Well yesterday was full of surprises.
The Indians, who won on Sunday as well, beat the Red Sox handily. The Yanks beat the lowly Mets. Team Canada beat the Rays. The Cubs beat up the Reds, even though Joey Votto is still hitting the cover off the ball. The Orioles beat the Marlins. And of course, the Astros lost again. YOU HAVE TO SCORE TO WIN, boys!
The NBA released the 2017-2018 schedule. And I couldn’t care less. And the Nature Boy is resting in the hospital after surgery for an undisclosed illness. He had been hospitalized for supposedly a heart issue, but his publicist said the surgery, which he had been put into a medically-induced coma prior to, the surgery is unrelated. Let’s hope he makes a full recovery. I always loved that guy from the WCW golden days. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Right, a lot is happening out there. So let’s talk about some of them with…the links!
Well, President Trump finally succumbed to the left and directly denounced nazism and white supremacy, even though he had never asked for or offered the slightest bit of support for either. And the left predictably loses their shit. Say what you want about the left, but they at least know how to read. They’re never going to let this “crisis” go to waste. And even though its just one body, there’s enough room to climb on top of her and grandstand till the cows come home.

Our pound of flesh is made of metal!
Crowd of goons destroys property in act of mob vandalism. The local cops stood on and watched as the mob sought to extract their pound of flesh from something made of rock and metal. The governor began his re-election campaign by telling those with bloodlust that they can come up with different ways to do what they’re doing. He was, however, unable to find words to allay the fears of anybody right of center that may have at some point in the future felt the need to publicly support the monuments remaining in public as historical reminders of the past.
Robert Ritchie For US Senate just doesn’t have that ring to it. But that may have to happen if Kid Rock manages to get on the ballot, according to Michigan’s Board of Elections.
Kid Rock is a household name to Americans under the age of 50, and voters might be attracted to vote for him, as a middle finger to the political establishment.
Well, one part of that statement is demonstrably true. While the other is not. He’s certainly not a “name” in my household.
New evidence may have been found in the coldest of cold cases. It would be kind of funny if they found the guy someday…living high on the hog. I’d bet he’s dead by now though.
Conservative group Club For Growth (not sure if they’re affiliated with white supremacy, as they’ve not publicly disavowed them yet this week) pours $10 million into campaign to capture Missouri Senate seat from Dem Claire McCaskill. That’s gonna leave a mark. Expect McCaskill to decry “dark money” and “outsiders” meddling in races held in other states. Just kidding, I’m sure she’ll be consistent and not mention it once, like what happened with the special election in Georgia earlier this year.

Florida Man In His Natural Habitat
Tiger Woods officially joins the ranks of Florida Man. Well done, sir. You did it the way you’re supposed to do it…fucked up out of your mind. The video is just great, but he did lose a point or two for not having a beer in hand.
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. Or: shitty band actually has a good song.
Keep your heads down, friends. Its a jungle out there.*
*”Jungle” was not implied to mean the world was full of savages from other parts of the world. Its a commonly-used phrase. I personally know many people from other parts of the world and each and every one adds to the human experience and is a great addition to my life. And I personally disavow any European colonialism that sought to destroy jungles or displace people from them by importing technology such as the wheel, or medicine or the storage of potable water and foodstuffs.
Belated response to HM. Due to the content of what I will be saying I must preface it – All of my statements are an observation and analogy rather than a value judgement.
This is inevitable. A philosophy based upon the supremacy of the individual does not become a movement. Cohesion requires some degree of collectivism, or you are building sandcastles. When the one issue acting as a binder (the water in the example) drains away or evaporates, the structure collapses. A philiosophy which has some degree of sublimation of the individual to the group will behave differently. A mild amount and you get concrete – a stable structure that lasts for a long time (though still prone to eventual wear and fracturing) – ie the nation. Too much and you get a mudslide – a vast destructuve onrush that devastates but cannot be used to build productively. Eventually it congeals into stasis before breaking back down into its constituent granules – or, in toher words, the lifecycle of socialism.
These are inherent features of the philosophies. Embrace or lament them, it is what you will get.
You mean you weren’t visiting Calais?
What makes the difference between a name instantly recognized and what counts as a “Household Name”?
Good taste.
So no politicians?
Shit, there goes my theory.
He’s actually a pretty decent guy. Contrary to his image, he grew up well to do in the burbs. His family owns(ed) car dealerships.
I don’t know his politics, but just hope he wins a senate seat and shows up for his first vote with a 40oz and wearing a pimp hat.
I don’t know as much about him but I think he has funneled his wealth into many businesses, including trying to revitalize small, local businesses in his area.
If so, that right there would make him a set up from 99% of the politicians in either party.
*step up
Look, Southpark made fun of him, get with the program and DENOUNCE THIS DEPLORABLE!111ONEONEONE
Your mom is both.
He’s running in Michigan, his name recognition is high enough here that “household name” isn’t an unreasonable description.
I would imagine he could creatively use both names if not allowed to run under his stage name. Robert Ritchie on the ballot, Robert Ritchie on the yard signs with a guitar or a microphone or LET’S ROCK on it or something. People would get it.
Or legally change his name as soon as possible I suppose.
Oh good – some more femsplainin’
Guys, stop making a fuss – being a man couldn’t be easier
Miss, I believe this is because if you were offered assistance by a man, you’d excoriate the poor bastard for being condescending and patriarchical.
I also like the automatic assumption that it is somehow a man’s duty and obligation to be of service to women.
Well, you see, it’s only traditional female roles and obligations that are bad and sexist and need to be overturned. Men’s traditional roles are the duty of every man!
A naive 13 year old L0b0t was once scolded almost to tears by a shrewish lady who was offended that I opened a shop door for her.
Really? In almost 50 years of holding doors, carrying heavy stuff, removing stuck cars from snowbanks, etc, I have never, ever had a woman respond that way.
What a miserable bitch.
Same here – of course I usually hold the door open for anyone.
Me too. And if someone holds the door for me, I always say thanks. It’s just common courtesy.
I’ve taught both my kids to do so. I noticed my son even pull out a chair for his girlfriend at dinner. She smiled – go figure…
Thirded. If I go through a door and someone is just seconds behind me, I’ll hold it open for him/her.
That’s the internalized misogyny showing.
It was shocking. i was just a sweet Florida kid raised by boat hippies but this incident set me on a lifelong path of being obsequiously polite and helpful to strangers (out of spite, if nothing else). Now, living in NYC, I make a point of making eye-contact, tipping my hat, and always addressing strangers as mam or sir; it makes the damn Yankees uncomfortable.
*suspicious glare*
What con are you running?
When my grandson was nine or ten he got chewed out for holding the door for the woman coming in behind us. I took her aside and gave it right back to her. She really was a miserable bitch.
I know. Life is so hard for some people.
Really? In almost 50 years of holding doors, carrying heavy stuff, removing stuck cars from snowbanks, etc, I have never, ever had a woman respond that way
I have. My response was to shut the door in front of her followed by my moving the trash can in front of the door.
I’m doing it because it’s a fucking courtesy not because I think women are incapable of operating a door.
I’ve never gotten chewed out for it but I have gotten a couple of snarky remarks.
That said they were all in the 90’s when the transition from second wave to third wave feminism was beginning. The idea back then was that women did not need men’s help and any kind of show of gallantry for lack of a better word was taken to be condescending and implying that women just couldn’t get along without a mans help.
These days while the same impulse is around I think most people have moved past the idea that holding the door for someone is a specific sexist activity and everyone holds the door for anyone else out of simple common courtesy so they are less likely to have a negative reaction
Really? She doesn’t LOOK shrewish.
You’re your own best friend.
If the men she’s hanging around with all have misshapen testicles, she needs to stop hectoring them and needs to get them to an oncologist for a checkup.
Well, its England. So she needs to requisition the form from her PCP to get the authorization for a visit to a specialist in the local hospital once that doctor’s calendar is cleared in 6 months.
Actually the one guy she knows is a vetrinary assistant who collects unusual deformities…
Yes, being a man is so easy they get condemned no matter what they do or don’t do. And let’s not even get started on gender-based affirmative action, and college “rape” kangaroo courts. Western women are the most pampered, privileged creatures on the face of the earth, and yet they constantly complain about how difficult they have it.
And usually getting the shaft in divorce. And having to provide for the family. And the expectations of your father and mother. Yep – just like the proverbial walk in the park.
And tend to be shamed for remaining single, while a woman can decide “she don’t need no man” and get praised for being a “strong, independent woman.”
Suddenly I’m hungry for a sammich…
She sounds pleasant to be around.
I going to guess that it’s women doing that criticism – men don’t care. Is Kate Winslet the Titanic girl? No idea who Pattinson is or why she is or is not jacking off her dog.
I think it played a stalker in some trashy romance movies.
He’s the sparkly vampire from twilight. Apparently people are proud of him for refusing to touch Kristen Stewart? Idk that’s how I parse it anyway
I’m not sure about the men don’t care part. If I were thinking of entering into a relationship with a woman and I found out she has kids from several different guys, I’m not going to pursue that.
According to women, a Real Man is happy to take on responsibility for the demon spawn of some other guy who hit it and quit it.
Indeed. I notice a lot of what feminists say makes a guy a Real Man is what a lot of guys would say make a guy a cuck. I also notice such guys tend to not get women, even though that’s what these women say Real Men ought to do.
Most of what feminists say makes a guy a real man are mostly things that are of service and benefit to women, and help to shield women from the consequences of their choices. Odd, that.
I’ll listen to feminists define “real man” when they accept my definition of “real woman”. Is it a deal, feminists?
If I was thinking of entering a relationship with a woman and found out she was an actress I definitely wouldn’t pursue.
Kate Winslet is condemned for having children with different fathers, Pattinson is praised for not masturbating a dog.
I don’t know about you, but I always use Hollywood celebrities as go-to examples of how life should be for everyone on the planet.
How often does giving one’s dog a handjob come up? I can honestly say that the thought has never crossed my mind.
“imagine, ladies, being applauded just because you refuse to give an animal a hand job.”
What the fuck is she talking about?
The feminists have gone so far down the rabbit hole that whenever they speak all I hear is gibberish.
Good job Suthenboy! You made a comment without stimulating a dog! The patriarchy is proud!
(does this lady seriously think that we applaud one another for refusing to violate our pets??)
“Now, as someone who takes a pram on trains quite a lot, I can confirm that many men would rather eat their own misshapen testicles than help a woman in this situation.”
Bull shit. More lies.
She’s a miserable cunt.
Ok, maybe the Brits are insufferably rude, but speaking as a man who has maneuvered a stroller through all sorts of difficult terrain I have yet to not have a male or female bystander offer some assistance. In fact, probably more men than women as it–no offense ladies–involves lifting.
Absolutely. I see it ALL the time.
During a snow storm a few years back I slid off the road in my Jeep (just to give you an idea how bad it was) within 30 seconds a guy in a Ford F-150 pulled up and asked en francais, ‘I got chains to pull you!’ I was gone in 90 seconds he was that fast.
People help people in distress. Simple as that.
She can go fuck herself.
Many years ago, I managed to get the family minivan stuck in a muddy ditch (with family inside) while checking out a local fishing spot. The game warden in his new state issued F-350 showed up and refused to pull me out of the ditch. I had a tow strap, but he said it was a liability issue. He called a tow company for me (this was mid-90s and I didn’t own my own cell phone).
Along came a couple of fishermen in their beat up pickup truck and they got right out and pulled me out in five minutes.
Yes, most people are super helpful when they run across people who need a helping hand. Govt. not so much.
We’re the gov’t and we’re here to check with our lawyer first.
Outer banks?
Forget it, Hu; it’s Guardiantown.
Seriously, has any even slightly intelligent opinion ever come from that rag? All I’ve ever seen are bloviating progs with their heads so far up their own ass that they spew nothing but shit.
it means he is doing the bare bloody minimum.
How is it the “bare bloody minimum”? On what planet do you think you’re entitled to someone else’s labor just because you’ve got a pram? Honestly, I have no problem with helping a woman in need. That’s how I was raised. But, bints like this woman saw fit to throw the entire concept of chivalry out the window, so far as women are concerned. Well, sorry to have to break it to you, sweetie, but chivalry was a code that imposed expectations on the man and the woman. You’ve defaulted on your side of the bargain, seen fit to denounce me for honoring mine when it was convenient for you, and now expect me to honor mine when you need a hand without the bother of a scintilla of gratitude. Put bluntly, you’re trying to write checks on accounts that have long been overdrawn.
“Mr. Trump, after two days of issuing equivocal statements, bowed to overwhelming pressure that he personally condemn white supremacists who incited bloody weekend demonstrations in Charlottesville.”
That’s not what “equivocal” means.
Although “glen thrush” means valley yeast infection.
“Mr. Trump has had a career-long pattern of delaying and muting his criticism of white nationalism. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he refused to immediately denounce David Duke, a former Klansman who supported his candidacy.”
Even if that were true, one incident is not a career long pattern.
The only reason they want Republicans to denounce the Klan and their ilk by name is because they want to draw a false association between them. They don’t ask Democrats to denounce left wing hate groups.
They don’t even ask democrats to denounce racists and anti-semites like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. In fact, they hope to be invited to the same prayer breakfasts.
“A career-long pattern”
That career has lasted exactly two whole years.
And I’d be willing to bet that if he had ever in his professional life uttered even tepid support to white nationalist or Nazi groups, he would have been drummed out of Hollywood and the NYC housing market in a flash. That shit doesn’t sell in either of those locations.
Here is a tweet with the clip with Trump saying he doesn’t know who David Duke is:
Then again it’s a clip from CNN, tweeted by a MSNBC producer….
One of the radio stations on my drive home yesterday played a montage of multiple clips of Trump denouncing David Duke and the Klan from over the past year or so.
Uh didn’t the violence start once antifa showed up?
Their violence is the good kind. Besides, the bad whites were using hate speech, which is itself violence, so really they started it.
I just realized something. Is Mike Hihn an antifa member? He has stated multiple times that simply disagreeing with him is breaking the NAP and committing verbal assault and bullying. He uses that to justify going batshit insane with personal attacks. Sounds an awful lot like antifa.
Mike Hihn is a deranged baboon. I’m not typically a big fan of prescribing drugs to manage psychological issues, but that motherfucker needs to be doped out of his gourd just to get normal.
“You have now been banned from YouTube*
It was self-defense, because NAZIS!!
I actually had proggies make that argument to me when I pointed out the same thing.
Virginia has some really choice senators.
Collective guilt by association is all the rage these days.
So Warner also supports the prosecution of Antifa and BLM as domestic terror organizations?
But didn’t you hear? “They” killed a person the other day. Not the one dude behind the wheel, but all of them. Every. Fucking. One.
Just like BLM did in Dallas.
Just like all of Islam did on 9/11.
Can someone go topple the Lenin statue in Seattle? For equality
I’m up for a road trip.
Would y’all mind picking me up on the way?
I saw Hihn hanging around Red Square. Figured he was fucking another dead red.
I laughed. But then I regained my composure and….
*tapers stare*
That’s racist against the Swiss.
*tapir stares*
I am still shocked the Silent Sam (confederate memorial statue) has survived the last 40+ years at nearby UNC campus
It was Cain, give it up.
For the rich bald men out there?
I thought it was a children’s health organization.
I thought they addressed Erectile Dysfunction.
And hair loss…
That is what all the greatest minds in the world are focused on. Ideocracy here we come!
+1 also a member
Diet of protein shakes and supplements contributed WA mum and bodybuilder’s death
OMG!! Oh wait:
Person aggravates rare condition, dies.
Oh noes, their diet must be unequivocally bad for everyone normal!
Will we shortly be seeing Meegan’s law?
And the mom demands more government out of it.
Ohio State banned the Mirror Lake Jump after one student with a rare heart condition ended up dying after exiting the cold water. I’m still pissed about it. Mirror Lake Jump was one of my favorite OSU traditions.
Other than losing to Michigan? 😉
*hands AFWM some aloe*
The last 16 years laughs at your faulty memory.
This isn’t your great, great, great grandfather’ rivalry.
Michigan 58–48–6, bro.
Not that I give a shit since following football is about as interesting as watching paint dry.
TTUN went 13-0-2 prior to 1918. So in the last 100 years, that hasn’t exactly been a tradition.
And winning just 2 of the last 16 games (one when we had an interim coach) doesn’t sound like a fun tradition to me.
It was meant as a joke. You’re getting as bad as UCS 😉
Sloopy’s just nervous. Now that Harbaugh is righting the ship, he fears the tOSU will be driven into obscurity. Especially since Urban Meyer (may he die in a fire) is unlikely to stay there forever. Once the NCAA scandals start catching up to him again he’ll fake another heart attack and go spend some time with his kids before seeking another easier job.
::catches breath::
Some things you just don’t joke about.
Hu. Um. Huh. I’m speechless.
You…you guys need to lay off.
::wanders off to see who is cooking toast::
They fired John Cooper awhile ago.
Food weirdness. I have never seen it except in people who have never been hungry.
Or: shitty band actually has a good song.
Not good. Almost tolerable.
Actually, no, they just plain suck.
This seems like the right tone for today.
I’m wrong.
This is the obvious choice.
All three were great bands.
Uffda. I like the Grateful Dead a lot.
Unfortunately their fans are a lot like Critical Mass bike riders. So annoying that you are ashamed to like the same thing as them.
Bad Brains. The good kind of cultural appropriation.
Hell yeah Bad Brains
Left-Wing Agitators Call For Escalated Tactics In Response To Charlottesville
They really, really want a shooting war. The Democrats think these useful idiots will get them back in control of Congress and eventually the White House.
The left never changes. It is the same ol’ shit we have seen before. It always comes down to the fist with them.
“The police will not protect us. They murder over a thousand people every year in this country, and infiltrate and attack our demonstrations when we stand up against alt-right terror. We have to organize to defend ourselves.”
Sounds like an epidemic. Wonder if it’s lifestyle connected.
Is this an old trick – only the leader of the _violent group_ can put a stop to the actions of said _violent group_
or – only the leader of _a splinter group_ of the _violent group_ can put a stop to the actions of said _violent group_
I’m going to make a quick calculation and say that no lives would have been lost if you had not been quite so close to the action.
Yeah, it seems to me that lives were lost when antifa instigated a fight.
Massage parlors trafficked in sex, offered menu of acts from $40 to $400, police say
Johns reported being horny again an hour later.
Seven months? That’s a lot of evidence gathering.
They needed to make sure every Miami Beach detective had a turn at collecting evidence… so that, god forbid, something happened to the lead detective, someone would be able to testify for him.
For the children.
I hope there is a happy ending to all of this.
Not another story that talks about human trafficking in a disingenuous manner. They blatantly appeal to the feelz and the reader’s heartstrings. I hate these tug jobs.
Don’t you guys cum in here and make light of this.
All this hand wringing is making my arm tired.
“Bodybuilder mom dies from too much protein before competition
Michelle White, Meegan Hefford’s mom, told the site that she warned her daughter to take it easy. “I said to her ‘I think you’re doing too much at the gym, calm down, slow it down.”
Hefford had started going to the gym twice a day to exercise, which her mom thought was the reason for the lethargy and fatigue that Meegan had complained about. White says she didn’t even know her daughter was using protein shakes or supplements until after Hefford’s death, when she discovered half a dozen containers of protein shakes in her daughter’s kitchen. White believes the supplements and shakes were purchased online where there are not enough restrictions, which she wants to end.
“I know there are people other than Meegan who have ended up in hospital because they’ve overloaded on supplements,” White told PerthNow. “The sale of these products needs to be more regulated.”
See Lord H, above.
I think I read that somewhere.
Yes, because your daughter suffered complications from a rare genetic disorder, we must use the heavy boot of government to stop people from getting protein shakes. Fuck off, slaver.
It was a genetic condition, which means the mother might just feel some culpability in her daughter’s death, being a significant source of her genes, and might just be seeking to deflect guilt to anything else and unable to Blame Canada.
So, fuck off, slaver.
*that was meant to sound like an agreement with WTF rather than sounding like I was calling him the slaver.
LOL I got it.
Paris Hilton Breaks Silence On Infamous Sex Tape: ‘I Was So Depressed, Humiliated’
Title should be:
Paris Hilton Breaks Silence: Attempts to Ride the New Gravy Train
Why dredge up an articule by an obscure rag about someone we’ve all forgotten about talking about nothing new?
Yes, because being a feminist means that you absolutely must advocate for the stealing of your neighbors hard earned money in order to fund your abortions. Because equality, or something.
Women’s. Health.
Don’t you even euphemism?
Burton. Paris Burton.
A 7 with enough money to convince people she’s a 9
“Trump retweets alt-right troll following Charlottesville rally
Only hours after finally comdemning racists, President Trump on Monday night retweeted a post by an infamous alt-right provocateur with ties to white nationalist Richard Spencer.
“Meanwhile: 39 shootings in Chicago this weekend, 9 deaths. No national media outrage. Why is that?” read the tweet from provocateur Jack Posobiec.”
“On Monday he called out the KKK and white supremacists — but appeared to regret it shortly after.
“Made additional remarks on Charlottesville and realize once again that the #Fake News Media will never be satisfied…truly bad people!” he tweeted at around 6:30 p.m.”
That’s not regretting his statement. That’s disappointment in the media’s reaction.
The funny thing about Spencer is, he’s only famous because the left makes him famous. They need a villain so desperately they puff up any yahoo willing to play the part.
I’ve hung around /pol/ for a few years, and I had no idea who Richard Spencer was until November 2016.
Spencer is the feddiest fed who ever fedded.
I’m surprised I never see libertarians calling it out. We all know from the good ol’ militia days—and from just about every “foiled terrorist plot” ever—that when /ourguy/ suddenly emerges with a plan for “us,” that’s the FBI talking.
“You know where we should sell these drugs I found? School! Also let’s rob a bank. We’ll wear these Hitler masks I found in the drugs.”
Spencer’s job is to get us punched.
If you doubt it, go back and look at that story where a woman at his gym recognized him (how? he’s only known for starring in the world’s blurriest semi-viral Youtube video), flipped out, and got him banned. Where did that totally not staged event happen? Hint: not Montana.
The left is entirely responsible for the rise of the alt-right. They made it nemesis. They tied it to conservatism and gave it legitimacy. They gave it the coverage that allowed it to crowd out everything else. They inflated it to gigantic proportions and lied incessantly about its insidious inroads within the mainstream and the Trump campaign. Worse, they made it attractive to numbskull yutes who want nothing to do with the progressive left. Their agents provocateur in BLM and “antifa” gave them a reason to defend themselves and to provoke violence. The left owns this just like Democrats own the Klan.
Hell, it goes deeper than just fanning the flames: their nonstop identitarian crusade is what inspired a backlash in the first place. This goes back decades: the hectoring, the violence, the liberation movements, the collectivist theories of racial oppression, the Marxist grievance culture, this is the left’s bread and butter. Racial supremacy and oppression olympics and racial Statism is their bailiwick. They made this Nazi shit palatable long before Nazi apologists felt safe to throw a public temper tantrum. So fuck them and their crocodile tears about the coming fascist Trumpocalypse, they’ve been preaching and practicing identitarian fascism for decades now.
Most of those cries about the fascist Trumpocalypse strike me as very insincere.
The guys fanning the flames are doing it cynically. If they truly feared a new fascist movement, I believe the movers and shakers in the left would be behaving very differently.
That pusillanimous shit who live-streamed his dewy-eyed rant berating progressives for failing to come out to beat up fascists pretty much encapsulates the left’s response. Bitch, all you’re doing is promoting yourself to your followers. You’re a pompous, vain, noodle-armed creep using this little imbroglio to virtue signal to other dumb twats. If you want a pitched battle, son, go in swinging. But save me your tearful speech demanding internet affirmation. You’re a tit.
Neo-nazi and KKK rallies are nothing new. They’ve been parading themselves up and down city streets for decades largely without incident. A small crowd would gather to boo and shout anti-racist slogans, but people usually didn’t commit any physical violence.
Now that a much broader portion of the Left has embraced the idea that speech equals violence, they are actually pushing dangerously close to actual civil unrest.
Neither of these fucktard groups better come to my town and mess with my safety and property.
I don’t know what kind of education they’re handing out these days, but I know when I was in school that we talked about the Illinois Nazis marching through Skokie after the ACLU defended their right to do so, as an example of free speech and the First Amendment in action.
Why is it that we have regressed?
We have regressed as the Marxists have made their Long March through the institutions.
The Marxists never took over the institutions. The Fabians did. That is an important, if not especially comforting, distinction. It is part of why we have regressed, but it is not the sole reason. As to the other reasons, I have some ideas, but nothing concrete.
kbo, I’d be interested in reading that. I may be counting the Fabians as useful idiots for the Marxists. I recall that the Marxists were pretty explicit about wanting to capture the cultural/intellectual high ground, specifically in the universities, and what has unfolded has been pretty much what they wanted, but I haven’t really studied it in detail.
Of course, Fabian socialism was always couched in terms of the benefits of a people being led, and their societies shaped by their intellectual and philosophical betters – Top Men, even – which builds expectations that the worst thing that will happen to a prole is that he might have a stern and exacting ‘re-educator’ and not a murderous thug directing his every day.
This is of fallacious thinking of course, but it’s less frightening to people who really don’t want to face the challenge of being a free citizen.
So, they actually think that the source of the tweet makes the facts invalid? They really are a special kind of stupid, aren’t they?
*sets out collection tin for edit fairy to fix the sidebar*
I fixed it. I don’t know how it popped back in there. Same with the image showing up in the post originally until I edited that.
My bad.
I’m not gonna pile on Woods. Even drunk off his ass and stumbling the dude was respectful and took it like a man. We should be cheering that behavior.
Noted. It is really makes me sad seeing the man fall apart. As far as I know he is a pretty decent guy that has some serious personal demons.
Idk. A few hundred millions bucks buys a lot of exorcisms.
I don’t understand why any person of means doesn’t just have his ‘guy’ that is paid to drive, procure women (or drugs, booze, etc), and generally make sure said person doesn’t kill anyone or get killed doing something stupid.
+1 Vince Neil
Check out Shia’s or Mel Gibson’s arrest to get some contrast. Woods isn’t out there blaming “The Man!”. He claimed it was messed up meds that did it to him. He certainly could’ve played any one of many cards, but he didn’t.
I’ve gone from simply not liking Shia to pity. I think the man has an honest to goodness mental illness that is going untreated.
Me too. Even he says he now needs help. I hope he gets it.
My guess is that its the few hundred million that fuels the demons. How many people around Tiger Woods these days do you think tell him “Shit, Tiger, that’s a really fucked up idea. You really need to rethink that.”
He really did manage to fuck up a perfect life.
I imagine the pressure cooker that was his childhood left a few marks.
He really should retire and just become the course pro somewhere. He has no wants. Just chill and play rec golf. Give lessons. Whatever. Basically be Ty Webb
Florida Man always means well.
I’m not judging Tiger. I’m just honoring his induction into an exclusive club.
::hands Tiger “Sex Wax Daytona Beach” tank top::
How deep in the monocle pit I must be to assume that you were talking about Tom Woods for a moment and was very sad until I scrolled up and re-read the Links.
I’ll never claim to understand the rich and famous. I always kind of admired him due to his work ethic. Sometimes when you have it all there’s nowhere to go but down.
Don’t feel bad I thought the exact same.
This couldn’t wait for SJWednesday
Professionalism in the office is racist, sexist, and homophobic.
Honey, you’re going to love the Mao suits. Any color you want as long as it’s gray.
Dipshit, I’ve known very professionally behaved working class people, women, and people of a wide range of ethnicities – all of whom were vero comfortable being professional because, big hint – it gets shit done better than the alternatives. You will note that I said nothing about “queerness” for one simple reason – who you want to fuck has zero bearing on your work and ability to behave in an office. It does not come up, and is not readily observable. In fact, bringing it up as often as your cohort does qualifies as sexual harrassment under state policy.
Evidently you don’t know what professional behaviour is, because it can be summed up as “leave that shit at home and be ready to do you job”. It’s how the employees make money and get ahead. Because the unprofessional sure as hell don’t keep their jobs for very long (barring exigent circumstances and toxic workplaces)
“Professional behavior” to Dipshit means not being able to go to a meeting with a potential client with your neck tattoo exposed.
It really is a bigoted statement, and incredibly childish. Just because she can’t get her shit together she assumes that any person she can label a minority can’t either, as they can’t possibly have it more together than her.
The only time the sexual orientation of anyone I’ve ever worked with made me uncomfortable was when my old direct supervisor referred to herself as a “mean old dyke” when referring to coming down hard on someone for fucking up. I just don’t like the word or its connotation in a professional environment, and was embarrassed for her using it.
Dipshit, I’ve known very professionally behaved working class people, women, and people of a wide range of ethnicities – all of whom were vero comfortable being professional because, big hint – it gets shit done better than the alternatives.
20:1 this dipshit never worked a hard day in its life. Working class people I’ve known are more interested in getting ahead than playing the revolutionary. And the very point of professionalism is that its relative anonymity drives anything other than your ability from people’s judgment of you.
Ah – being professional (to me) means not taking things personally, concentrating on the task, and doing what’s best for the company / bottom line. Being a friendly and helpful co-worker is also part of that, like taking that 3AM phone call. Also – don’t dress like a bum since people – in general – are less likely to take your word on something if you look like a slob.
What this author seems to be advocating is uh – what?
Snowflake wants to do whatever snowflake wants without consequence, and force employers to keep paying her anyway.
She wants to be allowed to scold and lecture as she sells you soap and you must take both.
Anything to destroy the values of western civilization.
That is their ultimate goal after all. Sometimes they even come right out and admit it.
I think she should pool her resources with a few people that share her beliefs on this. And I think they should open a competing business based on total unprofessionalism and anything goes, you’re ok/I’m ok new age bullshit.
If she is right, people will flock to her and she will get rich as Rick James. If not, she will have learned a valuable lesson (in theory).
I predict she would be taught a valuable lesson, but she would not learn a gawd. damned. thang.
I’m totes against professionalism in the work place for the exact opposite reason.
Back in the early ’00s, I was consulting with a company that was doing a lot of business with Target. I spent a lot of time in the main reception area of the Target corporate HQ in downtown Mpls waiting to meet with Target execs. I cannot stress how wonderful it was to watch boat loads of young ladies in their early 20s walking around dressed in skimpy outfits like they were going to a club dancing. It was astonishing how lax their dress code was and how the ladies raced to the bottom.
Then someone high up must have gotten frustrated and passed a new work place dress code that required everyone to either wear business formal clothes or a red polo with khaki pants. The wonder days were over.
In the company I work for one of the better looking women often dresses like she’s about to go clubbing. It’s gotten better but sometimes – like the boots with the 3″ spikes and the short skirt – she falls back to her old ways. Not that I’m complaining!
reinforce social hierarchies that value white maleness above all
Funny, I thought professionalism was about being clear and concise, while attempting to minimize personality conflicts in order to make the workplace as efficient as possible.
“3.8 million unsuspecting Brits were given a show they didn’t quite expect last week when News at Ten presenter Sophie Raworth unwittingly delivered the news in front of a screen playing a raunchy sex scene. It didn’t take long for stunned viewers to take to Twitter and quiz BBC about their indiscretion (“did I just see boobs on the news?”), and BBC, seemingly equally as shocked, assured their viewers that they were investigating and “establishing the facts.” While they struggled to piece together what had happened and whether or not a BBC employee had been watching porn at their desk, actress Anna Paquin quickly identified the breasts as her own from a steamy True Blood scene.”
Notice that Evan Rachel Wood’s Twitter handle is “#EvanRachelWould”. I wonder where she got that?
Fake news. It is impossible for Anna Paquin to be in any scene that could be considered steamy.
I haven’t seen her recently, but she was totally hot in True Blood.
Possibly, NSFW:
Are you seriously suggesting she reads….Glibertarians?
Lay off the Fruity Pebbles pal.
You win my coveted, one-time-only “news of the day” award.
“Made additional remarks on Charlottesville and realize once again that the #Fake News Media will never be satisfied…truly bad people!” he tweeted at around 6:30 p.m.”
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ten thousand times…
He really should have known better than to play into their narrative. The left will just take it as a sign of weakness and press for more blood.
I present WokeDaddy – a veritable fountain of derp
Crying in Front of Your Son Will Make You Both Better Men
Jesus dude. I hope you teach your kid to hide his lunch money in his sock or something. I have a feeling that thanks to you life is going to hand your kid a lot of shit to cry about.
That’s it, isn’t it? Crying at the end of Old Yeller is different than crying when another kid is mean to you.
Brian’s Song is another appropriate movie to cry about.
When we had to put my avatar down a few years ago, I bawled like a little girl.
No shit. It’s amazing how hard that is.
Hmmm. My daughter actually said to me earlier this summer than she’s never seen me cry. I’m supposed to feel bad about that?
The last time I cried I dont think I was shaving yet.
Wife gave me the same line a couple of months ago. One of the grandchildren was crying because he fell and his mother was trying to comfort him. I butted in and said I make the same noises when I fall down. Grandson thought that was funny and quit crying. Wife called me on my bullshit.
Best adult men crying moment (that sadly I was not present for), family friends of my dad’s broke down in tears at the Super Bowl party in 2012 when the Patriots lost.
As a Giants fan who was watching with some Patriots fans, I must say their tears were oh, so yummy and sweet.
wokedaddy.com … WOKEDADDY.COM
I just…. I can’t….
*buys more post-apocalypse readiness supplies*
Call me crazy, but I don’t think men or women, xims nor xhers should be crying all the time.
Things I give people a pass on crying about: Death, really good movie, Happy Chandler singing My Old Kentucky Home at basketball Senior Night , immense physical pain. That’s about it.
This dickhead blubbering in front of his kid because he’s an “empath”. Nah, dawg.
Your 6 year old didn’t say that you lying piece of shit. Between this and Facebook mommy’s saying their 3 year old asks all kinds of questions about Jesus while quoting scripture and whatnot, parents really need to lower their view of their children.
For the record, movies and that damn Happy Chandler video can pretty much make me cry on cue. So I’m not some hardass MFer, I just have the dignity to not do it in front of other people.
These writers have a point to make, and believe it makes more sense coming from a child. It’s meant as a cheap trick to try to manipulate the reader. It just makes the author look foolish.
Rudy, any time one of the old vets gets choked up in the opening interviews of an episode of Band of Brothers, the birth of your children, and the death of family or close friends are pretty much the only times it’s acceptable for a man to cry.
Mind you, I get choked up at Pixar cartoons, but that’s because two years of consistent sleep deprivation have taken a serious toll on my psychological well-being. I’m pretty much shell-shocked.
Yeah I tend to get a bit weepy if I’m really, really tired or if I’m taking some sort of cold “medicine”. Add in a war documentary where someone give their lives for their comrades…
But as the old saying goes: Men don’t cry, they mist.
I will give you a pass for the opening to “Up”, but not the others.
That got my wife bawling the first time she watched it.
My wife (fiance at the time) had just had a knockdown dragout argument and had parted without resolution. I had to go to work or something, and she went to go hang out with her mom and sister per earlier plans. Following that scene she started weeping uncontrollably and blowing my phone up, which I didn’t know until later since I didn’t have it on me at the time.
My ex started bawling at the end of Man on Fire of all things. Denzel isn’t supposed to make a black girl moist in that way!
Ok, tell me you don’t get a little verklemmt at the part of Inside Out where the clown takes one for the team.
Got too bored in the first ten minutes, never finished that film.
It’s a slow burn, for sure. I don’t know that it really merits all the critical praise it got (unlike Up, which certainly did) but it’s pretty good if you stick with it. Or if you watch it in ten to fifteen minute chunks, not necessarily in order, which is how I wind up watching most children’s movies these days. There are some good chuckles for the parents, which I appreciate.
That part didn’t do me in. But the end, when the young lady is being taken over by depression and is cured because of the love her mom and dad have for her and each other, that about killed me. Right about that age I did give into depression, except I had an MIA father and an emotionally abusive mother. So instead of getting better, I spent about 20 years dead inside until my first kid was born.
Yeah, that scene was rough the first time I watched it.
The opening 15ms of Up is better than most entire movies
No joke, that opener is good cinema. Honestly the first time I saw it I thought, “Oh, shit, should my kid see this? This is absolutely heartbreaking.”
That part is for adults. Most kids under a certain age probably don’t get it.
No kidding. Some of the best storytelling ever put on screen.
Oh, go change your tampon, Nancy.
Next time I make it back to the states, please let me take you out for drinks. I’d love to hear you interacting with the younger generation.
LOL, deal.
It’s a trap. Straff is going to whisk you off to Japan as part of his human slave trade and you’ll be servicing horny and ignored Japanese women for years.
Now that I think about it, maybe you should meet him for drinks.
They’ve been ignored for a reason. Secret of the Orient anti aging stuff is BS.
Yeah, that’s not really the way to deter me….
Is Ludo a millennial? Because I’m starting to subscribe to the notion they’re the most narcissistic twats alive. And probably illiterate – and by illiterate I mean a combo of not reading the classics and comprehension.
Nothing they say is interesting or original. They just assume and presume and evoke while lecturing.
Rufus, please remember It’s #NotAll. In fact, it’s probably #NotMost. The narcissists are simply the loudest cohort.
Sure, but Gen X certainly didn’t act or think this way as a whole.
It’s weird listening to their didactic and moral idiocy.
Mills don’t act or think this way as a whole either. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.
Well, one way to look at things, I think, when it comes to comparing (borderline futile as it is and I’m just talking shit to talk shit) generations is to examine their writing, art, music etc.
When compared to the previous generation they certainly do seem to exhibit more of it.
Anyway. You’ll never live down Lena Dunham anymore we will Celine Dion.
Rufus, don’t forget that Gen X also didn’t have social media to easily broadcast their worst actors. We had zines, and usenet, and BBS’s. I’m grateful that there are few images, and no video evidence of things I did when I was younger.
Heh. Gen X did have those. I remember going to all these underground symposiums, conferences and exhibits in Montreal and NYC. In my 20s it seemed cool (even when I disagreed with much of what was said – you’re talking to someone who never got into Radio Head, Pearl Jam and Nirvana) but hey….it was a generational moment.
While there was derp, I still maintain Gen X was cooler. Way cooler.
Nostalgia goggles.
I sincerely regret my brief experiment with a topknot hairdo and truth be told, I always preferred fleece to flannel.
The problem with fleece is it looks like shit after a few washes.
Of course it’s really not their fault, it’s how their parent’s generation raised them, combined with government school indoctrination.
but he had already integrated the fact that men were not supposed to cry.
Because adults (not just men) realize the whole fucking universe doesn’t revolve around their feelings. Part of being someone I’d trust is being someone who doesn’t let their emotions command their grip on reality.
Yeah that is one thing these morons never realize.
For most men it is not crying in front of someone but what they might be crying over. Men are perfectly ok with crying just not because someone said a mean thing to them or they got passed over for the promotion at work
Instead we get angry… and then go have a drink.
For some reason, this seems like a good song for today.
I have never seen Paris Hilton’s sex tape. Does she demonstrate a level of expertise sufficient to merit a recurring how-to column in Teen Vogue? I’m all in favor of empowering the young women of America.
She’s not exactly hot fire in the sack. Or else it’s just camera shyness. Or am I thinking of Kim K?
The Kim K video had waaaaaay too much Ray J for my tastes. I really can’t remember if she was any good or not because 90% of the shots are of the base of Ray J’s manhood or him talking in the camera.
What a wasted opportunity. If that shit was going to curse the world with Kardashians, it could have at least been filmed professionally. Harumph
And Paris Hilton was not good, unsurprisingly
Nope. It’s pretty much the least sexy sex tape possible.
Nah. It was a dispassionate performance for the camera. A publicity stunt.
And I’m almost certain she was on her phone part of the time while she was being serviced.
The father of the woman who got run over and killed in Charlottesville says he forgives her killer.
So he’s separated or divorced from the mother?
CNN only showed a clip of her father talking.
I was making an educated guess, as the mother’s statement was one of SocJus pride inn her daughter. I’ve rarely seen forgiveness of the killer outside of very devout people, so it did not seem like the two would still be together. Though I could be wrong.
She was very classy, too. Saying that her daughter died fighting hate, and mom won’t hate her killer.
I saw a statement she thanks potus for the words of condolences
If true, that makes her a far better person than the proggies outraging against Trump on her behalf.
Were there violent counter-protests conducted by right-leaning groups during the Obama years?
I mean, except for the violent act of electing Trump President, of course.
Sure, don’t you remember all the #resist groups, wearing black and fucking up completely innocent businesses?
I brought this point up to one of my proggies the other day. She stammered and finally came up with some sweet prog-logic: “This is different.”
“This is different”
That’s what every criminal says.
“It’s okay when our side does it!!”
CNN is now running a story about how Trump is meeting with “a conspiracy theorist”. They’ve been discussing the story for some minutes, but havent yet said the name of this conspiracy theorist. Hmmm…..
The Question.
Look, work has been slow since JLU.
I know exactly shit about Tiger Woods or his life, but I cannot help but think watching Lindsey Vonn walk out the door for the last time would take quite a toll on you.
“watching Lindsey Vonn walk out the door for the last time would take quite a toll on you.”
Yeah, more so than having her whack you with a golf club. That would do it.
I thought the golf club whacking was his crazy Swedish wife.
Oh. Apparently he has a type. I cant tell them apart and I dont know that much about his life. I thought it was the same one.
May not be crazy. May be legitimate use of seven iron in marital duress.
She sure showed them…?
Trolls tried to humiliate this model for wearing a crop top and it backfired
If you have a truck driver’s abs, you might want to adopt his dress code. *Shudders*
Excuse me, miss, while your statement might be factually accurate that it is possible to wear such attire, nothing will make it an attractive option if it’s unsuited to the body underneath.
Yes, you can wear whatever you want no matter your body type. That doesn’t mean you look good in it, though.
To paraphrase Chris Rock, “Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean it is to be done. Shit, you can drive a car with your feet if you want to, that don’t make it a good fucking idea!”
I scrolled for the “Zoe Kravitz’s most iconic hairstyles” link below.
I re-watch Fury Road because of her.
I brought this point up to one of my proggies the other day. She stammered and finally came up with some sweet prog-logic: “This is different.”
Well, duh. Obama was lifting America up out of the mire. Who wouldn’t be happy about that?
Trump is bringing back slavery.
It pisses me off. Obama was a fucking train wreck from day one. His policies actually hurt the same people who worship him. Now, an undesirable has ascended the throne, actually done some positive things that help virtually everyone and it’s all Nazis, all the time.
Business has picked up since the election. It’s just that simple. And, despite all the noise, “it’s the economy, stupid”, will always hold true.
Well that is why antifa is out and about causing mayhem…the left wants division
Nothing frightens the left more than some idiot like Trump making things actually work proving yet again that the problem is with the proggie ideology and way of doing things in the first place.
Take a look at the reaction from the dnc operatives with bylines that harangued Trump with no end when he talked though to Lil Fat Kim about fire and whatever, only to see that calling his bluff finally ended some 30 plus years of these clowns throwing tantrums in order too collect blackmail lucre..
I have contented for a while that the hate directed at Trump by the left is primarily to make him ineffective at running the country, because if he succeeds at anything, even marginally, it would undermine the bullshit the left has been peddling and doing.
I was amused by this big ol’ pyramid of racism I saw on the Tweeters, and one of the racist things listed on it was “white savior complex”. I wish lefties would take a good hard look at that and examine their own actions.
Michelle Pfeiffer hardest hit.
By me.
Here it is
“expecting POC to teach white people”
i’m loving this pyramid.
I know you guys say it isn’t possible, but I think we’ve achieved peak derp.
tl;dr we need common sense horsepower control.
Um, dude, Christine was fiction.
Mad Max has a sad.
Naw, that’s not even close to peak derpery. It’s lower than some crests we’ve seen.
“I’m sorry, comrade, you have 200 horsepower of more freedom than you’re allowed.”
800 horsepower? Really? The standard V8 generates 375. How is this person getting that number?
The Hellcat and Demon packages. Which, of course, is useless to mention since the guy was driving a base V6 model
That is the coolest car ever. I was a Caddy man myself, but did love the muscle cars from a distance.
The Hellcat version.
The Demon is 840hp. I’m more curious what the fuck he means about a ‘civilian-operated vehicle’.
*shhh* don’t tell him that semis and trains are “Civilian-operated” too.
An 800 hp tractor trailer is a pretty rare beast. Hell, most heavy haul operators that are pulling big-ass Cat D10s around are still only pulling with 500-550 hp. Most OTR trucks are under 400.
I know, but they pack more momentum… even if this idiot doesn’t know what that means.
And they’re diesels, so lots of low-end torque.
I’m not even certain why it matters. I’ve seen the video: dude had blocks of room to pick up speed.
Hey, remember those vehicle attacks in Germany? I’ll bet many of those victims and their families wish it had been dinky Chargers involved rather than trucks under load.
Nevermind that this particular Challenger was the V6 model. Still making decent HP, but bringing up the Hellcat at Demon… forget it. It’s all peak derp, but that was the thing I focused on for some reason.
If I wanted to run over a bunch of people, any of the new trucks, like a Ford F250, would be my first choice. Though perhaps the larger ground clearance would be a liability in the death dealing department?
Depends, does the added force and number of direct impacts overcome the reduction in grinding against pavement damage?
Don’t let him know about the Dodge Demon. He’ll piss himself.
Also, everyone knows the Mustang is the perfect car for running over pedestrians. They often times seek out human flesh all by themselves, just for the pure sport of it.
Mustangs, unsafe at any car show
I love those videos. It’s fun to watch douchebags in their natural environment.
This feels like the perfect thread and time to mention that the first time I saw the video of the Charlottesville car attack, I noticed the Ohio license plate and chalked it up to that.
Holy shit, what morons.
Mustangs are too low to the ground, you’re going to keep getting people thrown into the windshield, then it’ll be too crowded to hunt.
Why are my insurance rates so high?
The perfect vehicle for plowing into living things has always been, and will always be, a classic VW Beetle.
20 years ago, on a very dark night much like this night (where straffinrun lives), I was traveling home at 2 am after a light of drinking and billiards at El Flamboyan in Luquillo, PR. As I left the town proper and headed up into the tropical hills, I noticed a majestic horse galloping in an open field next to me. I even went to sat as to say aloud what a lovely animal he was. Now that beautiful chestnut stallion wanted to thank me personally for the compliment. So he gracefully galloped out an open gate and straight into the middle of road 983 where I proceeded to drive straight the fuck into him at about 30 mph.
He hit that hood and even at his weight was flipped up and over the cabin, his belly clipping the transom and his torso shattering the windshield. But he made it over.
The rest of the story is that although guns are legally rare in PR, they are commonplace in the country. And people tend to answer the door brandishing one when they hear a collision like that. Furthermore, I discovered there is a language barrier when one of the people speaks no English and has his mouth wired shut and the other person is drunk, disoriented and is picking glass out of his hair. But the barrier was not so great when the man with a wired jaw called the cops, because they managed to show up post-haste. And after some pleading, cajoling and complimentary dinners in one of the best restaurants on the NE part of the island, I was allowed to head home. But not until I had to watch these two fine, outstanding officers argue over who was going to go over there and put a bullet in the head of that suffering beast.
TL;DR: if you’re gonna hit something, do it in a bug.
Mine is orange, and if any proggies gang up on it then I’ll gladly add red highlights.
*Adds Mr Lizard to free night out on straffinrun*
No, just the RT but with the manual 6 speed. CUZ TRUE DOMINEERING SPECIES KNOW HOW TO USE A CLUTCH!!
Good luck finding anyone under 30 who knows how.
My 17 year old son drives a manual.
Good for him. I employ a few drivers and clutches are just a hindrance to finding prospective employees.
I might have learned, except the piece of shit Honda had a crap starter motor and loved to stall out if you pressed the clutch.
We couldn’t even sell that hunk of junk and had to scrap it. Never again for Hondas.
I tried to teach that potential adoptee how to drive a manual. Learning to use the clutch properly was beyond his initial ability since he treated it like an on-off switch.
I demonstrated how I can get the car moving by just using the clutch – gently, gently – with no gas pedal, just idling. But even then, jerk-a-jerk stall once he took over.
My favorite car bar none was the manual 2000 Jetta I bought after having to abandon my busted Ford in Utah. I loved loved loved downshifting to pull ahead of slower drivers.
A clutch is a fundamentally analog thing, and the younger generation lives in a digital world. Using a clutch requires finesse, nuance, and sensitivity. How much of that do you see in the yutes these days?
My dad finally admitted, this year, that his manual Vue has the worst clutch ever (it has about a 1/2 inch range where it engages, the rest of the pedal range is useless, so I stall it every single time, and my dad and mom manage to stall it at least once a week each). I drove a co-worker’s customized Golf in our employee parking lot, and was easily able to shift it, no problem, since he had a clutch pedal that was forgiving.
“it has about a 1/2 inch range where it engages, the rest of the pedal range is useless, so I stall it every single time”
That was the problem I had when my buddy once tried to teach me how to drive his dirt bike.
I have heard it called the ultimate millenial anti-theft device.
Bought a new ’16 Mazda with a six speed last summer. One of the few manufacturers still offering a stick. Love that car
(and i’m under 30)
Yep. Three pedals or GTFO.
When my 23yo daughter was looking for a car last summer the only non-negotiable feature was a clutch pedal. Between her and my two sons we have ten cars in the fleet. All of them have clutch pedals.
It’s just getting tougher to find them. VW, Subaru, and MINI seem like the only ones left.
You can still get them on Mazda 3s and the sporty Fords (it’s the only option in the Focus ST and RD, as it should be), but it’s a thinning market.
Focus RS, dammit, not RD.
needed at this point.
I think it would make people better drivers. No one pays attention any more.
Totally agree. How did you like the GTI?
He bought it. 2017 sport. He went for the auto though. it had 14 miles on it.
Plus, fiddling with that gear shifter means you don’t have a hand free to hold your phone.
Mad, Mrs. Dean made the same observation recently, when she said that nobody should be allowed to drive an automatic until they are 25 years old, because driving a stick means you have to pay more attention to your driving and don’t have a free hand to fuck around with your damn phone.
I think you also pay attention to the car in front and behind more. yellow lights become much more interesting.
Here’s the thing. Gearheads LIKE driving and are always going to pay attention because they enjoy it. A good chunk of the population just wants to get to their destination and aren’t interested in the vehicle or the road or the traffic or the signals or lane position or anything. Those people are never going to pay attention because it takes intentional willpower for them to even try to do something gearheads do naturally. You can take away their phones and nav systems and stereos, but then they’re just going to sing to themselves or look at the scenery or something else, because driving is boring as hell to these people. I don’t think it’s a problem that can be fixed.
Fuck, that’s depressing.
The clutch is a kludge to get around the previous lack of an automatic transmission.
And it’s a fun kludge at that.
My dad’s Roush ‘Stang can beat up your Chrysler product any day!
How much was he paid for this advertisement for the Dodge Challenger? Cause now I want one.
this looks like it would hurt. 110hp
“As I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws,” he said. “We all salute the same great flag, and we are all made by the same almighty God. We must love each other, show affection for each other and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry and violence.”
That tears it.
The left acts like he didn’t say this Saturday…moved goal posts to specific call out and now are moving goal posts again
They cannot be appeased, so it’s foolish to try – it just encourages further demands and transgressions.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Let’s see…the statue-toppling, road-blocking “peaceful” mob included people from the “Workers World Party Durham.”
Ah, these guys, an actual Marxist-Leninist party complete with hammer and sickle.
Time to pressure Democrats to disavow it – I see that the governor and local officials haven’t denounced Marxism-Leninist Communism by name.
These are the people deciding what we are allowed to believe or say these days…
one of the racist things listed on it was “white savior complex”.
Was that listed as a subcategory of “Limousine Liberalism”?
Haha, I crack myself up.
A crying shame.
The last 3.2 joint in Minnesoda is closing. Mike Schmidt waited too long to come visit us here.
Man, there used to be a ton of those. We used to go to one in Bloomington after softball games.
Oh, well. The market gives and the market takes away.
There was a 3.2 joint out in the boonies where I grew up that never carded anyone. Half our class could be found out there on any given summer night.
The original Zorbaz in Detroit Lakes was a 3.2 joint if I remember correctly.
Zorbaz in DL brings back memories.
Are you one of Us?
Used to be.
If you wanted a car that could hurt people, you can do a lot worse than a Dodge Challenger.
Bah. A Daimler unimog is what you want. It doesn’t matter how high the bodies are stacked, it’ll just go and go.
No shit. I want one of those soooooo bad. THAT is a zombie apocalypse tank
If only that kid had been driving a General Lee replica.
The universe would have turned inside out.
Or one of Hitler’s Mercedes
I think it would have been more interesting if he had used an electric vehicle or hybrid.
A Tesla clocks in at over 5,000 pounds, has tons of torque, and is fast. Sounds like a superior murderdeathmachine to me.
From the article about the mammal that used to hit small spheres around:
“According to prosecutors, the superstar golfer will be placed under 12 months’ probation, during which he cannot drink alcohol or take drugs, and he will be required to plead guilty to reckless driving and complete DUI education.”
So they gave him a mulligan on the DUI…
It sounds like all of the harmful drugs in his system were prescribed. He can’t take those either?
I think they had a problem with the fact that in order too impress his doctors and show how good of a student he was, he had been taking his meds on an accelerated schedule.
The Norks back down: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/international/2017/08/north_korean_ruler_stands_down_on_threat_to_guam
Sheldon Richman hardest hit
Every sensible person knows that appeasement is the only way.
But not Guam!
Alternative Headline: Trump more cray-cray than Kim
I’ve said this before, but I feel like Trump is trying to pander to both the warmongers and the non-interventionists by making a bunch of threats, getting the dictators nervous, and then doing nothing.
I don’t think it is necessarily that. The norks are more rational than people realize where they essentially run a protection racket
Hey guys pay us not to be crazy and develop/use nukes!
Trump saw their bet and raised them all in over the top. He called their bluff
Yes, previously this sort of behavior from the Norks has gotten them payoffs and concessions, so they figured it would happen again. And then it didn’t.
As I mentioned above, this was why the left was so pissed at Trump bucking the trend and not doing what the idiots in the WH had been doing since Slick Willy had caved in and paid the Norks their first blackmail money. They were far less frightened or worried about fat lil Kim deciding to lob nukes than they were about him actually making lil fat Kim back the fook down and showing appeasement of the sort we have had for so long was useless with these idiots.
Reason #132 for why Democrats are the True Racist Party and why they will not win the Georgia governor’s race next year:
Stacey Evans vs. Stacey Abrams? I’m sure that vote will go smoothly.
Stacy Keachs hardest hit.
Bad news in the world of hair.
I forgot about your odd fixation.
But what if these drugs increase body mass and hirsuteness?
Well, in that case, there’s always Wahl clippers.
KK likes some of that Kojak loving?
He’s OK. This is more my type.
Let’s just say this: KK thinks Gregor Clegane is a little on the short side.
I really should start watching that show.
Wait till it’s over. Don’t be me and get into it right now, peak anticipation between episodes.
howabout some Yul Brynner
Yul was sexy AF.
Agreed. Especially as Ramses (though he was lacking in the hirsute category in that flick)
So shall it be written, so shall it be done.
When I was a kid, I had seen 3 of his movies (Magnificent Seven, The Ten Commandments, and The King and I) and it probably took me almost 3 years to realize he was the actor in each of them (which says either I don’t notice faces that well, or he did an outstanding job making each character unique).
I use that line at work pretty regularly.
Reminder: time to get my department squared away for the Halloween costume contest. We’re entering the group division as the galley slaves from Ben Hur. Well, they are. I’ll be the dude with the drum.
Would this have the side effect of causing muscle aches?
Dad is going to be peeved if it turns out not only didn’t I inherit his early-onset balding, I won’t have to worry about it later either.
Men inherit baldness or lack thereof mostly from their mother’s side of the gene pool, since much of it is x-linked and you only get your x-chromosome from your mom.
Case in point: my old man is mostly bald while my brothers and I still have full heads of hair – even the oldest, who is 55. Of course they’re mostly gray now.
Sure, but that doesn’t stop him ribbing me about it.
Ok, so my maternal grandfather went kinda bald. Maternal grandma went grey around my age though, and now I am too, so did I get her hair genes? My hairline seems stable, but I haven’t seen the back of my head in two decades….
It can’t be as bad as my 2nd cousin. He was as bald as his dad and grandfather by the time he hit 21. It was hilarious, since I still have my hair 10 years later (we’re 8.5 months apart in age), and he’s mister Baldy. But he and his dad do the Mr. Clean look well, so it works.
I knew a guy like that. It must have been a disorder rather than something heritable, because none of his brothers or cousins suffered from it. And he did not wear it well or gracefully. He lived with a baseball cap on. Nice enough guy, though.
It’s definitely not from our common relative (my paternal grandmother and his were twin sisters). Uncle Bill was bald as well, so likely a genetic thing.
Both sides of my family have very stark male pattern baldness – except me and one of my uncles on my father’s side. For some reason I’ve retained my hair long past the point it fell out for everyone else.
I’m actually somewhat miffed as I’d been prepared to go bald from an early age given how certain it seemed. (Given the remainder of the family resemblance, there’s no question that I’m related to them)
+1 glint in the milkman’s eye
and the rest of his family are all under 5’4″
so weird
NZ political party proposes tenants bill of rights, modeled on German law, to make renting a viable long-term option:
V. short tl; dr response: fuck off slaver.
Regular tl; dr: “Landlords will only be able to kick out tenants for not paying rent or damaging the property, if The Opportunities Party has its way…”Sale of a property is not necessarily a legitimate reason for eviction. This development will provide tenant families with long-term security,” the party said on Monday morning.”
Well, that should discourage people from renting out their property.
Nothing will provide “long-term security” for renters like higher rents and fewer rentals.
Protip: if you want long-term security, you have to own the asset.
Become a government?
You know what provides tenant families with long-term security? Buying a house.
Not if you get one of them balloon mortgages I have heard about…
So when I win the lottery and buy a house in NZ, I’ll be sure there are no renters in there first. That oughta keep rental and sale prices low, low, low!!
If voting for Trump makes one a racist, then wouldn’t voting for Hillary make one a supporter of white privilege?
Independent thought alert
But white female privilege << FUCKING A WHITE MALE privilege
When Obama talked about all those backwards hicks in Pennsylvania clinging to guns and religion and xenophobia…he was describing Hillary voters.
Proposed public university tuition increases – insane levels:
what schools are purely engineering schools that strip out everything not technical? i imagine the tuition at a school like that would be cheaper.
although School of Mines is still 16K in-state and 34K out-of-state
SoDak School of Mines is a screaming deal.
Mines? Or mimes?
He knows, but oddly enough, he ain’t sayin’.
I’m giggling about that more than I probably should.
Fuck, all NPR affiliates in my area are nonstop “KKK and Nazis are under your bed” chatter, and it’s utterly stifling. I’ll just retreat back to the internet for more intellectually stimulating content, minutes after a local Episcopalian bishop suggested the internet and lack of church goin’ is the root cause of antisocial behaviour.
Guys we are concerned nazis and kkk are gaining influence
So let’s cover them some more and give a platform!
The promo for Nightline last night was about Charlottesville, racists, and the political activist who confront hate (or maybe it was evil). Didn’t bother to tune in to see if they really described antifa agitators & provocateurs as merely political activists.
I’ll suggest that Episcopalian Bishops, their rejection of Christianity and embrace of secular liberalism are the reason Episcopalian churches are empty.
Don’t worry, Robby Ray is still on concussion protocol, so you get to beat up on the guy the Dbacks called up from AAA Reno to “replace” him.
So regarding the people tearing down the statue in Durham… whatever. Don’t really give a shit.
But anyone wanna get together and tear down the Lenin statue in Seattle?
That would involve being in Seattle.
Tear it down? Nah, it looks like brass or bronze. Melt it down and make useful things.
whatever. Don’t really give a shit.
I kinda give a shit when vandalism and destruction of property isn’t punished.
These assholes are going to have a fainting fit when some mob somewhere tears down an MLK statue or when these mobs move on to other forms of public displays that no one finds objectionable. This isn’t going to end well.
some mob somewhere tears down an MLK statue
Won’t happen. That statue, the cops will protect.
I recommend buying it and then enhancing it to make it a proper memorial.
I think adding
– the corpses of starved Ukranians,
– the corpses massacred Poles to
– a little Stalin stomping on the corpse of a Russian conscript
– a little Beria raping a woman
– with a little Duranty giving a thumbs up
would turn it into a proper memorial. We could purchase the right to display it right outside the offices of the NY Times.
We could set it up outside the offices of the NY Times.
And Jeremy Corbyn being buggered by Hugo Chavez.
Plus Trudeau watching approvingly as his parents are tag-teamed by Fidel and Raul.
That’s more of a diorama. I can do the terrain/flora, maybe a tank too?
Start up the kickstarter I’ll donate
Stop stealing muh hypotheticals!! Cis Shitlord whypipo!!
So in Durham, the sheriff’s deputies stood by and just watched as the criminals broke one law after another. If there’s any parallels to Jim Crow era, that right there is it. Standing by while a mob commits extrajudicial violence. At least no one living was lynched. This time.
Once again, failure of police to stop criminal actions, with BLM, the Trump elections protests, and antifa has only emboldened the mobs.
Its getting really hard for me to say that the cops aren’t on the same side as antifa.
Really hard. What would they do differently if they actually were antifa supporters? I can’t think of anything.
The bikelock guy did get arrested. Well after the fact.
Predicting it now: pled down to something less than assault with a deadly weapon, slap on the wrist punishment, civil suit tossed, allowed to return to teaching, virtually guaranteed tenure, and treated like a minor celebrity by adoring students.
The left loves them some violent creeps.
It depends.
I don’t know how the law works in CA, but here in MA, the victim has to agree to a lesser plea before the court will consider it. And I get the sense that his victims are *not* in a forgiving mood.
Hell, if he does prison time he’ll be headlining Democratic rallies within a decade.
He’s walking around free on bail, and waddayaknow, his preliminary hearing got pushed back.
Don’t know how often that happens, but lets not forget that the police were rather uninterested in pursuing this case until 4chan did their work for them and identified him.
Rewatching some of the video of his assaults, I’m a little baffled that his victims didn’t go after him. Yeah, one guy got a scalp cut, but he was perfectly functional afterward. WTF, dude? Don’t just take it. Curb stomp the motherfucker.
People react in funny ways to getting hurt. I spaz out and start swinging, but some people just freeze up, and others haul ass in the opposite direction.
I’ve spent my life getting my temper under control.
But I know from experience that if you hit me, you better put me down, because I’m coming back at you and i’m not stopping (I once had to be stopped from pissing on someone after I knocked them down).
I haven’t been in a scrap in decades, but I doubt my instincts have changed. Or my pain threshold, which apparently disappears when I get an adrenaline surge.
It’s like a weird, pathological, almost OCD thing with me. And it’s not just people. If I bump my head on a cabinet I immediately get one good lick in or else I’m stewing about it for twenty minutes. Metal appliances suffer the most; you can tell if I’ve lived somewhere for more than a month by the knuckle imprints on refrigerator and washer/dryer doors. I’ve gotten better about it as I’m cruising towards my 40s, but I’ve always had a hell of a time controlling my temper.
I too have a history of dryer abuse. Nice long scar on my right middle finger from the door-catch, so I guess we were evenly matched.
This is the last time I’ll beat up on Jeffrey Tucker today, I promise, but the blind spot he and people like him have for the Antifa specifically and the SJ movement in general is astounding. He keeps shitposting about how scary the alt-right is and how they’re just like the Brown Shirts, and meanwhile you’ve got an environment where Antifa is essentially given the nod by local governments to do whatever the hell they want to Trump supporters, alt-right/alt-light folks, basically anyone they don’t agree with, and there’s not a peep to be heard. He posted something about similarities to the Red Guard and I thought he’d come back to reality, because the similarities between Antifa and the Red Guards are astonishing. Nope. Turns out he’s making the analogy with the alt-right.
I think Tucker is very aware of the antifa movement. He has said in the past that they aren’t new and the freedom movement is able to handle them. He fears, and I think correctly, that the freedom movement doesn’t understand the danger posed by the populist right, that many in the movement think that they can make common cause against the left and produce a freer society.
He’s citing parallels with stuff that happened in the late 19th – early 20th century where this actually happened; classical liberals making common cause with the proto-fascists to defeat the communists. It happened in Italy. It happened in Germany. It happened in England. It happened in the U.S. It ended really, really badly.
It’s not enough that the alt-right hates the left. The problem is that for much of the alt-right, the tactics with which they wish to fight the left will produce an authoritarian society whether they win or lose, and that the alt-right sees social conflict as a vital component of a healthy society.
Tucker has been doing a lot of research into how things fell apart in the run up to WW-1. I don’t think any of the other libertarian pundits have the deep understanding that Tucker has of how classical liberalism lost its way and became submerged in a sea of competing totalitarian and authoritarian visions. And because his perspective is unique, he seems out there.
But he is not wrong.
It is an apt analysis but it is also important to note that many classical liberals aligned with the proto-communists and got burned the same way. Neither faction is interested in liberalism. They are the anti-Enlightenment, personified.
i don’t doubt he’s incredibly informed and may be 100% correct in the potential repetition of historical patterns.
but he still comes off as a goofy-fop in a bow tie and a living stereotype of why no one takes libertarians seriously.
Haven’t read him, but if he thinks the alt-right, rather than the radical left, is the primary threat to social order and freedom, then I think I’m going to have to disagree. The alt right is a fringe. The radical left is deeply embedded in our institutions and has lots and lots of useful idiots.
I don’t think your assessment is accurate. The radical left, the bomb-throwers and shit-stirrers, are outside the establishment. The useful idiots are the ones deeply embedded. That doesn’t make it any less dangerous. If anything, it makes it worse, because it gives plausible deniability.
The radical left, the bomb-throwers and shit-stirrers, are outside the establishment.
Not in the universities, they aren’t, but outside of that hothouse environment, yeah, you don’t see a lot of “out” radical lefties.
I’m lumping in the useful idiots with the radical left, because they do the radical left’s work for them with, as you note, a veneer of deniability.
^This. I mean, Jesus, Tucker, show me on the doll where Richard Spencer touched you.
Once again, he is not saying the alt right is the primary threat to freedom. He’s saying that the liberty movement is pretty experienced at fighting the left, and that it is inexperienced at confronting the alt right, and that this inexperience leaves it very vulnerable.
OK, that makes more sense.
Not sure I agree, since the libertarians have been focussed pretty squarely on fighting the so-cons for decades. I would say more focussed than on fighting the left, but that might be my confirmation bias showing.
We fought the so-cons when they wanted to use conventional political power, fairly won, to enforce their morals on everyone else. That is a different animal from a group that wants to use street violence to attain political power for the primary purpose of using it against their opponents. There is overlap at the edges, of course, but for lack of a better analogy, the so-cons are the honorable opponents fairly beaten against the alt-right’s dirty fighters with nothing to lose.
I think Socons and the alt-right are very different movements, with very different goals, and very different strategies.
I sincerely believe that the socons can be brought around, since much of their opposition to liberty is motivated by fear of degeneracy – they want to use state power to preserve a decent society. I believe that once convinced that a free society will let them live according to the rules they wish to live by, most socons will be very content with a relaxed legal regime.
The alt-right, on the other hand, seems to be dominated by guys who view perpetual conflict as vital element of a healthy society.
I think the alt-right expects the conflict to end… once their enemies are removed (whether it be through imprisonment, military defeat, or mass murder).
For clarity, when I use alt-right here, I mean the sort of people who would say, without any hint of irony, “where’s Pinochet when you need him?” I’m not talking about everybody to the right of Hillary Clinton.
I don’t dispute his analysis of the alt-right from the historical perspective (although he was dead wrong about the Red Guards), I dispute his analysis of the relative threat. He fixates on the Nazis, who haven’t been a credible political movement in this country in 70 years and seems to ignore the Antifa/SJ/BLM people who not only have political support but are beloved by popular media. The alt-right Cassandra routine is getting awfully tiresome, but it’s damned aggravating when juxtaposed against stuff like Berkeley.
Personally I think Matt Kibbe has done a few more accurate analyses since the alt-right has been a thing. For whatever reason I just think that something about the alt-right sends Tucker off the deep end beyond what you’d expect from an understanding of socio-political history.
I would love to know how pointing out that Antifa is a fascist menace and defending everyone’s, including Nazis, first amendment rights and right to equal protection under the law and by the police is “making common cause” with the white nationalist right.
It isn’t. Nor does Tucker claim that – in fact I can point to places where he makes your points, John.
Anguished thumbsucker by Andrew Ross Sorkin about how Public Enemy Number One has intimidated all but a few of America’s CEOs into silence.
The silence from the larger C.E.O. community about Mr. Trump’s reaction to the situation in Charlottesville has been remarkably conspicuous, even as one of their own has now been attacked online by the president.
By Monday evening, at least two other C.E.O.s had stepped forward. Kevin Plank, the founder of Under Armour, announced on Twitter that he was resigning from the American Manufacturing Council, saying, among other things, that his company “engages in innovation and sports, not politics.” He did not refer to the president, though.
Not politics, though. Nope.
So, they want CEO’s and all their filthy, filthy money to be more involved in the gubmint?
I know that consistency isn’t exactly their strong suit, but I’m starting to feel some neck strain trying to follow along.
I just got into an argument with an idiot braying for net neutrality, who’s going after the corporations. When I pointed out that a lot of what’s going on is ginning up hatred of somebody easy to hate (CEOs) and getting the government to “do something” about these ungood people.
Idiot responded with a comment about how the trusts controlled the government in the 19th century and this was obviously what I wanted to go back to. Fucker’s making my case since net neutrality is going to lead to regulatory capture.
How about we just disband the American Manufacturing Council?
It is becoming kind of reminiscent of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors or whatever, which had more turnover than a poorly run McDonald’s.
Attacked online? Calling out pharma for their ripoff prices (I don’t support price controls) but they have benefited by keeping competition at bay.
When did the left become sympathetic to big company CEOs?
When did the left become sympathetic to big company CEOs?
The minute Trump called them out?
They have always been sympathetic to them, as long as they paid democrats off, and not the other side.
This rhetorical move has become super-popular in the last few months.
“Not saying something” is now evidence of their assumptions. They basically write stories about when Trump *doesn’t* do shit, and argue that his non-statement about X is “telling”… significant of their pre-existing narrative.
These people are taking everything straight out of the commie handbook. The street violence while they aren’t in power, the Year Zero assault on history and culture, and now the mandatory confessions and statements of devotion to the Party.
And it all goes unchallenged. I am getting really concerned about where this is heading. There will be a backlash, and unless this is put down, now, by the cultural gatekeepers and the government, the backlash is going to be brutal. We are just barely getting a taste of it now, but this shit is going to get out of control and people will be lucky to live through it.
Its fringe groups now, but as the antifa scum continue to get tolerance and tacit support from the media, academia, and the government, they will attract more and more followers and the reaction will do the same.
Nip this shit in the bud. Federal racketeering investigations of the funding and support for anyone involved in assembling groups of people to riot in the streets are completely in order. As a minarchist, I am comfortable saying that mass arrests of the rioters is also completely in order, and not catch-and-release arrests, either.
In my secret heart of hearts, I am glad for the reactionary alt-right for one reason, and that reason alone: because it’s given the fascist left pushback and a target to shoot at.
The crossfire could be a bitch.
We lack the crippling financial problems and national malaise of Weimar Germany, the crippling military defeats and economic stagnation of Imperial Russia, etc. The problem that these groups of losers face, in trying to shape the culture, is that they are fringe and will stay that way because most people do not sympathize with them. The most effective strategy will continue to be Fabianism, the strategy which has worked well for the left in this country for the past 60+ years, ever since the disaster socialism of FDR was outmoded by the war socialism of WW2 which itself was outmoded by the end of the war.
they are fringe and will stay that way
The alt-right? Yes. The radical left? Nope. Many supporters throughout our institutions and in various local (and likely state) governments. How deeply they have infected the federal government its hard to say, but there sure seem to be a lot of fed pubsecs who are doing the whole #resist thing, so I think we have a problem there, too.
The GS-15s were not out there bashing the fash in Charlottesville. They’re working the system behind the scenes to prevent a fair accounting of the situation. They’re enablers, not perpetrators. That’s bad, but it’s not beyond fixing. The real question is, does the public recognize that it’s a problem and are they willing to fix it? Unfortunately, that question won’t be answered in any significant way until next year’s elections.
The institutions are powerful but they are one lost election away from being stripped of that power.
My concern is that they drag the Overton Window further left than it already is, and further toward authoritarianism, either directly (Hate speech is violence, ergo hate speakers should be charged and imprisoned) or indirectly (These political rallies are too violent; better start cracking down on political assemblies). As fringe as they may be, they’re already succeeding to a degree.
I think the Overton window has been expanded, but mostly rightward. I think the left’s dominance of major media institutions (whether “old” media or “new”) makes it seem like they are winning everywhere and the window is only sliding to the left. But Trump won the election, the Republicans have political power they haven’t had since the 1920s, and people outside of the media-political bubble are not buying what the left is selling. If this assessment proves wrong going forward, then I will adjust it accordingly, but as it stands the left is fighting a rear-guard action. That doesn’t mean they don’t dominate the apparat; they do. But they hold it tenuously and know that if they push to hard, the pushback will drive them out. These skirmishes are not the war; they are a sideshow. The real battles are won on election days and in court.
That’s a good point. Revealed preferences and so forth. I guess the real metric will be what the political landscape looks in, say, eight years.
“We lack the crippling financial problems and national malaise of Weimar Germany, the crippling military defeats and economic stagnation of Imperial Russia, etc.”
What’s the step before “crippling” financial problems or military defeats, chopped liver?
I didn’t say we couldn’t get there, only that we aren’t there.
so, you’re saying we DO have the pure strength of will to be more like Germany.
That’s my Shark.
“Not politics, though. Nope.”
The ghost of Brendan Eich’s job haunts the CEO’s office in many a corporate HQ.
I think it haunts the other C-suite officers, and the lower levels of management, more than it does CEOs.
You’re most likely right.
Fuck Under Armour..
Maybe not Musk-level delusional, but close.
What, exactly, is the benefit to making an electric flying car? You’re handicapping what should be a primary selling point, its range, to appease a demographic of urbanites who would never have a use for such a thing.
I am amused that my Pa just bought a Nissan Leaf, and also just bought a house in the middle of fucking nowhere. Like, there’s no “toddling around town” at the new house, as there is no town to speak of.
That seems like a poor decision. Any snow/frigid temps where he is?
Western NC – rarely any significant snow. They do have a Ford Explorer as well. They bought the Leaf before they decided to move, but now it seems like a dumb move. Their current house is very close to downtown, groceries, etc. Their new house will be 1/2 mile from their nearest neighbor, and the town where the address is is not much of a town to speak of.
The first hyperloop failure/accident with humans is going to be a doozy. I wouldn’t want to be on cleanup duty after that one.
It will never get to that point. Musk and/or the cities will be bankrupt well before those things become operational.
It will never get to that point.
Because the hyperloop is a fucking scam. You have to evacuate the air from the tunnel – not a full vacuum, but once you need a lower air pressure of any significance the engineering is pretty much the same. The tunnel has to be pretty fucking airtight for that, you need huge exhaust fans, airlocks at the stations, etc. Its obviously, blatantly, a scam on par with perpetual motion.
If only there were a way for transporting lots of people through a low-pressure medium cheaply and safely.
You know who else loved TRAINZZZZZZZZ?
A trip to Costco for a few squeejees and a half gallon of Pine-Sol.
Easy Peasy.
a half gallon of Pine-Sol
What, did you dump the other 2 gallons on the floor in the store?
For the homies we lost, yo. RIP, Mr. Clean.
Thunderf00t thinks it can’t work.
Yep, because I’d love to be able to get to 5,000 or 6,000 feet, get myself over the Appalachians, and to my parents in less time. It’s only about 420 miles (haha) as the crow flies, but 8 hours driving to get around the mountains.
That problem has already been solved.
Although you could only do that on bluebird days. IFR instrumentation and training is much more extensive.
Does it come with a pilot so I don’t have to visit my folks myself?
Yuk yuk.
Musk is running out the clock on a Ponzi scheme
Notice he introduces more and more things tesla will pursue without delivering the goods already promised
Did you see the big junk bond offering? I can’t believe people are still falling for the con.
In fairness it’s easier to hook up an electric flying car to the mains than getting your hands on aviation fuel, but if you’re buying a flying car you probably have the cash to bulk-purchase and store fuel.
how much easier though? You’re probably going to need another 220v breaker at least, with attendant heavy-duty cables and such. After installation/permits/etc a fuel tank might be cheaper.
I don’t know about the rest of the country, but the cost of adding an electrical outlet would pale in comparison to getting permits to store bulk fuel in California.
like the gas-burning flying car could meet CA emissions standards anyway.
There are airports with 100LL all around. Every now and then you land at one and fill up. Also all of the current flying car attempts are able to burn Auto gas.
#1, If their sales model is not first to current pilots, then it is a sham. The idea you are going to UBER/charter these things without first having an initial operation group that includes private pilots, corporate and part 135 is ridiculous. If people that know flying aren’t on your customer list you have a problem.
#2 Unless the cost factor is immensely less, what is the purpose? All of the current flying car prototypes are LSA models, 2 seats, 120KT maximum speed and are projected to cost around $200K.
for $200K you can buy a nice used 4 seat aircraft that goes 250mph, has a range of 800-900 miles, add $10K for a beater car at the destination airport and you have your multimode transport. If you want a better car-air-car experience, improve the zipcar rental model at rural airports. That range and speed will let you do NY to FL in 7 hours. Anywhere in the North East in under two hours. Makes getting around TX easy.
Airplanes are too close to the limits of current physics. Everything is a tradeoff, weight, distance, speed.
This idea came from the manuscript of the unfinished novel Tom Swift and His Electric Flying Machine.
Derp time at the beast.
CNN could save a lot of money if they replaced their anchors with a bunch of these. Easily wound up and equally insightful.
It’s literally KILLING A CNN REPORTER!!!11111!!!!!1111111!
Benchmark doubling-down on lawsuit against former Uber-CEO Travis Kalanick. Apparently, Uber hired Eric Holder’s firm to provide insight into board composition and Travis is refusing to sign amendments affirming proposed diversity requirements on the board.
Why the hell do these people make their companies public? If you want control, keep it private.
next Canadian songwriter
Trump campaign aid repeatedly offered to set up a meeting between Trump and Russian officials, including Putin.
He was repeatedly shut down by senior campaign staff.
Some conspiracy they’ve got going there, they even planted evidence covering it up before it became a conspiracy.
I suspect this dude along with junior meeting was trying to set up obama admin for justifying spying they were already doing. They didn’t bite
Considering that Fusion GPS
(a) has their greasy fingerprints all over the Trump/Russia thing, and
(b) all over the meeting that actually did happen with the Russian lawyer, and
(c) had contracts with both the DNC and the Russian government
I’d say there’s definitely a conspiracy here, but it ain’t the one the DemOps want us to believe.
FBI got hit by fisc for their spying recently in déclassed documents.
Remember guardian in January mentioned fisa applied for summer and October 2016. It was reported that comey used pee gate dossier for October 2016 which was approved
Summer 2016 I think was fusion gps trying to set up the junior meeting.
Trump also mentioned obama spying back in march
Bob goldstone first email to junior was ridiculous. it read like a scam. I think Steele who had worked with comey before on FIFA and did pee gate dossier was helping goldstone
Because goldstone somehow has a connection to fusion gps here. He got hooked up with them somehow
Why the hell do these people make their companies public? If you want control, keep it private.
Exactly this.
We’re not far away from the prospect of truly private companies being firebombed by protesters who consider that the profits are being kept from “the people” by evil plutocrats who own multiple brands of toilet paper.
Why the hell do these people make their companies public?
Money. If you want to get capital gains out of an organization, you have to sell stock. And you get to “public offering” with a surprisingly small number of shareholders.
You could also borrow to raise cash to distribute to yourself, but that gets at the other reason to go public – to raise capital. There’s a ceiling on how much you can borrow, and the debt gives “your” value to the banks via interest.
History Channel did a whole fucking show on Rackstraw and the guys who think he was DB Cooper.
Tiger Woods: “I didn’t realize this cocktail of downers and sleeping pills would impair my driving”
From the Useful Idiot department, the Washington Post:
Charlottesville showed that liberalism can’t defeat white supremacy. Only direct action can.
Semi-firewalled (fuck you, WaPo, I’m not turning off my ad blocker). This excerpt showed at InstaPundit:
The WaPo is officially on board with violence to silence their enemies, and didn’t even bother to keep up the euphemism of “direct action” in the body of the article. Bonus points for projecting the new lefty project of “safe space” segregation onto the alt-right, BTW.
I’m wondering they ran this past their lawyers first, because if I get beat up by antifa, I’m going to be looking at WaPo for incitement.
One of them is that generic solutions to the racial problem — bland affirmations of inclusiveness, tolerance and “free speech” — will no longer work.
why is “free speech” in scare quotes?
Because they’re scared of it?
You know who else was looking for solutions to the racial problem?
Mark Watson?
Margaret Sanger?
I hate to say it but I need to find an alternative to Amazon. This nonsense is becoming too egregious.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Amazon Prime has gone from the first place I look when I’m ordering something to the last.
Jet. I do most of my online shopping through them after one too many missed shipping dates from Amazon. Prime is still worth it to me for video and the few times I order something tangible from Amazon, but Jet does free 2-day shipping on anything over $35 and I’ve never had them miss a shipment. Basically, I only order something from Amazon if I can’t find it elsewhere and don’t really care when it shows up.
Dear god it doesn’t appear to be in opinion section
Here’s the author line of the article: By N. D. B. Connolly August 15 at 6:00 AM
N. D. B. Connolly is Herbert Baxter Adams associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University and author of “A World More Concrete: Real Estate and the Remaking of Jim Crow South Florida.” He also co-hosts a weekly podcast, BackStory, alongside Ed Ayers, Brian Balogh, and Joanne Freeman
So, not a regular WaPo columnist, more of a guest editorial? It’s in their “Analysis” section, which I guess is their way of playing footsie with actually endorsing the use of violence against political opponents.
These dumb motherfuckers are playing with napalm and a lit Bunsen burner. Don’t they read about people who fap to authors like Matthew Bracken’s crazier scenarios, and are eager as hell to LARP their own right-wing death squad fantasies?
How about we arrest the violent, and stop giving government money and time to groups that instigate violence and civil disorder? Oh, and wasn’t one of the organizers of this White Power rally a former Occupy leader?
some really terrible notions in there…
During the 1970s, we covered and concealed any historically specific grievance with a general promise of “equal opportunity,” ownership, and with law and order. Under liberalism, property rights were still king. Outcry about ongoing exclusion in employment, education, and political and cultural representation were not met with redistributive programs but rather diffuse commitments to multiculturalism. We were not allowed mandatory fair employment law, but rather voluntary affirmative action. We were not allowed historically redressive policy — dare one say reparations? — but rather mere tolerance and the assertion that our greatest problem, after nearly a century of Jim Crow, was ensuring the protection of free speech, even for hate speech.
Funny. MLK seemed to handle the KKK just fine (and they had more power then.)
You could also borrow to raise cash to distribute to yourself, but that gets at the other reason to go public – to raise capital. There’s a ceiling on how much you can borrow, and the debt gives “your” value to the banks via interest.
If you need to raise cash to burn- that is, if you’re losing money, and will until the thing inevitably craters, then going public is the way to go. If your business model is actually sound (and has positive cash flow), and you want to retain control, I don’t see why you go public.
Hey gize – 8:30am is getting up early!
(I would have to hit snooze for 2 hours to get up as “early” as Zuckerberg)
when developing his platform in college i’m guessing he woke up at 8PM.