any private IT contractor to come in and connect to the govt network. Or to jump on one of the laptops of a staffer or congressman. What person in their right mind wouldn’t see a problem with that?
What person in their right mind wouldn’t see a problem with that?
Some questions answer themselves.
Yes. That was my point. This is no longer “private data was hacked by a foreign power”. It’s “people who should have known better allowed unvetted foreign persons onto a sensitive government network”.
Can someone give me a quick overview of Glib commenting markup? Or point me toward a short tutorial? I, too, would like my snark appropriately hyperlinked.
Try monocle. Easy peasy.
Why, thank you!
Replace [ ] with > and <
[a href=”url to link to”]Link text[/a]
This Page
[strong]text to be bolded[/strong]
I am not shouting!
[em]text to tilt in the wind[/em]
Nice place for a windmill
[blockquote]Someone else’s words[/blockquote]
*Err, make that [ with < and ] with >
If you’re an ahem, a manual sort of guy
using less than / greater than brackets instead of quotes
“em” and “/em” for italic
“strong” and “/strong” for bold
“strike” and “/strike” for strikethrough
“blockquote” and “/blockquote” – self-explanatory
links work just the same “a href=” and close off with “/a”
Ack, I missed strikethrough.
s and /s works for strikethrough.
See?Let’s see if this works…
I’m not clicking on your German Schnausser videos, dude.
Mr. Impeachment should be a Trump supporter, at least based on what he said was his position 5 years ago.
Wisconsin does something cool!
I like this better than mandatory tranny training for kindergartners.
After being an elective, it should be a requirement. No more people reaching adulthood without proper understanding of firearms!
/not really, no, I don’t think the teachers would do it correctly, and it could easily have anti-gun propaganda slipped into the curriculum at a future date.
Where I grew up, you had to take at least 4 trimesters of swimming to graduate. This was because we were surrounded by lakes and rivers and it seemed sensible to make sure everyone could at least swim a bit.
I think firearms safety should be mandatory. I thought I remembered some study that showed a large number of accidental gun deaths in the home were from kids who were from other homes shooting themselves or their friends. In other words, the kid from the home that didn’t have guns and teach safety to their kids, came over found a gun and did something horrible with it.
Which then perversely proves to the hoplophobe families that there fear of firearms was justified.
But for the narrative the kids need to n choose there gender disposition at VA young age so that people so people can understand that you are just born that way, and it’s not a choice.
Gosh dang mobile phone. Making me look more dumber than I already do.
And not as dumb as someone who is still commenting in the AM links in the afternoon.
Firearms training is a good idea. Everyone should get some. But holy shit, the training community has some derpy characters – I worry that mandantory in-school firearms training would be somewhere between useless and actively harmful.
For even more savings, try the Soviet system.
Go all out. The Cambodians really figgered out a way to minimize end-of-life costs. That’s where you can find some serious savings in health care.
You know who else regretted alienating a German Chancellor
Napolean III?
Kaiser Bill?
a new bill introduced in Wisconsin may mean schools will soon offer firearms education courses as an elective to high school students.
“All right, class, you may unwrap your Pop Tarts.”
“You will note that these foils contain two pop-tarts. This is what is known as a high-capacity assault-clip.”
Common sense poptart laws!1!1!!
Republicans are having more success raising funds than the Democrats.
In other news, Michael Corleon is having more success raising funds than Freddo.
Right now, the Right has a less challenging coalition to satisfy, because their split is super-clear: establishment vs. nu-right. All that they desperately need to do for future success is to purge the establishment, but that’ll take another decade or so. The Dems, on the other hand, have a bunch of little bitty interest groups that are pieced together in a shoestring, from the Clinton-crats to the intersectional wing to the progressives.
Groups with competing agendas no less-see homosexuals/Muslims.
Pretty much this. The dems are a patchwork coalition of diverse and divisive groups. The repubs are more uniform than that, all the repubs need to do is purge and they have a great shot at continued success. I don’t see the dems pulling that off as easily
I actually think it is the Reps not purging that has led to their (electoral) success. The R base may be more homogenous than the D base, but the Ds seem to require much more line toeing among their elected members. Since the Rs are more likely to follow their own path, they can’t be as easily tied to the national party and have a greater shot at winning by claiming to represent the home crowd – their constituents.
I look at being a moderate Republican (like Collins or Heller) differently than being an establishment Republican (like Murkowski or McConnell), which is what I’m talking about purging. It’s very understandable when a House or Senate candidate needs to be adaptable to the issues and leanings of a more centrist district. It’s not understandable when people in your district or state vote in droves for a right-leaning agenda, but you betray it every day that you’re in office and you’re only propped up by the in-state political machines.
“I can handle things! I’m smaaaaaaart! Not dumb like everybody says, I’m smart and I want RESPECT!”
There are some attributes where you may have to tell people, such as being left-handed. But if you have to tell people that you are smart, funny, attractive, in-charge, etc, then you are not.
The Democrat Party Manifesto.
That strong warning on the trans artist period art/statement/whatever the hell that was wasn’t strong enough.
Fucking gross.
Now that I like. Old Alice Cooper is the shit.
A classic that I haven’t heard in years. Now added to my playlist. Thanks JB!
I saw that a while back and decided not to post it.
I called the British Open after Saturday on here.
I said Spieth and Kuchar are the only ones that matter, and the way Spieth is playing, Kuchar doesn’t matter either.
it’s corruption, Banjos.
The most Guardian take of all time
Why not fund the welfare state with a 100% inheritance tax?
can’t wait for that to be defined.
My parents money it’s very sentimental too me! It’s all I have left. Honestly that kind of law would hurt the poor who can’t afford sentimental items.
Especially not sentimental items worth over $1 million each.
Why do you hate Orphans, Guardian writer? You want to leave them destitute and on the streets!
That’s money that no living being has a moral claim to
There is a Brit who disagrees:
— CS Lewis, Willing Slaves of the Welfare State
The whole essay is brilliant.
Wow, powerful stuff!
Just as a thought experiment, what happens to a country that chases away all the rich and productive?
Google Venezuela
Why does Google have a Venezula branch?
Is part of their long term strategy to own the world.
I bet their company buffet sucks.
Last thing you want to do is eat too much and then have to use the restroom.
Cheap office space.
Shocking, a leftest doesn’t understand incentives and basic economics.
Yeah – like such a tax wouldn’t lead to silly-ass spending. I would rather wreck a few Ferraris then hand my money over to the state.
Burn everything I own on my last day if it was going to the state.
+1 ending scenes of the movie Thief
Proof that this proposal is a market stimulus: I foresee a boom in sales of self-destruct systems, plus all the resultant broken windows that will need to be fixed…and that leads to prosperity, right?
“alright kids, for my 90th birthday, we set my house on fire.”
The next logical progression in this idea would be for the state to define lifespan limits. If all of your property belongs to the State, why should they have to wait for your natural death to claim their property. Also, if the State is 100% responsible for expensive end of life care, the incentive is to cap life spans before the natural end.
“The next logical progression in this idea would be for the state to define lifespan limits.”
That comes with single payer. And it’s free!
It’s been set at 30, and we’ll have implanted markers to tell people when their time is up. We’ll put the display in the palm, because it’s an awkward place, and invasive surgical procedures to the hand are a swell idea.
I’ll agree to this but only if I can escape with (a young) Jennifer Agutter.
Even worse than the frivolous spending on consumption would be the ridiculous investment decisions that would get made. The very wealthy would see their time horizon limited to their lifespan. It’s easy to imagine a world in which tons of money is getting poured into the worst kind of short-term investments.
Oh, I can’t pass my millions to my children? I guess I’ll just put everything I have into this company that brews beer for dogs.
Are you telling me that short term planning horizons are a bad thing? But that’s the system most politicians use, and it’s worked so well…
So, I just sell all my shit before I die and the welfare state goes broke?
How long before they realize that the 100% death tax isn’t enough to fund their Utopia?
Next it will be 100% tax on income. Over/Under on the time period between the two?
Oh, yeah? What if I just decide to not die? What, then?
The NHS will take care of that for you.
And emigration will be banned as well, because that’s the only way to make this work.
I can’t wait for the law that gets proposed to prevent kulaks and wreckers from giving their money away as they get older or establishing a jointly-owned trust of some kind.
They just take all of your stuff at 65 and put you in a state ran elderly care center, you know, for your own good. Obviously, we’ll have to move that to 50 eventually, to save the planet.
I had a friend suggest this. He calls himself libertarian. I said “so I can’t save money to give to my children? How could anyone have a claim to that money over who I want to give it to?”
I guarantee they don’t feel that way about their own money. It’s just people with no moral compass.
IT is a silly question because I know the answer is a resounding No, however don’t these morons realize that the majority of wealth of any significant value that is passed down is in the form of small businesses and real estate?
A 100% tax on Grandpa’s plumbing business just means Grandpa’s plumbing business and all the value it represents is simply destroyed because dad doesn’t have the cash to buy it back from the Government and the government sure as hell isn’t going to be able to run it nor will they be able to realistically sell it to anyone else for even a fraction of it’s value
All they know is envy and dreams of Top Man engineered utopia.
You see, you just reincorporate as an LLP and shift the general partner before grandpa dies (or a similar bit of shenanigans.)
A plumbing business? You don’t want to inherit a plumbing business. It is dirty and tacky. It is a “junk” business.
No, under this plan with all the wonderful mandates and conditions set by the govt you will get a “real” business. Instead of having to unplug some toilet, your grandpa will have to update his business to include a substantial revenue stream selling artisinal mayonnaise. That way you will be able to have a fulfilling career doing what you love to do. You won’t have to grub after dollars like some loser.
In France a bear chases 200 sheep over cliff edge to their deaths.
If the government is going to reintroduce bears and wolves, shouldn’t the shepherds be reintroducing the Pyrenean and Spanish Mastiffs?
Just like the gypsy woman said!
(Duck, dude.)
tvr pics are up, and mike’s Healy has an engine!
Sweet! Thanks, Doom.
Great Pyrs are awesome dogs. A bit headstrong at times but loyal and intelligent and anything you will ever see in the animal kingdom.
I like them too – but the Pyrenean Mastiff is actually a different breed. Much, much bigger and heavier dog.
According to the stories, the Pyrenean and Spanish (similar) used to fight ferocious battles with packs of wolves as flocks were moved through mountain passes. A guy in town had a Spanish Mastiff – a very imposing no-nonsense dog.
In the UK, official statistics suggest around £77bn is passed on in inheritance each year (tax avoidance means the real amount could be even higher). That’s money that no living being has a moral claim to, according to
standard justifications of wealth inequality and private propertyme.“I know what’s good for you. Shut up and do as I say.”
Yeah… Come again? I get he’s an ideologue, but at least be intelligent and don’t make statements that are so demonstrably false.
Please elaborate on this – I’m not so sure I understand what you’re trying to say.
Sorry that was a reply to the original author. Not Brooks. Saying that inheritance it’s illegitimate and not supported by any theory of property rights is so dishonest it’s funny.
Okay, that makes more sense. I was trying to figure out what issue you had with Brooks’ statement.
Including the government?
Yeah, supposedly no living being has a moral claim, but somehow the government does. I can’t comprehend how stupid you have to be to believe that.
Government is just the name we give to the shit we steal together.
You have no moral claim to money earned by your parents and saved for your benefit, but you are morally superior if you advocate taking other people’s money and directing a third party to spend it on your behalf. The guiding philosophy of our times.
tvr pics are up, and mike’s Healy has an engine!
drivetibe glib site
Just joined. Nice site.
Nice car!
Charter schools are RACIST. Proof
Noticing a trend
In recent years, black girls have been sent home for wearing dreads, head wraps and even wearing their hair naturally.
In schools across the country, black student suspension rates are higher than their peers’. In charter schools, kindergarten through eighth grade, those rates are even higher.
In fact, Daniel J. Losen, director of the Center for Civil Rights Remedies, found that at the highest-suspending charter schools in the nation, the majority of students were black.
Though databases for infractions vary from state to state, in a recent analysis, half of suspensions in charter schools were for minor nonviolent offenses, including dress code violations.
Specifically, Losen’s research shows that in Massachusetts, the Cooks’ home state, black students at charters lose 24 more days of instruction to suspension than do white students.
“Having a dress code is one thing, but denying an education for it defies logic,” says Losen.
I blame Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Actually, the consistant and uniform enforcement of rules and discipline improves classroom behaviour and overall academic performance for pupils. The fact that there is a racial disparity comes from two factors – one, Charter schools tend towards a higher proportion of black students, being founded as alternatives to failing city schools in many areas. Two, the social decay within the black community means that children from these one-parent homes have a well-documented higher probability of poor personal discipline by the time they are school age. Thus when rules are enforced evenly, there is a disparity due to the disparity in bahviour from pre-existing factors.
But at this stage, the uniform enforcement of rules can provide the stability the students need to avoid the traps that have ravaged their family and neighbors for generations. If we accept the differential it will go away as more and more people manage to escape the welfare traps and have children in more stable environments.
You sound racist.
My guess is that incoming students have very high levels of dress code enforcement. Then as they realize that the school isn’t goofing around, it plummets and by the time they are seniors, most students don’t have any problems.
I should also note, that I am deeply suspicious of any kid who has never had a disciplinary action against them in high school (including all three of my brown-nosing kids). How can you not rebel at least a tiny bit every once in a while?
When I was a teenager, I got picked up by the police late one night for being a general asshole/neighborhood nuisance.
My parents’ response (after they grounded me) was “We’re somewhat relieved to know you’re normal.”
I had next to nothing on my record. Not because I didn’t break the rules, but because I was good at covering my tracks. I also tended to be more of rebel out of school.
I had next to nothing on my record – because I was an introvert in a school where we had actual avowed gang members in the student bodies. The faculty and staff basically ignored me.
That’s fair.
See, I was the opposite – I was easy to deal with at home because I loved my parents. I was always in trouble at school because I hated my teachers.
My sister was the exact opposite – she was a goody-two-shoes at school but a screaming headache at home.
In HS I almost got suspended for starting a fake newspaper – printed up in the mid-80s with a Commodore 64 package with some primitive clip art – that (cruelly and immaturely) mocked certain members of the staff and students. Someone squealed on me. Funny thing – I only printed up 3 or 4 copies to share with my friends, so it wasn’t like a everyone in the school was reading it.
Instead of suspension I got two weeks of “7th hours” where you had to stay an additional hour after school. Kind of a joke really. I think the school didn’t pursue it any further because I was considered one of the “smart” kids, my mom was a school employee, and my old man would have caused a bunch of trouble.
7th Hour/Detention/etc always seemed like an empty threat to me. Oh, I have to sit quietly and read for an hour after school? Oh no.
Holy shit! My friend and I started our own newsletter too. For the same exact reason. Mocking a certain person who could have been the model for Reese Witherspoon in Election. (long story, but the scandal was that she won Homecoming Queen by having her sister count the votes).
We got a very stern talking to by the Vice Principal when he got wind of the project. We got off pretty easy because my buddy was a very straight arrow. It was his first time down at the office getting a lecture.
Her research on zero tolerance policies and their outcomes shows that they enforce a marginalization of black girls in schools. Which can, in practice, criminalize their black identity.
“What does a headdress have to do with learning and success?” asks Carter Andrews.
What does learning to follow simple fucking instructions have to do with learning and success?
I’m certain I would agree that the overwhelming majority of this stuff is bullshit, but, “get up, dress up, show up” really is a useful and necessary part of the curriculum. Especially for teenaged knowitalls.
My oldest son is working for UPS this summer in the depot moving boxes around. Every week he gets a $150 bonus if he shows up on time every day. His shift is from 3am to 9am (thanks for that 30 hour cap Obama!) so I can see them having issues with kids not showing up for work. The Boy says that they are always understaffed because too many of the workers decide to roll over and sleep in.
That’s a huge bonus. When I worked for UPS, they would fire anyone who showed up late more than a few times.
My dad worked 1AM-9AM at a tire factory in college. He would go straight home after work, sleep till 4, go to the pool, then go drinking with his friends, and show up mostly sober at 1AM.
I worked with two former Walmart DC managers. One was out in North Carolina when local unemployment was something like 13%. Being promoted to supervisor required zero no call, no shows for 60 days. You could still miss work, but you had to call before your shift started. Make it to 60 days and you would get a shot at supervisor, a raise, and better hours. This guy could not fill the supervisor positions. Friday would roll around and half his workforce would not show up.
Couldn’t fire them. No one would replace them.
When I did a brief stint at Wal-Mart they would constantly call me when people did that. It pissed me off.
“No, I can’t come into work right now….Because I have classes today…No, I can’t come in later, I have a class later….I have classes all day today–I’m a student, you knew this when you hired me!”
According to Glassdoor, a Walmart supervisor makes an average of $14/hr. Not exactly luxury, but you wouldn’t starve. I’ll keep this in mind if I’m ever unemployed and desperate.
Last night I pan fried some steaks –
and then made steak sauce:
1 – move steaks to a plate and cover with aluminum foil
2 – with the heat turned up high, in (stainless steel pan) add a 1/2 cup of wine (red or white, doesn’t matter) to help remove the crusty bits on the pan
3 – add 1/4 or 1/2 stick of butter
4 – add 1/8th to 1/4 cup of cream or half-n-half or milk
5 – (optional) you can also add thinly cut onion or diced garlic or shallots
Cook down, stirring frequently, on high heat until it reaches your preferred consistency. Drizzle on steaks before serving. Prepare to be amazed how much flavor it adds.
Damn that sounds tasty.
By the way LH, how are things with the new kid?
Nowhere – we decided not to pursue that adoption. It was a tough decision to make.
Some of it was my wife’s and mine fault – we just don’t have much experience with teenagers, and this one was always busy pushing boundaries as hard as he could, seeing if he could make me lose my temper. Also he seemed more interested in Facebook than interacting with us. Lots of other little stuff that didn’t show in our hours or day long “dates” but really showed during a weekend. Let’s say that the trust factor never grew with time and only got worse.
I’m sorry to hear that, my condolences. Hope I didn’t bring up a sore spot, apologies if I did. But it sounds like you acted for the best.
No problem. I’m pretty much over it now but a few days were touch ‘n’ go in the emotion department.
I admire you for even trying. The missus and I kicked around adoption as we were forced for medical reasons to stop a kid short of our plan for three kids. We’re not loaded so infant adoption was out. Considered going the foster parent route but, when we were honest with ourselves, we just weren’t up for that kind of challenge.
Very broad brush here, but most of the kids in these situations come from pretty messed up families. And the older ones have more of this experience “baked in the cake”. I can see why people are less interested in adopting older males
That was exactly our concern – a lot of those kids are pretty damaged. Isn’t their fault, and I feel terrible for them, but we were concerned that we could be bringing in a kid that makes our lives, particularly our own children’s lives, very difficult.
It’s a huge concern for us, especially with a special needs son who had problems communicating. If we’re not around he would be easy prey for any bully.
It’s a big concern for us too LH, even just for something as simple as finding a babysitter. My son is non-verbal so would have difficulty communicating if something happened.
My wife works with pediatrics, virtually all special needs, and has horror stories about daycares, babysitters, foster kids, etc. One child who was raped daily in daycare by an older boy and could never communicate it. That one has made me especially careful of who our son is left alone with. Another who was beaten regularly by the special ed teacher (only was caught when the aid came forward). It’s tragic.
LH (in apron): Sam, I made cookies. I thought we could sit and share some stori….Sam? Don’t ignore me Sam!
Sam (finally responds without looking at LH): Are they…
(Gives LH sharp look and narrow gaze)
Sam: ….maple?
LH: Ma…ple? Erm, no, eh?
Sam (goes back to FB): Please leave.
Sorry LH. I didn’t mean to make light of your experience but man there’s humour in everything, no?
I should have added.
LH turns and leaves with tray. Mutters to himself): Who the fuck eats maple cookies?
Canukistanis 😀
I have to go out and buy a stick of butter, a quart of milk and a loaf of bread now.
forgot to add – take collected drippings from the plate o’ steaks and add to the pan while stirring.
step 5 should not be optional.
I will break the NAP, god as my witness.
Definitely better with shallots, but that’s not something I always have in the cupboard. I once added some brown mustard and it was fantastic.
Anything with 1/2 stick of butter in it will be tasty.
This is why you’re all so fat!
“When our daughters walk with us, they have our white privilege. When they’re not with us, they’re black children,” says Aaron Cook.
Colleen agrees, adding, “I feel like the school is pushing us to raise them as white children, but that’s not who they are or who they’re going to be.”
It’s hard not to see these people as rich white liberals who adopted two black girls as lifestyle accessories, in order to demonstrate to the world their “wokeness”. I’m probably being too hard on them, but…
Also- it’s a charter school. Don’t like the dress code? Take your fucking kids out. Don’t approve of the curriculum? Take your fucking kids out. They call it “school choice” for a reason, you fucking retards.
Colleen agrees, adding, “I feel like the school is pushing us to raise them as white children, but that’s not who they are or who they’re going to be.”
What the hell does that mean? What, are they supposed to put bones through their noses and run around nekked in the bush? Damn, these people are the biggest fucking racists on the planet.
They adopted based on race, and put race ahead of the education of their adopted children.
Hell yes, these are screaming racists.
But at this stage, the uniform enforcement of rules can provide the stability the students need to avoid the traps that have ravaged their family and neighbors for generations.
Oh, sure. Teach them to be white. You’re a monster.
I read that story yesterday. I’m pretty sure all the versions (the HuffPo ran it as well) had that quote as =
or something close to it (i dont recall the word ‘identifying’ being used). The entire point of the piece was to pay obeisance to the idea that if a woman SAYS she’s a man, She’s a Man. so the stories ran with this, “MEN GET PERIODS TOO” headline.
They’ve since changed that to “not identifying as a woman“… basically giving up the very essence of their silly identity-politics “Proud, Powerful” moment.
The huffpo version also contained the full text of her Instagram Rap-Lyrics
(e.g. “My boobs betray me first, I feel them stretching out my binder, I send up questions, “am I cursed?” And wish to god that she was kinder./The five days it flows, I try to breathe, I dissociate, While my body rips outs parts of me, Leaving nothing but a shell of hate. /The blood drips from an open wound, Of a war waging deep inside my corpse, The battle between mind and body, Immovable object; unstoppable force“)
…and had some epic comment tardation.
It seems like the ultimate “have your cake and eat it too”.
*reads rap, dies a little inside*
So, the person who wishes they didn’t have a period at all, nor a vagina, is telling others how to deal with theirs. At least I assume that’s what a menstrual health activist does, or maybe they just bitch a lot on social media and publish lousy rap poetry.
I’m pretty sure that shit was just made up to avoid mentioning her real job.
Fluffer for an underground snuff porn syndicate?
I tried google searching menstrual health activist. Google thought I was after mental health activists.
one leads to the other?
That was an awful, awful rap. I’ve seen better rapping on the WWE, or from Marky-Mark
I may have posted this yesterday. It was weird then and now.
It seems like the ultimate “have your cake and eat it too”.
They all want cake.
I for one am just happy that the Aussies are finally learning from Murika, fuck yeah!, and allowing their heroes in blue to keep the citizens safe!
New Aussie Heroes in Blue
I don’t get why some people think that the Democrats don’t totally get it. They got a plan!
Now listen up you dumb yokels, you love us, you just don’t know it yet!
Democratic leaders believe they lost to President Donald Trump partly because voters don’t know what the party stands for. It’s called “A Better Deal”
Didn’t they spend double what the republicans did last cycle?
Better Ingredients, better pizza papa johns eh I mean Democratic Party
More taxes, more regulations, more free shit.
The 1900s called and they want their agenda not relevant to today’s circumstances back.
Just read somewhere that Trump is considering Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General if/when Sessions leaves.
The one asshole that would actually be worse than Sessions.
Oh for crying out loud……
Stop and frisk, coming to a podunk town near you.
Hopefully you read that on Politico, because then we would know it isn’t true. They were spinning that bullshit back before Sessions was appointed and I think Giuliani said he wasn’t even interested.
I think Gowdy’s the obvious choice here if Sessions resigns. I wouldn’t mind that, really, since he has the distinction of supporting civil liberties and is loved by Trump’s base.
Everyone’s been moaning about ‘Russian’ potential-cyber crime….
… when there’s been this ready-made story of “Congress being hacked”…. involving a pakistani national working directly for the chair of the DNC, and possibly collaborating with outside agencies… yet i’ve never seen it mentioned in major news beyond perfunctory details.
even if there’s nothing to it and its just being pumped for superficial hype, it still points to another example of DNC idiocy regarding computer security which makes the claims of ‘russian hacking’ seem idiotic in contrast. “Oh, did you hire a russian to manage IT in brooklyn?”
The call is coming from inside the house!
drivetibe glib site
Thx. bookmarked
RE: The tranny period stuff.
Why, oh why? Without getting into the tranny part of this story, what in the name of hell is the deal with this “I’m going to bleed all over my pants to show how empowered I am” nonsense? Yes, we know that women have menstrual cycles. It’s not a big deal. We also know that people defecate on a regular basis. Should we start shitting our pants to show how empowered we are about our bodies? Should I piss myself today as a statement of about body image positivity? I think these people are trying to make up for a lack of an talent and/or real accomplishments by appealing to the lowest possible common denominator; their bodily functions, combined with “LOOK AT ME!”
Prog derp, what else? Because no one else is that retarded.
I’ve got some nice hemorrhoid pics. What’s your email address?
.pdf howboutno
Google “free bleeding”. Or don’t, that would probably be better.
IIRC, that was a 4chan thing that started as trolling. Nonetheless hilarious, but also pretty damn unsanitary.
I’m not sure. I think it originally was a feminist idea. 4Chan ran with it, creating fake accounts and such. Then some woman fell for it, and it became an actual thing.
I’m pretty sure the entire SJW movement boils down to this, and to the rage and hate created when people decline to do so.
Has this been posted by anyone?
Congress moves to criminalize Israel boycott.
If anything shows you how neocons are leftists in military clothing, it’s this.
It’s nuts isn’t it? Nonsense like this is how you end up with parentheses around people’s names.
What’s Rubio’s problem?
You mean beside being an establishment shithead?
Look, I think BDS is a bunch of bullshit too, but how the hell can you criminalize it.
All your base are belong to number 30.
NB: Number 22 is Lindsey Pelas, formerly a specimen of female perfection. She has since ruined that perfection with utterly unnecessary facial cosmetic surgery resulting it what you see there. The boobs are real though.
#22, permanent duck face. Sad!
11 wins today. I prefer smiling/laughing with my daily does of awsome.e
Lol. Double e.
I like breasts as much as any other cis shitlord, but double-Es?
I’m inclusive, LH.
I mean, in my mind I think that there’s such a things as too large, but certain physiological indicators tell me that there’s no upper limit.
Using archive.is to dodge the advertising gangbang is a stroke of subversive genius, btw. You da real MVP.
Also… I’ll be in my bunk.
The font that doth ever flow…
I’m getting pretty damn tired of the whole cultural appropriation thing. I’m going to start patenting wypipo stuff and suing anyone to the stoneage who tries to use it
re: prayer flags
I doubt the author would show much concern for an American flag.
Isn’t the whole point to have people follow it?
I want to buy a beer for the guy who put up the fake street signs in Minneapolis (see the front page pic for this thread)
Glorious indeed.
That is fantastic.
You’d better hurry before the cops find this guy and ‘get easily startled’.
I’m surprised those signs, and everything near them, aren’t riddled with bullet holes.
Really good article. Kind of long, but worth it.
Thanks. That was excellent.
Amazing work. Thanks for sharing it.
“‘This edict was put into place to eliminate cleavage’: Professional golfer who was ‘slut-shamed’ by the LPGA hits back at the decision to bring in stricter dress code rules which bans plunging necklines and shorter skirts”
Why do they think anyone watches women’s golf?
Ugly women hate pretty women with an intensity usually reserved for child rapists.
it’s not clear to me how one arbitrary dress code isn’t the same as another. These arguments always seem to say it’s controlling, misogynistic, etc., but they don’t want NO dress code just a different one. And that other dress code is no less controlling than the last it just draws on different subjective preferences. You could say no dress code and people are allowed to wear nothing but a strap on. People wouldn’t do that but the point remains it’s still a restriction of taste if anyone would prohibit it.
Like most things property rights are sufficient to resolve it.
My local golf club requires chinos and collared shirts for men anywhere on the grounds. I don’t flip my shit because I can’t show up in man Spanx.
My brother and his wife had a sign on the inside of the door to their house, back when they had teenage girls at home:
“Leggings are not pants”
Don’t want to follow the dress code? Go (or live) somewhere else. Not complicated.
“The Democratic Party’s mission is to help build an America in which working people know that somebody has their back,” say documents accompanying the roll-out.
There are three overarching goals: raising wages, lowering costs for families, and giving working Americans better skills for the 21st century economy.
Maybe I’m unduly optimistic, but I think the vast majority of Americans have a visceral understanding that the government cannot “create” good jobs, cannot dictate “living” wages outside the constraints of simple math, and cannot conjure up “skills” out of thin air.
But go ahead, Democrats, keep playing us all for suckers.
“Raising wages and cutting costs for families” So they’re cutting taxes then? About time.
maybe they could stop withholding? that would help poor people.
You have more faith in the populace than I do. 40 years of government education (read: brainwashing) has given us a generation that’s more likely to have positive feelings for socialism than free enterprise. I have no reason to believe that they think the government can’t create wealth from nothing.
I think that peak prog happened before this recent election: a lot of young people’s eyes have opened about “the other side”, even if they didn’t vote for Trump. As the leftists get more and more violent, the more that they start to question, “Hmm, maybe leftism is not as wonderful as I thought…”
Worst mom in history keeps digging that hole.
I can’t wait to read what she writes when she finds one of her sons hanging in his bedroom.
I’d rather they get as far away from her as possible and have to hear about her lamenting that they never talk to her.
This is why CPS exists.
If you think your kids are going to be rapists, they shouldn’t be in that home. This isn’t the ‘walking to the park alone’ or ‘oh noes they teach about jesus’ type of call to CPS.
How have they not at least visited?
She should put them up for adoption or something. She can’t possibly love them when she knows they are rapists-to-be.
It already seems to be happening: apparently one of them almost accepted an internship offer from Ben Shapiro. At the very least, they’re trying to rebel from their mom’s insanity, which means that they are thankfully salvageable.
He should have done it. The next article we’d be seeing is “Why I disowned my son.”
I said it before, but I 100% believe she already has that article written.
not one comment is supportive. on medium. not one.
That gives me hope.
She must be a joy to have around at family gatherings. “Hey Jody, while you’re up, could you grab me a beer?” “GODDAMMIT DAD, STOP OPPRESSING ME!!!!!”
“The heartbreaking part is that even good men can’t be fully or completely emotionally safe for women, even when they’re our own flesh and blood.”
This is called pathological paranoia, usually indicative of some kind of psychotic disorder. This woman is tin foil hat, CIA out to get me, people on the TV are talking to me, honest to goodness crazy.
Recently, I wrote an essay titled “I’m Done Pretending Men are Safe (Even My Sons).” I’ve taken a lot of heat for it, and multiple conservative media sites have written hit pieces on me in response. I haven’t read them, and I don’t read most of the comments on social media, but it’s clear that one of the primary concerns from readers is that writing about my kids is “abusive.”
“I don’t actually read criticism of my writing, but here’s why the critics are wrong…”
Thanks for the femsplain, sugartits.
Well, I don’t know, as a man I feel reasonably safe. I mean, sure, I’m a billion times more likely to die in a workplace accident, if we’re out on the town and get assaulted I’m the one who’s probably going to get shot, stabbed, or at least beaten on pretty good, I’m at higher risk for heart disease, and as a result of any number of hazards associated with my sex I have a shorter average lifespan, but I don’t really dwell on it.
Oh, that’s not what you mean.
How the fuck is the other son supposed to feel after reading this? Social Justice nonsense has turned this woman into a terrible human being.
I think social justice nonsense has just given her innate terribleness an outlet.
I think that’s been the goal of social justice idiocy all along: rationalizing evil.
Pretty much this. When you run into a progressive, remember that you’re dealing with someone who wants justification for being an asshole.
Setting aside the “abuse” claims for the moment, one of the most interesting aspects of the response to my essay is that it’s emerged that many people don’t actually understand what “rape culture” and “toxic masculinity” mean.
Or, maybe, it’s plainly obvious those are nonsense words. They mean anything, and nothing.
Really, seems the easiest way to get hits is to throw out these sjw buzzwords and create something retarded with them.
ENB is into BDSM?
I’ll spank her
ENB is into BDSM?
Just the sadism part, judging by her writing.
From the “Nothing To Do With Anything” department, here’s a trailer for Star Trek: Discovery
And one comment that I imagine is fairly representative of the entire comments section:
Granted, he could be trolling, but still.
Wait, “Discovery” wasn’t just some crappy fan project? It was an official piece?
Just take the franchise out back and put it out of its misery. Send the ashes into orbit with the commie-perv who invented it.
At this point, I think it’s a race to see which franchise gets milked to death first, Star Trek or Star Wars.
How long before some idiot thinks a crossover is a great idea and puts it into production?
Officially? The Mouse would not approve – even if Star Trek is canonically part of the Marvel Universe thanks to comics crossovers and Marvels bizarre attitude that “yes, it’s all canon”.
No that was Axanar which from the extended trailer was far more awesome than anything Paramount could have cooked up
SJWs in space! The new black lady Captain Kirk will show the shitlord patriarch Klingons the error of their ways.
If she uses the James T. method of showing aliens the error of her ways, I’ll probably watch.
*pictures Klingon warrior on rumpled bed looking longingly at black lady Captain Kirk as she exits boudoir*
Obligatory Carol Burnett
Holy Crap – she was great.
I really don’t get CBS’s plan. Take a property that has a large following of fairly wealthy people (Trekkies buy a LOT of damn Trek memorabilia) hide it behind a paywall, then proceed to piss off the regular customers to try and attract a different crowd that spent only $10 bucks on a blockbuster and that was the end of their engagement with the property. That blockbuster crowd isn’t going to subscribe to the paywall just for Star Trek, but the Trekkies would.
Only the good die young
Woman too stupid to understand loser pays rules files frivolous lawsuit. Turns out she’s also too stupid to understand how bankruptcy works and thinks she’ll get to keep her stuff and not pay LuckyGunner.
Maybe she can sue the Brady campaign for pressuring her to sue the store.
Yup, any lawyer who brought that case should be ashamed of themselves.
That’s why rather than just looser pays I want to see a system where a lawyer who takes a frivolous case to court has skin in the game as well.
It shouldn’t be just for losing the case. A case need not be frivolous to be lost but there should be some way to determine as part of the judgement that the case was without any legal merits and if found such rather than the loser of the case paying the losers lawyers pay and they cannot force their “client” to sign an agreement accepting responsibility for that payment because their entire job should have been to council the client that the case was without legal merit and they stood no chance of winning.
If you can be disbarred for bringing a few cases like that, we’d see less nonsense.
I want to see a system where a lawyer who takes a frivolous case to court has skin in the game as well.
Its actually already in the rules of civil procedure (Rule 11(c)(1) and (4)).
The problem is, judges never actually grant the motion, regardless of how frivolous the claim is.
Another example of “written law” v “positive law”, an issue floated in the comments not too long ago.
Last I heard, Lucky Gunner offered to donate the recovered costs to various 2nd A support groups (solid grassroots organizations and not the big ones). I’m not sure how it ended up but I was impressed with that.
Blah, blah, blah. Emotional appeals. Straw men. People who disagree with me are evil. FEELZ.
“But a judge dismissed our case. Gun dealers are shielded by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, a controversial law that protects them from liability when crimes are committed with their products.”
So if someone crashes their car and kills someone, can I sue Toyota? I think we need to get to a place where no one makes anything because they’re afraid of being sued. Only then can we have utopia.
Maybe not, but why not try suing the phone manufacturer?
To the extent that a law preventing law-abiding merchants from being held liable for unforeseeable criminal use of their products is controversial, it is only so because there are enough sad people who suffer from magical thinking. God forbid I should lose someone I care about to a shooting (or car accident, or fire, or anything); I’m sure part of me would rage against guns, or cars, or whatever. That’s why we have things like courts and laws, so that the people who, due to grief or anger, are thinking at the level of an upset toddler, can’t lash out at whatever attracts their ire.
Says “No one is trying to take your guns”
Works for the Brady campaign.
Forgive me if I’m less that persuaded by her words.
My Daughter Was Murdered in a Hit and Run. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Car Dealer.
Sure, sounds legit.
Even worse – she tried to sue the last gas station he used.
ew the comments.
That reminds me of an episode of some true crime show (I think it was FBI Files) where a woman and a man confronted a real estate agent because her neighbors’ monthly mortgage payments were lower than hers. They didn’t believe the broker when he told them about how mortgages work. They didn’t believe the cops when they visited her because of the threats she was making against the broker.
Anyway, the real estate agent wound up kidnapped and dead and the man who had been at the original confrontation was convicted.
That’s a misleading headline, followed by a terrible article, written by a hack, about an asshole, that takes forever to get to this:
“There was one experience that showed us, more than any other, how warped America’s relationship with gun violence is. It came when we decided to sue the dealer that armed our daughter’s killer. The gunman bought more than 4,000 rounds of ammunition before his shooting spree—no background check, no questions asked. But a judge dismissed our case. Gun dealers are shielded by the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, a controversial law that protects them from liability when crimes are committed with their products.
Worse, in accordance with the law, the judge ordered us to pay more than $200,000 in legal fees to the defendants. In part because of that ruling, Lonnie and I were forced this year to file for bankruptcy.”
Couldn’t happen to a nicer couple.
In part because of that ruling, Lonnie and I were forced this year to file for bankruptcy.
I wonder what the other parts were.
Maybe they need to sue the fricking lawyer who convinced them they had a case?
Hope the wrong investigator / prosecutor doesn’t get wind of this statement.
I also like how she thinks 2000 rounds is a massive amount that only a mass shooter would buy
I’ve bought ammo online a couple times. I wait until I’m almost out then order a lot – including a few bricks of .22lr that put the count over 1,000. Grafs.com charges a flat shipping fee so it’s worth it to load up the cart.
“Using ethnographic data from 10 months of observations in nine preschool classrooms, I examine gendered sexual socialization children receive from teachers’ practices and reproduce through peer interactions. I find heteronormativity permeates preschool classrooms, where teachers construct (and occasionally disrupt) gendered sexuality in a number of different ways, and children reproduce (and sometimes resist) these identities and norms in their daily play. Teachers use what I call facilitative, restrictive, disruptive, and passive approaches to sexual socialization in preschool classrooms. Teachers’ approaches to gendered sexual socialization varied across preschools observed and affected teachers’ response to children’s behaviors, such as heterosexual romantic play (kissing and relationships), bodily displays, and consent. Additionally, my data suggest young children are learning in preschool that boys have gendered power over girls’ bodies. I find that before children have salient sexual identities of their own, children are beginning to make sense of heteronormativity and rules associated with sexuality through interactions with their teachers and peers in preschool.”
Oh noes, teachers are turning our kids straight!
“Using ethnographic data from 10 months of observations in nine preschool classrooms, I examine gendered sexual socialization children receive from teachers’ practices and reproduce through peer interactions.”
So you’re a sick perv. Stop bragging about it.
So children learn social behavior by observing and mimicking the behavior of adults. Yeah, we know.
Stop saying things that don’t actually mean anything. It doesn’t make you seem smarter. It might check off some boxes for your SJW friends and give you something to say at cocktail parties, but everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.
Government funded research… there’s nothing left to cut!
Some of these people seem to really believe heterosexuality is a cultural norm that is learned.
My preschool suggested the bite mark on 3 year old’s forearm last week was from a girl that bit him.
grrl power
Until he was about three my nephew thought he was a girl, because he only has sisters and they are girls, so he must be a girl too, simple as that. Child’s logic, not gender dysmorphia or whatever the hell these people think is going on.
Why do they think anyone watches women’s golf?
Better to have no one watching, than to have people watching for the wrong reason.
“Oh, they’re playing golf? I just like to look at their butts.”
Not a fan of Marvel/DC, but I’d see Wonder Woman just for her. Damn.
I’d still run her over to get to 1970’s Linda Carter.
/old guy
If we’re going 70’s, I’d go for Lindsay Wagner over Linda Carter.
Not even close.
Barbie Benton, on the other hand… yes I like curvy brunettes…
Uschi Digard.
/obviously likes top-heavy women.
Pam Grier for me.
Even as an old lady in Jackie Brown, she was still hot as hell.
Jan-Michael Vincent, yeah!
Wonder Woman was a pretty good movie, Gal Gadot is extraordinarily hot, and her very existence pisses people off because she was in the IDF and is unapologetically pro-Israel.
She’s just part of the (((conspiracy))) donchaknow?
Back in my day we’d call her “reproductively over-advantaged”.
I think those legs go all the way up, but I still need to check to be sure.
I find heteronormativity permeates preschool classrooms
No shit?
When my daughter was a baby she had mostly generic baby clothing that really didn’t tell gender. Her toys were mostly generic stuffed animals and the like. Not out of any kind of agenda, but we really didn’t push the whole pink and princess thing onto her at all.
She’s 8 now, and is about the girliest girl you’ll ever meet. Everything pink, princesses, rainbows, unicorns, etc.
Yeah, but she’s only that way because she’s been brainwashed by patriarchal society. No girl, left to her own devices, would ever choose the pretty, pretty princess aesthetic.
Same here with my 7 year old. My wife hates pink as a color so we didn’t do the pink thing either. Her baby room theme was jungle animals so the dominant color was green. By the time she was 4, she was demanding the girly stuff.
It’s more than that really. Listen to any sexual assault training. To actually find the opposite sex desirable is thought crime. They’ll talk about seeing women sexually as wrong and people will nod as though such a thing is possible and not a subconscious part of all sexual creatures.
“Your Twitter medium dedicated to showing you the stupidity of Tumblr and radical Feminism.”
That’s definitely small doses stuff.
Woah – Alternate History
Oh jeezus.
Hah – that screenshot on the right reminds me of the old SNL skit with Eddie Murphy where he claims to be the lost 5th Beatle and the other four stole all of his songs.
I like this one.
Perfectly sums up what bugs me about SJWs.
They forgot to include a definition for lawyer.
Do any of you who acutally use the twitter have some suggestion as to why I first get the regular site, then it keeps loading and redirects me to the mobile site?
From the idiocy:
Freedom is just a bourgeois construct, and honestly has no place in debates or laws
Interesting take. Now, let me introduce you to Lucille
Relevant to Kipling’s Gods of the Copybook Headings reference in that City Journal article.
Man, I wish I hadn’t clicked that.
Could be the new motto for Glibertarians.com.
I’m trying hard to not blame this on corruption
I mean, favoritism or nepotism is not necessarily corruption.
Some of these people seem to really believe heterosexuality is a cultural norm that is learned.
Or, an aberrant psychosis which should be stamped out.
My brother and his wife had a sign on the inside of the door to their house, back when they had teenage girls at home:
“Leggings are not pants”
“A 20-year-old North Carolina college co-ed who planned on being a child psychologist was busted for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old boy, and could spend decades in the slammer if she’s convicted on all charges, according to reports.”
Research, yeah, yeah research.
Huuuuuuge red flag
She’s certainly not a hard body 10, but 14 year old me would not have considered myself a victim.
I imagine the trial will go something like this.
Wait, what?: ‘Girls Trip’ Box Office Breaks R-Rated Comedy Curse, Proves Power of Diversity
I suppose Dunkirk, too, proves the power of diversity, with it’s mostly white male cast. The power of diversity knows no bounds!
I guess that depends on your definition of comedy.
Deadpool Opening Weekend: $132,434,639
But Deadpool said it was a love story.
He also said it was a horror movie. Deadpool is extraordinarily woke in how it refuses to recognize genre stereotypes.
Broken through the spandex ceiling, amirite?