Well that was an overblown trade deadline. Unless you are a Dodgers or Yankees fan. Of course, those are two of the only four teams ESPN covers anyway with the Red Sox and Cubs. Nevermind that only one of those teams has a better record than the Astros, who got back to their winning ways last night. But its what I have come to expect from the “Worldwide Leader In Sports Social Justice Bullshit And Teams From The NY, Boston, Chicago and LA Markets”. I’m sure they are happy with the results of their entire focus shifting to those markets and their “causes”. Not so sure all of their laid off employees feel the same way. But their feelings don’t matter.
NFL Preseason is about to happen. College is less than a month away. Soccer is even just around the corner. The dog days are coming to a close and I, for one, couldn’t be happier. Except for the fact that the fewer daylight hours are starting to cut into my golf. But I just have to live with that.
Anyway, we got some serious shit happening out there. Lots of insanity. Lots of hilarity. And a little pants shitting for good measure. So how about we saunter casually into…the links!.
![They've moved beyond mockery. No need for alt-text. I'll save it for something worthy.](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/climate-deception-300x172.jpg)
Shenanigans. SHENANIGANS!!!!!
I know it must seem inconceivable, but apparently a government agency has been caught tampering with climate data. Of course they did the same thing in 2014 and the media poo-poo’d it away. Expect the same measures to be employed by “mainstream” media again this time around. Also, what’s up with Michael Mann’s contempt charge? Any of our Canadian brethren want to shed some light on that for us?
Ah yes, the compassionate left. Well, compassionate as long as shit is happening outside their city limits. NIMBYism is apparently alive and well in the Bay Area.
The whole Russia conspiracy thing has become a vortex of retardation that is now sucking both parties in at the rate of a black hole. And I don’t mean a real black hole and the speed of light. I mean the movie “The Black Hole“, which had that stupid flying robot, his evil twin, a crazy-ass cylon and all the pace and excitement of watching two snails fuck.
The National Archives just released a bunch of documents about the Kennedy Assassination. Some apparently interesting stuff in there with more to come in the very near future.
How fucking retarded is the NCAA? About this retarded. Which is almost as retarded as you can get in the face of the likeness rights suits they, and their member schools, are starting to get peppered with.
![Oh, wait. You mean she's harmless and might be able to protect herself or others if a person starts going on a rampage in the building? Oh, fuck it...let's still shit our pants and spread unwarranted fear...for the children.](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/images.jpeg)
OH NOES!!!!!! She’s got a gun!
And saving the best for last. See if you can spot the most retarded part of this piece. Way to keep my faith in you, Houston Chronicle. I expect lefty garbage and you almost never let me down.
Give em hell today, friends. I know I’m going to.
Good Morning, gotta go to O.C. today, Enjoy! The Heat!
After the ‘SAFE’ act was thrust into law, I thought about what sort of repealing legislation I would want. The schema I came up with was thus:
In jurisdictions where federal, state and local laws conflict, the least restrictive rule applies, with the others having no force or effect.
Well, one of many bills unlikely to actually be acted upon comes close to that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t allow less restrictive state or local laws to have preemptory ability, only capping restrictions at federal levels. I don’t know if this is entirely good, or a good intentioned paving stone down a bad road with federal power.
Reds everywhere!
Is my date really ‘woke,’ or is his progressive attitude just for show?
Ms. babbler, revealed preferences have shown that by and large, women, even feminist women, don’t actually want the mentally crippled ‘allies’ they’re saying they do. So pray it’s just an act.
Wish she’d wax her toxic femininity.
Golf clap.
Feminists live in such a paranoid, delusional world where everyone is out to get them. I almost feel sorry for them.
Present company excluded?
Don’t touch my tinfoil hat!
Back when I was dating (when dinosaurs roamed the earth), I never pretended to be anything I wasn’t. Because – surprise! – if you make a facade, it will crack over time.
The things
menboys do for love.Also, as Uncivil above points out, it doesn’t even really work. Women don’t respect men that roll over for them, so they don’t tend to be attracted to these loser beta feminist males anyway, ironically.
As Ferris Bueller says about Cameron, “He’s going to marry the first girl he sleeps with, and she’s going to treat him like shit, because she will have given him what he’s built up in his mind to be the end all, be all of human existence. She won’t respect him, because you can’t respect someone who kisses your ass. It just doesn’t work.”
Hank, it ain’t worth the pain.
“I have encountered more than one guy who sidles up to the bar waxing poetic about toxic masculinity”
No, you haven’t.
Yeah, I would file that under “shit that never happened”.
I figured she was talking about Longfellow.
I sent that to my wife. Her responses:
“What the fuck is ‘woke’?”
“These people must be miserable!”
“I’ve only made it halfway and I can already tell she’ll be single forever.”
“What the fuck did I just read? I just can’t.”
She’s making my breakfast while reading it. Think I’ll keep her around.
Your wife is very astute.
Wait, she’s making you breakfast?! That’s even worse than forcing her to make you a sammich. Why don’t you want her to be a libertarian?
“What the fuck is ‘woke’?”
If you have to ask, you aren’t.
Your wife and my wife park their cars in the same garage.
go on…
My girlfriend just said “random and silly” haha
Are my comments showing up there? I know I was shadowbanned for a while but I think WaPo had started showing my comments again.
I saw two of ’em
Ok. I want to make sure I don’t need to burn their offices down.
OK Milton.
I’ve been shadowbanned at NYT. Builds character.
I know around here, if you wore a #staywoke t shirt to a bar, you would get no pussy and would likey get you ass kicked for peddling that stupid bullshit.
How about if it was a #staywoke tshirt with a Bill Cosby pic on it?
That would be too awesome.
That would be acceptable.
Shut up and take my money!
With a pudding pop?
Oh, Jesus God! This needs printed up stat!
I Lol’d.
So wearing my LGBT shirt won’t get me laid?
As trannies go, that one is surprisingly believable. Not quite on the Thai ladyboy level, but definitely above average.
no “Q” for Queensryche??
And then she goes on to lament that some guys are just doing this to “seem” woke. Fuck you. Fuck you so much. This is exactly what you get when you’re a militant asshole all the time.. people will change their behavior around you because they have to walk on eggshells. You’ve made yourself impossible to be around. People don’t feel comfortable around you.
If I was still in the dating game, I would start every conversation with,
“How do feel about makin sammiches?”
Any negative response would be met with quick dismissal. I don’t need that shit in my life.
That would probably work pretty well.
Do you know how highly offensive that is? I hope ENB retweets what you just said so that every possible employer of yours can see how sexist you are, not wanting women to be libertarians!
I doubt my employer gives a fuck. We’re not woke down here.
Sounds like you live in a horrible, repressive, sexist hell-hole!
Well c’mon now Elite, we can’t all live in the Holy City on the mountaintop.
The Gay Steel Mill cares little for the opinions of hags.
My favorite part was the sentence immediately after that: “But the hopefulness I feel…”
The hopefulness she feels over the fact that men are too scared to talk to women. That makes her hopeful.
By extension, some savvy daters feel they must project an appearance of righteousness to impress their partner.
So, basically, it’s just occurring to Ms. Einstein over here that guys (and usually the creepier sort) will tell girls what they want to hear in order to get laid. It’s funny that it still doesn’t occur to her that the guys who’re telling her she’s full of shit are probably the ones more inclined to treat women as peers or equals.
Whelp, only accept mindless acceptance of your brainless idiocy and you get what’s coming to you.
-Alexa Peters
marquise, masquerade, bisous, tepid… At least she managed to work in all of her vocabulary words.
Candy is dandy
But liquor is quicker
– Ogden Nash
So, Homeless?, throw money at it! that works every time
you get more of what you pay for.
What are you talking about? I leave sugar and crumbs on my counters every summer so that the ants get full and are free to move on.
Trump Got This One Right
Shutting down the CIA’s ghost war in Syria.
End the CIA. They have proven themselves incompetent and useless over and over again.
The CIA is pretty good at gathering intelligence. It seems to be hit or miss with regard to analysis. It is absolute shit at covert operations.
Assuming you’re right, how much of that success should be laid at the feet of NSA or NRO (or whatever they’re calling themselves now?)
This is the agency that didn’t predict the fall of the Soviet Union, the country that it was created to spy on.
That would be the “miss” part of the analysis angle.
I want to see more of this. We have no business backing any group in the ME.
I’m gonna mail Trump my copy of Lawrence in Arabia. Not much has changed culturally there since the time of T.E. Lawrence. Factional tribes with 1000 year old blood feuds aren’t going to unite to form a western democracy and fight off a tyrant.
What multiple administrations (including this one, although maybe Trump is coming around) have failed to understand is that it’s not just a case of there not being any good guys in these conflicts. It’s that we’re looking at entire cultures with absolutely nothing worth preserving in any fashion. The people in that video are sociopaths, sure. But they’re coming from a subculture where that behavior is within the bounds of acceptable behavior, and that subculture is tacitly supported by its parent culture. For Christ’s sake, these people do things the Nazis would have been ashamed of.
So trying to establish some kind of western democracy in these places is counterproductive. While you’ve got the potential for groups like ISIS running around, as shitty as it is, people like Assad and Hussein and Mubarak are the lesser evil. If you really want to help people in these places, let them become Americans.
If you really want to help people in these places, let them become Americans.
Not sure how you get from “psycho subculture supported by toxic culture” to “we need more of that in America”.
Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
I mean, leave the culture, take people who look around at their neighbors and say, “Fuck this shit. Tell me more about barbecue and football!” I’m not saying we should do what Europe has done. I’m not arguing for the salad bowl. I’m arguing for an immigration policy based on assimilation.
I agree in principle. Establishing a bureaucracy that is remotely competent in vetting people cultural fit, and retooling immigration to focus on future citizens rather than half-in/half out workers not on a citizenship track, that’s the trick.
Well, I also think there’s a social norm that has to be in place. At the risk of sounding like I’m Alt-Lite or whatever, you can’t implement that kind of an immigration policy unless most of the people involved in setting and enforcing policy believe that American culture is something worth assimilating into. Cultural relativism isn’t going to be your friend here. You need Syrians who want to be Americans, not Syrians living in America, and you need Americans who want more Americans, not Syrian-Americans. Substitute the national or ethnic background of your choice for Syrian, of course.
I always want to ask people why it’s so imperative to “bring democracy to the Middle East” when most of the population is culturally stuck in medieval times. If most citizens believe that the death penalty is an appropriate response to things like homosexuality and “blasphemy”, then fuck democracy. If the culture has not yet moved beyond that kind of barbarism, some kind of strongman dictatorship would actually be preferable just to kinda-sorta keep a lid on it.
Democracy and all that good shit is a symptom, not a cause, and that’s what the neocons and so forth never seem to get. Representative democracy only happens where there’s at least some tradition of respect for individual liberties, and if you don’t have that you just get a cargo cult election process like we see in any tin-pot dictatorship.
Hey, maybe those guys were the same ones that McCain took those grinning jackass photos with.
As far as I can tell, Trump ending Obama’s arms trafficking program is doing more for peace in the Middle East than Chocolate Jesus himself ever did… But I’m not expecting Trump to get a Nobel Peace Prize.
Concerning the records release, the government is not concerned with compromising sources and informants in the least. Their only concern is embarrassing or incriminating someone that is still alive.
Some things never change.
I thought Lee Harvey Oswald was the cover up for the smoking man’s role in Kennedy’s death?
I get the impression that even the proponents of the “Oswald did it alone” theory admit the Warren Commission wasn’t established to “find the truth”, but rather to assure Americans that the Russians weren’t about to invade.
So how long before the FBI and CIA release all their information on the Tsarnaev brothers?
Not until Obama has passed on and been apotheiosized!
For me, Jack Ruby was the oddest part of the story.
That is the impression I get.
Anyway, from the link: Shenon says the “hidden chapter” of the Kennedy assassination story is a “strange” trip that Oswald — the man arrested for the assassination and shortly thereafter assassinated himself — took to Mexico City in September 1963, during which he met with operatives from Cuba and the Soviet Union.
I think the author left out a “was” between “assassinated” and “himself”, because the syntax of the sentence indicates Oswald killed himself.
Which raises the video interesting question, if your important enough, does your suicide count as an assassination?
If you get Jack Ruby to shoot you.
No it doesn’t.
Leaving out the “was” before “arrested” makes the grammar parallel in “the man arrested…and…assassinated”.
Or, you could write it as a good English clause:
the man arrested for the assassination
andwho was shortly thereafter assassinatedhimselfThe “himself” is optional, meaning it should probably go, too.
Subpoena time
OT, but would you be able to Glib this pic up?
Let me put it thru my robber baron algorithm.
Here you go.
Thanks man!
That is some above-and-beyond tax evasion there hammer.
You obviously haven’t invested in Orphan Moon-Mining operations very heavily. It’s a booming industry.
Yea, I currently have my orphans being groomed for “donor” organs, a la “The Island”.
Hey scruffy. I was in the book thread the other day that you are reading Alexander Dolgun’s story. That’s one of my favorite books. My older brother gave it to me when I was 13 or so and I have read it at least a half dozen times. It got me started on communist hating which eventually let to libertarianism.
What do you think of it?
I enjoyed it. I picked it up on someone’s recommendation from this site, maybe it was you.
It really gives some context to the indifference to suffering that existed in the Soviet Union and the ways that the human mind adapts in order to survive.
Glad you liked it. It is an amazing story to me. It highlighted to me how it was essential for the Soviet government to extract confessions of guilt where non existed in order to legitimize their power. The absolute denial of the truth is the cornerstone of the legitimacy of the Soviet system
No shit subpoena time. I am convinced team red as well as the FBI do investigations purely as theater if it involves the ruling class. They have no desire to actually uncover and expose wrongdoing.
Wonderful thing, a subpoena
Great movie
Simpson will only answer the committee’s questions if he is not asked for the name of the Democratic partisan
Subpoena him, hold him in contempt if he doesn’t answer. Why the Congress is so utterly ball-less in its “investigations” is a mystery to me.
Actually, no its not.
NAACP issues travel advisory for Missouri:
So? How long ago did they slide into irrelevence?
I was in Missouri last week. Seemed safe enoigh while I was there.
Look at Mr. White Privilege over here.
Could be cognitive privilege. Or male privilege. I suppose even cis-het privilege, but I don’t know Lachowsky that well.
How he’s a shitlord is less relevant than the fact that he is one.
Do you even intersectionality, bro?
SugarFree was using way before it was cool… *
Study Finds Salmon Sperm-Derived ‘DNA Sunscreen’ Works Better Longer You Wear It
* I keed, I keed
Um, what happens when the UV-mutated DNA migrates into an organism and begins growing eldrich abominations?
They raise the price?
Um, I’m leaving for Algoma, WI for a salmon charter this Thursday. As a fair-skinned red head, do you think the other guys will look at me funny if I apply some of this new “sun cream” manually after catching a king salmon?
If you keep whacking off the fish in a catch and release scheme, pretty soon they’ll just be waiting for you by the shore.
*standing ovation*
I saw that Black Hole movie in the theater as a kid – wow did that suck. Sci-Fi movies in general sucked back then.
If you get local coverage of your baseball team, why would you ever want them on ESPN? I’m a Red Sox guy and outside the NESN market – so I only get to watch if they play the Yankees or Mets, or if ESPN or MLB carries the game. The best scenario is if the game is on MLB with the NESN commentators. (Holy shit is Rafael Devers looking good – 4 for 4 is his 6th game in the Major League last night)
Yeah, I just hate it when the Yankees are on ESPN, ESPN’s fucking commenters suck ass.
Not quite as bad the YES commentators – I hate those homers with a passion.
Well, that’s because you are a Red Sox guy. You may not be completely unbiased here.
I’ve watched a lot of games on MLB with local commentators from around the league. I can honestly say Michael Kay and team are the biggest, most biased bunch of homers in the business.
Feeling a little butt hurt over second place and the Sonny Gray trade?
That would put them 12.5 games back of the Astros, right? Seeing as they’re .5 back of the Yankees.
Which means, if my math is accurate, the Yankees are still 12 back of us. And we get no coverage while the spotlight shines bright on a team that’s a dozen games back in the same league.
I say again – be happy with the local coverage. ESPN sucks ass.
Yes. It takes a truly brilliant GM to make those kinds of moves with an unlimited budget. I think Devers call-up might pay off more.
Hey Sloopy, I agree ESPN sucks ass. That being said, I can understand why they would pay more attention to the NYC media market. Anyway, we’ll soon enough see how things go in the playoffs.
It takes a truly brilliant GM to make those kinds of moves with an unlimited budget.
Wasn’t the Bosox payroll higher than the Yankees last year? You guys really can’t complain about buying championships anymore.
Even a few years ago it was, ‘all BOS-NYY, all the time.’ Very annoying trying to find out the Astros score, scrolling through their silly little ticker on top of the page, and still needing to click the “more scores” link.
To hell with ESPN and their shitty little social signalling propaganda empire. A la carte is coming, and I cannot wait for them to choke on their TV contracts.
Maybe – they’ll be paying Sandoval $18,000,000 a year to not play for the Red Sox for several more years. Whoever thought he was a good idea should be tarred and feathered.
As a Yankees fan, I wholeheartedly agree that Kay sucks. The color guys, other than Flaherty, are good, especially Cone. O’Neill was pretty stiff and wooden early on, but he’s grown into the role, and Singletary is a real pro.
Besides, assuming that you’re a Bruins fan too, you guys have the homer of all homers in Jack Edwards.
Nope. Never a big hockey fan. Used to be a big Celtics fan but have lost all interest in basketball.
Just Pats and Red Sox now. I honestly would rather watch college or high school sporting events than most pro sports these days,
I watched Passenger yesterday. Not bad.
My point is that they dedicate so much print to those four markets at the expense of the others. There’s some great baseball going on, yet all I see when I open their site is “Yankees, Sox, Cubs and Dodgers.” It’s fucking retarded and alienates a lot of the country.
Espn was close to a monopoly on good, national sports coverage about a decade ago. Sure, there were other outlets but none with the research capabilities and broad reach they had. Then they started dumping money into stupid ass shit at the expense of markets like St Louis or Balmer or Houston. And it’s been a steady decline ever since.
I can’t figure out why I should keep ESPN since they play one baseball game a week. I think they get like one pro football game a week. Maybe the Sunday night game? I can’t wait for them to fade away.
college football.
Meh Sportscenter actually led with Gio Gonzalez pitching a no-hitter into 9th last night. But yeah I kind of agree, it’s really bad if you ever catch a game they are covering and they talk more about players and teams that aren’t playing on the field that they happen to be broadcasting at. The Dodgers can have the crown they will fold against one of the wild card teams and I suspect Kershaw back is worse off than they lead on.
I actually liked “The Black Hole.” Or, ‘Moby Dick, in spacceeeeee!’ Beautifully shot, glacially slow, and dark as hell (literally) for a Disney PG movie. Silly mystical ending, but I blame 2001 for that.
Of course, I was 6 or 7 at the time.
I too loved it as a child, but haven’t watched it since I was 10, probably for the better.
The Black Hole?
I was so excited for Black Hole when it came out. And then I was like WTF?
California voted to go easy on criminals — this is how crime is doing 3 years later
There’s the part I don’t believe or understand. Wouldn’t arrests go up if career criminals are being cycled through the system faster? The laws shortened jail-time for some crimes, it didn’t abolish a bunch of violent-crime laws that cops arrest people for.
LAPD says “Fuck it”?
“Three years later, some local law enforcement officials are blaming ”
So much you could say. Rule of thumb: when two statistics are portrayed as related, without a study, there is a good chance someone is talking out of their ass. In particular law enforcement officers here. Like you pointed out, The numbers don’t match the narrative or facts: if repeat criminals were happening then you should have seen a rise. Also, lower punishments should have seen the arrest rate stay the same.
These are two picked statistics that are being used to suck cops ****.
Too much crime not enough police officers need more money!!!
Cops aren’t bothering to get out of the car and work cases, if, in the case of theft below 1000 dollars, the payoff is that the crook is going to get a citation and no jail time. (And probably no sweet court OT testifying time)
Moreover, the Ferguson effect, and supposed race-blind arrest/booking procedures are disincentivizing cops to make arrests on violent cases that have actual jail as a penalty.
In short, citizen contacts are such a PITA to document these days, that cops aren’t bothering to get out of their car to do them. Fewer contacts, fewer arrests.
Colloquially known as, “Smile and Wave.” That’s how I, someone not in the industry, would attempt to explain the two contrary trends mentioned in your post.
Actually, the changes recategorized a number of violent crimes as non-violent crimes to facilitate catch and release, in order to (a) help illegals stay clear of ICE and (b) reduce the proportion of black men in jail.
If you’re a cop, I totally understand dialing back what you do on those crimes – these are violent criminals, so they aren’t the safest/easiest to arrest, and once you do, they’re back on the street before you finish the paperwork, so why bother?
Tied the knot last night at a bar. One glib lurker ordained himself in the Universal Life Church and signed the government permission slip and another glib lurker was a witness (seriously guys just register accounts and post inane bullshit like the rest of us). Now we get to tell our parents that we finally got married after 16 years and we didn’t invite them. Yippee!
Look, NP, if they don’t have anything to say, they have the right to remain silent.
Come on where’s the one for all spirit? They just want to enjoy our wit like simulacrum without going on any government lists so they don’t get dragged away into the camps with us.
I guess they don’t realize lurking also gets them on the list.
And congratulations!
That’s collectivism talk.
Are there really people that lurk here? *Scans room nervously*
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
If you are lurking (ie making no mark of your passing)…how do you know how many others are out there?
perhaps an /lurkers board. Where registration is made and nothing else.
Only a few after you eliminate the bots created by the 3 letter agencies to monitor us and MAry/Tulpa’s various socks
Congrats on your union under the State!!!
May you have many years of wedded bliss.
Congrats. No free drinks? I am disappoint.
Nope we did get a free piece of cheesecake though. The waitress was completely freaked out by us and she even refused to sign as a witness when offered. I think she was a little to conservative for our table of drunk weirdos
table of drunk weirdos
The Glib Motto?
I thought we settled this a few days ago…
Quis te, culus,!? is out motto
Congratulations! I’m glad you both were able to get the legal mumbo-jumbo worked out.
For free stuff, telling hospitality purveyors that you’re honeymooning is pretty useful.
Oh, and a +1 on “Why lurk?”
Lol. “What kind of monsters treat their wedding so casually?!” Ha.
Congrats. Guess your waitress doesn’t like tips.
Coulda been worse, they could have invited her to join them in the honeymoon suite 🙂
Wow. Congratulations! Is she one of us?
Oh yes. She’s a full blown ancap. But she’s undercover since she works in academia.
Hooray for the hidden ancaps. Seriously, congrats.
But you could have loaded up your Kohl’s and Bed Bath & Beyond registry with a bunch of useless shit and pressured friends and relatives to compensate you for the trouble of your choice!
Yeah there’s something kind of odd about asking for presents because we signed a piece of paper. Maybe if our parents weren’t cheap bastards like us it would be worth it.
*nods knowingly*
T-shirt and jeans state-sanctioned legal bondage ftw.
Congrats on finally getting State approval of your relationship.
Congratulations. I know you’ve already been together 16 years, but i hope you realize you have had your last blowjob. J/K
Congrats! I’m happy for y’all! Also as a former lurker at Reason I encourage all lurkers to step into the bathing light of the commentariat
Congrats as well!
I’m not sure how ‘bathing’ that light is, unless you mean like using radiation to decontaminate food.
Congratulations to you and your spouse, NP.
Congratulations! or My Sympathies.
Seriously, though, best of luck to you and the Mrs.
Congrats, you poor bastard!
Congratulations, and well done on not going into debt so that people you only see on major holidays can eat salmon they’re too cheap to buy themselves.
This^^. Congratulations!
That’s awesome, dude! It’s been said already but I’ll say it again–congratulations! Wishing you at least two years of happiness, hopefully more! 😉
Best of wishes for many happy years to you and your bride.
Oh, and congrats, my negga.
Congrats. Happy days.
Watched the new trailer for LBJ. It appears that they’re attempting to rehabilitate his image. He was just carrying on Kennedy’s inspired agenda as a tribute to his fallen boss.
I wonder if they will include the “I’ll have them niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years” quote.
Actually, no, I don’t wonder at all.
I’d be content if they included the rumours about him walking around comparing the size of his Johnson to his staff’s.
Making people have meetings with him while he was on the shitter, too. A real class guy, LBJ.
That is in the trailer at least.
I’m guessing they won’t cover Kennedy’s philandering, drug use, and penchant for 18 year olds either.
His fallen boss whom he detested. Yeah makes sense.
Will they have him completely ignoring the advise of the Joint Chiefs and escalating the war in Vietnam in the most retarded way possible?
I wonder what Kennedy would have done, had he lived? I can’t see the guy who undercut the Bay of Pigs invasion, agreeing to double down in S. Vietnam.
I also wonder what the PRC would have done had Johnson authorized not just mining Haiphong and bombing the shit out of the Hanoi area, but actually landing the Marines on the Red River delta instead of Da Nang? I don’t think the Chinese would have pushed through. Certainly neither Ho Chi Minh nor Giap wanted them there.
Rob Reiner, a man who undoubtedly was calling LBJ a “sonofabitch” for his actions in Vietnam, is now sucking him off on celluloid because Democrat.
This is true to extent for both Team Evil and Team Stupid, but Team Evil really takes the hero worship to another level. I used to think the assertion that it’s generally related to a lack of religion/faith/what have you on their part didn’t hold up, but they really do worship this civil servants like Gods.
Only the dirtiest politician since the Gilded Age. With (allegedly) a few murders under his associates’ belts, and not even counting whatever he may or may not have had to do with JFK getting killed. I’m sure Hollywood is up to the task.
Darnit, now I’m thinking of “Bubba Hotep”.
Will they show the incident with Johnson buggering Kennedy’s head wound?
“Suck, Jackie, Suck.”
Wait, wrong memorable piece of pop culture.
*wild applause*
A few years ago I read The man who killed Kennedy not really knowing who Roger Stone (author) was. I am not sure I buy LBJ had Kennedy killed, but it sure did paint a picture of who LBJ was. What a giant shit bag.
If you don’t buy the Warren Commission’s findings, (I do, but conspiracy theories are good clean fun), the person I like for setting up the assassination is Madame Nhu. Hard to find a better motive, and not hard to think the Diem family knew a few people who could find their way around a rifle.
Also, IIRC, if you plot and extend Oswald’s walking path from his last departure from his room, to where he runs into Tippit, it leads right to the Dallas Zoo. Not a bad place to set up a meet with the guys who you think are going to get you out of Dallas and take you to God only knows where. “Still got the shovel!”
Gah, there are so many inconsistencies with the JFK Assassination narrative.
“Back, and to the left”
My history is kinda fuzzy, but i recall reading that they fucking hated one another and disagreed about almost everything.
The comrades were best of friends!
See if you can spot the most retarded part of this piece.
That is a tough one. How about:
“even as it is illegal in Texas to carry on grade-school property.”
You’re not in fucking grade school. In fact you are there to get a headstart into college. If you’re that afraid of peaceful people using they’re rights, take an AP class and stay in high school. Colleges are for grown-ups, and if you can’t be a grown ass adult (part of which is recognising that people will do things you don’t like and that they are still good people) then stay in grade school.
Not the most retarded part of the piece, but of law:
“Lone Star eventually identified more than 230 spaces on its campuses across the region – including cosmetology labs, testing centers and child care centers – that will be gun-free zones, which the law permits. About 60 others, like recital halls and theaters, will block guns at certain times.”
That makes it difficult to carry.
Quick new bill – State funds may not be used for any institution which includes gun-free zones.
It’s this, because the animist took that wrote this has fused “guns shooting people by themselves” and “concealed carriers are covertly brandishing” into one incoherent cluster of retardation.
You never know which
police officerstudent is going to ice you in the middle of a lecture.A former coworker of mine that now works as an adjunct professor in the area (not UT) is friends with me on Facebook and claims colleges should remain gun free zones because college students are not “fully formed adults.”
I haven’t blocked her because witnessing her transition from Neocon => Ron Paul-bot => Christian lefty => full fledged TDS has been most entertaining.
“Three University of Texas at Austin professors, who argued the law had a chilling effect on their ability to speak freely, last week appealed a federal judge’s dismissal of their campus carry lawsuit to the Fifth Circuit. U.S. District Court Judge Lee Yeakel tossed the lawsuit in July, finding that the professors lacked standing by failing to prove an actual injury.”
I read about that. It must be something to spew such infuriating bullshit they worry being shot over it.
If they really believe that someone would be motivated to murder them because of what they are saying, why wouldn’t they also be concerned that someone might also beat the shit out of them for it? Yet assault and battery never seemed to be much of a concern to them.
“Guns for show, knives for a pro”
As someone said somewhere else when this first started: “I’m sure lots of professors at colleges ‘worried for their ability to speak freely’ after integration, too.”
Well, duh, why do you think they’re still arguing for segregation?
Because they are credentialed but uneducated with a shallow grasp of history and don’t realize that they are making the same bigoted, illogical, and indefensible arguments that George Wallace was making before he got shot. Or maybe they know enough history and are afraid of being shot like George Wallace. I’ll have to think about that some more.
Re: JFK assassination.
The most recent interesting (in my opinion) argument by Conspiracy Theorists is that we have a picture of Oswald standing in front of the Book Depository at the time,of the assassination. The picture is a frame from on of the recordings made by reporters just after the shots were fired.
Search for Sean Murphy and Prayer Man. I would provide a link, but I have to go to work, now. There is a video about “Prayer Man” that is fascinating as much for setting up the scene (for example, how the stairs to the second and third floors were situated, which bears on the statement by Officer Barry that he met Oswald in the second floor lunchroom just after the shooting)
Also, if you haven’t seen it, check out the video “JFK: three days that changed America” by the History Channel. There is no commentary, just straight, raw footage from the time Kennedy goes to the banquet and is given a “ten gallon hat” to the point where Ruby shoots Oswald.
I think that picture is of Billy Lovelady
Someone made three shots from the Depository, per the witnesses stacking books in the floor immediately below the Nest. Whether it was Oswald or not…I think it was. Wasn’t LHO also spotted in the employee cafeteria drinking a coke something like 45 seconds after the shots? Assuming he was outside, how long would it take to get to the caf?
Don’t you mean Book Suppository? I hate it when people get the words wrong…
Referring to this?
Oh there’s a Marxist case for any crackpot theory…
A Marxist case for intersectionality
The “Marxist case” for anything is guaranteed to be wrong. This is not necessarily an indictment of the item being argued for (no, we can indict intersectionality all by its lonesome), but it’s simply a reflection that the underlying precepts of Marxism are bullshit.
Wouldn’t that be the Marxist case for marxisim?
Marxists have a great deal of focus on their idea.
They’re both bullshit and pure sophistry. That’s the case.
I can’t even read the blockquote, the link text Is so stupid and out of touch that I can’t stop laughing long enough to focus.
We already knew you intersectional feminists were a bunch of marxists. No need to spell it out for us.
Err I thought intersectionality was already a direct outgrowth of marxist theory
Oh my!
Elephants, tigers kill one human a day in India
Out of over a Billion Indians? Statistical noise, really. And if the elephants come into contact with humans enough to kill someone daily, the poachers make a really poor showing of finding and killing them.
I wonder what those numbers look like when you paid the animal attacks with “complications arising from ritualistic bathing in rivers of diarrhea.”
Sounds like they need to be *more* endangered than they are/
Humane Society probes video of alligator drinking, smoking
Were they luring into a “tour” of a handbag factory?
Now we get to tell our parents that we finally got married after 16 years and we didn’t invite them.
Feelings were hurt.
In re: Baseball Trade Deadline — It looks like the Firstros have decided that they’ll get ’em next year unless their offense can score more runs than the bullpen can give up.
There really wasn’t much available. No truly elite guys, but don’t you guys have a ton of young position players? Who needs prospects when they are all blocked for the next 3-4 years anyway.
We have prospects. There are about 10 position players who are probably pro quality, but there’s nobody to send down. They all hit too well. There are probably 6 starters (if I include McCullers) who can routinely give up 2 or 3 runs in 5-6 innings work. Our #4 pitcher is like 9-1 this year. The bullpen is weak, and if we had prospects for middle reliever and closer, they should be playing by now. OTOH, unless 2 or 3 guys get hurt, we’ve probably got at least one and maybe as many as three more years before contracts start expiring and the cost of keeping the team together gets astronomical.
My man Derek Fisher is going to be damned good for you. I’m sorry to see him on the Astros since they’re the main obstacle to another Yankees World Series appearance, but I’m glad he’s getting a shot now.
+1 on not selling off the farm for Sonny Gray. Rangers weren’t going to trade Darvish in the division for anything less than 150% of value. And supposedly Angelos screwed them out of Britton.
Really, Luhnow missed the boat earlier when Quintana, and really Sale too from last year, were available and he didn’t get either one. The Chris Sale failure is really galling. Something with the White Sox front office, I dunno.
I don’t have much faith the Stros will make the World Series. Call them 140 favorites over Boston or the Yankees in the ALDS, and, Jeez, you’d have to put them as a dog to the Indians in a hypo ALCS. -130? So, about a 25-35 percent chance?
A damned shame, considering the years Altuve, Correa, and Springer were having.
And just change around those plusses and minuses on the baseball betting, not that I do any.
I have no clue what the Orioles were doing at the deadline. Britton’s value isn’t what it was last year, but they still had to trade him, and the Astros have plenty of prospects they could’ve given in return. Instead they … make a couple of mediocre acquisitions (not complaining about them giving the Phillies actual value for Jeremy Hellickson). Which get them no closer to the playoffs, which they had no chance of making anyways.
The Orioles have no idea what they are doing, the fact that they publicly came out and said they wouldn’t trade Britton to the Nats for less than twice the amount of what they felt like they should get tells you everything. Especially since they refused to move on Britton.
But hey, they have Tim Beckham now!!
Interesting piece on North Korea learning from Libya’s mistake of surrendering its arsenal of non-conventional weapons.
More fallout from the “smart diplomacy” by Obama and Clinton.
By ‘fallout’ you mean intended consequences, right?
7 dimensional chess.
To this day, I still cannot believe that idiot rewarded Gaddafi for doing what we asked by stabbing him in the back. It torpedoed any effort at disarmament by other rogue countries.
Basically your avatar, Amirite? BTW, taking a few days off with the old avatar. I’ll pop it back on later.
That’s ok. You don’t love me anymore. I understand.
Stick a tophat on that one, straff. It’d be a keeper with a tophat.
Honestly, I really can’t think of any way in which the Libya intervention made any sense whatsoever. It’s almost as if they were reading Salon or somesuch and got the impression that it would be really “woke” to intervene in support of the Arab Spring.
It wasn’t his back that got stabbed
Backside, really.
Not the best way to go. Probably on par with riding a row of 747 seats down from 30-some odd thousand feet over Scotland.
As much as I like to bitch out Hillary’s idiocies as SecState, there’s a lot more to blame for NK’s behavior than just the Libyan example. We can look at Ukraine giving up their ex-Soviet nuclear arms in exchange for our commitment to look sternly at Russia should they invade. We can see what happened to Saddam when he half-ass complied with getting rid of his nascent nuclear program, and his full fledged chemical weapons programs, and earned himself a rope dance.
Add to it the paradigm of not letting these old vicious bastards living out their in exile, like Amin, Marcos and Duvalier got to do, but rather chase them around the globe to take their shit and throw them in jail (Pinochet, Milosevic). Which feels good—these guys need to be spitted on a devil’s pitchfork like yesterday—but gives them the significant incentive to never let the reins of power leave their hands.
All that said, even Iran doesn’t regularly threaten to nuke the shit out of us, and the Mullahs probably won’t be torn to pieces by their people even if the Green Revolution had come about. Neither is true with North Korea. We are going to be on the hook for subsidizing that shit’s disgusting police state for the rest of his days, or he will make sure that the last thing he does is try to kill everyone around him.
Never mind the potential of NK selling the tech for this stuff to someone even crazier than they are. NK’s finally made something besides meth that other people want to buy. Or using their new submarine launched missiles to try and make other larger powers think their main enemies are shooting at them instead of NK.
What a mess.
Excellent points all around, thanks.
Also, thanks for your quick synopsis yesterday in the PM Links on the near-term risks of me visiting South Korea, much appreciated.
Thank you, glad I could be of help.
You should have a wonderful time. Per the ads I see all over my local HMart, Jeju is supposed to be known for great seafood.
I’d love to visit the country and see great examples of celadon Goryeo that don’t make it here.
Yeah, it should be a good time, we are particularly excited about Jeju. Where do you live that has an H-Mart? I’m in the Philly suburbs and we have one up near Cheltenham and I remember there being a big one in Fairfax county, Va some years ago when I lived there, but they aren’t all that common. Are they?
Houston has a medium sized one. The one up in Carrollton (suburb of Dallas) is much larger. I don’t remember when the one in Houston showed up. I guess there are two more of them now, one in Bellaire, one going into Katy.
I’ve no idea how I grocery shopped before it and Ranch 99 came to town.
If you can think of it, foodwise, you probably can find it in the Houston environs.
I’m in Daejeon right now. Lived here for 5 years in total.
It’s totally fine and nobody takes any of this shit seriously. Maybe that’s some Stockholm Syndrome on the part of the SoKos and myself, but it’s the reality here.
You’ll have a great time. Where are you gonna be? I assume Seoul or maybe Busan. Let me know if you have any questions about anything!
And rubbing one out…
Want to Be Happy? Buy More Takeout and Hire a Maid, Study Suggests
“People who can afford to pay other people to do chores are happier — SCIENCE!!”
Really, I think there’s more real satisfaction to be had by doing something yourself. I know I still get a little feeling of pride when I boot up my computer, knowing that I built it myself. Never got that feeling with any prebuilt computer I’ve had. Same thing with having a good meal, knowing you cooked it yourself.
I agree with this. ie – The other weekend I had a whole bunch of time off… and felt bored beyond belief. So I ended up scraping the paint off of my back patio with the idea of fixing it when the weather cools.
Or making my own stereo gear. Or fixing a car. Or doing a gardening project.
But these are things that you guys like. Think of chores you have to do (getting food to eat is a necessity) and if you hate cooking, well you might be happier eating out.
I don’t like working on cars but it is a good feeling when the repair is done.
Lots of hobbies and projects can be extremely frustrating, but there is still some joy when they are done. And at least I’m doing something instead of being bored.
But I will farm out there more difficult jobs.
“I don’t like working on cars but it is a good feeling when the repair is done.”
That’s because you suffer from toxic masculinity. It’s incurable, the humane thing is to put you down.
No I agree, there are some things worth doing, but there are some that you still don’t get any sense of accomplishment from (cooking in particular, if you have to cook, then making a peanut butter sandwich for lunch is not going to be rewarding)
I like cooking – but don’t have to do it every day. And of course when I cook, I make something that I want to eat – like steak!
I take pride in maintaining my lawn, it always feels good to walk out to a freshly trimmed lawn. As for cleaning the house… it’s complete misery I’d be happy to have a maid.
Agreed here. There are a lot of things I don’t necessarily like doing, but the satisfaction (and the skill gained if you didn’t know how to do it before,) are worth it.
Agree but it’s different with tasks you don’t want to do and don’t get satisfaction from completing (such as washing dishes). Hiring out to complete these tasks leaves you more time to do what you want like building computers, cooking, etc.
I put up a half mile of field fencing by myself in our front pasture. It feels good but I will not be doing it again. The next section is deep in the woods, involving much chainsaw work, brushcutting, ticks, etc. My satisfaction has gone immensely hiring that out and freeing me up to work on constructing things on the property.
I think you can get satisfaction from doing things you don’t enjoy. I don’t like working out, but I feel a little proud of myself for forcing myself through it, especially if I really pushed myself on that particular workout. I don’t enjoy it as I’m going through it, but in the end I’m glad I made myself do it.
I built this for my shop a few years ago.
The silver tube is for throwing empty beer cans in. The can slides down the tube and lands on a plat. A prox switch detects the can on plate and tell the horizontal air cylinder to extend to push the can to the left. When the horizontal cylinder is fully extened, the vertical cylinder extends to crush the can. when the vertical cylinder retracts, the east from blind end of the cylinder blows the can off the platform and into my trashcan.
This is Hank Hill’s dream machine right here.
Nah, hank is a Texan. He wouldn’t like razorback shit I put all over it.
Exhaust, not east.
The can rises in the west and sets in the east…
🙁 I live in a deposit state. A crushed can is no longer worth a nickel.
[*spits*, crushes can on forehead, throws out window]
I’m old-fashioned
She looks like Gollum:
She’s gone full Britney.
Britney was still cute. And I think she did it to hide drug evidence.
Except people know who Brittany is. The only reason I know who Kathy is odd because of her stunt with Trump’s head.
Grandstanding cunt. Sister has cancer and she finds a way to turn it into self publicizing garbage. Yeah, I’m judging her motive.
Based on what I know of Griffin, I’d say that’s a pretty good assessment.
Prior to her doing this, I was completely unaware of cancer. Now I am aware. Mission accomplished.
It’s like the NFL, MLB, etc. all doing that pink shit for “breast cancer awareness”. Seriously?! Who the fuck is unaware of breast cancer?!
A lot of it has to do with people applying an emotional salve to themselves. I had a townie buy an old car of mine to race at the local track. He painted it pink for “breast cancer awareness,” which meant that his grandma had died of cancer.
She looks like Jackie Wright on Benny Hill
Lucky dogs:
“President Trump’s ousted communications director had an epic email clash with someone he thought was archenemy Reince Priebus — but it was just some internet troll.”
How long before that “Othello” dig gets turned into a “Racism!”?
A 60-year-old Texas woman wasn’t taking any chances Monday morning when she heard two intruders enter her home, grabbing her pistol and shooting one of the would-be thieves dead, police said.
From the sidebar: “A 28-year-old British physics teacher was indefinitely banned from the classroom after she was reportedly caught having drunken sex with a student in a plane bathroom”
“God created men, but Sam Colt made them equal”
(as long as the creep in the night that you shoot isn’t a cop)
Harris County Sheriff’s Office’s spokesman Thomas Gilliland told WTSP that both intruders — neither of whom were identified — were armed with pistols when the woman confronted them. She fired several shots and struck at least one man, who collapsed and died in her front yard.
I wish she had been wearing a body cam for that. Love to see that video.
AUDIO: Dear Lord, they’re going to steal my chocolate chip cookie recipe! *fires gun* Take that, you rapscallions!
Armed citizen solves her own problems without the need of police intervention.
God save the Queen! *salutes*
The Queen of England Enjoys Four Cocktails Every Day
I’m a republican and don’t particularly take to the idea of monarchy, but Elizabeth is a class act and exactly what someone in the role should be.
Agreed. Plus, she seems like someone who has taken the whole “noblesse oblige” thing absolutely seriously.
Every morning just before breakfast
I don’t need no marmelade or tea
Just me and my my Yank friend Bud Weiser
That’s all I ever need
Last night I got invited to a reception
But I stayed home instead
Me and my pal Johnny Walker
And his brothers Blackie and Red
The royal family done give up on me
And it makes me feel oh so sad
The only one who will hang out with me
Is my dear old Granddad
I want bourbon
I want Scotch
I want beer
Oh I ain’t been at the Palace since last night around 10
I’ve been drinking bourbon, whiskey and scotch and gin
I want to make one thing perfectly clear
I want one bourbon, one Scotch and one beer
Dancing at the club, I knew what to shake
Then I went to an Irish pub by mistake
It suddenly got very quiet
If I made one wrong move they’d start a riot
Gimme’ dat mo-moet-et.
Gimme’ that crystal-stal-tal
The Irish love my style, at my table getting wild.
Drink that whiskey to the last drop
Now now, give me 2 more bottles cause you know it don’t stop…
Hell yeah!
Get real pissed, get real pissed
The Irish all around me
Now acting like Loyalists
Hell yeah!
I smoke two joints in the morning
Before my daily chores
I smoke two joints before my Speech to Parliament
And then I smoke two more
You know it feels so right
Sucking on that bong
You know it feels so right
‘Cause the Queen can do no wrong
And when I wake up in the morning
My mouth’s all parched and dry, parched and dry
And I crawl to the refrigerator
And I peek inside
And I feel like somebody drove nails
Into my head and eyes
And I’m hoping and I’m praying
I hope there’s one more beer
“Not Being Stupid Is ‘Cognitive Privilege’ Now, Which Is Just Like White Privilege”
It’s like inverse Social Darwinism.
There should be smart tax to make up for this lack of privilege.
SHHHHH!! Stop giving them ideas.
We need to appoint a handicapper general to compensate for these unearned advantages
Yup all those kids born doing partial derivatives. In the world these people live, there is no such thing as talents being developed. You’re born with it and put be effort into cultivating it.
One of the things that I find most insulting is when people call others “naturally talented”. It completely discounts any blood, sweat and tears that went into developing said talents.
Thank you. I am totally untalented at playing bass. The only reason I (sort of) can is from endless hours and hours of practicing.
Paging Diana Moon Glampers!
Reminds me of the kids in school that used to pretend to be dumb in order to seem cool.
Oh, fuck these people. The only “privilege” intelligence carries is being superior (at least in that respect). Yes, I’m sorry to have to break it to the snowflakes, but that fact that I’m intelligent makes me superior to someone who isn’t in that regard.
At the end of the day, the social justice cadres are the most pernicious sort of Marxists. They’re trying to destroy value for being value.
Is that because people will be shamed for being intelligent enough to realize all the privilege talk is bullshit?
That’s been happening for awhile. I was a smart kid in public school. I caught a lot of shit for it.
And in poorer communities it’s just an extension of their own cultural insecurities. People tend to frame poor blacks as anti-intellectual (and they’re not wrong) but I got plenty of “book learnin’s for faggots, what, you think you’re better than us?” comments growing up in a poor rural white community too.
+ 1 crab bucket
It’s because postmodernism is all about the fee fees, and they can’t have people thinking all rationally and challenging their emotions.
At least they’re admitting that they aren’t smart enough to compete on a level playing field.
I think we should popularize femplaining as the female equivalent to mansplaining.
So a Femsplaining: A Man’s Guide post on Glibs.
That will get us the hate that we so richly deserve.
Is it family friendly though?
Not femsplaining, femplaining (from complain rather than explain)
Mainly because it triggers the SJW feminists so much when you tell them to quit their bitching.
You clever monkey.
This is the biggest benefit along with courts to trump being president
Gottlieb wants to reduce approval times for generics from years to 8 to 10 months
While trump puts on the show, the regulatory state and administrative state are clawed back with very little media coordination on it
Everyone knows Saint Obama set the wheels for this in motion while he was in office.
Man with Nazi tattoos at Cleveland Indians game sparks outrage. The Indians’ mascot is still racist.
I hate Nazi Indian fans.
The Polite 2018 Ford Mustang GT Will Allow You to Schedule Quiet Times
duh – not meant as a reply. Is this a Gilmore?
Yes, that is a Gilmore. If the unintended reply post is over five paragraphs it is know as Gilmored to fuck. If it is a Ken worthy wall of text it is Kenmored, (or at least it should be).
I find I have to refresh the page to get a new comment, not a reply at the bottom of the page.
oh, come on. I’m not that long-winded. its because i quote a lot.
I suspect that most people with nazi tattoos are ex cons who got them so that they could survive the prison experience. I’m pretty pasty white and not a very violent dude. If I ended up in prison, I would probably have to join the Aryan brotherhood to keep myself from getting raped by the black and Hispanic gangs in prison.
Yeah, I related a story in a recent thread of the brother of one of my wife’s friends, who has been to prison several times and has a few Nazi tats for precisely that reason. He doesn’t give a wet shit about Nazism, it was purely a survival tactic.
Oh, look. Someone with a fundamentally socialist ideology is into trains. Color me shocked.
“More than 800 children in England – some as young as ten – are being given controversial drugs to help them change gender.”
England, you’re such a pretty country, I don’t know why you insist on continuing to fuck it up.
The good news is, when the NHS is run per sharia requirements, they won’t do this any more. See, silver lining.
I liked The Black Hole, watched it as a kid and it holds a special place in my blackened heart, along with 20k Leagues Under the Sea. I just liked Max Schnell though, so that may influence my decisions
So unwoke. SMDH.
That lass packing heat in the campus photo up there is standing in front of the Oklahoma State University Student Union building. My alma mater! Good on her.
Cool. A good friend of mine’s oldest boy is about to start at OSU.
It’s a good place, especially for technical degrees. At least it was pretty free of lefty thinking over 20 years ago when I was there.
“A new video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) shows a Planned Parenthood vice president discussing how a “checkbox” allows abortionists to declare their compliance with the law banning partial-birth abortion and then do the procedure as they wish.
Dr. Suzie Prabhakaran, the Vice President of Medical Affairs for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, explained to CMP investigators posing as fetal tissue buyers the standard practice of abortionists who don’t use digoxin to stop a baby’s heart in the womb before extracting it.
Digoxin is a chemical injected into the human in the womb to kill him or her. It stops the baby’s heart from beating. The baby is then removed from the mother’s womb. But, if digoxin is used in an abortion, it prevents the baby from being harvested.”
What you’ve got quoted already has my blood boiling. I’m not reading the rest of that link. PP is such a disgusting organization.
But the guy doing that is just like James O’Keefe. And he’s a felon. Therefore this video can be disregarded.
-NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc
That’s awful. My father is a doctor. He has devoted his life to saving lives. I don’t see how anyone who has pursued that path could do something like that. I don’t get it.
SF, is that you?
Ken Livingstone, former Mayor of London, currently suspended from the Labour Party for being too anti-Semitic (which is saying something, given how anti-Semitic the party is as a whole):
Maduro is great, and Venezuela’s only problem is that Chavez didn’t kill the kulaks when he had the chance.
I’m not being hyperbolic here. He really said that.
“He just needed to Lenin harder! We’ll get there one day!”
I wonder what these progs’ answer is to NEP.
Good new, JB, you can marry your pillow:
“Man ‘marries’ his laptop, sues for state recognition and a wedding cake
While legal analysts said the case is a stretch, a judge in Utah has allowed part of that lawsuit to proceed, and analysts concede that Mr. Sevier’s claims get to the heart of how far the 2015 Obergefell ruling stretches when it comes to nontraditional unions.
“If marriage based on self-asserted sex-based identity narratives is a ‘fundamental right,’ ‘individual right,’ ‘existing right,’ based on a ‘personal choice’ for homosexuals, then clearly it is also a ‘fundamental right,’ ‘individual right,’ ‘existing right,’ based on a ‘personal choice’ for polygamists, zoophiles and machinists,” Mr. Sevier and several self-identified polygamists said in their lawsuit against Masterpiece Cakeshop, the Colorado baker they are challenging.”
I saw the movie “Her”. I know how that ends.
And I’ll have you know I don’t have a waifu pillow. I was at Florida SuperCon last weekend and saw some people carrying theirs around though. Most were walking stereotypes of exactly who you’d think would be carrying a waifu pillow around a convention.
Strong silent types?
Pajama Boy?
“And I’ll have you know I don’t have a waifu pillow.”
I keed, I keed.
Professor coins term ‘white priority,’ says white people think they’re better than others
As for proof that white priority exists, Sullivan stated she does not exactly have any, noting “white priority is not something that can be empirically verified or disproven.”
[head desk]
You know who else thought that white people were better than others…
Robert Byrd?
Richard Spencer?
Everybody ever?
Jamaican bobsled team?
Clayton Bigsby?
When I lived in North Carolina my wife and I adopted a beagle from the local humane society. The dog was about 2 years old at the time (we had him for about 12 years before he died. Awesome dog.) That dog HATED black people. The only guess I can figure out is that his previous owners were black and he was abused, but for the first part of his life with us he would growl and bark at anyone with dark skin.
For many dogs the trigger is just “different”. I’ve seen some dogs who were never around black people and were otherwise friendly, go apeshit the first time they saw a black person. I’m guessing because the appearance is something foreign to them, so they think it could be a threat. Kind of like reactions to uniforms.
One of our dogs who was friendly around pretty much everyone she came into contact with hated a specific plumber. He didn’t look particularly strange so it must’ve been how he smelled or something.
Could be, scent is actually the primary sense that dogs use to interact with their environment.
Our dogs are around black people enough to not think they’re weird anymore, but hats and big parka-style coats are a big trigger for one of my dogs.
My cousin’s dog hates my sunscreen. Was on vacation last week, and met Otis for the first time with little sunscreen on, hiked to the lake, then put a lot of sunscreen on. Otis didn’t like me any more. Third time, we went on a hike again, he ignored me.
Especially if it really changes the person’s shape from what they’ve been used to. My Weim was typical—velcro dog, favorite place was anywhere she could rest against me. During one of Houston’s three cold days a year, I came through the door in a pea coat and hoodie and the dog came unglued, full-fledged alert barking, then finally said screw it, and ran behind my GF. Poor thing.
Called her to a heel position and sit, and everything was all better. But she really did not like the big hooded guy in the looming dark coat.
It’s strange how their triggers are different from ours. She loved strange females, the cuter the better. (I think it was because they couldn’t throw a tennis ball as far as guys or more athletic gals could.) The dog saw a cute little blonde with a large rack though at the dog park/bar—normally the kind of woman the dog would run right up to—only this woman was so drunk and loud that the dog Nope’d the hell away when the woman tried to walk up to her.
My wife’s scottie is really timid, and extremely intimidated by men, which is really unusual for an intact male. He was beta to her rat Terrier before it died, and now he’s really submissive and intimidated whenever the baby is in the room (because my wife’s fuse with him is very short these days). Even so, the damn dog full on alert barks every time I walk in the door. It’s funny, he knows he shouldn’t do it, especially once he can see it’s me, but he can’t help himself.
(if cooked correctly) The Māori?
A philosophy professor no less.
“white priority is not something that can be empirically verified or disproven.”
What a brilliant notion! This chick created an airtight theory here.
Rick and Morty are now Facist, yo!
Get Woke!
Chucklefuck waterheads…
Look for all the R&M post in the last couple of days for examples of crazy going crazy
Guess I need to finish Season 2 now.
Indeed, it’s def worth it. Plus you can signal your crypto-fascists sympathies.
End of Season 2 is awesome, especially the last episode.
First episode of Season 3 was great. Second was… okay for R&M, not great, but still better than most other shows.
I liked the multiple timelines premiere of Season 2.
Little Rick!!!
It causes physical pain to know that that facebook page is not a parody.
I legit thought it was, but nope. I follow a few similar pages just for the lulz. Respect for Plebs is basically the same shit in a happier package, a lot more SJWish. I love hatereading their shite.
I have a feeling this season won’t be nearly as good as last.
I liked that movie. *has sad*
I liked it when the ladies (i.e., Banjos and OMWC’s better half) were doing links. Maybe we could have a week when only the female glibs – all three or four of them – could take over. We could give it a really uninspired, patronizing name, like The Week of No Sammiches or something.
We could call it the week of the female libertarians. All 7 of you would show up. J/K
There are no female libertarians!
There are four lights!
This dovetails nicely with a reduced carb diet.
Too. Much. Pressure!!
More on Venezuela: How many American progressives start to side with him?
Meanwhile, the government took two opposition leaders into custody, and the opposition as a whole needs a pep talk. That pep talk should be in the form of the military turning, but that doesn’t look likely right now.
“he accused of conspiring against his government with “Emperor Donald Trump.”
Really? I haven’t hear a peep about trump being involved even tangentially with anything Venezuelan. I guess he’s the boogeyman of socialists worldwide now.
It’s not just Trump, in reality. Chavez blamed Bush 43 and Obama for conspiring against him, and Maduro blamed the Obama administration for killing Chavez with secret cancer rays. Venezuelan dictators really like to blame the US for everything.
So, we’re about one step away from liquidation camps now?
Then we can get the orphans at blowout prices.
Oh great, now we have to argue over whether Ginger Baker or Jack Bruce was the most talented member of Cream.
::eats stale popcorn::
I can’t stand Ginger Baker. He may be talented, but he’s the best at playing a plodding style of “jazz” drumming I find just about unlistenable. Jack Bruce is a great bassist. Eric Clapton is easy to hate on, but he’s the most talented member of Cream, sorry.
I think its that he was much more influenced by the over-the-top ‘chick webb/buddy rich’ style of big-band jazz drumming…. mixed with some hippy/world-music bullshit.
I think if you’re a drummer he’s interesting because he does some things differently in his own way, but i agree with you that i don’t think he contributes to the sound of bands particularly well.
i saw a good documentary about him a few years ago. I think it was this =
Been out for a while. Welcome back.
Today’s prize goes to #19 with an honorable mention to #31 because of the KC Royals shirt.
#29 also.
Like many other college women out there, her false consciousness didn’t allow her to understand that she’d been abused.
Sounds like a game of “telephone” to me.
“In the statement, Katz said she and Boermeester have dated for more than a year. The Title IX investigation began, Steigerwalt said, after a neighbor witnessed Boermeester and Katz roughhousing. The neighbor told his roommate, who told a coach in USC’s athletic department that Boermeester was abusing Katz. The coach then reported the incident to the Title IX office.
Katz said she was summoned to a mandatory meeting with Title IX officials, where she told investigators that the two were playing around. Katz was subsequently told that she “must be afraid of Matt,” she said. She told officials she was not. Boermeester has not been arrested or charged with a crime.
“When I told the truth about Matt, in repeated interrogations, I was stereotyped and was told I must be a ‘battered’ woman, and that made me feel demeaned and absurdly profiled,” Katz said. “I understand that domestic violence is a terrible problem, but in no way does that apply to Matt and me.””
Women can’t decide things for themselves, so we need more women in positions of power so they can decide things for other people?
fucking busybodies
Are you sure she’s really a woman? I have it on good authority that she’s hiding some balls under her skirt!
Prostitution =/= Sex trafficking. Though I wouldn’t expect our special needs congresscritters to understand the distinction.
Ann Wagner has the Chuck Schumer look figured out. Snooty look over the top of the glasses.
“McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce From 1998 Just Sold for $14K on Ebay
A 20-year-old dipping sauce from McDonald’s sold for nearly $15,000 after a mention in the show Rick and Morty.
A listing for the Szechuan sauce, which was released as a promotional product for the Disney movie Mulan, closed with a winning bid of $14,700.”
I have it on good authority from facederp that this sauce and anything associated with R and M is fascist, neo-Nazi propaganda.
Yeah, see above for my derp digging on that
McDonalds recreated it and sent Justin Roiland half a gallon of the stuff. Excellent marketing.
That’s disgusting, or racist.
Its disgustingly racist.
I’d donate money to support this.
The BOR exists because certain rights are above Federalism. States shouldn’t be able to limit gun rights any more than they should be able to limit speech or privacy.
AFAIK, the 2nd Amendment has been incorporated to include States as well, so technically, they can’t, but we all know how much they care about a little thing like the BOR.
I don’t like the idea of the fed taking control of our gun laws away from the states. That is ripe for abuse.
Yeah, that’s dangerous, because it’s definitely able to be abused when and if the Democrats take control in Washington again.
Here’s the thing – A federal level ban would still override freer regimes in the states should the Gun Grabbers gain congress.
Basically, the way it stands now, the less free law reigns as the federal regime will always apply even if in conflict with freer state laws.
I would prefer a rule where the more free law reigns, but voiding less free laws is still an improvement.
Okay, I mention it in what is literally the second comment and no one notices…
Your first mistake was all the words.
You expect me to read all these comments?!?
Even a broken clock….
Ah yes, the compassionate left. Well, compassionate as long as shit is happening outside their city limits. NIMBYism is apparently alive and well in the Bay Area.
Not everyone in Oakland is a lefty. Especially up in the hills just south of Berkeley.
Someone had a lot of free time:
Cute, but too frail. I’d be nervous of breaking her. Like having an expensive set of china; it looks beautiful, sure, but how can you enjoy a meal when you’re constantly worried you’ll chip a saucer or something?
Today’s dose of idiocy from ENB’s good pal Jill Filipovic:
Jill Filipovic
Imagine what men could accomplish if they spent less time thinking about dicks. https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/891692820158918656 …
12:20 PM – Jul 30, 2017
Which led to this. Well played.
Could we spend more time trying to come up with pithy Tweets and calling ourselves “new media” celebrities?
Looks to me like some of the staff over at TOS are fully out of the closet now. I bet before the end of Trump’s first term TOS is on par with Salon.
Oh, and Jill; the health care bill failed in Congress, not the Whitehouse because mendacious R’s refuse to repeal the ACA after swearing they would for 7 years. Trump said he would sign it but they gave him nothing to sign. Are you sure you have the location of that surfeit of intellectual firepower because from where I am sitting, you dont.
Apparently TDS is incurable.
You mean, other than the advanced civilization and technology you are currently enjoying?
“All civilization was just an effort to impress the opposite sex… and sometimes the same sex.”
Also, I’m not the one tweeting about dicks, Jill.
Bruce Hornsby’s “The Way It Is” is playing in the background as I type this. It occupies a prime space on my Mixtape of Hate
Well they passed a law in 64
to give to those who ain’t got a little more
but it only goes so far
Holy shit – Jared Lorenzen, the beloved Pillsbury Throwboy, the Hefty Lefty, is now north of 500 lbs.
Jesus. He must have a wicked arm if he can throw a football with escape velocity.
His new position is QuarterTon.
Is it weird that looking at the photos linked at that kentucky.com site, I wouldn’t have guessed him any north of 300-350? “Dude, you really carry five bills well.”
Also, aren’t these guys supposed to shed weight once they leave the League?
The pics of him as a player at UK and in the NFL, when he looked comparatively thin? He was 300+ in those pictures.
Jared Lorenzen is the reason they don’t make footballs out of pigskin anymore.
Bruce Hornsby’s “The Way It Is” is playing in the background as I type this. It occupies a prime space on my Mixtape of Hate
You must have that whiny cunt McMurtry on there a few times.
I looked him up, and I’m sure the only reason I don’t is that he didn’t have any big radio hits. Also on that mixtape: Phil Collins – “Another Day In Paradise”, Rick Astley – “Cry For Help”, Sting – “Fragile” (but almost anything by Sting, really)…I’m going to have to make a YouTube playlist to share all of it with you guys.
I really should hate “Luka” by Suzanne Vega, but I don’t. I even kind of like it…kind of. Probably because the way she pronounces certain words amuses me:
My name is Luka
I live on the second flooehr
I live upstairs from you
I guess you’ve never seen me befoehr
I’d put Marc Cohn’s “Walking in Memphis” on that list.
make a YouTube playlist to share
Uh… no thanks.
Oh, come on. You people* share Amanduh Marcotte and Fatty Yglesias and Lindy West with me, the least I can do is reciprocate.
*-You know exactly what I mean by “you people”
When even The Onion is taking the piss out of your uber-progressive fiefdoms…
College Encourages Lively Exchange Of Idea
Students, Faculty Invited To Freely Express Single Viewpoint
Imagine what men could accomplish if they spent less time thinking about
dicksSammiches.I have to admit, this is really well done.
That’s fantastic.
mendacious R’s refuse to repeal the ACA after swearing they would for 7 years.
Just like the guy who says he’s gonna kick your ass while his buddies are “holding him back” but gets very still when they let go of him.
Every single fucking day I want to scream “DON’T YOU PEOPLE EAT LUNCH??” Because I get a shitton of emails between 11 and 1 asking me to do shit. The rest of the day, hours could go by with no emails. But, by god, during the time when civilized people would be getting ready for a break, these fuckers are dumping all their crap on me.
That’s the only time they’re out of meetings.
It’s the classic Hit Send Before Walking Out The Door maneuver.
The fucking Science is settled
When SeaTac, Wash., became the first city in the nation to pass a $15-an-hour minimum wage in 2013, Jeff Robinson, the city’s director of community and economic development, said critics warned him that it would scare away businesses.
But the higher minimum wage hasn’t done that at all. The hotel industry is a prime example: Nine hotels are in development, which will increase the available rooms by 25 percent, to 7,000.
Talk about your cherry-picked data.
Yep. How about rather than citing data of how many businesses are coming in (because it’s impossible to know how many businesses didn’t come in), let’s talk about businesses that closed up shop, laid people off, or simply moved to another jurisdiction?
But let’s not kid ourselves. It’s all Baby Milk Plants with these people.
Who owns hotels? – mostly large corps. and they simply eat the added cost and raise prices because they can.
its choosing to isolate a case-example which isn’t “prime”, but is inherently less-affected.
one of their interviewees points it out =
Not to mention a 400 room hotel probably only requires a staff of 30 or so, more than half of whom are in some sort of skilled position making well above the minimum wage.
A 400 seat restaurant requires a staff of probably around 80
Not to mention a 400 room hotel probably only requires a staff of 30 or so
I think that’s pretty low, even carving out any kind of food-service or prep related jobs. Probably not a bad number for reception, business office, etc., but there’s a ton of maintenance and cleaning. I’d bet a 400 room hotel has 60 or more of those jobs.
Whiny cunt whines
Betcha can’t listen to the whole thing.
Second line, first verse so maybe ten-fifteen seconds? I hate that hectoring message shit. You too Neil Young, you can fuck right off to your compound in California and close your eyes while you pretend Daryl Hannah looks like she did in 1982.
Serenity now.
So I’m reading a Scientology-watching blog and the author posted a sermon by a SBC preacher that is against Scientology. Now, this site has a regular set of commenters, and they’re almost all Trump-hating uber-liberals. But suddenly this SBC preacher is A-OK with them because he’s against Scientology. One person will say “he’s anti-gay”, and a dozen others will chime in demanding proof (it’s all over his church’s social media and web site, for fuck’s sake) or saying “he doesn’t hate gays, he just doesn’t want them to have any rights and thinks they’re all going to hell.”
You would not believe (yes you would), the logical contortions these people are going through to make it OK that this anti-gay fundamentalist Baptist is on “their side”. The willingness to abandon prog principles (whatever those may be) because someone agrees with you on one. fucking. thing. is just…depressing. It’s like supporting Bernie just because he’s in favor of criminal justice reform. Or supporting McCain just because he’s anti-torture.
Dafuq? DAFUQ??
Doggie anti-vaxxers
That is ridiculous. Rabies is soo much better than the unsubstantiated risk of autism.
That said, I do think one of my three cats has autism. She absolutely misinterprets social signals from the other kitties, doesn’t know how to signal back, and she is easily overstimulated by tough, sight, and noise. She seems a lot like my Aspy coworker. But I assume it’s just the way she’s made, not that our giving her lifetime immunity to rabies, FeLV, dystemper and all the others somehow made her a dingbat. She’s just a dingbat. Still quite loveable though, and pretty sweet with humans once she recovers from jumping out of her skin at the initial affectionate touch.