the penis is evil.
Mine is chaotic neutral.
Mine is Lawful Evil.
It wasn’t me!
I had this girl
she said she loved me,
thought there was no one ever above me,
she wanted to marry
and have my child,
but evil dick
he had to get buck wild.
Took me out one night
out with the freaks
if ever there was pussy, evil dick would seek.
My girl caught me skeezin’ she said
I wasn’t shit!
I said, “It wasn’t me, baby.
it was the muthafucka
evil dick!”
Who’s the poet, Robert Frost?
I awoke on impact
Under surveillance from the camera eye
Searching high and low
The criminal mind found at the scene of the crime
Handcuffed and blind, I didn’t do it
She said she loved me
I guess I never knew
But do we ever, ever really know?
She said she’d meet me on the other side
But I knew right then, I’d never find her
I don’t believe in love
I never have, I never will
I don’t believe in love
It’s never worth the pain that you feel
No more nightmares, I’ve seen them all
From the day I was born
They’ve haunted my every move
Every open hand’s there to push and shove
No time for love it doesn’t matter
She made a difference
I guess she had a way
Of making every night seem bright as day
Now I walk in shadows, never see the light
She must have lied ’cause she never said goodbye
I don’t believe in love
I never have, I never will
I don’t believe in love
I’ll just pretend she never was real
I don’t believe in love
I need to forget her face, I see it still
I don’t believe in love
It’s never worth the pain that you feel
No chance for contact
There’s no raison d’etre
My only hope is one day I’ll forget
The pain of knowing what can never be
With or without love it’s all the same to me
I don’t believe in love
I never have, I never will
I don’t believe in love
I’ll just pretend she never was real
I don’t believe in love
I never have, I never will
I don’t believe in love
It’s never worth the pain that you feel, feel
The pain that you feel, feel
I like that song, along with a lot of other Queensryche.
Rolling Stone has them at #67. I think they’re off by at least 40.
Imo, they should be in the top 25′
Rolling Stone are a bunch of idiots, you can’t expect them to know anything about music.
You probably like “Silent Lucidity” too.
Silent Lucidity might be my least favorite Queensryche song. That song Jet City Woman was once stuck in my head for 2 years.
Silent Lucidity is the worst song they did. I always thought they were aping Pink Floyd with that one. It was a huge departure from their sound.
Eh, Silent Lucidity gets overplayed but it’s far from their worse. Anything from American Soldier can fit that bill. But what do i know? I liked and still like Promised Land although Operation: Mindcrime Is one of the best rock opera/storyline album category.
So, how wrong is it that I became less upset at the news that the death toll in Charlottesville was raised from 1 to 3 when I read that two of the victims were police officers? Because I’m pretty sure that makes me a bad person.
Less upset? My reaction is more “meh”.
That’s not the 2 cops who were shot down by Russian Trump colluders, is it?
They were nuked from orbit by the ghost of Kim Il Sung. Like, duh.
Wait a second. Is this about the police helicopter that was as reliable as an Osprey, or did they die some other way? I haven’t been paying close attention.
A google search for “hackworth m16” turned up this gem:
This is an old problem and one that won’t go away until the Army takes a hard
look at itself. In Vietnam, my 884-man infantry battalion hit the paddies
with less than 250 soldiers when I first took over. After much arm-twisting,
we got our paddy strength up to 400, about half of our authorized strength.
The rest were on profile – sick, lame and lazy, on R and R, at school,
transferring in or out or detailed to higher headquarters, reinforcing that
already-oversized octopus.
The Army has two other huge make-work headquarters – TRADOC in Virginia and
FORSCOM in Georgia, each headed by a four-star with all the attendant pomp,
ceremony and sycophants – that should be merged and then cut by 50 percent.
Charts, staff papers and red tape don’t kill enemy soldiers – trigger-pullers
Then there are the Army division headquarters, which are as obsolete as the
horse cavalry. They should be replaced by agile, lean and mean regimental
combat teams as was so brilliantly advocated in the book “Breaking the
Phalanx,” the author of which – Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor – was
rewarded for his honest sounding off about needed reforms by being shuffled
off to Fort Nowhere.
Don’t hassle the Hack.
TRADOC is a joke. The new band headquarters there has marble walls and natural stone throughout. It’s a complete waste.
A good article this past week discussed the total number of military bands – cost $1.2 billion/year and about 6500+ troops – looks like Mattis found some deadwood.
Fort McPherson is Tyler Perry’s film studio now.
I could never get a straight answer as to what FORSCOM did, other than act as a holding pen for the next Army Chief of Staff of Chair of the Joint Chiefs. Bah.
It’s about time to read The Diamond Age again.
The army is collapsing under the burden of its doctrine.
I read Hack’s book long ago. He was no fan of the M-16 or the Army brass. Didn’t agree with all his ideas but he made some good points.
When Hack’s first book “About Face” came out in the late 1980’s the military tried to ban the book in the Stars & Stripes bookstores in Germany. When the pushback came the military would stock one copy. Then “reorder” the next copy. I just got tired of waiting and purchased my copy when I went TDY to Ft Devens. AF was a very good book. Some of his later works were good as well.
FORSCOM doesn’t do squat. It acts as a holding pen since the COCOM’s actually fight the deployed troops.
“Secretary Mattis has dissolved FORSCOM permanently. The last remenants of REMFs will be swept away.”
“But that impossible. How will DoD maintain control over individual units?”
“The regional combatant commands now have direct control over their assigned units. Fear will keep them in line. Fear of going back to FORSCOM.”
Join the Discord fools.
Don’t tell me what to do!
I downloaded the application, now what?
I mean how do I find y’all?
I just clicked the link Viking posted and it took me right to it.
Is this what the kids are using instead of IRC these days?
AIM away messages.
What’s your ICQ number?
Austria: 60% of Muslim migrants want jokes about Islam to be banned
A new survey of Muslim migrants in Austria by the Danube University of Krems shows a distinct difference between typical Austrian values and those of incomers from places like Somalia and Chechnya, who hold far more religious views on society.
The study, released earlier this week, shows a vast difference in the attitudes of Muslim asylum seekers from mainstream opinion in the more secular Austrian society. The researchers interviewed 1,129 Muslims originally from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and Chechnya, with 60 per cent believing jokes about Islam should be banned and a quarter saying Islam should influence Austrian law, Kronen Zeitung reports.
The interviewees’ attitudes also differed depending on their country of origin. 70 per cent of Somalians approved of banning jokes about Islam, followed by Afghanis and Chechens. Iranians tended to be less puritanical, with only 14 per cent agreeing that jokes should be banned.
Somalians were also the most likely to answer affirmatively to the question of whether or not they would die for Islam, with almost a third saying they would. Chechens and Somalians also overwhelmingly agreed that Islam should play more of a role in Austrian society, with as many as 72 per cent of Somalians desiring more Islam in Austrian culture.
[head desk]
Islam is working great in Somalia. Why did they leave?
They were looking for brides and all of their cousins were already taken?
That’s a fine.
Austria: 60% of Muslim migrants want jokes about Islam to be banned
So a Muslim, a Catholic and a Jew walk into a bar……
Dude, you can’t go for the punchline on the second line of the joke it ruins it.
I thought it was a whodunnit.
Who is the surname of the player on first base.
Also relevant. NSFW.
And the bartender gives them khat, communion wine, and Manischewitz respectively.
The bartender and the Muslim were subsequently busted by DEA authorities since khat is scheduled.
The Catholic orders an Irish Car Bomb…
You’re kidding.
It’s not the “dying for Islam” part which bothers me, it’s the “killing for Islam” part.
Open borders for the win
Why Japan’s conviction rate is 99%
-police can interrogate you for 30 days before you can talk to a lawyer
-panel of judges instead of juries
-prisoners are usually forbidden to talk or read
-prisoners on death row are not told when they will be executed
That is incredibly disturbing.
Behold, shitlords, the first Glibertarian in VR space!
Glibetarians in VR space
It looks like it’s been held hostage in a sex dungeon.
That’s actually the default SteamVR room across from the main menu by the concrete wall. Those pictures on the wall do something, but I’m not sure what yet.
Vive uses the TNG holodeck.
Someone must have stolen it.
sounds about right
A virtual glimpse of Warty’s basement?
So what is going on in Charlottesville?
Have we got our street battles yet?
Someone plowed into a crowd with a car and killed someone. Does that count?
First, some trained Trump Nazis started a bunch of trouble. Then some peaceful Antifascists and BLM folks came down to help the cops keep things peaceful. So then one of the Trump Nazis ran over the peaceful protesters and cops. Then some Trump Russian Nazis shot down some cops with anti-helicopter missiles.
I did not know you worked for CNN.
That’s almost word for word of the USA Today article, except for the helicopter that hadn’t happened yet.
Attention, idiots on my newsfeed who are posting the Punch Nazis memes again:
Do they seriously not realize that ramping up this “we went to war before and we’ll go to war again” bullshit rhetoric is egging these jackasses on and legitimizing their movement? IF YOU REALLY WANT TO DEFEAT THEM, IGNORE THEM. Take away their notoriety. Fuck. People are so stupid I can’t even stand it.
Exactly! This is why the Westboro church people protest, they know it gets them attention, because people are too sensitive to ignore them.
And because people want to smear their political opponents with guilt by association.
You seem perturbed. Consider the calming wisdom of the Derpsiderata:
Go placidly amid the herp and derp, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all morons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; there is much humor in the stupid
Therefore be at peace with derp, whatever you tum teh teedily tum, and herpy derp derpity derpy derp, in the noisy confusion of da derp da derp teh tum teh teedily. With all its herp, derp, herpy derp herpy, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
This is actually good advice.
*frames, hangs on wall*
I actually have it framed and hung. Good advice for keeping it real
But what of those of us that have been on an enhanced vitamin derp drip intravenously since November? Cold turkey? For shame. Shame on you!
Collectivists to the left of me, collectivists to the right
What is “here I am, stuck on with you”?
I’ll take “Fuck off Slavers for $800, please”.
Be careful, it may be another Stealers Wheel question, perhaps even this time a Gerry Rafferty Audio Daily Double.
Yup. They’re jumping with joy that a few hundred morons showed up with tiki torches and extrapolating it to say anyone to the right of Stalin is a Nazi. I will say, though, I won’t mind another four years of Trump because of it.
They won’t; they’ll lump these retards in with the rest of the right, and give them the legitimacy they so crave. It’s amazing how fundamentally dishonest everyone is about this. They don’t care about the so-called Nazis. The protesters are a convenient excuse to hate on conservatives. All the garment-rending and wailing about fascism descending on America, as if a scant couple hundred (if even that?) idiots represent a national movement, is a put-on. They’re playacting their anti-fascist democracy dies in darkness public theater just as much as the white supremacists are playacting Nazis. It’s a fucking disgrace.
Read up on the salami strategy.
Also these guys think libertarians are nazis so cosmotarianism won’t work.
Just one of the manifold reasons why cosmotarianism won’t work.
Should have been pretty obvious with Gary Johnson. The MSM turned on him when he wasn’t going to guarantee Hillary’s victory.
Pretty damn clear the left has very serious issues with libertarian economics and social policies rather than thinking libertarians are a bunch of yokels.
The Left is terrified of libertarian though because it’s the one ideology that has the potential to peel away principled liberals from the Marxist insanity. So they have to make libertarians too crazy to support.
I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what happened but the coverage is deliberately vague. It seems like there was a couple hundred actual white supremacists who held some kind of torch rally theater with tiki torches. Then, separately, there were several thousand people who came out in support of General Lee, and were prepared for any antifa response. This included the KKK trash but also several other groups that aren’t white nationalists. If that’s right, it seems like the media is tarring all as white supremacists, exaggerating the actual number many times over and painting anyone who disagrees with the SJWs as white supremacist. I’ve looked at the videos and pictures and it seems like many in the latter (not the tikki torch theater) are just southern pride supporters, but the media is being obtuse in their descriptions and visuals.
What is most interesting to me at this point, is that CNN nor any other media outlet has yet identified the suspect. And we all know what that probably means. Only it’s not that he’s a Muslim this time.
It seems like the counter-protestor were hit so I guess a white guy did it but no one has said so?
If a white guy had done it, we would have known from the entire Journolist within minutes.
I know, makes me wonder…
I’m thinking less than a minute.
How long did it take for Dylan Roof to be identified?
.0002 nanoseconds
Seems it might actually be a white guy?
They’d just shun you.
I concur. But I think it’s more clever to than that. Let the speculation go on, stir up the shit and then bury the truth after the narrative has been set
I mean, you lie with with Nazis and Neo-Confederates, you get racist fleas
Yeah fuck those icky people for exercising their constitutional rights to assemble and protest.
And if you exercise that right with shitty people, you sometimes get their funk on you. That doesn’t make them racist, and I never called them that. It just gives people that perception.
This is basically in my backyard. Neo-confederacy does not equal racism. Virtually everyone I know locally supports southern pride and flying the stars and bars. I know don’t any of them that are racists. Mixed-race families are everywhere. My white neighbor adopted a black daughter and is deep in southern pride.
Actual nazi’s and white nationalists are reviled. They had a rally not far from me recently and barely anyone showed. They’re a bunch of fucking scum. Tying the alt-right and confederate groups to white supremacists doesn’t help.
This is the neo-nazis. A bunch of loser nobodies that should be vilified and can’t get anyone to show up.
This is the hornets nest that the SJWs kicked. The white nationalists have globbed onto an issue that many in the south are genuinely pissed about, without any racism involved, and the white nationalists have been gleefully aided by the media in having this redirected to being about them.
I don’t know, maybe the alt-right are white supremacists. I can’t keep up with who is labeled what anymore. I thought Milo was considered alt-right, which made me think it’s absurd to consider that group racist/bigoted, but he’s vehemently denying any association.
The media keep trying to paint him as the leader of the alt-right movement. Milo himself defines it as explicitly part of Richard Spencer’s brigade, and he’s adamantly opposed to it. Idk what the technical definition is (if there even is one), so I’m not sure who the label actually applies to.
On tonight’s NBC national news, they said last night’s march was ‘reminscent of Hitler’s Germany’ and actually showed an old black-and-white photo of Hitler saluting a parade.
Yeah, it was really reminiscent. A handful of powerless morons walking down the street with torches is exactly like the leader of a country saluting his brownshirt army in formation. Hey, we’re lighting some charcoal right now! It’s reminiscent of the firebombing of Dresden!
Damn does the media want to create a narrative, and will ramp up anything they can to support it.
You assume they care more about outcomes than indulging in their own virtue signalling and sense of moral superiority. Their objective is not the same as what they mouth. Many dream of legitimately violent Neo-Nazis so they continue the Civil Rights LARP.
One thing that struck me is that BLM and these so called Antifascists show up at this protest or rally. How many times has an opposition group shown up at a BLM protest? I’m not saying it didn’t happen, just curious.
Yeah, they’d be much better off taking MLW’s advice from above and just ignoring alt-right events. But they just can’t help themselves, I guess.
And they’re more than likely, almost for sure, being paid for it.
While reading some think pieces and commentary about the google issue, I came across this essay from 2006.
It has some intuitive sense and implies the libertarianism is essentially doomed failure because things only really move in one direction.
*I was about to post re: google/youtube – and then realized you were probably talking about the diversity firing of Damore instead…..*
That said, the livestream by Metokur and Styxhexenhammer had some excellent points on the whole….highly recommend a listen for some intelligent takes – although I think Styx underestimates the weight of some of the potential muscle that the EU or other governments may be able to throw against corporations like google re: privacy/etc.
I haven’t seen this mentioned…even Roseanne is getting rebooted.
I (mostly) liked the original and expect to watch the reboot.
In the sequel, both Rosanne and Dan are conflicted about their sexuality and so both get sex changes and remarry. The kids are social justice warriors concerned about intersectionality and their privilege. I think I’ve already seen this before I see it.
I hope not. You know Roseanne came out as a Trump supporter, right? Even though she’s batshit crazy, I expect the show to be watchable.
No I didn’t know that. The last I remember, she was one of the most rabid TDS victims out there.
You have her confused with Rosie.
What, that isn’t the same person?
You do recall Roseanne claimed to have multiple personalities in the mid-90s.
That was about the last straw for the ridiculous trend those days of diagnosing (mostly by psychologists, not by psychiatrists) tons of people with MPD. After it was no longer trendy, Roseanne never seemed to mention it again.
Nowadays you never hear about anyone with multiple personalities except as a plot device in film or fiction, because, guess what! There’s no such thing. There never was such a thing.
Interesting. I really liked the original – great writing. Yeah it got weird in the later years and the last season was mostly crap until the finale. But I will check this out – nice that it’s on an actual TV channel instead of some streaming I won’t pay for.
There was some good writing with the original show. Also John Goodman. Roseanne’s stand up back then though? God help us. She was a bit too screechy for my taste and bordered on downright annoying.
I’m not a huge fan of standup that isn’t named Sam Kinison but I get you. But on the show she was restrained by good direction and great writing not to mention a great supporting cast.
The entire Domestic Goddess schtick was quite original for the time, though.
I liked that the entire set looked like it was covered in pet dander but the Connor’s never owned a dog or a cat. To steal from Mike Myers the place also looked like it always smelled like soup.
Re the Syphilis Tsunami……The parent company behind the add campaign latest financial statement states over $42 million in grants received plus other money in the giant range mostly from pharmacy revenue. Total salary expenditures of over $114 million and another $41 million in benefits. I need to start a charity. That is some big money moving around.
DOOM now has multiplayer, I see. COME GET SOME.
Is your avatar based on that classic page “Turn Your Hamster Into a Fighting Machine?”
That may well be where these people got the idea.
Fun fact, Frisky Dingo is basically Archer before Archer.
Same creative team, etc.
You inspired me to change my own. It is time for a refresh
WTH is that? Rasta DJ cat?
something like that. i found it on YT with some dude who has a channel of 80s-90s riddim-tapes.
It has better hair than your previous avatar.
catty dreadlock in a Babylon gwan do gwan do
Needz moar tophat.
Look, I like you as a friend.
You’re all gonna go measure now.
(I haven’t yet, but I will…)
Scrolling down eventually yielded this headline:
At least one dead as white nationalists ignite Virginia clashes
I go to Reuters for the integrity. That or CNN.
That or CNN.
Spoken in James Earl Jones’ voice, of course.
That taint a real study.
Only if you’re willing to stuff and inch or two up your rectum. We can all be ten-inchers now! Math is fun!
Anyway all of this desire to stamp out any symbols of the CSA remind me of England and France trying to suppress any symbols of regionalism and their revolts.
Those who erase the past are doomed to repeat it.
Let’s Fight the Alt-Right, But Let’s Be Smart About How We Do It
Direct confrontation with alt-right goons is a bad idea.
By Amanda Marcotte / Salon
To be clear, neo-Nazis and the like tend to be disorganized and unreliable, so there are decent odds Unite the Right will be poorly attended, and the resulting atmosphere will be one of comical pathos rather than the menace far-right forces are hoping for. Unfortunately, as Bob Moser at the New Republic argued, there is one group that can help restore some lost dignity to the wannabe fascists: Progressive counter-protesters. Yes, the very people eager to fight white supremacists in the street may, as Moser argues, be helping the cause of white supremacy.
“By confronting both the various breeds of white supremacists with fury and violence, we’re giving them better media attention and recruitment tools than the worst of the worst could ever hope to muster for themselves,” Moser argued. He laid out a number of examples of how alt-right and KKK rallies are typically poorly attended by white supremacists themselves, and that the behavior of counter-protesters — who often outnumber the actual racists — are invariably used as propaganda by these groups to recruit more members online, which is where the real action is happening.
When Marcotte is the voice of reason…
Another delightful resistance movement involves messing with white supremacists and other bigots on Reddit, one of their favorite online gathering spots. As Ben Collins of The Daily Beast reported, a group of Redditors have started launching takeovers of forums that might attract the fascist-curious, turning them into clown shows. For instance, r/WhitePolitics is now flooded with posts discussing paint swatches. They also were able to defeat a request from former Breitbart writer and right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos to take over the forum r/Faggots, which is now dedicated to discussing the bundling of logs. They also conquered a misogynist “pickup artist” forum, which is now mostly threads about picking up heavy objects.
[head desk]
What a incredibly meaningful use of time!
As if the hate-mongers won’t be able to start their own sites, like
But see, if we ignore hate we ENABLE it, you bigot!
Us (Establishment) Republicans don’t like that Trump said that hate came from all sides, so we MUST virtue signal!
“We should call evil by its name”
Yes we should. Its names are:
1. National Socialism
2. Communism
If they conspire to destroy each other, so much the better.
I keep emphasizing the word “socialism” to my lefty friends but they still don’t get that Hitler was just slightly to the right of Stalin. It’s very difficult to juggle a belief in free markets while at the same time think that we’ll only let white people live and do business with us and we must kill the Jews. Kind of a bad business model there.
Fucking hot takes. Jesus Christ.
Meh. For once I agree with GOPe here. “Real” neo-Nazi sites are loving Trump’s statement.
The Daily Stormer people can think what they want to their own little circles, not that relevant to what I’m talking about. White Nationalism is a stupid and garbage ideology, but that’s not what made the protests wrong. The violence and the rioting is what made it wrong. Both sides were violent, therefore Trump condemned both.
Trump said the right thing. It’s not like BLM and the Antifascists are totally innocent. The media sinks to an even lower new low.
Well, here’s the problem: both sides showed hatred and got violent with each other, and I don’t think that one side appears better than another. It’s all a shitshow, it should all be condemned. Indeed the alt-right is just a bunch of fringey Stormfront guys that are relevant only because the left searched out for them last year to beat up the Right with.
I’ll agree just as soon as Antifa is declared a terrorist organization on the federal level.
100% agree on that front. BAMN too.
You know who else wanted communist and fascist organizations to be banned after clashes.
Antifa actively promotes and plans violent acts against ideological opponents openly on internet forums. They’re a terrorist group that has left plenty of evidence that is the case.
They certainly are in keeping with the original Anti-fascists.
I was reading about how the OSS, the CIA’s precursor would sort recruits. They would be brought to a dark barn and told to climb up a ladder and sit on a beam 30 ft off the ground. Then they would be commanded to lean back and fall off. The ones who took the plunge would land safely in a net and be assigned dangerous field work. The ones who refused were assigned to planning.
So cautious, sensible people planned the missions, but bold risk-takers carried them out. That’s a good system.
Now they throw darts at the wall of diversity.
Lawn darts or “Jarts” as we used to call them. Many are the days when we’d put an eye or two out. Today, humans are weak and unwilling.
I like that system
That’s one way of looking at it. Another is that overly credulous, self-destructive nutjobs were sent into the field, and timid pussies given the job commanding them. I don’t think there’s any psychological binary-test that actually identifies “types”. Everything is situational, and the way you learn how people act in certain types of situations is to recreate the actual situations and role play them repeatedly.
If i were recruiting for the OSS i’dt troll the jails for con-men and paper-hangers and B+E men and send them into the field and know they already knew their craft. If i wanted men to organize them, i’d get guys from investment banking, venture capital, or other very high-risk, high-reward areas.
This is XNN
That’s some fair and balanced journalism there.
The fairest
So, they were fighting with themselves? No one else was around. Huh, interesting.
So white supremacist are bad but anti white supremacists shouldn’t fight with them but white supremacists are really really bad so maybe they deserve punching and fighting but the most important thing is that the State is being threatened. All hail the state. Got it. Thanks LaTimes editorial board.
So future Reason piece?
To be sure.
Are we sure that anyone was chanting nazi slogans? I read an article earlier this evening in USA Today, describing the antifas as peaceful protestors. Yet there they are on film attacking the so called nazis. IOW, I don’t believe a fucking word the media say until I look into it and verify it.
I don’t know. I had no idea any of it was going on and didn’t care at all. Seems the torch march was kind of some creepy white supremacist shit but who gives a fuck. Leave them alone and they go back to whatever hole they live in in a few days.
I saw an article earlier when checking my email that was headlined: ‘”VIOLENCE AT ALT-RIGHT RALLY, WHITE SUPREMACISTS FIGHTING WITH “COUNTER-DEMONSTRATORS.””
Seems like there’s a bit of headline bias there.
I keep reading comments elsewhere on the interwebs, where people are reporting everything under the sun–and making fun of everyone who doesn’t believe them as being deluded victims of fake news.
I’ve heard it said that the guy who drove into the crowd of lefties was actually a lefty himself, who was attacked by BLM activists for being white. They say he lost control of his vehicle as he tried to escape their attack.
I’ve heard it said that the victims were actually mostly alt-right people.
I keep thinking back to the Columbine shooting coverage and how everything we thought we knew about the Columbine shooting turned out to be false. There was a Trenchcoat Mafia, but the shooters weren’t a part of it, etc., etc., etc.
The people who are reflexively skeptical of what they see in the news when the bad guys are neo-Nazis and the KKK are not the dumbest people in the room–although it can seem that way. The smartest guy in the room is probably the guy that says no one should change their minds about a statue of Robert E. Lee or anything else regardless of whether or not someone from the alt-right or anti-fa smashed his car into a group of righties or lefties.
I guess that’s the “magic” of terrorists acts or anything else like this, really. The news won’t let these crises go to waste, but very few average people know or care why Al Qaeda hit the WTC or what it is that ISIS wants. They just create a spectacle and rely on the media to project everybody’s anxieties about Trump or whatever we’re scared about these days on to it. After that shooting in the church, they decided to take the confederate flag down over the statehouse–as if that had something to do with the shooting?
If the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, or NBC really knew what was going on in that car and why, I wouldn’t trust ’em even if they told it to me.
I don’t trust Fox News or the WSJ to tell us the truth either. Does anyone think of Breitbart as a reliable news source?
Plowing into a crowd because you disagree with them is indefensible. However, it’s good to see peaceful protestors exercise their rights and take a stand against the left’s signaling and empty gestures. I don’t have to like the people doing it to approve of their free speech rights. The progressives could go after the police unions, school choice, or the drug war–all of which have racial issues associated with them–but they’d rather take down a statue because they’re all behind police unions, education unions, etc.
So. they take down a statue? That’s pathetic.
And who plowed into whom and why doesn’t matter one bit.
The most telling thing here is that the suspect has not been identified. Which means the media does not want him identified. Now they’re attacking Trump for not saying exactly what they think he should say. I hate the media, they’re despicable. It matters not one fucking bit to them who was killed, unless they can use it for political fodder.
You can count on them to use it for political fodder.
That’s Situationist International 101.
You can’t control what the media says about you, but you can control the topic of conversation by making a spectacle for them to cover.
Green Peace, Animal Rights people, and, yeah, terrorists and neo-Nazis have been making a living off of that since forever.
Don’t think of it as information.
What we see in the media is an Ego War.
Thank you for mentioning The Spectacle. That is the philosophical underpinning of everything that happened today.
Teams and tribal identities don’t matter all that much when we’re talking about someone that was killed because somebody disagreed with somebody else. You’d think that more should know this, but they often don’t. It’s all about narrative and sticking it to those plebes.
It’s like people sit in the stands waiting for the call from headquarters. “He was a white guy.” RHEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Traveling the wilds of maine for vacation for a few days until we go to Boston, Saw one Ron Paul bumper sticker, which was the first I think I’ve seen on an actual car. We also crossed the border into the land of aboot, briefly, just long enough to buy cheesy maple leaf souvenirs and then cross back into ‘Murica. I’ve also already eaten my share of sea cockroaches, and blueberries. And I’ve been to Tim Horton’s twice and eaten poutine because maine is basically Little Canada.
anyway I see shit is happening elsewhere, but eh.
And I’ve been to Tim Horton’s twice and eaten poutine because maine is basically Little Canada.
Its the Mainers that should be offended.
I’ve also already eaten my share of sea cockroaches, and blueberries
Envious. I love me some sea cockroaches.
Just got home from bar. Some Burt Bacharach best songs on PBS. I gotta say I’m enjoying.
Herbie Hancock recent released some old live footage of the headhunters band
not everyone’s cup of tea, but its my favorite type of stuff. only complaint are the too-frequent side-wipe edits
Very nice
Nope. Love me some jazz-fusion! Good ‘un!
Here’s some new weird shit that involves a sitar with a capo. Reminds me a little of the execution of some White Stripes songs with sitar added. Free your mind.
every redhead hippie looks like some variant on Aphex Twin (Richard James)
the difference is that he makes things that sound like this
Whenever I see a redheaded hippie I want to scalp him and put his hair to work on my head where it belongs. Lazy fucking hippy.
The Atlantic may be the most unhinged media source on the planet today. They probably have the most unhinged case of TDS, by a long shot.
I feel like there is a near-direct correlation between magazine outlets w/ TDS and proximity to New York City. It’s almost like the areas around Trump Tower are the singularities of the TDS virus.
But it is fun watching so called respected journalists breaking down into slobbering unhinged lunatics.
Maybe somebody should put up a TDS Tsunami billboard.
New capsule review up. Just not enough time to do anything proper this weekend – drill weekend at my new (further away) unit. Hopefully I can get the regular review up on time on Thursday – it’s a really tight little flick as well.
Did some audio edit tweaks on this one, but not enough time to really work on it. Good practice though.
Checking my Twitter feed and I’m seeing leftists melting down on the Milo of Virginia, aka. Corey Stewart’s, account, saying that he was the one that “caused” the Charlottesville violence, whatever that means (again, don’t they understand that words are not the same as actual violence?). He then posted a video on his FB page that (on top of saying violence isn’t the answer) basically warned that the left cracking down on conservative speech will lead to more violence, among other things. I don’t disagree with him.
Forgot to add: he also said that the VA Dems, including Kaine and McAuliffe, refuse to condemn Antifa’s violence, even though Tim Kaine’s son is an Antics member who has been arrested for his presence in violent protests in the past.
They never condemn the left when it acts violent.
Well of course not, it’s all self-defense against hate speech.
When they’ve hit that stage of stupidity, I’m not sure what the best way to deal with them is, other than to stop giving them media attention.
I hate to belabor a point but the air is so thick with smoke that I can hear the 60th anniversary concert for our brewery like it’s the neighbor’s kids getting their yaya’s out. Six miles away, over hill and dale and at least 1000 feet below. I can discern the words to every song. If I weren’t a rational person I’d probably go hide under the bed. Orange skies at night, Cthulu’s delight.
Fight back. Get SugarFree on audiobook and blast it out to the world.
I’m not complaining (they aren’t trampling my lawn) I’m just remarking. It’s Fucking weird what atmosphere does to sound waves and now I understand why dogs hate thunderstorms.
Looks like I picked a fine Sunday morning to ignore the news and relax with a good read. What’s happening? Anyone have the traffic report in Virginia?
Downtown looks a little grid-locked but be aware that there is a nazi/antifa car on the loose. Call sign someone. That is all.
no idea.
I don’t get this tweet:
Does this mean that before one can learn to love they must first learn to hate? I thought that Obama is a peerless orator expertly versed in communication mastercraft, and not some clod hammering out malformed brain farts with his sweaty ham thumbs like Trump.
You just knew he’d chime in with some vapid statement to claim the high ground. POS.
That’s pretty dumb. Hate comes from deep in the brainstem. Ask a crow how he feels about the hawks next time you’re on an acid trip, you know?
You’ll learn to love this or By God I’m gonna learn it to you!
Thank Zod that he was not assassinated. We’d be bowing at his shrine five times a day. Household shrines, even.
Seems to be a Nelson Mandela quote. Though I do agree it is nonsensical, or else, BO misquoted.
Telling that the top 5 or so comments are from an account called ‘impeach donald trump’.
A lot of people are going to wish they’d followed the 48 hour rule.
*hot take of Warty’s post*
**Eviscerates DOOMco**
I await the 48 hour cycle until I got full retard and complain about some random nonsense like I’m some idiot basic bitch.
If they were interested in the truth, yeah. Get the narrative you want out there first and WIN! News isn’t about truth. It’s about creating momentum.
So, in looking at this Charlottesville shit going on, (besides retelling me why I hate most people,) It’s also made me realize that I know woefully little about the Civil War like I should. What are some of the better books about it that you all would recommend?
Battle Cry for Freedom is a good primer. If you’re delving into literature, avoid The Red Badge of Courage at all costs. Fuck, that book sucks.
Already had to read it back in highschool. Fuck it, I hated it.
I’m less interested in the literature side of it right now, I want to know more about the historical, social, and political factors of it. More than just the headline stuff and case names I’ve got.
When you stare long enough into the abyss…
Not a history book by any means (I haven’t focused on the American Civil War because frankly I find it somewhat dull) but I very much enjoyed ‘Guns of the South’ by Turtledove, which is by no means a historical analysis and very much a very creative alternative history that does not view the Confederates as complete barbarians.
I find it pretty dull as well (my cup of tea is more along the lines of the Slavic wars of the last 1,000 years or so,), but I feel like I better educate myself on it so that I have something to hit back at people with.
Probably not what you’re looking for, but from a historical fiction angle, (heavy on the historical) this is my recommendation.
This ought to do nicely.
i do think if you want an honest accounting, ask the people who lost
Not always. You should see the history text books we have here on WW2.
Battle Cry of Freedom is good, except the afterword where McPherson goes on about how much greater positive rights are then negative rights. Otherwise I didn’t notice much of his political bias. Way back when I was young, read Bruce Canton’s books and liked them.
Dear editors, there was supposed to be a picture attached to my submission. Please disregard any further attempts until I’ve attached a picture relevant to the material.
Sincerely, drunken slob
After today, I think I’ve bled brakes the old-fashioned way enough times to last the rest of my life. Anybody own a brake bleeder? Do I want the electric kind, or is a hand pump going to be good enough?
A hand pump version is fine. It will make all your previous efforts seem like an exercise in caveman-esque futility.
I’m now waiting for the inevitable reply informing me that hand pump brake bleeders are crude and that electric ones will make my previous efforts seem like an exercise in caveman-esque futility.
(sniffs, and buffs “digital break bleeder” device)
I’m old-school. I’ve always got one of the pimples to sit behind the driver’s seat and pump the brake pedal to their heart’s content. Vroom Vroom, screeeech!
I haven’t used an electric, but think the hand pump one is just fine.
One of the funniest things that I witnessed as a kid was watching my mechanic buddy after he fueled up his ’72 LeMans with diesel that his Dad purposefully misidentified as red gas. He knew his son was tipping from the tanks so he took the effort to switch them and just waited for the fun to begin. I ran so I was safe but Buddy got a cowboy boot to the anus that lifted him clear off the ground. My pal got to keep his car but he lost some pride.
If you prick them, do they bleed?
Hand pump is fine. I usually just pay the deposit for the loaner from the national chain parts house. Then I use the test drive to return it for the refund. We have 3 old cars in addition to our daily drivers and I do that with most any specialty tool. Don’t have to buy the tool, don’t have to store the tool, and don’t have to frustrate myself spending more time looking for the job specific tool than it would actually take me to do the job.
While the left pretended like they were on the moral high ground for 5 seconds, the WaPo writers took off their masks and posted a photo of “Punch More Nazis” to rally the troops for 2018.
In case they delete the photo, here’s the screenshot.
I’m 52 and I would murdalize about four little dip-tanks like that without any weapons. These people have grown up on video games and free-range velveeta. Hell, I’m not even a hard man. They wouldn’t like to meet a “hard man”. Good heavens! Who the fuck do they think that they are messing with?
Did you notice that the ad banner across the bottom of tough guy’s photo is for a line of concealing products from Revlon? Telling.
My least formidable cat – 8 pounds soaking wet – would break that dude in half.
That’s why we are involved in such a head long desperate retreat. Nobody wins the pillow-fight wars except for the voyeurs and the pojama people.
My money’s on the cats.
Always bet on the cat.
News media is finally reporting on who the suspect is.
So the guy was driving a Dodge Challenger around protests over a Robert E Lee statue? I’d have to get out extra tin foil if it was a Dodge Charger.
+1 Oh those Duke Boys…
First Tom Wopat is a sexual harasser, now he drives drunk?
I think I have this figured out. If a supporter of Trump commits an act of violence it is Trump’s fault. If an opponent of Trump commits an act of violence it is Trump’s fault.
Yep, that is it exactly.