Before the abject pussification of the world through animal welfare regulation, there was a time when a man could bring his wife and children out on the town for an exciting evening of the finest blood sport. Perhaps as ritualistic payback for the all the millenia Homo sapiens sapiens and to spend huddling in caves, naked and afraid, hiding from roaming beasts, from at least the time of the Roman venatio, for much of human history, entertainment meant seeing some animal get crushed or disemboweled, because fuck animals. This article recounts four such bad-ass entertainments, now lost to us, that could return in a more (g)libertarian world.
Cock Throwing
“Cock Throwing” is currently just what calls “Tuesday”; however, cock throwing was once also a popular British pastime until the early 19th century. The game was brilliant in its simplicity: a rooster is tied to a pole and then people throw sticks at it until it dies. A variation of cock throwing was basically “hit the piñata,” but with a live chicken instead of papier-mâché and blood and viscera instead of candy. Regardless of this, according to historians cock throwing was quite popular with children. Cock throwing was also a hallowed ritual associated with Shrove Tuesday, because Jesus Christ demands the blood of chickens offered in sacrifice.
While originating in Spain, until about 150 years ago, goose pulling was the favorite sport of the Dixie. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson most likely participated in goose pulling. Indeed, contemporary reports detail that a goose pulling was one of the few social events in which the entire spectrum of society, from slave to plantation aristocracy, could be found participating together.
“A Gander-Pull” by Fredric Remington (1894)
So, just what is goose pulling? As further evidence that Christianity is actually a demonic cult focused on blood sacrifice and cannibalism, as part of Easter celebrations, a live goose with its neck greased was tied to a pole so that it hung head-first over a road. Competitors on horseback rode through the road at full gallop while attempting to pull the head off the goose’s body. Sometimes, obstacles would be placed on the path. According to one account, riders had to ride through a gauntlet of whips on their way to the pole. Spectators would bet on the proceedings and drinking copious amounts of whisky was expected.
In the United States, goose pulling would fade into obscurity after the Civil War. Thanks, Lincoln!
A pic from the last Glibertarians meet-up
As evidenced by their pornography, the Germans are fucking lunatics. As it turns out, such lunacy has a long and storied tradition. Fuchsprellen, or fox tossing, was a popular sport among the aristocracy of Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. Fox tossing involved using a giant slingshot to launch foxes and other animals into the air. Whoever tossed the animal the furthest won. Of course, you can imagine it wouldn’t be easy to keep a snarling, scratching and biting fox in place for long so that you could send it flying to its doom. Despite that, expert fox tossers could launch an animal 24 feet into the air. According to Wikipedia’s article on the sport, “Augustus II the Strong, the King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, held a famous tossing contest in Dresden at which 647 foxes, 533 hares, 34 badgers and 21 wildcats were tossed and killed. Augustus himself participated, reportedly demonstrating his strength by holding the end of his sling by just one finger, with two of the strongest men in his court on the other end.” Whereas goose pulling was seen as a test of one’s manliness, fox tossing was considered a fun party game where couples paired off to compete with one another.
As if death by slingshot wasn’t indignity enough, sometimes the animals would be decorated with “bits of cardboard, gaudy cloth and tinsel” as part of a masquerade.
Good ol’ boys and their punkin’ chunkin’ ain’t nothing but pussies.
If goose pulling was the national sport of Dixie, then baiting was the sport of Victorian Britain. Baiting involves pitting a pack of dogs against a chained animal in a fight to the death while spectators bet on the outcome. Pretty much every combination could be found, bear-baiting, bull-baiting, duck-baiting, etc.. And since we’ve all wondered who would win in a fight, 10 toddlers or 1 pit bull, it wasn’t long before someone had the idea to pit a human versus a dog to find out. In 1807, The Sporting Times reported on one such human-baiting match:
A fight between a man and Bull Dog took place some time ago to settle a bet. With its first charge the Bull Dog already succeeded in throwing and pinning its opponent. Although the dog’s jaws were nearly closed by a muzzle, it succeeded in sinking its teeth into the man’s body. Had the dog not been pulled away immediately, it would have disemboweled the man.
If this depiction is to scale, the outcome is understandable:
Not content to let the collective honor of our species be forever sullied, other human vs. dog deathmatches were organized. In 1874, a dwarf who went by the name of Brummy, agreed to fight a bulldog named Physic on account of a bet to prove Brummy’s claim that “no dog could lick a man.” The fight went 11 rounds, in which Brummy suffered several deep bite wounds to his arms, and the dog received so many blows to the head that it lost 2 of its teeth and one eye was swollen shut. Brummy won by knockout.
Another account of human-baiting comes from 1892, where a man by the name of James Oxley went 22 minutes against a dog named Crib. As one of the many previous lives of Mike Tyson, in this incarnation, Crib won the match by jumping over Oxley’s left shoulder, clamping on to his right ear, and slamming him to the ground. Oxley forced the dog to release his grip through a choke-hold, but at the cost of the upper part of his ear.
Shrove Tuesday is what in New Orleans they call Mardi Gras – one last burst of fun before the rigors of Lenten fasting and sobriety. That’s why so many college students come to New Orleans for Mardi Gras – they want to get all that partying out of their system.
Yeah, beating on a chicken is so much more fun than this.
Or in other words…
Man he’s really into it ^^;
Oh my.
I’d hit it.
I was wondering how perverted I should feel by watching that. Hard to tell these days. I don’t own a van.
In Japan, statutory rape is only a thing after 13.
*Before, Jesus Christ that’s a very different situation.
Looks more Korean to me.
You’re right, and it’s 13 there too, because Japanese imperialism.
Knowing statutory age of countries around the world — great for dinner party trivia and.. uh.. other reasons.
They’re totally lip synching
Euphemism tossing.
Now, those are some links!
There is, of course, the famous quote from Macaulay – “The Puritans hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators.”
Which reminds me…who passed this law:
“…all prizes, stage-plays, cards, dice, May-games, gamesters, masques, revels, bull-battings, cock-fightings, bear-battings, and the like, which excite the people to rudeness, cruelty, looseness, and irreligion, shall be respectively discouraged, and severely punished…”
James 1?
Hint: He may have been reacting to the excesses he saw in Restoration England.
Hint: This was to be a law code for one of England’s North American colonies.
Hint: You might say “I take my hat off to you” and he’d be offended.
George Fox?
William Penn?
It did include this fairly enlightened section:
“XXXV. That all persons living in this province, who confess and acknowledge the one Almighty and eternal God, to be the Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the world; and that hold themselves obliged in conscience to live peaceably and justly in civil society, shall, in no ways, be molested or prejudiced for their religious persuasion, or practice, in matters of faith and worship, nor shall they be compelled, at any time, to frequent or maintain any religious worship, place or ministry whatever.”
Oh, yes, sometimes it seems like I’m ragging on him, but that’s a key part and it was actually implemented, the Puritanical stuff not to the same extent.
Good lord Mulatto. It is not “thick” post. My pit is happy he doesn’t have to disembowel some poor serf
This post will surely get rid of that family friendly rating once PETA finds out. *tries to remember Twitter password*
It’s family friendly, it has dogs and geese and such. They are being brutalized, choked and forced to eat a dudes entrails. So they are being thier bad selves. pETA should revel in the honesty.
Still a better love story than Twilight.
I think that is very unkind without at least getting the dogs opinion on the matter. A real reporter would have jerked the dog off and got a reaction, and then not jerked him off and compared reactions. Journalism is dead.
Its possible that had something to do with this
Whoa there. I thought all cops just shot the dogs.
side note:
in the 1990s there were an lots of very good sketch-comedy shows, ranging from mainstream affairs like In Living Color, or MAD TV, to more groundbreaking stuff like Kids in the hall or Brass Eye or Mr Show or Upright Citizen’s Brigade. the good ones were so good that even the less-good ones (like SNL, the State) seemed to have to operate at a higher level just to stay relevant.
then in the early 2000s, you had chappelles show, and everyone else sort of vanished. then when that was gone…. basically i can’t think of anything other than Key+Peele that is any good; and that not very. There are some that exist, but… i think they either try and be too-highbrow/arty-weird and fail to be funny, or they’re just dumb, like SNL often is. there are certainly some shows i probably haven’t seen enough of (TWKYN?, Tim & Eric etc.) but what i’ve seen has generally underwhelmed me.
am i missing anything? it feels like the whole form has just sort of fallen off. or maybe i’m just getting old. combination of the 2.
No, I agree 100 percent. Except for calling The State “less good”, I thought they were excellent.
I think Johnny Blue Jeans was gifted, and when they were on, they were as good as anyone…but their high-points were maybe 1 per show.
i think my opinion is very much over-influenced by having spent the early 2000s around lots of UCB people. 3 friends were in classes… it was just a social circle i was in. improv dorks are an interesting crowd. (*w/ lots of slutty chicks, thank god)
I know what you mean from 1st-hand experience.
having spent the early 2000s around lots of UCB people.
I was hanging out at UCB around that time too. Happening place.
Johnny Blue Jeans this character was an excellent device for the short-lived Viva Variety on Comedy Central, prior to Reno 911!
I don’t remember much from The State, but Louie is one everyone recalls. My favourite is one sketch portraying eastern European immigrants raising their station in life (buying Adidums shoes “four stripes” and improved daily diet of two potatoes and occasional salt pork.)
Most hilarious sketch I can recall, the premise was Kerri Kenney’s character had PMS or something like that, and she is then portrayed by Ken Marino in a dress furiously bouncing a basketball.
Don’t forget the state.
I’m pretty much the “Louie” of, aren’t I?
I want to dip my mulattos in it.
Do you slip any of this into your classes?
“this” = entertainment stories
Nothing about animal blood sports, but when I get the opportunity to teach Intercultural Pragmatics, there is an entire unit in the syllabus devoted to cross-cultural swearing and cuss words.
Those lectures are fun.
I gotta think about putting stuff like that in some of my lectures.
And speaking of that, one dimension of vulgarity that is sorely lacking in English profanity is animality. We have “bitch” and “son of a bitch”, but they are also tied up in the folk observation that female dogs are sexually wanton, so it ties into our taboos concerning sexuality. In some other languages, the actual name of an animal is taboo. For example, in several Indo-European languages, Slavic ones specially, the word for “bear” developed from a euphemism for the original PIE word. In fact, our word for the creature also developed from a euphemism.
In Thai, the absolute worst thing you can call someone is “เหี้ย” (pronounced like “hee-ah”), it means “monitor lizard”. It is truly fighting words in Thai, it is much closer to calling something a “motherfucker” than “son of a bitch”.
FWIW, 40 years ago when I was growing up in Oz, “mongrel” was a mild insult, usually in a joking fashion but not always.
And speaking of that, one dimension of vulgarity that is sorely lacking in English profanity is animality.
We use it in more of a adjective rather than the noun I would argue. As in, “listen you chicken dick motherfucker”. Or as an insult as in, “Are those your legs or are you riding a chicken?”
Right, and I would argue that like “son of a bitch” the thrust of the word is more on the sexuality axis than animality, in that one is implying the other is of uncertain parentage. A word like “hia” is offensive just through the invocation of comparison to a certain animal. We don’t have any curse words in English that I can think of (at 12 AM after several rum and cokes) which revolve solely around the concept of non-humaness. Good old Anglo-Saxon cussing revolves around sex, defecation, and damnation/wishing death. Compared to the Romance languages even, we have little that compares to their catalog of religious blasphemy.
Well, again, the word “chicken” alone isn’t considered vulgar. When I say something or someone is “chicken-shit” is it the first or second part that makes it unsuitable for polite company?
“in that one is implying the other is of uncertain parentage.”
See, this is why linguists are like libertarians: you always need at least one around to provide insight that most people would never think of.
From what I have gathered we have at least 3 around here.
Do I mean linguists or libertarians? You decide.
HM, ok how about just an insult as in “pig”. Meant for the cops and such. Or you know, us man types. It is not a vulgarity so much, but just derogatory……..I don’t know. I have never thought about this.
By the way, what is your research interest again? For some reason I’m thinking 19th century labor movements, but that doesn’t seem right.
I do pre-Revolutionary American history. First book was an 18th century missionary. Current project is on local authority and community in 18th century NJ.
Which exit?
I would argue that “pig” when used in a derogatory manner is referencing the purported filthiness and greediness of a pig in our culture than being an insult that derives its force from implying someone is not human. In other words, my theory is that in English we tend to use animals as derogatory metaphors. When I call someone a “bitch”, I’m not saying he or she is actually a female dog, but is like a female dog in heat. However, in languages where animality is profane, an animal-based taboo words are insulting because they are denials of someone’s humanity. You are saying they are an animal. I don’t know enough about German pragmatics to say for certain, but a word like “Schweinehund” might be different from “son of a bitch” in that “pig-dog” to our ears is basically nonsensical. But if your language/culture views animality is profane, then your basically calling someone a “double animal”. However, I could be wrong about that, and will defer to the more expert German speakers in the audience. It was just a term that came to mind.
18th Century NJ had to be better than now. They didn’t have the Newark airport then.
That’s right! I knew it was either that or Rev. War.
Are you a fan of AGEod games? I’ve spent countless hours playing this one.
AGEod: hadn’t heard of those but bookmarked the page. Thanks,
@PM: hah!
HM Ok, I see that. I have honestly never thought about it that way. In Kurdish, to be called a donkey is very insulting as far as I understood, but I was looking at that from my American frame of mind as just calling a person an ass. I believe it is the same in Arabic. Is that a metaphor thing?
I’m not a native speaker of Arabic, but I have several friends who are. From what they tell me, donkey is an insult because their culture views donkeys as the stupidest animal. I think it is more of a metaphor thing, but I’m intrigued now and will investigate further. I think the thing is that in the animality languages I’m talking about, just the mere word of the animal is profane. Thai people try to call the monitor lizard something else if they can help it. The Proto-Germans used the euphemism “the brown one (i.e. ‘bear’)” that we really don’t know what they originally called that animal. If you can use the word in a non-vulgar way, it’s not an animality swear.
If you ever get Wars in America 2, let me know. I replaced the music with 31 period martial drum and fife marches. I’ll zip them into a file and send the mod to you.
A couple of thoughts:
We have “bitch” and “son of a bitch”, but they are also tied up in the folk observation that female dogs are sexually wanton, so it ties into our taboos concerning sexuality.
But is that really the case? I’ve never heard “bitch” used to apply so promiscuity. It’s generally used to signal a less than pleasant woman, much the same way you’d call an unpleasant guy a “dick”. If you’re calling a woman promiscuous, people tend to use slut or whore.
Also, is it possible the absence of animal references is more a product of industrialization than unique to the Anglo-Saxon tradition? After all, didn’t it used to be somewhat common to insult people by calling them a cur?
Not enjoying Samantha Bee?
There was a slew of sketch shows in the early 2000’s. Chappelle was excellent, but so was more weird shows such as Comedy Central and Cartoon Network shows such as Auqua teen hunger force, wonder Shozen, etc. it’s not a traditional skit show, but the Eric ANDRE show is either annoying or amazing depending on the episode.
Wonder Shozen sample.
That was funny. I cut my ties to cable tv in about 2000. There is a whole world I am ignorant of for it. I have seen Chappelle standup on Netflix but I am not sure I have ever seen an episode of his show.
Does ATHF count as a sketch show?
They had a sitcom like approach, but each week was so fluid that it seemed like a sketch show. The characters and thier house reappeared after each traumatic episode, so in effect each episode was a sketch.
Yeah, that’s true. It was a clean slate at the beginning of each episode.
What about TV Fun House?
Triumph with Robert Goulet?!? Sign me up!
Is she actually funny even if you’re a prog?
No. She just hits the right dog whistles which seems to cut it for comedy now.
No. She’s not a comedian. She’s a lecture pornographer.
Didn’t read the whole thing but what I did was pretty good.
I started rolling my eyes at the ZOMG Rachel Maddow is a friend of evil Roger Ailes shit.
You got further than I did. I stopped reading at the “Glass-Steagall repeal ruined the universe” bit.
I think the author of that piece does a much better job of explaining the problem than of identifying the solution. Looking to the UK for answers is absurd. Corbyn did better than predicted because May screwed the pooch. Democrats can’t count on Republican fuck-ups every election.
Here is some comedy that is on topic that made us chuckle in my last line of work.
Sounds about right. Though I will forever cherish Key & Peele’s “McCringleberry’s Excessive Celebration” sketch.
Achievement gap.not working for the white patriarchy.
There ought to be a law.
That first man – bulldog fight was probably something more like a mastiff or bullmastiff. Although the bulldog 200 years ago was no joke.
I’ll admit to being no dog expert, but the coat depicted in the drawing matches what we know of the Old English Bulldog:
more closely than a mastiff’s coat, which I’ve only ever seen as solid or stripy.
Bullmastiff and even mastiff coloring was not very fixed 200 years ago. Before breed standards.
Very disturbing article to be sure, but not as disturbing as the lack of alt-text.
What are captions, chopped liver?
The captions were good. But there’s something about alt-text. Kinda like an Easter egg hunt.
But seriously. Very interesting article. I’m still trying to work through all the links. For some reason I got hung up on the German bukkake link…
The background music for HM’s post.
I’m glad I don’t have to choose between Mr. B and Prof. Elemental any more.
The bad old days.
This is what I heard in my head for background music.
‘The past is full of shit that was fucking metal.’
You what I love from the past that isn’t metal? This shit.
P.S. Kids was a fucked up movie.
RIP, Casper. Both of you.
Speaking of metal and such, someone made something of a Glibertarian metal video, a while back.
I give you Pig Destoyer!
It’s basically Zardoz meets 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Tarantino.
. . . only better.
Zardoz is played by a bad ass in a business suit. The Brutals are played by . . . brutals.
Thatt was kind of creepy as fuck.
But it really was Zardoz meets 2001 meets Tarantino, wasn’t it?
That might be a good description.
What’s the best way to quit without “burning bridges” if the job just fucking sucks and you don’t want to do it anymore?
I won’t bore you with details, but my current job sucks. It’s basically like doing a management-type job as a temp for a shit wage with no opportunity for advancement. I thought it would be a tolerable way to pay my way through some more college classes, but it’s not. I have basically landed another job; I’m just waiting on the drug screen and background check results to get back to them (both of which I will pass). In the mean time, I need to quit in the classiest way possible. I know my current boss is going to be pissed; I’m training to replace someone who is leaving in one or two months, and it takes three months minimum to fully train a new person for this role.
I’m just worried that they’re going to trash-talk me if any future employer calls them to ask what kind of worker I was. What do you think is the best way to explain my totally unexpected departure other than saying “I hate this job”?
Honesty. “I got a better offer. It has been fun. Have a nice day”.
How long have you worked for these people?
Is there someone there who you’d recommend to take your place?
Are you giving them x weeks notice?
Are there any big projects coming up that you’re leaving just before they’re due?
If you haven’t been there for very long, you might just leave them off your resume. I mean, put them on there, to show that you weren’t in jail or unemployed, but don’t include them in your list of references.
Or, if there’s someone there you trust to give you a great reference, just give them that person’s number and tell them who they are and what your relationship with them was.
For the most part, former employers don’t want to bad mouth you. Most personnel departments have a policy where they will only confirm your dates of employment when someone calls and say whether or not they’d recommend you–“yes” or “no”. Giving someone a bad review is sketchy. You want even bad employees to get hired by someone–so they don’t sit around and think about suing you for stress or something rather than get a job or because they don’t want to move in with their parents. There’s very little upside to giving someone a bad reference, and you can get yourself sued for defamation in that situation easier than most–since damages are clear (you didn’t get the job and that salary because of the bad reference) and malice is in the eye of the beholder.
From what I understand, you can sue for defamation if they do. Additionally, many states have laws which dictate what a former employer can share about you and how.
Some of the companies I worked for during grad school refused to provide any reference info other than dates of employment. They were afraid of being sued either way.
Dear Boss:
I have really enjoyed my time working with you and thank you for the opportunity.
However, I’ve been offered another opportunity that better fits with my current career goals.
And wait until you have the actual confirmed job offer to quit. If you’re lucky, your old employer will pay your notice period and tell you to take a hike right away.
I’m thinking they might tell me to take a hike since I’m training for one specific role, and if I’m not going to be filling that role, there’s no further purpose to me being around.
Oh well, I could use a few days off before I start the new position.
Don’t quit until you get everything cleared from 2nd job. just don’t.
don’t worry about how pissed the boss will be. write a formal resignation letter (there are templates online) and file copies with the HR person and your direct boss. If you care about their feelings or hope to retain them as a reference, offer your reasons for a speedy exit (an opportunity you couldn’t pass up?) and tell them you understand that they will be inconvenienced by your departure but that you had to make a choice and that’s that.
Be respectful + professional, show you are conscientious of how you impact the larger organization, but there’s no need to pander to anyone’s feelings. I’ve had past bosses who were dicks and tried to make me feel sorry for leaving and moaned about how they felt betrayed, and i’ve had others who were very legalistic about the whole affair and tried to whip out minutae in contract details to make my transfer more painful than necessary. But as long as you follow the letter of the law as far as what’s required for you to give notice, and made sure to clear with everyone what you need to do before you go (e.g. give someone all your files and passwords or anything necessary to ensure continuity)… there’s nothing that they should be able to do about it.
Say you have to look out for your own best interests and when you saw something that would make better use of your skill-sets and provide more opportunity to grow, you felt the time was right. You don’t need to apologize for not loving what you do for others. Just be professional, don’t badmouth anyone or moan about your unhappiness. If you want, make sure to ask them if there’s anything you can do within reason to help ease the transfer. (e.g. “in the few days before you go” – not offering anything like ‘staying on an extra month’)
“I regret that I have to leave this temporary position for something more permanent.”
“Fuck your mom.”
When I got fired from a HS job at a grocery store because my manager wanted to fire me before I quit (I had told him I’d give my two weeks a week before hand) He made up some BS thing to fire me, so I did go home (I didn’t care, I was actually moving, hence quitting this job) but when I got home I got some bad news. So I went to the place where my friends were at the time, work, to talk things through and make sense of what was going on. Then that boss tried to forcibly remove me, so I shouted all kinds of (false) things about how they piss in the produce as I walked past the registers and out the door. I was banned from the store, but I was moving a month later. Good memory.
You should back those claims up by actually pissing on the produce.
“Hey, Dude. Can you tell your wife I’m not gonna go spelunking with her no matter how how often she asks. What is spelunking, anyway?”.
didn’t read, but looks like pumpkin chunkin.
I made an article submission but no place to add, i have many pics of my Dogs destruction to add to my story, SP, look, and see,
Some music for all you old guys on here always reducing young women to pieces of meat with your male gaze!
Other message boards I’ve been on will display people online at the time, so you can tell if you’re pissing in the metaphorical wind when you post. I know members here love anonymity, but could we at least get like “12 glibs online” so one knows there are other folks lurking?
Eh, people come in from different time zones so almost never pissing in the wind. Waking time on the east coast will bring more posts in this thread before the morning links are posted.
True Dat.
I’m looking in your window right now.
it’s coming from inside the house!
I don’t want that.
Just cream into the void. If the void screams back, seek mental help.
cream into the void
my sex life