Hey, sometimes the comedic well runs dry. Maybe the news today will inspire me. Probably not, we’re in a dull stretch.
WRONGTHINK! WRONGTHINK! (Unfortunately, when reading the actual document that has caused the outrage, my impression was that it was reasonable, well thought out, and well expressed)
Personally, I find the whole PUA thing rather dull and stupid. But I will admit that this is a novel variation.
Jew-Related story from Berlin:
The holidaymakers were spotted by officers on a routine patrol Saturday snapping smartphone pictures of each other posing with the banned gesture outside the historic landmark in the heart of the German capital.”A probe on suspicion of using the symbols of anti-constitutional organisations was opened against the two Chinese men, aged 36 and 49,” the spokeswoman told AFP.
You know who else saluted outside the Reichstag?
Jumping To Conclusions 101 and Getting Ahead Of Facts 310 seem to have become required courses at modern journalism schools. A few minutes reading this website would perhaps cause reporters to think a little bit, but hey, that’s crazy-talk. One could argue that it isn’t a matter of lack of thought but rather deliberate propagandizing, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have a good counter-argument.
When I left California after spending most of my adult life there, I couldn’t ever imagine going back. But this is tempting…
If there was even any doubt in your mind that modern Progressivism is just Old Puritanism, stories like this should convince you.
And finally, music, from what might be my favorite album ever.
You know who else saluted outside the Reichstag?
Dutch arsonists?
You know who else dispatched Roman Warship to the North African Coast?
Threading fail.
(crosses arms, taps foot, looks at watch)
Ok. Ok. Rick Gilmored it.
Hey now, I owned up to it down thread
Gotta protect my trademark
You’re a pierogi fest?
Interesting. What a mess. And unsurprising.
About that German ship . They pick up refugees and dump them off in Italy? No wonder Italians are upset.
Hey, no mention of how Obama and Hillary (the Dynamic Duo of Derp) helped make that mess.
General Zhukov?
I’m awaiting the total and paradoxical rage from the left over a private city, based on MJ. It should be terribly entertaining.
I’ve already seen it; it was a faction of the “no” vote on the legalization initiative. Corporashunz man!
Regarding the Google memo, I think the leak will backfire on whatever proggie who sent it to the media. Normals will read it and think, “What’s the big deal? This sounds totally reasonable.”
I concur. I gave it a quick perusal and it seems rather even-keeled. But Google is a giant bubble in which people live, eat and breath Silicon Valley crazy.
I’ve decided to chalk it up as one of those things I’ll just never “get”, but can anyone explain like I’m 5 why every technology company, inundated as they are with the ostensibly more libertarian and rationalistic STEM culture, is wholly bought into the whole SJW thing? I mean I understand cozying up to the left politically in some regards, like net neutrality, that have tangible benefits. But the tech sector has been the leading voice rather than a lagging indicator on most left wing social issues.
Once a company has gotten to maturity and has become part of Leviathan, it is co-opted. Google is as establishment as it gets. I mean FFS, if you can afford a seven figure “Vice President of Diversity, Integrity & Governance ,” you’re not exactly leading edge any more.
True, but I mean this stuff is just as prevalent in startup culture. Some of it is probably forced by the VCs, but there seem to be a lot of true believers as well.
There’s plenty of that crap in corporate consulting culture. There’s no end to the self-appointed experts proclaiming that diversity is the key to profits, because…. well.. if you have to ask then you’re a racist.
Every HR department I’ve come across is a poisonous bureaucracy. Their programs are ineffective and they are awful at doing their primary job of hiring.
Hiring is not the primary job of modern HR departments. Their primary function is litigation-avoidance.
OMWC hit it on the head. That seems to be job #’s 1, 2 & 3 for the HR department at my employer.
The primary purposes of HR is to keep employee records, manage benefits and payroll. EG Nikes has robably 70 to 80 % of their HR personnel doing these r
Tasks. Hiiring is much smaller part of most big companyS HR and so is employee relations (complaints etc)
Their primary function is litigation-avoidance.
As somebody who works in the legal department of one of those SV tech companies, I can unambiguously say that they’ve failed miserably if that’s their job. Our new litigation attorneys use employment lawsuits as a quick way to get a lot of experience in civil procedure and in negotiating settlements because there’s always a critical mass of disgruntled former employees shaking the company down for $50-100k apiece.
Large HR departments
My guess is that as the tech sector has matured, it’s gone from celebrating individuals and non-conformists to just the opposite. Also, the tech boom of the late 90’s brought a lot of people to California and incubated those and the industry to an increasing amount of leftist nonsense just as California has moved leftward. Going straight out of 16-17 years of SJW education into a communal hellhole without having any sort of other perspective as well. Hell, the author can’t just tear down the waste of Google’s diversity program, he has to do his struggle session too.
“it’s gone from celebrating individuals and non-conformists to just the opposite”
1st scene in Silicon Valley with Dick Gregory at the TEDtalk.
It’s the chiefs vs. the indians.
The sort of people you’re talking about are not the ones running things at the top. Honestly, this reminds me a bit of a story I once read written by a college professor who had been around for a long time. In the beginning, the professors were the administrators* at colleges. But they were spending more time administrating than teaching or doing research, so they decided to hire a small administrative staff to lighten the load. But before too long, the administration grew and started calling more and more of the shots. Eventually, due to both internal and external factors, the administrators ended up in charge making the big money while the professors were left with little say in how the school was run.
While the story glosses over a lot of the details, I think it’s broadly true of tech as well. If you’re doing the technical work, you don’t want to be bothered with management tasks. They’re distracting, often pointless, high-stress/low-reward. But, as often as not, somebody has to do it (whether because it is essential to the business/organization or because the bureaucracy demands it). The demand for good management is far outstripped by the supply of good managers. Once a management culture gets established, it becomes self-reinforcing.
* = Broad strokes, and note the self-serving nature of the story
Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy
“In any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions.”
Having worked a project in Los Gatos since January, I can attest that there is no crazy like Silicon Valley crazy.
Only five months to go on this contract. Then I’m going to take off like a big speckled bird.
Unfortunately, most people will never read it. It took digging on my part to find it; the news stories are more focused on the total outrage and deliberately misrepresent the contents.
Here’s an excerpt from Google’s HR Chimp’s response:
IOW, she absolutely refuses to engage the argument on its merits, declaring its ideas out of the bounds of discourse, and thereby neatly proving the author’s point.
Sounds about right. I know if someone had a concern similar to this gentleman’s at my company, corporate would tell them to fuck right off, albeit in nice HR speak.
In all seriousness, this is exactly why I don’t use my real name or identify my employer when I write about anything dealing with politics, sociology, or philosophy. I’d be booted out the door by some Vice President of Inclusivity at warp speed. The nice HR Speak would be, “We wish him the best in his future endeavors.”
I’m not at a high enough level to worry about that sort of thing, but I hope I am just vague enough to keep any doxxers off my trail.
No kidding, having views like those expressed in that memo can be a career limiting/ending move even though they’re entirely reasonable. That guy’s going to get moved out the door and I don’t want that to happen to me.
When you say stuff like this
clearly you’re worse than Hitler.
Viewing the world this way deprives the democrats of electoral power, so you’re absolutely worse than Hitler and possibly worse than Satan.
Damn – you’re talking almost worse than Nikki.
You should Quit instead of hiding in Fear, it doesn’t look good on you
At Stinky /thread fail
“OMWC has decided to spend more time with his family and his candy van.”
And my question is, have they thought through what the logical response to this is? From a purely self-interested perspective, I’d suggest that the smart response is to this nonsense is to mouth all the right platitudes about diversity and the need for progressive values in the industry, and only hire white or Asian males. The law and most corporate policies give you a wide berth on hiring. You can say, “Gee, we really looked for a hispanic lesbian for the role, but we just couldn’t find one in time.” and you’ll pretty much get a pass. It’s only once you’ve actually hired them that you need to worry.
You have to be mindful of the bullshit disparate impact stuff. You can mouth the right platitudes to deflect attention, but all it takes is some disgruntled interviewee who didn’t get a call back to lodge a complaint. The larger your business, the more susceptible it is to a bias claim. All they need to show is that the racial/sexual/whatever makeup of your workforce doesn’t match some hypothetical candidate pool distribution (in the worst case, this is the distribution of the population-at-large, your actual business needs be damned). The Supreme Court has put a lid on some of the worst of it, but employers remain lawsuit-averse and it’s easier to give in than to fight.
Yeah, always remember that the plaintiff’s goal (and more importantly, the plaintiff’s lawyer’s goal) is to collect, not to prevail at trial. And contingency only works for plaintiffs.
That’s true. But, it’s also true that contingency fee lawyers only pursue cases they think they have a good chance of winning. The sort of case you’re talking about has no upfront evidence to support the claim. Just a random accusation of a rejected candidate. Taking the trial to the discovery phase of pulling hiring records represents a significant investment on the lawyer’s part. Most are going to pass, especially when even the actual plaintiff acknowledges there were people of multiple races working in the office.
I find it very disturbing that y’alls careers would be ruined simply because of your personal opinions. That’s creepy as hell. The progs truly are a cult.
Cults dont seem to be as popular as they once were. We dont even have the Moonies anymore. I guess the culty personality people find all they need in being a SJW.
I am fortunate in that I can tell the whole world to go blow it out of their ass if I choose and wont affect me one whit.
The one benefit to self employment is that the boss is an asshole, but he’s your kind of asshole.
‘I guess I have to plead to the Big Asshole my case for a raise!’
/Begins talking to himself. Argument ensues. Neighbours look on distressed.
Cults haven’t fallen in popularity. Actually, I’d argue they’ve risen in popularity. It’s just that what cults look like has changed for the most part. People still think of cults as things like the Branch Davidians, insular religious offshoot groups with wacky beliefs. While those are examples of cults, they’re not the only types, and people’s belief they are has made it easier for them to fall for other types of cults.
For the sake of clarity, I am defining cults as organizations that rely on and encourage cult thinking in members, and rely on Dr. Arthur Deikman’s definition set forth in his book “Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in American Society” of cult thinking as being characterized by six identifying factors:
1) Speaking of adversaries and outsiders as if they are all the same, characterizing them by negative traits only. Attributing negative traits to them, but not to oneself
2) Lacking interest in information concerning the actual statements and actions of opponents or outsiders
3) Failing to consider the possible validity of an opponent’s point of view
4) Not taking a critical look at one’s own position
5) Disapproving or rejecting a member of one’s group for departing from the group position. Devaluing the dissident, regarding them as an annoyance or a problem
6) Feeling self-righteous
By this definition cults are going very strong today. BAMN for example exibits all of the signs of cult like behavior, as do the Climate Alarmists. Another interesting thing to note is Deikman found that one thing that made people much more likely to fall for cults is thinking they are smart. Not necessarily actually being intelligent, just thinking that they are, specifically smarter and more rational than others, so in their minds there’s no way they would fall for actual cult thinking. They’re often wrong.
What’s “BAMN”?
By Any Means Necessary
Damn i thought it was going to be like PAWG
Big Ass Minnesotian.
I was suggesting just that. That the progressive movement has soaked up all of the culty types and so there are none left over to form Moonies or the like.
You are forgetting /pol, reddit, and subs to big youtube streamers. Those folks display all kinds of cultist behavior. Then you have traditional conservative cults like christianity and it’s myriad flavors.
Christianity ha a pretty wide spread of ideologies from untrained-conservative Opus Dei (although they do a lot of socialist stuff as well) to the AME ultra-liberal Evangelical sects.
“neatly proving the author’s point”
I never stop being amazed at the lack of self-awareness of the SJW squad.
Anyone with the power to project like they have, can’t possibly be self-aware in the slightest.
Wasn’t there a story just the other day that a woman sued a male coworker for saying women were over-emotional, because it had caused her to have emotional distress?
I mean, if you are trying to prove the point, job well done…
Socialist countries with universal control of propaganda, history, teaching, and the media still managed to create a bunch of people who hated socialism. It looks to me like former citizens of socialist countries hate socialism more than anyone else.
I’ve heard it said when the communists finally fell in Czech it wasn’t a shock because almost nobody believed in it. They would just say the words necessary to signal allegiance to the ideology because they thought many people in power believed it.
I think the PC ideology is dragging itself along at this point with fewer and fewer true believers.
I think you’re definitely right about the impossibility of accomplishing true intellectual hegemony, and how that’s the ultimate Achilles heel of SJW thinking.
They simply *can’t tolerate* any dissension at all. they’re incapable of making rational arguments, so they simply throw anything non-orthodox into the Wrongthink bin. What this means is that the more successful they are, and the wider their ideas spread throughout social groups and institutions, that they are having to ‘repress’ even the most minor variances of views. Which results in them having to endlessly scale up the need for repressing-behavior, which simply causes more dissent.
Its like the Evergreen nonsense. Ultimately when they get too-hegemonic, they end up eating their own and the whole thing turns into a Lord of the Flies clusterfuck of recrimination.
Basically its doomed to collapse because they don’t have any self-correcting mechanisms or means of absorbing different points of view.
Perfectly said.
They remind me very much of the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution. Their two driving ideological forces were paradoxically orthodoxy and radicalism. The more revolutionary you were, the more committed you were, and therefore the more righteous and more powerful within the movement you were. But it was also important to maintain orthodoxy; advocating for moderation of any kind meant that you weren’t fully dedicated to promoting the spirit of Mao Zedong Thought. There was a very narrow band of permissible belief, and it was measured against the most radical people in the movement.
That’s a good recipe for pushing a movement as far in a given direction as it can go in a very short period of time. It’s also a great recipe for shedding adherents and burning out. The Red Guards were ultimately put down by the PLA and many of them were sent into the countryside to be “reeducated”.
“I found that it advanced incorrect assumptions”
There it is. Case closed.
It has a reasonable premise, namely that Google should be worrying about performance and profits instead of arbitrary quotas and ideological purity tests. However, the author supports his premise with some stereotypes of his own that are suspect, as well as ignoring pretty much anything outside of the left/right paradigm.
Leave the higher thinking to the enlightened progressives, the conservatives will pick up the slack.
Or, “The world needs ditch-diggers, too.”
“Nice try”
-Lacy Underall
The document has provided ample opportunity for the faithful to signal their outrage. In that sense, he has helped the pro-diversity teams career paths.
Bonus Nikki grammar violation….
Translation-Needz moar witch hunt and firings.
The comments on the article are a complete dumpster fire. I wish I could go back in time 20 minutes to slap !myself in the face for wasting the effort trying to find a rebuttal to the Google memo that isn’t RHEEEEEEEEE! Good link OMWC
Here’s a story with some humor potential:
Indiana and Pennsylvania towns fight over “Pierogi Fest” trademark.
IP for the debate, and food, because glibertarians love talking about food and drink.
Sounds like some variation of Sayre’s law
Too broad, no trademark for either. Win by having yummier pierogi.
Oh, so we can expect lawsuits to be filed from every city from Houston, TX to Gulfport, MS against each other for the exclusive rights to “Crawfish Fest”?
Why can’t one be “Crawdad Hole” instead?
(Or perhapd Courtney Love has the rights to that one.)
That’s cray-cray!
yuck weird european food
just think of it like a vegetarian wonton.
“The Whiting-Robertsdale Chamber of Commerce registered Pierogi Fest as a trademark in 2007.”
I checked, and it’s true.
A few years later, there was a trademark application for the “Pittsburgh Pierogi Fest” but it was abandoned a few years later, and anyway, their claim was the phrase *PIttsburgh Pierogi Fest,* not the term “Pierogi Fest” alone.
There was apparently a separate registration for the “Pittsburgh Pierogi *Festival*” and again, they only claimed the phrase in association with the name “Pittsburgh.”
Apparently, the people in Indiana claim the right to the term “Pierogi Fest” independently of the name of any town or city. Slick.
But I’m not sure if they can get away with it, unless they can show a risk of consumer confusion.
“Hey, I though this was the Whiting Pierogi Fest!”
“This is Edwardsville.”
“I thought the Whiting Pierogi Fest had moved to Edwardsville.”
As a last resort, will Edwardsville rename their event the “Edwardsville Pierogi Festival” like Pittsburgh was able to do?
So many questions…
To be clear, “Pittsburgh Pierogi Festivl” was kosher. Just not “Fest,” apparently.
Uh-oh, on the bottom of this Web page the promoters of the Pittsburgh Pierogi Festival slip up and call it a Pierogi Fest.
Send in the lawyers!
(PS – that was a joke, I wasn’t actually encouraging retarded litigation)
Something something purity of essence.
+1 grain liquor and rainwater
You ever see a Communist drink cannabis infused water, Mandrake?
I first discovered the sensation after the physical act of love.
Harvard getting sued over AA, but not in the way most of us would have imagined, I think.
I wonder if CNN has ever framed gay couples suing on anti-discrimination grounds or minorities represented by the ACLU in, say, voting rights and housing cases as having been “recruited” by activists.
Or, say, when the Brady campaign recruits the relative of a victim of a mass shooting to sue the gun dealer, and then hides when said relative is forced to pay attorney’s fees for the gun dealer when the judge throws the case out due it to being completely frivolous…
Do you have a link to that story? I’m interested. It totally sounds like something the dirtbag Brady Campaign would do.
Most recent one.
Or all those kids “suing” over environmental legislation.
Grrr…. that those lawsuits are thrown out and the legal costs attached to the filers along with a tongue lashing telling them to thank their idiot parents.
The local school district thought it was a good idea for students to watch part of the proceedings. Can’t just do the three R’s. Nope, must indoctrinate them that that horseshit is acceptable.
*that those lawsuits aren’t thrown out and the legal costs attached to the filers along with a tongue lashing telling them to thank their idiot parents. is a a testament to how far the rot goes.*
“I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks”
House Republicans push for contempt charges against CFPB director
Oooh, my mouth is watering.
Here’s an idea… just repeal the authorizing legislation and kick his and the rest of the staff’s worthless asses to the curb.
What I don’t get is what the CFPB is supposed to do to remedy actual injustices (e.g. outright fraud). For decades now, we’ve had the Truth in Lending Act, the Fair Credit Billing Act, and a plethora of other laws that make it explicitly illegal to charge the borrower anything that was not laid out in the contract.
You know who else dispatched Roman Warship to the North African Coast?
You, in Comment #1?
Apparently. What are we calling that? A GILMORE?
Hm. I left a comment that since seemed to disappear. What kind of DNC racket is going on here anyway?
What I said was….
Interesting. What a mess and not surprising.
As for that German NGO boat piking up refugees and dumping them off in Italy. No wonder Italians are annoyed.
Other than that, let’s take a moment and thank Obama and Hillary for their part in creating the mess in Libya. Meanwhile, The Puke goes around jet-setting, while The Cunt continues her ‘trail of tears’ tour. I’m staring to think maybe I don’t like those two.
Well it’s a Marxist website, so…
It could have ended up in the Spam filter. SP and I have been baffled about the criteria used by WordPress to do that, and we’re not always diligent about going in there to look.
Given the quality of my comments I don’t blame WP!
Piking up “refugees” sounds pretty medieval.
You don’t have to date a refugee.
It would stem the flow of refugees pretty effectively.
Missed the post-midnight discussion.
Sooooo, from a libertarian perspective, does the development of artificial wombs change anything in the calculus of the pro-life/pro-choice position? Assuming that the adopting family was willing to put up all costs, etc – even post-facto…
If this was a legitimate option, what is the right of a woman to say – “I don’t want my child to be adopted” – and therefore to terminate to terminate without any other regard?
Quote from one of the “brilliant” pro-choice legal minds arguing against this development:
from a libertarian perspective, does the development of artificial wombs change anything
From a libertarian perspective, the real disruptive technology was the Fleshlight.
I have seen too many of those things to even think of them as sex toys.
Sex bots.
That’s your answer for everything!
Mine is sexbots AND whisky!
You actually paid attention to the abortion of a sub-thread?
I just scroll past that stuff.
I’m planning to do that in the future.
If natural conception were completely done away with and we started growing people in those pod towers from The Matrix, the abortion debate wouldn’t change one fucking iota.
I wonder if people in the matrix argued about abortion. And since it was an interactive simulation, I wonder if aborted fetuses actually died while in the pods when their matrix “parent” aborted them.
I know, I know. That question is almost as stupid as the movies themselves. But I already knew you’d ask that. Or did I?
Let’s ask Tumblr, they will surely have an even handed answer
I have no opinion about artificial wombs other than to note that Aldous Huxley is a contender for the World’s Most Successful Prophet title.
It should , but it won’t. I think too many prochoicers are as opposed to being responsible for a child as they are to carrying/delivering a child. Otherwise, why the insistence on late term and partial birth abortions?
Yeah, but they wouldn’t be responsible for it once it was given up.
If the females in my offer are representative of some women then ithe would also be that the slippery slope argument that ANY limitations to abortion will immediately lead to banning abortion.
Effing autocorrect
Good News Everyone! We (cishetshitlordgilbs) are not the worst WYPIPO
Say what you want about the Catholic guilt complex, but at least all the self-flagellation eventually results in absolution.
There is absolution for YT in this paradigm, simply admit that you always have been and always will be a racist and start voting democrat, never interrupt a POC or speak louder than them. Do what Woke people say.
Or, you could just commit suicide. This has additional upsides of 1) never saying anything so you can’t disagree, even accidentally, with an official aggrieved victim, 2) your carbon footprint disappears and 3) you vote democrat forever.
It’s truly impressive that a flagship paper for a movement can decry the largest friendly outgroup and then wonder at the lack of popularity of said movement
Ugh. That guy.
I’m trying to come up with a black equivalent of ‘WYPIPO’ but I pronounce my words properly so it’s not easy.
/light dead pan smirk.
I’ve got a couple of people on my derpbook feed who use it unironically, but I don’t hang out with them in the meatspace
Ironically, growing up the slang for the target audience of The Root around me was (and still is) “Canadians”. As in, “Oh, great, I just got a table full of Canadians. They’re not gonna tip for shit.”
I found out that among MD police and people who know them the term is #1, from the radio code for African-American. That’s insulting on a number of levels, really.
Taleeb may be a raging egomaniac, but the man makes me laugh.
But she worked so hard to get that title…
Interestingly, the NYT has the same policy- only medical doctors and black leftist clerics are referred to as “Dr.”
but what about Dr John and Dr Lonnie Smith?
Meh I think Taleeb is full of himself (and a honest quantity of shit as well) and not as smart as he thinks but he makes occasional decent points and is entertaining.
BTW – thank for yesterday’s article (I was out most of the day and didn’t read until the thread was dying).
Immigrants denied credit by Wells Fargo may sue bank, judge says
The good news is we’ll get to subsidize the people who run up enormous bills and then run back to Botswana or wherever.
Nigerian princes hit hardest.
The fedgov is attempting to centralize all banking by all but making it impossible for banks to determine their own risk factors when making lending decisions.
It’s not racism to refuse a loan to anyone that is not a permanent resident. Because it would equally apply to people from any other country, and would not even address skin color.
Somebody should ask that judge if she’s racist for assuming every person that is here and not a permanent resident is some shade of brown.
Did they work for DWS?
I hope they lose.
Not immigrants, illegal aliens. Just wait, as soon as a bank does approve credit to people here illegally, bank regulators will be all over them for Know Your Customer violations and/or FATCA non-compliance.
IANAL, but if two laws conflict, as apparently is the case here, wouldn’t the more recent hold precedence?
Only if the courts admit the contradiction. It’s illegal to discriminate on the basis of immigration status when hiring, but it’s also illegal to employ somebody without authorization to work in the U.S. So you can’t refuse to hire that temporary work permit holder just because his authorization is up in less than a month and you don’t think it will be renewed. But you can’t keep him on the payroll for any meaningful amount of time, either.
If only somebody had warned them!
BET warned us all six years ago.
#FIGHTFORFIFTEEN (so our union contracts become more lucrative)
The solution is obvious. When the black teens get fired, give their social security numbers to illegal immigrants who will do the job for less money, thereby securing the black teens’ financial future. Then give the illegal immigrants refundable tax credits to normalize their substandard wages. Hire 500,000 career counselors to coach the black teens until they are black retirees. Pass single payer so that neither group has to worry about bankrupting themselves when they need medical attention.
Get out of my head, Charles
4-Year-Old Girl, Grandfather Drown in Neighbor’s Pool
4 words. Common. Sense. Pool. Control.
Ugh, thanks for the nut punch.
Owning a pool with toddlers is terrifying at times. Every time Banjos lets the dog out the back door and that alarm goes off, I race to make sure it wasn’t a kid finally figuring out how to unlock all four locks and heading out for a swim.
I know better, since there’s pretty much no way they could figure out all four and generate the force required to open the door. But it’s scary as hell all the same.
Two words:
Electric. Fence.
A couple of years back when there was an ‘epidemic’ of kids drowning (epidemic being defined as ‘a couple of kids is one too many’) that’s exactly what one radio host predictably demanded. He wanted people to have to get a special permit to have a pool with regulations to determine if they were competent to have one. I’m serious.
The retardation was breathtaking.
Man, that’s really close to me.
Teach your kids how to swim. Not being an asshole here, but I got my daughter into a pool before she could even walk reliably. In terms of just being able to save your own life, knowing how to swim is a simple thing. I can’t know that she’ll never fall into a pool somewhere, but I can know that she could swim to a side and climb out if she had to. Besides, we’re surrounded by water where I am. Everyone either owns a boat or knows someone who does. There are creeks and streams and rivers all over the place, never mind the Chesapeake Bay. It still blows my mind when I hear someone who grew up around here say that they don’t know how to swim.
Nancy Maclean, Duke historian, sees that Naomi Klein did pretty well with the whole Koch Conspiracy and writes her own book about *gasp* libertarians.
Problem is that in defense of her book she comes close to libeling some people who are still living and they’re having none of it.
Meanwhile, the real libertarian conspiracy continues unabated.
Don’t these people ever get tired of beating on straw men?
Not while it’s profitable
Strawmen don’t fight back, so…
I’ve never gotten tired of… oh, not a euphemism. Never mind.
Telepathic Conspiratorial Consensus. And reiki too.
I did not read the book but some criticism were pretty damning – and with clear highlighted paragraphs. And all the defenses I read were bullshit -basically kochspiracy and repeating unsubstantiated claims in the book – so I tend to believe the criticism.
The most amusing defense was one that said critics were making a logical fallacy – absence of evidence is evidence of absence – when they say her claims have no evidence … Some people heard of logical fallacies but don’t know how they work
She hadn’t *disproven* the possibility that she’s a North Korean agent trying to discredit freedom.
(cited only as an example of logical fallacy)
+1 Journolist
Only an academic could tie modern libertarianism to Calhoun while ignoring Spooner. She is just another Bellesiles.
::polite applause::
In one comment as I sorted through several critical articles there was:
Bellesiles: Well, no one will ever make those mistakes again.
MacLean: Hold my beer.
“What I’m saying is many of the critics come from similar backgrounds — they are libertarians who trained at or are employed by the very institutions I write about in my book.”
She’s a hack (and a bitch) then.
One of her sharpest critics is Mike Munger…. who is @ Duke, just like her. And Duke is also the host of the “Political Institutions and Public Choice Program (PIPC)”, which is one of the leading PhD programs for public-choice research.
She’s basically suggesting her own school is run by the Kochtopus.
MacLean is a Koch funded hack, ergo everything she says is wrong!
Refute that progs.
I’m not saying they called each other up and planned a series of critical responses to my book. What I’m saying is many of the critics come from similar backgrounds — they are libertarians who trained at or are employed by the very institutions I write about in my book.
Pay no attention to the legitimacy of their criticisms, they’re coming from people who I’ve identified as UNCLEAN!
This is the same bullshit the mainstream media uses to “discredit” everything James O’Keefe has put out recently that clearly shows a coordinated effort at rigging elections.
Yeah, it seems to be becoming pretty standard issue in the Democrats’ table. I guess if you can’t pound the facts or the logic, pound the table.
I had to hold back my vomit at Christmas when this book was given as a gift and everyone passed it around oohing and aaahing over “how interesting and informative” it would be.
Someone REALLY needs to write a book about big money on the left (public sector unions, superPACs, George Soros, Tom Steyer, etc.)
Calling American of any color ‘Canadian ‘ is worse than slavery.
Failed coup in Venezuela:
What’s up with the inability of various militaries to stage a good coup nowadays? First Turkey and now this.
The would be juntas are staffed by the survivors of previous purges and therefore are less competent than those who could have stepped in prior
Oddly that seemed to have been the case of the Chilean junta of 1973.
Meh. False flags giving pretense for rounding up anyone who even thought of dissent.
So just like Turkey in this regard as well.
Morons, you start by physically grabbing the levers of power and the current government leaders.
Pinochet knew what was up
10,000ft AGL?
No more tears, only gravity
‘I thought leftist could fly’, although turkeys and leftist do share many qualities.
So they should’ve grabbed the few remaining pallets of toilet paper?
I’m still pretty convinced the turkey drama was ginned up to create an excuse to crack down harder.
Probably the same deal here
Yeah, I thought the military was totally on board with La Rovolucion. The idea that some part of it is “resisting” is not plausible.
i expect more attempts soon.
One quibble about what is apparently part of that Goodle memo:
(quote begins)
Left Biases
Compassion for the weak
Disparities are due to injustices
Humans are inherently cooperative
Change is good (unstable)
Right Biases
Respect for the strong/authority
Disparities are natural and just
Humans are inherently competitive
Change is dangerous (stable)
(quote ends)
With the left in practice, I don’t see a lot of compassion for the weak. Or at least there’s a *lot* of exceptions – fetuses, immigrant business owners targeted by “social justice” rioters, people who are non-diverse politically, young women giving interviews about their dissenting views and getting punched on camera, etc., etc.
As for openness and support for change – in many areas the general left attitude seems to be support for stasis, not change.
I don’t think right-wingers as a whole think *all* “disparities are natural and just” – sometimes the attitude is “ilfe sucks, suck it up and don’t punish innocent people for the suckiness.”
As for right-wingers being “closed” – does this mean closed-minded? Because Haidt’s research showed conservatives thinking in six dimensions while lefties thought in two or three.
And conservatives while they respect thei *concept* of authority to the extent it’s part of their belief in rule of law and due process and business autonomy from government, etc., they can be brutal against the wrong kinds of authority.
That was my point as well above. You don’t advocate for treating people as individuals by defining your own stereotypes and calling for equality of opportunity among them.
Yeah, thanks for pointing out where he seemed (at least on the surface) to be suggesting that conservatives be the hewers of wood and drawers of water,
I’ve seen this a few times with claims that these self created traits correlate to political positions. This strikes me as very susceptible to circular reasoning. Define your “traits” by political positions then test how often those traits appear in those political positions.
Also, I have no faith in the idiots who conduct that sort of work.
If leftists believe that humans are naturally cooperative, why do they favor a strong central government with heavy regulation of everything from economic activity to social behavior? And why can’t humans be both competitive and cooperative?
Trump could be gone by February, according to some guy named David Stockman
Stockman makes his living being a contrarian.
I’d vote Contrarian, but they never do what they say they will.
Shut up, they do too!!
*narrows gaze*
Right. Just like he was going to lose the primary, lose the general election, resign before the inauguration, resign after the inauguration, get impeached within 6 months, ….
This Seems like a legit use of force.
*doesn’t know this game*
fuck. you edited it.
How come they get an edit button, but we don’t? I thought we were supposed to all be equals in our new home? Guess some are more equal than others.
What can I say? The faeries love me.
Wait, that came out wrong.
I thought, based on the link address, that the story was going to be about policemen shooting a knife-wielding man in a Santa Claus suit.
The real story is boring-er, since it’s only a man in a Santa Rosa suit.
Santa Rosa
That’s the dude that goes around on Valentine’s Day and gives out flowers to all the fat girls who don’t have anyone, right?
Shut up! They have John, don’t they?
Unless…John is Santa Rosa. Hmm…
John de Santa Rosa de Arlington: patron saint of lonely tubbos.
I like it.
way to cnn, time.
That’s an impressive case of intentionally de-contextualizing something for a zinger. Holy shit, that’s bad.
These leftists must feel that they’ll never be targeted for violence as a result of their calumnies.
That they continue to disparage political opponents with lies is fascinating. It isn’t real to them, apparently, that Trump won the election, and that he is the political safety valve. It is almost comical that they are doing everything they can to remove the one guy who is keeping the unwashed masses from saying “screw it, let’s burn it all down and start over”.
It’s because they don’t believe in a safety valve, people will come to heel and be broken of their wrongthink, that’s all there is to it. That most people get restive when pressed with such options doesn’t seem to concern them.
There is in fact a way to bring a specific group to a groveling heel. But I think they lack the technology…
Power Tops?
Comments are derp, imagine that
What irks me is that more and more people seem to believe the anti-fracking bullshit even though the evidence is as thin as it ever was. The latest I’ve heard is “it has to be doing something bad!” which reminds me of that AGW canard, “we can’t possibly pump all that carbon into the atmosphere without some kind of effect!”
One commenter noted the URL is TI.ME. Much as I can’t stand the left this may be bullshit.
The sea was never blue
The Greek colour experience was made of movement and shimmer. Can we ever glimpse what they saw when gazing out to sea?
Homer used two adjectives to describe aspects of the colour blue: kuaneos, to denote a dark shade of blue merging into black; and glaukos, to describe a sort of ‘blue-grey’, notably used in Athena’s epithet glaukopis, her ‘grey-gleaming eyes’. He describes the sky as big, starry, or of iron or bronze (because of its solid fixity). The tints of a rough sea range from ‘whitish’ (polios) and ‘blue-grey’ (glaukos) to deep blue and almost black (kuaneos, melas). The sea in its calm expanse is said to be ‘pansy-like’ (ioeides), ‘wine-like’ (oinops), or purple (porphureos). But whether sea or sky, it is never just ‘blue’.
iron sky sounds cool.
you know who else thought… some fins making a bad movie
OMWC, incorrectly.
Speaking of sky, greetings from Big Sky country. I’m in West Yellowstone, Montana right now. Finally saw Old Faithful for the first time in my life yesterday. Check another off the bucket list.
Yes, apparently seeing colors is learned. Not every culture learns the same colors. The same is true for almost all of our perceptions. The one example that sticks in my memory was an african bushman who had never been out of the jungle (only ever seen objects from a few feet) on his first trip out and upon seeing elephants out across a plain asked “What kinds of bugs are those?”. He thought they were small because his brain had never learned scale across long distances.
That or the bugs in the jungle are huge!
*lightbulb comes on*
I never thought of that!
I have difficulty buying that colors are learned. And the African example sounds just as suspect. He would have surely seen other humans greater than 20 feet.
Yeah, “brain had never learned scale across long distances” sounds like hogwash to me. No offense, Suth 🙂
Agree. That’s folksy Bulls hit tall tale stuff. Dude lives in a forest and never had to look up in the branches for food? Plus bushmen live in areas huge wide open spaces for the most part. Google bushmen and see the dearth of foliage.
-1 Empty Coke bottle
I have difficulty buying that colors are learned.
The distinction between blue and green in East Asian languages is a modern phenomenon brought on by interaction with other cultures. Even today the colors are seen as interchangeable in many contexts (e.g. traffic signals).
*Shaken Fist*
Then why would the colors of their ceramic and porcelain work be so consistent? Sounds unlikely and like junk science IMO.
The Wine Dark Sea
Derek Jacoby does anot amazing audio book of the Iliad and Odyssey. Every time I see that turn of phrase I hear his voice saying it.
wikipedia has an interesting article about how various cultures handle naming colors.
You Need to See These Hooded Grebes Perform Their Bonkers Mating Display
A new film offers a rare glimpse of the critically endangered bird’s dazzling courtship moves on the windswept plateaus of Patagonia.
I wonder why they are endangered. The grebes that live here are absolutely, completely inedible. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make them palatable.
I found this out the hard way. When you see coonasses NOT eating something, trust me, it’s for a damned good reason.
Hooded, huh? You mean like the KKK, you racist?
-1 (Missed opportunity for a circumcision joke)
“hey watch these birds fucking”
“Personally, I find the whole PUA thing rather dull and stupid. But I will admit that this is a novel variation.”
Where muh pics?
Oh, here:
Why the need for measurements down to cup size from the dago cops?
Also, those high-waisted shorts make me less sympathetic.
Those dimensions are wrong!![Are wrong!](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/IMG_2261.jpg)
So, pregnant women are your fetish, Sloopy?
I got over that fetish more than two years ago.
That’s a different person.
“It notes the British model’s details as ‘Born in UK; Abducted in Italy; Held in Germany; 19 year old; Caucasian; 34DD-25-35; Beginner model; Starting bid $300,000. Auction takes place 16.7.2017’.”
Oh. Well that still doesn’t make sense since all British women have big ol floppy titties. Page 3 taught me that.
Yeah, no shit.
That whole case stinks to high heaven. It all but removes agency from someone and leaves open the door to criminally charge anyone for making suggestions, even if distasteful.
He decided not to have a jury? Nice lawyerin’, dude. She’s not a cop accused of abusing suspects, you know.
I’m sure he figured a judge would stick to the law, and be less likely to be swayed by emotion.
He wildly misjudged the concepts of agency, free will and personal responsibility.
again, not to rehash the long sidebar from yesterday…
…but the reasoning the judge applied seemed to borrow far more heavily from the notions of ‘neglect’ and ‘inaction’. The charges stemmed less from what she said and more from what she *didn’t do* after having inserted herself deeply into the guy’s process of suicide.
iow, he treated it more like watching someone choking to death and doing nothing…. not like someone going, “here, eat more, you’ll love it”.
It’s indeed a bad precedent to be setting. What if someone habitually goes on suicidal rants, people get used to it and start to disregard it, then one night this person actually does commit suicide? Are people going to be held responsible?
With that said, this woman is a total fucking dirtbag. She’s probably going to end up as a fucktoy for some burly lesbian stud in prison.
If the sex trafficking accusation is proven, then convict him and send him to the galleys.
I dunno. When he found out she was a mother of a young child he accompanied her to the consulate and confessed his crime. Dude sounds a bit off of his rocker to me. I am guessing he was off of his meds.
I said *if* it’s proven – and I think that would include criminal intent which (without knowing Italian law) is probably negated by insanity.
I wish the assure the gentleman’s lawyers that I’m not assuming his guilt simply because the cops say he’s guilty – I’ll see what the courts say.
with *to* assure
It was a pretty well planned operation for an insane person to carry out.
I actually trust Italian courts in comparison to Italian cops and foreign journalists. The courts haven’t definitively weighed in yet.
If they say he’s guilty, to the galleys with him!
It only took them five years and a dozen trials to get the right verdict in the Amanda Knox debacle. I’m a little more skeptical of their efficiency than you are.
+ various jailed seismologists
“I actually trust Italian courts *in comparison to Italian cops and foreign journalists*” [emphasis added]
“Don’t use a red bandanna or red hat (rival gang colors)”
So they don’t want to Make America Great Again?
Janis Joplin hardest hit.
Those Fuckers Tagged my Garage AND my Van last night,
No women in the gang.
Uh-oh. Can’t we just bring them down via the EEOC and public shaming?
WRONGTHINK! WRONGTHINK! (Unfortunately, when reading the actual document that has caused the outrage, my impression was that it was reasonable, well thought out, and well expressed)
My company is hiring a new VP. At a dept meeting, someone said it’s going to be another old white guy which led to much sighing from everyone else in agreement. Then they talked about another high level hire and lamented that was going to be another old white guy too.
I don’t understand it. What is this obsession with race?
“I wish people would just think. What is a community organizer? Do they build schools, hospitals, or town halls? Do they bring communities together or do they stir up resentment and agitation to divide people? Community organizers dont organize communities, they destroy them.”
– T. Sowell on Barack Obama
Ten years ago I had the impression and heard lots of think-pieces affirming it that racism was dying. Racism as it existed then was the lowest it had been ini my lifetime. Lots of the younger people didn’t even give it lip service.
Nice going idiot Obama voters. Welcome to your post-racial America.
That’s terrible, hell, toxic. I work for a mid-size finance company & I can’t imagine the conversation going like that. We have the usual HR nonsense but among the ranks it’s just not woke at all.
What pisses me off the most is that people today have this idea that there’s some correct racial blend that every organization should have, and any deviation from that is automatically seen as a terrible injustice that has to be remedied with the force of law. Actually, let me specify: you must have >X% of minorities. In other words, there’s an upper limit on how many white people you can have.
Diversity means fewer white people. I’ve heard white supremacists say that, so I really hate to echo it, but it’s true.
It’s disappointing. These are otherwise talented and accomplished individuals, not just ivory tower nobodies.
This wasn’t too bad though. It’s harder to bite my tongue when the conversations on 2nd A spring up. Apparently the right to keep and bear arms means keeping them a government controlled facility where they can only be signed out for target shooting at said government facility and then back in the locker they go.
“Woman convicted of making false rape and sex assault claims against 15 men”
She’s so fat, when she fell down and broke her leg gravy poured out.
i just used up my “mean laugh” quota for the day.
She’s so fat, she has more chins than a Chinese phone book.
Is it any surprise that when you make heroes out of victims, you’re thing to get fake victims? Sometimes guys will pretend to be special forces or spies which is douchy but it doesn’t get people thrown in prison.
I watched FOX this morning. Blah, blah, blah. Same old outrages.
But- Rachel Bade. WOOD.
*I’ll be grinding my axe
What is this obsession with race?
What is even more striking to me is- how can people whose lives and livelihoods are dependent on an organization be so indifferent to keeping it as efficient and competitive as possible?
The idiot in ‘useful idiot’ isnt there by accident.
“A vegan cafe charges men more than women and gives female customers priority seating, claiming the measures address the gender pay gap. Handsome Her, located in Brunswick in Melbourne’s inner north, is the brainchild of self-styled ‘big greenie’ Alex O’Brien who calls her cafe ‘for women, by women.’ The unique establishment aims to address the gender wage gap with the 18 per cent man tax and start a conversation on the issue.”
Sounds to me like they will soon be having a conversation on the issue of bankruptcy.
Meh, it’s vegan. 90% of their customers probably think it’s awesome. I’m sure their Social media is full of post about how they are “doing something” by going there.
I would like to see them sued so we can show them the absurdity of suppressing freedom of association. But I’m sure they’ll think that somehow their special.
And when they fail who will they blame?
Take a wild guess.
I support the owner’s right to do this–celebrate that right, even. They should be able to do what they want with their own property.
The real crime is that it is a “vegan” cafe.
I propose a new Constitutional Amendment: “the right of individuals to self-segregate shall not be infringed”.
Why not just amend the whole thing to itself, maybe a few copies in a row. That’ll do the trick.
Portlandia already did that
Nice gimmick. Judging from the pic, their food is nasty, so they need one.
So if my wife picks up the check, the bill is 18% less, right?
The thing I don’t understand is how they expect to give women priority seating when they have no male customers?
I started watching Westworld, I’m 5 episodes in so my thoughts are based off that.
I’ve seen a lot of handwringing about AI and sexbots this past year and I think it may stem from the show. Nobody cares about this shit, now it’s amoral question that must be addressed even though neither exists in any way that’s interesting and won’t for the foreseeable future. I can’t say if that show brought on this newfound concern but I suspect it did by getting people thinking about those questions and sharing their thoughts with people who don’t watch the show.
Politics is downstream of culture, and political opinions appear to be easier shaped by cultural influences, even fictional ones than by political debates.
I didn’t know it was a series. I remember when the movie came out. I was around 10 and was very very excited about the future. I’m pretty disappointed at the lack of sexbots.
I think it also has to do with the fact that a couple of companies have started to produce significantly more realistic sex doll.
Honestly, to me, I’m intrigued by the idea. With a sophisticated enough AI, you could have a “sexbot” that is, in a lot of ways, a better companion both inside and outside of the bedroom. Imagine having a girlfriend who is a genius, whose personality adapts to perfectly mesh with your own (including some optimal level of challenge), whose interests perfectly match yours, who keeps an immaculate house and has a gourmet dinner and whiskey and soda ready for you whenever you get home. Oh, and she never minds your hanging out with your friends and never throws anything in your face.* It’s a pretty attractive alternative.
* Obviously this is from a guy’s perspective. But, I can’t imagine there wouldn’t be some ideal guy that women could order to meet their needs.
Where is the challenge in developing a relationship? Because that should be pretty important.
I’ve worked for people and had people work for me. A virtual “yes man” would be just as bad as a real “yes man” in a professional setting. Having that at home from a partner seems terribly predictable and boring.
Having that at home from a partner seems terribly predictable and boring.
As I suspect it would. Which is why I even noted “including some optimal level of challenge”. That’s something that could, at least in theory, be programmed in or have a program to adjust and develop based on feedback from the owner. And said challenge could be delivered in a more effective way than nagging or criticism.
You should check out the movie “Ex Machina”.
I won’t lie, if I die of old age before I’m able to bone a pornbot on the side I’ll be dreadfully disappointed. I could see them being like a Tamagotchi that swallows. But I don’t really see them as ever being a real replacement for a romantic relationship with an actual human being. Like you say, there’s no challenge. When you have a relationship with someone who doesn’t have to be there, you know that not only have you done enough to make them actually want to be with you, but they think you’re worth the effort. It’s special because it could fail.
A lot of the anti-sexbot people seem to be feminists. Just like with prostitution, sexbots will compete with them for male attention, which makes them terrible, bad, and misogynistic. How are these strong, independent women who need a man like a fish needs a bicycle supposed to be strong and independent if they aren’t getting alimony/child support from their ex husbands because they never got married to them since the guys got what they wanted through sexbots that won’t divorce rape them? As these get closer to becoming a reality, we’ll start seeing bigger pushes from these types about how “this just promotes men seeing women only as sex objects and not people, so we must ban these now!”
this just promotes men seeing women only as sex objects and not people, so we must ban these now!
See my comment above. In many ways, they’ll be better people than the feminists complaining about them.
I propose a new Constitutional Amendment: “the right of individuals to self-segregate shall not be infringed”.
“The right of fools to be foolish shall not be infringed.”
Also known as “The Digital Underground Amendment” or “Doowutchyalike“.
Now I feel like dancing.
“For starters, it predated the transatlantic slave trade by at least 800 years and has outlived it for 150 years and counting. Whereas the bloodthirsty hallucinating pedophile sandworm Muhammad (c. 570-632) owned both male and female black slaves, European explorers didn’t even begin dipping their beaks into the African human-cattle trade in large numbers until the 1500s.
Roughly three centuries later, Europeans and their American descendants took it upon themselves to put the kibosh on slavery. In contrast with Christendom, there was never a concerted Arabic abolition movement, and slavery was only formally outlawed in the Islamic world due to intense outside pressure. But slavery still openly thrives in places such as Mauritania and, on the downlow, throughout much of Africa and the Middle East.
If you count human bodies equally, the Arab slave trade likely shackled at least as many Africans as the transatlantic trade and possibly twice as many. Although early documentation is scarce due in part to a deafening lack of written languages below the Sahara, historical estimates range from a low of eight million to a high of 25 million. In contrast, the general consensus is that around 11 million Africans were transported to the New World—yet only a mere 5% of those wound up in what is now the USA, although the USA gets 100% of the guilt-tripping.”
“If you count human bodies equally, the Arab slave trade likely shackled at least as many Africans as the transatlantic trade and possibly twice as many. ”
Whut? Predated by 800 years? Chattel slavery was the norm in most of the world and certainly Africa and in the middle east since the dawn of time. The people sold into slavery in the US are not even statistical noise. Also, there are more slaves in the world today than at any time in history.
Yeah, guilt tripping the west – people who ended slavery- is absurd.
I tracked my family to a rural village in England that is listed in the Domesday book. It was interesting to see that half of the villagers were counted as slaves.
Your reparations check is in the mail.
/looks at FB crooked.
So? I can demand you make me a sammich?
Arabs and North Africans would capture and enslave Europeans as well.
That’s why it’s so fucking goofy to be bickering over who owes who reparations for things that happened hundreds of years ago.
+1 Mameluke sword
It was going on in Sudan for a thousand years including well after the end of slavery in the US. The colonials tried to stop it and didn’t have much luck for decades. It took off again during the civil war (1983-2005). Granted there has always been inter-tribal slavery that no doubt goes on to this day in S Sudan, but Ignoring the Arab slave trade of modern times while piling the hate on the west/mainly the US as the PC police like to do is indeed a big bunch of bullshit.
So when checking OMWC’s music selection on YouTube this video shows up down below. Coincidence?
Lyrics probably NSFW.
“A landlord who late last year evicted Salon from its New York offices for nonpayment of $90,000 in back rent is now trying to force the digital publisher to pay more than $700,000 for the unused portion of a five-year lease that is slated to run through September 2019.”
meh, most of them work from home anyway. Also, sugar-daddy ex-Adobe CEO picks up all their bills
I’ve never been a big fan of Adobe products. Their software, at least originally, was very intrusive.
Still is. I won’t use any of their stuff.
Maybe Steve Jobs’ widow will buy Salon and save them from bankruptcy.
So feminist are always pointing out how horrible men are (Neanderthal Peter Pan rapist) which is an objective statement that men are different than women. Evidently that statement is only true if women say it; if men say it, it’s untrue.
I finally figured out that all of that proggie gibberish is code-speak. You hear something but that isnt what they are saying at all.
On one hand, feminists say that they believe that the sexes are equal and any differences are just “social conditioning”.
On the other hand, they have no problem saying things like “women are more assertive”, “more empathetic”, “better at multitasking,” etc. It seems to me that if women are better at some things, men are better at other things, yet I’d be branded a vile misogynist if I said that men are better at analytical thinking, judicious and impartial decision-making, or maintaining their emotional composure. Even a statement about the difference in physical strength would attract a few jeers.
It’s the Althouse rule on writing about gender differences: “If you do scientific research into the differences between men and women, you must portray whatever you find to be true of women as superior.”
I thought the Althouse rule on gender differences was “Just because I have an Adam’s apple doesn’t mean I’m a man!”
Neanderthal Peter Pan Rapist. Great idea for a comic series. Or T shirt.
I have a question.
Just saw Maxine Waters on the teevee. She was asked what would be done about Mike Pence if Trump were impeached. The look on her face told me that that had never occurred to her. The ‘Impeach!’ crowd thinks that if they can get rid of Trump somehow Hillary will be president? Waters is now claiming they will impeach Pence as well.
My question: What causes an entire political movement to lose it’s mind. This has happened many times in many places but I dont think a major political party has gone completely insane here in our country, has it? What is the cause of this?
I would guess a combination of these things:
– An emphasis on feelings and murky ideas of “fairness” over facts
– Expulsion of any group members who voice any contrary opinions, resulting in a highly concentrated mass of the most extreme people
– The emotional shock of having their golden boy president in office for two years, expecting Hillary to “continue his legacy”, then being totally blindsided by the victory of the Trumpster
I think a lot of it has to do with modern media. Wasn’t that long ago we got 24/7/365 cable news which has magnified the tard. Fox news really pissed them off because they were reporting stuff that they weren’t “supposed” to. The internet and social media have magnified the tard exponentially. If course it also means that their losing control of the narrative that much more which is really infuriating to them. You’re not supposed to question or argue, you’re just supposed to obey. People aren’t, and that is unacceptable. Now they’re trying to use those same tools to discredit, lie about, and shame dissenters back into line.
Look at the Nazis. WWI devastated the country and the clusterfuck relations Germany had with the rest of the world drove them into poverty and even in some places/times to famine. It isnt hard to see how the country could go off the rails and end up with the Nazis. In most places where this crap happened it happened because of extreme pressure and stress.
We simply dont have that and yet half of the country has become unhinged. We have always had nuts, of course, but what is happening now is not like anything I have seen before.
Is this the product of an increasingly corrupt and incompetent ruling class slipping from power? The throes of a dying animal? If so, it is long overdue.
It seems more akin to a child throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his way.
Is this the product of an increasingly corrupt and incompetent ruling class slipping from power?
I think it is exactly a product of a corrupt and incompetent ruling class. Maxine Waters being right up there on both those counts. She should have been ran out of congress over what she did during the housing melt down to protect her husbands bank. Complete bullshit and she should have not only been admonished by the ethics committee but she should have been removed from office and sent packing. Have they ever impeached a sitting congressperson over corruption and abuse of power? I am not aware of it if it has happened.
Add to that the bureaucracy that is supplying the majority of the leaks now because Trump is not one of them. The entire establishment, including the civil service is corrupt and incompetent. Trump threatened to roll back some of their power and regulations and they have gone to war with him.
This has happened many times in many places but I dont think a major political party has gone completely insane here in our country, has it? What is the cause of this?
Becoming the kind of party that would trot out Maxine Waters as their spokesperson?
I think part of the issue is that the GOP has become so dominant in American politics that, really, all you have left in the Democrats aisle is Democrats from solidly Democratic districts. And, if anything, telling the Democrats in those districts that impeachment of the Evil Trump won’t bring us the Golden Age of Hillary is actually a political loser. Telling them that trying to impeach Pence after impeaching Trump would ensure GOP victories through at least 2020 (and plausibly 2024) would get you labeled a Republican apologist.
I think losing the Presidential election was such a big shock, they refuse to accept the results. Trying to deny reality makes people crazy. Let’s say for example, one of your children died. At first you might not want to believe it happened, be angry, depressed, etc. But eventually your emotions would stabilize, and as a rational person generally surrounded by other rational people, you would accept it. The rest of your family wouldn’t let you pretend your child wasn’t dead, or go on thinking you could do something about it. The difference here, is that these people live in a bubble filled with emotionally unstable, irrational people, who feed off of each other. The intense pressure for conformity within that group leads to an illusion of invulnerability and immunity to outside criticism. The same illusion of invulnerability and immunity to outside criticism they had before their candidate lost. So according to their group beliefs, Donald Trump can’t be President. Except the reality is that he is President. Hence the insanity.
In all of the examples I can think of (nazi germany, soviet russia, communist regimes around the world) this kind of crazy is brought on by extreme pressure; war, poverty, loss of national pride, disease, famine etc but we dont have any of those things. No one here is starving. You can get work if you really want it. You can be anything you want if you try. There is no impending doom. The American dream is as accessible as it ever was, maybe more so.
There are always going to be nuts but most people keep at least one foot on the ground. That doesnt seem to be the case now. Is progressivism really that poisonous that half of the country has bought into it and lost their minds. All of the left’s boogeymen – racism, misogyny, global warming, the dreaded patriarchy – are illusions. None of that shit exists here in this country and yet half of the country is going around with their hair on fire about it.
It just doesnt make any sense to me.
In all of the examples I can think of (nazi germany, soviet russia, communist regimes around the world) this kind of crazy is brought on by extreme pressure; war, poverty, loss of national pride, disease, famine etc but we dont have any of those things.
I’m almost inclined to wonder if the absolute absence of those things can bring about instability. I mean look at the people pushing the extremism. They aren’t even the poor or disadvantaged in our society (those people are too busy trying to build a life for this). They’re largely college educated, from middle or upper-middle class families, and whose greatest material concern is whether they’re going to have to wait a year for the price of the latest iPhone to come down.
But, it’s precisely this demographic that’s been told that they’re special, that they’re more enlightened, that they deserve a trophy for showing up, and that anyone who disagreed with them was just ignorant, redneck white trash. And for the last decade, they’ve had an executive branch that’s been happy to deliver them their trophies and a legislative branch unwilling to intervene. Now, not only are they faced with a complete loss of political power, but an executive specifically backed by the ignorant, redneck white trash that their subculture told them they could look down upon.
You may be on to something there. Lack of pressing concerns is like boredom to children – it’s the devil’s workshop.
You want an example of what I’m talking about? Consider this. And yet people like Lindy West think they’re somehow or another entitled to the respect and honor we reserve for astronauts, the children who won’t put their capital on the line think they’re entitled to the fortune of a Warren Buffett, and the student who majored in Oppression Studies thinks we should be impressed with their accomplishment.
They’ve done nothing, achieved nothing, and have merited not even a passing nod of recognition. Yet, they’ve been brought up to believe in their innate superiority and that all mankind should bow in awe of their magnificence (okay a little hyperbole, but you get my point).
The funny part of it is that the kids from this generation who would be considered “deplorables” by this lot are often really good kids.
Another commenter here used the term “civil rights protest LARPing”. I think that’s what’s going on as well. Young people have been taught that the civil rights protesters of past generations were heroes (and yes, they did fight some good fights against blatant government discrimination). But today, there’s no evil racist/sexist boogeyman to fight, so they have to invent their own enemies. This results in an ideology that teaches that boob jokes are on par with forcibly raping women; that saying “all lives matter” is the same as enslaving Africans, and that thinking there are only two genders is equivalent to pushing gay people into gas chambers.
TDS is a moral panic. The people who were convinced that Satanic Ritual Abuse was a real problem, weren’t under any sort of extreme pressure such as war, poverty, disease, famine, either. However, they were under intense psychological and social pressure. Anyone who disagreed was an evil denier who hated children. Sound familiar? People who face such real problems, such as those in the Third World, don’t have the luxury of having imaginary problems. The belief in the Left’s more absurd bogeyman is a mental disease of affluence. Not that the Right doesn’t have their bogeymen as well. The U.S. is richest country in the world. Americans can indulge trivial or non-existent issues, because they can afford it.
Sound familiar? People who face such real problems, such as those in the Third World,
Africans in Tanzania still kill albinos for their association with witchcraft.
In the Middle East numerous groups like Hamas still think the Freemasons are somehow the masterminds behind society.
And this is, of course, ignoring European historical idiocy like peasants who thought the Jews were responsible for crop failures and used children’s blood in rituals.
People with ‘real problems’ are just as capable of coming up with insane horseshit. The difference in the West currently is a matter of platforming. Namely, resources like the internet allow these people to congregate and consistently reinforce each other’s delusions.
Yes, people with real problems are quite capable of coming up with insane horseshit. They just have far less resources to indulge their insane horseshit.
Wait… you DON’T kill albinos in Canadiana? Do you not chip your gingers either?
Bear in mind that there are people who want Maxine Waters to run for president. She, in a sense, is one of the intellectual lights, or “thought leaders”, as they’re wont to say, of their movement. And those people vote.
The TRUMPUTIN will gitcha if ya don’t watch out
White resentment put Donald Trump in the White House. And there is every indication that it will keep him there, especially as he continues to transform that seething, irrational fear about an increasingly diverse America into policies that feed his supporters’ worst racial anxieties.
If there is one consistent thread through Mr. Trump’s political career, it is his overt connection to white resentment and white nationalism. Mr. Trump’s fixation on Barack Obama’s birth certificate gave him the white nationalist street cred that no other Republican candidate could match, and that credibility has sustained him in office — no amount of scandal or evidence of incompetence will undermine his followers’ belief that he, and he alone, could Make America White Again.
Good grief. These people must tell their children TRUMPUTIN will come in the night and devour them if they don’t pick up their toys, or refuse to eat their broccoli.
And to think this is what passes for “serious thought” in the “paper of record”. Amazing watching them swirl down the drain like this.
They just had big layoff recently. With half the editors they had before the quality of their reporting will surely get better.
Self-delusion or outright lying?
Those are not mutually exclusive. The number of outright lies I have seen about the man are truly breathtaking. Many of those lies are clearly the product of delusion, like this one.
What is the unemployment rate now? Oh look, 4.3%. Stock market is setting record after record. People are starting to gain confidence in the economy. Apparenly Trump is smashing regulations on a daily basis, so much that many of the slugs and leaches in the bureaucracies are complaining that they dont have anything to do. He isnt firing as much as he is thinning them out by attrition. People can breath again.
Yeah Carol, you dolt, white nationalism is what will keep Trump in the White House. Keep telling yourself that.
What causes an entire political movement to lose it’s mind.
They have had the rug pulled out from under them. They have been shown, in the rudest way, that the political bed time stories they have been telling themselves for more than a decade are nothing more than fever dreams. They thought they had won the culture war, and remade America in their own image. Not so.
The news showed Trump blabbering away at some political rally this morning. He made some statement about having pulled off the “greatest political victory ever” or some such. I have no doubt all available Team Popular Vote President’s numbercrunchers will rush to the barricades to deny that with every fiber of their beings, but it’s true.
Who seriously expected that goofball to win the election? And yet, there he is, jumping on the couch, spilling chocolate milk and scattering cookie crumbs all over the expensive rug in the Oval Office. It’s a fucking outrage.
“For things to be dog whistles the dog has to be able to hear them. If you think the average American heard cosmopolitan and said to themselves, “by gosh, Martha, he called that ol’ boy a ‘cosmopolitan.’ That’s exactly what Uncle Joe called the Jews back in ’46. You know, that Acosta feller does look mighty Jewish, don’t he?” your experience in dealing with Americans is a lot different than mine.”
PS – I’m familiar with the Soviet term “cosmopolite,” and I once had to clarify that my reference to “cosmotarians” wasn’t the same as “cosmopolites.”
Said the same thing earlier in that blood and soil thread. The left is guilty of this all the time seeing boogeyman and coded terms everywhere because that is what they do with their new speak and redefinition of common words and phrases.
I listened to an interesting program about a guy who was a medic at Normandy. He said Saving Private Ryan got close to recreating it, except the beach should have been covered with body parts.
The seas were rough that day. When troops were climbing off the ships into the landing crafts, so me guys lost their grip and fell into the water. If that happened, they were pretty much guaranteed to drown because of the heavy packs they were carrying.
There were amphibious tanks that were supposed to help clear a path, but a lot of them didn’t make it to shore because of the waves. They’d flip over and if the crew couldn’t get out, they drowned too.
Bombers were supposed to hit the bunkers right before the landing, but there was heavy cloud cover right over the beach. The bomber crews were instructed that if they couldn’t see the target, they were supposed to count to 3 once they saw the ships, then drop the bombs so they wouldn’t hit the landing troops. As a result, most of the bombs fell about half a mile inland.
I had a great uncle that was there. He didn’t talk about it much. The one time he did all he said was “It was really surprising how accurate their fire was, them being so far away.” He wouldn’t go into detail at all. He didn’t have to, I knew what he was saying.
That’s one of the things that made Omaha beach so deadly. The bombs were also supposed to create craters on the beach for the men to shelter in. Without them they had no cover from German defenses, and were sitting ducks as they came ashore.
I dont know which beach he landed on or even which wave he was in. He never would say. Two of his cousins were in the pacific. One ended up in the Bataan Death March. The other one told me he went 390 days (I can never remember the exact number) “never outside the sound of gunfire”.
They all survived and came home. None of them ever talked about what they had seen and done. None of them would touch a firearm. The BDM one was the craziest, meanest old bastard I have ever known. It really fucked him up.
Only two more of my family after that; my mothers brother went to vietnam and then me. I never saw anything like what those guys did but I saw enough to know to get out.
No way in hell was I letting my son go.
The medic from the show said that when he was getting discharged, they asked him if he had an medical problems or didn’t feel right. He was already having lots of flashbacks and nightmares, but he said he was fine because he just wanted to get out of the army as quickly as possible.
He ended up having nightmares for about 60 yrs, struggled with alcoholism, and nearly wrecked his marriage. He did end up as a successful comedian. I forget the guy’s name, but the name of the radio show is Home Town Heroes.
After I graduated from basic training, I went to the Fort Sill artillery museum with another guy from my training class. There’s a big area outside the museum that has all kinds of cannons from all over. Many of them were captured in battle. There was a North Korean cannon. The other guy saw the bullet holes in it and I said that they probably shot it up and killed the crew before they captured it. He was shaken by that. He joined the army to be a medic and the thought of killing really didn’t sit well with him. Most of the people who go to Fort Sill are in the pipeline for medical jobs. The rest are for artillery or military intelligence.
My dad told me he knew a guy in the Marines who was a sniper in Vietnam; he said that every night when he goes to sleep, he sees the faces of all the people he ever killed. The guy eventually died of some alcoholism-related problems.
Sounds like most “I know a guy” stories. Marines do such a good job turning you into a sociopath toward the enemy I don’t think most of them lose any sleep over killing individual enemies any more than they would from shooting a deer.
Honestly i think it is more likely hippie propaganda that anything more than a small percentage of combatants have problems like these. Vet affairs report 10% vets have ePTSD. Take out all the sick, lame and lazy vets it’s probably half that.
All the men I’ve met who I know for a fact saw combat would not talk about it, except with other veterans.
I had an in law who was in Germany in WWII, who used to tell funny stories about it. Youthful hijinks with expensive equipment, guys getting into trouble for doing dangerous (but funny) stuff, that sort of thing. Never a word about combat, and I just assumed he must have come in after most of the fighting was done. Found out years later after he’d passed away that he’d been in the thick of it, and earned a bronze star and a purple heart.
I don’t think that’s as common these days after 25 years of Middle East operations. Lots of blogs and streams where a vet mentions a story or two about their combat experience. I have noticed most people who Bragg or make a big deal about their combat service are more often than not REMFS or stealing valor.
Prof complains about ‘masculinization of mathematics’
A Vanderbilt University professor recently complained in an academic journal article that the field of mathematics is a “white and heteronormatively masculinized space.”
According to Professor Luis Leyva, children are implicitly taught from an early age to associate innovate problem-solving with masculinity while viewing conformity and “meekness” as feminist traits.
Complete horseshit. The best math students in my HS (except me) were girls.
I see Luis has a degree in math and…wait for it….women and gender studies.
I guess the math doesnt get him laid as often.
Professor of Bullshit cranks out bullshit. I am shocked.
Actually, it isn’t even math, but Mathematics Education.
I will add that before college, I had only 2 male math teachers out of about 12.
Math education is dominated by women.
Obviously false consciousness turns them into gender traitors, and prevents them from encouraging their female students.
Obviously this person is white-yellow colorblind.
not that it matters, but technically the guy is an education professor @ Peabody college, which is a teachers’ school which got absorbed under the VU umbrella years ago. Its not the same as vanderbilt and it has different admissions a different campus and a different diploma, etc. Squier to VU’s Fender, as it were.
We see what we want to see
At the end of last month, the International Monetary Fund downgraded its forecast for economic growth in the United States. Where the I.M.F. previously predicted the economy would grow at a rate of 2.3 percent in 2017 and 2.5 percent in 2018, it now expects 2.1 percent growth in both years.
The reason? An uncertain and insufficiently expansionary economic environment linked to the chaos in Washington. Yes, the stock market has been strong and unemployment is down. But Donald Trump, friend of business, may be costing us growth, a key indicator of economic health.
The I.M.F. forecast is a reminder that ill-advised policy isn’t the only way politics can interfere with growth. Instability can also slow things down.
Oh, no. What if the government spending slows? The consequences for GDP will be disastrous.
Who cares if the ultimate long term economic effect would be beneficial? We need our mumbo jumbo number to reinforce our preconceived notions!
and of course ‘instability’ is caused by trump-tweets, and not the 24/7 skreeching for impeachment
This instability is in their heads.
Trump isnt going anywhere. There will be no impeachment, no coup. The only chaos, as you mention, is the lefties running around with their hair on fire. Meanwhile Trump is plugging away at exactly what he said he would do.
The real problem right now are the goddamned Republicans and that is going to work itself out sooner or later.
The sorry sacks are gonna be sent packing next year if they dont pull their heads out of their asses and do what they were hired to do.
Priceless – thanks for the link.
There will be no impeachment, no coup.
I would have agreed with you even a few weeks ago. Given the new grand jury and the gaggle of democrat lawyers on the case, I am not so sure anymore. I think they will dig something up.
They will shit the bed like they did when Newt was Speaker with term limits.
There are several schools of economic thought on why growth has been in the doldrums — but unfortunately, few offer solutions that are viable in an atmosphere of political instability.
For example, Lawrence Summers, the Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, has developed a theory called “secular stagnation.” The core idea is that the advanced economies of the world, including the United States, have entered a phase where there is too much saving and not enough new investment, keeping interest rates and inflation lower than they should be.
Mr. Summers points out that it costs a lot less to start a company in the internet age than when the only way to make money was through manufacturing. So there’s less investment demand.
With a nod to the New Deal economist Alvin Hansen, who wrote about the relationship between population size and interest rates, Mr. Summers notes as well that population growth in Europe and the United States has steeply declined. Without new workers and consumers coming onto the rolls, there’s an upper limit to domestic profit-making opportunities.
Mr. Summers believes there’s a way out of the low-growth trap. He argues for a major debt-financed infrastructure spending program, coupled with tax reform, policies to address rising inequality (since when income gains go almost entirely to those at the top, it’s hard to get a broad-based rise in consumer demand) and efforts to counter protectionist trade practices.
Larry Summers, voice of reason. Because low interest rates are a result of population growth, not the Federal Reserve Bank propping up the bond market.
What this country needs is more debt-financed spending and punitive tax rates. Keeping that motherfucker away from a role fiscal and monetary alone makes Trump’s election worthwhile.
“The core idea is that the advanced economies of the world, including the United States, have entered a phase where there is too much saving and not enough new investment, keeping interest rates and inflation lower than they should be.”
Nothing about wreckers?
It’s always the same ol’ tripe.
Because people never save up to make an investment later. Lg #1, extra tripe.
Too much Saving now? That’s rich after 20 years of ‘Americans don’t save enough! We should be more like Japan!’
Right is left up is down we have always been at war with Eastasia.
In prog-speak Saving = Hoarding
When they were busy making excuses for a tepid Obama economy they were outright using the term ‘hoarder’ quite a bit.
Macaroni Salad
Sweet Corn
Bourbon Peach Cobbler
Sundays are good.
I had a Welch rarebit topped with eggs over medium and some diced tasso ham mixed into the sauce. I also used my homemade extra-crusty sourdough bread.
I had to guugle. Right on. I had never heard of that. That is right up my alley. I just did an omelette for late breakfast. Ribs tonight.
Those Welsh rabbits are tricky little devils. They’re so hard to catch that they get left out of their own recipes.
I made a really big batch of salsa and guacamole today. And I got the meat slicer out and got the roast beef I made yesterday all cut up.
I will most assuredly make a nice meatloaf tonight. Because I want to take it easy after the big-ass low country boil I did last night for my birthday dinner (I don’t allow anybody else to cook on my birthday, or most days for that matter).
i had a beer
i think i should probably eat something now.
Two 10g coconut white chocolate puffs and coffee. Also AC, three dead mice, and the wife is out and about all day. GoT over ribeyes and red wine later.
Shaping up to be a nice little Sunday.