This may not be a fully appropriate subject on such a family friendly blog, but I think that information gleaned on an escort forum can give some minor insight into markets, human nature, and general understanding of the economy, which might explain why libertarianism makes little headway in the world – not that this is some great mystery.
I have to start this by the unambiguous disclaimer, which goes without saying, that not me, but a friend of mine, visited an online escort forum over a period of time, for purely economics and psychology research purposes. An in-depth look at such a website, like many other forums, to be honest, can be seen as a microcosmos of a lot of what goes on in general society.
But wait! Escorting is very illegal in Romania. A reasonable person might ask: why is there a forum for something that does not exist? So, lo and behold, the first bit of insight, based on the very existence of the forums, and the quite significant activity involved, is that maybe, just maybe, prohibition might not always work. It may be that, perish the thought, extensive black markets fill the void. Black markets with the works, full option if you will, organized crime, dangers for both buyers and sellers, shoddy product. I, myself, am shocked. I need my smelling salts right now.
Of course, as any fool knows, and by fool I mean libertarian, the market, black or otherwise, has always been here and always will be. The market is a generic term for human economic interaction; it is a fundamental expression of human nature. Government may screw with it, but won’t get rid of it. So where are we at this point? Well, we have established at least one thing: there is a market for sex (and even married men use it, to the chagrin of certain Catholics who visit this fair blog). And where there is a sale, there is ehm… information asymmetry let’s call it, which needs to be addressed. Quality control is the name of the game and was usually done, I assume for thousands of years, through let’s say word of mouth.
Enter the mighty internet, which makes things a lot easier and a lot … harder at the same time. How does one quality control the quality control information? The internet has too much stuff and nonsense. Like in all markets, there is false advertising – this may come as a surprise, but not all the pictures on escort sites are of the actual escorts. A rule of thumb (or finger, if you will) would be: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is, or you can’t afford it. This is where reviews come in, but many of them are as false as the picture. Look at it this by way of analogy, if you can’t trust a yelp review what can you trust?
Reputation on such a forum is required for both escorts and reviewers. This works up to a point, but not fully, as trusted reviewers may not be so trusted, and often end up asking for free or discount service in exchange for good reviews or by threat of bad reviews. There is also a noticeable presence of personal taste and subjective preference (ass > tits fyi), which need to be accounted for when evaluating reviews. Like in all markets.
Quality control also has a stronger ethical component than usual, due to the inherent issues in the industry. Despite the ‘all escort customers are filthy exploiters” rhetoric, many are quite aware of sex slavery, trafficking, and pimping, and are quite actively trying to avoid such situations. It is often hard to tell, and obviously there are hits and misses – more so than if the biz was legal and upfront – but people do try. There is also the ever-present possibility of underage escorts, which most avoid like the plague, or better said avoid like 10 years in prison. There are a lot of STDs to watch out for, the risk of getting robbed as part of the deal, and much more, making a trustworthy review system essential.
Beyond reviews, many escorts – or their respective pimps/madams – come to engage with customers on the forums, which sometimes lead to actually improved services. It seems there are escorts out there who are not trafficked or forced by various bad circumstances to offer this particular service, but choose this activity for a variety of their own reasons and want to do a good job at it. Of course, the real problem is, in fact, capitalism, which causes people to need money and as such do various things for it. In socialism, we all know, everyone would be rich and happy and poor women would not need to sell sex for cash. But alas, we do not live in the wonderful socialist utopia but under the heel of filthy capitalist pigs. But this is not the purpose of discussion.
To sum up: the situation somewhat works. Could have been a lot better if legal, obviously, but it is what it is. Baptists (Orthodox really but the principle stands) and bootleggers (politicians on the take). Until now, this is nothing anyone didn’t know. For me, a more interesting aspect was to observe how truly economically illiterate people are, how entitled and how assholish they can behave, which explains a lot about the greater world. This is most visible when it comes to price.
The usual deal is kind of like this: new girl in the business (or, you know, a dude, whatever floats your boat really, I did not research this, as I have heard that going to male escort websites can make you catch the gay and become ultra-gay yourself, a risk I am not willing to take). As many a beginner in a field, there is entry level price, lower than one may want, to get initial customers. If the service is of adequate quality, the number of customers increase and, drum-roll, so does price. Supply and demand, how does it work? No one knows, apparently.
If one can get higher prices for product, in any field, one usually tries to do so. Escorts also want to carefully manage the number of customers, due to many reasons. And, to be fair, if there is one damn thing one should be able to set whatever price on, it is this, the basic human right to fuck who you want in whatever conditions you want. If the price is too high, demand dries up and signals the need for it to be lowered. Markets, man, they freak me out. Pretty standard stuff, you would think. And you would be dead wrong.
With any and all price increases, the whinging starts, presumably by people who routinely go to their boss each year and demand a higher salary. After the complaining, anger rears its ugly head. Of course, not by all forum members, obviously, but by a sufficient number (I have decided I do not have sufficient disclaimers in my posts). There are, I noticed, 3 main types of reactions.
The most amusing by far it’s not fair reaction. Why does something I want cost more than I want it to cost? Why should I pay more? I don’t want to pay more! It’s not fair! It really is not! And no, I am, sadly, not joking. It’s not fair!
The second is pure rage directed to the escort. How dare she, that good for nothing, filthy, goddamn whore. Who the hell does she think she is? As her superior, why I should get to fuck her for whatever price I want. This bitch needs to be taught a lesson. And so on and so forth. Waves of messages full of insults from people who seem to have a remarkable amount of time to spend on this subject.
The third is anger at the other customers. Why it is clear that if all you goddamn morons would not pay, these escorts would not charge that much. Which, I used to think, is a meaningless truism. Every price is something people are willing to pay for. If people were not willing to pay top dollar for prime real-estate, why, it would not be so prime. Which, well, duh. But this is how the world works. People want something, they are willing to pay extra to get it. Who wants it more pays more. And some people will not afford it. Thems be the breaks.
Amusingly, the very same people, before the price raise, complain about long wait times. This escort is impossible to book! Well, high demand, limited supply, prime real estate, Economics 101. And so, prices move towards and ever changing never reached equilibrium point.
This in the end tells you a lot about the world. People entitled to get what they want for what price they want it, and unlike on escort forums, in the wide world these people can do something about it. That something being give power to some asshole or other who promises to address their grievance. Because it just isn’t fair.
“Well, we have established at least one thing: there is a market for sex (and even married men use it, to the chagrin of certain Catholics who visit this fair blog).”
I know you’re not referring to me, because I’m no “visitor” – I’m more of a court jester.
And if by “chagrin” you mean “saying it’s a bad thing when others suggested it wasn’t a bad thing” – which was the point I intended to make – then I’d say I’m chagrined not only by the Oldest Profession’s seduction of married men but by the suggestion that it meets the famous NAP criteria, because though, yes, there are times when the betrayed spouse consents, it’s hard to run an escort service on spousal consent forms.
Which means that whether and how to regulate prostitution is a matter of prudence – often, governments (including the Papal government in Rome) choose to provide some form of decriminalization of prostitution rather than endure the ill-effects of a full-on Prohibition regime. I’m inclined to agree with these governments.
So, contrary to a potential Republican candidate for Michigan Senator, I’m not sure it’s possible to run an escort service for *all* the right reasons.
A consensual cash transaction between a married man and a hooker is non-aggressive. The married man’s breach of contract with spouse is a completely independent matter.
Yes, I’m accustomed to that response, but it’s still a business model where you make money from other people violating what, even from the libertarian point of view, is at least a solemn contract.
If they did the same thing with goods – making money off property belonging to someone else – they’d be called fences.
So married people are property now? Better be careful with that one.
No, but if we say it’s a contract, then contract rights are property.
And I would argue that buying and selling stolen property is not inherently a crime.
At the very least the owner should be able to sue the fence.
Only if the ‘fence’ had reason to believe that the goods were stolen. To put your analogy into the original topic, if a guy walks up and isn’t wearing a wedding ring, why should the girl turn him away? Do you propose background checks on johns now, or maybe just a big scarlet ‘M’ on the forehead?
I used the term “fence” in what I meant to be its specialized meaning: “a receiver of stolen goods” (WWWebster).
Even someone who innocently has stolen goods can be sued on a writ of replevin.
“Fence” seems an inappropriate analogy. This is breach of contract, not the purchase of stolen goods. I think the more appropriate comparison would be to someone who sold goods and services to someone who had ill-gotten gains. To my knowledge, unlike fences, they’ve never been held liable.
Violating a contract is the individual’s choice, though. It’s not the fault of a hypothetically legal business that someone chose to break it because they are disloyal to their spouse.
It’s not the fence’s fault if the goods they’re buying don’t technically belong to the buyer!
belong to the seller
Seriously, dude – you make this precise argument every single time this subject comes up, and not one of us has ever agreed with you, and no-one’s mind has ever been changed on either side. Do we really need to spend a hundred comments re-litigating it *again*?
This *is* the Internet, isn’t it?
Anyway, I’ll be away from the computer for awhile so I imagine someone else will have the last word.
In the case of a fence, there’s a pretty simple solution. If the goods are, indeed, stolen, then the fence has to give them back to the proper owner without recompense. Anyone in the appropriate market would probably self-correct their buying from shady dealers after getting burned (granted, this depends on cops actually working burglary cases..simple, but not easy).
How do you handle that in the case of breach of contract from the point of the sex worker? There’s nothing to “take back” (well, nothing I’d want to handle!), though there is, clearly harm in the form of a contract breach.
But, it’s hard to make the case that the prostitute is the fence when she’s the one selling services in the transaction.
True. It is the fault of the thief. Receiving stolen goods isn’t a crime of malice in and of itself; it is often a crime of ignorance. Any reseller could potentially buy stolen goods, but we don’t outlaw reselling. Just because prostitutes could end up servicing a married person is no reason to outlaw prostitution.
The fault less with the person that knowingly and willfully violated a another person’s rights and/our contracts, not the person that facilitated the violation.
OK, I didn’t expect these responses about fencing.
Now, there are some people who mistakenly buy something that turns out to be stolen. There are others (I’m told) who make fencing a profession – buying and selling goods without caring whether they’re stolen or not. There would be at least a theoretical case for prosecuting such people. But a civil remedy would be the minimum.
A fence is usually someone who buys something that they know is stolen because it cannot be sold through traditional channels and that individual has some sort of connections or laundering operation that allows him to operate in said channels. To get back to your analogy, if there were a prostitute that specifically offered discreet services for married men then you would indeed have a viable argument, and I know women like that exist so you aren’t wrong, but that doesn’t mean that every single prostitute is prowling for cheating husbands.
In Eddie’s hypothetical, the Fence would be a pimp, or Ashley Madison; someone profiting from the transaction through facilitation.
You could make the same argument that gun dealers are violating the NAP because some of their customers are using their wares to violate the NAP. A legal business does not have to answer for their customers misdeeds.
The real analogy would be a guy buying a gun with stolen money, which I suppose reputable gun dealers won’t allow.
And the gun seller knows the money is stolen, how? And why is the seller responsible for the buyer’s crime?
To make the analogy complete, they cater to a community which includes many known thieves.
But there are prudential reasons to have civil liability only, letting only the theft victims sue. I wouldn’t like the government having yet another reason to de facto abolish cash.
Except one problem with that.
The harmed party (legitimate owner of the stolen goods) can sue to get their property back, they cannot sue for any other damages. The only one they could pursue would be the one who stole the goods from them.
So in the case of a wife suing the prostitute what precisely could she sue for? There are no goods to be returned and even if you could show that the prostitute knew that the client was in a sexually exclusive marriage she is not the one who violated the contract, the john was.
Forget the idea of prostitution even, some states allow wives to sue their husbands mistresses for alienation of affection. This is morally wrong and should not be allowed. The ONLY person a spouse should be allowed to sue for cheating is the spouse themselves because no one is required to enforce or even recognize the contractual limitations the cheating spouse agreed to.
That’s actually much more accurate than the fence claim. I don’t believe gun dealers are held liable for returning the money paid for their goods in such instances.
So? If a business has a contract to only buy Pepsi, but they start buying Coke instead, that’s not Coke’s fault.
The “fence” argument is ridiculous. No property has been stolen. The man’s penis does not belong to his wife.
…his balls do.
I just KNEW that one was going to be posted…
Hang on a sec. The customers of prostitutes aren’t exclusively married men, nor is prostitution specifically geared towards married men. A hooker–er, escort–doesn’t turn guys away if they’re not wearing a wedding band. The marital status of a john isn’t relevant to the prostitute. I agree with you that marital infidelity is a moral failing for a number of reasons, but it’s a separate issue from prostitution.
Without knowing, I would guess that plenty of bachelors use these services. But I suspect these agencies are at beast willfully ignorant of marital status. And sometimes you see a madam or someone defending their line of work by saying they actually save marriages, etc., an argument which shows they know they have married clients.
at best willfully ignorant.
Someone has to fill in for John.
Ok, but gun manufacturers make guns knowing that there are some people who will use them for crimes. Liquor stores sell booze knowing that there are some people who are alcoholics, or who will drive drunk, etc. Hell, for that matter, every day hundreds of thousands of spouses spend money from joint accounts on golf clubs or at the track instead of on bills or whatever they agreed to spend it on, and cashiers take the money without asking whether it’s been cleared with the wife.
Maybe I’m misreading your argument, but it reads to me like you’re starting at “some people cheat with prostitutes” and arriving at “hence, prostitution is immoral”. I have a hard time buying that there’s a general moral onus on people on the supply side of that equation. That probably changes on a case-by-case basis, such as if a prostitute knows that a person is married, just as it would apply to a gun store owner who willfully sold a gun to a guy declaring he needed a weapon for a robbery, but it wouldn’t extend to the profession as a whole to my mind.
I disagree that it changes if the prostitute knows the john is married.
She has no contractual obligation with the john’s spouse and she is not morally bound by his agreements.
Furthermore extending from the principle of first aggression in the NAP I could argue that not all cases of “cheating” are the responsibility of the cheater.
One of my best friends just got divorced earlier this year after starting an affair with a coworker. Why did she start having an affair? Because her Husband had refused to have sex with her for 10 years. She stuck around in a sexless marriage for a decade, and there was no question he knew this was an issue for her, and took massive psychological damage from the constant rejection before finally giving in and finding solace in the arms of another man. That affair and the confirmation that she was actually desirable to someone is what finally gave her the courage to demand the divorce.
I can very easily make the argument that her affair was morally justified because he cheated on her first by failing to see to her needs. You cannot demand sexual exclusivity from your spouse and then not be available to them for sex.
How many of those married men seeing prostitutes are doing so because their wives will not provide them what they need in bed?
I seem to recall Ron White having a shorter version of that – something along the lines of “If you make me sign a paper that says I won’t fuck someone else, and you won’t fuck me, I’m going to fuck someone else. I know, I’ve seen me do it”.
The one I remember is “When you sign the papers you’re in a good position. If the person you agree to have sex with exclusively stops having sex altogether… well… you’re in quite the pickle!”
Your friend was psychologically damaged by not having access to another’s body against that person’s will?
Did she try to seek her husband’s approval of her affair before starting it, or did she go behind his back?
I’m just saying there are more than one way to look at this, and more than one potential solution to a situation like that. It’s rarely one person or the other that is entirely to blame.
In this case there was one person to blame.
Over the years she tried EVERYTHING. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested in her, he wasn’t interested in sex at all, she asked him to go see a doctor, she asked him to go to therapy both individually and couples, she tried every trick in the book to encourage romantic encounters. She had bariatric surgery and lost over 100 lbs, she had plastic surgery to make her self more attractive and through all of it not only did he not have sex with her he wouldn’t so much as touch, cuddle or anything else. Essentially outside of living in the same space and going out to dinner together they lived completely separate lives for the last 5 years they were together and even knowing she was unhappy and her needs were not being met he refused to do anything to move and even meet her half way.
Oh yeah she did ask him about an open marriage, he said if she slept with anyone else he was going to divorce her.
The dude was an ass of the first order, used her as a live in unpaid maid and was utterly unwilling to fulfil ANY part of his marriage vows except the one about not having sex with anyone else.
So yeah, she probably should have divorced him before having an affair but the reality is she had become so convinced that she was incapable of being desired or loved from a decade plus of constant rejection by the person she thought was supposed to always be there for her she was too paralyzed by fear of ending up entirely alone if she did.
Oh yeah she did ask him about an open marriage, he said if she slept with anyone else he was going to divorce her.
If your response after that is anything but “Well, then let’s start talking who gets what”, you’re probably not doing it right.
Sure, I did say she should have left him long before then.
Thing is Human Psychology does not work that way and pointing out that your course of action was sub optimal does not change the fact that he committed the equivalent of the first aggression
You’re close to the situation, and I’m just some random dude on the Internet, but I wonder if you (as her friend) or society in general wouldn’t still be in her corner if the roles had been reversed?
This isn’t to say she was wrong to leave, just an observation that there seems to be a disparity in society when it comes to the value of self ownership of men vs. women.
That’s a fair point and I’d agree with you. I would just say that at a gut level knowingly agreeing to be the other man/woman in a situation where it isn’t justified by some extenuating circumstance is a dick move. I’d personally argue that the higher moral road if you’re in an unhappy marriage and your spouse isn’t willing to change is to get a divorce, but I know life isn’t always that simple when you’re in the situation.
I agree it is a dick thing to do but it certainly isn’t something you should be able to sue someone over.
Oh, no, I’m not talking about this from any kind of a legal perspective, strictly from the point of view of a moral code.
Eh I was just busting balls as the saying goes
*squints suspiciously*
economics research?
Even for the cheap escort services you may end up spending a lot of scratch. Get it?
Get it?
The “friend” didn’t provide any examples of “research links”. I give this 3 out of 5 golden penises.
I like the Scott Adams take on “fair”. It’s something like, “The concept of ‘fair’ was invented so children and idiots could participate in arguments.”
There’s no such thing as voter fraud, it’s just a nutty crackpot theory concocted by Kobach and those InfoWars people!
Oops, ignore that, that was meant to be a new post.
Gilmore’d again!
I thought you were talking about fairness…
Being fair to the right people is more important than fair elections. Besides you can’t prove diddly!
/another prog
I’m glad I’m not the only one that makes homophobic jokes on here.
Yeah, but he at least has the excuse of being Romanian. A Romanian buddy of mine had never met a gay before moving to the US. He found out I was gay when he went on a long tirade about how gays are always doing X, Y, and Z, and I responded with “ha, I guess we do”. The look on his face was pure gold. His coworker actually buckled over laughing so hard.
I don’t know many eastern europeans, but the one serbian guy I knew in high school had a very ISIS mentality about gays. He actually said ‘gays should have no rights’ at one point.
My general impression is that they start off way more uptight than your average American, meet a gay person or two, realize it’s not a big deal and move on with more gusto than your average American. In the US those with that type of animosity have probably already met a gay person or two and chilled out so you’re left with people who have more entrenched opinions on it.
Serbs hate everyone different from them? Noooo way.
Serbs hate everyone different from them? Noooo way.
John, you’ve used up your allotment of sarcasm for the day.
You need to calculate the Canadian-to-American sarcasm, I’ve still got enough for at least three snippy comments.
What? Are you people no longer at parity?
Will I be able to afford deluxe hookers in Winnipeg next month?
-Deluxe hookers
Pick one.
Help me out here, Titor. I’m going to be in ‘The Peg’ for a few days for a wedding and I need…hope, or something. I hear there are French Canadians in the St. Boniface area…that should be fun, right? I’ve heard Francophones like Americans more than Anglophone Canadians
St. Boniface is the old city back when Manitoba used to be super-French in like the 1860s. Most of the ‘French’ in Winnipeg and Manitoba in general are Anglicized to all hell (similar to my mom’s side of the family, showed up in the 1600s, anglicized in the early 20th century) so you’re probably not going to have much of a ‘Francophone’ experience. But if you’re looking for it St. Boniface is probably the only place you’re going to find it.
Lots of Indians though.
Lots of Indians though.
Dot, Feather, both?
I’m more concerned about their reputation for being a touch cocky and well endowed. It’s a claim I’ve heard and often repeated but have little first hand knowledge of and would like to be able to take an objective position on.
It’s Manitoba, it’s never Dot, all Feather. Cree and Ojibwa mostly.
I’m unfamiliar with the Winnipeg gay scene but if you’re looking for general sex tourism Manitoba, Where Dreams Go To Die, is probably not the best place.
Also, it’s bug season, so have fun with that. Though apparently it’s not bad currently.
for general sex tourism Manitoba
you make it sound like I’m going to fuck 15 year olds in Japan or something.
It’s Manitoba, it’s never Dot, all Feather
My Canadian coworker assures me The Peg is much more cosmopolitan than it used to be. Although he’s a trickster so I could see him finding it very funny to lead me astray.
Meh, for lack of a better term basically. I’m just saying my experience of the Winnipeg sex scene is “seeing Indian prostitutes on street corners”.
Wiki says its 1% Hindu and 1.5% Sikh, so moreso that before, but that’s in comparison to 11% Indian and 6% Metis. I never saw many ‘Dots’ around the place but that might just be in cognitive bias in comparison to places like Ottawa and Toronto.
Jesse, cmon, don’t be ridiculous.
You go to Thailand to fuck 15 year olds, not Japan.
Meh, for lack of a better term basically. I’m just saying my experience of the Winnipeg sex scene is “seeing Indian prostitutes on street corners”.
God this is going to be a blast. Maybe I’ll drive into the Dakotas and bang some lonely oil workers or something.
I’ll bring a few z-packs just in case.
You go to Thailand to fuck 15 year olds, not Japan.
There was a rumor in the early ’00s that the lead singer of a band that sang about sweaters was fond of touring Japan because the AoC there is 13. I have no idea if stories about said singer are true, but the AoC law is.
So, these indian prostitutes… would?
I had a navajo girl once and she was quite fun, although I definitely violated the ‘don’t stick it in crazy rule’ on that one.
Are Dakota oil workers dirty? Is it just their nature or lack of clinics? Enquiring minds.
Interesting. Never heard that one.
Indian prostitutes in Canadian urban centers tend to be more depressing than anything else. The Winnipeg ones looked better than the Vancouver ones though. I’d have to check for track marks before passing judgement.
More the nature of hooking up with folks who are “on the downlow”. Less likely to get tested regularly or pay attention to the need for PrEP or condoms because that’s for gay people.
Atlanta, for example, a huge hotbed for untreated HIV because people are fucking around but denying their gay, picking up the virus and then bringing it home to their unsuspecting wives.
I just picked on the oil fields because it’s one of those odd spaces where a bunch of men move in to earn money without a ton of women following immediately. Prostitution and DL gay sex seem to be hip in those spaces.
Crazy Whores
I can’t remember the exact numbers anymore, but in towns like Williston I think the man/woman ratio was something like 20/1 at the peak of the boom. It’s not near that bad now, but it’s still pretty skewed.
We really need to start a cloning program for Swiss.
*narrows gaze at bacon-magic*
I am complete now. I came back to this post just for the gaze. I daresay you could charge for it you Swiss Nutte you.
Hell, Serbs also hate people largely identical to themselves with gusto, as the long history of Serbo-Croatian wars shows.
Meh, they’re not really that similar. Different languages, different religions. It’s like saying English and French Canadians are largely identical (and them’s fightin’ words).
They speak the same language.
But English and French are entirely different languages while Serbs and Croats speak slightly different versions of the same language, don’t they? More like Parisian French versus Canadian French, right?
And, while this may be out of date since it was written during the wars of the 1990s, PJ O’Rourke said that Serbs, Croats and Bosnians kill each other largely over religions that few of them actually practice.
My mistake, ‘different dialects, and the Croats argue they have their own language.’
More like Parisian French versus Canadian French, right?
Well that’s also a thing, because Canadian French is based off of non-standardized peasant French from places like Brittany, so French Canadians sound like rednecks to the French, while the French sound pompous to them.
Also after the French Revolution the Quebecois like to claim that they’re the remnants of ‘true French’ while the current French are some upstart traitors to their culture.
Right. When I was in high school, we went to visit my aunt who lived in Riviere-du-Loup at the time, and tried out my high school French around town. Couldn’t understand a whole lot of what they were saying.
Also, French Canadians have a ton of loan words from English, which leads to hilarious results.
Different dialects
I once told a Croat co-worker that I only learned a few phrases from my time bouncing around that part of the world. “Hvala” “Dovidjena” and “Govori Srpski da te ceo svet razume”
She refused to acknowledge the last one and we never talked again. It wasn’t because of a dialect issue.
Serbs had good reason to hate the Croats after WWII (and vice versa).
This is true. I’ve read more about the various atrocities on all sides during WWII than was healthy (not kidding about that, looking back on my 20s and the bouts of depression I had at the time I’ve become convinced that my studies played a large part in them), and what the Ustashe did to the Serbs is even more horrible than anything I’ve ever read about the Holocaust or the Japanese in China. Even the Nazis thought the Ustashe were crazy. It’s been years since I read any of that stuff but I swear that I read once that Ante Pavelic kept a jar on his desk that was full of Serbian eyes.
I happen to have gay friends – disclaimer and such-, and did not catch it yet, the last few years things have improved. But in general Romanians are the worst for a libertarian, economically left wing while socially very conservative, in the bad sens of the phrase.
Yeah, my local Romanian knowledge is at least a decade out of date. Things can change quickly.
Although it is amusing that I still get, from otherwise reasonable people, the great argument “How will I explain to my child”. I dunno however the fuck you explain everything else about the world.
Haha. I’m so glad I haven’t heard that or “stop pushing your sex-life in my face” in a while. I’m not sure how “Hey this is my boyfriend” is pushing my sex-life in your face more than straight people introducing their children, but apparently it’s super different and offensive.
what do children have to do with a sex life?
The nice thing about my daughter,being IVF is that when she asks where babies come from I can tell her the truth: a lab in Nashville.
When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, but they have fallopian or seminal vesicular scarring from untreated chlamydia back when they thought free love meant consequence free…
One of the reasons I never got the association of asexuals with the LGBT movement (well, I kind of get it, unite the non-heteros for political power and what not). If I were asexual I would think I’d wouldn’t want to hear about who the heteros or homos are fucking all the time. I mean, Jesus Christ people, just leave me alone to build my train sets or whatever it is asexuals do.
I believe they write screeds for feminist outlets.
You’re confusing asexual with sexless.
asexual =/=inability to get laid
Romanian whores: Clean, affordable, discreet.
I told Siri to find me some Romanian whores and I got this.
Siri’s into some kinky shit.
It’s the accent.
And they don’t keep talking about curling
Just shows how you’re missing out. Have you seen how hot our women’s curling teams are?
The Russians are even better.
+1 Cheryl Bernard
Yes. Curling seems to have an above average number of hotties
I assume that part of the vetting process is playing a few rounds on thin ice to weed out the heavy ones.
So, uh, how much is your standard model, basic service Romanian sex worker?
With armpit hair or without?
Which is more economical?
Well something decent about 25 to 50 of your american dolars
What!? I paid something like 22 euros for a Bosniak in Berlin.
You can find for 10 bucks if your standards are low, but I am talking decent looks decent hygiene. There are female escorts for 25 euros in Frankfurt, or were 5 years ago, and decent looking – Romanians and Hungarians a lot of them – but that was in a seedy room and the whole thing was 15 minutes time limit., which kinda spoils the experience.
I don’t actually remember the total cost. I know I’ve paid less for sex than the $100 I accidentally earned, so we’re calling it a wash. The Bosniak was lurking around a notorious cruising area in Tiergarten, so at least the scenery was nice.
You accidentally made a Benjamin as a prodtitute?
*settles in for story*
It’s not *that* interesting. I hooked up with an older Persian Jew in Beverly Hills or environs once, years ago. He’d offered to pay for gas money (I live on the other side of town), but I was in the area already for and naïvely didn’t think he’d meant a hundo of gas money. He was incredibly interesting, decent looking and well endowed, but the sex was awful. At one point I really wanted to just pack it in and leave, but we finished and then he went to get cash. I declined politely, but he insisted and I’ve had that bill tucked away ever since. Some day I’ll get it framed as my first cash earnings as a hooker.
Incidentally I had an awkward encounter a while before that where an Australian flight attendant I used to hook up with tried to change my mind about not being interested in hooking up anymore by slipping a hundo in my back pocket as he gave me a hug goodbye. I gave it back and persisted in declining further hooking up and he insisted. So I’ve also made $100 for NOT having sex.
Once upon a time not long ago
A man named jessie became a young hoe.
He was a little boy that was misled
by another little boy and this is what he said:
‘Hey there kid you wanna make some cash
sucking on my dick and tapping my ass?’
It’s not that interesting
I was riveted.
Also one of the commenters at the orange site was incredibly upset that I’d lived the dream of earning money for sex, but it wasn’t on the open forum so I’ll leave the name off.
Was it that Reza guy from Shahs of Sunset? My wife loves him.
I’m married to someone who makes much more money than I do, so I am regularly paid not to have sex.
*opera applause*
Hah! I was in Frankfurt for a few days once and I remember that experience. It was a big building with room after room of extremely bored looking girls. You just kind of wandered around the halls, peeking into the rooms until you found one who appealed to you. It was my first foray into paid sex and it was not really what I was expecting.
Heh – I have an overweight and homely friend who went to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada. He picked some girl, who brought him to a room with a tiny bedroom. She was trying to get the whole transaction over with as quick as possible. Needless to say my friend said he had “performance” issues with a complete stranger who was being very, very pushy getting the condom on.
I know – TMI – but we were best friends in high school so I got to hear lots of weird stuff from him.
On a scale of 1 to Mila Kunis how much would $40 get me?
Asking for
a friendmy penis.Quite a bit in Thailand in 2004, which comprises the vast majority of my experience with the flesh trade.
$50 for 3.7 minutes of work?!? I’m changing jobs!
If you take into account how much you goof off at work, you’re probably on par with that. I know I am.
*pulls out abicus*
This is going to take awhile…
I made $1 while I read your comment.
Hashtag caring.
She’s a real pro.
She appears to be an extremely expensive pro.
She loves the working class as long as they don’t make eye contact or make the mistake of behaving like an equal.
Hmm, all 300+ of them. Including the Director of Stenography ($92k p.a.); Assistant to the Office of American Innovation ($66k p.a.); Interim Chief Digital Officer ($162k p.a.); stenographers ($66k p.a.); White House Chief Calligrapher ($112k p.a.); White House Chief Floral Designer (u/k); White House Executive Chef (u/k).
Nothing. Left. To. Cut
Nothing Left To Cut would be an excellent recurring feature at Glibertarians.
It would also make a good title for a documentary about horrible accidents during circumcision.
It might convince more people of the barbarism of it.
Can the soundtrack be the Benny Hill chase music?
Well, it is known, that living in DC environs is expensive, and, truthfully, none of those salaries are enough to make me put up with being around politicians all day, every day, and many evenings and weekends. AND living in/near DC.
*Applies for job in DC*
A lot of people want Chelsea Clinton to go away.
I want her to stick around for as long as possible.
What about the folks in the travel office?
Before, or after 1993?
“This escort is impossible to book!”
I am imagining a door with a ‘take a number’ ticket dispenser and a ‘now serving’ display. Sloppy 934th’s indeed.
Yeah, pass. Sorry, was there a discount? No? Pass.
Vhyrus waiting for his turn…
Well to be fair the really good ones only take up to 3 customers a day. Some even 1 but those are very pricey and not the subject of such forums.
I read as far as the silhouette and then… stopped…
A silhouette? No wonder you grumble.
Dude, look at his avatar. That is totally his type of woman.
So… featureless… :fap fap fap:
He’s more into chicks in spandex.
Seemed like she was more into him.
He’s just alpha-ing, bro.
*pushes box of tissues toward Grumbletarian*
Is that when you finished?
Strippers=Good old American fun.
Hookers=Better off stroking one out.
Strippers – like watching someone else eat
Hookers – like eating meat which may or may not have passed inspection
Strippers are like paying to window shop.
Hookers are like buying a hamburger from a stranger on the street.
What if you want strippers to inspect the meat?
You act like strippers, hookers, and porn stars are somehow distinct sets. I know for a fact that those venn diagrams look like one big fuzzy circle.
What are your rates?
Sorry, I only do atheists. Your rules, not mine.
Okay not really but it was too much fun to pass up.
No Cyril, when they’re dead they’re just called hookers!
+1 chekhov gun
It’s not about what they do, but what I do.
“Oh, no. This is fine. See? we’re filming it.”
“We’re actors”
That’s the joke, but I’ve seriously wondered why a person couldn’t get around prostitution laws simply by claiming that they were making a film.
A variety of conservative columnists have written about using prostitution laws to shut down pornographers. There is a reason that major producers cluster in certain jurisdictions.
I honestly don’t understand strip clubs. What’s the point?
Let’s see… theres the ‘Im a desperate loser but I’m also too much of a pussy to get a hooker’ guy, there’s the ‘I want to act like a bigshot in front my bros’ guy, there’s the ‘I think I can convince this stripper to suck my cock in the parking lot’ guy, and there is the ‘I brought my hot girlfriend along so I can watch her have outright lesbian sex with another hot woman’ guy.
I try to be the latter.
Hell in Romania in fancier night clubs they employ very hot dancers which are practically naked so no need for strip clubs, although no bush
There’s also a very small small subset of “this is the best breakfast in town” guys.
I don’t mind a go-go dancer incidentally being in a bar, but going explicitly to a strip club seems offputting.
Of course every gay bar in existence is essentially a strip club, where the dancers pay to be there.
/Straight guy
Me neither. The best time I’ve had at a strip club was hanging out with a bunch of friends drinking beer, bird-dogging strippers, and being idiots. The worst time was at a place in Chicago I got dragged to with a friend. Not only was it dry, but there was a cover, and to stay you had to buy something non-alcoholic. I got a $5 bottle of water and waited to leave.
Frankly, there’s free porn. And if I wasn’t married I’d spend that time, money, and effort trying to convince a woman to sleep with me.
Oh god, I’d totally forgotten about the time I got pulled into a gay sex show in Thailand by a promoter. Being the youngest and least crusty-old-business-traveler looking person there I got a great deal of positive attention from the staff. That was actually a lot of fun, but still somewhat offputting.
They really do suck for the most part and the only consistent clientele are idiots and perverts.
I went to one for my bachelor party (in Greenville Fucking South Carolina) out of tradition or whatever and ended up having a decent time. Drank some discount beers, mocked all the weirdos in there: a couple nerdy Indian guys getting hit for a few hundred bucks, two guys who sincerely thought the strippers were their girlfriends, a fat unkempt guy cumming his pants, and a legitimate 75 year old sitting on pervert row literally dry humping the strippers on stage.
A couple of the strippers caught on that we weren’t a bunch of marks, dropped their act, and just chilled at our table dishing on juicy stripper gossip and strip club horror stories.
It was just like hanging out at a bar, except there were tits and ass everywhere, so no harm no foul on that experience
The best strip club I’ve ever been to was in Greenville. Brought my gf, got to put hands all over those girls.
That was the wildest part to me. We went to the one in Asheville prior and it is…unclean. So when I saw guys basically finger fucking the strippers I just assumed it was that kind of establishment.
We roll down to Greenville and all the strippers are basically demanding that you grab their ass and whatnot. Felt really uncomfortable. Finally one of our new stripper friends broke down the strip club state laws of the greater Southeast region.
They’re fun?
I guess they’re the American equivalent of Hostess bars.
I lived with a stripper for several years. Originally with her and her husband. She dumped him and kept me.
*Breathes on fingernails, polishes them on shirt*
No link and/or photos? I am disappoint.
Where else in this world could you possibly find pictures of buck nekkid womens?
This is a family friendly website. How can you even suggest that?
Thank you, Pie. I very much appreciate your care for our hard-won certification. You have earned a Get Out of Cat Butt Free card!
I …. I am honored I guess?
Think of it as an entrepreneurial moment. These are very valuable on the open market!
That’s worth $/bitcoin/orphan leasing man. Hold on to it.
480 orphan-hours, minimum. lucky.
Wait…we give those out now?!?!?!
*imagines underground market in cards*
How do you think people end up with families?
Markets, man, they freak me out.
You know what should be cheaper though? Pot.
It’s not like it grows on trees.
The taxes make it almost more than it was before legalization.
They can now grow in the open. It has to come down soon.
69 comments…huhhuhuhuhuhuhuh
Gronkowski missed a free throw in high school on purpose to keep the score at 69 once.
That is pretty much the Gronkiest story possible.
You should follow him on Instagram. He cracks me up every post. He just has so much fun in life. (Boo Patriots!)
Oh god. Youre going to really hate me when you find out in a Boston fan.
Gosh, I hope I never find out!
Actual post: There’s no such thing as voter fraud, it’s just a nutty crackpot theory concocted by Kobach and those InfoWars people!
This is a massively, massively blue county as it is. There’s no real reason for her to cheat, yet she continually does.
i like how reporters do this thing, where a fact that they don’t like is “asserted” or “contended” by some person (WHO IS VERY PROMINENTLY FLAGGED AS TEAM RED THEREFORE SUSPECT)
….and the casual reader will come away thinking, ‘”contended”? that sounds mean, so i assume that’s not true then’, when the story never actually affirms whether or not that’s the case.
and then along comes TEAM GOOD! and how do they react to the same information?
they’re just *concerned* man! and they also say that the aforementioned ‘facts’ don’t actually exist. which the reporter does nothing to clarify.
the older you get, the more you see these cookie-cutter approaches to everything in the media. they must have a style guide somewhere listing all the ways to spin shit. perhaps that’s what they teach at Columbia Journalism School
Yep. If you just assume the MSM is the propaganda branch of the Democratic Party, then you won’t go wrong.
Here’s another good example from today. CNN did a timeline of the Seth Rich murder, and this was the third entry:
“A few” emails were “dismissive.” No election rigging happening, here, no siree. Also, DWS’s resignation oddly put into parentheses. Why? Well, as the experts at Scribendi explain:
In other words, safe to ignore, and may not even be related to the whole email thing.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is not about Trump’s America. Sorry.
-Hysterical morons.
After Wolf:NO, Doom, and playing 30 minutes of Pray last night, Bethesda is fast becoming one of my favorite publishers. If Fallouts and Elder Scrolls keep them rolling, keep it up!
I keep hearing Prey is some amazing return of the System Shock style games, but every time I see the enemy designs I just roll my eyes and decide to pass. When the play-dough men of the past are more intimidating you’ve done fucked up.
I only played for 30 minutes, but I was scared, and then I died panicking. So far it’s doing the job!
Also I’m glad I never looked into the story or characters, it’s doing a good job with reveals and mindfucks so far.
After Alien: Isolation I’ve found it hard to be intimidated in these types of games if I can fight back. There’s a particular bit in Isolation that I won’t spoil that’s so goddamn nerve wracking that it’s very hard to top.
I hate that game, in a good way.
I’ve not played AI yet. Looking forward to it, and will do it after I finish Pray.
But in Pray so far (Hard difficulty, so there’s harder one), “fighting back” means desperately bashing one thing with a wrench until it pops, looking at my health bar and going “FUUUUUUUUUCK”. I really, really, REALLY don’t want to fight anything. And all I’ve seen so far were tiny splotches that are about 0.2 headcrabs on intimidation scale.
I enjoyed Alien: Isolation right up until the hospital part. I got too frustrated and it stopped being fun, and I never picked it back up. Which sucks, because the game is absolutely beautiful, and it’s atmospheric as all get-out.
Once you get the flamethrower the game becomes a lot less frustrating because you have a ‘get out of jail free card’ that can scare the alien off. It’s a shame you stopped there because there’s some great atmospheric sets afterwards and said nerve-wracking “oh fuck” moment, which is handled really well.
I lost interest in Doom, but I enjoyed it for what it was.
Prey is pretty fun. I’m in kind of a slump with games, lately. I probably overdosed on them, honestly, because now I can’t be bothered to play any. Unfortunately, that happened about a week after I bought Prey, The Surge, and a few other games at the same time because of a sale.
I’ve been a Bethesda fan since Morrowind. So far I haven’t been disappointed by anything they’ve put out.
About ehm research links the forums tend to be member only for viewing pics, so my friend would have had to save the pictures and upload to some other site, which seems a lot of bother. Also presumably you need to find a free site for this and create an account on it. Sounds complicated.
I assume they’re all just variations of this.
It’s fair, pics are promo materials to get customers in, so it’d be unethical to repost them without the consent of the business in question, particularly since we’re unlikely to be in the position to actually exchange money for services.
Just discovered AoE2 HD is a thing. SQUEEEE!
Glibertarian AoE2 tournament when?
Question to ponder: would putting five Glibertarians on a team make Dota even more toxic?
I think you’d have to play in a HAZMAT suit.
OT: Good piece from DW regarding diesel and emissions.
The law of diminishing marginal returns strikes again.
The levels of hydrocarbons they’re looking for are so low now that the tests done in heating/cooling chambers have to be run with a car that has no washer fluid in it and a cloth interior. Off gassing from new leather will cause an emissions test to fail. Evaporating alcohol in washer fluid will cause an emissions test to fail.
Applying a dose of New Car Smell is right out.
*drops Rosary*
There’s a market for sex?
“Hey honey i’m going down to the sex market to pick up some lube and a couple sets of nipple clamps, you need anything?”
Wait we have 2 Catholics? How did this happen?
Do apostates count? That would raise the numbers some I’m guessing.
There are too many Irish here for there to only be two.
I’m Irish and Presbyterian…*checks under hood of car*
Ot: Hyperloop got their test pod almost to 200 MPH
It took over three thousand horsepower and almost perfect vacuum. Totally legit.
A few hundred more billion dollars and they can it to work safely for a full kilometer!
The thing is that there are cars which can already hit 200 mph with WAY less than 3000 hp, and they can do it without a vacuum. Horsepower to velocity is an exponential function rather than a linear one, so they’re going to need something like 20k horsepower per car to make this work.
When I was getting my masters at ASU (which I just finished in December) they pushed hyperloop like it was gospel. They made us write papers about it, there was a hyperloop team and everything. I remember I said something extremely mildly negative about it (it’s not proven, it’s experimental) and the lead of the hyperloop team literally started screaming at me to the point I had to move seats.
Don’t think that engineering professions are insulated from social justice… they simply approach it differently.
There are cars which can already hit 200 mph with WAY less than 3000 hp.
Apparently these guys claim they can do it with 650.
The sciences in general are not insulated from social justice, my capstone for my chemistry degree was on Peak Oil.
You know who else lived in an almost perfect vacuum…
Buzz Aldrin?
They neglect to mention how much the vehicle weighs.
“ZOMG, diesel locomotives have thousands of horsepower”
0.0167 hp/lb
Honda Civic (heavest body with, i think, weakest engine): 0.041hp/lb
And the civic doesn’t have to move a train of cars, just the one.
The entire problem I see with the Hyperloop concept is the idea that we can safely create a hundreds of kilometers long tube and not just get it to near vacuum levels but keep it there for more than a few hours at a time
Yeah. How are they going to keep this from happening? The pressure differential was much, much less.
And remember every single place they have proposed building one of these has tectonic plate activity. Sure the faults under the east coast aren’t as active as the ones on the west coast but it wouldn’t take much of a ground shift at all to crack any tube that long we could make, especially with that kind of pressure differiential.
It would need some sort of self-sealing mechanism, like those cans of goop for emergency tire repair. Do those actually work? Better question, I didn’t simply imagine that product, did I?
They exist and they work sometimes.
Depends on the size of the hole they need to seal and where it is located.
A hole in the side wall of the tire where there is a lot of flex, not gonna work regardless of how small the hole is. A small hole in the tread, yeah they should be able to effectively seal the leak
Ok, so say the tube wall was a multi-layer construction, with a pliable or liquid sealant layer between the structure materials. Crack/rupture occurs, pressure difference pushes sealant into the breach. Another couple/few layers of wire mesh to turn the pipe into a coax line, monitor the capacitance on each segment for changes to alert repair crews to the scene for a more permanent repair.
None of which is meant to endorse the concept, just an interest in problem solving.
A few hours?
Hundreds of kilometers maintained by union labor? I bet you cant get a vacuum at all. At best the pressure will drop a few pounds before the vacuum craps out. It will never get to operational stage. maybe one little leg.
It’s a scam.
Well yeah, you’re talking about the operational reality of the system. I’m talking about the ideal condition.
Either way we agree it is a stupid idea
I’m sure it’s probably been said before, but if you hire someone from Evergreen State, you deserve whatever happens. I’m sure they’ll find jobs at a liberal blog or with the next democrat administration though.