Closet libertarians?
Axiom I: The perfect drinking game encourages consumption, speeding the participants into a state of pleasant disinhibition as a prelude to philosophizing, socializing, and wild monkey sexifizing.
Axiom II: Frequent small drinks are preferable to infrequent large drinks. Spectacular consumption attempts are temporarily entertaining, but the inevitable failures waste alcohol, and vomit is irritating to mucous membranes.
Axiom III: The game should allow moments of conversation with one’s immediate neighbor, but should also require one’s attention often enough to prevent lapses in the conversation resulting from you not actually having anything in common with them other than a vaguely-compatible sexual orientation.
Axiom IV: Any non-consumable items involved in the game should be commonly available and either durable or trivially costly to replace.
The following are the rules to Threeman, probably the most popular drinking game during my time at the redacted house at the University of redacted.
General rules:
- A pair of standard six-sided dice is used.
- The players gather around a suitable flat surface, usually a table.
- The first player to play is the “threeman.” This status may be determined by any method appropriate to the group (“1-2-3 not it,” random dice roll, headbutting contest, etc.)
- Play occurs by rolling the dice. Rolls that cause the dice to leave the play area incur a three drink penalty to the roller (“sloppy dice, drink thrice”). After the roll, penalty drinks as determined by the particular roll are distributed and consumed.
- If the previous roll caused drinks to be consumed, the player rolls again. If the roll resulted in no penalty drinks, then the dice are passed widdershins to the next player.
- Any time a three is rolled on either die, the threeman takes a drink. The threeman also drinks on a roll of 2 and 1.
- Threeman status continues until the threeman him/her/xirself rolls a three on either die or a roll of 2 and 1. At this point, that player can designate any other player as the threeman.
- Doubles: if the same number is rolled on both dice, the rolling player can pass them to one or two other players, who must then roll what they are given, and consume the number of drinks shown.
- Exception: on double 1s (“snake eyes”) the dice distribution and rolls are as above, but the drink consumption is done by the player who rolled the snake eyes.
- Double doubles: if the penalty roll players from 8 supra both roll the same number on their dice, the dice are passed back to the original player who must then roll the dice and drink double the number shown.
- Double double doubles: this pattern of doubling can continue ad infinitum, until finally a stupid or anatomically impossible number of penalty drinks is awarded. If the player then refuses to make the attempt and throws the dice across the room in frustration, they are expelled from the game and do not get laid that evening.
- Penalty drinks are codified on the following table:
too much drinking for me.
OT – From the coverage of the Charlottesville riot, I’m not getting a lot of info on who’s causing it. It seems that fights “erupt” and so forth. Does anyone know what’s actually happening?
If the right started the fights, that would be mentioned.
The right isn’t there. It’s slaver on slaver violence.
Union members versus Socialist?
Just watched some Youtube coverage of it. Made me want to play a drinking game and I hate drinking games.
All you need to know is that if anything bad happens that it is Trump’s fault.
You must have psychic powers.
There’s nothing he could say that wouldn’t be twisted in some way.
I foresee him using this to go after both Spencer, and Antifa remove two problems with one stroke.
I just heard a blurb on the radio. No info at all but I am now convinced that anyone who does a chant that has the words Trump, KKK and Fascist USA in it should have a fire hose turned on them. Not because of the message but rather just holy fuck that is beyond annoying. Is that the only chant that is approved by the antifascist council?
This is why I no longer listen to Green Day.
Do we know if the protesters are all KKK assholes? There are certainly many other people against taking General Lee’s statue down who are not racist. I just wasn’t sure if it was more of a general protest or if this really is a Klan thing. All the media says that they are all Klan or White Nationalist but I know that I can’t trust anything they say when it comes to these sorts of things.
Who knows, and would it matter anyway? It is the same chant the dickheads do when they are forcing a restaurant out of business for wrong think and appropriation. It is the only chant they do.
they do other stuff
There is some top shelf stupidity on display there. Wow. I love the answers of, “well, I don’t know that much about that/I should be more informed about that/I have not heard that……….”
1 dead, 19 injured, from a car hitting a crowd, was reported
That is no good.
Agreed, no matter who the driver was.
/pol on the case:
Meanwhile, Fox/MSM are just reporting rumors that it was a “white nationalist”
/pol/ appears to have found the owner of the vehicle, and it’s definitely a leftist. However, a supposed pic of the suspect doesn’t match the kid. Not even close. So /pol/ thinks it’s one of two possibilities:
1. A leftist did it out of confusion, or perhaps he was targeting the white nationalists and got the wrong guys.
2. A white nationalist stole an Antifa protestor’s car and did it.
“/pol/ appears to have found the owner of the vehicle, and it’s definitely a leftist.”
We’ll know by Monday. If CNN and NYT and the rest of the leftstream media stop talking about it and go back to Russia, it was a leftist.
Not that it’s related to anything, but how exactly does one “fug”?
Check out the first photo:
Jesus. I watched the video linked on Drudge. Either super drunk or totally intentional. The way the car backed out of there I am going with intentional.
Yeah, I don’t think there’s much room to think otherwise
This was entirely predictable (and a lot of people predicted it, including me and some other people here, IIRC, back in April or something.) This is why you shouldn’t punch Nazis- they’re eminently punchable, and probably deserve to be punched. But once you open the door to this kind of thing it is going to inevitably escalate.
Much as I dislike those antifa assholes, and much as I think they’ve done a lot to create an environment that made this inevitable, running people over is not fair play. I hope they catch this guy and throw the book at him.
Do we know which side did it? I’m really wary of speculating until the ID of both the driver and the victims is out there because I really feel like it could be either, they’re all dirtbags. I haven’t seen any confirmation of anything, just automatic assumptions that OF COURSE it was the right-wingers that did it.
Ah, I see from the pictures on that Daily Mail article that it was the counter protesters that got rammed? I am having a hard time telling because my phone keeps reloading the page whenever I try to zoom on the pictures. What a frigging mess.
Not for sure, I don’t think. But given that it was the antifa that got driven into it seems like a reasonable first-guess that it was someone from the other side. Also, early reports (which often turn out to be completely incorrect) indicate that it might have started with someone throwing a rock at the car, so if the car then drove into the antifa side in retaliation…
Also, how many antifa peeps are gainfully employed enough to own a motor vehicle?
Many of them seem like spoiled rich kids, just like Occupy Wall Street.
Especially a nice sports car like that. (And if someone threw a rock at it, if he was a Car Dude that might have road raged him enough to get involved even if he hadn’t been previously. Which isn’t an excuse, but I could see it happening.) Can’t we just wall off that whole city and leave them all there? I don’t want either side.
You are right this was entirely predictable and I do remember it being pointed out that the rhetoric and nazi punching would eventually end up getting someone killed. Regardless of who did this it will only escalate the idiocy.
Well, hopefully it will lead to a de-escalation (I know I’m being overly optimistic here) in that maybe now people will start to see that you just don’t want political violence in the streets, even if you kind of sympathize with the people performing it. Once you start tolerating violence from one side you’re going to see escalating violence from both. Congrats, Antifa. You’ve made our previously mostly harmless and kooky (though thoroughly objectionable) Nazis and Klansmen and made them less harmless, it seems.
I don’t really blame Antifa though- they are what they are, and expecting them to be otherwise would be foolish. I do blame the administration of UC Berkeley, along with Berkeley’s leadership, and to some degree their police force. And all of the journalists who downplayed the growing violence we’ve seen this year, because they kind of sympathized with its perpetrators.
Well, on a lighter note, I’m sitting on my patio drinking a beer and a Momma Turkey (Turkeys are huge, btw) with a baby Turkey in tow has walked up to within about six feet of me to eat some of my shrubbery. Both Turkeys keep doing this weird little hop to get at higher (and, from a Turkey’s perspective, I guess) more succulent leaves. The Klansmen and Antifa can keep doing what they do, and I’ll keep sitting here drinking beer and watching Turkeys do oddly entertaining Turkey things.
If you look at the videos from protesters at Berkeley of them asking why they aren’t shutting violent actions down, the result is pretty much the same, they tell them they have to take it up with the chief or city hall. And they’re clearly annoyed about it. So for this particular scenario I don’t really think we can throw the police under the bus. Most of them seem willing to crack heads (surprise surprise) but they’ve having higher ups hold them off.
I wouldn’t throw the rank and file under the bus at all. They did what they were told (wish police in general would be a bit more consistent about that, but…) The chief though… well, I guess there are question here about how much discretion a chief of police should exercise in the face of unfolding events, especially when he’s been given guidance from municipal government, but… I think he should have exercised some judgement and put a stop to what unfolded there.
You are a Wise Man, Amashi. I just got back inside from doing yard chores ,saw this nonsense and I think I’m gonna re-wash the truck. Whatta world.
“BREAKING NEWS: Police helicopter crashes near Charlottesville”
Did anyone see any Russian white supremists in the area with anti-helicopter missiles?
Oh boy, I don’t see how Trump is going to worm his way out of this one.
This is the narrative I’m getting. Verrrrrrrry hesitant to buy that line, but also irritated that this is what it’s come to. As I saw someone else put it, it’s “a battle between fascists and anti-fascist fascists.” Both sides are scum. On the one hand, after seeing how antifa’s been behaving elsewhere in the country, I’d find it really hard to believe they didn’t start the violence. But on the other hand, this isn’t exactly a regular conservative rally, it’s Richard Spencer and David Duke’s lovechild, so the thought of defending them, even by proxy, kind of makes me want to puke.
Yeah, I can’t find anyone to like here. Things have come to an odd pass in this country, and the cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork, on both sides.
Look into Antifa activities in Europe – these guys are violent extremists.
it’s Richard Spencer and David Duke’s lovechild, so the thought of defending them, even by proxy, kind of makes me want to puke.
I’m with you there. Although those assholes have been around forever. Their followers number in the mere hundreds. I am not even sure you could gather 1000 of them. They are nobody and have zero influence on anything or anybody other than their fucked up followers. Antifa calling anyone who is not a card carrying marxist like them a white nationalist/nazi has given the real white nationalists and nazis far more credibility than they deserve. Both groups deserve scorn.
I agree. The fact that this thing got so many attendees to begin with tells me (apart from people from the media that I’m sure padded the numbers) that they’re luring in people who are just on the right who are finding these guys more reasonable than the left. Which is pretty horrifying. There’s no way there are genuinely 6000 or whatever the number was neo-Nazis and KKK members.
6000? I did not see that reported. That is horrifying. I would think more people would have sense enough to stay away from anything associated with Spencer and his ilk. The tearing down of statues for right think does get a lot of normal people pissed off though.
I would have thought that most people would have had the sense to stay away from protests organized by A.N.S.W.E.R, an avowedly Maoist organization. But they drew a lot more than 6,000 to their protests against the Iraq war, including some people I otherwise respect (remember Jim Henley?) Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
This is part of what I dislike about the extreme polarization we’ve seen over the last few years. When there are only two sides you’re going to have to pick one, even if both are objectionable. People are fundamentally tribal.
When you fire a James Damore for saying things that are almost certainly true, and that anyone with a bit of sense already knows to be true from observation… well, you push those people into the arms of the other side, regardless of how objectionable it is.
When you make it clear to rural whites (who still make up a sizeable portion of our populace) that you have utter contempt for them, and that given power you will punish them… they are going to start looking for another side to be on, and if that side is a bit problematic… so be it. This is how you take previously kooky and unimportant white nationalists and make them a significant force. 6,000? The way we’re going it will be 60,000 in a year or two.
I’m going to have to disagree with you there. According to the CIA World Factbook, almost 82% of the population is urban. If you look at the population distribution of the continental United States, outside of the major metropolitan areas in Northeast and Great Lakes regions, America is basically empty until one reaches either the West Coast or Florida and Dallas/Houston. Outside of that it gets a little “hilly” in parts of Dixie, but that’s about it. The fact is that like Jews or Thais* rural whites punch well above their weight when it comes to their influence on American culture and politics.
*Yes, think about it. There are only about 300,000 Thais in America but you can find Thai restaurants almost everywhere. As you know, Thailand is part of the Golden Triangle. A triangle has 3 sides. Thailand is Illuminati confirmed.
There are only about 300,000 Thais in America but you can find Thai restaurants almost everywhere.
One just opened up here. I have not been there yet but it is on the lo do list. In the closest larger town there is a Thai restaurant as well as an occasional Thai food trailer. My favorite liquor store is Thai owned and they have a big Buddha sitting on the counter. Nice folks. I will ask them about the Illuminati next time I am in there.
“According to the CIA World Factbook, almost 82% of the population is urban.”
Wait… that can’t be right. Unless maybe ‘urban’ includes all of the suburbs? I know that in Baltimore, it had more than 1 million residents inside the city years back, but now it’s down to about 600k, so has lost about 40% of it’s population to the suburbs and surrounding area. I thought that cities are losing pop?
Yes, as Rhywun points out, surrounding suburbs are considered part of a major metropolitan area for the purpose of the Census. And state lines don’t matter much either. Here in the drug-infested den of Manchester, NH, we are considered part of the greater Boston metropolitan area.
I might have chosen my words a bit imprecisely there. I’m talking about a tribal grouping. You can be a “rural white,” in the way that I meant it and live in Manhattan.
I mean, there are very few “Thais” in the US, by the standard you use. How many proprietors of these Thai restarants live in Thailand?
In the urban/rural divide, suburbs are urban. City boundaries are largely meaningless because the criteria for defining them varies hugely around the country.
Ugh thread fail
That’s what they were saying on Twitter, but like I said, trust literally nothing, it’s very likely not the real number.
That’s what they were saying on Twitter
I don’t expect people who aren’t from the area to understand this but a lot, maybe most, of these people are southern pride supporters and it has nothing to do with white nationalism. Threatening to tear down General Lee’s statue has kicked the hornets nest. This isn’t CA, this is a southern stronghold and the response is going to be different.
I live relatively nearby so let me share my experience. Virtually everyone I know are confederate flag supporters which they take to mean state rights and southern culture. Racism is virtually non-existent out here. Blacks fly the stars and bars and there’s ton of interracial families. Hell, my neighbor who is a “prime” candidate for being a white nationalist couldn’t care less that about that shit. He loves the confederate flag but also adopted a black daughter.
The KKK and other groups do exist out here but they are a microscopic fraction and are generally reviled in the community. There is some overlap between the southern pride groups and white nationalists but there’s probably a greater overlap between online gamers and white nationalism. The media (and the pure scum white nationalist groups) are trying to group everyone resisting this SJW bullshit as being white nationalist but that’s not the case and does this complex issue a disservice. It also starts pushing the southern pride groups towards the actual white nationalist groups which is not good and not something anyone but the media and said scum wants.
48 hour rule. Nobody knows shit. Any opinions expressed are worthless.
If we don’t know something much sooner than 48 hours, as far as the identity of the driver is concerned, you can be 100% certain that CNN does not like the answer.
“I can’t read the rulebook.”
“You’re holding it upside down.”
“I need a drink to understand these rules properly.”
“Hey, you have to roll the dice before drinking.”
“I won’t roll dice, but I need to make a saving throw…”
A couple Jehovah’s Witnesses came to he door the other day. I told them “I was raised Chaotic Neutral. I’m going to stay Chaotic Neutral.” Their befuddled looks were amusing.
Had they been Mormons, I’d have been far more polite.
Damn. This wasn’t the comment I meant to reply to. Sorry, Eddie.
Wait, yes it was. Mods can you delete this comment and the previous one? Thx.Working on the new SNP!
Too late, we all saw what you did.
Don’t make me sic Secret Nazi President on you, Lackadaisical.
You’ve admitted you’re a Canadian half-caste. You have no power over Secret Nazi President anymore.
What HE doesn’t know won’t hurt me.
Other version that provides merriment: mixed group in circle, everyone rolls, high roller gets to take one item of clothing off low roller, high and low roller take a drink.
So I only need to win 2 rolls to get to happy time, assuming she’s wearing pants and panties to start?
We used to play quarters almost nightly with lots of rules. And yes, the game wasn’t even considered started until you threw up.
I think I’ve heard of this one…
“Potion of Delusion…
“…Drinking the potion causes a wave of bliss to ripple through the imbiber….
“If the delusion is of a potion of flying, you might skip along the ground or leap from a rooftop in the belief that you can fly.”
Is that one of those nerd things you guys do in your moms basement?
Let me roll my reaction check…
No, we do it in *your* Mom’s basement, hubba hubba!
Fine, just don’t wake up her orphans. They need all their strength for the mines.
Not a drinking game but I never learned to play dominoes. Maybe we’ll try that tonight.
This guy knows how to play dominoes.
Van’s cool
I played some version of dominos with my wife before getting into proper board gaming
NURSE: “This patient was drinking gin and failed his saving throw against poison.”
DOCTOR: “Sir, listen to me, this is important. Did you adjust for your Constitution bonus?”
PATIENT: “Oh, yeah, I forgot.”
DOCTOR: “According to your chart, once you adjust for the Constitution bonus, you succeed in the saving throw. Go walk it off.”
“PATIENT: Thank you doctor, I thought I was a goner!”
Axiom 0 is if you count over 25 summers you should not play drinking games.
Drinking games are a good way to get a party started; get people mixing. Especially if you don’t know alot of people; have different groups of people. They’re fun.
Shit I don’t even do shots any more
I mostly stopped drinking hard liquor a long time ago, at least for steady drinking. It’s just too easy to overdo it. Even with pretty high-octane beer it’s gonna take me some work to get really hammered. Tequila? Not so much.
I do still enjoy a whisky now and again, but generally one, and before I’ve had anything else to drink. The bar I go to most is this weird little thing tucked into the corner of a coffee shop, but they have a kind of amazing whisky selection (a couple of the guys who work there are into the whole trading rare bottles on the Internet thing,) so it’s hard to entirely resist.
I believe as one ages one should focus more on less quantity and more quality. I am admittedly an old man ( having passed the age of 30) but I no longer want to drink a lot fast. Not that I needed drinking games for that, i always had trouble drinking slow, be it alcohol, coffee, juice, whatever. If I have something in front of me I keep sipping.
I personally think Asshole is the greatest drinking game ever
What makes it great are various norms/sub-rules that develop over extended play. The dynamic is in how far the “president” wields power, and how extreme the abuse of the asshole becomes. It is a delicate balance where you want to dish out some horrifying punishment, but not *too* much lest you yourself quickly find yourself on the receiving end.
basically: how do you mercilessly abuse your friends, while remaining popular and sympathetic? with great power comes great responsibility. The best is the “tough but fair” president who simply enforces all the accepted norms of the game and makes sure no one shirks in their duty. also: if the president comes up with stupid rules? (e.g. the “Little Man” rule described on that site is very stupid), they tend to suffer for it more even if they’re not abusive. It encourages people to make the game fun, but punishes those who wield power capriciously.
Roll a D6
Wow. Serious Nerdcore.
I prefer the classics.
I’m glad someone is carrying on the drinking game posts!
For those of you who have submitted articles, to what extent do the admins edit/proofread them?
I’ve been sitting on an article for a while, started finishing it up today, but I’m sure the latest stuff is a bit too much stream-of-consciousness to be comprehensible.
I don’t think they did much with mine. more formatting than editing.
I’ll know very soon;)
What’d you write about?
It’a a Tail, but I’m interested in how it formats, very fun process!
No spelling errors above
In soviet Russia Kia drives Yusef? I guess I’ll find out what a “It’a a Tail” is soon.
I think it’s Klingon?
Not much cleanup on mine that I remember, I’ll just take that as proof of my fantastic literary skills.
Then prepare to be amazed at my genius. 😉
Sugarfree was convinced that people here would have enough knowledge about 17th century firearms to complain about my use of the term ‘arquebus’, which may be silly but then again Vhyrus posts here. But I was able to argue it well enough to keep it in, and no one called me on it.
Too complicated.
I’m sober and I can barely make sense of this.
I’m sure the latest stuff is a bit too much stream-of-consciousness to be comprehensible.
I think “glibertarianism” implies, if not demands, a certain degree of literary license.
Well put, P
Diversity and Comics is hanging out in Charlotteville to pick up comics…finds out KKK rally and antifa freakout is a block away from comic store.
Just like Rambo
Seems like someone drove into a few counter protestors. Cue CNN ripping the president for emboldening racist whites.
His chopper came under directed fire so he did what was best and took command, leading Seal Team 6 into the comic book store, purchasing his bit of whimsy AND assassinating Adolph Hitler’s mummified head. It’s all true! Pics and everything!
I played numerous drinking games in my younger years. I remember none of them because I always won.
Shit I don’t even do shots any more
I quit drinking shots at least 25 years ago.
Out of drunken stupidity, I did shots with some college buddies at the bar a couple of months ago. The next day was hell.
Yeap, the next days payment just not worth it.
Just take some ibuprofen and stay close to a toilet, like real close, and you’ll be fine.
An accurate representation of what shots do to old fucks.
Shit, I’m 40. How old are you guys that you can’t drink anymore?
Heh, get back to us in 3 to 4 years, youngster.
I went drinking/fishing last weekend in the heat of summer. Bruised my lower back, got heat exhausted and dehydrated. Went to work the next day and made it through 3/4 of my shift and finally whimpered “no mas”. Bed-bound for another day. Woke up the next day like nothing happened. I’m a hard living 52 that stays in reasonable shape but that shit scared me.
What I meant to add was that my kidneys shut down for a day. Not okay! so stay hydrated, my friends…
I’m in my mid-50s and I can easily drink more than I could in my 20s. It’s just that I’m smart enough not too, most of the time.
You have a point. I’m 48 and I don’t know for sure if I can drink more or less but I know I don’t want to.
I was in my mid-late 20s before I even started drinking alcohol. I had a fairly high tolerance from the beginning, but it got to be a lot more by the time I was in my mid 30s I could drink a nearly endless amount. Now I can still do that, but instead of having a really bad next day, I would have a really bad next week. No thanks.
Seems like someone drove into a few counter protestors.</em
Went up on the sidewalk and chased them around the park -style? Or, “Get the fuck out of the street, I’ve got somewhere to be, asshole!” -style?
D&C was showing some kind of three car hit in the intersection where some of the counter protesters were that the cops were blocking off while he filmed it, so probably deliberate.
Where’s Random Drunken Asshole? He’ll know how to win at this game.
Shouldn’t a 1-3 roll be a Threeman too?
First, WTH does widdershins mean?
And at more than twice 25 summers, I also don’t play drinking games. I don’t drink cheap beer, I hardly drink liquor except gin or bourbon on occasion, and. I don’t do shots. But there’s a smoking game I used to play called Zonk. A variation is called Cosmic Whimpout.
Materials: 4 dice of one color and 1 “Social Die” of another.
Object 1: Be first person to score 10,000 points.
Object 2: Pull mad tubes.
Abbreviated game and scoring summary:
– Roll all dice. Keep all (or some portion of [one variation is that you must keep all scoring die]).
* Scoring dice:
– 1 = 100 pts
– 5 = 50
– 3 of a Kind as result of same roll = 100x face value (3-2s = 200, 3-5s = 500. BUT 3-1s = 1,000)
– 5-die Straight as result of same roll = 1,000
– Full House as result of same roll = 1,000
> One variation scores Full House w/ 3-1s = 1,000 + 100x face value of pair (3-1s and 2-4s = 1,400)
– 4 of a Kind as result of same roll = 2x 3 of a Kind (4-3s = 2x 300 = 600, 4-1s = 2x 2,000)
– 5 of a Kind as result of same roll = 4x 3 of a Kind (5-6s = 4x 2400, 6-1s = 4x 1,000 = 4,000)
Cool names for failure to score / stoned behavior:
– Zonk = pretty much any non-scoring roll but special cases include below
– Bload = non-score roll of all 5 die
– Space = counting score incorrectly, forgetting who’s turn it is, what day it, is, forgetting someone’s name, etc…
– Spaz = rolling dice off table/game area or any drop, spill, knock-over, stumble, fall or other act of control failure
Social Die has cool meaning. Scorekeeper has to know roll names, ranks, and scores. Bongamatician isn’t in charge of… I think you can figure it out.
ok, sorry for reminiscing on Glib Time. There’s more but I’ll stow it here.
Good times. Good times.
Oh, and dblerv.
*whose* turn it is
“”a smoking game””
I find this ki5nd of…. conceptually a bad idea.
once stoned – and it usually doesn’t take a lot – the diminishing returns of ‘more weed’ are almost instantaneous; to the point where anything more than [insert person’s natural tolerance amount] simply does nothing.
basically, smoking weed isn’t particularly “additive”. In fact, i’d argue that adding more and more weed to an already stoned person detracts from the experience. Its not like you get ‘crazy wasted’, you just get zoned out to where you’re not even sentient enough to enjoy being high. You’re a potato.
taking that…. then trying to add “numbers games” to it? adds a dimension of further implausibility. I don’t see a roomful of near-braindead stoners getting pleasure out of basic math.
I tend to agree. Back in the day I found it difficult to determine how many doughnuts where left in the box at times. It could be I am a non functional stoner though and is why I don’t smoke much if at all anymore. I know some people are different.
It’s completely true that you hit peak stoned quickly and might just be wasting product. But the game was still fun.
Re: numbers game – did I mention that we were 3 physics majors and a comp sci guy?
Numbers are fun. Dice and glassware made it really fun.
Counter-clockwise. Or anti-clockwise for you Brits out there.
Anti-clockwise? Damn Limeys can’t even speak American right.
Mucho thankies!
Huh, I played a lot of three man at one point, quite a long time ago.I don’t think our rules were exactly the same as yours, but my memory of it is a bit fuzzy.
There’s another category of drinking game we used to play, and I guess I’d call it the “sadistic” kind. Drink while you think was a big one for us. A girl I knew and I had both played enough of it that we had a pretty endless supply of doubles on the tips of our tongues, so if we had it in for someone we could seat them between us and keep them drinking pretty indefinitely.
Quarters, under the ruleset we played with, could be kind of like that too.It’s another one we played a lot, and both of us could make the shot like >95% of the time on the table we generally played on… some enjoyable but eventually pretty ugly evenings were had.
Freudian slip?
Unfortunately, instead of a solid national wage floor, there is a patchwork of state minimums. State-based increases are certainly better than no action. But most Southern states require only the $7.25 an hour minimum under federal law (the exceptions are Arkansas, with a state minimum of $8.50, and West Virginia, at $8.75).
Continue reading the main story
This meager pay leads to unhealthy imbalances of federal taxes and spending, with Washington sending far more to several Southern states than their citizens pay in taxes.
If we raise wages, the lucky recipients will pay more in taxes. And that’s what they’re really after.
Reading a NYT piece cheerleading unions sounds like fun but I’ve got cat litter boxes to clean.
Yeah, I’ve been putting off that visit to the Proctologist, now might be the time.
Florida’s minimum wage is $8.10, unless they don’t consider us a southern state.
Freudian link tags!
“Caps” and you don’t win until you see the vomit spraying between the fingers that your adversary has clamped over his mouth. KITH did a sketch about it and it was funny because it was true. Lived it, learned it, didn’t much love it.
But most of all, the Southern notion that low wages are a sustainable competitive advantage has to end. What’s needed is a strategy to raise low wages, for everyone.
We need to raise the cost of living in the south. C’mon, Janet, inflate harder!
Sure, lose the one competitive advantage that has been the South’s greatest manufacturing draw! People like her won’t be happy until everywhere is Detroit and we can all huddle together in equal misery. Bring on the trundles for the likes of her says I!
I’ve been sort of considering a move back to the South. I’m not that culturally comfortable there but I’m reclusive enough at this point that it might not matter much. And things have progressed to the point that I an probably get Northern work at Northern wages wile living in the South. I’m a bit tired of paying $1200.00 a month for an apartment that would rent for $6-800.00 a month elsewhere. I’m also getting a bit tired of New England winters and Massachusetts progressives.
A southern summer should set your mind straight on that.
I’m about set on a move to the south, either after retirement or even before. We’re looking at SC or eastern TN. My apt here in MD is 1600 a month. To rent a house here is 2500. We already own 2 houses, but are looking to sell both in the near future.
Western civilization is proud to present Victoria’s Secret cowgirl outfits:
I can honestly tell you that none of the ladies in my wife’s riding group look anything like her. I’d venture that a couple of the girls could probably eat her whole and ask for secondses…
Wash and go with Pert!
Pert bottom, I guess.
“A federal prosecutor in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Florida district committed suicide by shooting himself in the head according to the official verdict by police – however they also confirm that no gun was found, raising the question of how he could have shot himself in the head.”
“Hey look! A body!” “Dudes daid, Man. Lets get outta here…” “Lookie here!” (holds up untraceable handgun, tucks it into his waistband) “Yeah, now we can go…”
Suicide by gun, no gun found? Well that doesn’t sound even the least bit suspicious.
Forget it, Jake. It’s Wassermantown.
There must be a Clinton around somewhere.
Absolutely right, citizen. Nothing to see here. Move on.
What. the. fuck. If we haven’t reached banana republic status yet, we haven’t got far to go.
It’s not as nefarious as what it sounds like but because he is linked to DWS/DNC it is bad optics. Some random guy offs himself on a beach in Miami and no firearm found would raise no hackles unless it didn’t have that sweet, sweet whiff of conspiracy. Miami. Rando walking along and discovers the body. Sees shiny object. Hmmm Titties!
OT: Do any of you Cankistanians have a donair meat recipe? I found one online that I have been trying to tweek but I can’t quite get it right. Surely some of you have Lebanese family members with the big secret. Any help would be appreciated.
*Canukistanians Cank sounds way more derogatory than I intended.
The wiminz folk are known as Skankistanians, the really fat ones are the Canklestanians.
You are not helping. I think I offended them and now I will never know the secret ingredients. I have been to Skankskatchewan though.
They weren’t going to tell you anyway, they think they have real bacon and that maple syrup is their secret.
where hillary is considered the ideal woman?
That is Canklestan, good Sir and we only allow fellow Albertans to use that familiarity.
In a complete shocker, the dude who /pol/ was convinced ran over the counterprotesters at the “rally” in Charlottesville isn’t the guy that did it.
Link? I myself am starting to get really suspicious here about who exactly this person is. The fact that CNN is not already claiming it was a white nationalist Trump supporter is making me think that maybe it’s not. I mean, it’s not that this particular thing has ever happened before, where it took the media a long time to announce the suspect and it didn’t happen to fit their narrative when after a long delay we finally find out, but there could be a first time that happens.
CNN is Pravda. No reason to trust anything they say and there’s a fair chance the truth is 180 degrees from their claims.
The other day, somebody asked about a whether a controversial Hitler documentary was worth watching. Consensus was NO, it’s not. But I’d like to offer up this fictional alternative:
“Look Who’s Back” is a dark comedy wherein Hitler is transported from 1945 to modern days. He continues his rhetoric right where he left off, and is thought to be a comedian or method actor. He becomes a celebrity. The movie is funny but also telling about how idiotic the populace can be. Worth viewing. On Netflix, I believe.
My drinking game experience: in the post season of the 2006 NFL season, the hubby and I were watching the Colts v Ravens playoff game. I suggested that we take a Jaeg Bomb shot after every Adam Vinatieri field goal, since I regard him as the greatest kicker OAT. What could be the harm??
That was the game in which the Colts scored no touchdowns and had to beat the Ravens with a record-setting five field goals in a postseason game.
Not a great idea in retrospect. But we stuck to our word (HIC!)!
For some strange reason I thought it would be a good idea to have a bottle of Jäger on hand at home. I mean, I enjoyed it plenty in my youth-to-early middle age nightlife adventures. Had maybe one shot of it and now I have an enormous nearly-full bottle gathering dust in my cupboard. And you can’t even do anything with it AFAIK except shots.
Mixes well with morning coffee if you’re planning to fuck the dog some Saturday afternoon. You sound like a light-weight so you should probably shut your social media accounts down for twelve hours if you attempt this stunt.
5 Jaeg bombs in 3 hours is not a good idea, but not as bad as what you seem to be suggesting, what with dog fucking and such-like.
I never made a Vinatieri drinking game again. Fun fact: He’s the oldest current NFL player. I root for him to continue, because when he retires I will be older than every NFL player. For now, he keeps me young. 😉
It is regarded as a “digestiv” meaning it helps after an over full or over spicy meal, if you have a really small amount. In my experience, that’s a good application.
When you make it into a Dead Nazi or a Jaeg Bomb, then you are asking for trouble that you richly deserve.
Speaking of drinking…
I’m in my room at the Mandalay Bay. Wife and kids just fell asleep after a long day at the pool and Gameworks.
I might just head down the elevator and see where the next 2 hours take me.
Walk into the main lobby without any pants on.
I suspect I won’t make it down the elevator. Cameras everywhere
Last night I dreamed I went to Mandalay again…
Craps is the only casino game i enjoy and which (coincidentally or necessarily) has a relatively low cash-burn rate.
aside from that, some of the hotels have good residential DJ’s you might want to check out.
The Bellagio fountains plays Tiesto now, and Calvin Harris is right across the street.
I was thinking more drinks, food, drinks in that order. There’s a place downstairs that holds their steaks in butter until they’re ordered, and then oak grills them for 2-3 minutes. I might try it if I can get away with it. If.
Craps is the only casino game I play. See “Zonk” comment above.
I stayed there for their opening weekend some twenty something years ago. They couldn’t run the wave pool then because the waves generated were too big and was fucking people up. I found that very funny.
They still won’t let you stand in the crash zone. The lifeguards whistle you out past the blue line.
It makes sense considering:
A) some guests here have never seen a wave before
B) People are fall down drunk by mid afternoon. I counted (and sampled) at least 15 places by the pool that sold booze, and that’s not counting all of the “beach clubs”
Isn’t it about 120 degrees there right now?
I think of Vegas in the summer as much too hot to go outside, pool or not.
110 yesterday. And then a flash flood hit. Thunderstorms, dropped down to 75. And then 2 hours later it was 100 again.
It would take me straight to the bar, where they would find me later, or not.
Already there. The lobby one; nothing fancy.
Welp. The liquor came out of a soda gun, so headache city for me.
King’s Cup, Bullshit or Beer Pong. Anything else is not worth playing.
case race.
My (thankfully) former home at it again.
Geez that’s horrible.
I spekt them dumass pruhfessers to lissun to muh speak goodlyness!
What an empty existence to have that much self-loathing and eggshell-walking.
How is he wrong there? Say, if an avid male fan of vougeing and the club kid scene, whom you knew to be straight, started talking all camp and using gay slang, wouldn’t he attract a few sideway glances?
It doesn’t say that he uses Ebonics or whatever, only that he encourages it among the natives.
Well, again, should I browbeat a student from Alabama if he or she comes up here and uses the phrase “fix dinner” in my classroom? If I didn’t, would I be accused of thinking “rednecks” to be so ineducable that we should just tolerate their moonspeak? As you mention below, it should be about strategic use. I don’t think the author suggests not teaching or using the standard academic register, but that students should learn to code-switch and that academia should be more open to such code-switching if a certain form expresses a concept more accurately, colorfully, etc..
Sounds like you’re fucking ten ply keener bud, if you’re going to chirp the local pulls the least you could do is giv’er your premium.
See, don’t you want John to talk like this all the time?
True story: in college i had an old (mid 70s) professor from Mississippi (and obv. gay) who had gone to school @ Oxford and remained in england most of his career before returning to the US.
When he lectured, he would literally fade from this stentorian old-south shelby-foote drawl into this clipped Lawrence Olivier perfect english RP broadcast-voice and then back again in a single sentence. It was hypnotic. Half the kids in the class were terrified of him because they thought he was slipping into dementia (he probably was) but i rolled with it because it was entertaining.
Yep, pretty much what I expected. Linguist writes article about acrolect/mesolect/basolect distinctions intended for an audience assumed to know about the concept and it gets picked up by the Yokel Buzzfeed-o-sphere and subjected to sneer-takes.
Yunz no no wut u be taakin bout. Yunz wun uh them AKUHDEMIKS.
I think it depends greatly on what sort of academic work the professor is talking about – since he is a professor of literature I think it’s fine to use such language if it’s relevant to the topic. I wouldn’t encourage a physics paper peppered with “nigga”‘s, however.
I’d 110% support the naming of a newly found subatomic particle as a “nigga”.
Watch the fireworks when some dunderhead proposes the theory that there must be “anti-nigga” particles.
I agree. Everyone should speak in fuckin’ rural ‘tario accents boys, ebonics are just dangled. They’re fuckin’ soft bud.
Oh fuck me. That shit drives me “ferret angry”. If you can’t communicate in the “lingua franca” of the present empire then you have no business in a University setting, yo.
Yellow skies all day (from the forest fires) and here comes a great, farting thunderstorm. I live at the interface. If a lightning strike hits and starts a fire it will be a roll of the di whether or not my neighborhood gets razed. No rain for three weeks and near record temps.
Hate to reply to my own post but the air is so thick that I can hear the outdoor concert happening six miles away like some bar-band practicing two doors down. I can discern the lyrics. Ladies walking their dogs along the street let off a cackle and it’s like they were standing right beside me. Freaking eerie. I’m just waiting for the pods to descend.