![10,000 gallon hat](
I’ve been flyin’ these streets so long
Broadcastin’ the same old death song
I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of the Vortex
Where cleansin’s the name of the game
And brutals get washed away like the snow and the rain
There’s been a load of compromisin’
On the road to my event horizon
But I’m gonna be where the lasers are shinin’ on me
Broadcastin’ the same old death song
I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of the Vortex
Where cleansin’s the name of the game
And brutals get washed away like the snow and the rain
There’s been a load of compromisin’
On the road to my event horizon
But I’m gonna be where the lasers are shinin’ on me
Like a flying stone cowboy
Riding out on a grav beam in a brutal roping rodeo
Like a flying stone cowboy
Hearing cries and despair from brutals I don’t even know
Exterminator orders over the megaphone
Riding out on a grav beam in a brutal roping rodeo
Like a flying stone cowboy
Hearing cries and despair from brutals I don’t even know
Exterminator orders over the megaphone
Yes. When you sit in front of your computer all day hitting refresh that’s going to happen.
Bah! I have magical powers of which you cannot grasp, underling.
That may be true.
But did you get any offers coming over the phone?
That mosque bombing is messed up regardless of who did it, but…..
Bull*cough* shit*cough* I don’t believe a word that group says. They have less credibility than the SPLC.
Do they have less credibility than CNN? I think that is the new standard of low credibility.
CAIR knows that it’s not objective just from the title of their organization. Therefore, no.
A big red flag for me is how vague “bias incident” is. By their definition this makeup tutorial alone is probably five bias incidents.
I knew what that was before I clicked it. Ya, there are probably more than five bias incidents. I actually am not a fan of the “all Islam is bad” line the likes of Laura espouse and I don’t think it helps. I think it is a bit ignorant in the sense of them not ever knowing any Muslims who hate the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood as much as any normal liberty loving person who doesn’t think blowing people up is a good thing to do. Those people do exist but are ignored by Laura and her cohorts as far as I know.
The all islam is bad narrative is clickbait for sure. We’ve had millions of muslims living in the US for generations now. It was never a big deal in the news until 9/11.
In my experience muslims, US or outside US, are like everyone else: they want a job to provide for family, shelter for their family, and a way to keep their family safe. Outwardly I’ve seen no difference between them, mormons, catholics, and most protestants.
In my experience muslims, US or outside US, are like everyone else: they want a job to provide for family, shelter for their family, and a way to keep their family safe.
Platitudinous claptrap. You’ve just described literally every single person who ever lived on this rock for the last 100,000 years or so.
Outwardly Iâve seen no difference between them, mormons, catholics, and most protestants.
Which Catholic theocracies are embroiled in civil wars, committing genocide against ethnic and religious minorities, publicly murdering gays, and dumping tens of millions of refugees onto the welfare rolls of Europe? I know, I know #notallmuslims. You should probably work on a counter-narrative more sophisticated than a hashtag though if you want to convince the people watching the Muslim world eat itself that they’ve got it all wrong because Achmed the suicide bomber loved his mother just like you do.
I should work an a counter-narrative to what? That stereotyping all muslims by the actions of .01% detracts from dealing with the terrorists who actually are muslims?
.01% of the global Muslim population would be 20,000 people, or about 1/5th of ISIS. This is a perfect demonstration of how your deconstruction of an utterly fictitious narrative that “all Muslims are turrurists!” results in nothing but it’s equally vacuous opposite. If you want to be taken seriously, try not mouthing vapid platitudes like a retard. Better?
Not really.
But keep trying!
You’re right I meant .0001%. That’s almost 200,000 people.
Is that even a statistically significant amount of a population? Lol
It’s a lot like saying you can judge the entire population of the city of New York because you saw 800 people in Central park.
That narrative also completely ignores one of the most pressing things that needs to be addressed, namely the Saudi’s funding of mosques worldwide to spew Wahhabist garbage. If you roll on the ‘all Muslims’ logic it’s easier to just view them as irredeemable and ignore the nuances than could improve the situation.
Exactly. It prevents scrutiny where scrutiny is warranted and necessary.
Because if there’s one person that’s different than it can’t be true. There was a nice NAZI so NAZIism is fine.
And here comes the dehumanization attempts. Yes Bob, Muslims are Nazis. Thank you for your productive contribution to the conversation, please go over to the corner with the other screaming retards who compare everyone they don’t like to Nazis.
Titor is right, you ignorant cretin. If you can’t contribute something sophisticated and intellectual like “not all Muslims are terrorists!” to the conversation then you should shut your whore mouth.
I assumed he was making a joke about the article but if not yeah that’s a wicker man
I made a relevant point that the existence of a nice guy does not validate the ideology. Something everyone is aware of unless that ideology is associated largely with brown people, then spewing PC nonsense and emotional appeals is considered intellectual debate.
But when over 99% of the group are essentially nice guys it shines a light on your Nazi strawman. Villifying an entire population because far fewer than .0001% of them take violent action against the West is not really defensible. It also results in obfuscating the true threats… the .0001% that are taking violent action.
The hysteria, and it is hysteria, that Islam is in some sort of new crusade threatening the West is just naivete, ignorance, and paranoia. The stats don’t bear any of that out. And most people don’t give a shit what is going on 20 miles past their house, let alone do a damn thing about it. Muslims are most people.
And what’s with the “brown people” garbage? How is that germane to ANYTHING I wrote?
Count me among those who have known plenty of Muslims just trying to live normal lives. I kind of doubt that the Nigerian pre-med student I used to study with, the guy running the halal butcher’s shop down the street, or even the the occasional taxi driver I do business with after a night out, are all about to go all ‘aloha snackbar’, and start blowing people up.
That said, I’ll admit there might be a bit of a selection bias. After all, most of my interactions with Muslims tend to be with those with a job* and seeking a better life. So I don’t have a reason to deal with Somali refugees living in Section 8 housing living on the dole outside of trying to buy drugs.
*I kind of hate the phrase ‘hard working’ when talking about people doing their job. There are plenty of hard working people in a variety of fields. So ‘hard working Coal Miners’ as opposed to, what, the slacking coal miners? Yeah, you can complain about those people working those cushy jobs, but just to give an example, plenty of CPAs work 80 hour weeks around April, so it is kind of hard to argue that they’re slacking.
I’m not bored enough to go digging into it, but I’ve got five bucks that ‘anti-Muslim bias incidents’ actually equate to ‘self reported incidents that are never verified, much less have a police report or anything else filed in favour of them’.
See all those supposed hate crimes and attempts to take head scarves off that didn’t happen.
Not to mention the UAE designated them a terrorist group
They earned the designation no doubt due to their Muslim Brotherhood ties which the UAE would not like since the Brotherhood would most likely like to overthrow the Sheiks that rule over that chunk of desert and off their heads.
Jesus fuck I hate kids.
Not even the kids themselves, they’re pretty blameless in being horrible little twats.
And not the parents, because having kids is a thankless chore.
It’s just the whole thing. It’s less than the sum of its parts. It seems awful and it’s awful to spectate.
*sinks back into vodka coma*
Kids are like adults with zero accountability or moral compass. If not for adults, they’d murder each other until extinction. No wonder the left wants 12 year olds to vote. Having kids these days is like the ultimate example of ‘an albatross around one’s neck’.
Meh, I’d like to have kids before I man measured for a coffin. It seems like it makes most people happier in the long run.
As annoying as kids can be, I have yet to meet a child who infuriates me as much as the worst adults. The kids at least have ignorance and immaturity as excuses.
*before I am, that is
typos- I make them.
That’s the best plan, that way you’ll never experience teenagers, the phase when they still have no sense at all, but think they should have all the freedom of adults.
Forget teenagers. I think the worst bunch are guys between 20 and 30. They have all the strength and intelligence, but often a serious lack of good judgement.
New parents can be pretty bad too. “Ahhh! Ban everything that might hurt my precious babies!”
Not if you’re wise enough to kick them out of your house once they become of age. Then they will quickly learn.
Ultimately one’s aversion to having children is a symptom of being an overgrown child oneself, so I can’t complain too much.
In Ireland, the tradition was you weren’t considered an adult until you became a parent. The only other paths to adulthood were priest or nun.
Incidentally, these days, about 1/3 of Irish adults live with their parents.
Well if you don’t want your orphans anymore I’ll gladly purchase them you with bulk discout.
So my brother is out of town on a business trip, and my SIL decided she’d invite her friend, who has four kids, to keep her company for the weekend. And this chick brought one of her boyfriend’s daughters. So there are now five children in addition to my toddler nephew hanging out here.
So I’m keeping to the little suite I rent from my brother and drinking and watching youtube videos. And cursing the fact that SIL’s friend has a boyfriend, because she’s actually quite attractive.
Your only defense is being reclusive and drinking a lot.
Shit, that’s what I’d planned on doing all along.
Well, you are on the right path.
How does her having a boyfriend stop anyone on this family friendly site?
Oh, wait, how many different fathers for those four kids?
Obviously, I forgot, thanks SP, to add the suggestion that along with drinking mass quantities, CS should be introducing all the family to this wonderful family friendly website.
Come on, CS, let’s sit the family down for a fun evening of Glibertarians. There’s still hope.
Two fathers, but it’s all very chaste. Four were adopted by the family friend in question. The other one is family friend’s boyfriend’s legitimate daughter.
The only one being a lascivious pig, I fear, is me.
It might be your best quality, as with so many here.
The questions are, how monogamous is she, and what are your ethics re such fidelity.
I have some opinions on this. If there should ever be any extra-marital activity, it should not be:
1. Anyone that you know, especially family or friends.
2. More than a one time thing or with any emotional attachment involved.
I would highly suggest to anyone, don’t be fucking around with your friends, family, or co-workers, it’s trouble in the making.
And that’s my moral lecturing for the day.
1. Anyone that you know, especially family or friends.
Tell that to Marty Brodeur.
So TINDR or sex workers? Both?
I still carry a flame for the woman who divorced her husband after our affair and moved across the country, if that’s any indication.
Invite the chick back to your room anyway.
Leave the SIL to watch the kids while you two party.
No kidding. All the people above with their questions. The only proper response is “Tap that”.
They just passed a Distracted Driver law in Washington state where drivers can no longer eat and drive or put on make up and drive. Supposed you can’t drink a soda or coffee and drive either but I hear things both ways on that. How can those be horrible distractions to drivers but kids in the car are perfectly fine?
Awww, Trotsky wannabe wants his youth front, too!
You know who else recently had a glorious revolution?
Lena Dunham?
Dancing with the Czars?
*narrows gaze*
Based on the continued enthusiasm, I’d say William of Orange.
Donald Trump?
Mon Mothma?
I wish he would retire to Cuba and write his book there. Take all his followers with him too. Why change this country when there is a perfectly fine communist utopia just 90 miles south.
Not the right top man, kulak! What’s that Danish hero that I was thinking about?
“Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen?”
There’s plenty of room in Venezuela for them. Lots of beautiful women too, or at least they were before they started starving to death.
So…no obesity epidemic?
Except for Maduro and his fat friends.
You’d think all that dancing would have some effect.
The kids are the ones stupid and inexperienced enough to follow him in large numbers.
This guy.
Sander knows this is his last chance to milk some $$ out of these fools
Mmmm, capitalism.
he’ll need it for his wife’s legal fees
Odd is putting it lightly. What the hell was going on there?
Professor and a male hairdresser? Sounds like a gay love triangle to me. Spicy.
Pithy analysis for the win.
It could have just been a bad haircut + anger issues + sharp knife.
I forgot all about that story, until now. I think most libertarians, myself included, would conclude she should not be prosecuted for this, because of the obvious bad unintended consequences of such a thing, but she’s no doubt a real piece of human excrement. I feel bad for anyone who has to be around her for even a second.
Northwestern’s statement:
“Wyndham Lathem, an associate professor of microbiology-immunology, has been placed on administrative leave and banned from entering the Northwestern University campuses. There is no indication of any risk to the Northwestern community from this individual at this time.
Lathem has been a faculty member in the department of microbiology-immunology since 2007.
This is now a criminal matter under investigation by the appropriate authorities, and Northwestern University is cooperating in that investigation.”
I hate things like this that make Northwestern look bad. Right now all that anyone should care about us is how Clayton Thorsen, Justin Jackson et al are going to perform as we try and win the Big Ten West.
ZARDOZ THINKS BRUTALS SHOULD STAY OUT OF PRISON FOR SPEECH â BUT STILL BE CLEANSED⌠Exactly right. She’s loathsome and would be shunned into exile in a just world. Still, what she did was pure speech. She didn’t do anything to the guy who committed suicide. Sure I’d like to run her down but that doesn’t mean the government should do it.
I believe the saying is: hard cases make for bad laws.
She’s not guilty of a crime, IMO. Civil liability? Hell yes.
Possibly but for what? Fraud?
Seems like he should be liable for criminally bad judgment.
I don’t think sociopaths necessarily know they’re sociopaths. They just find everyone else strangely compliant.
A wrongful death suit is what they’re hitting her with now.
some law talking guy says:
When a person dies or is killed due to the negligence or misconduct of another, including murder, the surviving members of the victim’s family may sue for “wrongful death.”
Good luck to them. I think they have the same First Amendment problem as the prosecution and won’t be able to establish little miss sociopath had a duty to the deceased.
Seinfeld’s Good Samaritan Law?
You don’t think someone who tries to convince someone else who is suicidal to keep trying to commit suicide has some culpability?
Where would you draw the line before you would find it criminal?
1. She tells him to get back in the vehicle
2. She helps him get back into the vehicle
3. She gives him her own vehicle so he can kill himself
The problem is free speech. Once you start punishing stuff like this, the government WILL, not MAY, abuse the hell out of it to ban all types of free speech. Look what’s already happening in Europe. It’s like like if I am standing outside of a building and someone is standing on a ledge and saying ‘I’m going to jump’ and I say jump, I’m liable. Sure, it’s an asshole thing to do, but let’s not even go there.
It’s beyond an asshole move. In the jumping scenario you are taking an action that directly contributes to the death of another person. It’s worse than walking past a choking person and not trying the Heimlich because you are encouraging the death to occur.
I don’t see too many gradients of difference between that and inciting a riot.
Ad absurdum Hitler just said stuff, he didn’t pull any triggers.
Where’s Mike Godwin when we need him?
Yeah I should have played the Manson card instead. đ
And you’re opening up a can of government power that you do not want to open up.
I’m not so sure. Good Samaritan laws and social rules have been around for millennia. Empathy is hardwired and I’m not sure the golden rule shouldn’t be a law in some sense.
How does this square up with your Islam apologetics above? is there a religious exemption to your tangential culpability rule?
4. She hits him over the head and puts him unconscious in the vehicle.
Honest question. Why the distinction? Why is it preferable that she not be guilty of a crime but she is guilty of a “civil liability.”
How do you reconcile this with someone inciting a riot where someone else gets hurt? Or would you consider that free speech?
That is a good question. I would say inciting a riot is different because of the mob thing. One person being an asshole and saying just go kill yourself is different in my opinion. No other influences like the mob mentality. The same as drunk dude saying, hey light that trash can on fire to his drunk buddy. It’s just too bad the dude killed himself. He did the killing though. She didn’t.
Do you think there is a difference between person A telling person B to kill himself and he does and person A telling person B to kill someone else and he does?
No I don’t. Person B still did the killing. Person A is just a prick, and or an accessory if money changed hand in the second scenario.
Does something like money have to be exchanged for them to be an accessory though? Sticking with the Manson example does that mean Manson had no culpability or guilt in the Sharon Tate murder because he was merely exercising free speech?
Manson was part of a conspiracy that led to an unlawful death. As I understand it, since there is no MA law against suicide there can be no criminal conspiracy in this instance.
I’d say the guy/gal/xe chanting kill the pigs is engaging in protected speech. The one who throws a bottle while telling others to do the same had incited the root.
What if said Xe tells others they should throw bottles at the pigs and then they do? Is Xe just exercising free speech.
Quite likely. Without something more it’s, literally, talk.
+1 Lori Drew
To the guy at the park that put his 2-year-old son in an Operation Ivy t-shirt: dude, next time just buy yourself another OpIvy t-shirt. Douche.
Sooo, DC decided to make a Muslim superhero named…..Isis? Definition of bad taste?
I know there’s an old Isis character/show in the 70s….but anything involving ancient Egypt is by definition pre-Islamic.
BTW – film noir’s going dark – and it’s freaking great! Also decided to knock out a few comic reviews – not that it’ll happen too frequently since I only pick up a couple issues a month.
That trailer looks tantalising. Thanks for the review.
No sweat. Always appreciate feedback as I’m getting this up and running.
I thought they had hired Ardian Syaf after Marvel fired him for a second there.
” anything involving ancient Egypt is by definition pre-Islamic”
Middle-eastern-on-eastern cultural appropriation!
Marcotte’s latest brain fart
On the importance of storytelling:
One of the things that the left and the kind of liberal press doesnât really understand at the moment is the influence of emotion and feeling in politics. It sounds like such a simple thing, but we have this way of thinking, on the left, that facts are enough. That itâs enough to be right. And if it was enough to be right, weâd win every election, because obviously we are right.
” because obviously we are right.”
And that pretty much explains everything the left does: condescension, arrogance, shutting down speakers, et al.
wait, would the verb-enation of ‘deplorable’ be ‘deplore’ instead?
This pretty well covered the left’s narcissistic ‘rationalism’.
The author, outside of her analysis, is unfortunately quite shallow. She thinks the idiot Corbyn did well in the British election because he was good at his job, not because the Tories were incompetent.
“not because the Tories were incompetent.”
Yep. Theresa May should have resigned after that election: she almost single-handedly cost the Tories a massive majority.
That manifesto was basically an attempt at political suicide. I’m amazed they didn’t understand that going Big Brother on the internet would throw not just youth support but the middle class over to Labour.
I can’t believe that career politicians need basic things like this explained to them, like ‘don’t call half the voting population names’.
They didn’t really need to say anything other than: we’ll pursue Brexit, retain freedom of expression, be watchful but not crazy on immigration, continue to keep economic opportunity open.
And as I said the last time you posted it, she whines that Rachel Maddow is a friend of the eeeeeeevil Roger Ailes.
“One of the things that the left and the kind of liberal press doesnât really understand at the moment is the influence of emotion and feeling in politics. It sounds like such a simple thing, but we have this way of thinking, on the left, that facts are enough.”
Never mind the weather on her planet…how’s the weather in her alternate universe?
BRB I have a bash the fasc meeting to go to so we can make some signs about the coming apocalypse thanks to Trump.
obviously = facts.
Diversity programs at Google discriminatory, says engineer’s anti-diversity manifesto
This is the problem with diversity programs. Simple policy should be don’t discriminate hire the best candidate. Keep politics out of the office.
Not according to leftists. They will say truly amazing things, and I’m talking about people representing multi-billion dollar private companies, like ‘our number one biggest issue as an organization is that we don’t employ enough transsexuals’. Seriously, how the fuck did this country get so fucking dumbed down?
It is absolutely because of media and Hollywood bias. They flood the airways and online media and movies and tv with this shit until it seems normal, like anyone who doesn’t think the same is an outlier and thinks he’s the only one who thinks it’s nonsense, and won’t speak up for fear of being ostresized.
Look at 1950s movies and TV and media. Those people would have mocked the current crowd into suicide, and rightfully so.
I don’t care at all how many transsexuals they hire. My concern is that the person they are hiring is the best person for the job. Favoring certain groups over individuals is going to be the death of freedom if it is not stopped.
Sure, but what’s causing these companies to engage in this stupidity? The belief that it is what the customers want and look for in a company before they make a purchase. If the popular culture was defined by the right, they’d make sure philanders were fired (and that used to be the case).
Sure, but whatâs causing these companies to engage in this stupidity?
1) HR is filled with true believers
2) Legal is filled with true believers
3) They’ll get absolutely reamed ten times over in court if they don’t engage in it
4) They’ll lose their government contracts
5) They (C-suite and HR at Silicon Valley tech companies) are blessed with a glut of competent potential employees in the Bay Area, so they can play their diversity games without having a huge dropoff in talent.
Yep. Take away the laws that empower discrimination suits and almost all of this goes away.
Simple policy should be donât discriminate hire the best candidate. Keep politics out of the office.
Ya sure. If that was the case how would people like
get big giant salaries?
Being an overpaid executive is ok, if it’s for all the wrong reasons.
Andre De Grasse would have won the 100m. But noooo. In typical Canadian fashion he has to get hurt when it matters most!
God the Sun doesn’t like Justin Gatlin.
Although, to be fair, they treated Maria Sharapova the same way.
Sorry, what was the discussion again? I got distracted by those photos and lost my train of thought.
Did someone say country music?
Nope, nobody said it.
I guess the question is…do you have what it takes to listen to them all, back to back?
Ha ha, I can’t actually encourage that, there would be liability issues.
Let’s just say I managed to depress the heck out of myself, and I only skimmed some of those songs.
Country music if fucking horrible. I mean, ok, some of it is good, like old Hank Williams. But it mostly sucks.
Theodore Sturgeon agrees.
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
I think modern pop-country is what sucks the most. I like some Merle Travis and Jimmie Rodgers now and then, and I even listen to this Australian country singer named Slim Dusty.
Yeah it’s unlistenable.
Hank Williams
Patsy Cline
Johnny Cash
Glen Campbell
That’s basically it for me.
I like old “cowboy” music such as Gene Autry and Roy Rogers as well. “Newest” (in quotes because 1990 isn’t exactly new) I can go without barfing is Dwight Yoakam. I also like LeAnn Rimes because she does Patsy covers so well, and her earlier stuff that’s not a Patsy cover basically sounds like More Patsy Songs.
That new, pop-ish country is so sappy it turns my stomach. My dad listens to it, and everyone in the whole family knows to never get in a car with him because he will subject everyone to it and it’s agonizing.
I work at a radio station cluster that has a classic country, new country and classic rock station; I prefer the classic country….although personally I listen to a lot of metal, punk and such. but the classic rock doesn’t play classic metal, so give me some Johnny Cash.
Bob Wills
Merle Haggard
Jimmie Rodgers
Lefty Frizzell
Chet Atkins
Then you have the bluegrass folk:
Bill Monroe
Tony Rice
Flatt & Scruggs
Doc Watson
Hazel Dickens
Peter Rowan
Del McCoury
Gillian Welch
And on and on. Great music and musicians are ALWAYS out there, no matter the genre.
Agreed, you just left out Waylon.
Late as usual, but some Hank 3 seems appropriate. sounds more like Hank the 1st.
If you really want to hear him sound like Hank Sr:
The population of the US is 323.1 million people. If my math is correct, these incidents happen to less than .0007% of the population.
U.S. Muslim population is around 1%.
So, my methodology is sloppy and worthless; but 2213 incidents divided by United States population = .0000068
I know that’s what wikipedia states, but I have a hard time believing that. There are over 1 million Iranians in Los Angeles alone. Granted a SMALL number are Bahai and there are probably many non-practicing ones, but I’d want to see the questions people are answering before I’d believe that. I bet people in the US who were raised as Muslim is closer to 6 million. I also bet people lie on polls.
What constitutes an anti Muslim bias incident?
“You call this Halal?!?!?” *flips over card table*
Being an infidel
I initially read that as “Bang an infidel”, and I thought, “A Muslim having sex with a non-Muslim is an anti-Muslim bias incident?”
âBang an infidelâ
I need that T-shirt.
“Yo brah you look like you could use some knee pads! Check these out!”
Still feeling cheerful? Let’s put a stop to that.
I think I saw someone in the back still smiling. This isn’t that kind of country music concert, buddy!
Concrete Angel
Dear Uncle Sam
The Fool
Live from Nashville, it’s the Country Depress-a-palooza!
Cold, Cold Heart
Tom Dooley
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I die before I wake, feed Jake, he’s been a good dog,
My best friend right through it all, if I die before I wake,
Feed Jake
-1, not Enter Sandman
Again, I put forth my opinion that Metallica may well be the most over rated band of all time.
I would prefer Enter Sandman to what Eddie linked to, and I haven’t heard Enter Sandman in probably 10 years.
Well, if you followed one of Eddie’s links, that’s on you.
Lemmy does a better version of Enter Sandman IMO
In fairness Lemmy did everything better.
He definitely did death better. James Hetfield sucks at it.
Sheeeeeit! I’d never heard that. Fucking awesome. Lemmy rules
Yeah it came on youtube one day in some playlist I was listening to and I thought “Man, this stripped down version of Sandman is actually pretty good. Hetfield sounds better than usual though…” đ
I’ll second that.
They were actually good at first. Then they got worse, then a little better, then a lot worse. Of course, I am a fan of Dave Mustaine. And I’m pretty sure that’s a bigger offence than being a Night Ranger fan, so let the hate flow.
I’m posting this here just because…
Holy Wars
Megadeth is superior to Metallica.
Mickey mouse singing in steam car Willy is better than Metallica
Mickey Mouse singing/whistling in Steamboat Willie is top notch stuff. Not Tevin Campbell tho
Their very first stuff was pretty good, especially at the time. But everything after Ride the Lightning is meh.
More interesting election stuff: So apparently, there’s a special election going on to determine who’s going to fill the Crusty Gnome Senate seat next week in Alabama. One of the candidates is their old Chief Justice, who’s a SoCon hero. I’m not much of a SoCon myself, but he seems to be one of the very few guys that knows what States’ rights are actually about and is willing to put his job in jeopardy over it. This guy might actually become a Senator with a spine, and apparently he’s leading the primary right now. Interesting stuff.
Looks interesting. My biggest issue with SoCons is that they will say things like ‘We have our liberties and they can’t take them away! And they want to legalize drugs!’. Umm, duh.
I feel like marijuana to SoCons is guns to leftists: they think it’s icky and causes societal degradation, so we MUST do everything to keep it off our streets!
Yeah, I love the way they talk about marijuana fiends while they slam down their 23rd beer. Fucking hypocrites. And keep in mind that I drink alcohol but don’t use weed.
On the other hand, my mom takes the “ban all vices” position: “BAN marijuana, and severe gun control!” I know that in her home country of Japan they give long prison sentences to anyone that smuggles it in, and in nearby Singapore some get hanged for it.
It took me years to convince my wife that the drug war is wrong. I mean it’s just recently that she gets it. But that’s after years of me telling her every time she takes a glass of wine ‘you’re taking drugs’. Ok, it’s not only that, but we’ve been having this conversation for years. The real blame for this is that people are just too trusting of whatever bullshit governments make up for their bad behavior.
I know that long-term political opinions can change, but sometimes me being the one conservatarian in the room makes me feel very lonely indeed. Hopefully I don’t find out that my future girlfriend reads critical gender theory, and I should be OK long-term.
Have her read ‘Ain’t nobody’s business if I do’. Even though I disagree with some of his opinions about the West (he tends to pull left on some things) his explanation of how the drug war destroys the fabric of communities as well as his chapter on Prohibition should be enough for ANY person with a reasonable and rational mind to come away with a different perspective.
Worked for me.
I love how according to many conservatives God gave man dominion over all the beasts and plants… except certain toads and about a dozen or so plants (none of which bear apples).
According to this, Moore thinks dope is a minor issue, a distraction from the real issues, and the feds should “leave it to the states.”
I don’t think that’s a bad idea, honestly. If legislatures in states like Alabama want to SoCon it up, let them do it (and suffer the consequences, whatever they are). A marketplace of ideas is a good thing, in my book.
Libertarians should love Moore – he avoids divisive cultural issues and focuses on what’s important!
Well, maybe not Reason libertarians, but he certainly would have my support if I lived in Alabama. I think he might end up being the kind of backboned Senator that the McConnells and McCains of the world would hate with a dying passion.
In all seriousness, he would be among the least likely politicians to preen and posture and then sell out, like McTurtlehead would.
I think Moore would have gone to prison if the feds had the guts to put him there. And he gave up his job rather than follow what he thought was an immoral order.
There’s also a Freedom Caucus guy named Mo Brooks that’s either 2nd behind Moore or 3rd behind Moore and the establishment choice, Luther Strange, who was their AG and picked to serve right before their governor resigned in a sex scandal. Apparently his goal is to get him and Moore to lock up the two runoff spots so that McTurtle can’t get Democrats to join in to vote for his man. This is why getting principled, constitutional people in office is hard: a minority actually care enough to protect it.
If McCain doesn’t like him, he must be doing something right.
Quibble: states have powers, not rights.
Then what did all those poor confederates die for?
I read the ruling by the original judge, and i still think (tho could be wrong) that the statute she was found guilty under isn’t technically punishing her for her speech… its punishing her for failing to act – which is constitutionally equally concerning, but not the same thing people seem to be getting all concerned about.
The sort of law that i think is being applied is one of these “duty to rescue” statutes….
scenario 1) say you’re driving down the road late at night and you see a smoking wreck on the side of the highway. You go, “gee that looks terrible”, but keep driving and assume someone else will deal with it. turns out, no! there was an injured person trapped in the car needing aid who died. Obviously, you did nothing wrong and you had no legal obligation to try to help and its just an unfortunate circumstance.
scenario 2) same situation, you’re driving along and you see the wreck… only this time you pull over and get out of your car and look inside the wreck, discovering badly injured person who is clearly still alive. You look them over and review the situation, and are aware they will die without intervention….. then you get in your car and drive away. You never tell anyone about the accident or call 9-11 or anything, you just pretend it never happened.
in this latter situation, certain states (incl MA) have laws which effectively make you criminally liable for ‘failure to render aid’ or failure to report the incident. They are incredibly rarely prosecuted because the type of situation is so uncommon, and there are so many ways to avoid conviction. Anyone can cite emotional stress, or that they believed someone was already on the way… basically, the ‘crime’ requires proof of a mental state which is knowingly, consciously callous and willfully neglectful. Which is nearly impossible to prove.
Unless, of course, you have a complete phone transcript of every single thing you said and did while you (effectively) watched someone die.
Again, i could be wrong and there could be other charges that she was prosecuted for which i overlooked, but in the wording of the judge’s ruling that i read, he specifically cited “INACTION” – not ‘speech’ – as being the core issue.
its punishing her for failing to act
So all the cops at Pulse should be prosecuted, too….
They’re all set. The crime was known and being dealt with through a process.
well, the problem you have there is that they were under the belief that acting *too rashly* would get a lot of people killed. My point was that the reason these sorts of convictions are so incredibly rare is that its normally nearly impossible to substantiate the sort of callous neglect required to meet the terms of the law.
that aside, i don’t think actual first-responders* can be prosecuted/sued for wrongful deaths.
(*i hate this term, but as a catch-all for “cops, fire
menpeople, EMTs, etc”, i don’t know another)Anyone can be sued for anything, though. So, while not criminally prosecuted (usually), EMTs and volunteer firefighters are routinely sued for bad outcomes.
“The sort of law that i think is being applied is one of these âduty to rescueâ statutesâŚ.”
Which is, as someone already mentioned, an equivalent of the Seinfeld Good Samaritan law. No one has any responsibility to save someone else. It may be the right thing to do, but it’s not an obligation. If it were so, almost everyone in the Northeast US would be guilty since they will run the fuck over you before stopping to help you if you are broken down and in need of help beside the road.
This isn’t a philosophical question, but a matter of law.
and as i pointed out, under 99.9% of conditions, no such responsibility does exist. The issue is that – again, under laws which vary state by state, and have myriad mitigating/aggravating factors – the responsibility can be *created* if you willfully intervene in the first place, and voluntarily put yourself in a position where you are basically now “part of the problem”.
The above link wasn’t really the best outline of how these laws vary/exist from place to place. this might be better:
“the responsibility can be *created* if you willfully intervene in the first place, and voluntarily put yourself in a position where you are basically now âpart of the problemâ
Ok, that is a compelling point, but I still think we should not be going there. It just leaves open too much interpretation of exactly what constitutes being ‘part of the problem’.
again, this isn’t a philosophy debate, its a question of law, and may rely highly on the particulars of how MA has applied its statutes over the years.
the actual crime she was convicted of was “Involuntary Manslaughter”, not any ‘duty to rescue law’ – but i think the reasoning being applied has a large amount of overlap; if MA has in the past convicted people of Inv. manslaughter for similar forms of ‘neglect’ – even when *not physically present at the scene*, then i can see how they could squeeze this chick’s bizarro-behavior into the code.
It could also just be shitty application of the law which she’ll eventually win on appeal.
“It could also just be shitty application of the law which sheâll eventually win on appeal.”
It’s that. All of your other opining is worthless. She did not cause his death, she’s not responsible.
And all those people judging her don’t know the facts. What if she truly believed that it would be better, for him, for him to commit suicide?
that may be the case in this example, but my point was to note that there ARE legal frameworks by which ‘doing nothing’ when you witness someone dying can be a prosecutable offense. that’s not an ‘opinion’, its just recognizing that the law isn’t what “should be”.
“That if she truly believed that it would be better, for him, for him to commit suicide?”
That would be the only explanation, if I believed it, that might exonerate her in my eyes. Did they ever print the text messages anywhere?
As a legal matter i don’t think it makes any difference. “Good intentions” isn’t a defense against involuntary manslaughter.
If a stupid teen babysitter gives a baby heavy-duty pain meds “because it was crying and i wanted it to feel better” and ends up killing it, is it any less criminal simply because she meant well?
Or when fundamentalists let their baby die of easily treated conditions because they believe that “God will cure her” (and if God doesn’t, “he wants her in heaven”)… do they get a pass for thinking they have the best interests of the others in mind?
Other people’s “good intentions” have a remarkably deadly track record.
I’m talking about morally not letter of the law.
No one has any responsibility to save someone else.
They do under The International Rules” that apply to ocean going vessels.
“No one has any responsibility to save someone else”
I get that. I really do. But at the same time if someone walked by my wife as she lay dying with her epi-pen just out of her reach and they could simply reach down, pick it up, and hand it to her I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t care at first principles or much anything else until I found that hypothetical SOB.
I was replying to Hype who said that.
Under the international rules of the road an ocean going vessel has to render aid to another vessel and or people in distress.
I don’t know about land based law in regard to that other than what has just been pointed out.
whoops I did the same thing.
“its punishing her for failing to act”
I’m fine with this. Though she did more than fail to act, she encouraged it.
I’m not, at least in a criminal trial. Logically, you can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone could have done something.
Civil culpability had lower barriers, and it makes sense to be handled there.
She seems like an absolutely terrible person, but she isn’t worth throwing out some of the foundational principles of our legal system.
“Logically, you canât prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone could have done something.”
I think we can. EG – she didn’t call 911.
Would 911 have saved him in that instance? I think even that is knowable if we have the time of the calls, the texts, avg response time to the house, and his time of death. think with that info it would be easy to prove one way or the other that they could have prevented his suicide.
If you think you can prove an alternate timeline of theoretical events beyond a reasonable doubt, you need to brush up on logic.
You’ve proved culpability, but that is only enough in civil court. You want to make the liability high enough that any person that does something similar in the future is ruined for life, fine. But lowering the standards for criminality for the small number of shit bags like her will do far more damage than good.
When I wrote “I think we can” I meant to convey “I think it is possible to determine” if those data I mentioned was available whether calling 911, for example, had a reasonable chance to get to the guy and save him. If that data is available I think it would be easy to argue that had she called 911 instead of telling him to get back in whether he had an almost certain chance of surviving, almost no chance of surviving, or whether it is not definitive.
Seems pretty clear.
If that seems clear, you need to talk to a lawyer and take a class on logic.
Ant decent defense could demonstrate reasonable doubt in any part of that chain, because you can never prove a counter factual. Again, the only way to make this criminal is to lower the standard of proof, and it isn’t with it.
Does that mean that some really shitty people well avoid prison? Yes. Are those shitty people worth throwing away our current standards of proof? No.
And you are well versed in criminal law how exactly?
“Thank y’all for coming out here tonight. Now for those who think we’ve been just a little bit too upbeat, here is something that can lift that reproach from us.”
What even in the fuck is that? And I got attacked for posting a Night Ranger video.
This is a family-friendly site, and this is a song about family.
Here watch this instead. Eddie may write impeccably sourced articles, but he has no taste in music.
Am I being punished for any specific reason? I mean besides the Night Ranger video post?
Night Ranger didn’t make good music. This cat did, give ’em a listen. You won’t be disappointed.
While you enjoy that, I’ll enjoy this, which is even better.
Did you hijack Gilmore’s playlist?
I would gladly listen to anything off Gilmore’ s actual playlist. Man has taste.
He is indeed down with the funk.
I thought that was going to be a cat video.
*throws false advertising flag*
Yeah, they totally suck, can’t sing, can’t harmonize, can’t write music, can’t play guitar.
Night Ranger
Hey, that’s kind of catchy…is that what brought the hate?
Some people got no taste.
Don’t let the haters get to you. Night Ranger is/was a solid band.
No, it was a different song. I was just talking about the guitar skills of Brad Gillis. I think everyone, including me who knows much about Night Ranger knows that the band is a chick focused band. I remember when Gillis abandoned his role as Ozzy guitarist for Night Ranger and said something like ‘If you’re gong to be a guitarist as career, would you rather play in front of an audience made up of mostly 18-30 year old males, or a bunch of chicks with their tits in your face?’. Makes sense to me. Gillis is not the equal of Randy Rhodes for sure, or even Jake E Lee, but he is good, Osbourne seems to have a knack for attracting really good/great guitarists.
Yes he does. Zakk Wylde is no slouch either
I’d happily take Night Ranger over that.
I’ll toss this into the ring:
Was trying to describe Primer to a friend of mine just now.
It’s not a great film, though it’s one of my favorites. It’s one of those films that makes me wish I know more about film making, because I think it may be a perfect piece of filmmaking without being perfect cinema. I’m not even sure how to rationalize that in my head. I don’t know what you could add or what you would cut from it that would improve on the narrative choices. But it’s quintessentially American.
To begin with, the main characters are both corn-fed all-American white boys, both of whom are engineers in some capacity. Neither backstory is explained, nor does anyone care. They’re in league together to make money.
A lot of it takes place in a storage facility, and a lot of it in a suburban home, and a lot of it in a roadside motel. I’m sure those were all choices forced on the director because the film is super low budget, but it makes it unmistakably American.
It’s a story about entrepreneurship, but also a story about everyday life, but also a story about tech people, but also a story about the fallibility of all humanity. In fact it’s pretty much what you’d think goes on in any given suburban tract home within the ambit of Silicon Valley, within the lives of young families taking root with ambitious men trying to make a name for themselves.
It’s impossible to follow in the latter third, utterly disjointed, unhappy, and bewildering. It’s like a movie about finance, if you were left in a befuddled heap trying to figure out where your money had gone.
I should write up a conclusive paragraph but I’m deep in my cups, and I should probably rewatch the film for inspiration. It’s a captivating movie, though. Worth a couple hours of your time.
I tried to watch it the other night when it came up, but Netflix doesn’t stream it, they wanna send me a DVD.
I’ll liberate it for the cause tonight; I’m sure I can find a torrent.
It’s on my to-do list after somebody linked this the other day.
It’s not a proper movie, is all I can come up with. It’s almost autistic in how little it gives a shit about how much of it is understood by its audience. In fact it’s probably better understood as an unselfconscious Blair Witch Project, but for time travel, and also not a found-film movie.
I haven’t seen Blair Witch Project so I guess I have that going for me.
The Blair Witch Project is excellent. So is VHS. The sequels, not so much.
Here’s a chart:
I think the whole point of the film is that time travel leads to incomprehensible complexity. They just some 4chan autist would actually take the time to try to make sense of it.
Um, “they just didn’t think”
We have an ingrained anti-profit bias that blinds us to the social benefits of free markets
I love these fucking anti-capitalists. A few days ago, there was someone on Steam bitching about how capitalism has failed because a new game wasn’t the price he thought should be charged. I challenged the intellectually impaired retard by asking how many games he thought would be available for any price without capitalism. Of course, that ended the conversation.
Great quote.
Also, I didn’t know he was an economist; I thought he just drew Snoopy.
*heads to Wikipedia to read up on C.M. Schulz
*scowls at pimp robot
The ones that have me scratching my head are the Libertarian Fascists. WTF?
Tarsiers are the best.
Interesting…I played a country music song backwards, and it sounded like this.
Really? I thought you’d get your job, car, house, and dog back.
Yeah, I should have inserted that as an alternate joke.
And, sadly, after years of habituation, it’s perfectly listenable.
I’m drinking “In the Beginning” from these folks. It’s good.
I’m drinking Kool-Aid.
Jonestown cocktail?
No, that’s Flavor-Aid.
Shhh, let the ignoble legend live.
Oh, well, so much for my smug mythbusting.
And yet nobody extols whatever poison was used.
I can’t decide whether stocking up on that crap “many months” beforehand is evidence of anything beyond bad taste. Then again I’ve never migrated a flock of believers to the jungles of South America before so maybe it makes some sense after all.
How much booze is in the Kool-Aid?
Just water baby!
Electric Kool-Aid?
Nice song Zardoz but you didn’t say anything about drinking, the wasteland, grain, Consuella or Frayn.
try this-
âŹZed was drunk the day he got out of the wasteland
by hiding in a stone head full of grain
but before he could fall in love with Consuella
He temporarily killed poor Arthur Frayn.âŹ
Stone in love
Bang your head
Head over Heels
Heading Out to the Highway
“God made me funky,” by the HeadHunters
Big Head
ZardozTodd and The Monsters w/ John Lee HookerI couldn’t bring myself to link to the Stone Temple Pilots.
I’m not a fan either, but Interstate Love Song is a damn good tune.
I’ve got nothing to lose at all.
The Go-Go’s are OK, but I prefer this Head over Heels.
Probably the best song by Journey. But the studio does them well, like most bands.
Stone in Love
There are a few band I have seen who were better live than studio recording. Styx to name one. I saw them twice in Cincinnati and they were incredible live, best I’ve ever seen.
I saw The Guess Who about 10 years ago and they blew me away. I went into it thinking it’d be cool, but didn’t expect much. Wow, they put on an awesome show. For that matter the opener was awfully damn good to; Joe Cocker. He was shaking and spitting and just belting out the tunes. A great show all around.
I’m surprised they were still around 10 years ago!
The more I think about it, it may have been closer to 15. But still. It was great. And they did a few songs from Randy Bachman’s “other band” as Burton Cummings jokingly referred to BTO. It was a lot of fun.
What is it?
Show me meat!
Wakey wakey Apethetics
Time to destroy the tabernacle
And bring us death
Mars, the Bringer of War
(Also featuring some worthwhile YouTube comments)
A favorite of mine.
I think the Savatage version is more accessible.
Prelude To Madness (the song just before Hall of the Mountain King on the album)
Good evening. Sorry, but I donât care how you felt on election night. Not anymore.
“And writer Nicole Chung recalls how, that evening, she and her husband âwould remain up for hours, alternately swearing and reaching for each otherâs hands in bleary and increasing panic.â
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I drank and laughed. I remember it well.
If anyone needs a reminder, here.
And then I watched youtube TYT and the other pro-Hillary streams so I could laugh again.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
I think saying “Latinx” means “soy cabron”. It’s not like the use of gender in Spanish is some closely guarded secret.
OMG what do we tell our children?
How about – “the judges Trump is appointing don’t think I would have had a right to kill you in the womb. But don’t worry, I didn’t.”
“Not only is Trump a Bad Man, but many of his allies are Bad Men and Women. They wouldn’t even have let me kill you in the womb because of your race or sex, but don’t worry, I didn’t. I just think it is Very Important that I had the right to do so. For the sake of fighting bigotry.”
Sorry Eddie, the Supremes don’t like to overturn precedent. I suggest you will prevent more abortions through persuasion than you will by trying to utilize the power of the government.
“This is a list of decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States that have been explicitly overruled, in part or in whole, by a subsequent decision of the Court. It does not include decisions that have been abrogated by subsequent constitutional amendment or by subsequent amending statutes.
“This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.”
Under what circumstances should it be legal to kill a living human being? If the human being is in the womb? If he’s suspected of a serious crime and a mob wants to lynch him?
The lynching analogy again?
The comparison *is* unfair, because we know the fetus is innocent of any crime.
Lynch mobs generally target people whom they believe to be guilty of serious crimes.
Of course, lynch justice is injustice, they may have the wrong person and of course they don’t follow due process, which is why we call their actions wrong without pausing to inquire if the victim is guilty or not.
Of what crime is the fetus suspected? None, except the “crime” of existing, being inconvenient, being the “wrong” race or sex, having a disability, etc., etc.
*a caliphate with lots of drinking.
meant for below.
It’s also unfair — not that I think you are racist — to compare a black man who is walking, talking, working, raising a family, etc. to to an albeit living thing that may or may not be sentient, or possess the abstract and not easily defined quality of personhood.
It’s not that I don’t agree with you, Eddie, that abortion is wrong. Although I can’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Morals are informed by faith and intuition, not anything absolute, objective, or scientific. I think many things are wrong, but still shouldn’t be illegal. You are quite welcome to advocate, and strongly, against gambling, shooting heroin, or cheating on your wife. And I would applaud you. But getting the state to enact violence against those who disagree with your moral opinions is indeed a treacherous and slippery slope.
I’m thinking if I were pregnant (which is biologically impossible) that not knowing, I would err on the side of caution and not abort. Although it’s impossible to put myself, or fully understand, a woman in that situation. So I try to be compassionate towards others. In the same way, not knowing the state should err on the side of liberty. That isn’t a “pro-abortion” position. It’s an admission, that acting in good conscience, we simply do not know enough to force our beliefs upon others.
And that’s putting aside the pragmatic consideration, that banning abortion has never, and never will be, fairly enforceable.
“walking, talking, working, raising a family, etc”
A newborn baby doesn’t do any of these things.
So I’m not saying you’re for infanticide, but you just gave a good argument for a newborn baby having less of a right to life than an adult.
And as an anti-racist, I presume you would want to at least forbid abortions which are performed based on the race of the fetus or its parents, right?
I think a fetus that can survive outside the womb should no longer be subject to the mother’s decision to terminate the pregnancy any more than a she should be able to terminate the child when it is 3 months old. Or, rather, I think the decision should be consistent: if killing a pregnant women can result in a double homicide, then why is terminating a viable pregnancy not held to the same standard?
Why can CPS take away your 6 month old because they deem you unfit, but reverse the clock 7 months and they’ll let you straight up kill it without so much as a second thought?
“but you just gave a good argument for a newborn baby having less of a right to life than an adult.”
I didn’t.
“And as an anti-racist, I presume you would want to at least forbid abortions which are performed based on the race of the fetus or its parents, right?”
I’m opposed to such actions. Although, I severely doubt abortions are often performed based on such criteria. And my being opposed to something does not mean it should be illegal.
Regardless, you ignored the crux of what I just wrote, to nit-pick such objections. That shouldn’t be illegal either.
“Was I âsapientâ when I was a newborn?”
Once you feel the need to assure me that you don’t think I’m a racist, it’s time for me to point which side in this debate has the moral high ground – namely, my side, which does *not* want to legalize racist abortions.
time for me to point out
In what sense was I sapient as a newborn?
“Once you feel the need to assure me that you donât think Iâm a racist, itâs time for me to point which side in this debate has the moral high ground â namely, my side, which does *not* want to legalize racist abortions.”
My being polite would indicate the civil high ground. Not that it’s relevant.
I’m not saying I want to “legalize racist abortions”. You would need to hire Ray Bolger to play that argument. As we both know abortions are rarely, if ever, motivated by racism. What you don’t seem to get, is that everything by default should be legal, unless otherwise necessary.
While you very well might have the moral high ground in being opposed to abortion. You do not have the moral high ground in wanting the state to violently enforce those morals.
I am somewhat sensitive on racism accusations or “I’m not saying you’re a racist but” statements – if you call that polite I can call my statements polite.
Should abortions motivated by racism be legal, or illegal?
I’m pretty sure the two positions have been hashed out in regards to libertarianism:
1. The right to life is necessary to exercise any other rights. It is supreme and necessary for human liberty. One cannot be free if one is not alive.
2. A human baby does not emerge from an oyster, nor is it’s arrival non-intrusive to the rights of others.
My opinion is that a potential human being should be protected, but that, if the rights of the mother conflict with the rights of an unborn person, that person already alive and with a life should have precedent over a potential human.
A bird in the hand, as it were.
The fetus isn’t alive?
Probably won’t get a lot of notice on this late night thread, but I think we should move towards embryonic transfer, and away from abortion. A right to removal as it were. But that would remove a hot button issue from culture wars. Just think of the advancements if the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life movements would donate all the money used in this feud towards research.
“donate all the money used in this feud towards research.”
Of course it would be great if the pro-choicers could be divested of their most powerful argument: “you are slavers who would force a woman to carry an unwanted child for 9 months!”
Embryonic transfer would utterly destroy that argument – the woman who wants to “terminate her pregnancy” would only need to arrange an embryonic transfer, no killing needed.
But as far as moral equivalence between people who want to kill babies and people who want to stop the killing – with all due respect, that’s like moral equivalence between capitalists and communists.
Embryonic transfer is the future. Watch your kid twitch in plastic bag like these baby lambs!
Eddie, I try not to involve morality in politics other than ‘the first question’, does one own their own body. I see morality as ‘muh feelz’, which as we deal with the other side we see doesn’t yield logical answers. If I wanted to outlaw everything that morally repulses me, things would be a lot more like a caliphate than a libertopia.
With all due respect, what is your rational, non-feelz based explanation of when a human being’s life begins?
Once a human being is alive, then when is is justifiable to purposefully destroy that life?
MUH FEELZ base says conception, philosophy says after it acquires a human body and has brain function, after the first trimester. MAH LOGIC says, the woman has the right to remove the fetus or embryo, but not the right to intentionally destroy it in the process, thus servicing both, hence embryonic transfer.
Jill Filipovic’s totally rational explanation of why pro-life, anti-Obamacare policies are wrong:
“Under a Donald Trump presidency, sex is about to get a lot less fun.”
1) Define “life”
2) Define “human being.”
like I said, philosophically it cannot be considered a person until has a human body and brain function (although just having a human body may suvice, as the dead are granted rights) My whole point is, we can remove all this debate as long as the law says the woman has a right to remove the fetus without intentionally harming it. The removal would then become an embryo transfer to a willing mother. No one need feel anything was killed, no matter their definition.
So, to what species did I belong before I had a human body and brain function?
I think if that were a human fetus in that plastic bag it would be a LOT harder for anyone, especially women to stomp on it – er abort it.
It’s a lot easier to think of the fetus as an abstract because you can’t see it. I don’t think a blastocyst is a human being any more than a sperm cell, but once the brain develops it’s hard to say where consciousness begins.
“It doesn’t LOOK human” sounds like a feelz-based argument.
Never mind how I looked shortly after conception, was I human or not?
It is not about species, but what constitutes a human, philosophically and scientifically. Is a sperm a human? Is an egg a human? Is a sperm fertilized egg a human? What differentiates a sperm fertilized egg from other genetic material? What is the definition of human?
“Never mind how I looked shortly after conception, was I human or not?”
Genetically, you were human. Physiologically, you were a single-celled organism.
Neither is relevant, because morals aren’t based on biology.
“So where is the baby going to gestate? You going to put in a box by the corner?” Finally has a box in the corner where the baby can gestate.
You’d be Homo Sapiens as a blastocyst. But I think the “sapient” part defines when you are actually human.
I’ve always liked the idea of an aquarium so hipster male lesbian aeromorphs could take their fetus out in a stylish fish-tank stroller and show it off to everyone at the cafe and used clothing stores.
keep in mind, I’m saying all this as someone who absolutely feels abortion is murder; but I find it difficult to prove other than my feelings. So again, if there were a right to remove, not a right to abort, this would solve a lot of philosophical issues.
Check out p. 3 of this embryology textbook:
“From an embryologist’s viewpoint, there are also three main subdivisions of *human development,* [emphasis added] called period of the egg, period of the embryo, and period of the fetus. The first period, the period of the egg or ovum, is usually considered to extend from the time of fertilization until formation of the blastocyst and implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall about one week after fertilization [etc.]”
“But I think the âsapientâ part defines when you are actually human.”
Was I “sapient” when I was a newborn?
We’re talking law here, ultimately, so in words that would put people in jail if anything happened to this human, define a human.
Were you sapient when you were newborn? Excellent question. I don’t know. But with the information available I guess I’d go with brain wave function which begs the existence of a brain.
Again I’d be willing to agree sapience could start as early as the formation of a functioning brain. Default to the “thinking thing.”
again, I’m on you’re side, just trying to dance the lines. Why do you find it so offensive if we outlaw abortion and switch to a right to removal? What about that do you find offensive?
Maybe I was too quarrelsome when, in fact, you are opposed to the abortion status quo and would be considered a prolife fanatic by the Jill Filipovics of the world.
I don’t wnat to drive off anyone with a purity test.
There will be time for that argument once the Filipovics have been defeated.
Yes I would think right to removal would be the simple fix. Also allowing people to actually sell their fetus for this rather than abort it so PP can sell it off in parts.
Really, from the standpoint of a “prochoicer,” all of us are Handmaid’s Tale style misogynists and anti-choice fanatics, so I should really be content with that for the nonce.
Eddie, you prolly missed the post a few days ago where I said something like ‘we should have a talk one night, I’m a roman catholic who seriously thought about becoming a priest at one point, and you and I can talk religion and these sick fucks will let us”. But I did post it, and I did mean it.
Welcome to the basket of deplorables!
Oh, I remember, how about moving to Discord?
whats the link?
I’ll be at the glibertarians discord site for a few minutes to see if you show up.
I think
do you need a mic? I’m confused by flashing things.
I never turned my mike on, there’s a chat feature which I use
might have had too many drinks to figure it out tonight. perhaps another night.
I need to be to work in 8hrs anyway. Some people would say sleep is good.
good idea – good night
I brought up this third-rail issue of abortion because I can’t stand the insufferable attitude of “prochoice” people yammering about The Children.
“HOW DO I EXPLAIN THIS TO MY KIDS? Parenting in the Age of Trump”
Fuck. Fuck you, you self-indulgent, navel-gazing narcissists. Fuck you and your arrogance. Fuck your parents who brought up like this. Fuck all your college professors who fanned the flames. Fuck your publishers, your agents, all the bookstores that think your babblings are worth read.
I’m so fucking tired of all this bullshit that somehow November 8, 2016 is an evil that is greater than the combined disasters of the fall of Jerusalem, the capture of Constantinople, the fall of Ayutthaya, the western front in WWI, and Pearl Harbor put together.
Go buy yourselves an island somewhere, fuck yourselves into incestuous contentment and leave us normal people alone.
Your outrage at their outrage is violence.
Good. I’ve seriously run out of rational conversations to have with these people. The only recourse I see is to start banging their heads against walls until something shakes loose.
We all have those family members or coworkers that have managed to throw unending temper tantrums. It’s amusing. It’s also dangerous if these people get their hands back on the levers of power.
My boss, sadly, has covered the walls of his cube with Shepard Fairey posters and is attending marches.
I just leave him to it. He’ll probably outgrow it.
WTF is a Shepard Fairey?
Frank Shepard Fairey is a plagiarizer with a degree from RISD.
Hmm… That’s usually my first response.
Seriously, just laugh in their faces. Make them embarrassed for being such self indulgent little drama queens. Point your finger at them and laugh. Make them realize the extent of their self indulgent little temper tantrum.
Then turn and walk away, making sure they hear you mutter “self indulgent little shit”.
Some people get pissed at the drama queens and others laugh at them. I do both. The only thing you should never do is shut up and take it or, God forbid, join them.
One lady at work asked me if my Turkish relations were mocking Trump.
I took savage pleasure at pointing out that Erdogan’s purges had them keeping their heads down so they wouldn’t get arrested. My relations are very much antiIslamist, and have political connections that make them ripe targets for sweeps.
She did have the decency to look chastened.
White women, am I right? (ethnic audience applause) (assumption on my part)
I watched a clip where Ayaan Hirsi Ali says âI lived in countries that had no democracy… so I don’t find myself in the same luxury as you do. You grew up in freedom, and you can spit on freedom because you don’t know what it is not to have freedom.â
She’s pretty amazing.
I lived in the Bay Area when Bush won. If I had not already experienced this shit on an hourly basis for years, I’d be right there with you.
A song for Zardoz.
He likes guns but apparently he hates vegetables.
What, because he shoots them? By that reasoning, he probably hates meat, too!
I bet he hates other things, too
I’m just going to spend the rest of the evening getting more enraged:
Last line by the reporter: “That may explain his teamâs actions, but it doesnât justify them. Itâs a truly unfortunate way for a teamâs memorable journey to end. But itâs also a good lesson on the importance of making good decisions and acting responsibly at all times.”
You know, Mark Townsend, fuck you too you condescending piece of shit.
If you want to self-flagellate with more lefty sports garbage check out deadspin.
Nah, I think I got it out of my system for the night.
That’s not the lesson I took from it.
There is no explanation of who ‘Vin’ is and why they are taking pictures of young girls. Unless I missed something.
Why am I watching a video of the top 10 most icky sports injuries. You could literally hear Paul George’s legs snapping. Fuck.
On another note, I’ve developed a crush on a colleague. Damn yer Souf Effican accent and bald head!
Is Theisman one of the 10? I was watching that game and they just kept replaying it over and over. Ugh
I think that one is too well known. The #1 entry is Zednick’s throat slashing, which is….yeah.
Oh shit yeah. That was…terrible. Like, a lot terrible
oh fuck, that was terrible.
a few mma ones make me cringe.
Those South African accents are pretty amazing. Many years ago I had a ‘beach lover’ vacation fling on a Thai island with a SA gal. I can still mentally recreate the lulling of the crashing waves, her running her fingers through my hair while we were on a hammock together, listening to her, not caring what she said, just loving the sound of her accent.
Nope, I listened to too many sad country songs already, I don’t want to see one re-enacted on screen.
Silva is douchebag. Hard to feel too sorry for him.
Maybe not feel sorry.
But maybe feel like a leg shouldn’t bend that way, dear lord
Ah jeeze…Leslie Smith’s ear! GAH!
Hahah, I just watched that. Jesus, you can see it flopping about. I was so hoping her fist connected with the chick she was fighting.
Are you both single?
I’m semi-single. No idea what his status is. I generally try not to develop personal feelings for colleagues. Not that I have never had a crush on a colleague before, but it’s rare. My livelihood only comes in second to family in my life’s priorities.
Does “semi-single” mean you can fool around in the back of a sleeper cab? Anyway, I guess it depends whether it’s something that can get you in trouble at work, or not.
This guy and I don’t work in the same dept, but it’s a small company and I wouldn’t want things to be awkward. I’m single in the sense that the squeeze and I have a very loosy-goosy relationship, and he’s on the road a lot, so I’m not naive or nothin. Wouldn’t cheat, though. The crush guy is also waaaaaayyyy out of my league.
I think my situation became much closer to single today.
Not sure what’s going on.
Sorry to hear that, dude đ
Thanks. It’s what it is. We are too far apart to keep going. a lot of unnecessary stress.
It’s about the pineapple, isn’t it?
she is a godless heathen too.
OK. If you would consider it cheating, don’t do it.
I called dibs first. DIBS. Dibs on Kristen. Not excited about the Kibbled bit, not even sure what that means, but I did call dibs.
Full disclosure, Kristen, I am being told off via text message by a girl who’s upset I blew her off because I wanted to hang out at the house drinking alone.
Also I hope you’re chill that I drink alone.
I thought we all did that.
Not all. Went to pool party last night. 200 people. Saw a friend from University 20+ years ago. Ran up behind him and put him in a headlock and lifted him off the ground. Everyone looked horrified. How the hell was I to know he had a twin brother? And that twin has zero sense of humor. Thank god I’m a foot taller than him.
Did you smack him several times in the ribs until he went all quiescent, then whispered in his ear how everything is okay now?
Does he really play without a pick?
You’re not drinking alone, you’re drinking with us!
Rorschach is more of a so-con than a libertarian.
No Nancy Kerrigan?
THat was on one of the other top tens from the same YT channel. Sports controversies or something.
anytime anyone requests a Y on Wheel of Fortune my mom screeches that. I guess if something makes you laugh…
Yer ma sounds awesome!
You know when seeing other people laugh makes you laugh even though you didn’t find the thing funny? My dad had MS, and my mom and I would take him to all his appointments. So Many many appointments. Well, one day we getting him ready to go to the doctor and he asked, “Which doctor?” Then my mom said, “haha, Witch Doctor, we’re talking you to the Whitch Doctor!” They both laughed so hard at that, they were laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe. For like 10 minutes. My mom still laughs if I say ‘Witch Doctor”.
Yer Ma and my Ma sound like similar personalities. When my parents got their first sailboat, my Ma named it Blew Bayou. Because one time my grandpa farted, and my Ma said “that one really blew by you”. She was a Shaolin master level punner.
My parents and I took care of the daughter of a woman who was friends with my sister for about a year while this woman was in and out of mental care. She was about 8, slow for her age. But after a while we could tell she was speeding up mentally when she started to not only get our puns, but started making them on her own.
If you like balds, I’m trending that way, and I’m quite good at accents. On the injury front this was awesome to watch live.
THat’s pretty badass…RGIII did something similar and he was never the same.
that’s great. related?
couldn’t find footage, but there was a touchdown Favre threw when he clearly had a concussion.
To be fair, there’s no way to tell concussed Favre from normal Favre.
You just made me believe more of the CTE stuff must be real. Clearly that is why Favre went to the Vikes.
*narrows gaze*
Normal Favre throws more passes to the other team than his own.
*Favre, proud owner of NFL INT record
Packer fan has a sad, remembers how it ended with the Vikings, has a happy.
Now I’m on to Russian car crash compilations. The squeeze and I have a trifecta for those – snow, bad Russian music, and a bitchy woman on audio.
It’s the meteorite videos that really make me appreciate the Russians.
Russian dash cams are good for so many entertainments, much funs.
What do you even say? What can you even say? These people are so good to us. So unimaginably good to us.
I’m so happy for your shitty insurance situation that you need to record your every traffic incident, but please keep recording for the benefit of mankind.
Also, continue learning English. Because God knows we’re not going to learn your awful squiggly alphabet.
You can buy pieces of that meteorite. I have one.
THe sonic booms are awesome!
I love Russian car crash compilations. Especially when the women squeal at seeing (or being in) an accident.
I have Live PD on the TV and Dan Abrams just said “police in RIchland county are after someone with some serious wood” I LOLed
(it’s a guy walking around with a big piece of of a bed frame)
He and Emma Sulkowicz would make such a good couple. Until she…well, you know.
Not injured but ouch!
At :34, Rugby League player breaks arm.
Did anybody post this Florida Man story yet?
‘Sugardaddy,’ 73, seeking ‘sugarbaby’ banned from Florida beaches
“Basaraba told the newspaper he’s been careful not to hand the cards, which he recently ordered, to anyone under 18.”
Sounds fair.
Learned the hard-won lessons from OMWC.
Here’s the pat that got the popo involved:
Damn hormones in the milk, that’s what it is. I mean, look at that fifteen years old girl over there. Yeah, the one with great big young firm titties and oh my God look at that ass!
Some old pervert could ogle those girls!
The cows are not what they seem!
You can do that, just don’t put it on a business card. Or did they ban Rupert Murdoch, too?
“Keep in mind that this is New York weâre talking about. The âlong-feared government round-up of civilian firearmsâ began here after the passage of the SAFE Act and it hasnât slowed down. By October of 2014, the New York Times finally got the state government to admit that they had suspended the Second Amendment rights of more than 34,500 citizens. How many of those people have actually had their guns confiscated? Nobody knows for sure because no matter who you submit a Freedom of Information Law request to in Albany you get a response saying that they âhave no records matching your request.â (Believe me.. Iâm one of the people who tried repeatedly.) But New York is still confiscating guns and theyâve been doing it for at least four years now.”
So when will the sheriff be surrendering his service weapon?
I overheard a private conversation and I want those people punished.
For all we know she’s lying, and made up the entire thing out of whole cloth. She’s done it before.
Barry was unavailable for comment.
AA said they didnt find anything
Hell Some people did the math.
So Lena Dunham Tweeted out at 3 A.M. that some AA stewardesses said some wrong thoughts about trans people. The problem is that AA shuts down at around 1 AM at JFK. So the allegation is that some AA stewardesses were walking past the Delta terminal at 3A.M. and having a loudly heard conversation about trans people.
That doesn’t quite pass the smell test.
“The dumbfuck, who said he has recently been inspired to take on more ambitious projects that will âreveal this administrationâs treachery for all the world to see,â noted that he was particularly excited about an upcoming âResistance Cabaretâ that he is arranging with several of his equally stupid friends. According to the colossal dope, the evening of music, dance, and short theatrical pieces will conclude with the performers duct-taping their mouths shut and wearing the names of GOP lawmakers on signs around their necks to send a âpowerful messageâ to Republicans complicit in Trumpâs agenda.”
Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist
Hahahahaha! Good plan.
Yeah, let’s go for Maxine Waters as Speaker of the House. We’ll get 9 seasons and a movie of the Trump admin out of that one.
At first I wanted to laugh and say “Yes! Please! Do it!” And then I got a dejas vu flashback of Clooney mugging for the camera begging Trump to run for GOP candidate.
There’s no way Maxine Waters is anything but a race baiting clown, is there?