![Zero Sum Game](
Libertarian lumbersexual expressing disapproval of the existence of “muh roads.”
![Fatty Bolger](
DOOM actually captioned this one himself. Fancy!
Notable Entries
One True Athena
“Homeowner arrested for animal cruelty when dog found on the floor”
SP made me go all the way out here to eat my pineapple pizza
Florida man
*not available in Pakistan
Several of them could have been chosen, they were all great. I hope the next one goes just as well.
I’ll be collecting some good photos while I finish my vacation in VT.
I don’t get it.
So, apparently, you STILL don’t want a Get Out of Cat Butt Free card, or you would have picked mine. Kids these days.
Pay no attention to her, this was SP at our last Glibs get-together.
I did like the one about you making me eat my pineapple pizza way out here.
It’s almsot like I want a cat butt!
Everybody’s got their own thing I guess.
I had a pretty good guffaw over several entries in the comments, including the winners.
Congrats, y’all!
Thanks for making my entries legible and literate, Riven.
So you submitted a cocktail napkin with some random scribbles and Riven actually wrote the article?
It’s closer to that than I’d like to admit.
She’s responsible for all the articles I’ve put in so far, i think. Some needed edits and formatting.
I owe her a good scotch, i don’t think i can afford goldbloom.
More accurate representation of what I do.
But seriously, I am more than happy to help with formatting, editing, etc. I don’t do a lot of my own writing, so I consider this sort of stuff my main contribution to keeping the site up and working and everyone happy. 🙂
#1 I don’t get it
#2 Ha
#3 Haha
I can’t talk, I didn’t come up with any captions myself. I’m not very funny. *hangs head, leaves room*
Aww, don’t go. We’ll still laugh at you!
I still like my Layne Staley Jr. caption best. I rule.
You know, I greatly enjoy flipping through vintage photo sites like Shorpy and Vintage Everyday, and it’s kind of amazing how few women stand out as really attractive in pre-WWII pictures due to differences in fashion, makeup, etc…..but this chick from 1920s Germany is the exception to that rule.
Oh, and elsewhere at VE, here’s 15 photos from the set of Zardoz!
I am incredibly flattered!
Woman’s fashion has improved. A lot. Men’s fashion has fallen off a cliff. My grandfather wouldn’t be caught dead wearing stuff I wear to the office every day, and he worked in a machine shop.
It did make me laugh.
I’m 100% certain mine was the funniest, but it was just too VT-specific. Yep. That’s the ticket.
+1 Bernies
VT slang is a way to my heart!
Up from below the ribcage only takes seventeen seconds with a flint knife.
It’s easier than learning local slang…
Humor is not my thing, but I’m certain #1’s an inside joke that I don’t get.
Just a heads up: No firearms friday today :*(. I couldn’t think of anything to write OR find any good gun links. I’ll try to make it up to you next week.
Its tough to do a topic fresh every week. I’ve been buried at work, but even without that I was running out of juice on cocktails. I could do a sporadic Belly Up to the Bar, if my employer didn’t insist on me actually earning my outrageous salary.
Im the future, maybe you cam write up an easier article on guns, like complaining about how movies think they work vs how they actually work, so you have something to post for future writer’s block?
I have some brother in laws getting into the movie business. I told them if they ever do an action flick, please consult me on the gun stuff. I’ll do it for free, just to have some accurate representation of firearms in movies.
I would love to replace the propmaster on the walking dead because he obviously knows jack shit about guns.
Lindybeige on youtube has a bunch of stories about working as a technical advisor on movie and television projects (he’s not a gun guy, he’s got a degree in archaeology, so he works on historical dramas and stuff). SPOILER alert: The TL;DR version is that most directors and writers don’t give a fuck what the technical advisors have to say on anything and will just do stupid shit anyway.
No man should be able to be as proud of a bad head of hair as that man is. I take my hat off to him.
You know who did really well with guns here recently? John Wick 2. … Except for the mag-flips. Mr. Riven and I laughed out loud in the theater at those.
The director of the John Wick movies talked in the original about how both him and Reeves are obsessive with counting shots in every scene to avoid ‘Hard Boiled’ syndrome.
This should not be seen as a criticism of Hard Boiled, because Hard Boiled is fucking rad.
Good! Both the original and the sequel definitely reflect that careful attention to detail.
Any movie with a decent amount of shooting, Mr. Riven is counting shots, and we’re both delighted when a movie is realistic.
Reeves and the director worked very closely with Taran tactical to make sure that movie was ballistically accurate. It’s basically hollywood grade gun porn.
You say that like it’s a bad thing
Oh… I’m quite familiar with Taran Tactical and its harem of gun goddesses. 😉
Mr. Riven is big on shooting sports–mostly USPSA but we’ve both been looking at 3-gun set ups and what not. He’s looking to branch out a bit from USPSA, and I’m just looking to try my hand at something that looks more exciting than “just pistols.”
Looks like Taran’s pretty good with guns… and potato chips.
Someone made the joke that Taran Butler must be on the Larry Vickers workout program.
I heard reeves really likes shooting, and is quite skilled.
I really enjoyed both films. Plus I like the Pit Bull.
Plus I like the Pit Bull
Pitbull likes you too, FM. I’m sure of it.
Oh my gosh. Did he say something?
He swore me to secrecy…but yes!
Hey Vhyrus, I usually read the Firearms Friday too late to comment but wanted to give a quick thanks for writing them. I actually ended up getting laptop bag armor plates through one of your links for the wife and I.
I bought a gun through You make a difference, buddy.
I missed that. Link?
Here’s article:
The company is AR500
Thanks! And thank you Vhyrus for pumping out the articles, although my wallet doesn’t join in on that.
I’m shipping my CZ75 off to CGW tomorrow for the defensive carry package.
I’m looking forward to getting that horrible trigger pull fixed.
I can relate, although with me, it’s more about having forgotten the events of the preceding week.
I’ve heard the demon weed will do that to you. Just say no.
Thank you for your articles. I enjoyed them.
If you are ever hard up for ideas, don’t be afraid to phone in a few picture heavy posts with minimal written content.
If you want, I might be willing to guest-write an article or two for you. I’m not super-informed on all aspects, but there’s one or two things I know enough about to stumble my way through. If you are interested, drop me an email address and we can talk.
If Joerg was cast as Bane in the Batman reboot or as a bond villain I would buy pallets of movie tickets.
I agree Willis shouldn’t do this movie but for a different reason. It’s going to be retarded.
It’s Eli Roth, of course it’s going to be retarded. At this point you just pretend the reboots don’t exist, and they disappear after a year or two anyway.
Who remembers the Robocop, Total Recall or The Thing reboots?
We might remember them if they’d ever happened. The fuck are you talking about John T? I think you’re remembering stuff from the future that you came from.
Who are you talking to, BP? There’s no one there.
Wait, is this the worldline where Hollywood remained a creative institution of somewhat independent minded directors and scriptwriters that hasn’t decayed into an endless pile of shallow reboots that miss the point, pandering, endless goddamn superhero movies, virtue signalling, scripts designed by a marketing board and sucking up to China?
Oh boy, imma going to go to the theatre right now!
No, strange disembodied voice, this is where Hollywood closed it’s doors shortly into the 21st century.
I don’t get this shit. Unless it’s a series, why do a reboot? Has there ever been a remake that was a big hit?
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
I mean their first theatrical outings… were nightmares of poor implementation.
Oh yeah and “John Carpenter’s The Thing” was itself a remake.
Lets see…
Oh yeah, the Magnificent Seven Samurai.
“A Fistful of Dollars”/”Yojimbo”
Come to think of it Kurosawa gets remade a lot…
Roshomon too. Multiple times.
Depends on your perspective, really.
After seeing Rashomon, my friends and I discussed it and it was like we all saw a different movie.
+1 Woodcutter
1976 King Kong, 1978 Superman, 1980ish The Fly, current string of Planet of the Apes films, Transformers movies, Star Trek, Fist Full of Dollars, Magnificent Seven, Birdcage, Dredd 2012, Daredevil mini-series on Netflix, Westworld series on HBO, Battlestar Galactica, Father of the Bride… there are lots of great remakes and reboots.
Transformers movies, Star Trek,
Get. Out.
He said “big hit” not “better than the original”.
Fair enough. Transformers gets that sweet, sweet Chinese money.
To be clear I don’t personally include Transformers and Star Trek or Planet of the Apes in the ‘great remakes’ category in terms of quality even if it may have read that way in my initial comment.
The other ones though. I thought were very good. Sure Fist and M7 aren’t Kurosawa, but the remakes are still good films. Some people would include The Departed in that category, but I can’t get on board that train.
The first transformers was awesome, if for no other reason than campy nostalgia. It went WAAAAYYYY downhill from there.
Resevoir Dogs. Does stealing count as a remake?
What was that stolen from?
It’s essentially a remake of City on Fire. Here’s video comparison of the two films. Homage? Remake? Plagiarized? You decide.
Thx. Interesting.
Some of those remakes were profitable, but I wouldn’t call them good.
On a tangent, I actually like both the Dredd movies for entirely different reasons from each other.
One of the few things UnCivil likes has Rob Schneider in it.
I don’t understand you man.
He was also in Demolition Man. Important detail on both – he was not central to the film.
Yeah definitely some ‘not good’ in that list. Kind of a mishmash from the top of my head. If we just went purely on “big hit” criteria there are a LOT more stinkers I could add: Cape Fear, Departed, Spiderman, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and on and on
“He was also in Demolition Man. Important detail on both – he was not central to the film.”
+3 shells
No love for Deuce Biggelow?
Or The Animal?
Ocean’s Eleven.
Brand recognition makes it less risky effectively, at least that’s the argument. Average people know the familiar and will go to see it even if you piss off the fans. That’s the theory anyway.
It hasn’t worked out so good.
Oh, and for some things they’re doing it to maintain copyright. See the random Spiderman, X-men and Fantastic Four movies for the most well known examples.
True, and I totally get it for super heroes and series like Star Trek – though IMO that could have done better with a new film series, rather than a reboot. But to take a popular movie and remake it – why? It’s not going to be popular unless it’s very good, and if you do make a really good movie, it won’t have the impact of the original. Seems like your odds of finding a real hit are much higher with something original.
I believe they’re operating on a the logic of averageness, where the idea is to make a known product buy redesigned it to have a broader appeal. Original products have both the problem of being unfamiliar and the potential to only have niche audiences. Big studios are driven by mass appeal, not quality.
It’s telling that most of the reboots that are actually good are by directors who have a specific vision, but even then they don’t make their money back sometimes (Dredd is considered a flop, despite a low budget and being a decent movie).
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
I think, based off nothing but gut, that most remakes, reboots, knockoffs, and sequels do make money more frequently than completely original movies; though they may never make as much as the original.
I agree with John that remakes and reboots already have a built-in audience so the thought is more people are going to see a Dukes of Hazzard movie than a Dark City. And for the most part they seem to which is why the derivatives keep getting made.
How does Dark City hold up? I remember really liking it when I was a stupid teenager, but now I’m afraid to watch it again.
If you like Film Noir and Sci fi then I think Dark City is extremely well done and holds up well. Roger Ebert has a great video commentary on the collector’s edition of the film I have. He explains the classic noir elements and why the director shot things and showed things the way he did.
The big reveal is certainly something and I can see where that would lose a lot of folks who didn’t expect the film to be sci-fi. But for me that was an old school Outer Limits/Twilight Zone twist that I loved. If you like film noir and you liked the original Outer Limits, then it’s hard not to like Dark City
The Maltese Falcon
Walk, Don’t Run.
The Man Who Knew Too Much.
The Maltese Falcon.
I heard the Judge Dredd reboot was pretty good.
If you liked the comics, it was very well done for the budget.
The Dredd reboot was amazing. You should watch it.
It got the UnCivilServant “I don’t hate this” seal of approval!
I liked it. It had a late-80’s action vibe – by which I mean they set up a simple premise, wind that toy up in the first 10 minutes, and let it run around for the next 80. It doesn’t overstay its welcome.
I watched the first two Planet of the Apes after a favorable review of the third on on TSWSNBN, and holy shit, they are actually good. The second one in particular is the best action movie since the Mad Max reboot, which was also fantastic.
But those are the two exceptions in a big sea of suck (I don’t consider comic book movies reboots).
Yeah Mad Max. Sheesh can’t believe I missed that one.
That’s not a reboot, that’s the original director going “shit, I’ve got like thirty years of badass car stunts stuck in my head, guess I better make another one.”
+1 Doof Warrior
I didn’t watch the movie, but it has the distinction of having the least-bad movie tie-in video game I’ve ever played. (As in, it was okay and I played it through to the end).
I liked the game fine, but it wore down with repetition fairly quickly. By the time I unlocked the third area I was bored. The car combat, on the other hand, was excellent and a bright spot.
Yes, in general video game ranking, it was mediocre and repetition was one of it’s failings. But it was far ahead of so many other tie-in games in that it was playable on its own.
I think the Spiderman game from 2002 was pretty good as well. Though, could be just nostalgia at this point.
OH, and Goldeneye for the N64.
I never got people’s love for the GoldenEye game. It just gave me a headache. A lot of early 3D and 2.5D games did that though, so I may be biased.
I don’t think the game has aged particularly well, but there have been few game experiences that really captured the joy of shooting noobs for me than that one.
Plus, there were all the cool options in the multiplayer modes.
I never saw it, but isn’t the new The Thing a prequel, not a remake/reboot?
They remade Robocop and Total Recall? lol. You can’t remake those movies, the reason they were fucking awesome cannot be replicated.
Gilmore’s Hipster Hunt joke didn’t win? UNACCEPTABLE.
#HipsterHunt2017 #GlassesTrophies
Should i put hipsters in every contest?
Too easy. Hunting should take some skill!
Notable entry. Finally, some of that human recognition I so desperately crave. You hear that, DAD!
The “Notable Entries” were picked at random.
You son of a bitch! I’m going to go get bunch of piercings now!
Python teeth lodged in the skin?
Sounds HAWT.
OT: File this under “Nothing to See Here People.”
Interesting, because this is even after deductibles and OOP costs have gone through the roof in the last few years. What am I talking about? I am sure this is correlation, not causation. Keep voting against that repeal bill, Repubs!
I heard most insurers still left in that shell game requested a 30% hike for Obamacare premiums for next year already…
How are they still losing money at this point? My insurance is significantly worse than it was 5 years ago, and significantly more expensive. How could they still be losing money this fast?
There’s no limit on how badly and how quickly the government can screw something up.
You would think they would at least be slowed down by the laws of physics.
How are they still losing money at this point?
That’s how death spirals work. As rates go up, healthy people drop out, the risk gets more concentrated and requires more costly treatment, so the insurance company is losing money, meaning rates will go up.
Rinse and repeat.
I mean, it means they are making it really easy to decide between useless insurance and confiscatory healthcare penaltax.
Woot! Are there any fabulous prizes for the winners? A free subscription to, perhaps?
It’s a carton of cigarettes and a few of SugarFree’s 1970s Oui magazines.
Asbestos Filtered?
’70s skin mags can be kinda skanky, but asbestos filters seem like an overreaction.
Do we have to pay taxes on the cigarettes?
Just the sales tax, the gift tax, the transfer tax, the state tax, the local tax, the federal tax, the syn tax, the ack tax, the excise tax, the luxury tax, the value-added tax, the flat tax, the property tax, the fair tax, the poor tax, and the death tax.
I’m guessing since they are asbestos filtered there will be some sort of hazardous materials disposal fee too.
Just after they’ve been smoked.
Whew. Just so I don’t have to pay the single land tax.
+1 Burning Bush
Just like the haul from one of our many childhood raids on the local dump. Sweet nostalgia.
As a 10-something year old, my pals and I used to ride our bicycles through this pine forest that was next to a bunch of condos being built. I have no idea why, but the grounds were littered with rain-soaked porn magazines, sometimes half-buried while other times just sitting off of a trail.
The wife found them. Or was about to find them.
Reminds me of seeing a porno mag sitting on top of the trash can by the main escalator in a Japanese department store. Not in. Laying flat on top across the opening with the cover images fully visible to all.
Furry Clams! Far out, man!
*does elaborate goal celebration *
Thanks, Doom! I’m in Edinburgh, so I’m gonna go down to the pub and have a pint to celebrate!
What happened to ZARDOZ? Why is he speaking normally?
I’m gonna go down to the pub and have a pint to celebrate
Uh, I think you mean a half-litre, no?
No, I’m well beyond that. This is a really cool place!
Fringe festival stays today and everyone is happy. Going on a haunted graveyard tour now.
If Scotland’s beer is as good as Ireland, I’m seriously jealous, or “so jelly right now” as Jesse would say.
I’d say “OMG, I’m, like, totes jelly” I thought you knew me better.
*savors tears*
That’s tasty sorrow.
Well this is an embarrassing erection.
It’s supposed to be quite good. Here‘s the Independent’s top 10 Scottish bottled real ale beers, and they don’t even mention any from my favorite Scottish brewer Traquair House. From their list, Stewart, Tempest, and Swannay look the most interesting, IMHO.
Brew Dog has a brew pub in Edinburgh, and they aren’t shabby either.
Has there ever been a remake that was a big hit?
The Front Page, probably/maybe.
You’ve Got Mail?
Also- Pale Rider (Shane) and Outland(High Noon, in space).
I think i recently re-discovered the exact moment funk music achieved apotheosis
Caption that, bitches
Jive ass turkeys jump sharks, hard players ride dolphins.
I like where you’re going with it. Its definitely something to do with, “the only way to travel”
Wait, Dolphins? Great, what are we supposed to do with these creates of Simo Häyhä action figures?
“File under ‘It sounded like a good idea when I was high'”
*Warning: Memory storage capacity exceeded.*
The one thing I like about local media here: They don’t pull any punches when talking about communist regimes in the Americas
(I mean, it’s better if you ignore the Trump reference, but otherwise…)
suggesting everything up to this point has been overly-polite bullshit. sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
and they’re still lying, they’re just trying to deflect and pretend that the problem is “the guy” rather than the insane bullshit system Chavez and he believe in.
To be fair, he says later in the article that Maduro’s just finishing the job that Chavez started.
Meanwhile, from another article, Venezuela’s just going full on Stalinist.
Aren’t Truth Commissions supposed to be for after a country digs itself out of an authoritarian regime, not to support it?
Ministry of Truth Commissions says – The anti-revolutionary authoritarians have been ousted, Our Bus Driver will uncover the truths of their crimes!
Is “justice” the velvet glove?
I’m guessing more of a Argentinian helicopter ride.
That’s nice, but this is a guy who thinks that Venezuela’s problem is that they need to socialism harder.
If only we had more data and control! We could achieve utopia!
What’s so annoying is that it’s not exactly a new idea.
Sad to see a Nobel Prize Winner make an absolute fool of himself.
+1 Michael Mann
Alyssa Milano does an AMA. The Jacket posts a question that’s not about her favorite color or Tony Danza. Still hasn’t been replied to.
God his written questions are as bad as his rambling, self aggrandizing verbal questions when he does interviews on his podcast. We get it Nicky, you are very important.
Only the Jacket matters. The rest is just filling.
Its all making sense now
I first made the comparison of “the jacket” with spiderman’s Secret-Wars symbiotic-parasite black suit (aka “Spawn”) around ~2005 or so. Great minds, etc.
One of the reasons why I make fun of Gillespie for the Ghostwritten Milano work is because he’s such a self-aggrandizing piece of shit. He acts like a less pissy Cenk Uygur in debates.
+1 growing every day.
Yeah, i watched it.
Not a fan of Gillespie over the last year. The open borders take is really one of those issues that make me wonder if some libertarians really have a grasp of basic economics. But then they are probably also the same people regurgitating the old “but they [illegals] are just doing the jobs Americans don’t want to do.”
Fuuuuuuuck you! You know a job nobody wants to do? Suck sewage from porto-potties then wipe down all the urine and fecal sprayed all over the inside. You know how many illegals I’ve seen performing that particular task over the 15 years I’ve been on construction sites? ZERO. But American citizens do it because they are compensated enough to do so. The phrase should be “Illegals are just doing the jobs FOR WAGES Americans aren’t willing to work for.”
Sorry if I seem worked up about that, but I’ve spent the last week on a non-union site where the only workers I can confidently say are American citizens are my crew and the GC’s super, foreman, and the iron workers. This is by far the filthiest (piss in peoples water bottles if left unattended, debris and garbage everywhere), most dangerous job site I have seen in a long time. OSHA would have a field day and it is all I can do to keep my wife from calling them.
Fortunately I’ve made sure our employees are aware of the dangers and we are doing everything we can to keep them safe. But man I can’t get off that job fast enough.
On one hand, unions and OSHA are a meh. On the other hand, there’s definitely an argument to be made that forcing citizens to comply with economic regulations, THEN creating a whole other class of non-citizens that are at least partially exempt from those rules is a disaster waiting to happen, by the animosity it breeds alone. Gillespie, however, can’t see beyond his own navel, much less ten or twenty years down the road.
My current bigger issue with Gillespie is more his utterly garbage editorial standards that he’s been running since the election started.
Well there’s unions and there’s unions. On the West Coast trade unions, especially the carpenter’s union, is nothing like the unions public employees like teachers/police are in. The only thing the union does for the member is collectively bargain wages. They do require employers provide safety equipment to employees and all power tools and ladders, water and toilet facilities. All of which is perfectly reasonable IMO.
Beyond that the only difference as an employee is you get paid twice as much than non-union workers. You can get fired or laid off at any time for any reason. There is no administrative leave or paid leave; you fuck up, you’re fired. It’s actually easier to fire union tradesmen than people in large corporations. Not an exaggeration.
At Nike if I wanted to fire someone, I had to create an ‘action plan’ with the help of HR, have weekly meetings with the employee to see how he was performing, giving him constant feedback (which they call “coaching” because sports), go to extremes to make sure the employee has every opportunity to succeed, etc etc. Then, after a month or more of pointless documentation and extra supervision, you can fire the employee. It’s a long, painful, sad experience that only end if the EE sees the writing on the wall and transfers or quits for a new job, or else you hand an incredulous EE his final check.
I had to do this with four employees in about four years. One I fired, two got the hint and transferred to other depts, and ONE actually turned her shit around. The firing happened first and is probably why the other three went more successfully. the number of hours “coaching” and creating “action plans”, discussing the strategy with my higher ups, and counseling with HR (the girl was a chronic crier whenever you gave her constructive feedback) was conservatively around 40-50 hours of my time.
Contrast that to the 15 years I’ve been in construction subsequently, and I’ve personally fired or laid off probably 50-60 union tradespeople without an issue. Some of them literally 4 hours after they started working. The record was a guy who called me 20 mins after the job started telling me why he’d be late: I told him to turn around and go home. I essentially fired him before we even saw him in person. If the dude can’t be on time day one, we don’t need him.
As for OSHA. Yeah there is a LOT of bullshit with OSHA depending on what you do. But IMO in construction if if it weren’t for OSHA there would be a lot more deaths in the US than we have now which is about 3 people per day (and they say police deserve to go home to their families?).
OMFG. This is why millennials are such shits! They took Gillespie’s teen advice!
DOOMco followed Milano’s advice column religiously and look at him now! LOOK AT HIM!
I’m glad I missed your stupid caption game. / folds arms and pouts.
From the “I’m shocked! SHOCKED! … well, not that shocked” files,
American Airlines Finds No Evidence Of Serial Liar Lena Dunham’s ‘Transphobic’ Airline Employees
I wish Daily Wire didn’t read like Buzzfeed and wasn’t packed full of re-directs and popups.
NoScript (or any good script blocker) is your friend.
Can you get that for pads? Tried the Opera blocking feature and it sucks.
They’ve got all those ‘Young Conservative’ hires who write like crap in general. Shapiro’s slightly better but goddamn the internet age destroyed Millennials’ ability to write.
I can’t decide if their click baity headlines are parodying huffpo and buzzfeed or just click bait. Either way, it’s indistinguishable from click bait.
I saw that she called out airline employees in social media for badthink, and I thought:
“Isn’t that pretty much the textbook definition of punching down? Wealthy, well-connected media person slapping ordinary working people around?”
There really were a bunch of good ones. It gets hard to pick!
“The people demand justice and an iron fist,” delegate Iris Varela declared to reporters on her way in, “and justice and an iron fist is what they’ll get!”
Justice for some, Iron Fist Enema for others.
And in another, “Adventures in Vinyl” =
Guess what the third title* is in this series?
and just imagine how awkward it is trying to find it
“Sex in the Senior Center”?
Other direction.
I’m very very glad that version adds the word “explained”
My first thought, too.
NSFW… but not in a good way
The “teens” one is fucking hilarious. 90% of it are Dr. Dad and concerned-bro lecturing slutty sis on how to stop being a dumb slut. All she does is go, “but i WANNA be a dumb slut”.
I have 2 copies, one of which is burned to shit from cutting in lines like this cutting in lines like this
Side 2 is where dad explains how homosexuals are brain-damaged, and bisexuals are pretty much doomed to be serial-killers.
Son: In 30 years from now there won’t be any oxygen to preserve life anyway.
Dad: You’re absolutely right.
OMG. This, Is. Awesome.
“Son, don’t call your sister a whore: whores get paid. She, in her profound ignorance, gives up her chastity willingly to greaser-junkie hippies, … which is obviously far more shameful'”
/not even an exaggeration
“That also applies to adults” said the stentorian Father, stentoriously.
Is it exclusively available in Germany?
Farm Animals?
Alright, which one of you guys is responsible for this.
If it was one of us we wouldn’t have been able to avoid sticking some sign advertising Glibertarians on the side.
speaking of which, any word on glib swag? i’m looking for something offensive to stick on my growler. preferably something about culturally appropriating customs, property, and people since the dawn of man.
preferably something about culturally appropriating customs, property, and people since the dawn of man
Bumper sticker idea: “Appropriation is my Culture” with the little monocled glib logo on the side.
that’s excellent.
picture to go with it
caption: “yes, we really just plan to ‘rent’ the country for a little while, if you don’t mind”
Why are we covering that? Sounds too local to me.
Security footage of Dalmia after it pulled up.
Oh God, a few replies down in the Tweet chain is a version of the Nolan Chart that’s hilarious.
After taking a look at the morning links, I’ve very glad my country doesn’t have some former civil war to constantly fight and bitch over. I mean, sure, we’ve got the Conquest, but no one’s arguing about stupid shit like whether James Wolfe wanted to set Papists on fire or something.
Wait, you didn’t use the pyres of catholics as street lamps?
Fortunately, our Civil War seems to be entirely behind us, Internet feuds notwithstanding. Some countries with civil wars in their past are still on the verge of re-fighting them to this day.
I can’t re-fight the civil war, I had ancestors on both sides!
Looks like you’re on your way to laying the plans for a new one though.
I’d like to think none of these people are actually that stupid.
But then they start talking…
Wait, you guys had a Civil War discussion without me?
Haven’t you had two civil wars?
Eh, that was just an excuse to post possibly the most Canadian of all lines in wikipedia:
Rebels fight a war for responsible government.
Rebels get beat. Twice.
Winners say “oh surry bout that, lets do that reforming now.”
Canada is weird.
The English one was basically a drunken riot that didn’t go so good (i.e. they met at a tavern, got shot at, one of the leaders fled and formed a government-in-exile, then gave up and ran to the U.S.) and the French one was more based on mass protests and sabotage, and once the governor announced the arrest of their leadership most of them fled to France. Bit different than the bloodiest war in a nation’s history (still the biggest rebellion amongst colonial English-based Commonwealth nations though). So the Brits send a guy over to look at the causes of it, and went “meh, they want to run their own business, let them.”
Then they pardoned most of the rebellion leaders, they all come back, and ten years later legislation is passed that compensates rebels for any loss of property they sustained in the fighting.
The loyalists responded by burning Parliament down.
It’s not that weird -if there were a series of riots in a major city every couple of years, the mayor and council may eventually engage the disgruntled and change some things even though the cops were able to restore some semblance of order each time.
, I’ve very glad my country doesn’t have some former civil war to constantly fight and bitch over.
What about the French and Indian War?
Or Toronto playing Montreal when a playoff spot is on the line?
That’s the Conquest. And that was more outright conquest than civil war, and it had the benefit of both the Catholic Church in Canada backing the new administration and the Brits passing the Quebec Act guaranteeing French rights to freedom of religion and kept their legal structure intact. Sure, French nationalism has always been a thing in Canada, but it only really got bad once it was infested within socialism in the 60s. The point is that there’s very few people nowadays who give a shit about, say, the conduct of the English troops during the fighting or the reasons or motivations for the conflict in the first place. Which is very different from Civil War discussions.
Good luck!
New poll reveals state of public school system
Yeah, that train seems to be rapidly approaching the station.
One of the things that makes me hate the GOP with such fiery passion is their inability to explain to Americans why government take over of health care is a shitty thing. And I’m not talking about the token criticisms of government ran health care. I’m talking explaining the reasons why health care costs are expensive and doing their damnest to repeal mandates that distorts the medical markets.
The GOP is for small government the same way the Dems are for helping the poor: not at all.
Well, it’s hard to make that case when the following scenario is guaranteed to happen:
But that’s the thing: If you get called racist no matter what you do, then you might as well do whatever you want because it’s going to happen either way.
That they don’t should tell you all you need to know about the GOP. They have no interest in stopping the beast. They want to control it.
Thus is born the alt-right
Sustained Applause! Builds into a mosh pit-like fervor. Trundles appear, heads roll, Glibs pogo.
I think the real reason they don’t do that is explain that government is shitty is also explaining that you as a member of said government is shitty. It’s like if I said ‘omg everyone that works here is a lazy stupid asshole!’
The problem with that is no politician is going to tackle Medicaid or Medicare. As bad as the ACA market distortions and costs are, and they will kill decent medical care in this country, it’s still a skinned knee compared to the Stage 4 cancer that the Medis are doing to healthcare plus the Federal Gov’t budget and debt. Get rid of Medicare/Medicaid and U.S. government deficits and debts are probably sustainable.
Doesn’t seem Afternoon Links-y enough for Afternoon Links: NFL great Jim Plunkett says ‘My life sucks’ at 69
I feel for him, but how bad did life suck at 19? 29? I mean, there are tradeoffs to being a professional athlete. Women flock to you. The pay is good, even back when he played, and people like you just because you can throw the deep ball. And I’m sure there are many guys his age or even younger who never played a single snap who hurt all over.
Sorry dude. The upside to stories like Plunkett’s is that maybe young athletes with options will choose a career that won’t fuck them up for life.
I like his reviews of the Star Wars prequels.
It’s not as if there was no notion back then that football could ruin your body. Hell, before Jim Plunkett ever suited up for the Raiders, Jim Otto retired because he was basically crippled in the mid ’70s.
And as you say, my dad never played football and never played any sport higher than college baseball. He’s about the same age as Plunkett and has one ruined knee (torn the ACL twice), a bad back (has had a degenerative disc for 20 years), and a wreck of shoulder that he probably should have repaired but he can’t afford it. Plenty of pain, no glory.
I wonder how many kids will start migrating back to baseball going forward, as the money can be even bigger than football and it’s much easier on the body.
In my first suited-up game of football I got spiked in the back and run over on the high side by another guy after the whistle. Un-diagnosed concussion and three badly bruised dorsal ribs. An ambulance took me from the field. I was thirteen. Kids play dirty, man.
Yeah. I have a hard time thinking people don’t know at least the broad risks of a career in sports.
Its a trade off. Money and fame and fun (you get to play a sport for a career. Come on.) In exchange for a higher risk of injury and pain later in life.
What pain? Gamble. What ingury? Another gamble
I used to be in a job where we had an NFL Alumni function every year. Neat guys (even if some of them were pretty much insane) and most of them were essentially crippled. Is Plunkett going to Stanford if he couldn’t play football though? And if he doesn’t go to Stanford, what happens to him?
Women flocked to Plunkett? Really? Have you seen the guy?
I think dismissing guys like Plunkett’s lamentations about their life choices because TITTAYS & CASH! is overlooking that he, who actually experienced the tittays & cash, is now saying that fleeting joy was definitely not worth the years and years of existence he’s suffering through now. Teen & Twentysomethings will almost always pick tittays & cash because they don’t know the value of family, true friendship, companionship, work for work’s sake, and that the number of zeroes in your bank account or the notches on your bed post don’t make you happier in the long run.
Of course hind sight is 20-20 and knowing now what you knew then would result in different choices. It’s called wisdom. Stupid young-dumb- and-full-of-cum Plunkett would probably tell broken down old man Plunkett the same thing: “but the tittays & cash bro!” BDOM Plunkett is essentially shaking his head at YDFOC Plunkett and saying “been there, done that, and it still wasn’t worth it”.
Is BDOM Plunkett just a bitter old man who forgets how good he had it? Or is he an older, wiser adult man who realizes his choices resulted in a situation he could have, and should have avoided and was not worth the all the trade offs? I think the latter. He lived through the highs and lows of his own life, and he is probably the only person who can truly speak to whether what he did was worthwhile.
On a related note, I would trade sex with 50 Stanford sorority girls and free beers from boosters 40 years ago for decent knees and no back pain today in a heartbeat. I’m not going to contradict Plunkett when he says similar things.
BTW, In lieu of a Firearm Friday:
Primary Arms is selling a complete AR with a full length M-Lok rail for $430 bucks right now. For that price this is an absolute beast of a gun.
Previously owned by a little old lady from Pasadena who only shot up churches on Sundays.
Come on Jessie, you know you can’t have cool toys like this in Cali.
Should probably just get that
That is quite a barrel on that.
As an aside, it looks the regular price is $499. Is the $60 that big of a deal?
I regret buying an AR in September.