Well, the PGA Championship is finally here. Not much else to talk about if you’re in Houston. The Astros continue their death mediocracy spiral. The Texans do not look good. And that McGregor-Mayweather fight has been postponed for two weeks (in my mind). Oh well, at least I can read this story over and over to keep me happy for the next couple of weeks.
Across the pond, Liverpool have thankfully rejected a second Barcelona bid for Coutinho. Nothing else is happening of note. And the seasons get closer and closer.
Yankees win. Sox win. Nats win. Twins win. Dodgers win. Rockies win. Hell, everybody won (the Orioles had the day off) that played and matters to the Glibs…except the Astros. This slide needs to end. Somebody get me a live chicken.
That’s it. I can’t dwell on sports. Not with impending nuclear war on my mind. I better jump into…the links!
There are things that probably happen and go unreported. Then there are things that probably never happened but do get reported. If this is real, and I’m skeptical, this person needs to not blame society and needs to blame herself for not reacting. Or blame her parents for raising her like shit. Either way, don’t try to shame me for this bullshit.

Excuse me, your honor. I’d like to make a point.
Decent-looking woman in chilly courtroom told she will stand trial in Stitzer blackmail case. She made a couple good points as far as I’m concerned. But the judge refused to see them.
Baltimore challenges its residents to go 72 hours without a murder. See how that worked out.
The left are absolutely losing their shit over Trump having the nuclear codes. I guess they yearn for the peaceful days of “we came, we saw, ::snicker:: he died” leadership. When we picked on small potatoes guys that had given up their weapons programs and were trying to reenter the international community.
Fox News host Eric Bolling has hit back with a $50 million lawsuit at the HuffPo writer that published the story accusing him of sending pictures of male genitalia to coworkers. The writer has responded by telling him to pound sand. Get your popcorn out.
If you go to Miami, be prepared to see these rolling around. Nothing. Left. To. Cut.

Its cool, thats a midget, not a kid.
If you were curious who the world’s sexiest midget er, dwarf, um little person was, now you know.
This man knows what time it is.
Don’t give no shit and don’t take no shit, friends. Have a great day.
52) At the Marginal Revolution site yesterday, I came across this comment to one of the posts:
“It’s dangerous for people to be too rich. Concentrates power and influence too much, and ends up threatening the liberties of the lower classes. Personally, I’d be fine with confiscating wealth and simply throwing it away, and I think the poor would see gains from that kind of action. I’d probably rank it below the other two options, though. But I’d still (depending on the amount of wealth) consider it a net positive.”
I don’t think you can characterize a whole movement by what one random insane commenter posts, but this comment really encapsulates for me a certain leftist mindset. Just the attitude that money itself is corrupting, that money itself is a problem. (Also, the lack of awareness in claiming that too much money for the rich potentially threatens the liberties of poorer people, somehow, whereas the very real reduction in liberty by confiscating the money of the rich and just burning it would be a-ok.)
As far as money’s effect on character, I’ve dealt with both the wealthy and the poor in my life, and while nobody has any monopoly on virtue or vice, my impression is that having too little money is far more likely to lead to self-debasing behavior and attitudes than too much money.
The world has always has thieves and jealousy. Sam Colt made it to where they don’t get their way as often as they did in the past.
“It’s dangerous for people to be too rich”
Truer words have never been spoken, especially with a bunch of grabby progs around…
+1 eat the rich
my impression is that having too little money is far more likely to lead to self-debasing behavior and attitudes than too much money
Remember those early-00s underground DVDs of “Mogul Fights”?
It is funny that these people talk of fairness but psychology studies of this show that wealth redistribution is much more associated with envy then fairness. In fact fairness is hardly associated at all, as I remember the main ones were compassion, self interest and envy
Lots of that.. There are many people that feel it is unfair that others have done better at the game of life than they have. I chose to waste my time studying useless lefty pap and ended up working at the Starbucks, while you worked your ass off for a degree in a field of study that pays well and then went on to make a ton of cash? You must have cheated and the system was rigged to favor you and against me. So yeah, I now have an obligation to rebalance the scale and fuck you over for being successful. After all, social justice is when we all cross the finish line with the same shit.
my impression is that having too little money is far more likely to lead to self-debasing behavior and attitudes than too much money.
I think the causality is in the other direction. Excessive self-debasing behavior and attitudes leads to having too little money. People don’t want to admit it’s mostly poor decision making that leads to bad outcomes.
As someone who grew up poor, surrounded by poor people, this has always annoyed me. People see the correlation between poverty and poor outcomes then automatically assume that poverty causes the poor outcomes & behavior rather than that the poor behavior causes poverty. Being poor is what happens when you have problems with impulse control and the emotional development of a child. Poverty is hereditary because the children are raised in an environment that breeds poverty, not because they couldn’t possibly move up the social ladder. They aren’t equipped with the skills or mentorship to dig themselves out of it.
Whereas a government strong enough to take that money from the rich isn’t a concentration of too much power and influence. When government does it, it’s magic.
They mean well?
So who’s going to invest in new businesses (leading to more jobs) if they just burn a lot of “excess” money?
Who freaking cares? This way you have a limited pie and a clear directive on how to cut and share it!
/prog moron
The funniest part is the moron thinks wealth and money are the same thing. That if someone is worth $60 billion that means they have a Scrooge Mcduck money vault somewhere with $60 billion dollars in some form (individual bills, bits, whatever) in it. They don’t understand that “throwing the $60 billion in the trash” literally means destroying the companies that person owns along with all the jobs and services they provide.
Chris Rock did a good bit on this. He pointed out that sports team owners understand wealth but most players can’t make the leap from money to wealth since they essentially burn their money.
Patrick Ewing nods furiously.
confiscating the money of the rich and just burning it
These guys always imagine a Scrooge McDuck type vault where the money’s just sitting there unused, for the owner to swim in at his leisure.
You often hear talk of how the wealthy “hoard wealth”. It would probably be way too much work to actively try to hoard your wealth if you were really, really wealthy.
Like the scene in Goldfinger, where Bond is like “it’d take an army of guys weeks to load all that gold onto a fleet of trucks, so what’s the real plan?” I had to wonder how few layers of gold bricks you could actually load on a truck before it hit carrying capacity.
(I stopped at wondering because, maths. too many values to look up to ballpark….)
1 lb of gold = 1.44 in ^3 It will add up quick.
this bag will weigh 4,400 lbs.
the approach i had in mind involved laying out enough bricks to cover the bed of a selected hauler, then multiplying by #layers if one layer didn’t already exceed the weight limit. maybe not the quickest route to an estimate.
2017 dodge 3500 heavy duty can carry 1.14 cubic yards of gold.
see, you didn’t wanna lookup the dimensions of a goldbrick or a truckbed either.
I am trying to get cubic yards of the truck bed now, but hit some walls.
Looks like it would fill up about half of the larges bed in the 3500.
It’s 1350 or so bars of gold.
$694,320,156 if sold per ounce.
Nicely done!
The bed size is tricky. there’s no depth measure that I could find. I ended up guessing, and did the math with it being 24 inches deep. That would put it about 3/8 filled if you have the largest bed and about 3/4 filled in the smallest one.
confiscating the money of the rich and just burning it
This sentiment encapsulates prog economic policies fairly well.
“my impression is that having too little money is far more likely to lead to self-debasing behavior and attitudes than too much money.”
You mean like stealing at the point of a gun from someone that one subjectively judges to have to much?
As I recall that exact argument was made by The Chocolate Jesus when he was in office. Not the burn it part, of course, but that no one should have more than some unspecified amount and the rest should be confiscated. Also, the execrable FDR tried to implement a maximum annual income of 25,000 bucks.
That was a 100% tax on everything over 40K with after tax income of 25K.
Pure fucking evil.
“This man knows what time it is.”
I was pretty certain when I clicked this was going to be Flavor Flav.
Wilson Pickett–great singer. One of my personal favorites is 99 1/2 won’t do, but he has tons of great songs.
He seemed like the right guy to continue my theme for the week.
It’s been a soulful week.
From the “sexual harassment” story:
This is the single intelligent sentence in the article.
She could have at least started one with “Dear Penthouse Letters, You aren’t gonna believe this but…”
Because it sounded as realistic as a “I had a three-way with my hot, new neighbor and her nympho stepmom because I helped them move in” story.
I worked for a pool company one summer in college. I was so disappointed that none of the Penthouse letter-type scenarios ever developed.
We’re putting in a pool. My wife is at work and the guys doing the work are missing a few teeth (but they are working their butts off.) So yeah, not realistic at all.
You hope…;)
Squeal like a pig, boy
so you’re sayin you DID notice their butts?
If something like that happened few people will say just get over it. Few would blame a woman who knees groins a man who gropes her. Just that people have a hard time believing all these anecdotes. And this is a bad side effect of all the bullshit peddling.
I was referring to the guy giving her the “nice tits” sign language on the freeway. The groping story, yes; knee to the groin would be very appropriate.
what like the Universe?
The story. It all has to be bullshit. No witnesses. No intervention. A subway full of people and a man goes up her shirt and she just walks out? It defies all belief, I’m sorry.
I simply cannot believe this person. At all.
Is this whole thing just some kind of Matrix shit?!
No. It’s some kind of cry for attention from a bullshit artist.*
I know, I agree. Just yankin yer chain
It looks like she’s an Instagram “model”.
Thiccc or fat? Particularly that swimsuit photo in the Mail, looking back at the camera. Especially considering she makes a living off her looks. Leaning towards fat, but reasonable people…
I thought Aussies didn’t take much shit? Or do they need to have a six-pack first?
So these BS artists are fucking up Taylor Swift’s counter suit against a DJ that she said grabbed her ass under her skirt?
Of course, she’s not chastising him but the readers who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened. Somehow, the rest of us are supposed to be scandalized or guilty (depending on our sex) for her failure to respond to a guy who acted poorly.
Some guy in another car makes “nice boobs” gestures at you? Flip him the bird. Some guy puts his hand up your skirt? Slap him. Christ almighty, this is stuff women used to tell their daughters fifty years ago.
As sloopy points out, I would file both of these incidents under “shit that didn’t happen”.
I’d say a high likelihood that it never happened to her as described.
The last time I saw anything like the “nice boobs” gesture was in Boston in the mid-80s. I think she was retailing a story she heard or something she saw from quite awhile ago. Possible it happened much more recently, but I doubt it.
The “groped on the train” thing – I think she read about this happening in other countries (Japan is where this was located when I heard about it), but, again, I haven’t heard this story in at least ten years. Again, she is updated a tale she heard awhile ago (and in other countries) and pretending it just happened here in the US.
What an odd choice of pictures for a story about
being an attention whoresexual assault.“Hey guys, please read my harrowing story about being violated in a way that’s left me completely shaken and out of sorts…” *stick tongue between finger V while rubbing tit with other hand*
All in with sloopy on this one
“Instagram model” === “Softcore PAWG porn”
100% agree. This smells a bit off to me. Especially the bit where she slaps a dude’s phone out of his hand because he’s “filming her ass”.
Nah, I am with Sloopy. I rolled my eyes and thought it happened in Shitthatneverhappened land.
[ShitThat]NeverNever[Happend] Land. First star on the right and straight on till you hit bullshit.
The left: They f’n love science
TW: Slate
I love SF
Goddammit. We need a preview button around here.
blah, blah, we are entitled, blah, blah
All the condemnation of SCIENCE in that article kind of disappears in any of their climate change coverage.
And I like how a supposed physicist is lecturing on “evolutionary biology and its sibling, evolutionary psychology”.
What is NDT and Hawking lecturing on bullshit they don’t really understand for $1000, Alex!
I wonder if this realization is applied when they agree with the outcome?
I assume this is the proper link?
I think there is a bit of a gap between evopsych is very flawed to all evopsych is bullshit.
I think Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit popularized the Althouse Theorum of Science: “If it makes women look better than men, it is unassailable science. If not, it’s sexist trash.”
There is a gap between the two. However the latter statement is correct.
I don’t really know much about it as I generally don’t care for social sciences, although I take psychology to be potentially useful.
1. Red herring alert! The “Google memo” does not rely upon evolutionary psychology.
2. Ugh:
It doesn’t matter what you say because these assholes will always lie and distort as it pleases them. This particular piece leans more towards false intimations than outright lies, but outright lies abound, including from the CEO of Google.
Not everyone here believes in the propriety of defamation suits and that’s fine, but as someone who does, I hope he comes out swinging.
The misrepresentation of what was written in this memo is criminal.
It’s also old hat at this point.
If you go to Miami, be prepared to see these rolling around. Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
Just me or do those look like something from the M.A.S.H. set?
I was thinking it looked Cuban, which is funny because Miami.
Yeah, I could see Fidel with his boxy cap popping up through the roof of one of those.
Stalled out in the middle of the street like his funeral Jeep.
They can have Couts for the same 222m euros they got for Neymar + giving us Suarez back. Other than that, no deal.
(seriously, he’s not being sold. FSG said it, Klopp said it, it’s done. The Spanish and Brazillian media keep trying to build it up and it isn’t happening)
That’s what I think. The window is closing quickly on any deal. And I can’t see them ponying up enough to make Pool happy, since they’d have to overpay for whoever they scrambled to get.
This deal is dead. YNWA.
Had to look it up:
Some of those words were ones I know.
Ahhh, the amazing Wilson Pickett. A perfect way to start the day, Sloop.
Are you back in-country?
Sadly, yes.
What did I miss?
I believe Pope and I have got the ball rolling on a Twin Cities + 1 NoDak meetup. I’ll be in Plymouth Sept. 26-28
Perfect. Looking forward to it. You have my email, I believe?
add “13” to the end of my handle AT outlookDOTcom
Gonna need your social security number, DOB and mother’s maiden name too. Thanks.
Hold on, I’ll find my checking account routing number for ya, too
I have sent you a request to receive my fortunes.- Prince Albert of Nigeria
I hope you caught the other ones this week.
Just catching up now. I have a feeling Sam & Dave will feature prominently in my playlist for the rest of the day.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised with Trump. Here’s something to temper the feel-good vibes:
EPA chief Pruitt holds series of closed-door meetings in GF, Fargo
I think this is to cut down on the pants-shitting most of the media would do over Pruitt’s EPA discussions. Because, you know, methane bad for the environment and all.
It’s not easy being green.
Fuck you, electric car weenies. Outsourcing emissions and ignoring the costs of manufacturing and disposal are all part of the environmental movement, I guess.
How many orphans am I killing by driving a hybrid?
Who cares?
Orphan suffering makes everything better, enough might make even Tesla ok.
/man I could hardly type that. It is to early to be depressed.
Is it a LaFerrari?
My orphans have told me they’d love to be martyred if it means their blood and soul is in that car.
I just posted that to derpbook. That should stir up some shit.
Please post some of the responses here. *waits with anticipation*
I may not get many good ones, since most of my lefty friends try to ignore me these days, but I will post here if I get anything good.
I saw this article posted on Derpbook last night. A progressive acquaintance then posted an article in response claiming it was all a fake story straight from the evil KOCK bros talking points. I had time to waste so I destroyed him. I’d post the whole thing here, but sadly he removed it. Here are some high points though.
1. Insisted that America isn’t much better because of child labor at the turn of the 20th century.
2. Claimed the story was being pushed by the Kochtopus to drive people back to fossil fuels.
3. Abandoned that argument to say Kochtopus is in favor of child labor.
4. Insisted that the Congo is the perfect example of Libertopia.
5. Finally collapsed in a heap after MF’ing me and insisting that I want kids to die and the earth destroyed.
My two responses about four sentences each produced a response at least 10 post long, each about six to seven paragraphs of mostly passive aggression and character assassination. Wonder why he took it down?
I think most “progressives” exist in an ideological echo chamber: they de-friend people whose views are too different from their own, and they only read publications that confirm what they already believe. Any time they encounter information that challenges their views even a little bit, they almost invariably write it off as “Koch-funded propaganda” or “racist sentiment”.
As a result, they think they’re deep intellectual thinkers because they read navel-gazing articles in Salon, Slate, and Mother Jones. But the reality is that they don’t actually know how to defend their views very well at all. It’s kind of like a person who was raised in a totally sterile environment who is going to die the first time they encounter the common cold.
Meh I somewhat disagree with this. I do not closely watch where stuff is sourced for my smartphone, so I don’t blame elect. Also I am not sure cobalt miners would be any better off without it, unless the lack of cobalt mining would change the shithole status of those countries and the warlords in charge – doubtful.
That being said, if the pollution of green-tech – solar, wind, battery – is greater than what is saved, going green is nothing but bullshit signaling. But this has nothing to do with children mining cobalt versus adults mining cobalt.
Yes, I totally agree. But since the proggies are all about emotion over facts, this is fun to throw in their smug faces.
<a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/batteries/congo-cobalt-mining-for-lithium-ion-battery/" title="
DemocracyDecency Dies in Darkness.” target=”_blank” >DemocracyDecency Dies in Darkness.Well, at least the link is in there somewhere.
Ugh. Link no workie.
*starts to try to repair…throws hands up in despair and leaves*
what happened??
something something ends something means.
Isn’t cobalt for the magnets in the motors, not the batteries?
The Bolling Post. God, I hope I get on that jury.
If you want Dick pics, I know a few people on here that would oblige.
wdalasio is crusty juggler?
I was just saying I’d like to be a juror with the opportunity to turn the Huffington Post over to Bolling.
Get your mind out of the gutter! This is a family friendly site, after all.
Was getting coffee yesterday morning. In line, I heard two progs talking politics, absolutely convinced that Teh Drumpf was gonna go down hard in 2020, that the Democrat (whoever he/her/xeir is) is gonna clearly mop the floor with the Colluder in Chief.
You would think after 2.5 years of “lol Trumps done any day now, this is his ceiling” declarations, that the progs would be a little more thoughtful about declaring he’s got no chance.
Unfulfilled prophecies rarely diminish the faith of the pious. If anything, it’s just the opposite.
that the Democrat (whoever he/her/xeir is) is gonna clearly mop the floor with the Colluder in Chief.
Just like Hillary, the mostest qualified candidate EVAR!!!
So qualified, she will probably seek the nomination again.
Confident prediction: Hillary doesn’t make it to 2020.
You’re a lawyer. Do you have access to the contract she signed with Satan? I know he’s a crafty fucker from the movie with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore (the Brendan Frasier/Kelly LeBrock thing never happened) but I can’t imagine her not having the words “I will be sworn in as president of the United States” explicitly in there.
Satan found out she doesn’t actually have a soul, so he voided the contract, and made her lose to Trump just as a “fuck you”.
Are you kidding?!? Both “Bedazzled” movies were great.
And it was Liz Hurley, monster.
So I’m correct: The Brendan Frasier/Kelly LeBrock thing never happened.
Technically, which is the best kind…
Needs an image, I’m thinking.
Still, would.
Kelly LeBrock? How dare you misnomer the one and only Elizabeth Hurley.
Kelly has not held up nearly as well.
She’s no Divine Brown.
Sloopy just likes watching nuns jump up and down on trampolines.
You’d also think they’d look around and wonder who this dream Donk candidate is going to be, because there doesn’t appear to be any particularly impressive names being bandied about.
They legitimately think Kamala Harris is an eminently qualified candidate. Remember, these are the same people who though Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were impossible not to like.
I’m rather looking forward to that. First of all, Kamala Harris is a dolt. Second of all, I think they severely underestimate the value of being battle tested. Any jackass leftist can win elections in California. It’s like the Yankees signing a pitcher because he went 25-0 in an independent league – level of competition tells you a lot.
They’re running Harris and Booker in the primary. If Harris wins, they’re fucked. If Booker wins, they have a chance. He’s really good on criminal justice reform and speaks well.
Oh yeah, another articulate black guy. I guess they assume the country never learned their lesson after Obama.
Clean and articulate.
He also had an imaginary crack dealer friend that was a major prop in his Senate campaign. I’m sure T-Bone will get mentioned quite a bit in any presidential campaign.
No Julian Castro? Or (long shot who probably will be better in ’24) ‘Beto O’Rourke?
I overheard a conversation recently about how our local Congressman, Keith Ellison, would make a fantastic President but will never have a chance at getting elected because of racism. !. I was truly confounded.
You should have agreed and pointed out that the DNC is obviously racist, because they wouldn’t elect him chairperson.
Setting aside Ellison’s faults, I can’t imagine the country would elect a Muslim to the presidency in the present climate, so those progs are entirely off-base (although progs in general can’t seem to get it through their heads that Islam is not a race, so anti-Islam sentiment is not racism). I’d think a Muslim would have to be pretty rah-rah pro-America to have a chance, since there would be natural skepticism based on the widespread bad behavior of his co-religionists, and Ellison does not fit that mode at all.
Last time I ate out were were in the table next to some raging Progs. One said he was an idiot because he things the intelligence services work for him. I wondered aloud what branch of the government they worked for and who was the head of that branch.
I take those predictions like I do Al Gore and Paul Ehrlich now.
Cruise passengers ordered to turn off lights, music for 10 days to avoid pirate attack
Yo ho, yo ho, it’s a pirate’s life for me.
I can’t imagine a more hellish vacation than 104 days stuck on a ship. By the second week I’d be praying for a pirate attack.
This. WTF, people?
From what I’ve seen and heard about cruise ships, you couldn’t pay me to go on a fucking cruise.
Me neither. If I were to be on Fear Factor, the best way to eliminate me from the competition would be to put me on a cruise ship for one day.
I got dragged onto a cruise once. It was like being at a very crowded mid-range hotel with mediocre food and expensive drinks, you can’t bring your own booze or any weed, and you can’t leave. Can’t remember the boat’s name, something like Chicken of the Sea.
And my room was infested with bedbugs.
My wife and I did a Caribbean cruise many years ago and swore never again. Thank god we met a few cool people on the trip, because otherwise it totally sucked. And it was a really nice, high-end ship.
We’ve been on a few cruises. It’s not my ideal vacation, but since we’ve gone only on really cheap deals (like less than $300 a ticket), it wasn’t too bad. Mainly because of the kids’ programs which gave us a gratefully appreciated break from the youngsters.
Best moment involved my kid (who was 7 at the time). In order to get anywhere on the boat, you had to walk through the casino. I had spent some time explaining probability to him, and since he was pretty bright at math, he “got it.” We had to get some change for larger bills, so we went through the casino to the change window at one side of it. There was something of a line, as was the case with everything else on that damn cruise. As we stood there, The Boy looked at all the people gambling and announced in his loudest voice, “MY DAD SAYS YOU’RE ALL SUCKERS!”
We were allowed to go to the front of the line.
Ross Perot as a young boy. I love it.
(Though I can’t find confirmation of his ‘quote’ that the lottery is a tax on people who can’t do math. Or stupid people; I’ve heard said both ways. Which probably means he never said it at all.)
Great story.
Oh, this cruise industry press release seems on point.
At least it is a voluntary tax.
My girlfriend keeps wanting me to go on a cruise with her. I hate the idea of shackling myself to an immutable schedule for an extended period of time, and being forced to hang out with a bunch of asshole tourists. Whenever I’m vacationing I try to find the local places, especially in a town with a large tourist population. No matter how much I explain this to her, within two weeks she’ll start asking me about a different cruise.
My biggest problem with it was the fact that you have such a limited time in port. Just when you found some interesting things about an island you had to haul ass back to the ship. And there is absolutely no trace of rockabilly (which I know is a deal breaker for you).
Take her to Turks and Caicos. She will then shut the hell up about cruises.
Not a deal breaker, just a preference. 🙂
About the only cruises I would be able to be convinced to go on would possibly be the theme ones. I know that Jonathan Coulton has put together a yearly cruise, which could be interesting. There’s also a couple of beer cruises in Germany and Belgium that could be interesting. My pasty skin would not deal well with tropical sun.
My pasty skin would not deal well with tropical sun.
You’ll be fine.
Why not just have the “theme” at a hotel in an actual city? Where you can get out every once in a while?
Although I’m now having thoughts about what a Glibs Theme Cruise might be like. Sasquatch rape, narrowed gazes, Hat and Hair, floating stone heads, Jews…
Guns, orphan servants….
But no midgets, right?
Banjos has to stay home with the kids.
That wouldn’t go over very well.
I can see cruises if it allows you to see terrain you might not get to see any other way. Thinking of things like river cruises on the Rhine or Rhone, or canal cruises through Burgundy, that sort of thing. Same reason you might want to take the train as a sightseeing tour.
But aimlessly steaming a few hundred miles from land? And the ship’s too bright to do any serious starwatching? (Though not on this cruise, heh.) I don’t see the point.
I saw the Rhone by driving up RN86 and stopping anywhere I saw a wine bottle on a sign.
Der Mosel Weinstraße works pretty well too for the Mosel. (Having your German-speaking concierge set appointments works better, admittedly.)
But there are parts of both the Mosel and Rhine that I can see a boat having a better view than the road. I’d love to taste my way up the Rhone, if only to see just how small Condrieu really is in person.
From a different perspective, Mrs. Shpip and I use cruising to find places we’d like to revisit. For instance, we cruised the British Isles about a year ago. We want to see more of London, Edinburg, and the Scottish Highlands. Belfast, not so much.
FWIW, that cruise was on Princess. We’ve decided we’re more Celebrity / Oceania people. I’d like to try some more high-end (Crystal, Regent) some time.
And for port excursions, take the independent operators. Usually better than the cruise-contracted trips, and a damn sight cheaper.
I took a cruise down the Baja coast. It wasn’t terrible (and only three days), but the best part by far was disembarking in Ensenada for the wine tour. The cruise was mostly forgettable by comparison.
Also, boat sex is just like land sex, only with unaccountable pangs of motion sickness now and again.
I thought boat sex was like most American lagers.
Best cruise I was on was surprisingly a Disney cruise. Great service. Good food. Nice accommodations.
My wife and I must’ve been lucky. We went on a Caribbean cruise a few years ago and had a great time. Food was great, port excursions were fun, met some cool people, and the view from the ship was beautiful.
Granted, it sucked that I couldn’t bring good craft beer onboard.
I’m trying to talk my wife of going on the ContraCruise (contracruise.com) that Tom Woods and Robert Murphy host. First one appears to have been a blast for all involved.
What happened to giving them heavy weaponry and making part of the experience?
Or you randomly pick some Special Forces guys from your destination and start countries, and probably the U.S. as well, and give them comped cruises. Or ask the U.S. military for escort through the area.
Wheres the fun in that? Seriously put a auto-cannon somewhere and charge passengers to use it. Like 100 dollars for 3 minutes and then switch. like a ride. Make it easy to use.
Now that’s a cruise I might sign up for.
Instead of those abandon ship drills, start off with a class on how to load and fire the deck mounted twin 20 mm cannons.
“Caliber 50”, “From my position”, “ON THE WAY!”
5 stars, would sail again.
“Reserve your time on the twin 40mm mount now!”
Fuckin’ A. That sounds like serious fun!
Reminds me of Ned Beatty trying to figure out a 40mm anti-aircraft cannon in 1941.
This vessel flies under the flag of Bermuda. Shouldn’t the Bermudan Navy be dealing with this threat?
How does the whole “overseas territory” thing work anyway? Are they like Britain’s Puerto Rico? Although today’s Royal Navy would probably just give the pirates an ASBO and ask them politely if they have any sharp knives they’d like to drop in their buyback bin.
Huh. There’s an organization in Chicago that’s totally coincidentally also called CeaseFire. I’d point out that it’s comprised entirely of “ex” gangbangers that preach peace, love and rainbow kitten cuddles as a way to get some sweet, sweet grant money and only occasionally find themselves just quietly minding their own business when an illegally obtained weapon concealed in a book appears on their person out of thin air, but I won’t do that because that would be racist and wrong.
New app that lets you take a picture and change your skin color, is so problematic, for some reason.
“Perhaps the Russia-based company wasn’t aware of the history of racial parodying on our side of the pond. But considering the outrage that ensued after its whitewashing filter, one would think FaceApp had learned that making an app to change people’s race will never, ever, ever, ever be OK. Almost every country in the world continues to grapple with the racist aftermath of hundreds of years of colonial history. There’s too much very real and very recent history of people trying to pass or change their race in order to survive or live a more privileged life.
The amazing thing is that this keeps happening—that these features make it to the market at all. Please, tech companies: Knock it off with the race-based face filters. There’s nothing cool about making someone look like a different race. Stick to flower halos, glasses, hats, and animal ear filters. So many people who use the internet are plenty racist enough already. There’s no need to help.”
Dolezal Yourself?
Gym owner makes no apologies for ‘No Cops’ sign
Hope he knows how to Dead lift.
He gets it, don’t call the cops.
Kind of odd that he lumps in military with cops – I know there’s plenty of overlap in that Venn diagram, but there are plenty of vets I know who can’t stand cops.
They problem with both is failure to stick to their roles.
We have policisized the military (Iraq, etc) and militarized the cops.
This place got listed as the “Best Gym” in Atlanta a couple of years ago by the local alternative newspaper which caters to left wing retards. Given the audience of said shit paper I checked out the website of the gym and it was obviously owned and operated by a left winger. Not sure why this is getting any publicity.
The family wanders the empty rooms in matching orange #BaltimoreCeasefire T-shirts. The air smells of urine, the walls are pocked with holes and smudged with the dirty outline of missing appliances.
Nothing a few regulations won’t fix.
Needz moar rent control.
Yeah, I didn’t catch the part in that BBC article where they point out that Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, and that Baltimore City has specific laws on the books that are stricter still. Shit, until recently, there was a citywide ban on tasers and stun guns. Not sure, but pepper spray might be on there, too.
midget5’4″ woman is thicc. Ergo, I approve. Cute face, tooI didn’t even get that far into the story. 5’4″ is average height. That fucking story is bullshit and now I’ve outed myself as a midget-fearing person for no reason?
God dammit.
It’s worse than that. You outed yourself as bigoted against Arby’s. Arby’s is damn awesome, how dare you suggest otherwise! A nice roast beef with their sauce with a side of their curly fries? Delicious!
“What’s long, black & brutally fucks your mom?
The eternal, terrifying non-sentience associated w mortality ”
If it’s any consolation, you weren’t hiding it well in the first place. The look in your mustache’s eyes gave it away.
Used to mess around with a chick who was a borderline midget in high school. I think she was like just barely 5′. Lots of fun…lots. *looks wistfully towards horizon*
Five feet is almost a midget? What is the maximum to still be considered a midget? I always thought that somewhere in the low four foot range was the max. Five foot just sounds a little below average, especially since women typically are shorter anyway.
Kind of. TLDR: Yes, but there’s also a genetic component which people under 5′ may not have.
Technically. Like Nephilium said, this girl didn’t have the genetic issues, build, etc of a midget. Just close to meeting the height requirement
So is this when I should mention that my girlfriend is 4′ 10″?
You shitlord.
None that she’d let me post.
wow ok i guess someone let the CUCKS!!! in. man up and be alpha af and stop doing what your girlfriend says! pussy pass DENIED lol
I apologize for that in advance
Does she have a flat head?
She lacks the posture to serve that purpose.
Banjos is 4’11”, maybe 5′. This whole thing is blowing my mind. Midgets are supposed to be much shorter. Like Elite Elite said: low four foot range.
The world of midgetry is apparently built on appropriating the culture of short women, not the other way around. My wife is being othered. So is your girlfriend.
In email I refer to my wife as 5FOT which stands for 5 Feet of Terror.
I’ll have to let her know she is a midget and then run.
“Though she be but little…”
SP is *maybe* 5′ nothing. I love to piss her off when we hug by lowering my head to rest my chin on the top of her head.
She represents the Lollipop Guild.
Catbutt him SP!
Mrs. Tundra is a tiny 5’2″ as well. I think I will refrain from referring to her as a midget, though.
She’s pretty tough.
5′ 2″ better half here as well.
What’s with all the shorties?
Is this a glib thing?
It’s easier to oppress women when they’re small. I mean, we all are white heterosexual cis-males here, are we not? Isn’t oppressing women what we do?
I’ve had relationships with short and tall women. I can decidedly say that the short ones are not easier to oppress.
Everybody here is nuts over their wives.
My wife is short, but (especially at my age) I don’t think she could walk under my scrotum.
+2 low hanging fruit.
The shorties remind us of orphans. HAWT!
Must be. My wife’s just barely over 5′. My little Filipina.
This is a Family Friendly Internet Web Site! Take your lurid tales of “othering” your wives to some darn smutty cesspool like Highlights or Reader’s Digest
Mrs. Animal is 4’11”. She almost always has a gun and at least one blade on her person. 0_0
My wife is 5′ 6″, and I love my giantess wife.
It does cloud how I expect women to be, though. I work remotely and the first time I got to a work conference with several women I work with, they were all 5′ nothin, and I didn’t recognize them. They sounded at least 4″ taller on the phone.
My wife is 5′ 11″, which is taller than I am.
At 5’4″ this midget is taller than my wife, but not by much.
kbolino mentioned Simpson’s paradox yesterday – do we have enough data to proclaim a causal relationship between height and Libertarianism in women (I am 4′ 11 9/16″).
My wife is not a libertarian.
Have you considered adopting a more bouffant hairdo?
I mean, she does look a little bit like she’d be a little person, but without the disproportionality you see with dwarfism.
Meanwhile, linked from that page: a little on the skinny side for my tastes, but by pic #3 I’m thinking about a trip to San Antonio…
I have a small confession. I hadn’t actually read the full Google memo until last night. I had read couple excerpts, but I guess the sites I read them on were more biased than I thought. Because when I finished the piece I was kind of pissed off. That was fucking it? That’s what everyone is so worked up about? That’s the most reasonable thing I’ve ever read. The guy was very clear that he thought inclusion and diversity were good things. He presented some scientific facts, said maybe part of the gap was due to them, and suggested they tailor their diversity programs around them instead of fear, intimidation, and discrimination. He also clearly said he was talking only about his particular campus. That’s the hate filled invective that caused so much pain? I had actually after with some criticisms of the piece when I read some out of context quotes. I fell like I need to go back asked apologize to the people I agreed with and let them know that they’re actually not reasonable at all and clearly can see nothing but their bias. The biggest thing is it shows exactly how insane the “totally awesome” “rebuttals” are that said there’s no way people can work with this guy anymore because of there pain he caused them. In fact, they probably just want to punch him in the face, and who can blame them? Because being an irrational child is a justifiable position, apparently. Sorry for the rant; I’m just really pissed off now.
Actually everyone has moved on from the google memo. To late, should have read it earlier
Story of my life.
Paragraphs are you’re friend
But those apostrophes are motherfuckers.
Yusuf is homophonephobic.
That’s a mouthful.
Its Afghanistanimation, Cap.
Now it’s a mouthful for my 13 year old cousin.
The monkey has a butler?
OMWC will be in his bunk.
This is what driving Kias does to you.
I’m on a phone. Just correcting all the autocorrect mistakes takes way too long; no time for formatting.
Google will be cutting him a check somewhere in the 8-figure range if that makes you feel any better.
Google will be cutting him a check somewhere in the 8-figure range if that makes you feel any better.
Why? Isn’t he employed at will? What protected class or activity is Google accused of discriminating against?
I mean, I’d like to see that happen, but what’s his argument? Breach of his employment contract? Defamation?
Federal law bans firing people for communicating with other employees about how to improve working conditions. Additionally, CA law bans terminating employees for their political views.
Google basically violated both laws. They also defamed him.
I don’t know how much money he’s going to get, but on paper he’s got a fantastic case.*
* I don’t agree with these laws. I just am describing them. Whale Biologist.
Oooh, that’s going to be interesting to see how Google weasels their way out from under that cause of action. Especially the state law violation. Thanks for the info.
I wonder if Google can claim that the engineer was fostering a hostile work environment by disseminating the memo, and whether then those activities trump (pun not intended) the federal law and state law claims?
Here’s an open letter to Damore:
I listened to him interviewed on Molyneux. Not a shred of evidence he’s a barbarian. Quite the opposite.
Listen to Jordan Peterson’s interview with him. IMO it was much better than Molyneux’s.
Will check it out.
This person led a 700 person team at google and is apparently incapable of actually addressing any of the evidence / research in what he wrote?
Jordan Peterson had him on, and went over the letter. According to him, all of the claims are in line with the state of the study as it stands today (obviously subject to change).
Also, if James is going to weather this he’s going to have to learn to speak when it’s his turn to say something. What an awful interview.
No she could only address all the terrible things “he implied” (she inferred), which is to me the worst and most disingenuous thing in this whole debacle. Literally no one made the argument that women can’t be in tech or leadership, that men are smarter than women, that the women (and somehow minorities were dragged into this) who are there don’t deserve to be and should be removed, or having a diverse work force is bad. But that’s what every one of these open responses are arguing against.
Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai and pretty much every leader I know there is deeply committed to making sure everyone has a voice at Google. But they’ve got a ways to go; I have total confidence openness to diverse views will continue to improve there. Conservative Googlers have both Sundar and you to thank for that.
In light of subsequent events, HAAAHHAHA!
He and Bret Weinstein should go on a GUYS GONE MILD tour.
Gotta hand it to you, sloopy – I did not expect to see the East Coast station on West Broad St referenced today! haha
Apparently he’s not there anymore. I was through there recently and went out to see if he was still there. And the rolling stool isn’t even behind the counter anymore. So I assume he’s moved on over the rainbow or wherever.
I gas up there from time to time but I don’t think I’ve ever actually been inside. Just pay at the pump.
You came to Richmond and didn’t say hi to me? How rude.
I’m sorry. I wasn’t there for very long and I ended up not doing much. I even stayed in the aloft over Keegan’s in the west end and didn’t go anywhere.
It was a long, unpleasant day. I wouldn’t have been good company.
I should be back periodically though. I’ll let you know next time.
That wouldn’t be for Motley’s would it?
What’s that?
It would be just business that brings me there from now on.
Auction house. Deals a bunch of VDOT equipment.
Oh, gotcha. No, I can’t do much with that stuff when TxDOT has so much for me to get hands on, as do all the local guys.
ha, just giving you shit.
West Broad Village (the development where Keegan’s is) is so bizarre. It boggles my mind that people spent close to a half-million dollars to live in townhouses in a shopping center.
Jessica Smith raised an arm and pointed across the lobby of the university student center like an ornithologist who had just spied a rare breed in the underbrush.
“There’s one,” she said.
It was, in fact, an unusual bird that Smith had spotted, especially on this campus: masculum collegium discipulus. A male college student.
Women outnumber men by more than six to one here at Carlow University, where Smith is a senior and an orientation leader who was preparing to welcome incoming freshmen.
That’s an extreme example of a surprising shift besetting all of higher education.
Where men once went to college in proportions far higher than women—58 percent to 42 percent as recently as the 1970s—the ratio has now almost exactly reversed.
I would say its good for dudes getting laid a lot, but in the new campuses that a wee bit of a risk
Men don’t need college because they automatically make 6 figure salaries on account of privilege and shit.
Make college as tedious, time consuming, and unhelpful for later financial success as it currently is and this is what you get.
I would say this could be for a colleges; a sort of Malthusian shift back to the natural number of people who deserve, need, and want a college education. But that, unfortunately, will not be the case.
Colleges will, instead, dump millions of dollars into new fitness centers, dorms, restaurants, sex robots who wont falsely accuse students of rape, etc to lure male students back. It will work and they will have to increase tuition to pay for the fancy
dollsnon-human co-partners, and the cosmic ballet goes on.There will be no efforts to lure male students back. Because when it was 60-40 male-female, that was a national crisis. When the numbers are reversed, that is just evidence of female empowerment and achievement.
Yeah, they’ll be empowered and achieved while the bridges collapse, the electronic networks run down and plagues return. Because, even outnumbering men, women aren’t going into STEM.
Well, of course, it’s only the men who are being weeded out to only those who deserve, need, and want a college education. The marginal women are still being sent to study oppression studies and comparative literature.
Were I in college today, I wouldn’t touch a college girl with a ten meter cattle prod (h/t: Ray Stantz). I’d save up my money for hookers, hit up happy hour at TGI Fridays in search of MILF divorcees, anything but dating college girls.
Except 19-year old guys don’t generally think that rationally on the matter.
That’s what makes them such great marks.
But honestly, it’s a bit of a tall poppy problem. Millions of squalid sexual college encounters don’t end in rape accusations.
Squalid is kind of strong. Nothing like a little morning-after regret to make an adult of you.
And squalid is better than none
I’m a cautious type, though. That’s why I only tried crack once.
True but it does not change the need of a bit of care. Like don’t stick it into supercrazy, crazyish works. That sort o thing
Millions of squalid sexual college encounters don’t end in rape accusations.
True. And thousands of people go skydiving every year without incident. Doesn’t make it any better to be that statistical outlier.
But it also doesn’t keep a lot of people from going skydiving knowing those outliers exist.
The billions of people who will never go skydiving disagree with your assessment.
Strip mall karaoke bars. That’s where you meet the MILF divorcees who aren’t there to play around.
So I’ve heard
Go on…
There was a place down the street from campus at UK where over half the clientele was 35-45 year old 7s who are having their weekly “girls night out.”
Pretty nice place to go for a college man about town
The gym is the place for divorced (or soon to be divorced) hotties.
Even my alma mater is up to 35% or so female.
My alma mater is currently at 16% female. But it’s a trade school.
6:1?? i would have flunked out the first semester.. with several buns in ovens.
I know it’s because Spitzer is such a piece of shit, but I’m trying and failing to come up with a reason to put this girl in jail. He committed a crime and paid someone to not report it. Why isn’t he the one in jail, preferably forever?
Because elites v. peasants.
The system is working as intended.
Reading that link, and being surprised that Clark’s columns were still available at popehat, I was wondering if the commenter Xenocles from TOS ever made it to here?
Those tittayes though.
At the Marginal Revolution site yesterday, I came across this comment to one of the posts:
“It’s dangerous for people to be too rich. Concentrates power and influence too much, and ends up threatening the liberties of the lower classes. Personally, I’d be fine with confiscating wealth and simply throwing it away, and I think the poor would see gains from that kind of action. I’d probably rank it below the other two options, though. But I’d still (depending on the amount of wealth) consider it a net positive.”
And that’s why I stopped going to that “libertarian economics” site a long time ago.
Too many people who want the Little Red Hen’s cake.
Kind of unfair to blame the site for the comments, no? I’m not saying you don’t have other beefs with MR, to be sure. /Soave
Isn’t that what the government is doing right now?
Chris Cornell Statue Planned for Seattle
The sculptor who did the Cobain statue in Aberdeen was booked up.
There’s actually a Cobain statue in Aberdeen?
It’s been described as creepy, I’ll let you judge for yourselves.
What the fuck else would he be known for? Marksmanship?
He did hit everything he shot at.
…or is Courtney the marksman…?
Worked for Budd Dwyer
::lines everyone in this thread up against the wall::
*hands Los Doyers extra ammo*
Roger Waters approves
Aberdeen is the biggest shit hole I’ve ever visited. Bar none. I was there for less than an hour and I wanted to grab a shotgun
FWIW I’m from Kentucky and have been to just about every stereotypical Appalachian backwoods hilljack town you can imagine. Those places look like Shangri-la compared to Aberdeen.
To set the scene, it was July and a beautiful sunny day in the low 80s pretty much everywhere between Seattle and Ocean Shores, except Aberdeen, where it was raining and 68. Like literally just in Aberdeen. 5 miles on either side was perfectly fine. So we stop to get gas at the best looking gas station we can find. I go in to take a piss and the door is only held on by one hinge and wont close all the way, the toilet seat is broken, and the trash can has an 8 inch stack of shitty TP and what can only be described as a first trimester abortion on a period pad laid on top overflowing out the top. The guy working there was definitely on heroin and two Native American guys looked like they wanted to stab me and rape my fiancee, but they were too drunk to stand up to do it.
*exhales* Other than that, not bad
Holy shit, I haven’t heard the phrase “hilljack” since I had a girlfriend from Kentucky almost 20 years ago! Blast from the past, there.
I remember the first time I went to visit her. We went out for lunch and when the waitress asked us what we wanted to drink. I asked “what beers ya got?” and her reaction was as if I had asked for a tall glass of urine. “Sir, this is a dry county.” What the fuck – didn’t we get rid of prohibition like 70 years ago??? I had no idea dry counties existed, never had heard of such an insane notion.
Anyway, I’ve heard from people who had been there that Aberdeen tells you all you need to know about why Kurt Cobain offed himself.
Ha! Kentucky still is about half dry
Here’s a fun map of local government run amok with power
Not really half, but the weird half-assed moist shit makes it difficult to tell.
Geographically it probably about half. Population wise, it’s not even close
Geographically, it is maybe 20 counties that are totally dry.
actually 32, from a quick count from your map. +/-2 for counting.
I think things like the Carrollton bus crash got people to start realizing that the dry system was counter-productive. It just made drunks drive a lot further to the next county line, where there were 3 liquor stores and two bars within a quarter mile.
Basically, any county with a blue dot is wet, you just have to go into the city to buy.
Hell, New Jersey actually has a couple of dry towns, like Ocean Grove, because it was founded as a camp meeting by Methodist ministers.
There’s a couple of dry counties in Ohio still. However, there is a workaround available to them. If you get a brewery license, you automatically get a license to sell liquor and wine as well, even in a dry county. There’s at least one country club in a dry county that got a brewery license just to be able to sell liquor. From the write up I read, they’re a private club, and brewed the minimum amount of beer from extract they needed to in order to keep the license.
There are 4 dry precincts in Louisville. They thought they would lower crime by getting rid of corner liquor stores. This happened about a decade ago.
There’s a spot in the Fremont neighborhood that needs a new statue.
The train doors opened and I rushed out onto the platform without looking back. Why? Because of our cultural obsession with raising girls to be “good.”
Who teaches their daughter to let guys finger them on the train? Sounds like she was raised by Bobby Peru.
Right? If parenting goes as planned, and provided my daughter retains her current penchant for stubborn, violent rage, the first time anyone tries to put a finger somewhere she doesn’t want it to be she’s going to wind up on trial for aggravated assault.
A fun place to live,
Green Party presidential candidate pleads guilty to misdemeanor in DAPL case
Giant inflatable chicken with golden hair perched right outside of White House
The one about the girl having been fondled. I don’t get the point of her article and why is the NYP publishing such nonsense? With Dunham quotes to boot!
Other than that, not sure why pretty girls get their lips done. It puffs them up and it’s not sexy.
The one about the Russian girl allegedly blackmailing that scumbag.
Those nipples.
That is all.
Just came across this:
” Airbnb host who canceled reservation using racist comment must pay $5,000. Exclusive: Tami Barker, who said she was canceling a guest’s booking because the woman was Asian, must take a course in Asian American studies”
So California is now actually, truly assigned those guilty of wrongthink to reeducation courses.
“In addition to paying monetary damages and taking a college-level course in Asian American studies, Barker must agree to comply with anti-discrimination laws, make a personal apology to Suh, participate in a community education panel and volunteer with a civil rights organization.”
We’ve got everything here, self-criticism sessions, enforced re-education, everything necessary to make Winston Smith, er, Tami Barker, into a right-thinkful person.
That’ll straighten her right out.
Public Accommodation laws have rendered the 1A useless. They need to be challenged again to see what happens.
Try and tell me progressivism doesn’t lead to intellectual gulags.
Isn’t that the incident where the “victim” (the Asian woman) tried to weasel in extra guests at the last minute without paying extra for the accommodations? As in, she showed up and met with the host and was kicked out when she wouldn’t allow her friends and/or pets to tag along for free.
Wouldn’t the less time-consuming and costly response be for Suh to call her a shithead or something and be done with it?
Lindy West, poet
The sky turned brown and opaque. The neighboring city of Bellevue, which normally glitters above Lake Washington to the east, disappeared. The mountains disappeared. I haven’t seen a tree move in a week. It’s as though a giant cloche has been placed over the whole region, like God is playing molecular gastronomy and we are her smoked langoustine cotton candy duck balloons. You can feel the air on your skin, powdery and wrong, somehow both sweltering and clammy. Residents have been warned not to exercise; people with asthma are clutching their inhalers, white-knuckled.
Seattle this week looks like one of those old photos of America’s smog-socked skylines from before the Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency, an echo as oddly hopeful as it is horrifying. The thing about human-made climate change is that it’s human-made, which means that humans, to some degree, can unmake it. It will take more than good liberals composting their pizza boxes. We need to make profound changes to the way that industry, commerce and corporations function in this country, which means that we need government intervention, which means, unfortunately, that we need a different government. Let your representatives know that, and remember it in 2018.
tl;dr- We’re all gonna die, and it’s probably Trump’s fault.
Forest fires are totally unprecedented.
This has to be a random word generator. Right?
Or else someone found Agile’s stash.
Seattle this week looks like one of those old photos of America’s smog-socked skylines from before the Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency
It looks like a hysterical fabrication?
Trump didn’t start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world’s been turning
Sorry about that
I get cat butted for good natured ribbing at the admins and this monstrosity goes on without punishment?
I can’t take it anymore!
*narrows gaze*
*closes fists*
Even for a NYT opinion writer, Lindy West is a fucking moron.
smoked langoustine cotton candy duck balloons
Just rolls off the tongue
That Idiot should have seen the smog in Socal in the 70s, if you couldn’t see the Mts. no swimming, we lived 7 miles from Mt. Baldy ,a 10k high peak.
We have cleaned up the air at some great cost but Climate change? If anything the trend is Downward in SoCal,
Seriously, ignoring everything else that’s wrong with Lindy West, she’s simply an awful, terrible, no good writer. Her writing is the kind of nonsensical silliness teenagers write in their diaries, things that sound so cool and deep to them at the time.
Lindy West remains in compliance as a precautionary measure.
*wild applause*
Why does the NYT keep publishing this fat idiot?
There weren’t any wildfires before global warming, eh, Lindy?
How’d you like that lineup on your Tinder?
Let’s see:
would* – wouldn’t – wouldn’t – wouldn’t
*(of course, he would answer “wouldn’t” if he saw my pic)
This is just Sam the Eagle four times
I laughed. I love the slightly different “I’m really fucking serious” expressions they each have.
“In addition to paying monetary damages and taking a college-level course in Asian American studies, Barker must agree to comply with anti-discrimination laws, make a personal apology to Suh, participate in a community education panel and volunteer with a civil rights organization.”
The state should confiscate her property and give it to the Opium Tong for use as a clubhouse.
No links because I don’t want to give the shit sites clicks. But the left is shitting the bed over this whole Walmart “Own the school year like a hero” sign over a gun display. Obviously someone intentionally moved the sign over the display as a joke. What’s pathetic is Snopes the supposed unbiased site says the claim that Walmart put the sign there is true.
Snopes: We cherry pick so you don’t have to.
Pretty funny. If they’d changed the sign to: “Own the school year like an hero” it would have been better.
Quit othering the Cockneys.
Ah, Snopes. I remember 15 years ago when that site was actually considered good for debunking various popular online myths. How far they’ve fallen. (Or were they always bad? I never went to their site, so I wouldn’t know from any personal experience, just what I’ve heard.)
They caved to the click bait sensationalist headlines. The actual story clarifies the situation but the headline is extremely misleading. “Did Walmart Place a Sign Over a Gun Display Urging Kids to ‘Own the School Year Like a Hero’?” No indication a Walmart employee placed the sign there and Walmart has already said the marketing material was not for gun displays.
That’s too bad. I’ve used them before, but not for political stuff. Is there an honest alternative?
I always assumed they were untrustworthy, just on the basis of being cynical.
Yeah, most of those type sites are “true, from a certain point of view” at best.
This slide needs to end. Somebody get me a live chicken.
You get Carlos Rodan pitching for the Sox. That should do it.
Let’s see. Verlander last night: 8.0 IP, 1 H, 0 R or ER, 3 BB, 6 SO.
Nah, the Astros are good.
Though if they keep up with this lack of hitting, even adding Verlander won’t save them.
It had to come sometime. I’m hoping they’ll pull out of it by September, but the TEAM batting line would be good enough for like 25th in the league. It was ridiculous.
The White Sox went something like 4-24 from July 1 to playing the Astros. Before their fire sale. Getting hammered by the likes of the A’s. The Astros send Keuchel and McHugh against their two pitchers whose best ERA, I think, was maybe a 6. And still got hammered in both games. This is not the hallmark of a good team, or one that will do anything in the playoffs but lose.
I’m not sure Correa coming back in September will be enough. At least Bregman is finally hitting. It’s feast or famine with that guy.
Its the Astros. I’ve been celebrating so hard because I know there will be a late summer fade and an October disappointment.
Nepal is so woke
well what else are you supposed to do with creatures that bleed for 5 days but don’t die
Where does she live that this is a “cultural obsession?” I know in the society I live in the obsession is that women can do no wrong and can never be judged for any questionable, stupid, and/or slutty behavior they do, but men are horrible and awful simply for existing and need to be taught not to rape. Also, she says this like being taught to be good is somehow a bad thing.
Allowing groping by strangers is not being good anyway
If she was raised to think that “being good” means allowing yourself to be sexually molested, she was probably abused by at least one family member. She ought to deal with that rather than project her very individual experiences onto society at large.
A heaping helping of delusion for breakfast.
After decades of getting out-organized and outspent in battles to control state legislatures, Democratic strategists have woken up to the importance of defending against Republican gains at the grass roots.
The anger and fear provoked by the advent of President Trump have led to explosive growth for progressive advocacy groups determined to oppose the president’s agenda and, crucially, to elect Democrats to local office — groups like Indivisible, Run for Something, Emerge America and Color of Change.
The number of Democratic candidates filing for office at all levels of government has surged; the trickle of money into liberal grass-roots programs has become a flood; and turnout in post-2016 Democratic primaries has reached record levels.
It’s just money and “organization” that have turned all those Statehouses red. Message is irrelevant. Yes, please, Democrats, go out into yokelstan and tell them what a bunch of stingy ignorant bigoted hicks they are. They’ll welcome you with open arms.
Has Team Blue done anything in the last 6 months but ensure continued Republican domination of state legislatures, Congress, and the Presidency? Serious question.
It’s still early. But as long as Pelosi is the one raising money and influencing the message their messaging will probably remain the same. Anyone that could push them in a helpful direction has been pushed out of leadership positions which is what happens when you have an incredibly shallow bench and most/all of your talent comes from only two places(Northeast and West coast). The pendulum usually swings though.
The Repubs in Congress are shoving on that pendulum as hard as they can to get more Dems elected, as far as I can tell. I would bet that a not-insignificant number of establishment Repubs want the Dems to take the House, at a minimum, so that Trump gets impeached. Its of a piece with their historical preference for Dems over Tea Party Republicans.
Even funnier since Republicans won in spite of being utter bumblefucks with the organizational effectiveness of a children’s crusade, and the Democrats are the ones with a massive distributed network of rent-a-mobs, community organizers, and taxpayer-financed messaging courtesy of pubsec unions. In addition, compared to Republicans they get even money or better from Wall Street and more or less all the political donations from the media, entertainment, technology, and education sectors. On top of which George Soros and Tom Steyer have contributed between them probably more money than the RNC has received collectively in the last 15 years.
Couldn’t put it any better, bravo.
They seem to be blissfully ignorant of the fact that the Democrats have been losing races where they have significantly out-spent the Republicans. So of course the lesson they take is “spend more”.
After decades of getting out-organized and outspent in battles to control state legislatures
Is this true? Where’s the data showing that, for at least 20 years, the Repubs have outspent the Dems at the state level?
On a quick scan of the article linked at “outspent”, this is the only reference to money:
And the article isn’t even about state races, its about Congressional races and “gerrymandering”. And I don’t have to tell you that the AFSCME and DGA dollars are all Dem dollars. I also find it odd that he quit at 4 organizations. Anyone want to bet that the fifth is SEIU, which are Dem dollars, too?
Wait, it wasn’t that long ago that we were being assured that the Dems (and Obama specifically) had figured out how to target every voter with the perfect pitch and the GOP was dead meat.
Love that Baltimore article. Joblessness? Welfarism? Dependency? The wholesale abdication of personal responsibility? Nah, it’s the guns and the drugs what’s to blame. They “made it like this.”
Elon, never change. Weak earnings report, junk bond offering, and general silliness. So what does he do?
Doubles down.
Hey LA peeps – he’s gonna dig a nice tunnel for you!
He’s on the cover of ‘Success’ magazine with the caption ‘The man on a mission to ave the world’.
I get this publication as a free trial. Never read it because I hate terms like ‘business leaders’ which mean nothing to me. They ain’t hooking me in with shit like that.
Inc, Fortune, Forbes… they’re all shill mags for the flavor of the week and love a good huckster.
Actually, Inc. has gone full-bore progressive.
All that bluffing is gonna get called eventually, and the fallout will be spectacular.
It is funny but it is almost like he read Heinlein’s “The Man Who Sold The Moon” and decided to use it as an instruction manual
As far as I know, not a single Tesla has been sold that wasn’t government-subsidized. There was a story awhile back about a government that pulled their subsidies, and lo, not a single Tesla was sold afterward.
I think it was Sweden? Norway?
They ended their subsidy, but they tax new car sales at some 100% bullshit. of course no one will buy a new one without the subsidy.
Here, the sales would plummet to close to zero.
Deep underground in the Scottish highlands lies a complex of disused oil storage tanks built during World War II. Located near the town of Invergordon, the Inchindown Oil Tanks were used to cache British stores of oil in bombproof environs, all the while hiding a sonic secret.
In 2014, 12 years after the tanks were decommissioned and emptied, an acoustic engineering professor named Trevor Cox discovered that they were capable of producing the world’s longest echo in a manmade structure.
Professor Cox got a tip from a local that one of the tanks was large enough to create a huge echo. The tank is twice the length of a soccer field, and 44 feet tall. After being lowered into the tank in a pipe (a stunt that left him covered in oil), Cox recorded the sounds of blanks fired from a gun. The sound reverberated for an incredible 112 seconds, easily beating the standing world record for longest echo
Inb4 Abbey Road Studios purchases it.
He fired a gun covered in oil in a enclosed space filled with gas fumes? Was he from Florida?
Hold m’ pint and get a shafty o’ this!
I stumbled across this gem the other day. Thought I’d share:
Melissa Auf der Maur & Glenn Danzig – Father’s Grave>
Posted above but wouldn’t mind the more ‘philosophical’ among this merry band of dopes take on this ‘open letter’ to Damore.
“I’ll admit as a liberal, a woman, and a former Googler who led a 700-person team, I can knowledgeably – and vehemently – disagree with most of what you wrote.” this is nonsense, being a liberal woman or team leader does not mean you can knowledgeably disagree. People she led at google are in no way society average.
“Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai and pretty much every leader I know there is deeply committed to making sure everyone has a voice at Google. ” – don’t seem like it to me
I can’t be arsed to learn what Radical Candor is.
“an argument that shows no concern for the people you’re talking to” – meh an argument is an argument if valid
“will experience your words as Obnoxious Aggression. ” irrelevant
“unconscious bias training” – bullshit
Other then that a lot of claims without much source but I can’t be bother to comment all of it
I can’t be arsed to learn what Radical Candor is.
They’re revolutionary scavengers.
Wait, that’s radical condors. I have no idea what a radical candor is.
And how does one “admit” to the central thesis of their think piece? Lady, you sat down to write this thing expressly to advocate for that position. And it’s a self-serving position to take. It’s like admitting to my massive length and girth, I’m not disclosing some forbidding, painful secret.
“Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai and pretty much every leader I know there is deeply committed to making sure everyone has a voice at Google.”
Well, everyone who agrees with them. How anyone can say this after somebody was fired for using his voice at Google shows either pathological delusion or utter mendacity.
I have total confidence openness to diverse views will continue to improve there. Conservative Googlers have both Sundar and you to thank for that.
Nothing improves openness to diverse views like firing employees who express diverse views. And I seem to recall the CEO publicly expressing support for the firing. How stupid would you have to be, to believe that your “conservative friends at Google” now feel more able to express their opinions, after watching the protruding nail get very publicly hammered down.
I’d like to explain where I think you mis-stepped, and to offer some ideas for how you can find a way to share your opinions more productively in the future. In general, it’s better to criticize in private, but when an issue is so public an open letter will scale.
Way to chicksplain, sweetie. Unfortunately, this saga has demonstrated pretty conclusively that Google is so intolerant that “private criticisms” will not change anything and will lead to retaliation.
She’s Hihn:
“When you make an argument that shows no concern for the people you’re talking to, and exhibits little awareness that your argument is more an ensemble of opinion than proven science or fact, others will experience your words as Obnoxious Aggression.”
Is that now a thing that is supposed to be written capitalized?
d exhibits little awareness that your argument is more an ensemble of opinion than proven science or fact,
Even though his piece has more footnotes than hers. You can’t make this shit up.
I read the entire letter. Frankly, Damore’s piece was better thought-out. It’s challenging to take Kim Scott’s so-called open letter seriously as she is shamelessly hawking her services as a professional management consultant.
She does seem to have a whole lot of ‘jargon’ (obnoxious aggression?) passing off as arguments down pat.
It’s a perfectly cromulent expression.
Check her Linkedin profile and the picture will be clear.
To be fair, this is how ALL management consultants market themselves
its no more/less shameless than coca cola using dancing polar bears
no more/less shameless than coca cola using dancing polar bears
Or actual cocaine.
On top of which George Soros and Tom Steyer have contributed between them probably more money than the RNC has received collectively in the last 15 years.
Minneapolis cancels conference on writing for children and young adults because it was too stifingly white.
Actually they canceled because they only had one cuban writer. The rest were all whiteys. The stifingly comment comes from this fun-sounding person:
“The times I’ve been to that conference it has felt stiflingly white, definitely stiflingly older white woman, stiflingly suburban,” Gibney said. “And because of that it hasn’t been a space where, as a newer writer of color, it is really useful for me.”
You could always, you know, not attend.
Writer of color? What colors does she write? I’m confused.
She has the 64 box of Crayolas, I guess.
Uh huh. “Stifling”. Sure, Shannon.
Hmmm. Raised by whitey.
And this gem:
The quality of their writing counts for shit.
And yet, she does the exact opposite of that.
stiflingly older white woman, stiflingly suburban
OMG. The authors reflect their customer base! How stifling!
No idea why I used an a tag instead of blockquote.
“Other than Alexander, who is Cuban-American, every writer who agreed to speak was white.”
Speakin of YA lit…
Looks like they have the same problem with progtard witch hunts running amok that Sci Fi publishing does
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Why, it’s almost as if the SJW cult is exploiting the willingness of teenagers and adolescents to recreate the movie Mean Girls in order to use them as a weapon. Imagine that.
Can You Hear the Difference Between a Cheap and Expensive Violin?
The really cheap one sounds like shit. I can’t really distinguish between the really expensive ones – not on Youtube through my ear buds at least.
I went a bit down the rabbit hole and clicked this one, because viola. Amazing.
Cheap violin – crap. The second expensive violin best. Highest price-tag likely more about rarity versus sound (although excellent).
Thunderstruck. Nice.
The pricey violin does sound better. If you are skilled and talented enough to get the instrument’s full potential it is not a bad idea to buy a high quality piece. For the rest of us, a $62 violin will probably do.
It also makes sense if the instrument is from a good maker, and likely to retain or grow in value. My $2500 viola is now worth $5K, because it was only 4 years old when I started using it, and I treat it well.
Hmm. I played viola when I was a kid. Anyone else play it? There be a trend…
Yeah, I didn’t bother to watch that because I assume all the post-processing done by Youtube would fuck it up anyway.
“Yankees win. Sox win. Nats win. Twins win. Dodgers win. Rockies win. Hell, everybody won (the Orioles had the day off) that played and matters to the Glibs…”
Hey sloop, here’s a glib who roots for the Cardinals (current owners of a 5-game winning streak, only 1.5 GB from the Cubbies).
Also the Reds, but, nevermind, we will talk again next year.
My condolences, they really have fallen on hard times the last few years. Too bad, Joey Votto deserves better.
We still have our 9 game World Series winning streak intact.
I’ve followed the Braves for as long as I can remember, but I’m not sure they are still in the Majors.
I hate to say it but this is shapeing up as a good year for the nats to finally win a playoff series. The 3rd and 4th/5th best teams in the nl are going to be playing the Dodgers in the first round and the Cubs might not even make the playoffs.
I have to eat some crow. I was sure the Twinks were frauds, but here it is August and they are still contending.
Too bad for them the Vikings start their season tonight. The Twinks would have to get to the World Series to put a dent in the local interest in the Vikings (even if they are going to be middle of the road again).
even if they are going to be middle of the road again
Is that another prediction?
I call it optimism…
Was it you who told me to trade Santana?
I’ll add them to my repertoire. But not the Reds. Oh, the poor, fucking Reds.
It’s like the Cleveland Indians don’t exist.
going to Gettysburg for a wedding next weekend. Never been. Any suggested places to see(limited timeframe), good places to stay for a night and good places to eat?
I recommend going to the local brothel “Whore Score”.
sounds good, any recommended whores?
Also how’s the spread maybe I can kill two birds?
pretty sure if you’ve got the cash they’ll spread any way you want
Winston’s mom.
If a score of whores could score, what woud the score be of a score of whores?
Whore Score in 7 minutes? What else?
Could I ask a flavor? If you see any plaques or such about William Gamble, could you photograph and post? He’s an ancestral relative of mine through his wife.
yeah no problem, Ill keep an eye out.
Danke schon!
You mean, like this?
Not the same dude
I am not techy at all. Can anyone assess how compelling this article is? The short version is: Russian hack of DNC server is false and information in metadata (transfer rates and other stuff I don’t get) proves it. Bill Binney, Kirk Wiebe and Ed Loomis figure into the analysis.
That’s pretty cut and dry. You’re not going to achieve those speeds over typical internet service. You’re definitely not going to achieve those kinds of speeds interacting with what was probably a non-optimized server owned by the DNC. A USB flash drive on the other hand….
I mean, it is possibly they have a 1/1 Gigabit Fiber connection, and that lefty Google and other Internet giant employees set up their server for them, but it’s much more likely it’s a USB file transfer.
If the DNC does have the fiber connection you describe, would there still be transfer speed degradation between the server and a hacker in, say, Moscow?
yep. it was an inside job.
and that should have been clear in 30 seconds to anyone. which makes all the “russia”!! arble-garble a smokescreen.
Seth Rich, secret Russian?
I recognize the date. In the early afternoon on July 5, 2016 FBI Director Comey described in detail how Hillary Clinton violated numerous laws by setting up an unauthorized email server. And then he announced that she would not be prosecuted. That triggered me to attach the “Hillary for Prison” sticker to my car (never defiled my car in this fashion before or after) in the evening of that day. I imagine other people were pissed off as well that day and could do something more consequential.
Unsure about the tech parts, but
The president’s ability to conduct foreign policy, notably but not only with regard to Russia, is now crippled
is pretty dumb. He just passed a raft of sanctions against Russian plutocrats, pounded a Syrian airfield with rockets earlier this year, cut off arms to Syrian terrorists, and is blustering his way into a confrontation with the Norks that our presidents have been putting off for decades. What else do you want him to do? What else CAN he do? Lob some missiles at the Kremlin?
These people are presidential cultists.
Maybe when these people say “foreign policy,” they mean airlifting billions of dollars in cash to a hostile nation.
Agree. The ability to conduct foreign policy has not been crippled. Maybe the range of politically available options has narrowed in some specific contexts, but not crippled.
What will cripple foreign policy is leaking the complete transcripts of phone conversations between the President and foreign leaders. If you’re really worried about our ability to conduct foreign policy, you should be demanding that the leaker be jailed.
These people are a bunch of Roperites who will cut down every tree to get at “the devil”. Reap the whirlwind, bitches.
Cripes, when even The Nation is admitting this was a hoax, it’s pretty clear there isn’t a leg to stand on.
The author followed up with this in the comments:
“Last night I had a note from Adam Carter in which he addressed this question of identity. (I didn’t solicit his remarks on the topic.) He wrote in part:
“Please know that both Forensicator and myself only choose to remain behind pseudonyms for security. (Understanding Guccifer 2.0’s purpose makes it clear to us that whoever it is, they are connected to influential and wealthy politicians that are not likely to be happy about this being exposed and the prospect of it being who we think it is does not make us feel any safer.)”
Adam Carter went on to note he and colleagues are aware of the inconvenience their decisions to remain anonymous imposes.
I see nothing peculiar in this judgment. I ought to add that some of my intelligence sources warned me as we finished our work together to be careful driving, esp at night and esp on the country roads I traverse to get home. This is not funny business, I was firmly advised.”
OMG (meaningless, bench-warmer) hoofball tonite!
Got your Vikes jersey ready?
No, but I have my signed pic of the greatest Vikings coach ever ready to go.
Thought you would go with Jimmy Johnson.
Bite your tongue!
JJ was part of the fuckers who swindled us with Herschel.
At least it’s not Mr. OT on Third Down
I thought it would be this guy
He’s second.
Apropos to your comment above
He was awesome. Listening to his interviews was hilarious.
Burgess Meredith!
Thought it be this picture of Bud Grant.
Before I got fat, I had a sexy lace-up jersey. Now I just have a pair of sweat pants (with no pockets!!!). *sigh*
I had a sexy lace-up jersey.
So does his Holiness.
Awwwww yeeeeahhhh
And my moobs are busting out of it!
Viking zubaz? Schwing!
I gotta text my old boss and ask if he has his Vikings (foam) brick handy.
One of my former colleagues just had a Viking marry into her family. I should see if I can finagle some swag from her.
I miss the good old days.
I’m honestly a little bit sad about the Bears letting Cutler go. He was highly entertaining.
I present…Lactatia.
I need a drink
Why? Xe’s sort of cute even without the beer goggles.
The 8 year old? Dude.
How is this not sexualizing a little child?
Judas Titty-Fucking Priest, how hard is it to hit “Reply” instead of “Reply All.” I have emails from 30 separate people complaining some schmuck in Denver scheduled a national call at 5pm eastern.
Just as hard not to click Reply All to send an e-mail to everyone to not click Reply All. (Guessing I’m gonna get ninja’d, but refreshing is for losers)
Yeah, those are in there too.
We have that happen all the time where I work.
We just had that happen here on an email list, and the funny (sad) part was the increased traffic caused even more people to ask to be removed from the list, many of whom also hit “reply all” — it was kind of an avalanche of incompetence.
Years ago at another job we had a city-wide email bouncing around for maybe half an hour before IT came downstairs and pleaded with everyone to quit replying all because it was havoc for the network.
When I was on the East Coast I figured every 5PM call some West Coast person forced me into was just revenge for all the 5:30AM calls we forced them to participate in.
Someone posted this a while back. Thought I would re-post to show you it could always be worse.
My proposal:
Reply all to all the reply alls, asking them not to reply all.
I have done this. It helps. For awhile. It also helps to be in a position/have a reputation that nobody is going to bitch about you turning 30 emails into 900 emails.
I assure your, I am in no such position.
You’re VA, right? I thought nobody who worked for the VA could be fired.
Yeah. You might have to explain why that has anything to do with following instructions not to hit “reply all” by some guy in Phoenix that works in the compliance office.
The fault lies with the sysadmin that set up large (chained) multiuser DL’s without an inbound ACL. Generic low level users should not be able to reach the “All office” list.
When this happens in our business you just have to set a mailbox rule that auto-deletes the 4-5 hours of replies you are going to see and wait until the email IT staff suspends the list for the rest of the day and the storm dies down.
wouldn’t mind the more ‘philosophical’ among this merry band of dopes take on this ‘open letter’ to Damore.
“Sanctimonious cunt” isn’t very high-minded pr philosophical, but it’s pretty much all I’ve got.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Conservative Googlers have both Sundar and you to thank for that.
Bitch, your ideological peers at Google want to root out and persecute anyone with views in the same ballpark as Damore’s. Like them, you still cannot bring yourself to address any of his points. You’re gloating at his misfortune in the most backhanded of ways, even while insisting you’re open to the conversation. You’re not. You spent paragraph after tedious paragraph discussing the emotive impact of his views. YOU PROVED HIS POINT, you neurotic twat.
You don’t need to choose between your mind and your emotions. You can be the master of both. You can care and challenge.
Most un-self-aware, unintentionally ironic statement of the week.
“On Wednesday, the reporter tweeted that he stands by his story and will protect his sources.”
So…does that mean he will procedurally default and automatically lose the case?
I don’t really know how libel trials work, it’s just wishful thinking.
Fightin’ words!
Even if Mr. Trump’s provocative remarks were part of a deliberate strategy for ratcheting up pressure on North Korea — and on China, which as the North’s main food and fuel supplier has more influence on it than any other nation — they would be at odds with the measured approach of his predecessors. This is a president with no prior government or military experience who has shown no clear grasp of complex strategic issues.
“Boo hoo hoo, why can’t he be more like Obama?”
What do they think will happen if the Norks engage in an act of war?
Hah, Mr. Red Line and his measured approach.
“Measured Approach of his predecessors…”
It must be nice having selective memory loss.
Honestly, it will be unlikely people like this will be directly affected in any way if Lil Kim goes ballistic. As it turns out the people like this probably aren’t going to sign up for any kind of war effort nor do they know anyone in their inner circle that would do so either. It’s not like the Norks can hit the NY Times. They will fight with a hashtag campaign.
That used to be the case. Probably not true now with this latest missile.
The thought that NK is going to actually flip a test shot over SK, Japan, to impact “near Guam”, is just mind-boggling.
Well, exactly how well did “the measured approach of his predecessors” work?
Comment number one on that NYT editorial:
Joe Marietta, GA 2 hours ago
Donald Trump, a man with no military experience, a man many professionals believe has poor mental health, is making life and death decisions affecting millions of people. Yet no matter what he does there are those who defend his most ignorant and impulsive statements. Donald a Trump is a clear and present danger to our country and the world. No amount of spin can change this. If he is not removed from office it is only a matter of time before his temper, his narcissism, and his twittering lead countless numbers to their death.
Many people say Trump is the same person he was during the campaign. I agree. With this in mind, anyone who continues to support him bears some of the responsibility for the lives he will destroy. This is hard to think about. But it doesn’t make the reality any less true. Millions of children are depending on those in power to remove President Trump from office.
Teh Chilllunz!
Remove him from office and let Hillary deal with the Norks. In a measured, statespersonly manner.
Sure she had some bad luck – who knew meddling in Ukranian politics would trigger a Russian annexation of the Crimea? Oh and who could have guessed that providing air support to islamist rebels in Libya would cause Islamists to take over the country and start slaughtering Christians? And that giving money and weapons to sunni islamists in syria would enable them to go on a genocidal rampage?
When one faces many batters, no matter how good a pitcher they are, they’ll eventually get hit for a home run. And Hillary had some notable successes; for example, she flew as a passenger on U.S. govt aircraft for a record number of flight miles.
Don’t forget killing Ghadaffi. A guy who gave up his nuke program and tried to back away from the abyss.
But no way that could ever influence Kim’s thinking right? I mean, I bet if we pinky swore that if he gave up his nukes, no way we would ever help depose him later, he’d totally believe us.
she flew as a passenger on U.S. govt aircraft for a record number of flight miles.
Oh, she went everywhere when the job was hers; she couldn’t be bothered to go very far when asking for one.
TW: HuffPo
My guess is that she went grudgingly each time.
“The NYC Hotel Union’s Incendiary Attack Ad Links AirBnB To Terrorism
The Hotel Association of New York City (along with a very long list of other groups) has a beef with Airbnb specifically for eating into their market share. So the Association launched a salvo against the room sharing app that equates Airbnb to be a purveyor of terrorism and crime in general. Their 30-second ad — which is airing on cable TV during prime time — opens with the ominous question, “Who’s in your building?” From there it notes that terrorists in Manchester used a short-term rental before carrying out an attack at the Ariana Grande concert.”
The NYC Hotel Union should run for political office.
Another example of Disney falling down the progressive rabbit hole to irrelevance:
Apparently they are remaking A Wrinkle in Time but are using it as a platform for teaching diverse wokeness.
I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the discognizance in this remark:
I still can’t stop laughing about how they keep emphasizing how “diverse” and “authentic” the Aladdin reboot cast is going to be, yet they made everyone in the Beauty and the Beast reboot British.
Even the candelabra was British (which is messed up, since Renee Auberjones was the original voice, and should have been in the Live Action if he wanted to). That’s appropriation of French culture.
This is a great story. It’s not about race… it’s just people,’ makes me super excited about how progressive that is
Somebody doesn’t know what the working definition of “progressive” is.
What do you want to bet that a sane normie watching the movie would disagree, and say there sure were some heavy-handed messages about race in there.
Meh. Unless it’s something that’s supposed to be historically accurate, I don’t care about the race of the actors.
I read the book as a kid, and her description of the planet that had given in to evil horrified me. I hope (but doubt) that the filmmakers can do it justice.
“‘Hold My Avocado’ Is the Viral Catchphrase Millennials Have Been Looking For”
Time has gone bye-bye. Egon, what’ve you got left?
Sorry, CP, I’m
terrifiedbored beyond the capacity for rational thought.I’m a bit slow – what is all this avocado stuff about? It’s like a lame inside joke that other people won’t shut up about.
That’s Memes 101.
young people like avocados.
There’s also some dumb shit about an 80 cent berry causing young people to not be able to afford homes or something.
You know who doesn’t like avocados?
Looks like they arrested someone in the douchebag jogger in London case. The Guardian and the cops in the UK don’t do “name-and-shame”??
They do tame and lame.
Gods damn job hunting. I submitted my resume to a company, who didn’t contact me and put the position out to recruiters. I’ve now had five different recruiting companies reach out to me regarding the exact same position, which they all think is a near perfect match for my resume.
I’ve had similar shit happen. One time I submitted my resume for a position, got an outright “thanks but no thanks”, then the actual hiring person (not a recruiter) called me for the same position 6 months later! That time, I got to say “thanks but no thanks”.
Sargon has been suspended from Twitter.
Sargon has been dead these 4300 years
next you’ll tell me Cato the Elder is dead too.
I thought he was reborn in the future.
it’s not about the storyline as much as it used to be.
“What are you complaining about? Just because we jacked up the title and put something completely different under it, you get all persnickety about content and storyline.”
Hah! I like this one, too.
That’s why they are investing in self-driving cars. So they can take people to the re-education camps.
What about this?
DucKDuckGo FTW
I’m still using Chrome, but I just set that as my start page.
Switched to that on my phone. Also, I’m switching over to Vivaldi after running out of browser makers who haven’t offended my political sensibilities. Plus I’m a nerd.
I’ve switched my searches to that on chrome. I just looked at Vivaldi, thanks for the tip Nap!
I’ve switched my searches to that on chrome.
You mean, the Google browser? If you’re trying to de-Google, yer doin’ it wrong.
Well, I just got a new browser. I have to set it up today.
No prob! I haven’t had a chance to actually hack on it yet, but I do a lot of React stuff so I’m jazzed about being able to fiddle with the UI in that.
I’m using Brave browser, which is great, but there’s no Monocle support yet.
looks like Vivaldi is based off chromes, so chrome extensions will work. Tampermonkey and monocle are working well for me on it so far.
Don’t forget tophat. I’ve been using Vivaldi for a few months now and I like it.
Excellent. Too bad Google already owns my soul…
Princeton to offer class on social acceptance for fatties communicated through dance and performance art.
Shake it, chubs.
Just more of me to love.
That really changes the meaning of“Sugaree”…
“Prof Lists Surviving ‘Internalized Misogyny’ On Resume”
Over at TSTSNBN, Nick Gillespie publishes an almost good essay on the Google memo controversy, then proceeds to step on a rake in an attempt to ingratiate himself to a proggie audience (actually he steps on a rake with the title of the piece first, but in the meat of the article it’s almost at the end).
The Google Memo Exposes a Libertarian Blindspot When it Comes To Power
You know there’s a but coming.
Hands up, everyone who thinks that being a libertarian means you shouldn’t criticize other people behaving like idiots!
The only people who think that libertarianism ⇒ “all private actions are immune to criticism” are the fucking proggies. There is no libertarian blind-spot being exposed.
My respect for Gillespie continues to plummet like a Thanksgiving turkey chucked out of a helicopter.
Gillespie kicked the ever living shit out of that strawman, that’s for sure. Way to go Gillespie! Keep up the good fight!
What the fuck is happening to reason, seriously?
Conquest’s second law in action.
They lost all interest in reporting and investigate journalism, so all they were left with is politics. Unfortunately, as it turns out, their politics weren’t particularly libertarian.
Ken appears in the comments to argue:
Ken’s argument is baloney since the main thrust of the article is to suggest ways to make Google less of a hostile work environment for women. Naturally, Nick loved Ken’s comment.
The google memo is turning out to be like Trump’s candidacy – a great spur for idiots to rip their masks off.
If you give them what they want, then they’ll ask for more. By firing him, they opened the door to further complaints.
Exactly. You know it’s only a matter of time now before Google finds itself subject to demands that it “change the culture that made Dalmore possible”. And that, of course, means the even further elevation of the diversity police and the subordination of tech to HR & compliance.
Given that investigation hanging in the background, Google didn’t have a real choice from a liability perspective but to fire the guy who wrote the diversity memo. Otherwise, any random attorney who sued Google in the future on behalf of a woman claiming discrimination would use the fact that Google didn’t fire this guy as further evidence that they are still actively creating a hostile work environment for women.
Firing Damore violated state (CA law protecting expression of political views in the workplace) and federal (National Labor Relations Act) law. That creates an absolute defense to any claims that they should have fired him. You cannot be required by one law to violate another law.
A hostile workplace claim actually has some defined elements:
I defy anyone to argue in good faith that his memo meets these requirements.
Google is going to pay far more in damages because they fired him, than they would have paid if they didn’t.
Link for the official DOL discussion of the elements of hostile workplace and harassment.
One more:
I bet a number of conservative Googlers are consulting with their attorneys right now about bringing their own cases against Google for its demonstrated intolerance of and retaliation against conservative employees. The Damore firing alone just about brings them over the finish line for a state law claim.
The entire “thick” libertarianism schtick is a bait and switch. My disdain for Google’s actions aren’t and don’t need to be from my libertarianism. They may come from the same place, but others might arrive at libertarianism. And you know how the whole thing winds up. Once you buy into the “thick” libertarianism on this, it’s only a matter of time before the usual suspects insist that Damore’s memo crossed “thick libertarian” principles.
The thing that bothers me about “thick” libertarianism* is that if it contradicts “thin” libertarianism, then how is it still libertarian? You can’t say that you just want to expand upon a set of principles if in so doing you violate those same principles.
* = Assuming that “thick” libertarianism isn’t just a glorified euphemism for progressivism
More on point, “thick” libertarianism always seems to be “libertarianism plus”, as in libertarianism plus some other political philosophy. What makes this memo out of line with “thick” libertarianism, but not the policy it is arguing against? It’s the “plus” that got added on. In this case, it was modern American leftism. If your “plus” was instead Burkean conservatism you would arrive at a different answer.
Assuming that “thick” libertarianism isn’t just a glorified euphemism for progressivism
I don’t think that’s a particularly safe assumption.
It’s Thicc Libertarianism, please.
Can you spot Mary in the thread? I can.
Is she in the giant sea of white space between comments?
(Praise be unto Amukadari!)
There is no libertarian blind-spot being exposed.
Well, Nick’s blind spot was certainly exposed.
Not only can “thin” libertarians criticize private conduct, they can do so from their perspective as libertarians. Libertarianism isn’t just about the relationship between people and governments, its about the kind of society that doesn’t need/want/tolerate a big, micromanaging government. In the Google case, for example, the criticism of Google is/can be as follows:
(1) The government, via its labor laws, has created incentives for private actors to do stupid things (see Ken’s claim, mistaken in this case, that Google had to fire the guy to avoid legal trouble).
(2) Private actors doing stupid things feeds into the demand for government to do something. In the Google case, prior (perceived) incidents of political retaliation by employers led to CA passing a law against it, and prior (perceived) incidents of management squashing workers trying to improve the workplace led to the federal government doing the same.
Matt Welch and the Alonya lady that used to have all the reasoners on RT went back and forth on that. Alonya had some thinly sourced claims about ISPs and “big multinationals”, Welch came back with “bankruptcy and insolvency is the ultimate market defense against abuse of power”. Which is about true. Its going to be a hassle to move from Google docs to O365, but I can do it. If I had to stop using my gmail account that is now 14 or 15 years old, I could do it. I’m not there yet, but I could be. I could even… switch from Chrome to something else.
I was planning on switching browsers anyway because lately Chrome has been a real bitch about never quite clearing everything that’s cached, particularly stylesheets and scripts, which is a real bitch when you’re working on a website. As for the rest, I’ve got my own mail server on my own hosting, but I’ve used gmail for a very long time and, having an Android phone, I’m locked into a lot of that ecosystem. I could drop my Google Drive account and move all that back to Dropbox or something, but the phone stuff would be a real bitch.
Libertarianism is ultimately grounded not in anything like knowable objective, scientific truths, but in epistemological humility built on (per Hayek and other unacknowledged postmodernists) a tremendous amount of epistemological humility.
deepderp.epistemological humility built on (per Hayek and other unacknowledged postmodernists) a tremendous amount of epistemological humility.
Ladies and gentlemen, the senior editor of Reason.
you can tell it’s an aspen tree by the way that it is
The people this guy worked for assure us this sort of thing doesn’t happen. I am shocked. Shocked!
College student gets 100 days in slammer for registering dead voters for Dems
Which is it? He prepared the forms based on information given to him by the Dem Party, or nobody else participated in the crime? Because the Party giving people “walk sheets” with dead people’s names on them shows a degree of negligence, at best, that you might build a case on. Likely, if anyone cared to seriously investigate, the Party actually knew (or was reckless) there were dead people on there, and gave it to their minions anyway. Its hard to see any reason for that other than facilitating the commission of voter fraud.
Yeah, something’s not right there. If he was using walk sheets from somebody else, how did dead people’s names get on them?
Okay, fine. One guy, the one and only guy doing it, was caught. See, the system works!
I defy anyone to argue in good faith that his memo meets these requirements.
I confess to not having read the thing in its entirety, but my impression is the basic thesis of his “manifesto” (an imbecilic characterization) is not that google ought not be *seeking* diversity, but that what they are doing isn’t working. And- that intellectual/political lockstep is the order of the day, effectively confirmed by firing him for wrongthink.
Exactly. If you read the memo, it boils down to “Diversity yay! But there’s got to be a better way”.
Calling actual aggrieved Google employees as witnesses and cross-examining them would likely show that they weren’t reacting to the memo itself, but to third-party accounts of the memo. Which can’t be hung on Google. If anything, the Google employees mischaracterizing the memo created whatever hostile environment there is. If they were reacting to their actual, personal reading of the memo, getting them to explain in detail what was so offensive about it will take them right out of the “reasonable person” category.
I don’t even know how Colion Noir deals with these racist-ass Lefties on Twitter. You’d be challenged to find more racism at a KKK rally than what I see spouted at that guy.
They really hate him. I imagine after a while it starts to look like noise. I couldn’t do it.
Someone today outright used the term “token black” in a Tweet to him. These people should feel right at home in a Mississippi trailer park, they way they talk to him.
that’s fucked.
I mean, seriously. How passive-agressively patronizing can you be?
And Twitchy is on the case
That’s funny, I was going through the tweets and was like, “How many Chad Dukes can there be?” And sure enough, local sports radio goofball weighs in against racist progressives. That takes stones in this area.
Attention whores? Us?
A group of House Democrats wants answers from Google about a divisive internal memo that criticized the internet search giant’s diversity initiatives.
In a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, the group applauded the company for firing the author of the memo but expressed concern that the note was indicative of a larger problem in Silicon Valley.
The House Democrats asked Google to explain how it plans to prevent similar episodes in the future and what it is doing to increase the number of women and minorities in its workforce.
“It is no secret that the tech industry has a diversity problem and Google is no exception,” the members wrote. “While this memo might not reflect the views of Google as a company, the discriminatory beliefs espoused within the memo points to a problematic culture and mindset that persists within the tech industry as a whole.”
It is no secret Congress is jam-packed with cretinous vermin.
Recommended response: “We have all of your complete search histories.”
Exactly what I predicted.
8-minute turnaround time on prediction, not bad.
“You can’t take away people’s rights to be assholes.” – Simon Phoenix
Only speech that doesn’t need protected should be protected.
Wrong thread