This sucks, doesn’t it? No Zardoz, no STEVE SMITH, just some old Jew trying to get by without being tossed in an oven, this time by rebellious orphans, much in the manner of Hansel and Gretel’s witch. No matter, news is rich enough today to stand on its own. And SP and I are celebrating the 200,000th comment in style, which involves alcohol, perfect vine-ripe summer tomatoes, and reruns of hilarious old TV shows (does anyone here besides us remember Buffalo Bill?). Here’s links, you people can do all the work now.
I spent time last night being lectured by a Progressive friend about the superior civilization that the Europeans have, with much more racial and religious tolerance, and none of the bigotry “that runs rampant in the Trump administration.” I suppose he was right.
“You go first.” “No, that’s OK, you go first!”
Rick Perry is an opportunistic slug but at least he’s proud of his boner.
The most interesting person to play football these days is hanging it up. Apparently, he values cerebration over entertaining me with his play, the bastard. I was counting on the Ravens having a decent center, but nooooooo.
This is suspicious on ten different levels. Stingray decoy?
And finally, music from one of our favorite bands.
Almost as funny as “Buffalo Bill” starring Dabney Coleman.
Is that what you were talking about, OMWC? I don’t feel like googling right now to see if my memory is in any way intact.
Yes, that’s exactly it. We were delighted that it really held up over time.
I spit my beer on my Monitor again Ken!
The smartest man in the NFL retiring two days after a major CTE study shows that 110 of 111 deceased former NFL players had CTE… is definitely a problem for the sport. Especially where he talked about temporarily losing some of his higher-level mathematical function after he suffered a concussion (for those too lazy to click the link, dude’s a genius and is getting a PhD in mathematics from MIT).
I can’t blame him in the least bit. I’m very, very far from a professional football player, but I have had multiple (not quite in double digits yet, but uncomfortably close) concussions. I’m only in my mid-40s and I’m already feeling the effects of these. Last few years I’ve found it harder and harder to focus, and my brain seems to freeze in mid sentence sometimes. After my last concussion a year or so ago I’ve found myself much more sensitive to lights – can’t really go to concerts anymore.
I wish this guy the very best, and hope he escaped before to much damage was done.
I’ve always wanted to do some kind of martial arts, but I’m worried about the head injuries. I’ll do more research on the issue, but I think I’d rather rely on my CZ-75 Compact than lose some cognitive function.
Cerebrate good times come on! It’s a cerebration.
Somehow I can’t say “cerebrate” without sounding lacist.
That’s the way I heard it/Smiles
For the record it is 110 out of 111 deceased former NFL players who sent their brains to the scientist. I’m not saying this isn’t a problem with people with repeated head blows, but there isn’t any way of telling if there is a problem with CTE until the person is dead. I hope they figure out how to do this quickly so people can get diagnosed and treated (if possible).
Yes, it is hardly proof when dead players families send in the dead dudes brain. How much was normal ageing, and how much do normal people show signs of this so called CTE just living life as an active male? I could not tell you how many concussions I have had because we did not make a big deal about it back in the day.
He was a marginal player so in all likelihood his career ended for the same reason other marginal players careers end.
Barring government intervention the NFL will never have trouble keeping players because the job is lucrative. Men do far more dangerous jobs for far less money and fame.
A guy who used to do some amateur football told me that the concussion thing was real and worrisome, and not just made up by Ultimate-Frisbee-playing killjoys. I don’t mean that he was totally fried in the brain, just that he apparently had been looking at the statistics, maybe had a some worrying incidents, and knew enough to see it was real.
So, yes, if you have a brain keep it in tip-top shape.
I think it’s obvious that smashing your head around will have consequences. However this current crop of criticism has the feel of second/third hand smoke anti-corporation hysteria.
Now they are saying peewee football leads to CTE and therefore a host of problems later in life. The evidence seems dubious at best. Last one I looked at checked adults who said they played football as kids. A 75 pound kid running at 5mph vs a 250 pound adult 3 or 4 times faster (I don’t know exactly) has to be an enormous difference in force. So the symptoms which were barely detectable in professional players over the last 100 years can be connected to symptoms of people who played in children’s leagues 30 years before. Now everytime someone develops a neurological problem in their 60’s it’s going to be blamed on their youth football which was probably not as rough as wrestling matches with their brother.
The problem with CTE, my dad played high school football, had two concussions he knew of (70s small town football, certified concussions were serious, not ‘I felt kind of dizzy) Before he was cremated, no one checked for CTE. My older brother had 3 certified concussions in just one season of his 4 years of HS soccer. No one will check his brain for CTE when he dies. I’ve had one certified concussion, never got to play a sport. In total I’ve probably had at least 4 more concussions. No one will check my brain for CTE. CTE study is really a self selecting study, given that the brain after death has to be tested for just that one purpose, and at this point they are only looking at samples from people who they know did a dangerous thing. I would guess, if every brain after death was studied for this, NFL players would make up even less of the dead population than they do of the living
Speaking of Venezuela anyone remember this?
I thought I’ve read one or two reasonably intellignet things from that guy…? I might be wrong.
But that was profoundly stupid.
Raimondo was once a fan of Erdogan. Maybe Justin should realize that a knee-jerk defense of whoever the neocons hate is really stupid?
^^^ this. Perhaps my biggest complaint about the the anti-war wing, you can be anti-war without being reflexive. I think it dilutes the message, and turns people away from being anti-war
There are a lot of people who claim to be anti-war are actually anti-Republican or even anti-US.
Exactly. Every “progressive” who was infuriated about the Iraq War went out and voted for Hillary last November – Hillary, who supported the Iraq War (and pretty much every other foreign intervention that was proposed during her political career) and obviously didn’t learn from the experience because she kept supporting similar interventions after the Iraq War had become known as a failure.
Should we start a betting pool on how long before mass graves in Venezuela?
I keep looking around for all of those that were cheering Bolivarian Socialism but they seem to be strangely silent.
Are we doing to have side odds on cannibalism?
I have heard a few reports of that already but it is hard to say if that if the result of socialism or just tradition.
Keep in mind that the Carribe injuns are from the Orinoco river valley. They have always been there.
I suspect it is already happening.
I was betting 6 months back around April I think before violent rebellion broke out. Might take a little longer than that.
You didn’t miss by far. It wont be long now.
I kind of wanted to be a cynical bastard. Hey let’s not go breaking our wrists circle jerking each other off. We like our pizza flat, our whiskey dry, our beer without too much hoppes, and our yards without too many kids on them. With the notable exception of Old Man with Candy.
So you all are fun bunch to hang out with.
That is a stupid think to say about hops.
I’ll word this carefully so as not to anger the natives: I enjoy all types of concoctions of bread, tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings. I don’t care if it’s paper-thin, three inches tall, folded over on itself, or whatever… Those things are going to taste awesome no matter what shape they’re in.
My parents visited us today. My mom brought me a Trump 2020 t shirt. It was a good day.
That should make some heads explode
I thought the guy on the left was OMWC for a second.
I haven’t seen this discussed but I might have missed it.
It passed the Senate 98-2 and the House 419-3. It’s fucking hysterical insanity made into policy if you ask me. Honestly, I’ve never seen this nation so detached from reality.
And Trump can’t just EO out of it IIRC
It’s not insanity, Russia’s an extremely easy boogeyman for the establishment to demonize to distract the public from their internal problems. Outside of some true nutters like Waters this is all planned Kabuki theatre.
“planned kabuki theatre”
Hmm…the current anti-Russia sentiment seems nowhere near the anti-German sentiment of both world wars or the cold war levels of anti-Soviet sentiment.
I don’t get the play from the Republican’s POV. Excepting the neocons, the Rep voting base seems to desire better relations with Russia or is indifferent to the issue. I see how this would work out for the establishment Dems but a lot of Republicans are likely to get primaried over this, among (lots of) other things.
Neocon ideas are entrenched in both establishment and intellectual conservative circles. You would think that smart, otherwise pro-liberty guys like Ben Shapiro (in commentary) or Ted Cruz (in politics) would understand that not interfering w/ Russia is not the same as “isolationism”, but they don’t, and it’s utterly infuriating to me.
The play is called “we know better”.
Taking a shot at Trump, and Zenome is right that the Republican establishment is infested with these “be tough on *insert nation here* because MURICAN EMPIRE” morons.
Let me speculate that there’s an element of “we’re not going to let the Democrats paint us into a corner where they can call us pro-Russian!!!”
Amash and Massie are already being called Russian agents by leftists in Twitter. It’s possible that the other reps don’t want to be tied to that crap.
Russia might also merit some sanctions. There does seem to be enough evidence that they carry out hits on opponents of the government often enough to merit some sort of official notice by other nations.
Only no votes in the Senate were Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. Only no votes in the House were Massie, Amash, and John Duncan.
IOW, “those wackobirds in the corner”
(Bernie only voted no because of the Iran sanctions, but you would think that his prog base would be just as outraged by the sanctions if they had any ideological consistency. I know that they don’t, but that’s another story.
The embargo of Cuba was evil. The embargo of South Africa was virtuous.
It’s always principals, not principles.
So in other words all the Democrats (the party of peace,) voted for it.
And now Putin’s expelling 755 “diplomats” in retaliation. Why the fuck do we have so many there? Even granting that half of them are probably CIA/etc and not real diplomats at all, it still seems like way too many.
Check-out some European news for an alternate opinion – a great deal of concern given Russian energy-dependence. Fortunately, all will be resolved with the move to electric vehicles…
George Bush the First warned them about the downsides of depending on Russia for your energy in the early 1990’s.
Thanks again for a great place to hang out, I lurked over at TOS today and it’s quite ugly, at least here I’m a Toaster Lover in Peace
How many comments do their posts get lately?
125 today about the LGBT ban thingy, But a lot of “no your an R tard” back and forth
So the question exodus has really reduced their number of comments?
So the commentariat hasn’t recovered from the exodus, right?
Last I checked it was the just the trolls arguing with the trolls.
It’s been very pissy over there lately. Barely tolerable.
I was just over there.
It’s a sting of idiots.
It’s like the dregs have coagulated over there.
Ahhhhhhhh, bitter dregs.
“I spent time last night being lectured by a Progressive friend about the superior civilization that the Europeans have, with much more racial and religious tolerance, and none of the bigotry “that runs rampant in the Trump administration.”
The tolerant Europe is a mythic time and place that never existed, very much like Merry Olde England, which never existed anywhere else but Masterpiece Theater.
France’s National Front, a party with neo-nazi roots, took almost a third of the vote in France last election.
The UK narrowly voted for Brexit, in no small part, because they don’t want to be overrun with immigrants anymore.
Here’s a documentary about racism is so overtly celebrated in European soccer–Spain, Italy, . . .
Where France and the UK have long lived nationalist/racist and anti-immigrant political parties, there’s isn’t an overtly racist political party in the United States that could get enough votes to sustain itself.
Yell racial slurs at a football game, and not only is no one joining in. You’ll probably get a knuckle sandwich and people will cheer as security escorts you out of the stands.
Probably worst of all, the French model of assimilation is forced integration. That’s one of the reasons they’ve failed so miserably at assimilation. You haven’t seen a culture that imagines itself superior to every other culture in the world until you’ve talked to the British or the French. The multicultural model we have in the United States is both infinitely more effective at assimilation–and infinitely more tolerant than what they do in Europe.
In Switzerland, they banned the construction of minarets.
Tolerant Europe is a fantasy.
They don’t have the First Amendment over there anywhere–and they don’t want one.
What about the Norman Yoke?
And all of this forgets the fact that modern Europe grew out of nationalism which makes tolerance of outsiders difficult.
Grew out of? or Grew from?
However you want to phrase it the current European nation states exist thanks to nationalism.
“They don’t have the First Amendment over there anywhere–and they don’t want one.”
The superior European culture, whatever the hell that is, rightfully realizes there are some things that just shouldn’t be allowed to be said.
You might hurt someone’s feelings, you know.
And many American leftists agree. So much for the whole “ally with the left on social issues”
And if you really get to bottom of it their argument against freedom of speech is basically that Hitler had discredited it.
The thing is that most Germans just had Mein Kampf on the bookshelf because it was expected of them. They didn’t read it. Have you ever tried to sit down and tried to read Mein Kampf, that is some grade A Derp right there. There probably weren’t that many people flaunting a book they didn’t read up until A Brief History of Time.
Same with Lenin’s books in the Soviet Union. It was a status symbol to have his books in your house, but my god he’s a terrible writer and lover of derp.
There was an old Soviet joke about a couple of women in the back of the room at a textile factory’s annual awards ceremony for production.
The foreman announces the third-prize winner, who wins a bunch of fine silk, and the two ladies in the back are happy for her.
Second place is announced, winning silk and a sewing machine, and again the women in the back are happy for her.
Then comes the first place winner, who gets.. a complete 90 volume set of the collected works of Lenin. “Serves her right”, the ladies say.
I read part of MK for the lulz. The translator note was hilarious. He basically said that some of Hitler’s sentences were so confusing that the translation was an educated guess.
I couldn’t finish it. It was very boring and repetitive. Blahblahblah Jews suck Blahblahblah Aryans rule, repeat 10,000 times.
I’m finding it extremely boring as well. There’s the repetitive Jews and Aryan spiel, plus the flow of information seems very disjointed. One minute, he’s talking about his early childhood, then he’s ranting about the Christian Socialist Party, then he’s griping about Jews ruining everything.
I don’t know if I can finish it.
You think Mein Kampf is bad? Trying reading The Myth of the Twentieth Century sometime. Even Hitler couldn’t bring himself to read that thing. Alfred Rosenberg supposedly gave Hitler a copy of it to read when he published it. After a short while, Hitler is said to have returned it to Rosenberg, unread, with a note saying “I’m sure it’s a good book”
Goebbels also called the book a “philosophical belch”.
oh, that is gold
Goebbels’ diaries have never been translated into English in their entirety, but in the translated bits I’ve read, he has a really dry, sarcastic sense of humor. For an evil motherfucker, he could be pretty funny.
Men who keep diaries are gay. Real men keep journals. And straight men just live their damn life.
The most awkward conversation I ever had about race was in Stockholm with two guys who thought America was more violent because of ‘black genetics’.
You need to go back and read my last reply, my friend.
Your article is utter trash that openly admits that it doesn’t have serious solid data and doesn’t even define what it determines is a transgender or what stage they were at when they served. And of course, vapid virtue signals by pretending its the same as letting in homosexuals further proves the author has no goddamn idea what they’re talking about. And Snopes is a terrible source, especially when they can culture-war, so I don’t know why you think that’s a winning argument.
If their situation makes continued service untenable, by all means, medically discharge them.
That’s great because all post-op transgenders require hormone treatments, despite your statement before founded on a factually incorrect article. Therefore if they ever intend on getting the surgery they should be disqualified from service. Transvestites, i.e. people who just want to dress like the opposite sex, are not following military protocol, discharge them. Which fits into your ‘discharge’ comment, which is my point. Post-op transgenders require constant medical treatment for the rest of their lives, people who claim to be transgenders without receiving surgery and wish to dress or act differently aren’t following protocol. Grounds for disqualification and discharge respectively.
And I’ll call a moronic strawman a moronic strawman, thank you very much. You insulted my intelligence by even suggesting that example, and you also dishonestly put words in my mouth right before that. You are not having a rational conversation when you act like an ass like that, so don’t pretend that is the case.
And now that I’ve actually looked at the actual studies Snopes’ cites, they’re also utter trash because all their data is based on unverifiable surveys, estimations based on the percentage of the population that is ‘transgender’, and of course all of them define ‘transgender’ as broadly as they possibility can (or not at all), including people who transitioned after they served. Which is fine. If a person doesn’t demand they be treated as the opposite sex and agrees to not get reassignment surgery while serving they’re effectively ‘not a transgender’ and it negates all the problems.
some levity.
A protocol that has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether or not you can accomplish the job or not.
See, look at that…I rebutted your point without once calling your ideas stupid or moronic.
The same snopes link you quoted =
which i mentioned in the previous link
i’ve read that rand study in full. It doesn’t actually do any of its own research – its just a meta study that compiles all the available research extant on the trans pop (which is, as above noted, extremely thin, and extremely vague) and then uses that to make SWAG estimates of what “might” be the case.
And i think they’re being far too generous, particularly as Titor notes that their definition basically includes anyone who has ever seen a therapist for gender-dysphoria symptoms – not the stricter definitions typically used, which is “people who have *applied* for sex-reassignment surgery, or have completed it” Basically, their “thousands” numbers could quickly be qualified down to “hundreds”.
Hence the large range between 1300 and 6600. Regardless, there are certainly some who were already in the military and came out since. They were apparently able to perform their duties. And apparently still are able now that they’ve come out. Which is the point. If they can do the job while maintaining good order and discipline, why discriminate?
If you simply refuse to pay for elective medical procedures, which is current policy, the vast majority will never take the hormones or get the surgery and won’t cost the military another dime. If those that elect to have procedures done on their own dime can no longer perform their normal duties, discharge them.
You could certainly find a far larger number of people who served in the military while hiding their schizophrenic condition. As noted previously, schizo-spectrum affects 1% of the population, gender dysphoria affects about 1/3 that.
So why don’t we lift the ban against schizos? can’t at least *some* do their job very well? why discriminate?
we don’t use exceptions to define the rule because the point is risk-reduction, not fairness. The military isn’t obligated to maintain the maximum possible range of people qualified to serve.
For an institution with a limited mandate and which should pursue efficiency above nice-to-haves, i think the onus is on, “why should they take added risk?”, especially when the population in question is unbelievably freaking tiny.
re: that last point…. the fact that the entire nation has been debating “Tranny toilets” and “trannies with guns” for the past 2 years strikes me as incredibly retarded. i think we should all have a list of 1000 things more important to be concerned with. If a few hundred trannies want to play GI Xoe, more power to them, i really don’t give a shit. But i still don’t think the argument on their behalf is very good.
actually no, that was just their applying the low-high range of the (already-widely defined) transgender population estimates to the military’s total
manpersonpoweras i said, i read the rand study, and even scanned the studies the rand-study cites. as mentioned on the previous thread – the only data that has any real validity re: the trans population are surveys of psychiatrists who review people applying for gender-reassignment surgery. and those data, while ‘the best’, are themselves fuzzy because they don’t reflect any # of people who back out/never go through with reassignment, or those who are disqualified because they’re too-nuts to be allowed to cut their junk-up.
the data they cite on ‘transpeople in the military’ is just a wild freaking guess, and a far-too-generous one at that. they don’t even have any good proxy to benchmark it against, so trying to suggest that it ‘proves’ that at least some transpeople are super-effective-soldierers is…. no, not really.
How would you handle the separate PT test for males and females? The plan- before it was scrapped was that at some point the test would swap when a doctor decided the transition was completed. That still leaves a whole host of problems as we’ve seen men on hormones still have physical advantages over women. But if all you have to do is say “I’m a girl” that’s a big problem. Don’t forget PT scores are tied to promotions, that’s why “one standard” isn’t acceptable.
I wouldn’t have a separate PT test. You want to be in the military? This is the minimum standard based upon what you’ll be expected to do. Meet it or thank you for your interest in national security.
But there are separate PT tests. While I agree there shouldn’t be, if they get rid of it then females will be decimated from the ranks and promotions.
While saying anyone who “can” do the job should sounds good except that evaluating whether someone can do a job costs tens of thousands, probably more. Some asthmatics most definitely “can” do the job, it’s just that replacing a basic training slot for someone with a 95% pass rate for one with a 50% pass rate is tremendously expensive in time and money.
As best as I can tell the current policy is essentially what your advocating. You can say whatever you want about what sex you think you are, but no accommodation is made.
Yes, but tough shit. If the standards aren’t there to determine the ability to perform the job, why even have them. The job doesn’t change based on whether you have a dick or a pussy.
I’ve spent half my career as an instructor pilot. I’ve seen a plethora of programs designed to predict an individual’s ability to pass a given course of training and every one of them has been bullshit. The system that works is put the kid in the jet and see if he can fly it. The money lost on the washouts is the cost of doing business. And because of this, we have multiple phases of training to evaluate and wash out the weak sisters along the way.
I’ve seen some very smart promising individuals not be able to hack it for one reason or another and some you’d guess didn’t stand a chance, excel.
The training should be (and usually is) designed to identify the problem children and usually eliminates those with the biggest problems early. To include those with mental or physical problems. This starts with boot or officer training and proceeds right on through final qualification.
That varies from service to service. In the Navy your fitrep/oer/eval just says whether or not you satisfactorily completed it for each cycle of the eval year (or why you didn’t). Doesn’t matter what your score was. Not generally considered a factor at all for promotions – of course the navy makes all the enlisted take written tests for promotion (pass doesn’t guarantee promotion if there aren’t enough open billets) vs. promotion boards.
I guess Army still includes it as a stupid set of bullets – but most of those are generic ones – it was really stupid having to come up with 3 PT bullets for a reserve NCOER when you only did unit PT maybe 3 or 4 times a year and maybe lead it once.
Ken, nice use of the “knuckle sandwich”. I haven’t heard that in a while.
Europe’s civilization is so superior that they tried to extinguished oneanother twice In one century
I get tired of hearing about Europe from every angle. 1/4 of the worlds economy is in the US, no European country is close. We have a higher standard of living with more freedom for more people. A survey of what country people would immigrate to if they could showed 138 million people would choose the U.S. Three times more than any other country.
If anything the other countries should be looking at the U.S. to figure out what to do, not the other way. This navel gazing about Europe is like a doctor looking at a McDonald’s fry cook trying to figure out how to model his life.
What baffles me is all of the progs fawning over Europe and singing its praises and lamenting how evil America is. If you hate America and love Europe so much, move there! Don’t try to force the rest of us to be like them.
Also, there are a lot of things about Europe that American “progressives” wouldn’t like at all. Many of those countries have no minimum wage set by law. In addition, nearly all of Europe has a lower corporate tax rate than the US.
I’ve had the most bizarrely productive weekend. All of it work on the house in some form or another. A lot of it cleaning and breaking down boxes from having moved in.
Mind you I’ve lived here for over a year now…
*those boxes were not empty until today when I got them emptied and the contents put away.
I helped Dad give the dog a good haircut.
Short-hair dogs for the win.
My weekend has been unproductive. I spent just about all day today catching up on Glibertarians.
Keep your
enemiespontificating Progressives pals propinquitous.An affection for alliteration?
I wishing cancer on his friends?
You didn’t have the whole quote, butt-head. “Keep your proponents proximate, and pontificating Progressives propinquitous.”
Thank you!
Not going to post the link but WaPo seems to think that not passing a healthcare law is going to hurt Republicans in the upcoming 2018 elections. Given their track record for being wrong on everything I’m going to guess it won’t hurt them. People despise the left so much they would rather go with an ineffective Republican.
The Left has gone so unhinged and insane that the GOP has become the “Moderately Dumb Party”. Honestly, I think that there’s a growing number of people that think like me and believe that gridlock and ineffectiveness is a fabulous alternative to leftism.
does anyone here besides us remember Buffalo Bill?
Buffalo Bill was the guy who kept making Joe Dirt put on the lotion when he had him in the the pit right?
Luls. They patch it, and It still misbehaves.
Making Dawn of War 3 should have been easy:
Mix Dawn of War 1’s unit sizes and general playability with 2’s cover systems, destructible environments and unit customization. Maybe even take a few tips from the Ultimate Apocalypse mod (which frankly is a better DoW3 than DoW3 is).
The problem they had was that they decided to try to cater to the mytical wider audience. They couldn’t accept that their franchise was a niche title with a fanbase that liked what was in it. So they both failed to please the fans and failed to draw the wider audience.
Ok, finished editing my second youtube review – will post it on Thursday morning again.
Very disappointed though that I couldn’t get any decent clips ripped from the dvd or from my rip of the DVD using VLC. Not sure if I’m just too short on video RAM or something else (laptop is almost 5 years old). Anything I tried to “record” from VLC wound up being out of sync with the audio…by about 10 seconds.
Also, will probably try and put together some capsule impromptu reviews for those French flicks I posted about last week – starting with “Classe Tous Risques” on Tuesday night.
Grab a program called Snagit. Made by the folks who created Camtasia. It’s a good screen capture app. Not free, but so amazingly useful.
I’ve used it for screenshots at work – does it work for clips?
Sure does. It will capture screenshots or video. Anyway, the current version does. I have been known to later watch a video webinar that won’t have a replay that way.
Thanks for the tips.
Take a direct splice of the clip and transcode to something appropriate for the web. Screenshotting and recording is VERY lossy.
Well as far as getting lots of little clips to intersperse in a review, I thought it might be faster/more convenient than trying to use dvdshrink piecemeal – of course I’m using a program still in my “program library” from back when I was in college 15 years ago and ripping the occasional library DVD.
If things have improved in other ways, that’s another option.
So speaking of Europe what do we think of the EU? It seems the main libertarian argument in favor is that we need libertarian TOP MEN in charge which I am skeptical of.
Has Sheldon Richman written anything on it? I would be very interested in what he has to say since he dislikes nationalism and protectionism while on the other hand he also dislikes the IMF and neoliberalism.
When have Libertarians have argued for Top men? Objectevists might believe in Top Men, but Libertarians tend to be noticeably lacking in those.
Reason used to run ‘a case for the EU’ stories once and awhile and when Brexit was going to happen. Most of it was arguments like “the Common Market and open borders is great, they just need the right people running it”.
I dunno what the libertarian position on the EU is but I’d like to see the whole edifice collapse, myself.
OTOH, the individual countries of Europe also seem determined to wreck their economies all on their own, so… toss up?
There has been some rollback of regulation and trade barriers, but they’ve been replaced with all sorts of other regulations coming out of Brussels. My take, for what it is worth as I don’t live in the EU: the EU has overall been bad for liberty.
Look what they do to wrong-thinking countries like Poland.
That too
Huh I found this…
The problem is that just anyone can all themselves libertarian. We need some sort of process to determine a true libertarian. Perhaps Highlander rules.
Trump makes fun of protester who held up USSR flag at rally:
I larfed.
Apologists for Communism are just as vile as Holocaust deniers.
According to this guy, it’s all a lie. The population of the USSR and China went up by a lot. How could that be if millions of people were killed?
herp herp herpa derp
I am not a PHD candidate at MIT and or played for the Ravens, but……..because they did not murder people at a faster rate than population growth?
I saw a video once where some KGB guy was admitting that, yes millions of people died in the gulags, but most of the deaths were from natural causes.
Yeah, death from natural causes tends to happen when people are given insufficient food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and told to dig coal with their bare hands.
Yeah it was just a bunch of people dying from old age in those gulags
Gulag Woods Retirement Community
Which is also, of course, a frequent argument put forth by Holocaust deniers, particularly David Irving types – sure a lot of Jews died in camps, but there was a war going on! There wasn’t enough food for everyone, so some of them starved and others died of disease, but there was no plan to kill them. Etc, etc,etc.
Well heck, by that logic, many of the deaths of the Holocaust were from “natural” causes.
So these people would argue the Holodomor was a nothingburger?
there’s no derp like communist apologia
IDK, is it really cool or funny to make fun of retarded teenagers?
Break out the champagne: State Department officials quitting over “complete and utter disdain for our expertise”
We can only hope that with the departure of these failed State Department officials, their failed policies will be swept out along with them. Chief among these is the almost universally held idea that poverty causes terrorism. The United States has wasted uncounted (literally, because a great deal of it was in untraceable bags full of cash) billions of dollars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries in the wrongheaded assumption that Muslims turn to jihad because they lack economic opportunities and education. American officials built schools and hospitals, thinking that they were winning over the hearts and minds of the locals.
Fifteen years, thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars later, no significant number of hearts and minds have been won. This is partly because the premise is wrong. The New York Times reported in March that “not long after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001…Alan B. Krueger, the Princeton economist, tested the widespread assumption that poverty was a key factor in the making of a terrorist. Mr. Krueger’s analysis of economic figures, polls, and data on suicide bombers and hate groups found no link between economic distress and terrorism.”
CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’ One of the authors of the RAND report, Darcy Noricks, also found that according to a number of academic studies, ‘Terrorists turn out to be more rather than less educated than the general population.’”
State Department officials quitting over “complete and utter disdain for our expertise”
Of course, there should be complete and utter disdain for most of the State Department’s diplomacy.
One can only hope they are followed out the door by officials from the EPA, the IRS, Education, Energy, Labor, ….
The DEA and ATF. If I were president, I’d seriously think about pardoning people convicted of killing DEA and ATF agents.
I’d also transfer civil servants to offices all across the country. See how many of them like working in, say, Scottsbluff NE.
J Edgar Hoover would punish troublesome agents by sending them to Idaho.
Don’t transfer me to that briar patch, Br’er Director!
One of the things Trump got shit for, and he eventually backed away from was when he said he knows more than the Generals based off what they’ve accomplished. While “Trump” may not know more, I agree with him that this deference to expertise with abysmal results is unwarranted. People are too accepting of credentials over results.
They’re rummaging around at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy, assuming that once people are educated and fed enough their higher-order needs will fit with the common good and the interests of Americans. What arrogance. People can fulfill their higher-order needs in evil ways. The good/evil axis is hardly the same as the rich/poor axis.
“Mr. Krueger’s analysis of economic figures, polls, and data on suicide bombers and hate groups found no link between economic distress and terrorism.”
Bin Laden was a fucking millionaire member of the house of Saud.
Ayman al-Zawahiri is a doctor (a pediatrician, believe it or not). Mohamed Atta was born into a wealthy family with a lawyer father and studied architecture and urban planning. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was an electrical engineer, as was his nephew Ramzi Yousef. The Blind Sheikh was a very prominent scholar of Islamic theology who studied at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the most prestigious Islamic university in the world. Doesn’t mean that there aren’t any jihadis from impoverished backgrounds, but it sure as hell isn’t a requirement.
“We kill them because Allah told us to, and not because they attack us”
How does ISIS recruit its attackers in Germany? What are the last instructions before the terrorists strike and kill as many innocent people as possible?
For months, BILD reporter Björn Stritzel pretended to be an Islamist willing to carry out an attack (always in consultation with the security authorities).
Abu K. is my guide at ISIS. He wants to assist me in the lead-up to my attack – my death. But we are not there yet. First, we deal with my video that is intended to be published online shortly after the attack. My business card of death. It is also the cynical, inhuman point of the attack, as I now realize.
Abu K. is very keen on my affirmation of ISIS. He keeps explaining to me what kind of text I am supposed to read out in the martyr’s video.
“Don’t say: ‘I’m doing this because you attack us’ or ‘If you stop, we will also stop’. More vigour is better,” Abu K. writes to me and formulates: “I am doing this, because the caliph has instructed me to attack the crusaders and their citizens.”
Abu K. unambiguously states what ISIS is about: “The whole idea that this is merely a political war, is wrong. We kill them, because Allah told us to, and not because they attack us. The only way out for them is to convert or to pay a head tax.” The guidelines provided by Abu K. correspond with the martyr’s videos by the Würzburg and Ansbach attackers (both in July, 2016). For ISIS, it is primarily the recognition value of the messages that counts. Everybody is supposed to immediately understand who has attacked here, independently of the individual attacker.”…
Sheldon Richman and Noam Chomsky hardest hit.
“That’s not the real voice of terrorism.”
Socialism DOES Work | Jeremy Corbyn | Oxford Union
[head desk]
Yes, Jeremy, I can see it’s worked well for you.
Isn’t Jeremy Corbyn’s success proof that libertarians are way too complacent? Guy came close to, and might eventually, gain power and enact all sorts of awful ideas that were supposed to be discredited long ago?
The 1990s were just a fluke, not a sign that neoliberalism had won the day and that it would only become more libertarian.
No Corbyn’s ‘success’ is proof that people will vote for the stupid if his opponent threatens to play Big Brother.
Well the fact that there is such a choice and stupid might win next time is something to worry about.
Corbyn’s numbers were absolute garbage until the Tory manifesto came out. If the Tories had someone competent running them (i.e. not May) this wouldn’t be a problem.
You’re only saying that because she’s a woman.
But May’s not a real woman because she isn’t a leftist.
I’m not disputing that. By complacency I mean that the UK is one incompetent Tory campaign and/or economic downturn from a Corbyn government. A government which most libertarians thought was impossible.
Umm. We tend to be coloquial. So did y’all elect a new female Dr, or what?
Yeah, I revel in how much I don’t care about your shit.
I don’t watch Dr. Who so I don’t care. I hope they learned from Ghostbusters not to insult your fan base in hopes of gaining a SJW/female fanbase who don’t really like your show
“I hope they learned”
We are talking about woke proggies here, man.
Pretty weird how times how times have changed from Star Trek DS9 and Voyager. Star Trek has always been rather PC (Sulu, Uhura, Geordi, Tasha Yar, Dr. Crusher, Troi, etc.) but the Internet wasn’t big then (though I imagine the folks who were on the Internet back then would have included a large number of Trekkies) and the MSM didn’t like Trek so they didn’t care to gush over Janeway and Sisko all the time.
Uh Janeway got a ton of dumb PC tongue licking back then despite being a terrible captain/human being, didn’t see much about Sisko, the Best Captain though.
It probably helped that Star Trek included some good looking women to balance out the PC stuff.
I’m not saying there wasn’t some gushing over Janeway and “if you don’t like her you are a sexist” but did the media talk about the actual show that much once it actually aired? If anything they are gushing more over it now then at the time.
Ok, So John Titor knows whats up, Captain Sisko is the best Captain.
Hmmm, yes, Voyager’s “feminist messages”…
Nigeria: Muslims ambush oil exploration team, murder at least 69
KANO: At least 69 people died in a Boko Haram ambush of an oil exploration team in north-east Nigeria, as three men kidnapped by the jihadists made a video appeal.
Experts said the attack — Boko Haram’s bloodiest this year — underscored the persistent threat it poses, despite government claims the group is a spent force.
“So far the death toll stands at 69,” said an aid agency worker involved in the recovery of bodies after the attack in the Magumeri area of Borno state on Tuesday.
The worker, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorised to speak to the media, said 19 soldiers, 33 civilian militia and 17 civilians were killed.
“The last body was recovered on Friday in the bush in the Geidam district of neighbouring Yobe state, which is several kilometres from the scene of the ambush,” he said. “It shows the victim, who had gunshot wounds, died after trekking a long distance. There could be more such victims in the bush.”
Another source with knowledge of the rescue operation gave the death toll as “70 or more” and also said it was unclear whether all the victims had been accounted for.
The attack hit Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) staff.
“It’s a confirmation of the boldness and reassurance that Boko Haram has managed to gain over the last six weeks,” said Yan St-Pierre, from the Modern Security Consulting Group.
“They have been attacking more and more military outposts and more military convoys. For them to go after NNPC personnel just shows they don’t fear any military reprisal.
“Basically they have managed to gain enough resources, enough material, to plan ambushes targeted towards high value targets.”…
Part of me thinks blockade them and starve them to death, but the killing of all the innocents is just too evil to contemplate.
It’s not our business, but the correct way to fight would be to put the civilians in safe areas and make everything outside them a free-fire zone.
Worked in the Philippines.
Didn’t concentration camps originally refer to those very things?
Yes. If only the Nazis had called theirs something else….
Yes, Americans originally used them against Cherokee and other Indians in the early 19th century.
The actual term “concentration camp” started being used in English to describe camps the Spanish set up in Cuba in the late 19th century.
Huh. I always heard that it originated by the English in the Boer War.
Seems the Spanish used the term “reconcentration camp” while it was during the Boer war the English used “concentration camp”.
It hasn’t historically worked all that well. Julius Caesar bragged about killing women and children trying to escape a siege. He was a major asshole.
See Derp. Your previous post was wrong. All the terrorists want is to be sent money just like the State dept rejects claim.
Not our business and nothing to be gained there. Are the Chinese still hot for Africa? Let them step in that steaming pile.
They’ll be happy to set up little defensive perimeters around their enclaves and let the rest of the continent burn.
I wish them luck.
If it was an O&G exploration operation as the article states, there is a good chance the client company was the Chinese. They are all over the continent. Hell, the worlld for that matter. Anywhere there is oil and they can get a contract with the Gov.
I couldn’t find any info on who it was in a brief search yesterday when I saw that.
“Experts said the attack — Boko Haram’s bloodiest this year — underscored the persistent threat” etc.
Where would we be without experts?
Asked about recent reports that the amount it would cost just $2.4 million to $8.4 million to provide gender transition-related health care coverage to transgender troops while the military spends $84 million treating erectile dysfunction, most of it on Viagra
What a ridiculous question. Wouldn’t cost per individual soldier be what’s important?
And how else are you going to keep doctors trained to treat gonorrhea and syphilis unless you pay for ED meds? What if another world war breaks out? Are we equipped to handle that volume of foreign tail?
I’ve always hated the “we spend so much on stupid thing A, why not spend a little on stupid thing B?” argument.
I see transgenderism as like a face tattoo. It’s your life, but don’t be surprised if you get funny looks.
You can’t join the military if you have asthma, but you can if you chop your dick off and declare yourself a woman? Something’s off about that.
It’s the same type of thinking that gave us the Americans with Disabilities Act. Society is so evil that they can’t be left alone to decide who can go where. Better Angels sure do get a nice cut in the morality game.
The question at hand is not necessarily letting new folks in – that’s already been delayed – and even so, they have to be stable for 18-24 months post-transition.
The real argument from last week is – do you kick out several hundred+ people who already started transitioning under the guidance released by SecDef last year, following the proper guidelines, paperwork, medical treatment plans, etc. Active – and guard/reserve.
Of course, for the moment as CJCS so forthrightly stated – the Pentagon doesn’t make personnel policy via tweet. All previous policies are still in effect.
And yes, the surgery option is still on the table as far as budget – that was the point of contention last week with the general budget discussion – not whether active serving members should be kicked out (until the pres tweeted his opinion). Many people do opt to pay out of pocket.
Hmmmmm. I call bullshit cuz math:
Let’s take the high end estimate divided by the alleged number of transitioning mammals*
*a tough concept for a large reptile
Anyways: 8,000,000/210 = $38,000 per creature.
I’m pretty sure it costs a lot more than that, and approximately 2 years of total treatment leading up to surgery and then assume 6 months post op.
That means in addition to the alleged 38K above, that does not include full time salary paid during that 2.5 years, while they cannot be deployed (i.e. They are useless). Just pick a conservative $50k salary. That means:
$38k (treatment costs) + $150k salary (while useless for actual military purposes) = $188k
X 210 = $39,480,000
“Wouldn’t cost per individual soldier be what’s important?”
Yes. Does it cost more than $0.01? If yes Then Trump is right.
We dont enlist people for much more minor or less expensive to treat conditions. This is more proggies pouring sand in the gears. They should fuck right off.
That and, while not politically correct to say, the desire to mutilate your body is a serious mental illness, and that mental illness should disqualify someone by itself.
This talking point hit the air recently. The stat is wrong because it compared an active duty cost vs an active duty plus retirement cost.
They also are equivalent. Gender reassignment would be more equivalent to breast enhancements- a preference. Even if we assumed all viagra was for ED, which I’ve heard it is not it’s still used to treat a malfunction in the body. It would be more equivalent to fertility treatments, or basically any other treatment that aims to return the body to normal functioning.
Bingo. The vast majority of those Viagra prescriptions are for retirees. I believe that the ones for active duty tend to be for traumatized combat veterans who have experienced ED as a symptom of PTSD. In other words, it’s actually a service-connected condition.
Regarding the Viagra question – so, are we going to deny those wounded-in-action and/or suffering from PTSD access to medication that addresses erectile dysfunction?
Your prog friend is an idiot, Europeans are racist AF. Why do you think they have to have laws against it to enforce PC culture?
Strange English names stuff I noticed. Gemima is considered a posh name in the UK whereas over here it is associated with black Mammies, the least posh thing imaginable.
And over here double-barreled names are considered a feminist thing while in the UK it is considered very upper class thing.
The dukes of Buckingham and Chandos were named Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville
My Grandfather – “It dont mean shit who your daddy was. What kind of man YOU are is all that matters.”
Horace Grimble-Smyth, of the Chelmsford Grimble-Smyths. One of his great-grandparents used to be in trade, but nobody in the family did a lick of real work since 1850.
Of course, some of the Grimble-Smyths fought in the World Wars, if you want to call that work, but it’s more of a duty, really. The ones who survived could get kind of gloomy sometimes.
White mammy
I was hoping for a Tom and Jerry clip
Scream Queens was uneven, but excellent at its best in the first season.
You know who else had Grand parents?
Everyone, prior to the establishment of Bob’s Cloning Emporium?
My new granddaughter, who was born today, 11 weeks early. Only 2 lbs 4 ounces, but doing okay in the NICU. My daughter, her mother, also is recovering fine.
*This is a follow-up to my post in this morning’s links. Thanks again to everyone for their support.
Congratulations! If that’s support, that sure was easy!
Also, very impressed with, and thankful for, the incredible technology we have available today for preemie babies.
Medical science has come so far! Glad things seem to be working out. More healthy families and more love = good things.
Congrats. I’m glad your daughter is healthy,
I hate to be a dick but preemies that small usually don’t even usually last long enough to count towards infant mortality rates,
Sorry, I tend to babble a bit and spend too much time on WebMD. I hope your daughter and granddaughter live long and happy lives.
Mazel tov, thank God for modern medicine!
Congratulations and good luck to both. These kind of medical advances are incredible. Fuck all the socialized medicine pushers.
Congratulations, and wishing you and your family all the best! I can only imagine that a grandkid is as awesome as a nephew/niece- all of the joy but little to none of the responsibility, other than to spoil the little devils.
re: the MIT PhD sportsballer:
i don’t know whether that sentence is a joke, or is referring to something real, but i can’t help but end it in my brain with, “gah hoy, hoyvin mayvin!”
I don’t know what an eigenvector is, but I know there was a guy named Laplace. I think he ran a discount furniture outlet.
His ads were all over TV – “This Is Laplace for savings!”
Sounds like Brigham Young
“No, you can’t play with it. You won’t enjoy it on as many levels as I do.”
If I could count the number of times I’ve had to tell a woman…
Is this what you’re alluding to?
A Laplacian matrix is a matrix (a 2-dimensional array of numbers, in this case) that describes a graph (set of connected points). An eigensolver would be a method to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of said matrix. An eigenvector is a column of numbers such that the matrix times that column is a multiple of that column (the multiple is an eigenvalue).
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of large matrices can be hard to find, but sometimes certain types of matrices have faster methods that work for them.
you’re omitting the pertinence of the Glavin coefficient
Ben Shapiro vs. Cenk Uygur debate livestream.
Cenk ain’t doin’ so well.
Full water buffalo or is he at least keeping his cool?
What do you think. He’s keep getting close to ‘Sam Harris shitshow’ territory.
What was the Sam Harris shit show?
You can find it on Youtube. Cenk got pissed because Harris is anti-Islam and invited him on to ‘debate’ him. It was mostly Harris giving calm, largely rational arguments while Cenk tried to scream over him and accuse him of bigotry.
Sam Harris shit show
If Cenk wants to win, he could talk about all of the insane neocon tropes about American/Israeli foreign policy that Shapiro spews sometimes, but I know he’s way too stupid to figure that out. Shapiro is likely killing him without me even watching it yet.
Honestly, even as evil and sadistic as someone might think Israelis are toward Palestinians, given the recent news re: Palestinian stabbing deaths of Israeli families, hitching one’s wagon to the anti-Israel ass seems unwise.
He did just point out the stupidity of wasting money on the Iraq War, but he of course throws that away because his point is how that money should have really gone to ‘free college’.
I saw that. It really goes to show you the problem with leftists: it’s not that we don’t want to waste your money, it’s that the wrong TOP. MEN. wasted our taxpayer money the wrong way. The right TOP. MEN. will use it on the right stuff, like “Medicare for All”!
Cenk was on his heels the entire time except for when he pounded Ben on Iraq.
Ben really should just debate Ron Paul face-to-face instead of yelling “Anti-Semite!” in the comfort of his podcast. He would destroy Ben since he has principles while Cenk only has principals.
What’s his argument as to why Paul’s an anti-Semite? Because he doesn’t want to subsidize Israel?
It’s because that Shapiro thinks that Paul’s position against all foreign aid is a cover for anti-Semitism. It’s flawed in numerous ways:
First, Ron Paul wants to blow up foreign aid period, not shut it off for some and keep it for others, as Shapiro implies. Second, I think that he believes that Paul panders to anti-Semites because some of them are anti-war paleocons as well (now known as alt-right).
It’s particularly funny because Shapiro argues exactly like anyone who accuses you of being a racist for wanting to cut the welfare state.
Leftism works like a human temptation or urge that creeps up on you when someone wants to take free shit away from you.
Before you know it, you start screeching “RACIST!” “SEXIST!” “XENOPHOBIC!” “BIGOT!” and throw a tantrum.
While there is some overlap, I wouldn’t agree that the former is the schwerpunkt of the latter.
I agree with your general assessment. The paleocons are an independent breed from the alt-right.
Too bad that Ben has such large blind spots that sandwich his salient points. It makes his legitimate points look nutty coming out of the same mouth. Yeah, Ron or Rand or even anyone from Mises would destroy Cenk, but he’s not going to do that.
Ben really is in that “ALMOST there but just missed the ledge” group of conservatives. He’s one of those guys that should be less neocon, but because he got into political commentary when he was only 17 (at the height of neoconservatism as an ideology), he’s still poisoned by it to this day. That’s why his ideological mix is so odd.
Praising Japan’s healthcare system. When I first got here, the national health insurance covered 90% of the cost for each visit and medication. It’s been dropped down to 70% today and I’m paying a ton more per month on the premiums. The elderly and children have 100% covered. Result? The clinics are filled with kids and parents that bring the kid in for every tiny problem because it costs them nothing. Same with the elderly. The elderly use it as a mini social club. Cenk knows nothing, yet he’ll throw Japan out there like he’s studied it. I’ve seen it. He’s flat out wrong.
Kudos to Ben on his capital formation argument. Makes it much better than I do.
Good thing the Japanese hardly have children anymore!
Heard mixed reviews about Japanese medical stuff in general – of course some of those were from English teachers 15 years ago. Stuff like getting stitched up after a fall in a busy Tokyo hospital while the doctor is smoking maybe with/without gloves…a few similar stories. was the bomb – wonder if it ever mirrored anywhere. I’ll have to look for the internet archive.
“Ben Shapiro vs. Cenk Uygur debate livestream. Cenk ain’t doin’ so well.”
Gosh, imagine my face, only with a shocked look on it. …Right? Right? Right? Right?
He just wants to have a REASONABLE DISCUSSION!
The Disneyfication of Times Square continues – now with more cursing and grabbing.
Disney ruins everything it touches, except Daisy: talk about a last that knows how to duck!
*lady dammit. Also, you noticed I kept it clean so as to help Glibs maintain it’s family friendly certification.
I must have missed something because this seems dubious.
This right here.
LOL try harder I guess
What do you mean, dude? Me, SugarFree & Pomp do cartoons. Cartoons! Of course we’re family friendly.
Also, ‘sorreh Jamaica. Not your year’.
Secret nazi cartoon are family friendly. Kids of all ages need to know that Trump is nazi. Not that kids even know what a nazi is, they need to be told nonetheless.
The Miami Herald is updating the Venezuelan “results” as they come in.
Looks like the government’s just decided “fuck it, we’ll just make the numbers up, not like anyone considers this legitimate anyways”
Odds on Jimmy Carter showing up and declaring this legit?
I was thinking Deblasio and his lesser-known but even more outspoken commie henchwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito.
But yeah same diff
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin
That Stalin guy sounds like he knows a thing or two.
He also said “every nation imposes its own system as far as its armies can reach.”
That about sums it up. Damn near every religion, ideology, and nation has the same business model as the Borg. Some are just better at it than others.
History is just one really long game of Risk.
Yes, well one doesn’t become a Warlord or Emperor by following such misguided ideals as “do unto others” and being your brother’s keeper. I will again reiterate my belief that the fall of the Soviet Union, in aggregate, was worse for liberty, at least in the West. We no longer have that good Bad Example, as it were.
Friend just texted a screenshot of his $2500 student loan payment, captioned: “LOL”.
My dad pays $2400 a month for his huge goddamn house in the foothills. And he’s trying to sell the place to pare down on expenses.
JFC what has happened to my generation
I have a mortgage I wish was smaller on a 5BR house with a pool 2 miles from an awesome beach a block from the best schools in the county. It does not cost me $2500/month. And we probably paid $25/sqft below what people are spending in the neighborhood 6 months later. It’s a great “deal”, but its not cheap. And I make good damn money. I don’t know what the people who don’t get paid six figures do to keep whole if they have student loans.
My friend makes maybe minimum wage, maybe part time. That bill, as far as I can tell, is purely aspirational. My friend is not paying that money back. He didn’t graduate. In order to pay back money like that he’d have to borrow out even more to go back and graduate with a degree with the earning potential for both the original amount and whatever else he’d need to graduate with a lucrative degree.
I don’t think that’s happening. I’m spellbound even trying to think about what it takes to repay that much money out of that scenario.
I graduated with $15,000 debt and I thought that was madness. It took me something like 12 years to pay it off but that was because half of those years were spent in MW-land. Once I got a real job it was a piece of cake.
Support Bernie Sanders?
I heard that my ex-girlfriend was a big Bernie supporter, and her main motivation seemed to be the relief of her student loan debt. Here’s the kicker: she had a full ride to Ohio State with the various grants and scholarships that are available, but she chose to go to a more expensive private university instead, and now she’s buried in debt. Yet somehow, in her mind, that’s evidence that the system is fucked up and nobody can afford college.
Back on The Old Site, there was a good article detailing how Pell Grants and all the other government programs basically allow people to go to community college for free.
Meh, young people tend to be dumb and irresponsible in every era.
That’s why progress is so slow. Every generation has to re-learn everything.
That’s the thing, man. For what my dad spends on a mortgage on his five-bedroom, four-story mansion he built himself at the tail-end of the housing boom, the albatross around his neck during the recession, the home he’s refinanced down to around three percent, for that two and a half grand in monthly debt service, that’s what my friend is expected to pay against his student loan. But there’s nothing there! The bank might have called in its loan and repossessed dad’s house, but there’s nothing there to leverage against my friend’s minimum wage job.
My SIL, she’s gone form a mere thirty grand after graduating with her photography degree to thirty six grand in about six years. The bills and interest are piling up, but she’s no better equipped to pay for them. There’s no money in photography.
I talk about the friend of mine who graduated with nearly a quarter million in student loan debt after law school, and I worry she’s going to hang herself when she realizes how unlikely it is she’ll pay it back in our home state. We’re one of the poorest in the country! Where does she think that money is going to come from?
The past 10 years or so have proved 2 truths that should have been obvious from the start:
1. most people should not go to college, mainly because they are too dumb/lazy- something like half of college grads took 6 yrs to get a 4 yr degree
2. most college degrees are worthless- some of them actually have negative value
I applied and got into 2 schools: UCLA and Bovine University aka WVU. When I found out that 4 yrs at UCLA would put me about $50k in the hole and WVU would pay me to go there, I chose WVU.
I chose engineering because at the time I was interested in science, but not sure if I wanted to go to grad school. I also wanted to make sure I had a marketable skill.
Although my engineering career fizzled, I’m happy that I managed to graduate debt free.
My sister, on the other hand, chose to study law and has a ton of debt. She’s making it as a lawyer, although the debt is a real burden on her. My brother graduated with a ton of debt as well and ended up joining the Army to pay it off.
I went to work and got the company I worked for to send me trade school in exchange for an agreement that I would work at least 3 years for them after finishing school. I make damn good money as an electrician and I have never paid a nickel for any kind of student debt. Also, I’m a millenial.
Some people think that they can go to school and defer all debt until they graduate. Most don’t work while they are in school because they don’t have to. My little brother is on the G.I. going to school for basically nothing, but he works so that he doesn’t accumulate debt. My other brother went to school on an academic scholarship and he worked while going to school so that he wouldn’t accumulate debt. My oldest brother didn’t work while going to school, and even though he make good money now, he’s 35 and still saddled with massive student loan payments.
My sister took loans to go dental hygenist school and failed out in her last semester. She is trying to pay off a debt that she will probaby never be able to.
Short lesson, don’t borrow money you can’t pay back. And fuck the government for making it so easy to borrow money for college.
It’s incredible that an 18 yr old with no income or collateral can take out a loan equivalent in value to a new luxury car. Average student loan debt for grads this year is about $37k.
It shouldn’t be that way, and it wouldn’t if it were private institutions doing the loaning. The bank of Lachowsky would have to have a damn good reason to believe that anyone applying for a student loan had a bright future or parents willing to put up some collateral before it issued a loan.
The college education bubble exists only because of federally subsidized student loans propping up individuals who either shouldn’t have gone to college in the first place, or went to college and studied an unmarketable skill because they could.
It pisses me off too. The government throwing money around is what has caused the prices of these schools to skyrocket. Skyrocketing prices make it to where no one can afford college with government assistance. It a fucked up cycle that feeds on itself. One day the bubble will pop, and I personally don’t think it can happen soon enough.
But if you don’t want the govt to spend oodles of money on education, that must mean you want no education!
What kind of monster are you?
“Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.”
― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law
William Shatner continues to take SJW skulls
Someone’s not getting invited to George Takei’s next party.
I don’t know why he wastes time with that trash but I can’t think of anyone better to be doing it.
*Recalls hilarious clip of WS on Howard Stern absolutely tearing a new one out of some flunkie in recording studio – the man is a dick but he’s our dick*
Oh god here it is
HA holy shit Shatner being a dick is hilarious.
I’d feel sorry for Takei if he wasn’t such a flaming leftist.
Looking into it apparently Takei complained about how Shatner didn’t go to his wedding despite the fact that they don’t really have a ‘personal relationship’. Apparently other former cast members thought Takei was trying to hype up his wedding with Star Trek actor invites despite not being familiar with them. Takei comes off as a major ass in general, Shatner’s ego notwithstanding.
It’s too bad because I really enjoyed his appearances on Stern back in the day. For an old humorless fart he held his own.
Oh man, that’s pretty funny. I thought you Canadians were supposed to be super polite?
The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
Brings to mind the fart-sniffers in the South Park San Francisco episode.
SJW anthem
So I’m studying Italian. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong because I don’t think the translation should really be “I am a turtle,” but that’s what I think it says. And when I type that as the translation, it tells me I am correct.
I don’t feel like a turtle. Maybe the app knows something I don’t.
I’m not Poppy, but sono una tartaruga.
Yes, you are Poppy. We are all Poppy.
Are you labeling me???
No, we are all tulpa, get your memes straight.
For this site being full of people all around the globe, it’s kind of odd the big nosedive in comments comes around 12am CT. Just an observations, since I’m a late night poster in CT zone.
I’m still here. working nights this week. It does seem to die around midnight though.
I just read that tomorrow a law the arkansas state legislator passed goes into effect that bans open containers in vehicles. That sucks. I think most states already had this law, but now my state has just added one more thing that we can be fined for. That and a law against using electronic devices for texting/social media/etc. goes into effect tomorrow. That double sucks. I agree that texting and driving is stupid, I can just foresee that this will be used as another tool to perpetrate more invasion of privacy. I can see how soon at a traffic stop we will be forced to surrender our phones for examination.l by law enforcement for possible texting violations when pulled over.
Does Arkansas have ABC shit? Or no sales on Sunday? Or the myriad liquor laws that are just out of bounds here in Wisconsin? Or is this the first big one?
Isn’t that what rape is?
Yeah, i would assume so. I guess that statutory rape wouldn’t fall under the forceful rape category
Then again maybe if it’s not forceful and only statutory, maybe it shouldn’t be rape at all.
Aaaand you’re on a watchlist.
We don’t have the ABC stuff and thank god for that. We do have a wierd mix of dry and wet counties and an almost total prohibition on Sunday sales. As far as i know there are only 2 municipalities in the state that allow sunday sales. Altus and Ozark. I luckily live in a wet county and am only 10 minutes from Ozark.
The sunday sales in Altus passed a few years back because that small community happens to operate 3 wineries that do a good business in giving tours and selling directly to customers. Ozark is about 10 miles from altus and saw the huge amount of money that altus was making by allowing sunday sales and they passed an ordinance allowing it just a year or 2 later.
The open container law reeks of cronyism. I read the text and it criminalizes an open container in a vehicle that is accessible to a passenger or driver, unless the vehicle is primarily used to transport people for compensation.
So basically is illegal to someone sober drive you around while you drink unless that sober person is a limo or taxi driver, then its ok. The law criminalizes a sober driver riding around with friends that are drinking. Way to go assholes, you just outlawed what a lot of us yokels like to do on a sluggish weekend.
Meh, here in Wisconsin state law only prohibits sale of alcohol after midnight unless in bars. (many towns prohibit after 9pm, but drive outside town and you can buy till midnight). We do have open container laws in cars (flasks don’t count). The only other state wide laws are the 21 age and .08 mandated by those fucks in Washington. Before 1980 we were an 18 beer state. I get the open container laws as long as the feds force the .08 laws, don’t really know who is drinking from what. But, left to our own devices, I think we’d only have the midnight law, because the Tavern League lobbies a lot, and that we could deal with locally by just apposing the tavern league.
Amd of course the texting while driving law has language that exempts persons serving as an officer of the law. Cops get a carve out, as usual. That shit pisses me off as much as any of it. One law for me and another for thee. It’s tiresome.
Goodnight penis wrench, good night beer. Good night guy groping my knee I hope isn’t queer. Goodnight computer, good night…fuck this guy won’t stop groping my knee!….if I don’t post tomorrow I may be..hmmmamaskajdsfadsfhja……