Happy Wednesday. Its a damn slow news day. Y’all may have to entertain yourselves in the comments.
Kentucky Man not exactly clear on how the interwebz work.
I’m interested to get the Glibertariat’s opinion on Trump’s message to Maduro. I have conflicting views about it, I guess, and wish the Venezuelans would just hang the sonofabitch from a lamp-post and start over.
Russian agent Trump continues to play the long game.
This isn’t teledildonics, but it may have a positive effect on the future.
A deep track guitar screamer for your pleasure today.
Would you cross the line to become an evil sexist racist homophobic Islamaphobic right wing extremist? The Bedfordshire police have released a hard-hitting game that to warn young people of the dangers of associating with wrong-thinkers.
They don’t even mention the sharing of dank memes or lamenting youth unemployment that inevitably leads to cold blooded murder! UK taxpayer dollars at work. Eagerly waiting for the next installments warning against radical left-wing extremism and radical Islamic extremism that are sure to follow, right?
If I wanted to play a right wing extremism simulator, I’d just play Fallout: New Vegas and join Caesar’s Legion. At least there I can suit up in full power armor and go nuts with mini-nukes and gatling lasers.
And left-wing extremism?
Depression Quest?
(sound of creaking bedsprings)
Actually, I spoke too soon, Depression Quest is a great game!
Subtitle: The real life of Eron Gjoni
No such thing.
Hearts of Iron 4. Which can also double as a right-wing extremism simulator.
Anything that hurts the Clinton’s election chances from the Left.
I’ve always had trouble playing games where I have to be the “bad guy”. Never did any ending in that game except for NCR victories and (my personal preference) independent New Vegas (both with good karma).
Never did a dark side run in Knights of the Old Republic either.
What? I love being the bad guy. So many games don’t give you the option to be bad.
My reaction to first running into the Legion was “*eyeroll* Oh you so evil, way to go writers. I mean, real Romans…er…pretty much acted like this…and the legate I’m talking to…yeah… Damn, I take it back, you got these assholes RIGHT.”
Same as my reaction to this scene in Wolf:New Order.
Also, Caesar is one of my favourite villains because he’s basically your classic stuck-up asshole intellectual who thinks he can micromanage a society by projecting his ideological bias onto it. I was so annoyed that there wasn’t an Intelligence 10 response for when he’s going off about “MUH HEGELIAN DIALECTICS”.
Man, it’s a game where you can sell your companions to cannibals for food.
Being evil is just too much fun.
Just because i sold orphans into slavery in Fallout 3 doesn’t make me a bad guy.
Load up y our old copy of Elder Scrolls Oblivion, and join the Dark Brotherhood. Easily one of the most fun quest lines in the game.
…and (my personal preference) independent New Vegas…
The moment that option surfaced, I knew how my first play-through would end. Very few games give you the option to say “screw-you” to all the established factions and form your own, so I was set on that regardless of any attempts by NPCs to convince me otherwise. The fact that you achieve independence by stealing a robot army was icing on the cake.
At least there I can suit up in full power armor and go nuts with mini-nukes and gatling lasers.
Profligate! Caesar will tolerate no use of advanced technology!
I’ve never played down that path in FONV, I can never resist the libertarian options of either siding with house or taking the strip myself…
I’ve sided with NCR once and it was meh
That kind of thing is usually reserved for the younger folk in the Junior Spies, isn’t it?
Who in their right mind would install such an app on their device?
You answered your own question.
That nutty lady who’s convinced her sons are contributors to rape culture and smeared them online?
Eagerly waiting for the next installments warning against radical left-wing extremism and radical Islamic extremism that are sure to follow, right?
Which is why I predict this whole boondoggle will be counterproductive for its stated intent. When the authorities are openly identifying some (not even terribly extreme) political views as unacceptable, what do you think is going to be the response from disaffected young men?
That said, I’m not sure it’s not a bit of spyware.
You must learn the self discipline of not noticing things that contradict the approved thoughts.
All right.
*wanders off*
I hope you find some unseasoned mashed potatoes in your travels, good sir!
He eats them sliced, right out of the can.
As god intended.
Brett is always doing the bare minimum.
I just found this important-if-true story:
“You know those pieces of flair Jennifer Aniston repeatedly bitched about in Office Space? Well, they were based off the real life buttons many servers actually had to wear at the time at a number of chain restaurants including TGI Fridays. A few years after the film came out, however, the chain discontinued the use of flair. Why? Apparently because people wouldn’t stop making Office Space references about it.”
I’m getting to the age where Office Space jokes get me blank stares at work.
If you really want to feel old, mention the x files.
Seriously? Didn’t they just make new episodes?
Episodes fans pretend don’t exist.
At least the lizard guy episode was kind of funny.
Or be like me and make references to movies from the 30s and 40s.
Are you referring to those new-fangled photoplays?
+1 “Throat as red as the Daily Worker and twice as sore!”
Some of the yutes don’t get it when I talk about band camp. Or when I say yutes.
Why should you change? They’re the ones who suck
+Mike Bolton
Yay! A movie made positive change for once!
What do you think of a person who only does the bare minimum?”
If the minimum weren’t good enough, it wouldn’t be the minimum.
That’s USAF training command’s (unofficial) motto
Dean Kamen? Is there a way I can short sell his new idea?
Well he’s getting a boatload of
corporate welfareprivate-public partnership funding, so I expect him to see this through until everybody forgets the Institute exists.Real Feal 101F today. I’m kind of regretting putting in the skylights. The sun is like a laser beam.
Real Feal
It’s the hip new form of vassalage
after the flop that was iPeasant.
I was in a warehouse doing some volunteering in Santa Monica this morning with no a/c. it was an oven. If I wanted this kind of weather, I’d live on the east coast. blecch.
Not Legit. Everyone knows libertarians do not volunteer for anything. Duh.
I just assumed that it was court ordered.
Meh, just finished a Coil change in an Attic in Rancho Cucamonga, real feel 125
Humidity 75% in the house
Business is probably booming because of the heat wave.
Heat wave surcharge?
No just lots of Cash and more monocles, Actually and new Moog and a MIDI Controller
Reading the Tweeters, watching Maggie McNeill get into a catfight with a self-described “right-wing socialist” (sooooo…literally Nazi?)
Spicier was Tweetering about Jim Acosta earlier. No idea to what he was referring. I hate Vaguetweeting just as much as Vaguebooking.
I am grateful that I have no idea who these people are.
Maggie McNeill is a pretty bitchin’ ho.
does she have a bitchin’ Camaro?
Maggie McNeill’s pretty cool, somewhere here called ENB a poor man’s version of her and that’s pretty accurate.
I gather he was Acosta-ing (preening for cameras) at the immigration press conference.
What about vague Facebook. “OMG, worst day ever!”
Which all I hear is “please give me attention!”
FTA: “Though of course bread and butter are eaten all over, the buttered roll (or roll with butter, as it is known in parts of New Jersey) is a distinctly local phenomenon. Mention its name outside the New York metropolitan area and you would very likely be met with blank incomprehension.”
A roll…with butter? What is this madness?! Those stupid rubes in the flyover country have certainly never heard of this concept!
I’ve been to New York twice in my life. Never ate butter rolls there, but somehow I have eaten them several times at home. I don’t know how that’s I discovered this distinctly local phenomenon on my own. Witchcraft probably.
I’m shocked the provinical rubes in New York City know what butter is.
I’m surprised that New Yorkers are still allowed to eat butter.
Cholesterol, saturated fat, and global warming should be a perfect trifecta for a ban.
Is this like those Real NY Bagels* I keep hearing about? We have something similar here in the desert, for which I have been informed is some kind of heresy.
*Yes, I realize bagels on the east coast are probably better for reasons that nobody seems to be able to explain. I’ll see myself out bagel-snobs.
I thought everyone agreed it was Jews and tap water from the Catskills filtered through a shit-ton of limestone.
That’s our water they’re stealing, thank you very much.
Grimaldi’s recreates it with an in-house water chemist.
I was under the impression there was some sort of microbial critters in the water that survive the filtration process that gives NY bagels a distinct flavor.
Am I to assume these bacterial cultures are Kosher?
As my brief exchange with Playa reveled yesterday, I have no clue as to what accurately constitutes kosher.
Food is kosher when you pay a Rabbi to say it is.
The “OU” and “Circle K” aren’t free.
Makes sense. I remember when I worked in a food ingredients plant/warehouse in my mid-twenties. We made food flavorings that were usually added to things from General Mills cereals like Lucky Charms or Cinnabon, knockoff Oreos. Whatever. Basically pellets of sweetened food that was ran through a huge mixer, an auger with a rotating flat blade set to what size pellets needed by the costumer, then ran on a conveyor belt through a large oven to bake then bag up. At times, we would make animal based product either containing meat or dairy. As it happens, either before or after doing so(can’t remember, I still did too many drugs back then), the entire system had to be snaked out and power washed thoroughly and the oven set to a certain high temperature for awhile. Then a couple rabbi came in and blessed the equipment before it was considered clean enough for the company they represented with a seven figure contact with ours to be allowed to continue producing their product ingredients.
From my neck of the woods, that was interesting to watch, to say the least.
Municipal water has either chlorine or chloramine added. It should be pretty close to aseptic when it comes out of the tap.
I believe this may have been what I was misremembering.
Don’t forget the baby blood.
Bagels suck anyway. They’re like failed donuts.
Then you haven’t had good bagels.
You are correct. Neither have you or anyone else.
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
A saying from Basic Training —
Sergeant! I am a bagel! A three dimensional zero, with no taste!
Right? What idiot thought it was a good idea to put a drain hole on a roll?
How else is all the extra butter supposed to drain off?
WTF is “extra butter”??
I knew you were a commie.
WTF? Literally every steakhouse in the country has buttered rolls. Gawd, I hate coastal elites.
Ones that you have to apply butter to yourself don’t count. Real New Yorkers have their maids do it for them.
Go to the right steakhouse, and they’ll butter ’em for you!
I literally hit my head on the monitor getting close enough to the words on the screen trying to figure out what they meant. Is this guy seriously saying that they don’t served bread and fucking butter outside of manhattan? What the actual flying fuck.
It’s not buttered bead. They don’t spread some butter on the inside of a sliced roll. They take a sliced kaiser roll then put a slice/slab of butter inside it. It’s revolting. They also put slices of cream cheese in some, but that I can handle.
So, basically, it’s a butter sandwich.
The NYT thinks a butter sandwich is exemplary of NYC’s culinary sophistication, but ridicule Trump for eating well-done steak with ketchup.
They’re half correct. A well-done steak with catsup is an affront to God and his love of man for creating the delicious cow.
Yes, it’s a butter sandwich. Made by a gas station attendant, wrapped in saran wrap and left out on a counter.
Yeah, even at her most Pauline Kaeliest, Pauline Kael didn’t live in a bubble this thick. Do people outside of NYC even live in bubbles? Maybe bubble-living is unique to NYC as well.
Nowhere but the center of the universe do they eat buttered rolls?
Who knew… that NYT reporters should possibly leave their fucking neighborhood and learn something about the rest of the world.
Is it true that in New York, they have steak restaurants, or “steakhouses”, where you can order nothing but steak? Man, them big city folk and their strange ways! /resumes whittlin’
I hear tell they have pipes right in their domiciles what dispense water without having to fetch it from the well.
Is it true they have buggies that can move themselves without a horse?
Paper, honest to God, Paper, that’s made JUST for wipin’ yer ass. Didn’t put no words on it first or nothin.
Do what now?
::sits corn cob down on sink::
Those things are terrible. A roll with a 3/8″ slice of butter in the middle of it.
Wait, I don’t understand…
I know. Why not 8/8″?
If you enjoy eating cold butter with a knife and fork, you might like these things.
Butter should never be cold.
Bodega food. And they ain’t exactly using this
Order a buttered roll and you’ll invariably be handed a kaiser. But ask old-time New Yorkers, and they will swear up and down that today’s model is a pale version of the remembered “Vienna” or “hard rolls,” a smaller, cornmeal-bottomed pastry with an open crumb and a shatteringly crisp crust.
“The whole charm of these is that they were basically hollow,” said the food writer Arthur Schwartz, a Brooklyn native. “The rolls really were crunchy, and very light. It’s not so delicious anymore: The butter’s not butter, and the roll’s not crisp.”
Sounds like a German brötchen roll.
The butter’s not butter, and the roll’s not crisp.
This is what hell looks like, folks, margarine and kaiser rolls
Yes, that sounds nasty.
But fresh authentic brötchen, with real butter, that’s a little slice of heaven right there.
But fresh authentic brötchen, with real butter, that’s a little slice of heaven right there.
But then, you apparently wouldn’t be in NY anymore and should just end it all.
For some reason I get irrationally tilted whenever I see a package of something (like popcorn) that says butter, buttery, or some other form of the word, and then I look at the ingredients list and it’s just vegetable/seed oil. How is that not false advertising? And how many times have I been fooled because I haven’t taken the extra effort to verify the claim?
Aphex Twin hardest hit.
God help I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. I pushed on through the articles in hopes that there’s something there. But no.
Apparently there’s a specific term “buttered roll” for…er…a bread roll with butter? And only NY uses that term.
So what I really learned is that NY is the Toronto of America.
I thought Toronto was the Chicago of Canada. Comparative geography was never my strong suit though.
Does everyone really, really hate Chicago and constantly make fun of it? If so, yes.
By that definition, Toronto must be Canada’s San Francisco.
No, sadly, Canada’s SF is Vancouver. Complete with ongoing panic about Rich Chinamans Buying All Our Houses!!!!111!!
All I know is the site makes house party look like house party II.
Exactly. Nobody in NYC is concerned whether it’s a world-class city.
Toronto is like a really clean version of Chicago.
Remember Quincy’s? They had a singing yeast roll in their commercial. Damn, now I want a hot buttered yeast roll.
Oh, yeah. I remember going to one with my wife’s family, and watching her grandfather stuff about four of them in his sports jacket pockets. He just winked at me, and asked the server if we could get more rolls.
He knew what was up.
Buttered bread, or bread with butter as it’s known in my house….
Slice of white bread with country crock?
He can’t believe it’s not butter.
I’ve lived in NYC nearly my whole life and i’ve never heard anyone make a big deal out of bread w/ butter on it.
Bagels, people will be picky about. those sidewalk stands where they serve coffee and dry rolls? nobody fucking cares. this is some twee recent-urban-transplant mythologizing the fucking city.
Damnit, Gilmore, I was going to say much the same thing!
Please, folks, do not take these imbeciles as representative of New Yorkers. The Times and a lot of the journalistic community live in this incredibly narrow circle jerk that reflects next to nothing about how most of us think.
Do real New Yorkers even live in New York any more? When I was a kid, everyone from New York sounded like they were extras in the cast of The Taking of Pelham 123, the original, not the remake.
Now I meet people from New York and there’s no accent, no attitude. It’s just some kid with a neck beard in skinny jeans and a messenger bag.
Most of our clients in NY have Slavic accents.
There was an episode of one of Anthony Bourdain’s various food travelogues in Philadelphia. My favorite part was these two guys being asked about cheesesteak. One guy says, “We figured out how to put meat and cheese in a roll and somehow that’s a culinary masterpiece.”
Nothing is worse than people from Chicago screaming about their fucking hot dogs and whining about how horrible ketchup is.
“It’s too sweet!!!” say the people who slather the goddamned thing with sweet relish.
I can agree on the ketchup thing, its pretty one sided. Now mustard on the other hand, depending on the spices added in can be sweet, spicy, savory, etc. It’s potential as a condiment far exceeds what ketchup can offer.
Because ketchup is perfect. It literally cannot be improved.
You could improve it by taking out all the damn wax.
That’s not true, adding Sriracha sauce is a vast improvement.
The Canadians made it worse.
A good read if you haven’t seen it before.
“In New York City itself, buttered rolls are a perennial: Like a working character actor, they are everywhere you look without realizing it.”
People get paid to write like this.
I’ve been trying to ignore this buttered roll thing and I say I have to agree with Gilmore, this smells a recent transplant musing about his discovery.
even if the author isn’t one of them, there’s a market in selling this kind of silly ‘navel-gazing nostalgia for new york-ish-ness’ to a population of readers who mostly have lived in the city a decade or less and still fetishize the place.
Tbh it feels like virtue signalling from the White House. I hate that
socialiststate capitalist Maduro as much as anyone here, but it’s not the American government’s job to be the world police, it’s the government’s job to ensure the safety of this country, and Venezuela poses absolutely no threat to us right now.I think it’s helpful in the sense that at least it draws attention to Venezuela briefly, since I feel it’s decline has been mostly ignored by the MSM, but yeah, overall I think it’s just a statement of “Venezuela is shitty and Maduro is awful.” Doesn’t seem to be an intent to do much else.
I do wish a few more journalists would start nailing leftists who supported Chavez and Maduro a few years ago to the fucking wall over this. But why be a real journalist when you can bitch about Trump in the NYT some more?
The world should do those poor Venezuelans a favor, and airdrop a few million rolls of toilet paper over their country, with a fiber bar and a Spanish translation of “The Law” stuffed in the middle.
Call it an “info dump”.
“The Great Venezuelan Dump of 2017”
I’m interested to get the Glibertariat’s opinion on Trump’s message to Maduro. I have conflicting views about it, I guess, and wish the Venezuelans would just hang the sonofabitch from a lamp-post and start over.
Trump should stay out of it. Literally anything the US does will be used as evidence we sabotaged the socialist utopia.
Not if he plays his 256D chess properly, friendo
Y’all been getting any rain up your way?
Sprinkling yesterday morning and maybe last night. It’s gross out right now and I biked to work, so not looking forward to this afternoon.
A whole lot of fake rain. 2 alerts on the phone, nothing happened.
I think Donald knows by now that anything he says will generate kneejerk opposition. If he can get the #Resistance tards to defend the Maduro regime, sort of like how he got all the right-thinkers to fall over themselves in support of trannies in the military (Reason included, by the way), they’ll continue to make themselves targets of ridicule.
It’s so predictable it’s more like 1D chess.
Happy Fun Glitter Case
What were they using in those things?
My guess is that the phones heat up the liquid to dangerously hot levels, since water has a very high specific heat capacity.
Liquid glitter, of course.
AKA stripper sweat.
Stripper sweat smells of either a) sandalwood or b) frankincense
I saw somewhere else that it’s supposed to be snowglobe liquid.
wiki says snowglobes are water+glycerine/glycerol and plastic bits nowadays, not sure how that’s causing burns without your device getting so hot you’d feel the heat coming off it before you touched it.
President is our Role-Model-in-Chief.
You heard it there first, Donald J. Trump is at risk of permanently tainting the keystone of American civic religion – if I understand his point correctly. Oh no.
Charles Sykes – self-important loser who can’t even suck his own dick. Sad!
“If you suck your own D, then you probably don’t have to” – Ron Jeremy
Why can’t we go back to the days of a president who was a better role model for thObamaldren, like Obama?
Or Bill Clinton, who really knew how to reach out to young people.
No more Lovecraft or Sugar Free for you!
Thobamaldren is the new name for the evil storm giant king in my D&D campaign.
If only we could go back to the days when drunks, drug addicts, philanders, the corrupt, assholes obsessed with their penis and slaveowners held the mighty and noble office.
I still obsess with my penis!
The Spectator has a bioethicist writing an article on What We Must Learn From Charlie Gard Case
Excellent points, which are resolved in a fairly headdesky manner. “People need to shut and learn to die so we don’t have to decide.”
“…NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)…”
Don’t these morons care that “N.I.C.E.” is the evil organization in C. S. Lewis’s dystopia, That Hideous Strength?
Apparently right up there next to 1984 in the “How to” section they give government leaders and civil servants.
The West has so far been more Lewis and (Aldous) Huxley than pure Orwell.
Care?? Of course they care.
Why do you think they chose it?
All right, shut up and listen
N.I.C.E. is here with a brand new invention
Police grab a hold of you tightly
Monitor your life daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? I don’t know
We’re seeing how far it can go
Clever but based on Vanilla Ice so a mild thumbs down.
It’s as close to the genre as Eddie can get.
I just envisioned Eddie wearing parachute pants while doing the running man dance. Sweet.
Lewis? Wasn’t he that idiot who thought we should be more concerned with social justice warrior politicians than with evil profit driven big businesses?
Why do I read the comments
Bonus: The user in question has an avatar of the EU flag with the hammer and sickle in the middle, with the letters “EUCCP” below.
I think he’s one of the resident trolls in Speccie comments, kinda like Tony over on H&R (they also have their own version of PB!). There to rile up old-school Tories.
I think Tony hangs around less to ‘troll’ and more to prop up his shitty insecurities.
Nah. He’d necro threads with funny, clever and insightful statements occasionally. He was an excellent troll: he put in the least amount of effort to get people wound up and wasting their time angrily responding.
Meh, his constant “LOOK AT HOW SMART I AM, YOU PEOPLE ARE DUMB, WHILE I’M SUPER SMART” schtick is pretty reflective of some massive insecurities. PB’s the same but with the benefit of melting his brain with cocaine.
Way back he broke kayfabe with “Hilary told a few harmless fibs. Fiorina’s lies got people killed” (paraphrasing). After that, I assume 95% of stuff he writes is to get maximum reaction from the regulars, and it fits.
Considering I know people legitimately stupid enough to believe that, and this is the internet, I’m not willing to rule out legitimate belief.
They went and named some state sciencey thing NICE? Even after That Hideous Strength featured the National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (N.I.C.E.), who the Brits went and emulated. Its… fucking terrible.
The job of an ethicist is to come up with rationalizations for things that normal people find morally repugnant.
This is the most monstrous alternative history I’ve ever seen.
Not only is Noam Chomsky in control the American north and Donald Rumsfeld/Jeb Bush in control of the south, Richard Spencer controls eastern Washington.
And Oklahoma was included in the South *vomits*
Damn, Brett, I go away for a couple days and here you are, slacking off.
“alrighty, I’m back from slacking off…HEY WHAT’S WITH ALL THIS SLACKINg OFF, FUCKING SLACKERS”
I’ve nearly completed the final draft of my first attempt at submitting an article here. However, as many of you are aware, I butcher the English language on a regular basis. So, any and all suggestions on a solid editing/proofreading program I could run it through would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance…and I get no responses, go eat shit and die in a dumpster fire, you miserable SOBs. 🙂
*And if
See?! HELP!!!
Wait, they want us to edit our articles?
Send it in. We have several people who are quite capable editors.
Yeah, it’ll get edited in the queue before it’s published.
Not by me; I’m sub literate and lazy.
And ugly. Don’t forget ugly.
And forgetful, which is why I forgot.
Forgot what?
It’s get truly edited in the comments.
The comment section will take care of it for you.
That’s kind of what I’m afraid of.
Wait are we still editing things?
Do you want to start generating content again? Just go with it.
Okay. Thanks guys.
Now as to the coherency of my argument….hehehehehe….we’ll see.
You don’t need a program.
How tough are rugby players?
(TW: may induce sympathetic pain from male readers).
All Black Wayne Shelford played against France in 1986 in a game that became known as the Battle of Nantes:
” During the match Shelford was kicked in the face and lost most of three teeth, he was sucker-punched by Eric Champ, he was headbutted and knocked out cold by Jean-Pierre Garuet-Lempirou, he was kicked in the balls by Daniel Dubroca…In the showers the horrific discovery was made that his scrotum had been torn open and one of his testicles had fallen out and was dangling between his knees.”
“Incredibly, after discovering the injury to his scrotum, he calmly asked the physio to stitch up the tear and returned to the field before a blow to his head left him concussed. He was substituted and watched the remainder of the game from the grandstand where he witnessed the All Blacks lose 16–3. To this day Shelford has no memory of the game.”
“To this day Shelford has no memory of the game.”
And now I’m wishing I didn’t either.
And then he became Swiss Servator. And now you know. The rest. Of the story.
Good day!
Wait, Swiss is black? He didn’t LOOK black when I met him.
Was he wearing whiteface?
Ah! I bet that was it.
And for that he is eternally happy
The Tom Friedman article generator gave me a good idea.
Should I submit some to The NY Times for an op Ed under my name?
Do they still have Letters to the Editor? I can see that working.
Trump is at risk of permanently tainting the keystone of American civic religion
A President deserves no more respect than a guy who pumps out septic tanks and porta-shitters. He certainly does not deserve slobbery genuflection.
*less, really
Progs Collude the Right Way, Not Like Secret Nazi!
The Scientific Method at work!
Any relation to Robert?
Nope. Robert Reich is a partisan hack. Michael Reich is a full fledged commie.
Since they’re both idiots can I continue to conflate the two?
I’ll allow it.
They both give my alma mater a bad name. Well, a lot of other things do too, but still.
So you’re saying he’s related to Third, instead?
Okay, so we can officially rule out ‘blind altruism’ at this point. They know they are lying and are actively trying to cover it up. Simple question: who benefits from a ludicrously high minimum wage? Who is paying these people to achieve this?
From his Wikipedia page:
“In March 2016, the Albany Times Union reported on hundreds of pages of emails from Reich’s research team that showed a close collaboration between the research team and labor union groups that fund the movement to raise the minimum wage. According to the article, “the relationship between academic and funder seemed explicit” with one uncovered email showing that the research team was seeking grant money to support its research “for local groups engaged in work to raise the minimum wage” and “testimony/media work” in California.”
Follow the money. Works every time.
I have to be honest here, with the amount of collusion between city hall and labor groups, this almost seems like small potatoes.
The difference here is that academics claim the ivory tower privilege of producing “objective” research. They tar-and-feather anyone who takes funding from corporate enterprises. So this is a more fundamental problem.
This whole town is so corrupt, it’s beginning to make Philly in the 70s look like Mayberry.
Unions and politicians who passed it.
You would think as these people are fudging date a revelation might strike them. If I have to fudge the data to make my case, do I have a case?
Somehow their theory is correct it’s just that reality has failed to recognize it.
This is why people have been pointing out that critical theory isn’t about being correct, it’s about advancing your cause by any means necessary. Sometimes you have to use deception.
Welcome to Science+, where the outcomes are predetermined, the control group is
imaginarysynthetic , and the methodology doesn’t matter!The Mayor is too busy ignoring calls about buggering underaged street kids. This shit is so unsurprising, I can’t even get worked up about it.
How tough are rugby players?
If their Dead would stop getting up and back in the game.
Oh my god, shut up already
You know why i don’t mind not having pockets?
I have a big stupid satchel, instead. Lol.
Also, obligatory, I’m not your buddy, pal, etc.
My wife’s view.
That link doesn’t work.
I know. I’m too lazy to fix it.
Can you talk to my wife? When we are out without the kids, she prefers not to have pockets AND not to carry a purse. What if I don’t want to be the outsourced pocket?
Stop wearing cargo pants. Problem solved.
Pants? They come in pants?
You have a pair of shorts already!
I stopped being the outsourced pocket the minute my day to day attire became slacks.
Eh. Basically she likes dresses with pockets. Fill out the rest with something humorous.
What’s the female equivalent of pocket pool?
Something something pocket golf? Come back to me.
Finger puppets?
I like it.
Pocket curling? A lot of quick rubbing and yelling once in a while?
What do you do with the broom?
Ignore it.
It’s, it’s … in da hole!
Dresses with pockets are nice, as someone who wears dresses or yoga pants exclusively.
But those are hard to find, too. And when you DO find a cute dress with pockets, putting anything heavier than a handkerchief in said pockets usually jacks the dress all up.
Just carry a bag with your entire life in it, instead; way easier.
Do what SP does. Shame your husband into carrying your purse. The unfulfilled promise of sex is synergistic.
Sounds like someone doesn’t know how to use that word.
“Shame”, or “sex”?
I often don’t like to carry a purse, so I wear shorts or pants with pockets. All that, and being six feet tall, and I’ve still amazingly never had to wear men’s clothes. It’s almost like clothes actually aren’t sexist and you’re full of shit, Bro Magnon
You sound horribly unwoke, and denying his lived experiences. Let him mensplain to you why he’s right and you didn’t actually wear women’s pants with pockets!
I mostly carry a purse so I can carry a gun. And a first aid kid. … And candy. Lol.
Well, now you’re just hysterical.
I have to confess, my sister is a purse fiend and I usually go purse-less when I know she’s coming because I don’t have to worry about emergencies—she’s packed for every contingency. I’m a purse exploiter!
Off-body carry is the gravest of sins! (See my comment below for a solution.)
Shaaaaame, MLW! Taking advantage of your sister* like that!
*And by sister, I don’t mean literal sister. I mean sister because you’re both female.
Yes. I know several women who select purses based on fit and ease of access for their carry weapon.
I like a purse if I’m going more than 5 miles from home. I carry a Swiss Army knife (with corkscrew), tiny maglight, cpr mask, nitrile gloves, portable power supply for my devices etc. (OK, I like being prepared.)
Now I want to write a fanfic where each item has a place in the purse due to a separate OMWC incident…
You have orphans specifically to provide first aid? And they don’t steal the candy?
At least you have the option of wearing a flashbang holster without having to report to the authorities every time you move to a new address.
I’m currently looking into getting a backup thigh carry pocket gun.
The flashbang holster is meant for reaching up, not down. 🙁 Not terribly handy for a dress
Yeah I can see how that could be a problem. But I’d imagine thigh carry would only allow for the tiniest of pistols. Someone needs to bring out a line of reasonably priced concealed carry clothes for women who aren’t into cargopants and poloshirts.
Also, how do I convince my wife to carry? :p
Put her in a situation every day where she doubts her own safety. That should do it!
I’d “been meaning to” get my CC for a long time. Then my old office announced they were moving downtown–parking garages, walking a block or several to the office, an abundant transient population… Took me about two weeks to get something figured out.
And you are right. Definitely looking for a very tiny pistol. That’s why it’s a backup 😉 Think the M&P Bodyguard re: size
I’m not your pal, homie.
I don’t understand. Why don’t they just by clothes for women made by designers who are willing to sew a decent pocket into pants? Why do clothes have to be gendered? What’s wrong with a decent pair of Levis (although I suppose those are now men’s jeans) and a collared golf shirt?
It’s harder to sell your hand bags to them as well, then. Women’s dress pants apparently don’t even have pockets.
I am reasonably certain that that the reason most womens pants at the very least do not have pockets is that they are designed to fit tighter (not because men like it that way because that is what most women actually buy) and with a tighter fit it is hard to have the extra layers of fabric below the surface and not have them look weird
You heard him ladies, the clothes come off now.
The Ferengi were right.
It is sexist. I have to carry around a wallet and it prevents me from showing off my hot ass.
Dude, front carry. (Rare Earth magnet optional)
I looked at those and similar and everyone complained about having their cards demagnetized. I got the elastic band one and it’s actually pretty great.
There is a solution.
Put the wallet in your fanny pack and go pantsless.
I didn’t realize your assless chaps had a rear wallet pocket.
Is that a trick question?
All chaps are assless.
P.S. Sorry about the heat wave. You got it much worse than I did.
Only mid-90’s right now. Was in Medford Monday. Luckily not today.
When women want pants with pockets, they buy pants with pockets. When they don’t, they don’t and rely on a purse instead. It’s almost like women buy clothes with features and traits that they like?
Nah, it’s the patriarchy.
It’s a capitalist conspiracy to keep women down.
Or maybe it really is a reflection of consumer choice, but this male feminist just doesn’t think women are smart enough to choose the clothes with the features they want.
Shopping against their best interest. Rubes.
Christ, what an asshole.
I so triggered I can’t even.
This is fantastic. Wearing that will make me look even more aggressively Pacific Northwestern than I already do. *orders 10*
But where’s the plaid?!
Their products are actually fantastic. But overpriced.
“A man in Halifax, Nova Scotia, faces numerous charges—including attempted murder—after wrestling a gun away from a home invasion suspect and shooting him with it.”
WTF, Canada?
Also, TW: Breitbart
In the time it took to steal that man’s belongings and murder him, he could have called the police and wait for justice to be done!
Sounds legit.
Storage though?
Guessing it’s because of this line in the Breitbart article: The two men inside the home managed to take away one of the guns and “several shots were fired as the suspects fled.“ [Emphasis added]
If the suspect is fleeing, they aren’t an imminent deadly threat, and if they aren’t an imminent deadly threat, you can’t shoot them. Now, less enlightened jurisdictions like much of Texas have an expansive view of when the suspect still constitutes a deadly threat. I’m a fan of the, “he’s just retreating to cover, and not actually surrendering,” interpretation. Nova Scotia, OTOH, is more likely to take the, “He’s away from you, let the police handle it, you big meanie judge/jury/executioner.”
Other times, the Grand Jury may just not give a shit, depending on how innocent you are, and how much of a shithead the suspect is. See, e.g., the Joe Horn shooting two burglars in a Houston suburb.
Compare and contrast with yesterday’s story about a Texas woman who thoroughly ventilated a home invader and received nothing more than a hardy congratulations from the police.
A laurel… and hearty handshake.
What, no narrowed gaze?
Time for some pro-Maduro “the problem is the lack of socialism”
You think that’s good, the meltdown on /r/socialism is even more fun. You have the “not real socialism!” people, you have the “real socialism and Maduro is great!” ones, and you have the “It’s all the fault of US imperialism” ones.
Tankies vs. ‘It’s not real socialism!’ Civil War NOW.
“Miley Cyrus on Fashion Regrets and The Voice”
She’s appeared more often in Cosmo than the older Cyrus.
“The details of Cyrus’s death vary by account. The account of Herodotus from his Histories provides the second-longest detail, in which Cyrus met his fate in a fierce battle with the Massagetae, a tribe from the southern deserts of Khwarezm and Kyzyl Kum in the southernmost portion of the steppe regions of modern-day Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, following the advice of Croesus to attack them in their own territory. The Massagetae were related to the Scythians in their dress and mode of living; they fought on horseback and on foot. In order to acquire her realm, Cyrus first sent an offer of marriage to their ruler, the empress Tomyris, a proposal she rejected.”
So he died of complications to an achy breaky heart.
Good one
*Cyrus the Elder
He was an excellent troll: he put in the least amount of effort to get people wound up and wasting their time angrily responding.
By the time I was preparing to abandon that rotten leaky ship, Tony seemed to be mostly just phoning it in, secure in the knowledge anything with his name on it would elicit a Pavlovian frenzy of barking and snarling from a few specific people.
He’s still around, seems to have calmed down a bit from his earlier Trump freakouts, back to his regularly scheduled programming.
I never got worked up by Tony.
Now Tulpa… Tulpa I spent way too much time replying to.
How about Cytotoxic/Dajjal? That shit got old quick.
Bo Cara, esq.
Semantics and goal-post moving.
But he’d always start off reasonable, in order to get you sucked in.
That was some fine trolling.
Bo wasn’t a troll, he was just an asshole.
It’s like chemjeff now, there’s potential for him to be a troll, but no, he’s probably just that tedious and stupid.
I was still a lurker over there when Bo was around and a theory about him I found interesting was that he was a law student that was instructed by a professor to visit libertarian websites because they/we generally attempt to make rational good faith arguments; which would sharpen his ability to deflect, goalpost shift, or otherwise lead an unwelcome argument in a court of law so far afield from its origin that his opponent would completely forget the point in their favor. Or something like that.
Probably just an asshole.
This guy has instant credibility:
“The national movement to change racially offensive names of buildings, sports teams and landmarks will soon touch a group of schools in southeast Portland. Lynch Meadows, Lynch Wood and Lynch View elementary schools will shed their “Lynch” before the upcoming school year in response to growing concern about the word’s racial connotations.
The schools, part of the Centennial School District, were named for the Lynch family, which donated land over a century ago to build the first of the schools. But Centennial Superintendent Paul Coakley says many newer families coming into the district associate the name with America’s violent racial history.”
Are they also going to ban Twin Peaks?
Is Jane Lynch going to have to change her name?
This is a very racist view against our former Attorney General.
She has a great voice
Gotta love Loretta Lynn
And the Grand Tetons?
The Dune movie is safe because David Lynch took his name off it.
So let’s talk about foreign policy. The antiwar libertarians have been trying for the past 70 years to ally with the anti-left. The problem is the vast majority of the antiwar left is only “antiwar” for partisan purposes (see the support for Hillary and saber-rattling with Russia). The rest of mostly socialists or communists of some sort who think libertarianism is genocidal.
Anti-war makes as much sense as being anti-hurt. It’s a philosophy for kindergarteners. It’s pretty much exactly what you tell kindergarteners, don’t hit people. By early adulthood you typically find out that has quite a few exceptions.
Couple of you asked where I’ll be in Japan. I’ll be right near Tokyo. Not sure how to get in contact with people on here.
There’s a discord chat app floating around somewhere. You can use it on your mobile/tablet. Or your computer if you’re a grandpa.
The chat room that guarantees no hookups will result from its use.
“Or your computer if you’re a grandpa.”
Get off my lawn young lady!
Lady???? I’ll let you know as soon as I see one!
What’s wrong with being a Grandpa? I have fun and give em back, like borrowing orphans,
That’s what OMWC said too.
I hate that this made me laugh.
That’s why no one wants to hang out with us
In October I’ll be for a week or so around Tokyo and Yokohama. And I already did pretty much the same trip last year, so I’m not sure where else I’ll go in Japan.
November- Going to Fukuoka, also Osaka & Tokyo.
I really enjoyed Enoshima, The island is pretty with a bunch of Shinto shrines on the walk up, and the town on the land side of the bridge was bizarrely similar to Laguna Beach in the ’90s with pastel clothes and artwork of woodies and surfer scenes. It was jarring in a fun way.
Me too. Eight years ago.
God, it’s been over 10 years for me. Time certainly is flying.
Hey Jesse, how much of PA are you going to cover on your trip over here?
Shortest route to my grandparents would be 90, so not much. If I make decent time early possibly more.
Ah yeah, OK. We’d be pretty far out of your way then.
My understanding Pittsburgh to where my grandparents live isn’t a terrible drive, I don’t think I’d be detouring so far as Philly though, not even for a cheesesteak.
Not sure what part of the state you’re in.
Closer to Philly than the Pitt.
PM me on the discord if your plans change further south.
Rent a gaisensha. That’ll help you find straffinrun.
My Alma mater makes me glad I never donate.
USC Reportedly Threatens Woman for Claiming She WASN’T Abused
Preparing our future leaders.
She looks exactly like what a campus security guard should be- a parking lot attendant.
I think she’s kind of attractive, and I say this in a totally respectful way.
And I disclaim in advance any responsibility for any replies I might get for this.
I agree…wood.
I’d do it
Agreed. Also she pissed off the right people, probably a (oath) keeper.
Oh, yeah. I’d definitely let her write me a citation for parking in the wrong lot.
Dude, she’s pretty damn attractive.
You forgot a picture.
Apparently she’s sponsored by a condom manufacturer too!
Way to go out on a limb there.
So brave!
Well, you read what happened to the last guy.
That’s like a 6 for USC, right?
Base score 6
Athlete, increased libido +1
Covers up her boyfriend’s crimes +2
She’s subtotaling at about a 9.
Yep – that place was amazing. I was there for grad school and had to leave campus to concentrate on homework – just too many spectacular sights even in the library.
I posted that either this morning or yesterday. It so ridiculous, it’s beyond parody.
Asshole: Looks like Pete Rose keeps meeting my expectations
This ought to once and for all quash the HOF talk until the fucker is dead. Good.
Says you!
In this case I’m right!
That’s the kind of rhetoric that ensures our Family Friendly badge.
No fair fixing your posts 🙁
He was trolling us! And it worked! What an asshole!
Privilege check, aisle 31.
My linking skills are retarded. I’ve got to use the edit function. It’s a reasonable accommodation for my handicap.
Was that wrong? Should he not have done that?
I gotta plead ignorance here.
I really don’t care if he was an asshole unless the discussion involves his induction into the HOF of swell fellas.
Ty Cobb’s there. Which should end the “nice/not nice, should it matter?” discussion. (But see, articles like this one, proposing that Cobb’s rep was largely due to his biographer, and not on what he actually did.
Then again, Cobb didn’t gamble on baseball.
He never bet on games he was involved in.
Uh-huh. Rose has been shown to be so full of shit that I’m not sure I’d believe anything he said about what he did or did not bet on. I wouldn’t send him to jail for it, but the Hall doesn’t need a beyond a reasonable doubt burden of proof.
I’d have said, pre-Tim Donaghy, that the difference between major sports and the WWE is that sports aren’t fixed. Bring gambling into the mix for the players or coaches, and that changes.
But, the NBA is still a thing, crooked playoff ref and all, and billions watch soccer, despite near yearly matchfixing scandals. So I don’t know what to believe. Personally, keep Rose out, let Clemens and Bonds in. But no one is asking for my Hall vote.
Very good hitter, great longevity, nearly unparalleled passion for the game, all the same.
Pete Rose’s claim to the HoF is mainly due to being a good player who lasted a very long time.
Bill James developed a similarity stat to compare players, using career totals in a number of offensive categories. I have devised my own Rate Similarity Stat (RSS) that instead uses the rates for eight offensive categories (singles, doubles, triples, home runs, walks, hit by pitches, strikeouts, and stolen bases). Pete Rose’s five most similar players (5000 plate appearances or more) using the RSS are Ken Oberkfell, Billy Goodman, Dom DiMaggio, Woody English, and Kevin Seitzer — not exactly a HoF bunch.
But having the most of any particular stat is still quite an accomplishment, although I don’t feel strongly that he should be in the HoF any time soon.
Not surprised if this is true.
From what I’m hearing today, a lot of people are being disappeared. Looks like this one is gonna be a bloodbath by the end of the summer.
Who? I’ve heard of two leaders who were under hoyse arrest. Any more?
Not sure there is a non-violent solution for this. Looks like Maduro will dissolve the assembly tomorrow and have us leaders arrested.
I just heard about those two. They black bagged them. That’s pretty fucked up.
We don’t do shit like that here. (Not since Obama had American citizens assassinated without charge, anyway.)
Amazingly, Radio Exterior de España’s English section is in the tank for Maduro, even as the scales seem to be falling from other media outlets’ eyes. Here’s the blurb for the relevant program as it showed up in my RSS reader:
Sargon had a guest do a video on PM Zoolander and cult of personality. It’s 20 minutes long, but here’s why we call him PM Zoolander in a 90 second word salad.
Zoolander’s brain is simply a soundboard of shallow lefty platitudes. Which is why so many foreign leftists fawn over him.
Canada is a post-national countries with no values except for the ones I support. /turdeau Jr.
Also Turdeau Jr and Macon seem to be the great internationalist hopes who will save the world from populism.
Your mom could save us from population explosion by closing her legs.
Just like good old times. Makes me want to resurrect my Accomplished Female Athletes of Central and Eastern Europe series…
I do have a file of all the posts, because I had to write them out separately and paste into the H&R Russian Roulette of Post Eating….
I’m impressed that a Canadian who isn’t named Shatner could have a cult of personality.
We like our lefty airheads to have a bit of color in America.
Trump now controls the heavens as well as the earth.
Unlike certain killjoy deities, Trump wouldn’t have stopped the construction of the Tower of Babel.
Deep comment.
pithy retort
You bastard! When I commented, all your comment said was ‘Trump’
You guys haven’t figured me out yet? It’s a two part process when I post links.
It’s his way of trolling us. He’s enslaved the Edit Fairy and is using her for to sate his dark appetites.
He keeps her tied to a train track.
[golf clap]
Ah! He’s just a cape away!
That people like Rocheleau get paid to write that kind of article suggests we live in a fundamentally unjust universe.
Dark night of fascism etc. etc.
I’m surprised this article wasn’t in the Washington Post. After all, democracy dies in darkness.
Eichenwald is a fucking joke after the tentacle porn fiasco. I had all but forgotten his savvy stock tips.
Somebody needs to just wear him out daily until he resigns in disgrace and fucks off to Japan for research so he can answer all of his kids’ fetish questions.
This seems totally legit.
From the transcript of the conversation:
Lead me on and take control of how I feel
I can’t do this on my own cause it’s against my will
Oh come on, they were just talking about grandchildren.
Don’t we have better uses of the government’s money? The DoJ looked into this last year and found nothing.
More Stuff
Cops: Man, 77, Arrested After Dousing Girlfriend, 72, In ‘Sex Lube’
So that’s who is buying those 55-gallon drums.
I should check if anyone’s clicked on my affiliate links.
Florida man, no less.
Brett please call your office.
At 72, ‘feminine dryness’ may have been an issue?
Only our governmental betters should be allowed to carry guns
I’m sure he’s still proud. After all, he’s gonna get workmans comp and eventually a sweet-ass disability pension.
Meanwhile, Placivo Burress went to prison for the same thing.
Well, that’s because Plaxico made the mistake of doing the same thing in New York City, where only police officers, Bill DeBlasio’s security and people with the right connections are allowed to carry.
For soccer fans: looks like Neymar is going to PSG. Transfer fee is about $53.4 million; his weekly wages in the order of $1.026 million.
I was more amazed that Bayern got James-with-an-H.
The Guardian comment section always brings the goods.
Can someone translate this ode to pre-Leninist communism?
I translate it as:
Herpa derpa derp. Derpity derpity derp. Tum tiddly tum. Da derpity derpa derp.
Look, it’s very simple, it’s an anarcho-syndicalist commune governed by a council which can adopt measures by a two-thirds vote on major issues and a majority vote onpurely internal issues…
I’m a bit rusty, but I believe he’s saying “I have absolutely no fucking clue about economics or history and I’m terminally lazy.”
I think these sorts of incoherent word salads are mistaken for cogent thoughts by people incapable of cogent thoughts. It’s a positive feedback mechanism that will lead to runaway global derp.
“to produce a relative superabundance of wealth”
Relative to what? Cro-Magnon society?
“to be accessed freely according ot self determined needs.”
Yeah, that’s going to work. How can anybody still be this stupid?
I have determined I need a Ferrari.
Then they say no according to needs “I” determine.
There you go, socialism requires an authority to determine what everyone is allowed to have. Yet somehow they never connect the dots between having an authority so powerful they determine what people are allowed to have, and therefor make and all socialist states being authoritarian.
It’s not even looking seven moves ahead in chess, it’s more like one move ahead.
Hell, even Marx understood that shit. He just stupidly assumed it would be temporary.
Genuine socialist states are not merely authoritarian, but totalitarian.
“voluntary labour has replaced wage labour and free goods and services have replaced commodified exchange.”
Slavery and theft? Aka communism
Sigh, another guy in Hollywood doing a movie about fascism…wait a minute…
“Dinesh D’Souza is plotting his next film, an examination of the term “fascism” that will have liberals partially in its crosshairs.”
I’m tired of the word fascism. It doesn’t mean anything except “stuff I don’t like.”
I’m giving Dinesh chance.
He can go off the rails, but compared to other commentators (admittedly a low bar) he at least makes a good faith effort to state his opponents’ case before attempting to refute it.
And Preet had him sent to a halfway house for laundering a small campaign contribution…which I’m sure happens ALL THE TIME to people who aren’t prominent critics of the Democrats. /sarc
You’re fascism! Your mom is fascism too!
I held my Triumph of the Will on your mom last night.
That would explain why she’s been walking around extremely disappointed all day.
The dirty girl asked me to invade her Poland.
Unfortunately it was a Lightning War.
In this timeline Poland successfully repelled Germany, got bored and made itself a sandwich.
Operation Sealion was quite the success though.
Let’s stop before we get to the D-Day jokes.
This. Unless he can prove without a doubt that specific individuals follow both the philosophical and metaphysical roots of Mussolini’s doctrine D’Souza is just contributing to making the word meaningless.
I’m going to see it. Like I said, sometimes he goes off the deep end, but he’s generally interesting. And I expect he’s trying to follow up on Jonah Goldberg’s “no, *you’re* fascist” attack on the Left.
At worst, he’ll leave some talking points to smack down the progs when they say conservatives are fascists.
Seriously, which is more effective:
A: “No, actually, conservatives are not fascists, and here is a 12-point rebuttal…”
B: “Fuck you for calling me a fascist, you goosestepping, self-unaware, projection-manifesting fuck!”
Maybe by “effective” I mean “satisfying.”
Maybe, just maybe, political discourse is better served not constantly trying to dehumanize your opponent and screaming “NAZI” at every turn? There’s a reason why moderate people roll their eyes at the left pulling this shit.
OK, maybe a bit more sophisticated…
“by your own logic you meet your own definition of fascism, so why don’t you just cut it out with that stuff?”
I’d rather not give the left an out instead of being screaming retards. It’s easy to discredit their calls of ‘fascist’, and that’s about as far as it matters.
Anyway, I’m going to see how Dinesh does it.
Sometimes he’s nutty as a fruitcake, sometimes he’s sharp as a tack.
My preference would having a few key facts handy to keep in reserve, so when someone is going on about the latest “ominous parallels” article in Slate or whatever, you can mention Mussolini’s popularity in the 1920s, the NIRA, and so on until they way, “well, never mind who’s a fascist, this is boring.”
until they say
The ideal situation would be if the NYT ran an editorial or op-ed calling on “both sides” to stop using fascism analogies, meaning that it was OK so long as their side was doing it, but now that the other side is beating them like a redheaded stepchild, it’s time for progs to stop.
What does the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association have to do with el duce?
I’m the only real fascist
I’m Spartafascist!
I’m Sprtafascist and so is my wife.
Anyone who says other people are fascists is a NAZI.
I’d wager that is exactly what D’Souza will do. After a brief intro, he’ll start off with a 15-minute review of fascism in Mussolini’s and Gentile’s own words and then proceed to demonstrate how it aligned with early 20th century progressivism with the words of that movement’s leaders. Then he’s going to draw parallels between today’s progressives and the Fascists and American progressives and New Dealers of the 1920s and 1930s. Somewhere he’ll highlight the US Senate chambers.
Of course, Italian Fascism is sui generis since it was peculiar to the Italian nation. However, today’s American progressives share many of the ideals and objectives of Italian Fascists. The only significant, and it is very significant, difference is the American progressive’s embrace of multiculturalism.
The problem with many of the comparisons are they take aspects that are relatively meaningless and common and then compare them. “fascists have hair, these people have hair, these people are fascists”
Look at nationalism. It’s portrayed as a boogeyman all the time even though damn near every country is nationalist. When they can draw actual cause and effects it’s fine, socialism as easy cause and effect to authoritarianism.
Dinesh is probably better but I think at this point it’s so overdone it’s just going to be preaching to the choir.
Ditto “neoliberalism”.
I’m gonna say that this has less chance of passing than ObamaCare repeal. I would bet that of all of the agenda items mentioned in the article, the only one that’s sure to happen is raising the debt ceiling.
I don’t know who this author is, but I do know that he deserves some sort of award for this passage:
Kirchick was a guy that Dalmia tried to associate with the ‘alt-right’ despite being a Jew on TOS, that’s all I know of him.
Oh, I like him even more now.
Kirchik is also the guy who “exposed” the Ron Paul newsletters
Mixed feelings now.
It caused a bit of a stir in the libertarian community.
He was also a never-Trumper.
Did he write one of those “we must defend the liberal world order from Putin” in Reason?
David Burge with a savage takedown on New York snobbery.
Perhaps my favorite reply:
Butter? On rolls? Mind Blown
Anyone read up on the Conspiracy of Equals?real crazy stuff there. And it seems comunism was coined to refer to these guys. And Brabeuf was a radical leftist back in the 1790s. And Chartist James Bronterre O’Brien was a fan. Sheldon Richman has a sad
Cyberpunk future begins in Canada!
Cable giants step up piracy battle by interrogating Montreal software developer and searching his home
Death to Videotron, long live the New Flesh!
Wait a second… you can get a private search warrant in Canada?
….libertarian me is confused.
Article is pretty good on providing context and background, but that would require reading!
Propinquity to Sacerdotal Pomposities: The Individual vis-a-vis Government
This is from the Socialist Party of Great Britain.
Voluntarily eh?
You’ve never heard of the Socialist Party of Great Britain before?
They’re real fun. They’re the “real socialism has never been tried before” type of socialists. Their twitter account is a real gem. I mean, look at what they have pinned to the top of their page.
Making shit up is fun. Is JK Rowling their propagandist?
It’s perfectly reasonable. Socialism is utopia, therefore since there’s no utopia socialism hasn’t been tried.
Socialist thoughts are not bounded by your capitalist logic.
“The Socialist Party is a democratic organisation of equals. There is no leader and there are no followers.”
We don’t have a leader. We’re an anarchosyndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
Do the executive’s decision get reviewed by the members of the commune?
Cool, I call being in charge next week.
New Jersey: Muslim author creates children’s book and plush toy to fight “Islamophobia”
Danny Shakoj seems like a friendly fellow. All his good intentions to deter “Islamophobia” by means of this affable Imam Adam, however, are unfortunately doomed to fail. If anyone is suspicious of Islam, it is not because there are no children’s books featuring happy imams going about doing good deeds (like what imam in real life?). It is because of Muslims such as Osama bin Laden, Nidal Malik Hasan, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and so very many other Islamic jihadists. People who are aware that there is a problem with violence incited by the Qur’an and Sunnah are not going to be deterred from that awareness by the appearance of a plush toy.
Can Tommy the Commy plushies be far behind? There’s already a Bearnie Sanders teddy bear.
Still looks better than Little Mosque on the Prairie.
Is there a plush Pepe? I suddenly want twelve.
Wow, the first result is out of stock for some reason, but this looks like an acceptable substitute.
… which has now led me to the PEPE FIDGET-SPINNER.
capitalism really is the best, lol
Does the backpack have real explosives in it?
Tensions flared when Acosta took issue with the Trump-backed proposal favoring immigrants who speak English.
“What you’re proposing – or what the president is proposing here – does not sound like it’s in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration,” Acosta told Miller, referring to legislation the president endorsed earlier Wednesday.
The CNN correspondent, who has not shied from criticizing the administration, cited a quotation on the Statue of the Liberty.
Said Acosta: “The Statue of Liberty says, ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.’ It doesn’t say anything about speaking English, or being … a computer programmer. Aren’t you trying to change what it means to be an immigrant coming into this country if you’re telling them they have to speak English? Can’t people learn how to speak English when they get here?”
Shooting back, Miller said: “Well first of all, right now, it’s a requirement that to be naturalized, you have to speak English. So the notion that speaking English wouldn’t be part of our immigration system would be very ahistorical.”
The CNN reporter continued to criticize the notion of favoring immigrants who already know English.
“This whole notion … that they have to learn English before they get to the United States, are we just going to bring in people from Great Britain and Australia?” he said.
[head desk]
Because all policies should be based on vague interpretations of statue inscriptions.
Oooh, is that why Confederate statues are geteting removed?
You mean they’re rewriting policies.
Hey, CNN reporter is right, there’s no massive industry based around teaching English abroad in foreign countries.
Are you implying Idiot Furriners can learn some sort of English while not being present on Sacred English-Speaking Soil? Preposterous!
Yep. Because English is impossible to learn unless you’re born in an English-speaking household/country. No Frenchie ever learned English. No Kraut, no Pole, no Turk, no Indian, no Chinaman EVER learned English.
So Acosta is basically saying non-Anglos are incapable of learning English before they get here?
“Two University of California-Los Angeles professors are trying to derail an upcoming symphony performance because Dennis Prager will be the guest conductor.
In an open letter, they urge readers not to attend the August 16 concert to protest Prager’s “horribly bigoted positions,” such as his support for traditional marriage and opposition to open borders.”
“Please urge your friends to not attend this concert, which helps normalize bigotry in our community,” the professors plead, calling Prager “a right-wing radio host who promotes horribly bigoted positions” and adding that he “is not a trained conductor and there is no musical rationale for his participation.”
While the letter has been public since March, Prager brought it to national attention Tuesday with an op-ed for National Review, explaining that conducting orchestras is his little-known pastime, and that he’s been studying classical music since he was in high school.
“I conduct orchestras because I love making music,” Prager writes; “but I also do so because I want to help raise funds for local orchestras (I have never been paid to conduct) and because I want to expose as many people to classical music as possible.”
Despite his admirable intentions, the UCLA professors and some public officials believe Prager’s political views should disqualify him from conducting, which Prager calls a “new low for the illiberal left.”
“It is not enough to prevent conservatives from speaking,” Prager lamented; “it is now necessary to prevent conservatives from appearing even when not speaking. Conservatives should not be even be allowed to make music.”
The biggest problem of classical music today is a surfeit of people attending concerts, yes.
So UCLA couldn’t let USC have the Stupid Leftist Bullshit award for a day? damn it, Bruins.
The Progs still haven’t learned using alt-right to describe everyone you disagree diminishes the power of the phrase.
Baltimore cops continue to show that, among scum, they are the scumiest
Those heroes cut a few corners to get the scrum off the street. You should just thank them.
a) I’m soooo watching this tonight.
b) are we talking about noted hypocrite Napoleon the Pig Al Gore’s house eats so much ‘lectricity, it could power 30+ additional homes?
c) women of Glibs: I urge you to look at eshakti for clothes. Fucking amazing (apparently all my friends knew about it and didn’t rell me – just clicked on a FB ad with a pretty dress)
d) an old grade school acquaintance of mine is selling some skin care product shite and tried to sell some to me. Her sales technique was an epic fail. She never even asked me what I currently use when I told her I was happy with my routine, so she could tell me everything that’s wrong with it. I’m the furthest thing from a salesperson you’ll ever meet, and even I knew that!
Tits McGhee does a mean DJT impression
He’s not getting a lot of love in the comments. Lol
I replied that his impression is way better than Alec Baldwin’s.
30 minutes til
Chris TraegerRob Lowe!I’m really disappointed in all of you. 500 plus comments and nobody points out the child porn aficionado in Kentucky is named Fallis. Fallis. It’s the joke that writes itself. Time to actually read the links people.
I did open the link and laugh at the Kentucky-Man picture. More perfect than anything I imagined.
It’s good to know someone saw it.