Welcome back, Sloopy. Its nice to see his return to the links, even if it did cost him his beard. And I’m not talking about Banjos! Heyoooo!


Wow, real news. Scaramucci, having completed his job of (a) making everyone forget Sean Spicer and (b) firing Rheince Priebus in such a way that even the GOPe was afraid to stand up for him, is going to go see if he can save his marriage spend more time with his family.

I doubt former Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be wearing pink and living in a tent while he awaits sentencing on criminal contempt conviction.

So I guess this rain storm is now a named storm. Like true Flordians, my wife took our two small children to the park. There’s also this, which means nothing. Ask Houstonians or Lousianans how much damage a “minor” storm can do.

Good-bye to the man who played Chuck Yeager in The Right Stuff. (The real Gen. Yeager is still kicking ass at 95)

Oh, sure. I’m sure Qatar is going to use the current crisis to reform immigration. Riiight.

Does not chase laser pointer

Jets with frickin’ laser beams! Didn’t Clint Eastwood already steal us one?

Speaking of lasers, here’s 2:40 of a variety of animals chasing a laser pointer.