I’m Not Dead Yet

#CalExit, more formally known as Yes California (poached unapologetically from the Scottish independence movement) seemed to collapse when it’s leader, Louis Marinelli, moved back to Russia in April, but a flurry of recent news makes it seem like someone forgot to leave the stake in the movement’s heart.

Singam is the face of “CalFree TV 100% Made in California” (source: YouTube)

When the site was young—and so was I—I wrote a quick primer on Marinelli and the #CalExit movement for this site. I was contacted by the good folks at the California National Party to clarify the differences between Yes California’s push to radically sever ties with the US by ballot initiative, and the CNP’s more structural process of building a political movement toward that end.

A Wild #CalExit Movement Appears

Much of this noise seems to stem from a new group, The California Freedom Coalition (CFC) appearing on the scene. They seem eager to funnel attention to Yes California, but whether they have a formal relationship or are just fellow travelers is murky at best.

With the exit of Marinelli from the scene I had assumed Yes California would be remembered as the state-scale equivalent of “If Trump wins, I’m moving to Canada,” but a few days ago my news feed started lighting up with sour-grapes Op Eds about how awful California is, being republished by the GOPUSA site and some kind of bizarre exchange between Tucker Carlson and Shankar Singam* the “Vice President, Board Member and Chapter Laision” for the CFC, in which Singam claims California hemorrhaging its middle class to other states is a good thing and leaves Tucker Carlson wondering if he’s being punked.

Yes California’s official Twitter account has since explicitly denied that Singam speaks for Yes California.

Singam should replace Marinelli quite handily as a lightning-rod for controversy. He comments aggressively on articles about California independence and is a published author on the topic of ghost hunting.

CalExit Bits and Bobs

There’s a Calexit comic book by Matteo Pizzol with art by Amancay Nahuelpan and Tyler Boss. I’ll try and get a copy to peruse on my upcoming roadtrip.

The gloriously named “Capitalism.com” has an unusually balanced gloss on the economic issues related to CalExit, which was written prior to Marinelli’s exit from the movement. Singam commented heavily on their article.

*Trying to find information on Singam, Google autocorrects the name to Shanker Singham and tells me he’s an advocate of free markets and free trade with the Legatum Institute. Unfortunately for everyone involved Google is full of shit and this is a totally different guy, and this is why we can’t have nice things.