“Two men were walking up the steps to Friendship Baptist Church in South Austin Sunday morning, about 11:15 a.m. One of the men was accompanied by his three sons, said Pastor Reginald Bachus.”
Common sense stair control!
Out of context this sounds like the beginning of a riddle.
If a plane leaves O’Hare at noon traveling at 500 miles-an-hour, and a train leaves Union station at 1 PM, how many goats has Rahm Emanuel fucked?
trick question, the answer is the Pastor.
European or African?
ok, i want to change my vote for Best Generalized Riddle-Response Joke.
That reminds me, it’s time to start drinking.
We at Glibertarians are glad to provide such a service.
Alcohol delivery service?
“Time to drink” reminding.
Put some new stuff up on MU.
wow. those are great.
We should have such a service, because most posts here make me want to drink to dull the pain.
*mulls over business opportunity*
I thought on Sundays it was time to start drinking as soon as one woke up. Who changed the rules?
“Would you like an Irish Coffee with your Mimosa?”
Why yes, yes I would. And please poor some Baileys on top of the whip cream on my french toast please.
You’re a god damned monster! I have rules for my Irish coffee. I remember the first time a Bennigan’s opened up in the area, and I was dragged there. For dessert, I said I would risk the Irish coffee. While the confused waitress went to get it, I explained to the table the true measure of an Irish coffee, and the three signs of a bad one:
1) Whipped cream instead of heavy whipping cream beaten to a consistency of honey
2) Creme de Menthe, because it’s green, therefore it’s Irish
3) Bailey’s. Because it has no business being near an Irish coffee.
The “Irish coffee” came out with not only all three of those sins, but a fourth one. One that I never thought even needed adding onto the list until the abomination was served to me. It had a gods damned maraschino cherry on top.
Ha, at the cheery. That is funny. If you notice, I said Baileys on the whip cream on my french toast. Not in my coffee. Although Baileys is fine in my coffee because it is good. I am far from a purist on anything.
Mea culpa.
I saw Swiss referencing Irish Coffee, then I saw Bailey’s in your post, and my brain broke.
Interesting. Have you ever had it?
Oh yes – it is quite nice.
Have you had the Kentucky or the Canadian variants? Both are good, although I prefer the Kentucky.
Not a big fan of that one. Their best is Rubaeus….their stouts really don’t do it for me surprisingly.
That’s a fantastic beer.
I brewed a hybrid clone a few years back. Didn’t quite capture what Founders does. But, it was still yummy.
Hah! I’m not falling for that again!
Well, maybe just a little peek…
Goo goo g’joob?
Wrong Walrus. I didn’t know Rapesquatches could be so…well read?
Don’t make me tell you again about the scooching.
So watching the different cable news channels today. All them — including Fox — only called the them “counter-protesters”. No mention that they were violent communist assholes who should be tied to an anthill.
Out of everyone in the mainstream right, only Trump seems to understand that the media and the Left is using yesterday as a wedge issue to divide and isolate his base from the establishment. Everyone else is playing into their game or using this as an opportunity to show their friends in the media how NeverTrump or NeverBannon they are. Bunch of beta males to the core.
Anti-fa are a very tiny percentage of the left protesters.
Neo-Nazi dickheads are a very tiny percentage of the right protesters.
The issue is that anti-fa is pretty much ignored as a sub-group, while the Neo-Nazi contingent of the far right are extrapolated to nearly the entire right wing.
You’re exactly right. Another problem that the Left has is that some Antifa members are more tied to the political class than the alt-right is. For example, Berkeley’s mayor or Tim Kaine (he never condemned his son after he was arrested in a violent protest for being part of Antifa, concealing his identity, and resisting arrest).
That’s a good point. The last time white-supremacists were tied to the political class, they were Democrats.
The issue is that anti-fa is pretty much ignored
Because they mean well?
You make it sound as if this was not the entire end game. They have been trying to do this my entire life. It really got ramped up this last election but it has always been the goal to paint everyone outside of Prog think as a Hitler saluting Nazi, wife beater, child molester, rapist or murderer.
i just need ‘racist’ and i got BINGO….
The antfags are a tiny percentage of leftist protesters. But from what I’ve seen they far outnumber actual white-supremacists.
Anti-fa are a very tiny percentage of the left protesters.
While this is true, what percentage of leftists are prepared to repudiate them? Whenever I ask anyone on the left about them, it’s a song and dance. I don’t run into the same problem on the right about neo-Nazi dickheads.
Lucy (are we allowed to talk about her here?) made an excellent point on twitter:
A few hundred neo-Nazi assholes show up in Virginia to protest and give speeches. No media. No anti-fa counter protesters. Everyone just straight-up ignores them.
What happens?
they go home?
A bear shits in the woods?
That’s what I’ve been saying. The people counter protesting are just as bad as the nazis.
I would say they are worse. Because there aren’t actual nazis. Nazis were left-wing white-nationalists. These were supposedly right-wing white-nationalists. So they hate people who aren’t white, and want to separate from them. Which isn’t good. But Antifa are communists. They hate humanity at it’s very core, and want to include everyone by force.
It was leftist stupidity all the way down. It was just a group of leftists who think they’re “right wing” and love white nationalism fighting a group of black bloc pinkos who love Marx and the Commies.
Huh, from I’ve heard they didn’t sound leftist. Then again, it’s not like I subscribe to their newsletter.
You’ll need to turn the volume up a bit, but Austin Petersen gives a good explanation for why the alt-right has more in common with the left than the right.
Because they tend to focus on racial politics in public rather than their other policy platforms. If you go digging they turn pretty lefty. Richard Spencer, for example, supports public healthcare for whites.
There’s very little from the 1932 NSDAP that the alt-right would disagree with.
From what I remember of skinheads in the punk rock scene back in the day, they were rather right-wing. They were pro-white, nationalist and anti-government. But not in any “intellectual” sort of way. And that’s putting it mildly. I remember one time one of the guys from Agnostic Front got lost because he couldn’t read street signs. Never mind National Review. While I haven’t spent any time listening to theses KKK types, they certainly seem “culturally conservative” with their guns and coal-rolling. Perhaps they are just dumbass racists who don’t have a thought-out ideology, or much in common with suit-and-tie people like Richard Spencer. Just like Roger Miret was no William F. Buckley, Jr. (Not that the latter was racist)
Count Potato: Different skins then I ran with. The SHARPS that I knew were generally left wing, with a dislike of cops. Most of them weren’t dumb, but they used violence as a first resort, rather then a last.
SHARP were SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice. From what I saw they were largely a bunch of non-white knuckleheads who wanted to beat up white skinheads. Maybe they weren’t dumb, but I certainly agree they were violent.
I do have a vague memory of them aligning with the leftist politics of MRR. But then again, they were atypical “skinheads”.
All of the SHARPS in my neck of the woods were white. And there were almost no other skins other then them in the scenes I was in. Mostly because the boneheads were quickly dealt with in violence.
If we do that then they can’t run around LARPing Civil Rights characters and people might get along. Their entire existence falls apart if they don’t receive constant attention.
So the left in the US has a lot in common with the House of Saud. Nice Everyone sick of their FB feeds throw that story out there to their friends who want hate speech to be made illegal and people rounded up.
There’s that “but” which says “I’m lying” again.
/Ministry of Virtue and Vice
/Oprah Winfrey
Oprah bint Frey?
That was good. I haven’t heard that in awhile and there is some great guitar playing there. But……Southern rock ALT-RIGHT ALT-RIGHT ONLY A FUCKING NAZI WOULD POST THIS SONG.
Well this ought to make it all better.
If it were non-racist, it would be Gdansk.
So his woman is treating him like he’s tied to a whipping post?
Kinky and racist!
I dated a pretty hot black woman years ago who was very domme. Also as close as I’ve ever come to sticking it in crazy (she wasn’t all the way there but she didn’t have far to go).
You must be new in town.
There are no Sabbath Cease Fires in Chicago.
I’m not sure which I’m annoyed by more:
1. The idiotic media hair rending over the Charlottesville riot thing and their constant attempts to frame it as an ‘all conservatives’ thing.
2. The alt-righters furiously masturbating over the deaths while declaring that they’re the future.
2 and 3 are tiny groups of people and kids on Stormfront or Twitter that are busy Sieg Heiling to each other and are easily ignorable idiots. 1 are grown adults who should know better and are in possession of mainstream platforms.
I don’t care which has more influence, only which is more annoying. 2 and 3 should have been hit by their parents more.
Obligitory parenting advise.
One of my favorite pieces of music: The Battell, by William Byrd.
How ’bout a little Michael Praetorius, then? Performed by Eduardo Antonello.
This is also a performance of a song by English composers
OK, time for some toe-tappin’ tunes from John “Party Animal” Dowland
Re: Charlottesville in general – Chipwooder’s comments last thread.
I’m living a little N of town on Rt 29 right now – working in the vicinity. Once or twice a week I head down towards the downtown mall area. I’ve lived here about 9 months and have yet to actually set foot on campus, but the downtown mall (free parking with validation at the parking decks) is pretty sweet with some great theaters, restaurants, stores, etc – and I haven’t been accosted or irritated by any of the hippies there at all yet – compared to Franklin St in Chapel Hill when I went to school there. I think the distance between the two is useful for one thing. But yeah, there’s a lot of good stuff in Charlottesville where you don’t even see/hear the campus. Like Spartan Dad said – lots of conservative military/veterans in the area as well due to some of the other major employers in the vicinity.
And now Jessye Norman rocks the house with a little ditty from Dido and Aeneas.
When I am laid,
am laid in earth,
may my wrongs create
No trouble,
no trouble in,
in thy breast
Remember me,
remember me,
but ah
Forget my fate
A New Yorker write contributes some wisdom:
“When questioned about the rationale for Trump’s evenhandedness, the White House clarified that both the protesters and the counter-protesters had resorted to violence. This is notable in that the United States was once a country that did not see Nazis and those willing to fight them as morally equivalent. Aside from that, however, there were no images of anti-fascist protesters mowing down reactionaries with their cars.”
Ow. My brain. I tried jumping through the hoops necessary to make the same conclusion and landed flat on my amygdala.
Give it a week.
That’s because the nazis we used to fight ACTUALLY FUCKING KILLED PEOPLE!
i find the idea of his private bathroom less-retarded than his insistence of biking to work wearing a suit and tie, then taking a shower when he gets to work. you want to pretend like you’re saving the planet with your fucking bike, yet you’re wasting hours out of the day with your silly dress/undress/dress routine. FFS buddy, just leave your suits at the office and save yourself the dry-cleaning bill.
Biking in a suit and tie? No. You’re an asshole if you do that. If you want to ride to work, carry the suit and tie in a bag, or have them in the office (as Gilmore says). I feel guilty at times riding up to a brewery and sitting next to people after a ride.
I’m guessing this guy is very particular about his appearance. Ride in shorts and a T-shirt? Feh!
Hey, you’re in luck.
Was fixing a lady’s air exchanger for her. Couldn’t un-sweat the joint where the manufacturer’s fitting hooks up to water supply, where it was leaking, because of residual water. Decided “oh, i can cut that off and just sweat new coupling, there’s enough room.” Surprise! Manufacturer didn’t used normal half inch pipe, something hinky, maybe even metric.
But I sweated on a new piece anyway, hoping it would work. Wouldn’t know until the very end of the job, once the system was pressurized again. Fingers crossed, I slowly turned on the water…
Yay it works! I make money instead of having to buy lady new air handler! I was so stressed!
“Surprise! Manufacturer didn’t used normal half inch pipe, something hinky, maybe even metric.”
This is not a surprise.
After Charlottesville, will white pastors finally take racism seriously?
“…President Trump has created a context in which white supremacists feel emboldened in their views and have no shame in admitting them publicly and vocally.
“Yet at the polls, white evangelicals voted overwhelmingly for Trump. Despite all of their verbal commitments to equality and racial reconciliation, 80 percent of white evangelicals went against the voices of their brothers and sisters of color….
“I appreciate the notable exceptions — those white pastors who have spoken up about white supremacy, sometimes in the face of strident opposition. Unfortunately, they are all too few….”
I’m derped out, man. I can’t take it any more.
I put on Godfodder and made chile verde. It worked.
Ned’s? Love that album.
I know you do. It’s a great record. Every time I put it on, my daughter yells “NED!”.
I… don’t remember sharing that thought. OK.
Don’t sweat it. Music is about the only thing I remember about people.
Along those lines… I would like to thank whoever shared Little Nemo. I like it so much I went and bought most of their other stuff.
I can barely form a coherent argument I’ve been so derped the last few days.
I got asked about this multiple times since I arrived in SD, because I’m from Virginia. Lots hoping we didn’t take the statue down. Lots appealing to the recognition of history.
Friends on Derpbook lovingly trying to doxx those in the tiki-torch photos.
AP Explains: How Robert E. Lee went from hero to racist icon
I haven’t actually read their ‘explainer’, but i’m going to go out on a limb and say its probably NOT, “….a byproduct of lefty outrage-mongers flailing out at anything they can possibly find as a new contrived source of shrieking-hysteria”
*i cheated a little and saw one line in it, which suggests “demographic changes” are what brings about the different perceptions. I think that’s handwaving nonsense; the percent of white/black americans living and working together in the South has probably been more or less the same for the last 3-4 decades. Somehow civil war monuments weren’t a source of anger and finger-pointing until Twitter came along and gave the SJW-set a bullhorn.
The AP is so dumb it overlooked its best argument – Lee’s razzia in Pennsylvania.
Ugh, Racking up the peeves.
So because racists started using Lee as a racist icon years after his death means we should ignore his role in making the transition to post civil war peace? It’s about how the symbol is used and not what the man actually did.
Proof that the narrative matters so much more than facts.
Who shot Liberty Valance?
**last thought re the C-ville nonsense….
… that the characters who join these white supremacist LARPing clubs? (e.g. “Vanguard America”)… who think the “white race” is humankind’s apex accomplishment? Always look like they’re a few chromosomes shy of a full set. Dude’s got a skinny skull, beady eyes, and a mouth that looks the wrong size relative to his giant ears. Basically, like he crawled out of the algae-covered part of the gene pool.
Not to mention the groups that seem obsessed with racial IQ stats seem to almost exclusively recruit from the low end of the white IQ pool.
And suicide bombers are often the loser sons of well-adjusted doctors and engineers.
We should be happy. These dipshits are giving each other a slightly more productive way to feel heroic than what they used to have to resort to, which was shooting up a high school. Bravo, Illinois Nazis. Keep up the good work.
The most detailed study of Columbine shows the shooters having no shortage of self-esteem – though I know that’s not quite your point – they were more of a Loeb-and-Leopold team killing people they believed to be their inferiors.
In my albeit limited but not absent experience with hardcore racism, it appears to be strongly correlated with a low IQ.
It is in America.
There was a time when in this country, and certain other countries, there were prestigious scientists and PhDs preaching up racism.
Even progressive Presidents – TR and Wilson.
Well, if you have no personal attributes to be proud of, I guess you’ll desperately cling to anything that might restore your self-esteem.
“Oh look, these people who were the same color as me invented a lot of stuff! I’m the best!!!”
Fucking hilarious. Look at the way people are melting down: “He still said other groups! He seriously thinks BLM is extremist! He seriously thinks antifa is extremist!” They have no self-awareness. None.
Sitting in a bar in Sioux Falls, SD right now. Love the political opinions of folks up here (“govt just leave us the hell alone”), but damn I wish there was more than one place to eat.
I dig SD. Seriously considering a move.
The people are mighty friendly here. Everyone responds when you ask em how they’re doing. It’s nice, we don’t have this in NoVA/DC.
It’s normal in this part of flyover country.
Its not that foreign to me, since southern VA is the same way and thats only 30 mins from where I live, but yeah, SD is alright in terms of people, but it could use more places to get some grub.
If it’s randos on the street or something, that creeps me out. I left that for NYC and that’s fine with me. I don’t want strangers being “friendly” with me.
I don’t see what the big deal is, they’re not giving you their life story, its just a friendly “good day” or “how ya doin’ – fine, hangin’ in there”
Thats it.
I’m not a very outgoing person – it makes me uncomfortable.
For me, most of the time, it’s just an acknowledgement of the other person. Which I can understand wouldn’t make sense in NYC. It’s not even a matter of being friendly, just a nod or a wave when passing by.
I’m happy to be friendly with people such as shopkeepers or waitresses. It’s the friendliness from strangers that I have no reason to interact with that I find odd. Perhaps I picked that up in Buffalo where the only people you see walking around are usually… off in some way.
I like being considered a “regular” in some types of establishments. In Hawaii I would eat at an awesome diner (Big City Diner) down the street from my apt at least once a week – normally more frequently and the manager at the bar was always cool, chatting, etc. Ate Thanksgiving dinner there (single military, etc….not too sad ;p) – got a free piece of pie, etc.
Course, I also tip fairly heavily for familiar folks – the other place is a nice tavern style place in Fredericksburg. Ate brunch there every Sunday for months and it was cool to see folks every week. Got a free coffee mug too.
My little brother and his family live there. It’s birthday.
I’ll buy him a drink if he can find me in one of the 2 bars in town lol
Sioux Falls? Have you seen Iowahawk?
He’s been tweeting from there the past few days.
If I do I’ll buy him a beer immediately, but I’ve only been here for 10 hours. Plus I dont know what he looks like.
I’ll tell him to go look for the cat wearing a top hat, can’t be too many in town.
Man, oh man, I often dream about moving to a place like Sioux Falls. It looks quite comfy.
Anddddd I’m out. Officially cutting myself off from the internet for the next few days, for my sanity. Might pop on here occasionally but not interacting with other humans.
We’re not exactly humans.
I’m with you on that one.
Damn, I think we’re down to 1 libertarian woman now.
I identify as 1/3 black-woman, if it helps. Someone’s got to put some sass up in here.
Which third?
Its a little bit all over, sugar
The midriff.
The day I quit social media two and a half years ago was one of the most refreshing moments of my life. I can’t even imagine what it’s like on there now with all this idiocy.
I have only ever used FB for meetups and Twitter rarely to find a link to some sportsball stream. Otherwise… really? What the hell is wrong with people. I think a lot of people need to step back and consider whether sharing your every thought with the world is a smart thing to do.
Social media effectively ‘broke’ a lot of people in my age group because it emerged in their last teens and they’ve had it as an aspect of their entire adult lives. A lot of it has become second nature for some people and they simply lack the self-awareness to even consider whether it’s a good idea.
Yeah, it got big in my thirties. Even so a lot of my friends of similar age got sucked into it. I don’t get it.
If it makes you feel better, one of the times I spoke to my niece about it (she’s in her early 20’s now). She said that a lot of her age group was dropping Facebook entirely, because their parents would stalk them on it.
My statement was that you shouldn’t put anything online you don’t want your parents knowing you did. But I’m old and out of touch.
I quit social media about 2 years ago as well. One of the best decisions I’ve made. I am less scatterbrained, more happy, less lonely, have more fulfilling friendships and higher overall life satisfaction. I will never go back, social media is one of the few inventions of the market that I truely loathe.
Also, I share all my messed up thoughts with you degenerates, so this is the closest thing I have to social media.
Glibertarians is antisocial media.
I registered on Twitter mainly to get news and political updates from the AP and Reason, realized I could get the Reason stuff directly from the web site at my convenience (and not get multiple notifications every day), which ultimately lead me to here. My wife is on FB and she updates me on the family stuff. I’m quite happy with the arrangement.
I still weep for the decline of RSS.
I don’t. I too thought RSS was dead but this Chrome plugin is pretty cool.
I use tinytinyrss on a VPS… I mean, that’s not so much the problem as sites that used to offer full RSS feeds openly now either offer worthlessly truncated versions, or none at all, because 90s portalization is back, baby, and I have lost the desire to screenscrape ever-changing sites, particularly when some have directly tried to hinder easy screenscraping.
The concept of one, centralized news feed, all in one consistent format, which keeps track of what you’ve read, allows you to categorize, save, sort, search, etc… and it was cast aside.
I remember reading retarded wankpieces by “tech journalists” who basically said: “Well, gee, everyone in my dumb little clique uses Twitter for everything, why can’t everyone else?” Why indeed.
To be fair I only use it with Glibs and a couple other sites – all are perfectly RSS friendly.
Yeah, but if you poke around, you can find LOTS of full-text sources which nicely complement some “Barebones headlines”
I use SparseRSS
on my phone, and a plug-in on my browser which gives me tabs of feeds
it took a while to build all the sources i wanted, and figure out how to game some of them to feed me full text (there are still a few online converter in-between sites that will work, but they’re spotty and don’t all work with all sources…. something to do with how they scrape the text)
but i get Reason, Cato, the intercept, popehat, instapundit, Reuters/AP, various Economist channels, Spiked, CafeHayek, Foreign Affairs blogs, Ace of Spades, etc… basically everything i can think of. and most of those are full-text, with some limits (e.g. the AP feeds are to their “Big Story”, which is just their stripped down headline+ short summary)
So do I. And podcasts not being available via RSS.
Holy moly your link. The woman gives a Punch a Nazi tutorial. Seriously people have lost their goddamned minds.
You mean I couldn’t beat Floyd Mayweather just from reading Twitter?
I’d argue “punching Nazis” is what led the nutbag racist to mow down people with his car.
I see a lot of the Angles in those avatars.
Sci-fi writer? OK, I hate Twitter but at least now I know not to read any of her books.
Ill put up any one of our two libertarian women against her. She wouldnt stand a chance
the joke being that She wouldn’t stand a chance against a non-existent opponent, right?
So a question for those who have delved deeply into the derp and intersectionality. Today, while riding, I came across a young(ish) black male wearing a dǒulì hat. Is that cultural appropriation, or straight up racism?
Its literally violence.
But you forgot, due to his high level of oppression points he can wear said item of clothing without it being violence.
Shit, is it at least figuratively violence?
Since nobody ever looks good in that hat, yes.
“we’re the criminals, while he’s assaulting us with that haircut”
Be careful: either he knows kung fu, or it was one of the morons from Black Eyed Peas.
Arizona fleas test positive for the plague. Vhyrus hardest hit.
Take some of your friends, seal yourselves off in a palace with different-colored rooms…you’ll be fine.
Better hope you have the CCR5 mutation!
Fogerty rocks!!
That is not exactly out of the ordinary news for the South West. It happens every couple of years and is why they try to keep the rodent population down aka shooting prairie dogs.
Then why was this posted to Facebook by one of my online friends? Surely you aren’t suggesting this is just some overblown story to get clicks and scare people who don’t really think about it?
Those of you freaking out over this: stay out of the southwest. We have worse things than the plague.
John McCain?
*joins in*
I’d take the plague any day over the Hanta virus which is probably more common in the SW. Just give these guys a call if you see fleas
Or you could just take some antibiotics. The plague is easily treatable these days.
*comes back from googling -dǒulì hat-*
Did he have a pigtail?
And if it makes you feel better, I was just trying to avoid using the term coolie hat.
Its a “Raiden hat”.
“Vietnamese Frisbee”
It’s a lightening hat. Damned Millenials can’t be bothered to watch Big Trouble in Little China. Shit’s too problematic for them or something.
laundry basket for us poor kids.
Well, that was. . . unexpected. Anyone else watch Twin Peaks?
The woman gives a Punch a Nazi tutorial. Seriously people have lost their goddamned minds.
She left out the part about “caution- Nazis may be inclined to punch back.”
And if it makes you feel better, I was just trying to avoid using the term coolie hat.
Well, it doesn’t.
He was *thinking* it, and that’s just as bad.
Anyone else watch Twin Peaks?
Nope. Just finished seasons 1-4 of The Americans. If I want to watch season 5, I’ll have to pay Amazon. I think I’ll shift back to Lexx.
Will be watching Comrade Detective soon.
If I want to watch season 5, I’ll have to pay Amazon
Is season 5 on FX at all? I’m on Season 4, Episode 8.
I recorded the first Mr. Mercedes but haven’t watched it yet.
Thinking about putting together a bit of a “modest proposal” article/rant for this site and maybe even something to post on my channel – although I’m not sure I want to get too deep into the political stuff this early in my channel.
It’s probably far too late in the game….but thinking what would happen if folks just ignored stuff that bugged them? Why is it so freaking hard to ignore someone/something – offensive or otherwise??? Not publishing someone’s press release or not interviewing them isn’t the same as censoring them. If you ignored the KKK who showed up at the statue – it’s just a few old guys dressed funny standing around a statue. They make a statement to whichever person happens to be walking their dog by…and then go home. Maybe someone takes a pic just for a comparison between the nice guy on the horse and the freaks standing around.
Going further back obviously…why is the statue offensive to anyone at all? It’s a statue of a historical figure – not Jesus maybe, but he’s not actual Hitler or Ghengis Khan or anyone else like that. Just a good military leader who played a significant role during one period of our national history. If that bugs you….ignore it. Don’t walk near the park or don’t look at the statue…who cares? It’s a privately funded statue so if it really bugs you, maybe take a collection and put up a second historical plaque or something else on the park grounds.
Is everyone so incredibly needy of attention/etc that they absolutely have to get feedback/reactions/etc through social media? I just don’t get the action/reaction process with so much of this….yes there are issues that affect people – legislatively, socially, etc. But stuff like this – free speech, assembly, etc – how is it actually physically difficult to just ignore someone and not give them a reaction, press, a podium, etc?
I may be biased, I’m obviously interested in history, but I don’t think being engaged with history is in itself a problem. Nor is relocating a statue from public to private property if the statue no longer reflects community values, or protesting if you think the guy represented by the statue was a good guy. But if it’s just a way for people to brawl and run each down (literally), even I would say maybe they’re overdoing their historical engagement.
Given that when these statues were put up, often a large part of the population was illegally disenfranchised, it can’t be said to represent broad community consensus.
But I don’t want to make the statue issue seem important enough to warrant 24/7 coverage, riots, killing, and the rest.
But it’s a statue of an individual who played a role in the nation/region/state/etc…..a fairly important figure who actually existed. A statue of him does not endorse anything purely by existing does it? The issue to me is that it’s a slippery slope to changing building names, scrubbing stained glass windows, etc – all on private property or funded by private individuals, etc.
I don’t know the history…sometimes these statues are put up to say how awesome the guy was…by privatizing these statues and parks, I would say that any legitimate criticism could be sidelined…the statue will still be there for people to admire/whatever, but it won’t have the govt seal of approval on it.
But, again, this isn’t nearly as important as the thing about not rioting, killing, etc.
And, sure, the SJWs don’t distinguish between public and private, all the more reason for some people to keep the distinction clear.
I agree; just ignore them. But, yes, a statue is put up to honor people; it’s not a historical photo or the wax museum. It’s a tribute. It’s why there aren’t statues of Saddam Hussain anymore.
I can perfectly understand if somebody resented his taxes installing or maintaining a statue glorifying the military leader of the rebel army fighting to establish a slave empire. Or even allowing that statue on public land.
I don’t disagree but is there a point after so long where a statue does just simply become historical? The Civil War was 150 years ago, although I suppose in some peoples minds it never ended.
Hell, the Orange types are still marching through Catholic neighborhoods trying to get a rise out of the inhabitants. Being an asshole long after the fact is pretty tightly ingrained into humanity.
Assholery Is Timeless.
I think it is interesting is that most of the attention stupid people get are from the people that hate them. How many clicks would these sjw derp articles actual get if not for the people who link to them for the sole persist of making fun of how stupid they are.
Why not, it promotes dialogue of a sort…at least knowing what the other guys are saying…
I certainly do it and I’m not trying to put shade on anyone who does , I’m just wondering if the thousands of derp bloggers throughout the internet could get more than a handful of hits or would even exist at all without the people that hate them. It’s like one of those monsters where if you you try and kill it, it simply replicates itself 10 times. They feed off of negative attention even more than positive attention. It’s a vicious cycle.
“They feed off of negative attention even more than positive attention.”
Obnoxious Younger Sibling Syndrome (OYSS)
Yes, but we also already know half those sites are dying for lack of investment/clicks. If everyone just ignored some of them completely…they’d just drop off. Sure the individuals might show up somewhere else, but eventually they wouldn’t have a real platform other than their personal wordpress or blog or whatever. Sure it’s stupid garbage that’s fun to mock, but the more that crap gets shared, rather than ignored, the more it proliferates and gets those incredibly stupid ideas out into the mainstream when it would have withered on the vine if nobody shared it.
I’m thinking of the stupid crap that gets in the Atlantic, New York Times, etc.
And much as we’d like to think they get all these clicks from hate-reading, I believe they get clicks from people who totes agree, right on brother (oops, I mean sister)!
Oh I know they certainly get shared by fellow derptards on twitderp and derpbook.
It’s necessary to follow the prog narrative. Fortunately, that’s not too difficult as the narrative is being told everywhere, not much risk of missing it, but sometimes we get a direct quote and people are still like “really, someone said that?”
I’m sure that’s how Amanda Marcotte makes a living.
Tangentially relevant:
It’s beyond (aggregate) people’s capacities. That’s why the ideas of Alinsky and Machiavelli (for example) were so successful. We will never be rational enough to ignore such trivia and to really understand matters of scale.
It’s telling that all these ‘rational’ ‘skeptics’ have tweeted emotionally-laden hot takes to stuff like this. At least have some humility.
You think *you’re* humble? You should see *my* humility – it’s the best!
**to understand how matters scale (usually to overwhelming unimportance), not matters-of-scale
It seems people have convinced themselves neo-nazis have actual political power which is sort of beyond ridiculous.
In defense of Machiavelli, he was publishing the Evil Overlord List of his time.
Yes, they’re in need of attention.
It’s bizarre. My mom has been a leftist her whole life. Growing up in ever heard her mention or care one bit about trannies. I don’t think she cared one way or another. Last year she was consumed by the Tranny struggle as all other leftists.
It’s like the memo hits, the way you prove you’re “us” and not “them” is to mimick the new tribal dance and speaketh the holy words. Failure to do so signals you are not us. In the circles she travels in, the tribe would excommunicate her for the heresy of silence anyway.
When you start equating words and ideas into violence, you turn into this poor leftist who ran away from me giving her a barebones 1st Amendment defense.
Jesus Christ, if ever there was a reason I’m a small l libertarian and not a big L…
Please tell me that’s a parody. Please. PLEASEEEEEEE.
Reaction to Game of Thrones: HOLY FUCKING AMAZEBALLS.
#NoConfederate #IDon’tKnowifThat’saHashtag #ThosePeopleAreDumb
That still on?
I smell smoke.
David Burge is truly America’s greatest treasure.
He is pithy.
Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism
Modern and hip “progressives” dusting off another ludicrous century-old claim.
They probably had better sex under the Nazis, too.
I’ve found the subreddit where they’re spawned from!
The word “tulpa” was on Twin Peaks tonight.
These are the only twin peaks that interest me, and by twin peaks I mean breasts.
I was expecting these.
Do you think I would misdirect you like that?
OMG what did you do to that girl, you turned her to stone!
I’m not as effective now that I’m just a head.
Of course you’re ineffective with an attitude like that!
Look at Zardoz, now there’s someone trying to get a head in life.
What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is a mental companion created by focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike them, tulpas possess their own will, thoughts and emotions, allowing them to act independently.
Ala Neo, “Whoa”
Google it, there’s a couple movies with “Tulpa” in the title.
One is an Italian erotic (and probably supernatural) horror film.
Ok, I thought I was imagining it when I heard ‘tulpa’ on Adventure Time, “Surely they said something else and I just heard it wrong, not worth rewinding”.
If you don’t listen to Mr. Metokur’s hot take, you’re missing out.
So, we ARE ALL Tulpa after all? mindfuck!
You guys are all too stressed out. Here, let me calm your nerves with some soothing derp:
Most people do eat meat, eggs, and dairy, however. And they will not stop doing so as long as they can.
Therefore, our job is to make it as expensive and inconvenient as possible. Our job is to create the deterrents that will make it a liability for the complicit to continue undisturbed.
Politically, we should be demanding that meat, eggs, and dairy be taxed to reflect the cost to society of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and myriad other diseases caused by animal consumption. We should also demand that carnists pay higher insurance premiums along with smokers.
We should demand a ban on ownership of animals by corporations (a tactic that would appeal to family farmers) and would result in the sales of slaughterhouses, feedlots, packing plants, fishing fleets, etc to individuals (resulting in huge losses to Big Ag) and would drive up the cost of meat, egg, and dairy production.
[citation needed]
The more I read about nutrition, the more I think that cardiovascular disease is largely dependent on genetics. Also, meat and saturated fats can definitely be part of a healthy diet if you exercise and get enough vegetables. I eat all kinds of shit that “conventional wisdom” says is bad for you; my breakfast every day is Canadian bacon with eggs fried in butter, I BBQ some fatty hunk of pork almost every weekend, and I eat pot after pot of collard greens with lard and smoked ham. Yet, I’m in excellent health by every measure.
Lords… stay away from the documentary What the Health. I made it about half an hour in before turning it off, anyone screaming about ‘toxins’ causes my bullshit meter to go off.
Yea, it has pretty much become a reflex to automatically disbelieve any new “study” showing a “link” between cancer and some delicious type of food. So many of those canards are based on an experiment where lab rats were fed some absurd amount of a certain ingredient – the equivalent of which no human could possibly consume – and subsequently developed tumors. They also neglect to mention if these “toxins” are naturally occurring in fruits and vegetables. Example: beets and celery are extremely rich in sodium nitrite, the chemical used to produce cured meats like ham and bacon.
I think I see the problem.
“Conventional wisdom” is completely wrong, though there’s still nutritionists who won’t let go of the fable of “carbs good, fat bad” that swept America as the result of fraudulent research funded by the sugar industry. What’s amazing is it took so long for so much quality research to disprove it (though many still fight it, hello Michelle Obama) — shows how much people believe in a concept and shame anyone who’s not a believer (where have I heard that before? *cough* climate change).
Several recent longitudinal long-term studies of good-sized population study groups have shown that people with a ‘high-fat, low-carb’ diet end up with lower obesity, lower blood cholesterol, and lower triglycerides than people on ‘high-carb, low-fat’ diets.
The high-carb fallacy is no doubt a major contributor to obesity in America. And it comes from a ridiculous concept — that the foodstuffs you eat go straight into your bloodstream unchanged. We have digestion, for pete’s sake!
Dietary fat and cholesterol are metabolized by your body, often directly into energy. Carbs are also metabolized into energy, but if you have too many carbs, they’re often being made into fat for storage. That’s where most of your body fat comes from.
Eating fat makes you feel full, and you stop eating. This doesn’t happen with carbs. It’s why it’s so easy to eat a full bowl of fat-free pretzels, but not a full bowl of cheese cubes.
After getting pudgy after years of thinking I was doing the right thing by avoiding fats, I’ve changed to a much more low-carb, higher-fat overall diet. I’ve since lost 25 pounds without really trying — and enjoying food much, much more!! Also, I eat tons of salt, but have an ideal blood pressure. Go figure.
Made a bunch of kreplach today with ground beef, garlic, onions, and rosemary. I cooked them in a beef broth with carrots, celery, and onions. Damn good stuff. (((They))) really know how to cook.
Ah, help! This girl’s derp is too deep, she actually believes that Nazi rhetoric and words are “literal violence.” My personal favorite quote from her tirade:
“Sure. Violence is bad. But at Antifa is against fascism, asked BLM is for equality. Nazis are for murdering there mudbloods. Fuck them.”
BLM/Antifa had good intentions, therefore their violence was better than the Nazis’ violence, because they have bad intentions.
And what’s with leftist millennials and Harry Potter references?
My guess is those were the last books they read.
You’re not the first person to notice that trend.
I never actually watched the Harry Potter movies or read any of the books, but I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of the whole shebang purely from references. Hillary is Dumbledore and Voldemort is Trump, right?
Yes, because Dumbledore is all about fairies and goodthink, while Voldemort is all about demons and badthink.
Doesn’t actually work out so good because Voldemort’s whole gimmick is that he’s a ‘mudblood’, a wizard born of ‘normal’ parents that are often discriminated against by more magically oriented families. I guess Harry didn’t check his wizard privilege.
It’s the most popular movie about wizards since Birth of a Nation!
Also, Dumbledore turned out to be a manipulative dick. I don’t think she planned her metaphors well enough.
I only watched the movies (with Rifftrax mocking commentary, so it’s OK), and there’s a wizard academy kind of like the X-men academy except for promising wizards rather than mutants. So it’s a combination of coming of age at an English boarding school and being in a den of cosmic conflicts between good and bad wizards. All the students are learning to be wizards/witches, but of course Harry is special even for this crew of students, because he’s destined from birth to battle a wizard so evil his nose apparently fell off.
At least that’s the impression I got.
Also, the female lead was a talented witch, played by an actress who continues to bewitch us to this day with her insights.
The books were a way bigger influence on the Millennial generation, specifically because they were pushed in a lot of ‘let’s get kids to read’ campaigns.
Well, I don’t know about the books. The whole series is longer than LOTR and The Silmarillion put together, which is a sign I probably shouldn’t read it.
It’s been a long ass time since I read it, ten plus years obviously, but I remember the 2nd and 3rd books being pretty great. The 4th is where it all starts to go downhill.
I’m a generation or two older than the target audience but the books are a fun read. But nothing groundbreaking, that’s for sure. I got on the bandwagon way late and I still haven’t read the last book or seen the last two movies. So… they’re fun, but a cultural touchstone they’re not.
I remember the 2nd and 3rd books being pretty great. The 4th is where it all starts to go downhill.
Seconding that. The 4th and 5th were at least readable, though not very enjoyable. I quit about 1/3 of the way through the 6th and didn’t read the 7th at all.
The thing is that the books are somewhat anti-authoritarian. Dolores Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic is a much more immediate threat to Harry Potter than Voldemort ever was.
Yeah, at the time ’98-’99 – they were pretty instrumental in getting kids back in the libraries, etc. Particularly given their length, depth (compared to a lot of YA stuff) and the progressive story complications, details, etc as they progress from one book to the next (and kids ages).
Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why I never got around to seeing the movies… she just doesn’t do it for me, even before her, uh, “feministing”.
According to my calculations, she wasn’t supposed to do it for you in movies 1-5, pervert.
See, the problem I have is I still remember her as an 11 year old from the first movie.
I have the same problem with Harry.
the link: more proof that “my body, my choice” only applies to abortion. Want to pose nude? GENDERTRAITORAUNTTAMMYSHITLORD!!1111
Only literature their entire generation absorbed collectively basically. Culture’s become to defuse otherwise, and the school system doesn’t teach the classics anymore, so it’s the only real cultural concept they have in common.
That’s pretty sad.
Indeed. I’m really thankful my grandfather gave me a more classical education. I mean, I was somewhat pissed about it when I was ten and had to read Plato rather than play, but now I get it.
I shouldn’t mock because I don’t have a “Classical” classical education. But we got Shakespeare and Poe and all that jazz at least. Not to mention Orwell (do they even read him anymore?)
Orwell was a part of my high school English courses in the 2000s, but they definitely didn’t focus on the ‘this is an allegory for Soviet Russia’ enough (bear in mind, I went to a redneck school).
The school I went to had us read both 1984 and Brave New World. It’s one of the few things that I’m grateful to my Catholic upbringing for.
My HS read all three. Actually they did one or two Shakespeare books every year. Also, the very 1st year they read Animal Farm and 1984, as well as the Odyssey and several other things. I remember Siddhartha, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Fredrick Douglass, Huck Finn, Great Gatsby, All Quiet On the Western Front, Les Miserables, Canterbury Tales, Waiting for Godot, Life of Pi, Candide, To Kill a Mockingbird and Pygmalion as some other books that we read (off the top of my head). Of course, I went to a charter school before people knew what charter schools were, so that made a pretty big difference in the quality of literature education that I got.
I had your standard-issue inner-city public school education. Then again, it was the eighties.
The Canadian public education system is weird in that it often tries to expose you to foreign concepts or ideas, but refuses to actually fully address them.
I remember Poe being a big favorite – and also being baffled at all his classical references. You need an encyclopedia on hand to read him.
My 12th grade English teacher had us watch the movie Animal Farm and – get this – read Anthem by Ayn Rand.
I think there’s a good possibility that she was an undercover libertarian. It kind of makes me feel bad now for being such a shit-heel in her class.
The first place I saw Atlas Shrugged was on a shelf in my English teacher’s room (10th, 11th, and 12th grade). We weren’t assigned it, however.
My history teacher from tenth grade was actually an open libertarian. She left her old public school job in favor of the charter school because she hated the unions so much.
I read both 1984 and Brave New World on my own, in 1984. When I was 12.
We analyzed “Animal Farm” for a month – or at least a few weeks straight (I think it was because I was taking UK GCSE English – 9th grade) – we went over every single reference in depth in multiple ways…..1984 was a more limited hit later on, but I’d already read it.
Kinda hard to miss all the Soviet Union references, etc.
Her grammar is an assault on English.
I wouldn’t axe her about it where I you.
See, government schools turn children into useful idiots in more ways than just one.
The level of virtue signalling on Facebook must be at record levels right now.
*signaling derp
If Trump had specifically condemned neo-Nazis or white supremacists for the violence, the media would be going after him for not condemning the rest of the alt-right.
How things are said is so much more important to the left than what actually happened and why.
And beneath it all, there’s the . . . fact . . . that no one should change their minds about anything because someone plowed a car into a crowd of people.
The media wouldn’t be happy even if Trump condemned his own supporters for being white and racist–and I think that’s what they want him to do. They want us all to apologize for being white and racist–and they want us to do it in public.
They have no idea what they want to do after that–but then they don’t need a plan after that.
I think that’s their solution to everything.
Is it alright to suggest that there are more important things in this world than LGBT and BLM, or has that become socially unacceptable? People used to talk about spending and taxes and foreign policy. I remember. It wasn’t that long ago.
What even more frustrating to me is that there are many individuals on the intellectual right that I usually respect that are falling into the same logical trap that the left set up yesterday, which is the idea that not explicitly calling out the white supremacists and blaming “many sides” was “a wink and a nod” to the racists in the party. It’s not: he’s pointing out that the hatred (and more importantly the violence) went both ways.
I’ve mentioned on FB to my friends that are putting up the OMERGERD NAZIS! EVERYWHERE! memes that I hate Nazis as much as I hate leftist nuts that shoot up baseball diamonds. “Tu quoque! Why do you bring that up now?”. “Um, because you are trying to use an act of violence on the ‘right’ to push your leftist agenda. And fuck you if you think leftist violence is justifiable.”
It just doesn’t matter.
I ask people who care passionately about whether the driver was right or left why it matters, and they can’t give me an answer that makes any sense.
They don’t want to say that all Republicans are Nazis, but I think that’s what they believe–and somehow they seem to think this proves it.
Trying too hard to prove to progressives that not all Republicans are Nazis, not everyone voted for Trump because they’re racists, etc. certainly plays into the hands of people who believe those things.
Did anyone ever look more guilty than Nixon saying “I am not a crook” or Bill Clinton saying, “I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky”?
They look dumber claiming that everyone who voted against Hillary is a racist, neo-confederate, David Duke, Klansman than anything anyone can say in defense of any of this.
Because, again, there’s no logic to any of that here. They can’t even answer a simple question about what it is they’re trying to say without making themselves look ridiculous.
Why does it matter whether the guy who plowed into a crowd was was a Nazi, Klansman, Trump voter, antifa, libertarian, or registered Democrat?
No one knows.
But that’s what everybody is talking about.
I needed this. So many larfs.
This is even better!
Came across this little gem the other day:
This is your brain on GaryJohnson
The worst part is the linked article explains that marijuana is illegal in North Korea. Dumb travelers see huge hemp fields and assume it’s a pothead paradise.
The Cuckotarian Party just deleted it:
“Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!”
Savage Joe ring a bell?
They either deleted that tweet or you’re making a joke about how he smoked it to nonexistence.
Someone else linked the retweet earlier.
Man they are lame.
There was a time when I thought the LP was too fringe-y and extreme.
Now that they’re trying to be mainstream, they’re even scarier, because they’re like autistic people trying to figure out how to be popular. Not a pretty sight.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain all the cocktail party invites, and lose his own soul?
If the Libertarians want to bring me into their party, they’re going to have to learn from people like Milo about what being counter-culture is actually about. Otherwise, I’ll happily stick with the nu-right and try to primary some establishment Rs instead of fruitlessly endorsing shitty L candidates.
I can’t seem to link to individual comments here. Juvenile Bluster at #32 posted a link to a tweet w/ a screenshot. It was still “live” when I linked directly above but they deleted it. I liked my comment better.
Israeli education minister says…I’m not fully sure, but I think he wants Trump to ban swastikas, or at least criticize their display.
I mean, we’re actually expected to believe that Trump isn’t being anti-Nazi enough because he doesn’t want to lose the votes of the powerful Nazi bloc?
“Bennett was the first Israeli minister to denounce the [Charlottesville] demonstration.”
So wait, does this mean the entire Israeli cabinet, except for this one minister, is soft on Nazism, too?
Everyone who didn’t personally murder Hitler is a Nazi sympathizer. Which just leaves….uhh, Hitler? Or maybe Ava.
I killed Hitler, but everyone bitches about it
Do you guys think that killing Hitler would have even achieved anything?
I remember reading some speculation that the Allies actually had several plans to kill him (usually during his daily solitary walk through the woods in the Eagle’s Nest area) but they were worried that he would be replaced by someone more competent, which would actually make it more difficult to win the war.
Also, I don’t think Hitler invented the idea that the Jews were at fault for all of Germany’s post-WWI problems. Even if you killed baby Hitler, someone else probably would have more or less filled the same role.
I don’t think this was speculation at all. i saw some doco on the history channel that said they’d had 2 snipers prepped to be in germany and had enough intel on hitler’s plans to intercept him on mulitple occasions, but in the end decided to leave hitler alive because he was rapidly consolidating power and increasingly ignoring the advice of smarter men.
this is the thing i saw
local news…
…and national news
Late breaking:
Godaddy forces Daily Stormer to find new host after Charlottesville
It’s beginning.
Instead, view an alternate reality.
Red Ice had its Website hacked and its members were all doxxed. All out war on the alt right/identitarian/white supremacists by Corporations and private activists is exactly the way to make them stronger. Punch a Nazi? How about reacting like someone over 9 years old and #IgnoreaNazi. They get one seat in congress and maybe I’ll share the worry, otherwise it just smacks of smashing an ant with an anvil.
Spoken like a true shitlord. They have the White House dumb fag! Cheeto Shitlerputin is just encouraging them by doing things I don’t agree with! Get woke. You probably never even met a minority other than your maid. You just want to deny honest people a living wage! My gardener is from Mexico, I’m totally woke to the Nazi takeover of america.
I’m the maid.
You’re a white male, even if you’re the literal minority, you can’t literally be a minority. #ThingsShitlordsDon’tGet
*(and now I’ll be on a fetish hunt for Japanese maid videos, suggestions welcome)
Not That I look at such depravity, but from what I hear, ‘Lilly Thai maid’ has driven a few men to onanism.
Pretty much this. The Neo-nazis, KKK, whatever other name those degenerate mouth breathers come ip with have been able to march peacefully under various names for some 40 odd years, and all the protestors were smart enough not to give them an excuse for violence. Everybody hates those damned Illinois Nazis, but they were a punch line. So now I’m supposed to think of them as some existential threat?
War on drugs, war on terror, war on poverty, war on racism… Just choose an enemy that can never be fully defeated and you get to spend a shitton of other people’s money on shit that makes your cronies rich and gives you more power. Your supporters get the endorphin rush that comes with feeling righteous. It’s win/win/win with the loser being society. Concentrated benefits and diffused costs at work and brought to you by the feelz.
We really ought to just go full bore with Selma re-enacments, similar to the civil war nerds.
Maybe setup a tiered program. So for $20 you can get wet from a firehose, and at the $150 level you can actually get get knocked down by a firehose while a police dog nips at your ankles.
Punch a Naziland. Let me be a ground floor investor cuz that’s a winner.
It’s really hard to find a way to post offensive things on the internet.
Considering Reason’s desire to appeal to the SJWs I find this post interesting. Interesting comments from Riggenbach and Kevin Carson. And since Doherty called Trump the ultimate anti-libertarian he made some interesting remarks.
This ought to be embarrasing:
Denying the holocaust? There’s an App for that.
Keep Austin weird.
I finally found a picture of the anarchists at Charlottesville. It is from the Rolling stone article. The cover photo for the article features the wedge-shield I was on about yesterday. It says “No Gods, No Master Race”, with an anarchist’s symbol below.
It doesn’t feature the best of the nitwits…. they guy holding up the shield for the antifa group isn’t wearing the same uniform as a bunch of the others… you can see the logo on the helmet of the guy with the glasses next to and behind the guy in all-black holding up the sign. Bonus group of pink helmets in the back.
Also absent is the even more comical white supremacist who was standing next to the dude with the army helmet painted with the wings. He had the elbow pads and looked even goofier.
This was the conflict that turned things from a bunch of idiots yelling at each other into a physical confrontation – giving everyone permission to start assaulting each other. Rolling stone doesn’t name the antifa group or talk about their organized confrontation, but they do mention idiot racists assaulting people in response to minor assaults like having things thrown at them by counter-protesters, all while the police watch on and do nothing. Notice that there are only a couple of dozen people involved – Maybe ten or 15 Nazi types and maybe 15-20 antifa types were squared off. Everyone else is milling about forming a circle like a bunch of elementary school kids on the playground yelling “fight! fight! fight! fight!”. This was the moment for the teachers to show up and put the bad kids in detention hall.
If idiot car dude hadn’t gotten all murdery, this would be the story of the event. The police stood by and allowed a riot to develop over a period of hours, as people publicly prepared to assault each other. Someone should be held to account for this.
And someone should be looking for the organizers of the antifa assault as well – they have their own culpability in the violence.
When I posted this, the photo was a huge photo at the top of the page, a banner for the article. They’ve removed it.