I am a brutal enforcer for the Vortex
And I fly the main road
Searchin’ in the sun for another brutal victim load
I hear you screamin’ in the razor wire,
I can hear you through the bullets whine
And the brutal enforcer is still on the firing line
I know I need a small vacation
But it don’t look like a delivery of grain
And if it snows that force field down south won’t ever stand the strain
And I need the gun more than want the gun,
And I want you for all cleansing time
And the brutal enforcer is still on the firing line
And I need the gun more than want the gun,
And I want you for all cleansing time
And the brutal enforcer is still on the firing line
The last time I was in Applebee’s, it was a dump. The only reason I was there was because I had a gift card.
I must confess, it has been some number of …years? since I have been in one. I cannot imagine they could have changed that much.
unless that gift card was for bottomless amounts of beer, you got suckered
I do suppose that a working beer tap is a working beer tap.
I don’t drink beer.
OK, bottomless gin gimlets!
You really should start, Ted. I think it works be good for you.
I agree couldn’t more. It works be good for me a lot.
It’s the fucking phone.
That is excellent.
I watched the Taco video after that and wow.
Thanks for that Swiss! I haven’t heard that in years, forgot about it.
I’ve said it before, but: I’m one of those freaks who doesn’t like carbonated beverages.
But still drinks make you acerbic.
Makes him gassy, discombobulates him, even.
I’ve got an acerbic wit even when I’m sober.
Applebee’s is too expensive for my poor person tastes.
While I’m suspicious of millennials, the Post, and Applebees, and triply suspicious of anything involving all three, I did find this amusing: .
As an Xer I have a lot of problems with millennials (we’d have common ground in our loathing of Boomers if the millennials weren’t going to inherit all that Boomer net worth.) I think I’ll be OK with them killing Applebees though.
You guys are one tough crowd. I’m as picky and demanding as any when it comes to food, but I know what I’m getting at Applebee’s and each time we’ve gone it’s always been good.
Well, tastes vary. By which I mean that I have good taste, and you don’t.
I was kidding, btw… don’t know if that entirely came across.
They appear to have veered away from that?
Been watching docos about the LA “Wrecking Crew“. Glenn brags about how he can’t read.
I wasn’t speaking ill. watch the clip. they joke about how most LA studio musicians can read shit upside down or backwards, while guys like him are just as good but just play by ear.
I Dl’d this feature-length one, planned to watch later tonight
I had heard a couple of people talking about that – said it was very interesting.
Yes. All the stories about the great “house bands” of the 60s and 70s make excellent documentaries… because these are the actual dudes who came up with 100s of hugely famous hooks and beats for #1 songs, but most of the time the only person you know is the singer.
There’s a similar movie about the muscle shoals rhythm section that’s great. Half the british musicians who went to record there assumed everyone was black (because they recorded all Wilson Pickett and Aretha Franklin + Percy Sledge etc etc. stuff, so they just thought ‘the band must be black’)…. when they’re a bunch of pudgy balding alabama white boys who can just play real nice.
Also, “Standing on the Shoulders of Motown”? something like that. a doco about the “Funk Bros” that recorded most of the motown hits. Its a little higher-production value… has ‘re-enactments’ and guest performances etc. but still worth watching.
so they just thought ‘the band must be black’)…. when they’re a bunch of pudgy balding alabama white boys who can just play real nice.
“Cultural Appropriation! Not okay!” (crosses arms across non-existent breasts, huffs, and leaves the room) five second pause “Another turkey leg Grandma?”
Um….uh oh. That sounds worse than a cat-butting.
*scurries out of range*
When I heard about the Wrecking Crew playing the Byrds my shuffle from soft centrist to shitlord was complete. Now I question all of my California stuff from that era. Whither “Buffalo Springfield”? Maybe that’s why Neil has such a carbuncle on his bottom about the industry…
Neil Young should just compose music, because he can’t sing worth shit.
His voice complements Live Rust very nicely (I say this as a fan, because I’ve dug on Neil for nearly forty years). Wifey loves his compositions but hates his voice. Some folk dig Bob but I never saw the draw.
I wonder how true this is. For instance, while a lot of the greats who invented the blues weren’t trained at all, and couldn’t read music, by the time blues record were selling well the guys recording them were mostly trained musicians, claiming to be entirely untutored in order to satisfy our appetite for authenticity.
Glen Campbell was a pretty successful studio musician at the beginning of his career. I’m willing to buy that he didn’t read as well as some (like there are some things I can’t sight-read in that damned Berklee Melodic Rhythms book, so I guess I can’t read music) but I’m having a hard time imagining how you could be a top session player and not read.
Funny how you CAN get a cop convicted….if he hurts the team. Now, if he had shot up someone with a phone in their hand, and he had chanted the magic words “I was in fear for my life” “furtive gesture” or the like, he would have skated.
I was never a Glenn Campbell fan and I blame my upbringing as he would have been one played by my parents which makes it bad. But Alzheimer’s is just evil. What a fucked up brain disease. RIP.
As to Applebee’s, well, never been to one because, well, it is Applebee’s.
Not eatin’ good in the neighborhood, I see.
I don’t know if it is good or not. I assume a chain restaurant will be the same bland chain restaurant shite the rest of them overcharge for. If I am going to be overcharged for something I would like it to be at least created by someone with some imagination.
I was just riffing on their slogan.
I don’t really care for the chain places either, but they’re made for people like my father who enjoys Sunday dinner at 3:30 PM anyway.
You guys don’t have a proper cafe there?
Our entire family listens to Glenn Campbell regularly, and as a John Wayne fan “True Grit” is a classic. IMHO Alheimer’s was a blessing (no religious expression intended) to Glenn’s legacy – better to remembered as a victim versus a domestic abuser (+ 1 Tanya Tucker).
90’s Tanya Tucker was hot. And that smokey voice. mmmm good.
Could she outsnort Stevie Nicks?
That would be a competition in my own twisted Battle of the Network Stars.
This gives me a thought:
Applezheimer’s! A restaurant so cliche and bad that you automatically forget you ate there!
Who knew how good it would feel having my narrowed gaze cherry popped.
Only if they have an Applzehimerspie that they smash your face in and you drown on apples and cinnamon for your last moments.
Not a new type, just different packaging.
Nice package.
Due to over-tiredness and possibly over-exposure to the internet, I read that as “PERHAPS A NEW TYPE OF ERMAHGERD.”
Perhaps you should stop taking All Our Base, eh?!
Nice work, Zardoz. You fucked up the very first link.
The ghost of Glenn Campbell is pissed.
Yeah, I know that song, stone-head, but it’s the wrong one.
Whoa….a Zardozian…catbutting? Zedbutting? Enforcering?
A Connery! Simple, to the point and everyone knows that to be mocked by Sean is to be mocked by all. May as well clamp them into the stocks at the village crossroads.
That looks more threatening than mocking. Connery was a badass, tho’.
Can you imagine the feeling if he un-cocked that Webley and just kicked a little dirt at you? Shared a larf with his buds and just walked away? That would be a Connery.
LOL! Bring it Zardoz!
Here’s another for you: Ghost on the Canvas.
Paul Westerberg, FTW!
How do you have the “wrong” song? I mean “flying stone cowboy”!
Just like picking fights with stone heads. Weird fetish, but safer than HM’s stuff.
Weird fetish, but safer than HM’s stuff.
Well…yeah. What isn’t?
Ok, there’s a couple of good things from California.
“I vill sell you American beer, and you vill drink it!”
Creating jobs for the refugees.
That is some balls there.
My most favorite joke I heard from my Canadian friends who told it more than once was, “What does American beer and having sex in a canoe have in common? They are both fucking close to water.” Hardy har har *slaps knee* Although, I wish I could get a Canadian Pilsner here. I like that one. Kokanee is like bud light with some sugar added. Nastiness in a can. I have yet to have a beer I actually bought and drank in Germany that I did not like. However, I have not spent much time there. Just passing through sort of trips.
You ever get in Rhineland-Pfalz…look for “Bischoff” – you will probably not end up giving it more than a “C”.
The way things look I will not be going back. That line of work that moved me through there is all but done. Count that beer on the list of the one gazillion things I have not drank. Along with the other things I have not eaten, or seen, or smelled.
I started a longer reply and deleted because I was rambling. It got a bit melodramatic and who wants to read that shit. I will take your word for it.
It is brewed in a town at the head of the Weinstrasse. I mean, when you are swimming in Mosel wine, who makes great beer?!
I have never swam around Mosul. We swam a bit further south and to the east. Never had wine. Tuborg was in vogue at the time.
I never swam around Mosul either. I just stayed in full combat load
*1000 yard stare*
I have a nice pic of the Mosul skyline. A small mushroom cloud over the city haze and dust taken from the mountain to the east. I like to think it was you good guys doing that and not the bad guys. I was not in uniform there Swiss, I was one of the guys to the east training the Kurds to be a self reliant petro state. I first went to Kurdistan in 2006. By 2008 half the expat jobs where filled by Kurds. The last time I worked there in 2013? More than 3/4 of the previous expat positions where filled by local guys. When we worked close to Mosul, I could not keep the guys from bringing guns to work. It was against company policy. I did not argue much. A stern scolding with a smile and a glance away. I have a great picture of that.
Then you did more important work than I!
I don’t know about that. A lot of good could have came of that and may still. I place that on Shia v Sunni which we will never fix if you know what I mean. To think we can change that is slightly moronic. And that is coming from a moron.
I’ll admit to being a BRUTAL but whenever you people start talking about craft beers, coding or firearms my eyes glaze over. I’m Canadian eh? Craft beer is the ones you hide from the wife in the terlit tank, coding is what you’re good fer nothin’ kid does and firearms are what live in Grandma’s closet until huntin’ season…
I spent 27+ years in the US Army (Active, Reserve, National Guard)…3 deployments….and I cannot keep up with the gun talk here. No worries, man. I am happy to USE computers, coding them….????? Craft beer is one thing the US has done well – deregulated brewing, and suddenly the best of all times ever for beer. The Belgians cling to our ankles, as we stride away from everyone else. Blessed are the Beer Brewers…
Craft beer is one thing the US has done well
A bartender in London told me Lagunitas IPA is kicking the shit out of their local beers. We’re fuckheads, for sure, but we make great beer.
Tundra, guess who is 150 years old this summer?
*polite applause*
Nebraska probably tastes better.
Wow! Happy birthday Leinie’s!
It’s definitely better than Nebraska. I may actually pick up some this weekend.
I remember drinking my first Lienie’s. 14 years old. My friend swiped it from his father’s ice fishing shed and we passed the bottle back and forth trying to finish it off. Probably why I’m not a huge fan.
It’s harmless beer. I’ll still have one during the dog days of August. More out of nostalgia, really.
I love leinies creamy dark lager
Yes! The creamy dark is good. As is this
I wonder if Hofbrau House has that on draft? I might have to go there today too!
Amen – when I was in Ireland last summer, I got a local IPA that was proudly served to me…I gave praise and had another..but in the back of my mind, I was thinking “low to mid end quality in the US…10 years ago”.
I was entertained by the Dublin “American IPAs”. They were generally ~5% ABV with only noble hops and no dry hopping. They weren’t even as bitter as the Session IPAs or American Pale Ales in the US.
Scotland was better. Brewdog was great.
Whiskey still rules, though.
Just got a fresh six pack of Elvis Juice sitting in my fridge. I’m glad that Brewdog finally got their Columbus brewery on line and distributing.
I may have to go there tomorrow.
Someday, I shall drink my way through Scotland. Ales, whisky, wee heavies…all of it.
*misty gaze toward the future*
It is a really cool place. I could live out my golden years (and destroy my liver) there quite easily.
The political culture is 9increasingly fucked up.
I just want to visit a couple of old Army buddies (they were 1 Scots or 4 Scots) watch good rugby and drink high quality ale and spirits. I am just visiting, man.
All I can say is Brit beer sucks, save for Samuel Smith.
*throws Old Speckled Hen and London Pride bottles at AC*
I’ve had London Pride. I guess the positive is that it washes away the taste of British food.
I’ve had Bombardier and it was terrible, too.
In 1994 I swiped a labeled ashtray out of the official Samuel Smith’s pub in London. Wonder whatever happened to that. Great ashtray, about eight inches across, clear glass, several cigarette rests built in, and the logo in the center.
I actually would have been happy to pay for it, but it wasn’t that kind of place, they seemed blissfully ignorant at the time that they could have been any sort of tourist destination.
Dude, everyone is drinking Grape Fanta out of pickle jars and “coding” just means “Youjizzing”. It’s the internet. Guns, they probably really do have, though.
Oh, and I really live in Dubuque, but have a broken down Kawasaki that my brother gave me to pay off a bet.
And you drink cheap sake from the local liquor store, hai?
If I can get someone to buy it for me. One guy agreed once, but said no when I handed him a clutch of nickels.
Cytotoxic, is that you?
I was merely jesting. I’d never use the word “terlit” in polite company!
-1 Archie Bunker
What Festus is really saying is that he understands all the dumb anime bullshit talk.
Schoolgirl uniforms, super saiyens, used panties on everything, spirits, tentacles and other dumb-fuckery? Count me in!
My son is a fan – I had a few slight brushes with it a decade ago or so. If nothing else in this world is true…Japanese animation/culture is interesting and I shan’t ever figure them out.
My Dad remarried a much younger wife and her kids were totally into Dragon Ball etc. Nearing middle-age myself, I never saw the draw. I’m old-school, give me Warner bros. or give me death!
Crayon Shinchan, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro, One Punch Man, PuriKyura (if you’re high) are worth watching, IMHO.
That’s because kids don’t watch shit that’s METAL AS FUCK.
Very violent
Best part is that it’s actually way toned down from the source material.
Dragonball Z and Gundam Wing were the two I saw some of….and a little bit of One Piece.
Too Much Drama? Kansas Gym Says No More Cable News for Members
Fake news. Everybody knows anyone who watches fox news does not go to a gym.
The girls on Fox news usually look pretty fit.
Is not “Fake news”. *Hurls stability ball at WS- Boink*
Stuffs face with cheeto-like gruel, sputters, dies of aneurism, re-animates as Bill O’Reilly’s loofah.
Bill O’Reilly’s loofah
Oooh. So you sort of went to Hell then?
and back. Dude, you do not want to know.
Nation of 2 year olds
My gym used to have FNC on one, ESPN on another, and CNN on the third (in another room). They’ve switched to both on ESPN and moved machines out of the other room so that TV is gone. Two ESPN screens are horrible. I think I’d rather have the Disney Channel or MSNBC.
Our gym has individual tv sets on some of the machines. I’ll watch Fox News if Tucker Carlson is on, or any program that has Kat Timpf. (I’ve got it bad for her. Those glasses, those cheekbones, that pert figure that she barely covers up even as a news personality …. I better stop or I’ll lose this place’s family rating).
I do admit, though, that I’m occasionally concerned someone is going to hassle me for having Fox News on. It is northern California, after all.
For those who are sick of hoppy beers, here’s a new option for you.
Christ. Why not just jump right to this?
Jesus. Some of us aren’t 20 anymore. We did our time with Black Label.
You could always go the other extreme. I’ve got two bottles of that one, I’ll be waiting for a cooler evening to crack one, and the other will be tucked away in the cellar.
holy moly
I’m your going to do that, why not just vodka or gin with juice or koolaid?
Come on. The new generation of drinkers can’t even mix a simple two party cocktail, and buy them pre-mixed.
Gluten-free. Lol
I’m convinced most people who drink hoppy craft beers actually hate the taste but drink it because they think they’re cool and original. They’re usually same people who look down at drinkers of the big 3. I put them all in the same boat as the Apple fanboys, Prius drivers, and soccer fanboys.
I always lump them in with people who order heaping plates of the hottest wings they can find. Too much hops or too much Tabasco just kill your taste buds pretty quick out of the gate so what’s the point of continuing after that unless enjoyment isn’t your point.
Here, have a shot of Malort.
Their slogans make me want to buy a bottle even if I never drink it. Lol
Malort, kick your mouth in the balls!
Malort, when you need to unfriend someone IN PERSON.
Malort, tonight’s the night you fight your dad.
Malort, the Champagne of pain.
Malort, turning taste-buds into taste-foes for generations.
Drink Malort, it’s easier than telling people you have nothing to live for.
Malort, what soap washes its mouth out with.
Malort, these pants aren’t going to sh** themselves.
I got talked into having a shot…I knew what was coming, so I held myself together for a minute or two, then carefully swigged my beer. I am a tough man, but Malort is …challenging.
Nope. I enjoy both hoppy beers and spicy foods. I actually enjoy both, although I have encountered food too spicy for me a couple of times. It’s always good to know your limits, and don’t argue too much when someone warns you off of something.
No, we like the taste. I personally cannot understand why anyone would drink Bud or Bud Light, but, hey, it’s a free country.
So, I can just have it, then?
*narrows gaze and requires deposit*
SouthNorth Park sexual assault suspect sketches released by police.Black Rocky and Grandma Bates?
Huh, my grandma always accompanied me on my rape runs as well.
I’m imagining a more racially diverse version of this.
Jezuzz. My Granny taught me a perfect pie crust recipe, not a rape-kit do/not do. I guess the secret to both is probably lard and ice water.
You’ve seen that movie too, then?
LAY-Z-EYEZ and Grammy Pam Dawber?
If that woman is 40-50, then that’s some hard living, better start with the methheads.
TS wins. We win because the story had us thinking about TS’s sweet sweet ass. DJ still a loser.
Come on, put yourself in this guy’s position. He gonna have one chance in his life to grope some sweet, sweet starlet ass whilst his wife is standing right beside him. He is the King of the Ballers! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I can’t really put myself in his position since I am not a douchbag.
You touch it, you bought it. He’s a douche.
If he did it (!) he is a colossal douche but if he didn’t, apparently he’s still a colossal douche. I made my comment in jest but it seems weird that some half-assed (snicker) nobody would do that unless he had fifty frat-bros waiting in the wings for the high-five-acation of a lifetime. Sumpin smells here and I’m sure it’s not Taylor’s lady-bits…
I just figured out that there’s a Florida Man and a Floridaman here. Which one is the Florida man from TSTSNBN?
Show me them titties! Hmmmm titties…
Two men ask for their beers to be held, enter and… meth comes out.
This article about the problems of vehicular traffic in Yosemite park includes this piece:
Which leads to this reader comment, from “friscodude”:
This list of Somalian National Parks begs to differ with the reader comment.
I’m really sure the Ahwahneechee appreciated the ‘socialism’ of the U.S. government kicking them off their land, tossing them in a reservation and then claiming it for themselves.
Government/Socialism is the name for the persecution of people groups we do together.
FYBIFR? (fuck you because it feels right)
Here you have it folks! The winner of the prog-tastic Olympics! Lets keep running diesel buses into the parks so that we can better control the visitors. This way, the wildlife that they have come to see will be be more skittish and no one sees a single marmot. Everyone goes away unhappy and never bothers Mother Gaia again. The End. Signed, concerned nine year-old girl that somehow made it through Graduate School.
Progs aren’t happy unless they ruin everything.
Eight-year-olds, dude.
(not nine)
I stand corrected and will don the Pink Belt of Shame, Mistress!
There are no privately funded roads?
Only in Somalia, apparently. Ah, Somalia, the freedom, the blood, the smell of cordite… I’m either gonna get verklempt or start channeling Rene Auberjenois..
I would consider a tour of national parks in Somalia if I could hire armed escorts and also be armed myself.
I’d love to see the place be get stable and have thriving tourism.
The fact that that would probably reduce their “refugee” flight to Minnesota has nothing to do with it…
It won’t be a place of tourism until they want it to be. I have no hope that will happen in my lifetime.
Yeah, I know. Too many petty warlords and a populace with no hope or experience of personal freedom. But we can dream. And pray.
*deletes prayer won’t work comment*
PJ O’Rourke, back in his ‘travel to war-torn places’ days, wrote that he’d been all over the world, and never had been to any place that he hadn’t met good people. Except Somalia, he wrote. According to him, every single Somali in Somalia is an asshole.
Not implying anything about Minnesota, Preet Jr.
Nothing like a rube calling someone a…rube.
Jesus H christ on a popsickle stick. Why do people go through that to see some trees and rocks? There are far easier ways to see better trees and rocks.
Their trannies are sacred because derp.
This is like “two-spirit” people of our other, better Native Americans. They are put up with because they are better at grinding corn and might slip you a handy behind the wig-wam.
Boom. TL;DR: Teacher has sex with two students, ages 16 and 19; age of consent in that state is 16. Judge throws the case out saying that the law prohibiting consent between differently-powered individuals is “abrogating the student’s capacity to consent.”
Apologies if slightly incoherent; I’ve been drinking. I also couldn’t remember if WordPress recognizes links made with less-than and greater-than signs, or brackets. So I just pasted the link.
“Differently Powered”? Doesn’t that law just switch the power to the other individual?
Whenever “differently powered” comes up in legalize someone is either covering their own ass or looking to match the powerball numbers.
consent? Power? depends on the gender I would think. I haven’t looked at the link.
We don’t need no steenkin’ linkeses…
Exactly. And if you do look at the linkses, it says she teacher banged he student, but he student was 16 so had the smarts to bang said she teacher, which we all know is right on point as any 16 year old he student will bang anything that will part its legs.
Just fun watching them trying to split hairs to make an oddly worded law make sense and the the judge tosses the case by more hair splitting.
Ya….If they gave a shit about the actual law he/she/xe judge would have asked, ” young man, did ms sloppy pants give you any hint she would give you a better grade if you put her ankles behind her ears and banged her like a malfunctioning pinball machine?
*I don’t know where that came from but I had this English teacher that was banging the history teacher in the custodians closet and everybody knew it* She looked limber.
Go on…
Power disparity means that only one side is responsible for their actions. I love how Paglia throws that shit in 2nd and 3rd wave feminists when the try to white wash Bill’s cigar fun.
Bravo ZARDOZ! Was always partial to Wade Hayes’ version of Witchita Lineman myself.
Dwight Yoakum does a fair version (Can’t link, tucks tail and swerves to the right).
Dafuc is in charge of names in Chicago?
Key and Peele.
Be impressed they knew clover had leaves. The number is not important.
Dude, not just that: “Conservative Vice Lords”? WTF kinda gang name is that?
Conservatives are scary!
Even gangland has been consumed by the culture war. You should see their opponents, the Progressive High Rollers, who die their gang colours into their hair.
Guys standing athwart Cabrini, yelling $50 a pop?
By the way, Cabrini Green was torn down years ago.
Candyman most hurt
1980’s era Virginia Madsen breasts are still standing tall and proud in every teen-aged boys night sweats even though the towers didst fall.
I know but between my limited knowledge of Chicago and trying to fit the quote, there it is.
Cabrini-Whooa look at those puppies- Green.
They tried to control the city in cooperation with the Moderate Vice Lords, but the Moderate Vice Lords tried to steal all the conservatives’ stuff while shooting conservatives in the back…
…or maybe I’m thinking of the Washington, D. C. gangs.
You tink 4 is LUCKY?! Fuck you, we are goin’ 5 LEAF CLOVER!!!!
OT – I walk out of my house today and overhear the neighborhood hens talking about my beloved. We usually have sunflowers under the bird feeders that we just let go ( mow around them and such) and theses bitches were saying shit like “If it weren’t random she’d never get a seed to take!”. Our gardens have been the envy of the neighborhood for twenty years. These people are not our friends. So disappointed, so hurt on wifey’s behalf. What the fuck is wrong with women? They can’t resist a kidney punch or a shaven eye-brow. Twenty years. “Friends”.
Whatever. Too much neighborhood drama. Just walk over their and piss on their petunias. “howdy Mary. Lovely evening. Isn’t the moon nice tonight? I love how it cats a shadow off my cock as I piss on your flowers. pssssspspsps. Have a nice night!!”
Perfect comeback, not that I haven’t done such a thing but the hurtful part was the way they talked about my wife who has always been a stalwart pal. Talk shit about me til the cows come home, I shit down my own leg at that but don’t denigrate my wife, who is a Saint!
There was a New Mexico connection to Glen that few know about. His uncle was TV Singing Cowboy Dick Bills. Bills had a show on channel 4, KOB-TV, in the afternoon where he sang country songs, showed cartoons, and interviewed members of his grade school-aged audience (including a 7 year-old hobbit, pre-beard) in the late 1950s-early 1960s.
The other two stations in town had their own versions; one channel had “Uncle Roy and Uncle Howdy” and the other featured Captain Billy’s Clubhouse. After a few short years the Captain was the last man standing. Roy had gone on to open “Toys by Roy”, then largest toy store in the state, and Howdy found long-lasting fame as local weatherman Howard Morgan. Bills played local nightclubs for a short while before his death. And Captain Bill? Shot by a jealous husband. Thus ended afternoon cartoons with kids in the studio in Albuquerque.
… Hobbit
Crap. I was going to ask about “the rest of the story” but Cpt. Bill getting gunned down over quim kinda check-mated that question. Good one, Hobbit!
Still slightly less weird than Mr Peppermint, who was one of the first on site reporters of the JFK assassination, and his son was the lead singer for the Butthole Surfers.
Cosmic, man…
This seems like a good post to mention that ever since the discussion of the superiority of Old Country Music earlier this week (or last week? Days are starting to blend together…) I’ve been spending most of my free time falling deeper down the rabbit hole on YouTube, watching old live perfomances. I found a few gems which some of you might have seen, but maybe haven’t and I think you might enjoy…
Anita Carter about ready to pounce on Hank Williams on the Kate Smith Evening Hour
This one just makes me smile because I love the Carter Family and Mother Maybelle in particular, and I love seeing her interaction with her son-in-law. Johnny Cash and Mother Maybelle performing “Pick the Wildwood Flower” circa 1973
Here’s Johnny Cash, like an alchemist, transmuting a Nine Inch Nails song into a country classic
He’s seriously one of my favorites.
Trent Reznor admitted in an interview that johnny “stole” that song from him…and he was very honored by it.
I remember watching a documentary about Cash a few years back where they were interviewing the people around him. When they talked to Kris Kristofferson, he summed it up as ‘When Johnny Cash covers your song then it becomes a Johnny Cash song, nothing you can really do about it except try to do it as well as Johnny Cash.’
The man is a legend. And Kris is no slouch himself.
Trent Reznor is a whiny little bitch that should be painting Johnny’s toenails in hell.
My favorite from the same album
Here my fav from that series of albums
Patsy Cline showing off her A+ yodel
Here’s the former Attorney General about being a coal miner’s daughter
I also love her, and was annoyed when Lynch was AG because when I’d hear her name spoken I’d think people were saying Lynn and consistently be disappointed.
What’s gonna happen in ten years when they want to start naming buildings and academies after Sec. Lynch. Conundrum.
<a href="This is a link“>You probably haven’t seen this country cover before*
*Perhaps because it’s bad
Bad as in “bad link?”
Ooof. No, bad as in “this fucking sucks.”
Look, I warned you. It’s not like I’ve linked bad covers before.
never linked
Of course I’d never link anything this bad.
So spank the link with a rolled-up newspaper.
Rub it’s nose in it
I’ve been into Texas swing since I was a young feller but over the last few years have been listening Bill Munroe etc. That old-timey music reminds me of my good Grandparents (sheds a single stoic tear).
OMG the cultural appropriation, is there some organization to make a complaint on my behalf?
YouTube is like a Horn of Plenty producing bad covers
Do you want something to cheer you up?*
*Well, that’s too bad.
Awesome song. It really pulls at the heart
And now for something, completely different.
Ugh. I came of age for pit parties just when Bon Scott died. Every party was either “Highway to Hell” or “Back In Black” for about four years. AC/DC is the music of lugins, black eyes, bloody knuckles and smelly chicks that your mom chased away with a broom. Still can’t listen to it without darting my eyes back and forth. Sets my asshole-sense to ultimate. Makes aforesaid sphincter clench like a fist as a matter of fact. Fucking awful.
Let’s go fishin
Threading fail.
That sucks that you have all that negativity attached to AC/DC. That band is all about just “fuck it, let’s just have fun.”
Yeah but a generation of Yahoos in my small city appropriated it just as sure as we did the Toronto Tuxedo and they just would not let it go! Back in Black has been the soundtrack of so many dust-ups, fisticuffs, hoe-downs and wrassling matches that it has earned its infamy. Plus all those AC/DC guys were cunts and didn’t listen to Beefheart or Zappa… Kids man, what are you gonna do?
+1 Don’t eat the yellow snow
He’s better when he’s not trying to be so “wry”. We were fusion/prog nerds most of the time. I’m not saying that some 4×4 kick the jams out is bad, it was just those two albums played like supermarket music for everything good or bad that happened at parties from about 1980 to about 1984. In 1984 I turned 19 and was free to go to the peeler bars and listen to ZZ Top for the next five years. Fuckin Bikers…
“Music for Morons” is the great societal equalizer, is it not?
Meh. Sometimes music can just be fun, no?
Sometimes drinking too much can be fun too! Bottoms Up, Friend!
You said it brother! Prost!
This should set your feet a-tapping
OMWC Good Time Lovin’ Music! The soundtrack of our lives!
Martina McBride sings the winning entry in the Depressing Country Music Contest
(oops, I accidentally played that song backwards, I hope it didn’t affect the quality)
Nice! That brings me back
Eddie’s Martina McBride song:
My own favorite video of hers – not my most favorite song but omg those blue blue eyes
Well crap, since my comment is awaiting moderation I throw this out in the meantime.
Back when more than just Tanya Tucker’s voice was smoking
And the summit of late 90’s women’s country videos:
Tch. Gustave… Where iz ze Zhania? No monkey touch for you!
My longass roadtrip mix starts with this song:
And now I accidentally played AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” backwards
That’s the real deal, Sir.
I have arrived at the southernmost point of FloridaMan territory. Your spiny crustaceans shall fall prey to my tickle stick and net
Euphamism? Phrasing? It matters not! I welcome our scaly overlords! All Hail the Nictation!
Nope, being quite literal.
Little known fact: Large reptiles are quite adept at catching lobster. See you in the water bitches
Not to be coy but being of Hebridian stock, I am sure to burn in those southern climes. Don’t you dare try to catch me! (Giggles and pulls a net from his sporran, hides a knought behind his stocky leg). Who’s eating who, my scaly brother?
They’re really not worth the hassle. Reptiles tend to taste like chicken. We’re probably missing some sort of taste receptor gene that allows us to taste the difference between gator and chicken, maybe gator is like the lizard people version of pork.
Good night all
Good night to you as well! You are a good sport so God Speed and Fuck off! No seriously, rest safe in the arms of Morpheus.
Last or first, depending on your concept of like time man.