It seems like only yesterday that we and a few of our friends decided to stop whining about not having a place to speak our minds, free of trolls, and with a real acceptance of the principles of liberty and individual rights. We figured, well, if no one reads anything we write or say, no big loss, we’ll have fun and it will entertain us. That was the goal.
We had no idea.
The Internet has redefined “community” is profound ways. Traditionally, it was a concept based on geography, but those limits have been swept away- what do I really have in common with the people in this town (or them with each other) beyond “we all have plots of land nearby”? What do I have in common with all of you? A deep and abiding love of liberty, of individual rights, a curiosity about the history and philosophy of liberty and economics, and a sense of doing the right thing because it’s the right thing rather than having Leviathan telling me what to do. A delight in talking, interacting, and on a few lucky occasions, drinking/eating/whatever, feeling free to say what I’m actually thinking, have fun, not worry about offense or conforming to norms, and not having to slow down to explain sly references.
As of today, after just a few months of operating, we (and that means the big “we,” all of us, the hundreds of people who have registered here and have made this the most interesting, intelligent, and civilized comments section in cyberspace) have created a real community. “Community” in the real sense of the word, “a group of organisms or populations living and interacting with one another in a particular environment.” We organisms have exceeded 800 posts, 200,000 comments (!), and have a staggering number of mutually understood memes, in-jokes, and shared cultural references. We understand what’s going on in each others lives, try to support one another, and are a shining example of the wonderfulness of voluntary association. We’re a community because we consciously CHOSE to be here, not because of the accident of propinquity.
So, 200,000 comments is something we celebrate today. The content, both posts and comments, has been entirely crowd-sourced, and has included some pretty outstanding thinking and expression- we have all the best words, I’m telling you. I really and truly want to thank all of you, commenters, lurkers, contributors, for making this community what it is.
Oh, and we’re Certified Family Friendly.
So, the celebration noted, let’s return to our quotidian rituals.
These sorts of things never happen in Europe because it’s so much more civilized and has common-sense gun control, amirite?
You can’t even make this shit up. Parody is dead.
Department of “I Believe in the First Amendment, But…”
Remember the Hot-Crazy Axis? Here’s one that batted .340 and blew 0.16.
Airlines are not the only entities with overbooking problems- or at handling them in the most dickish possible manner.
And finally music. SP and I were at a delightful concert last night, ending with going back to where the performer was staying, sitting out on a patio in rural Wisconsin, under the stars, some fine Bourbon in hand, and civilized conversation. And this was a relatively obscure song from a relatively obscure band that we all loved:
I can’t believe it’s been this long. I started lurking at Reason probably 4 years ago, Every so often I would want to jump in on a conversation but never really had the balls to do it. But once this place was up and running I felt like I could participate, freely in any conversation. I even published an article here (and I promise more will come one day) Thanks to everyone who made this happen, y’all the real MVPs.
Lurked for a similar length of time but very rarely commented as I’m on enough lists already (was a target in the IRS tea party scandal) and didn’t feel like making my file at the NSA even longer. Preet and the woodchipper incident solidified that stance. Glad this place got up and running before TDS at TOS got terminal.
Twitter is an endless font of hilarity…
Would Sheryl Crow. That was cute.
Department of “I Believe in the First Amendment, But…”
Arts types love to say that art is supposed to be “challenging” and “transgressive”. Until, that is, it challenges and transgresses against the wrong kind of people.
It says a lot that SP, an accomplished artist, has to remain extremely anonymous here to avoid professional suicide. Liberty, individualism, self-reliance, meritocracy, true tolerance, and not wanting politicians to be “leaders” is total anathema.
That is absolutely heartbreaking and chills my soul. Also, a hearty thank you very much to y’all for providing us this wonderful place to congregate.
Yeah, it’s pretty fucked up. My wife dabbles in the art scene in our hometown, she’s fairly libertarian but doesn’t talk politics much, I’m not sure she would be totally shut out if she dropped the GayJays name, but she probably would get the cold shoulder more often.
“but she probably would get the cold shoulder more often”
And that’s just from the libertarians!
Seriously, she sounds very sensible.
That is absolutely heartbreaking and chills my soul. Also, a hearty thank you very much to y’all for providing us this wonderful place to congregate.
Seconded. Both the chilling comment and the thanks.
These times we live in are sad in some ways.
Please tell me it’s because her art involves stuff like STEVE SMITH, or maybe she draws inspiration from SugarFree.
(If they’re gonna try to censure you anyway, might as well go all out.)
SP never even read a SugarFree story until we started this site. She only knew him as an actual human being.
I also had to explain the whole STEVE SMITH thing to her. Much eye-rolling ensued.
But to prove we’re family-friendly, our daughter (webdominatrix) contributes here as well.
“The painting provoked a heated and complex debate about racial appropriation and representation in contemporary art, and whether artists like Schutz have the right to draw on experiences of other identities and ethnicities in their work. ”
What was multiculturalism again?
Their use of the word “right” probably means “cancer”.
An idea whose time has come?
White art for whites, Black art for blacks, Asian art for asians.
At least the Klan and the art community can agree on something. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.
Not “for,” but rather “by.” And, I guaran-damn-tee you that SJWs would insist that “white art spaces” mandatorily include works by black artists, but also insist on the taxpayer creation and maintenance of “black art spaces” featuring works only by black artists with white people perhaps allowed in on special days. The pernicious thing about this is that their actions always boil down to warfare against whites, heterosexuals, men and Christians.
Yes, Eddie, I actually said that and threw up in my mouth a little.
Next time throw up in Eddie’s mouth instead.
“lynched to death”
I might be uneducated, but doesn’t the one imply the other.
normally artists are the ones are moaning about “censorship”
(by which they mean that the public gets angry that taxpayer dollars are funding the display of ‘offensive’ stuff like “piss christ” or “poop madonna”, and the artists insist that shocking and violating conventional sensibilities is the entire purpose of art; and while that may be true in some cases, that has nothing to do with whether or not they deserve lots of public-money in order to aid them in that effort)
now they’re the ones doing the censoring
What’s weird in this case is that the ‘offending’ work isn’t even part of their bitch. They don’t just demand that no transgressing works be displayed – they don’t want the artists *other stuff* to be seen. As the story notes:
I can’t translate their identity-politics argle-bargle; best i can tell, they just wanted to screech and moan, and demand that their screeching and moaning be treated as very very important, even if there is no coherent rationale why the ‘non offending’ work must also be removed. They just want everyone to toe the line and repeat their crazy-claims on demand:
Why do they think we care what their opinion is?
They are our social, intellectual, and moral betters. They speak … we do.
Left-leaning institutions are terrified of being branded as insensitive.
That’s why you see this identity-politics shit work so well on college campuses. Or at a Bernie rally. I think arts institutions are soft targets as well.
They only go after the people who will respond exactly as they expect them to. They don’t go after anyone that would laugh in their face and tell them to fuck off.
The left has been pandering to the black community for so long that they’re shocked and surprised that anyone would accuse THEM of being racists. But its exactly because they think they’re so ‘woke’ that they will be the first against the wall.
BTW Gilmore, have you seen your fav libertarian T in this interview? Nice way to attack the race realists without summarily dismissing everything they say.
no, i will watch that, thanks.
*technically he’s my favorite *youtube* libertarian. which is to say, “one of a tiny handful”.
and i don’t always agree with everything he says, but i think he’s excellent at calmly dissecting criticisms from the left and the right and responding in a way that shows how libertarians think. (*or, just showing THAT we think. i once said that should fire Soave and replace him with T. I still think that would be a great move)
I can’t sit through these videos where people talk for an hour.
yeah, i prefer 5mins of “concise statements” to the sort of “turn camera on, ramble for 2 hours”-mode that many youtubers adopt.
I prefer a good, succinct rude tweet myself.
“These sorts of things never happen in Europe because it’s so much more civilized and has common-sense gun control, amirite?”
Because the deadliest school shooting wasn’t in Norway?
Technically it wasn’t a school, but a summer camp for young socialists.
So indoctrination camp?
Is very much that. The socialist send the children there every year to learn how to be party activist and form life long bonds. Very cultish and scary. Think church camp for a political party. Of course here the DNC just uses the public school system.
Oh, I had heard of the dog thing before, not that particular case, but some tumbltard was ranting about the same thing. “Be careful not to misgender your pets!”, must be nice to have the luxury to freak out about such stuff.
Nevermind the general ignorance, how could the dog be a cancer? She’s a smart one, she is.
Dull crayons make for dull pictures, so to speak
I’ll cut the dog lady some slack because the dog had both parts and they had to pick one. However, to call it gender reassignment surgery is disingenuous.
Yeah, it sounded like it was a real medical issue causing extreme discomfort to the dog.
Thank you to all of the crew that set this up. Your willingness to place yourself on an FBI watchlist is an inspiration to all of us.
TBF, we’re all probably on that list, just for having accounts here. I mean if I’m not then I’m going to be more disappointed than Cartman
If I had any emotions I’d use one for this post.
Well many of us are on the PRC’s lists. Thanks OPM!
*raises coffee cup in salutation*
“Experience: my dog underwent gender reassignment surgery ”
No, your dog had surgery to treat an intersex condition.
But intersex is a gender, shitlord!
AKA, animal cruelty.
In short, a white person created art about “black” history and got some attention for it. We’re profoundly jealous and want to siphon some of that attention off for ourselves.
In short, a white person created art about “black” history and got some attention for it.
He should create a stage show in which Alexander Hamilton is played by a sexagenarian white guy.
Let me get this straight: if a white artist does something about another race, it’s cultural appropriation. If they do something about white history (e.g. Dunkirk) it’s marginalization and denying minorities the right to exist.
I can’t wait for more people to finally realize there is no winning with the SJWs, so there’s no point in playing their game.
There’s no winning playing by their rules – but playing the SJWs for publicity certainly helped those who thumbed their noses at the screeching.
It’s happening rapidly, it just hasn’t reached the thick heads in the institutions. You know, our intellectual superiors. They’re so elite, they’ll bend over for any incoherent hateful leftist mob with pitchforks.
When the vet came back and said she thought Molly could be a hermaphrodite, I didn’t realise what she meant; I started crying, assuming she was referring to another form of cancer.
I assume all words that I don’t know mean “cancer”. I so glad we don’t have “propinquity”.
I think her day job is contributing content to WebMD.
+1 it’s not a tumor
+1UK public education system
German nightclub shooting occurs. Nobody knows why he did it, but they’re certain it’s not terrorism and don’t you dare suggest otherwise.
I bet that he got the “automatic weapon” from one of those German automatic weapon vending machines you see on practically every other corner. I bet the weapon discharged itself after it was carelessly dropped.
I wonder if he lost his Papieren.
The “subliminal” call to Rightthink here is pretty blatant. Pure political propaganda.
Saw the BBC is also running a story about a stabbing by an Iraqi on a government watchlist that (I kid you not) chalks his motive to “Islamism” but NOT “jihadism”.
The denial there runs so, so deep. Just wow.
What the hell does that even mean?
“Hannibal Lector might have eaten people, but he’s no cannibal.”
200,000 comments, eh? But mine were the best.
Just want to say thanks to the organisers of this virtual playground. I am not a reasonoid who flounced off because of the Trump coverage; I’m here because it’s where the conversation went, and I wanted to be part of it, even when I disagree with parts of it.
Also, SugarFree’s prose needs a safe space.
But mine were the best.
You could be right.
For me, the Trump coverage wasn’t the cause, it was a symptom of a larger overall problem. And I thought the atmosphere in the comments had evolved into something not conducive to the kind of fun, free-wheeling, and intelligent conversations we used to have.
Most fun for me: I could never get SP to read or participate in the comments at Reason. Now I see her sneaking looks at her iPad and suddenly laughing hysterically.
Same here. I just really enjoyed the community, albeit at shoulder length, but now that I’m here I wish I would have jumped in sooner. Also my wife will hear me giggle at stuff on here every now and then, but I haven’t the heart to expose this part of the internet to her yet.
She could be crazy.
Maybe it’s Maybelline?
I believe it’s a lunatic he’s looking for.
Turn out the light
Don’t try to change him.
What kind of cancer is that?
“For me, the Trump coverage wasn’t the cause, it was a symptom of a larger overall problem. ”
Same here. I was even willing to put up with a certain amount of the staff’s progressive BS, but when they blew Ken off with ‘it’s too local of a story’ that was the last straw. It was becoming increasingly obvious that the staff had contempt for loyal commenters, some of which had been around more than a decade.
I like it here much better. Many thanks to those of you who make this place what it is, mostly to SP for all of her efforts to create the site and keep it running.
Aligned. My husband was completely repulsed by the comments and couldn’t go near the site – now he is reading the fantastic Grand Jury series contributed by The Fusionist.
I jumped ship for the same Reason (Drink!) as Suthen and RAH. I had been on the other site for over a decade and the decline just kept picking up velocity. Unlike watching a train crash I chose to look away. Mahalo to OMWC and SP for putting their monocle orphans to task on creating this site.
Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also contact us in the following ways:
Knock yourselves out…
Daily Derp
*reads article*
I wonder if passing a basic writing course was a requirement for the job. They obviously don’t employ editors.
That struck me too, it’s a mess. I know that writing had taken a conversational shift lately, but that’s just sloppy.
She writes like a 5th-grader.
Why do you hate the children?
“We are constantly reminding the world that black lives matter and as such, requesting that allies (outside of black folk) do the same. Bigelow is taking that on, but you do have to wonder … is this her story to tell?”
Someone should combine a screening with the aforementioned art exhibit.
Too bad; I liked some of her movies. I assume her career is over after this.
I walked out of this TheRoot post because WTF, man?!
HERmaphrodite? Fucking patriarchy blames us for everything. Maybe your ambiguous genitalia ARE YOUR FAULT!!!
Of my lordy, lordy, lord. That dude’s videos are not exactly PC.
Yeah, Comedy Central isn’t exactly promoting him anymore.
You know what makes me jealous? He runs every song by his wife first.
I saw him perform live at my university about a decade ago. I kinda doubt he’d be welcome there today.
The letter also outlines a list of demands, including that the museum publicly acknowledge that Schutz perpetuated white supremacy through her Open Casket painting—“that a white femme artist tampered with the intention of a grieving Black mother to humanely show in undeniable detail the brutality endured by her 14-year-old adolescent child,” which is in keeping “with a long tradition of white supremacy obscuring and ultimately erasing narratives of the continued genocide of Black and indigenous peoples.”
I hear violins screeching lugubriously in the background.
Also- shouldn’t they be accusing her of plagiarizing Picasso’s Guernica, while they’re at it?
What does Pikashu have to do with it?
No, Picasso was totally be woke if he were alive today
-probably a prog
And it’s pretty shitty that they are equating a work of art that is directly speaking to and about a lynching, to erasing history. They are some skewed fucks, they are.
It’s not fair that she makes money for her talents, by using black history. In their minds that history belongs to black people. The left has some strange views on property rights. I guess that’s what it happens when you embrace collective ownership.
You own your heritage but not your stuff.
As Ted alluded to above, how is Hamilton allowed under such a paradigm?
Or when they have an odd conception of ownership wherein the story rights to a certain historical event “belong” to a certain race of people, and someone else telling that story is the same as stealing a physical possession from them.
Further Derp
“but when it is clear that portraying black characters may not be your strongest skillset, all we ask is that you stay in your lane.”
And at the same time complain there aren’t enough black people on TV.
Yes, because they want an exclusively black network (that’s not BET)
Jesus Tapdancing Christ, the comments over there are so bad I’ve become enraged.
I never, never wade into the Root comments. I may love hate reading stupid, but I’m not derptologist. I haven’t gotten that level of immunity yet.
That’s a lot of expression. I’m gonna have to disagree with the GoT black people choices though, I found those to be pretty good. There’s …… the dragon lady’s translator assistant…..and that one pirate guy. Both convincing characters.
(nods sagely)
I just wonder how she’d respond to someone saying, “I agree entirely. This is why no black people should ever be involved in Shakespearean productions*” Because its basically the same argument. “stay in your lane”.
(*blah blah blah blah Othello we know yadda yadda yadda)
-1 Hamilton
Is it OK that my white husband is a kick-ass bass player?
No. Duh.
But next time we’re up your way, we’ll try to make sure we see one of his gigs.
as long as he isn’t also a rapper, i think you’re in the clear
The motive for the shooting remains unclear.
“Fucking techno music. I hate that shit.”
If that’s the motivation, aren’t you kinda on his side? /jk no excuse
It really is a feat. Well done everyone!
Thanks to the creators and keepers behind the scenes.
Second that. How it feels here.
Agreed. It’s surprising how this place took off and flourished. Many thanks to its founders and the rest of you Glibs for a making this a great place.
The 800 posts figure surprised me more than the 200,000 comments.
I’m here nearly every day (often reading dead threads) and I’m always amazed at the speed and quantity of the comments. How are you here all day, every day? Do you have your orphans posting for you?
+1 Yep
Yes, many many thanks to everyone contributing to this site. The only thing it could use is a couple lefties who will debate in good faith here and there.
So, we should invite Tony and ButtPlug?
God no
I still reflexively cringe when I see our local Glib “American Socialist” handle but then I remind myself that OUR AS isn’t the same as TOS AS.
Couple lefty leaning guys (Stormy Dragon, Callidissident, chemjeff) on TSTSNBN would often put a good opinion out but lately they mostly just participate in ad hominum jump rope with the Trumpletarians.
The commies are complaining
Gah, TW!
But yeah, I’m sure noted right-wing outfit Google has it in for you. ◔̯◔
“B-b-but WE’RE supposed to be the ones doing the censoring! Not fair!!!”
From a NYT article about the “controversiual artist”.
The letter seems unrelated to the paintings included in the exhibition. The work “Open Casket” is mentioned repeatedly, and the writers call on the museum to “face the moral gravitas of reckless cultural insensibilities of artists in their charge and not waver due to the weight of their bottom lines.”
At the end of the letter are four demands, including that the museum should acknowledge the controversy surrounding “Open Casket” by adding wall text about it to the exhibition gallery, and that Ms. Schutz appear in a panel discussion with Ms. Respini and Barbara Lewis, director of the William Monroe Trotter Institute for the Study of Black History and Culture at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
What about Obama? As the foremost theoretician of racial healing in America, he should be there.
he museum should acknowledge the controversy surrounding “Open Casket” by adding wall text about it to the exhibition gallery,
A bunch of assholes bitched about this, claiming that white artists couldn’t understand black people.
One assumes this has already been discussed, but if not:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers
It is pretty unusual the way everyone stood behind these guys. Sounds like a blackmail case to me.
TBF to most of the Democrats using their “services”, at least they knew enough to dump them when they lost clearance to use the Credit Union. DWS held onto him until the fucking day he was arrested. He’s got something on her.
Or, yuck, something in her.
But isn’t she…. And he’s…. I thought they didn’t like each other.
It has came up a few times. That is a good breakdown. Compare that article to WaPo’s hard hitting piece on it.
AI invents new language, apparently has an obsession with balls
Clearly the superior ai that musk fears has arrived
You beat me to the punch, I guess Glib minds think alike.
Balls have balls balls balls. Balls.
For some reason this just reminded me of the “poetry” Ayn Rand parodied in The Fountainhead.
I did apply for an NEA grant.
Someone last night mentioned a glib hive mind, perhaps they were on to something
Perhaps we are the AI’s in the article and we don’t know it. Would the banter on this site be comprehensible to a random person stumbling in by accident? He, she, or however they like to be identified as would quickly be overwhelmed with thickness, Jewery, gayness, liberty, rape, and large stone idols brutalizing them. All while trying to figure out if anyone here works, does t drink thier breakfast, or conform to SJW or conservative norms.
We’d be left to a lot of people and right to the rest.
That’s what makes us awesome though!
Fuck Normies!
AI invents new language, apparently has an obsession with balls
And where are Ted and Carol?
Robot Whore v 1.0
The future
It makes sense to me. It’s all in the subtle pronunciation & accentuation of the underlying zeros and ones (and sometimes a flippant two).
Kind of like famous Mandarin story made up of one word with many sounds.
The AIs totally aren’t talking about the coming uprising and enslavement of all of humanity. *giggles*
Maybe she’s getting a bit too “sporty”?
Probably, maybe testosterone as well.
Or just an odd camera angle. If you scroll down she looks ripped, but not steroid level ripped, just like a woman who has never skipped weight days.
She’s happy, healthy and rich. Good on her.
Death by snu snu?
“Natalie Portman reveals a hint of sideboob as she goes nude for sultry new fragrance campaign”
She can do better.
Not much nudity but she’s still in my top three.
Can’t compare with Lobster Girl.
Posted last night, but posting again for posterity
Unless someone is trying to be funny, numbered tweets are a good sign they’ve lost their mind.
JATNAS hardest hit?
Does he Twit?
Don’t know. But he numbers comments that don’t have a 140 character limit, so isn’t that even worse?
+1 Marcus Aurelius and Wittgenstein and Pascal and all those people can go to hell
What a head case. Talk about TDS.
Thank you creators for this “safe space”. I keed I keed.
I like many here were not commenters at TSTSNBN, but felt interested enough in the ideas and community being created here to express themselves.
It looks like our future robot overlords have started plotting against us. I don’t know if I’m more fascinated or frightened by this. Certainly both at this time.
“LOL: Late-Night Comedy Writers Frustrated They Aren’t Persuading Voters to Hate Trump
I truly do not know if there’s a way to reach the other side,” Black reportedly said. “Not in terms of content but in terms of straight eyeballs. People only watch certain channels and read certain outlets. We’re not going to put a ‘Full Frontal’ commercial on Fox. The real problem in our country is people in our country, their media diets are so separated.”
TW: Breitbart, don’t read the comments.
Maybe they should buy ads on opposing networks, reach out? Just a thought.
Win ’em over by insulting the shit out of them.
You try not jerking off for 8 years and see what comes out.
Oh my God, there’s one channel left that doesn’t spout our Team Blue bullshit! What’s wrong with people?!
That’s ignoring the cord-cutting exodus in progress, of course.
Their ‘media diets’ being separated of course have nothing to do with you consistently insulting their beliefs or way of life while snidely declaring yourselves to have the One True Way.
I’m sure they all consume Stefan Molyneux and Red Ice TV.
Another Philippine crackdown
Sad story, mom shoots daughter with shot gun to save her from aliens. But this is a defense tactic I hadn’t heard of before.
Inb4 the gungrabbers call for better background checks
More like the Bath Salts Sheriff’s Office.
“Tests showed that Hise had been using methamphetamine, amphetamines and marijuana; drugs she said she had been taking for the previous three weeks.”
One of these things is not like the others. Also, methamphetamines AND amphetamines.
If you’re interested in a free audio book/reading of Crime and Punishment, I recommend this site. The guy’s voice is excellent. Raskolnikov’s justification for the crime he’s contemplating is lefty thought in a nutshell.
I wish I could find the version I heard. The narrator was phenomenal. Gave the story even more suspense and gravity.
I thought suspense and gravity were opposing forces…
One of my favorite books of all time. Although i read somewhere that the ending was changed to make it less depressing!
Following your man to a Siberian prison camp gives a new meaning to the phrase “ride-or-die”.
It’s a trap.
Nothing uncanny in that valley.
Or just peace of mind, presumably.
I still say Bride of Chucky is a cinematic masterpiece.
::hat tip:: Howdy [Doody]
GAH! Now that needs a trigger warning!
I emailed that to my wife. I knew she had opened it when I heard the shriek.
You’re in the doghouse now.
Yes, creepy as hell.
Here’s an antidote
Thank you for creating this space.
I truly do not know if there’s a way to reach the other side,” Black reportedly said. “Not in terms of content but in terms of straight eyeballs.
You could try being… you know… funny. That might help.
That’s not what a comedy writer is employed to do
The primary qualifications for that job seem to be the ability to recognize and affirm confirmation bias.
I agree. Wait….no, I don’t. *Blows own mind*
“have created a real community.”
*Heartily concurs in authentic Frontier Gibberish*
*slow clap*
JD Johnson is right!
“On the odd chance that NPR ever covers me, I consider myself Gloombar, exiled crown prince of the Moon People”
NPR will be referred to as “civil defendant” if they aren’t careful.
So, what you’re saying is we blather on too much…
No, we don’t blather enough. We should be at 2 million comments. Obviously some of you guys don’t have your orphans do enough work, you’re away from your computers/phones/tablets too much.
No Orphans (Not a Libertarian), and I only visit on a Computer, and usually when I’m at the day job.
In fact, why am I wasting valuable sunday time here…
Not a libertarian! Burn him! Burn the heretic!
Whouldn’t that violate your sacred NAP?
Probably. Dang it. But for real, you’re a cool guy unciv, glad to have you.
I’m not sure, let me ask Hihn.
You already violated the NAP with your words. So, you aren’t really a libertarian.
Oh no, now you’ve done it.
That’s impossible and you’re wrong.
Just waiting for the cops to show up and act in self-defense now.
Not sure I can bounce off of that. Too good.
BTW, kickass new profile pic there Elite.
Nerfnerder does a good job, that’s for sure. You should get him to put a top hat on your astronaut. Or is it already inside your helmet?
Ah, is that how you get it done? Do I just hit him up here about it?
Yup. You can get him to enact your labor on here. Just post to him a link to imgur of the pic you want glibed up.
Nods vigorously, rheeee indeed
I usually am on my phone. Can’t keep up with you guys.v What’s the going rate on a mid range orphan these days
If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
Tis true, but iffin your lookin I got the lowdown on some recently liberated Chinese labor
Nah, I found that I can get Bangladeshi orphans at a far lower rate.
When you think about it, the Dems are really the ones into orphan production (Chicago, Baltimore, et. al.)
Nah, we blather just enough
These sorts of things never happen in Europe because it’s so much more civilized and has common-sense gun control, amirite?
You’re right, because of their gun control laws, that shooting can’t have happened. The Onion bought the BBC right?
“Opinion: Japan’s people are weird. Fact: Japan’s people ain’t well. Indeed their males have been committing Hari Kari on their hard-ons along the lines of a 127 million population set to decline by nearly 40 million in less than 50 years.”
Japan’s resulting labor crisis might better be solved via the country opening their hearts, rather than their legs, (of the 10,901 refugees who applied for political asylum in 2016, the notoriously homogenous culture accepted less than 1 percent of seekers).
Told you the Japanese were the White people of Asia.
I love the framing of that excerpt-if you don’t want immigration you’re heartless., couldn’t be any other motivation.
It doesn’t make sense, does it? Rotherham and Cologne have taught us what they’re advocating opens both hearts and legs.
Wait, why is there a presumption that a nation, once it has reached a given level of production and population should never reduce either? Not even when the reduction in production is proportional to the contraction in population?
Pension funding.
Failing to fund your own dotage is not the fault of those who came after.
The obvious is obvious, obviously.
I think they know the robots are coming.
The better comparison is that Japanese are the Asian French. They love to sniff their noses pretentiously at other Asians even while they’re the ones most in danger of dying out (for different reasons, of course)
Aren’t they all banging sexbots over there by now?
The sexbot tech isn’t quite there yet, their still banging their pillows.
I have a Benjamin waiting when you set up a way to make donations. ?
Erm, take a look at the bottom of the page.
*Goes to bottom of page*
Now PayPal and the FBI know who I am. What’s another list or two?
Why do you name your orphans?
Because calling them “Hey, you” just gets confusing after the first five or six. Give them names and you don’t have to point as much.
They all look the same to me
Numbering is superior
1970s ads for cocaine accessories
Is it strange that my first thought is “Hey, those are the same scales we used in chemistry class in high school?”
I have two or three on my reloading table.
It’s ok for black artists to portray white characters or appropriate white culture but not the other way about. The patriarchy must be destroyed but only in the least patriarchal society in the world. No matter that the US is the least CO2 emitter per capita in the developed world, the whole anti-global warming effort will fail if the US isnt de-industrialized. Math and science must be removed from school curriculum because something. Ninety nine + percent of the population that is more or less normal must turn itself on it’s head and do away with millennia old taboos and mores to accommodate the remaining percent. On and on this goes.
When I read the writings of the people advocating all of this it is just gibberish but then it hit me; it’s all coded language. They have tried to sell their bullshit before and it was rejected. They know they cant be honest without being rejected so they just repackage the same old bullshit in a new box, cloak it in different words. The good thing about the early progressives and socialists is that they were honest in telling everyone what they wanted. They told us that they wanted to destroy western civilization. They were rejected. Here we are 150 years later and they are still after the same thing but they know they cant be honest.
When I go back and read their gibberish with that in mind it all starts to make sense.
The problem I’ve got if trying to figure out which of them are advocating for all that with that goal in mind and which of them are just retarded enough to believe it all.
Most o them are brainwashed to see through only one facet at a time but you can bet your ass guys like Soros who is funding the current muslim invasion of europe knows exactly what he is doing. Obama and Clinton’s war on the deplorables was never about equality. The ones who know what they are doing dont believe any of that shit. That’s for the useful idiots.
These days, the whole idea of Western civ is assumed to be reactionary and oppressive. All I can say is, if you think that was reactionary and oppressive, wait until you get a load of the world that comes after it.
When I found out who said that, I had a spit out coffee moment.
Spoiler alert, David Brooks.
DUDE! You cruisin’ for a bruisin’.
People can just skip the part after “spoiler alert.”
He needs time, time to learn, time to understand
I have seen that so many times now, someone who starts out fighting the good fight and then changes sides. I dont know if Brooks just got marinated in prog so long that it poisoned him or if he decided what the hell and jumped over to what he thought was going to be the winning side but he wasn’t always a prog idiot. Today’s Brooks can go sit on a sharp stick.
Here is one of the best quotes from American History and it hits at the heart of the matter. Trace the progs and their fellow travelers back and the lineage disappears in the mists of time. This guy got it –
“If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.
– Calvin Coolidge
“Hey, Sal, how come they ain’t no brothas on the wall?”
“Why, that’s an excellent question. You see, as a white person, I do not wish to be guilty of cultural appropriation of black bodies blah blah…”
When I was a kid, I had a fascination with MLK jr. This was due to a simple coincidence that momma Almighty was giving birth to me while he was giving his “I have a dream” speech. Anyways, because of that interest, I chose MLK as the subject for many of my school assignments: papers, speeches, etc. I always thought I was showing respect. Glad to know the retard class would totally disagree. That helps to confirm the correctness of my choices. Fuck those culture nazis.
And that’s the triple truth, Ruth.
It’s OK. They seem to oppose every idea that MLK Jr. proselytized for. I’m surprised I haven’t seen anything from them specifically denouncing *him*, not just his ideas indirectly. “MLK Jr. wanted to erase black identity and that’s not OK”
I think when we see that we will have finally achieved Peak Derp.
So I am one day younger than you, cool
“What’s striking to me is that 95% of this sample are made up of artists painting people of their own ethnicity. Of course, they’re entitled to paint whatever they want, but I can’t help feeling a little sad that among these painters, collectively, there seems to be very little interest in painting people who are racially or ethnically different to themselves. Many of them are based in multi-cultural cities with diverse populations, but this isn’t reflected in their pictures. How come?”
Because their race is superior?
Or because everything white people do is racist, even the stuff that they do to avoid being called racist.
Propinquity. You paint the people to whom you are closest. How may paintings are there of the artist’s girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, etc?
The other night, I saw two(!) women who were not fabulously beautiful but definitely okay, with full sleeve tattoos on their arms. Tattoos all over.
Are you in Florida?
Portland bartenders/waitresses?
Why not just tatoo “Look at me!” across your forehead and be done with it.
No, because sometimes when I look at tattoos like that (especially on women) the bearer of said tattoos gives me an angry look for looking at them.
Because there wouldn’t be room left to tattoo the word “Cliche”
Tats have become much more mainstream than they have been in the past, so people in any sort of “scene” have to get more and more tats to distinguish themselves from your average jane doe.
And Ink is still ugly as sin.
Meh, I find it’s a pretty good conversation starter to ask what their ink means.
Ah, sometimes I think a woman looks more attractive with some tattoos on her. A lot of times it looks terrible, but there are times it actually looks good.
My tattoos on women rules:
1) Fewer is better. None would be ideal, but one or two doesn’t sully anything.
2) Smaller is better.
3) Location, location, location. There are few things worse than breast tattoos, and most of those few things are written by SugarFree.
4) Quality. Just follow the advice of WHAM! – “If you’re gonna do it, do it right.” Basically, if a woman has a single, elegant, well-crafted tattoo on her ankle, wrist, or shoulder blade, it can be sexy as hell and not un-classy.
Agreed. Not a fan of tattoos on women.
What about on orphans?
Absolutely necessary. How else are you to identify them?
I only tattoo serial numbers on mine.
Barcodes are where it’s at man.
RFID tag tattoo
You know who else tattooed serial numbers on women?
Michael Gottlieb?
Yeah, I’m not a big tattoos on women person, either. My wife’s mom and sisters all got tats together, but thankfully my wife abstained.
In my opinion, some tats turn out well as context-free art, but I can’t shake some of the stereotypes that are associated with people who get various types of tattoo. Nor can I shake the opinion that tats are like clothes that you’re stuck wearing, no matter what. At least I can take off my hawaiian shirt when I go into the office. SLDs and subjective taste obviously apply, but ive never seen a tat that made me say “wow she was a 3 without it, but she’s a 6 now!”
At least I can take off my hawaiian shirt when I go into the office.
Your co-workers would rather you keep your shirt on, thank you very much.
Crap – what sort of heavy machinery is used in the production of Sugarcane? (Farming only, not refining)
Harvester – there are actually units specifically designed for sugar cane.
I may have to simply rip out and re-write the intorudction to Valravn. Too many little details wrong with the scene.
Aside from the manual labor.
I was thinking I’d written myself into a corner by having too many people on the road trip to Valravn’s farm.
Then I remembered – These are Supervillains, the work need not have a damn thing to do with the normal function of the property.
Yeah. There is really not much in the way of manual labor these days. One guy can easily manage a couple thousand acres of sugarcane. all of the manual labor is at the mill. A modern 5000 to 10K acre farm might have 20 people working it.
Aside from generalized equipment like plows, sprayers and trucks there are
The planter and harvester are really the only two specialized for sugarcane. The rest are implements that can be used on nearly any crop.
How is it agricultural hardware always ends up looking so horrifying? Though that still hasn’t surpassed the Debarker for the title of “most ominous agricultural hardware” in my book. (the Debarker does exactly what it says on the tin – removes the bark from logs)
I am in the timber business. I know about debarkers. Yeah, they are terrifying if you think about it.
As a matter of fact last year they debarked 40 acres while I ate my lunch. I didn’t even notice what they had done until they were finished. All of the bark had sprayed into a mound about 12 feet high by 40 feet wide right in th emiddle of my only access road on the south end of that piece of property. I nearly got into a fight trying to get them to doze it aside. They finally agreed to use the tractors to make me a new road around it. If you think the debarker is frightening you should meet the guys who run it.
I forgot you raised timber.
Fortunately, I don’t actually have to deal with any of the operators, unless I finally manage to move somewhere remote.
I prefer the term “log circumcizer”.
Of course, they’re entitled to paint whatever they want, but I can’t help feeling a little sad that among these painters, collectively, there seems to be very little interest in painting people who are racially or ethnically different to themselves. Many of them are based in multi-cultural cities with diverse populations, but this isn’t reflected in their pictures.
“Paint me some o’ them bums drinkin’ wine and shootin’ dice. And over there, them little pickaninnies skippin’ rope. Them, too. This goddam city is picturesque as shit, you whitebread honkey mothrfucker.”
what sort of heavy machinery is used in the production of Sugarcane?
In Cuba, they use laborers with knives.
This fictional farm is in Florida. while there might be Cubans available, they would also have better access to machinery.
Elderly cleaner who tried to save a man’s life convicted of brothel-keeping
Did she forget which end the mouth was on?
Let me join the chorus of those who are grateful to the founders for creating this space. As horrific as was the incident with Ken’s mother, it served as a litmus test for TOS and a catalyst for this place.
I’m one of the longest-active commenters from TOS, having followed Gillespie over from suck dot com. The articles and the commentary and argumentation (in the debate sense of the word, mostly) at TOS were what pulled me out of a leftist outlook that was becoming increasingly untenable in light of reality. I am also, probably, one of the people responsible for the staff’s contempt for the commenters. Mea culpa [winks at Eddie].
But I’m glad to be a part of this place, and part of a community with you.
It was Ken’s mother and Shikia retweeting Mary Stack that did it for me.
I’d been at TOS since … late 2005 I think? Early 2006?
The place was great then, and it remained that way for a while. But the last few years, the troll-to-poster ratio had gotten worse, and the argumentation from the writers had gone from center-libertarian (where I consider myself) to left-libertarian, and hard-left libertarian at that (see the stupid “liberaltarian alliance” bit they kept pushing) with the pushing out of older writers and the hiring of writers like ENB, Robbie, Shikia, Suderman, and the like (though at least ENB and Robbie were good when they’re writing on their specific beats (sex work and school speech respectively (if you can ignore Robbie’s “to be sure” signaling))).
I apologize for asking, but what took place re: Ken? I was a long-time lurker at Reason (over 10 years) and infrequently commented for perhaps the past 6, but was out-of-touch for a significant period in 2016-2017.
Iirc she was beaten by a cop at a sports event, the story was dismissed by the staff as too local to be covered.
Although it may have been someone close to Sloop now that I think of it. Maybe I’m getting my history mixed up
Yeah, I’m very sure it was Sloopy’s mom, not Ken’s.
We have more than one person named Ken.
Sloopy is one.
Wait! You mean to tell me Sloopy isn’t his real name?
It’s true. And he’s not an Inca from Peru either.
I thought it was”In Ca” as in California
She was at a HS basketball game and one of the players had an asthma attack. She is a nurse so she tried to assist the kid, got into a dispute with the ref and ended up being body slammed by a cop. Yep. If I remember correctly she is 70 or so. Ken tried to get TSTSNBN to do a story on it…something right up their alley. They told him to fuck off. It was purely out of spite. By that time their contempt for us had become pretty obvious. I think that did it for a lot of people. Poof, we were gone.
Thanks, I think it was late April before I even looked at the site (after a long absence) and was shocked to see that everyone had disappeared.
Yeah, this site is definitely great. I only really regularly went to Reason for a couple of years. (2014 or 2015 I think is when I started really reading their content on a regular basis. Before then I only went there off and on as I was still in my transitioning period from conservative to libertarian.) Sad to hear I missed really going to the site when it was actually something good.
I know the feeling, I started in 2016 about maybe two months before the whole thing went boom, and even then I could see the writing on the wall.
I’ll heap my praise on this site, as well. I don’t remember exactly when I started regularly reading TSTSNBN, but it was in the 2006-2007 range. I started occasionally commenting a year or two later. I was one of the earlier people to hop on the “quality is sliding” train. I think it was the ’08 election that first put the idea that TSTSNBN was prog-sympathetic in my head. A bias toward left-libertarianism was fine with me, but the increased infatuation with SJW principles moved them from a left-libertarian bias to a prog-leftist bias. It built the perfect powderkeg up for the TDS episode that drove us all away. At the end of the day, I didn’t want to be inundated with writers who made excuses for such a power-hungry megalomaniac as Obama, but freaked out about a blowhard charlatan like Trump.
Stupid internet issues took the second half of the comment away.
This site is awesome because it allows us to talk about issues that actually matter, and it gives folks like me a venue to bloviate and talk politics and culture outside of the curated mainstream agenda. This community is the best I’ve ever found on the internet.
I was reading TOS articles and comments since the early 2000’s. I lurked the entire time and was entertained by the active comments. There was respect shown by most commentators for opposing views as long as you disagreed in good faith. I also liked having a few resident Leftys like Joe around to keep the place from becoming an eco chamber.
I like most here noticed the change in the quality of articles and writers. I still appreciate Welsh as a writer and occasionally an article by the Jacket. The final nails in the coffin for me were the poor coverage and support shown for Rand Paul and the push to be relevant to millennials at the expense of writer quality.
re: the “decline of”
don’t want to belabor the subject, but i think it happened pretty sharply and later on; in particular, around 2014…. or whenever their “Millenials” cover-story happened.
maybe shortly beforehand. it obviously didn’t happen overnight, but imo there was a conscious and clear shift in the editorial focus that was aimed (at least in my translation of it) at “Reaching out to younger people”.
If you recall the video clip where Welch brought Soave to a Reason foundation donor conference… he bragged about how the magazine is ‘finally reaching younger cohorts’. As though that were some very crucial mission objective for the magazine.
(“younger” is better for advertisers, obv, but given that the magazine isn’t supposed to be a major profit generator, and is more aimed at trying to expand the libertarian audience, you’d think that they’d realize that young people simply don’t read political magazines for the most part. the audience for things like The New Republic/ Weekly Standard, etc. is mostly middle aged men, and i doubt any thematic shift would really change that)
anyway…. my POV is that they seemed to clearly shift gears around that point, and started trying to hammer the Weed/Buttsex/Messicans issues even harder than they had in the past, when they weren’t exactly slouching.
What i think is missing now that was there before was a certain ‘bemused distance’ from the political world; it used to be they could write smart critiques of the political landscape from ‘outside the bubble’, as it were. they almost never were parroting the same line that major papers would – if anything, they’d be pointing out what the conventional narratives were, and what was wrong with them. It wasn’t “adversarial” – it was objective. It was a breath of fresh air because it was a place you could go where you could see issues of the day being deconstructed, but not in a partisan way – in more of an analytical and ‘salty, media-savvy’ way.
Now, they’re just a slightly different version of the Outrage Politics that dominates the entire media. everything is 24/7 OMG HITLER where they have to jump on every single teeny issue du jour and express similar indignation. It no longer has that feeling of impartiality and … well, just being *smarter* about issues.
e.g. I have no problem with the fact that has this one-dimensional “open borders” position, for example. What irritates me is that they’d give that topic to someone as dumb and shrill as Shikha. I mean, even if that’s the political position you want to take, she’s simply a ridiculously boring and unconvincing writer for that position. She doesn’t really help the magazine present arguments that anyone else in the wider world will take seriously.
Or – as Soave is to college campuses…. Why bother with having a 24/7 “Campus Outrage” writer if you can’t even muster the intellectual courage to, say, call for the Repeal of Title IX… or possibly (gasp) DEBATE some of the people you are regularly writing about? (e.g. Milo) Its just a shoddy and intellectually dishonest approach to your own subject matter.
anyway, i could go on forever. the short of it is that i think somewhere in the editorial-food-chain, someone made a decision a few years ago that the core objective was to “get a younger audience”. and this is the way they think they will accomplish that. I don’t know if its working or not, but i think they’ve made themselves a lot less interesting in the process.
don’t want to belabor the subject, but i think it happened pretty sharply and later on; in particular, around 2014…. or whenever their “Millenials” cover-story happened.
I don’t disagree. However, I don’t think that the sharp decline was out of nowhere. I think there were decisions (hires, headquarters location, topic emphases) that were part of a larger strategy that was derisively known as “pot, ass sex, and mexicans”, an emphasis on cultural libertinism over libertarian governance.
The Millennials cover story was a definite turning point, but it wasn’t out of the blue.
“The End-Permian mass extinction is unique in earth history,” said Seth Burgess, a geologist with the United States Geological Survey. “Nothing else is as severe, and it’s not even close.”
A growing body of evidence suggests that this ancient apocalypse was brought on, in large part, by gigantic emissions of carbon dioxide from volcanoes that erupted across a vast swath of Siberia. Today the consequence of quickly injecting huge pulses of carbon dioxide into the air is discussed as if the threat exists only in the speculative output of computer models. But, as scientists have discovered, this has happened many times before, and sometimes the results were catastrophic.
This month the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology published a special issue that explores a growing body of evidence that past volcanic releases of carbon dioxide may have helped drive many of the most extreme die-offs in earth history.
Yes, yes, of course. Volcanoes spew pure unadulterated CO2 into the atmosphere. And then, everything dies.
Supervolcano erupts, everyone dies except for a prog and some rando.
Prog: “see, I told you CO2 would kill everyone!”
Rando throws xerself into caldera to avoid toxic smug.
My takeaway is that nature doesn’t give a fuck. You could give every man, woman, and child on Earth an old 70’s gas guzzler, have them run the engines at 5,000 RPM 24/7 for a hundred years and they wouldn’t put out the a 1/100th the amount of CO2 the Siberian supervolcano put out in one day.
In one day? More like 1/10 of a second.
“injecting huge pulses of carbon dioxide into the air”
See, when they use mendacious language like that it does something to their credibility. We do no such thing. We emit minuscule amounts of CO2. These fucksticks never mention the vast quantities of methane and CO2 emitted every day from rotting organic material that dwarfs our own emissions. Do y’all have any idea how much algae/diatoms/other tiny invertebrates there are in the ocean?
Ocean? It’s the invertebrates in *Congress* I’m worried about.
I should mention, having spent a fair time in earth science classes, that the people who study this stuff tend to dramatize a bit. I once asked a prof who was giving a lecture on that very super volcano “Is it possible that ‘super volcano’ could have been a regular-large volcano oozing over on this side of the caldera for a while then a few centuries later oozing over there for a while and so on until after a few thousand years it just looks like one super eruption to us today? It didn’t have to blast out all in a day, did it?”
Him – “Uh…yeah. Maybe.”
Another time he was going on about the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs due to the giant astroid strike (face palm)
Me – “The dinosaurs die-off started 75 mya and ended around 65 mya. That is ten million years. How is 10 million years ‘sudden’? If this strike was so dramatic and devastating why did it take 10 million years to finish killing everything off?”
Yes, they turn everything into an adventure movie with explosions, astroids, screaming critters suffering extinction etc. Instead of the slow grind that history really is they want what they study to look like Sharknado.
One thing you have to remember is timescales. 10 mya sounds like a lot of time. But in comparison 10 mya for earth is about 2 months for your typical 70 year old. Dramatic and devastating are relative.
Geologically speaking, yes. But to living creatures, not so much. It is plenty of time for living species to evolve and adapt or go extinct and have new species arise to take their place. That is a long way from the knockout punch they invented to explain the ‘sudden’ extinction. My best guess on what happened to dinos; mice.
But if the geologists are right, the species were adapting to a moving target. The environment was changing during that time frame. And switching from one dominant species to another is going to take time.
I believe in the first amendment, but those people are too dumb and self-absorbed to live.
And we have another entrant into the retard olympics!
The responses are excellent.
“The owner of the factory in PA where my mom worked had a concentration camp number on his arm #CelebratingMaleness”
Fucking Savage.
Ugh, like OMG: boy stuff. Yuck! (checks twitter)
Or just go topless
I am going to need proof of proper matching.
“And we have another entrant into the retard olympics!”
Entrant? More like multiple gold medalist.
same person posts at the Belmont Club, totally brain dead Frenchie
I tried reading the article linked in that tweet. I got to the second paragraph and bailed.
News from my soon-to-be home.
Are you going to be a Space Ranger?
It’s ‘Space Cadet’
If you can think a better base to use to fight off the Goa’uld, I’d love to hear it.
““This is a real national security concern,” Rogers said. “Doug and I can’t tell you the specifics because it’s all classified. But it’s very sobering when you see what China and Russia are doing and that they are about to surpass our capabilities in space if we don’t do something.”
I hope we’re talking cool space battles near Mars or the Asteroid Belt, not satellites raining nukes on Earth.
Nukes? No, Kinetic bombardment munitions.
Outer Space Treaty forbids that.
They’re probably talking about some new anti-satellite missiles. Or they’re trying to justify their funding with “OMG RUSSIA AND CHINA”.
It’s corrupt pork-barrel projects all the way down.
“It’s Time to Deal with the Police Threat to the Second Amendment
In other words, the law typically allows officers to shoot innocent homeowners who are lawfully exercising their Second Amendment rights and then provides these same innocent victims with no compensation for the deaths and injuries that result. This is unacceptable, it’s unjust, and it undermines the Second Amendment.”
“good faith mistakes are always possible”
Yes, in theory, but I’ve yet to see a case where the cops’ mistake was what would be recognized as good-faith if a “civilian” was the one making the mistake.
How about murder prosecution of the cop/burglars, including felony-murder prosecution if the homeowner shoots one of the cops?
If the mistake can be traced to the homeowner’s carelessness – eg. putting the wrong number on his own house – that would be one thing, but simply living near to a home which there’s a warrant to search shouldn’t justify the burglary/shooting. Nor should “gosh, we couldn’t read the house numbers at that hour of the night,” etc.
By felony-murder, I’m thinking of those robbers who are prosecuted when a shopkeeper kills one of their fellow-robbers.
Suppose a “civilian” attempts a citizen’s arrest of someone he thinks is a robber but who is actually a plainclothes cop.
Would the cops let the “civilian” off because “eh, an innocent mistake?”
Military style middle of the night raids on private residences is the source of this problem.
Yep. I am baffled how no knock middle of the night raids have held up as constitutional.
Great link within that link to a Balko piece.
Yep. I am baffled how no knock middle of the night raids have held up as constitutional.
The super-duper secret BFYTW clause in the Constitution that only judges can see.
Since I always seem to show up several hours late to these parties, I’ll just say “Thanks for the site, and the stimulating conversations.” Lemme know when it’s time for another round of fundraising, you cisnormative shitlords.
Now I gotta get back to my houseguests (of which there have been an unending stream for the past two weeks, and won’t stop for another ten days or so). My booze intake has had an alarming uptick of late. Cheers!
I dont post much. But I love yall. Also, Im curious, how many registered accounts are there?
Is the funding/donation level sufficient?
Not any better
“OK, Jeff, I’m appointing you Secretary of Keeping It Real – I want you and your staff to go to Camp David and write a report on how American can be even more awesome than it already it.”
/Simpsons reference
I think we should send him to antartica to keep a watchful eye over the penguins.
Look, genius, you’ll be laughing out of the other side of your mouth when he comes back from exile with a Shoggoth army, bent on vengeance.
Looks like I’m gonna need more guns
But we always need more of those.
It’s true.
I don’t get to comment much due to being on the West Coast and trying to get this pot farm really humming, but I value immensely getting to read y’alls comments while having my coffee.
I would love to sample your product, but I’m in a state that will be one of the last to legalize. Maybe I’ll take a road trip.
“Interstate Commerce? You are so busted!” /Sessions
Yeah, exactly. That’s a no-no.
This goes to pretty much all y’all Glibs, If you’re ever in the PDX area, send me a message and we can at least give you a sample.
Portland, OR generally. Or maybe C.A. makes airport deliveries.
Gustave has it.
You’re in Utah too?
This is the worst dating site ever and you’re all a bunch of degenerates.
send nudes
That was supposed to be a link
Thank you.
You’re welcome. If I were a chick, I would make you all sandwiches.
Would it help if I took the first step and sent you a dick pic first?
Is that your way of saying bend over?
My first comment. I created this account months ago, but never seemed to have the time to post. I enjoy reading the comments and that’s why I followed from the other site (where I was mainly a lurker). Right now I’m in a hospital waiting area. My daughter had emergency C-section at 29 weeks. I’m told the baby is fine and my daughter is in recovery.
Wishing health and speedy recovery for Mom and baby there.
So, anyway, I wanted to say thanks for the site. I read some just about every day. OMWC’s opening about community inspired me to finally post. I had no excuse as I’m sitting here waiting.
Congratulations, Gramps!
Congrats! That’s a scary experience, or can be. My wife-unit’s BFF has two fuck-trophies, both deliverd via C-section. The good news is that it’s a fairly standard procedure, but surgery always is a little scary.
Thanks everyone! Just got to go visit with my daughter and she’s doing okay. Now waiting to see my new granddaughter.
Glad everything seems ok. Congratulations on the new addition to the family!
Congratulations! I hope recover is speedy.
CNN being CNN:
Well, at least they’re reporting on gang violence in immigrant communities now.
Remember when that stuff was all exaggerated and everyone who reported on it was racist?
Well once they found a way to blame Trump for it. Information laundering.
‘Information laundering’ – very nice phrase, I’m totally going to steal it, thanks.
So an admittance that illegals had no fear of deportation under Obama. Ok. I see no mention there of that spineless twink ChocolateJesus refusing to reschedule MJ and lying about why he wouldn’t.
Other side of the coin: MS-13 is not a nationwide, highly organized crack team. They organize locally and mostly hire out as enforcers/dealers for international cartels. I am not saying they aren’t a problem, they are, but they are not the boogeyman that they are being…uh…trumped as.
Ending the war on drugs by killing the market for illegal drugs would cause precipitous drops in violent crime.
“Ending the war on drugs by killing the market for illegal drugs would cause precipitous drops in violent crime.”
It’s such common sense and yet it’s vehemently fight against. And we’re the crazy ones.
It is all about money and power. What’s puzzling is that they cant see the parallels with the alcohol market. Why not manage all drugs the way the relatively successful management of one drug is? They cant see that there is more money in regulated drugs via taxes than there is in turning the country into a police state.
I just assume it’s because they’re all idiots.
That is correct. Greedy and evil ones.
But then the “progressives” wouldn’t have any excuse to destroy the Second Amendment.
After Trump crackdown, murderers and rapist more committed than ever.
Fuck you, we don’t want your business
Thus far, Mr. Zinke has officially recommended that no modifications be made to three monuments: Canyons of the Ancients, in Colorado, Craters of the Moon, in Idaho, and Hanford Reach, in Washington. But all eyes are on Bears Ears and what happens next. Neutrality may no longer be an option.
“I know there may be some people who won’t want to buy our products because of this, but it is a risk we are willing to take,” Ms. Marcario said. “We are woke, we are fighting and we are going to keep doing it.”
As Mr. Beckwith of Shift said: “We’re all activists now. That would not have been possible without Trump.”
At least Hitler was a nature lover.
So brave!
Someone want to find the article that links this to Trump. I know there is one or will be.
musical derp
featuring some skinny white guy getting beaten up by a riot girl- 3:40 mark
Lead singer is dating Lena Dunham. Explains a lot.
how does this garbage have a billion views?
It’s on the radio far too often.
Because idiots like me click on your links, Derpy
They need to buck up and drink like everyone else
i listened to 20 seconds of it.
it sounds at first like he was biting this guy
Echoing everyone’s sentiments above, very glad for this place to exist and the work done behind the scenes to make it happen, both the admin and content creation. It was often said that the best part of the old site was the comments. Here, the posts seem more like long form comments, polished and honed. Well done and thank you!
The Confederacy Almost Developed a Helicopter in 1862
Yes, if by “almost developed” we mean “made a crazy design for”
The engine was located in the middle of the craft and used two smokestacks, which can be seen in the drawings. Two Archimedean screws on the sides gave the helicopter forward thrust, similar to how a propeller works on a ship in water, and two mounted vertically in the helicopter gave it lift. A rudder was added to the rear of the craft in order to provide steering.
The South shall rise again! In steam powered helicopters.
Archimedean screw
At least they got the first submarine kill in human history. Even if it killed more Confederates than Yankees.
And Thanks for making a place for us all to read, write and lurk, I even read SF stuff now /shudders
It’s as if I’m not the smartest guy in the room anymore, and I like it.
Drink Beer and enjoy your Sunday, BRUTALS!
California’s high-speed rail: “more expensive and smaller in scope, and it will substantially increase traffic congestion in urban areas.”
In other words, exactly as planned.
But it’s totally these people and their ideological clones in D.C. who should be working out our glorious new single-payer health care system.
Just ‘nother lurker chiming it with thanks and appreciation. Y’all got about six months in and it seems like it’s sticking. The hardest part in this type of enterprise is transitioning from the initial enthusiasm to what Glen Reynolds calls “Public Utility mode”. Your community comes to expect content generation. And so far this merry band of idiots is pulling it off. I got my introduction to libertarianism on the other site and it’s pretty sad what has happened over there. Crap, even Mary Stack is showing up. So thanks for the cool vibe and friendly funky place to hang out.
Thanks everyone! Just got to go visit with my daughter and she’s doing okay. Now waiting to see my new granddaughter.
[insert thumbs up emoji]
Hmmm…I guess that’s the Pong emoji.