What a long 8 days I had. Got to see some important people and my son did ok in his diving thing. But I have never been happier to walk in the door after being gone for so long. My little ones all recognized me even after transitioning back from being a bearded old man to a fresh-faced marginally-younger man. And an absolutely wonderful weekend was had by all.
As for weekends, the Astros didn’t have a good one. Neither did Adidas after the LaVarr Ball fiasco in Las Vegas.Sorry, guys but sexism isn’t a good look. You might want to keep that in mind next time you choose sides between an official and a clown. I wish I’d have gotten a chance to give my thoughts on Spieth’s win at the British Open, but a week later is too much to ask for. I’ll wait till the PGA in two weeks to comment on golf again (at the professional level-I still reserve the right to comment on my own game).
Well that’s about it. Hope the quick sports update wasn’t too much for those of you that don’t like them. I kept it down to a single paragraph just for y’all. I’ll gradually up the dosage, though. So be prepared.
Well, seeing as I was completely checked out from all political news for the time I was gone, I may take a little time to get back into the swing. So bear with me. As for the slack-picker-uppers here at Glibs, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking such great care of the links while I was gone. Every one of you did a better job than I would have done. And I owe each and every one of you a debt of gratitude.
Alright. We all know why you’re here. It ain’t for my rambling appreciation of my friends. It’s so you can get into…the links!
![If only that wasn't a finger. I bet he could do a really good Budd Dwyer impression.](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Unknown-7.jpeg)
Venezuelan Presidente Maduro
Venezuelans abstain from rigged vote. Socialist paradise State-capitalist hellhole on the brink. Poor bastards. If only they’d have done their socialism harder, I’m sure it would have worked. No word yet from Frank on what he thinks.
Chris Christie’s tryout to be a wrestling heel continues to be a success. I can think of no other explanation for his behavior. Kudos to the fat man for his upcoming career change.
![I keed! I keed!](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Unknown-1-3.jpeg)
Mexicans solving water problem.
Van hits pedestrians. But the real fun happens in the comments.
Um, its a third-world country. Why wouldn’t you expect this kind of thing to happen?
Houstonians know how to beat the heat.
Have a great day, friends!
Oh, you were gone?
I was gone and am back too!
Welcome back, what did you get us? (please say swiss army knives…)
Or Kübler Absinthe.
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder
He got us narrowed gazes. Narrowed gazes for everyone!
Needed to give your squinting muscles a rest?
Welcome back, Swiss.
Welcome back.
So, this passed in the arkansas legislator earlier this year’s and goes into effect today.
“Licensee rights — Private employer parking lot.
(a) A private employer shall not prohibit an employee who is a licensee from transporting or storing a legally owned handgun in the employee’s private motor vehicle in the private employer’s parking lot”
I view this as a mixed bag. On the one hand it aids a person’s (whose employer doesn’t want firearms on their property) ability to carry.Not being able to carry to and from work is certainly a burden. On the other hand it infringes on the property rights of the employer. I’m am as big a proponent of gun rights as anybody, but I think that private property rights are as, if not more important than gun rights.
I think of gun rights as being something that can only be infringed by the state, not by private actors. The second amendment applies only to the government. When I park my vehicle on the privately held property of my employer, I am engaged in voluntary action with another private entity. My employer sets the terms on which I can enter his property. I am free to agree to those terms or not. In an effort to expand firearms freedom, the state has taken away the property rights of my employer. I view that as bad.
The employer can still bar a person from taking the gun out of their vehicle, so I think this is a good law. In someone’s car is the same as in their house, as far as I’m concerned.
I would disagree with that. A vehicle is not a home and under current law (rightly or wrongly) and it’s not treated as such. Your vehicle has far less protection from intrusion than your home.
The employer owns the parking lot. They bought or built it and should have control over what is in it. This is not much different than forcing Christian bakers to bake gay wedding cakes. This is forcing a business to allow something that they are opposed to under threat of law. Just because it happens to be something that I’m in favor of doesn’t mean that’s it’s not governmental coercion of private individuals to force them to do something that they are opposed to.
Most places recognize a vehicle as an extension of a domicile. And as far as I’m concerned, the vehicle is what’s being parked in the lot. The contents of the vehicle are of no concern to the lot’s owner.
If he wanted a tobacco-free facility, should he be able to bar you from leaving a pack of smokes in the glove box? I don’t think so. Same should go for a gun.
Most places recognize your vehicle as an extension of you domicile to some extent. Here in arkansas I can shoot a would be car jacker just as I can a home invader. I can however have my vehicle detained, confiscated, or searched for the most frivolous of reasons. Current law treats you vehicle much more flippantly than your home. I also do think that a landowner should be able to prohibit whatever he wants on on his property. That’s the point of owning property, so that you can control what happens on it.
“I can however have my vehicle detained, confiscated, or searched for the most frivolous of reasons.”
Well, that shouldn’t be the case.
I agree.
“A vehicle is not a home…” Not so fast, Lachowsky. What about the guy just kicked out by his wife who is living out of his car? Or the guy who lives in his RV?
However, I side with private property rights on this one. Realistically, these policies are CYA moves by the employers; suspect there won’t be any vehicle inspections. This does give hoplophobes another means of intimidating RKBA folks unfortunately.
The guy living in his car will afforded much less legal protection of his domicile than a man loving in his home.
Realistically, I have been working at a place for years that has a CYA no guns sign on the gates entering the parking lot. There are always guns in that parking lot and the company has never made even the slightest effort to enforce the policy. I think this is true of most places of employment in my state.
The new law is written to solve a problem that is damn near nonexistent and does so at the expense of the rights of property holders.
I don’t know, I think even in a private legal system, this could go both ways. Don’t you have your property rights to you vehicle? I think some places should be regarded as limited in your authority to place restrictions on others. For example, if there was a private owned freeway, I don’t think they would have been the ability to ban guns in your vehicle as they would overly burden users rights to self-defense. Likewise, while an employer could ban a weapon from your person in their offices, the parking lot could seem to be a place wear they had less authority to do so.
Yes you have property rights to your vehicle. You also have property right to your pants pocket. Your property rights over your possession doesn’t give you permission to violate the property rights of a landholder who has set rules for your entrance to his property.
Another related question, just out of curiosity. Should it be legal for a landholder to require drug tests of employees that detect drugs consumed off property and off company time and use this as part of the rules for entrance?
I would say yes. As an employee, you voluntarily enter the property and work at the pleasure of an employer. They can set up any kind of rules they want. As an employee, you can choose to obey the rules or no longer be an employee. It’s pretty simple voluntary association.
Thanks. I am still working out my thoughts on it. In a purely theoretical discussion, allowing employers to set up any kind of rules they want as condition for employment would necessarily allow for situations where a free individual could voluntarily sell themselves into outright slavery for a set time period to pay off debt (aka Varro in Sparticus). Is this compatible with libertarianism, I don’t know.
Ah, that explains the blowjob competency test at my company.
That must have been a mouthful
Of you don’t like the blow job competant test, then don’t work for a company that administers one.
Semantics, probably, but I think the employers right to drug test doesn’t spring from entrance but springs from the employment agreement.
Otherwise, why not drug test customers?
If a business wanted to drug test customers, then they should be free to. I just think that they would have a hard time competing against theor competitors who didn’t require drug tests.
Should it be legal for a landholder to require drug tests of employees that detect drugs consumed off property and off company time and use this as part of the rules for entrance? Legal? Yes. Wise? No, but that the whole point of libertarianism, allowing people to make choices irrespective of their wisdom, and likewise suffer any consequences.
Spot on OMWC.
Like I said, I think that is extending authority that even in a fully private legal system a property holder wouldn’t necessarily have.
Where would you draw the line at which the rights of the landowners property rights can be violated? At the vehicle? In a lockbox carried in a backpack? In an employees locker? In an employees privately owner pants?
I like the idea of property rights being absolute, especially when it comes to real estate.
Ok, draw the line then. Is it at the car door? The glove box? The pants? The colon?
If we are drawing arbitrary lines, in for drawing them at the car door. If someone leaves something g in plain sight, the employer has a right to fire them. Otherwise, if the weapon, or whatever else an employer wants to ban from their premises, is in a locked vehicle (that is the property of the vehicle owner even once it crosses into the property of another person), then it is off limits to the employer or anybody else without the consent of the vehicle owner.
Sorry, but private property rights are not absolute and do t always default to the biggest one when you have conflicting interests.
I know as current law in arkansa states that my employer may ask to search my person or my vehicle or my urine for any or no reason. I don’t have to consent, but if I refuse consent, then my employer has every right to fire me and expel me from their property.
Also when you say that private property rights don’t always win when rights are conflicting. That’s the whole point of this conversation. When negative rights (the right to self defense, and the right to property) conflict, which one trumps the other? You see violation of a landholder right as less troublesome than the violation of an individual’s right to self defense. I am sympathetic to that view, however I think about it a little differently. I’m not trying to be argumentative, I just value property rights very highly.
Imma say this is a case of two rights conflicting, and that the allowance of keeping the gun in the car strikes a fair balance.
This would be like checking your gun at the front gate at BarterTown.
I’m not trying to be argumentative,
Yes you are. Don’t apologize for it. This is a healthy argument.
My thoughts are: if a banned (by the land owner) item doesn’t come into plain view, the land owner has no right to violate the property rights of another when that person temporarily places their property within the land owner’s in a locked, properly stored manner.
An exception would be when one enters into an area where inventory exists and can be concealed for purposes of theft. The land owner should have the right to search items that could be used for concealment.
Sloopy, my thought on the matter.
Your right to self defense can’t be infringed by the government.
Your right to control your property should be absolute. If a Private party infringes on your right to bear arms on the their property, then they haven’t violated your rights. You may choose to not enter their property.
If the government dictates what you can and can’t allow on your property, then it’s really not your property.
I get your point. I just disagree and think there needs to be some balance.
I went on a tangent below that could have real-world implications. I’d like to see your and others opinions.
I think some of this is missing a more important point. Certainly you as a free individual have a right to have a gun in your car. But equally certainly your employer has a right, mitigated only by any contractual obligations they voluntarily assumed, to fire you for any reason they choose. This law infringes that right. The employer, even without this law, had no right to deprive you of life or liberty for bringing a gun on to their property. The simply had the right to make you leave the premises, and to fire you. Neither of which actions in any way violates your rights, since you have no rights, other than as agreed in a voluntary contract, to a job or access to another’s land.
*all arguments here are ‘moral’, I have done no research on the law before or after this bill
I agree.
I guess the question is whose property is a “private motor vehicle in the private employer’s parking lot”?
It’s your property, but the employer can set conditions of entrance onto his property.
Does he reserve the right to search your vehicle at any time to ensure you are complying? I think I precedent says that’s illegal, although purses/satchels can typically be searched when employees leave as long as the policy is enforced consistently.
On a refinery or other industrial site, they absolutely reserve the right to search your vehicle even in off-site parking lots as a condition of access/employment.
They can search cars in off-site lots? That’s fucked up.
it’s not fucked up if you voluntarily signed a contract to allow it as a part of the terms of your employment.
Yes, as part of the contract I signed to work at my place of employment, my employer has every right to search me or my vehicle any time they see fit. I don’t have to give consent, but I refuse, they may fire me on the spot and expel me from their property.
^ This. It’s a matter of free association. If I don’t want him searching my car or my colon, I don’t bring either onto his property or agree to this as a contractual obligation.
You don’t think there’s a limit there where your rights come into conflict with his? I just don’t think he should be able to invasively search your property or person unless something in plain view violates his policies.
Furthermore, I do believe his property rights do not extend to your person or locked and properly stored property that are placed within his.
What you propose is unlimited rights for a landowner at the extent of the other property owner. And I understand the free-association argument you’re making. I just think the ability to enforce it should be limited and should at least consider the property rights of the other party.
I noted this above but will throw it out again here since it got buried. Thoughts on this?
In a purely theoretical discussion, allowing employers to set up any kind of rules they want as condition for employment would necessarily allow for situations where a free individual could voluntarily sell themselves into outright slavery for a set time period to pay off debt (aka Varro in Sparticus). Is this compatible with libertarianism, I don’t know.
People routinely sell themselves into subjugation. Unpaid internships, military service, I’m sure there are other examples.
I have no issue with it, although I think there should have to be an out-clause written into any such arrangement with penalties identified should a person later decide they no longer wish to be a slave.
“You don’t think there’s a limit there where your rights come into conflict with his? ”
The vehicle owners property is on the property of the landowner. If there is a firearm in the vehicle, then the vehicle owner is in violation of the agreement made with the landowner. In the case of an employee/employer contractual relationship, the vehicle owner has given consent to the search of his property in the terms of his contract. If the employer discovers a firearm (or anything else the employee has voluntarily consented to not bringing on the property) then the employer has every right to terminate the contract and expel the former employee from his property.
But the employer is essentially preventing that person from exercising his rights on the way to work as well, unless he provides storage at the entrance to his property. That’s why I think there has to be a balance for a properly stored and locked away gun.
I would feel differently if an employer provided storage onsite that would allow the employee to immediately enjoy their individual rights the moment they departed private property and returned to the commons.
“But the employer is essentially preventing that person from exercising his rights on the way to work as well, unless he provides storage at the entrance to his property.”
True. Very true Sloopy.
That’s why I said it’s a mixed bag in the original post
However, I am against goveBut the employer is essentially preventing that person from exercising his rights on the way to work as well, unless he provides storage at the entrance to his property. rnment infringing on my freedom. If my employer chooses to infringe upon it, then so be it. That’s a decision I make.
My former employer banned firearms from their buildings and yards where they stored and displayed equipment. They never even dared try that in their parking lots in locked vehicles. Almost every employee and customer would have openly violated it.
The situation I have been under for years has been a ban on firearms on company property. It has also been a policy that has been wholly ignored by by employees and management. I think the sign is there just to give the company cover if something ever happened. About five years ago I bought a shotgun in the parking lot after work from one of the department managers. it was nothing. I don’t know about all places of employment, but the fire arms ban on mine comes from a corporate headquarters that is totally divorced from the reality of gun culture in individual locations of there theor multinational operation.
Your employer would have a hard time terminating someone for a violation based on their arbitrary and capricious manner in which they’d be using it, based on their openly ignoring of it in the past.
sloopy, I would ask, why?
It’s in their bylaws. They can enforce it or not enforce it as they choose. They are not a governmental body beholden to case law. They are a private entity free to do as they please.
My guess is that arbitrary enforcement of company policies would result in a successful wrongful termination suit.
You can’t enact a company policy and only apply it to one employee while letting others openly ignore it. No judge or jury is gonna let that termination stand. And they shouldn’t. Employees should be entitled to even application of company policies and contracts. It’s only fair that if they’re expected to honor them that the company should be forced to apply them evenly.
That’s pretty much where I come down. Under my clothes is my property.
Agree with the motor vehicle is still considered the employee’s private property.
On a related note, I would like to see liability suits prevail against any business or organization that restricts 2nd A rights and has an attack on the premises. I think some of the victims’ families were suing VA Tech for this but I don’t know how it turned out or if it went through. The gist is that by deliberately restricting the ability of customers/patrons/employees/etc to defend themselves from harm, the business/organization is assuming responsibility for safety from other actors.
Also by doing so and not providing their own private security, said establishments are free riding off the police.
I like this line of thinking. If I bar you from possessing a mode of self while on my property, then I should be liable for your security.
I’m gonna ask a related question: if that employer allows cops to enforce laws on his parking lot (which most do IRT traffic violations, etc), should the people parking on that lot not have the same rights to property within their car that they would have in the commons?
For instance, if Lowe’s had a no guns policy and also let the cops patrol their lots to ticket people for speeding or running through stop signs, are they not conceding that private property right to the local laws?
If it sounds like I’m picking nits, sorry. But I don’t think an employer should get to have it both ways.
I see a problem with your premise.
Traffic laws are not applicable on private property. I can legally (and do) drink while.driving on my property. Cops have no authority to enforce traffic regulations or private business regulations on property that is not owned by the state.
Try driving 60 miles an hour in a mall parking lot. Try drinking and driving in a mall parking lot. Try smoking a joint while driving in a mall parking lot. Or
Parking in a handicapped spot.
Cops can very much enforce traffic regs in private parking lots. And they do all the time. Hell, if they couldn’t then they couldn’t even follow a car onto that private property then issue a ticket.
I guess the laws are different where you live. In Arkansas cops have no authority on private property.
A gee year ago my wife tried to file a police report after being hit at a dollar general by another vehicle. The cops didn’t even respond. In arkansas, what happens on private property is a private matter.
Go park in a handicapped spot then. I’m willing to bet you get a ticket.
Handicap spots arent traffic regulations
Handicap spots are part of a federal program called the Americans with disabilities act.
You are right, there is little difference between cops enforcing criminal penalties and traffic regulations.
The ADA doesn’t apply to parking spaces. Those are all handled by the state. But either way, you’d be talking about a law applying to private property and allowing state actors to enforce those laws even if the property owner doesn’t want them enforced.
The second one is the actual state law. And it goes as far as to say it is a crime to place a shopping cart in a handicapped spot. And those are almost exclusively going to be in private lots.
I would guess they probably use the “public accommodations” bullshit to justify it. That wouldn’t apply on private, not open to the public, property.
Let’s quit fucking around and take the argument to the extreme. Can the property owner make taking your life a condition of employment?
Should he be punished for doing so?
Should you be allowed to enter such an agreement?
I think he can if you’re applying for the job of cadaver.
Of course, once you’re dead, you have no personhood. So he could refuse to honor the contract anyway.
Sure, but nobody would enter into such an agreement.
I am involuntarily entered into such an agreement with my current givernment right now. I am involuntarily agreed into a contract where if I pull a cell phone out of my pocket I may be shot down by agents of state if they feel threatened my actions.
The difference is that if I signed a contrary with a private entity that allows for murder, then I would have done so voluntarily. The current system I live under I do so involuntary.
What we are arguing is whether you have the right to sell your inalienable rights.
Inalienable = not sellable, no?
I guess I should have just said rights
But that definition does say can’t be taken or given away. Doesn’t mention selling. ?
E.g., “I will give you this job if you sell me one of your children.” Not an enforceable contract, even if you take the job.
There are limits to contract and property rights, you know. Guns at the workplace or at a place of business open to the public is probably one of the tougher ones.
No one would think that a sign saying “If you come in here, you aren’t allowed to defend yourself against attack” would be enforceable, for example. If someone attacked you on the premises and you defended yourself, would the property owner be able to sue you? No.
Since a gun is a tool for self-defense, I struggle with subjecting it, and my right to self-defense to the property and/or contract rights of others. I also struggle (some) with an absolute ban on a property or business owner banning guns.
There are limits to *every right* even if you are a rights minimalist and don’t by into any sort of ‘for the public good’ BS. Different rights will always come into conflict with each other. Do I get to keep sound from a neighbor off my lawn? Do I get to keep trash off? Do I get to keep livestock off? Do I get to keep light off? Do I get to keep guns off? Do I get to keep $OppressedMinority off? Do I get to keep communicably diseased people off?
There is no universal, philosophically consistent answer. A line needs to be drawn, but you can’t fall back on ‘supporting rights’ to make the choice. If you value private property>RKBA, you put the line inside the car. If you value RKBA>private propery, you put the line outside the car.
Its just a value judgement. Pick your line based on your value.
And everyone sees this when its the same right on both sides of the line. No-one would say that I have the right to exclude any and all sound from my neighbor’s house on my yard. No-one would say that my neighbor has a right to play music at 130 decibels out of speakers at the property line pointed toward me at 3:00 AM. But what about an outdoor party with music at 100 decibels at 9:30. There’s a line somewhere around there. A 22 yo drunken bachelor might find that ok while a 35 yo mother with a newborn might not, and that just comes down to their different values.
Look, Venezuela failed because they didn’t do socialism right. When we get actual socialists in power here, it’ll totally work this time.
Other than pointing and laughing, what’s the best retort to an idiot who advances this argument in earnest?
Kick them in the nuts?
When they say, “Ouch!”. Say, “Sorry, let me try again. I know I can do it right.”
The Germans used to deal with them properly.
It goes against my better nature, but maybe offer them up a little prayer to St. Augusto of Santiago (the patron saint of helicopters)?
The problem was Maduro was not fit to follow the Glorious Footsteps of Chavez, that’s why the CIA gave him cancer, to destroy a successful socialist revolution which would have spread to the world.
The fact that they still say that about each failed socialist state no matter the number of human casualties is mind-numbing. There is no logical response to such people because they are aggressively denying reality.
Its almost like somone with a form of psychosis. They are in a fantasy realm that only truly exists in their heads. Unfortunately they insist on trying to take the rest of humanity down with them.
It’s beyond pathetic.
yay. sports talk.
HEY! The Cubs are finally playing like they should’ve been all along!
I predict that Milwaukee is done.
Local media reported fecal material is building up in the low swampy ground
Read about that in The Hill.
“The media has falsely represented our fantastically advanced self-irrigating and automatically fertilized farmland.”
/Minitruth Mexico.
This is what happens when Trump starts to drain the swamp?
If I were Trump I would troll the shit (literally) out of the Left by offering to pay part of the cost for revamping the failed plant described in that article.
Tesla Model 3 Launches at $44K in Long Range Form; Cheaper Version to Follow
Um, yeah. I paid $28k and get 500 miles to the tank. A tank I can refill in five minutes.
Actually, no, most of those are inconveniences – scept the power seat adjustment.
Premium audio an inconvenience? We know you hate spicy food, but now you hate music in stereo?
Stereo isn’t “Premium”. Premium is more often foisting something like Sirius on the vehicle when all I really need is the ability to play mp3s from a usb stick. Mere stereo has been standard audio for decades.
I still don’t see how premium audio would be an inconvenience. A frivolity, sure. But inconvenient?
I have spent too much time arguing with overly complicated systems because I’ve accidentally turned on some “feature” I didn’t want and had to get the damn thing back to normal function.
Euphemism for “Government”?
It’s a damn shame cars don’t come with operating manuals.
It must be nice to have an eidetic memory for things you never use.
Especially useful while the vehicle is in motion.
It’s a damn shame cars don’t come with operating manuals
They often times don’t, anymore.
I prefer my music to be in Dobly.
I assume you mean Dolby.
No, he means Dobly.
That prompted me to look at how long it takes for those things to charge. 31 miles per hour of charging, and a full charge at 9.5 hours. Ya, that is convenient. No thanks.
Yeah I routinely (at least twice a month) have to drive 300+ miles in one day, having a vehicle like that would be impossible.
But we need to restructure commerce, industry, government, and energy systems because I believe without evidence, that human-produced CO2 is going to cascade into the atomic explosion scene from Terminator 2.
I love it so much.
Caller: “I’m stranded in the middle of the desert, my EV lost its charge! Can you send out a truck to recharge my batteriez?”
AAA Agent: “I’m sorry, it doesn’t work like that. You’re going to need to pay the 100 mile towing fee and get a hotel room in the nearest time.”
Caller: “At least I’m saving Mother Earth Gaia.”
What’s the carbon foot print of a tow truck dragging a couple tons of Tesla?
Infinite, if the tow truck they send is electric and runs out of juice, and the next tow truck they send is electric and they run out of juice, and the next …
Power seats are an inconvenience. Give me a handle or a pull bar.
It looks like a Chevy Malibu.
It’s a Malibu!
I had a ’73. I’d rather have it than that electric razor they’re selling.
I guess 44k is affordable. If you wanted to buy 2 Audi a4’s off a lease.
Seriously. Not that I’m in their market demographic, or anyone’s demo, but I just bought a used Hyundai for under four grand. 65,000 miles. Who the fuck goes in for a car for forty grand? You really need that plastic brand decal?
How much for the extra smug package?
That is what the 500K people put the deposit down for.
The patience of every person you know.
I don’t see the Chevy Bolt flying off the dealer lots in any kind of high volume. Is the Tesla name – much like Apple – to start moving a whole bunch of electric cars?
I’m not anti-electric car – I wouldn’t mind having a Chevy Bolt for commuter use – but the prices are high. One could get a new Mustang GT for the price of a Bolt.
Not addressing any comments in particular but a lot of people hate on electric cars. For those of us that rarely drive anywhere further than 15m, they can be very appealing. I would someday like to have appealing electric car. A 2 car garage with 1 electric appealing and 1 gas vehicle is my ideal situation. As a car guy, I’ve often had 2 cars anyway.
My point is, we all know the downsides to electric cars, all the bitching is all little tiresome, just my 2 cents. If the topic of high displacement pickup trucks came up, do we want to read a bunch of comments of people bitching about how impractical those can be? Who cares I say. To each their own.
Except for the subsidies issue, continue the bitching regarding that.
Pardon the auto correct. On mobile
we all know the downsides to electric cars,
Not so sure everybody does. Many of the people pushing for them seem oblivious to the practicalities. Anyone who thinks the range problem is solved by having recharging stations at the right intervals, for example.
I could see us someday having one electric and one gas car
High displacement pickups provided some form of improvement over what was in their market niche before.
Here, the main selling point is the buyer being ignorantly smug towards the “less caring unenlighted climate peasants” rather than an improvement in performance.
“I can swing multiple cars so I’ll buy this novelty and keep a more sensible backup” is a perfectly valid position.
But quite frankly, we draw as much utility in mocking the electric elephants as the buyers draw in smugness, so let us be smug in peace.
Certainly don’t want to discourage anyone’s fun that comes from smugly dismissing EVs, that’s why I usually don’t say anything.
It’s just I can’t help but roll my eyes when suburbanites and/or country folk smugly dismiss EVs due to range or other “problems”. We get it already! EVs are not a viable option for that lifestyle, let’s move on.
Without instant recharge, and much longer lived batteries, they’ll continue to be a novelty. Ask a Prius owner what will happen when their batteries will no longer hold a charge. According to my Prius driving neighbor, they’ll just scrap the car because a new battery bank is too expensive.
Most modern batteries have a shelf life, so the amount of miles you put on the car is largely irrelevant. Thus you end up scrapping a perfectly good car. How’s that for saving the world?
The only kind of EV I’d consider getting now would maybe be a motorcycle. And it would be for performance reasons. Aka. novelty.
I hear you, it’s a shame the push for EVs is wrapped in the turd sandwich of “reducing carbon emissions” (mostly bullshit*) and “saving the planet”. It’s campaigns like this that might hinder public opinion of new tech.
* I believe there is a case to be made that the cost & emissions from electricity needed to recharge is much less than the cost/emission of burning dinosaur squeezins. Based on some numbers I read once somewhere, but this opinion could change if anyone has hard data available. Plus, afaik, electricity has a base load, so charging during off-peak hours might only have small, marginal effect on electricity demand.
Also, there is an important value to early adopters for any new technology. Anyone that buys an EV because they think they are helping the environment is an idiot. But someone that buys one because they really like the technology and don’t mind paying a premium to be an early adopter is cool in my book. I predict vast improvements in battery and solar panel tech over the next 20 years which will make EVs and hybrids much more viable. We can all agree that we do not need the government’s “help” to get there. In fact, I’m sure they only make it worse by stifling innovation.
“Houstonians know how to beat the heat.”
That’s not the only thing they’ll be beating.
The things I’ll be doing in my imagination to that short blonde smokeshow with the aviators…
Female Marvel Comics editor harassed online for milkshake selfie
That “deluge” only seems to be a few idiots.
A case where the anti-sjw’s overstep?
Most self described anti-sjws are asshole like the sjws themselves. And non to bright. But there ain’t many of them
That being said, most internet harassment seems to be a small bunch of trolls and asshole. Which i don’t see as being a problem and is not something one can get rid of. Anonymous trolling is part of the fiber of the internet.
And you got to have fiber in your diet.
I would totally bang the girl in front,
OUTRAGEOUS!! Glad nobody that comments here would sink to that level of disgusting behavior.
Yeah, would.
Also: people need to quit freaking out over children’s stories. If you want to watch athletic people doing something superhuman while wearing tight outfits, watch the Tour de France.
Hard to tell with cellphone pics, but I’d say she’s probably a solid 7. A couple other chicks in that pic could be in that neighborhood but just aren’t getting good angles in that pic. That Asian chick in the pic that follows, though…I’m gonna go 8.
Would all in the first pic.
Even the guy in the middle back?
I have no idea what’s going on here. Comic book people of all stripes are fucking weirdos.
National Electoral Council President Tibisay Lucena announced just before midnight that turnout was 41.53 percent, or 8,089,320 people. Members of the opposition said they believed between 2 million and 3 million people voted and one well-respected independent analysis put the number at 3.6 million.
Gee, wonder who’s lying?
I don’t really understand how not voting is not illegal
Woah, whoah, whoah, where do you think this is, Australia?
Besides, not voting is clearly a vote for the status quo. They don’t want anything to change.
I am going through the motorcycle handbook to get my permit. They have little “test your knowledge” questions throughout.
I believe someone at the DOT has more of a sense of humor than we give them credit for.
Answer B & C if subscribe to the Clark W Griswald school of driving.
Funny, there are two conditions under which the vehicle behind me is in tailgating range. First is the traffic jam, and thus not relevent. Second is the asshole who choses to not pass. I’ve had them even change lanes to stay there under the presumption that they won’t be the one nabbed for speeding should the cops strike.
I toss pennies out the window.
Throwing money at the problem isn’t the answer.
/rousing applause
This is one of the rare instances when it is. If I see the windshield crack or shatter, I have a smile on my face for days.
That could get you into some trouble I would think, just apply enough brakes to turn the lights on, but not slow down, works every time
In Chicago, that makes ’em follow closer. You need a ballistic defense.
You toss money out the window? (((this))) does not make cents.
It’s damn cheap entertainment.
Pennies? Throw batteries instead.
Used condoms. No need to break a windshield when you can stick something to it and get a better reaction.
How do you convince the Johns to not flush them?
D. If you’re not in a hurry to get anywhere, incrementally slow down until the asshole takes the hint and backs off or finally passes you. If he chooses to pass, you may then tailgate him for a while, just for the LOL’s.
Why bother? Once he’s gone you don’t have to worry about him anymore.
Do you even road rage brah?
terrible option on a bike, you’ll get plowed.
option A, followed by C is how I proceeded
(granted I was riding a 600 supersport that could beat pretty much anything from 30-100)
Speaking from experience on a motorcycle, anytime someone tailgated me and I tried to accommodate them by speeding up, they just tailgated me at a higher speed. Tailgaters gonna tailgate; you will never go fast enough for some assholes.
Granted… I was riding a Honda Rebel 250, so max speed of, like, 60 mph.
I have never had a tailgater while on the bike…could be because it was a CBR 929RR…just a guess.
In a car the best way to handle tailgaters is to just take your foot off the gas pedal and wait patiently.
Feminist Says Dunkirk Is A Bad Movie Because It Screams ‘Men-Only’
Toxic masculinity and such
This is why you get people yelling about women eating milkshakes.
Yes, expressing extreme views tends to provoke the opposite.
Jesus. Does she think it needs more bullshit like Pearl Harbor did? The love story part of that ruined the movie.
“The Marie Claire writer argues that it’s the responsibility of top-tier directors like Nolan to make the films she wants more of”
This is the go-to feminist strategy. Scream at men until you get what you want. So powerful.
So “progressive feminist” is just newspeak for “harridan”.
Pretty much my view.
Wait, Marie Claire doesn’t make microwave dinners? Or makeup or something?
That was my understanding.
Would she prefer the portrayal of more rapes from the invading army forces?
No, she’ll still bitch when we get the Mel Gibson classic “Nanking” in a few years.
So it’s like all war movies then? Duh. (or pretty much all war movies).
She doesn’t understand that the wars are generally fought by men. I guess we need to break the glass ceiling and do something to make female war casualties catch up to male war casualties. Because equality.
Dude, women are the biggest victims of war. It’s like you don’t even Hillary.
Never go full Hillary.
No, men don’t get to celebrate masculinity enough. Men get told about how horrible masculinity is and that it should be something we’re ashamed of. Things that tend to be male-only or male dominated tend to get crapped on a lot. Video games, comic books, action movies. All of them get crapped on by scum like you for “toxic masculinity” and other such non-existent garbage. So piss off with your misandrist BS!
When someone can write about “toxic femininity” and not be screamed at by SJWs, then we can talk. In the meantime, yes, masculinity has been under a steady attack in our culture since the 80s.
What a retarded thing to say about a movie. The movie and described reactions to it are free speech. If you didn’t like it and wanted to see a different story, go make your own.
Here are some equally retarded movie reviews:
Dirty Dancing felt like an excuse for women to celebrate womanness—which apparently they don’t get to do enough.
Brokeback Mountain felt like an excuse for gays to celebrate gayness—which apparently they don’t get to do enough.
Selma felt like an excuse for blacks to celebrate blackness—which apparently they don’t get to do enough.
Her review felt like an excuse for petty culture tyrants to celebrate their love of tyranny—which apparently they don’t get to do enough.
I heartily encourage you to spend your own hundred-million $ on that exact sort of tale. I will gladly watch it when it appears on TV at 2am on UHF
Ignominious Bitches
*furious applause*
The Longest Period.
I think The Big Red One has that covered.
12 O’clock High Heels
The Bitch on the River Kwai
The Thin Red Whine
Full Maternal Jacket
Das Cute Boots
Band of Bothers
Sophie’s Choice?
“A League of Their Own” was just such a movie. It did really well.
I think trying to call it a ‘War Movie’ is a bit of a stretch. Yes, WWII was happening, but it didn’t really figure other than as a reason the dudes were unavailable.
there are many decent movies about female red cross workers, intelligence, USO, etc. but unfortunately they also require footage that show dudes doing dude-stuff like “getting killed” which detracts from the Fist-Raised Feminism of their plots.
e.g. case in point w/ problematic title =
But the real fun happens in the comments.
They got rid of the best ones. Trump’s fault, terrorism, immigration, Trump’s fault.
The Emerging Democratic Minority?
Just a few more Trans rights, brother! (or sister, or femmanrobot)
This is “Jack’s complete lack of surprise”.
I would normally be terrified, since I’m skeptical when one party dominates national politics, but since there’s a split right now between the establishment and nu-right, there’s plenty of natural gridlock to keep the establishment’s worst excesses from becoming reality.
Hahaha, they want me to sign up to view. *closes tab* Private browsing doesn’t work either. Good luck with that NJ.
JFC. I remember when websites just wanted my email address…
three words: DAPL and Keystone
I’ll vote Dem if I can identify as a cheetah. Cheetahs are cool.
I was expecting this for the music link.
I had it ready to go. But I hate the song with such a passion that I couldn’t do it.
And while Winwood’s song is no Grammy-winner, it’s nostalgic.
Yeah. I personally like it, but I definitely understand why other people might not.
This was also an option:
Yeah, but I already played that once I think. And I’m trying to see how long I can go without any repeats.
Very good.
Song is a 5, video a 9
Oh, “Crazy Horse saloon.”
If only they’d have done their socialism harder
Oh that is coming. Coming soon, locking up or murdering all opposition. That is how Cuba became the promised land of opportunity and wealth that it is.
Trump kills eagle…scout.
Local eagle scout really mad that scout leaders didn’t make a sign to tell kids to shut the fuck up.
I’m happier and happier with my decision to not let my boys join the scouts.
I love how the headline gives the impression that it’s a kid turning in his badge and then, when you read the story, it’s a couple of Boomers who made Eagle Scout 47+ years ago.
Honestly, the BSA is (was?) pretty damn awesome. I got to climb mountains, sail the Keys, and camp in Ely, MN in December/January. I’ve built more fires and sharpened more knives and axes than 99+% of the males of my generation and add another 0.9% for comparison to millennials and women (BIRM). And when I tie somebody down, they stay tied down gorrammit!
The org is better off when self-righteous dbags self-remove.
No atheists, no gays, no firearms.
I never made it past cub scouts, but even then it seemed goofy to me. I will admit that my life was filled with people who were happy to teach me how to camp, sharpen axes/knives and hunt/fish so that I didn’t need to join the scouts. Maybe if I was a city kid with no access, that would be fine. YMMV.
No firearms? When did that happen, because when I was a kid they had a shooting range at the Boy Scout camp where they had shooting instruction.
Sorry, maybe it was hunting that they stopped teaching?
My memory was from a long time ago when my kids were little (they are 17 & 19 now). I probably heard it from someone in a bar, so I will respectfully withdraw my claim.
It breaks down like this
Cub Scouts = bb guns and archery. No powder
Boy Scouts = .22 rifles, shotguns, and I think black powder
Venture Crew (coed age 14-21) = rifles of higher calibre and I think handguns are ok too. Hunting
Sea Scout = I assume they use spear guns, but who knows
STEM Scouts = death ray
I enjoyed Cub Scouts immensely, but I just couldn’t get into Boy Scouts at all. I attended 2 meetings and stopped going after that. Instead I spent my summers off from school riding mountain bike trails, making my own bow & arrows, tooling around open space looking for animals, and using knives for things like whittling and looking/feeling cool.
By the way, since you mentioned Ely, I will say that when I go to the BWCA, the saddest sight that I have seen is a boy scout troup at a portage.
a group of 8 or so. The scout leaders have facial tics from having to put up with punk kids out in the wild (without the ability to beat them for acting like shit heads). At least half of the kids will just be sitting on a pack doing nothing (a few will be openly whining about how boring it is). The other kids will be trying to portage their canoes and packs to the next lake, but being kids will be doing a shit job of it.
My scoutmaster would regularly threaten to break our knees just like he did to the Viet Cong, if we didn’t stop whining.
Boundary waters? I’ve done a week up there. Weak links up there get exposed pretty quickly.
I went a week in the Boundary Waters many years ago. After a week w no alcohol my buddy and I bought a 6-pack and drank it in the showers, much to the dismay of the Scout leader and his boys who were there.
Rookie mistake. Experienced paddlers always have a sixer on ice in their car so you can down a cold brew the second you get to the parking lot at the trail head.
Also, the bwca is incredibly hard on your liver because you bring shit like Everclear and Bacardi 151 in your pack. Since you are packing it in you want as much bang for buck as possible. (Your BWCA virgins better not object because of taste either, because you are going to mix it with powdered lemonade or Kool-Aid anyhow).
When I was in the BSA, the NRA was a very solid part of it. Every facility did .22 for points (similar to college teams at the higher levels iirc) and other facilities (like Philmont) did reloading, .30-06/silhouette shooting, black powder. Handguns were more uncommon, I never saw them as part of an official BSA program (though I’m pretty sure such a thing did exist, because I saw a scout with his handgun qualification medal) But we did shoot them as part of troop or patrol level activities. Personally owned ones only. The troop owned rifles through the CMP.
Kids will do a shit job of most things… at first. But those who want to, do learn. The summer program up in the boundary waters (Charles Sommers Canoe Base) had a reputation of being the least challenging of the various national camps. The winter program was decidedly more challenging.
Man accused of chasing family member with hatchet. That guy? No…..
All he did was dent the hood?
Sounds like he had an axe to grind.
I thought he was trying to bury the hatchet
Clearly a life-long Mormon.
“Police say Dawson refused to give officers any personal information and shouted curse words at them.”
My kind of guy?
Oh my God that is funny.
That mugshot is priceless.
Just got a call. I guess my 12 yr old is getting a kidney transplant today. Fuckin mondays…
Any one of u guys ever dealt with kidney transplant personally or with immediate family? Its crazy, to look at the kid, he has seemed like a healthy normal kid that just has to get bloodwork once every 6weeks. I am not mentally prepared for this at all.
Best of luck to you and your kid.
Swiss Servator was involved in such a case. If he’s around, I’m sure he’ll comment.
I’m really sorry to hear this, and please keep us all up to date. We actually give a shit.
Oh man, good luck, I’m sure it will go well.
It’ll be a game changer for your son. Best of luck with the surgery.
Not personally but I’m a nephrologist
Damn i wish i would have known that. I have some trust issues with his doctors. Not that i dont think they care but ive felt they are speeding this up to make sure it gets done there in Louisville unstead of vanderbilt.
I don’t do peds or transplant but I have training in both (much more of the latter) if you have questions
I’m amazed at the collection of expertise here.
Is it very often that people get transplants who seem perfectly fine? He got the flu about 5 yrs ago and couldnt hold liquids, got dehydrated. Thats when we found out he has one kidney and it wasnt in good shape. What he has is tubular nephritis (spelling?)
Kidney failure has to be very late stage before you will physically notice anything and pretty much as soon as you feel sick dialysis needs to be started. Long term outcomes are better if you’re transplanted before needing dialysis
Yeah, its just really hard to come to terms with when you see your kid look healthy, eats enough to put us in the poor house, and is probably a little more active than the average kid (at least kids now a days). I dont like putting major decisions in the hands of people i dont really know but obviously i dont have the knowledge to keep it squarely in my hands (I consider myself a little smarter than average but the I have a real hard time with the medical stuff, my brain wants to shut down at the first sight of trying to learn conplex medical stuff). Im just rambling now. Anyway, thanks
I gave a kidney – my buddy who got it improved quite a bit, very soon after. The one thing is the anti-rejection drugs. the recipient has to make some changes to things, because of them. I will defer further to our medical experts.
Good luck, and I’m sure it will all go well
What a great break! It’s times like these when we should all be grateful that we live in a society that has made such medical advances that docs can transplant organs and increase the quality of life for the recipient.
I’ll be praying for your boy today, and for you and your family in general. I’m sure it’ll work out great. These docs really know their shit.
Good luck. Please keep us posted when you have a free moment.
oh man… best wishes for ya and your daughter.
* or son
Best of luck to your son.
I’ll join in on the wishes for good luck and speedy recovery.
Praying for her and you.
Damn it, HIM. Don’t know why/how I confused that.
He did grow his hair out at about 10 yrs old to the point where people would mistake him for a her fairly frequently.
I said a Prayer for your Son, hope that’s alright
Of course. Im still searching for my religion but I’m all for prayers. It certainly cant hurt
Best of luck 12 should hopefully heal quick
Best of luck to you and yours. Modern medicine has come a long way. Organ transplants aren’t near as dangerous as they once were.
This. Good luck.
Good luck.
Oh wow. I hope everything turns out alright.
Best of luck, my friend. I will let all of my orphans have a 2.32 minute break in the mines to pray for your kid.
Thank you all. After all that they called and told us they decided to turn it down because of some questionable family history of the person and his family. Drug use ( didnt know if he had used needles) and questionable tatoos (didnt think at least a couple of them were professionally done so maybe jailhouse tatoos). What a rollercoaster, albeit a short one. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Ugh. That’s got to be the worst part of it. You get your head straight with it going forward and then they call a timeout. Glad they are being cautious. Hope your fam can keep it level.
Im thinking this is a good thing. Trial run that was anytging but smooth. It will hopefully better prepare us for when we get the real call. Anyway thanks
Any chance of a living donor? Things seem to go better that way.
My wife went through the process but they turned her down for psychiatric reason (she has had a very difficult time coping with this). I am the same blood type but I make 90 percent of our household income and Ive been pretty hard on my body for 15 years of my life (hopped on the oxycontin express and rode it for awhile). I think we are going to look again at wife doing it. If we would have put up a fuss she could have probably done it but the sense of urgency wasnt there that it is getting to now
Living donor kidneys last significantly longer. Average 15 years vs 10 years in adults
Good luck.
Not sure if it helps at all, but I’m sorry for your, and especially your son’s, situation. I hope he recovers quickly.
Kidney transplants are pretty routine nowadays. Hoping all goes smoothly.
My mother donated a kidney to my father.
…Make sure he takes his anti-rejection meds.
Fingers crossed the surgery is quick and uncomplicated. Congrats on your kid actually getting a kidney, too.
Jon Ronson on bespoke porn: ‘Nothing is too weird. We consider all requests’
I am on the set of the porn film Stepdaughter Cheerleader Orgy. There’s a little trouble outside. The director, Mike Quasar, is trying to shoot an establishing scene – cheerleaders arriving home from practice – but even though we’re in a secluded house (in the San Fernando Valley, southern California), some neighbouring teenagers have positioned themselves up on a nearby hill and are catcalling, jeering and hissing. Until now, this had been a happy set, a kind of familial bubble, but these mocking outsiders are making everyone self-conscious. The girls pull on their short skirts and crop tops to cover up. Unsettled, everyone goes back inside, and that’s when I get talking to Nate, the second cameraman.
“This is a rare day,” Nate tells me, “working for Mike, shooting real porn.”
“What do you normally do?” I ask.
“Customs,” he says.
I give him a quizzical look.
“Fans write their own scripts and pay us to shoot exactly what they want,” he explains.
He explains that customs – bespoke porn – is a new growth industry in the Valley. In houses all around us, teams of professional porn-makers are staying afloat by conjuring into life entire films for just one viewer.
That first paragraph is you? PieInTheSky indeed.
So what does a custom cost, and can you star in your own requested scenario? *asking for a friend*
Teenagers protesting porn.
What has our country come to?
The porno probably didn’t do enough to expose the evils of slavery, homophobia, and patriarchy.
Immigration, Justice, and Prosperity
Hmm, this bit:
What does it mean, exactly? I clicked the link and tried to read more, but I didn’t see elaboration on this point.
I think if you talked to most voters, they do indeed think that their votes will produce “a particular outcome” (maybe not the outcome that actually occurs, but an outcome nonetheless). The symbolism of a vote is powerful but it’s not the entirety of the purpose behind voting. I think it’s a bit odd that, in a post about calling out libertarian naivete, the author would engage in some of his (her?) own. When a voter pulls the lever, he generally knows what he’s going to get it. And that is, getting other people to do what he wants (as long as he is in the majority).
Basically if you really knew down the road what the results of something will be (instead of what you think it will be) you would maybe do things differently which well duh
That comparison to migrants in Europe is either sloppy or disingenuous. Migrants in Europe are able to “subvert” their host countries because their existence is subsidized by the welfare state. If forced to provide for themselves, you’ll see them assimilate within a generation or two.
Democracy undermines incentives to gather and process information carefully by separating action and outcome. It encourages us to vote for policies without thinking carefully about costs and benefits. This can be summed up with the following dictum: In markets you get what you pay for; in politics you get what other people vote for.
I agree with that, but it makes it into a bigger deal than someone as simple as I am thinks it needs to be. The United States is not a Democracy. We are a constitutional republic. As a constitutional republic no laws should be able to be passed that is not constitutional. The entire welfare state is blatantly unconstitutional since nowhere in the constitution does it state that it is ok to take one persons property to just give it to another person. If the constitution was followed as it is supposed to be this would be a non issue.
Exactly. A democracy is a mob burning down a house, or lynching somebody. A democracy is 51% of the people deciding to take the other 49%’s stuff. You don’t want a democracy if you support individual liberty or human rights or any of that good stuff. I realize that it’s passe to talk about the Founding Fathers in anything like complimentary language, given that they were just a bunch of old white cishetero shitlords and all, but they were pretty well-read, and they were familiar with governmental structures that had been tried throughout history. They knew about Athenian democracy and wanted no part of it, hence the republic.
“‘She learned that behavior from me!’: Miley Cyrus reveals younger sister Noah spit in her mouth after they performed on stage together”
We used to do that to each as brothers. You pin one down and see how close the slobber string can get to his mouth before slurping it back up. Not quite Lena Dunham level, but rather gross thinking back on it.
Yes, my sisters and I did something like that too. Plus, we would pin each other down and fart. It was gross, and a bit weird. My parents never tried to put a stop to it. I still feel like I owe my big sister one.
My group of friends did that to each other. Ya, thinking back now, that is disgusting.
We spent our twenties surprise punching each other in the balls while out in public, a la Jackass. I made one dude throw up with a solid left. I’m kinda surprised he was able to father children.
I don’t know why, but I get the feeling that as Miley Cyrus gets older she’d actually be really fun to hang out with. Like just kind of a cool person to be friends with. Now that she’s not like shaving her head and being an idiot on stage so much.
“The first case of a man killed by penis enlargement surgery has been reported in Sweden.
A healthy 30-year-old had wanted to increase both the girth and length of his genitals using a process where fat is transferred from his stomach.”
Okay fitness-versed Glibs, what’s the best way to deal with the day-after aches from starting a new exercise routine?
That was not supposed to be a reply.
You are trying to transfer girth from your stomach to your penis, are you not?
It was funnier as one though!
Enjoy the pain and get used to it. A really hard workout will hurt even more the 2nd day after.
^^ what he said ^^
that’s just a sign that the workout is uh working.
*provided you are using the proper form and not injuring yourself.
It is the second day after, and it was imparing my ability to walk. (May still be, but I’ve been sitting for a while at my cube, so I don’t know)
You need to get a foam roller and stretch after your workout. It’ll make a huge difference in your recovery time.
Yeah. Liquids, stretching. Adjust workout if you’re still sore 3-4 days later. You may be doing a bit too much.
Or just starting out. DOMS get less severe with exposure over time.
Another +1 for stretching. Before, during, AND after. And make sure the stretches are done right and not too hard. You want to damage muscle fibers, not supporting tissues. Warming up helps a lot.
Eating the right stuff at the right times also helps with recovery.
Depends on the pain. Dull and concentrated on the muscle, OK. Neck or inner shoulder pain and don’t do whatever you were doing last time.
Yep – you have to be able to distinguish bad tendon and ligament pain from good muscle pain.
You will have aches, no getting around it. I always think getting some stretching in helps but couldn’t say if it’s a placebo or not.
Just know that the aches is your body becoming stronger and more robust!
Pain is weakness leaving the body!
Stay hydrated, do some light exercise, stretch, get enough sleep.
Well, shit.
/chronic insomniac
Double bacon chessburger
That’s your answer for everything!
Well, it’s a good answer. And beer.
Drink beer.
Starting Strength?
Get up and walk around a little more than usual. Drink water. Go to the next workout.
The next workout always helped me. I’d be sore and stiff after the first workout, but it would be gone after the second never to return. If it continues, make sure you are getting enough protein after your workout.
I hope you’re right.
If your really hurting, I would back off a little next time. You really should be working your way slowly into it. Many a new workout regime have been sidelined from muscle pull/sprains from overdoing it or overtraining starting out. Nothing more frustrating than working out for a month and then not being able to for 6 weeks because you overdid it.
It’s not in that range. It’s the whining of muscles accustomed to a sedentary existance being asked to do work.
Brasidas is right. Try to get up and move around about once every hour so your muscles don’t get a chance to sit there and get stiff and tense. Drink a lot of water. Do the next workout. It will absolutely help. You’ll still be sore the next day, but it will be less and less as you lift consistently.
DOMS is still not understood medically…i find that fact amazing. It is personal however. Some people never lose it others after a day or two (I am squarely in the second day is worst category). Most will no longer experience it after working out for a week or more. UNLESS you stop for a period of time (or me it takes about two weeks of not working out for it to happen again when I start up).
(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
Should have used a Swedish made penis enlargement pump
Maybe it wasn’t his bag, baby.
Sick rise of child sex dolls being sold online is letting cops catch previously unknown paedos lurking in Britain
the sexbots, the sex robots /new Gary Numan song
Charles Stross is nodding smugly.
“There are serious concerns that child sex dolls could put real children at risk.
Mr Stower explained: “They encourage and normalise an interest in children of a sexual nature.”
I don’t know if that’s true. Isn’t better that they have sex with dolls than actual children?
If they buy dolls they already have a pretty strong interest … especially as buying such a doll carries risk if found out it is not something to undertake on a whim
“I don’t know if that’s true. Isn’t better that they have sex with dolls than actual children?”
Yeah, I wonder if they find out they’ll get busted for dolls, they’d be more likely to go after real kids. The dolls may be gross, but not as gross as real kiddie diddling.
Dolls are gross, but nobody’s getting hurt. I’d rather nobody got hurt AND nobody was gross, but if I’ve got to pick one, I’ll take the latter.
I mean, I’ll take “nobody gets hurt”, which is to say I’ll take people being gross but harmless.
I’m not so sure it makes sense to take away a method of harmless release from these guys. It’s not like they don’t already have extremely strong urges/fantasies about this sort of thing.
Didn’t we go through this already with the violent video game and increased violence scare? I hate being old enough to have to watch this crap cycle through over and over.
Exactly what I was thinking. This seems like a harmless way to let someone get their sick fantasies out, without actually doing anything real.
It is an interesting issue, because I’d imagine that this and violent video games (and all other similar facsimiles of crime and vice) produce a spectrum of responses. Some people will consume such media as detached fiction, others will engage with it but recognize boundaries, still others will use it as a safe substitute for expressing inherent urges, and for some few it will whet their appetite. Thus, everyone can pick the result that best matches their preferred narrative, and in the age of creating laws “if it saves just one life” we will probably see further laws in this area. I do wonder if these dolls would follow the pattern of violent video games, seemingly discouraging far more crime than they encourage, as the incentives may be different (to engage in actual violence risks both immediate and delayed harm, whereas to engage in an actual sex crime the risks seem almost entirely delayed).
#NoConfederate campaign against HBO slave drama goes viral online
A social media campaign to derail HBO’s planned modern-day Southern slavery drama quickly caught fire, rapidly shooting to the top ranks of Twitter both nationally and internationally.
Amplifying earlier criticism of the project, the campaign, with “OscarsSoWhite” activist April Reign among its organizers, asked people to tweet to HBO with the hashtag “NoConfederate” during Sunday’s broadcast of the channel’s top hit “Game of Thrones.”
“Game of Thrones” is produced by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, who are developing the recently announced “Confederate.” The pair, who are white, will work on “Confederate” with husband-and-wife Malcolm Spellman (“Empire”) and Nichelle Tramble Spellman (“The Good Wife”), who are black writer-producers.
The viral campaign prompted the cable channel to ask detractors to withhold judgment until they see “Confederate.”
“withhold judgement”
But we want to be insane noooow.
How are we supposed to remain composed and civil when the Republicans are trying to brainwash our precious children into accepting slavery? Let’s break windows and shit on the sidewalk outside HBO’s offices. That’ll teach them we mean business!
Maybe they’ll do for the Civil War what they’ve done for GRRM’s books. House Sherman will invite the Lee’s to dinner and poison them all.
Then Lee’s daughter joins an assassination cult, makes herself look like Sherman, and murders all the Sherman men?
Holy shit, “Oscars So White” activist April Reign is against it? How will it ever get made now with such power and influence lining up against it?
April sounds like a cunt. Whatever angers her is good.
The pair, who are white, will work on “Confederate” with husband-and-wife Malcolm Spellman (“Empire”) and Nichelle Tramble Spellman (“The Good Wife”), who are black writer-producers.
Are we going to have to disclaim our race as a matter of course going forward? It’s like some modern Jim Crow.
Progressives are morally retarded. In itself, an individual’s ethnicity is a virtually meaningless, superficial characteristic, and yet they still treat it as a person’s most important feature. They’re thoroughly racist.
“They’re thoroughly racist.”
This can’t be pointed out often enough.
By the time the sjw’s are done with this, they’ll have everyone rooting for the south.
I was rooting for the South before all y’all.
~Southron Hipster
There is only one Twitter account that, for better or worse, means anything. And that guy is trolling the shit out of people with it.
Straff, that avatar badly needs a tophat.
Lauren Southern?
This is kinda funny because it seems like it should be conservatives who should be the ones bitching about this show since it is pretty damn obvious it is going to be a thinly veiled allegory of what progressives believe America would be like if it weren’t for them
I don’t get the outrage against this, at all. I mean, they don’t seriously think that HBO will be pro-slavery, do they? And if they recognize the fact that the Confederates will be the villains, why would they have a problem with this? The only thing I can think of is that they feel this threatens their movement to enact Damnatio memoriae upon the Confederacy, given all the recent hubbub about monuments and flags.
If HBO decides that the Confederacy is too hot to touch but still wants to have a series exploring a hypothetical legal slavery in the modern world, my suggestion would be to do a neo-Roman Empire. Either played straight, or as Caesar’s Legion from Fallout: New Vegas, or perhaps do “Space Romans”. You can also cut out the racial issue by going in this direction, as the Romans enslaved everyone.
“You can also cut out the racial issue by going in this direction, as the Romans enslaved everyone.”
Doesn’t that make it worse? If you bring up that shit, pretty soon everyone will be able to say “You don’t know what it is like for your ancestors to be enslaved”.
You can’t fuck up the victimology scorecard like that.
The chick in the red and black hourglass shaped bikini is THICC with a capital CC. All hail bringer of THICC, Sloopy!
The one with the cherry hair? That’s not a bikini. Is that “thicc”? She doesn’t look that big to me, but her butt jiggles.
Swimsuit, what have you.
This one with the thicc ass and legs
Perfect kind of thicc, imo. Natural up top, thin waist, then big ol ass and legs.
Natural up top is huge plus. I don’t like all these “instagram models” with the fake boobs and bee-sting lips.
A nice pair of breasts is the icing on top. If they’re there and look nice, cool; if not, that’s fine too. But bigger ones just for the sake of them being bigger has never appealed to me.
I like symmetry – if the breasts are sizable, the hourglass has to be overt, and the backside shapely.
But a nice bust is its own beauty.
(No nudity):
Hey, don’t get me wrong, I like breasts cuz imma dude and stuff, just that I’m much more inclined to go for a: 1) all natural, regardless of shape (within reason) or 2) a woman with small breasts and thicc everything else.
If she’s thicc and natural up top too, then even better. Especially if they’re the variety like the pic you posted. Extry soft like that … :illbeinmybunkemoji:
Yeah, fake tits are a pretty colossal turn-off for me.
The Economist thinks Cuba is a GOOD example of socialism
Also, when your goal is to be Cuba, you’ve already lost
I mean yeah, just like the USSR, and Venuzuela. Good examples of the horrors of socialism.
No, you see, Cuba is what socialism can look like if everyone works together and brings peace to all under the benevolent firsts among equals. These damn Venezuelans went and corrupted that beautiful arrangement, so now they’ll never have the chance to be like glorious Cuba
I mean, they all drive vintage cars, too! IT’S HEAVENLY.
More on the Venezuelan “election”. The Venezuelan government can’t even make up a believable lie.
This is so bad that even the Swiss (narrows gaze) have taken a side.
If only they’d have done their socialism harder, I’m sure it would have worked
Have any of the idiots who were calling Venezuela under Chavez such a great deal or “the wave of the future” or “noble experiment” or whatever, ever been called on their idiocy? I don’t mean snarky comments in blogs, but real public exposure where they had to go on record and face the facts of how wrong they got things? To some extent, this is what bothers me about the public discourse. When anyone ever advocating freedom ever gets things wrong, they get handed the consequences, no matter how much the principles of freedom get violated in the process. Yet when socialism or government interventions fail exactly in the precise ways that advocates for freedom predict the entire incident goes down the memory hole and advocates for liberty get mocked and ignored by the very people who got things wrong by ignoring their warnings.
Extended chortles.
Sean Penn hardest hit.
Also, let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Chavez’s regime was paradise on earth. Well, he didn’t do a very good job of setting up a sustainable system that could carry on after his death, now did he? Unlike, say…I don’t know…maybe…THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE U.S.?
Based on our current state of affairs, I wouldn’t say the founding fathers did such a bang-up job, either.
Although Franklin did provide the caveat “if you can keep it”.
Well, we’re still muddling along after 200+ years and we’re not at implosion and riot-in-the-streets stage yet. It took Venezuela only a tenth of the time to accomplish that!
And actually most of our problems have arisen from applications of greater amounts of socialism.
I love how on Tumblr, it’s like 24/7 “SOCIALISMS! YAY!! CAPITALISMS! BOO!”
Then someone from Venezuela posts an update on the situation, along with a direct quote from Maduro about the glories of socialism, and all the Tumblrites are like “OMG! I’m so sorry! What a terrible situation!”
No principles + no intelligence is no way to go through life, son.
The first time I heard about a Tumbler, I was like “what the fuck is a tumbler?”
Then the first time I saw a Tumblr site, I thought “This person is insane.”
Tumblr is a treasure for two reasons: curiously specific curated porn collections, and an asylum for the criminally ignorant.
I mean, isn’t this what they wanted? All those Tumblrinas preaching about revolution & socialism & communism?
Image included with Tumblr post.
It’s amazing that in the era of cheap air travel, all these shithole dictatorships are just a half day journey away at most. Also, you have internet that can show instantly what is happening on the streets there and yet the danger of rogue government is dismissed as people clamor for more action for the lunatics in DC.
It’s not a tragedy. It’s an atrocity. It’s an atrocity carried out by their ideological compatriots. These results were predictable. Many of us specifically predicted them. Ignorance can only be an excuse if it isn’t willful.
Wait, Tumblr has used other than porn gifs?
Uses…. gah
Gov FaFu is the gift that keeps on giving. May he be gov for life.
Spoiler alert- theocratic RACISM
What most people probably hear in this is the unmistakable refrain of American libertarianism, for which all government is big and bad. The point of calling public schools “government schools” is to conjure the specter of pathologically inefficient, power-mad bureaucrats. Accordingly, right-wing think tanks like the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, the Heartland Institute and the Acton Institute have in recent years published screeds denouncing “the command and control mentality” of “government schools” that are “prisons for poor children.” All of these have received major funding from the family of the education secretary, Betsy DeVos, either directly or via a donor group.
The libertarian tradition is indebted, above all, to the Chicago economist Milton Friedman, who published a hugely influential 1955 paper, “The Role of Government in Education.” A true believer in the power of free markets to solve all of humanity’s problems, Friedman argued that “government schools” are intrinsically inefficient and unjustified. He proposed that taxpayers should give money to parents and allow them to choose where to spend education dollars in a marketplace of freely competing private providers. This is the intellectual foundation of Ms. DeVos’s voucher proposals.
“School choice” is all just a smokescreen to keep the nigras in their place.
Milton Friedman was a reincarnated 1600’s Dutch slaver. And a 1850’s Mississippi plantation owner.
Another example of how they live in bizarro world
“The libertarian tradition is indebted, above all” – the libertarian tradition goes to a lot of thinkers over hundreds of years and is not particularly indebted to this or that person. I found Bastiat for example quite influential (although most of my opinions cannot be traced to one source )
“School choice” is all just a smokescreen to keep the nigras in their place.
By letting them choose where their children might be educated best? By introducing some competition and accountability into the education system? These fuckers really do live in bizarro world.
It’s based on the assumption that poor minority parents can’t make good decisions, aren’t able to take advantage of the opportunities to make those decisions, or won’t act in the best interests of their children. So yeah, basically another example of Progressive paternalism.
Well, shit, we can’t allow minorities to make choices that could end up making them better-educated! They could just stop voting for Democrats en mass if that were to happen!
I listened to Mises lecturers taking the piss out of Friedman and Chicago school Monetarists for years. They’re hardly the only branch of libertarians, but they’re a pretty major one. Anyone who suggests Uncle Milt is the primary or even a major influence on libertarian thinkers is at best ignorant.
Went to catch the Dropkick Murphy’s tour last night. Good show with Bouncing Souls, Rancid, and the Dropkick’s as the bands (with a solo opener act that I didn’t catch the name of). There was a new trend for the girls in their early/mid 20’s… going into the pit in bra or bikini top.
The late 90s called and want their show back.
I was commenting to some friends that 20 years ago, the lineup would have been in a really different order. The crowd tended younger then the average Dropkick’s show.
20 years ago Rancid would have been headlining, absolutely. DMs didn’t really hit their stride until the early 2000s.
I saw Dropkick back in oh 1998? 1999? Whenever they had switched to their new singer. They got booed multiple time for dissing on the Red Wings.
These days you would have to pay me a lot of money to suffer through an Irish punk band.
’98 sounds about right for the new singer.
I started listening to them back when they were a skinhead band, so it’s funny to me that their target market at this point is parents in their 30s and 40s.
Naptown: They did do a medley of their old songs at one point in the show, including Never Alone. And there’s always a small contingent of skinheads at their shows. SHARP types, not boneheads.
Pits must be much more sedate than 20 years ago in that case.
” girls in their early/mid 20’s… going into the pit in bra or bikini top”
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Not that new – Back in the late 90s I once was part of running an all-ages show – local ska group that was fairly big nationally. There was a handful of teenage girls who went into the pit only wearing bras. It quickly became a bit of a grope-fest. The two women in our crew went in and pulled the girls out and requested they put their shirts back on.
Saw this a few times when I was in the pits in the late 90s early 2000s, nothing new.
Happy National Orgasm Day 2017! Here’s five things you you probably didn’t know about climaxing during sex
I just have a low level, constant dribble.
Yeah, if I were in Norway, I’d be orgasming every day just looking at the like of Thor Hushovd and Magne Furuholmen.
Bunch of cucks if you ask me
John McCain leaves town for treatment after breaking all his promises.
McCain is an ignominious moron. I’m genuinely amazed that anybody expected better of him.
The Handmaid’s Tale’s race problem
The Handmaid’s Tale, a bracingly up-to-date screen adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel, has been praised for its cinematic visuals and compelling central performance from Elisabeth Moss as handmaid Offred, but one element remains controversial: the inclusion of race without the depiction of racism. It’s this that New York Magazine has described as the show’s “greatest failing”.
Atwood’s original novel passingly references the “resettlement of the Children of Ham”, but black characters are otherwise absent. In the TV series, however, Moira, Offred’s friend from “the time before” is played by black American actor Samira Wiley and Offred’s husband is played in flashbacks by OT Fagbenle, the British son of a Nigerian father and a white English mother. Post-revolution Gilead is also a fully integrated society, with black and Asian actors playing handmaids, commanders, wives and domestic workers.
Bruce Miller is probably right to assume that these same 21st-century viewers would have found an all-white cast in The Handmaid’s Tale jarring. What he seems not to have anticipated is that they might also find his post-racial vision jarring in a different way. In Gilead, handmaids such as Offred are forcibly separated from their families, regularly raped by their “commanders”, traded as if they were cattle, banned from reading and punished with maiming and public lynchings. None of these details are the inventions of Atwood’s imagination or embellishments from Miller’s writer’s room; this is what actually happened during 245 years of slavery in the US – albeit to black women rather than white ones. Isn’t it odd, then, to neither openly acknowledge this history, nor grapple with its legacy on screen?
“with black and Asian actors playing handmaids, commanders, wives and domestic workers”
And the same people would complain if he didn’t do that.
All the more reason to ignore them.
Once you realize there is no way to please them, you can relax without having to worry about trying.
These people obsess over race more than George Lincoln Rockwell.
This show brings to the front, once again, the infantile narcissism of these people.
The number of reviews that unironically state this show represents the state of women in America today is both astonishing and wholly unsurprising at the same time
No. because that’s not what the story is about and it is fantasy, not reality. Who knows, in this alternate universe maybe racism never happened. It’s all just made-up nonsense anyway.
“The Dark Tower depicts a black man as the infamous ‘gunslinger’ of Stephen King’s celebrated series, but how does the film address fraught race relations in America?”
Well, the main villian is a white guy?
Nothing is ever good enough for SJWs. But they are only eating their own; normal people just ignore them or laugh.
This could be a way for the Handmaid’s Tale producers to make themselves look moderate by saying “look, we’re getting criticism from both sides, including the SJW crowd!”
Open enrollment is about to start where I work (we have an October fiscal year). Great news. Premiums are only going up 15%, and for the first time since 2010 they didn’t raise my deductible!
So now I’m paying about 15 grand a year for garbage health insurance.
But someone please, tell me how much Obamacare has helped.
“So now I’m paying about 15 grand a year for garbage health insurance.”
I’m luckier than most. My premiums have only doubled since 2010. And they’re taken out pre-tax.
Republicans don’t want to repeal it because their afraid you’ll get mad and vote for Democrats…
This is why, all due respect to those who disagree, I’m not much for the half measures that Team Red has been offering and Trump has been demanding. They wouldn’t change shit, except that they’d cinch government control of healthcare forever.
Fucking Republicans were so willing to vote to repeal when they knew it would be vetoed, but now that it’s got a chance to move they won’t do it.
Trump just wants a victory, anything to start his presidency. Repeal and replace? Fine. Full repeal? Fine. This is in reality a proxy war between the establishment, who still thinks that they’re the minority party, and the new conservative wing of the party, who wanted to actually pass conservative bills from the day that they were sworn in.
Someone was talking to me the other day about how meekness is a learned behavior. I wonder what caused establishment Republicans like McCain to become so meek to leftism.
It helps if you don’t really disagree with their goals, just their timetable.
I noticed it most strongly as McCain was “debating” Obama in 2008 – by agreeing with everything Obama said.
I’ve said this before, but I’m much more favorable to real moderates like Susan Collins than slime like McCain, because at least she’s consistent and I don’t feel betrayed when she says “I like Obamacare.” She voted against repeal when Obama was president, and is against it now. That, IMO, is how you differentiate a moderate from a RINO.
I would agree with your statement only if you replace “moderate” with “progressive” throughout.
A conservative would want zero federal government involvement in healthcare.
A moderate might want some programs that would help the poor get a decent plan.
Only a real progressive would believe that the federal government should dictate the specifics of every health insurance policy issued in the U.S.
I wonder what caused establishment Republicans like McCain to become so meek to leftism.
Forty-five years of non-majority status. Republicans who entered politics between 1955-2000 entered a world in which they had to work with the Democrats to get anything passed. That world is gone, but it seems like a lot of the old guard still functions in that reality.
You’ll change your tune when you get knocked up by a bus and really need that maternity coverage, smartass!
Tony really was an idiot.
Oh, he still is.
Wait- the world isn’t really ending?
You may think I’m prone to a confirmation bias of my own. But it’s only fair to contrast what has happened since the Brexit vote with what was predicted during the campaign. Remain campaigners told us to expect a recession in 2016; in fact, Britain grew faster in the six months after the referendum than in the six months before. They told us that the FTSE 100 index of leading companies’ share prices would collapse; in fact, British stocks performed strongly after the Brexit vote. They told us that Scotland would leave Britain; in fact, support for separatism has collapsed, and the Scottish first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has shelved her planned independence referendum.
Most people, whichever way they voted, are celebrating the good news. But a few Euro-fanatics, disproportionately prominent on the BBC and at The Financial Times, are acting like doomsday cultists, constantly postponing the date of their promised apocalypse. First, a Leave vote was supposed to wreck the economy. Then, it became “wait until we begin the disengagement.” Now it’s “wait until you see what a bad deal we get from the European Union.”
It’s odd. The people who are the most pro-union are generally the most convinced that the union will act in a self-harming way out of spite. I have a higher opinion of our European allies. But even if I didn’t, I’d still expect a deal. Adam Smith observed that “it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” It is not from the benevolence of the European Union that we expect a free-trade agreement: Exchange makes everyone richer.
Brexit fears overblown. Eurocrats, sycophants hardest hit.
Just what the ‘Opiod Crisis’ needs. Moar Social Justice!!!
Fuck this chick with a broken stick. Her husband died from a heroin OD and now she is on the march to make us realize that opiods are bad.
Maybe he drugged himself senseless because of his joyless idiot of a wife.
Is that HM’s avatar?
Also, I was surprised when I found out the twitter sender was trans.
She passes with flying colors.
Woman arrested for destroying 54 violins owned by ex-husband
105.9 million yen
so that’s like a dozen sawbucks?
You could buy like ten tankers filled with sand for that, Lord Humungus.
Around a million USD, actually.
::crosses RC Dean off of the Happy Sarcasm Island Invite list::
Oh, gee, I’m like sooo disappointed. *eyeroll*
Was it because he was cheating on her? It is always sex and violins. Always.
*golf clap*
Or maybe it was because there was no sex in his violins?
Isn’t it odd, then, to neither openly acknowledge this history, nor grapple with its legacy on screen?
“Some people are not obsessed by the same things as I. I find this baffling and bizarre.”
*sucks thumb*
Somehow, I don’t find it odd that a work of fiction doesn’t “grapple with” issues that the fictitious story is not actually about.
But someone please, tell me how much Obamacare has helped.
Look in the mirror. You’ve shed fat. Your skin is clear and glowing Your teeth are straight and white. Your beathing is deep and regular, and your pulse is strong and slow.
It is always sex and violins. Always.
*hisses, throws popcorn*
Now I can go back to filling in my time sheet for last week. My hopelessness is gone now that I have seen that I have made a difference.
“The Solar Eclipse Could Mean Disaster for Trump, According to Astrologers”
Do you know who else consulted astrologers?
Nancy Reagan?
Qin Shi Huang?
“The Xiongnu aren’t sending their best they’re bring in their drugs their rapists so we’re going to build a wall a big beautiful wall folks a great wall yes a great wall we’re going to build a great wall bigly”
“semiautomatic machine pistol”
Looks like he had at least four different brands of ammo in that thing
While most New Yorkers are out enjoying their weekend, our @NYPD52Pct officers are making sure everyone is safe. #NYPDprotecting
This is what they tout as “making sure everyone is safe”?
That gun might have startled a cop in a stairwell, so seizing it probably did make everyone safer.
A small example of why single payer doesn’t work:
I had to go see a medical specialist for something that everyone agreed at the outset was probably no big deal. Over the course of 3 months, went to 5 appointments with my specialist and 2 with my GP. Logically, these appointments could have been boiled down to at most 4, and probably 3. But, each appointment is billed separately to the provincial health insurance in Ontario, so there’s no incentive to be efficient. If people had to pay directly, they’d raise hell about the inefficiency. But, since the patient doesn’t pay directly, there’s no point; there’s no incentive for the provider to respond to the patient’s needs re. cost.
3 months and thousands of dollars later, it turned out to be no big deal, as everyone suspected at the start.
Well in romanian single payer you have to give a cash gift to the doctors and nurses each time so you have incentive to limit the number of visits.
Depending on how hot the nurses are, there might be an incentive for more visits.
The Chamber of Commerce can be really stupid.
The Minnesota Chamber is in the middle of a lawsuit challenging the new Minneapolis sick leave law. That is great. The law is beyond dumb, but this is their reason why they are suing?
Yeah, the State should be able to set all the rules. Not a stupid city.
Sure guys. You couldn’t have just said, that any private business has the right to set the terms for employment.
That wouldn’t have won in court.
Exactly – especially not in Minnesota.
And if they could cut down on the potential for numerous local laws harassing the people, that’s a win.
The other day, as I was cruising around Bozeman, I saw a really clean old 2002. Round taillight car. It made me wish I had my ’73 back.
Did it follow you home? Did you set out a tray of oil for it, and now it won’t go away?
very nice. I love the 2002 roundies.
Was watching the Weather Channel at about 7:30 this morning, with Cantore saying that the tropical depression in FL would not become a named storm.
Was driving in to work at 7:50 this a.m. when the news radio reported Tropical Storm Emily.
(making fun of TWC is one of my favorite hobbies, clearly)
My first reaction when someone says they were watching the weather channel or CNN is to wonder what airport they got stuck in.
What airport were you stuck in?
My house!
Nobody would be happier than I if a competitor for TWC came along, but the fact is that it is the only game in town for weather nerds.
What would an alt-right weather channel look like, though?
The forecasting would be terrible. No matter what crops up they would Nazi it coming.
When they want to know what the weather is like in Sioux City, they Go Ring their cousin Hermann.
“A cleansing rain fell on New York to wash all the filth out of the city. Meanwhile, in Iowa, a pleasant summer shower rewarded the prayers of the pious farmers.”
So even though you left Minnesoda as a kid, Double-K, you still have our complete fascination with weather.
I’m with you, TWC needs some competition. I think there would be billions to be made if you could come up with a channel that is 75% local vs 25% national (it seems like that is currently flipped). Also, an Alt-Right weather channel would feature weather casters who would report with glee about any storms in NY/Boston area for 5 minutes followed up with “But your current storm is still puny by any standard so stop being pussies about it.”
Winter is the worse. I turn on the forecast to figure out if I need to bring the fish house heater with me, and TWC forecasters will be going on and on about the latest NYC snowmageddon where it will be 20 degrees and a few inches of blowing and drifting wind!!!
This is why I ask the internet for weather. It can give me the current conditions in my city and the local radar without me having to sit through an babbling about anywhere that isn’t here.
Living in a tornado-prone area with monthly siren drills make an impression on a young mind!
What TWC needs is to have a mix of 100% “personality” (aka, an on-camera person that knows a bit about weather) and expert meteorologists with some on-camera training. That way, the non-expert can ask the questions that viewers might have, and the experts can answer them. Right now, they’re pretty much all university-trained meteorologists with some on-camera training, and it makes things…awkward.
They also need to stop with the preachy bullshit. They have reduced that garbage quite a bit lately. I don’t see Sam Champion’s boring-ass show on anymore, even in reruns.
What they do very well is covering large events like hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, etc. They should have a lot more of that. They could improve their major event coverage with more of a mix of in-studio analysis and field reporting. I’d like to see a majority of field reporting for major events, enhanced by a few minutes of studio analysis. Right now it’s a lot of in-studio crap, going over the same stuff again and again, and little snippets here & there from the field.
Popehat vs. Law Bot (oldie but funny)
Libertarian Moment ™
Psychologists say more and more young people are entitled
Wait, ‘Millennials’ now doesn’t include those of us born in ’85? Woohoo!
“Humans Could Go Extinct, Thanks to Men
…and that men from North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand are to blame.”
Yeah? We brought you into this world, and we can take you out of it, too!
“the VICE UK office is full of straight white men! You can’t move for them! They’ve everywhere!”
Guessing most of them are not copy editors..
Media outlets which previously received information from Fusion GPS now studiously uninterested in investigating Fusion GPS. Huh.
Here’s a random question. Have over-the-air teevee signals changed again? I bought a new teevee yesterday, and when I hooked up my antenna and ran the channel search, it only picked up a couple of what I assume are separate transponders (I think I got the 2s and the 7s and it wouldn’t pull the others in). All I have is an old-timey rabbit ear.
Have they made it so I have to buy a new antenna? I basically only watch local channels during football season.
When all the local broadcasters went digital – clearer picture! better sound! – I couldn’t receive any of the channels, even with a digital tuner. At least back in the analog days, I could still get _something_ even if it was a bit fuzzy. Reception – both analog and digital – was better on cloudy days though.
I bought a digital antenna for about 10 bucks. I get all the local stations plus their “extra” digital channels. I have trouble pulling in one channel but I think that is just location/signal strength.
Congress required all stations to switch to digital by June 12, 2009. Here’s the FCC’s blurb:
Digital antenna as suggested by Raven. The digital signals are broadcast in a different part of the spectrum than the old analog signals.
i would assume – (never assume!) that a new TV would have a built-in digital tuner. Even my 32″ Flat Panel from ~8 years ago did.
I’m pretty sure mine does but a combination of where we have the TV in our apartment, and the location and orientation of our apartment, meant we needed an antenna to pick up most signals.
Should have a digital tuner, but that will only do so much if the antenna is optimized for a different part of the spectrum. Digital antennas aren’t really digital so much as optimized to receive digital broadcasts.
The digital tuner isn’t the issue it is the fact that the rabbit ear antennas do not effectively pick up signals in the digital frequency band
You can check to see how many stations you might be able to receive with a new antennae.
Does it have a UHF antenna (usually a wire in a circle)? You usually need that in addition to rabbit ears to get all the local HD signals.
I couldn’t receive any of the channels, even with a digital tuner.
When I finally got around to dropping DISH, I was amazed to discover I could get the locals with just the stupid little rabbit ear from my old crt. But I have been losing channels (No more Meet the Press, boo hoo hoo!) for a while, as if maybe there has been some sort of gradual change-over of signal type.
Why I like the Nu-Right: Venezuela is on the front page of Breitbart, and are called socialist right off the bat. They don’t dance around and obfuscate what the Maduro regime actually is.
Was listening to Jeff Flake this morning talking about his new book. While I may not agree with everything he has to say, I think he made a good point concerning the GOP. He contends that when the GOP essentially became moderate Democrats economically (NCLB, Medicare Part D, deficits don’t matter…), they cornered themselves politically. As such they had to focus on wedge issues in order to differentiate (immigrants, Terri Schiavo, flag-burning, etc…).
I don’t agree with Flake on world policing and other things, but his overall point stands, that the GOP is no longer the party of fiscal conservatism and is flailing about looking for direction.
And the ones who call for any type of fiscal restraint are called extremists.
About what point did the GOP start moving left on these issues? The mid-90’s?
The first W. Administration – that was their last time in complete control where they accomplished precisely nothing except a vast expansion of federal power and spending.
The GOP is way overdue for a split. The moderates and RINOs should just continue drifting left and occupy the space abandoned by the Democrats when they jettisoned the blue-dog Dems. The rest of the party – people like Paul, Cruz, and Amash could form an actual conservative party.
I don’t think that a split is actually necessary: many of the worst RINOs are going to die off at least in the next decade or so, which will give breathing room to actual conservatives, who are still mostly younger senators and reps without much seniority.
I don’t think they ever were. they might make rhetorical appeals to the idea of less govt, but they don’t seem the slightest bit interested in making the govt we have ‘cheaper’ or more efficient. It is politically very difficult, and has little/no reward. Its why they always make slashes at petty programs like the NEA or Planned Parenthood or whatever… chickenshit, half-billion$ things that just “sound silly” or have symbolic value.
What you don’t hear are people saying, “the F35 shouldn’t so bloody expensive” or “every agency doesn’t need its own police force” or “actually, ‘infrastructure’ is mostly covered by the states and utilities: why do we keep trying to add to the federal mandate?”
I think that the actual conservative wing has been growing since about ten years ago, thanks in large part to the Tea Party movement (SoCon baggage and all), but the old guard has always believed that cutting spending only appeals to “those wackobirds in the corner”.
A major reason for why the Bush presidency was one of my least favorites (on top of the endless wars) was the enabling and adoption of leftist economic and social policies. It was the precursor to people turning to Obama and desiring even more free shit when those programs failed.
“Compassionate conservatism”
About the only good thing to say about Bush is that he destroyed the Bush wing of the Republican Party.
Now’s the time for some political organisation with a real platform of economic sanity (attacking the $20T public debt, massive overextended US footprint abroad that needs real meaningful reform and cuts, discontinuing the compulsory nature of programmes like Social Security and Medicare), as well as a leadership that refuses to get roped into identity politics distractions. The spineless slime in the GOP are in power yet again, but Congress can’t even manage to drop the level of budget spending a cunt hair. Have you made your $20T Public Debt t-shirt yet?
Sam Shepard has died. Apparently he had ALS, which I did not know.
That’s a bitch of a disease. Woman in my wife’s church (in her mid-40s) was diagnosed with it in April. I’d seen her in March and she was a vibrant, regular person. Four months later and she can barely walk even with a walker. She needs help using the bathroom. It’s just devastating.
My dad’s cousin had it. She deteriorated quickly. Died less than a year after diagnosis.
-There are private transgressions, Radja. This isn’t one of them.
-There is only one man who can kill me and it isn’t you.
My two favorite lines from Crime and Punishment. Just finished it. Goddamn do I need a break. Mentally exhausted.
It’s not my favorite novel. But it’s the best novel I ever read.
” Since the announcement, the media has speculated this was a ploy to sell shirts or promote something. I can tell you, I have no problem selling Kid Rock shirts and yes, I absolutely will use this media circus to sell/promote whatever I damn well please (many other politicians are doing the same thing, they just feed you a bunch of bullshit about it).”
Kid Rock is what libertarians need: somebody that has enough charisma to make it cool to cut spending. I’m on his team, 100%. Hope he terrifies the establishment all year.
He just might be too “culturally conservative”
Rolling out the campaign commercials already?
Too much White Privilege.
Oh, absolutely, though I was a bit surprised to see the mud-wrestling scene at what I assumed was the exclusive country club.
“The Wrong Kind of White People”
Chicks in bikinis with guns – always a winning combo!
That video is kind of hilarious though given what I know about Bob Ritchie. I knew a guy in the Marines who was an acquaintance of his, they grew up together. This guy always laughed at how well he was able to create that Kid Rock image, which was pretty much the polar opposite of how he grew up (rich kid from a nice suburban family).
Hardly unheard of in the music biz.
I posted some links to…errr…reasonably priced Detriot houses that we could move to so we can vote for him
I wonder how rampant the Detroit voter fraud will be next year. Will we get those Philly-style Pol Pot precincts with 120% Stabenow?
Move there? Hell, buy it, register to vote, and vote by mail. You can’t tell me Detroit is the least bit picky about who actually votes being an actual legal resident of the state.
Don’t let on you’re not a Democrat.
Good point. Register as a Democrat to get on the ‘no-review, no-audit’ list.
So Kid Rock for Senate, The Rock for President, What’s next Chris Rock for Congress?
The first W. Administration – that was their last time in complete control where they accomplished precisely nothing except a vast expansion of federal power and spending.
I remember thinking at the time Bush, sr, would be a good (at least okay/competent) President because credentials. That was a lesson I never forgot. And then, along came the lesser. Rockefeller Republicanism, Compassionate Conservatism, whatever, Man, you suck. Fuck you, cut spending.
“A woman caught with a “disgusting” collection of extreme animal porn celebrated as she walked free from court.
Wendy Jones, 54, amassed a sick stash over four years including pictures of women having sex with horses, dogs and a pig.”
I’m thinking if I were a pig, I’d rather be a pornstar than pork chops.
So like is there ANY animal porn which would not generally be considered “disgusting” or “extreme”
Are the qualifiers actually necessary? Or perhaps they are the media’s way of subtly prejudicing the reader to hate the unclean before they have time to consider whether simple possession of images should be a crime?
The key question is whether she got consent forms signed by all the animals, and that they were of age.
ALTERNATE JOKE: “Ewe.” /Teenage girl
I think having sex with a baby rooster would be accepted. I mean, there is a whole category of pr0n devoted to “Chicks with Dicks” so it must be OK.
Wendy Jones, 54, amassed a sick stash over four years including pictures of women having sex with horses, dogs and a pig.
“Just as long as it’s not a man.”
The had penises, all PIV is rape regardless of the species ergo those poor women were being raped by those animals
Scaramucci was fired already?!?!?!?
Like a bolt of lightning, very very frightening
Cernovich hardest hit
So per the WSJ, Scaramucci Scaramucci will still be doing the fandango at the Ex-Im Bank, which still shouldn’t exist except for Team Red being hypocritical crony “capitalists”.