I spent half the weekend cleaning house or doing yardwork, etc. a bit less than half was spent with relatives (mostly in laws) and a small fraction at my local taproom, trying to avoid the first two. So, I was away from the news quite a bit. Needless to say, catching up last night and this morning has been…ungood. Plus ungood. So the links you get from me this afternoon are going to be quite devoid of the the feces-tornado of the past two days. Needless to say, they will be disregarded and the links that will come avalanching into the comments can serve as your political discussion fodder.
- Considering the alcohol consumption of the Glibs, we are gonna live forever!
- I….I, approve, of underboob!
- English asshat. I am reminded of Monsieur the Marquis (in Tale of Two Cities) “It is extraordinary to me,” said he, “that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children. One or the other of you is for ever in the way. How do I know what injury you have done my horses.”
- Why, I never!!! *stomps off in a huff*
The Libertarian Party is on a role today. After announcing that North Korean is more free than the US, the national chair of the LP declared that if you read Murray Rothbard you’re a racist.
What role are they playing?
Narrows gaze
A bettered role? Is that a New York thing?
Or “role with better”, as they say in New Jersey.
Verdammte flinke Finger!
To quote SNP… “MWAHAHAHAHA!!11!!”
No; butter.
Bacon roll, ftw.
Jelly Roll.
Specialty at Morton’s, from what I hear.
Jim Morton’s FTW!
Call me butter cuz I am on a role.
Lovable Losers?
Wow. Had no idea Mises hired Fruit Sushi himself.
I think that antifa is funded by Soros and other left wingers. So that means the alt-right is funded by the Kochtopus.
Hang around, folks; next week Sarwak invents the glass hammer!
That he most certainly did not do. He complained that “all you[Thomas Woods] learned from Murray Rothbard was his worst political strategy ever” while linking to Rothbard’s essay on Right Populism in lewrockwell.com. And frankly, he’s not off on this. Rothbard was a real idiot when it came to promoting alliances with various groups to smash the state. Allying with the Nazis to defeat the Soviets (or vice versa) will eventually bite you on the butt.
Well, maybe I took liberties, but what he was implying is that Tom Woods had learned Rothbard’s infamous strategy of aligning with populists and therefore racists (considering the article that he linked). And the notion that Rothbard’s alliance with Pat Buchanan was equivalent to aligning with racists is quite bunk. Rothbard and Rockwell wrote some deplorable statements in the late 90’s, but their cooperation in the Buchanan campaign (along with Russel Kirk) was not off the mark.
Allying with the Nazis to defeat the Soviets (or vice versa) will eventually bite you on the butt.
Finland got put on the “losing side” list for doing that.
I….I, approve, of underboob!
They look trashy to me. Not in that “I’m trashy and like to party” way; more “I have more money than sense and dress like trash for attention, but am stuck up” kind of way.
Agree but would lay wood in a trashy manner to them.
You’d think so, but you’d be wrong.
Well, they are from Essex. The only thing worse would be Liverpool.
Come on you Reds!
They looked like that spread needed to be in a behind the counter magazine under paper wrap titled Trashy trash fake lips on the sidewalk with meat muffins
Fargo NoDak denounces son for being Nazi at Charlotteville
Maybe he can co-author a piece with that lady that keeps ragging on her sons that they can’t be trusted because they are male.
I don’t care the reason, but I for one look forward to the glorius day when everyone has to denounce wrong thinking family members in order to escape the mob!
No doubt this must happen before all the wrong think can be purged and we usher in the glorious utopia.
Sounds like the plot of a best selling novel.
I yearn for the simpler times when we were subjected to My Mother The Car instead of My Son The Nazi.
Hell, I’m so bored by this whole virtue signaling bullshit that I might just tune out and watch nothing but Rob Schneider movies for the next 3 days.
Will that include Schneider’s Men Behaving Badly TV series?
::huddles in corner::
::cocks revolver::
What are you talking about? That may be his best work ever.
It might be. Which is why I’m cocking the revolver.
I know you are supposed to keep your finger off the trigger. Wouldn’t the same rules apply to your cock too?
The whole situation is fluid. There are no fucking rules.
The horror… the horror…
I’d suggest Border Incident (3:30 PM ET) and Mystery Street (midnight) among the Ricardo Montalbán movies on TCM tomorrow. Battleground at 2:00 AM Wednesday is also quite good.
If you like Elvis movies, you’re in luck on Wednesday.
“BATTLEGROUND” – That’s for sure, that’s for dang sure” – FANTASTIC movie.
On Friday night, my son traveled to Charlottesville, Va., and was interviewed by a national news outlet while marching with reported white nationalists, who allegedly went on to kill a person.
Collectivizing guilt. It’s all the rage today! Ask around.
Not if it is a Bernie Bro, however. Then it’s the shooter’s fault alone
Actually, it’s still Trump’s fault for creating a climate of hate and uncertainty that drives people to rampage.
Ask Mark Sanford.
Well, it’s always Trump’s fault regardless.
I really liked it when highly educated people were blaming him for things when he was still President-Elect.
There was no such thing as fault prior to Trump.
So we touched on this in the other post, but does anyone else find the recent trend of libertarian unpersoning to be really creepy and concerning?
We’ve reached a point where libertarianism has ‘cultural gatekeepers’, manifested in places like the LP, Cato and Reason, who are effectively beginning to go after other known members or even just base libertarians and trying to alienate and isolate them from the movement. From stuff like this, the Johnson run, ENB lecturing people on their supposed failure to adhere to her ‘libertarianism’, the immediate calls to back the left from Reason, etc. we seem to be reaching a very bad internal fight.
And we still haven’t achieved shit.
Dang it- I linked to that above.
And yes, it is beyond creepy. The Libertarian Party is a disgrace.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You don’t read each others links either.
*cheese eating grin*
I read your links. I commented on the under boob link. I demand satisfaction for your libelous statement
You are correct – so are rewarded with this .
Truly, you are doing God’s work
*angels sing*
Bizarre indeed! How could you ever play golf in such a getup?
I didn’t refresh before posting, and anyway I wrote a thoughtful statement so mine is clearly the superior link.
Nothing from Canada has ever been superior to anything from America. That’s just science
We’re producing Lauren Southern libertarians, you’re producing ENB.
Checkmate Yank.
Eh…I’d pass on both.
*applies burn salve*
Mmmmmm Lauren Southern.
Julie Borowski trumps them all. America wins
Americans, always stealing the achievements of the Polacks.
Is that a joke?
The correct “libertarian” answer is “three-way”.
re: joke. Pass on Lauren Southern but thumbs up to Julie Borowski???? I haz a confuse
If we’re talking about opinions then Borowski trumps all. If we’re talking ‘would’ then Southern wins
America must immediately claim Lauren as our own and a national treasure. But having empathy as we do, we will send one Michelle Obama in compensation.
You guys can have the Canuck and the Yank, I’ll take the aussie
Wait don’t they still owe us for dumping Celine Dion and Justin Beiber on us?
Hyperbole FTW.
Nope, that’s your just punishment for all the Canuck jokes.
You be nice to us, we give you Captain Kirk. You mock us and you get the Bieber.
And the thing is, these people are the minority. Cosmotarianism is not the majority core of the libertarian movement. These people solely have power because of their platform, and they’re deliberately abusing it. How is that not a fundamental contraction of libertarian values?
*Contradiction dammit.
I see two disturbing developments. (1) Cosmos honestly believe that they represent a majority and are trying to purge ranks by essentially selling out all principles and (2) disaffected libertarians are aligning with some truly unsavory characters.
We are only PARTIALLY unsavory, thanks very much!
Cheese fondue is the only kind dammit!
We may be unsavory, but we are certified family friendly! Fuck-n-ay!
Family friendly, now with 2% more female Glibertarians!
Dammit, I didn’t make a wimmen and gayz friendly comic for nothing!
Doing the math on that… is that a wood-chipper reference or something?
“and (2) disaffected libertarians are aligning with some truly unsavory characters.”
How dare you call us unsavory! *removes glove*
People have accused Bacon Magic of many things, but he is quite clearly savory.
::stares in wide-eyed amazement at wisdom::
*stand to applaud vigorously*
Here’s the thing: Because we are strict adherents to all civil rights for all people, we will naturally attract assholes, because assholes are generally the ones that need their civil rights defended.
*raises hand*
And boobs.
It’s why we are here.
The Kochtopus crowd and the yokel crowd have been slinging shit at each other for decades, and that tweet barely holds a candle to some of the things that have been said.
True, but it is intensifying.
That’s just one comment, but there’s been a consistent recent trend by the cosmo establishment to try and tear down anyone vaguely right-wing. As Just Say’n notes, some libertarians started associating with Trump/his supporters or, even worse, the general alt-right. And that association terrifies them, so they need to tear down the movement.
I see you read my piece last week.
When was the last time a prominent yokel pundit doxxed a teenage cosmo for making a joke in order to
crucify him at the libertarian city gatesruin his job prospects as a warning to other cosmos?ENB not yokel. ENB proto-prog.
Don’t you hate being part of such a chaotic movement with disturbing left-wing tendencies? Don’t worry, I feel your pain.
Least Nick Gillespie isn’t backed by the divine.
I’m about to switch from the Libertarian Party to NPA. LP of Florida is insane, and it’s insane-r than the national party right now.
I mean, we’re still getting press like this: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article167083427.html
(Adrian Wylie, former LPF Chair who resigned over Invictus, still pissed off about the whole thing:
I can’t help, but laugh at that exchange. I guess the non-aggression principle is optional.
I think preemptively shoving Invictus over a balcony railing could have flown within the guidelines of the NAP.
How so? I’m no defender of Invictus, but he is talking in the theoretical. Unless he had a concrete plan with imminent danger assured, this would seem to violate the NAP
I’m mostly kidding, and so was Wylie.
Think Wylie’s just frustrated that the LPF actually pushed Invictius knowing what and who he was, and Wylie’s frustrated that he had to resign from the LPF over it.
Adrian Wylie is a great guy. If the LP had more guys like him, they might win a few elections (and certainly would have a non-zero chance of donations from yours truly)
Unaffiliated is the best party. Fuck ’em all.
All this recent shit makes me glad I never registered with the LP.
Something, something any club that would have me as a member?
What a shitty poster design.
I know they aren’t with the other site anymore, but Balko and Lucy spent the weekend retweeting the SPLC.
Balko fell apart after the election, and I’m post-Lucy so I never really got her appeal. Any content from her I’ve read doesn’t really seem impressive.
I used to really enjoy Lucy. But she lost a lot of my respect when she tweeted this social-signaling shit:
Stefan Molyneux is alt right? When did that happen? Oh, right, he isn’t extreme left, so the only thing he could be is alt right.
::edit faerie does xis thing::
Stefan Molyneux is better defined as a cult leader
Hey, man, you don’t talk to Molyneux. You listen to him. The man’s enlarged my mind. He’s a poet warrior in the classic sense. I mean sometimes he’ll…uh…well, you’ll say “hello” to him, right? And he’ll just walk right by you. He won’t even notice you. And suddenly he’ll grab you, and he’ll throw you in a corner, and he’ll say, “Do you know that ‘if’ is the middle word in life? If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you”…I mean I’m…no, I can’t…I’m a little man, I’m a little man, he’s…he’s a great man!
I’ve only seen most of a couple of his videos and he always seemed like someone who wasn’t quite there with the theory, but not alt right.
I listened to…two?..three? of his YouTube videos and r/K selection and IQ by nationality came up. Make of it what you will.
Nationality or race? r/K selection theory isn’t really an ‘alt-right’ thing though, it’s just a retarded conservative attempt to delegitimize their opponents.
Molyneux’s a weirdo and pretty much a cult leader, but he’s more anarchist than alt-right.
How do you figure? From my long experience in the shitholes of the Internet, r/K when applied to people, bubbled up from the fever swamps of race realism cum PUA wankery.
See, my experience with conservative blogs and forums on the internet sees r/K selection theory mostly framed in the same way progressives post moronic articles about how some neurological study ‘proves’ that conservatives are brain damaged or something.
It could just be the fact that you’re hanging out in shitholes that people are shitbags.
….he said while looking around his current surroundings.
Maybe it was race, but I think this was about immigration, so he was dividing shit up by country of origin.
Fuck America, does “Hispanic” include people born in Spain or not? If you want to base your policy on racial divisions, go full Germany and have a fucking Racial Purity Institute of some sort and make your retarded classifications of collectives by blood at least internally consistent.
/OCD-Aspie rant
Hispanic, yes. Latino, no. Don’t ask me why Filipinos aren’t considered Hispanic, though.
Is a few hundred years of rule enough to be considered Hispanic?
I could be wrong, I guess, I don’t know him that well, but what I knew and. heard of him didn’t scream alt right. I still think it’s language creep if that’s the extent of it.
I’d guess, there was less miscegenation (god, I love that word, it just sounds so delicious) in the Philippines? So way back when racism was scientific, they didn’t have enough White Man’s
SemenBlood in them to qualify?Or maybe that Spanish didn’t supplant local languages nearly as much, and language = race?
Are black Haitians Hispanic (but they speak French?) or African-American for classification? Or St. Domingoans?
Man, racism opens more questions than it answers.
::good edit faerie moves to next assignment::
Well, that was a miserable failure – strikethrough was supposed to end before “Blood”…
Um, Pan…
Is everything OK, man?
Also I hate the term Latino. I’m Italian*, what’s more Latino than that?
* technically Sicilian mixed with anglo-german, but close enough for our purposes.
All I can do is lay back and think of the Edit Fairy…
Thank you, Beloved Edit Fairy! You’ve earned a modest donation to the website tonight, and my eternal gratitude!
Every single one of you can shut your goddamn whore mouths.
He was losing it even before the election with his Egg McMuffin support and WaPo brain rot. Balko never was and never claimed to be some sort of doctrinaire libertarian.
Lucy, I’m also not as familiar with, but her useful idiocy in that tweet that got linked here definitely shows that her worldview/peer group are way too fucking left-wing and narrow, if she still hasn’t gotten it through her skull right now to not uncritically swallow bogus smears from left-wing news organs with an extremely repeated history of spewing bogus smears. I still find her reaction mindboggling for somebody who’s been getting paid money for their supposedly libertarian opinions.
Its funny, because back in the day when Balko had a column on Foxnews.com and his website theagitator.com, I really came around to aligning with libertarian thoughts. There was very little of what he wrote than I disagreed with. It is sad to see the direction he went. Oh well…
Read an article on Fox News circa 2002 which was how I found my way to TOS.
Then here. Gracias, mi amigos. *culturally appropriates sombrero to tip*
Doesn’t she write for antiwar.Com?
Not exactly a bastion of libertarianism. Only when Raimondo sometimes discusses American politics.
Speaking of shitty libertarians. LP Chair now says that Mises is a think tank frequented by actual Nazis.
I kind of liked Sarwark when he’d comment at TOS.
Fuck him.
What a fucking sack of shit. Sweet Jesus that’s pathetic.
Funny, one of the reasons why I’m still liking Mises is that they haven’t been wholly infected by cocktail-party-itis. (I guess there’s a benefit to not having it in LA/NY/etc.) Of course, if you’re not a cosmo groveling on your knees and compromising all your supposed principles for the fleeting approval of some leftist, you’re a Nazi.
I’m not sure drinking moonshine out of mason jars at a yokeltarian hootenanny is much better. Hoppe and his “negroid intelligence” can eat a bag of dicks as far as I’m concerned.
Well, yeah, but after you’re good and liquored up from the hootenanny, then you can have some real fun at the tractor pull.
Damn, I realized I don’t say this enough…
fuck “race realism”. It’s possibly even more retarded than “white nationalism”. Spoiler alert: all nationalists involved in various European civil and international wars for centuries were white!
Fuckin race realists…they fucking ruined r/anarchocaptalism. Dicks.
I dont think many are fooled by creepy little pinkos running around calling themselves libertarians. Most people can smell it on them from a mile away.
Like who?
(Serious question)
I didn’t pay much attention to the big news this weekend. I’m glad I didn’t because I’m guessing it was mostly BS. Looks like the crowd started beating on that guy’s car before he rammed anyone – and he panicked.
Kind of reminds me of this scene when the IRA mobbed to British soldiers in a car and killed them,
I, um… I’m gonna need a better source than the “department of memes”, y’know?
The videos?
Well, you apparently are not going to get it from the mainstream media, as their silence is deafening. I mean outside of them yelling Nazi terrorism. Actual details, I’m saying, doesn’t seem to be any out there.
Yeah I really wish that we could get some actual reporting on this.
I’m sure there’s a very good reason why you are not getting any.
He was already accelerating into the crowd. The video has been trimmed to not show his initial acceleration in the crowd. He’s moving fast long before anyone hits his car.
Holy shit. I had not seen that whole thing before. I thought he was following another car down the street. I have a lot of uncomfortable walking back to do.
IDK, he wasn’t going that fast in the video, and you can’t really tell what happened when he got closer to the crowd of people. Of course, how did he end up there in the first place? A lot more info is needed to make an informed decision.
So the dude drove down a street that was obviously barricaded, with no one or nothing behind him and floors it?
I mean, it’s possible. But that level of stupidity/pants shitting is certainly astronomical.
Also, pretty odd that one of the white power guys just happened to get scared and run over the counter protesters. That’s a very convenient accident.
I have no problem condemning the actions of police (who stood down, as has occurred in multiple places), antifa, and white supremacists, while also accepting the fact that this guy purposely rammed into people. I don’t feel the need to defend Nazis
Coupling it with this story, I’m not gonna give the fucker the benefit of the doubt.
I was disturbed to read some of the comments on Reason after it was announced that Go Daddy would no longer support some Nazi website. Commentators complained that they haven’t dropped antifa websites. Fair enough, there is a double standard. But, I’m not going to complain that one slaver has been banned while another remains. One less collectivist is still one less collectivist.
You didn’t have to go there to read that
Sometimes you want to know how the homeland fares.
Never look back, Zun.
So I can finally come out of the closet and say that Hollywood Blacklist was a good thing, and same thing needs to happen to Communists today?
Apparently. We have moved into some speech is ok territory. Libertarian moment. I am ok with Go Daddy or any other company doing whatever the hell they want as far as association. I am not ok with calling that free speech. And I am sure as hell not ok with the government doing that which is what the feral crowd is calling for now. The thing that pisses me off the most is these assholes are making me defend racist pricks because I have absolutely not one goddamned thing in common with them morally. (no they do not have the right to run people over) There was a time not long ago when racist pricks had a right to say whatever the hell they wanted to say. That right seems to have died in less than a year. To be honest, it is quite remarkable how fast that has been trampled.
Thanks for posting that, finally something.
I don’t put a whole lot of weight on what he did six years ago, when he was in Jr. High.
Now, the teacher saying he was an admirer of the Nazis, that’s something.
I’ll have to look at the video again – he was going pretty fast, but it looked like he slowed down as he approached the crowd, until he got hit with the bat, then sped up. But that’s easy to fake, too.
Entirely possible that he planned the whole thing, but given the utter shitshow of our media, I don’t who to trust to provide decent info on what really went down.
Maybe if he wore an Ernesto Guevara shirt instead of an Ernst Röhm shirt….
I would have been willing to give the benefit of doubt if the driver had not been a guy whose personal website was covered with swastikas and ‘heil hitlers’.
No matter how much of shitheels the antifas are it doesnt preclude others from being shitheels.
Yeah, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, obviously because of the medias bias in not reporting the truth, but that’s exactly what I was looking for. Fuck that guy.
I posted it this morning. It looks pretty clear.
But remember who posted it. They have Pepe for a logo, therefore the video can’t be true.
I don’t know how fast he was going before that dude hit his car with a bat. But it does seem odd that the cops immediately came out and said he acted like someone that was terrified he was getting mobbed.
Maybe that’s why it is a good idea to wait before you condemn entire groups of people and ascribe collective guilt until facts come in.
Even ifEspecially if you’re the president.Yes, and people with bats were hitting his car very soon after he rammed the people and other car. They would have been very close to where he started his run at them. Would make sense that they were hitting him before he rear-ended the crowd, although maybe he hit or brushed some people earlier, which lead to people hitting his car, which lead to him ramming the crowd.
You can clearly see someone hit him, then he swerves fight and brakes. Then he starts tocget surrounder. Then he accelerates.
I don’t know if that was deliberate. But more than one outlet said the cops thought he acted out of panic.
Yes, I’ve heard that some police thought that. I wonder if the MSM will ever report that…
No – they’ll just wait until he’s acquitted, then act flabbergasted and outraged. They’ll do their very best to get some kind of race riot going if they see a chance.
Why, I never!!! *stomps off in a huff*
I thought they were all in the EU, so isn’t that like spying on yourself?
*stuffs face with raclette to ease the pain*
I can’t keep up with the details of minor countries.
*shakes cheese stained fist*
Look, all I’m saying is German chocolate is superior to Swiss chocolate.
Chocolate is for children. Whose beer is better?
W.T.F? Surely that is sarcasm.
He’s wrong, anyway.
The USA makes the best beer in the world.
Suck it, Belgium.
Over Germany? What are you, 12?
The list goes:
6)Everyone else
Look I’ve said some controversial things, but I think we can all agree, North Carolina has the best BBQ.
“He’s wrong, anyway.
The USA makes the best beer in the world.
Suck it, Belgium.”
Ok, that’s not even sarcasm… I don’t know what that is, besides wrong.
“Over Germany? What are you, 12?
The list goes:
6)Everyone else”
I would put Czech Republic in there, probably at 3 to replace England and Murika. And the USA doesn’t belong on that list.
Guys, I don’t know if John Oliver told you this, but it is in fact the current year, and America has its shit together finally with regards to beer. America number one. Seriously. If Trump tried to make that claim you just did that American beer shouldn’t even be on that list, it’d be high treason and impeachable, just like two scoops of ice cream.
(Also, putting Germany before Belgium?!)
Brazil makes better beer than the USA, it’s not even that close.
Reinheitsgebot FTW!
I’ll be another vote for Czech beer.
The Swiss used to produce Samichlaus, though now Samichlaus is produced in Austria.
There’s an easy way to settle this. You guys send me a case of the 4 best beers from each country. I’ll drink them all and give you my verdict.
I volunteer to help. Y’know, so we can make sure we get an unbiased ruling
*holds up clipboard*
You’ll be needing someone to take notes.
I think there should be an independent third party involved.
I have some free time.
Tell you what. I’ll drink the beer. You can be the judge of the 4 cases of whisky from each country.
OK, new plan. Send 16 cases of beer from each country, Riven, Tundra, DOOMco, and I will form a panel of judges. We will also need an attending physician.
Yes. 1000 times yes.
Holy moly, I do like Swiss Cheese though.
Swiss, what do they call that cheese in Switzerland. Just ‘cheese’?
Bland cheese?
It is just Emmentaler Kase.
The Swiss are not typically joiners. They’re content to sit in their mountain fortress and count their Nazi gold.
Please….title to that passed from the Nazis long ag….
*scurries away*
When the Swiss secret service pick up hookers, do they shoot twice and go home?
*waggles eyebrows*
What happens in Bogotá, stays in Bogotá.
Those paranoid Swiss, what are they doing spying on those harmless Germans?
No one who speaks German could be an evil man.
I’ve unfriended every progressive person I know on Facebook. I don’t want to live in an echo chamber, but I couldn’t take it any longer.
You’ve taken your first step into a brighter world.
I don’t want to live in an echo chamber, but I also don’t want to hear dissenting opinions!!!
I kid I kid.
I don’t even have facebook because I’m happy enough with the echo chamber inside my own skull.
I’ve never been on social media except Linked-In, which I haven’t updated in years.
I feel like I should get a Linked-In so that I can find a new job easier. But the problem is that then people from my past I don’t want to know anymore can find me easier.
I use my Linked In account to meet hot young women.
IT recruitment is all done by young ladies right out of college who go through LI trying to connect with IT people and then get them to take a job listing they have.
I always respond with a message that they need to buy me a beer before I will link up with them. Amazingly about 3/4 of them will buy a beer.
There is a local recruiter that I use when I am looking for a job. He has been doing it for 20 years and knows everyone. I always give him shit about having to compete against blonde 23-year old English majors.
*Takes notes*
Interesting. As somebody on the hiring end, I can take a more direct approach.*
“Why, yes, young lady, we are hiring an assistant for my department” [GIS the prospective employee]
“WOW! Wouldja look at those . . . I mean, I’m booked through the end of the day, but perhaps I could sit down with you after work? The Skank Lounge is close to my office.”
*Not really.
I’m fine with dissenting opinions.
But it had become the ultimate fountain of derp and it was hurting my mental health.
And, to be fair, Glibs is hardly an echo-chamber. While we mostly agree on broad brush fundamentals, many of the details are constantly discussed.
I disagree.
This is one of my favorite things about this place.
I’m just here to meet women.
Aren’t we all?
Some prefer other men… or sasquatches.
You leave Steve Austin out of this!
I’m just here to meet
women.woman.You leave Steve Austin out of this!
Bionic Rapesquatch?
Pretty close.
I get exasperated with politics too sometimes.
I see people make these super-casual statements about what the government should ban next, and it just boggles my mind how they can say this stuff without a single thought as to what gives the government the authority to do that.
Even simple choices of words can set me off. I heard someone say, “I hate when politicians say they want to run the government like a business. A business’s job is to deliver profits; a government’s job is to take care of it’s citizens!”
“To take care of it’s citizens”
To take care of you. Like you’re a fucking baby who has no obligation to do anything for himself and every right to claim services from other people.
Sometimes I have to take a break from thinking about politics. Very often, if someone mentions the latest proof that Trump is literally Hitler or whatever the fuck, I’ll just flat out tell them, “I’m actually in a halfway decent mood today; I’m not going to ruin it by talking about politics. Change subject.”
Just take some deep breaths, pour a bit of whiskey, and distract your mind with a good book.
Yes, and the best way to take deliver profits is to please their customers.
Whenever I want to reassure myself that I’m not in an echo chamber, I just mention religion. Or Civil War grave sites.
You are on your way, weedhopper. Now delete FB account and never look back.
You’ve whated who? Whut?
What took you so long?
Retarded, low-info brainfarts are too common and harmless to unfriend people over. Most people are don’t put much thought into their politics and just parrot what they hear. I can’t fault someone for being ignorant.
There was one exception, though, where I unfriended someone (that I barely knew) for expressing a desire to take down Capitalism. A sincere devotion to Marxism is where I draw the line. Most of these types are buried so deep in an ideological bubble that they are beyond salvation. Somebody who would put me in front of a firing squad if they were ever fortunate enough to be in a position of power doesn’t need my sympathy.
I post zero political content on FB.
Re that cyclist. Riding a track bike aside like a douche, as a cyclist and heavy jogger myself, all I can say is inattentive pedestrians and people walking on bike paths are a real menace. Countless times I’ve seen them stopped on the paths or taking up both lanes or just plain refuse to make way for the bikes who have the right of way. I often wonder, being accidents waiting to happen, who would be at fault in such incidences. To me, it’s likely them.
I walk with a stick just to put in spokes for cyclists who think they own the “bike” path.
But the bike path does belong to the bikers. Not the mother with her strollers; or at the very least know who has the ‘right of way’. I don’t ride on bike paths because they’re a cess pool of retardation but I have to use about 2 kms of one to get to the farm fields to ride in peace. In those 2ks I see much stupidity all around. My order is: Inattentive pedestrians who don’t seem to realize bikes walk among them, cars who refuse to do their stops and Jews, and black people.
I kid, I kid.
*puts stick in Rufus’s spokes*
Sorey not sorey
/quietly picks up hockey and baseball cards ripped from spokes.
*hugs Canadian*
Mmmmm they do smell like maple syrup.
You know what is delicious with maple syrup on it?
Whatever happened to that anti-police protest chant “today’s pig is tomorrow’s bacon!”
Ah, simpler times, simpler times.
“cars who refuse to do their stops”
MY MIL called me a racist for insulting and criticizing a white, French-Canadian Mayor of Montreal.
Such are the times.
And because I don’t denounce Trump to the satisfaction of progtainces I hate women and my daughter.
I can’t find the article now, but I swear that I saw an article on one of these idiot lefty sites that made the case that anyone who doesn’t like Bill Clinton is a racist because he shares some attributes with a lot of black people, such as being from the South and playing the saxophone. Ya know, how people used to joke that ol’ Slick Willy was the “first black president”? That’s now a proven fact that can be invoked when smearing your political opponents as racist.
Don’t all the French-Candians deserve to be insulted?
We have a dedicated two-lane bike trail next to a wide gravel lane several times the width of the asphalt lane.
So of course nearly all the pedestrians occupy the asphalt lane.
well, gravel is hard on my feetsies.
I see it as I (bicyclist) am the bigger moving object and have greater responsibility in an encounter with a pedestrian.
^pretty sure that’s how the law sees it in most places too.
Yes, cyclists want to share the road, they have to share the rules to.
Around here, cyclists want to share the road, the bike lane, and the sidewalk.
And by “share”, I mean, take up the whole damn thing and scream obscenities if anyone else presumes to use it.
With cyclists, I wouldn’t be as irritated with them if they at least had some consistency with the right of way rules/customs they followed.
In America, bikes are considered motor vehicles. You can even get pinched for speeding and drunk driving.
In Kentucky, you can get a DUI for riding a horse on your own property while drunk.
*Also if you had a prettier horse, you wouldn’t have to get drunk first.
No euphemism, bro.
What if the horse is drunk?
You get towed.
In fairness, Sugarfree was naked and whipping his horse with a dead cat and screaming “ITS MY RIGHT AS A FREE MAN!!”
I did not realize pussy-whipping was against the law.
In this case, it was equine whipping. The pussy was the whip.
He’s the John Madden of comedy.
How much booze does it take to get a horse drunk?
My landlord was asking me about whether I thought he could take a beer with him in an opaque sippy cup on his bike yesterday (context: I’ve probably literally had almost 1000 times as many units of alcohol in my life as he has- that makes me sound like a heavy drinker, which is not unfair, but he’s also a very recently lapsed teetotaller.)
He was surprised when I said that, while I thought he was, as a practical matter, pretty safe, drinking while biking on a public street was probably technically a DUI in Massachusetts. Then he was like “Is that true in a car too? Even if you’re under the legal limit?” The things non-drinkers don’t know…
The cyclist was a track rider – if he had any respect for himself he should have head-butted her (+1 Mark Renshaw). The deceased’s occupation was “Head of HR” – that speaks for itself.
As a driver, I feel the same way about cyclists. But I’m pretty clear on it being my responsibility to try not to run them over, even when they act like complete assholes.
He’s like the prototypical “bike messenger” type in NYC. stretched earlobes and massive-ego included. And a bike totally unsuited to hard-city use. they love these fixed gear bikes with delicate components, when they’re actually doing lots of stop/go traffic and bouncing in potholes. I’ve seen these same assholes screaming at pedestrians crossing against the light without even remotely slowing down. they basically think “as long as the signals are mine, its the job of foot traffic to get out of my way”. Anyone who’s ever lived in NYC knows that you cross streets whenever its clear, not when the sign says ‘walk’. Else it would take you 3 times longer to get from point A to point B. AND i’ve seen them crash into people and then jump up and start screaming at the wounded person. The only times i’ve had the slightest sympathy for them is when they get pinched by cabbies who cross lanes without signaling.
And don’t even get me started on those lycra-wearing, pack-drafting douches in central park.
It sounds like she was busy staring at her phone and stepped out right in front of him. He may be an asshat, but it doesn’t read like the accident was his fault.
If you’re going fast enough to kills someone on a bike w/o adequate breaks in a city so crowded that you should EXPECT people crossing @ every single corner…. its your fucking fault.
It’s his fault that she walked out in front of him? If he hit her hard enough to kill her, he had no time to brake from 19 MPH. That’s 6 MPH slower than the absurdly slow speed limits in residential neighborhoods.
read what i wrote again.
Yeh, good point. But if she was inattentive sounds like both should have been more cautious.
But really. A track bike? I don’t have that kind of confidence and I know how to ride a bike at high speeds. That strikes me as a bit of a stupid move on his part.
Sometimes we all just gotta Break Away
And Ride, Ride Like the Wind
I liked that movie.
It has some great lines, should be as quotable as a Mel Brooks or a Python skit but for some reason it seem to have been passed over.
Riding a bike without brakes of any kind is totally reckless. 20 mph is plenty fast on a bike and trying to stop a fixie quickly is not going to happen.
If she did look, she may have seen a cyclist a good distance away and proceeded. Not expecting the bike to be going for a time trial record.
And that’s another aspect people seem weak at: Depth of speed assessment. Just because a bike or a car for that matter seem far enough away for you to get in their way, doesn’t mean you should especially if you didn’t consider (for whatever reason) the speed they were going at. I see that too a lot.
Montreal jaywalkers would be NYC at the Olympics. Bike messengers, for their part, are the same cretins you describe here in Montreal. i was gong to mention there’s a huge difference between bike messengers and real cyclists who tend to be extremely cautious and courteous.
I notice another species of cyclist. The hipster douche on their one-speed bikes, flip flops and basket. I was in the city last night at a festival and observed them in action. Let’s just say common, basic bike/pedestrian etiquette isn’t their forte.
I still think pedestrians are idiots when they want to be.
No musical link from Swiss that I saw — and I feel this fits the bill anyway. Video is much sillier than I expected from the song, but you can’t have everything.
I would have suggested this song.
I am not really a music linker.
Interesting statement for the Director of the Virginia Chapter of the ACLU:
Gastanaga claims law enforcement “was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an ‘unlawful assembly’ and clear the area.”
“It is the responsibility of law enforcement to ensure safety of both protesters and counter-protesters. The policing on Saturday was not effective in preventing violence.”
I’d like a citation for that claim.
The first half, or the second half?
maybe all of it. i didn’t read about rioting. i read about some fighting. some pepper spraying. some arrests were made. i agree with McAuliffe that the police would not be able to stop some crazy person from driving their car into a crowd.
there are not enough police to expect them to be everywhere and in position to stop all violence.
I’m actually on board with this. Do your fucking jobs. Stop fights before they become riots. Arrest the rabble rousers before they get out of control.
The real question is – are some of the hardcore right winger correct in their description of the cops. Did they really order the lawful rally to disperse out of Lee Park and right into the waiting antifa mob? Which of course, then broke down into a series of running battles.
If that’s true, the cops didn’t just “allow” the violence to happen, they facilitated it.
That seems to be the conclusion of Pax Dickinson
TW: DailyCaller
My question is why there isn’t a shooting at each and every one of these riots? It seems like you’re in serious danger of getting brained by antifa brownshirts if you’re a right-leaning protestor, so why isn’t anybody carrying at these things?
I mentioned this a few days ago. No one wants to fire the first shot of a war.
The bigger question is – a LOT of protesters are visible holding weapons, semi-automatic rifles, etc – and not 1 shot fired through the entire day. But all the lefties are up on twitter about how the police were out-gunned, etc.
The lack of law enforcement activity in this whole thing is obscene.
There seems zero justification for steering the righty idiots right into the lefty idiots. Whether this was simple, stupid incompetence, or some kind of intentional thing, I doubt we’ll ever know. But if the lefty idiots are bunched up over there, why the fuck would you send anyone over there? The fact that the two ran into each other seems like a real breakdown by the cops. The little bit of footage I have seen does, indeed show cops standing and watching violent felonies being committed right in front of them, and doing nothing, though.
Hell – the cops all stood around with their hands in their pockets on Sunday as Kessler tried to hold a press conference and got beat up instead. The cops hauled Kessler away “for his safety” while the guy punched him was left free to brag about to the press.
The LP wouldn’t be the first fringe party to fracture. See the various Canadian Social Credit parties. Though in the case of Quebec they did actually gain seats. And BC Socreds did gain Power after a fracture.
But, the LP has devolved into the Reform Party (let’s not break the state- let’s reform it). That’s already been tried and has failed miserably in the recent past
Hell the Libertarians have been bitching at the Republicans for acting that way since Eisenhower…
Taney wasn’t a Confederate, neither was Calhoun so yeah Jefferson, Madison and Washington will be other radar…
And how about how the fact that the Posse Comitatus acts were passed as a reaction to Reconstruction?
So has Reason wrote anything good on Charlottesville? Reason is usually good on criticizing the panicky overreactions to things like this…
Yes. Generally, I think they’ve written some decent things on the incident.
It’s decent. For example, they called out McAulliffe on the bullshit claim that the police were outgunned by the protesters.
A few other articles in there. Like I said, decent, but some TDS sprinkled in here and there.
This one was pretty good.
Their takes were actually pretty good on it.
Hmm. Why do I feel like Reason is telling me it feels just terrible, its a new website, and it would never hit me again. Its just Trump, and that damn culture war.
Monday Afternoon Fascist Nazi Links! All right wingers are NAZIS!
English asshat.
Road cyclists are the fucking worst. They’re all over NYC and don’t think the laws of the road apply to them. The worst incident I’ve seen was a guy who almost mowed down a woman who dared to cross the street at a crosswalk when she had the light. It was the middle of the night and he silently ran the light, didn’t try to warn her or go around her, he just rode straight ahead, coming within inches of her and turned back to yell at her, “Look both ways you fucking bitch.” It’s not an outlier of the attitudes I see daily around here, either.
I hope he was wearing dark clothing and had no lights on his bike. That is what the cool Minnesoda bikers do and I’d hate to think that we are more boss than NYC ass hats.
yeah, i’ve seen that a million times. they feel perfectly comfortable yelling invective at people because they’re moving 20mph away from them.
I did once have the pleasure of seeing exactly what you describe, but with a twist: bikey turns to scream curses at pedestrian guy who was texting while crossing, hits pothole, goes flying, lands in a pile…. texting guy walks over, grabs his bike picks it up and smashes it on the ground until the front wheel is bent 90degrees. bike guy, half size of text-guy, just sits in his puddle going, “hey man not cool”. Note: Bike guy had those elongated earlobes. I swear its like half of them do.
How about this story for a situation where there are no good guys.
Bikers who throw water balloons at people on a pedal pub. Off duty cops who over-react and stop bikers. It is like watching Dallas play the Redskins, there is no one you can root for.
I don’t even know what a pedal pub is.
found the video
I note: dude complaining about the knee on his throat? LOOK AT HIS EARS
Also: damn, that chinese news guy just *barely* crosses the line with that suit.
it actually looks good… its just that he’s dressed like he owns the TV network. full-spread collar is probably the one-toke-over-the-line.
I believe thats a “cutaway” collar. I think you also have to be Larry Fitzgerald to get away with it
It is like watching Dallas play the Redskins, there is no one you can root for.
Bullshit. Decent people root for whoever is playing Dallas. Even the Redskins.
Agreed. They’ve sucked for long enough I can channel my distaste towards Seattle.
Climate Change is racist.
Holy fucking hell what did I just read?
Whatever happened to “climate is not weather”?
I’ve resisted the urge to post a link to an article by Greta Van Susteren’s psychiatrist sister (who is a total asshole in person, but that’s another story for another day) in a recent Psychiatry News, about how we need to prepare for climate change’s effects on worldwide mental health. Full of unbelievable BS and self-serving moral preening. The journal’s next issue published a letter questioning her assumptions about AGW, and they allowed Dr. Van Susteren a rebuttal, which was basically: “Superstorm Sandy! That’s all the proof you need.”
We have mentioned this guy before, both here and on TOS. He’s the peak-SJW-beat-writer for CNN. He takes the average CNN level of horseshit, and spices it up with racism and sexism and classism and climate doom.
I like when the racism narrative reaches absurd heights.
Like the one where a league is racist for not signing one player even though it’s 70% black.
Well, then we should disavow this climate change and everyone who keeps incessantly yapping about it.
“no matter that a storm was brewing, the likes of which her corner of Louisiana never had seen.”
Holy shit. Nope, Louisiana has never seen rain before.
That is some funny shit right there.
I’ve compared Welch to Wilhelm Kulz and Reason to Der Morgen before. Here’s why:
Libertarian hot dog shop?
Yeah I heard about this. so libertarian they fire nazis yo.
I guess the different animal meats in the dogs are allowed to freely associate =P.
I think a libertarian hot dog shop allows you to put ketchup on them -Iowahawk
Minneapolis Dogs have ketchup.
I’d eat that.
Barf on a bun.
I see going glancing through Iowahawk’s Twitter that Markos Moulitsas has dropped some hot steamy wisdom about “NRA and American conservatives/Nazis are one and the same.”
I wonder if Rico Suave has actually realized yet what people who are screaming about punch a Nazi and bash the fash actually mean when they say Nazi or fash.
This isn’t new. The NRA is one of the four horsemen of the progocalypse.
I do love seeing “progressives” get the vapors over the NRA. If it weren’t for their blatant cop-sucking and cozying up to the police union, I would still be an NRA member just as a big middle finger to the “progressive” left.
Robby won’t realize anything until one of them musses his hair.
Salami tactic. Go after the actual Nazis first, then slowly collapse more and more other groups into the fold and take them out.
That’s basically what the SPLC does: come up with criteria for “white nationalist groups” that includes everyone to the right of Hillary Clinton, then tout your inflated statistics to show how there are totally Nazis lurking in every corner.
That KMW article does mention something I find very disturbing: the left is calling for the end of free speech even with Trump in power. Usually with the Republicans in power they are free speech absolutists but not now.
Not to mention the campaign against fake news with Trump in power…
They are calling for it because they control the apparat and they know it. The question is, for how much longer will this continue to be true?
I think they’re having a collective shit-fit and loss of reason (or, what little reason they had left).
Think about it: all these poli-sci eggheads and mainstream media shitheads were harping on about how Hillary would definitely win, and they got trounced by Trump. They’re in shock. They don’t know what to do. They’re desperate.
The Economists predicts the death of the internal combustion engine.
Probably should have asked an engineer first.
And an actual economist.
Or a physicist. It always amazes me how people underestimate the challenge of surpassing the potential energy density of gasoline. A gallon of gasoline can propel a 4,000-pound car well over 30 miles at speeds of over 60 miles an hour. That is a whole lot of energy in a very small package. Until someone comes up with an engine that runs on fuel that can be stored as efficiently, the internal combustion engine isn’t going anywhere. And doing that is a huge challenge.
Welcome back!
And excellent point!
Thank you.
Ford thought about it for a bit.
Probably too many drawbacks.
+1 Mr Fusion
I missed morning links as usual, but glad you liked British Columbia. I swear, our non-Vancouver parts are usually better than this year, what with all the extra fires and smoke.
There’s no excuse I can give for Vancouver, except to say that at least we’re not Toronto. And we don’t have winters (this hasn’t been true the last two years though).
I went up from Jasper to Prince George and then up the Cassina highway through Dease Lake to the Yukon. So, I missed all of the fires. it was amazing. All of it.
Holy christ! How many miles?
Over 4,000 miles. Calgary to Fairbanks, to Anchorage and back. It was crazy but really awesome. Never do it again. But glad I did.
Awesome. What vehicle?
We went half and half on a two week rental of a Jeep Wrangler Sahara. We really didn’t need it. The roads were better than we thought. But we didn’t know. It was great though. I loved that thing. If I didn’t live in the city, I would have one in a heart beat.
Get one anyway. My brother the reformed proggie sold his Prius and bought the Wrangler. Never goes off-road, just takes the top and doors off and grins as he drives to work.
I guess I have the opposite approach to rental vehicles. When I was in Alaska we drove the Denali Highway (mostly gravel) in a rented sedan (VW Jetta?). Rental cars are prohibited from driving on it by almost all rental companies.
If only it wasn’t full of British Columbians.
Weird statement for a man with Asian fetish…
Most of them can stay and make New Nippon, it’s my fellow white people that are the worst.
Err… You may also have to accept Neo-Shanghai, and Newer Delhi. But I’m assuming your tastes are broad…
East of Burma is preferable, but I welcome all the Ladies of the Orient.
Just as soon as we get those water powered engines the oil companies are hiding.
That’s not even the most retarded automotive news of the day.
Uh huh.
sure. why not
We’ve been promised flying cars and jet packs since the 50s.
We have had personal air vehicles with VTOL capability for years, they are called helicopters, and the current engineering tradeoffs are not attracting a large market.
In aviation, physics is a bitch, and the costs of VTOL implies tradeoffs that people are not willing to take. $$, noise, parking, speed of travel. etc.
The idea of a flying car, presumes that you cannot fly directly to your destination, and you require mixed mode transport with its additional costs. Why?..
In the 1970s with the genius Jimmah Catah at the helm, they predicted the death of oil in 10 years. I’ll put just about the same amount of faith in this prediction.
Idiots. Energy density matters.
Speaking of idiotic theories about how energy works, I overheard this little gem at work today, and I’m pretty sure it was not a joke:
“In five years, they’re going to have electric cars on the road that charge themselves as they drive, and you’ll never have to stop!”
I… Don’t think that will be the case…
+110% Efficiency!
Minnesoda HR guy indicted with 2 others for embezzling $20M from a local company. Decides to go for it and sues company for firing him.
I guess you have to admire the chutzpah.
C’mon Tundra. This was a softball down the middle of the plate for a local boy.
You were supposed to educate the rest of the heathens here that Starkey Technologies makes hearing aids and then say something like “This guy sure has a tin ear!”
Sorry, a little off my game today.
*clears throat*
“Pretty tone deaf for an executive of a hearing aid company.”
I was hoping he embezzled from the My Pillow guy.
Why? That guy is an American success story. From crack whore to entrepreneur!
Probably just wants a hearing.
It appears that a no kidding “Save our History” group wants to protest in Richmond against the remove all things Confederate craze. This should be interesting. No doubt Antifa is going to show up and cause a riot and start macing people and throwing urine on them and God knows what else. it will be fun to watch the media contort itself to portray a the save our history group as a bunch of white supremacist Nazis who are to blame for Antifa’s violence.
Until I see people once and for all call Antifa and the left for their provocations, they can all kiss my off-white ass.
Can Dagos even be considered ‘off-white?
Who knows anymore?
/takes swig of ricotta.
That is how I feel. The media’s behavior over this issue is beyond disgraceful. Antifa shows up and viciously attacks people. The police in place after place stand down and do nothing. Finally, in Charlottesville, some nut from the group they attacked runs over a bunch of people during the resulting riot. And somehow our problem is the white supremacy movement, the guys who drew 200 people at their big national rally, and not Antifa. The whole thing infuriates me.
It’s fucking maddening, and it’s fucking madness.
Something tells me the lone-wolf theory won’t apply here.
It’s especially sickening to see all these people screaming about how the attack needs to be called terrorism…after months of violent plots and attacks by antifa that they mysteriously were less obsessive over.
A guy murders five Dallas police officers at a BLM rally, Obama invites BLM to the White House and none of these people say a word. Yet, Trump and everyone who voted for him are responsible for the woman being murdered in Charlottesville, Suddenly collective guilt by association is back in style. Funny that.
That was the biggest beef I had about that. It wasn’t just one incident it was two. And yet the BLM says ‘nu uh, never saw the guy’ and just like that they’re off the hook. One guy kills one person at an alt right rally (possibly by accident or in self defense) and suddenly Grand fucking Wizard for not personally burning the guy’s house down and shooting his dog.
*Trump is grand fucking wizard* is what I meant.
And when Trump made his statement on Saturday and didn’t mention the evil Nazis that everyone is bitching about, the identity of the driver hadn’t been made public. Trump didn’t know who did that or if the act was even intentional. Trump is not the Grand Wizard because he didn’t join the mob and jump to the conclusion that someone from the Nazi side was responsible. It is just pathetic. In my opinion, Trump made the most fair minded, reasonable and Presidential statement he has ever made. He didn’t jump to any conclusions, he was even handed, he condemned all political violence and he called for the restoration of law and order. Unlike every other politician in the world, he didn’t take the tragedy as an opportunity to join the mob and use it as a weapon against his opponents. And these assholes are killing him for it.
What’s remarkable about that is that Trump is supposed to be this super loose cannon type, complete dice roll of a man who can’t be trusted with the nuclear football, yet his statement was exactly as you described. Back when our government/media complex weren’t infested with the woke-and-feelz types we have today, Trump would have gotten due credit for his statement.
Bottom line: literally whatever he does is going to be interpreted in the absolute worst possible light.
Put it another way: If Obama had said word for word the same statement it would have been bronzed and put on a plaque over the entrance to some college at this point.
Whats truly remarkable is this reasoned response is being interpreted as proof of Trumps underlying racism. Because every other chance he gets he gets he says something stupid.
I don’t know what I hate the most about shit like this. The idiot politicians/media members and their hot takes or the inevitable blog posts written by every middle class white chick that knows a couple of black guys and thinks they are woke.
This is a redundant post, but the really amusing highlight will be when BLM and antifa turn on each other and start beating each other’s brains out in the streets, because it’s going to happen, just a matter of time.
They’re also probably going to get co opted by the alt right during the rally and it’s going to turn into Charlottesville 2.0.
I know a lot of people who live in Richmond. They have all been talking a big game about kicking people’s asses since the election. I guess now they will get their chance.
It seems the parade permit or whatever it’s called still hasn’t been issued.
Plus one of the articles linked on the site says the public defenders won’t represent the car guy in Charlottesville – the victim was related to them.
Lets see how few civil rights alleged nazis really have in current year.
To be fair, if a victim’s relative represented the guy who allegedly murdered the victim, that would be a bit of a conflict of interest.
Assuming they are actually telling the truth and not simply weaseling out of defending what looks like a scumbag.
It can be checked.
And if it were true? Zealous representation might mean “blaming the victim” – would a relative have the stones to do that?
If it is legitimate then I have no problem with them punting, but the question now becomes what next? Change of venue I assume.
Antifa has practically been given a license for unlimited violence. This only gets worse from here on out, they’re now more emboldened than ever.
I suspect that if they receive their permit, the white power groups will show up as well. That will be enough to paint them all with the same brush.
Well, who doesn’t love collectivizing people for easy poaching? I know a few.
I think Antifa uses stuff like mace, urine, and airhorns because that stuff stands a chance of not meeting the legal criteria for “violence” and thus is not, in a by-the-book legal sense, justification to deck them in the face.
They’re doing all this harmful stuff (urine can contain pathogens, especially from nappy-snatch hosebeast sluts like that Moldylocks girl) so that someone will attack them, then they can start whimpering and claim that the big mean Nazi gave them a booboo.
If someone blows an airhorn into your ear that can cause instant permanent hearing damage and there is not a jury in America that would not define that as assault. Fuck him up.
…nappy-snatch hosebeast sluts…
That’s gold. Nicely done, Akira.
Thing about this is, the Flaggers have been around for years with nary an incident. Whatever you think of their beliefs, they are harmless, and I find it hard to believe that they’re suddenly going to hurt their cause by bringing in Nazis and initiating violence. If anything blows up in Richmond, it will almost certainly be the fault of the left
So, who exactly is the Alt-Right? Can I have a working Glibs definition… I can’t keep up with this.
I backed myself into a corner defending them (sorry Hayek) because I thought Milo and Lauren Southern were part of the group. And I can’t seriously consider any group that Milo is part of to be racist or anti-Semitic. But immediately after posting, I saw Milo strongly condemned the alt-right and might be considering slander charges against the media for linking him to the group. I also think it was maybe CNN that said Steven Bannon was a leader of the alt-right movement. Can be that be right?
I guess there’s the Alt-Right and the Nu-Right? Probably a Get Off My Lawn contingent somewhere too.
The “alt right” is anyone that the media or the mainstream conservative press finds convenient to slander by associating them with Neo Nazis. In 2017 America, if you are not on the left, you wil be considered alt Right for at least 15 minutes. It is really that stupid and nasty.
Pan always likes to post Vox Day’s points, which is a pretty good primer.
The TL;DR history of the alt-right is that before 2016 they were a collection of online white nationalist communities around sites like Radix. They basically had no influence until that idiot Clinton threw them into the spotlight during the election so she could demonize her opponents. For a bit the term ‘alt-right’ was being used more broadly as a general rejection of the traditional right via Milo and his ilk, but as you’ve noted that has shifted into more ‘nu-right’ and the alt-right label has tightened up back to the white nationalists again.
Unless you’re the media, which as John notes, concludes that anyone who isn’t a Democrat or a communist is alt-right.
So, who exactly is the Alt-Right?
It’s one of the following:
1) A tiny group of Internet randos
2) Everybody who voted for Trump
3) Almost everybody who voted for Trump
4) Yet another political label with no clear meaning
5) Wrongthinking White People (plus super secret Righthinking Wrong People).
*White People
I thought it was “wypipo” now.
Here’s Gavin McInnes talking about the 14 different groups on the right.
I finally read Milo’s book, and he says the Alt Right has turned into what the media had always been saying it was – that the actual no-kidding racists have taken over.
But it started out so promising – Milo says – as a movement against PC.
Milo talks out of his ass about the alt-right all the time, he’s trying to justify his earlier association with it. What actually happened is that the alt-right has always existed as a vague racist and nationalist ideology online, then it got thrown into the public sphere, some people got suckered into an association with it, and either embraced it or distanced themselves from it once they saw its core.
In the same way a cult tries to sell you on all their benefits before they tell you they’re building an altar to Cthulhu, the alt-right presented themselves as lighter than they were, and once they were comfortable they started saying things like “hey, you know (((who))) really runs things?”
The problem with the real racist alt right is that at least with regard to their views of Progressives, they are likely right. The Progressives really do hate white people and want to wipe out the white race. Now that doesn’t justify all of the racist shit. But, understanding that the Progressives really do hate white people and want to wipe them out (and yes white progressives really are that self-loathing) doesn’t make you racist. It is what it is. And I don’t see how denying reality, no matter how problematic, is ever the right thing to do. But I have no good ideas about what the hell to do about it.
The problem is that they (mostly) don’t say its actually the progressives who hate white people, they say the progressives are useful idiots for the Jews, who hate white people. Which is more damaging to the central point of ‘progressives hate white people’ than helpful.
I have to admit, I am pretty ignorant of what actual White Nationalists think. I didn’t realize the Jewish part. That is insane. And yes, that makes confronting the fact that Progressives have gone insane and want to destroy the white race even more problematic.
One of the pretty central and common tenets of the alt-right is that leftism in all its forms, from communism to modern progressivism, is a Jewish plot to undermine Western civilization. They also bitch and whine a lot about how the Jews get to have an ethnostate with Israel while they don’t.
They also bitch and whine a lot about how the Jews get to have an ethnostate with Israel while they don’t.
What is almost every country in Europe, chopped liver?
It’s not that the progressives want to destroy the white race. Most of the leaders are white. They want to destroy Western society, no doubt about that, because Western society is not compatible with the all powerful leftist state that they wish to create. Their problem with whites is that they see whites as trouble makers who are not easily converted to the cause. Whereas, because they themselves are real racists, they see other races as easy to control and not able to think for themselves. So therefore, easy converts to the cause. This is how they think.
Yes, if you go to 16 points I always harp on, you’ll see the Jews implied in one of them. Oh no, they say, it applies to any minority with disproportional role in society – like Chinese in SE Asiea.
Alt-Right idiots also have this weird idea that left supports Israel when it comes to stuff like the wall, occupation, immigration policy or existence. Because Israel Apartheid Week totally isn’t a thing.
TL;DR version: Too many non-white immigrants. But usually they start ranting about Soros and ‘white genocide’.
Also they don’t seem to realize that 2% of Israel is black Jews from Ethiopia.
Alt-Right idiots also have this weird idea that left supports Israel when it comes to stuff like the wall, occupation, immigration policy or existence.
The excuse I’ve seen is that anti-Israel stances in the left are controlled opposition, while (((they))) control the government to ensure they still get backed.
Really got to twist reality in order to fit it into the alt-right box.
My hypothesis is that white supremacism after the overthrow of Jim Crow is like the Orcs after the overthrow of Sauron – you can still find them but they aren’t as numerous, or as organized, and anyone who hyperventilates about the Orcish Menace is probably a demagogue.
I have no good ideas about what the hell to do about it
I don’t think most people actually want to die or see their progeny eliminated on the altar of modern progressivism. Point out that when they say “white people are the problem”, they’re not joking and get people to think about what that actually means.
As a bit of elaboration on my point, I think most white liberals go along with some of this shit because they think they’re just being asked to do penance (never mind that they didn’t commit the crime in the first place). Of course, slavery was very wrong, and the slavers were white, and the slaves were black, so it’s understandable that there would be racial anger (never mind that the anger seems to grow the longer slavery has been abolished). And there was that whole business with colonialism…
I don’t think many of them are imagining as they, their families, and most of their friends being summarily executed and rotting in a shallow grave (worst case) or their children growing up to be despised and hated for the color of their skin alone (better case).
OK, well, I’m not 100% endorsing everything Milo wrote.
HM gave some useful links to Richard Spencer who is an actual white separatist who denounces the Declaration of Independence.
I think it’s at the point where actual conservatives have to say (a) don’t freak out, there’s not as many of them as the media say, but (b) they exist and (c) we take this opportunity to specifically denounce them, not because that would satisfy the media, but because racism is objectively wrong, plus we’re hoping to set an example for the progs to denounce the racists in *their* midst.
They’ve already been denounced by numerous people, example. You’re assuming a rational action and outcome of events, when the discussion around the alt-right is overwhelmingly irrational. People like Shapiro are saying Trump is ‘winking’ at the alt-right based on nothing, there’s a lot of insane projection going on.
To repeat – the media won’t give conservatives/libertarians any credit, this is simply a matter of identifying the Spencers and so on as actual racists.
And I don’t think Trump wants to appeal to racists at all, that’s just boilerplate BS.
Distinguishing between actual racists and people who are falsely called racists is a public service – of benefit to rational people, who cares about the irrational, they’ll believe anything.
there is no one “alt-right”. Its a cluster of things which varies depending on context.
I can’t tell if they are real racists or not.
There is so much anti-white hate on the left, there almost has to be a white reaction. Not sure if that reaction is a simple “fuck you”, which I wholeheartedly agree with, or actual hate of other races.
The Alt-Right, according to the left, are everyone on the right who doesn’t agree with them like good right wingers, such as John McCain. So, basically, YOU are the Alt-Right.
From what I’ve seen, most of what the media likes to smear as alt-right are actually nu-right. That includes Breitbart, Milo, Conservative YouTube, InfoWars, Cernovich, etc. Real alt-right are true-believers and actual racist sites like NPI, American Renaissance, VDare, and Daily Stormer.
I also think it was maybe CNN that said Steven Bannon was a leader of the alt-right movement
Back when Bannon hosted Breitbart News Daily on Sirius/XM they self identified as Alt-right, this was early on before the term meant OMG nazi racist, and was more of a anti establishment conservative. I never heard him say anything racist, he just had a massive war boner and I have no doubt he would gleefully use the violence inherent in the system if it furthered his own ends.
There are certain leftists who won’t disavow actual communists because they don’t want to be “McCarthyite” – but McCarthyism was supposedly about calling people communist when they weren’t (which happened, though McCarthy wasn’t the main offender). So the next step is to refuse to denounce actual communists because “OMG everyone who’s for justice and peace gets called a communist.”
Hopefully this doesn’t happen on the right – “oh, everyone who’s losing an argument with a prog is a racist, whatever, dude,” because just as the actual communists were able to infiltrate the left by using “anti-McCarthyism” rhetoric, actual white supremacists/nationalists can inflitrate the right by using “MSM smear” rhetoric.
winning an argument with a prog
I hope not either. The problem is that only requiring those on the right to denounce their extremists, gives the left an enormous advantage. When you go to the effort to denounce something, the implication is that you have a reason to do so, meaning there is at least some association with it. So the impression is that the Right always has something to apologize for while the left is as pure as the driven snow. That is a big problem for the Right and people are catching onto it and getting tired of it and have stopped denouncing the nuts on the right as a result.
The reason to denounce racists is because they’re racists, not because the Left or the media will care.
And yes, put pressure on the progs to renounce BLM and the raceturbators, there needs to be more of that.
Like I say, I think Spencer and his ilk are using the commie tactic of “oh, well, everyone who’s against the establishment gets called racist, so it’s meaningless.”
No, it’s the Left which wants racism to be meaningless by calling everything racist whether it is or not.
That’s the trap to avoid.
And it’s not as the right has much to lose by repudiating racists – because racists aren’t as central to the right-wing movement as to the left-wing movement.
It’s the left which stands to lose if they have to cut loose *their* racists.
I not saying we shouldn’t denounce the racists or people stopping doing is a good thing. I am just explaining why it is happening. And why if the left doesn’t quit, it is only going to get worse. It is just example number 502,468 of how the left is destroying Western Civilization.
All I can say is apply the steady drip-drip of public awareness of
(a) the Left’s own racist history
(b) The Left’s tendency to make stuff up about racism, and
(c) accurately identifying actual racists everywhere on the political spectrum
and hope more and more people get it.
Progs really are making the word “racism” meaningless, indicating that correctly identifying what is and isn’t racist would be good politics as well as simple accuracy.
I like to say that the people who make excuses for Communism are just as vile as the people who make excuses of Nazism or any of the flavors of fascism.
That was quite a response, thanks everyone for their thoughts on it.
It sounds like:
1) To the left and the media, everyone who isn’t Left is alt-right. Except maybe the establishment republicans. But that’s just because they are indiscernible from the Left.
2) The alt-right was originally about white power, migrated away, and is now back again.
3) Several prominent nu-right people, such as Milo and Bannon, may have been affiliated with the alt-right when it was just a fuck you to progs and dissociated themselves when the white power surfaced.
that sounds right (no pun)
Re the biking thing.
As an avid cyclist who has had his share of horrible encounters with pedestrians, including a high speed collision with a guy stepping in front of me when I was going 20 mph, fuck this guy.
If you are on a crowded city street, with lots of cars and pedestrians, you need to govern your speed. City streets have pedestrians stepping out in front of you. If the cars around them are stopped, they won’t look. Which means you need to slow down so that your stopping distance is reasonably low. And yes, that may mean your super-awsome bike that can easily go 25 mph is going at 3 mph because that’s the speed that’s safe.
He was shouting at her to get out of the way – which means he saw her in plenty of time to go around her. He didn’t because he couldn’t. I have no doubt that he was riding in a narrow gap between cars or cars and the curb.
What this guy was doing was going fast. He was going faster than the cars he was embedded with. And had poor braking. It’s pure recklessness.
thank you
Or someone opens their car door without looking and idiot boy does cartwheels for twenty feet after suddenly being decelerated by steel.
Or rather, their bike is decelerated and idiot boy isn’t.
Considering the alcohol consumption of the Glibs, we are gonna live forever!
Thank you for this link. I am doing my part.
There’s a shadow just behind me,
Shrouding every step I take,
Making every promise empty,
Pointing every finger at me.
Waiting like a stalking butler
Who upon the finger rests.
Murder now the path of “must we”
Just because the son has come.
Jesus, won’t you fucking whistle
Something but the past is done?
Jesus, won’t you fucking whistle
Something but the past is done?
Why can’t we not be sober?
I just want to start this over.
Why can’t we drink forever?
I just want to start this over.
Between today’s story and this previous story you have pretty much destroyed my productivity at work.
I just know that one of these days, it will be like the Reese’s factory and these two things will get combined by a happy accident. Not sure it will turn out as delicious as a peanut butter cup though.
Ok… Food question. If cooking isn’t your thing, swipe left.
Does anyone have a good poultry brine recipe that they’ve used? I’m seeing a lot of generic “cup of salt, cup of sugar, gallon of water” type recipes.
I want to start with a good base recipe before I start experimenting. (the experiment is going to involve sodium phosphates as a plumping and fat emulsification agent).
I’m doing that by i think my monitor needs a firmware upgrade or something.
I switched to dry brine and have been pretty happy. Did you check out the Food Lab?
I’ve had good results with dry brine on cut up chicken pieces, but I’m looking to do a whole roaster.
Since the breasts and thighs cook at different temperatures, I’m looking to add water (by way of phosphate solution) into the muscle fibers to keep the breast from drying out when I’m cooking on high heat (either spatchcocked grilled or rotisserie).
Costco and other commercial rotisserie chicken places do it, and their stuff seems to taste better than mine, even when under seasoned.
A trick I’ve done with my Thanksgiving turkeys the last couple years is to keep an ice pack on the breast meat until it goes on the rotisserie. Same with the spatchcocked. It seems to work pretty well. The other reason I like the dry brine is how crisp the skin gets.
Mrs. Dean spatchcocked a chicken this weekend. There was a salt rub under the skin/dry brine, a night in the fridge, and some of the best chicken I’ve ever had.
Spatchcocking works- covering the more sensitive bits with some foil makes it work better. Brining is a double-edged sword, IMHO. It has some good effects, and some less that are so. Have you ever had chicken cooked under a brick?
If cooking isn’t your thing, swipe left.
If I saw that on tinder instead of “If you voted for Trump, swipe left”, it would be a good thing.
Full Disclosure: I didn’t vote for Trump but I still swipe left on those women.
Hi Playa, I’ve been using cup of sugar,cup of salt, 1/4 cup of garlic powder, 1/4 cup of cayenne pepper, gallon of water, whole chicken spatched – 8 hours brine time, then smoked at 225 until 160, finished on BBQ for 5 minutes to toughen the skin. Family loves it, but if you find another recipe, I’m all eyes.
Swiss, I got ya on the song link today.
That’s funny, I’ve been singing this song all day. Just made it this far.
I challenge anyone to find a more vapid display of wokeness than this:
That’s one hell of a business model. I hope they also pay their help $15 an hour.
I’d love to show up at their store and be about to pay then go, “Oh, wait …… do you reject Satan and all his works?”…. while dangling a $100 bill.
Is this not the perfect case to demonstrate the folly of forcing bakers to make gay wedding cakes?
I really want to believe that a nazi forcing this flower shop to sell them a floral arrangement would make progs understand why it is a bad idea to force people to do anything. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure, they would have no problem rationalizing this away using the feelz.
I would weep if you could find a judge or jury that would go through with it, but alas, nazis are icky and don’t deserve flowers.
There is a special place in hell for adults who insist on musical ringtones.
*looks down, puts phone on vibrate, nonchalantly slides it under keyboard*
My ringtone is “When you’re hot, you’re hot” by Jerry Reed.
Also for people who put it on Speaker on the bus
Much better to have a ringtone which sounds like everyone else’s – then you can watch everyone grab for their phone at once when one person gets a call.
My ringtone used to be a ping ping, until somebody called me and I thought it was the sound of a car door being left open. Now it’s “Ring ring, ring ring, pick up the phone”.
Heres mine: https://youtu.be/Hy8kmNEo1i8
See you in hell.
Does the Imperial March from Star Wars count.
Ratatat. Aww yeah.
More good news!
That sounds like permission to drink at work, to me!
Permission?! It sounds like an imperative!
Extreme alt-right racist Sargon of Akkad permanently banned from Twitter
Keep on red pilling, proggies. This can only end well.
Shit’s really heating up with the suppression of nonmainstream viewpoints isn’t it?
Now they just need to sweep him off YouTube and Facebook, and he can go piss in the wind on small-reach platforms, but he hasn’t been censored. Oh no, we should celebrate that private companies are stepping up!
We need some really good tech/IT/website people that can fill these niches. There is market opportunity here.
LiveLeaks seems to have the right mindset but the site itself is terrible. Just stay away from the comments.
There are flabby, struggling attempts to right-wing tech, but that’s pretty useless.
If I have to go to YouTube for comics, RLM, Great War, Unit Lost, One Amongst Many, Nahaz, CinemaSins and so on, and go to goebels-was-right.com for Sargon, RazorFist and Southern, well, I’m less likely to check both equally.
More insidiously, there’s no chance for someone to stumble upon Razorfist, say, because they watched Diversity&Comics review The Shadow, or because they were looking for Doom reviews. It will be one site for normal people and leftists who indoctrinate them, another for right-wing politics only. And if any of them starts attracting normal people, leftists will make sure it goes just like Google.
The number of people who seek out political videos is already relatively small and those people already seek out similar viewpoints. Politics is pretty small potatoes for YouTube and another site could do fairly well sponging up the crumbs.
I’m looking at starting a vid.me parallel channel this weekend – Razorfist and StyxHexenhammer recommend it. Also thinking about going ahead and starting a hatreon early just for the hell of it.
See, if they were at least honest and said “My platform, I do what I want, fuck off” I’d have less of a problem. It’s these lies and sneering bullshit about how “oh, we’re not censoring, we’re just making blacklists and destroying people’s incomes due to wrongthink” where they try to frame themselves as fair that pisses me off.
its not what they’re doing, its that they’re doing it while pretending to “not be evil”
Its just like how those cunts @ Google said “we’re committed to creating a space where different voices are heard”…while firing the first person to challenge their ideological echo chamber. they’re totally in their rights to shitcan people for voicing unpopular opinions, just don’t brag about your idealistic commitment to the free exchange of ideas while you do it.
I go back and forth on whether Twitter should die. On the one hand, it is a vile company that practices appalling censorship and double standards and is utterly infested with and run by the worst sorts of SJWs. On the other hand, it has given the world a glimpse into just how awful and stupid most journalists are. Few things have done more to destroy the mainstream media’s credibility than Twitter. Without Twitter, we might not have such a public and revealing look at how stupid, biased and vile most journalists are. So in that sense, Twitter has done the country a great public service. It’s a tough call.
It’s simple: Open a new twitter that doesn’t censor or discriminate. Problem solved.
It is an extremely unprofitable company. It has burned through hundreds of millions of dollars in investment capital. I honestly don’t understand how it is still in business. I think likely some rich progs are propping it up. So, I don’t see how a competitor could ever ben profitable.
Now, a video streaming site? those can be done.
Throw ads, take payments to feature tweets, and otherwise let people run their own shit. Boom, done.
Will you make sure you hire no SJWs for any position ever? Well they’ll sick government on your discriminatory hiring practices. Hire some for “trivial” jobs? Your company will be fully woke in five years.
Allow anything? They’ll go after the advertisers. And don’t tell me “oh, business will tell them to fuck off” – remember PewDiePie Is Za Nazi story? It got published in WSJ, then journos contacted companies to ask “hey, why are you advertising on Nazi platform?” Result – Adpocalypse.
I’m still not sure why the right have not started their own Youtube, Twitter, etc, in counter to the left.
there is hatreon now. Bonus points for the next level troll name.
I first read that as ‘hate’reon.
That’s how it’s pronounced.
Figures. I bet it’s all just Nazis and Trump, right?
Lol, I went there and the first thing I see is something by Daily Stormer.
I believe lauren southern is on there now.
Vidme and vimeo are trying to fill the youtube gap, and there’s a Twitter equivalent that I can’t remember the name of.
They need their grievances, too. They’ve been rattling on about Hollywood for a few decades now.
That only works if everyone decides to dump twitter for $newThing. Scott Alexander had good take on that sort of thing. Essentially spin-off has to be accepted by the majority of users or becomes a place with a strong reputation for and heavily populated by fringers which makes the whole place guilty by association.
It takes time. I still remember when Netscape was the BIG search engine. Google was just sort of a curiosity when they first appeared. And Amazon was just a little website with books along with Barnes and Nobles and Borders I think it was.
You will be instantly killed by the heckler’s veto. DDOS, spamming, sockpuppets, you name it.. The current twitter, youtube facebook, google only survive by being the “right” type of people and signaling “we are the good guys..see we took care of those bad guys, so don’t attack us”
Only the large sites can hire the security, DDOS, bandwidth etc to try and keep hackers at bay, and they only succeed because the trolls get bored and don’t really care..
That CNN meme thing was awesome, so I give them credit for that.
The best thing about twitter, other than voyeuristic entertainment, is being able to get faster resolution for customer service issues.
I realize I wasn’t clear last night (I have a cold so I’m not braining on full)—I’m actually not taking a break from Glib. You assholes are the only sane ones around. I meant I’m cutting off all other access to the internet. Derpbook and Twitter have been agonizing, so I deleted that shit off my phone and am taking a nice long vacation from other humans. (As OMWC said last night, you guys aren’t really humans, anyway.) As long as I can keep clear of Derpetologist’s links, my sanity should soon restore…
*hands MLW a beer and some Sudafed*
Thanks. I know my cold must be bad because I got all happy weepy when I saw the comments about me on the SNP post. Clearly I need to medicate and hibernate until my crusty self returns.
Here’s another beer and a benadryl.
Give her fireball whiskey. The cinnamon acts as an expectorant.
Glad to hear it! yeah, Derp and HM links are not to be trusted.
Hurrah, she’s back, and female presence at glibertarians is up 100%!
Facebook and Twitter are both known to cause temporary stupidity, nausea, chronic sighing, and dry mouth.
Or it could be the brain slug.
I don’t know what you mean about this brain slug. Please go about your business and remove your top hat.
The brain slug’s the actual libertarian. What, you think a woman would end up here?
Not sure how ‘enslaving the minds of lesser beings’ fits into the NAP though…
We are to them as orphans are to us. NAP: Passed!
bookmarked that gif.
Fuck GIFs substituting for video.
I was sad that you’d miss one of the finest SNP episodes in a while by a day. Good to hear we haven’t chased you off yet!
Although, I hear SF has a new chapter in the works…
He’s gonna have to really work to top last week’s edition.
“The question pops up for everyone who tries to shop online with Flowers for Dreams, 1812 W. Hubbard St. The shop gives customers two possible answers: “Yes, and I can’t believe we’re still having this conversation,” and, “No, I’m ignorant and complicit in hate.” Hitting the first option will earn you a thank-you note from Flowers for Dreams and you’ll be able to proceed to the website and buy flowers. Hit the second option and Flowers for Dreams writes, “Thank you but no thank you. We don’t want your business here.”
What a bunch of hypocrites. If this same flower shop refused to sell flowers for gay weddings, they would get blasted but since it’s against some perceived enemy, they are all for discrimination. The Left if anything else lack any sort of principles.
This is not going to go well for them. And I do hope they remembered to pay their employees $15 an hour. Someone should call and ask them that. “What? You don’t pay your employees a living wage!? You hateful monsters, I’ll never shop there!”.
They can do this because (with some caveats and qualifications) political opinion isn’t a suspect classification in this country. You can be fired or denied service by a company for being a Republican, Democrat, international socialist, or national socialist.
So a company can’t say “before we proceed, do you reject Satan and all his works and all his empty promises?” because that would be religious discrimination. But it can ask you to repudiate just about any political opinion.
Which is fine – the fewer suspect classifications the better, as far as private businesses are concerned.
Sure, I know some people say “once you accept the logic of antidiscrimination laws for private businesses, you may as well make *everything* a suspect classification,” but since nobody actually believes this, the only legitimate debate is:
(a) should there be *any* suspect classifications at all as far as private businesses are concerned, and
(b) if yes, what should those classifications be?
And when people answer “no” to question (a), that’s fine, but if you then go on to say “I won’t concern myself with question (b), have all the suspect classifications you want if you’re going to have any,” then that’s just silly, conceding ground where it’s not necessary to do so. Even if it could be proven that race should be a suspect classification, because of the history etc., it doesn’t follow that, say, politics or sexual preference should be a suspect classification, because the history is different.
Make them carry the burden for each and every new suspect class.
Eliminating any potential clients based on politics is a VERY bad idea.
For whom?
Oh, for the business, sorry, I should read more carefully.
The business. I mean unless you’re in some uber left or right wing corner of the country and you’re a mom and pop shop and don’t ever expect any business outside of your demographic. For a website? Fucking stupid.
Not that I’m bitter, but some supporters of the “pragmatic” Gary Johnson didn’t seem to get this. “Oh, well, we’ve already conceded the principle, let’s just ignore the push to add new suspect categories.”
I mean, we already have an income tax, so we’ve conceded the principle, why not bring the income tax rate up to 90% again?
Ah WaPo I remember when Cytotoxic and others thought Bezos would turn it into a libertarian organ.
The funny thing is, I can’t ever even remember hearing Bezos talk about politics. The thing about him being Libertarian must have been invented by one of the ‘libertarian moment’ idiots.
When I hear “libertarian moment” it triggers me, dude. Not cool. Very microaggressive.
*hands SRC two Lizzy Warren coloring books and a puppy*
Cytotoxic, um, ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
great, now smash mouth is in my head.
Well now your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb.
oh no.
I went for a link and it’s gone.
Meme Archives has been terminated.
You’ll have to use something to break the mold.
Or in his parents’ basement.
huh-huh huh-huh
You said libertarian organ.
I guess that was a bit too much to dare to dream, but I certainly didn’t expect the “democracy dies in darkness” current state of things.
Public defender office in Charlottesville refuses to represent driver who plowed into protesters because a relative (unspecified) of an employee (also, unspecified) was injured in the incident. Now we all know that if this were a public employee refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple that the employee would be pilloried (and rightly so).
IANAL, but my understanding is that this means he will still get representation, just not by that PDO. The court will find an attorney willing to represent the defendant and pay that attorney. Not sure whether Virginia PDOs are actual government agencies, or merely a firm that specializes in court appointments.
I think he already has a lawyer. Can’t remember for sure, but I think that was in the AP story.
I could understand an individual public defender bowing out over the claim but the whole office refusing to do seems to be a bit of a stretch.
yeah, I knew it was a shitheel way to punt the case. I hope the guy can google ‘change of venue request’ on his phone.
When he gets representation, there are a whole lot of people who are in for a shock when they see how his trial goes. Maybe he shot his mouth off to the police and admitted everything. If that is true, he is done. If he didn’t, then they are going to play hell convicting him of anything and I will tell you right now they likely won’t convict him of murder. Talk any prosecutor or defense attorney and they will tell you that convictions in melees and riots are often nearly impossible to obtain. Everyone can claim self-defense. It is virtually impossible to prove intent or that it wasn’t just mutual combat. Remember, the government has to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. That means they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt he meant to kill those people and that it wasn’t by accident or because he panicked thinking his life was in danger. All the defendant has to do is show that it is reasonably possible that he was acting in self-defense or that he just panicked and the government loses. Now I think they can probably get him for manslaughter. It is pretty hard to claim that running into a crowd of people isn’t depraved indifference. But absent a confession, I will be shocked if they get him for murder 2, which is the most they will be able to get even in the best case.
I dunno, John, in most cases you are obviously right. But there’s going to be a tremendous amount of pressure to railroad this guy purely for political reasons.
Based on police deployments, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the state deliberately overplay its hand, lose and then Antifa can go “See? See the racism inherent in the system? BASH THE FASH DOWN WITH TRUMP!”
All they have to do is taint the pool with #zomgnazi and he’s cooked.
The only similar case I can remember happening is this one from 2014, where the driver wasn’t charged. But it’s different, because nobody died in this situation and you had much more evidence that his car was being swarmed and that he was getting away to defend himself. This one’s going to be trickier, and there’s a lot of political pressure.
They’re not going to get murder 2. Virginia has an aggravated vehicular manslaughter law, which I think they’ll try, but I also don’t think they’ll get.
Aggravated vehicular manslaughter. Enhanced penalties apply to vehicular manslaughter offenses where the driver’s conduct was “so gross, wanton and culpable as to show a reckless disregard for human life.” Aggravated vehicular manslaughter (also called “aggravated involuntary manslaughter”) carries one to 20 years in prison and up to $2,500 in fines.
They’ll end up getting involuntary manslaughter if they’re going to get anything.
This is where Trump uses his own money to hire Johnny Cochrane?
I suspect Trump wants the guy convicted…oh, wait, that was a joke.
He’d have to hire a necromancer too.
A neck-romancer, like Stephenie Meyer?
Yes, that’s like the entire SCOTUS recusing because one of them has a conflict.
Florida Couple doing Florida things.
they should have been part of #vapenation
Vape Nation? More like Aryan Nation. Reddit’s communist brain trust have declared h3h3productions one of the nexuses of “far right radicalization” there.
A voice of sanity in the crowd notices something:
Oh my god there has to be video of that somewhere. Please find it.
omfg I cant stop laughing at that link.
I imagine it was an epic version of this.
WTF? They didn’t smell the gas?
I’m seriously wondering about that too. If it was enough to be explosive it was surely enough to smell.
I think it was Pat who said that Welch and Gillespie had a rose-tinted view of the 90s. This is true. The libertarian moment is heavily based on that narrative of how the end of the Cold War, NAFTA, welfare reform, gay rights and the Internet was the end of history and would only become more libertarian.
(Fukuyama is never going to live that shit down)
I keep turning back to C.S. Lewis and “The Abolition of Man”.
His association with Christianity, Tolkeinsih epics, etc. really hurt his reputation among academics.
“The Abolition of Man” is the shiznit.
Lewis saw Gillespie and Welch’s technological optimism coming from 1943–and pretty much crushed it.
The other book like that (link to follow) was The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, which is basically a take down of the very cyber idealism Welch and Gillespie represented. It was interesting, too because it was published just as cyber idealists seemed to be on cloud nine, with Twitter and Facebook being credited with making the overthrow of authoritarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, and Syria possible–but before everything went to shit. “The Net Delusion” was written by a Bellarussian dissident who noticed that the net as a means of freedom was also a means of repression. Never before was it possible for dictators to trace dissidents to their friends and family and sympathizers–just by sifting through their online discussions? Thanks Facebook and Twitter!
Anyway, as I was reading that book, I kept thinking back to “The Abolition of Man”. Lewis was talking about how the relatively new technology of radio and cinema could be used to inform people like never before–but it could also be used by men like Hitler to propagandize and control people like never before. Technology is neither good nor evil. There is no technological substitute for people who demand liberty and justice and won’t settle for anything less.
There is no technological substitute for people who demand liberty and justice and won’t settle for anything less.
Thanks for adding to my already stupidly long to-read list.
Of course cosmotariansm and the “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” notion is based on a romanticized view of the 60s-70s.
I mean the left seems to have forgiven LBJ for ‘Nam and JFK for trying to overthrow Castro.
And “left-libertarianism” has a very romanticized take on the 19th century left. Bastiat was in the minority even then.
And libertarianism is of course often accused of romanticizing the Gilded Age.
I’m sure you all have noticed the dramatic changes in the world–over the last few hours. The sun is brighter than it was just this morning. The environment is cleaner. We’re all more prosperous than we were just a few hours ago, too.
Also, the country is less racist than it was this morning. Taxes are lower. The terrorist threat has subsided substantially. North Korea’s missile program is less dangerous than it was just a few hours ago, too.
Fewer children are getting their hands on drugs than they were this morning. The national debt is lower. The economy started booming this afternoon.
Those of you who haven’t been watching the news are probably wondering what’s going on. Why the sudden change?
The answer is that Trump condemned white nationalists for the violence in Charlottesville by name–and obviously that changes everything.
No need for an end to the drug war. No need to bring the police unions to heel. No need to free poor black kids from the grip of the teachers’ unions through school choice.
Donald Trump condemned white nationalists on TV, and what could be more important than that?
I’m hearing that Trump’s statement is “too little, too late” and he should have clearly said something within hours about how somebody could have been his son, or something of that nature.
It’s never going to be good enough. It was a mistake for him to cave.
And the funniest part about all of this was when finally condemned the white supremacists, the media and Left pretty much said, “Too late, we still think you’re a racist son of a bitch.”
That’s the thing about the Left and the media. No matter what you do, if you are on their shit list, they will find a way to shit all over you even if you are doing whatever they want you to do. The more people give into to them, the more they become embolden.
“Too late, we still think you’re a racist son of a bitch.”
“And by issuing the statement he implicitly admitted that he should have done it earlier, so, basically, he just called himself a racist. Ooh, I think I just felt a twinge of conscience, no, it’s just gas…anyway, nazi nazi nazi.”
See Gary Johnson
“Trump today announced that the leaders of the Ku Klux Klan had been taken in front of a military tribunal, condemned, and shot.
“Analysts say that in taking this action, Trump was trying to cover his tracks and distract attention from his racism. Also, the analysts added, there is now a leadership vacuum in the Klan which Trump will proceed to fill.”
Today, Donald Trump Tweeted the phrase “Have a Nice Day” accompanied by a yellow smiley face.
“For oppressed women and people of color in the United States it is never a nice day in Trump’s America,” said the Justice for the People Association.
The Asia-Pacific Peoples Coalition issued a statement that “by showing a smiling yellow face, Trump is contributing to the racist image of Asians as a contented ‘model minority.’ In reality, Asian-Pacific Americans face constant struggles and stand in intersectional solidarity with our POC brothers and sisters.”
The tweet was issued at 1:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, but as critics pointed out, in some parts of the world it isn’t “day” at all, so it was inappropriate and insensitive, and reflective of a Western hegemonic bias, to wish people a “nice day” at that particular time.
No, he didn’t condemn them in the right way because…wait, let me watch his statement…oh, yes, he should have wagged his finger more sternly while delivering his remarks, as it is it’s just a dog-whistle etc. etc. etc.
Whoever convinced him to revise his statement should be shown the door. Big mistake.
Yep, what he said the first time was the right thing and he should have left it at that.
While I’ve unfriended my progressive friends, I still, through other non-progressive friends liking them (and thanks to the way FB displays stuff), I still see it. I just can’t comment, which is good.
Anyways, here’s a response I saw.
That North Korea tweet reminds of how pragmatic libertarianian seem to be pretty dumb a lot of the time? Like running Bill Weld or Gary Johnson not knowing who voted for Kelo or calling Hillary a devoted Public Servant.
Or the LP’s attempt to gain office in DC.
I still say Barr/Root was a worse LP ticket than Johnson/Weld.
From one Republican faction to another I suppose.
Weld was horrible, but at least Johnson had some libertarian chops (before he threw them away during the 2016 election cycle). Barr was never a libertarian, and Root is actually a psychopath.
Good god, that title drives me fucking nuts when it’s applied to Shrillary Clinton.
I’m cool with calling members of the military public servants because when you’re deployed, it fucking sucks. You’re getting shot at in a 3rd world shithole, eating crappy food, and you don’t get to go home and see your family every night. And despite the stupid foreign interventions throughout US history, members of the military are actually providing one of the very, very, very few legitimate roles of governments.
Hillary has fucked over countless people in her pursuit for wealth and power, and there might even be a few dead bodies in her wake. She supported stupid wars, stupid laws, and stupid social programs that achieved jack shit and in fact knocked our prosperity back a few notches. It’s not like she gave up some wonderful life of luxury by taking the path she took; that IS the life of luxury. She has been enormously rich and privileged her entire life.
Public servant, my fucking ass. Public parasite is more like it.
A public self-servant, you could even say.
So let’s talk about the salami strategy. The left and the Never Trumpers are clearly using it right now and cosmitarianism is very vulnerable to it…
Weren’t Mark Cuban, Zuckerberg and that New Jersey the Great Libertarian hope along with Bezos?
*New Jersey senator*
Nice underboob
Just watched Plinkett’s Ghostbusters review. Fuckin awesome. That guy really knows his movie-making.
it is a good review.
Eh, should have cut 15 minutes of whining about petty shit and it’d be better.
I mean, my word, product placement in a movie? OK, mention it and move on. But bitching about ads in Times Square? Come on, dude, better that than Magnapox and Stony ads on the displays.
I wish they’d tone down the gimmicks in their reviews. Half in the Bag is great stuff, and sure, idiotic frame story is the payment to get to the meat, but just stop with that shit mid-review and talk about movies – you’re good at it. That (and movie selection) is why I love Best of the Worst more than anything else they do!
The product placement segment was one of my favorite parts! I love that he called out their lie about Pringles getting a freebie. Why would they lie about that?
It’s too bad about Katie Dippold (didn’t know she was one of the writers) – she wrote some of the best Parks & Rec episodes.
If it was a Cheezits placement I could believe it but it’s a known fact that no one eats Pringles for free (unless they’re vinegar and salt…yum).
What about pizza flavor?
Sour Cream Pringles FTW.
You shut your mouth. Scientist Man is the best thing they do.
With Nerd Crew being a close second.
If it ain’t a playlist, it ain’t a thing!
In an absolute shocker, the raving internet mob tried to doxx the people involved in the protests (as we talked about this weekend) and hit the wrong target. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/14/us/charlottesville-doxxing.html
You know for a supposedly tolerant society we are still quite willing to ostracize those with unacceptable vies and mistakenly harass innocent people.
Also I got a pop up from NYT mentioning 122 pulitzers. Does that include Duranty? Or are they no longer embarrassed by him.
Ah, the utopia of mob rule.
Not to mention doxxing innocent bystanders just passing through. (goes back a little longer than this weekend, but really piling on now for some reason).
So discord shut down a bunch of alt right chat rooms today. Not sure if ours was one of them.
/half sarc
So when will wordpress shut down this site?
Take down a family-friendly site?
I think I can help us out. How about that Marx. Whatta guy huh?
I loved his cookbook. Especially the meatloaf recipe. I steal the ingredients from the neighbors and if they argue I kill them. Totes awesome!!
SomeBlackGuy (yes, that’s his channel name) had a video taken down for violence when there was no violence in it. Title was “I Hate Identity Politics.”
Plot Twist: may have been flagged by racists because he shat on them (so he says, I didn’t watch it when it was up cause I figured there was time).
Know what I want now?
I want for Trump to tell self-important asswipes like that Merck guy to fuck off and eat shit.
I can’t stand people who I know don’t have any currency to take a moral high ground acting as such.
Agreed: Racial politics and drug manufacturing go together like shit and strawberry shortcake, Rufus.
-1 CIA introducing crack to the ghetto
The cops give it away for free in the Baltimore ghettos.
I meant good harmless drugs like Valium and Fentanyl.
CIA ghetto crack was pretty harmless. To white people.
Whelp, my working vacation is winding down, and I feel like I need another vacation. I love my mother in law to death, but staying at her place is always a mistake, and doubly so with the baby. The office was an escape today.
Why is staying at MIL a mistake? How old is she? pics?
(retaining this as evidence in case her body is never found)
“I love my mother in law to death”
AwkWARD! Does you wife know?
Well, that didn’t even take nearly as long as I thought it would.
DOJ requesting info on resistance site
Oh shit, not good.
Well, the left are calling for the government to shut down free speech. And they didn’t think that’s going to include them?
It’s like that old joke about a communist protester wanting more government while getting pepper sprayed by a cop aka “more government.” It never gets old.
Maybe this is more of Trump’s alleged fourth dimensional chess: attempt to turn those calling for oppression by oppressing them. Not bloody likely though.
+1 Will Roper
They want to be the dog, not the fire hydrant.
And they didn’t think that’s going to include them?
No that never crossed their mind because they have the correct speech.
And the noise about pardoning Arpaio is getting louder. This will please the so-called law-and-order types*, but is the wrong thing to do.
*if they really believed in law and order, they wouldn’t want Arpaio pardoned for shit
If he’s pardoned for being denied a jury trial I’d be OK with it.
Joe Arpaio still deserves a jury trial
(mandatory disclaimer about how I’m not exactly Arpaio’s biggest fan, but fair is fair, etc.)
I didn’t know he’d been denied a trial by jury. He’s a scrunt but that ain’t right.
Any local jury would probably deadlock at best, just call Not Guilty at worst. So how do you punish him then?
Always a risk with jury trials.
But then, Arpaio is the exception – generally if there’s a cop defendant, (s)he is more likely to ask for a trial by judge than demand a jury trial. By *requiring* jury trials and forbidding waivers, you could probably convict more abusive cops.
The ACLU used to recognize this. They defended the right of the governor of Mississippi to a jury trial for allegedly disobeying an integration order. Talk about risking a sympathetic jury! But the ACLU stood by principle (and lost).
…and the charges were dismissed anyway.
“So how do you punish him then?”
Starts with a w ends with an r and is very loud.
Weedwhacker? They do sting pretty bad.
What is it good for?
Fucking hell! I never expected a counterstrike so brazen and merciless. That’s some damn scary shit.
David Burge should be made Trump’s Press Secretary.
Pan nailed it, it’s like working in The Boss Administration.
Some time ago I watched a streamer go into SRIV blind. There was a lot of “OMG! How did they know?” and equivalent.
To my Kingsman 2 prayer of “Please dont’ suck please” I’ve added Agents of Mayhem
Looking into Kingsman, apparently the radical environmentalist villain is strictly a product of either the writers or the director, the original comic had a completely different villain with a way dumber motivation. So that’s a positive.
Yeah, honestly, that was something I found really refreshing in Kingsman. What’s the original motivation and villain? (It was Looten Plunder from Captain Planet, wasn’t it?)
That and Obama deciding to go along with being one of the chosen few in the scheme and getting his head exploded in turn. They denied it was Obama, but, come on. Obvious lie to maintain social standing.
The original is some guy who still is going to wipe out most of the human population, but he’s going to save people he likes, which is mostly celebrities. There’s an in-joke about it in the movie where the scientist played by Mark Hamill is abducted, in the comic they’re just literally abducting Mark Hamill.
Saints Row 4 had the best character breast-customization options of any game before or since. However, the super-heroey stuff got a bit overly silly for my tastes – and made you so over-powered that there wasn’t much challenge to the game. As far as I can tell Agents of Mayhem seems to go further in those directions.
Which isn’t to say that I won’t buy it as long as you can still create a character with giant boobs.
Maybe burge’s joke is lost if you’re not clear on what he’s referencing