Whoops. We forgot Sloopy is still wandering beardless in the wilderness.
Do not mess with pregnant lady’s man. Bonus NY Post link: NYC women think they’re more attractive than they are. The best of NYC couldn’t hold a candle to a random mall in California, Texas, or Florida.
Twitter enters death spiral.
Models dressed as aliens. I know this will be good for some of you.
Steve Bannon.. suuuuuper genius
Sorry no music, we’re behind.
47) So, the Washington Post today is all transgender troops, all the time. This article talks about how “Trump’s relationships with LGBT people, and his evolving positions on issues, have been transactional” rather than because of any real support for LGBT people. Another columnist in the Post sees the transgender troop ban as an “attack” on all LGBT people.
But to me this really shows how little transgenderism has to do with gay and lesbian. I mean grouping gay and lesbian together with transgender seems like a strategic decision on the part of gays and lesbians and transgender people to work together. Fine. But as I understand it, they don’t really have anything to do with each other, biologically.
And this was not Trump going back to don’t ask, don’t tell. This was in response to specific concerns with transgender people and how they make it more difficult for military units to operate, and have nothing to do with gay or lesbian troops. Does it have to be intersectional? Can things just not sometimes be based on reality?
Can things just not sometimes be based on reality?
For proggies, reality doesn’t enter into it.
I’m convinced Trump’s tweet was entirely designed to push the buttons of the physiology denying true believers.
Trump = kid with laser pointer
WaPo = cat
That’s everything he does with the press. I’m still not convinced he’s doing it on purpose though. He’s dumb, they’re dumber.
Its an idiot savant type talent. There’s no thought to it, its a lower order function that is unreasonably effective.
Trump = kid with laser pointer
WaPo = cat
I love this analogy. and you can substitute the whole MSM for WaPo.
How this transgender thing become so prominent? Are there no problems left in the world? Peace everywhere, budgets balanced, everything done
How can you think of budgets at a time like this. Uncaring shitlord.
I, personally, think it will be hilarious when Democrats run on this as a central part of their campaign in 2018. Clearly, this will connect them with Middle America
Wake me up when they start incarcerating trans folks for 30 years like they do with drug addicts whos only crime is being themselves
Gender has nothing to do with one’s sex. That’s why they have to have their dicks cut off.
Absolutely. Progressives are fighting for human rights, dontcha know; Trump simply wants to PROFIT. I mean, what do progs get out of showing all their friends how much they care? Nothing, I tell you! It’s selflessness!
But as I understand it, they don’t really have anything to do with each other, biologically.
Oh, we left biology behind long ago. For Great Science!
As I said yesterday (but maybe in a pretty dead thread):
Too many people are asking the wrong question: “Can we accommodate trannies in the military?”
Trump answered the correct question: “Why should we accommodate trannies (because they need accommodation) in the military?” He answered “We shouldn’t.” And I don’t see any reason, yet, why that’s the wrong answer.
Do they make our military a more effective military (which is not the same as a woke social program, contra the previous administration)? After netting out the accommodations (which aren’t just the cost of treating them, but the reductions in military effectiveness of someone transitioning or already transitioned), do they produce a net increase in military effectiveness?
And it does no good to say “Oh, they are just as good at desk jobs and there are lots of those”. You don’t get on the fast track for promotions, at least in the groundforces, if you are pure REMF – you need time in the combat arms, so we know how that plays out, because we saw it with women – a lower double standard is adopted which reduces military effectiveness.
Gay, lesbian, trans, it doesn’t matter, they all belong to us!
If that’s a serious and not rhetorical question: the folks under the great LGBT acronym see themselves as having an overlapping but not identical experience with marginalization during the formative years of the movement. Some of it probably has to do with very early German theories on the genesis of homosexual attraction which are fascinating, but quaint. Influenced by those theories Magnus Hirschfeld–the father of modern sexology–was broadly fascinated by variants in sex/gender/orientation and would’ve seen them all as being on a continuum instead of discrete concepts.
As I’ve mentioned previously, I don’t “get” the trans experience, but I recognize enough of the structures of social acceptance/rejection from my own childhood that I’m going to be reflexively…but not unendingly supportive when it comes to trans issues.
the structures of social acceptance/rejection, are, in my opinion better addressed by civil society, not the imposition of government mandates backed by armed men.
Personally, I try to be civil and polite to everyone, calling them by their preferred name and pronoun, etc. I haven’t been faced with the question, but if I was hiring (and I only hire for desk jobs), I really don’t think I’d care if you were trans, provided you looked like you’d fit into my team. Trans persons with a chip on their shoulder wouldn’t fit in, but neither would anyone else.
What I don’t need is some uneducated woke dipshit ordering me to hire trans persons, or else.
And, yes, I am taking a vow to stop using the derogatory term “tranny”. It comes from a place of opposition to activists, but I can do better than that.
I was actually annoyed by opposition to the word tranny. I get why people were opposed but it was more specifically a term relating to cross-dressing/drag, and folks on the transgender side of things (for whom it would be legitimately derogatory) made the word verboten in all contexts. It didn’t improve anyone’s standing with middle America and took a shit all over camp.
Besides, “tranny” means “transmission”. I wish people would stop appropriating words and then making them unusable.
Back when you could get away with naming your organization NACHO.
*runs around, uncertain if these are really the Links*
*hands UnCivil a keyboard* Here, flip this keyboard!
Why? What did the keyboard do?
It has your links!
Why the H? Is is a Michelle thing?
what does the H stand for?
It stands for: Have a nice day, Pie.
Twitter and earnings seem like two things that don’t go together.
Like deep dish and pizza.
Alternate: Like pineapple and pizza
Are you paying attention, Doom? Just one reason MikeS has a Get Out of Cat Butt Free card, yo.
I can’t hear you!
Pineapple pizza and my stomach go great together!
Despite Trump’s efforts to save the platform. Perhaps we’ll get a bailout.
Sure, but it is a lot harder to indulge in narcissism 140 characters at a time.
re: Models dressed as aliens
Needs more Kirk lovin’
Needs more miniskirts.
“Top White House adviser Steve Bannon is pushing for tax reform to include a new 44 percent top marginal tax rate, hitting people who earn more than $5 million a year, with the revenue paying for tax cuts for the rest, according to three people who’ve spoken to him recently. ”
Why is 44% the magic rate? Why not 50%? Why not 70%?
““I have wealthy friends that say to me, ‘I don’t mind paying more tax,’” he said. ”
And I have wealthy friends that say to me “I don’t mind getting pegged” but I don’t try to make laws about it.
Then by all means, feel free to pay up.
Noted economist Debra Messing commented: “THIS IS DISGUSTING”.
The taxing or the pegging?
(actually, probably just the taxing)
Yeah, she’s not smart. I guess she never read Clinton’s policy positions.
Lets just confiscate all income after the first $20,000 is earned. That seems fair.
Isn’t 20 bucks a month the max wage in Cuba? That sounds fair and reasonable.
Now you are thinking outside of the box!
I think all income up to the level of my salary should be tax-free.
Finally, something we can all agree on.
I don’t understand. If you don’t mind paying more, then don’t take exemptions, and make extra donations. If you don’t do that, your a liar, and just want too force others people to make you do it
This has something that has been percolating among some one the Right for a while now. Basically, these hyper rich people are totally down with low marginal tax rates, but they’re not supporters of any of the conservative program, and particularly the Trump conservative movement.
They’re not concerned about crime, because they live in gated communities. They’re not concerned about illegal immigration, because illegal immigrants aren’t coming to their neighborhoods. They’re not concerned about gun rights, because the rich and the connected will always have gun rights. They’re not concerned about the continued jobs drain from Middle America, because they don’t live in Middle America. Bad schools don’t bother them, because their kids don’t go to public school.
People have not forgotten how they took a bath on their mortgage while the Wall Street assholes got a government bailout.
Oh, that $30K I lost when I had to short sell my home? I had forgotten all about it!
So your saying that both sides have decided to go to war against the people who don’t support their policies. It makes sense, but it doesn’t make for a good government.
They have forgotten the faces of their fathers.
I think people who sweat for a living should pay far fewer taxes. If two peoole both make $50k a year, one in an air conditioned office and the other out in the heat and cold their wages arent really equal. Especially since the guy in the office will be able to work more years while the guy outside is slowly killing their body. Just my two cents
Because increased risk of heart attack, diabetes, and carpal tunnel aren’t real things.
Carpal tunnel Back injury, heart problem, skin cancer, knees, anything else Desk jockey?
Lay brick for10 years. You can get all those plus 4dozen other ailments
these euphemisms are certainly getting hard.
Archies brick laying service,we’ll lay anything
Sounds good to me
/AC guy Going to wok on a rooftop today
A couple of summers ago at my old job, a bunch of us office workers were in the fancy boardroom waiting for a stupid meeting to start and we all watched some guy mowing the lawn in front of the building. Gorgeous day, they guy had one of those stand on the top mowers and he went back and forth.
We all wished we were him. Just a simple job. No bickering with morons about the right words to use in the marketing blurb on a new product we were building. Sweet bliss.
I’m sure he probably saw us and thought we had it great because we got to sit on our ass all day in the AC.
No matter what you do, it probably has some pain points. If it was all fun, they’d charge you to do it instead of paying you to do it.
Those perfect days are far and few in between. A roofer gets about 8 of them a year.
Dems (and now Bannon, apparently) believe that the best way to sway tax payers on the idea of higher taxes is by talking to them like a parent trying to get their kid to eat something they don’t like.
“Why don’t you want to eat these yummy smooshed peas? Look how much daddy likes them! Mmm, mmm! Yummy, nummy in my tummy!”
“I have wealthy friends that say to me, ‘I don’t mind paying more tax,”
How many of them file with TurboTax? How many of them go to H&R Block every year? How many of them fill out a 1040 by hand?
I’m gonna guess… 0, 0, and 0.
They really want to pay more taxes! They totally do! Just ignore the army of accountants they employ to make sure they don’t pay any more tax than they have to!
Fuck you. This is about me paying more tax, and you feeling smug.
“I have wealthy friends that say to me, ‘I don’t mind paying more tax,’” he said.
Well, I know, because they aren’t going to pay it for the most part, because it can’t be taken from payroll. If they were really going to pay it, of course they would mind. And mind includes shutting down their business and retiring or leaving the country.
For some odd reason, I’m trying to determine a fictional character’s cash flow.
Where would be a good place to look to figure out an appropriate levle of dividends for their (equally fictional) holdings to be paying out?
Is this modern-day? I think you can probably look up the dividends for various companies the character might be holding. If he’s an oil baron or something, it should be pretty easy to find, say, ExxonMobil’s dividend rate.
If it’s set in the past, wasn’t the standard for an estate in Jane Austen’s time 4-5%?
You’re going to a lot of effort for a character if this has to be done with any precision….
Modern, but the reason I asked where is because I don’t know where to look that up… and I’m pretty sure stock trading sites are blocked by the work proxy.
What type of company are you looking for?
Some typical big company dividend yields:
T 5.41%
XOM 3.84%
KO 3.27%
BRK 0%
MSFT 2.10%
INTC 3.14%
PG 3.09%
What’s that a % of?
Dividend per year/current stock price.
T is $38.03 per share right now and pays $1.96 annual dividend per share.
1.96/38.03 is 5.15%. The yield I quoted was based on yesterdays closing price of 36.22.
Another example,
BRK.A closed at $259,410.02
They pay $0 in dividends.
0/259410.02 = 0%. Imagine that.
Well, that’s just great – to get to real numbers I’d have to figure out the share price of these fictional companies.
… or not. I’d come up with a net worth, and it’s only his portion of the companies that matters.
Notice the range, big companies that pay good dividends are yielding around 3%.
So figure he is earning about 3% of his total holdings.
At 3%, even with the 20-40% dividend tax, he ends up at “enough money to finance three supervillains”
Especially on Front-wheel drive cars.
The % of a dividend is really information for the point you are buying or selling it at.
The actual dividend is typically a fixed amount announced by the company ahead of time.
Ford is paying .15 per quarter per share, which currently works out to just over 5% at the current sale price. I have 300 shares of Ford I bought at 1.70, so the actual div rate for those particular shares is actually 35% for me on that particular investment.
I have 300 shares of Ford I bought at 1.70, so the actual div rate for those particular shares is actually 35% for me on that particular investment.
Not really, because you could sell the shares and reinvest in something paying greater than 5%, which would net you more, even though the % would be less than 35%.
Of course, that doesn’t account for cap gains tax and etc, so there is a transaction cost to the opportunity cost.
But the current yield is a better indicator.
Depends on the character’s holdings – bonds, dividend or non-dividend stocks. Either way one (I do believe) pays capital gains taxes on dividends, or perhaps it is counted as income. Argh – been a while. My son has a big chunk of stocks that provide dividends (and are turned around to buy more stock) but that income is taxed.
There’s a separate dividend tax that is not capital gains.
The holdings are in a number of different industries, but are all companies. The biggest holding is resource extraction (Mineral and Oil)*
*This is also an answer to Spartan, Above.
Yeah I hate to say that my old man bought the stocks and also handles the taxes so I hear everything second hand. Basically a little trust fund for my son.
Dividends are going to undergo some shake-ups in the oil companies as $40-50 oil becomes the new normal. Right now the dividend is ~30-90 cents for a $50 share.
Your story sounds boring. ; )
You’re free to not read them
I was joking. I’ll have to check them out. Thanks.
Build a model portfolio in any financial website’s templates.
I like Morningstar and finviz, but Google fin & Yahoo both have limited portfolio building tools that will show you aggregate dividend payout or cash distributions
You think your commute was bad?
My guess is that a lot more people would have died, except that there is a ton of construction going on in that area. Start the countdown until progs start demanding we spend a lot more money to improve guard rails on bridges.
I thought all new federal highway construction had to have concrete barriers to prevent cars from entering other traffic flows.
This was not an accident from one lane to another, it was from the top
turnbuckleof a bridge that ran over the freeway.It looks like there was a small concrete wall, but not enough to stop them.
nightmares do come true.
Wow. Damn. It had the fence and everything. Yeah, let’s not make rules on an exception like this.
CRUMBLING INFRASTRUCTURE!!!! How dare you not pay for more safety!
*also, I have a buddy who has a concrete business*
He should’ve come here in the 80’s and 90’s when they paved everything from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
I was in Kobe in ’96 or so (about a year after the earthquake). It was amazing how much construction was going on everywhere at the time.
That would’ve been a few years after the bubble burst. They’ve been trying like mad to reinflate it ever since. Stimulus projects became just another permanent parasite on the economy.
My brother in law in Kobe owned a company that manufactured all sorts of cables. When they rebuilt Kobe he made out like a bandit. The govt figured that since the roads were all destroyed, that was the time to lay down fiber and cable everywhere.
How many people are going to die when the roof of the Vikings stadium collapses?
Probably all 800 who still attend the games?
It would be a mercy to them.
And a mercy to the Twin Cities’ skylines
A history lesson for Trump: Transgender soldiers served in the Civil War
Odds there’s a sub-reddit for transgender, Civil War re-enactor/cosplay? 100%? Higher?
Union or Confederate?
Hmmmm…. my guess is both. Maybe they do an Andersonville-inmate-guard thing?
The difference is that ole Albert probably wasn’t yelling “Me, me, me!” to make sure everyone knew what he was about.
Exactly. I’ll bet Albert Cashier went to some effort to keep other people from finding out the truth.
Yeah… pretty sure s/he would’ve been both dishonorably discharged from the military for that, plus arrested or put in an asylum or something like that if they’d been found out.
Not to mention, again, that these days you’re talking about people who need a ton of medical support to maintain their chosen gender, not just a bandage to bind their tits, a loose-fitting uniform, and a haircut. Just looking at the hormone treatments for transitioning, it’s kind of like birth control pills on steroids. I’m on birth control for medical reasons, and I’ve had to switch my pills and tried different regimens in the past, and believe me– if your hormones are off at all, you get all kinds of loopy and weird stuff starts happening. God help you if you’re out on the front lines and don’t get your hormone pills on time. I imagine it would be similar to what I’ve experienced off or on the wrong mix/regimen of birth control– wild mood swings, physical side effects, severe depression, etc. Not something you or anyone around you wants when you’re stuck in close quarters with someone shooting at you, that you need to be shooting back at.
I didn’t know Mulan was about the American Civil War.
I didn’t even know Joan of Arc was Chinese.
“Huh? Albert was a woman all along? And here we just thought he was a little weak dude with tiny hands.”
“They wouldn’t know what in the world you meant by the world transgender, but there have women serving in men’s dress in armies since the beginning of wars,” said Elizabeth Leonard, a professor of history at Colby College.
Because historically women couldn’t serve in armies. Is Professor Leonard completely, utterly, and totally incompetent at history, or is she simply a disingenuous cunt?
Why can’t it be both?
Maybe it’s because I’m from California and grew up in Texas (and moving to Florida), but I am completely baffled by the notion that NYC is filled with gorgeous women. No. Not even close. Your mall assertion is dead on accurate.
NYC is filled with sewer rats and roaches. I’m not sure there are any humans there, let alone attractive ones.
Whenever I’m in the South I notice the average woman is far better looking than the average woman in New England.
I had a different experience – everyone was equally plain and average.
Where all did you go? Seriously go to Florida or Texas. I can’t speak much to the rest of the south except for Arkansas, and that place is mainly filled with very old people.
UCS has a fetish for the bland.
Maybe Southern girls are only attractive to avocado lovers. Where’s Southen? I think this is a place where he and I can reach across the aisle and agree that we’d rather girl watch in Baton Rouge than Flatbush.
If your staff leaves her bush flat and comes out red, you might be trying too hard.
Move -in day at an SEC campus is something every creeper needs to experience.
Arizona State and some random schools known for attracting good looking women might compete, but the depth of talent on display at UK, for instance, is a sight to behold. And most are homegrown.
Having experienced it my first two years of college, there cannot be a more beautiful move-in experience than at FSU. It’s not possible.
UK an FSU are both awesome, but neither can hold a candle to Auburn/Clemson (they are the exact same place).
One of the strippers in the Greenville strip club I visited recently was “going to Clemson” lol. Not very attractive, but probably a lot of fun so I’ll count that towards their overall total.
I think Bama in generally gets better looking girls than Auburn.
UCS has never been on a college campus in the South.
Here’s the immediate problem – You’re measuring college students and not the average. Go out in public with the rest of the population – see the horror that is humanity.
+1 People of Walmart
Here is my assumption=The hotness ratio of college student:gen pop is the same everywhere.
Thus I can measure, say, Clemson vs Wisconsin-Madison vs Rutgers and get a proxy for South Carolina, Wisconsin, and New Jersey without having to experience humanity.
I dunno. For example, if you go to University of Michigan, there just aren’t many hot women their. But they bring in a more diverse population. It’s also known as a college for “east coast kids who couldn’t get into an Ivy league”.
But if you go to Michigan State – the number of hot females rises a hundred fold.
You need to test that hypothesis. Set up some trials to see if you can disprove it.
I know – candid photography on and off campus by people who don’t know what they’re testing except that they need to take pictures of a prepresentative sample of the population.
Context will be scrubbed from the images as best as possible and then a group of testers will be asked to rank the attractiveness of the people in the photographs in a linear set.
These relative ranksings across all the returns will then allow us to test correlation theory, and help answer the regional attractiveness question at the same time.
You have to be picky about the proxy.
If I wanted to measure Georgia, I would go to Athens, not my alma mater.
Not that the thin supply of women at GT weren’t decent, but nothing like at uga.
For North Carolina, you measure at UNC not Duke (University of New Jersey – Durham Campus).
Sorry UCS, your logical controlled approach doesn’t provide people the opportunity to gratuitously bash other states.
But most medium sized state schools are pulling a good deal from the gen pop of the state they are located in. UK is made up of about 60% in-state students.
I mean, we have an average for a reason. No one is saying the South is all dime pieces strutting their stuff at peak performance 24/7. But yeah, I’ll take a Southern state for women any day
UK is made up of about 60% in-state students.
It is that low?
Maybe WKU would be the better measure.
Western Kentucky (region, not school) girls are … fun. Very fun.
But UK still attracts the best and brightest. There are a ton of girls from Tennessee.
Notice that she moved to Colorado, and then moved back to Boston. Must have seen the competition out west and decided to head back.
NYC does have a lot of gorgeous women. Women who move to the city are more likely to make it there if they are better looking. Rich guys who can afford to live in NYC attract good looking women.
I dig Jewish women, so NYC is great on that score.
Yeah, there are a lot of people in NYC, so sheer volume might be higher than another city, but the density is a lot lower than many others. And most models look weird in real life. Like 6 inches wide and 6’2″ tall. But I’m not one to equate skinniness with beauty without considering face and curves. There are a number of women in NYC who look good from behind or afar, but that’s it. For me, the south is the best.
I always find it funny when women complain that “society” makes them conform to unrealistic body types and tells them that they are shit if they maintain an unhealthy low weight. It’s not “society,” its other women. Pick up any stupid “Men’s” magazine, or better yet look at the categories on a porn site, and you’ll see that men appreciate a much… wider range of female forms. Or did everything think it was just coincidence that ‘Thicc’ became a meme at the same time everyone accepted the fact that everyone is looking at porn.
Same thing with “slut shaming.” It’s nearly always women doing it.
With men, its more “slut shopping”.
Pro tip: Next time you’re in NY, take the PATH train to hoboken and behold the hotness.
Women – never happy.
Hi Men in My Life! Can You Stop Preaching Feminism & Listen First?
1: I’ve never heard any utterance like the one in the example.
2: I expected from that headline something more along the lines of “Shut up about Feminism, it’s a rotting landwhale carcass” rather than “do feminism better”, but, being a Lord H link, I should have known better.
How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Or: None, the light bulb must commit to changing itself to serve the needs of women.
2. One can change the lightbulb, the other can suck my fucking dick.
Think you’d be better off with the one and sitting in the dark.
“How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?”
None. Feminists can’t change anything.
1. Feminists engage in obnoxious, self-centered, male-bashing behavior.
2. Feminists can’t understand why decent men don’t want them.
Huh, haven’t seen it spelled that way before.
“I’ll catch this bird for you, but it ain’t gonna be easy. Bad fish.”
Content aside, that is some really crappy writing. I know she’s “finding her voice” and so forth, but maybe she should lose it again.
So, the author is announcing that it never occurred to her that men were indulging her idiocy because they wanted to get laid. So, in addition to insane, she’s also stupid.
No music?
Let me help
Let’s kick it up a notch or two
Nice choice, Brooks.
Yeah Brooks, nice choice. I’ve never heard Costello’s version.
Didn’t meant o minimize your musical selection by adding mine. I was going to post mine separately but saw your link and thought I’d just add it to yours.
If you ever get a chance to see Elvis I highly recommend it. He’s really, really good.
Since we don’t have Sloopy to crow about his crappy sportsball team, I would like to take this time to say that my prediction is starting to come true. The Twinks are starting to have the wheels come off their season.
Three ugly losses in a row. Sure the Dodgers are hot, but little league throwing errors don’t help.
Many Minnesota sports fans are so jaded they almost seem to take more pleasure in the fact that they predicted bad times instead of enjoying the good times. Not trying to pick a fight with you Pope, I know tons of people like that.
I’ve taken delight in the Twinks’ woes ever since they fucking engineered that dirty stadium deal. Fuck Opat and Fuck Pohlad!
Especially because we were promised an all star payroll if only they had a new stadium. Nice to know that Carl Pohlad’s kids are just as cheap as he was.
Yes, I am also pretty much against the Vikings for the same reason. Their stadium deal though is almost honorable compared to the Target Field deal.
Especially because we were promised an all star payroll if only they had a new stadium. Nice to know that Carl Pohlad’s kids are just as cheap as he was.
This. This especially irritates me. To be sure, I’m not paying any of the taxes for the stadium like you. I’d be even more pissed if I was. Or how was it funded? Was it sales tax, property, hotel? I forget. The Vikes stadium was lottery money, right?
The genius deal that county commissioner Mike Opat came up with (a month after being re-elected) was that ONLY Hennepin county gets to pay the sales tax. The rest of the state is free riding.
There was supposed to be a referendum on the tax, but the state legislature voted to waive that law in this case. Of course, they did. None of their constituents had to pay any taxes and if us locals got a chance it would have gone down in flames.
Like I said it was a fucking dirty deal from the beginning.
As a born and raised Wisconsinite living in Minnesota I think the only thing that Minnesota sports fans enjoy more than that is watching Wisconsin teams lose.
The Yankees finally look to be back on track. Getting rid of Tyler Clippard worked wonders.
Yes, Clippard was killing them. Although Betances is looking shaky these days as well.
Eh, he’ll get his command back eventually. I think that long stretch where he hardly pitched because they were either winning big or losing screwed him up. Part of the reason they switched him from a starter in the minors is because his mechanics get sloppy when he goes more than a day or two in between pitching.
Good point, I just hope he straightens out soon.
Twins have some great young talent, but not enough pitching.
Beer sales are down…especially among the millennials
Or they prefer actually good beer…… Most of the millenials I know are craft beer snobs and whisky snobs. Which is fine. Because I am too.
And the fact that some of the beers are $14-15 for a six. Ballast Point (Modelo owned now) stuff sits on the rack at the local Meijer because you can get the same amount of Two Hearted for $8.
Seriously, one spring in KY I bought a case of Bell’s dopplebock after the first 6-pack. The next spring it was $16 per 6. There’s no way I paid $64 for that case. In NYC I first went to a specialty store that mostly sold craft and imported singles and you make your own 4/6 pack. I thought it was pricey because it was a specialty store so I went to the bodega. No, even the cheap 6 packs are $12 a pop.
I’m 26 drink Bud heavy and Wild Turkey pretty exclusively. I dabble in everything though. Basically I’m a lush.
I’m pretty sure just about everyone is a lush at 26.
I love better beer as much as the next guy. But, beer snobs are usually insufferable and not nearly as knowledgable as they like to think. I could piss in a glass, soak a few cones of hops in it for a few days, and sell it to a lot of them for $12/pint as the newest thing in IPAs.
Doesn’t that apply to pretty much all self-proclaimed “critics” of anything?
To some extent. Every now and then, you get somebody who really does know his or her stuff. You can usually spot them because they can make intelligent commentary on the mundane, rather than joining in on the circle jerk for the next item created for the critics.
Have you tried our new coffee made from civet crap?
Umm… Is there not USUALLY a shift away from beer in that age cohort? When you grow a beer gut and say, “oh shit, I need to cut back on the beer”
Where the hell was that written in the handbook? I seem to have missed that step.
Curse your wonderful genes! Or congratulations on your body positivity. Either way.
BEER! all the other stuff makes me angry
We just need a law mandating young folks drink more beer. Problem solved.
Thinking of opening a craft brewery or a bar? You might want avoid targeting millennials in your marketing – and definitely cut back on the beer.
I don’t think opening a craft brewery would be much of an issue. In fact, the story here is that millenials are undergoing two shifts: 1) from beer to spirits and 2) within beer, from mass produced crap to craft.
Yes. Although 35 ain’t millenials. But I regularly give money to about 8 different beer companies, none of which are held by publicly traded companies. The problem seems like it might be disaggregation.
This tells me the Goldman Sachs analysts are either bad, or not giving their full reason, as Constellation Brands has a large wine portfolio. They even own ((Manischewitz)).
Well, when you serve 200 types of overpriced shitty bitter IPAs with crazy names, the millenials don’t even know what good beer is. If I thought all beer was that crap, I wouldn’t drink beer either.
something, something cake
Swedish Shop Refuses Woman Service For Not Wearing Hijab
I fully support the rights of the Somali to be an asshole.
Yup. Sell or don’t sell to whoever the fuck you want.
‘Sweden is a democracy,’
-that Somali woman has a better understanding of freedom than most westerners. To be sure, they’re assholes.
Democracy has nothing to do with it. Democracy doesn’t give a shit.
Yeah, democracy can vote to do whatever the fuck it wants to you. That’s why the US is supposed to be a constitutional republic.
She should feel fortunate she was sexually assaulted.
Fortunate? This is that rape culture I’ve been hearing about?
whoops, put a wasn’t in there.
Huh? “Wasn’t she feeling fortunate she was sexually assualted.”?
Maybe you should just stop now Chip. We get that you really like rape.
Diversion plan A
You know who else likes rape?
50 Shades purchasers?
Male feminists who watch MMA in bars?
The creators of Oz?
Or anyone who works for HBO?
“Hmm, this Game of Thrones book with a rape or murder on every other page is pretty good, but it sure could use more rape and murder.” – HBO
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The narratives are getting harder and harder to manage.
Christian bakers NO! Because Crusades.
Muslim retailers YES! Because victims of white privilege and Jews.
No hijab, no shoes, no service.
Damn, should have said “No hijab, no shirt, no service. (Shoes optional if pregnant.)”
I’m sure they do.
I’m going to save this for later viewing. I need to get ready for work. I think their linked video will be comedy gold.
It is indeed worth a watch.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that people elsewhere in the world also are not keen on the idea of deliberately giving politicians extra money to spend.
Every time my brother brings up the idea of the rich/corporations paying “their fair share,” I object on these grounds. Even if taxes were disproportionately paid by the working and middle class, why would I want to penalize the wealthy? Spite? And assuming we could contrive some tax scheme that isn’t a) just a pass-through, or b) somehow does not affect economic growth, why would I want to give more money to the sociopaths promising to put more people on welfare, to regulate industries into the ground, to further encumber my rights, or to conduct wars here and abroad?
I like to ask them to define fair share, as in how much every dollar earned should one be allowed to keep? They generally come up with a number below what the top brackets actually already pay.
“Taxes aren’t voluntary. They’re something society does together”
Lying fuckers aren’t even about the actual money, they just want to use collective government force to bend people to their will.
Awesome. I hold some shares in Berkshire-Hathaway and I’ve always been tempted to go to the shareholder meeting and do this to Buffet during his Q&A. Doubt that I ever will, but the temptation is there.
Can things just not sometimes be based on reality?
Now YOU’RE being unrealistic.
Channel surfing this morning – Fox spent some quality fun mocking the 6 Republican Senators who flipped and voted against Obamacare repeal. Senator brain cancer was one of them.
I hope people keep a list of the names of these scumbags. Better vote them out when they’re next up for reelection. (I’m looking at you, Vhyrus. Get rid of McCain)
It’s not a Vhryus, it’s a … *Someone was waiting for that joke IIRC.
I’m on it, but I think God might beat us to it this time. Then again knowing McCain maybe that contract he made with SATAN! is coming due.
I posted this on last night’s thread just as this went up. I’ll post it here again.
Why people are leaving the Northeast
Last year, three states in the Northeast — New Jersey, New York and Connecticut — landed in the top five places people were moving out of fastest, according to 2017 data from United Van Lines. (The other two states on the list were Illinois and Kansas.) And data from Pew Charitable Trusts found that while people are all about moving to the South (their population grew by nearly 1.4 million people from 2014 to 2015) and the West (866,000 more people), the population growth in the Northeast is “sluggish.”
You can add better looking women outside the Northeast to the list.
It’s super weird. I wonder what those three states have in common? Highway robbery-grade taxes and oppressive regulation? Nah, couldn’t be those.
I wish they’d stay in the Northeast. They come down here and vote for the same things that they were running from in the first place which makes no damn sense to me whatsoever.
Precisely. This is what has been ruining Virginia. Statist assholes from the Northeast move to NoVa to work in DC, and bring their Massholery with them.
This is 100% accurate. I live in NoVA, and people here just assume that you agree with them on their progressive bullshit. When you challenge them, they give you deer-in-the-headlights look.
I am New Jersey born and raised, and it seems like half the people I knew from high school have moved to Florida, including several of my relatives. The difference in taxation, cost of living, and regulation is stark. (The women in Florida aren’t really any better looking, though.)
My parents are both Long Island born and raised. Mom has eight siblings, dad has three. Of those eleven people, only one didn’t leave New York. My parents moved to Virginia when I was a kid, and the rest live in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas. Most of my mom’s cousins moved to Florida, too.
Northeast, come for the higher taxes, stay for the um, ahh, something something ,culture.
If one compares the user experience of FB and Twitter, Twitter is a flaming trash heap; there’s no comparison whatsoever. FB has hot sexy chats, a playground venue for voyeurism, a whole hell of a lot of games and other experience crap. Twitter doesn’t provide an experience so much as access to the college public bulletin board out on the quad, except with more retardation.
FB has hot sexy chats, a playground venue for voyeurism,
+1 Go on…
Apparently Pomp’s been hanging out with OMWC.
Hehe, just another way of saying they have their own instant messaging system, and an apparatus to look at your friends’ dumb toddler pictures and Easter e-cards.
I must have the wrong version of Facebook.
I think he meant to say chaturbate.
21 Inspiring Feminist Quotes To Put On Your Healthcare Rally Signs That Say Being A Woman Isn’t A Preexisting Condition
I have a brain and a dick. But sadly the latter usually takes the lead.
Those are some awfully long quotes for a sign. “Be My Daddy” is way more concise.
“More Free Shit” is more succinct.
I think I’m going to bring that sign to a fem rally in Claremont coming up
MORE FREE SHIT on a sign would be the ultimate troll eh?
You must have someone video that if you do it, because that would be awesome.
Make sure to alert the paramedics ahead of time.
It’s definitely preexisting, and it is definitely a condition (in the sense of mortality is also a condition.).
Just because it’s not an illness doesn’t mean you should force men to pay for services they will never use.
Being a man is a preexisting condition too… a whole host of different health issues and a higher mortality rate.
“No matter how I struggle and strive / I’ll never get out of this world alive”
The only inspiration one gets from feminist quotes is inspiration to pull the trigger for that sweet release from this life.
I have some to add
“In arguing against free enterprise capitalism, the collectivist always adopts the false assumption of a fixed number of jobs in that system. Conversely, in arguing for collectivism, he always assumes that there will be as many jobs as there are workers. The government will make the jobs.”
― Isabel Paterson
“One thing I hate about the New Deal is that it is killing what, to me, is the American pioneering spirit. I simply do not know what to tell my own boys, leaving school and confronting this new world whose ideal is Security and whose practice is dependence upon government instead of upon one’s self…. All the old character-values seem simply insane from a practical point of view; the self-reliant, the independent, the courageous man is penalized from every direction.” -Rose Wilder Lane
“Representative government cannot express the will of the mass of the people, because there is no mass of the people; The People is a fiction, like The State. You cannot get a Will of the Mass, even among a dozen persons who all want to go on a picnic. The only human mass with a common will is a mob, and that will is a temporary insanity. In actual fact, the population of a country is a multitude of diverse human beings with an infinite variety of purposes and desires and fluctuating wills.” – Rose Wilder Lane
“When Government has a monopoly of all production and all distribution, as many Governments have, it can not permit any economic activity that competes with it. This means that it can not permit any new use of productive energy, for the new always competes with the old and destroys it. Men who build railroads destroy stage coach lines.” -Rose Wilder Lane
“Do not mess with pregnant lady’s man. Bonus NY Post link: NYC women think they’re more attractive than they are.”
Looks familiar, somehow.
I stole ’em from Instapundit fair and square. Just like you. ‘)
Nope, I posted the chili pepper vagina story about a week ago. And I didn’t get either from Instapundit.
See… the problem here is that… my little brother, this morning, got his arm caught in the microwave, and uh… my grandmother dropped acid and she freaked out, and hijacked a school bus full of… penguins, so it’s kind of a family crisis… so come back later? Great.
Regular Thursday morning for a Florida man.
You still owe me $2.
The Daily Mail goes New York Times:
“Family fury after hospital denies mother-of-five’s Christian-faith-based healthcare plan in the middle of her CHEMO and hands her a $41k bill”
Then after several paragraphs bashing health co-ops, at the very end of the article:
“The Alleys are no longer under threat of losing Laura’s cancer care and currently have a zero balance because Medi-Share paid it in advance.
Northside sent another statement confirming that Laura’s ‘billing issues have been resolved’, adding that she’s receiving care with ‘no delays, interruptions or cancellations’. “
So, a standard billing department error, resolved amicably.
Been up since 2 AM, couldn’t fall back asleep. Currently calculating how much caffeine would be a fatal dose so I can drink that much minus 1 mg.
10g is the ld50, IIRC.
The least productive time in my life was when I drank 2 pots of coffee before studying for an exam in university. Unable to focus, constantly distracted fidgety, and strung out tiredness.
Yeah. I drank two cans of Rockstar back-to-back in about a half hour once. The only thing I could focus on was the sound of my heart trying to pound its way out of my chest cavity.
During my sophomore year of college they started selling caffeinated water. We’d use it to make coffee. I was very dumb when I was 19.
Caffeinated water? I’ve never seen that.
*makes note to find nearest caffeinated water retailer
Water Joe
Thanks WTF. I’m gonna look a little closer at the water sections of C-stores around here. I like a little shot of caffeine every now and then, but have been trying to cut back on sugary drinks. And I ain’t drinking that diet shit.
I recommend Mountain Dew Kickstart — only 80 calories in a 16oz can.
I drank SanKa during an all night study cramming binge for my French test. I failed.
SanKa, there is your problem.
should have done it this way
“Sans” caffeine. My joke wouldn’t have worked with Folger’s.
How was the BM?
Have a heart
Caffeine doesn’t help me in those situations… only a car nap during lunch has any hope of bringing me back to any sense of normality.
Apparently, younger generations aren’t drinking as much beer as they used to. The data shows they now prefer wine and spirits instead.
In that case, perhaps you’d like to listen to this.
Jittery Minneapolis cops must turn on their fucking cameras.
Surprise! The union hates it! Because tactics, or something.
Still no word on why the assholes sought a search warrant for the chick’s house (which, as you might recall was 100 yards from where she was gunned down).
Ha! They don’t want to get caught trash-talking before the game.
So now the cops won’t even do us the courtesy of flipping their lights on for a few seconds before they run a red light? Great. Fucking Great.
I fucking hate driving through NoMi any more. Only time I’ve almost been in an accident there are when a squad car steps on the gas at a red light without their lights on, or when they decide to pull away from the curb and cut me off.
If you want to hate humanity, read the comments to that story.
Here’s an example to get you started.
Tapping a police car should be punishable by death. So should legally carrying a gun, having any drugs or alcohol in your system, a broken tail light, or being darker than Gwyneth Paltrow.
Ok, I am not an Obama fan, but how is this his fault?
And even if she hit the car with a bat, she didn’t deserve to get shot.
Fuck, I hate people.
What is wrong with people?
Aaaannd progs wil suddenly shift and hate higher taxes on the rich in 3….2…..
Who are these rich people who don’t mind paying more taxes everyone seems to know?
I know a couple myself and they sure as hell wouldn’t want to pay more given they already carry the load.
I’ve heard people say that and I’ve sent them the link to donate to the US Treasury. Surprisingly, they never answer me when I ask them if they decided to pay more taxes.
Fairness is compulsory, shared misery.
Since the top 10% already pay something like 70% of the taxes while controlling about 40% of the wealth, I fail to see how making them pay even more is in any way “fair”.
Fucking with the Kings men will get you sent to prison for 68 Yrs
Outgunned by Bundy’s supporters, authorities released the cattle and left the area. Although no shots were fired, prosecutors said Burleson and his five co-defendants aimed rifles at law enforcement.
Oops….last part is supposed to be blockquote too.
I find it obnoxious that when I listen to a certain public radio scheme, Ammon Bundy is characterised as a “right-wing extremist,” while they were completely mum in characterising the violent antifa fucks in any similar manner.
When that standoff happened, I thought that those guys are gonna rue the day the cops stood down and released the cattle. Feds need to save face more than Asians do.
The sad part is that a jury found him guilty. People really have been trained to be a nation of sheep and OBEY.
Soooo, the government wanted payment and sent armed agents to get their money.
Hm. This MO sounds familiar. /fingers tap desk.
The government WIIL kill you if need be. Just look at Waco.
And are the Bundy’s really ‘right-wing militants’ or is that the media just being lackeys for the state and being disingenuous assholes?
From the /r/News comments where I stole the link:
The comments were rife with all hail the state such as that, but a few comments of, “What the fuck is up with 68yrs? Child rapists don’t get 68 yrs.”
I say once again: Reddit is a fine place, so long as you block any news or political subreddit, whether conservative or liberal (or other, since /r/libertarian and /r/anarchocapitalism are both complete shitholes)
I mainly go there to see what news is linked. It is good for that. My karma points are too low to even comment on /r/News. r/politics is just stupid. Nothing but Marxists comment there.
I think we started a war with Someone over that a while a back, The British?
dammit… refresh
You can’t take up arms against the government because you disagree with paying taxes.
Tell me again, what was the American Revolution about?
Charles Blow goes full Blow
“Unlike the examples listed above, Trump’s assault is intersectional and nearly universal. Multiple populations are being assaulted at once, across race, ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual identity.”
Seems like a president who was assaulting nearly every group in a society would have a tough time getting re-elected. I wonder if that will show up in the mid-term elections?
In progland, disagreement is assault.
Multiple populations are being assaulted at once, across race, ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual identity.
Isn’t that what woke intersectionality does? Set up increasingly narrow subgroups that then “assault” those beneath them on the stack, and even those above them on the stack so they can move up?
How long can they cry wolf before no one listens anymore?
Every straw is the last straw, and every outrage is the most outrageous they can conceive. Their hysteria has no gradation to it. If every triviality is treated as existential threat, then there’s nowhere else to go when real problems manifest themselves
Their shrieking is just a constant background noise
Graphic video shows deadly ride accident at Ohio State Fair
that looks nasty
Something metaphor something US economy.
Mom will feel very vindicated – she never let us go to county fairs or carnivals because she didn’t think the rides were safe. “They just put it together last week and they’ll take it down again soon – how safe could it be?”
Check out these inspiring feminist quotes to put on your healthcare march sign.
Pithy, and truthful.
Was Abba a feminist band?
Wasn’t that Black Flag?
Roseola is stupid.
Would not recommend.
From freedom loving England
I liked the comment… The Wiltshire Police sound like the NKVD without the charm and humour.
Oh, blow it out of your asses you clowns.
“I have wealthy friends that say to me, ‘I don’t mind paying more tax,’”
Any time you hear somebody say this, send them here:
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Funds Management Branch
P.O. Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328
Tell them not to speak to you again until they can produce a cancelled check.
Huh, the address used to be in Hyattsville, MD. Did they move? I don’t think they get enough money to run two locations…
That is Brooks’ address.
Swedish Government on the Brink
Sweden really needs to replace its government with one that hasn’t been castrated.
To elaborate – The constant fuckups and willingness to prosecute swedes for being victimized by the migrants they’ve supported will eventually either simply destroy sweden and the swedes as a nation, or result in violent vigilantism and effectively a civil war between the natives and the migrants/pro-migrants. The stunning ineptutude of those currently swishing about the reins is an order of magnitude or three worse than the average
I don’t care about Sweden anymore than I do Venezuela. The few people that oppose those govt policies, sure, got some sympathy for them. The others can starve or get raped or both as far as I’m concerned.
I care to the extent of having to read and listen to pundits and people claim we should be more than Scandinavia (see Grandpa Gulag Sanders and the Parti Quebecois who once claimed to want to make Quebec like Scandinavia should they ever manage to retardedly leave Canada) and how so many surveys and indices usually have them at the top.
Personally, I just don’t see what we need to emulate but here we are.
That’s why I care.
And the hot blondes?
effectively a civil war between the natives and the migrants/
pro-migrantsgovernmentI have no doubt that the armed agents of the state will suddenly grow balls when they are instructed to go after Swedes who disagree with the government and its migrant policies. We already see it, after all, in the “hate speech” prosecutions in Europe. The government has already chosen sides, and has cast its lot with the primitives migrating to their country. The actual Swedes can suck it.
I think it runs deeper than just changing a government. It seems to be a mindset; a type of Stockholm Syndrome that plagues not just Sweden but Scandinavia as a whole.
So the govt hid the fact that it leaked sensitive personal data for over two years? Yeah, no way would a private company be in any hot water if it covered up a data breach.
Everton v MFK Ruzomberok today in Europa qualifying.
Today’s match is in Goodison Park. The return next week is in Slovakia but nowhere near Brataslava. In a stadium that holds 4800.
Wonder why they don’t just make that “MFKR”?
I don’t understand the naming convention for most continental teams.
I think the short version is to drop the MFK.
Ruzomberok is the town.
Is there a sports competition less relevant than Europa League qualifying?
Europa League champion gets an autospot in Champions League now, which is only way ManU qualified this year.
So, yes, there probably is.
But not many.
[Looks at map of Eastern Europe]
So how close are you to nowhere near Brataslava?
Define close. By Romanian standards pretty far. Especially with the roads around here. But you can do it in a days drive if you don’t stop to much on the way.
I was just being stupid American figuring all of Eastern Europe was in the same 10 mile area.
Like the idiot Europeans that want to visit NYC and the Grand Canyon in the same day.
Communism sucks.
I was looking at photos of Ruzemberok and there are some beautiful ones. And that.
It takes some work to screw up a picturesque old village.
Not that different from SuperMax.
I’m up earlier than usual for a Thursday. Stupid fire drill.
Internet Use in North Korea
Internet access is available to universities, select businesses and the homes of top government or military officials.
What do they do online?
About 65 percent of their overall Internet traffic was devoted to gaming, including World of Tanks, and streaming online content, mainly China’s Youku video-hosting service and iTunes, according to the researchers.
The report found the elite “check a Gmail account, access Google Cloud, check Facebook and MSN accounts, and view adult content.”
“These leaders are doing many of the same things that we do when we wake up in the morning,” said Priscilla Moriuchi of Recorded Future. “They’re not isolated.”
Porn always finds a way.
If they are using WOT for military practice, WE GONNA WIIIIIIN!
These leaders are doing many of the same things that we do when we wake up in the morning
Maybe you wake up in the morning enjoying a nice lifestyle because your countrymen starve, and after a quick jerk to YouPorn you make sure they keep starving, but not me.
Wisconsin cemetery courts controversy with ‘Ghostbusters’ screening
No ghosts were available for comment.
“It represents that a cemetery is a vital part of the community.”
She’ll be here all night, folks.
Is the controversy due to the fact that they are playing the good version of that movie and not the “woke” version?
Women are smart and funny. Get over it.
If you have to continually tell people you are smart, funny, a leader, etc., then you most assuredly are not.
Or qualified
In the Philippines, people hold picnics at their ancestors’ graves on All Saints’ Day (I think; it might be All Souls’ Day). Some people stay overnight.
1 Nov.
No surprise here:
Whats her face Huckabe should ask the CNN and MSNBC corespondents from the podium during the press conference when their network is going to cover the house IT scandal. The meltdowns would be spectacular.
I asked our office proggie if he had heard about it.
Well, at least that’s better than hysterical shrieking.
IT guys in DC make a boatload, huh?
Averages out to around $120 or so a year, by my math. There were 4 or 5 of the Paki criminals over a period of about 5 years.
eh, I guess that’s not too much.
Marxist group disbands because members were too rich, white
A Marxist student group at Swarthmore College disbanded itself earlier this year after realizing that its members were too rich and too white to be real commies.
A farewell letter from a former member complains that the group’s founders where “entirely white, with the exception of one person of color,” and that none of them came from “low-income and/or working class backgrounds.”
/sad trombone.
Does Liz Warren have to think of everything for these twits?
Sheesh, just say you are part Cherokee. EVERYONE in the South claims the same thing so you don’t even have to worry about being discriminated against.
Maybe one of your more edgy members can claim some black blood. Once you have all signed up for your spirit ancestor of color, you get right back to progging without feeling bad at all.
$49,104 tuition and fees. Before room and board.
too rich, white
But classical marxism did not care for race and other intersectional crap. And I am pretty sure a few old time commies were rich white men themselves.
Engels’ family was rather wealthy.
NPR calls fake rape accuser Emma Sulkowicz a ‘survivor,’ hides that she is ‘Mattress Girl’
National Public Radio isn’t interested in fair reporting when it comes to sexual assault.
That’s made plain by a segment on the “restorative justice” approach to campus sexual assault that aired Tuesday afternoon on All Things Considered, which bafflingly deprived its audience the most newsworthy trait of one of its interviewees.
Reporter Tovia Smith quotes as a “survivor” the Columbia University graduate Emma Sulkowicz, who lost her rape case against fellow student Paul Nungesser in a campus adjudication based on the extremely low “more likely than not” evidence standard.
Sulkowicz and her activist friends harassed Nungesser, a foreign student, for years through her “Carry that Weight” art project, in which she pledged to lug a mattress around campus until Columbia punished Nungesser, whom it had explicitly exonerated of any wrongdoing.
I thought I had caught the end of her surname during that creepy-assed think piece .
I believe the victim. Even if the victim may not exist. I am sure she was at the very least assaulted by the male gaze
“SMITH: Sulkowicz says she also worries about who will facilitate the conversations. Given how campus administrators botched her trial process, she says, how will they pull off the more nuanced restorative justice approach?”
They didn’t rule in her favor so it must have been “botched”.
I mean this was pretty clear to me, to be honest. There were campus rape situation that seemed uncertain. This was not one of those
Yes, there is only one possible outcome, no matter the evidence.
I still maintain that Nungesser should have been arrested for bestiality.
Humans shouldn’t have sex with reverse centaurs.
that insane mattress nutbag has gone on to produce some really horrible pron. anyone see “ceci n’est pas un viol”? awful stuff.
Betty Chung covers Nancy Sinatra
“Models dressed as aliens. I know this will be good for some of you.”
The Star Trek fans better reach for their inhalers, I don’t know if they’ll be able to stand the excitement.
UChicago professor: It should be legal to kill newborn babies
Comparing them to dogs and cats, professor argues in favor of euthanasia of sick newborns
A biologist at one of the most prestigious universities in the country has come out in favor of killing disabled newborn babies, declaring that “it is time to add to the discussion the euthanasia of newborns.”
In a post on his personal blog, University of Chicago Prof. Jerry Coyne expressed approval over the idea of killing “newborns who have horrible conditions or deformities, or are doomed to a life that cannot by any reasonable light afford happiness.”
Citing a recent pro-baby-euthanasia column in The New York Times column by Gary Comstock, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, Coyne argues in favor of administering “a lethal injection of…a barbiturate” to gravely ill babies who are suffering as they die.
“If you are allowed to abort a fetus that has a severe genetic defect, microcephaly, spina bifida, or so on,” Coyne asks, “then why aren’t you able to euthanize that same fetus just after it’s born?”
Comparing newborns to dogs and cats, Coyne claims that “some day the practice [of killing disabled newborns] will be widespread, and it will be for the better.”
“When religion vanishes, as it will,” Coyne argues, “so will much of the opposition to both adult and newborn euthanasia.”
[head desk]
“If you are allowed to abort a fetus that has a severe genetic defect, microcephaly, spina bifida, or so on, then why aren’t you able to euthanize that same fetus just after it’s born?”
Excellent question.
“When religion vanishes, as it will, so will much of the opposition to both adult and newborn euthanasia.”
This is also a good point, assuming religion actually vanishes, that is.
I mean, there are atheist and agnostic prolifers, God bless them (so to speak), but the bleevers seem to supply a disproportionate share of the energy to the prolife cause.
You’d think a professor would do the obvious, and look at this from another angle, and see how or if that changes things:
If you areWhy are you allowed to abort a fetus that has a severe genetic defect, microcephaly, spina bifida, or so on,then why aren’t youif you aren’t able to euthanize that same fetus just after it’s born?”Didn’t Dawkins cause a shitstorm a few years back for claiming that it would be moral to kill kids with Down’s Syndrome? Don’t touch SS, that’s the third rail, but let’s take another look at outright murder.
“If you are allowed to abort a fetus that has a severe genetic defect, microcephaly, spina bifida, or so on,” Coyne asks, “then why aren’t you able to euthanize that same fetus just after it’s born?”
That’s actually a fair point. And also monstrous.
Sound the Cytotoxic signal
How about we kill full gown adults with anti-humanist views who find ways to justify murder under terms like ‘bio-ethicists?’
How about that Coyne? I find your views abhorrent and it ain’t got nothing to do with religion. And quite frankly, if religion objects to it, they’re in the right on this. This thing that religion is always irrational is, well, irrational.
Fuck off, Jerry.
He makes a good point. And why not the stupid? Or the teenage underachievevers? And aren’t Jews just *annoying*? There are too many people, says science: and we have all these unused nukes…
Well, I mean. The environment too. It can’t take overpopulation.
/Gilmore walks up to line. Stands before faceless bureaucrat who asks:
Just call the number: 2BR02B.
I picture interviewing with the Bobs to try to explain why I should live.
Because I’m a people person!
I mean kids on lawns should be fair game
Kids who walk to close to my car parked in front of my house too.
The stupid? We don’t need to kill them, just take their kids away.
UChicago professor: I want to get some headlines. Why am I not mentioned on the internet???
Peter Singer’s been making this argument for quite a while now.
Isn’t this part of why the US life expectancy, infant mortality rate is skewed relative to some other countries? The US actually tries to save babies with severe conditions while other nations write them off as “non-viable birth” and don’t count them.
When religion vanishes, as it will
Given birth rates, a strong argument could be made that religion is an evolutionarily advantageous trait, so even from a naturalist perspective this is unlikely to happen.
Eh, close enough.
Beautiful work as ever. SF.
Would you like to see some naked hot chicks playing Vivaldi?
the link is a lie.
Well it always is
Not this time – I merely *asked* if you would like to see naked chicks, I didn’t say you *would.*
And be these juggling fiends no more believed,
That palter with us in a double sense,
That keep the word of promise to our ear,
And break it to our hope.
-Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 8
+1 word salad.
Plastic surgeons facing ‘epidemic of acid attacks’ in London, expert says
have they considered banning acid? Or at least issuing acid licenses.
What we need is common sense chloride control.
There Are No Excuses for Not Accepting Transgender Troops
Examples from 20 countries show Trump’s ban is not about money or military readiness
The Obama administration ended Pentagon regulations barring transgender persons in June 2016, and directed the U.S. military to study extending health benefits to transition care to America’s 11,000 to 15,000 transgender troops, not all of whom would seek medical transition. In the Rand study, the think-tank estimated an annual increase in health care costs of $8.4 million — at the upper end — if the Pentagon extended those benefits.
Military Times previously pointed out that this is a tenth of the cost the military health system spends on dick-erection pills. It’s roughly the same as the cost of an Air Force blimp that crashed in a storm in Arizona. Over 50 years, if the costs stayed the same, they would amount to 0.028 percent of the F-35 stealth fighter program, and around 0.13-percent rise in military health spending.
Israel doesn’t allow transition surgery until the age of 21, an age in which most recruits who joined at 18 are no longer serving or are preparing to leave. Combat-units are off-limits during the transition period, but are generally open to those who complete their transition. The IDF will also pay for transition care, although this isn’t particularly noteworthy, as Israel has universal health care which provides for it, too.
Above — a U.S. Air Force service member wears pride socks during a run at Joint Base Andrews in June 2017. U.S. Air Force photo. At top — IDF Capt. Shachar. Israeli Consulate General of New York photo
If you want to be an infantry unit and you’ve completed the physical standards of your true gender, then you’re in.
A closer approximation to the United States is the United Kingdom, which opened the ranks to transgender recruits 17 years ago. The military “encourages those who have not yet started their gender transition to complete their transition before joining,” RAND noted, which echoes the Obama administration’s 2016 regulations.
“If you want to be an infantry unit and you’ve completed the physical standards of your true gender, then you’re in.”
And here is the problem.
The IDF example came up on Twitter yesterday. Even besides the universal healthcare nugget, isn’t it more relevant that service is compulsory for nearly everyone? I see no particular reason why taxpayers should be compelled to pay for anything, much less transition surgery and therapy, unless the state is conscripting people.
I think part of the problem is that they have different standards for both sexes. I know very little about military management. So maybe having two different standards for people doing office work makes sense. But anything physically demanding, such as combat, should only have one standard for the job.
Most European militaries couldn’t stop student couch burning after a WVU game. Claiming that trannies didn’t affect their readiness is pretty much meaningless.
Sex and gender are two different things, except when it’s not convenient to the narrative, argle bargle.
Is ISIS one of those countries that allow trans to serve?
Only as knife dullers and rope stretchers.
Not so fast. Looks like ISIS does allow trannies to serve.
… assuming no one affected by the tax hike changes their behavior in any way, and why would they, ’cause people never respond to incentives, ever.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) gave out more than three million dollars to fight “implicit bias,” “microaggressions,” and “lack of diversity” in STEM fields this July.
Founded by Congress in 1950, the NSF is a federal agency that seeks to “promote the progress of science” by funding research and collaborating with scientists, according to its website. This month alone, the NSF has funded at least three social-justice themed projects, which together cost taxpayers $3,173,684.
I saw nothing to prove that all this microgression and implicit bias is anything but bullshit. In any while implicit bias may exist to some pointy, case any sort of tests and training adn conferences on the subject are useless at best.
Evidentiary item #7753677 why scientific research and breakthroughs will collapse if NSF hands out fewer grants.
Basic research!
Just another heartless capitalist, blaming the victims!
Europe, though, has a proclivity to blame the wrong things. Especially for the left, the root causes of Africa’s problems include Western exploitation, unfair trade and capitalism itself — a diversion of attention that is welcomed by corrupt African governments, many of which have figured out how to profit off their people’s endless misery.
In fact, Africa does not need less capitalism, but more.
The main reason Africa is doing so poorly is that many of its leaders are unable or unwilling to provide the fundaments of a market economy: education, property rights, rule of law, reliable tax schemes, a proper banking sector.
I don’t know why this is so hard for some people to comprehend. And, of course, if Africans were allowed to make Africa less of a shithole, they might be less desperate to escape.
Capitalism is bad
I have here objectively right evidence that Romania was better under communism, after all.
I think I saw it on Stossel, they were asking people which has helped more people charity or capitalism?
Only a couple people had the correct answer.
Most people, even here where you would think the benefits of capitalism would be obvious, don’t see capitalism as a way to help people.
Maybe if it was asked which has helped you more?
Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia: sure, we’ve tried socialism dozens of times already, and every time it either ends in disaster or decays to state capitalism*, but this time it’ll be different!
* = Despite the common use of “state capitalism” by leftists as “no true socialism”, it’s actually a pretty apt moniker for places like China and Vietnam where the Communist Party still exists and is in charge of the country but some form of private capital ownership is allowed, under the watchful direction of the state.
“State capitalism” seems to be what you get when you get tired of watching your countrymen starve.
I wonder how many “no true socialism”-types would prefer the decades of purges and mass starvation over state capitalism.
I wonder how many “no true socialism”-types would prefer the decades of purges and mass starvation over state capitalism.
Judging by comments I’ve seen many times before… just about all of them.
Right, but see, that would never happen under true socialism, where everyone overcame their basic human impulses and only took according to their need and worked as hard as they can to support others who don’t work.
“Listen, postulating a New Soviet Man who will shoulder the burden of creating our stateless utopia doesn’t make our theory crazy and unworkable. You know what’s crazy and unworkable? A century of unbelievable prosperity brought about by markets and liberty. Now THAT’S crazy.”
Gender scholar is upset that female scientists don’t want to be associated with her field
Gender scholar is upset that females who are real scientists don’t want to be associated with her
fieldcompletely unscientific bullshit.Let me guess, they’re all internalized misogynists?
In a post on his personal blog, University of Chicago Prof. Jerry Coyne expressed approval over the idea of killing “newborns who have horrible conditions or deformities, or are doomed to a life that cannot by any reasonable light afford happiness.”
Why not keep them alive, and use them for experiments?
Show some initiative, man. Go full Mengele.
Mengele’s work lacked scientific rigor. He wasn’t actually testing anything or collecting useful information.
There were other camp scientists whose tests with, for example, hypothermia, proved to be sound from a data standpoint, but his work was not.
I assume that having parents who are not sufficiently woke will count as a condition?
Parents? Plural? What makes you think you deserve more parental figures than anyone else gets. Some people have none, so you’ll have to give up some. If we can’t equalize at one, no one will be allowed any.
Hillary told me it takes a village, but my parents refused to allow the wider community to take part in my education. Your disregard for my lack of communal upbringing has triggered me, shitlord.
Go cry your privileged tears in a corner.
What is this, Four Wokeshiremen?
Aw. I was hoping that was a thing.
Paging SF…
We can make it a thing! We have the technology!
But yes, I should have been clearer that the link was for reference.
I see basically the same premise, four posh wealthy white men smoking cigars and drinking brandy, but describing their impoverished background as variously disabled ethnic trans gay minorities and all the oppression they overcame.
I was thinking something more along the lines of said posh wealthy white men talking about how middle-class yokels need to be taxed and suppressed more to help the poor oppressed minorities.
Unnamed ‘Source’ Just Leaked to Fox that Sessions will Make Big Announcement About Leaks. I would’ve gone with “Leaker leaks leaker’s leaks about Session’s leaked announcement about leaks.”
Have a hankering for vichyssoise now.
The U.S. government bureaucracy makes Yes, Minister look watered down. The civil service is basically a branch of government unto itself.
“I have wealthy friends that say to me, ‘I don’t mind paying more tax,’” he lied.
*head desk*
I sit down for the first time this morning and this is what I see?
Well, there’s a link to naked girls playing Vivaldi upthread.
My question always is, who exactly is stopping them from sending more money voluntarily to the IRS?
“As a woman, you’re never enough,” says the sporty 5-foot-6 CEO. “I was never tall enough or slim enough. It grates on you after a while — that pressure to be a walking mannequin.”
Lady, you’re going to be crazy wherever you go.
Yeah, that’s why 5-foot-6 and overweight Oprah could never succeed as a businesswoman.
I noticed that of all the hundreds of shrieking protestors at the Times Square Recruiting Center no one actually went in and signed up.
The whole purpose of the Times Square Recruiting Center is to draw the attention of the deranged away from where actual requitment is done.
Scaramucci is going after Preibus. Seems Scaramucci is backing off a bit, but is still standing behind the thrust of his allegation. Politics is getting better and better at entertaining us.
Hopefully, Trump has done the world the favor of not letting Preibus anywhere near political leadership ever again.
new Gary Numan video for his upcoming album Savage: Songs From A Broken World.
Clicked thinking Randy Newman; was disappointed.
“In Cars” done in the style of Randy Newman? Sign me up!
I still prefer NUMAn’s original video.
I’ll show myself out now.
‘It’s digital colonialism’: why Facebook’s free internet service is failing
Your play Derpetologist. Your play.
Three guesses what Biddle will say if Facebook stops the service.
Clicked thinking Randy Newman; was disappointed.
“You just sing about Jesus, and drink wine all day”
Actual naked chicks this time
Too much body hair, only STEVE SMITH could love that.
What does it say that your comment made me click on that? I wasn’t going to until your comment. Now I feel dirty.
I think it means this place is rubbing off on me.
“I endow charities, but do they call me Lord Humungus the Great Humanitarian? Noooo…”
They look a bit young. Are you sure they are legal?
I guess you have to be a Vox writer to think that this is a headline that will draw converts to your cause:
Somewhat tangential: is it too much to ask that some of these fucksticks complaining about “the uninsured” go out and set up insurance businesses for them? For-profit, nonprofit, whatever. Why don’t you see what the market is actually like before demanding the government do something?
More directly: do you like Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.
That would be a complete disaster. They’d soon discover that you can’t create a new insurance agency because of all the regulations (supported by existing insurance agencies to prevent competition). They’d also find out you can’t create an insurance group unless it’s through an employer. That would completely destroy the narrative.
“I live close to San Francisco, that’s like the gay capital of the world. I’m going to handle them right, LOL.”
“I’m going to place a bomb in a gay club, Wallah or by God, I’m going to tear up the city,”
“The whole Bay Area is going to be up in flames.”
Maybe it’s just ‘cuz he’s a closeted gay living in such an oppressively conservative part of the country.
You know…
No. Not going there
He wanted to commit a suicide bombing and then flee through Mexico to Yemen. Sounds like a good plan.
God knows I enjoy a chance to mock ENB’s good friend Jill Filipovic, so yesterday’s idiotic twitting made me curious – why is she in Africa in the first place? Which led me to this rather ridiculous explanation, reading which will undoubtedly lower your opinion of her to previously uncharted depths as she yammers on about how much certain things remind her for NYC.
The ultimate takeaway for me, though, was comparing her undoubtedly comfy life among other expats and the Kenyan upper class in a major city with the poor villages missionaries travel to. Jill Filipovic may have decided to live in Nairobi, but what the fuck does she actually do for ordinary Kenyan people that gives her the fucking gall to sniff about how awful it is for her to have to see missionaries at the airport? Are her columns feeding anyone? Building them shelter? Digging a well? Anything?
What a cunt.
She’s a New York 2 but a Nairobi 4.
I keed, she’s not bad on the eyes.
The fact that it was a boyfriend who made me feel brave enough to leave New York for Nairobi feels embarrassing and anti-feminist, and I still get squeamish talking about it.
Never mind, that intersection of cute and crazy drops her back down to a 2.
I bet she doesn’t spend a lot of time walking around outdoors at night.
I can’t wait for her informative series on how closer she feels to Africans one she contracts AIDS
She’s white, she can’t get AIDS.
Poor Justine
I pick no bones about my insecurities and anxiety. I look up to my older brother and my dad, both of whom took major risks to get where they are now and both of whom work very hard to stay there. As a sane person, I recognize that my own laziness and moral laxity are to blame for my situation. But if I applied the filter of feminist Marxism to my situation, I would instead blame them for stealing all the success in the family and thereby holding me back. It wouldn’t be a matter of admitting that I am an imperfect person, a matter of acknowledging the example they’ve set. Instead, I’d fight the inspiration and ascribe it to their conspiracy against me. Emulating them would “make me feel squamish” and “embarrassed.”
How sick and misanthropic is that?
At a party in New York, a woman I know asked why I was moving. I sputtered through a too-long explanation of loving East Africa and wanting to try something new—and also my boyfriend had to move for work so it seemed like the right time. She interrupted and said, kindly, “When people ask you why you’re moving, just say, ‘Because I can.’”
I think now I understand why Jill Filipovic is such an execerable human being. Even her friends are horrible people who feel the need to judge one another’s every decision. These people truly are…well…deplorable.
I’m glad I don’t get any invites to those cocktail parties.
“I moved to get away from cunts like you.”
Gaetz amendment
Fingers crossed
Link Gaetz?
There are four types of Republican Senators.
Type 1
There are 43 Republicans who voted for both replace and repeal. They aren’t all establishment guys.
Type 2
There are 3 Republicans who voted against both replace and repeal: Susan Collins from Maine, Dean Heller of Nevada, both of whom might as well be Democrats, and Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, who is originally from the planet Saturn and campaigned against Donald Trump.
Type 3
There are 4 Republicans who voted for replace but against repeal: Lamar Alexander from Pennsylvania, Capito from West Virginia, John McCain, and Portman from Ohio.
The biggest difference between the the replace and repeal options is the subsidies for people to go out and buy insurance on the open market rather than have it provided by Medicaid. These Senators (either moderates or from moderate states) presumably would vote to cut Medicaid eligibility IFF there were subsidies in place so these people wouldn’t be left out in the dry.
As I’ve said many times, moving people from Medicaid to private health insurance by way of subsidies is exactly like moving students from public schools to private schools with vouchers. If cutting a socialist program and replacing it with privatization actually saves the taxpayers money and cuts the deficit, then I don’t grudgingly support it. I, Milton Friedman, and a multitude of educated libertarians everywhere support it with enthusiasm. And why limit the strategy to public schools and Medicaid? Let’s get rid of social security and Medicare the same way, too.
Type 4
There were 6 Republicans who voted against replace but in favor of repeal: the senators from Tennessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, Utah, Kansas, and Rand Paul from Kentucky.
Again, the major difference between the replace bill and the repeal bill was the subsidies. I’ve already made the case for the subsidies.
They claimed there would be a replacement in two years, but that’s two years for Democrats to beat up on their opponents for having kicked 11 million poor pregnant women off of Medicaid without a replacement. That may play alright in South Caroline or Kansas, but in Ohio or Pennsylvania, maybe those Senators, rather than campaigning, would save time and energy by simply defenstrating themselves. It should also be noted that if those six Republicans had voted for replacement, that would have taken the yes vote to 49, one short of passing, and put tremendous pressure on each of the three hold outs to flip their votes on replacement.
There are two types of presidential candidates:
Type 1
Both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz voted for both replacement and repeal. Donald Trump would have signed either one of them.
Type 2
Rand Paul
When it came time to vote on whether to eliminate the individual mandate, eliminate the employer mandate, cut Medicaid, and implement a voucher system to move people from Medicaid to private insurance, Rand Paul voted with Al Franken, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.
I’ll vote for Rubio, Cruz, or Trump before I vote for Rand Paul.
As they say in Kentucky, “That dog won’t hunt”.
As a libertarian capitalist, there are a few things I want more than anything else from congress. I want to slash income taxes, slash corporate taxes, eliminate the capital gains tax, and I want cuts in entitlement spending. Rand Paul actively fought cutting entitlements, and if he did it because he thought he was doing the right thing–that just makes it worse.
I’m glad you didn’t have a stroke yesterday, Ken. Good to see you.
It’s possible to keep two mutually exclusive ideas in one’s head at the same time.
On the one hand, I’ve always believed that change doesn’t come from politicians and the effort to change things through elected politicians is an empty pursuit.
On the other hand, I’ve always wanted to be wrong about that.
It’s especially bitter when the politician I’ve vocally supported as potentially breaking the rules and being the solution to our problems fought so hard against the solution to our problems.
If I can’t trust a libertarian politician to do everything he can to cut Medicaid every chance he gets, then I can’t trust representative government to solve our problems.
The only solution is evangelism. Preaching the libertarian gospel. That’s how Jesus and 12 guys eventually overwhelmed the Roman Empire with their ideas. Segregation ended when politicians’ constituents wouldn’t tolerate it anymore. Politicians didn’t initiate the end of the drug war–those were implemented by referendum over the objections of politicians. What we say to each other and other people is more important than who we vote for; that’s why vicious dictators everywhere and throughout history have been scared to death of what people were saying about them.
But the American in me that teared up at Arlington, got goosebumps at Fort McHenry, and loves that part of the national anthem that asks us whether our land is still free and whether we’re brave enough to make it free again, that part of me was really hoping I was wrong about all that. It should be inspiring to think that what average people say to each other is more important than who sits in office, but somehow it isn’t. Maybe it’s because I knew someone who died because he fought for his country. I don’t know. But I know that no hero politician is going to save us, so we’re going to have to save ourselves.
Obligatory link:
Ask not what you can do for your country
What’s your country been doing to you?
The only solution is evangelism. Preaching the libertarian gospel.
Saw on Twitter yesterday:
That must be from someone who’s got a fucked up view of what libertarianism is.
Libertarianism is basically the idea that people should be free to make choices for themselves. When we’re talking about rights, we’re talking about people making choices for themselves.
The idea of people being free to make choices for themselves without interference from government bureaucrats is probably a lot more popular than “libertarianism”–but when I’m talking about libertarianism, I’m talking people being free to make choices for themselves.
That must be from someone who’s got a fucked up view of what libertarianism is.
Could be somebody making a joke, you know.
From the gist of the conversation, I gather “Bob” was being tongue-in-cheek. There are good ways to advertise the movement, but I really wouldn’t want, say, Robert Nozick making the case to millennials, despite his intellectual contributions. And that’s the problem with proselytizing libertarianism, the further into the weeds you get the more complicated and confounding the arguments and the more rickety and jerry rigged it seems. You’re talking about free markets and you get the standard appeals to the Great Depression or the 2008 collapse, and now you’re having to explain how those things were precipitated and exacerbated by arcane financial regulations that perverted incentives and prevented natural corrections. You’re having to explain counterfactuals to scenarios that aren’t readily understood in the first place.
The fact that all human societies and all of their constituent institutions are rickety and jerry rigged, and that libertarianism gives us a way to rationalize them in terms of competing interests, is an easy thread to lose.
(Not saying proselyizing liberty is impossible or that you’re wrong. Just thought that tweet nails what makes it difficult.)
cf. Marxism or antisemitism, where the problems are construed as obvious once you remove the occultations of class or Jews, and the key is simply eliminating those things. The text can get as jargony as its proponents want to make it, but it’s nowhere near as difficult to unravel as explaining credit default swaps and CDOs to people who barely understand the terms of their credit cards.
Libertarianism will always be a hard sell in a world where relative inequality is treated as a bigger problem than overall prosperity.
Well, I’ve seen more than one person going around claiming to be a libertarian and then I put them to the test.
Me: What about repealing property tax?
Me: What about legalizing all drugs?
The GOP had no problem at all passing total repeal when they knew Obama would not sign it. Now the liars are exposed, including John Shithead McCain and the 3 socialist democrat fembots. Primary the lot of them when they’re back up for election. McCain will probably not make it that long, a fact which I am no longer feeling sympathetic about.
Pretty much.
I had a conversation with one of our staff yesterday. For whatever reason, she mentioned she thought there was a vote on healthcare reform that day, but she hadn’t checked the news.
I asked her if she really needed to check the news to see if the Repubs had failed to get anything done.
It shouldn’t surprise us to see politicians act like politicians.
I was taken aback by Rand Paul’s intransigence.
Ron Paul voted against trade agreements for similar obscure reasons. The difference is that Ron Paul’s votes didn’t stop those agreements from passing.
I see the repeal only vote as merely trying to cover his ass. Now he can claim he did something.
It doesn’t matter how you vote when you know it won’t pass. That was true when everyone knew Obama would veto repeal, and it was true when everyone knew that repeal only wouldn’t pass.
If those six Republican senators who wouldn’t vote for replace but would vote for repeal only think they’ve impressed me by voting with Liz Warren, Al Franken, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders not to cut Medicaid or get rid of the individual mandate, they can kiss my ass.
Ken, lying to people about your intentions, being a politician does not somehow magically make that any better. In fact, because they are our representatives and they promised to do something if we voted for them, it makes it a lot worse.
I’m sorry Ken, but you seem to have some kind of fantasy built up in your head about the Replace bill that I see no evidence of being true.
The fact that the 4 who crossed the line for that option are right there in the group of the least libertarian motherfuckers in congress speaks volumes.
You don’t like cutting $770 billion from Medicaid?
“Oh, but Ken, cutting Medicaid eligibility by 11 million people doesn’t really mean cutting Medicaid!”
You don’t like getting rid of the individual mandate or getting rid of the employer mandate?
None so blind as those who won’t see.
If Rand Paul had been for it, would that have changed your mind?
With the three Senators in Category 2, no OCare reform is (or ever was) possible with this Senate. Assuming Rand knew that (which I think is a safe assumption), then how he votes isn’t about whether the bill passes, but how he positions himself for the next bill.
Come on now, Ken. Are you really suggesting that any of the commentariat here are disingenuous to the extent that they would only be for or against something just because Rand is for or against it? You surely know better than that, we’re not a gang of brainless progs.
Because we’re not brainless progs, we’re receptive to logical arguments.
When I respond to someone’s arguments with logic, that doesn’t mean I’m saying anyone is a brainless prog.
But ideas are not good or bad depending on whether Rand Paul or anyone else support them.
Don’t we have a standard shorthand for that around here?
“You know who else was against privatizing healthcare!”
Well, I think we are in agreement on the Paul thing. It’s just that I like Rand’s position because it’s the right one in my opinion, for the reasons I’ve stated, AND because it’s what all of them promised.
If Rand Paul had been for it, would that have changed your mind?
Vice John McCain or Lamar Alexander?
It definitely would sway my feelings more than your concentration on one aspect of the Replace bill.
If Rand Paul had been for it, would that have changed your mind?
Not really. But, I might have seen it as the best I could expect to get. Just 48 hours ago, full repeal seemed like a real possibility. It was a calculated risk. One that didn’t pay off.
The problem about the replace bill is that it means for all intent, that the law is still there. They’re just leaving it there for the Democrats to add whatever they like to when they’re back in power. Whereas if they repeal the damn thing, the Democrats will have to gain control of both houses in Congress and the Whitehouse to be able to get another government healthcare law passed. If the GOP grow a pair and repeal this like they promised, it will be a long time before the Democrats gain that sort of power again.
On the one hand, repeal would hurt Republicans because eliminating coverage for 100 billion people might compromise their chances of holding either House or Senate in 2018.
OTOH it might help them what with killing 100 billion potential Democrat voters.
What exactly are you talking about them leaving there?
It doesn’t leave the individual mandate there.
It doesn’t leave the employer mandate there.
It doesn’t leave the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion.
What did the replace bill leave in place?
It got rid of the tax on Cadillac health plans.
It got rid of the tax on medical devices.
“As I’ve said many times, moving people from Medicaid to private health insurance by way of subsidies is exactly like moving students from public schools to private schools with vouchers.”
I’d like to expand on my statement.
As we move forward on healthcare policy in the years to come, if you don’t understand or agree with anything else I’ve written, understand this:
Single Payer is moving people from private insurance to Medicaid.
I repeat: Moving people from private insurance to Medicaid is the very definition of single payer.
If that is the case, and it is, then what is moving people from Medicaid to private insurance?
The correct answer is “privatization”.
When the Soviet Union fell and China decided to abandon central planning, even after everyone realized that all those nationalized assets needed to be in private hands, there were big questions about how to make that transition. Should a libertarian oppose getting rid of communism because there are no easy libertarian answers to those questions about how government bureaucrats should distribute those nationalized assets? Venezuela will someday have to face those same questions.
What I’m trying to get at, here, is that when we privatize something, we have the same problems–there are no easy libertarian answers to those questions. Of course we should privatize social security, but do we suddenly stop paying out social security? Do we privatize social security over the objections of voters? The same questions can be asked about privatizing Medicaid.
Milton Friedman’s solution to how to privatize the public school system is by far the most libertarian solution. It’s democratic. It saves the taxpayers’ money, and it unleashes the markets to work by turning poor parents into consumers making choices and forcing schools to compete for customers.
Moving people from Medicaid to private insurance with “vouchers” does the exact same thing in the exact same way. It privatizes the Medicaid system. That is the libertarian way to do it. It is astounding that this reform didn’t pass–in part, because the country’s leading libertarian opposed doing the opposite of single payer.
As I’ve said many times, moving people from Medicaid to private health insurance by way of subsidies is exactly like moving students from public schools to private schools with vouchers.
Genuinely curious: Does the “$770B savings” number reflect only the reduction in Medicaid outlays, or is it net of the cost of the new subsidies?
That was the CBO’s estimate of how much they would cut from Medicaid only in the Senate plan–over the course of ten years.
They expected to cut 11 million people from the Medicaid rolls.
Deficit reduction, as I recall, was some $321 billion–so we were still saving money.
I’m especially enamored of cutting Medicaid, because of the market distortions, etc., so I tended to focus on that.
Per the discussion above about the popularity of libertarian ideas, I think one of the reasons the Republicans didn’t sell the plan effectively was because it’s not likely to be very popular from the sound of it. I like the plan *because* it cuts 11 million people off of Medicaid.
Most voters don’t like the sound of that.
The real cut is around $350 billion from the federal government, then.
There would be additional Medicaid savings at the state level – federal Medicaid spending is roughly a 2:1 match for state spending, so you can throw in another savings of $335 billion at the state level (no, the states aren’t going to backfill the reduction in federal spending out of their own pocket).
Here’s the CBO’s executive summary, I guess we’d say.
You can get into the details via a PDF link at the top of the page.
The Republicans should have been selling this line from the CBO report:
“In 2020, average premiums for benchmark plans for single individuals would be about 30 percent lower than under current law.”
2020 is, of course, when the Medicaid cuts kick in.
Wow, they got the CBO to rate their plan as significantly reducing premiums from what Obamacare promises, and they didn’t parade that gem up and down the concourse in front of everyone? No wonder Trump won the primaries: Republican politicians apparently can’t advertise worth anything.
I’m convinced the Senate Repubs, at least, never intended to pass this bill. They made zero effort to sell it and build support. They were trying to walk the line between making enough of an effort to keep the base on-side, without accidentally succeeding and passing the damn thing.
Don’t any of you work?
Yes, but not at work.
Working from home… and about to go swimming at the pool. Right after I finish this G&T.
Not today. I’m doing laundry, taking a nap, eating some chickdn, then going to see Slayer.
No Hanneman, no Lombardo…..it’s only sort-of Slayer.
From the NY Post article on all of those NYC hotties:
“Soon after, Barry, who had been working on Wall Street, decamped for Breckenridge, Colo., where she became a “ski bum.” A flood of male attention quickly followed. “All of a sudden I was the belle of the ball,” she says. “In Colorado, it was like, ‘Look at her!’ In New York, I couldn’t find a nice guy anywhere.” She ended up dating a down-to-earth dude who couldn’t care less about snagging a sample-size trophy girlfriend. “It was pretty much the exact opposite of New York City,” she says”
So, you moved to ski town, where the m/f ratio is heavily male-skewed. Why not move to an oil rig if you’re experiencing a deficit of attention?
Also gleaned from the article: Canadians dig fatties.
But….the male attention wasn’t triggering? She isn’t literally afraid for her life? I’m so confused.
So I had a career first: I made a child molester cry. Jail visit where I tell the client that “nope, you’re probably not going to see your kids again.” Why, because you perp’ed on one of them. So he cried. I came back to the office to vent a little, and co-worker tells me “Yeah, you’ll get used to it.”
As Rumpole says, with this job the sensitivity comes out like the hair on your comb.
To be child molester, you have to have some moral and mental defect.
He did say “I brought this on myself,” so that was refreshing, somewhat. And he wants to make sure the wife still will have the kiddos. But yes, I think he’d have to be incompetent almost to have done this.
perp’ed? Is that short for perpetrated?
Don’t any of you work?
I have been out there trudging around the north forty, poisoning weeds for the last hour and a half. That’s about as close as I come, lately.
Weeds are people too! You weedist!
No ass sex or Mexicans?
That doesn’t count as work.
Rand Paul voted with Al Franken, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.
So fucking what?
This is exactly like some idiot on MSNBC (or FOX) breathlessly acting as if the 87.02% of Americans who said “NO!” when polled on the question, “Is America headed in the right direction?”all have an identical view of what that right direction might be.
But he voted the right way, isn’t that what counts? Doesn’t matter that all the others did so for all of the wrong reasons. It’s progs who say ‘oh muh gawds, me pureness, I can’t vote for this, although it’s right, because icky libertarian!’. And for what it’s worth, this isn’t going anywhere, and even if it did, it would be completely ignored at least until Trump gets rid of Sessions.
Weeds are people too! You weedist!
Listen dude, these are invasive weeds. I’m like the Weed Migra. Instead of deportation, it’s the Cocktail of Doom..
Why have Congress never passed a law to deport all dandelions back to Europe? Do nothing Congress.
nice nuts you have there. be a shame is something were to happen to KICK!!
Mississippi police shoot, kill man while serving arrest warrant at wrong home
Lopez’s wife, whose name was not released, said the police’s version of what occurred before the shooting is not correct. She told Jordan Castillo, a family friend, that Lopez never had his gun in his hands and police started shooting despite the family’s door being closed.
“She said when he got up, she heard the footsteps all the way up to the door, she heard the doorknob turn, and then after the doorknob turned it was just gunshots from there,” Castillo said.
Well, at least they shot his dog, too.
When I was driving in Mississippi to see my grandparents last year, my Mom called me while I was Interstate 55 and told me to be careful because MS cops are a different breed of assholes.
And that they put niggas in jail for sport.
Wasn’t Cory Maye in MS?
Southaven. Pffft. Trash suburb of Memphis. I’m sure he deserved a shooting…
My aunt lives in Olive Branch (the next town over) and her she was shocked and disgusted at how much my wife and I pay in property taxes in Chicago.
Suddenly one of NoVA’s wealthiest neighborhoods is rife with shootings (this is near the baseball field shooting).
Glib meetup
Dibs on the first song.
I Shot the Sheriff
who else wants in?
*Takes note: avoid upper King St. on Saturday*
I have dibs on Body Count’s entire catalog.
Pigs, by Cypress Hill
I hate northern Virginia so very, very much.
Do you see the cover image on their Twitter page? Fuckin cops.
That is a dog you should be scared of. It has been trained to attack humans.
Who wants in? Are you kidding? I’m now boycotting the Rock It Grill.
My sister in law lives in that area. The real estate prices there are un-fucking real.
One meeeelon dollars for a craftsman bungalow.
I had friends that sold their house in Delray at the abolsute bottom of the market a few years ago, and they still made money. It’s a nice neighborhood (fuckin’ white as snow, though), but yeah. Nob Hill it ain’t.
I love the warning:
“Avoid the area, police activity expected”
Good advice.
this was the work of a crazy person.
yes, the victims were driving the car & crashed after they were ambushed