After a week off, I’m back on the beat. There really was nothing of import going on last week in the gun world. My what a difference seven days make! Lets get right into it.
Glock also gets a well played for this post. Everyone’s a comedian.
The first big story is that the Sig P320 apparently gets a little shooty if you drop it. So shooty in fact that Sig has temporarily halted production while they sort things out. You may recall that this particular firearm (or, more specifically a very close derivative thereof) was recently chosen as the successor to the Beretta M9 for the primary sidearm of the US Army. According to Sig, the military versions do not suffer the same problems, and Sig is releasing a free ‘voluntary upgrade’ on Monday for all current P320 owners that will put the civilian models on par with the Army guns. You may also recall that yours truly happens to be one of the suckers people that bought said pistol. I actually did my own drop test on my gun and managed to drop it twice onto my back patio without it going off. I would have tested it more but it’s really not that easy to intentionally ruin a $500 gun you paid for yourself. In any case I will keep you up to date on the story as it develops.
The second big story also involves in the military, but in a more direct way. The US Army is apparently going back to it’s ex, cause it has officially released a solicitation for a 7.62 caliber battle rifle to replace the M4. They claim this is because the proliferation of modern body armor has led to the obsolescence of the 5.56mm round currently used. Now, I have never been in the military but I do know that 7.62 weighs a lot more for both the rifle and the ammo. I don’t know where or how they plan to make up the weight difference between the two loadouts, but I have a feeling they don’t either. Any of our local military experts want to weigh in on this?
Oh yeah, and then there’s this epic troll making the rounds:
Well played, asshole customer and/or employee. You win this round.
I also think I figured out a way to get Juvenile Bluster into guns. Maybe John Titor too. Stay weird and under-sexed, Japan. We like you just the way you are!
HM, please come get your kid.
I will leave you today with some sage words from the wise(and lovable) Clint Smith.
P.S.: Tiny Guns.
I know it was a random knob who set up the sign that way, but it still makes me like Wal-Mart a little more.
Speaking of guns. Did you know that you are probably a ‘domestic threat’ according to this congresswoman?
She underestimates us.
We’re foreign threats, too.
So true
The fuck’s a Dana Loesch?
Nationally syndicated talk radio host; TV commentator; author; #NRA Spokesperson. God, family, guns.
Sounds like ‘Murica to me.
She’s a minx, but it’s important to mute your computer while watching her videos.
She’s got a TV face on radio.
In ‘Murica, she should be seen fetching me a sandwich, not heard!
Shame she thinks the devils weed is reason enough for a cop to kill someone with a valid concealed weapon.
Having read all the old historical newspaper stories about the marihuana making the Negro immune to gunfire that’s sadly pretty ‘Murica too.
Yep. SHe lost me with that one. Summary execution is A-OK! Let’s face it – the NRA is an organization for cops.
Yeah, she’s usually pretty good, but that was bad.
She backed that one up? Ya, not buying that deserves a death sentence. Fuck her.
Now, I have never been in the military but I do know that 7.62 weighs a lot more for both the rifle and the ammo.
I thought the army did a “study” and switched to the 556 specifically because you can carry more ammo. On a personal note, I picked up a PSA blackout AR pistol for $500. I can’t wait to get it to the range.
Do you have to buy a NFA tax stamp for those?
No sir. It’s a handgun.
Can’t remember the regulation. Is it a barrel under 10.5 inches is considered a pistol?
I don’t know. The one I bought is 8.5 inch barrel and came with the shooting brace.
If it’s under 16 inches and it has a stock, it’s an evil and. If it’s under 16 inches and has no stock it’s a handgun. If it’s under 16 inches with no stock but over 26 inches overall it’s a firearm. Welcome to the whimsical world of the nfa.
And = sbr. I hate my phone
The only thing I added to my pistol was a red dot and a sling. I’m not changing anything because I don’t need the BATFE up my ass.
You can add an act. The ATF has decreed in their benevolence that is not considered a forward grip
Act = afg
No stock on the pistol. That little thing that Sig et al have, at the rear of the firearm, is a “brace.” I guess you brace it against the forearm of your shooting hand?
Yeah, it makes no sense to me either, and I tried to shoulder it the first time I ever saw an AR-pistol. “Gee the length of pull on this is really short…”
Yes, I think the same reason was why Soviets moved to 5.45 on AK74. Less weight, better speed(maybe? from reading Black Hawk Down, I remember something about rangers being horrified when their 5.56 rounds went right through Somalis with no effect unless they hit something vital, but maybe it was that they had AP rounds).
I understand that is a feature. At least the thought was it’s more expensive to treat wounded soldiers, so it helps drain an enemy’s resources. The dead cost nothing, as longshanks says.
The Somalis were hopped on khat too so unless the round took out something like the brainstem, it was something that would kill them later after bleeding out but in the meantime they could still keep pulling a trigger.
This is a straight up urban myth. If you look at the military white papers of the time it specifically mentions increased lethality of 5.56
5.56 and 5.45 are devastating rounds. They break up inside the body in very gruesome patterns due to how unstable the light bullets become.
And when they don’t (see, “Fleet Yaw Problem, M193 and M855.”), you get ice-pick type wounds and much less exsanguination than you’d like. Not that exsanguination is all that great an immediate incapacitation mechanism anyway.
Though that can be true with larger calibers too. The magic bullet from the Kennedy assassination is a good example of what happens when an FMJ bullet doesn’t expand or appreciably tumble in flesh.
It loops in circles and hits from two different angles?
/adjust tin foil hat
Though that can be true with larger calibers too.
Very true. My main hunting rifle is a .300 Win Mag. I bought some ballistic tip ammo for it, and found that they left perfect .30 cal exit wounds on deer. On big hogs, though, the exit wounds were more in the dinner plate size.
They break up inside the body in very gruesome patterns due to how unstable the light bullets become.
I’ve heard that’s more of an urban myth, but don’t really know one way or the other. I thought the instability was more of a problem in flight – its prone to tumbling in flight, which kills accuracy. Don’t know if the lighter bullet is more prone to doing weird shit after it hits something.
If anyone has a quickie summary on terminal ballistics of FMJ .223 (preferably v FMJ .308) I’d be grateful.
No the fragmentation is real, but it only happens above a certain Velocity which is hard to achieve with short barreled rifles.
This is a great start, especially towards the end discussing the variable performance of M193 and M855.
The “high yaw” .223 terminal ballistics are . . . impressive, but it sounds like that’s what you get when the bullet starts to tumble around on the way, meaning the accuracy will be impaired.
All told, the terminal ballistics for both seem to be more than adequate.. although the .223 seems more variable, which makes me glad I went .308 for the SHTF rifle.
Nah, the yaw only occurs once it actually hits something. 5.56, even the rounds designed to destabilize and yaw on impact, will stay stable through flight.
The vast majority of small arms fire doesn’t hit shit. Running out is quite a concern. With 5.56, you can carry more for the same bulk. Lethality might be less with 5.56, although defeating armor is a primarily a function of velocity, ceteris paribus, and 5.56 is faster than 7.62. Usually. With bullets like M855A1 or Mk 262/316, vs good ol’ M80 7.62, lethality on a human is going to pretty much be the same.
In theory, you can kill people further away with 7.62 than 5.56 (and further away still with 6.5); the fun part is trying to see them. You don’t need end 19th-century cartridges, like 30-’06, because even though they’ll kill people 1500 yds away, you’ll never be able to see them to hit them.
AIUI, (and feel free to join in, those who’ve actually been there and done that.) our problems in wide open terrain like Afghanistan is a problem with ROE and the gunshy tendencies of a command that wishes to minimize collateral damage. You don’t exchange rifle fire with a PK-wielding assailant in defilade 800 m away; you fix him with your own GPMGs and then gorilla-stomp him with artillery/mortars/Mk-19s/tac air.
Going to 7.62 Nato for individual rifles helps with none of our problems.
Going to
7.62 Nato.308 for individual rifles helps with none of our problems.I suspect that is true. If body armor really gets to be a problem, I wonder if tweaking the bullet might not be a better solution.
Only difference between 7.62 and .308 is the spec for case thickness and internal case dimension.
Almost no discernible difference in performance, only is an issue if you are reloading, as the thicker 7.62 spec means less required powder for proper chamber pressures.
Means you could blow up your gun putting a .308 measure of powder in a 7.62 shell.
I’ve seen that before. I’m mostly going all ‘Murcan on the metric system. 🙂
No one is still reading this, but…
The big difference between .308 Win and 7.62 NATO is in the maximum allowable chamber pressure, per SAAMI specifications: 62Kpsi for .308 Win vs. 50Kpsi for 7.62 NATO. Whatever the dimensions of the cartridge, inside or out, guns marked for .308 Win are (or should be) proofed for the higher chamber pressure. A safe load for a .308 Win can exceed the maximum specified chamber pressure for a 7.62 NATO gun.
Or at least, that’s the standard line. This guy has a completely different explanation why you shouldn’t mix .308 Win and 7.62 NATO. If you buy his argument, both the industry standard and the military are full of shit WRT chamber pressure. If he’s right about headspace, that actually is real problem, regardless of his arguments on pressure.
I’m still reading this….
That’s a joke, right? An Air Force General thought a lightweight survival rifle somebody showed him looked cool, so he issued them to his base guards. The Chairman of GM thought they looked cool too so he ordered up a study. David Hackworth and other Airborne guys dragged the M16 prototypes through the woods, mud, etc… and tried them in combat conditions. They reported back that the rifles were unreliable pieces of shit completely unfit for general issue, particularly with normal (not “stick” ammo). A year later Hackworth was in Vietnam carrying a new M16.
That’s why study was in quotes.
It didn’t help when Mattel was marketing them they said the rifle didn’t need to be cleaned.
*takes deep breath, then lets out primal scream while throwing cleaning kits and breakfree bottles around the room*
*hands Swiss a chocolate bar*
BATFE lets you shoulder a pistol now. You just can’t modify the brace at all, e.g. take off any velcro straps, add rivets or padding, etc.
Hence my “I ain’t touching a thing” stance.
Until the ATF changes their mind again (the guidance has changed at least 3? times)
Sounds like Sig has a Nambu 94 problem.
I also think I figured out a way to get Juvenile Bluster into guns. Maybe John Titor too.
They claim this is because the proliferation of modern body armor has led to the obsolescence of the 5.56mm round currently used.
The questions here should probably be “and how many of the people we’re actually fighting have said modern body armour?” and “how much weight is this going to add on to the already stupidly heavy load?”
how much weight is this going to add on to the already stupidly heavy load?”
Quite or we will never get mobile suits.
Quiet. Stupid phone
As Derpetologist pointed out with side gunners on helicopters yesterday, the military will manage to make anything boring. Including mech suits.
Here is your mech suit!
Now unload that truck!
There is speculation that this sudden fear of body armor is because were gearing up for a shooting war with China or russia.
Which is odd because the PLA is notorious for poorly equipping their soldiers while obsessing over weapons platforms. The PLA is also the genius organization that spends about as much time forcing communist orthodoxy down the throats of officers in training than teaching actual strategic and tactical study.
Hell, one of the more hilarious problems with the Chinese military right now is that a lot of their equipment is designed for people who are way more malnourished than they are now, i.e. skinny and short. They’re having to redesign their APCs because Chinamen are too tall for them now.
Aren’t a lot of UHMW PE fibers woven in China, and can’t they make at least serviceable body armor? Ditto ceramics and certainly steel seems within their capabilities. We buy enough of it from them.
My understanding is that ballistic PPE is getting cheaper and cheaper, and much more widely distributed. It’s not just a First World thing anymore.
Then there’s the increasing proliferation of night vision…
You can get level 4 body armor commercially for less than 20p a plate now, and that’s American made. Divide by 4 for Chinese gov deals.
20p =200
I thought you went British for a second.
I know. 20 cents a plate? I’ll take two!
The potential for them to make it is obviously there, the question is more whether the PLA is willing to invest it in or even get the funding. China’s got a weird view on military doctrine and their fights over funding are way more intense because their branches are way more segmented than in most Western militaries (mostly to prevent coups).
Also, if we’re really digging into history…China kind of sucks at fighting anyone but themselves and Tibetans.
The Indians in ’62 disagree. Though I think the Vietnamese would agree with you. As an aside, from the wiki, the casualty estimates in that one vary hilariously depending on who’s counting.
Not sure who ended up doing better in their slap-fights with the Soviets along the Ussuri River.
They’re feeling their oats and have a large surplus of non-married, and unlikely to ever be married, men. It’s not an enviable situation for their neighbors looking forward. Whether that should make it the US’s problem or not, is another question.
A wee border skirmish where the Chinese outnumbered the Indians by almost ten to one is somewhat overshadowed by their long, long history of getting stomped by everyone who shows up in their neighbourhood. Even ignoring the European powers their track records with the regional groups who did pick a fight with them is pretty terrible. I mean, their greatest military success of the last hundred years is throwing enough bodies at an undermanned UN force to get them to back the fuck up.
Regardless China’s got way more internal issues than they’re letting on. In twenty years the PLA will probably be back to doing what they do best: shooting unarmed university students.
And Tibetans….and Uighurs. And just maybe each other.
The pictures are in english, but since you are an ass heres a synopsis in american.
Oh come on, only like, 65% of anime involves panties.
There are entirely too many positive comments on that article.
This Edition of Where the Prog Things Are: Maybe the Strawman of the Week
So LePage actually makes a valid point about ridiculous age requirements, and this guy slams to the ground to make sure the point goes over him. That is some grade-A derp.
Is this an op-ed or is someone actually getting paid to be this stupid?
Also, more proof that the left is the home of modern-day scolds.
Charles P. Pierce has been a working journalist since 1976. He is the author of four books, most recently ‘Idiot America.’ He lives near Boston with his wife but no longer his three children.
Let’s see, Boston residency, writes a book about how stupid and tinfoil hat the right wing is, lived in a bubble for 40 years…yeah, he is this stupid.
’If 18-year-olds are too young and can’t make the right decisions to buy cigarettes, then I don’t think they should be able to vote,’
And they shouldn’t be able to have sex, since they won’t be able to have the post-coital cigarette.
I almost purchased a used 320c last weekend. I’m glad I didn’t.
Depends. Are those panties used?
(If any of you think I’m serious I swear to god I will hunt you down.)
I think you might actually be serious.
Just how “used” do you want your panties to be?
Re: the RFP for a new Army rifle:
(1) I had to click through to see if it was the manly .308 (goes by 7.62 x 51 to Eurofags) or the meh 7.62 x 39 AK-47 round. It was the .308! Woot! [mental note: if this gets legs, stock the fuck up on .308 rounds]
(2) Props on the correct use of the term “battle rifle”. The M-4/M-16 is an “assault rifle” due to its “intermediate” round (the .223, known as 5.56 x 45 to Eurofags). The .308 gets you “battle rifle” status due to its manliness of the ammo.
The weight is an issue, although we managed to whip the Nazis hauling around .30 class rounds.
And how much body armor when they carrying when they fought the nazis?
Let’s see *does math, converts to percentages* – about 100% less body armor, I believe.
Quick check shows that the .308 weighs about .906 oz, over twice as much as the .223 at .423 oz.
100 rounds of .308 weighs around 5 pounds, 10 ounces. 100 rounds of .223 weighs around 2 pounds, 10 ounces. Not sure what the standard loadout is for infantry, but if the carry 200 rounds, that’s a total additional weight of six pounds.
Considering the current grunt loadout is around 110 pounds right now, an extra 6 pounds might actually break people.
As a former grunt, I’ll say that of all the gear I would have liked to see significantly lightened or left behind, my rifle was the last.
Roger that.
You have to take into account volume as well as mass.
Its a tough balance, no question.
OTOH – longer range, better penetration, more ballistic damage. OTOH – portability, and I would add recoil – somebody who tolerates .223 recoil might not tolerate .308 recoil as well.
You will note that cost is not a factor, because military.
When I bought my SHTF rifle (a tastefully tricked-out M1A), I went .308 because at my age I will be defending in place, not scampering around the countryside, so weight wasn’t really a factor.
When checking on the weight of ammo, .50 BMG rounds weigh over a quarter pound each.
My SHTF amd all around fun gun is a fusil automatique leger.
I hope the military goes to a primary .308 rifle. That aught to bring down the price of .308 to a more fun level.
That aught to bring down the price of .308 to a more fun level.
Or make it prone to shortages.
Depends on what you mean by penetration. 5.56 actually works better for armor penetration thanks to the higher velocity (at least within its effective range). It’s why steel targets will often be rated for .308 at close range while not being rated for 5.56 at the same range.
Let me see where I put those M14 canvas ammo pouches again…
So, to save weight, let’s replace burst mode with semi-auto only.
To provide the needed volume of fire, replace SAW with a .30 cal LMG.
Maybe add a 60mm mortar for close support.
Now that’s how Murica beat Nazis!
The coolest gun in any WWII movie was the B.A.R.!
Nope. The Sturmgewehr.
I always thought MP40s and Grease Guns looked like a blast to shoot.
I like the water cooled browning 1917.
Doing walking fire with the Bren gun is the coolest thing to do.
Yes, even cooler than trying to do it with MG-42.
I loved the FG-42 in CoD. Practically, there’s just something about a PPSh burst though. Supposed to be an easy to control bullet hose too.
When I was a kid, I took an old shoebox, cut a hole out of the middle of one of the sides, and put in a cardboard paper towel roll to make my play version of that.
I rate the chances of the Army switching to a general-issue 7.62 at exactly 0%.
The ordnance guys are bored and want some new free rifles to play with.
If they were serious about armor penetration, they would be playing with various 6.5 mm cartridges, then when they picked one they liked, asking for rifles in that caliber.
*shines old OD insignia, scowls*
Ayup. A general switch to 7.62×51 is never going to happen. And thank God…
Earlier this week, the ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of Milo, causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth on the left.
Now they’re filing a lawsuit on behalf of Richard Spencer, and, well…
My brain put this in as I was reading those.
My respect for the ACLU continues to grow. Some chapters have principles.
God dammit, ACLU, be 100% woke or don’t be woke at all! This 85% shit is confusing and scaring me.
Is the ACLU reversing its trend of becoming a generic left-wing activist organization, or is it just that some of the local chapters still have principles?
“Sent from my iPhone”
I’ll go ahead and drop this here again to foul the ACLU good vibes…
Medicaid being one of those civil liberties buried in the emanations and penumbras, I guess.
perhaps 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds are also too young to cast ballots
I’ll go along with that.
I also think I figured out a way to get Juvenile Bluster into guns. Maybe John Titor too.
I remember when non-moe chicks with guns were an anime staple.
Parenthetically, I’ve never regretted one-link limit as I do now. But maybe it’s for the best. When the new meets the old, It always end the ancient ways etc.
More military otaku need to write anime. We don’t get nearly enough gun porn anymore.
High school of the dead asks ‘why not both?’
Yes but High School of the Dead writers lose points because they clearly don’t know how breasts work.
(I’m very glad I could find that by searching “High School of the Dead dumbest scene”)
You bitch that anime isn’t awesome anymore and then you bitch that the shit isn’t realistic. Make up your mind!
There is a difference between “Holy shit Revy gives zero fucks about the laws of physics” and “Japanese nerds think breasts can travel faster than the speed of sound”.
I can just picture the design team meeting that week
“So…how do boobs work?”
“Quite well?”
“I have a cousin who touched one once! I’ll get him on the phone!”
“Upon thorough research into the subject…” *holds up copy of Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball*
Wait wait wait – they actually get the bullet flying in a ballistic arc right (most such shots show a bullet traveling in a straight line, because fucksticks making televisions shows think bullets work like lasers) but then they blow it with hypersonic bullet-dodging boobs?
Classically, for suspension of disbelief, you don’t want too many implausible things going on at once. Given the choice between impossible straightline ballistic arcs and hypersonic bullet-dodging boobs, I think they made the right call.
I guess – as my kids say, “because, anime.”
But moe girls with guns are better.
If you use the gun, you’re not MOE!
OK, Gunslinger Girl/Noir exception, but let’s not go into wrist-slitting psychological drama.
*Referencing Sword Art Online favourably*
Are you testing me Satan?
I actually despise the show, but love her.
Is it bad enough to hate-watch?
Oh god no. It’s not fun bad, it’s just bad bad.
It’s a bad sign when the Abridged series is better written than the actual show.
Now you want some that’s so bad it’s great: (mostly because the dubbers gave zero fucks and just made shit up) Ghost Stories.
Bought the collected box as soon as it came out! Must have seen the whole thing at least eight times. May be rewatch time soon!
I legit love the 2004-2010(or so) crop of ADV dub actors. Noir, Orphen, Princess 9, Princess Tutu (I watch girly shit, I’ll argue to my death those belong in MAMA though), RahXephon, Excel Saga, FMP – that shit was improved by their performances and I will brook no disagreement.
They didn’t improve on Cromartie High School, but that would be almost impossible.
Ordinarily I don’t recommend reading the comments on a Youtube video, but do read them on the video of the girl with the gun and the taser. Whoever put up the video wants it to go viral, so they made the video as stupid as possible.
The Tiny Guns was hilarious.
I also like Kopps, if only for this scene.
So, we gettin’ afternoon lynx or nah?
Tags: Daily Links, Guns, Opinion, Products You Need
This is it, brah! Get rowdy!
These are the links today. Please feel free to post your own, as well, if these don’t fascinate and delight.*
*And blame Vhyrus.**
**Not really his fault
It’s always his fault.
The bastard.
World’s oldest man dies one month shy of 114th birthday.
Fine. Here’s my contribution: “Bear swipes car for joyride, then poops inside”.
Beat that for headline.
I hate to break this to you…
That was literally the first link yesterday afternoon bruh
Mothereffer. I’m just going home and await the Nork pummel to the jelly.
PBRStreetgang, None of these people work. My sympathies.
Meh. Yesterday’s Links caught that one.
GUNLINK A BIT LATER TODAY.Got a 1959 Colt python a while back. Itching to try it out, but I’ve been told it’s a gun you don’t shoot if you want it to hold any value.
Like you’ll ever sell it. Go shoot the fucking thing.
Well damn it you’ve convinced me. I’m taking it to the range.
I feel the same way about cars. They are made to be driven. Not hidden away and polished.
I would think being able to confirm it is in shooting condition would add to its value. I know that’s the case for actual antiques.
The Sig drop issue is the trigger is too heavy. The inertia is causing it engage the striker.
TFB TV tried to show that it wasn’t the cause, but their own video actually shows the trigger moving.
Replace the trigger with a lighter one and no more drop fire issue
^^^ That’s my understanding as of this moment
It’s a possibility. The new mhs trigger is lighter and supposedly solved the problem. It’s mostly a big nothingburger that the fanboys are using as leverage right now.
“Muh Gaston!”
“Muh Perfection!”
“Army should have picked Glock!”
*Glocktistic screeching*
They never break if they only ever sit in your sock drawer. Just sayin’…
Now, I have never been in the military but I do know that 7.62 weighs a lot more for both the rifle and the ammo. I don’t know where or how they plan to make up the weight difference between the two loadouts, but I have a feeling they don’t either. Any of our local military experts want to weigh in on this?
Same way they did when I was in March 1985- July 2012….carry more, O Packmule of the Army.
Current loadout sits at around 110 pounds. Humans have a physical limit that has already been met or exceeded.
WW2 and Korean grunts say “What?”
The continuing mission of the American army is to ground its soldiers’ knees into dust by age 40.
Yep – Marines in the 80’s and 90’s. The combat loads were and are absurd. Most of was crap that’s unnecessary or could be a lot lighter such as: gas mask, e-tool, body armor and helmet, canvas fucking shelter-half (I assume they replaced that by now?), radio made from battleship steel, etc…
Like I said above. The only weight I didn’t mind humping was the rifle and ammo – that thing was my purpose in life so don’t go chopping off half the barrel to make it a pound lighter while I’m still carrying all that other shit.
V8 powered Mini Clubman
That’s just pure champion-stuff, right there.
I’m assuming the new battle rifle will, for all intents and purposes, be AR like
If they don’t pick an ar or scar I will be first in li e to blow raspberries at them.
Unless they pick the new tavor, then I will throw roses and dance for them
Yeah, I saw where most people think the scar was the choice before the RFI was even put out. I guess that’s OK.
Yeah, SCAR heavy would be a good choice. Shot one of those a few weeks ago, sweet rifle. Nice and light recoil too, for what it is
I swear I read somewhere that SOCOM units already field the SCAR H. The whole thing seems frivolous if there is a proven platform. Unless of course they just want to see if somebody comes up with something better.
Yeah, some do, and other units are replacing the SR-25 with the SCAR-H and 20″ version the SSR.
I know you can get .308 ARs which I think are just a swapped out .308 receiver on a regular AR. Not sure if that will work for the military.
Also not sure if the AR recoil system is optimal for heavier ammo, either – I think some of the Euro rifles use a different system (inertia? way out of my depth here).
It will be interesting to see what they get back.
Not true. The mag well is too small on an ar15 lower. They do make ar 10s though.
See, my very superficial knowledge of firearms is why I go with the generic “AR”. Makes sense that swapping out just the receiver (and barrel, of course) won’t cut it.
It looks like it’s favoring the incumbents, the SCAR-H (FN) and the SR-25 (KAC)
Isn’t there an HK AR variant also in the mix too? Could KAC even begin to supply everyone with a SR-25?
Jeez, what a way to piss away money.
The HK-417 (basically the 416’s big brother) is used all over the place as a DMR.
Today the DNS server at my job whacked out – so it was an interesting time, mostly filled with phone calls from irate employees wondering what the hell was going on.
Did you explain that you’re not locked in here with them, they’re locked in here with you?
My job is needs the internet working – all the FTP (sFTP and FTP/s) jobs that occur – but thankfully hardly anyone bothered me about it. So yay?
isThere has been too much violence, too much pain. None here are without sin. I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war. Look at what remains of your gallant scouts. Why? Because you’re selfish! You hoard your query responses.
You need your DNS system to never fail, it is amazing that people do not design it with the robustness of the other core networking protocols (BGP, SAN, IGRP etc. ) Much of my tech career has been in designing corporate DNS systems that you cannot let fail. I have learned where the gremlins hide, there are certain processes and architecture designs that you do to mitigate instability and allow problem scenarios to soft fail rather than hard fail. Adding too much complexity or redundancy can hurt rather than help.
More LePage Shenanigans: I know that some think he’s a little crazy, but I can see why he has a rabid base of support. I’d definitely support a run for Senate from him, as it has been rumored this week.
I don’t really understand the move back to .308. I mean part of the whole reason for 5.56 was mostly for weight savings. I’m pretty sure soldiers aren’t stronger and able to carry more weight than they were 15 years ago? I feel like a different intermediate caliber would be a better choice. .300 blackout or something, keep most of the old parts and mags and everything.
In other news, just put a new 3.5 lb single stage straight trigger in my AR. Pretty excited to try her out this weekend.
that would reconcile with their previous stated desire to outfit more units with suppressors.
Razorfist reviews Lord Humungus’ biography.
So, I spent the week at the first convention.
Here’s some video.
Al Franken’s had some work done.
Didn’t you
threatenpromise a post on… something… I don’t remember. I tried to search for it but the search here makes H&R’s look good.Yes. But I haven’t completed it as I was pretty sick these past couple of days.
Understandable. Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you.
Jesus Christ man, just buy a whore.
As I get older, I look at guys like him and think awww. Because I am too old for him and would never have to interact with him. I hope he finds some girl who thinks he is great.
Here ya go Vhyrus:
Scroll down to the August 9th post – They’re getting in 28 of the FN 249S paratroopers. Belt fed goodness for only $6k and change.
Only a cars worth of money for a semi automatic boat anchor…. quick let me get my wallet.
Yeah, that was the joke.
Wow. I like FN’s, but JFC.
Conspiracy theory guru Jim Marrs has died:
Ironically, he died from natural causes and nobody is disputing it.
The last time I checked out a P320 at my local merchant of death he was telling me the trigger will fail to reset if you ride it to reset. My response of course was that sounds like internet hearsay. He wound up trying for a couple minutes to show me, and he actually did get it to malfunction. I’m curious if the two are related.
I’ve put hundreds of rounds through mine and have never gotten it to do that
MOD: “You have to release the trigger….just… right. HA!! See!?”
*hands me pistol*
*tap-rack* *points at Hillary poster* *click*
Me: “Problem solved”
Don’t worry, I found an new death merchant.
Interesting. Did it have a false reset, or did it completely fail to link with the trigger at rest?
I don’t presently own one, but I’ve shot quite a few P320s and never had any of them fail to reset. Then again, I look at riding the reset on a handgun as being not unlike wearing white athletic socks with sandals. In public.
The striker reset, but the trigger did not engage with the rest of the firing group. Don’t construe it as a flaw in the guns design, it took him several tries and he had to ride the trigger to reset like a bullseye shooter. Its not a feasible scenario if you are shooting in anger or fear,
Well, that was a boring start to the EPL.
My daughter is more interested in developing her trade.
what does that sign @0:20 with the “NO HAND-GRENADES”-image say
Basically how much different repair services cost from 150 baht to 20 baht for a magazine change.
i was expecting something involving sex-slavery/dirty-panties sales, but fine
Also, looking over the sign, I notice the words “revolver” “magazine” “semi-auto” and “full-auto” are just transliterations from English.
But what does the grenade mean??
She’s pretty damn handy. I wish I had someone to clean my guns for me.
Send that shit to Mr Google Manifesto man. Ha……Women can be trained at anything if you catch them young enough.
Any updates/rumors/speculation on HPA or SHUSH?
this, probably.
I hope it goes?
Sunday is my concealed class. Then a trip to the sheriffs office. Then 90 days?
then you must grow a mustache
my response
Yup. What are you gonna carry?
I bought a Walther PPQ.
Good choice. Got a holster yet?
An OWB one
Thinking about this one for the IWB
I’ve been using Alien Gear for both OWB and IWB and have been very happy with it. Just make sure to loctite the bolts.
good to hear. I was looking at them as well, but wanted to make sure.
Please don’t do this.
Please don’t do this.
Not a fan of alien gear?
This one was also put into my cart.
Good for you. I have yet to get around to that.
Not that it should be required. At least CO says concealed in the car is not concealed. They haven’t taken that from us yet.
The Boulder Sheriff is surprisingly quick about getting those turned around. Might be well less than 90 days. Had a friend get his in 2 weeks a few years ago.
That’s good to hear.
I’ll tell you when it shows up for me.
Penn State Professor: “We need to return to the values of the 1950’s”
‘When kids who got molested, kept it to themselves, and kept our football team off probation.”
As opposed to the modern day:
“When kids decide they don’t like somebody, they just accuse him of rape, and get our football team on probation.”
The author has some stones on her, I’ll give her that. Not only going after squishy multi-culti “all cultures should be celebrated” horseshit, but actually calling out the dying American culture as superior. She’s seen her last faculty cocktail party, that’s for damn sure.
I’m down if we can also return to the drinking cultural norms of the 1950s.
At work?
3 martini lunch or get the fuck out.
not mentioned:
the role of the welfare state in encouraging dependency
the role of taxes and regulation stifling business
the role of the minimum wage in preventing people from getting that first job
A combination of factors — prosperity, the Pill, the expansion of higher education, and the doubts surrounding the Vietnam War —
I think your three go under “prosperity”. That’s how you get Swedish-like prosperity, right?
Derpy thing I did today – *raced a guy in a Chevy Avalanche with some loud ass headers. And the driver learned something called power-to-weight ratio as I easily passed him with a little boosted 4.
*I normally don’t partake in this kind of stupidity but it was “one of those days” and I was feeling annoyed by the bro-truck thing.
what four banger do you have?
Clubman S with the turbocharged 1.6L – only makes a lousy 172hp.
I like em.
Yeah it’s quick but not fast, if you know what I mean. If I wanted to go fast in a straight line I would have bought a BMW 335i or a Mustang or something like that. Mini isn’t made for stoplight racing but the twisties. Still fun to drive ’em hard though, banging through the gears.
I prefer quick to fast.
And fun torque in the midrange, where we spend most of our time.
Unless you track it, what the fuck are you gonna do with a fire breather?
I doubt my Triumph makes 100 and it’s still stupidly fun to drive.
Since we already covered the guns part of “I love guns and titties”…
Number 6 for real, number 18 for fake.
19 might have been born a guy.
She does have a rather prominent jawline.
She’s either trans or Canadian. Can’t decide which.
Reminds me of “He’s European? I thought he was just gay.”
Or my favorite game at the grocery store near campus: “Lesbian Professor or Mildly Retarded 15-Year-Old Boy?”
I’m in love with 1.
Me too, looks sorta like Stana Katic.
8 wins today.
I don’t know why I always click that link. Some sorta STEVE SMITH nether region in my brain, I’d opine. Purty Girls! and than you’re a middle-aged janitor again.
thing I learned today
‘Member those Buddha statues the Taliban blew up? I ‘member. Turns out that happened because a Swedish group offered to restore them, but did not offer aid to Afghanistan’s humor.
In 1999, Mullah Omar issued a decree protecting the Buddha statues at Bamyan, two 6th-century monumental statues of standing buddhas carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of central Afghanistan. He did this because Afghanistan had no Buddhists, so idolatry would not be a problem.
But in March 2001, the statues were destroyed by the Taliban of Mullah Omar following a decree issued by him. The Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar explained why he ordered the statues to be destroyed in an interview:
I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings – the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha’s destruction.[34]
I remember reading that. Omar was full of shit and attempting a piss poor PSYOPS. The real reason for his change of opinion was the fact that his new Wahabi paymasters were in town. You know, bin Laden and the boys.
Behind the Music: Bin Laden and the Boys
When Lou Pearlman traveled to Afganistan in late 1989 to recruit the world’s first Muslim boy band he had no idea that the result would be the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, when the world first learned about Bin “Benny” Laden’s AIDS-infected rampage through the tween fan base of the wildly popular group.
I’d watch that.
Yeah, it does seem to hit all the right “western guilt” high notes a little too well. Piss off the west, please the fanatics, do nothing to alleviate the shitty situation for the vast majority of your country’s population… win, win, win!
Right. It’s up to foreigners to feed the Afghans. Good thinking, Mullah.
Alcohol helps goldfish make it through the winter without oxygen
Aug. 11 (UPI) — Goldfish can make their own alcohol, allowing them to survive long winters at the bottom of frozen lakes with little to no oxygen. Now, researchers know how.
Scientists at the universities of Oslo and Liverpool discovered the key to the goldfish’s unique metabolic ability: a pair of proteins key to the breakdown of carbohydrates inside the cell’s mitochondria. One of the two proteins is similar to proteins found in other species, but the second is unique.
The second protein carries metabolic substrates outside the cell’s mitochondria, aiding the conversion of lactic acid into ethanol. The alcohol is then diffused across the fish’s gills.
So it really does drink like a fish.
This would be one man-fish hybrid feature that would be awesome. Way better than drinking your own piss like Water World.
Less is more? Trump slows federal regs to a crawl in first six months
Just halfway through his first year in office, President Trump is delivering on a key campaign promise to cut red tape, according to a new study.
The six-month review of Trump’s regulatory agenda by the American Action Forum shows the federal government practically slamming the brakes on regulation. The number of new rules is now at a record low, according to the study, in sharp contrast to the start of the Obama administration.
“If you look at what’s happening in the first six months for President Trump compared to President Obama, it’s staggering,” group president Douglas Holtz-Eakin told “Fox & Friends” on Friday.
On the campaign trail, then-candidate Trump promised that “for every new regulation, we’re going to cut two,” and to “get rid of all the unnecessary regulations.”
The Obama administration’s first six months of regulations imposed $24.4 billion in total costs, compared with the $1.2 billion for the Trump administration. And the 41 rules approved represents a fraction of the number approved at the start of previous administrations.
“The business community really feels like the beatings have stopped, Washington is not trying to put them in the bullseye, and they can go about running their businesses and not worrying about the regulations,” Holz-Eakin, who ran the Congressional Budget Office under then-President George W. Bush, said.
To be accelerated by the next Democratic President because reasons.
President Harris. Think on this and weep ye lost and forlorn. Obama at an order of magnitude.
Australian Army bans male recruits to get female numbers up
THE Australian Defence Force was today accused of putting up a smokescreen to hide its politically correct policy of only hiring women for roles including those on the frontline.
The Daily Telegraph revealed the weekly targets sent out to ADF recruiters showed no targets for men in 35 of 50 Army positions but the instruction to “recruit immediately” if a woman came forward for combat roles such as armoured cavalry.
In response the ADF put out a statement saying: “All roles in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) are open for men and women to apply.”
But an ADF recruiter told The Telegraph: “Yes they can apply – but only women will get the job.”
Senator Cory Bernardi warned “politically correct and gender ideology” was likely to “compromise the effectiveness of our front line combat capability.
The recruitment policy comes from the top. At an International Women’s Day speech in Canberra this year Chief of Army Lieutenant General Angus Campbell said: “We aspire to have 25 per cent representation of women in Army by 2025.”
Australian Army officer Captain Sandi Williams was a mentor to female Afghan military instructors in 2015.
That is double the current number of women who make up 12.7 per cent of the army — although disproportionately 18 per cent of commanding officers are now women.
[head desk]
I vote they give the Yazidi women fighting in Iraq and Syria Australian citizenship and an army posting, instead.
That silly sniper with the blue dew-rag can guard my compound anytime except for the fact that she is probably long dead.
today’s obscure hero
Major General Reuben Henry Tucker III (January 29, 1911 – 6 January 1970) was a highly decorated senior United States Army officer. He served with distinction during World War II, where he commanded the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (504th PIR), leading it in action in Sicily, Italy, Holland, Belgium and Germany, from 1942–1945. He was one of the youngest regimental commanders of the war.
Colonel James M. Gavin, who originally commanded the 505th PIR, and later commanded the 82nd Airborne Division, stated in his book, “On to Berlin”, “The 504th was commanded by a tough, superb combat leader, Colonel Reuben H. Tucker was probably the best regimental commander of the war.” Interestingly, Gavin would admit that Tucker
was famous for screwing up everything that had to do with administration. One story going around was that when Tucker left Italy, he had an orange crate full of official charges against his soldiers and he just threw the whole crate into the ocean. Ridgway and I talked about it and we decided we just couldn’t promote Tucker. (from 9/28/82 interview of Gavin by Clay Blair)
One story going around was that when Tucker left Italy, he had an orange crate full of official charges against his soldiers and he just threw the whole crate into the ocean
Doesn’t sound like “screwing up” his “administrative” duties. Sounds like the kind of officer who men will follow because he is a “tough, superb combat leader”. How do you think the troops he led reacted when he actually threw the charges against them into the ocean?
today’s quote
“The secret to success is to offend the greatest number of people.”
George Bernard Shaw
“Fans Edwardian “vapours away”, Hubby says “Well see here, Good man!”
A former boss always told me that if at least a few people weren’t pissed off at you, you were doing it wrong.
When I was a young leader of men I thought that it was best to get to know my crew. Drinks on Friday night, overtime never worked etc. Turns out I was guilty of the sin of pride. I was nothing better than a thug “makin’ it rain” and we all know how much the peelers respect the clientele. Eh, I’m better off working alone.
Our company consists of two people. We have awesome outside partners for most functions and it’s wonderful. I would rather be punched in the nuts than to have employees again.
Twice the work at the same salary. The constant need to “shadow” those fuckers just to ensure a job was done properly was what drove me further into drink. It feeds itself – they fuck around, you elbow them outta the way, show them once again. Rinse and repeat. At least I was drawing “foreman pay”.
Same here.
I was an assistant supervisor at a factory (and since the main supervisor took 28 cigarette breaks a day and didn’t do jack shit the rest of the time, I was basically the supervisor). We had around 30 people in our department.
It was a stressful nightmare every day. People slacked off, ran the machines improperly, then complained when I told them that we had to stay over to make shipment for our customer.
After about a year and a half of that, I took a different position where I just ran one machine all by myself. Aside from working pretty much every Saturday, that was a great job. High pay and zero stress.
Huh. Not sure how to take that. The only people ever pissed at me filed for divorce.
You’ve led a very sheltered life if you truly believe that, Friendo.
Apropos of nada but Faith Goldy looks and acts like one of those sentient sex-bots that have been creating such a stir in the nerdosphere….
This for the ladies and gay/bicurious dudes that are into the effete disposition and look
I thought it would be any mainstream video on MTV before Reagan unleashed the AIDS. That shit is fucked up.
Someone should make a blown-out candle scented candle.
They have those. The ones that light again after you blow them out. They are a lot of work to get a lot of scent though.
They make toddlers cry so well worth the effort!